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R. H. CO., - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1888-01-09/ed...i paeeasM...

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J. B. GIBBS IN PASTURES NEW. FORMING ANOTHER SOCIETY. .JSOCOB "LOCEED OCT" OP THE VINEYARD HE /i-_. LABOR ON HIS OWX HOOK. J. B. Gibbs, of dairy-restaurant, employment- Btenoy and philanthropic fame, started out in a Maw ent*-rt.ir.««* *-c*Rt<*t_ay afternoon. That its ¦grit might not be hidden under a burtie), be bad .trrwed the town with ¦ dodger*." announcing .Sm advent of thc latest temperance show In language glowing with -jcrfervid hyperbole. ¦ Once more to thc front: Thc grand work Rt leecuing the victim of Hie wine cup must go Bli. Tlie harvest is great-th" lubort-rs arc few. Mr. J. B. Gibbs, having teiitlcr»--d his resignation as president of the Manhattan Temperance BEER* aiati'.n. will, with thc assistance of his many friends, oi-.*nni/. th*- New York Ti-ni'icniiue Union In the beautiful, pleasant and cheerful Hall of the Grand Masonic Temple, cur. Sixth-avc. and Twentj-thlrd-st., Sunday, Jiwiu-irr 8, 188H, with thc elotju.-nt and fRRtsBEt clergyman, Kev. Father J_l\vnid MK.lynn, "as speaker. Fine music con¬ gregational Kinging, and pul'lic pledge-taking Tree to all..No collection taken up ut the (loot.:"' These art a few specimen lines. A " particular Botio*-*' Stated in big litters Unit the meeting's of tlie New-York T..i-crain e Union would not be run in the inter, st of any one jwrty or clit'de; but would be " non-political, Be.*-see__.-BB-" A considerable number of people who believe erith Mr. Qlbfea that " lha gtaad Break" cannot ga on without him, and s gnat many m.re v.ho .nant.-tl to t*i- entertained by the " linc music'' nnd to hear Dr. McGlynn s|K*uk, ii .m m'-lcd in the hall shout 8 p. m., and with the choir nnd I.roihcr Gibb.'s Mi-.p-ii-ti rs on thc platform the iittindaine amounted to at Last seven hundred. Thc women were in the proportion of BBBB,. two and thrce- RRpkEtRRS to one man. .Jut Dr. Met I lynn was not punctual, und this cast a gloom over the opening exercises. Brother Gibbs had his hair well brushed up on each side of his massive loiBPfcB. and the two peskeil tufts gave him a Mephistophelian ap¬ pearance through wliifli his usual philanthropic benigi.ity of expression st ru ;_.! d to n-v-rt 1-flf. like Mr. Hyde endeavoring to dawn through Dr. Jekyll. When lu- had opened the meeting late, sud Dr. McGlynn had not yet appeared, Mr. Gibbs began to doubt, fear and tremble. ¦ I met Dr. MeGlynn in thc beginning of the WH'ii," said he, nervously attempting to rcas-tin- huns, il ai.'1 to pi-.-vi.-nl the audience from ht coining retain*- "ile told n.e that he would positively be lure tm the present occasion, and so if we don't see him now we'll see him l>y and by I got il.-- doctor's word that he aroa). be here. He has spoken for me on two or thn-e occasions. I don't think he'll go hack on his word to-day." This was lecC-Yed willi cheers, and a bluc- chiiiind young man, naun-d Houston, wns then introduced to "apeak n piece.*' He explained that ha had ** learned it when 8 boy. and had not recited it since, but that Hroila-r Gibbs had that afternoon told him to try to *-*-t tinOBgh it." With this apology, he began to declare in a re- Koiiaut baritone voice, "Not any for me! Pvc drunk my last glass.'.which repeated assurance was ri reived with every eV-dence of satisfaction. Then ihe He.-. Profeaeor Kingston asked in a matt r-cf-fact way.Will I meet div angel mother?"* end pm .lad to piitpouiid the si.ni" qucs'ion in aaoc, with some mure tough Inquiries, itieh us " Will she know me when 1 meit hiv? Will 6hc know her fair-haired boy?"' Brother Gihha next, ile Mid that Um new union weald oiagnisc and appoint offlcen next week, and tims went on : " I have no claim upon the posi¬ tion of chairman. I don't ash "foa to eh-ct me. 1 wir-h v'-u ta alee, thc beal man for tha poaition. I am willing to sink right out of light for the good of the cause 1 low so well, and that luis dune so much for me!" He added, however, that the BM-etlag had cst |3T, that he had borne the ex- peaaei ali alone, b.it thut be wanted the money amt a eolle-etiOB would then-fore be taken. The c.-ilt-ction was taken ae-ordinal**". It amonnt* ed to f:m. Brother Gibba ventui-t*- to hope thal Bomebodv would bc moved tu swill it bj two Hve- (.ollar bills. His aspiration was parti** prophetic for lomebod*/ was forthwith moved to the extent of ona of i h.- bills desi:-.-tl Miss Miller wns introduced to nive a solo on the " Otto harp." an instrument that looks like a Hither, but isn't. Bbl had scarcely begun to finger its whirr her bearers, allowing their enthusiasm to overt-'-nie theil mariners, arose nnd shouted in mjeedct trie to the tsrrrr orator of tha or raii on. To Dr. M'tilvun's evident snrpriae_9-r ther Gibba explained iff him that this waa ¦ n-w departure, pod i-ot the Manhattan Tetnperanee Aasoclation. The Dorrtor '-.11-.-full.- rend thc circular handed to lt'm. and thea iwallowing his R-itonislimcnt, de¬ liver tl ¦ i-ta'lv able S'Mto-m. The best *v-ints le- ni»f|e in ii arri- two little side-tmekinai frotn his general lubieri ol temnerance. In on_ he had a quiet Bing at PolW Justices, and i'i the other be "went fur" prise-fighters without (rloves. "Next to dlsTM-nslng ins'..!¦." nair] he, "fha duty of a I'-b'-e .Tlisti.'f is to say witty ihinrs at the e\[a lise of tin- p.-.iple liroii'-ht before him!" THK REV. DR ITVK HARD HIT. BU tn* io APM T BitKABIBfl THB st'NDAY LAW. roioNKi. cir TIS- sump sitfi'ii. Tiif aiteniion el ti- Msakattsn Temparaaea As-o elation .it Us nesting at fun;**,- (Talon yesterday na> ehlefly occi-leil villi t»>-« letter fmru ll.,- li v. Jay )-*rison ii.ii.n -,-, |i-,'.'-.-i ia Tm Taiatrsi el lui liui-silay. Tit" Ber. I>r. I. ii I'll ni;, wini pr.-.il-d Baili In rcld'lon to Ma I'miillloii'-, ehergl 11- .t Sunday eas iaaeereteg b> tlie boMlag el a political ¦Meting: ¦ i paeeasM k* .seana by thal thsl tah meeting ta controlle 1 ky a political party. Thl people who conic here ii. »v belOB| to poUtlCSl potHo*, tnt BO faiulldatc ls adv oin led li MB anl im ni'-l Innis of pdltiical work U- riiipliiwil.* Dr, luiil. 'all.ii a lentil,n tu Mr. Hamil- toil's -latin,cul il,at ti iii'teiaii, o llteiatui- was sold In H.* InI.t-v. ami sal.): " i wits i,ut awsie itiat sni-i, * tklag wa.-, done, kat 1 have BBBB iBQalrlM and I have found that pain- pl,',is v.,,1-tt. |*. 81 )* 'ie s,,:il lu i s'Hiilay : bc atc lorry tor lt ; lt must lie stopped. But what I was sin-pri-a'd at wa-. Mini itiis ext ellem clergy bisb bo don't kl i. a guoil man-did nut ¦BBB any protcat In print against tin. si-iiiie- oj tiioiisaiiiis ttl iloii.ti.-' worth or Liquor in this elly M sa mi.'.'.'.' Paiili-l Vialful., In beginning lils customary ipeech, Bani: "1 adelle you all le ppA lin 'lunn sk etlail Ttnii-saay. Bay li ; its worth 9 eeaf_ any tta*e; l la t«-inl la keep it with tkh letter bi ¦ .aoanaieBl ol Boiiici.i.iiy win, on,e iii,-.I in Nee fork City." Thc Iced nv ..ja-,;:.-i nu. i olonel it s. kevh, an ev (imt I--.nie ameer, wko wea seneunned to mskc *. an sppeel lo NoflkerB loldlera lo Join Boldl.n of the l-ffi.ili lu a .Naiioi-*l) eltiiit to ,,v riluow th. llt|iiin *r..\\ei"." It m.- little thsl kc -ail sbool tol-Uen ot an> kind hui h. kop** (rilli Ike Rev. Mr. Ilsmllton, ri.iiilrnieil on tlie siiiije'-i ot tf'itfp-ranec. amt inded ."-Uh a purri] pol.tua! haran, n . In. support oft li- Pro- hi ii inn |iaii>, pi.-1 ..¦ i'i." a large rote for General Fvh t -ti i'm. rer;ai-ill'-ss of Mr. P-'nk's a**-ert'on lhat lie raii'lnl_le was advoeeled (iii T liar pla'ffiini. I ii i. in i- in til-* letter la i'm: i bibi bb in- isld " Tiii- (.'.. f i"-r. I'"-* -af) to suv. is * RopuhHesn, ami li- re-rs in-, psiiy W-Mei' then be Joe, tctnperenee or |h<i- t,,' on,** Thc coBimlttoe bb Hi* entnreemenl of tho Bnit-ls) law rnede itsteuieota lu regard to the lan." nii'id'fr of liquor itore. opn* a we_h ibo, ami remsrst on Hits lakjeet rstker uncumpllmentery to Mayor Hewitt. "SAM" SM A LL Ft Ii.i: r> TO API'KAR. A terre aa Ne-M . B'te-i-l-l itu- ms-mi-nt tim Ainsinran T'-ftf-r-mr-i fnmi lo OhkBSMil Hell f".l*r lav aft.rteou rx 'Cti'irts. li-sr " -1*11 " smsll's " Ap;,«.il froiu Uncle 8am Pmik to I'lii'in *_ n S»'.(-r.' " T*..-r ntr* 11- ip-,,olntt*it. liowi*,r-.r. as Mr. Smnl! letesfSpke-l fr 'rn Wus'unrt >n (hat he was sic*; tlifre amt l',r->aletii d witti y-trar .or-;-, s'-srt S'.s-fbis were ia»fl« br roi intf-rrr-. atiionu witt.ni »t-r- the It-r (' ft. Mia.i. th') Ker. tir. MinfluaauJ timris! c: nt.tn ll. risk. _> - Tiri SNEAK THIEVES CL! V! ELY ARRESTED. Kr.. r.«.wis C I_-1r»rl trkmm coir-i *»as rolil.efl last Tluir*. lar tty two sue ile Hiier_s, L multrl_. allss (isor-je Fox, ainl fn_(Hltire rarhw arlee, ap|n*aro. lu J e for son Mar-ri Court ft-nermy ami willi bur iins'ianl. L_wls Cass i.tnltsri. Ike law partner nf ex Burri c&t_ Jtollli.a. mane a complaint of larc-iDr Bl I ist (tie in*-n Mrs. I_-lrar.l, wlio lirra at No. ri: Boat 'I lurtir-li'tnst.. Ml Uer carriage to csll upon ber father. Mad I'ri.ite. Bl Ko. BJ West Tiiirtr-lilth-st. DS-tBg her BB-BBB" '.he two t'l^BTf-s, .liohsft bean s'lailnirtai Ly X)tt*c- lira O'Brien fur two ho irs. p.ss.-i aad roDasa^rt I,ie roa, h _.».*_) UBJBB ami Mels floallr thrust his ban' I'truii-rh tho .wilow and look Mrs. I.>ii»_rrs poekeibook srbloh ahe ha4 letl lo the (-..a lt. n.e tne walke.1 linnie.:-, to Thirl arc. mme) bo .r'e I a *ow:.towo car but wei* arrestori at Fourt"aaib. ft br the rtetBctlTe. Ile aat down bt-alile Belz and lusarted kia band In the th.ef'a pocket. Bad oa flr,dln_ a roll ot Ure- Ballar bills he arr. ste 1 tx.t li m-rii Tm pocketb.*. had breo Brown away. Mr. I-s Ijr.ir J nlautilie-1 tbe mornrr lo oonrt yeatcrday aa a O-WllOD of ?',00 In new billa wiora be had tira-n from lha Batik. Sohwsike clalnie-t tbit Ile * was -nik-iown to him ans Bis* lattor tleelared the -BSBSg was his ows. Justice Ford Ball Both mea in 11,000 ball aaa) for tr.al. OPENING A NEW BROOKLYN CnVRCH. Tbe Drat bow charch to be opened In Urookl-rn thia rear la Bt Oaotfo'e d'rotralaot KpiacBpal). Just oompletoil, et Marc7 ami Oana area Tbe ono-noa earrie* was coaducto. y-ssterda.r br Bishop Littlejohn, assisted br tb* Her. Massrs- H. K. I'arns. th* reotor, au.l F H. Carter, a former rumor. The laat pa>ne_ praaohesl th* aermou. In the er*ulag the Ker. K. Wicch.stt-r Donald preached. Thrnt-wi liriroh ls built of br.ck. with brownstone trim- T*s,lii*rst, is cruciform in alt*pe. and cost, inciinlin** th* sn* Shout*60.OOO. Il will aeat-OH pera-.ii* and (ls interior sr. rkBeeotenia ar* such aa ere usual in Kpiaeopal eharcbea. giioaocletr me* orf au lied tweaty years ego br th* Ker .SJ-ra-tiii-aa-d a laosUst edxtkea mat ereeud Im Ute*n*- tee., fronting on Tompkins Park. Tb* alt* for the new build tag waa pBeOkSBSt aeraral years aga and tha ground waa broken io February. 1887. It ia exp*, ted to add a tower and .Dlr* ea aoon aa the tunda are araliable. ENTRIES FOR TBE SUBURBAN. BOBBI'S MIMINA 11.1) Volt TBE BIO SlIKKPfi HI.AD HANPICAP9. The only additional r-ntries for the Coney Island Jockey Club slakes likely to lie recelred are those of A. J. (ossatt, who malled illa from Pana, iii* luton iv entries for 1890 are In, but the other* are not. The entries are not aa namer. ons aa they were a year afo. they are of a hlrh class, how- er er, and there ls a conspicuous absence of the low dice -elllar plater of '.he half mi e tracks. Kvl.lenily the new nile which make* racing aaaaclsuons reject entries (rom owners of horses that no akaiiiic -ronni tor purses tbat would mean the poor-h.iuie if the races were what they ought to be lias been ot b«n'fli to the regular tracks. Horse owuers wh* c for ..lnrv as woll a* tar profit are de'lght-d at tha out luck and i.roiihcsy tbat IBM will be the grainiest .eaton yet seen on American racecourses and th it 1*-K»ml 1890 will exceed lt The entries for the three Important handicap! tor the J in* -u ft. n. ni the Coney Island Jockey Club are aa fol¬ low* ..rnCHllAN-l's Milos. .Vdrni*. Age. Xante, Ag*. Name. Age L*ng Knight...aged **Hvani_e.I Hanover.4 itoral Arch_aged Kaioeiah......I Kl auston.I tlalaplaii.llOrori r t'lerelBSdL.I lleasie nine.4 Kxiie.c a im ic.t Moairaea.4 I.e i-.gi.a .0 -ii. i, ...... .4 LizzieBaker..4 lil, luii'ind.i; Il ..¦.