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r i EDUCATION..A S~KY IBS - Chronicling...

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tub ww.tom daily ¦¦«g|"f k Fv.t.a.B. IVMV MORBINO *-o EVBN1NO. bt ou.n. r. y « "/o? .rare. a* TWt TBIBtm« .BltBW«».<IBM¦¦°r L end dtdivetwd to fit, ¦¦¦III*¦'I** '*' Mr £ M *J3. *ww MB Vbkkly TBIBl nk. *. i*>* <opi. , pekL AJverrieexuani* in iu I tJ50«f DOLLAR flR LIN* ^^E*r bjjbM-WbTb«)L1 tkmii nk ,,,.v al« KkkT" ^ M *»l«« P r .> i . patJiehed .Zr2£ZL\., , i V< «a (.Vtaee for *11 tt. Btu*.l* rrt annual TWO * ^**fa«_b nbw-voiä TRinrNR FOR «Ü-OPEAN CIRCULATION _B e*« derartarr of nth eBBl **ti. i. t for Livrr- *, eaw annum, prar*|. included. rMiieia» Copiee, BU pool at . *w* i . i>-,<* bbjjb nbbv»vi»rk mwa .nBCALIFORNIA OREGON, AND THE ,v FUMYnvrt'ii INLANDS, ¦j m..**. on the .!'»-.' *.Jh Mail Steamer for Aepin «tll »i «*'¦ 5* per armuan. Suntie eofaaa, Hui Cant*. Opfrial Xenix*. \fi ran * .".a- "I I I > r*« dai monthly meeting of the Corp* ertll habe d -I H E RieA'a Star H.**l, No. .< L..ra»*i<i«t,t*o »RiDAV EVENING. Aap 1, Bt 7J o'cioch. for rlnal atta».*«ir.ra ¦. roqneeeeiL By order. »m Ta-avett, Ac.u'ant B. RaYMOND, Colonel. Orn.r 0*»«W**eiO»iai or dtn.i" ) No. I C.tr HatL, N. T., July 2d 13 i, J Te tk)C l*af*Mr. Report* hati.g ohulned circulation of the eraiai.ee*«41 diaraar cat* u.rad to create unnaceeaa-y alarm n the pabiMaaaoaa, tue toaiBiieaioncii of Health deem it proper Bo «tat* -tar ve die*atr, exit: ii thie city in an eptderiiir form. Nil a Ii «aar *«in| the *x»-» kscieeee of murtalllt for the week awe in g the 1Mb over the .avion* week, the total dea'h* were tint tit (Bt) lea* than tor COTtwrponding weeh of 18A5 which Car w** «m aaually healthr. tiie mortality for the year 1R.V5 vt»« h-en 6vr thouaaud frve hundred aud twenty *i» 15AJ-1) ktaa taauan Hit. Tbr C*t3iauak>n*ra, deeirou* of u«lng timely precaation for Ihr ptetantipB of di*aae* and tbe pteaei taUon of health, meet atan day (Bandayt exceptedl at 12 o'clock to., at their otß.-e. lot the porpoae of act ma ujon all matten orer whicn the H >ard Bat* cat, ilan ca. IMA AC O BARKKR, Pretident. PT.NJAkflN V P1SKNKY. Praat Board of Couue'n. RICHARD Ii THOMPSON. M D.. Heaink Officer. WM BOCK WELL.M. D., Rerdent Pbydciau. JEDEDlAH MILLER. M. D., HeaJtb Comuiiationt r. OEO. W. MORTON City iBcpertor. By *rdar, Waltk* E. CoNcktlH, Secretary. kftrat Fartntit mt Frenaaat..It la conceded arureraailT thavoujire the BF.-r PORTRAIT Pl'BLIaHED of JOHN C. FREMONT IT 18 LIEE-8IZ-K. PLAIN COPIES. Price.*J1 «0 COLORED. Prtee. 1 75 DARK OROCND. Pr.ee. 3 00 The aew*) ditcount to the trade. OOUPIL A Co.. No. 36« Broadway, N. V. BrCHAJiAN and FILLMORE ready next weak. i<'aiaaJaa KoaaiK. Trie attrition of Cluba, Comxniitaaa ai.e hin t l. mviie. to TrxE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN fOBOMTER. a collection of pearly loo Bonae, eet to the moat popahu aiia of the day, prepared . xpreeely for " Erradom and Etrmont " in the Caxupaun, (if '.5ft. The fil'eenth thouaaud ia jtowraadt it* pacta l*mo. Price 12] c*nu, fl per dozen, a)7 per 100 Mi oer 1,000. Kent by mail. MILLER, OK I ON A MULLIGAN, Publiabara, _No. 25 Park-row, New Yotk. hprcUl Notice. COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS.-A Maate** of ttte Committee on RaUroada (Board of Aldermen) wl I be Beld on TUESDAY, An-. 5, 1*36, at the office of the Cleik of the (-on.a on Council, No. 8 City Hall, at 1 o'clock p. «n. Bli peiaena interested in atoppinxj the tteatu on the Utuleua Rreet Railtood at Mtb et. will pleaae attend. Partie« battn- l«?tUiont before the I ounnittre wi.l oieatr appeal. By order. W'lLLIeM B DRAKE, Chairman, JACOB H. VALENTINE, 1 B. HEALY, I. ANBON HERRJCK. > Coirxxiutia*. WILLIAM McCONKET, J ( BBBtpy Newapapera and Jab Priatirx. Ofltoea ropplHO with STEKPOTi PE CaBTs of our SPLENDID CAMPAION ENGRAVINGS, at Lew Prtee*. Tbey rouaun of i Fitment on Hombach, Ciomiii- tbe Rocky Mountain*. Large life-like Poitialtaof Fremont, Dayton and Boonanao, K1>ln>oia ead Donalaos, enitwLiaBed with American flag*' eagle, Ac Alto Heede of the Preeidential Candidate*, *m table for New*- panel colomna. npaeuxen impreeeione of either ofthe above will be forwarded by tancong 15 cent* in Pottage Stamp*. Addre** MILLER a, HOLMAN, Book and Job Printer«, Comer of Centre axd W'bite-eta., N. Y. The ¦eaabltraB Gaide will aaM aae huadred per rent to the rlreng h of trary FREMONT and DAYfj!* ALUB. THE Ol'IDE contain* toe Letter of " Indlanian." wbieh r*fote» nl thcebargtt made agaiuat Col. KREMON r. Alto the camficate of " John W, French. Rector of the Pariah 11 the Eprahany, W'aahmgtaB, D. C " 8lo«le copiee, 3 Cent* i »2 per 1(0, B15 per 1 t"»i THIRD EDITION ju*t inibliioad. Ord*r* will be attended to by C J. WARREN, No. 461 Broad ray. Blarkberriee, «irren Cera, Petxa, or anv ether- Frail ar Veartable, may be priaeived in a perfectly firab atate by the u*e of ÖrKAxTB PATENT SEuE-«EALINJ t ANS. ?uil direetlotia for pr***rvu>g all kind* of Fruit and Vegatahla* accompany the Can*. Price for quart*, B2 50 per ooxea; hall gallons. B3 50. N. B .Ail older*, by poet or oth- eu-aiee, ptompily delivered, free of eiptmae, in tuiy part of the cry a* BreeAiya. WKLL8 A PROVOdT, Propnetoi«, _No. 321 Pearl tt, near Franklin aquare. Dyer*a Ilrallnar Kmbroeatlon. It ia, iudaed. truly gTmitytng to u* to receive auch in"i»pni*hle proof* of the raiaa cif that ArtTONIBHlNG REMEDY, a* are daily pce*eu'ed to ua ibiii an ARK A ¥ OF FACTS unparalleled tu the hi«t)ry < I any other preparation. W'e know IU tras vaue exoeriment- aiiy. etc do not keeitate to recommend it aa SUPERIOR TO ANY Of HER MEDICINE for «molar purpoee*, and wa are w illtng at any tixne to REFUND THE MONEY, If It doe* not g; <. ENTIRE SATISFACTION, or po**e** aU the virtue* we aacriae to it. Sold m New York by C. H RINO. Oeneral Axant, No. 19a) hroadway, BARNEel a PARK, and C 1.11 K KSt ft a. Co A H. FIELD. Propna.or, Providence, R. I. Free Btaaatta !-10 <VA ROUTE.-Tbe NEW-YORK BTaTE KANdAB COMMITTEE wlil teno a party of not ex¬ ceeding thirty amigrai t* fitm Albany on the morning o< tue 13th any of iuml, 1856. at "} o'clock a m Fare from Albany tt. Iowa City, *> ic. Addreaa the Becratary, N... 442 Biowlway, AJbaay. H. N. VAN DYCK, Pre*id*nt William Btaart, Secretary. ^mnecmcnto. Nl b l 0'" garde n.. Decra open at 71 to commence at 8 o'cioca. Ticket*.Fifty CenU. FRIDAY EVKNINO. Aug. 1,18-58. THE WONDERFUL RAVELS M'LtB. ROBERT. THE BALLET COMPANY, l f'UNO HENGLER. Mme. AXEL. A. LEHMANN. ¦xjxa FRANCOIS.a*.Vol-au vent- ^aBj EVOLUTIONS ON THE TIGHT ROPE, By ycung Henglar, Mme. Axel, A. Lebniann and A. Chtarial. Tbe grana ballet ot THE VIVANDERE. The Vivendere.M'U* Bobert, To conclude with tbe advanturea of VOL-AU-VENT. Vol aa Vaat.F'raucoi* Rav*l in which he wul introduc* hi* great feat on LA BARRE CEn.IO.I K. SATUBDA Y.Tue W oNDERKl'L HAVELS and COM- EANi-PONOtJ in particultr. Mr. BCHTON bavi: * recovered from t, . «evere accident, will I- «ititrly make tie hr«t appearance, witn a talented company, nn MONDAY, Aug. 4, in a new cjxuedy and laughable farce. I> o w h k y t h E A t E k.. J ' Lsaacc aao Maiicek....JOHN BHOUOHAM. Boa**, i2> cant*; Pit, 124 cenU; Gallery, L2t cant*; Oicbea- tia Stall«, bticenta Pnvate Boxe«, *>.a Doort open at 71 o'clock : ai-iBBtaaca at 7g -THIS EVENING: PIRATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI. . Oarville.Mr Fieber Patrick 0'Toule..Mr. Brougham «>etir«xue-Madaxue Poniai Adelaide.Miaa Reignolu* PO CA HON TAS, Or, Tut: Grume Savacr.. 4 apt John Smith.. Mr. J. Dunn Po-ca hen ta*.. Miaa Deshem M Ä J IONjVL TfiEAl Eh.A. JI. PLJRDy, Mad 2*.a age 1 and Prwpr.rtox Diet*Cu«i*,2Acant*; fit, 124 cent*; OrcheeUa Cbalia, WeBBt*; Private Boaea, 2d Cirrie, B5, aiuatva, 0* Bl fir each peaaor. .THIS EVENING: YANKEE JACK 5ankeeJ»'k.j H 5 a* II,rr--i.de.. Mra H. F. Nicbole RED OMOJtK AND 'X111 I K \5AKRIOU. .;-*'±r 3t*3, |V*jiUie..Mn>e Hexuiett* Lang IDIOT OF THE SHANNON. Ar*J.-wr. B. f e-jy lelhaiah.Mra. H. F. Ni.-hol. W*i LL A c k ' " thea T~e1T. BUMMER OARDKN. Reragagemen: of BJIM AGNES KOBKHT-'OV r .rta w«*h ggj kavr -numpbaot career and that ol ¦ . . . IHO.N bUURCICAULT. Iu ktt baaatifu p. rtraii. of cUararter. YO NIOHT, (Friday) Aa«. I, Mr Heu,.»!.. ro* .e L**T T,"». J«r. BOuajaalVi au«.m wabla ptay of tiaaeara*->,Tn1KJ OFaN ACTRESS, ' OrWj*, FB^ic the beat Drain, of oar tima. Violet...'..¦.'.*.'.'. \i'iL'\*' ¦""*l«*uJt- Bate., 50 aeata, Baail'.'' t\V: ir'^'T , Bo,»Jj/t«'"- . k rmanc*. eoe.r,,*, re 1: H*\l^k^ll ?'TeU»- If, aeatach aa paaarhle. « "early at |>aänT^»~äbTilTuFÄn «iiiKHiiy- i> THE "BEAT 0VH .'.RICK » y y u \?JL\l 5 £Z *' 3 and A VBMH4 .t 71 . . .,k upV M AV *k! ^.yl'.°,N w II exhibit h- MIR A. vrxBj S :i.l.|-a|(4>^ * '< * ( ' TRIlR. hi* VENTfelLOfJUxaL SUHTLEri"'4 IT u J.IV1NÖ CA>'FREE:t are . ua» --.,.t«.p.bV 'ViÄ ANACONDA*. a* wall a* lb* LIVlVlil Na^Fi rTO; L ,a 1 1: U o:.)j one neb txn k. tr.e «« g HP A ri'lFBH uu'ti 1 i VMiMafg .),., Happy Fax. .Ly, B*V r... L*4a eui»i« tie L^n'. Dan .' 2f and 71 p o. ">t*" Adanitlanct *i i«i<li; chLi/an utwt ir 10, Ln, ceM*. * nHJv "llKOB UWAY V A k 11: n B 8, Mo. «JT2 -1 BPOALW ay. WILL C LOSE * few week* m ,t I'BDAY. J*'y It), hi th* pcrpttte of ex'arjing aivl renovaUa* the aaltaxa, duiL* with I'm* the Wool Marth im.. . ' n tdtane rit.i BuffaJo, Q ith«i aid. M > "real. Due tf the iaogwai-1 will btiiten. Jf-NRY Wo tfcaau-e** Manager. I^eotchhisty and wood'- KINHTHKLS, . SmSSm.*)* »'iadw.y, abot* Howard at . Opea EV£Jty a «KxalNo T..k.u to can* HENRY W< 00.Buaii^** Manafer. OECAiJK CHUIHI f.Bt*af*> Maita#rr. raoraaaaa at (4, eo*uAi.*u^« a'. 8 ocluck _____ V0I-XVI.N°- 4,769. THK CRYSTAL PALACE. . Thit b«4uufal balkdtng »Cattau . I ATVOXU aAWWt* Inters** Aaelawt Hobtv .ii TAPESTRY, a 1-aaVery of r-a:ntma«. rare and TBtnabta AT a TV A R V beaul* AgjM-uta/aJ liuraamawts and Machinery. It wt) r amain open ai til further ¦oilea Nero Pnblicatione Wow Rowdy: REPUBLICAN DOCUMENTS! ha** now on band iba fUlnwtof REPUDLICAN DOCUMENTS Hilt TUE OAMPAIUN, And aro able to eupply thorn by too qaautibj ot etngls cotAoo it too counter of too Publication Office; L LIFE OF COL. FREMONT: AN ORIGINAL AND APTHENTIC BIOORAPBT OK THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE FUR PRESIDENT. Printed rn a Pampbiot of 32 pate* on fair white paper, good typo and enit*lliab*d with tplrited UluttrailoDa Per doxcD, «0 cent*| per hundred, t>2 301 per thoaaarjd, . 20. A Sue edition of the above Btoirraphy, on vary tit.e tbick paper, with corer*. Price, 1.« cauu, or ? ! per aoren * 7 per bundled. IL THE REPORT OF THE KANSAS INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE; Submitted to the House of Representative! oa Tuesday, July 1, by tko iiou Meaart Howard of Mich, and Sh -ruieo of Ohio, with 2,500 pases of evMeuo*. the fruit of three months' faithful labor to Kaueaa Single copies, 4 cents; par dosco, «0 cents j par hoadrsd, $2 50; par thousand, $20. nt SPEECH OF THE HON. CHARLES SUMNEE ON THE CRIME AOAINST KANSAS. Delivered an the Senats May 19, 1950. Single copies 4 eent*. 40 coats per doosa 9)2 50 par hundred ; $20 par thousand. IV. OOV. 8KWARD'S SPEECn ON THE IMMEDIATE ADMISSION OK KANSAS. Tws cents per copy 20 cents per dozen; 0>1 25 per hundred; 0)10 par thousand. SPEECH OF TUE HON. 8CB.UYLER OOLFAX Or IkduNa ON THE " LAWS' OF KANSAS. 2 cents par copy; 20 cents par doson ; 0> 1 25 par hundred, $10 per tfaoasaad. Any quantity of the abort will bo tent to any address on re eerpt of the annexed prices.either by express or In any other manner desired. Obdbbs, inolotini the Cut, aro reurpaetfully solHtod. OREELEY A McELRATH, _Tribune Office. F P L E T Ö N ' RAILWAY AND STEAM NAVIGATION GUIDE, For Afcuir, ILLUSTRATED BY OVER BIXTY MAPS. CONTAINS OVER BM FAOES. Court art: An ludet to nearly One Thousand of the principal Towns, Vil¬ lage! and Cities throughout the I'nltod Stales and Caaadoa, in connection with Railways. An Alphabetical list of the eeilli g of the principal Steamer, and Steamboats to and from ruost of tba principal Cilie. and Poitt of the United Sutet and Canadae. An Index to diverging Unas of Railway! frotn tba principal Cities in tat L'nltod States. Over Sixty Mapt of tie principal Rti'way. throughout the Unl- tod State, and Canada*, delineating their Connections, Sta- tioua. Diatanctt, Ac A Deseriprion of the Towns, Village* and Cities through which ths Rallwtyt pats, Ac. An Accoent of Watering Places, Springt, 4c Sksleton Koatet for Tourist* of m, ten and eighteen dtya Kallweyi and their Progress. America, by River or Rail; or. Notes by Lb* Way. PRICK ONLY 15 CENTS. For Bale by all Booksellart, Periodical and Newt Agents throaguout the United Stotel and Cauados. Tbo Augost Number will bo ready for delivery on too 1st day of August, D. APPlETON k Co , _Noa. 346 and 348 Broadway, Now York. CASKET 0~F JEWELS. THE FIRST NUMBER or THE PARLOR CASKET, Tho anost Elsgasl and Entertaining Weekly Literary Paper Publiahod In the Unitod States, Will bo for aale on FRIDAY MORNINO NEXT, at 8 o'clock. IT COMTAIBB AB ORIOINAL NOVELETTE, bv habbv habel, entitled THE COJJBLER OF GOTHAM: Ob, THS V. POINTS AND THE X. AVENUES, A aTOBY Ot thk i I K x. ABB THK lowly million. Betide other EXCELLENT STORIES, SKETCHES, At. Oklv Koi'b Cr.BTi a Cory. For tale by tho Trade. Termi $2 a Year, in Advance. JONES k Co, Pabliaboii. Nc. 2 Water it,,Boston. ROStrl 4 TOUSEY, No. 103 Nassau ft,, N. fork. o VEH ONE THOUSAND SELLING DALLY. ANOTHER LA ROE EDITION HEADY. 