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R-52 - Compilation of Design and Construction Data for ...

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MICHIGAN STATE HIGFrPFAY DEP.tl._"R.Tl 1 f8NT Charles M .. Ziegler State Highvray Commissioner CO!APILATION Qlc m:SIGl\f AED CONSTRUCTION DATA FOR COJTCRETE PAVE!/.IEHTS ON THE STATE TRU1ifi\LI1iii SYSTEM By E., All Fi:rmey Research Project 43 G-23 Research Laboratory Testing and Research Division Report Noo )2 J1L'le l, 1944


Charles M .. Ziegler State Highvray Commissioner




E., All Fi:rmey

Research Project 43 G-23

Research Laboratory Testing and Research Division

Report Noo )2 J1L'le l, 1944


This compilation of essential design and construction data pert2ining

to concrete pavements on the st2te trunk line· system was prepared as a ready

means of determining this information for any project or section of pavement.

In compiling this data considerable diffictLlty was encountered in obtain-

ing complete and accurate information concerning certain projects due to the.

fact that the records available on those projects were not complete in every

respect. This was especially true in the case of the older pavements and

those constructed by county or municipal agencies. Also, it was necessary

to resort to several different sources of information in order to obtain com-

plate data on certain projects. In time, it is pla.nned to supply the missing

data and eliminate inaccuracies as much as possible by a continued search of

all available sources of information.

The summary is presented in code form,. Each item of information ha,s been

8.ssigned, a code nurnbei'.. The data contained in the sumJnaxy is as follows:

(a) The project designation, coded separately by county, project number

and contract number.

(b) The year pavement was built, acceptance date used.

(c) Length of project to I)earest 1/10 mile.

(d) Thickness and width of pavement.

(e) Whether reinforced or not.

{f) Width and spacing of expansion ,joints"'

(g) Spa.cing of contraction and dcmlfily joints.

(h) Whether or not load transfer was used in expansion or contraction

( . l l,

( j)



Type of finishing machine used.

Method of cm·ing concrete.

Average daily traffic count based on 1936 state wide traffic survey

by the Planning and Traffic Division.


(1) Brand and source of cement.

(m) Producer and source of fine _and coarse aggregates.

(n) Name and address of contractor.

It will be noted that certain information has been directly coded using

actual figures as in the case of the project and contract number;· year, length,

thickness, width and ave.rage daily traffic; whereas for such information as re-

inforcement, joint data, finishing, curing, materials and contractor, it has

been i1ecessary to assign e. different code number for each particular item.

The code system is fully explained on the following pages preceding the

coded infor·mB.tion~





Counties numbered and coded in accordance with standard county nmaber system ..

1. Alcona 45. Lake 2. Alger 44. Lapeer ~ Allegan 45. Leelanau o, 4. Alpena 46 .. Lenavfee 5. Antrim 47. Livingston G. Arenac 48. Luce 7. Baraga 49~ M8.ckinac 8. Barry 50. Macomb

9. Bay 51. Manistee 10. Benzie 52. Ma.rquette n. Berrien 53 .. Mason 12. Branch 54 .. Mecosta 13 .. Calhoun 55. '" . LV~enorrunee

1'1. Ce,ss 56. Midland 15 .. Che,rlevoix 57. l\ilissanlcee 16 .. Cheboygan 58 .. Morrcoe 17. Chippewa 59 .. Niontcalm 18 .. Clare 60. Montmorency 19. Clinton 61. Muskegon 20. Crawi'ord 62 .. Newaygo 2lf> Delta 63. Oakland 22. Dic1rinson G4, Q Oceana 2:3~ Eator1 65 .. Ogemaw 241' Enm1e,~ 66, Ontonecgon 25. Genesee 67. Osceola 26~ Gladwin 68. Oscoda 27. Goeebic 69. Otsego

~ < <

28, Grand Traverse 70. Ottawa 29. Gratiot 71. Presque Isle BO. Hillsdale 72. Roscommon 31. Hou.ghton 7S .. S.s.ginavf 32 .. Huron 74. Sanilac 33 .. Ingham 75. Schoolcraft 54 .. Ionia 76. Shiawa.ssee 55, Iosco 77. Et,. Clair 36 .. Iron 78. St .. Joseph '37. Isabella 79. Tu,::.cola 38. Ja,ckson 80. Van Buren 39. Kalamazoo 81. Washtenaw 40. Kalkaska 82. Wayne 41. Kent 83. Wexford 4:2,. Keweenavf 99. No Record


Project number coded direct.

Project 51 Coded 51


Contract C2 Coded 2


Year that project was accepted is coded by last two digits of that year. ·

Year 1959 Coded 59


Length of project to l/10 mile coded direct.

Length 7,542 Coded 7.5


Thickness of pavement is coded direct.

911-711 -911 Coded Edge 9 811 uniform Coded Edge 8 Variable · Coded Edge V No Record Coded Edge 99

Center 7 Center 8 Center V Center 99



Width of pavement to nearest foot coded direct. ·

22 feet Coded 22 Variable Coded V


Reinforcement Code

Not reinforced 0 Reinforced, type not given l Part reinforced 2 Bar Mat 3 Expanded Metal 4

Wire Mesh 5

Several types of reinforcing 6

No Record 9


If); I~~ f..o- ~j


S"oacing Code

No Expa.nsion Joint 0 50 feet 2 40 feet 3 50 feet 4 60 feet 5 90 feet 6 100 feet 7 120 feet 8 Va:r'iE~ble v No R.ecorcl 9

Width Code

No joint 0 1 inch 1 3/4 inch " " 1/2 inch 3 3/8 inch 5 5/8 inch 6 1/4 inch 7 Variccble v No R.ecord 9

Load Transfer Code

No Load Transfer 0 Load Transfer, type

not given 1 Dowel hars 2 Double· Dowel 3 J-bar 4 Tee-Gee bar 5 Translode Expansion

Joint Base 6 Translode Angle-Unit 7 Wing Bearing 8 No Record 9


Spcw"ir.lg Code

None used 0 15 feet 1 50 feet 2 60 feet 3

(; 25 feet 4 VariE-ble v No Recore 9

Load T-r1msfer Code

No Load Transfer 0 Losd Transfer, type

not given 1 Dowel bars 2 Tee-Gee bar 5 Tr:-:::-.1 s?T- ·-A·---ze 3 U::.i.L 7 Keylode 8 No Record 9



None used 15 feet 30 feet 20 feet 50 feet 25 feet Variable No R.ecord


Finishing Me,chine

Blmo-Knox Flex-Plane Dunn Hand Lakewood'. Heltzel Machine, type not

0 1 2 5 5 6 v 9

0 1 2 3 4 5

given 6 Ord 7 Rex 8 No R.ecord 9


Curing Method Code

Wetted Fabric 0 · Bi tu.rninous Emulsion 1 Calcium Chloride 2 Paper 3 Ponding 4 Wet Earth 5 Membrane 6 Straw 7 e.everal Methods 8 No Record 9

Traffic volume coded direct

Traffic 8625 No traffic record

Coded 8625 Coded 0000


The brand of cement, manufacturer and source are represented by the code number appearing before each item •

4 .. · 5, s. 7. 8.

15. 16. 19. 20.