¦in h..41 Valiant .4 ll nial*o._h'en< lon.4|( .tnne-nar*.4 Kavor .6|llaveller.4] Kauai.4 Rupert.6 Old way.4 l'aiibnrg.4 Jue i tn tun.f, i.ti. et. ,,f Kllzab'lnt Voa'.ur*.4 Volaiilt-.ll farm Culla.4 WI throw.4 Saxony.6 Breton .I Arundel.4 Klkwool.'. Willre-I.4 (Killah.4 liir ttleaapala..". i_dy Primr.e-_4 Mia* Font.4 Churns. ., iiacffil.i.4 (Irlseito.4 Kirk m.in.¦'. 'i ir in.'-.-.4 Laggard.4 Lnrrim-iou.B Voiuuiet-r (shaw- iKesney.4 Ar,el .f.i neei.4.8*us-l.on -Idalia Frank Ward.ft Fireflat.4 colt.I II, ., Al..'.' Aurelia. .4 Kolo.H i; nena. I mn Inn-ne .4 Kaceland._ (""lonei Cowan_ft (lien moil nd.4 Henrie Dy at er.I lillie Wing.5 Uiglitaway.4 ld ne.uctine.H Bod Klsher. ..ft' Belrhlere.4 Hsrra..3 l.f a .... l.ft Hustler.4 -lr lilma.3 I.tn ea.ftSthni.iei t-pt-ed- 'H-C!u»o.3 Eolian.ft- nwar).4 Mr nw..H linn,,.b Kunial li.4 liridgellght.3 SUKLPPHEAI) HAY H AN DIGS P-l *s Mlle*. Name. Age.\\ime. Age fame. Age. Long KBlgkl..Broil catasby griding., ft Oonnafssrs.4 Marali. J.agi.it,(llin.x.ft Ban burg .4 Hii-Iiuioud.(1 (ir,.ver Clevolauil_6 W strr .4 li 1.1.lao.(I Hamilton.4 Wyaudor.4 Favi.r.(> ..!¦»- ..-¦.4 Ueltah.4 lln..i-rt.I, (in!way.4 Miss Korti.4 Jue (tn lon._f. La-kawaona.llOttaaMa.4 Telle Ito*.C. '.uren o. lu-iO'ib. i.aeiranl.4 \\ oinlf ruieut..(' Terni I'oll.i .4|FltS__ar.4 (loano.C> l.a-lr I'rnurose_4 Klnni-tth.4 Ei elms.ii osceola.4. Kee ney.4 Volant _.tl Orltlauium.4 Hare',,nd.3 Saxony.6. Bradford.4 Uenree Oyster.8 Dry Monopole.6 Stockton.4 Prince ltoyal.8 Linden.6 Est) in mau.4 rs <:..,¦ n.8 Chanty.6 Volunteer tShaw- 'liiimlioltl Jauet Argo.ft nee).4 Murrarcoll.3 (inenn.ft Firen/1 .4iRecius(<.3 Hen All.ft -.urella .4'Einp. of Norfolk...3 I-rank Ward..ft (ileani.itin I.4 Urey lins..3 lill,. Wing.5 I..cat ..v.4 ScliiKilbor.3 Dob Fisher..ft Ilelvi.lere.4 Si andlnariau.3 Id- ulla,!.ft Hannrer._4 Way ram.3 Eolian.fi a lagsion.4 Persian._.3 -av.in.tc.& Bessie June.4, BAY RIDGE HANDICAP-!** Miles. .V'fmc. Age. Xame. Age Xame. Age. King li.aged Ilea lid.ft Dunborna.4 Long Ku'ght ..a.en Lu,tieu .ft lielvnlere.4 K.it»;,iar-.(1 Havanac.ft Klaoiath.4 Ki ile. ti Ihe ti,in lum.6 Hanover.4 Hi,liiuo.(i lialon ali.ft Kingston .4 Mitllo ll.(1 Ka neilin.4 Bessie J nae.4 linnell.g Qoeo i t.r i:ii_ab'ih4 Uanliurg.4 .Ion i-otton . i T-ir.i Collo.t'^osbnrg.4 Wonderment .(1 orill minio.4 (loliah.4 (¦onn..B i.fig Ul ma ll.4 Mias Kuril.4 V dante.H Volunteer (Shaw- l._,irani .4 Klkaood. ...fi; ne.-) .4 (Jeorgw Oyster._3 Dir Monopole.. ft Wi BBtd.4 Bes* lu tine.8 4 .iieni).ft Aurelia.4 Darya.I Boa*.5 I TIIE NEW CI.l'B OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. The American Association hss still but .er»n oluln. al¬ though the citr tn make tbe eighth and full circuit will be officially announced In a day or two. C. II. Hy; ne. of the Iltur.k!y ii club, in speaking about Hie matter yesterday. Slid ".-cssris. RotimsoD.of Cleveland. Vandcrhor.st, of Baltimore, and Illirie Able and myself wero id Troy on Thursday and Friday, to see lt it would be advua'tle t) admit that city to the American Association. We finally concluded thai lt would net do. Applications for admission hare bren received Irom A .tiiiiv, but nothing has been dene as yet. Albany may get tho vacaucv, but Trsy ci rtalnlv will not." Otner base¬ ball men aeen yesterday t linn-ht th it Albany would make a (.ten itv In which to loo it- the eighth clnb. A meeting of the managers will be held in this city in a day or two, whon the long and *exel oua»tlnn wil bo .itt ed. .'.'. ml. Hie iiiiehar Just a-ru i br the Pitta-Sig club, had the unusual honor o' leading both the National aid -m lum Leagues In batting last season. Porter and Hanklusnn will ito to the Bi: ti more club In casa the new club to bs annulled does not des.'e their services. Now that tho-st Loni* club has sold Welch anl li is had ll,, .. i.-.- i .:.«'i away, .iain will havo 11 play c. -tito ii.ld tor tho Ass .ciali.n champions. The Syracuse club has made an oTer fur pltch-r Hnghca, of tin- Brooklyn cUli, but the latter will probably not release h.m. Anson rhinki fiat under revised mle* Keefe, Welch, c-'/eiii an-l .'aa Iloltsen will be Hie mint eTective pitcher* ¦n Ih* l.fague, ( r.iite, the new pilcher sltrne-1 by the New-York club, (eera* to be mikln, a belter roputillon .<. a haller than as a pitcher tn lalifor ;ilt. .lunts, tin- o'.l Vain Collete pitcher, o ille.l " Jumping Jack," because of lils peculiar positions wliuu pilcjing, has re¬ nounced baseball, li.a physician caufousl him against vi.- lent i-xerci.se. ? sing rafa joins rai roi-o lbaovs. The New. York Club continues to lucrease Its lead In tlie i.,i i f the Metropolitan I'oln I,.-ague, and has altea.lv won tiftcr-n consecutire sames. The Ponghkeeu*!* Club ls mak- inir a goori record anti occupies second pl.ee, with ten games won ainl but four I'efent, The Jersey City Club has also been greallr strengthened amt ls playing", much better game than during tho early part of the race. The Kewharg Club drops Us name ami city this week, and will hereafter be known aa the Mag aiag club, representing the little city of lh.it name. 'Hie f.-igue is having some trouble In tecuring mi t tbe n felt .s, icBglns. ot tue una sibelle name, bein.: thn only one who lias so far liven general satisfaction. Tho Jersey City Otakj . nee it h is secured \Twilke ami Sherwood, shun d win a inu'iirity ot the games. The ulireia at pro.ent think too n.uch ot lmlivnliial records for the gool o'the club, and the result is alway* delea: f"r thc- club. Thc record to date ls a* follow* iv t s jr *' -.11 oi o rr e 3' 2 Ji a >. * a-Sii I "ia b| fl ml '_- __,-.«' Club*. If IN (j I a l»! . Mt 88 4 .1 '.' IB ll ol., ll ft. io M N-w-Yurk. i*»ll.l.l<.,-t-palo. lirnnklyn. Jeraey c ty .'.. H.na **ing. N-.«-,ik ..' 0, 1 1 1 111 (lames __ost. till I 1 1113 ;"..;".. lilli ia 1 4 MU Ol 0 0, ll 4 B ll 0,01 1 -I 1 4 In WORTS OF THU PH-SEKT WEEK. Crail tot mt, y rum ami pigeon tkootlng mstefce. nut take uii ike attr-niion of aportlng mea tiii- week. Ob irotlnfridBj tka Coney Itlsad I.ml sad Ona Clufc Mill si.(.ni ni V.'ofidla-.i n, L, I., ami on tim fo! lowing itay tho 1'uliiiov, ri (.nu Club Will BbOOl ul Dexter raiii, fur ipeelel prisms, and Hm Proipeet Bsitt-CI will have) their ic.'iilni- BOOB liglit rha.r- tkroagk Pro-p -i't Parki BraoU.ro. cn Saturday tin) ( r.-sct-nl Alhlt-llt- flub WIN kaia III Bril n-r;ii|tir itapcr flia-so from tho club koon la NI nt li --I., Iirinililvn, ami Uk* r!e,-lft,i,t Harilfi- Will run from tin. ISBN place, 'ibo Prospect Harriers Will also liavo a run for t|.. "Bekwetkeek" metlal friiin Hu. Pro-l-ect l'arl. 1'iaza flub BOBM. Tln-lr tun on Saiiii'la.v over .-Ix miles of ctiunt.-y ended lu fat ur nf C. I, fralilt In 'mtv sev<*n mlnnti-s. ar. U ant age m. at:<on(l atti J- il Miller, third. TBOUBLB IB A BBtiOBLTB BANE. DOBCTOBI f'.T.OADixr. th-Iii stuck urox THJUB 1'iiKSlI'KNT. Since Wllil.ra II. BBBBBN-, funner president *l the Hrook¬ lyn C'liy iiai iu.ni (oii.]iaBi. aiuceetUd John Williams aa president of tbe Fulton Bauk In Brooklyn lhere has been more or les* frklluu in the management. At thc recent .lsctlon of directors William I. Preston wai dropped on the alie.'-,-1 ground that he i-xtcul.iled heavily, and Juli* M. Kltel wh . waa re elected a ii.i color, withdrew his BBMBBt bet .uso his Ki-iids,iu was not ui-_e baia uiessengor lu th* illness of tin, yi.-ir-g man's father. >'ow lt appears that Messrs. Preston and Eitel, together with Thoma* McCbd-, an*Uif-r llreolor, hay* combined to ni,: 'ad their ar, k. amounting to 1.741 out of th* 6.U0U slimes nf th* bank, upon Mr. Haz7.ard, giving him an option to purchase by January 17, at $1U.. a ahare, the market prlc* beiugllTO. Pretld* it lia-tard ;. har! at work trying to place the ttock wiih his fneu 1». and has «ucceea*i tn dis¬ posing of about 800 sharev Whan tho (ale is complete Director* Kite! aad McCaon will have to reslgu a* they will no longer be ellcibla 11 ls supposed that t., ,- will be io- t«reat«il with Mr. Preaton in a new bank fi be es ta'.dished lu Brooklyn. - m> THE CREW AT TnE PIMPS FOR TWELVE DA TR Tbe Ueri_aa bark Laura and Gerirutlo, Captain iiellmera, wh ii li sailed (or Hamburg fifteen days ago, it-; tn ned lo sta pl-tun yeaterday lu dl»ti*ta. Toa ISfBCIN the capialu fate the tullowlug story of th* voyage "Un Cluletrnae Fve. when tbO Biles east *f Sandy Hook, we eiper i*tii'-t.t a hara gale Irom the weal northwest, blowing with hurricane torte. The sea was running uiountalas high, iu wini li t';r lesael lahore.1 l,,r,I. DBI.I the nlfhl a heavy .ea »truck lh« v.«sel an.l broke tbe runtier head and toe re*. .el .prunr a bad leak. 1 be ss.., laalotl for titree nays, during Which time the vessel cairi*_ nothing bul lha malatopsail." 'Th* crew were kept at ihe pumps constantly to keep Hie vessel ailn.it. After the gala 1'aplaln llellmer* decide, lo re- torn to port for repair*. The Bern, which ha_ been at the jm caps militantly for twelre daya, ara tn an almost exhauattd .oadiiio-.. Ike ceri* of «U will be dUc-iarieil. HOME NEWS. PROMIKENT J.-.P.ITATA HotTman ''.-.«-o*nsral Edward 8. Bragg, of WUconson, .nd Ueneral John (1. Farnaworth. of Albany_/'ii/. Aienue tfnte'-Henatnr ocrge ft Erwin, ot lotslsm. W. Y., and William J. Florance.I'fctoria linet.John K. Cowen, ef Baltimore.r.reroort Home.The Har. J. W. Ixlgh, at Londoa. W TIAT 18 OOI.VO ON TO-,Af. Campbell.Arbuckle breach of promise case, fl n pre ma Court Mra. B T. Fisher damages suit, supreme (oert. Mellon lo quash criminal Indictment against Jacob bharp, .oort of Dyer and Termlner. Orlaude A. Wood will case. F.dg.-water. H. I. Central Park Faat Driveway meeting, Chlckerlng Hall, ¦i p m. Meeting of (.hie Hc-elety. No. _..fi Fifth ave.. 8 p.m. Meeting ot Federal < Lil.. No. (ill* Madison ave., rs p. m. Installation of nrM'-.rs ot Farragut Post, (I. A. IL, Ne. :'.'4 lYest Forty-fourth-at H p m. Iiistailatlfiii of ofti-cr* of J. I.. Biker Pott.. O. A. H., Xn, !GH Itu we ry. 8 p. m. Meeting*of llclormod .'Miora and ntptut Preacher*, ll NEW-YOl'K CITY. nMiop OTsri-ll, of Tn*nton, will deliver a lecture it Steinway Hall on tho evening of January 10, on Tho Volunteers of *o2 ami (.rattan's Parliament.¦ Ihe lecture ls for tho benctli of tn. llaellc Society to Haiti- lt to pttftkaM a llbiary for jriilllc usc at Its eadlng rnofn. There- ls every Indication that tlie annual reception md ball of ihe Ml Iteglnient at tho Metropolitan >Iiera Hollie to-morrow OfBBtag Will be a highly suc- BM-BJ afTr.tr, There will be many guests of dlstlne- Idii, Incliitllrig (lenerals Sherman and Schotield and ithei olllt-ers of tho Army and Navy. The bu-** emt BMtl fm* :h-3 Ott Cuard Itali at he Mi-trojiolltan Upt*ra Hollie are all sold, though the 'all loaf not take plan lill January 17. Many dl_- Ingulslied guests have accepted Invitations to attend, ml ti,,- Btemben al the t*id oa_c_ fe*-'i bobbbbbI <>f ll Ililli.Hal -.lice--a. Tho Rou ml simmers wero all late la arriving at heir plan yesterday mm mug, befog delayed by Ike turin. The American flag was raised at the Hallen- yes. MillJ at nunrl-e by Adjutant Jay Could Warner In list-rvancc of the anniversary of tho Hallie of New- 'Hean-. The Adjutant hI-u ral-ed a flag In th" old ort at lin* upiier end of Central l'ark. A ipeelal -ueetlBg of the Mik BepakUean Brother- iOoiI was held at No. ll Third ave., yesterday to com- 'leto tho arrangements for their lirst annual concert ikI ball, Milich will take place next Wednesday even- ng at Turn Hall. No. M Baa! I-'oin-th"t. Nnnierotis Kimbers ol Hi" Brotherhood frnlii ttl Ifni flit cities will o present at tho ball. Tho annual entertainment for tin* bt'in'fit of tha loman Catholic Orphan Asylums will bo held tills vening at th" Metropolitan Opera IIouso lintier tho laii.igeliii-nt of Aur.il.tin Daly. Tho first mass In the new Kunnin Catholic rhapcl f St. Raphael tho Archangel, |_ "Best I'm ty-iiiiith-et., ,_s OOlelBBlurt j .sturday at 10 a. m. Fattier I.aikln, pa-tor of Holy Innocents church, nnonncetl yesterday that by the lair Just clu-t-d ls,ooo was realizeii. The friends of the propoml speeding driveway In entral Park have Issued a rall for a meeting to favor 1,0 plan, which will be keM at Chu. hering Hall to- M-TOW .vening. Alfred Do CorJo.a, pn-.iilent of lie New-York Driving Club, will preside. Thi-ro "111 bc inti-lt*, and speeches by Eugenes. Ives, Lawsiin '. Fuller ami ethers. Among tho signers of the call re Hubert Ilonner, Frank Work, John I). Hockefellcr, ii-.eil Sage, William Rockefeller, John R. PellewSi ,. B Connor* A. lt. ciatiin, Bbopard Raspp, I ornellua 'BOderb.lt, Hrayton Ives, John \\. Harper, stephen .. Walker. Hugh J, (.rant. Ju.