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r IIf t i Watchword I President- Muifer Asst Is Modesty...

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r IIf < t tr A rlt j i r 1 I THE OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY MARCH 3 1908 4 = H 1 p a a Irr 4 u I = Womans Watchword 1 Is Modesty i Whatever threatens womans delicate sense of modesty frightens her For this reason many a woman permits disease of the delicate womanly organs to become aggravated because she cannot bring herself to submit I to the ordeal of unpleasant questionings offensive examinations and I obnoxious local treatments which most physicians think necessary M 1 Doubtless thousands of the women who have taken advantage of Dr i Pierces offer of free consultation by letter have been led to do so by the escape thus offered from a treatment repugnant to modesty Any sick womnn may write to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y in perfect confidence letters of consultation being treated as strictly private and sacredly confidential and all answers being sent in plain envelopes with no advertising or other printing upon them Such consultation costs you nothing whether you take treatment from Dr Pierce or not Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription has been long hailed as a to women It makes weak women strong and sick women well It enables wom ¬ en suffering from female weakness prolapsus uteri retroversion antever on and otter displacements of the rgans distinctly feminine to cure hemselves right in the privacy of their homes a painful- or irregular periods backache frequent weak nerves draggingdown- pain or distress in the lower abdominal- or pelvic region gnawing sensation in Stomach dizziness or spells and kindred conditions and symptoms are cUred by Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip ¬ tion It is not a secret or patent medi- cine ¬ against the use of which most people of intelligence naturally object in fact the t Favorite Prescrip ¬ tion of a regularly educated and ex- perienced ¬ physician in the treatment- of womans peculiar ailments and who is not afraid to publish all its ingred- ients ¬ aa he does on its bottlewrapper attesting the correctness of the same under oath R v Prescription iq the one IJcine for womans delicate aliments c Contains Helper alcnUnr npr rmu I ha bit f orni i ng jrugs being a Jure g ycerJC extract of curative prin fiples found in our most valuable native Medicinal roots aa attested by many of Ie most eminent medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice- Dr I Pierces Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician- and adapted to womans delicate system It is made of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition ofI the female tystem d- As a powerful invigorating tonic n Fa- vorite Prescription imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular For overworked t run < debilitated teachers milliners dress- makers ¬ seamstresses tt shopgirls housekeepers nursing mothers and feeble women Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthl unequaled as an appetizing cprdial and restorative tonic a and strengthening ner i n Favorite Freviption is unequal ed and is invaluable in al1ayir and I subduing nervous excitability irritabil- ity ¬ nervous exhaustion nervous pros ¬ I tration St neuralgia hysteria I Vituss dance and other distressing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and des ¬ pondency You cant afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this PROVES REMEDY OF KNOWN COMPOSITION The Blood is The Life Science has never gone beyond the above simple statement of scripture- But it has illuminated that statement- and given it a meaning ever broadening- with the increasing breadth of knowl ¬ edge When the blood is tt bad or im ¬ pure it is not alone the body which suffers through disease The brain ia also clouded the mind and judgement- are effected and many an evil deed or impure thought may be directly traced- to the impurity of the blood Foul impure blood can be made by the use of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis ¬ covery It enriches and purifies the blood thereby curing pimples blotches eruptions and other cutaneous affections as eczema tetter or saltrheum hives and other manifestations of impure blood 0 0 0 0 0 0 In the cure of scrofulous swelling enlarged glands open eating ulcers 01 old sores the tt Golden Medical Discov ¬ ery has performed the most marvelous- cures In cases of old sores or open eating ulcers it is well to to the open sores Dr Pierces AllHealing Salve which possesses wonderful heal ¬ ing potency when used as an application- to the sores in conjunction with the use of n Golden MeDical Discovery as a- bJood cleansing constitutional treatment li your dont happen to have t etA Hea inr Salve in you cne ly prqcure it by inclosing fifty ftur c nts ostage stamps to Dr K V Pi ce663 Main St Buffalo N Yr and i AHowne to you by return post Mo ggists it as well as thi n Gin Medical Discovery 0 0 0 0 8 I You cant afford tq accept jmv med- ia n cmnpnatfinn flfl a sub- stitute ¬ fo Golden Med icftT Discovery which JB a medicine OF KNOWN CQM- 8IT having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottlewrapper the same being attested- as correct under oath Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets invi or- ate ¬ the stomach liver and bowelstOn to three a dose Easy to take as candy I Pure Food Meat Market 1 Hugo Russell Proprietoi Wholesale and Retail Dealer in niSI AND SMOKED f FLORIDA AND WESTERN MEATS A Complete Stock of Meats of All kinds- on Hand at All Times i STALLS I 3 CITY MARKET p TELEPHONE 1- 32SEABOARD