---22. 25. 29. 52 .. :36 .. '37. 58~

40. 41. 42. 45. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

.Aetna, Aetna Cement Co., Bay City

.Aetna, Vinsol Resin, Aetna Cement Co., Bay City

.Aetna, Aetna Cement Co., Bay City - .Admixture Orvus

.Aetna, Aetna Cement Co., Fenton· Alpha, Alpha Cement Co., Bellevue Badger, Medusa Cement Co .. , Manitovvoc Burt, Burt Portland Cement Co., Bellevue Ford, Ford Cel)lent Co., Detroit Ford, Ford Cement Co., Detroit -Admixture Orvus Huron, Htrron Portla.nd Cement Co., Alpena Huron, Huron Porth.nd Cement Co., Alpena - Admixture OrYus Huron Vinsol Resin~ Huron.Portland Cement Co .. , .Alpena Lehigh, Lehigh Cement Co., Allentmm, Pa. Medusa, Medusa Cement Co,., Silica, Ohio Michig8.n, Michigan Portland Cement Co.} Chelsea Newaygo, Newaygo Portland Cement Co., Newaygo New Egyptian, feerless Portland Cement Co •.> Fenton New Egyptian, Peerless Portland Cement Co., Port Huron Peerless Egyptian, Peerless Portle.nd Cement Co., Port Huron Peerless, Peerless Portland Cement Co., Detroit.,. Admixture Orvus Peerless Vinsol Resin, Peerless Portland Cement Co;1 Detroit Peerless, Peerless Portland Cement Co., Detroit Peerless, Peerless Portland Cement Co., Union City Peninsular Vinsol Resin, Consolidated Cement Co., Cement City Peninsular, Consolidated Cement Co., Cement City - Admixtcrre Orvus Peninsular, Consolidated Cement Co., Cement CH~~ Petosirey, Feto:::key Portland Cement Co., Petoskey Petoskey Vihsol Resin, Petoskey Portland Cement Co., Petoskey Peto0key, Petoskey Portland Cemei1t Co .. , Petoskey --Admixture Orvus Petoskey, Petoskey Portland Cement Co., Petoskey Admixture


Vinsol Resin Emulsion 55. Sandusiq, lVIedusa Cement do., Sandusky, Ohio 64. Uni,rersal, Universal Atle.s Cement Co., Buffington, Indiana 65. UniYersal, Universal .Atle.s Cement Co., Duluth, Minnesota 68. Universal, Universal Atlas Cement Co., Buffington, Indiana - Admixtm·e

Orvus fi7. Universal Vinsol Resin, UniversG.l Atlas Cement Co., Buffington, Indie.na 70. Velo High Early, Universal Atle.s. Cement Co., Universal, Permsylvania 7'3. 1Nabash, Wabash Cement Co., Osborne, Ohio 74. Wabash, Wabash Cement Co., Stroh, Indiana 75 ~ Wc-.bapb, Waba::·h Cmnent Co .. , Wabash, Indianc1 76. WolveTinl', Wolverine Cement Co., Colc:twater 78. Wolverine, Wol vering Cement Co., Quincy 7fJ.. Wolverine, Wolverine Cement Co 9, Quincy - Admixture Orvus

80. Wolverine Vinsol Resin~ Wolverine Cement qo., Q1..1.incy 85. Wyandotte, Huron Portlo.nd Cement Co., Wyandotte 86,. Wyandotte, Huron PortlD.nd Ce:mGnt Co 8, Wyandotte - Admixture Orvus 87 •· Wyandotte Vinsol Resin, Hu:ron Portland Cement Co., Wyandotte 95.. Two brands 98. Three brands 97. Four brands 98o Several, Michigan Test Head 99. No record ·

r ''l~ Li .,!L

i .i !

! I



The manufacturer and source of fine aggregate material are repre­sented by the code number appearing before each item.

1. 2.

,)( 5. 4. 5. 6.

/<.. 8 • ,:~ 9. j; 10. )( 11.

12. 15u 55. 36 .. 57. 58. 39. 40. 41. 42 .. 45. 44. 45. 46.

;;... 47. 48.

;>·:' 49. 50. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 59.

Acme Sand & Gravel Co. Alba Loc":J,Pit -.s~,,d' .; Alpena;(Gravel Co. Acme Concrete Products Co. Alpena Local Pit American Sand & Gravel Co. American Aggregate5Corp, Acmerican AggregatesCorp. American AggregatesCorp. American AggregatesCorp~ Acmerican AggregatesCorp. Anderson Sand & Gra.vel Co. Anderson Pit Baker, J. H. & Sons Benton Harbor Sand & Gravel Co. Bass Ri-rrer Ba.ker, J. H. & Sons Baker., J. H. & Sons Baker: J., H. & Sons Banhe.gle Pit Battle Creek Gravel Co. Beaverton Sand & Gravel Co. Belknap Cerilent Products Co. Belmont Sand & Gravel Co. Benton Harbor L. o8§J Sand Benton Township,f 1li:aw:s-W~· Bertrand Sa)ld & Gravel Co. · Bichler Bros. €lro,ve:J.~g·.

Becker Pit Bowen Pit Bowen, Tom Boyne City Pit Brady, Ee P. Brand & Diele Co. Breeh Gravel Co.

60 drooks Construction Co. 61. ~rovm Gordon Co. 62 .. Brovln Ice Co. 65 .. Brown~& Rosenbe.rger Co. 64. Brmm & Rosenbarger Co. 65. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 66 .. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 67. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 68. Brovm & Rosenbarger Co. 69. Brovm & Rosenbarger Co. 70. Bro11m & Rosenbarger Co. 71. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 72. Brovmlee Park Gravel Co.

River Bottom at Clinton Near Alba Alpena - Big Cut Cement City Local Pit near Alpena St. Joseph River Athens Kalamazoo Pit 5 Mi. S. of Burnside Gre;?n Oak Oxford Vassar 1/2 Mi. E. of Hesperia Sullivan Pit Benton Harbor Bass River near Grand River Farver PH Lake Huron Shore Sand Local Pit near Lexington Ionia Shaffner Pit Beaverton Greenville Mecosta County Benton Harbor Leeal Pit- £" fo ,., C ~N ,., .f y Berrien County Escanaba - Groos S~l1ilerset Twp., Hillsdale Cou.nty Traverse City Local Pit near West Branch Near Boyne City Pit 4 Mi. \'i. ,Qf, Marion Elkhart, Indiana Grand Rapids Jonesville LB:nsing Battle Creek, Pit in Cslhotm Co1.mty Battle Creek Beuhh Pit Bertrand, Pit No , 11 Coldwater Petoskey Sears,Pit No. 4 Union City Local Pit near Manton Muir Battle Creek


73. 74• 75. 76 .. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 94. 95., 96 .. 97. 99 ..

100. 101.

Brown & Rosenberger Co. Brown & Rosenberger Co. BoichotSand & Gravel Co. Brodie Pit Brovm & Rosenberger Co. Brown & R.osenbarger Co. Brovmell Improvement Co. Bunker, G. N. Co. Brown Bros. Brmm, J. _c. Pit Cadillac, City Pit Calumet & Hecla Mining Co. Cadillac Sand & Gra.vel Co .. Cameron Steamship Co. Campbr"ll, E. A. Campbell, E. A. Ca.ro Pit

The Heights Six Lakes­Lansing Unknovm Irving, Roadside Pit Levering Chicago - Thornton, Illinois Kelly Siding, Kent County Homer Emmet Cadillac Hubbell - Tamarack - Lake Linden Fleming Creek - Detroit Detroit-Pit at CaBCIIde Local Pit near Hastings Local Pit near Caro