- r. I*.- Navarro, John ). Aichlinld amt Ileiijainln liit-v ¦:. Archbishop Corrigan will next Sn inlay dedicate tho pw Church of the Blessed Sacrament In Sevcnty- rrsf-st., near llio i:oiil»var-d. Mon-lenor Thomas l'le-iun will preach Ihe dedicatory bcrniuii. Miss Henrietta Marl-.'1-ln's eiitcrtaiiiiiient fur work- ig girls at Lai tier's Hall, No. oO l-'lfih ave., ye-lerday, as largely attended. An attractive programme, insisting of __seo!**tn£ views of Scottish sren---v, lauo. life and whi-tllog .-oios, son^-. and recitation! as provided. An autopsy upon the body of Dr. Wesley M. Car- inter, eke -as found d'*ad In his bett la-t get***.-JP as held ye-eerday sfteraoee by Deputy Comner Dr. Illi'ini T. Jenkins. 'J lie rumination dlBCIOBld tb" ct tint Dr. Carpenter iiaii kldaej .Basan and chronic MM ttt'iitile, tn which lil* death w ls duce,*- du", r. Carpenter's funeral wt.I take plSBI lu-u.oi mw- af p. tn. ir-un si. Paul'. Metko.UM Bpiaeopei i burek, Twenty s'-cunii-t. ami Kotirih-ave. 'I lie burial | lil bo in Ever-green cemetery. BROOKLYN. Silas I.. Duteher, who has long been a le..,linc iO-B-_ff of tlio Twelflk street RefnraMd Cearefc- etti ui>orintoiidi.'iit of the gUBdajr-ICkOOl, lias i -.1,1. '1 tfce fhec, and pinpi Ml ti. OOnaBCI lilm-.-lf willi UM Uni Reformed Ckui-k. when li complete, iu mo* tillite In m.v. mi, ave. a itraaaai hired a icon aa Bstaritaj* from Mrs. U. O. Pattanop, of No. __- Henry ..t. Yc-it-:d.iv raralug it was toned that he hail disappeared ami ."ltli him fowell"* ami clothing worth #17"o fruin the notus ot oilier Marden. A OM-rtpUofl of him was I von to t.'.-_ polite. John J. Delaney, who recently eoafowed that e proeored rai polaoo tot Marji l "*-. wno wkoM ka ad been Intimate, and wini died fruin lt. Will bl laced en trial for the crime to day la UM Court of ¦Miena. Tho winter meeting of the Vaw-Tarfe ami Brook- "ii Congregational Association will be kala* hi -morrow tiornoon and evening In tlio i-.asi i OBglSgBllOB. bareki ai TompklnB-sva sud K-selusko-st. Tfci _.cri-l.._ will include papers by in. J. *.. Huberts, 'ro.e.sor K. W, Raymund, ami 1'. \\'. Hi.. The only new members to tai.t* their Wall as Iirtdgt.- ru.teea at the Irit BMetlag el the fear thl. Bftaraoon io Mayor ChHnlu of Hrooklyn ami Control Sf Myers of few-York, A pian w-ui i-e preteniect '¦. y tho Downtown Property Owners' AsioelBtlon for a ermaaent termlnui ol tne rsl-road between .\a-.a'i nd Concord sis. lb. funeral of Captain William V. FM.OB, of i.iii- any K, 14th Begtment, look place yeatcnlay Bftsc* onn at .No. 147 Lawrence >t. Many members of tlio 4lh ami ('il)tli l.epitnents Were prBBBUl al tho services, il- oltl'-ei-s in full dress uniform, t uinpai.y P 14tk Aglment was detailed as eecorl In uuiioiui. 'inc ai lal was In Hoi} lio-, Cemetery. BEWS FROM TEE SUBURBS. HEW JEK8ET. Moritz Tiling, wlm sav> l,e 1- a music, teacher and ves at Xn. '."! Raid ave., Brooklyn, wa« arrested yes- -nlay In Unlinked on a charge of grand larceny. Ho BBOBBQd Bl stealing KOO fruin hamnet ll. Adler, of o. :»)2 I In unp ave., liri.oklyn. Tiling refused to go j Brooklyawithout sreqnliltloo, and .a, eaBtnltted j the comity Jail. Mit'huei Deyle. li'iiinr .-tiire- al Moot«oBMry and an Voist its wm entered by bttrglan re-iterday, and *.t "I a ('i,.-iiitity of lifjii.ti- and elfSH ami tORtS Kincy. c-l.-ulay Dr, llartlfl Typeri'l bom ran away In ail-1 n-Il an.l crushed BdWSlM Ucrik, an eleven j-ai- bi bey Bfslnfl a tenet, bresklitg nne ,,t ms riki and lftlrlln;,' ether Internal Injuries. Several other chll- ren had a iisituw BBCSpi fiiuii tullin Injurcil rn kill-I, s Wenlt was one of a group of children who w.-tti i-turning from sunday Mhool at tho limo of the accl- t-IU. ?¦- STAT KN' ISLAND. A new I .emiicmi ie oiganlr.atlon for BlrhMQBd I oun- y i- tu it.- erganlsed br ^hellff Benlsaln broa-n. lt .iii I.- koowa a. Um **-laeksaalaa l lub of Rieknaad Oil I.I J,* ?-. LOBQ ISLAND. The pci'le of Huntington haio 1/een gieatly aitl- ated of late owing to tho application of [_ocono_e Jri.tli.-r_, nf Nun Imi,, lu tho Malo au! heeltie. for ho lease of a largo area of ground under waler In lunUiiglttii Hay. and propose to leslst tito granting f this ipplli-aimii. claiming that Ibe land under tin. lay waa granted to the town by patents Issued by .nv: infis Dan/an and Kelsi. Prep iratlon_ aro bomg lade for a nu.lister Indignation int_-*»>tInj;, \il_k_ *-,u_ e held In Hunllngltm on January 17. Page Manning, of Cm.d (iround, has marlo an asslpn ¦eal lui- ibo basan ot his creditors to Wottley TH i|iilre. Ills liabllituis will ci> oed S*i.0_ii and his en- els will an,i,mit lu le-,, than ml.Ono. The falltiro ia, Irouglit atiuiit by ibo death of his wife, whu lt lill b" remembered, committed tuicldo at out three ieels ago while brooding over money troubles. Tho body ct Lewin Ma*n-ueitor. tho Sucioioelst ibo died last -saturday, will bo taken today to the yP-'SBI Hilka CBBMtarf to Ito interred lia ne at li tho ualnt inoiiuiiient thal was dt-dlraiud lo 1,1. I,fe and abuts last Juno. -«- VBTt BVm 0OUS1T r. ITeltler, age thirty-eight, a native of Bavaria rho has benn employed by Druggist W. A. Wagner! BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th., powder never varlet. A nan-1 of purity, ui-mith Dd win.I>- .unitjiie-.*). Muru f tim ml .il than lim nnlliiary Inda, and cannot be told in coinp-tllloa with thu uiullH-il-i f low teal, ahort weight alum oi -ih'i_i,ii_i-i pttivdt-r. bold i.iy in oana. HjYAL _iaki:-u /uwi>£a (.v.. Ito Vail gt, M. of Mount Vernon, wm found Insensible In hts bed y*n- lenlay morning at Kal***'- Hotel, ne died about lu a tn. An empty bottle wan found by his side which ls fiippn.ed to have contained poison of mm. description. The motl%o of thc .ulcide waa unknown. GARMENTS TO BE MADE OF COM'S HAIR. COLLECTOR MAOOVF NKVKR BP.ARD OK SUCH T Tniso in mNMMIM Cow's hair han never been highly valued en a tex¬ tile production, but through recent Invonttoni that almost valueless -inbalance may tako an tmportaut position among the natural productions of this coun¬ try. For ur him ail, ma ll has played an Important part In tho manon's trade, and when mixed with Hine. baud and water adds greatly to tho mortar's sticking powers. Hut shortly lt ls likely to appear en a rival of wool, anti cows will bo cultivated for their hair as well as for the present manifold reasons. Tho other day a peculiar case carno to tho notice of roliectoi Magone, which led to ar, exhaustive ttRCRSStOR on the subject of hair lietween Professor R. Offlgfl Doretnii-S, Dr. Raker, the Internal Revenue Inspect,,!- ami examiner ami Mr. Magone. A Walker st. Imio.ter bad received a coii-lgnincnt of hair felling, ami the ijmi'-iInn arose as to what class of duty ll -.tumid bo subject to. Hinting through tho material weie Ultb) woolly flbtes, and to the unprofessional eye and tune li lt seemed tta tho igh wool funnel a portion nf thc f-fi¬ rle. The (ollec'o- at foal ItMBgkl that the material should bo admitted uni) under the high wool Import duty. This tho Importer objected to ami sent Riofes- sor Dorcnius down to the CBBttBB DoBM te explain lo Mr. Magano UM difference between various Kl ruin of wonl. A MtCrOBCOpM examination nf tho felt disclosed tho fact that a certain kimi of cow hair having un.li¬ llie properties of wool Hum most cow's bair had '-cn used most successfully to knit tho hair together. Af'er tho professor had given his opinion, In which Dr. Raker concurred, a discusslnn trot on Hi'' hair of tho Am-ii'.-ii calli'* os a textile. Mr. IfagOBB had not beard al l_a_et made hair felt, and his curiosity was aroused to such an extent thal Plofenor Dorenius promised to send him a»satnple. He dbl to, and during the afternoon Mr. Mii.-une ml^hf be seen covering his own long lochs wltb Ins fofl bead, whllo with bis righi he held a powerful microscope tn his ,-vo and carefully Ol Billi BSd the little piece of hair gooda 'Hit* poetlbltiyeB of the Amerlcaa cow seem to l>o alina.f ii ni ii. it '-il. DBI sin' Will nm cai ry ali tho glory of tomi.bing this country witk a heavy fabric. Among har HvsJ i III bi thotu-U-di af bone*, ind evan Ike boBMlew, rB.ae.eM yellow eur win be thoughl Minni Iring of by somebody oots.de of the ranks of dog cali lids. Tfce only requisite now rt mailling ls to produce dali- wltb a eerteln snoanl ni woollsk inali- lles. The hali- of American rows dOM BO. ptmott M linirh 01' Ihfl MWBtlal " kinkiness'' M due; that of -,,!:,,- ,,f tka Ruiilan breadi, bal wltk careful train lng ami br.ling timt contd be obtained. "I lune frftjiifptly Men,1 laid lii'lc -ur Po re mn, to a Tun.( sk IBBOTtar last nigh', "a Mg hall of bair taken fr,,ni a cow's sh,mach, af'er «!ie bsd been lick¬ ing betself ihat hud ix-i'u so closely packed by tho action Of iht' stomach that lt was almost ImpOISlble to tear ll apart. Ihe Kusslriii bair Hilder fhn gian looks verv much like the skin of an alligator; it ls Riled wltb little Irregnlaiitlea which cause ii m faaten. Boldlen' liiitit.s, non conducting wrapping for boilers amt steam jilpes and solo fur tllppen are mado from the hair." ?- M0V1N0 TO SECURE TOCNO F1'FRETS PARDON. (iciig'i E. Stedman. of No. .-> West Fifty iiln'h li whose place of business ls at Nu. 188 (hutch st., ls we'l known In the dry goodl trade. Ho called ai Police Headquarters yesterday, ami his visit gavo rise to a rumor that Ibero hail been a h -ii y defalcation lu tho dry gOOdl district. It turned out afterward that Mr. Stedman was on an errand of mercy. The pub¬ lication In Sunday'-) TBlBOBfl of the story of tho capturo of Julina Fernet. Ike Bleeped convict, w tu* was torn away nott his wife and child. who knew nothing of his tomat hUl'.iy, ami taken back tu tSinic bing aroused tho s) tilpal hy of many members ot ht Thomas's church, and thero wero many espies.inns of opt ni. in timi Miniething ougkl to be dune to reston Ike young man to his Innocent family. As far as ls known. Feii!!*t. since his e,cai>o has led a blameless lifo and secured tho IBIpeet Of every ono WbO met bim for Ins many good qualities and tmtie.tv. Mr. Sic.lilian accordingly vnltinieeie,] to Investigate the matter. Acting Inspector gtSBiMMOfl |S**e him all tho Information In his BOBBBIlTon about I euret, ami Stedman will MS Inspector Iiyrn<*s ami Detective Ad¬ ams, prk* uia':« tho arre.vt, tn dav. If bl gBtl a good report ol the young man's Conduct, th-* church. M Well as Mr. Stedman and I Is friends outside, will try to secure a pardon. PLEB EROEBYALRT recovering. It was sahl at St. Vincent's Ho-pi til yesterday that Mrs, Um.scaler, tho yinni- wt,mun who BM ft.und In 1,-r nu,rn In Ike lVn-,li.n Fat ier, No. 103 CIInlnn-pl..'f», Friday night, UteoaMlOUl from pas, was slowly -c. m. ale. ci;;. PR* was unable to ipeak, but lt was thought thnt sf,., would bo able to give an acciiiinf of hers -If to tlay. Mr. Faller, proprietor ol tka 1 Bri* tkal he rig shoal Ier. bal u of tbe opinion that sho ha_ como from St. I'lerrc ii'*ar Newfoundland 1*1 .¦¦. .'.', n -'Uni'. a emmi.-ai y In the employ of tho French Qovenunenl who has prnb- ¦i -..-i.-nr-il tu Mme Other post. A callie- gram lr.s Ik."-;i received fifim D'Angomar itattng thal ho Will not airlie lei.- until laiin.iiy 15, amt re- guesting Mr. Faller to ink,- can uf Mr,. UrOMvalet until his annal. MERRY workers AND un: FRRBB AIR FTDYD. Tho report pre-rionity given of tho enterialunenl on Friday ,-veiiIug by tho " Mei ry Worker*" of the Jack..,n Seminary iu alii Bf lin: TBtBOWl Fresh Air Fliml on.Hud the names of Professor Charles Weis and his daughter Addle L. Weis, WkOM sci', nus wera offered to thc society gratuitously. Tin* *,tano toloi of l'lttft'ssoi- Weis ami his daughter's tinging wert much enjoyed |,y the audience, and tho fouilg ladies wish Mpeelally to thank them br their -hn.o in the entertainment, BISHOP POTTER AT HR. MILES'E OHUBCH. iiishnp Potter eoadacted t;,-- Bpralag lerrleM at tho BP-SOOpel Chuivh of tho Refoi matloii In BtaatOB* kt. yt'steiday. Thero was a large attendance af Hie leeriest. The Ber. J. O. Fawcett has been sppointed by blakop Petter teBporaiilj to act as rectoi ui n,,- church In the atHonoe if Mr Miles So reforenoa to th-* Billing rector was made at the nervier.. THE MYSTERY OF A ZING COVERED TUVNIZ. Thia adverttarment wai published fMlBfdBJ ai "ill BEWABD Knit ZINc cnVi illili suiATifiA -.J" Trunk (market C. Ii. P.) a nt ll* cnn len la, takeu by mistake Hom i- Batt Ctn. lt, ni-ht ni Un. Kt tl mat. I. n P., bi i-.al tilth.it. The atury'eld at N'o. D2 Kait Knriy-tunthet. ls that on \\ .,".!