500 Pases, Only 01- IMVCXB BT' I LIFE AND EXPLORATIONS OF FREMONT, By acrgai a eaaare, aontsina mo'B than DOUBLE THE MaTTKR of any tirailtr work before the pablie, and ia therefore THE MOST COMPLETE The Biography is caretilVj dige.tod, and boaotifully written by an elegant and practiced writer, and la not made op of ox- tracts from Book, and Newspaper., and ia, therefore, THE MOST ORIOJNAL. S M U CK E R 8 FREMONT ittwoikof iLdiapotebie and unportaot i acti, and certainly FACTS art both AUTHENTIC AND RELIABLE. The Portrait was sabniittad to the critisism of tho Colonel't family, and " approved " by them, and WHO DARE DENY IT ' Addreaa MILLER. ORTON Ac MULLIOAN, Publisher., No. 25 Park-row, New York, and 107 fleneeee at., Auburn. Publiahod Thia Day. FR1KNDS of FREEDOM. LOOK at THIS'. THE REPUBLICAN TOCKET PISTOL. A COLLECTION OK FACTS KOK FREEMEN. Tbia little weapon ia a complete outfit of Facts aud Arguments for Freedom. It hai been prepared with the cooperation and at the reijue.l of ee».ril prominent Kopublnsn Cluis in toil city, Biooll). mo vicinity, who arc detirout of having tome suitable u e to clacbtrge at the ma..y falaehood. constantly flyijg around them. It embraces ds'a facts, and proofs from many authentic eouicee of hith antoority, which expose and refate the various faiaehoedt uttered etaintt the measure, and meu of the Republican party. Prtmine..t among the falaabjods thus eipcaed «re the e'atements that the Repuhlieaji party i* aboli- tioutll that Kiljmore la trna to tho principle! of Republican FratdeBB rcjually wi b FienKmt; that the eelfityled Democratic paily i* not devoted to the extension I SJ »very i aud that Fro- tnotit ia a Roman Catho.ic The ei.-iniee of Freedom are busily engaged in circulating falsehood., h w Important that her tr > nd. .honld bo e<|nal!y industrious ii. circulating facts Itcan- not be doubted hut if meee little agent* bo scattered like the eavet of the forest, the ii.fl icnce wl I he most mighty. THE POCKET PISTOL will bo furniahoi at the following prices: S.i gle copiet. 5 cent*. Per Coaeu.5f cents. Per Hundred.»3. Per tboiiaaui-".t}iS. Ser.t hy mall, postpaid, on receipt of price. Address DAYTON k BURLUCK, No 29 Ann st-, N. Y. rVKW MUSIC."Ob, dear, 1'ni BOBllBBSitH 1^ aurg by Louiea Payna, 25 conka " LAI'RETTA POLKA MA/t'HKA" by J. t»<rtt.(very brilliant and beeatiful,) 35 ct*. .'THREA FLOW BKS," by Li»bieh, (10 pas**,) 50 cants. AB kiodt of Mcalc fumlthed free of pcavtagl at the lowest price*, Daartary guarauleod when money ia aent througA gaesmaetar*. A few anpsrior Piano* to I.et Specimen Piano* from tho .eiebratcd factory of Hau.ee Bros. COOK k BRO No. 4A3 Brt«»dw*y, Seoend door abuse Oraud-«t. THE CAMPAIGN PICTUREi.. Our aerieo nf LAR'. I rOUnCAl PRINTS, f*r REPI'BLICANS, DEMOCJUrS.and AMERICANS, are mas'iug with a great .ale. EwB*) mall bring, in a large Lumber of orders, iid deal- tr* iu ever, part tf the eoontry aro tupplylng tbauitolve* by himdrcc1.. '1 Iis set comprise* L r<JH TRAIT i >F JOHN C. F RE WONT .a g<o>l liken***. I I 'U. rhr.Vfv'Nr ON HORSEBACK, CROSSINO THE ROCKY MOCNTA1NB. ' IL tut hfONT ri.A-.TIVO THE AMERICAN BTAN0ARD OM THK BO0K1 KOI STAINS. I iDUlKAII it V .AMr.S IK . HA.\AJ4-neauuia..y em- ».¦ lltahed a.'h Am. i. ae liaga, Be. I ' 'rRTKAlTOK M'LLARD P1M.MORE. with Lb* tig'., e* o'Juaaiea aud Lil.er'y. Aturikan Flaas. Eaale, At B Thea« Enafav.ng* a/a all, f uniform Mt« 119x24 Inc'ä'Ot), LargSj recs.p of oAsahilhaa aa.d one 5 i*ar nrajTagO stamp. Coloaad toptea B t*nu and on. atamp .... * Ul'DWihJ, Printers Tribun* Bnüdicga. tlbalebS ajt ad iba dtj raw. order SIMM pf 00, Ot taVOtrltb Ut 4-j t^aaoAiig. %%ium\m»^ NEW-YORK., FRIDA T Now Reed; HE LIFE 0 JOHN CHARLES FREMONT. AN 4UT HORIZ AND COMPLETE BIOGRAPHY, » everything contained to a. ¦, of the larger work*, an.] absolutely fit* from the otrort with which lateral uf th« abound, containing all the INCIDENTS OF UJ9 LIPE. 'n a kiicf and attractive form. CONTENTSi Chafteb I. Birth Hia Pathar | Hia Mother | Her remarkable Beauty eni roaoanbe Hurtery; Int*r**t»ng Incident of Travel; The Pight between Ben ton and Jaekaon Pram >nt eotera a Law Office; Goee to College; Paila in Love with a keaatifil Waat Indita Oiil; la »ijelled; Becomea a aaccaaaful Taaober of Math« n a:, a A Civil Pi.tu.ear, An Inatroctor '.n the Navy Early an ardent Ur.ion Man ; Profeaaor in the Navy ; Rerumee Su veylng; Aceompaniaa M. Nlcollet in hit Wet'-era Exploration* Coauniaaloted a Lleateiaat; Pirat Buffalo Hunt, Porto* the .cqueintat ce of Mitt Beuten ; Ordered off to tbe Dec Moiuae RUer; Mania**. CHirTtt LL Firat Exploring Expedition; Kit Caraon; Randolph Becton; Pali* alarm; Waillke Iadiaat; Slaughter of the whole Party threatened; Speech of an Indiin Cbie.'; Premont'a ehivalric Reply He movtt forward in the face of Danger; A oaefi Squaw, More DUeonragemaiit*; Fremont Undaunted, Devo¬ tion of hit Men; Mountain Sheep; Turn* hia band to Inarm ment ttetdiig; Raiaaa the Flag ou the higheat Peak of th* Rocky Mountain*. Chapteb III. Second I tp*.'.;:<..,, Oeti'lerr.en . Nuueanca among Explorer!i Fremont cbnoaet himaelf to Eiperlment on with 8 u*pec ted Meat; The Widow of a Murdered Man Protected; Finding a Stray Ox; Imiptiou of Snoahonee Indiana; Eating Valeria*; tteititute Condition ef Indian Women; Lndar't Bay The lu- dlan Guide; Deaerta; Peaat on Pee Soup, Mule, and Dog; Mat Crei'd by Hunger; Arrival at Setter'* Fort; Set out to Return a I g a Live Indian. A Man Murdered by the Savegei; Another Killed by Accident, Amt a) at Bt Lou!*. Chapter iv. Third Expedition Firtt R*i.;ng of th* Ii Itad S'aie* Flag in California; Journey to Oregon Orda . received in tbe Mono, tama by band of Catt GUIeapin, Camp Attacked by Tlemttb Indiana In th* Night, Three Men Slain Revenge; Their Vil¬ lage Deatroyed Eramont't Pavortte Horae, Sacramanti; Sav. t of Caraoa't Life ; Extract* from Mr. Mai y a Report, Two Hundred of Caatro'a Huraae Captured; Sainoua Surpriaed aad Taken; Fremont appointed Governor of California; Reliance of tbe Amtricane upon Colonel Frenont; A reel <( Pit u; Sen¬ tenced to be Shot; Fremont Pardonahim; Ride of EtgbUHun. Oreo MUea in Eight Dayt; Detperata Encounur with Grittly Bear* Twelv* Killed ; Capitulation of Coueuga F'ramout'a Proclamation ef Peace. Chafteb v. Arreat of Col. Fremont; Trial before a Coart-Martial; Hi* Defence; Conviction; Retifnt hia Cotxuniaeion. C h a ft r. b VI. Fourth Expedition, Mialed by hia Guide; Terrible Suflennga; Loaa of Anmale and Man; Arrival in California; Engage* .u Gold Digging; Help* to maha Celntoriu* a Free Stele; Elaetad to tbe foiled State* Banal*. Chapteb VII. Diawt tbe Short Term; Extraordinary amount of Work whicbhe ace an pi abed la the Senate ia Tweuty-one Day*; Favor* the cenee of Edu. ation ; Advocate* the Right* of tha MauaI egelntt Ooverument M ... p y Hit Vote*. CnarTBk vul Engaged In the Cattle Butiaeea; Joe* to England, Impnaoned for a Debt of the Goverua *nt Cbaptbb IX. Fifth Expeditioa ; the Cocbatopa Pa**, Redac ad to Living; on Horte Maat, Short Allowance; Mr. Ful'er glvea out; Col. Fre¬ mont in a Critical Poaition; Hauling a Maa up the Mountain, they 11. » an Indian Camp; Death of Mr. Fel'er; Arrival a1 Parawana; tbe Wbitet ('table to Proceed; Fremont pym on wlthtb«I)elawar«a; Deaperate Deacent uton Horte Thief In¬ dian* Baach California. Chapteb X. NominatloB of Col. Fremont fur F.-ecident, hia apaeth from tbe Balcony ; Letter to National Americana; Letter 10 Phila¬ delphia Committee of People'! Convention; Teatiuaoniala. From South Carolina; from Baron Humboldt CHAPTEB XI. Ctlonel Fremont'* Religion ; Maripoaa Eatate Faraoaal Ap¬ pearance Power of Endurance ; Preface at tbe End; Conclud¬ ing Ramaria Printed In a pamphlet of S3 page*, on fair white paper, good type, and ambellithed with tpirited illustration*. Per dozen. M centa; per hundred, 02 M| per thouaaud, *20 A 6ua edltioa of the above Biography, on very thick fine paper, with covera.price I2J c«nt* or *) I per doaen $7 per 1(0, Gam*-, itcloting the Cain, are leepectfuily aolkltad. CRfcELEY ¦- McELRArii, Tribun« OAc*. MUCKER*" LIFE OF FREMONT . COMPLETK AND AUTHENTIC. Tbe only edition tbat rontain* Col Fraiiio .fa lleport* unabridged and i'nalterei). no page* pgr one dollar. Tbe N. Y. Courier and Ei ouirer baa the following re;om- mendation of thie popular wort: '. The memoir ia »litten with alegatce and fidelity; but the moat valuable feature of the book ia Col. Fremnit't own narra¬ tive, prepared in the runple oiecharge. of nut official duty, year* before be had tb* illghieit idea uf fuiure political aminenee. It ¦ titta of a diary oi doing* and obaervatlon* from day today. No one can read it now without responding to tbe hieb praite which it elicited then, both in America and Europa. It ia un¬ pretending, mod eat, aid yet aomlrahly clear, anreißet aud graphic no ..na of any political party wbo kuow* bow to appre¬ ciate real manhood, can read thit narrative without admlriug too courage, tha reeolution, tne fortituiie, tbe quick perception, and the Bound judgment, wblch are everywoere iiiicooeeioaaly mfr- roitd foitb in It from beginning to end. We with tbe I-,- a were in tbe hand* of every vuter in tbe lend." 1 HOI SANDS OF AGENTS wautet'to aeU tbe above, an 1 tha REPUBLICAN CA VIPAIGN SONÜSTER, in every town in tha Uniou. Sent by uiail MILLER, ORT ON fc MULLIGAN, Pub.iaher*, No. 26 Park-row,New-York,and No. Iu7 Oene**e-et,, Auburn. I^HE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE FOR AUGUST % UlrralatloB.17:1,000. The New-York Wei.kly Tribune for thia week contain* the follow iiin;: I..LEADING ARTICLES Pretidei.tial Proapecte; I'lii.ceJohu Again; Lying in Vain; Hunt Again; Law at Wathington; Rilling no Murder; Aootuer Poet II..BXVIKW OF THE WEEK; Oivingln a e.mdeneed aud conapicaout form th* lateat and rnoar important event, that have tranauiied Lu tha City, United Statea, Nicaragua a:.d Europe. III. .POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: New York ; Met** cbuaetta Vermont; Mauie. IV. .the STRUGGLE FOR AMERICAN FREEDOM. V..the TRIBUNE KANSAS FUND. VI .BUCHANAN AND THE BORDER RUFFIANS. VII..J. SCOTT HARRISON, BULLY BROOKS AND THE PIG VIII..AN APPEAL FROM THE SOUTH. IX..two weeks LATER from CALIFORNIA: Arrival of the lUinoia; The Vigilance Caw *Ull at WorB i A JaejM arr*at«d fcr M talaj> ?' .. 650,000 in l fold. X. the WAR IN OREGON: 5 Lafer frjm » Corr* tpotdent »t San Fianriacu. XI..FROM W ASHINGTON The Acquittal of Herbert; Letter Irom Oar Own CawTBBBBBarBBi, XII..the LATEST news by TELEGRAPH: Ford* Ptta'ityi Frata Wa»haigUin, Tue Outer ..or I Kanaaa ( ongree*. Kama*; Pennavlvahu* Pulittc*; The Democrat c Stale ConvaiiUout; d irning of the tlearner John Jay. Many Llvea Loat, \IH..XXXIVin CONGRESS.piitsr S«s*io»: Pro- eeo It ga in the Senat« and linen of Rspreeeutatiaee. XIV. .the BROOKS AND ri IP. I. INGA MC AFFAIR: SUUment ot Mr Du:..: g un*. XV..POETRY Tbe ( all of Kanaaa; The Fremont Tra.a; Anti Buchanan Song; Bruoki't Canada toog. XVI..REVIEW of NEW PUBLICATIONS: Narrative of the >*.xptditii>n of au Amern«- Sqaadroaitj the Chlia S*aa and Jatan.By Frenci« L. Hawk*. D D ll D. XVII. BKNTON ON FREMONT Fremont'* Fir*' Expe¬ dition; Fremont* S.-cond Eip^iltloi!; hrtuvi-tt Third Eipedition and A otr.eUton of Callfeni-a; Court-Mart*] on Lieut ( ol. Pratnon-, rreiuon'. t Fourth Expedition and great Diaaiter In the Snoara of the Rio Grande del Norte; Subeequnt D.e cirvery of tbe Paaa be ao'i«ht XVJII. KANSA-: Le'tert from oui Corratpondent*. \l \ V IM ELLANEOI a AutWbColle**, Vel'ow Spri kft, Oaatwt Dotnawtie Animal* in ataaaachutctu; Svrioe ano their Value at toe vV eat; Aaarbai H*m«.-k«oie Ct,» Important Deci-iuu; lurnipa. l'^eooi.rae UTIBt n |BT Fla* ¦ B «: I Uie U'amala. X\ MARRIAGES AND HEATHS. XXI. .Ci'.V.MEBi IAL MATTERS: Full Report» of Jh" Ptoi-k, Monev. Cotton. Grai: Cattle t aTaTaBI kett, »paclalfy Rep.irte.1 for Tt.e Tribal e. Stag, airtlo\t-One copy for M* ye»r, f'i, tcrae copl*« 95. in a«atk*jt98|ta | aa, tjl'/. S ngla f/ir*e» in wrapT»r». can he obtained at the counter In th* Fu'. - a-e n Pn..-.-1-e . rjijy Sit OiU a «^tv-Tw>ntv Hta fur a Hollar. TO I'L EASl^E-TRAVELi R&.DWJTJR- NELL'b RAILWAY AND S IE A MSf> IP GUI DI f* Attyaataad Septemtwr, fjaaa pubn***d *- t f^Xlm.auaoca ta.. and r.t.J alt . for W MAPS and GUI DE bo iKS. -liable fir ttavaler*. by J. DISTi RNELL, Kt-H Hja**, cor. i't**y-*t ui Ereadway. f, AUGUST I, 1886, ß igelow» life of fremont- Tb* Largast, Cheapest, and Ban. AGENTS WANTED Id evsry Town and v lag a to Sail T AcTHriric avo Oilv CoMgLCTt Coition or TUT LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES or JOHN ( HARLES FREMONT, Including an Account of Hi* Fx; . Di*eov*rie*, and Adveorurao oo bie raccoawJre Expedition* acre** to* North America! Conrtnet; Vjlununou* 8e- le tioi . fron bit Prm'o and Public Corre- fpocdetee, inr'adlng hit Defense before the CfrartMartial aad fnii reportt of hie principal Speoche* 11 the Seriate of the n. ad State*. By JOHN BIOELOW, Editor The N. V. Evening Poet. With tha only accurate Portrait on Steel, and numerous spirited :.»'.-»: » Oae srre 12mo. of net: t>0 page*. Prira #1. MATTER IN THIS EDITION NOT TO BE FOUND IN ANY OTHER BIOORAPHY OF FREMONT Aceoaat of Co!. Frernoat'i mothei't family 10 Vir 1 pi ia and his ralanjiisoip to Washington I PanicuJar* ol h't tint and second marriage f P*ta*. Will of bit grajjdfaiher, Co Thorns* u j Sp**< h of Dr Lint In the Crod Statas Senat* on movit a to print extra coplet of hit Rsport of the Fbtt ExpeonioD.3 pages. A graphic account ot his Second Exploring Expedition, from lb* pen of Col. Bee ton.1 ( page*. 0*u. Scott'» Report reoooimending Lieut Freinant to b* double breveted as Captain of the Army. 1 page. Authentic Account of the Third Expedition, and the Emancipation of California.<2 page*. Account ot tbe «itreorittrary Rids of Col. Fremont from Los Angelos to Monterey and back.