10?. Carr, S. So Pit near Paris 10:3. Case, Allen Local Pit near FranJcfort 10~. Chapman Sand & Gravel Co. LerL'lon 105. Cass City Se,nd & Gravel Co, Cass City 106. Cess City & Tuscole. Sand & GravelCo.Cass City 107. Cement City Local Pit 108. Centerville Gravel Co. CentervHle 109. Champion Gw:vel Co. !\loon I,ake Pit, Iron Mountain llO. Champion Gravel Co. Beechwood lll. Construction. Aggrega.te Co~ Grand Haven ll2. Champion Gravel Co. Dislmeau Pit, Chmapion ll5. Champion Gravel Co. Loretto 114. Clark Co. Pit Eaton County ll5. Clinton River Bottom· Clinton ll6. Comstock Hill Pit St. Cl&ir Cotmty near Port Huron 118. Construction' Materia,ls Corp. Big Cut Pit ll9. Construction Materials Corp. Grand, Haven 121. Consumers Co .. 122. Counihan, Barnum & Pros#ch 123. Crescent Gre.vel Co. 124. Crescent C~r-a.vel Co .. 125. Crescent Gravel Co. 126. Crescent Gravel Co. 127>~ 'ill. Crescent Gravel Co. 128, .,, Crystal Falls Pit 129. Chicago Grevel Co. 150. Cit0• Gravel Co. 131.. Cons111--uers Co. 155. Dela.ware Mine Co. 156. Dolomite Corp. 157. Dwyer, H. M. Pit 158, Detroit Washed Sand & Gravel Co. 159. Dure.nd Sa.nd & Gravel Co. 181. Eaton Cocmty Road Commission 182. Eberts Co. 185. Eckfield, Yfm,

Ginger Hill, S. of South Bend, Indie.na Local Pit - Iron River v'

Bet.clah Grand Rapids Hersey Magnus Pit, Clare Reed City Local Pit near Crystal Falls Unknown Kent County Grand Rapids Deleware !\line Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Reed City Detroit Durand Eaton County Lake Erie ~ Lake St. Clair Saginaw Bay Shore Sand

18.4. 185. 186. 208. 209. 210. 2ll. 212 .. 215. 2:).4. 2158 2•36 .. 257. 258 .. 239. 240. 241. 242. 245 .. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 251. 252 .. 255. 254. 255. 256. 257., 258 .. 262. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293 .. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298 .. 299. 500. SOL 302. 505.

Emmett County· Pit EverleigJ':----::··~·· L, Edison,:tW., Coombs Pit Federal Sand & Gravel Co. Federal Sand & Gravel Co. Fenton Village Pit Foley & Beardsley Gr&vel Co. France Stone Co, Friedrick, ~ r.fm, Fuller & Becker Fmnks Pit Gladwin County Road Commission Gezori & B'attjes Gravel Co. Gaylord, J. Pit Genesee Gravel Co. Grace Construction Co. Gleason Coal Co, Gordon Pit Grace Construction Co. Grand Rapide Gravel Co. Grand Rapids Gravel Co. Gra.nd Rapids Gravel Co. Grand Rapids Gravel Co. Grand River Gravel Co. Great Lakes Steel Corp. Great Lakes Steel Corp. Green Bay (Lake Deposit) Greenville Gravel Co. Greenville Gravel Co. Greenville Gravel Co •. Greenville Gravel Co.

Plant. No. Pl&nt No, Plant No .. Plc,nt No~

2 Mi. E. of He.rbor Springs Unknovm Cadillac Greenbush Stinson Fenton Clarkston Monroe Coldwater - Jonesville Oxford We:Kflord County Gladwin County Kent County Near Antrim & Mancelona Davidson Girard Port Huron

. Near C:ro swell Kalamazoo

4 Grand Rapids 2 Lamar 5 Hersey 6 Local Pit nea.r Kalkaska

Ionia Kelly Island Zug Island Green Bay, Wise. Green Oak Kalamazoo Oxford

Grand Rapids Gravel Co. Gurzick Pit

Plant No. 1 Somerset Centre Grand Hapids Daggett

Hackett Pit Harl'i~ & McBurney Co, Han·. Gnwel Pit···· Harris & McBurney Hass Bros. Pit Harcourt Pit.


Hastings Sand & Gravel Co. Hath~rly & Peck Gravel Co. Hersey Gravel Co. Hersey Gravel Co. Hersey Gravel Co. Hersey Gravel Co, Hewitt, A. J. Pit Himes, Jolm Pit Holmes, H. Holmes, H. Huron Gravel Coo Houghton County Pit. Hill Pit

Jackson Napoleon st. Johi'ls-. Jonesville P8ck, N. & E~ Houghton Lake · Hastings Unknown

. Greenbush Hersey Milbrook Paris Pit Avoca Berrien Springs Powers Pit, near Powers Wallace Pit, nea.r Wallace Project near Jackson Toivola St. Johns

304. 305. 306. 307.

. i 508 • 309. 310. 3ll. 325. '526. 327e 351. 552. 535. 554 .. 555. 359. 561. 382t> 386. 387. 388. 589 .. 390. 391. 392. 39311 395. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 425. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 450 .. 451. 452, 453" 454. 455. 456. 437., 458. 459. 440. 441. 442.

Hobeck, J. W. Hughs;· ·charles (Bell Pit) Hobeck, J. w., C. Grtmer Pit Houghton County ~oad Corillfiission Holmes, H. High Ridge Gravel Co, !lobeck~ J .W. (Ypsi. Sand & Gravel Reichman & Van Every Gravel Co. Indiana Gravel Co. Inland Lime & Stone Co, In~and Lime & Stone Co. Irvine, J, Pit Iron CountvRoad Commission Ireland & Lester Isabella County Pit Isle Royal Mine Johnson, J, E. Jonesville Gravel Co, Kalamazoo County Pit Kelly Is.land Lime & Transport Co, Kelly Island Lime & Transport Co, Kent Sand & Gravel Co. Killins Gravel Co. Kimmerle Pit King Pit Koenig Coal & Supply Co, Koenig Coal & Supply Co, Kramers Pit Lake E.rie Sand Lake Huron Sand Local Pit

The Heights Saille, Benzie County Coldwater Calumet Crystal Falls Rockford

Co.) Bellville Northville Vanderveen Pit, Grand Rapids Kelly Island Ft. In~a.nd 2 Mi. N, 'l'i. of Chelsea Crystal Falls Benton Harbor Isa.bella County Copper City Grand Rapids Jonesville Kalamazoo County Presque Isle St • Cla1.r River Grand Hapids Ann .Arbor Cassopolis Three Rivers Sarnia Pit Sand Oxford Eastmanville Lake Erie Lake Huron Iron River

Lake Michigan Sand Furnished by Lake Superior.Washed Sand Lake Superior Gravel Co, Lansing Sand & Gravel Co.

State - Lake Michigan Unknown Ontonagon County Ingham County

Lealjy, T. J. Pit Lenawee Sand & Gravel Co. Leonard Gravel Co. Lilles Byron, Local Pit Local Pit Loveless Gravel Pit Lowe, .J,.;. Pit Local Pit Local Pit Local Pit Leelanau County Road Commission Local Pit Local Pit Lloyd Pit Local Pit Local Pit Local Pit Lennon Gravel Co, Local Pit

Near Harbor Springs TecUJnseh Lansing Near West Branch 5 1/2 Mi. S, W. of Charlevoix .Algona Twp. Kalamazoo Casnovia Mancelona Hastings Leelanau Lakeview Gaylord Deckerville Leland Twp., Leelanau County Mentor Twp., Oscoda Cotmty Manton . ' Lennon Village of Lyons

~ I

I~ •i





448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 455. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 465. 464. 465. 467. 469. 491. 492. 495. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 520. 521. 522. 525. 524. 525. 526,

.527. ~,.; 528.

529. 551. 552. 555. 554. 555. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 565. 564, 585. 584. 585.