¦ . lay night a bi* i* ijinis wairoil rolled up tu th. ',. isc brinf-lug a lari-e Saratoga trunk, zinc covtriln,-. Il belonged to a former boarder lu tho house ant was sent there tu ho taken away on Saturday. After touch tugging, pntfln*. and a wear in e. the trim k was stored away In Hie area un ier the Inuit ¦ tatra, ou top ot a rr,iii-i belonging to tho owaer ot Ibu Im n's. lin, lum Kate Brae Ikea lucknl, presumably. On Saturday nioniliig.thn r-urategs, had disappoint but the ol'.ur trunk waa mill there. As lt ls suppuat, I i-t.it tho tm frito or the aroa was locked tn Fri,lay mu lit. the tamilf cannot solve thc, mystery of tint trunk'* ilia.Dpssaranco execut by le-Iin,- tho atniT nf tho " KlrltiK Trunk " la the " Arabian Ni.lita " The tiuuk wan owaeit hv Mr*.. C. D. Plaid, an.l ls peculiarly vllu- aM-ni her. for lt Cfuitalno'l .i.ineof her pr.v.tto papers, be¬ tides jewelry, dot uri-; nnd other article* of yalue. The trunk boara lier in Hals. "C. I). K." on each .-int, amt many t;,iu,ia in the iriiak are uiarked with har Initials. AN OLD "SPORT" HELD FOE ROBBBET. "-.lg Duke" McOarry, who lias boen a frequenter of the uptown spurting placet, was arrested on -saturday by Detectives Vallolv and Murray for robbing young CtaiSBM Levett, of Nu. IM West Kitty-seventh at The Lovett boys, clarence and Jinnpli, noni of tim owner of a bl jr rouging and polls!.In>: establishment, were at tho Argyle ball al l.yrlo Hall on January _, au 1'liiriu.-a fracas Levon's watoh and $10n tn nioner were taken hy a man who Waa with MctJarry. The latter Ituttered a hantken h cr In front of Levi tc and tock his diamond pla worth J.0 from his scarf. McUarrjr waa bal 1 for trial. -.-. t CULING CLIPS OO TO HEAR A SERMON. DaMBBtleM from sixteen curling chiba of this atti attended tbe merni.ir MTTMM at the ( olleglaie Dtit.h Retarmed Ok.Mki »l Fifth-are. an-t Twenty-uintb-tL, yesterday to litli-.i, a special atrmon which the llev. DR UrmtttoD had aiit'eiiiicf-i1 that lie would ilt-llrt-r nu the subject of curling Hr. 'irm'.stnn ronftacil himself to a general c.Hine of tbe benefits to be laftTfd from ontduor exarcise and did uot dwell i-arin ulirly on curling. MAKINK IBTBLLIQBBOaW MfN'IATL'R-. AL\l IXi; T.)-I.\r. Baa risa*. 7 3a -ft*. « 17 Mena HM 3 li M du's af... 26 ni,m wanta. _,.V.-San.!r rte-ic. I 51) Hov. lal'd 4.11 Hell Oata, COO r.M. .-jae 1/11 .et. 4 .i'i\ Uev. I.I J. 4.t.'! Hell'Jaie, 0.31 INCOMING STEAMERS. ro-oxT. Viii' Ern n J.ine. K-rypt.Liveruool.Nattonal Aitcfiorta.Olaair.ita.Aacbor Marsala.HamOnrr.Carr I ..¦.!. ia ni.Araiterdam.BBBlBM La -.uiuiandte.Havre.Frencii trana clari bel.Port lunion.Atlas Niagara.Havana.Mara's -CBBBBAT. jan. If). Helvetia.-.London.?......National Hut b ii la.Liveruool.Cunard Wyoming.Liveruool.Uuloa "LIM -I'll. J AS. H. i*.V ll. ana Mell, City of Atlanta.Havana ai-TMexleo.Alexandra OUTGOIN'i UBAXBBS, TriSI)AT. JAB. IO. Vessel r>if. ItnA Far Mali cl,ne. sails. < .1,ni, PariRc Ball. Asalnwd'.lu a in lieou. lionel, Quebec, Windward Ulanda. 1 pm 3 pm -TBBBBBDAr, jax ll. ItepoMlc. White Btar. Mvernn.i.12.30 p to .30pm Kll-B. N il LbtVil. Hremen ct H'th'mp'n... noon. B pm 1'Btladf-i. i.i.t. i.t-i ii. Laguarrt.ll am I pm HIL RSI, AT. Ja... \2 Slat* of Nevada, Itata, oiaego.. 8 yea Utf oiiu.uiul.L_, Aiexaie, ua> ina, Jlo.. 1 pis I _. iu R. H. MACY & CO., 14TH-8T., SIXTH-AVE. AND 13TH-ST. GRAND CENTRAL FANCY AND DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT JANUARY BARGAINS. . NOW OPEN OCR ENTIRE LINE OF HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES. STOCK MOUE COM I'I, I TE THAN EVER, CONSISTING OF SELECTED PATTERNS MADKTOOCB C*S*_ ORDER IN SWITZERLAND. BOOM flOM 3c. cr. MATCHED PATTERN!* FROM fie. UP. ONE EOT FLOUNCING*. Hie.; WORTH ilSo. ONE LOT FLOUNCING*. Mai WORTH 37(5. O.'.'F. LOT FI.ol'NClNOS, 2 lc.; WORTH If* rUIX MNE COTTON TRIMMINGS AND LINEN LAURE FOR CNDERWEAR TRIM.MINOS. SPECIAL OFFERING OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, soon dozen chemises. drawers. GOWNS AND I-hi HTS OK OCR OWN MANCFACTCRK, WITH MATCHED PATTERNS OF MM BROIDERY, ALL (LEAN, t'Ui.r-H GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER NAMED. SILKS. BARGA INS IN SATIN RITA DAM ES, BARGAINS IN CHINA PILKS. BARGAIN- IN FAILLE FRANCAISE. BARGAINS IN EVENING SC RA IIS, BARGAINS IN GltOS GRAINS. BARGAIN.. IN NOVELTY VELVETS AND PLUSHES. SPECIALLY LOW PRICES IN LINENS AND HorsKKF.EPING GOODS, BLEACHED DAMASKS FROM 42r. CP. CHEAM DAMASKS FIMM 31 c. IP. TURKEY REI) DAMASK F KO I 4*<o UP. ., LINEN NAPKINS FROM Sile. I'P. »4 LINEN NAPKINS FROM 11 17 CP. FULL LINKS OF HICK AND DAMASK' r rWI'LB, BATH TOWELS AND -HE- Ts. ril.LOW CASE AND SHEETING LINENS. TOWELS, GLASS TOWELLING, .ftc. TURKEY HED.'KAWt-ILK AND CHENILLE TABLE Ct.VER-s. BLANKETS, COUKOHTABI.ES AND LACB CU KIA INS. CLOSING OUT SEVERAL LI.VE8 OP MERINO UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES AND G I'NTl.EM F.N FAR BELO*** TH BIB HEAL V.lL.E. Dress Goods ONE LOT DESIRABLE 6-4 ENGLISH CHECKED CHEVIOTS. ALL-WOOI, AT 39c. PKU YARD; WORTH DOUBLE. ONE LOT ROUBAIX BLACK SERGE AT _Hc. PER YARD; WORTH Sic. JUST OPENED A CHOICE COLLECTION OF ADVANCH 8T. LES IN BEsTQCALITV FRENI II FOULARD SATEENS. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTJ1ENTOF EVENING SH A DEB AND STAPLE COLORS IN OUR CELEBRATED 49c. ALL WOOL Cashmere. NEW SHADES CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. AOY __ CO. Wednesday, January nth, We commence our great An. nual Sale of Ladies' Muslin and Cambric Underwear. Lord& Tay lor. i-ro-dway dc Twentieth St, SHIPPING NE IFS. PORTOF SnCW'YOBB.SC ND AV, JAN. S, 1S88 A Rill V i-U. C s steamer Dl*f4*.b, norfolk. r-s .rana. Cottar Gnat, invK from » rrn'.<n-. ¦teamei l't'cit)-,. Meyer, Bf_meti D--2B, s.nth.-irnptnn 2.1. <rit*i aim mul 289 pas-n.uir.r-) to Oelnclii A OB Arnvfj.t at th. Rnr at 4 m. -tenner El Curl io (Uri. Schell,. Citi'lad Rit'lvr.r P.-e 1.1, Demer-ra 21, vi* Philadelphia, tviib uidso to 'llieiiaail linn. Arrived at tlie Bar at ll).5(1 a rn. r-te-iiii-r EU-ld irneni Yiclo-ia* (Span), Oaf-La, Ii iran I itara, with indee and peseeoKere to J il Cetalios Co. Ar¬ rive nt 'ha R.ir nt 11 a m. Steamer Colorado, Daniela, 'i.!--(".toii 8 day.. with :,.,\no ami passenger* ti, c ll Mall irj I Co Sreatner -trw York, M-iuii, Galv.rtloii 8 flays, with mils*) to lt.Im T Van s.i kl-.. Steamer City ot Sin Antun'o. Wilder, Frmanillna A iltye. Port Ruy.u 3 tliijr*). wlUi muse .inti p*tte*R*t* to '.' II Mallory A h. steamer Tillatia-nn-. Fisher. Savannah 3 days, with rod-te aiiit pmamaper* to Urary Yo i'o. steamer Dull stream, Intrram. Wilmington 3 days. with. mdse arel p_MW.Dt.ra to wai )' ( 'ItiI. <- Co. Sreamor o lyandntta, KaUoy, "¦'-'mrt New* in 1 Nor tot lc, -j Wltb andee end paaaoacera Co Old Do-lalo. *UOo steamer llenuju Wluttr, llallutt, lSustuii. wlthmdset. ll F Di ll"" rt ?.Mp H'.iijrly, Lewis, Boston. In ballaat to Vernon II Bro wo A <'». Bark Karya. ''amphoil dlr). O'Neill, Buenos Ayres 80 .'ai"-, with l,urn pitha tu tho Certel.1 Chemical lo, vessel to Yares,. Porterflfl ri Unit Rial.. Nun. Decker, Rai-badoe* 18 days, in ballast to ti w .. i' Armstrong. Inf Siinliifiii. Thompson, Di-merara .O'tiys, with angar to L W * P Aruis.rouir SOHBBT,. At san tv Hook, Win. nto'.orate, NW; clear. Al City 1 shuni. -Ind Ire-h, N W luudy. Arnve.l yesterday Steamer I'lilna-vall.. (Dan). Lal*}. Oothenhtirar Deo 21, Chrltiianla IS, Christi .tuir-.d 34, tilth indue a>nl 97 pnss.m- Kirs t.i Wotto*, Elive .t Co. Arrived at the li.tr M lop tu. ry-te liner Repn'ilii- Hr-. Davis,in from lArarpeti, Ot*. vlou-lv report_d, brluj-s 170 pas.eny.r*. Arrived at the ll_r al 7.20 p ni. sailed Steamers France and Mosser. for'.-ondon; Sorrento. Lishon, ami 11 mn tin ru I'liiiu.-tl e, 1'iTiiainluii: > vie Ballimore; Alve¬ rta. Purl .tn Prince: Blanrha Henderson, Bortolki Seneca, \s ,-.r I'ftml. Va. ( K Miler. Knltimnre. Lan. <; ,.-,"i ri eeo. r,,r _Mtfb.t-.oe. Ainu sii'.-t.via Louit I.iUn .o-.ind .Steamor IT F Iilmoct;. tor Boston, It FTC KN ED. DlTk Laura and (ier'nule tder). Itollmrr-t. Iience Dee 02 for Bremen, tu Tttao Kniter A Co. lias Uuavy list tu starooara and le akim;. tue Movi'Mi-vr. t)F sr: .ui.iu. roBKIOB Pours. Corm -Ont. Inn I «,rrived, stein.er Lord ciiyo (Ur). Cr- I anbali, ri.ni I'liiUii-rlphi.i Duo II, on her way tu Liverpool (anti prill ef- !e>: >. Hallad, steamer Cnbril(Br), M-Mlr-kan, from Liverpool hen. .. (ur New.York. A v.-i hidfAM, Jau 7.Salted, stovnor Hm (Dtcti). Taat, for New York. ANT.vi:iti\ Jan 7 -Sallee steamers Wesieriiiiml (Beta), Rarnlle. .«n.I lie Envier ilisltri. Itrareus, fur New-York. -j mt a ran. Jan 5.Salied. stein-r l-ldwln iBr), Tracy, fru-n Mfntit.-rr iiie.in purls hence fur New Yura. Yokohama, prior to Jas 7 Arrived, steamar City of Pck- nu. Deerborn, truui San Franoise.. A-rixwAM- Jan 8 -Sailed, steamer Newport, timi, for Be.-York. r-i ii<;MA». Jan ft.Arrived, steamer Finance, Baker, frum New Yura via Newport New .for Rio Janeiro, Ac, uni pro- ceadeit'. SA-irur.o np. rriiA. Jan7.Sailed, steamer Oienfaeroa. Col¬ ton, fruin i lr-nliit -o- hen.-i tm New) Krk via Nassau, NP. li avaxa. tau 7-salled. sii.imer orv of Atlanta, Burley, from Me.loan purls henoe (ur New.York. {For Later Shtpplnj Xcict, If aifi. tte Fift\ Pxjt.) Aansnn-s iisati. 1.. wnie of a Blight irritation of tbo throat. Brummell'* Cmegt Drips nive i.unic :._t. relief, bold al the elevaiod railroad si .emus. "GOGEBIC." E. it W. "GoaEBic." ouit EkVR -Uauhiiii." collar. Hum A. Dawirul IL D., IS, PttRt ttltDsr. Ti en.--I to 12,1 te 7. Diseaeas af Um Verr-.ni lystera, rennel Unary iga . Impoteneeaad iterility. ? - Leland Hotel, Cliicajjo. -_> *. To Moth kr a.*" Maa. WixaLt-iw'a B-MtBUM syn.., far Children Teethia* cnfieus tba ku tn. reduoei iiitlaaiiuaitua. aller* all nata atii .urea wiu.l rulio aud .llairh-ua. Teonir live coat* a bottle PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ''..-ri*.-i «,. bauutlfltia tbe bair. 11 uiiiot-M a luxuriant wt li. Never Fell* to Restore Orey Mair lo Ka Youthful Color. <-°uiriwK,|i___-__u*and l-alr r-iiliiff Mu at IiriirfyWts, b_t-_U«-u* lot -uuati*, C.i-U, Tua arl 1___ _.-_is.sllo% HOUSEKEEPING LINENS. JAMES MeOBBBBT & CO., Will commence their Annual Sale ol Housekeeping Linens on Moii- ila.Vj January 9, and respectfully invite inspection ot au unequalled offering ol J, X. Richardson Sons & Owdcn's celebrated Linens, consisting* ot Table clo.Iis (Inele¬ gant designs] with Napkins to match. Tray cloth**. Doylies, Towels, Sheeting and Pillowcase Linens, at a reduction ol .-,."> to 80 per cent less than these high-class ¦roods hilve heretofore been sold. Also, extraordinary values in Lin¬ en Sheetings, 1)0 inches, at 6ffc.f Toe, 85c., 00c, $1.0<), $1.10, $1.2-5 and $1.50 per yard, and Huckaback Towels at $2.<M>, $3.00, $4.00 and $6.75 per doz., together with n great* variety of other Housekeeping Goods at tho same reductions. JAMES McOREERY & CO., Broadway .and 11th St, UPHOLSTERY. TO REDUCE Ol'R IMMKNSK STOCK OF CH KN'ILL-I asotusoomas cv rta ma uri oma Tilla wefk THB follow INO -¦I'MI AL il A KO HNS OOO I'AIlt CUKNII.I.K ( I.'1'.T..IN- AT * -; wo ii rn lia, 200 PAIRS TUIl-OMAN" CURTAIN'S AT.13, WO UT ll 110. LACE CURTAINS, EMnr.AClNO ALL TB! iufferi-.vi VABIBTISa AT COST OF IMPOl.T.VTION. FURNITURE. A OOXPLB IK ABSOBTKB-ITOff Cito ICE SOV. El. IT KS, FANCY CHAIBB, CABINETS. HAM. RAI KS. MA.Mi.L KIMOM AND HUH A IIKAC (A .SPECIALTY). . MXTH-WK., I3TH AMI 1 ITU BM, *. BEGINNING TO-DAY. CLEARING SALE HIGH GRADE MEN'S FURNISHINGS AT (JHEATLY REDUCED I" ttl CE*., DI SB SSB f make room von i.uh.k ..prixci mnssTiTism UNDERWEAR, HO FORM FRI.Y BIO. DRKSSINO 0_W.._. BU AND I "t FORMKRLT PH wit Sit. .-M.tKINt. JACKETS, gM; POEM KE1.Y |Vi. BVOLCSa BTOBM COAT-, Bl. fokm BBL. Oit.SO. ¦HOLMS SCARF.*! REDUCED TO «0c. AND 91. OTIIKR GOODS IN PKOPORTIO".. MICHAELIS&ROHMAN, HU I ItTM -KKK-, 14 West 23d Street, 'I IllltO DOOIl FROM .".TU AVE. C. C. SHAYNE, manufacturer, 103 Prince-st., it. overstocked with magnificent Sealskin j-Tar" incut*., Fur-lined Circulars, Plush Sacques, grent's Fur-lined Over¬ coats, Kohes, Cays, and Gloves, and rat lier than carry them over prices havo been MAUKED WAY D9WX. Write for prices or call at 103 Prince-st., near lima.-way. /