$00 miles in eight da) a. 4 Paget. Commodoie Stockton'a Account of tha Conquest of Calif mia by Col. 1 rem. t. .U pages. Correspondence between CoL Fremont and Oeueral Kearney. "> pages. A flair between Colonel Fremout and Col. Maaon, Gov- an or of California, wirb ail the Corrotpo idence_10 ;.,/.... Letter to the Cirizent of Sr. Loulttltor hit .treat.| pares, Letter to the Adjutant-Oenortl ask in< a Court-klar tial. 3 pagta Hit Defect* before the Coart Martial reported entire..61 page*. California Cleimi Bill.Speeches of Sanatora Du, Benion ind Clark.3 page*. Dr Toney't Report cn Fiau>.<nt't Botanical Diacov- tries. 2 page*. CompluaenUry Letten from Alexander von Humboldt and frjm the I.ondoi Geographical Society.6 pages. Curioua ecientife controvorsy with C ipt. Wilkes, of tie South Sea Exploring Expedition.22 page*. Co!. Bean n't account of FiemoLit Fourth Exploring Expedition. 3 pages. Hit title to Maripoee, aid Chief Jus*ic* tauey't opition. 6 pages. Hit first political letter, in which be tvowt himself a Democrat. 9 pagea Letter to tbe Philadelphia Pacific Railroad Cur ventioo 9 page*. Full rapnrt* 1 unabridged) of bis principal Speech** in the United State* Settto. 8 pages. Affair between Framoi t and Senttor Footo, with the conesxaondanc* complete. g page*. I .1 ...11 f account of hi* Fifth and Last Expedition by an anlet who accompanied aim.13 page*. An account of the aeiintlnc rteolt* of hie last Expedi¬ tion, written by bixnae.f. 7 pares Ltttert ia lelation to the practicability uf a Pacific Railroad. Report ef Senator Breete on Fremont'i Expedition».. 7 pagea lbe facts in regard to hi* religions prefereno* and opinion. 3 pe<aa Mtkiig in all, !«WtJ PAGES OF ADDITIONAL MATTER. For further psiticulart tpply to DERBY at JACKSON, Publiahers, Na. 119 Nasaaa-st, New York. *,* Copies tsnt by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. Copita tent by mail, postpaid, to pnbliahert of uewpap. n givug tbo above on* insertion. Irving'8 life of washington.. POPULAR ED1TITON. O. r. PUTNAM A Co. Have lb* pleemre to announce that they publiah a Duodecimo Edition (uuifo.ru with Irving'» oihor wjrki) of 1RVINO'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Vol I-On tha ltt day of Aogiitt. Vol. I. Oti the lit Septemhor. Vol. B.On the lit October. Price *1 30 per volume, in cloth. Tblt great work it low issued in a »tyle adapted to univeraal circulation, and a tteie.j to ihe Trade In liberal quantities en libaial teiui». Of tucb a bo< k DO boltellsr need Be at. aid a on'ar ng too many. No work baa bean publiahed in the ( nited Siatei tor the laat twenty years which 1* to eminently w«w*aj of an exteLitve aala In every part ef tha couutry It ia destined to tili permanently the bixhaet plica in ita department, and Is m l to gtcw in popularity and ealeem tbe more it is read, aud the m*ie be tutbnr'e deugn ia OL.ierstocxL " Tbl* i* th* Life of Waahinrtori which will be read.other* hereafter "etil OBly be referred to." [Courier and Enquirer " A boek waicb will take ita place in American h meehol it, tide hy tide with th* Bible." [N. Y. Express, hold by all Bookaeilera. Fremont and dayton.. LIFK-L1KH PORTRAITS of theae REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES can be lean In FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER, now ready. Price 10 cento per copy, or $7 per 100. Every Repablicau ibould have a copy. ROSS A TOUSEY. Newtver.dar*. Nu. iui Naaaa -fine ^t-.o. JF ST PUBLlSIikD.LIFE 8KB Por¬ traits of FREMONT ai.d BUCHANAN. Price «I. Th* aoaol discount to th* trade. ijOCPIL a Co., No. loti Broadway. Only AITHENT.C PORTRAIT of JOILN C. FREMONT, Republican Candidate for tha Presidency .Lithographed In the highest atyie of toe art hy O. C. Cranes, sftor Root's inagiitSenn! Photograph. Site of tbo Print, I'll inches Prle* 01 per copy. Sgat to all parts of tha tountry 'ree of siperie* on the receipt of + I. 11 dress H. SCHAUS, Pabiiaher, No. 829 Broadway. Printing. TRIBUNE BmxJ3I^G8.-PRmTl^Gof ever- description, froru a Card to a Book, at th* Lowest Cash Prices BAKER A t/OD WIN. Tnhun* Buddings. Ötationcrn anb .funcn ©ooöo. BOWNE & HASI3ROCCK, Stationero* Hall, No* 171 and 176 Pearl St., N.Y., IMPORTERS tnd MAN I EACTURPK.S, otter for aale at how cash prices every variety of Account Books Paper, a*aney and S'aple Stationery, Writ¬ ing Papera. Notea, Drafts, Money a/id Shipping Receipt*. Ink- rtajida, Memorandum and 'lime Hooka, Pan* Pencile, Slat**, Pen Knivea, Chess and Backgammon Boarda, As., and all art!- atoa uiuallv kept by tha trada. JOB PR1NTI.NI» and LITH- OOR A PHY executed at low rates Cardt, Circulars, Hill. Heads, he. Country Marebonta invited to csJL B ead8, BEADS, BEADS a: EKT DESCRIPIIOII, For tal* by a. P. BROWN, No 186 Paartet, Now York. HEATH, WTHKOOF i Co, PaRFl meks and MANUFACTURERS of FINE EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, < ,!.<.». Pntoiiradei Hair Oilt, Antique Oüt, Ac. Also pro- prtol r. f LlON'rt KATHAlHON, Ac The wholeaale 'rade ia re«pectluiiy invited to etanune oar goo..i. bath ia 10 it)le ar.d price. No. 43 Libwrty iu ÜJautG. ABITUATON WANTED by a young] Woman b » 1-'-ate family to do the HOUSEWORK. She 11 a «.¦00 lien cook a 1 Baf rood reforeue*a*tocnara"er and cap*- 111 'y. Would lite a place aa Saama:r-:*s Bad to do tbe fin* vra.hi. g. Apply for two daji at Mr*. WAThlNS S. No. MB \ trick at GOVKRNESS..A Te*v-her from MatMa.'buaftta » en*, a an nation at JO\ ERNESS. in New V )rk, Bf vl IBlty, Iiafructiou given In commou Eua'.'h b acches, mclud- ii r higher M ithema'ica aid ndlmeora of French. Aa-ojraph teteret. ea abown. A personal mt*rvi«w may be h*l at No V ?th tv. Vt nt ^n conjnauicaiK.nl addreased to M ,Box 112, Trihax* Offlc«._ _ I^WO LAriiS, on-a Eunpttan, haviiik; ottvora] y**r»' eipa-nence i**ch:ug Drawing »1 d atusu, aAta I retcb and 'lermaa, whi-n acgna«e« aBB ip-aai rtaari'iy ;iao . n American young I*ly. wail aequau'ed witu all BU- 1 uh hram hei. aoind 1 mate f p»««t> . an £N«»A J£- MENT from lat Sept. mb*r next, in the aama instituti.o or family; would not obi ct to tlie South or West Rifare k»i -'.cloty. Address A. L. L Koas HiJ P O, Seutc* Cj,, H. I._ ARARE CI LA NCE..Want«?iJ, AG K NTS to aeU Bro'h.r Jorathan'i ffcaoiptcn FURNIH/HE P'iU.Sil. Ni'Le tti uma without lb* inr^nn..-'« naino 011 the 1*wth a uart m-t rat. make from *>'< 'o BH' per day Call *t 'he orloc pal depot, No 444 Broadway. JOHN K. BRABYN a Co A~frE NTS WANTED.To ranvaM and ao|| HOD' KS' BANK NOTf. PLATE 0ELTNEATOR and incnts »ab**rfb*ii RODOES' B ANK NOTE AND FIN IN- i IAL BEPORTE*.. Man ef rood addrawt an 1 Itangl of charaeur ibo other. need apply I -an b* inaured 0 laX to *VI |tl Bict'0. Appiy Ui flODOES A Cv., Nv, ."7. fl-J»4waj. PRICE TWO CENTS. pOACHMAN and GROOM WANTED.Two V"men. Mtber !Mwtsii or EngJiab, wanted, tu nil tb**e*eparate »tuaiioe», with > gentlaflaaa Id t»* country. Tbo** woo be** J ..t srrtved win good recoaune daivoo. a. to character, pre- faired Addrses Box No 483, fox* Offic*. EDUCATION..A gradual* of Trinity Coll***, Dublin, of eeverej imii riwrVLC a* » Teavahar, 1* open to to «. m '. teetimoniaJ* tad reference* will to fourd ui txctptlooai,.^ h-. :o* fall B. A court* of th* I nlveratliea of Peblia ^ I.oodoo ha ha* Uught lb* element* £-'jh* U*^L'¦« .f'*«uh, lud German. Add/*** D. D. D at ta* Trlbuoa OBVa. TEACHERS WANTED..Two fem»leTEACH¬ ERS, on* of tb* Higher Bag I'.ah Branch**, th* ofwr of \ ocai and ltuuumattal Music, wil. be wanted in the Youn* Ladie*' Lutitute, Gothen, NY by th* firtt of September It .. detuebl* tb» two Teac.b«it .boold a'ao c >m»iue witb ab >ve. . knowledge ot French. Drawing »nd Paintia* Oood reference* i1.' 'mvl\iwnzns'm qualification* indi*p«o««ble Ad. reee D. L TOWLE. Principal. i».h«n, N. Y stating wheiean Lu¬ te rt lew may be bad. EACHERS WANTED .Two Ladiea in a Oil I*' School in a plaaaaat aectioo ot ttieaiaeippi I toe one to teach Mueic and 8 Bain*, and th* other English Branch**, Matbema-icl with PreLcbi and two Ladie* u a t.gist- lu- tiltute in Penrtylvanl* French tot * nsceasary r. unification; bar mem hart of tbe Pr» tbyterian 1 hurcn preferred A on t at the AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Applttou'* Baudnvj No. oVBti Broadway, or by letter addreaeed to _E. H. C HAPMAN k HMtTli. TITAN TED.By a recent Grad tube of a New- ff gBjlBBtl College, a «uaetion a. PRINCIPAL or AS¬ SISTANT m an Academy or High School, or TEACHER to a private family. No objection to tha South or Waat. Aidreaa TEACHER, Boa No 143 Tribune Office. WANTED.A ateady and induftrioua MAN. to WORK on a KARM.twelve mile, from the city, and to take charge if a bone, A*. If married, with a small family.can have a houae on the premise*. On* we:; recommended can call upon_A. H. WALLIS, No. 52 John-at. WANTE.D.A BOY to ATTENIMnTcOAL OFFICE One who can write well, and give good refer¬ ence* a* to bouerty, may apply (eteling «.« ralereace and sal¬ ary 1 to R. H.. Tribune Office. forste, Ctartiiigco, £-c- FOR SALE..A fine bay HORSE, 5 years old, 15 band* bgh, perfectly sc und am! is good coalition, la for SALE. A capital SadJJe-Horee and a rood m .rar in berueau Can trot a mile in 3:10. The owner baa no tue for him. Apply peraotaJIykir by note, to T. C. E., No. 35» Broadway, up stair*. do farmer* anb (fUlicra VEW TURNIP SEED- Saved froin lelected A v s*oeh, of the very finest qualities: Red Top Stiap Leaf. 75 oent* per pound. W hite Ti-p Strap Leaf.. 71 cent* per ponod. W hit* Stoae. 75 aenta per pound. Large White ('lobe. AO cent* pt r pound. Large W'hita Nur'olk. AO cent, per pound. l el uw Stone. 75 ceot* per pound. Y»How Aberdeen. 75 cenfe per pound. Pupae top Rut* Bag*. 50 cent* par pound. Skirv.ng'* In-proved Ru»a Baga. 50 cent* per poundk Be*t American Runt Baga. 75centa par pound. Maraiiail's New Rut* Baga. 1 dollar per pound. Ntw Bullock's Heart Ruta Baga 1 doll tr per pound. These laat two ate pronounced the finest Rata Baga. cultivated la Eur>pe. Aleo, now in seaeen for planting, Round leaved, Prickly, and New Fierdere Spinach. Corn Salad or Fetti. oa, Eudlr« Cucum¬ bert for Pickle*. 1 .n.ir .-. o cd Cabbage Fall Radiahat, Early Peat, Bush Beana, Ac. J. m. THORBURN A Co., No. 15, John-at., New York. A trijaiuco for Utteinceo Uten- N OLD-ESTABLISHED BINDERY for SALE Tb* tubsenber he* been engaged in it for tbe laat ten year*; those within* . nice, profitable badneae, with a ratlf capital, will luv* Ulla a chianc* rarely ottered. Alto t CHEAP PI BLISH1NO Bl SINES! caa be negotiated for, and will not inteifere with tha Binding huaineaa, bei .g entirely who eeale, and through Agent*. Kor particulars inquirel at No. AO AnutL, third floor. ABARGAIN INDEED..Will be sold for half it* real valua, a new tint-, lata PATENT BIOUT. to effect an ironediate aale for cash. Call and BBJ at No. 334 Broad¬ way, room No. 14. BROOKLYN WATER WORKS .TO CON- TRACTORS -Sealed propoaala trill be received by tha uxdemgntd ui til the 1Mb day of Auguat, at 12 m for the con- atiuction of the RIDOE III..I. RESERVOIR, eitueted aear tbe Jamalei Poad, about five mllea from Brooklyn. The work .......... «.f k'»..n-. ia en u* Wall, and Puddling 8peelfiea ti( ne «od plana of the work will he abowu oa the ground, and at the Engineer'* Office, H*le*y'« Building. BrooBiyn, from th* 6'b Aoguat. Tbe rigUt ia reserved to rejeit aay or ail ef Bat propcaau made. H. 8. WELLES A Co., _No. 4 Wall at-. New-York. OTTON MILL FOR SALE .To cloeean Eatate, the Mill known aa HARMON Y Mino rltnated in Pateraon, N. J., with th* buMoea* now la laccewftj .Deration, and domg * large trade. The Building* and Ma¬ chinery aLl in good order. For further information inquire of J. 1. BKRTINE, Admx., No. HS Broadway, up ttairt, front 10 to 12 o'clock. IJROl'OHAI.S for HAILING CAttS.-Tbe Hudaou River Railroad Company invite Maied propueal., until the lAtb day of Auguat aaxt, for tbe HAI.'LAOE of taeur CARS by bona, between Slat and Ctuunoers-et*., and inter¬ mediate ..*... r . in the City ot New-York, for one or more yeere, frr m ard after tbe Kth dty of October next Parties proposing to do the work can obtain Information a. In tbe aervice, he, required, oa application to iba uadantigued, to whom propoaal* may he aJ dressed, marked Propo*ait 'or Hau'lng Cart " previooa to the 15th of Anguat The Company teaerae the right to reject such proposal, a* they may conaider ariaatisrfhctory. M. L SYKES, 18., \ ire Piet't Hudton River Railroad Company, No «8 Warreu-tt., New Yo'k. CTEA1I >\\ KK -r SALT. ,.r X. II \ MiK ktIB, addrett W. Q. WRIOHT, Horneliaville, N. Y. for t FARM.- Can be uaed for any buaiaasa Pot peruco- ella nPEACHEB WANTED..A~thorou><aly Eduea- M ted and Accoo-oliahed LADY ia wanted a* a PARTNER in a fiiat Clau Female Boa'ding Schuol near tha City. Th* ap¬ plicant muat be a member of an Evangelical Church (Cpi*e ¦ ftl preferredn A Urge and favorable ei'y acquaiouuc* or a command ot city or country patronage would beconaidere t an equivalent in whole or in part for share of capital required. Ad- aieaa ORLAND. Tribun* Office do ÜJhom it man (Tonern.