Manning & Locklin Gravel Co. Manson, C. Pit McLouth Steamship Co. McNeil Pit McBride Pit Local ll!lcManus Pit Marsh Pit Marsman & Tabor Melrose Pit Merithew Gravel Co. Michigan Gravel Co. Michigan Limestone Chemical Co. Michigan Steamship Co. Middle West Roads Co. Midland Contracting Co. Midland Gravel Co. Miench, A. Milbrook Gravel Co. Mt. Pleasant Gravel Co. Miller & Walser Nelson, John Pit Nelson, Victor New Era Pit. New Era Road Building Co. Nebel Bros. Northern Indiana Sand & Gravel Co. Nye Hill Pit Northern Materials Corp. Noyer Pit Ontario Supply Co, Ohio & Michigan Gravel Co. Ohio & Michigan Gravel Co. Olivine Co. O'Connor Pit Otisville Gravel Co. OttEwa County Road Commission PH Overholt, M, W. . Owosso GrcS.vel-.,Go. '[", ·\­Oxford Sand & Gravel Co, Peterson, Gould & Turner Peters, W. S .. Peterson & McLean, Corfman Pit Peterson Sand & Gravel Co. Local Pit Priceland, Franlt Pryor Bros. Puritan Sand & Gravel Co. Petoskey Portland Cement Co. Pleasant Lake Gravel Co. Perry, Lee Pierce - McLouth , Perry, Wm. Rainey Pit Ray Sand & Gravel Co. Ray Sand & Gravel Co.

Detroit St. Ignace Marine City Near Waterford North of Sandusky Petoskey l l/2 Mi. from Rosconooon


Larke Pit near Sault Ste Marie Montmorency County, Briley Twp. Manchester Greenbush Rogers City Unlmown Pit 5 lili. S. of Burnside

]) f.ridgeport Twp., Saginaw County Mil brook Iron Mountain Milbrook Mt. Pleas<'lnt Chesaning Atlanta 4 Mi. W. of Hurley 21/2 Mi. W. of New Era Pit N. W. of Plainfield Bay at Gladstone Wolcottville, Indiana Unknown Unlmown 1 1/2 1/Ii. N. of Brown City Ontario, Canada Chilson Plant Toledo i Ohio Marquette Plant Local Pit near Croswell Otisville Local Pit Local Pit at Eastmanville. Near Owosso, Sec. S4, R2 E, T 7 N Oxford Unlmown Wakefield . North of Black River Harrisville - Greenbush SE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 5 T 59 N R 29 W Bay Shores Pewamo Local Pit Tecumseh Petoskey Pleasant Lake Beaverton Unknovm Local, Harbor Springs Alanson New Hudson Oxford



586. 587. 588. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 625. 624. 626.

627. 628. 629. 630. 651. 652. 635 .. 654. 655. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 664. 665. 666. 667. 6813. 1367. 688. 1389. 690. 691. 692. 717. 710:. 719. 721. 722. 742. 743. 744.

Remus Construction Co. Riverside Fuel & Supply Co, Rockey1 R. R. Pit Sawyer & Horbest Scbarl, G. P. Gravel Co. St. Clair Sand Sand Lake Sarnia Sand & Gravel Co. Scharl·, C:, P. Gn:p<~f Lo. Schwaderer, E. B. Schreur & Scr~eur Sears Pit Sheltraw Gravel Co. Sheltraw Gravel Co, Shenk Gravel Co. Sloan, R. L. Pit Sloans Pit Soo Sand & Gravel Co. Stacy Pit Shiawassee River Standard Gravel Co.

Standard Gravel Co. State Concrete Materials Co. Stewart, J. c., Co. Stewart, J. C., Co. Sturgeon Bay Co. Swanson, Guy, Pit Sylvan Lake Saginaw Bay Sand Sturgeon Bay Stone Co. Tecumseh Sand & Gravel Co. Thornton Bra's. Construction Co. Thornton Bros. Constrc1ction Co, Thornton Bros. Construction Co. Toledo Stone & Glass Sand Co, Tylor, Jess Pit Thornton Bros. Construction Co. Thou, W. L. Thomasme, H. United Fuel & Supply Co, United Fuel & Supply Co. United Fuel & Supply Co. Un:j.ted Fuel & Supply Co. United Fuel & Supply Co. United Fuel & Supply Co, United ,Fuel & Supply Co. Valley City Gr\lvel Co. Vanderveen Pit Vanderveen}( Gravel Pit Vinton Construction Co, Ventrelle Pit Walker, Lyle, Wards Pit Woodman, Hoyd

Local Pit near Farwell Ecorse Marion Kalamazoo Cascade St. Clair River Local Pit, Kent County Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Grand Rapids Carmody Pit, N. W, of New Greenleaf Local Pit near Gaylord Beulah Lan~ing

Holt D11rand Near An-trim, Banks Twp. Charlevoix Se,ult Ste. Marie Benzonia UnknmYn Pit at E. End Proj. 58-20, C5

near Jackson New Hudson Detroit Local Pit near Flint Local Pit near Owosso Cleveland, Ohio Near J\Jltrim

. Local Pit near Sylvan Lake Saginaw Bay Green Island, Wise. Tecumseh Local Pit near Rudyard Marshall Creek Bosch Brewery - Hancock Tolecio, Ohio Washtenaw County Dishneau Miller;:; Pit Grand Rapids Oxford Detroi-t New Hudson Oxford - Shelby St. Clair River Utica Pit - Oxford Washington Grand Rapids Lowell Plainfield 1'wp. Union City Unknown Square Lake Perry Lansing

'745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 755.

't 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 765. 764. 768. 769. 770. 99B •

Waggoner, P. Pit Wakefield Local Pit Wallenger Pit Walling & Holland Walsh Sand & Gravel Co. Ward Co. Ward Sand & Gravel Co. Ward Sand & Gravel Co. . . A . . Western XvwtJ<•·'·'" "'lr, I<J,

Whitehead, I. 1, Co. Whitehead, I. L. Co. Whitehead, I. 1. Co. Whitehead, I. L. Co. Willemins Pit Wright Pit Wysong Gravel Co. West Side Sand & Gravel.Co. Whitecraft Pit Whitehead, I. L. Co. · Ypsilanti Sand & Gravel Co. 2 Sources Supply 3 Soc1rces Supply No Record

(}. On<!>way Wakefield Near Coopersville, Allendale Twp. St. Johns Walsh, Wise. McNally Pit, Oxford ~ Ross Crossing East Tawas - Big Cut Oxford ' d:ndianfr>< J:: o VI I "" Local Pit, Rudyard Twp., U.P. Moran Pit, St. Ignace Roadside Pit 1 lili. E. of Wilson Sault Ste. Marie Jonesville Local Pit near Bad Axe Traverse City Battle Creek N. & W. of Alma Local Pit, Ogemaw Cotmty Ypsilanti


The manufacturer and source of each coarse aggregate material are re­presented 1.J.Ta code number appearing before each· item.

1. Acme Sand & Gravel Co. 2. Alba Local Pit B. Acme Concrete Products Co. 5, Alpena Local Pit 6. Alpena Sand & Gravel Co. 7 •.•• American Aggregates Corp. 8, .1\.merican [email protected] 'Corp. 9, American Aggregates Corp.