J. B. Gibbs, of dairy-restaurant, employment-Btenoy and philanthropic fame, started out in a

Maw ent*-rt.ir.««* *-c*Rt<*t_ay afternoon. That its

¦grit might not be hidden under a burtie), be bad

.trrwed the town with ¦ dodger*." announcing

.Sm advent of thc latest temperance show In

language glowing with -jcrfervid hyperbole.¦ Once more to thc front: Thc grand work

Rt leecuing the victim of Hie wine cup must go

Bli. Tlie harvest is great-th" lubort-rs arc few.

Mr. J. B. Gibbs, having teiitlcr»--d his resignationas president of the Manhattan Temperance BEER*aiati'.n. will, with thc assistance of his manyfriends, oi-.*nni/. th*- New York Ti-ni'icniiue UnionIn the beautiful, pleasant and cheerful Hall ofthe Grand Masonic Temple, cur. Sixth-avc. and

Twentj-thlrd-st., Sunday, Jiwiu-irr 8, 188H, withthc elotju.-nt and fRRtsBEt clergyman, Kev. FatherJ_l\vnid MK.lynn, "as speaker. Fine music con¬

gregational Kinging, and pul'lic pledge-takingTree to all..No collection taken up ut the (loot.:"'These art a few specimen lines. A " particularBotio*-*' Stated in big litters Unit the meeting'sof tlie New-York T..i-crain e Union would not

be run in the inter, st of any one jwrty or clit'de;but would be " non-political, Be.*-see__.-BB-"A considerable number of people who believe

erith Mr. Qlbfea that " lha gtaad Break" cannot gaon without him, and s gnat many m.re v.ho

.nant.-tl to t*i- entertained by the " linc music'' nndto hear Dr. McGlynn s|K*uk, ii .m m'-lcd in the hallshout 8 p. m., and with the choir nnd I.roihcrGibb.'s Mi-.p-ii-ti rs on thc platform the iittindaineamounted to at Last seven hundred. Thc women

were in the proportion of BBBB,. two and thrce-RRpkEtRRS to one man. .Jut Dr. Met I lynn was not

punctual, und this cast a gloom over the openingexercises.

Brother Gibbs had his hair well brushed up on

each side of his massive loiBPfcB. and the two

peskeil tufts gave him a Mephistophelian ap¬pearance through wliifli his usual philanthropicbenigi.ity of expression st ru ;_.! d to n-v-rt 1-flf.like Mr. Hyde endeavoring to dawn through Dr.Jekyll. When lu- had opened the meeting late,sud Dr. McGlynn had not yet appeared, Mr. Gibbsbegan to doubt, fear and tremble.

¦ I met Dr. MeGlynn in thc beginning of theWH'ii," said he, nervously attempting to rcas-tin-huns, il ai.'1 to pi-.-vi.-nl the audience from ht coiningretain*- "ile told n.e that he would positivelybe lure tm the present occasion, and so if wedon't see him now we'll see him l>y and by Igot il.-- doctor's word that he aroa). be here. Hehas spoken for me on two or thn-e occasions. Idon't think he'll go hack on his word to-day."

This was lecC-Yed willi cheers, and a bluc-chiiiind young man, naun-d Houston, wns thenintroduced to "apeak n piece.*' He explainedthat ha had ** learned it when 8 boy. and had notrecited it since, but that Hroila-r Gibbs had thatafternoon told him to try to *-*-t tinOBgh it."With this apology, he began to declare in a re-Koiiaut baritone voice, "Not any for me! Pvcdrunk my last glass.'.which repeated assurance

was ri reived with every eV-dence of satisfaction.Then ihe He.-. Profeaeor Kingston asked in a

matt r-cf-fact way.Will I meet div angel mother?"*end pm .lad to piitpouiid the si.ni" qucs'ion inaaoc, with some mure tough Inquiries, itieh us" Will she know me when 1 meit hiv? Will 6hcknow her fair-haired boy?"'

Brother Gihha next, ile Mid that Um new unionweald oiagnisc and appoint offlcen next week, andtims went on : " I have no claim upon the posi¬tion of chairman. I don't ash "foa to eh-ct me.

1 wir-h v'-u ta alee, thc beal man for tha poaition.I am willing to sink right out of light for the goodof the cause 1 low so well, and that luis dune so

much for me!" He added, however, that theBM-etlag had cst |3T, that he had borne the ex-

peaaei ali alone, b.it thut be wanted the moneyamt a eolle-etiOB would then-fore be taken.

The c.-ilt-ction was taken ae-ordinal**". It amonnt*ed to f:m. Brother Gibba ventui-t*- to hope thalBomebodv would bc moved tu swill it bj two Hve-(.ollar bills. His aspiration was parti** propheticfor lomebod*/ was forthwith moved to the extentof ona of i h.- bills desi:-.-tl

Miss Miller wns introduced to nive a solo on the" Otto harp." an instrument that looks like a

Hither, but isn't. Bbl had scarcely begun to fingerits whirr her bearers, allowing their enthusiasm toovert-'-nie theil mariners, arose nnd shouted inmjeedct trie to the tsrrrr orator of tha orraiion.To Dr. M'tilvun's evident snrpriae_9-r ther Gibba

explained iff him that this waa ¦ n-w departure,pod i-ot the Manhattan Tetnperanee Aasoclation.The Dorrtor '-.11-.-full.- rend thc circular handed tolt'm. and thea iwallowing his R-itonislimcnt, de¬liver tl ¦ i-ta'lv able S'Mto-m. The best *v-ints le-ni»f|e in ii arri- two little side-tmekinai frotn hisgeneral lubieri ol temnerance. In on_ he had a

quiet Bing at PolW Justices, and i'i the other be"went fur" prise-fighters without (rloves. "Nextto dlsTM-nslng ins'..!¦." nair] he, "fha duty of aI'-b'-e .Tlisti.'f is to say witty ihinrs at the e\[a lise

of tin- p.-.iple liroii'-ht before him!"


roioNKi. cir TIS- sump sitfi'ii.

Tiif aiteniion el ti- Msakattsn Temparaaea As-oelation .it Us nesting at fun;**,- (Talon yesterday na>

ehlefly occi-leil villi t»>-« letter fmru ll.,- li v. Jay)-*rison ii.ii.n -,-, |i-,'.'-.-i ia Tm Taiatrsi el luiliui-silay. Tit" Ber. I>r. I. ii I'll ni;, wini pr.-.il-d

Baili In rcld'lon to Ma I'miillloii'-, ehergl 11- .t Sundayeas iaaeereteg b> tlie boMlag el a political ¦Meting:¦ i paeeasM k* .seana by thal thsl tah meeting ta

controlle 1 ky a political party. Thl people who conic

here ii. »v belOB| to poUtlCSl potHo*, tnt BO faiulldatcls adv oin led li MB anl im ni'-l Innis of pdltiical work U-

riiipliiwil.* Dr, luiil. 'all.ii a lentil,n tu Mr. Hamil-toil's -latin,cul il,at ti iii'teiaii, o llteiatui- was soldIn H.* InI.t-v. ami sal.):

" i wits i,ut awsie itiat sni-i, * tklag wa.-, done, kat1 have BBBB iBQalrlM and I have found that pain-pl,',is v.,,1-tt. |*. 81 )* 'ie s,,:il lu i s'Hiilay : bc atc lorrytor lt ; lt must lie stopped. But what I was sin-pri-a'dat wa-. Mini itiis ext ellem clergybisb bo don't kl i. a

guoil man-did nut ¦BBB any protcat In print againsttin. si-iiiie- oj tiioiisaiiiis ttl iloii.ti.-' worth or Liquor inthis elly M sa mi.'.'.'.'

Paiili-l Vialful., In beginning lils customary ipeech,Bani: "1 adelle you all le ppA lin 'lunn sk etlailTtnii-saay. Bay li ; its worth 9 eeaf_ any tta*e; l lat«-inl la keep it with tkh letter bi ¦ .aoanaieBl olBoiiici.i.iiy win, on,e iii,-.I in Nee fork City."

Thc Iced nv ..ja-,;:.-i nu. i olonel it s. kevh, an

ev (imt I--.nie ameer, wko wea seneunned to mskc*. an sppeel lo NoflkerB loldlera lo Join Boldl.n of thel-ffi.ili lu a .Naiioi-*l) eltiiit to ,,v riluow th. llt|iiin*r..\\ei"." It m.- little thsl kc -ail sbool tol-Uen otan> kind hui h. kop** (rilli Ike Rev. Mr. Ilsmllton,ri.iiilrnieil on tlie siiiije'-i ot tf'itfp-ranec. amt inded."-Uh a purri] pol.tua! haran, n . In. support oft li- Pro-hi ii inn |iaii>, pi.-1 ..¦ i'i." a large rote for GeneralFvh t -ti i'm. rer;ai-ill'-ss of Mr. P-'nk's a**-ert'on lhatlie raii'lnl_le was advoeeled (iii T liar pla'ffiini. I ii

i. in i- in til-* letter la i'm: i bibi bb in- isld " Tiii-(.'.. f i"-r. I'"-* -af) to suv. is * RopuhHesn, ami li-re-rs in-, psiiy W-Mei' then be Joe, tctnperenee or |h<i-

t,,' on,** Thc coBimlttoe bb Hi* entnreemenl of thoBnit-ls) law rnede itsteuieota lu regard to the lan."nii'id'fr of liquor itore. opn* a we_h ibo, ami remsrston Hits lakjeet rstker uncumpllmentery to MayorHewitt.

"SAM" SM ALL Ft Ii.i: r> TO API'KAR.A terre aa Ne-M . B'te-i-l-l itu- ms-mi-nt tim Ainsinran

T'-ftf-r-mr-i fnmi lo OhkBSMil Hell f".l*r lav aft.rteou

rx 'Cti'irts. li-sr " -1*11 " smsll's " Ap;,«.il froiu Uncle 8amPmik to I'lii'in *_ n S»'.(-r.' "

T*..-r ntr* 11- ip-,,olntt*it. liowi*,r-.r. as Mr. Smnl! letesfSpke-lfr 'rn Wus'unrt >n (hat he was sic*; tlifre amt l',r->aletii d witti

y-trar .or-;-, s'-srt S'.s-fbis were ia»fl« br roi intf-rrr-. atiionuwitt.ni »t-r- the It-r (' ft. Mia.i. th') Ker. tir. MinfluaauJtimris! c: nt.tn ll. risk.

_> -

Tiri SNEAK THIEVES CL! V! ELY ARRESTED.Kr.. r.«.wis C I_-1r»rl trkmm coir-i *»as rolil.efl last Tluir*.

lar tty two sue ile Hiier_s, L multrl_. allss (isor-je Fox, ainlfn_(Hltire rarhw arlee, ap|n*aro. lu J e forson Mar-ri Courtft-nermy ami willi bur iins'ianl. L_wls Cass i.tnltsri. Ikelaw partner nf ex Burri c&t_ Jtollli.a. mane a complaint of

larc-iDr Bl I ist (tie in*-n Mrs. I_-lrar.l, wlio lirra at No. ri:

Boat 'I lurtir-li'tnst.. Ml Uer carriage to csll upon ber father.Mad I'ri.ite. Bl Ko. BJ West Tiiirtr-lilth-st. DS-tBg herBB-BBB" '.he two t'l^BTf-s, .liohsft bean s'lailnirtai Ly X)tt*c-lira O'Brien fur two ho irs. p.ss.-i aad roDasa^rt I,ie roa, h_.».*_) UBJBB ami Mels floallr thrust his ban' I'truii-rh tho

.wilow and look Mrs. I.>ii»_rrs poekeibook srbloh ahe ha4letl lo the (-..a lt. n.e tne walke.1 linnie.:-, to Thirl arc.

mme) bo .r'e I a *ow:.towo car but wei* arrestori at Fourt"aaib.ft br the rtetBctlTe. Ile aat down bt-alile Belz and lusartedkia band In the th.ef'a pocket. Bad oa flr,dln_ a roll ot Ure-Ballar bills he arr. ste 1 tx.t li m-rii Tm pocketb.*. had breoBrown away.Mr. I-s Ijr.ir J nlautilie-1 tbe mornrr lo oonrt yeatcrday aa a

O-WllOD of ?',00 In new billa wiora be had tira-n from lha

Batik. Sohwsike clalnie-t tbit Ile * was -nik-iown to him ansBis* lattor tleelared the -BSBSg was his ows. Justice FordBall Both mea in 11,000 ball aaa) for tr.al.

OPENING A NEW BROOKLYN CnVRCH.Tbe Drat bow charch to be opened In Urookl-rn thia rear la

Bt Oaotfo'e d'rotralaot KpiacBpal). Just oompletoil, et

Marc7 ami Oana area Tbe ono-noa earrie* was coaducto.

y-ssterda.r br Bishop Littlejohn, assisted br tb* Her. Massrs-

H. K. I'arns. th* reotor, au.l F H. Carter, a former rumor.

The laat pa>ne_ praaohesl th* aermou. In the er*ulag the

Ker. K. Wicch.stt-r Donald preached.Thrnt-wi liriroh ls built of br.ck. with brownstone trim-

T*s,lii*rst, is cruciform in alt*pe. and cost, inciinlin** th* sn*

Shout*60.OOO. Il will aeat-OH pera-.ii* and (ls interior sr.

rkBeeotenia ar* such aa ere usual in Kpiaeopal eharcbea.

giioaocletr me* orfau lied tweaty years ego br th* Ker

.SJ-ra-tiii-aa-d a laosUst edxtkea mat ereeud Im Ute*n*-

tee., fronting on Tompkins Park. Tb* alt* for the new build

tag waa pBeOkSBSt aeraral years aga and tha ground waa

broken io February. 1887. It ia exp*, ted to add a tower and.Dlr* ea aoon aa the tunda are araliable.