- ARETTRFD PHYHICIAN, whoae BBnd* of Ufe nave nearly ran out, diacnvered, while living in the Kaet Ii diet, « certain CURE foi CONSUMPTIlJN BRONCHITIS, t OUGHS, COLDS and GENBRAL dbb1lity. Wi*ain* todoa*niocb good a* poaaible, h* will tend to euch of but at flic ted fvUow-beinga a* request it, this recipe, with full direcaioni t r atahBrg up si * .ucce«*fuilT using in H* require* each ap¬ plicant Ui Ltcioae Mm one ebillii g, three cant* to be returned a* poetage on the reel pa, and the remainder to be applied to tha payment ot thl* advertieement Addreaa Dr. H. JAMES, Jaraey City, N. J. I OBGWOBTH*1 SPARKLING and SI ILL 1j catavvba wines. r. s coz/.en«. Sole Ageut. No. 73 Warren-et New-York. K. DEYO* PROMPr and RELIABLE a ADVERTISING AGENCY, No. 7 Appleton'a Bu.. .j. i Nu. 3tH Broaiway. Omca Receive* or Taxe*. i No. 32 Chambers st (new Coup Hause). > Nkw-Yobk, June 2*. i85a. y TO AVOID the riak* that must inevitably occai from tha crowd of Tax Payer* who put od to Ina leteet daj lb* payment of their taxea, I have determined to aii.pt Iba for lowiag ruie wine* will be rigidly adhered to during my term ca jfliee 1 thall receive no money after 2 o'clock p. m Every .flicer in Uni Department I* (TBicrtv p*ori*ited frotn re> :aivmg EXVEtorrt cuatainii g money or che- kt for tna paymanl if Tare.. B) onler. HENRY II HOWARD, Racelvet. Tf) HOUSEKEEPERS and LAUNDRIES.. Us* BYRON'S PARIS BLUEltVO FLUID, not only tn* a oat economical article f ir blueing clothe*, bat tha only one tlatia frr . from acid, entirely .olut.le, and inaure* a part act white without the gieyiah or greenieh Unt so common after aa lug tbe Liqud ludAgo. Try it Far sale by all Grocers wm. H. fanton t Co., No. 8 Day at, VB. PAI.MKR* ADVERTISING AGENCY. . .No canvasser* or runner* are employed. Adverti*en tpply at the Agency, or when requested, will be waited on tioarb anb Rooms. BOARDING.No*. 45, 47 and 4!» East Broad- wet, for Familie* and Sinai* Gentlemen t.ao, Trtmueat boarder« by the dty or week, from ft to 4) I Js per Jay. _6nmmcr WelxealB._ COl'NTRY HOARD in a FARM HOUSE..One large ROOM ia to LET with goad BOARD, is tbe large > bo me ul tha cidetiigrod, situated near Olau Co>c vi ««*. Ii «nlr .ble for a small family , plenty uf abide, he Ad- i'*** C. I NOERHILL, Glen Co»el_ HOLLAND HOUSE, eorner of Main and Elm- .ta., KocKPoRD, lüiiioat-Thj* Hoca* at i»w ejaa fot he rereptici 0f Ideate. It aef th* large* air*, alagauUy rar oubed tbr- ughoat. and utttnrpaaeed lu all it. arrangement* and soBvanience a* a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. The room* art ito large ai^l tjry, couiaoaoding fi'-a tiaw* of th* r:vtr **<! I'ty. No BahM will be iparad by th* Proprktor* to randei it a f etaai I -.txiorary botu* fcr th* traveler. Located In amt of A* tineet inland e:"»* of'h* State, and er^oyln* a* keiThy « ocai iaI, aa any in tbe world, with a* baeuuful a eoontrv ear 'uniMi :g.t, will also p>awaa peculiar etalaM a* a dUBM^l 9 LSoBT TViWy Partar* alwart ia atteadanee on "he arUta jl traUM. and BaMBBABM c«nv*y*d to and bum the car* Free at JksugTT' * ^ PIERtl A B'NOHIM. ?rop letorl e. w. rieaca. A *. nuaRaat. Rtevktard. ntlar" May, laSR lost anb lonnb CTdl K.N from the htiuee No. 1 I Madiaon 9«juare, hr Ka*» J .'. *t.Ltb* ... »i t r rarwtr*. of " Kirg* Pal- imi." Tic. . V rl« 9 ¦ Twwsstoaae. V "vi- .!*»-». I Natter knif*. »Ii D»*r»«d ('.A.M. .*>! *tv**xip< I wirb) n .»»>.. bjatBalt, ü mO and U A nberal reward wlf. >w peso] »«l that iweweerv of <b* wkwie, or ewv ree'l Bf thv» iwm on aw. pitratxt, to CHARLES MERLE, Ho. % liaoovar at, tjoneco to It I HOUSE to KENT.-An eioellVnt tii^wtor- IIOCSE ka ZU at r.u «lh thrso roaaao aW» Oao. Hathi, ho Firet rate aeLaaborKood. |wt oodarfa Inqjiro of C A. DANA Ha to Crtetcw, aiac* m at TilBawo Otta. ÖTEAM POWER to LRT-A Brie* twoaory O II ILD4NO. Ji»faat by W.at RUaabetAnon I J Apply to A. BAIZ, 407 Broadway, or to J O KjjWj! ClisabwtAtyeT*. STEAM POW E R ..StyvejTwl »eoLligrfrwä ROOMS 10 LET with Steam Power, No*. Bkaa.91 &m*m. BOA» B Oa. S~KY LIGHT ROOMS to LET IBS ft* ArtwCa ka ho l.i iis coma* af H road war, and BoasawB at, twwaBM Bf W DCRACK *i tba pl-emlaaa, or T. H ROOMAN Jsancoy eowrt, No. BJ WaB at TT LET.Tb*) dr* rah Ik COTTAGE HOUSE No 293 W aat 2atA at., fRao up wMb svsry and in perfect order. A vy t JACKSON, «»o. Briwarway. 1\) LET to MECHAN1C8.Two tuht ROOM* oa Ihe ?d (loot, frontisg oo Car al and "'aliar eta,, wltbj rtsidy POWER, by J UACUl'.No. 197 Walkat at iL_ 1 Sonars onö /aunt COantr5. WANTED.A SECOND STORY or part of . asvoderu built dwelling HOl'se, am bra* ma Par t, two Bedroom* Duutunxiro and Kitchen, at a ruodora'a ran-. Aa> dreel P. O., Boa No. 4,127, Pol OSxc*. New Yo>t_ Ural Estate for Bali*. AT PRIVATE SALE..Twenty LOTS OP OBOl'ND witb too Water Right oat tbo East Rraor, bo- tweec -ita and Soth its. Aiao. Eight Lota oatfAao wort ride of 2d ev , between .wlh and '-«.'. .'a Also, Flvo Lota on tbe smith-west eoraor of 10th so. tad 14th- . t. Alao, Four Lota oai tbo south wost corner af II.b a. ami ¦Mat. Alao, Three Lota on north aide of tub at near *tb a* For term., Ac., apply to B A K ER A WEEKS, Aac'xonaera. No. . ftawat, BEAUTIFUL COUNTR* RESIDENCE tor SALK In FtaokUl, Nil; mile* from tbo datpot, 1* accaat of LAND, Hot and I'oid Water, witb aewy modern cawveujooco In the be us* and about the pr amissa. Inquire at Na IBS (>r**n- wUb it._ '_ FARM LANDS for SALE.Tb« ILLINOIS! ^ i F.N TRA.L RA I LRU AD COMP ANT I* bow praparad to TWU MILLION OF ACBX8 FAR MINO LANDS. 1b Tbact* or Fobty Acaaa abo L'twabb. On LONO CREDITS And at LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Ttiaart Land* war* Brau ad by th* Oovtuan**nt to aid ia that eoietruction of tin* Railroad, and include *d*uo of tbo rar heat and most fertile Prairies ia tbe State, tnteriperssd bora and tbeie with magnificent frorea of oak and other tia.reT T*w» Boad rifeuds nosn Chicago ou the north oast to Cairo al kjB south, and from thenco to Oalena and Duniaitb, in tba Borth- weat «xIrama of too Slate; and as all tbo lauds Bo wtthau Af- toen muss on each ilda of this Boad, ready and sheep mean*) are afforded by It for tiaoeporting tba products of th* lasds to any of those points, and from thane* to Eastern and Nouibwrn mark*!* Moreorrr, the rapid growth mi rtouribloa towas asat Tillage* aloug the i.e. and tbe great tncreass la BoViSatiaa b* kaiuiiaratioti. Ac afJoed a snbstaatial and growing homo demauj for far ¦ produca Tbe soil i* . dark, rich mold, from on* to St* feet In dwpth, a* gent y roll in*, and pecoiiarly bttad for gTaaing Cattia aud Sboap or tbo caltlTatlon of *ha*r, lrdiaa Cora, Ac Economy in coitiTatiug and groat preda. Ueaa*** are thai well known ebaia«t«rta*4e* of flTwoi* las da Troo* era not ra- <|un*d to be cat oown, atamp* grabbad or otoito faehad o. aa Is reneraUy the rase in caltlvaUt g t ew land to the Oder State*. The first crop of Ipdlta Cora, planted on th* newly brokao tod, asuai y r«o*yt tbo coat of tlowtug and fencing. Wheat euwn cat too aowty-tornao *oo I* taroto yieU very large profits. A man with a plow and two y-ka of ataa wilt hraak oue and a half to two acrea per day Contracts *aa bo mad* tor br**Aina ready for Cora or Wheat, at froat S3 to 62 60p*r aero. Bv judicluat m*it«gtOwBt tba land may bo plowed a.-..- fenced tbo first, and uador a high rtal*of oiirtiratioal Ike second year Cora, i.ian., evtl* <%¦¦ will b* forwardod at rtaaooabia rate* to Chicago tor tbe r astern market and to Ooiro Aw that Soathein Tbo larger Tie Id on tbe cheap land* of Minna* ow*r th* high priced land in tba Eastern and Middle State* w knowo so bo much mote than a*ffVri*nt to pay tbo difference of trans porteti. n to the Eastetrn markat Bltuminout Coal la ruined at ateoraJ points along, 'ha Road, Bad it a cheap tad detnthl* fueL Itoaa te del' tared at artera] sola's aloug tbo Boad at 61 60 to B4 pei ton. Wood aaa bo had at the frame rate* per Bold Taoaa who think of aetiling ta Iowa er Mlawaaata, sbowld boar ku mind that lai d* tbar* of any ralua, along too wanat courasa and for many mile* Inland, bate boon dhtpotad of, that for thjwS located in tbo Interior tbar* are no coot**teaowe for traaaport- Ing the produce to market, ranrued* sot baviiag boon lBftrrdaowit thera, that ro tend the produce of these laooa oao or two hun¬ dred mile* by wagon to markat wowid coat mach more than taw aipaa** ot cmutating thetn, and bonos (toTenuawot lead* the*) aituated, at 9)1 26 per acre, ar* nut to good tnaaatiasots aa thai land ot Una Company at I.' prtaoa raaod. Tbe aama remart* Bold good In relation to tbo land* in Raa* aas and Nebraska, for ilthceish racant land* may a* found tiaarac tbe waist ..ifrre tbo dlaasi cs to mart*! I* liar groator, aaat eteiy hundred nittefl the produc* of tb*w* lands w carried at'bew. In wagon*, or Uiaerrup>ed watar ccatnma^caUorw, inct >**?» that expel.lea of transportation which mast ha borne By tho sattler*. In tbe reduced pnc*i of their products, and to that sstarnt prav- awclj ».. ism uicowjwj frocn their farms, and ot come* on their tOTeatmenti, annually and every year reduced. Tba graat fsttllity of the land* now odsreal for aal* by thlo Coxupat/y. and thatr cyxttaeooMt yield ovsr tho** of tbo Eattarn and Mid-lie State*, i* mach more than suftViont to pay tho dlf- feiatco in th* coat of tranenoTta.wa, especially in view of two facilllieo furniahed h/ thia Road, and other* with which It con¬ nect*, IB* operation* of which art not interrupted by abo low wsler of Sommer or tba frost of Wlctar. PKICK AND TERMS OF PAYMF.NT. Tbe pries will vsry from 9)9 to 03S, accordlag to location, quality, Ac Contracts for te*eds msy h* mad* Sating th* ywsr «. stlpuJattns the purchsse mossy to ba paid to 4v* afotl lnitsllments. tat brat to become due hi two year* from that Bwtt of contract, BB*J tbo other* *iinii*Jly tAeeaa/ler Tbe laat Cynient will become duo at too «od of tho itsth year from tho te of ah* contract, INTKBBIT WILL IB CHABOBD AT OMLt TMBBB TBB cb*T gBB aS.Vl/m. Al t lecurtty to the performance of the contract, tbo Brat two ye*ra' in'rreat most be |«to rn advanoo, and it mat bo in ier- ttood that at le**t vne-l*ntb of tba laud pwt- based ahavli y*arly be brought undar ciltiTatioti. Lunger eradita, at ata pet cool per artb'.m, may be negotiated by apeclal application. Twenty per cent rroni trie cracit nrice will a* daoactod for oaab. Tbo Compax.y'1 construction bonda will aa racatvad as aah. Ready ft seed Farm Boildinga. which caa boaatapkaa taws day a, can he obtain ec from r. a post hi* ponoaw. Tbtv will be I i feet by SO fat*, divided Into aw* Utrag awaf three becroomi, and wLl eott compiote. tat op oa grotnii sAjasa any whore along the load, 6160 In cash, exelasiv* of Uansass- taucax. I.araer boiluingi may be contra, uaal for at proptwtlaaoata raise Tbe Company will forward all tho aaatartala for . ».h builditgi over their road promptly. Spariil airangamen'a with ceeJer* caa b* made totBTpply tnew* purcbaain* tbe Company'* lands with lOawaag uxafsrxali. agricBliural toola, and oatfit of provisions lastly qaaatity, at the loweit whoi***la price*. It ta bel.eved ibat too price, long credit, and low rata of Later- eat ehtrgrd for these lata*, will enable a man with a row bttn- dred donari tu cash atd ordmary industry to make hjr inlf ladt pendent fore all the pun baa* money become* due lu tbo mem, tim*, the rapid tettlamant of tbo country wBi pmobmblj ha'. lo*reaied their vale* four or flve fold Wboo rsquiredi *n eiparieniod peraou will accompany applicants to gtvo knfor- n.alien and an) in soieciieg Circulars coutaautng atuaetotii Invtaneo* of rnrrnafil farm- tr« mired hv reapectahle and wall known faimsra living in tba neighbuihood of the Hsliroad land* Uimushout tho State.also, tbe coat of fencing price of cattl*. sxpouaa of h*sv**tiug^ thrashing e'e by contract.or any other Informa'tail will bo cheerfully given, on application, *lth*r peraonallycr by latter, in Et gttah. KreiKfa or Oanrian. address»! to JOHN Wl l.ai IN. Land CommissJonar of tho Illinois Contra! Railroad Oo.. No W klKtttfan av., Chicago, bwBxwxb FARM FOR SALE LN FISH«ILI*. N. Y.- 190 aerta of vtry productiva LAND, Ana River slows and onpioa» Springt of exeellent Water, l< miles f'oaa tbo Oepot. U qare at No. rod Ciiwiiwlehat. I^OR BwxLJb CHEAP.AepleoilidNBW HOUSE and 12 LOTS of OROl'ND an Bargan Highe I quire at JONES'S Hardware Slora. No WOrovavot. Jatxwy Crty. GREENWICH, Ct . For aale or BxeaBxBdje, av ¦ß Urs« new Houie, with 1} terse of laad. Appiy .oiaiv. Pai- n er on tb* prtmiaet, or 8. Cockcroft, 13 Msrcitaot's EtcAasvg*. SOTTKB Fl'KMSHBD HOIJSI^Fw flA^JE a bardaotn* fu uabed fourlory BRICK HOU9B, atsawatf B**r S Byv*aaot iqaare. ano con pi ate in every raspwet 9ia laai StooAa or Ran roan Bot da taten in exihing*, aad Man wiegle .ton can he had al once For full particnlari apjy to ALBERT H. NICOLAY, lU. * B aJELL'REb HOMES'! EAD for four FAMILY.. O ub.tOO acrea drat class lan(19 m lllinot« aad Iowa, xrHJ he divided to iuit p irehaeers. SI i iary !*. P«*-* for casln Ap- p'y to n W Bl STEAD, No 34 Trlmty Balldtag No. Ill Sioaoway, If. Y^_ IHj EX( HAMiK.Eor . F*.KM «itiiAtrad tny- wber. belweso New Ifaveo and Stantford aoar th* New. Hutu Bailrtwd sr nsar Naw York, . ipleoatld waits raarMa froat HOC8F. ha 2c-place, Brooklyn, out a'meg furnace, rases, >ath waiei- mew: waahteema las etc will tx **raewd riaawu- t Addrsss, or call oa JoBEPH DaVISON, No ttl Hroad- way. from 9 to 11 a ¦ or turn 2 to 4 p. m. WATER POWER, with or vriatvotit FACTO- Rlt- far SALE and to let, at MaaBBa-wa. N i ; rosra l>''in N'at Y..-k lootl.re at No ISjJ Or*aasw«A-*t, or to S B SCHENCK, tgent, Msttoawan, N. Y. Jnetrnction. I)R. I. BERTHET ruapfctfullr Mor.nt d.L .,DtJda.^ae 14,1 00 too fihof S*ot.hawdl "'a." » BOARDlNO ami DAY 8CUOOL f«r youi^, We ^ia^.. f.. Ci °. W«*t2'»t tt.,waer*BiI th* branches of a th.ata.tsh l .itilrtl at 1 Coroxtierrial Education will he ausbt. Frsi^bU u* «' ao»|s at th* School. Iber* at a Oytnaatusa. MRS. 0^K IL L BOaxRl)lNO_Bad DAY SCHOOL wJl ta ra opanod oo TUESDAY, SopC 9. lrer.sn can he obtain** a> hwr raa<dwnaa. M a I an.) Oi LB*, ton-place, lib at,or tt Mr. T. N STANFORD'S bookater*. Na, .1 Broadwsy. MADAME BERfJlER nvpt-rtMlj infornn fttyr bienoa ard th*pa>b.tc tu Bsueial, Iba* bar BOAitDLNgl and DAY SCHOCL Cur yooaxg Laitss will > rsarfo. aJ aw. W EDNESDAY. September ir Circularacan ka otaiaod at er rsakvs: co, Bo. 1J3 Mauisow sv.