10. American Aggregates Corp. 11. American Aggregates Corp. 12. Ande~son Sand & Gravel Co. 15, American Sand & Gravel Co • 14. Anderson Pit 25. Belmont Sand & Gravel Co, 26. Banhagle Pit 27. Bass River 29. Battle Creek Gravel Co. 52. Benton Township Pit 34. Bichler Bros. 55. Belknap Cement Products Co. 56 • Bowen Pit 57. Bowen, Tom 38. Boyne City Pit 39. Brady, E. P. 40. Brand & Diele Co. 41. Breen Gravel Co. 42. Breen Gravel Co .• 43, Brooks Const·': Co. 44. Bro;vn Gordon Co. 45. Brown Ice Co. 46. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 47. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 48. Brovm & Rosenbarger Co. 49. Brovm & Rosenbarger Co. 50. Brown & Rosenbarger Co, 51, Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 52. Brmm & Rosenbarger Co. 55. Brovm & Rosenbarger Co, 54. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 55. Brown & Rosenbarger Co. 56. Brovm & Rosenbarger Co. 57. Brovmell Improvement Co, 58. Brownell Stone Co. 59, Brownlee Park Gravel Co, 60, Bunlcer, G. N. Co. 61. Brown & Rosenbarger Co.

River Bottom at Clinton Near Alba Cement City Local Pit near Alpena Alpena - Big Cut Athens Kalamazoo Oxford Pit 5 Mi. s. of Burnside Green Oak Vassar Sturgeon Bay 1/2 Mi. E .• of Hesperia Mecosta County Ionia Bass River near Grand River Shaffner Pit Eaton County Escanaba - Groos Greenville'·· Traverse City Local Pit near West Branch Near Boyne City Pit 4 Mi. W. of· marion Ellrhart, Indiana Hersey Grand Rapids Jonesville Lansing Battle Creek, Pit in Calhoun County Battle Creek Beulah Pit Bertrand, Pit No. 11 Coldwater The Heights Petoskey Riverside· Sears Pit, Pit No. 4 Union City Local Pit near Manton llluir Chicago, Ill. - Thornton, Ill. Chicago, Illinois Battle Creek Kelly Siding, Kent County Irving, Roadside Pit

i I;

'i I.




62. A33 .. $4 .. 84. 85. 86. 88. 89, 90. 91. 92o 93 .. 94. 95. 96. 98 .• 99.

100. 101. 102. 105. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. no. 112. 115, 114. ll5. 116. 117. us. 119. 120. 121. 144. 152. 155. 154. 155. 178. 179. 180. 201. 2029 205. 204. 205. 206.

Brown & Rosenbarger Co. ·Brown ,&·TRos'anbai'ger Co.

. Brown, 'J; @ -~PTtcc··--~-;-.~· C. ·Carr, S. S. Caro Pit Cadillac City Pit Calumet & Hecla Mining Co. ca'~eron Steamship Co. Cadillac Sand & Gravel Co. Campbell, E.A. Cape, Allen Cass City Sand & Gravel Co. Cement City Centerville Gravel Co. Champion Gravel Co. Champion Gravel Co. Champion Gravel Co. Champion Gravel Co. Chapman Sand & Gravel Co~ Champion Gravel Co. Chicago Gravel Co. Clark Co. Pit Clinton River Bottom Comstock Hill Pit Construction Aggregate Co. Construction Aggregate Co, Const1·uct ion Materials Corp. Construction Materials Corp. Consumers Co, Continental Quarry Counihan, Barnum & Prosch Crescent Gravel Co. Crescent Gravel Co. · Crescent Gravel Co. Crescent Gravel Co. Crescent Gravel Co. Consumers Co.

0 Dolese ~ Shepard Dolomite Co., Inc. Dolomite Corp. Dwyer, H. M. Pit Durand Sand & Gravel Co. Eaton County Road Commission Pit Emmet County Pit Edison, L. W.,Coombs Pit Federal Sand & Gravel Co. Federal Sand & Gravel Co. Fenton Village Pit Foley & Beardsley Gravel Co. France Stone Co. Friedrick, Wm. H,

Six Lakes Lever'ing Emmtrt· · Pit. near Paris Local Pit near Caro Cadillac Calumet St. Clair River Fleming Creek, Detroit Local Pit near Hastings Local Pit near Frankfort Cass City Local Pit Centerville Beechwood Moon Lake Pit, Ironlilountain Dishneau Pit, Champion Loretto Lennon White Marble Lime Co. Unkno1;~m

Eaton County Clinton St. Clair County near Port Huron Granc1 Haven Sturgeon Bay Big Cut Pit Grand Haven Ginger Hill, S of South Bend, Ind. Sylvania, Ohio Local Pit, Iron River Beulah Magnus Pit, Clare Grand Rapids .. Reed City Hersey Grand Rapids McCook, Illinois Sttrrgeon Bay, Wise. Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Reed City Durand Eaton County 2 Mi. E, Harbor Springs Cadillac Emerson Greenbush Fenton Clarkston Monroe Coldwater - Jonesville

207. "" 208.

209. 229 •. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236 .. 237. 259. 241. 243. 244. 245, 246 .. 247. 249. 250. 251. 252. 278. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286., 287. 288. 289. 290. 291.


515. 516. 518. 320. 321. 546. 347. 548. 349.

Fuller & Becker France Stone Co.(Slag) France Stone Co. Gladwin Cotlllty Road Commission Gezon & Battjes Gravel Co. Grace Const,ruction Co. Gleason Coal Co. Grace Construction Co. Grand Rapids Gravel Co. 1 Plant No~ Grand Rapids Gravel Co.,Plant No. Grand Rapids Gravel Co.,Plant No, Grand Rapids Gravel Co.,Plant No. Grand Rapids Gravel Co;rPlant No; Grand River Gravel Co .• Great Lakes Steel Corp. Great Lakes Steel Corp. Greenville Gravel. Co; Greenville Gravel Co, Greenville Gravel Co. Greenville Gravel Co, Green Bay (Lal~e Deposit) Gurzick PH Genesee Gravel Co. Hall Gravel Pit Harris & McBurney Co. Hass Bros. Pit Harcourt Pit Hastings Sand & Gravel Co. Hersey Gravel Co. Hersey Gravel Co. Her-sey Gravel Co. Hersey Gra~~l Coo Hewitt, A.J. Pit Himes, John, Pit Holmes, H. Holmes, H. Habeck, J. W. Houghton County Road Cormnission Hill Pit . Hmghes; Charles (Bel:\, Pit) High Ri,dg(O G:t:ave~ Co; Indian~t Gravel Co. Inland Lime & Stone Co. Iron County Road Commission Isabella County Pit Isle Royal Mine Johnson Ensing Gravel Co. Johnson, J. E. Johnson, J. E. Jonesville Gravel Co.

Oxf'ord Toledo, Ohio Silica, Ohio Gladwin County Kent County Girard Port Huron Kalamazoo

1 Grand Rapids 2 Lamar 5 Hersey 6 Local Pi-t near Kalkaska 4 Grand Repids

Ionia Kelly. Island Zug Island Kalamazoo

·somerset Center Oxford Green Oe.k Green Bay, Wisconsin Daggett Davidson St ~ -Jol1ns Jonesville Peck, N. & E. Houghton Lake Hastin.g-s Greenbush Hersey Milbrook Paris Pit Avoca Berrien Springs Powers Pit near Powers Wallace Pit near Wallace The Heights Tamarack, Calumet St. Johns Sailler'Benzie County RockfOJ;d ' · , Vanderveen Pi·t, Grand Jlliap:iods Pt. Inlc.nd Crystal Falls Isabella County Houghton County Battle Creek -Grand Rapids Local Pit near Cheboygan Jonesville

.A1 -f;i ~::~~ .Jil


I ill d 'I



,, ., !I I! I I

371. 573. 574. 575. 577. 578. 380. 581. 405. 404. 405.

406, 407. 408. 409 .• 410.

'( 411. 412. 41:'·. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420.

. 421. 422. 423~

424. 425. 456. 457 .. 458. 439. 440 .. 441. 442. 445. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 451. 453 .. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478.