HANPICAP9.The only additional r-ntries for the Coney Island Jockey

Club slakes likely to lie recelred are those of A. J. (ossatt,who malled illa from Pana, iii* luton iv entries for 1890are In, but the other* are not. The entries are not aa namer.

ons aa they were a year afo. they are of a hlrh class, how-er er, and there ls a conspicuous absence of the low dice

-elllar plater of '.he half mi e tracks. Kvl.lenily the new

nile which make* racing aaaaclsuons reject entries (rom

owners of horses that no akaiiiic -ronni tor purses tbatwould mean the poor-h.iuie if the races were what theyought to be lias been ot b«n'fli to the regular tracks. Horseowuers wh* c for ..lnrv as woll a* tar profit are de'lght-dat tha out luck and i.roiihcsy tbat IBM will be the grainiest.eaton yet seen on American racecourses and th it 1*-K»ml

1890 will exceed ltThe entries for the three Important handicap! tor the

J in* -u ft. n. ni the Coney Island Jockey Club are aa fol¬low*

..rnCHllAN-l's Milos..Vdrni*. Age. Xante, Ag*. Name.AgeL*ng Knight...aged **Hvani_e.I Hanover.4itoral Arch_aged Kaioeiah......I Klauston.Itlalaplaii.llOrori r t'lerelBSdL.I lleasie nine.4Kxiie.c a imic.t Moairaea.4

I.e i-.gi.a.0-ii. i, ...... .4 LizzieBaker..4lil, luii'ind.i; Il ..¦.¦in h..41 Valiant.4llnial*o._h'en<lon.4|( .tnne-nar*.4Kavor .6|llaveller.4] Kauai.4Rupert.6 Oldway.4 l'aiibnrg.4Jue i tntun.f, i.ti. et. ,,f Kllzab'lnt Voa'.ur*.4Volaiilt-.ll farm Culla.4 WI throw.4Saxony.6 Breton .I Arundel.4Klkwool.'. Willre-I.4 (Killah.4liir ttleaapala..". i_dy Primr.e-_4 Mia* Font.4Churns. ., iiacffil.i.4 (Irlseito.4Kirkm.in.¦'. 'i ir in.'-.-.4 Laggard.4Lnrrim-iou.B Voiuuiet-r (shaw- iKesney.4Ar,el .f.i neei.4.8*us-l.on -IdaliaFrank Ward.ft Fireflat.4 colt.III, ., Al..'.' Aurelia. .4 Kolo.Hi;nena. I mn Inn-ne.4 Kaceland._(""lonei Cowan_ft (lien moilnd.4 Henrie Dy ater.Ilillie Wing.5 Uiglitaway.4 ld ne.uctine.HBod Klsher. ..ft' Belrhlere.4 Hsrra..3l.f a .... l.ft Hustler.4 -lr lilma.3I.tn ea.ftSthni.iei t-pt-ed- 'H-C!u»o.3Eolian.ft- nwar).4 Mr nw..Hlinn,,.b Kunialli.4 liridgellght.3

SUKLPPHEAI) HAY H AN DIGS P-l *s Mlle*.Name. Age.\\ime. Age fame. Age.Long KBlgkl..Broil catasby griding., ft Oonnafssrs.4Marali. J.agi.it,(llin.x.ft Ban burg.4Hii-Iiuioud.(1 (ir,.ver Clevolauil_6 W strr .4li1.1.lao.(I Hamilton.4 Wyaudor.4

Favi.r.(> ..!¦»- ..-¦.4 Ueltah.4lln..i-rt.I, (in!way.4 Miss Korti.4Jue (tnlon._f. La-kawaona.llOttaaMa.4Telle Ito*.C. '.uren o. lu-iO'ib. i.aeiranl.4\\ oinlf ruieut..(' Terni I'oll.i .4|FltS__ar.4(loano.C> l.a-lr I'rnurose_4 Klnni-tth.4Eielms.ii osceola.4. Kee ney.4Volant_.tl Orltlauium.4 Hare',,nd.3Saxony.6.Bradford.4 Uenree Oyster.8Dry Monopole.6 Stockton.4 Prince ltoyal.8Linden.6 Est) inmau.4 rs <:..,¦ n.8Chanty.6 Volunteer tShaw- 'liiimlioltl JauetArgo.ft nee).4 Murrarcoll.3(inenn.ft Firen/1 .4iRecius(<.3Hen All.ft -.urella .4'Einp. of Norfolk...3I-rank Ward..ft (ileani.itinI.4 Urey lins..3lill,. Wing.5 I..cat i« ..v.4 ScliiKilbor.3Dob Fisher..ft Ilelvi.lere.4 Si andlnariau.3Id- ulla,!.ft Hannrer._4 Way ram.3Eolian.fi a lagsion.4 Persian._.3-av.in.tc.& Bessie June.4,


.V'fmc. Age. Xame. Age Xame. Age.King li.aged Ilea lid.ft Dunborna.4Long Ku'ght ..a.en Lu,tieu .ft lielvnlere.4K.it»;,iar-.(1 Havanac.ft Klaoiath.4Kiile. ti Ihe ti,in lum.6 Hanover.4Hi,liiuo.(i lialon ali.ft Kingston.4Mitllo ll.(1 Kaneilin.4 Bessie Jnae.4linnell.g Qoeo i t.r i:ii_ab'ih4 Uanliurg.4.Ion i-otton . i T-ir.i Collo.t'^osbnrg.4Wonderment .(1 orill minio.4 (loliah.4(¦onn..B i.fig Ul mall.4 Mias Kuril.4V dante.H Volunteer (Shaw- l._,irani .4Klkaood. ...fi; ne.-) .4 (Jeorgw Oyster._3Dir Monopole.. ft WiBBtd.4 Bes* lutine.84.iieni).ft Aurelia.4 Darya.IBoa*.5I

TIIE NEW CI.l'B OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.The American Association hss still but .er»n oluln. al¬

though the citr tn make tbe eighth and full circuit will beofficially announced In a day or two. C. II. Hy; ne. of the

Iltur.k!y ii club, in speaking about Hie matter yesterday. Slid".-cssris. RotimsoD.of Cleveland. Vandcrhor.st, of Baltimore,and Illirie Able and myself wero id Troy on Thursday andFriday, to see lt it would be advua'tle t) admit that city tothe American Association. We finally concluded thai lt

would net do. Applications for admission hare bren receivedIrom A .tiiiiv, but nothing has been dene as yet. Albany may

get tho vacaucv, but Trsy ci rtalnlv will not." Otner base¬ball men aeen yesterday t linn-ht th it Albany would make a

(.ten itv In which to loo it- the eighth clnb. A meeting ofthe managers will be held in this city in a day or two, whonthe long and *exel oua»tlnn wil bo .itt ed.

.'.'. ml. Hie iiiiehar Just a-ru i br the Pitta-Sig club, hadthe unusual honor o' leading both the National aid -m lum

Leagues In batting last season.

Porter and Hanklusnn will ito to the Bi: ti more club In casa

the new club to bs annulled does not des.'e their services.

Now that tho-st Loni* club has sold Welch anl li is hadll,, .. i.-.- i .:.«'i away, .iain will havo 11 play c. -tito ii.ld tortho Ass .ciali.n champions.The Syracuse club has made an oTer fur pltch-r Hnghca, of

tin- Brooklyn cUli, but the latter will probably not releaseh.m.Anson rhinki fiat under revised mle* Keefe, Welch,

c-'/eiii an-l .'aa Iloltsen will be Hie mint eTective pitcher*¦n Ih* l.fague,

( r.iite, the new pilcher sltrne-1 by the New-York club, (eera*

to be mikln, a belter roputillon .<. a haller than as a pitchertn lalifor ;ilt..lunts, tin- o'.l Vain Collete pitcher, o ille.l " Jumping Jack,"

because of lils peculiar positions wliuu pilcjing, has re¬

nounced baseball, li.a physician caufousl him against vi.-

lent i-xerci.se.?

sing rafa joins rai roi-o lbaovs.The New. York Club continues to lucrease Its lead In tlie

i.,i i f the Metropolitan I'oln I,.-ague, and has altea.lv won

tiftcr-n consecutire sames. The Ponghkeeu*!* Club ls mak-

inir a goori record anti occupies second pl.ee, with ten games

won ainl but four I'efent, The Jersey City Club has alsobeen greallr strengthened amt ls playing", much better gamethan during tho early part of the race. The Kewharg Club

drops Us name ami city this week, and will hereafter beknown aa the Mag aiag club, representing the little city oflh.it name.

'Hie f.-igue is having some trouble In tecuring mi t tben felt .s, icBglns. ot tue una sibelle name, bein.: thn only one

who lias so far liven general satisfaction. Tho Jersey CityOtakj . nee it h is secured \Twilke ami Sherwood, shun d win

a inu'iirity ot the games. The ulireia at pro.ent think too

n.uch ot lmlivnliial records for the gool o'the club, and the

result is alway* delea: f"r thc- club. Thc record to date ls a*


iv t s jr *' -.11 oi orr e 3' 2 Ji a >. *a-Sii I "ia b|fl ml *¦

'_- __,-.«'Club*. If IN (jI a l»! .

Mt8 8 4 .1 '.' IB ll

ol., ll ft. io MN-w-Yurk.i*»ll.l.l<.,-t-palo.lirnnklyn.Jeraey c ty .'..H.na **ing.N-.«-,ik ..' 0, 1 1 1 111

(lames __ost. till I 1 1113 ;"..;"..

lilli ia 1 4 MUOl 0 0, ll 4 B ll0,01 1 -I 1 4 In

WORTS OF THU PH-SEKT WEEK.Crail totmt, y rum ami pigeon tkootlng mstefce.

nut take uii ike attr-niion of aportlng mea tiii- week.Ob irotlnfridBj tka Coney Itlsad I.ml sad Ona ClufcMill si.(.ni ni V.'ofidla-.i n, L, I., ami on tim fo!

lowing itay tho 1'uliiiov, ri (.nu Club Will BbOOl ul

Dexter raiii, fur ipeelel prisms, and HmProipeet Bsitt-CI will have) their ic.'iilni- BOOB

liglit rha.r- tkroagk Pro-p -i't Parki BraoU.ro. cn

Saturday tin) ( r.-sct-nl Alhlt-llt- flub WIN kaia IIIBril n-r;ii|tir itapcr flia-so from tho club koon laNI nt li --I., Iirinililvn, ami Uk* r!e,-lft,i,t Harilfi- Willrun from tin. ISBN place, 'ibo Prospect HarriersWill also liavo a run for t|.. "Bekwetkeek" metlal friiinHu. Pro-l-ect l'arl. 1'iaza flub BOBM. Tln-lr tun on

Saiiii'la.v over .-Ix miles of ctiunt.-y ended lu fat ur nfC. I, fralilt In 'mtv sev<*n mlnnti-s. ar. Uantage m.at:<on(l atti J- il Miller, third.


DOBCTOBI f'.T.OADixr. th-Iii stuck urox THJUB1'iiKSlI'KNT.

Since Wllil.ra II. BBBBBN-, funner president *l the Hrook¬lyn C'liy iiai iu.ni (oii.]iaBi. aiuceetUd John Williams aa

president of tbe Fulton Bauk In Brooklyn lhere has beenmore or les* frklluu in the management. At thc recent

.lsctlon of directors William I. Preston wai dropped on thealie.'-,-1 ground that he i-xtcul.iled heavily, and Juli* M. Kltelwh . waa re elected a ii.i color, withdrew his BBMBBt bet .uso

his Ki-iids,iu was not ui-_e baia uiessengor lu th* illness oftin, yi.-ir-g man's father.>'ow lt appears that Messrs. Preston and Eitel, together

with Thoma* McCbd-, an*Uif-r llreolor, hay* combined to

ni,: 'ad their ar, k. amounting to 1.741 out of th* 6.U0Uslimes nf th* bank, upon Mr. Haz7.ard, giving him an optionto purchase by January 17, at $1U.. a ahare, the market prlc*beiugllTO. Pretld* it lia-tard ;. har! at work trying to

place the ttock wiih his fneu 1». and has «ucceea*i tn dis¬

posing of about 800 sharev Whan tho (ale is completeDirector* Kite! aad McCaon will have to reslgu a* they willno longer be ellcibla 11 ls supposed that t., ,- will be io-

t«reat«il with Mr. Preaton in a new bank fi be es ta'.dished lu

Brooklyn.- m>

THE CREW AT TnE PIMPS FOR TWELVE DA TRTbe Ueri_aa bark Laura and Gerirutlo, Captain iiellmera,

wh ii li sailed (or Hamburg fifteen days ago, it-; tn ned lo sta

pl-tun yeaterday lu dl»ti*ta. Toa ISfBCIN the capialu fatethe tullowlug story of th* voyage"Un Cluletrnae Fve. when tbO Biles east *f Sandy Hook,

we eiper i*tii'-t.t a hara gale Irom the weal northwest, blowingwith hurricane torte. The sea was running uiountalas high,iu wini li t';r lesael lahore.1 l,,r,I. DBI.I the nlfhl a heavy.ea »truck lh« v.«sel an.l broke tbe runtier head and toe re*..el .prunr a bad leak. 1 be ss.., laalotl for titree nays, duringWhich time the vessel cairi*_ nothing bul lha malatopsail."'Th* crew were kept at ihe pumps constantly to keep Hie

vessel ailn.it. After the gala 1'aplaln llellmer* decide, lo re-

torn to port for repair*. The Bern, which ha_ been at the

jm caps militantly for twelre daya, ara tn an almost exhauattd.oadiiio-.. Ike ceri* of «U will be dUc-iarieil.


HotTman ''.-.«-o*nsral Edward 8. Bragg, of WUconson,.nd Ueneral John (1. Farnaworth. of Albany_/'ii/. Aienuetfnte'-Henatnr ocrge ft Erwin, ot lotslsm. W. Y., andWilliam J. Florance.I'fctoria linet.John K. Cowen, efBaltimore.r.reroort Home.The Har. J. W. Ixlgh, atLondoa.

W TIAT 18 OOI.VO ON TO-,Af.Campbell.Arbuckle breach of promise case, fl n prema CourtMra. B T. Fisher damages suit, supreme (oert.Mellon lo quash criminal Indictment against Jacob bharp,

.oort of Dyer and Termlner.Orlaude A. Wood will case. F.dg.-water. H. I.Central Park Faat Driveway meeting, Chlckerlng Hall,

¦i p m.Meeting of (.hie Hc-elety. No. _..fi Fifth ave.. 8 p.m.Meeting ot Federal < Lil.. No. (ill* Madison ave., rs p. m.Installation of nrM'-.rs ot Farragut Post, (I. A. IL, Ne. :'.'4

lYest Forty-fourth-at H p m.Iiistailatlfiii of ofti-cr* of J. I.. Biker Pott.. O. A. H., Xn,

!GH Itu we ry. 8 p. m.Meeting*of llclormod .'Miora and ntptut Preacher*, ll

NEW-YOl'K CITY.nMiop OTsri-ll, of Tn*nton, will deliver a lecture

it Steinway Hall on tho evening of January 10, on

Tho Volunteers of *o2 ami (.rattan's Parliament.¦Ihe lecture ls for tho benctli of tn. llaellc Society toHaiti- lt to pttftkaM a llbiary for jriilllc usc at Itseadlng rnofn.