tub ww.tom daily ¦¦«g|"fk Fv.t.a.B. IVMV MORBINO *-o EVBN1NO.

bt ou.n. r. y « "/o? .rare.

a* TWt TBIBtm« .BltBW«».<IBM¦¦°r L

end dtdivetwd to fit, ¦¦¦III*¦'I** '*' Mr £ M *J3.

*ww MBVbkkly TBIBl nk.

*. i*>* <opi. , pekL AJverrieexuani* in iu

I tJ50«f DOLLAR flR LIN*

^^E*r bjjbM-WbTb«)L1 tkmii nk,,,.v al« KkkT" ^ M *»l«« P r .> i

. patJiehed .Zr2£ZL\., , i V< «a (.Vtaee for *11 tt. Btu*.l*

rrt annual TWO * .«

^**fa«_b nbw-voiä TRinrNRFOR «Ü-OPEAN CIRCULATION

_B e*« derartarr of nth eBBl **ti. i. t for Livrr-.» *, eaw annum, prar*|. included. rMiieia» Copiee, BUpool at . *w* i .

i>-,<* bbjjb nbbv»vi»rk mwa.nBCALIFORNIA OREGON, AND THE,v FUMYnvrt'ii INLANDS,

¦j m..**. on the .!'»-.' *.Jh Mail Steamer for Aepin«tll »i «*'¦ 5* per armuan. Suntie eofaaa, Hui Cant*.

Opfrial Xenix*.\fi ran * .".a- "I I *¦ I > r*« dai monthly meeting

of the Corp* ertll habe d -I H E RieA'a Star H.**l, No. .<

L..ra»*i<i«t,t*o »RiDAV EVENING. Aap 1, Bt 7J o'cioch.

for rlnal atta».*«ir.ra ¦. roqneeeeiL By order.»m Ta-avett, Ac.u'ant B. RaYMOND, Colonel.

Orn.r 0*»«W**eiO»iai or dtn.i" )No. I C.tr HatL, N. T., July 2d 13 i, J

Te tk)C l*af*Mr. Report* hati.g ohulned circulation of

the eraiai.ee*«41 diaraar cat* u.rad to create unnaceeaa-y alarm

n the pabiMaaaoaa, tue toaiBiieaioncii of Health deem it properBo «tat* -tar ve die*atr, exit: ii thie city in an eptderiiir form.

Nil a Ii «aar *«in| the *x»-» kscieeee of murtalllt for the weekawe in g the 1Mb over the .avion* week, the total dea'h* were

tint tit (Bt) lea* than tor COTtwrponding weeh of 18A5 which

Car w** «m aaually healthr. tiie mortality for the year 1R.V5

vt»« h-en 6vr thouaaud frve hundred aud twenty *i» 15AJ-1)ktaa taauan Hit.Tbr C*t3iauak>n*ra, deeirou* of u«lng timely precaation for

Ihr ptetantipB of di*aae* and tbe pteaei taUon of health, meetatan day (Bandayt exceptedl at 12 o'clock to., at their otß.-e.

lot the porpoae of actma ujon all matten orer whicn the H >ard

Bat* cat, ilan ca. IMA AC O BARKKR, Pretident.PT.NJAkflN V P1SKNKY. Praat Board of Couue'n.RICHARD Ii THOMPSON. M D.. Heaink Officer.WM BOCK WELL.M. D., Rerdent Pbydciau.JEDEDlAH MILLER. M. D., HeaJtb Comuiiationt r.

OEO. W. MORTON City iBcpertor.By *rdar, Waltk* E. CoNcktlH, Secretary.

kftrat Fartntit mt Frenaaat..It la conceded arureraailTthavoujire the BF.-r PORTRAIT Pl'BLIaHED of JOHNC. FREMONTIT 18 LIEE-8IZ-K.

PLAIN COPIES. Price.*J1 «0

COLORED. Prtee. 1 75DARK OROCND. Pr.ee. 3 00

The aew*) ditcount to the trade.OOUPIL A Co.. No. 36« Broadway, N. V.

BrCHAJiAN and FILLMORE ready next weak.

i<'aiaaJaa KoaaiK. Trie attrition of Cluba, Comxniitaaaai.e hin t l. mviie. to TrxE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGNfOBOMTER. a collection of pearly loo Bonae, eet to the moat

popahu aiia of the day, prepared . xpreeely for " Erradom andEtrmont " in the Caxupaun, (if '.5ft. The fil'eenth thouaaud iajtowraadt it* pacta l*mo. Price 12] c*nu, fl per dozen,a)7 per 100 Mi oer 1,000. Kent by mail.

MILLER, OK I ON A MULLIGAN, Publiabara,_No. 25 Park-row, New Yotk.

hprcUl Notice. COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS.-AMaate** of ttte Committee on RaUroada (Board of Aldermen)wl I be Beld on TUESDAY, An-. 5, 1*36, at the office of theCleik of the (-on.a on Council, No. 8 City Hall, at 1 o'clock p.«n. Bli peiaena interested in atoppinxj the tteatu on the UtuleuaRreet Railtood at Mtb et. will pleaae attend. Partie« battn-

l«?tUiont before the I ounnittre wi.l oieatr appeal. By order.W'lLLIeM B DRAKE, Chairman,JACOB H. VALENTINE, 1B. HEALY, I.ANBON HERRJCK. > Coirxxiutia*.


( BBBtpy Newapapera and Jab Priatirx. OfltoearopplHO with STEKPOTi PE CaBTs of our

SPLENDID CAMPAION ENGRAVINGS,at Lew Prtee*. Tbey rouaun of i

Fitment on Hombach, Ciomiii- tbe Rocky Mountain*.Large life-like Poitialtaof Fremont, Dayton and Boonanao,

K1>ln>oia ead Donalaos, enitwLiaBed with American flag*'eagle, Ac

Alto Heede of the Preeidential Candidate*, *m table for New*-panel colomna.npaeuxen impreeeione ofeither ofthe above will be forwarded

by tancong 15 cent* in Pottage Stamp*. Addre**MILLER a, HOLMAN,

Book and Job Printer«,Comer of Centre axd W'bite-eta., N. Y.

The ¦eaabltraB Gaide will aaM aae huadred perrent to the rlreng h of trary FREMONT and DAYfj!*ALUB. THE Ol'IDE contain* toe Letter of " Indlanian."wbieh r*fote» nl thcebargtt made agaiuat Col. KREMON r.

Alto the camficate of " John W, French. Rector of the Pariah11 the Eprahany, W'aahmgtaB, D. C " 8lo«le copiee, 3 Cent* i

»2 per 1(0, B15 per 1 t"»i THIRD EDITION ju*t inibliioad.Ord*r* will be attended to by

C J. WARREN, No. 461 Broad ray.

Blarkberriee, «irren Cera, Petxa, or anv ether-Frail ar Veartable, may be priaeived in a perfectly firabatate by the u*e of ÖrKAxTB PATENT SEuE-«EALINJt ANS. ?uil direetlotia for pr***rvu>g all kind* of Fruit andVegatahla* accompany the Can*. Price for quart*, B2 50 perooxea; hall gallons. B3 50. N. B .Ail older*, by poet or oth-eu-aiee, ptompily delivered, free of eiptmae, in tuiy part of thecry a* BreeAiya. WKLL8 A PROVOdT, Propnetoi«,

_No. 321 Pearl tt, near Franklin aquare.

Dyer*a Ilrallnar Kmbroeatlon. It ia, iudaed. trulygTmitytng to u* to receive auch in"i»pni*hle proof* of the raiaacif that ArtTONIBHlNG REMEDY, a* are daily pce*eu'ed to

ua ibiii an ARK A ¥ OF FACTS unparalleled tu the hi«t)ry< I any other preparation. W'e know IU tras vaue exoeriment-aiiy. etc do not keeitate to recommend it aa SUPERIOR TOANY OfHER MEDICINE for «molar purpoee*, and wa are

w illtng at any tixne to REFUND THE MONEY, If It doe* not

g; <. ENTIRE SATISFACTION, or po**e** aU the virtue* weaacriae to it.

Sold m New York by C. H RINO. Oeneral Axant, No. 19a)hroadway, BARNEel a PARK, and C 1.11 K KSt ft a. Co

A H. FIELD. Propna.or, Providence, R. I.

Free Btaaatta !-10 <VA ROUTE.-Tbe NEW-YORKBTaTE KANdAB COMMITTEE wlil teno a party of not ex¬

ceeding thirty amigrai t* fitm Albany on the morning o< tue

13th any of iuml, 1856. at "} o'clock a m Fare from Albanytt. Iowa City, *> ic. Addreaa the Becratary, N... 442 Biowlway,AJbaay. H. N. VAN DYCK, Pre*id*ntWilliam Btaart, Secretary.


Nl b l 0'" garde n..Decra open at 71 to commence at 8 o'cioca.



EVOLUTIONS ON THE TIGHT ROPE,By ycung Henglar, Mme. Axel, A. Lebniann and A. Chtarial.Tbe grana ballet ot

THE VIVANDERE.The Vivendere.M'U* Bobert,

To conclude with tbe advanturea ofVOL-AU-VENT.

Vol aa Vaat.F'raucoi* Rav*lin which he wul introduc* hi* great feat on


EANi-PONOtJ in particultr.Mr. BCHTON bavi: * recovered from t, . «evere accident, will

I- «ititrly make tie hr«t appearance, witn a talented company,nn MONDAY, Aug. 4, in a new cjxuedy and laughable farce.

I> o w h k y t h E A t E k..J ' Lsaacc aao Maiicek....JOHN BHOUOHAM.Boa**, i2> cant*; Pit, 124 cenU; Gallery, L2t cant*; Oicbea-

tia Stall«, bticenta Pnvate Boxe«, *>.a Doort open at 71 o'clock :


Oarville.Mr Fieber Patrick 0'Toule..Mr. Brougham«>etir«xue-Madaxue Poniai Adelaide.Miaa Reignolu*

PO CA HON TAS, Or, Tut: Grume Savacr..4 apt John Smith.. Mr. J. Dunn Po-ca hen ta*.. Miaa Deshem

MÄ J IONjVL TfiEAl Eh.A. JI. PLJRDy, Mad2*.a age 1 and Prwpr.rtox Diet*Cu«i*,2Acant*; fit, 124 cent*;OrcheeUa Cbalia, WeBBt*; Private Boaea, 2d Cirrie, B5, 8»aiuatva, 0* Bl fir each peaaor. .THIS EVENING:

YANKEE JACK5ankeeJ»'k.j H 5 a* II,rr--i.de.. Mra H. F. Nicbole

RED OMOJtK AND 'X111 I K \5AKRIOU..;-*'±r 3t*3, |V*jiUie..Mn>e Hexuiett* LangIDIOT OF THE SHANNON.

Ar*J.-wr. B. f e-jy lelhaiah.Mra. H. F. Ni.-hol.

W*i L L A c k ' " thea T~e1T.BUMMER OARDKN.

Reragagemen: ofBJIM AGNES KOBKHT-'OV

r .rta w«*h ggj kavr -numpbaot career and that ol¦ . . .

IHO.N bUURCICAULT.Iu ktt baaatifu p. rtraii. of cUararter.

YO NIOHT, (Friday) Aa«. I,Mr Heu,.»!..

ro* .e L**T T,"».J«r. BOuajaalVi au«.m wabla ptay of

tiaaeara*->,Tn1KJ OFaN ACTRESS,' OrWj*, FB^ic the beat Drain, of oar tima.

Violet...'..¦.'.*.'.'. \i'iL'\*' ¦""*l«*uJt-

Bate., 50 aeata, Baail'.'' t\V: ir'^'T , Bo,»Jj/t«'"- .

k rmanc*. eoe.r,,*, re 1: H*\l^k^ll ?'TeU»-If, aeatach aa paaarhle.

« "early at

|>aänT^»~äbTilTuFÄn «iiiKHiiy-i> THE "BEAT 0VH .'.RICK » y y u \?JL\l5£Z*' 3 and A VBMH4 .t 71 . . .,k upV MAV *k! ^.yl'.°,Nw II exhibit h- MIR A. vrxBj S :i.l.|-a|(4>^ * '< * ( '

TRIlR. hi* VENTfelLOfJUxaL SUHTLEri"'4 IT u

J.IV1NÖ CA>'FREE:t are . ua» --.,.t«.p.bV 'ViÄANACONDA*. a* wall a* lb* LIVlVlil Na^Fi rTO; L ,a

1 1: U o:.)j one neb txn k. tr.e «« g HP A ri'lFBH uu'ti 1

i VMiMafg .),., Happy Fax. .Ly, B*V r... L*4a eui»i«

tie L^n'. Dan .' 2f and 71 p o.w» ">t*"

Adanitlanct *i i«i<li; chLi/an utwt ir 10, Ln, ceM*. *

nHJv "llKOBUWAY VAk 11: nB 8, Mo. «JT2-1 BPOALW ay. WILL C LOSE * few week* m ,tI'BDAY. J*'y It), hi th* pcrpttte of ex'arjing aivl renovaUa*the aaltaxa, duiL* with I'm* the Wool Marth im.. .

' n tdtane rit.i BuffaJo, Q ith«i aid. M > "real. Due tfthe iaogwai-1 will btiiten. Jf-NRY Wo

tfcaau-e** Manager.

I^eotchhisty and wood'- KINHTHKLS,. SmSSm.*)* »'iadw.y, abot* Howard at . Opea EV£Jtya «KxalNo T..k.u to can*

HENRY W< 00.Buaii^** Manafer.OECAiJK CHUIHI f.Bt*af*> Maita#rr.

raoraaaaa at (4, eo*uAi.*u^« a'. 8 ocluck _____

V0I-XVI.N°- 4,769.

THK CRYSTAL PALACE. . Thit b«4uufalbalkdtng »Cattau . I ATVOXU aAWWt* 0« Inters** Aaelawt Hobtv

.ii TAPESTRY, a 1-aaVery of r-a:ntma«. rare and TBtnabtaAT a TV A R V beaul* AgjM-uta/aJ liuraamawts and Machinery.It wt) ramain open ai til further ¦oilea

Nero PnblicationeWow Rowdy:


Hilt TUE OAMPAIUN,And aro able to eupply thorn by too qaautibj ot etngls cotAoo

it too counter of too Publication Office;L


PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE FUR PRESIDENT.Printed rn a Pampbiot of 32 pate* on fair white paper, good

typo and enit*lliab*d with tplrited UluttrailoDaPer doxcD, «0 cent*| per hundred, t>2 301 per thoaaarjd, . 20.

A Sue edition of the above Btoirraphy, on vary tit.e tbick

paper, with corer*. Price, 1.« cauu, or ? ! per aoren * 7 per


COMMITTEE;Submitted to the House of Representative! oa Tuesday, July

1, by tko iiou Meaart Howard of Mich, and Sh -ruieo of Ohio,with 2,500 pases of evMeuo*. the fruit of three months' faithfullabor to Kaueaa

Single copies, 4 cents; par dosco, «0 cents j par hoadrsd,$2 50; par thousand, $20. nt


Delivered an the Senats May 19, 1950. Single copies 4 eent*.40 coats per doosa 9)2 50 par hundred ; $20 par thousand.


ON THE IMMEDIATE ADMISSION OK KANSAS.Tws cents per copy 20 cents per dozen; 0>1 25 per hundred;

0)10 par thousand.


ON THE " LAWS' OF KANSAS.2 cents par copy; 20 cents par doson ; 0> 1 25 par hundred, $10

per tfaoasaad.Any quantity of the abort will bo tent to any address on re

eerpt of the annexed prices.either by express or In any othermanner desired.Obdbbs, inolotini the Cut, aro reurpaetfully solHtod.

OREELEY A McELRATH,_Tribune Office.

F P L E T Ö N '




An ludet to nearly One Thousand of the principal Towns, Vil¬

lage! and Cities throughout the I'nltod Stales and Caaadoa,in connection with Railways.

An Alphabetical list of the eeilli g of the principal Steamer, andSteamboats to and from ruost of tba principal Cilie. andPoitt of the United Sutet and Canadae.

An Index to diverging Unas of Railway! frotn tba principalCities in tat L'nltod States.