Kala~azoo County Pit Kelly Island Lime & Transport Co. Kent Sand & Gravel Co, Killins Gravel Co. Kimmerle Pit Koenig Coal & Supply Co .. Kramers Pit Keweenaw Connty Road Commission Le.rlc Pit Lake Huron Gravel Lake Michigan Gravel

(Furnis.hed by Staf,e) Lake Superior Gravel Co .. Lansing Sand & Gravel Co. Leahy, T. J. Pit · Lehigh Stone Lenawee San.d & Gravel Co .. Leonard Gravel Co. Local Pit Loveless Gro.vel Pit Lowe, J, Pit Local Pit Local Pit Local Pit Leelanau County Road Commisgion Local Pit Local Pit Local Pit Local Pit Local Pit Lennon Gravel Co. Local Pit· Manson, C •. Pit McNeil Pit McLouth Steamship Co. :McManus Pit Marsh- Pit ~.~arsm8n & Tabor MelroEe Pit Merithew Gravel Co, Michigan Gravel Co. Michigan Limestone Chemical Co, Middle West Roads Co. Midland Contracting Co, Midland Gravel Co, Millbrook Gravel Co. Mt. Pleasant Gravel Co. Miller& Walser Nelson, John Pit Nelson, Victor New E,ra Road Building Co • Nebel Bros.

Northern Indi&na Sand & Gravel Co,

Kalamazoo Cou_nty Presque Isle Grand Rapids Ann Arbor Cassopolis Oxford EastllJEnville Ahmeek Near Sault Ste. Marie Lake Huron Lake Michigan

Ontonagon County Ingham County Near Harbor Springs Chicago, Illinois Tecumseh Lansing-,..)(...-' 5 1/2 Mi. S.W. of Charlevoix .Algon2. Tvv·p ~ KalamazoO Casnovia Iron River Hastings Leelenau Lakeview Gaylord Leland Twp., Leelanau County lilentoz· Twp., . Oscoda County Village of Lyons Lennon Manton -st. Ignace Near Waterford Marine City Petoskey l l/2 Ivii. from Roscommon Larke Pit near Sault Ste. Marie Montmorency County, Briley Twp. Manchester Greenbush Roger8 City Pit 3 lVIi.. 8. of Burnside Pit (Bridgeport Twp., Saginaw Cot1!1ty) Millbrook Millbrook Mt. Pleasant Chesaning Atlanta Hurley, 4 Mi. W. Pit N. & W. of Plainfield Bay at Gladstone

Wolcottville, Indiana

( • )l(

479. 5.02 ~ 505. 504. 505. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 551. 532. 554. 535. 556, 541. 54;2.

. 545. 544. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 597. 598. 599. 600. 602. 60:1. 604. 605, 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612 .. 613. 614. 615.

616. 618. 619. 62.0.

Nye Hill Pit. O'Conner Pit Ohio & Michigan Gravel Co. Ohi.o & Michige.n Gravel Co. Olivine Co. Ottawa County F.oad Cormnission Ptt · Overholt, M. W, Owosso Pit Otisville Gravel Co. Oxford Sand & Gravel Co. Peterson, Gould & Turner Peters, W .. 8. Peterson & McLean, Corfman Pit Peterson Sand & Gravel Co. Petoskey Portland Cement Co. Plea,sant Lake Gravel Co. Priceland, Frank Pryor Bros • Puritan Sand & Gravel Co, F.ainey Pit Ray Sand & Gravel Co, Ray Sand & Gravel Co, Remus Cone.truction Co s

River e. ide Fuel & ,Supply Co, Rock View Pit Sawyer & Horbest St. Clair River Gre.vel Sand Lake Scharl, c.· P. Gravel Co, Scharl, G. P. Gr<'.vel (Jo, Schreur & Schreur Sears Pit,, Sheltraw Gravel Co. Sheltraw Gravel Co, Shenk Gravel Co. Sloan, R. L., Pit Sloans Pit Boo Sand & Gravel Co. Spear & Son Stacy Pit Shi.s.wassee Hiver Standard Gravel Co. Standard Gravel Co,

Sibley Stone Co, Stewart, J" C~ Co .. Sturgeon BEy Stone Co, Swanson,. Guy

Un.lmovm Local near Croswell Chilson Plant Toledo, Ohio Marquette Plant Local Pit Local Pit at E,a:;c:l;manville Near Owosso, Sec. 34, R 2 E, T 7 N Otisville Oxford UnlrJ1.mrn Wakefield N, of Blacl( Hi ver Harrisville - Greenbush Petoskey Pleasant Lake Bay Shores Pewamo Local Pit Tecumseh Alanson New Hudson Oxford Local Pit near Farwell Ecorse 5 Mi. from Pickford Kalamazoo St. Cle.ir River Local Pit, Kent Cou,~ty Cascade Gre.nd Rapids Local Pit near Gaylord Beulah Mason Holt Durand LoccJ .. near Antrim, Banks Twp. Charlevoix Sault Ste, Marie Local Crushed Roclr near Wakefield Benzonia UDJmown New Hudson, Oakland Cotmty Pit at E. End Proj, 38-20, C5 near

Jackson Detroit Local Pit near Owosso Sturgeon Bay,, Wise. Near Antrim

621. .62211 623. .645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 670. 671 •. 672. 67B. 697 • 698. 699. 701. 722. 723. 724. 726. 727 'J

728, 729. 730. 731 .. 752. 735 .. 734. 735 .. 736 .. 7'37 .. 758. 739. 740. 741. 74:2 .. 74.'5. 744. 745. 746. 747.

SylvG.n Lake Sturgeon Bay Stone Co, Sullivan, G. E. Tecumseh Sand & Gravel Co. Thornton Bros. Construction Thornton Bros. Construction Thunder Bay Quarries Thornton Bros. Construction Than, W. L. United Fuel & Supply Co. United Fuel & Supply Co. United Fuel & Supply Co. United Fuel & Supply Co. Valley City Gravel Co.

. Vanderveen Gravel Pit Vanderveen Pit Vinton Construction Co. Wards Pit Ward Sand & Gravel Co. Waggoner, P., Pit Wallace Stone Co, We.llenge:t' Pit. Walling, E.· C. Walling & Holland Walsh Sand & Gravel Co. Ward Co. Ward Sand & Gravel Co. Wagner Quarries Co. Western Jnelie>t"l\. Gravcl Co. Whitehead, I. L. Co. Whitehead, I. L> Co, Whitehead, I. L. Co, Whitehead,.· I. L. Co. Willemins·Pit Wilson Gravel Co, Wright Pit Wysong Gravel Co. Wysong & Jeffries Pit Whitehead Co. West Side Sand & Gravel Co, WeJcefield Crushed Stone Co. Whitecraft Pit

749. 2 Sources Supply 750. 5 Sources Supply 999. No Record

Co. Co,


Local Pit near Sylvan Lake Cleveland Detroit Tecumseh Local Pit near Rudyard Marshall Creek Alpena Dish.neau Miller Pit Oxford Detroit - Shelby Pit St. Clair River, Utica Pit - Oxford Grand Hapids· Plainfield Twp. Lowell Union City Perry East Tawas (Big Cut) Onaway Bay Port Near Coopersville, Allendale T~~. St. Johns St. Jolms Walsh, Wise, liicNG.lly Pit, Oxford, Ross Crossing Oxford Sandusky, Ohio ~us.Xov1l"'" Local Pit, Rudyard Twp. Moran Pit - St. Ignace R.oadside Pit, l Mi. E. of Wilson Sault Ste .. Marie Jonesville Pit near Wilson Local Pit near Bad ft_xe Local Pit near Traverse City Traverse City Local Pit, Ogemaw Co, Battle Creek Wakefield N, W. of Alma

t (


The contractor· is represented by the code nlllllber a.ppearing before each item.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

25 •. 26. 27. 28. 29. 50. 51. 52. 53 .. 34. 35. 56. 57. 38 .. 59. 40, 41. 42. 45. 44., 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 55 .. 72. 75. 74. 76; 77. 78. 79. 81. 82. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.