There- ls every Indication that tlie annual receptionmd ball of ihe Ml Iteglnient at tho Metropolitan>Iiera Hollie to-morrow OfBBtag Will be a highly suc-

BM-BJ afTr.tr, There will be many guests of dlstlne-Idii, Incliitllrig (lenerals Sherman and Schotield andithei olllt-ers of tho Army and Navy.The bu-** emt BMtl fm* :h-3 Ott Cuard Itali at

he Mi-trojiolltan Upt*ra Hollie are all sold, though the'all loaf not take plan lill January 17. Many dl_-

Ingulslied guests have accepted Invitations to attend,ml ti,,- Btemben al the t*id oa_c_ fe*-'i bobbbbbI <>fll Ililli.Hal -.lice--a.

Tho Rou ml simmers wero all late la arriving atheir plan yesterday mm mug, befog delayed by Iketurin.

The American flag was raised at the Hallen- yes.

MillJ at nunrl-e by Adjutant Jay Could Warner In

list-rvancc of the anniversary of tho Hallie of New-'Hean-. The Adjutant hI-u ral-ed a flag In th" oldort at lin* upiier end of Central l'ark.

A ipeelal -ueetlBg of the Mik BepakUean Brother-iOoiI was held at No. ll Third ave., yesterday to com-

'leto tho arrangements for their lirst annual concert

ikI ball, Milich will take place next Wednesday even-

ng at Turn Hall. No. M Baa! I-'oin-th"t. NnnierotisKimbers ol Hi" Brotherhood frnlii ttl Ifni flit cities willo present at tho ball.Tho annual entertainment for tin* bt'in'fit of tha

loman Catholic Orphan Asylums will bo held tillsvening at th" Metropolitan Opera IIouso lintier tholaii.igeliii-nt of Aur.il.tin Daly.Tho first mass In the new Kunnin Catholic rhapcl

f St. Raphael tho Archangel, |_ "Best I'm ty-iiiiith-et.,,_s OOlelBBlurt j .sturday at 10 a. m.

Fattier I.aikln, pa-tor of Holy Innocents church,nnonncetl yesterday that by the lair Just clu-t-dls,ooo was realizeii.The friends of the propoml speeding driveway In

entral Park have Issued a rall for a meeting to favor1,0 plan, which will be keM at Chu. hering Hall to-

M-TOW .vening. Alfred Do CorJo.a, pn-.iilent oflie New-York Driving Club, will preside. Thi-ro

"111 bc inti-lt*, and speeches by Eugenes. Ives, Lawsiin

'. Fuller ami ethers. Among tho signers of the callre Hubert Ilonner, Frank Work, John I). Hockefellcr,ii-.eil Sage, William Rockefeller, John R. PellewSi,. B Connor* A. lt. ciatiin, Bbopard Raspp, I ornellua'BOderb.lt, Hrayton Ives, John \\. Harper, stephen.. Walker. Hugh J, (.rant. Ju.- r. I*.- Navarro, John). Aichlinld amt Ileiijainln liit-v ¦:.

Archbishop Corrigan will next Sn inlay dedicate thopw Church of the Blessed Sacrament In Sevcnty-rrsf-st., near llio i:oiil»var-d. Mon-lenor Thomasl'le-iun will preach Ihe dedicatory bcrniuii.

Miss Henrietta Marl-.'1-ln's eiitcrtaiiiiiient fur work-

ig girls at Lai tier's Hall, No. oO l-'lfih ave., ye-lerday,as largely attended. An attractive programme,insisting of __seo!**tn£ views of Scottish sren---v,lauo. life and whi-tllog .-oios, son^-. and recitation!as provided.An autopsy upon the body of Dr. Wesley M. Car-

inter, eke -as found d'*ad In his bett la-t get***.-JPas held ye-eerday sfteraoee by Deputy Comner Dr.

Illi'ini T. Jenkins. 'J lie rumination dlBCIOBld tb"

ct tint Dr. Carpenter iiaii kldaej .Basan and chronicMM ttt'iitile, tn which lil* death w ls duce,*- du",r. Carpenter's funeral wt.I take plSBI lu-u.oi mw- af

p. tn. ir-un si. Paul'. Metko.UM Bpiaeopei i burek,Twenty s'-cunii-t. ami Kotirih-ave. 'I lie burial |

lil bo in Ever-green cemetery.

BROOKLYN.Silas I.. Duteher, who has long been a le..,linc

iO-B-_ff of tlio Twelflk street RefnraMd Cearefc- ettiui>orintoiidi.'iit of the gUBdajr-ICkOOl, lias i -.1,1. '1 tfcefhec, and pinpi Ml ti. OOnaBCI lilm-.-lf willi UMUni Reformed Ckui-k. when li complete, iu mo*tillite In m.v. mi, ave.a itraaaai hired a icon aa Bstaritaj* from Mrs.U. O. Pattanop, of No. __- Henry ..t. Yc-it-:d.iv

raralug it was toned that he hail disappeared ami."ltli him fowell"* ami clothing worth #17"o fruin thenotus ot oilier Marden. A OM-rtpUofl of him was

Ivon to t.'.-_ polite.John J. Delaney, who recently eoafowed that

e proeored rai polaoo tot Marji l "*-. wno wkoM kaad been Intimate, and wini died fruin lt. Will bllaced en trial for the crime to day la UM Court of¦Miena.Tho winter meeting of the Vaw-Tarfe ami Brook-

"ii Congregational Association will be kala* hi -morrowtiornoon and evening In tlio i-.asi i OBglSgBllOB.bareki ai TompklnB-sva sud K-selusko-st. Tfci_.cri-l.._ will include papers by in. J. *.. Huberts,'ro.e.sor K. W, Raymund, ami 1'. \\'. Hi..The only new members to tai.t* their Wall as Iirtdgt.-

ru.teea at the Irit BMetlag el the fear thl. Bftaraoonio Mayor ChHnlu of Hrooklyn ami ControlSf Myers offew-York, A pian w-ui i-e preteniect '¦.

y tho Downtown Property Owners' AsioelBtlon for a

ermaaent termlnui ol tne rsl-road between .\a-.a'ind Concord sis.

lb. funeral of Captain William V. FM.OB, of i.iii-

any K, 14th Begtment, look place yeatcnlay Bftsc*onn at .No. 147 Lawrence >t. Many members of tlio4lh ami ('il)tli l.epitnents Were prBBBUl al tho services,il- oltl'-ei-s in full dress uniform, t uinpai.y P 14tkAglment was detailed as eecorl In uuiioiui. 'incai lal was In Hoi} lio-, Cemetery.


Moritz Tiling, wlm sav> l,e 1- a music, teacher andves at Xn. '."! Raid ave., Brooklyn, wa« arrested yes--nlay In Unlinked on a charge of grand larceny. HoBBOBBQd Bl stealing KOO fruin hamnet ll. Adler, of

o. :»)2 I In unp ave., liri.oklyn. Tiling refused to goj Brooklyawithout sreqnliltloo, and .a, eaBtnlttedj the comity Jail.Mit'huei Deyle. li'iiinr .-tiire- al Moot«oBMry andan Voist its wm entered by bttrglan re-iterday, and*.t "I a ('i,.-iiitity of lifjii.ti- and elfSH ami tORtSKincy.

c-l.-ulay Dr, llartlfl Typeri'l bom ran away Inail-1 n-Il an.l crushed BdWSlM Ucrik, an eleven j-ai-bi bey Bfslnfl a tenet, bresklitg nne ,,t ms riki andlftlrlln;,' ether Internal Injuries. Several other chll-ren had a iisituw BBCSpi fiiuii tullin Injurcil rn kill-I,s Wenlt was one of a group of children who w.-ttii-turning from sunday Mhool at tho limo of the accl-t-IU.


STAT KN' ISLAND.A new I .emiicmi ie oiganlr.atlon for BlrhMQBd I oun-

y i- tu it.- erganlsed br ^hellff Benlsaln broa-n. lt.iii I.- koowa a. Um **-laeksaalaa l lub of RieknaadOil I.I J,*


LOBQ ISLAND.The pci'le of Huntington haio 1/een gieatly aitl-

ated of late owing to tho application of [_ocono_eJri.tli.-r_, nf Nun Imi,, lu tho Malo au! heeltie. forho lease of a largo area of ground under waler InlunUiiglttii Hay. and propose to leslst tito grantingf this ipplli-aimii. claiming that Ibe land under tin.lay waa granted to the town by patents Issued by.nv: infis Dan/an and Kelsi. Prep iratlon_ aro bomglade for a nu.lister Indignation int_-*»>tInj;, \il_k_ *-,u_e held In Hunllngltm on January 17.Page Manning, of Cm.d (iround, has marlo an asslpn

¦eal lui- ibo basan ot his creditors to Wottley THi|iilre. Ills liabllituis will ci> oed S*i.0_ii and his en-els will an,i,mit lu le-,, than ml.Ono. The falltiroia, Irouglit atiuiit by ibo death of his wife, whu ltlill b" remembered, committed tuicldo at out threeieels ago while brooding over money troubles.Tho body ct Lewin Ma*n-ueitor. tho Sucioioelst

ibo died last -saturday, will bo taken today to theyP-'SBI Hilka CBBMtarf to Ito interred lia ne at li thoualnt inoiiuiiient thal was dt-dlraiud lo 1,1. I,fe andabuts last Juno.


VBTt BVm 0OUS1Tr. ITeltler, age thirty-eight, a native of Bavaria

rho has benn employed by Druggist W. A. Wagner!


Absolutely Pure.Th., powder never varlet. A nan-1 of purity, ui-mith

Dd win.I>- .unitjiie-.*). Muru f tim ml .il than lim nnlliiaryInda, and cannot be told in coinp-tllloa with thu uiullH-il-if low teal, ahort weight alum oi -ih'i_i,ii_i-i pttivdt-r. boldi.iy in oana. HjYAL _iaki:-u /uwi>£a (.v.. ItoVail gt, M. Y»

of Mount Vernon, wm found Insensible In hts bed y*n-lenlay morning at Kal***'- Hotel, ne died aboutlu a tn. An empty bottle wan found by his sidewhich ls fiippn.ed to have contained poison of mm.description. The motl%o of thc .ulcide waa unknown.



Cow's hair han never been highly valued en a tex¬tile production, but through recent Invonttoni thatalmost valueless -inbalance may tako an tmportautposition among the natural productions of this coun¬

try. For ur him ail, ma ll has played an Importantpart In tho manon's trade, and when mixed with Hine.

baud and water adds greatly to tho mortar's stickingpowers. Hut shortly lt ls likely to appear en a rivalof wool, anti cows will bo cultivated for their hairas well as for the present manifold reasons.

Tho other day a peculiar case carno to tho notice ofroliectoi Magone, which led to ar, exhaustive ttRCRSStORon the subject of hair lietween Professor R. OfflgflDoretnii-S, Dr. Raker, the Internal Revenue Inspect,,!-ami examiner ami Mr. Magone. A Walker st. Imio.terbad received a coii-lgnincnt of hair felling, ami the

ijmi'-iInn arose as to what class of duty ll -.tumid bo

subject to. Hinting through tho material weie Ultb)

woolly flbtes, and to the unprofessional eye and tune lilt seemed tta tho igh wool funnel a portion nf thc f-fi¬rle. The (ollec'o- at foal ItMBgkl that the materialshould bo admitted uni) under the high wool Importduty. This tho Importer objected to ami sent Riofes-sor Dorcnius down to the CBBttBB DoBM te explain lo

Mr. Magano UM difference between various Kl ruin ofwonl. A MtCrOBCOpM examination nf tho felt disclosedtho fact that a certain kimi of cow hair having un.li¬

llie properties of wool Hum most cow's bair had '-cn

used most successfully to knit tho hair together. Af'ertho professor had given his opinion, In which Dr.Raker concurred, a discusslnn trot on Hi'' hair of thoAm-ii'.-ii calli'* os a textile. Mr. IfagOBB had notbeard al l_a_et made hair felt, and his curiosity was

aroused to such an extent thal Plofenor Doreniuspromised to send him a»satnple. He dbl to, and duringthe afternoon Mr. Mii.-une ml^hf be seen covering hisown long lochs wltb Ins fofl bead, whllo with bis righihe held a powerful microscope tn his ,-vo and carefullyOl BilliBSd the little piece of hair gooda

'Hit* poetlbltiyeB of the Amerlcaa cow seem to l>oalina.f ii ni ii. it '-il. DBI sin' Will nm cai ry ali thoglory of tomi.bing this country witk a heavy fabric.Among har HvsJ i III bi thotu-U-di af bone*, ind evanIke boBMlew, rB.ae.eM yellow eur win be thoughlMinni Iring of by somebody oots.de of the ranks ofdog cali lids. Tfce only requisite now rt mailling ls toproduce dali- wltb a eerteln snoanl ni woollsk inali-lles. The hali- of American rows dOM BO. ptmott Mlinirh 01' Ihfl MWBtlal " kinkiness'' M due; that of-,,!:,,- ,,f tka Ruiilan breadi, bal wltk careful trainlng ami br.ling timt contd be obtained.

"I lune frftjiifptly Men,1 laid lii'lc -ur Po remn,to a Tun.( sk IBBOTtar last nigh', "a Mg hall of bairtaken fr,,ni a cow's sh,mach, af'er «!ie bsd been lick¬ing betself ihat hud ix-i'u so closely packed by thoaction Of iht' stomach that lt was almost ImpOISlbleto tear ll apart. Ihe Kusslriii bair Hilder fhn gianlooks verv much like the skin of an alligator; it lsRiled wltb little Irregnlaiitlea which cause ii m faaten.Boldlen' liiitit.s, non conducting wrapping for boilersamt steam jilpes and solo fur tllppen are mado fromthe hair."


M0V1N0 TO SECURE TOCNO F1'FRETS PARDON.(iciig'i E. Stedman. of No. .-> West Fifty iiln'h li

whose place of business ls at Nu. 188 (hutch st., lswe'l known In the dry goodl trade. Ho called aiPolice Headquarters yesterday, ami his visit gavo riseto a rumor that Ibero hail been a h -ii y defalcation lutho dry gOOdl district. It turned out afterward thatMr. Stedman was on an errand of mercy. The pub¬lication In Sunday'-) TBlBOBfl of the story of thocapturo of Julina Fernet. Ike Bleeped convict, w tu*was torn away nott his wife and child. who knewnothing of his tomat hUl'.iy, ami taken back tu tSinicbing aroused tho s) tilpal hy of many members ot htThomas's church, and thero wero many espies.innsof opt ni. in timi Miniething ougkl to be dune to restonIke young man to his Innocent family. As far as lsknown. Feii!!*t. since his e,cai>o has led a blamelesslifo and secured tho IBIpeet Of every ono WbO metbim for Ins many good qualities and tmtie.tv. Mr.Sic.lilian accordingly vnltinieeie,] to Investigate thematter. Acting Inspector gtSBiMMOfl |S**e him alltho Information In his BOBBBIlTon about I euret, amiStedman will MS Inspector Iiyrn<*s ami Detective Ad¬ams, prk* uia':« tho arre.vt, tn dav. If bl gBtl a goodreport ol the young man's Conduct, th-* church. M Wellas Mr. Stedman and I Is friends outside, will try tosecure a pardon.