Over Sixty Mapt of tie principal Rti'way. throughout the Unl-tod State, and Canada*, delineating their Connections, Sta-tioua. Diatanctt, Ac

A Deseriprion of the Towns, Village* and Cities through whichths Rallwtyt pats, Ac.

An Accoent of Watering Places, Springt, 4cSksleton Koatet for Tourist* of m, ten and eighteen dtyaKallweyi and their Progress.America, by River or Rail; or. Notes by Lb* Way.

PRICK ONLY 15 CENTS.For Bale by all Booksellart, Periodical and Newt Agents

throaguout the United Stotel and Cauados.Tbo Augost Number will bo ready for delivery on too 1st day

of August, D. APPlETON k Co ,

_Noa. 346 and 348 Broadway, Now York.



THE PARLOR CASKET,Tho anost Elsgasl and Entertaining Weekly Literary Paper

Publiahod In the Unitod States,Will bo for aale on FRIDAY MORNINO NEXT,

at 8 o'clock.IT COMTAIBB AB

ORIOINAL NOVELETTE,bv habbv habel,



A aTOBY Ot thk i I K x. ABB THK lowly million.


Oklv Koi'b Cr.BTi a Cory. For tale by tho Trade.Termi $2 a Year, in Advance.

JONES k Co, Pabliaboii. Nc. 2 Water it,,Boston.ROStrl 4 TOUSEY, No. 103 Nassau ft,, N. fork.


500 Pases, Only 01-IMVCXB BT' I LIFE AND

EXPLORATIONS OF FREMONT,By acrgai a eaaare, aontsina mo'B than

DOUBLE THE MaTTKRof any tirailtr work before the pablie, and ia therefore

THE MOST COMPLETEThe Biography is caretilVj dige.tod, and boaotifully written

by an elegant and practiced writer, and la not made op of ox-

tracts from Book, and Newspaper., and ia, therefore,THE MOST ORIOJNAL.

S M U CK E R 8 FREMONTittwoikof iLdiapotebie and unportaot i acti, and certainlyFACTS art both

AUTHENTIC AND RELIABLE.The Portrait was sabniittad to the critisism of tho Colonel't

family, and " approved " by them, andWHO DARE DENY IT '

AddreaaMILLER. ORTON Ac MULLIOAN, Publisher.,

No. 25 Park-row, New York, and 107 fleneeee at., Auburn.

Publiahod Thia Day.


A COLLECTION OK FACTS KOK FREEMEN.Tbia little weapon ia a complete outfit of Facts aud Arguments

for Freedom. It hai been prepared with the cooperation and at

the reijue.l of ee».ril prominent Kopublnsn Cluis in toil city,Biooll). mo vicinity, who arc detirout of having tome suitableu e to clacbtrge at the ma..y falaehood. constantly flyijgaround them. It embraces ds'a facts, and proofs from manyauthentic eouicee of hith antoority, which expose and refatethe various faiaehoedt uttered etaintt the measure, and meu ofthe Republican party. Prtmine..t among the falaabjods thus

eipcaed «re the e'atements that the Repuhlieaji party i* aboli-tioutll that Kiljmore la trna to tho principle! of RepublicanFratdeBB rcjually wi b FienKmt; that the eelfityled Democraticpaily i* not devoted to the extension I SJ »very i aud that Fro-tnotit ia a Roman Catho.ic The ei.-iniee of Freedom are busilyengaged in circulating falsehood., h w Important that hertr > nd. .honld bo e<|nal!y industrious ii. circulating facts Itcan-not be doubted hut if meee little agent* bo scattered like theeavet of the forest, the ii.fl icnce wl I he most mighty.THE POCKET PISTOL will bo furniahoi at the following

prices: S.i gle copiet. 5 cent*.PerCoaeu.5f cents.Per Hundred.»3.Per tboiiaaui-".t}iS.

Ser.t hy mall, postpaid, on receipt of price. AddressDAYTON k BURLUCK, No 29 Ann st-, N. Y.

rVKW MUSIC."Ob, dear, 1'ni BOBllBBSitH1^ aurg by Louiea Payna, 25 conka " LAI'RETTA POLKAMA/t'HKA" by J. t»<rtt.(very brilliant and beeatiful,) 35 ct*.

.'THREA FLOW BKS," by Li»bieh, (10 pas**,) 50 cants. ABkiodt of Mcalc fumlthed free of pcavtagl at the lowest price*,Daartary guarauleod when money ia aent througA gaesmaetar*.A few anpsrior Piano* to I.et Specimen Piano* from tho

.eiebratcd factory of Hau.ee Bros.COOK k BRO No. 4A3 Brt«»dw*y,

Seoend door abuse Oraud-«t.


DEMOCJUrS.and AMERICANS, are mas'iug with a great

.ale. EwB*) mall bring, in a large Lumber of orders, iid deal-

tr* iu ever, part tf the eoontry aro tupplylng tbauitolve* byhimdrcc1.. '1 Iis set comprise*L r<JH TRAIT i >F JOHN C. FRE WONT.a g<o>l liken***.I I 'U. rhr.Vfv'Nr ON HORSEBACK, CROSSINO THE


BTAN0ARD OM THK BO0K1 KOI STAINS.I iDUlKAII it V .AMr.S IK . HA.\AJ4-neauuia..y em-

».¦ lltahed a.'h Am. i. ae liaga, Be.I ' 'rRTKAlTOK M'LLARD P1M.MORE. with Lb* tig'., e*

o'Juaaiea aud Lil.er'y. Aturikan Flaas. Eaale, AtBThea« Enafav.ng* a/a all, f uniform Mt« 119x24 Inc'ä'Ot), LargSj

recs.p of oAsahilhaa aa.d one 5 i*ar nrajTagO stamp. Coloaadtoptea B t*nu and on. atamp....

* Ul'DWihJ, Printers Tribun* Bnüdicga.tlbalebS ajt ad iba dtj raw. order SIMM pf 00, Ot taVOtrltb

Ut 4-j t^aaoAiig. %%ium\m»^


TNow Reed;


AN 4UT HORIZ AND COMPLETE BIOGRAPHY,» everything contained to a. ¦, of the larger work*, an.]

absolutely fit* from the otrort with which lateral uf th«abound, containing all the

INCIDENTS OF UJ9 LIPE.'n a kiicf and attractive form.


Birth Hia Pathar | Hia Mother | Her remarkable Beauty eniroaoanbe Hurtery; Int*r**t»ng Incident of Travel; The Pightbetween Ben ton and Jaekaon Pram >nt eotera a Law Office;Goee to College; Paila in Love with a keaatifil Waat InditaOiil; la »ijelled; Becomea a aaccaaaful Taaober of Math«n a:, a A Civil Pi.tu.ear, An Inatroctor '.n the Navy Earlyan ardent Ur.ion Man ; Profeaaor in the Navy ; Rerumee Su

veylng; Aceompaniaa M. Nlcollet in hit Wet'-era Exploration*Coauniaaloted a Lleateiaat; Pirat Buffalo Hunt, Porto* the

.cqueintat ce of Mitt Beuten ; Ordered off to tbe Dec MoiuaeRUer; Mania**.

CHirTtt LLFirat Exploring Expedition; Kit Caraon; Randolph Becton;

Pali* alarm; Waillke Iadiaat; Slaughter of the whole Partythreatened; Speech of an Indiin Cbie.'; Premont'a ehivalricReply He movtt forward in the face of Danger; A oaefi

Squaw, More DUeonragemaiit*; Fremont Undaunted, Devo¬tion of hit Men; Mountain Sheep; Turn* hia band to Inarmment ttetdiig; Raiaaa the Flag ou the higheat Peak of th*Rocky Mountain*.

Chapteb III.Second I tp*.'.;:<..,, Oeti'lerr.en . Nuueanca among Explorer!i

Fremont cbnoaet himaelf to Eiperlment on with 8u*pectedMeat; The Widow of a Murdered Man Protected; Finding a

Stray Ox; Imiptiou of Snoahonee Indiana; Eating Valeria*;tteititute Condition ef Indian Women; Lndar't Bay The lu-dlan Guide; Deaerta; Peaat on Pee Soup, Mule, and Dog; MatCrei'd by Hunger; Arrival at Setter'* Fort; Set out to Return

a I g a Live Indian. A Man Murdered by the Savegei;Another Killed by Accident, Amt a) at Bt Lou!*.

Chapter iv.Third Expedition Firtt R*i.;ng of th* Ii Itad S'aie* Flag in

California; Journey to Oregon Orda . received in tbe Mono,tama by band of Catt GUIeapin, Camp Attacked by TlemttbIndiana In th* Night, Three Men Slain Revenge; Their Vil¬

lage Deatroyed Eramont't Pavortte Horae, Sacramanti; Sav.t of Caraoa't Life ; Extract* from Mr. Mai y a Report, Two

Hundred of Caatro'a Huraae Captured; Sainoua Surpriaed aad

Taken; Fremont appointed Governor of California; Reliance oftbe Amtricane upon Colonel Frenont; A reel <( Pit u; Sen¬tenced to be Shot; Fremont Pardonahim; Ride of EtgbUHun.Oreo MUea in Eight Dayt; Detperata Encounur with GrittlyBear* Twelv* Killed ; Capitulation of Coueuga F'ramout'aProclamation ef Peace.

Chafteb v.Arreat of Col. Fremont; Trial before a Coart-Martial; Hi*

Defence; Conviction; Retifnt hia Cotxuniaeion.C h a ft r. b VI.

Fourth Expedition, Mialed by hia Guide; Terrible Suflennga;Loaa of Anmale and Man; Arrival in California; Engage* .u

Gold Digging; Help* to maha Celntoriu* a Free Stele; Elaetadto tbe foiled State* Banal*.

Chapteb VII.Diawt tbe Short Term; Extraordinary amount of Work

whicbhe ace an pi abed la the Senate ia Tweuty-one Day*;Favor* the cenee of Edu. ation ; Advocate* the Right* of thaMauaI egelntt Ooverument M ... p y Hit Vote*.

CnarTBk vulEngaged In the Cattle Butiaeea; Joe* to England, Impnaoned

for a Debt of the Goverua *ntCbaptbb IX.

Fifth Expeditioa ; the Cocbatopa Pa**, Redac ad to Living; onHorte Maat, Short Allowance; Mr. Ful'er glvea out; Col. Fre¬mont in a Critical Poaition; Hauling a Maa up the Mountain,they 11. » an Indian Camp; Death of Mr. Fel'er; Arrival a1Parawana; tbe Wbitet ('table to Proceed; Fremont pym on

wlthtb«I)elawar«a; Deaperate Deacent uton Horte Thief In¬dian* Baach California.

Chapteb X.NominatloB of Col. Fremont fur F.-ecident, hia apaeth from

tbe Balcony ; Letter to National Americana; Letter 10 Phila¬delphia Committee of People'! Convention; Teatiuaoniala.From South Carolina; from Baron Humboldt

CHAPTEB XI.Ctlonel Fremont'* Religion ; Maripoaa Eatate Faraoaal Ap¬

pearance Power of Endurance ; Preface at tbe End; Conclud¬

ing RamariaPrinted In a pamphlet of S3 page*, on fair white paper, good

type, and ambellithed with tpirited illustration*.Per dozen. M centa; per hundred, 02 M| per thouaaud, *20A 6ua edltioa of the above Biography, on very thick fine

paper, with covera.price I2J c«nt* or *) I per doaen $7 per 1(0,Gam*-, itcloting the Cain, are leepectfuily aolkltad.

CRfcELEY ¦- McELRArii,Tribun« OAc*.


COMPLETK AND AUTHENTIC.Tbe only edition tbat rontain* Col Fraiiio .fa lleport*

unabridged and i'nalterei).no page* pgr one dollar.

Tbe N. Y. Courier and Ei ouirer baa the following re;om-

mendation of thie popular wort:'. The memoir ia »litten with alegatce and fidelity; but the

moat valuable feature of the book ia Col. Fremnit't own narra¬

tive, prepared in the runple oiecharge. of nut official duty, year*before be had tb* illghieit idea uf fuiure political aminenee. It¦ titta of a diary oi doing* and obaervatlon* from day today.No one can read it now without responding to tbe hieb praitewhich it elicited then, both in America and Europa. It ia un¬

pretending, mod eat, aid yet aomlrahly clear, anreißet audgraphic no ..na of any political party wbo kuow* bow to appre¬ciate real manhood, can read thit narrative without admlriug too

courage, tha reeolution, tne fortituiie, tbe quick perception, andthe Bound judgment, wblch are everywoere iiiicooeeioaaly mfr-

roitd foitb in It from beginning to end. We with tbe I-,- a

were in tbe hand* of every vuter in tbe lend."1 HOI SANDS OF AGENTS wautet'to aeU tbe above, an 1

tha REPUBLICAN CA VIPAIGN SONÜSTER, in every townin tha Uniou. Sent by uiail

MILLER, ORTON fc MULLIGAN, Pub.iaher*,No. 26 Park-row,New-York,and No. Iu7 Oene**e-et,, Auburn.


UlrralatloB.17:1,000.The New-York Wei.kly Tribune for thia

week contain* the follow iiin;:I..LEADING ARTICLES Pretidei.tial Proapecte;

I'lii.ceJohu Again; Lying in Vain; Hunt Again;Law at Wathington; Rilling no Murder; AootuerPoet

II..BXVIKW OF THE WEEK; Oivingln a e.mdeneedaud conapicaout form th* lateat and rnoar importantevent, that have tranauiied Lu tha City, UnitedStatea, Nicaragua a:.d Europe.

III. .POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: New York ; Met**cbuaetta Vermont; Mauie.



Arrival of the lUinoia; The Vigilance Caw*Ull at WorB i A JaejM arr*at«d fcr M talaj> ?' ..

650,000 in l fold.X. the WAR IN OREGON: 5 Lafer frjm » Corr*

tpotdent »t San Fianriacu.XI..FROM W ASHINGTON The Acquittal of Herbert;

Letter Irom Oar Own CawTBBBBBarBBi,XII..the LATEST news by TELEGRAPH: Ford*

Ptta'ityi Frata Wa»haigUin, Tue Outer ..or I

Kanaaa ( ongree*.Kama*; Pennavlvahu* Pulittc*;The Democrat c Stale ConvaiiUout; d irning ofthe tlearner John Jay.Many Llvea Loat,

\IH..XXXIVin CONGRESS.piitsr S«s*io»: Pro- eeo

It ga in the Senat« and linen of Rspreeeutatiaee.XIV. .the BROOKS AND ri IP. I.INGAMC AFFAIR:

SUUment ot Mr Du:..: g un*.

XV..POETRY Tbe ( all of Kanaaa; The Fremont Tra.a;Anti Buchanan Song; Bruoki't Canada toog.

XVI..REVIEW of NEW PUBLICATIONS: Narrativeof the >*.xptditii>n of au Amern«- Sqaadroaitj theChlia S*aa and Jatan.By Frenci« L. Hawk*.D D ll D.

XVII. BKNTON ON FREMONT Fremont'* Fir*' Expe¬dition; Fremont* S.-cond Eip^iltloi!; hrtuvi-ttThird Eipedition and A otr.eUton of Callfeni-a;Court-Mart*] on Lieut ( ol. Pratnon-, rreiuon'. t

Fourth Expedition and great Diaaiter In the Snoara

of the Rio Grande del Norte; Subeequnt D.e

cirvery of tbe Paaa be ao'i«htXVJII. KANSA-: Le'tert from oui Corratpondent*.

\l \ V IM ELLANEOI a AutWbColle**, Vel'ow Spri kft,Oaatwt Dotnawtie Animal* in ataaaachutctu; Svrioeano their Value at toe vV eat; Aaarbai H*m«.-k«oieCt,» Important Deci-iuu; lurnipa. l'^eooi.raeUTIBt n |BT Fla* ¦ B «: I Uie U'amala.


Ptoi-k, Monev. Cotton. Grai: Cattle t aTaTaBIkett, »paclalfy Rep.irte.1 for Tt.e Tribal e.

Stag, airtlo\t-One copy for M* ye»r, f'i, tcrae copl*«95. in a«atk*jt98|ta | aa, tjl'/.S ngla f/ir*e» in wrapT»r». can he obtained at the counter In

th* Fu'. - a-e n Pn..-.-1-e .

rjijy Sit OiU a «^tv-Tw>ntv Hta fur a Hollar.


Attyaataad Septemtwr, fjaaa pubn***d *- t f^Xlm.auaocata.. and r.t.J alt . forW MAPS and GUIDE bo iKS.-liable fir ttavaler*. by J. DISTi RNELL, Kt-H Hja**, cor.

i't**y-*t ui Ereadway.

f, AUGUST I, 1886,

ßigelow» life of fremont-Tb* Largast, Cheapest, and Ban.

AGENTS WANTEDId evsry Town and v laga to Sail

T AcTHriric avo Oilv CoMgLCTt Coitionor


JOHN ( HARLES FREMONT,Including an Account of

Hi* Fx; . Di*eov*rie*, and Adveorurao

oo bie raccoawJre Expedition* acre** to*

North America! Conrtnet; Vjlununou* 8e-

le tioi . fron bit Prm'o and Public Corre-

fpocdetee, inr'adlng hit Defense before theCfrartMartial aad fnii reportt of hie principal

Speoche* 11 the Seriate of the n. ad State*.

By JOHN BIOELOW,Editor The N. V. Evening Poet.

With tha only accurate Portrait on Steel, and numerous

spirited :.»'.-»: »

Oae srre 12mo. of net: t>0 page*. Prira #1.MATTER IN THIS EDITION NOT TO BE FOUND IN


Aceoaat of Co!. Frernoat'i mothei't family 10 Vir 1

pi ia and his ralanjiisoip to Washington IPanicuJar* ol h't tint and second marriage f P*ta*.