Alma, City of Ann Arbor Construction Co. Atkinson, R. C. Adrian, City of Ann Arbor, City of Alpine Excavating Co, Baker, JoDn & Son Bailey, Roy Baker, Amos Bacco Construction Co. Baker, J. H. & Son Construction Baker, A. G •. Baker, The R, D. 1 Co , Banhagle Construction Co, Barck, George Barden & West Barnes & O'Neil Bartling & Dull Battjes, D. D. Bay City Stone Co, Benzie & Son Bishop & Weir, Inc. Bay City, City of Bontnieger Construction Co, Bridgeport Core Sand Co. Bridges, C. G. Brooks,. C. .P .. Brooks Construction Co. Brmm & Woodby Brumm, L. W. Burley, George A.


Bridgeport Core Sand & Thos,McNally Bristol, G. F. Battle Creek, City of Bolt & Morey Co. Campbell, E. A. Campbell, Hugh & Son Campbell, J. A. Carlson & Lunden Carpenter, 0. P. Carpenter, Floyd Central Construction Co. Chalmers, G. L. Chalmers Paving Co. Charlevoix Abstr&.ct & Eng. ,yo: Charlevoix County Road Commission Chicago Heights Coal Co. Christman, H. G., Co. Cline & Boelens

Alma Ann Arbor Niles Adrian Ann Arbor St. Ignace Kalamazoo Corunna Lansing Iron Mountain Port Huron Monroe Royal Oak Ionia Grand Haven St. .Johns Allegan Pontiac Grand Rapids Bay City Norway Detroit. Bay City South Bend, Elkhar.t" Indiana Saginaw Escanaba Omer Fort Wayne Beaverton Marquette Flint Saginaw Highland Park Battle Creek Muskegon Kalamazoo - Vicksburg Bay City Bay City Menominee Muskegon Heights Adrian Mt. Pleasant Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Charlevoix Charlevoix Chicago Heights, Illinois Lansing Spring Lake

i" ,I

I I ,I 1,1

~-,\' k· :!: :!I

ill: I :.I :II 1\l 'li ~~ I :11 "!' :I ll I .,

•)) c-. e!u ,\l

89. . 90. 91. 92. 95. 94. 95, 96. 97. 98. 99.

100. 101. 102. 103. 125. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130 .. 151 .. 132 .. 153 • 154. 135. 156. 137. 155. 154, 155. 156, 181. 182. 183;.-184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219 .. 220. 221. 222.

Closser Bros. Cochran, M. VI. Comb, A. M, Cook, Clark & Lang Cook, George R., Co. Cosens, Edward Counihan, Barnum & Prosch Crane, Hiram A. Crescent Concrete Construction Co. Cunningham Construction Co. O•rrrie, Thomas E. 1Co. Couse & Saunders Cheney-Wright Co. Carlson, Andrew Cleveland~Trinidad Denton Construction Co. Dawson Brothers Deckerville Construction Co. Delta Contracting Co. Dovey & Kloosterman Dovey Paving Co, Detroit. Asphalt Paving Co. Donaldson & Hull Dearborn Paving Co. Davidson, L. A. Davies, H. L. DuBoise Construction Co. Davenport, George Dyer Brothers Dooer & Oliver Co. Edelman, John R., Co. Ederer, J. W, & Co. Edison, L~::' W. Eitel & Ayres Ford Construction Co. Fox Valley Construction Co, tFrame, Charles H. & Son Friedrich, W. H. & Co. Frisinger Construction Co. Fry, Kain, Inc., & Robert Hudson Frank & Stiehl Flint, City of Genesee County Road Commission Galarno Construction Co. Garney-Weyenberg Contracting Co. Genesee Gravel Co.

. Geneva Construction Co. Gessamin, W .. F .. Goldberg Brothers Goldberg Construction Co. Gasner & Co. Gou~d & Cross Grace Construction Co. Groves, S. J. & Sons Green, A; E.

Detroit Bloomfield Hills Kalamazoo Grand Haven Detroit Levering Iron River Midland Detroit Saginaw, Indianapolis, Ind. Detroit Detroit Williamston Menominee Cleveland, Ohio Detroit Ypsilanti Deckerville EscanEba Batavia Batavia Detroit Dryden Dearborn L&nsing Escanaba Flint Lake City Sterling Jackson Muskegon llieights Saginaw Grand Rapids South Haven Michigan City, Indiana Appleton, Wise. Harbor Beach Coldwater Ann Arbor Lansing - Owosso East Lansing Flint Flint Bay. City Appleton, Wise. Genesee County North Bradley Monroe Mackinaw City Mackinaw City Detroit Grand Rapids Fort Wayne, Indiana Minneapolis, Minn. South Haven


223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229" 249 .. 250. 251. 252. 255. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263, 264. 265. 266, 267. 268. 269. 270. 286 .. 287. 288. 508, 509. 510.

. 511. 512. 513. 514. 315. 516. 517. 543. 344, 345. -346. 547. 348. 349. 371. 372. 373, 574.

Green & McQuestion Gross Construction Co. Green Bay faving Co. Goodwin, Carl E. Goldberg, Louis I. Globe Construction Co, Grand Haven, City of Ham & Westing Handeyside, C, A. Hersey Gravel Co, Hillding Construction Co. Hilding & Rabe Hodgkiss, A. W.,co. Holmes, Crane & Bartling Holmes, H. Holtslander, Adam Hoxie, H. A.,Co, Hudson & Coons Hudson, Robert Huron Paving Co., Charles H. Frame Habeck, J, W. Hill & Louks Hamer Bros., Inc, Holland, lilartin A. Hill & Belknap Harrah, C. G. Harwick & Bro>m Bros. Hutchinson, W.B. Hoxie & Knowlson Co. Ironwood, City of Intra-State Construction Co. Ingham County Road Commission Jackson, Jol>.n K. Jansma, Fred & Son Jackson County Road Commission Jackson, City of Jackson Construction Co. Jeffrey, Alex Jenks & Dewart Johnson, J. E. Johnson, W, S. Construction Co, Jutton, Kelly Co. Kalamazoo Construction Co, Kauffman, J, E. Kirr.mer le, G. H , Knapp, W. H, Knight, F. J., Co. Kalamazoo Paving Co .. Kebbe, Ray Leonard Construction Co. Lamb, L .. W .. Lang, W. ,J. Construction Co. Lewis & Frisinger

LeRoy LaPorte, Indiana Green BB.y, Wise. Allegan Petoskey Kalamazoo Grand Haven Grand Rapids Detroit Hersey Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Petoskey Alma Crystal Falls Lansing, R.F.D. #4 Grand Rapids Lansing Owosso Sandusky Holland Whittemore Detroit Lansing East Tawas Niles Petersburg Mt. Clemens Grand Rapids Ironwood

.Chicago Maso.n Ironwood Grand. Rapids Jackson Jackson St. Clair Saginaw Port Huron Saginaw Hicksville, Ohio Bryan, Ohio Kalamazoo Dowagiac Cassopolis Monroe Detroit Kalamazoo Warren Saginaw Holland Chicago, S. Dearborn Street Ann Arbor

• <,'

575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 382. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 4ll. 412. 415. 414. 415. 416. 417. 437. 458. 459, 440. 441. 442. 445. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452 .. 453 .. 45,±. 455, 456. 457. 458. 459. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 480., 484.