PLEB EROEBYALRT recovering.It was sahl at St. Vincent's Ho-pi til yesterday

that Mrs, Um.scaler, tho yinni- wt,mun who BMft.und In 1,-r nu,rn In Ike lVn-,li.n Fat ier, No. 103CIInlnn-pl..'f», Friday night, UteoaMlOUl from pas,was slowly -c. m. ale. ci;;. PR* was unable to ipeak,but lt was thought thnt sf,., would bo able to givean acciiiinf of hers -If to tlay.

Mr. Faller, proprietor ol tka 1 Bri* tkal herig shoal Ier. bal u of tbe opinion that

sho ha_ como from St. I'lerrc ii'*ar Newfoundland1*1 .¦¦. .'.', n -'Uni'. a emmi.-ai y In the

employ of tho French Qovenunenl who has prnb-¦i -..-i.-nr-il tu Mme Other post. A callie-

gram lr.s Ik."-;i received fifim D'Angomar itattng thalho Will not airlie lei.- until laiin.iiy 15, amt re-guesting Mr. Faller to ink,- can uf Mr,. UrOMvaletuntil his annal.

MERRY workers AND un: FRRBBAIR FTDYD.Tho report pre-rionity given of tho enterialunenl

on Friday ,-veiiIug by tho " Mei ry Worker*" of theJack..,n Seminary iu alii Bf lin: TBtBOWl Fresh AirFliml on.Hud the names of Professor Charles Weis andhis daughter Addle L. Weis, WkOM sci', nus weraoffered to thc society gratuitously. Tin* *,tano toloiof l'lttft'ssoi- Weis ami his daughter's tinging wertmuch enjoyed |,y the audience, and tho fouilg ladieswish Mpeelally to thank them br their -hn.o in theentertainment,

BISHOP POTTER AT HR. MILES'E OHUBCH.iiishnp Potter eoadacted t;,-- Bpralag lerrleM at

tho BP-SOOpel Chuivh of tho Refoi matloii In BtaatOB*kt. yt'steiday. Thero was a large attendance af Hieleeriest. The Ber. J. O. Fawcett has been sppointedby blakop Petter teBporaiilj to act as rectoi ui n,,-church In the atHonoe if Mr Miles So reforenoa toth-* Billing rector was made at the nervier..

THE MYSTERY OF A ZING COVERED TUVNIZ.Thia adverttarment wai published fMlBfdBJ

ai "ill BEWABD Knit ZINc cnVi illili suiATifiA-.J" Trunk (market C. Ii. P.) a nt ll* cnn len la, takeuby mistake Hom i- Batt Ctn. lt, ni-ht ni Un. Kt tl mat.

I. n P., bi i-.al tilth.it.The atury'eld at N'o. D2 Kait Knriy-tunthet. ls that on

\\ .,".!¦ . lay night a bi* i* ijinis wairoil rolled up tu th. ',. isc

brinf-lug a lari-e Saratoga trunk, zinc covtriln,-. Il belongedto a former boarder lu tho house ant was sent there tu hotaken away on Saturday. After touch tugging, pntfln*. andawear in e. the trim k was stored away In Hie area un ier the Inuit¦ tatra, ou top ot a rr,iii-i belonging to tho owaer ot Ibu Im n's.

lin, lum Kate Brae Ikea lucknl, presumably. On Saturdaynioniliig.thn r-urategs, had disappoint but the ol'.ur trunkwaa mill there. As lt ls suppuat, I i-t.it tho tm frito or thearoa was locked tn Fri,lay mu lit. the tamilf cannot solve thc,mystery of tint trunk'* ilia.Dpssaranco execut by le-Iin,- thoatniT nf tho " KlrltiK Trunk " la the " Arabian Ni.lita " Thetiuuk wan owaeit hv Mr*.. C. D. Plaid, an.l ls peculiarly vllu-aM-ni her. for lt Cfuitalno'l .i.ineof her pr.v.tto papers, be¬tides jewelry, dot uri-; nnd other article* of yalue. Thetrunk boara lier in Hals. "C. I). K." on each .-int, amt manyt;,iu,ia in the iriiak are uiarked with har Initials.

AN OLD "SPORT" HELD FOE ROBBBET."-.lg Duke" McOarry, who lias boen a frequenter of the

uptown spurting placet, was arrested on -saturday byDetectives Vallolv and Murray for robbing young CtaiSBMLevett, of Nu. IM West Kitty-seventh at The Lovett boys,clarence and Jinnpli, noni of tim owner of a bl jr rouging andpolls!.In>: establishment, were at tho Argyle ball al l.yrloHall on January _, au 1'liiriu.-a fracas Levon's watoh and$10n tn nioner were taken hy a man who Waa with MctJarry.The latter Ituttered a hantken h cr In front of Levi tc andtock his diamond pla worth J.0 from his scarf. McUarrjrwaa bal 1 for trial.


t CULING CLIPS OO TO HEAR A SERMON.DaMBBtleM from sixteen curling chiba of this atti attended

tbe merni.ir MTTMM at the ( olleglaie Dtit.h RetarmedOk.Mki »l Fifth-are. an-t Twenty-uintb-tL, yesterday to

litli-.i, .« a special atrmon which the llev. DR UrmtttoD hadaiit'eiiiicf-i1 that lie would ilt-llrt-r nu the subject of curlingHr. 'irm'.stnn ronftacil himself to a general c.Hine of tbebenefits to be laftTfd from ontduor exarcise and did uotdwell i-arin ulirly on curling.



Baa risa*. 7 3a -ft*. « 17 Mena HM 3 li M du's af... 26ni,m wanta.

_,.V.-San.!r rte-ic. I 51) Hov. lal'd 4.11 Hell Oata, COOr.M. .-jae 1/11 .et. 4 .i'i\ Uev. I.I J. 4.t.'! Hell'Jaie, 0.31


Viii' Ern n J.ine.K-rypt.Liveruool.NattonalAitcfiorta.Olaair.ita.Aacbor

Marsala.HamOnrr.CarrI ..¦.!. ia ni.Araiterdam.BBBlBMLa -.uiuiandte.Havre.Frencii tranaclaribel.Port lunion.AtlasNiagara.Havana.Mara's

-CBBBBAT. jan. If).Helvetia.-.London.?......NationalHut b ii la.Liveruool.CunardWyoming.Liveruool.Uuloa

"LIM -I'll. J AS. H.i*.V ll.ana Mell,City of Atlanta.Havana ai-TMexleo.Alexandra


Vesselr>if. ItnA Far Mali cl,ne. sails.< .1,ni, PariRc Ball. Asalnwd'.lu a in lieou.lionel, Quebec, Windward Ulanda. 1 pm 3 pm

-TBBBBBDAr, jax ll.ItepoMlc. White Btar. Mvernn.i.12.30 p to .30pmKll-B. N il LbtVil. Hremen ct H'th'mp'n... noon. B pm1'Btladf-i. i.i.t. i.t-i ii. Laguarrt.ll am I pm

HIL RSI, AT. Ja... \2Slat* of Nevada, Itata, oiaego.. 8 yeaUtf oiiu.uiul.L_, Aiexaie, ua> ina, Jlo.. 1 pis I _. iu


































49c. ALL WOOLCashmere.


AOY __ CO.

Wednesday,January nth,

We commence our great An.nual Sale of Ladies' Muslinand Cambric Underwear.

Lord& Taylor.i-ro-dway dc Twentieth St,


A Rill V i-U.

C s steamer Dl*f4*.b, norfolk.r-s .rana. Cottar Gnat, invK from » rrn'.<n-.¦teamei l't'cit)-,. Meyer, Bf_meti D--2B, s.nth.-irnptnn

2.1. <rit*i aim mul 289 pas-n.uir.r-) to Oelnclii A OB Arnvfj.tat th. Rnr at 4 m.-tenner El Curl io (Uri. Schell,. Citi'lad Rit'lvr.r P.-e 1.1,

Demer-ra 21, vi* Philadelphia, tviib uidso to 'llieiiaail linn.Arrived at tlie Bar at ll).5(1 a rn.

r-te-iiii-r EU-ld irneni Yiclo-ia* (Span), Oaf-La, Ii iran Iitara, with indee and peseeoKere to J il Cetalios Co. Ar¬rive nt 'ha R.ir nt 11 a m.Steamer Colorado, Daniela, 'i.!--(".toii 8 day.. with :,.,\no

ami passenger* ti, c ll Mall irj I CoSreatner -trw York, M-iuii, Galv.rtloii 8 flays, with mils*)

to lt.Im T Van s.i kl-..Steamer City ot Sin Antun'o. Wilder, Frmanillna A iltye.

Port Ruy.u 3 tliijr*). wlUi muse .inti p*tte*R*t* to '.' II MalloryA h.steamer Tillatia-nn-. Fisher. Savannah 3 days, with rod-te

aiiit pmamaper* to Urary Yo i'o.steamer Dull stream, Intrram. Wilmington 3 days. with.

mdse arel p_MW.Dt.ra to wai )' ( 'ItiI. <- Co.Sreamor o lyandntta, KaUoy, "¦'-'mrt New* in 1 Nortot lc, -j

Wltb andee end paaaoacera Co Old Do-lalo. *UOosteamer llenuju Wluttr, llallutt, lSustuii. wlthmdset.

ll F Di ll"" rt?.Mp H'.iijrly, Lewis, Boston. In ballaat to Vernon II Bro wo

A <'».Bark Karya. ''amphoil dlr). O'Neill, Buenos Ayres 80

.'ai"-, with l,urn pitha tu tho Certel.1 Chemical lo, vessel toYares,. Porterflfl riUnit Rial.. Nun. Decker, Rai-badoe* 18 days, in ballast to

ti w .. i' Armstrong.Inf Siinliifiii. Thompson, Di-merara .O'tiys, with angar to

L W * P Aruis.rouirSOHBBT,. At san tv Hook, Win. nto'.orate, NW; clear. Al

City 1 shuni. -Ind Ire-h, N W luudy.Arnve.l yesterdaySteamer I'lilna-vall.. (Dan). Lal*}. Oothenhtirar Deo 21,

Chrltiianla IS, Christi .tuir-.d 34, tilth indue a>nl 97 pnss.m-Kirs t.i Wotto*, Elive .t Co. Arrived at the li.tr M lop tu.

ry-te liner Repn'ilii- Hr-. Davis,in from lArarpeti, Ot*.vlou-lv report_d, brluj-s 170 pas.eny.r*. Arrived at the ll_ral 7.20 p ni.

sailedSteamers France and Mosser. for'.-ondon; Sorrento. Lishon,

ami 11 mn tin ru I'liiiu.-tl e, 1'iTiiainluii: > vie Ballimore; Alve¬rta. Purl .tn Prince: Blanrha Henderson, Bortolki Seneca,\s ,-.r I'ftml. Va. ( K Miler. Knltimnre.Lan. <; ,.-,"i rieeo. r,,r _Mtfb.t-.oe.Ainu sii'.-t.via Louit I.iUn .o-.ind .Steamor IT F Iilmoct;.

tor Boston,ItFTC KN ED.

DlTk Laura and (ier'nule tder). Itollmrr-t. Iience Dee 02for Bremen, tu Tttao Kniter A Co. lias Uuavy list tu starooaraand le akim;.

tue Movi'Mi-vr. t)F sr: .ui.iu.roBKIOB Pours.

Corm -Ont. Inn I «,rrived, stein.er Lord ciiyo (Ur). Cr- Ianbali, ri.ni I'liiUii-rlphi.i Duo II, on her way tu Liverpool(anti prill ef- !e>: >.Hallad, steamer Cnbril(Br), M-Mlr-kan, from Liverpool

hen. .. (ur New.York.A v.-i hidfAM, Jau 7.Salted, stovnor Hm (Dtcti). Taat, for

New York.ANT.vi:iti\ Jan 7 -Sallee steamers Wesieriiiiml (Beta),

Rarnlle. .«n.I lie Envier ilisltri. Itrareus, fur New-York.-j mt a ran. Jan 5.Salied. stein-r l-ldwln iBr), Tracy,

fru-n Mfntit.-rr iiie.in purls hence fur New Yura.Yokohama, prior to Jas 7 Arrived, steamar City of Pck-

nu. Deerborn, truui San Franoise..

A-rixwAM- Jan 8 -Sailed, steamer Newport, timi, forBe.-York.

r-i ii<;MA». Jan ft.Arrived, steamer Finance, Baker, frumNew Yura via Newport New .for Rio Janeiro, Ac, uni pro-ceadeit'.SA-irur.o np. rriiA. Jan7.Sailed, steamer Oienfaeroa. Col¬

ton, fruin i lr-nliit -o- hen.-i tm New)Krk via Nassau, NP.li avaxa. tau 7-salled. sii.imer orv of Atlanta, Burley,

from Me.loan purls henoe (ur New.York.{For Later Shtpplnj Xcict, If aifi. tte Fift\ Pxjt.)

Aansnn-s iisati.

1.. wnie of a Blight irritation of tbo throat.Brummell'* Cmegt Drips nive i.unic :._t. relief, bold althe elevaiod railroad si .emus.

"GOGEBIC." E. it W. "GoaEBic."ouit EkVR -Uauhiiii." collar.

Hum A. Dawirul IL D.,IS, PttRt ttltDsr.

Ti en.--I to 12,1 te 7. Diseaeas af Um Verr-.ni lystera,rennel Unary iga . Impoteneeaad iterility.? -

Leland Hotel, Cliicajjo.-_>

*. To Moth kr a.*"Maa. WixaLt-iw'a B-MtBUM syn.., far Children Teethia*cnfieus tba ku tn. reduoei iiitlaaiiuaitua. aller* all nata atii

.urea wiu.l rulio aud .llairh-ua. Teonir live coat* a bottle


''..-ri*.-i «,. bauutlfltia tbe bair.11 uiiiot-M a luxuriant *¦ wt li.Never Fell* to Restore OreyMair lo Ka Youthful Color.<-°uiriwK,|i___-__u*and l-alr r-iiliiff

Mu at IiriirfyWts,

b_t-_U«-u* lot -uuati*, C.i-U, Tuaarl 1___ _.-_is.sllo%


JAMES MeOBBBBT & CO.,Will commence their Annual Saleol Housekeeping Linens on Moii-ila.Vj January 9, and respectfullyinvite inspection ot au unequalledoffering ol J, X. Richardson Sons& Owdcn's celebrated Linens,consisting* ot Table clo.Iis (Inele¬gant designs] with Napkins tomatch. Tray cloth**. Doylies,Towels, Sheeting and PillowcaseLinens, at a reduction ol .-,."> to 80per cent less than these high-class¦roods hilve heretofore been sold.Also, extraordinary values in Lin¬en Sheetings, 1)0 inches, at 6ffc.fToe, 85c., 00c, $1.0<), $1.10,$1.2-5 and $1.50 per yard, andHuckaback Towels at $2.<M>,$3.00, $4.00 and $6.75 per doz.,together with n great* variety ofother Housekeeping Goods at thosame reductions.JAMES McOREERY & CO.,

Broadway .and 11th St,


asotusoomas cvrtama uri omaTilla wefk THB follow INO

-¦I'MI AL il A KO HNSOOO I'AIlt CUKNII.I.K ( I.'1'.T..IN- AT * -;

wo ii rn lia,200 PAIRS TUIl-OMAN" CURTAIN'S AT.13,

WO UT ll 110.











DI SBSSBf make room von i.uh.k ..prixcimnssTiTism




14 West 23d Street,'I IllltO DOOIl FROM .".TU AVE.

C. C. SHAYNE, manufacturer,103 Prince-st., it. overstockedwith magnificent Sealskin j-Tar"

incut*., Fur-lined Circulars, Plush

Sacques, grent's Fur-lined Over¬

coats, Kohes, Cays, and Gloves,and rat lier than carry them over

prices havo been MAUKED WAYD9WX. Write for prices or call at103 Prince-st., near lima.-way.