Will of bit grajjdfaiher, Co Thorns* u jSp**< h of Dr Lint In the Crod Statas Senat* on

movit a to print extra coplet of hit Rsport of theFbtt ExpeonioD.3 pages.

A graphic account ot his Second Exploring Expedition,from lb* pen of Col. Beeton.1 ( page*.

0*u. Scott'» Report reoooimending Lieut Freinant to

b* double breveted as Captain of the Army. 1 page.Authentic Account of the Third Expedition, and theEmancipation of California.<2 page*.

Account ot tbe «itreorittrary Rids of Col. Fremontfrom Los Angelos to Monterey and back.$00 milesin eight da) a. 4 Paget.

Commodoie Stockton'a Account of tha Conquest ofCalif mia by Col. 1 rem. t. .U pages.

Correspondence between CoL Fremont and OeueralKearney. "> pages.

A flair between Colonel Fremout and Col. Maaon, Gov-an or of California, wirb ail the Corrotpo idence_10 ;.,/....

Letter to the Cirizent of Sr. Loulttltor hit .treat.| pares,Letter to the Adjutant-Oenortl ask in< a Court-klartial. 3 pagta

Hit Defect* before the Coart Martial reported entire..61 page*.California Cleimi Bill.Speeches of Sanatora Du,Benion ind Clark.3 page*.

Dr Toney't Report cn Fiau>.<nt't Botanical Diacov-tries. 2 page*.

CompluaenUry Letten from Alexander von Humboldtand frjm the I.ondoi Geographical Society.6 pages.

Curioua ecientife controvorsy with C ipt. Wilkes, oftie South Sea Exploring Expedition.22 page*.

Co!. Bean n't account of FiemoLit Fourth ExploringExpedition. 3 pages.

Hit title to Maripoee, aid Chief Jus*ic* tauey'topition. 6 pages.

Hit first political letter, in which be tvowt himself a

Democrat. 9 pageaLetter to tbe Philadelphia Pacific Railroad Cur ventioo 9 page*.Full rapnrt* 1 unabridged) of bis principal Speech** in

the United State* Settto. 8 pages.Affair between Framoi t and Senttor Footo, with theconesxaondanc* complete. g page*.

I .1 ...11 f account of hi* Fifth and Last Expedition byan anlet who accompanied aim.13 page*.

An account of the aeiintlnc rteolt* of hie last Expedi¬tion, written by bixnae.f. 7 pares

Ltttert ia lelation to the practicability uf a PacificRailroad.

Report ef Senator Breete on Fremont'i Expedition».. 7 pagealbe facts in regard to hi* religions prefereno* andopinion. 3 pe<aa


For further psiticulart tpply to

DERBY at JACKSON, Publiahers,Na. 119 Nasaaa-st, New York.

*,* Copies tsnt by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price.

Copita tent by mail, postpaid, to pnbliahert of uewpap. n

givug tbo above on* insertion.

Irving'8 life of washington..POPULAR ED1TITON.

O. r. PUTNAM A Co.Have lb* pleemre to announce that they publiah a Duodecimo

Edition (uuifo.ru with Irving'» oihor wjrki) of

1RVINO'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON.Vol I-On tha ltt day of Aogiitt.Vol. I. Oti the lit Septemhor.Vol. B.On the lit October.

Price *1 30 per volume, in cloth.Tblt great work it low issued in a »tyle adapted to univeraal

circulation, and a tteie.j to ihe Trade In liberal quantities en

libaial teiui». Of tucb a bo< k DO boltellsr need Be at. aid a

on'ar ng too many. No work baa bean publiahed in the ( nitedSiatei tor the laat twenty years which 1* to eminently w«w*aj

of an exteLitve aala In every part ef tha couutry It ia destinedto tili permanently the bixhaet plica in ita department, and Ism l to gtcw in popularity and ealeem tbe more it is read, audthe m*ie be tutbnr'e deugn ia OL.ierstocxL" Tbl* i* th* Life of Waahinrtori which will be read.other*

hereafter "etil OBly be referred to." [Courier and Enquirer" A boek waicb will take ita place in American h meehol it,

tide hy tide with th* Bible." [N. Y. Express,hold by all Bookaeilera.

Fremont and dayton..LIFK-L1KH PORTRAITS of theae REPUBLICAN

CANDIDATES can be lean In FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER,now ready. Price 10 cento per copy, or $7 per 100. EveryRepablicau ibould have a copy. ROSS A TOUSEY.

Newtver.dar*. Nu. iui Naaaa

-fine ^t-.o.

JF ST PUBLlSIikD.LIFE 8KB Por¬traits of FREMONT ai.d BUCHANAN. Price «I.

Th* aoaol discount to th* trade. ijOCPIL a Co.,No. loti Broadway.

Only AITHENT.C PORTRAIT of JOILNC. FREMONT, Republican Candidate for tha Presidency

.Lithographed In the highest atyie of toe art hy O. C. Cranes,sftor Root's inagiitSenn! Photograph. Site of tbo Print,I'll inches Prle* 01 per copy. Sgat to all parts of thatountry 'ree of siperie* on the receipt of + I. 11 dress

H. SCHAUS, Pabiiaher, No. 829 Broadway.

Printing.TRIBUNE BmxJ3I^G8.-PRmTl^Gof ever-

description, froru a Card to a Book, at th* Lowest CashPrices BAKER A t/OD WIN. Tnhun* Buddings.

Ötationcrn anb .funcn ©ooöo.

BOWNE & HASI3ROCCK, Stationero* Hall,No* 171 and 176 Pearl St., N.Y., IMPORTERS tnd MAN

I EACTURPK.S, otter for aale at how cash prices every varietyof Account Books Paper, a*aney and S'aple Stationery, Writ¬ing Papera. Notea, Drafts, Money a/id Shipping Receipt*. Ink-rtajida, Memorandum and 'lime Hooka, Pan* Pencile, Slat**,Pen Knivea, Chess and Backgammon Boarda, As., and all art!-atoa uiuallv kept by tha trada. JOB PR1NTI.NI» and LITH-OOR A PHY executed at low rates Cardt, Circulars, Hill.Heads, he. Country Marebonta invited to csJL


For tal* bya. P. BROWN,No 186 Paartet, Now York.




< ,!.<.». Pntoiiradei Hair Oilt, Antique Oüt, Ac. Also pro-prtol r. f LlON'rt KATHAlHON, AcThe wholeaale 'rade ia re«pectluiiy invited to etanune oar

goo..i. bath ia 10 it)le ar.d price. No. 43 Libwrty iu


ABITUATON WANTED by a young] Womanb » 1-'-ate family to do the HOUSEWORK. She 11 a

«.¦00 lien cook a 1 Baf rood reforeue*a*tocnara"er and cap*-

111 'y. Would lite a place aa Saama:r-:*s Bad to do tbe fin*vra.hi. g. Apply for two daji at Mr*. WAThlNS S. No. MB\ trick at

GOVKRNESS..A Te*v-her from MatMa.'buaftta» en*, a an nation at JO\ ERNESS. in New V )rk, Bf vl

IBlty, Iiafructiou given In commou Eua'.'h b acches, mclud-ii r higher M ithema'ica aid ndlmeora of French. Aa-ojraphteteret. ea abown. A personal mt*rvi«w may be h*l at No V

?th tv. Vt nt ^n conjnauicaiK.nl addreased to M ,Box 112,Trihax* Offlc«.__

I^WO LAriiS, on-a Eunpttan, haviiik; ottvora]y**r»' eipa-nence i**ch:ug Drawing »1 d atusu, aAta

I retcb and 'lermaa, whi-n acgna«e« aBB ip-aai rtaari'iy ;iao. n American young I*ly. wail aequau'ed witu all BU-

1 uh hram hei. aoind 1 mate f p»««t>. an £N«»A J£-MENT from lat Sept. mb*r next, in the aama instituti.o or

family; would not obi ct to tlie South or West Rifare k»i

-'.cloty. Address A. L. L Koas HiJ P O, Seutc* Cj,,H. I._ARARE CI LA NCE..Want«?iJ, AGKNTS to aeU

Bro'h.r Jorathan'i ffcaoiptcn FURNIH/HE P'iU.Sil.Ni'Le tti uma without lb* inr^nn..-'« naino 011 the 1*wth a uart

m-t rat. make from *>'< 'o BH' per day Call *t 'he orloc paldepot, No 444 Broadway. JOHN K. BRABYN a Co


incnts »ab**rfb*ii RODOES' B ANK NOTE AND FIN IN-i IAL BEPORTE*.. Man ef rood addrawt an 1 Itangl ofcharaeur ibo other. need apply I -an b* inaured 0 laX to * VI

|tl Bict'0. Appiy Ui flODOES A Cv., Nv, ."7. fl-J»4waj.

PRICE TWO CENTS.pOACHMAN and GROOM WANTED.TwoV"men. Mtber !Mwtsii or EngJiab, wanted, tu nil tb**e*eparate»tuaiioe», with > gentlaflaaa Id t»* country. Tbo** woo be**J ..t srrtved win good recoaune daivoo. a. to character, pre-faired Addrses Box No 483, fox* Offic*.

EDUCATION..A gradual* of Trinity Coll***,Dublin, of eeverej imii riwrVLC a* » Teavahar, 1* open

to to «. m '. teetimoniaJ* tad reference* will tofourd ui txctptlooai,.^ h-. :o* fall B. A court* of th*I nlveratliea of Peblia ^ I.oodoo ha ha* Uught lb* element*£-'jh* U*^L'¦« .f'*«uh, lud German. Add/*** D. D. D at ta*Trlbuoa OBVa.

TEACHERS WANTED..Two fem»leTEACH¬ERS, on* of tb* Higher Bag I'.ah Branch**, th* ofwr of

\ ocai and ltuuumattal Music, wil. be wanted in the Youn*Ladie*' Lutitute, Gothen, N Y by th* firtt of September It.. detuebl* tb» two Teac.b«it .boold a'ao c >m»iue witb ab >ve. .knowledge ot French. Drawing »nd Paintia* Oood reference*i1.' 'mvl\iwnzns'm qualification* indi*p«o««ble Ad. reeeD. L TOWLE. Principal. i».h«n, N. Y stating wheiean Lu¬tert lew may be bad.

EACHERS WANTED .Two Ladiea in aOil I*' School in a plaaaaat aectioo ot ttieaiaeippi I toe one

to teach Mueic and 8 Bain*, and th* other English Branch**,Matbema-icl with PreLcbi and two Ladie* u a t.gist- lu-tiltute in Penrtylvanl* French tot * nsceasary r. unification;bar mem hart of tbe Pr» tbyterian 1 hurcn preferred A on t atthe AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Applttou'* BaudnvjNo. oVBti Broadway, or by letter addreaeed to

_E. H. C HAPMAN k HMtTli.

TITANTED.By a recent Gradtube of a New-f f gBjlBBtl College, a «uaetion a. PRINCIPAL or AS¬SISTANT m an Academy or High School, or TEACHER to a

private family. No objection to tha South or Waat. AidreaaTEACHER, Boa No 143 Tribune Office.

WANTED.A ateady and induftrioua MAN. toWORK on a KARM.twelve mile, from the city, and to

take charge if a bone, A*. If married, with a small family.canhave a houae on the premise*. On* we:; recommended can call

upon_A. H. WALLIS, No. 52 John-at.

WANTE.D.A BOY to ATTENIMnTcOALOFFICE One who can write well, and give good refer¬

ence* a* to bouerty, may apply (eteling «.« ralereace and sal¬ary 1 to R. H.. Tribune Office.

forste, Ctartiiigco, £-c-

FOR SALE..A fine bay HORSE, 5 years old,15 band* bgh, perfectly sc und am! is good coalition, la for

SALE. A capital SadJJe-Horee and a rood m .rar in berueauCan trot a mile in 3:10. The owner baa no tue for him. ApplyperaotaJIykir by note, to T. C. E., No. 35» Broadway, up stair*.

do farmer* anb (fUlicraVEW TURNIP SEED- Saved froin lelectedA v s*oeh, of the very finest qualities:

Red Top Stiap Leaf. 75 oent* per pound.W hite Ti-p Strap Leaf.. 71 cent* per ponod.W hit* Stoae. 75 aenta per pound.Large White ('lobe. AO cent* pt r pound.Large W'hita Nur'olk. AO cent, per pound.l el uw Stone. 75 ceot* per pound.Y»How Aberdeen. 75 cenfe per pound.Pupae top Rut* Bag*. 50 cent* par pound.Skirv.ng'* In-proved Ru»a Baga. 50 cent* per poundkBe*t American Runt Baga. 75centa par pound.Maraiiail's New Rut* Baga. 1 dollar per pound.Ntw Bullock's Heart Ruta Baga 1 doll tr per pound.

These laat two ate pronounced the finest Rata Baga. cultivatedla Eur>pe.

Aleo, now in seaeen for planting, Round leaved, Prickly, andNew Fierdere Spinach. Corn Salad or Fetti. oa, Eudlr« Cucum¬bert for Pickle*. 1 .n.ir .-. o cd Cabbage Fall Radiahat, EarlyPeat, Bush Beana, Ac. J. m. THORBURN A Co.,

No. 15, John-at., New York.

Atrijaiuco for Utteinceo Uten-

N OLD-ESTABLISHED BINDERYfor SALE Tb* tubsenber he* been engaged in it for tbe laat

ten year*; those within* . nice, profitable badneae, with a

ratlf capital, will luv* Ulla a chianc* rarely ottered. Alto t

CHEAP PI BLISH1NO Bl SINES! caa be negotiated for,and will not inteifere with tha Binding huaineaa, bei .g entirelywho eeale, and through Agent*. Kor particulars inquirel at No.AO AnutL, third floor.

ABARGAIN INDEED..Will be sold for halfit* real valua, a new tint-, lata PATENT BIOUT. to

effect an ironediate aale for cash. Call and BBJ at No. 334 Broad¬way, room No. 14.

BROOKLYN WATER WORKS.TO CON-TRACTORS -Sealed propoaala trill be received by tha

uxdemgntd ui til the 1Mb day of Auguat, at 12 m for the con-

atiuction of the RIDOE III..I. RESERVOIR, eitueted aear

tbe Jamalei Poad, about five mllea from Brooklyn. The work.......... «.f k'»..n-. ia en u* Wall, and Puddling 8peelfieati( ne «od plana of the work will he abowu oa the ground, andat the Engineer'* Office, H*le*y'« Building. BrooBiyn, from th*6'b Aoguat. Tbe rigUt ia reserved to rejeit aay or ail ef Batpropcaau made. H. 8. WELLES A Co.,

_No. 4 Wall at-. New-York.

OTTON MILL FOR SALE.To cloeean Eatate, the Mill known aa HARMON Y Mino

rltnated in Pateraon, N. J., with th* buMoea* now la laccewftj.Deration, and domg * large trade. The Building* and Ma¬chinery aLl in good order. For further information inquire ofJ. 1. BKRTINE, Admx., No. HS Broadway, up ttairt, front10 to 12 o'clock.

IJROl'OHAI.S for HAILING CAttS.-TbeHudaou River Railroad Company invite Maied propueal.,

until the lAtb day of Auguat aaxt, for tbe HAI.'LAOE of taeurCARS by bona, between Slat and Ctuunoers-et*., and inter¬mediate ..*... r . in the City ot New-York, for one or more yeere,frrm ard after tbe Kth dty of October next

Parties proposing to do the work can obtain Information a. Intbe aervice, he, required, oa application to iba uadantigued, towhom propoaal* may he aJdressed, marked Propo*ait 'orHau'lng Cart " previooa to the 15th of AnguatThe Company teaerae the right to reject such proposal, a* they

may conaider ariaatisrfhctory. M. L SYKES, 18.,\ ire Piet't Hudton River Railroad Company,

No «8 Warreu-tt., New Yo'k.

CTEA1I >\\ KK -r SALT. ,.r X. II \ MiK

ktIB, addrett W. Q. WRIOHT, Horneliaville, N. Y.for t FARM.- Can be uaed for any buaiaasa Pot peruco-


nPEACHEB WANTED..A~thorou><aly Eduea-M ted and Accoo-oliahed LADY ia wanted a* a PARTNER

in a fiiat Clau Female Boa'ding Schuol near tha City. Th* ap¬plicant muat be a member of an Evangelical Church (Cpi*e ¦

ftl preferredn A Urge and favorable ei'y acquaiouuc* ora command ot city or country patronage would beconaidere t anequivalent in whole or in part for share of capital required. Ad-aieaa ORLAND. Tribun* Office

do ÜJhom it man (Tonern.-

ARETTRFD PHYHICIAN, whoae BBnd* of Ufenave nearly ran out, diacnvered, while living in the Kaet

Ii diet, « certain CURE foi CONSUMPTIlJN BRONCHITIS,t OUGHS, COLDS and GENBRAL dbb1lity. Wi*ain*todoa*niocb good a* poaaible, h* will tend to euch of but atflic ted fvUow-beinga a* request it, this recipe, with full direcaionit r atahBrg up si * .ucce«*fuilT using in H* require* each ap¬plicant Ui Ltcioae Mm one ebillii g, three cant* to be returned a*

poetage on the reel pa, and the remainder to be applied to thapayment ot thl* advertieement Addreaa

Dr. H. JAMES, Jaraey City, N. J.

I OBGWOBTH*1 SPARKLING and SI ILL1j catavvba wines. r. s coz/.en«.