Lewis & Goldberg Lenderick & Baker Lon~Jear & Winters Loomis, C. M. Loselle Const'ruction Co. Lowe, L, H. Lewis, Frisinger & Schwaderer Lansing, City of McAvey, J. G. McArdle, T. H. McDermott & Sons McDonnell, John McFarrin, J .. W. McKay, James A. & Sons, Inc. McKechnie-Pi8rce McKenzie, The Co. McKeon & Galarno McNally & McLean McNally, Thomas McQuestion & McArdle McVaugh-Ha~cnes Co. McDermoth & Cooper Mason County Road Commission Jlilayer & Ryan Meagher, W. .J. Macomb Cou_nty Road Commission Mallow, William Marsman & Green Mersman & Taber Mecost.'J. County Road Commission Mercier, J. A. Meredith & McVaugh Middle West Roads Co. Midland Contracting Co. !Jliller, Rudolph Milne, Charles G. Moellering Construction Co, !Jloore-Elmer Construction Co. Moran, L. A. & P. E. Murray & .F.r-emont Murray, James c J. Muskegon County Road Commission Menominee County Road Commission Maintenance Division Meash, Jolm E. Nelson, John Nebel Brothers Nelson, Victor Neale, William Neale, William & Son Neilson, L, H, Nelson, H" C. New Era .Road Building Co.

Scottville - Gravm Kalamazoo Marquette Grand Hapids Wyandotte Kalamazoo Ann Arbor Lansing Royal Oak Lake City Grand Rapids Duluth, l!Iinn. Rspid City Detroit Toledo, Ohio Dearborn Detroit Saginaw Saginaw LeRoy Detroit Grand Rapids Ludington Chicago, Illinois Bay City liit. Clemens Utica Grand Hapids Grand P.apids Big P.apids Detroit Detroit Flint Midland Bay City Saginaw "'1 Fort Wayne, Indiana Sandusky ·- Elmer Howell Bad Axe Bad Axe Muskegon Menominee MSHD Pickford Alpena Gladstone Unlmovm Kalamazoo Galesburg Muskegon ll!uskegon Grand Rspids = New Era

485. 487. 488. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 558. 539. 540. 541. 542. 545. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 567. 568 .. 569, 570. 571. 572. 575. 574. 575. 576. 600. 601. 602. 603 .. 604. 60.5. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 816 .. 617, 618,

Nickel, P •• J. Northern Construction Co. Nolan, E. C. & Son Oakland County Road Commission O'Connor, P. W. Olson, K. B. Ottawa County Road Commission . .. Oosting & Hof.steen Oak Construction Co. Otis Cement Construction Co. O'Connor, J. C. & Son Persinger Excavating Co. Palma Construction Co. Perry, Lee Peters, W. S. Pierson, Wilmer Porath, J. & Son Porath, Ferdinand Patterson, J. W. Pope-Foss Co. Port Huron, City of Pierson & Allswede Pickett & Goodwin Pore.th, Edv~:rd H ~ Raymond Contracting Co. Rehmus, A. J. Rieth Riley Construction Co. Remus Construction Co. Rockford Construction Co. Roehm, Paul P. Rogers Construction Co, Rogers & Monroe Rowe.Constriiction Co. Ryan, W. H. Sablain, R. Sager Brothers Scharl. Construction .Co. Schreur & Schreur Schulz & Liken Schwaderer, E. B. Schweinsblirg Construction Co. Schweinsburg, Carl Scott, Cochran & Scott Scott, P.. R. Sloan, R. F., Jr. Smith Construction Co. State Construction State Road Builders, Inc. Stewart, J, C. Storen, W. Je, Co. Saginaw County Roe.d Collllllission Solomon, S, D.

Schwaderer, Frisinger & Porath

Ironwood Elkhart, Indiana Detroi-t Pontiac Grand Rapids Birmingham Grand Haven Holland Royal Oak Detroit Fort Wayne, Indiana Lincoln Pa.rk Detroit Beaverton Wakefield Saginaw_ Detroit; Detroit Reed City Mt. Clemens Port Huron Hersey Allegan Detroit Escanaba Bay City Goshen, Indiana Remus Rockford, Ohio Calumet Scottville - Beulah - Detroit Muskeg?n Sebewaing Jackson Lansing Saginaw Grand Rapids - Saginaw Gaylord Sebewaing Cass City Bay City Bay City Lansing Saginaw Battle Creek Detroit Lansing Grand Rapids Flint Detroit Saginaw Lansing Detroit

619. 620. 621. 622. 625. 658. 659. 640. 641. 645 .. 644. 668. 691. 692. 695. 694. 695. 696. 697. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 725. 724. 72.5. 726. 727. 728. 729. 750. 751. 752. 755. 734. 755. 736. 757. 758. 759. 740, 741. 742. 745. 744. 74,5. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750.

Scharl, G. P. Smith Paving Co. Schaefer, H. 0, St. Clair County Road Corilmission Smith-Sparks Construction Co. Tatti, Walter G. Taylor Brothers Co., Inc. Than, W. L. Co, Thornton Brothers Construction Co. Townsend & Shuttleworth Twichell & Barrows Uler & Blackburn Vanderhorst, Henry Vanderveen Brothers Construction Co. Vanderveen, Harold & Donald Vinton Construction Co. Vizena. & Gatiss Vanderveen P., & Sons Vanderveen, E. J. Webber Construction Co. H.C. Waterbury & O'Shaughnessy Walbridge-Aldinger Co • Ward, Andrew & Sons Warren Bros. Roads Co. Wayne County Road Commission Webber Construction Co. Weir Construction Co. Wells Construction Co. West Michigan Construction Co. Wexford Cou11ty Road Commission White co'nstruction Co. Whiting Construction Co. Whitlow & Robeck Whitlow & Nelson Whiting, Cook & Clark Wilke & Perry Construction Co. Williston Construction Co. Willite Road Construction Co. Willits & Schweinsberg Willits Brothers Wise, Bryan Wolverini Asphalt Paving Co, Wolverine Construction Co. Woodle;)', Granger Construction Co, West Shore Construction Co. Whitehead, I. L. White Cloud, Village of Wells, L. W; Willits, Walter Whitely & Sch1•aderer Waterway Construction Co. Whitely, A. W. Co. Yerington, Johl1 G.

Grand Rapids Dearborn Green Bay, Wise.

·Port Huron Houghton Detroit Birmingham Wyandotte Hancock Lansing Orland, Indiana Ontonagon Kalamezoo Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Coldwater Munising Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Bay City Coldwater Detroit Oakland, Illinois Flint Detroit Ionia Detroit Buffington, Indiana Zeeland Cadillac

· Detroit - Chicago Grand Rapids South Haven Muskegon Grand Rapids Oskosh, Wise. South Bend, Indiana Detroit Bay City Benton Harbor Watervliet Grand Rapids Kalamazoo Benton Harbor Zeeland Sault Ste. Marie White Cloud Eaginaw. Bay City Cas.s City Detroit Marlette Benton Harbor

751. 752. 755. 800.



Wisconsin Bridge & Iron Co. Wilton, W. S. ~lhitlow, 0. M. Joint Contract

Joint Contract

Independent Contractors

999. No Record

Detroit North Street Muskegon Lewis & Frisinger - .Arm Arbor E. B. Schyraderer - Cass City Wilmer Pierson - Hersey C. M. Loomis - Grand Rapids The Cleveland Trinidad Paving Co.

Detroit J. H. Baker & Sons Construction Co.

Port Huron