Sole Ageut. No. 73 Warren-et New-York.


No. 7 Appleton'a Bu.. .j. i Nu. 3tH Broaiway.Omca Receive* or Taxe*. i

No. 32 Chambers st (new Coup Hause). >Nkw-Yobk, June 2*. i85a. y

TO AVOID the riak* that must inevitably occaifrom tha crowd of Tax Payer* who put od to Ina leteet daj

lb* payment of their taxea, I have determined to aii.pt Iba forlowiag ruie wine* will be rigidly adhered to during my term cajfliee 1 thall receive no money after 2 o'clock p. m Every.flicer in Uni Department I* (TBicrtv p*ori*ited frotn re>

:aivmg EXVEtorrt cuatainii g money or che- kt for tna paymanlif Tare.. B) onler. HENRY II HOWARD, Racelvet.


a oat economical article f ir blueing clothe*, bat tha only onetlatia frr . from acid, entirely .olut.le, and inaure* a partactwhite without the gieyiah or greenieh Unt so common after aa

lug tbe Liqud ludAgo. Try it Far sale by all Grocerswm. H. fanton t Co., No. 8 Day at,

VB. PAI.MKR* ADVERTISING AGENCY.. .No canvasser* or runner* are employed. Adverti*en

tpply at the Agency, or when requested, will be waited on

tioarb anb Rooms.

BOARDING.No*. 45, 47 and 4!» East Broad-wet, for Familie* and Sinai* Gentlemen t.ao, Trtmueat

boarder« by the dty or week, from ft to 4) I Js per Jay.

_6nmmcr WelxealB._COl'NTRY HOARD in a FARM HOUSE..One

large ROOM ia to LET with goad BOARD, is tbe large> bome ul tha cidetiigrod, situated near Olau Co>c vi

««*. Ii «nlr .ble for a small family , plenty uf abide, he Ad-i'*** C. I NOERHILL, Glen Co»el_HOLLAND HOUSE, eorner of Main and Elm-

.ta., KocKPoRD, lüiiioat-Thj* Hoca* at i»w ejaa fothe rereptici 0f Ideate. It aef th* large* air*, alagauUy raroubed tbr- ughoat. and utttnrpaaeed lu all it. arrangement* andsoBvanience a* a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. The room* art

ito large ai^l tjry, couiaoaoding fi'-a tiaw* of th* r:vtr **<!I'ty. No BahM will be iparad by th* Proprktor* to randei it a

f etaai I -.txiorary botu* fcr th* traveler. Located In amt ofA* tineet inland e:"»* of'h* State, and er^oyln* a* keiThy «ocai ia I, aa any in tbe world, with a* baeuuful a eoontrv ear'uniMi :g.t, will also p>awaa peculiar etalaM a* a dUBM^l9 LSoBT TViWy Partar* alwart ia atteadanee on "he arUtajl traUM. and BaMBBABM c«nv*y*d to and bum the car* Free at

JksugTT' * ^ PIERtl A B'NOHIM. ?rop letorle. w. rieaca. A *. nuaRaat.

Rtevktard. ntlar" May, laSR

lost anb lonnb

CTdl K.N from the htiuee No. 1 I Madiaon 9«juare,hr Ka*» J .'. *t.Ltb* ... »i t r rarwtr*. of " Kirg* Pal-imi." Tic. . V rl« 9 ¦ Twwsstoaae. V "vi-

.!*»-». I Natter knif*. »Ii D»*r»«d ('.A.M. .*>! *tv**xip< I wirb)n .»»>.. bjatBalt, ü mO and U A nberal reward wlf. >w peso]»«l that iweweerv of <b* wkwie, or ewv ree'l Bf thv» iwm on aw.

pitratxt, to CHARLES MERLE, Ho. % liaoovar at,

tjoneco to It I

HOUSE to KENT.-An eioellVnt tii^wtor-IIOCSE ka ZU at r.u «lh thrso roaaao aW» Oao.

Hathi, ho Firet rate aeLaaborKood. |wt oodarfa Inqjiroof C A. DANA Ha to Crtetcw, aiac* m at TilBawo Otta.

ÖTEAM POWER to LRT-A Brie* twoaoryO II ILD4NO. Ji»faat by W.at RUaabetAnon I J Apply toA. BAIZ, 407 Broadway, or to J O KjjWj! ClisabwtAtyeT*.

STEAM POW E R ..StyvejTwl »eoLligrfrwäROOMS 10 LET with Steam Power, No*. Bkaa.91 &m*m.

1» BOA» B Oa.

S~KYLIGHT ROOMS to LET IBS ft*ArtwCa ka ho l.i iis coma* af H road war, and BoasawB at,

twwaBM Bf W DCRACK *i tba pl-emlaaa, or

T. H ROOMAN Jsancoy eowrt, No. BJ WaB at

TTLET.Tb*) dr* rah Ik COTTAGE HOUSENo 293 W aat 2atA at., fRao up wMb svsry

and in perfect order. A vy tJACKSON, «»o. 9» Briwarway.

1\) LET to MECHAN1C8.Two tuht ROOM*oa Ihe ?d (loot, frontisg oo Car al and "'aliar eta,, wltbj

rtsidy POWER, by J UACUl'.No. 197 Walkat at

iL_ 1

Sonars onö /aunt COantr5.

WANTED.A SECOND STORY or part of .asvoderu built dwelling HOl'se, ambra*ma Par t, two

Bedroom* Duutunxiro and Kitchen, at a ruodora'a ran-. Aa>dreel P. O., Boa No. 4,127, Pol OSxc*. New Yo>t_

Ural Estate for Bali*.

AT PRIVATE SALE..Twenty LOTS OPOBOl'ND witb too Water Right oat tbo East Rraor, bo-

tweec -ita and Soth its. Aiao. Eight Lota oatfAao wort ride of2d ev , between .wlh and '-«.'. .'a

Also, Flvo Lota on tbe smith-west eoraor of 10th so. tad 14th-. t. Alao, Four Lota oai tbo south wost corner af II.b a. ami¦Mat.

Alao, Three Lota on north aide of tub at near *tb a*

For term., Ac., apply to B AKER A WEEKS, Aac'xonaera.No. . ftawat,

BEAUTIFUL COUNTR* RESIDENCE torSALK In FtaokUl, Nil; mile* from tbo datpot, 1* accaat

of LAND, Hot and I'oid Water, witb aewy modern cawveujoocoIn the be us* and about the pr amissa. Inquire at Na IBS (>r**n-wUb it._ '_FARM LANDS for SALE.Tb« ILLINOIS!^

i F.N TRA.L RA I LRUAD COMPANT I* bow praparad to


FAR MINO LANDS.1b Tbact* or Fobty Acaaa abo L'twabb.



Ttiaart Land* war* Brau ad by th* Oovtuan**nt to aid ia thateoietruction of tin* Railroad, and include *d*uo of tbo rar heatand most fertile Prairies ia tbe State, tnteriperssd bora andtbeie with magnificent frorea of oak and other tia.reT T*w»Boad rifeuds nosn Chicago ou the north oast to Cairo al kjBsouth, and from thenco to Oalena and Duniaitb, in tba Borth-weat «xIrama of too Slate; and as all tbo lauds Bo wtthau Af-toen muss on each ilda of this Boad, ready and sheep mean*)

are afforded by It for tiaoeporting tba products of th* lasds toany of those points, and from thane* to Eastern and Nouibwrnmark*!* Moreorrr, the rapid growth mi rtouribloa towas asatTillage* aloug the i.e. and tbe great tncreass la BoViSatiaa b*kaiuiiaratioti. Ac afJoed a snbstaatial and growing homo demaujfor far¦ producaTbe soil i* . dark, rich mold, from on* to St* feet In dwpth, a*

gent y roll in*, and pecoiiarly bttad for gTaaing Cattia aud Sboapor tbo caltlTatlon of *ha*r, lrdiaa Cora, AcEconomy in coitiTatiug and groat preda. Ueaa*** are thai

well known ebaia«t«rta*4e* of flTwoi* lasda Troo* era not ra-

<|un*d to be cat oown, atamp* grabbad or otoito faehad o. aaIs reneraUy the rase in caltlvaUt g t ew land to the Oder State*.The first crop of Ipdlta Cora, planted on th* newly brokao tod,asuai y r«o*yt tbo coat of tlowtug and fencing.Wheat euwn cat too aowty-tornao *oo I* taroto yieU very

large profits. A man with a plow and two y-ka of ataa wilthraak oue and a half to two acrea per day Contracts *aa bomad* tor br**Aina ready for Cora or Wheat, at froat S3 to

62 60p*r aero. Bv judicluat m*it«gtOwBt tba land may bo

plowed a.-..- fenced tbo first, and uador a high rtal*of oiirtiratioalIke second yearCora, i.ian., evtl* <%¦¦ will b* forwardod at rtaaooabia

rate* to Chicago tor tbe r astern market and to Ooiro Aw thatSoathein Tbo larger Tie Id on tbe cheap land* of Minna* ow*r

th* high priced land in tba Eastern and Middle State* w knowoso bo much mote than a*ffVri*nt to pay tbo difference of trans

porteti. n to the Eastetrn markatBltuminout Coal la ruined at ateoraJ points along, 'ha Road,

Bad it a cheap tad detnthl* fueL Itoaa te del' tared at artera]sola's aloug tbo Boad at 61 60 to B4 pei ton. Wood aaa bohad at the frame rate* per BoldTaoaa who think of aetiling ta Iowa er Mlawaaata, sbowld boar

ku mind that lai d* tbar* of any ralua, along too wanat courasa

and for many mile* Inland, bate boon dhtpotad of, that for thjwSlocated in tbo Interior tbar* are no coot**teaowe for traaaport-Ing the produce to market, ranrued* sot baviiag boon lBftrrdaowitthera, that ro tend the produce of these laooa oao or two hun¬dred mile* by wagon to markat wowid coat mach more than taw

aipaa** ot cmutating thetn, and bonos (toTenuawot lead* the*)aituated, at 9)1 26 per acre, ar* nut to good tnaaatiasots aa thailand ot Una Company at I.' prtaoa raaod.Tbe aama remart* Bold good In relation to tbo land* in Raa*

aas and Nebraska, for ilthceish racant land* may a* found tiaarac

tbe waist ..ifrre tbo dlaasi cs to mart*! I* liar groator, aaateteiy hundred nittefl the produc* of tb*w* lands w carried at'bew.In wagon*, or Uiaerrup>ed watar ccatnma^caUorw, inct >**?» thatexpel.lea of transportation which mast ha borne By tho sattler*.In tbe reduced pnc*i of their products, and to that sstarnt prav-awclj ».. ism uicowjwj frocn their farms, and ot come* on theirtOTeatmenti, annually and every year reduced.Tba graat fsttllity of the land* now odsreal for aal* by thlo

Coxupat/y. and thatr cyxttaeooMt yield ovsr tho** of tbo Eattarnand Mid-lie State*, i* mach more than suftViont to pay tho dlf-feiatco in th* coat of tranenoTta.wa, especially in view of twofacilllieo furniahed h/ thia Road, and other* with which It con¬

nect*, IB* operation* of which art not interrupted by abo lowwsler ofSommer or tba frost of Wlctar.

PKICK AND TERMS OF PAYMF.NT.Tbe pries will vsry from 9)9 to 03S, accordlag to location,

quality, Ac Contracts for te*eds msy h* mad* Sating th* ywsr«. stlpuJattns the purchsse mossy to ba paid to 4v* afotl

lnitsllments. tat brat to become due hi two year* from thatBwtt of contract, BB*J tbo other* *iinii*Jly tAeeaa/ler Tbe laat

Cynient will become duo at too «od of tho itsth year from thote of ah* contract,


Al t lecurtty to the performance of the contract, tbo Brat twoye*ra' in'rreat most be |«to rn advanoo, and it mat bo in ier-ttood that at le**t vne-l*ntb of tba laud pwt- based ahavli y*arlybe brought undar ciltiTatioti. Lunger eradita, at ata pet coolper artb'.m, may be negotiated by apeclal application. Twentyper cent rroni trie cracit nrice will a* daoactod for oaab. TboCompax.y'1 construction bonda will aa racatvad as aah.

Ready ftseed Farm Boildinga. which caa boaatapkaa tawsdaya, can he obtainec from r. aposthi* ponoaw.Tbtv will be I i feet by SO fat*, divided Into aw* Utrag awaf

three becroomi, and wLl eott compiote. tat op oa grotnii sAjasaany whore along the load, 6160 In cash, exelasiv* of Uansass-

taucax. I.araer boiluingi may be contra, uaal for at proptwtlaaoataraise Tbe Company will forward all tho aaatartala for . ».hbuilditgi over their road promptly.Spariil airangamen'a with ceeJer* caa b* made totBTpply

tnew* purcbaain* tbe Company'* lands with lOawaag uxafsrxali.agricBliural toola, and oatfit of provisions lastly qaaatity, atthe loweit whoi***la price*.

It ta bel.eved ibat too price, long credit, and low rata of Later-eat ehtrgrd for these lata*, will enable a man with a row bttn-dred donari tu cash atd ordmary industry to make hjr inlf ladtpendent b» fore all the pun baa* money become* due lu tbomem, tim*, the rapid tettlamant of tbo country wBi pmobmbljha'. lo*reaied their vale* four or flve fold Wboo rsquiredi*n eiparieniod peraou will accompany applicants to gtvo knfor-n.alien and an) in soieciieg .«

Circulars coutaautng atuaetotii Invtaneo* of rnrrnafil farm-tr« mired hv reapectahle and wall known faimsra living in tbaneighbuihood of the Hsliroad land* Uimushout tho State.also,tbe coat of fencing price of cattl*. sxpouaa of h*sv**tiug^thrashing e'e by contract.or any other Informa'tail will bocheerfully given, on application, *lth*r peraonallycr by latter,in Et gttah. KreiKfa or Oanrian. address»! to JOHN Wl l.ai IN.

Land CommissJonar of tho Illinois Contra! Railroad Oo..No W klKtttfan av., Chicago, bwBxwxb

FARM FOR SALE LN FISH«ILI*. N. Y.-190 aerta of vtry productiva LAND, Ana River slows and

onpioa» Springt of exeellent Water, l< miles f'oaa tbo Oepot.U qare at No. rod Ciiwiiwlehat.

I^OR BwxLJb CHEAP.AepleoilidNBW HOUSEand 12 LOTS of OROl'ND an Bargan Highe I quire at

JONES'S Hardware Slora. No WOrovavot. Jatxwy Crty.

GREENWICH, Ct .For aale or BxeaBxBdje, av¦ß Urs« new Houie, with 1} terse of laad. Appiy .oiaiv. Pai-n er on tb* prtmiaet, or 8. Cockcroft, 13 Msrcitaot's EtcAasvg*.

SOTTKB Fl'KMSHBD HOIJSI^Fw flA^JEa bardaotn* fu uabed fourlory BRICK HOU9B, atsawatf

B**r S Byv*aaot iqaare. ano conpiate in every raspwet 9ialaai StooAa or Ran roan Bot da taten in exihing*, aad Manwiegle

.ton can he had al once For full particnlari apjy toALBERT H. NICOLAY, lU. * B

aJELL'REb HOMES'! EAD for four FAMILY..O ub.tOO acrea drat class lan(19 m lllinot« aad Iowa, xrHJhe divided to iuit p irehaeers. SI i iary !*. P«*-* for casln Ap-p'y to n W Bl STEAD, No 34 Trlmty Balldtag No. IllSioaoway, If. Y^_IHj EX( HAMiK.Eor . F*.KM «itiiAtrad tny-

wber. belweso New Ifaveo and Stantford aoar th* New.Hutu Bailrtwd sr nsar Naw York, . ipleoatld waits raarMafroat HOC8F. ha 2c-place, Brooklyn, out a'meg furnace, rases,>ath waiei- mew: waahteema las etc will tx **raewd riaawu-

t Addrsss, or call oa JoBEPH DaVISON, No ttl Hroad-way. from 9 to 11 a ¦ or turn 2 to 4 p. m.

WATER POWER, with or vriatvotit FACTO-Rlt- far SALE and to let, at MaaBBa-wa. N i ;

rosra l>''in N'at Y..-k lootl.re at No ISjJ Or*aasw«A-*t, or toS B SCHENCK, tgent, Msttoawan, N. Y.

Jnetrnction.I)R. I. BERTHET ruapfctfullr Mor.nt

d.L .,DtJda.^ae 14,1 00 too fihof S*ot.hawdl"'a." » BOARDlNO ami DAY 8CUOOL f«r youi^, We ^ia^..f.. Ci °. W«*t2'»t tt.,waer*BiI th* branches of a th.ata.tshl .itilrtl at 1 Coroxtierrial Education will he ausbt. Frsi^bUu* «' ao»|s at th* School. Iber* at a Oytnaatusa.

MRS. 0^K ILL BOaxRl)lNO_Bad DAYSCHOOL wJl ta ra opanod oo TUESDAY, SopC 9.

lrer.sn can he obtain** a> hwr raa<dwnaa. M a I an.) Oi LB*,ton-place, lib at,or tt Mr. T. N STANFORD'S bookater*. Na,.1 Broadwsy.

MADAME BERfJlER nvpt-rtMlj infornn fttyrbienoa ard th*pa>b.tc tu Bsueial, Iba* bar BOAitDLNgl

and DAY SCHOCL Cur yooaxg Laitss will > rsarfo. aJ aw.

W EDNESDAY. September ir Circularacan ka otaiaod at

er rsakvs: co, Bo. 1J3 Mauisow sv.