AIRLINE RYt SAVANNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RICHMOND RALEIGH WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Three Elegait Trains Daily I SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED SEABOARD EXPRESS SEABOARD MAIL Modern Pullman Equipment The Seaboard Limited Solid P illman Vestibule train St Au oustinc and Jacksonville to New York via Richmond and Washing- ton ¬ Dining Car a la carte service Double Drawing Room Sleeping cars Stateroom and Obs ervation car Leave St Augustine 150 a m and Jacksonville 1255 p m daily including Sundays- For full information and sleep ng car reservations call on any agent Seaboard or write 5 C BOYLSTON Jr Asst Gen Pass Agent JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA IR ¬ RELIGIOUS THOUGHT- Gems Gleaned From the Teachings of All Denominations- The power to realize the unseen is as truly n part of our human nature as our instinct for right which we cal- lcotiscicnceRev I U Van Ness Bap ¬ tist Nashville What Righteousness Is It is not enough to believe that right- is right There must bo a passion for goodness n hunger for righteousness For righteousness in men is the life of God in the souls of lJwnHp V E Barton Jongregationaiist Chicago Dont Wait Act Dont stop to ask what you can do- G ahead and do something Souse of us are impractical and we like to think about things but do not seem to have the power to map out a course of ac ¬ tion Ilev W W Nevins Baptist Washington- To Gain a Large Place In Life To know one tbiiig and to knov it thoroughly to submit to be called nar ¬ row and perverse to dig into a sub ¬ ject rather than to make the leaves fly- over it is the surest way to a large I place in lifeRev George Clarke Peck Methodist New York l Equal Rights The paramount doctrine of equal rights is that each soul has a divine right a kingly and knightly right to all the liberty he can use and has the right to stand up in his Makers im ¬ age to show he can use that right Rev M W Stryker Presbyterian Clinton N Y Wealth The only wealth recognized by God- is the inspiring wealth of an illuminat- ing ¬ and glowing faith God gave us the gold the oil the coal the grain that by the sacred use of these things- we might get what is spiritual in them I Rev George Hooper Ferris Baptist I Philadelphia Standard For Measuring You Not in what you have but what you are will be found the standard by which God and your friends and the world will measure you and there too will be found the criterion of your own estimate of lifeRe 1 Harry N Wilson Presbyterian St Paul Need of Prayr Everything else will til us if we are not men of prayer Prayer must be the connecting link to bind us to God We must ask for soul life Christ himself said he was willing to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask- ed ¬ him This means soul life and I power Rev Dr Len G Broughton Baptist Atlanta Ga The Will of God Let us then keep ourselves in the way of a clear understanding of our aim and duty We are here not neces- sarily ¬ to be always happy or always prosperous but to be always striving- to do the will of God That will of God may be briefly expressed in the words of the text Be ye therefore perfect Link with those matchless words these others Look not mourn- fully ¬ into the past it comes not back again Wisely improve the present it is thine Go forth to meet the shad ¬ owy future without a fear and with aI manly heartRcv Joel B Slocum Baptist Brooklyn Christianity and Happiness Many people believe that the purpose- of Christs coming into the world was to make men happy and when they be- come Christians they expect great hap- piness ¬ to attend them the rest of their lives If periods of struggle come when they must live by faith they are apt to be led into doubt The people- of the world seek happiness one through money another through pleas- ure ¬ In what sense are we different from them If our purpose in serving God is personal happiness except that the means we use are more successful- than theirs And if a man seeks happi- ness ¬ as the main purpose of life there will come times when that purpose will seem more likely of attainment by other means than the service of God- It is true that God delights In the hap- piness ¬ of his children it is also true that the service of God is a joyful happy service and that the way of the transgressor is an unhappy one The Scriptures repeatedly emphasize these facts Light is sown for the righteous- and gladness for the upright in heart The kingdom of heaven is joy in the Holy Ghost Rev Robert Bagnell Methodist Brooklyn I Looking Through Gods Eye I The truest interpretation of life and destiny comes from looking through- the I r eye of God Thus we come to ap- preciate ¬ I I the relative and comparative I value of things as we have the true I perspective against which they are I thrown This realized relationship does I by no means indicate that we ire to lie prone upon the grassy sward counting the stars instead it means active co ¬ operation with him What follows a mans retirement is the key to his past life Right here we discover the mo ¬ tives of his career The parable shows how physical motives culminate in n physical view of retirement We meas- ure ¬ such a man in the terms of cash The one who relies upon God and has I relied upon him possesses a fine dis- crimination ¬ between the accidents and substance of satisfaction If perchance- his accumulations fail he does not com- mit ¬ suicide nqr torture hIsfriends ears t Yf H ROBINSON President- S H BUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Asst Muifer GEO J BUTCH Tel- lereCOMMERCIAL p V BANK OCALA F- LOur v1 Best AttentionEve- rything of a banking nature entrusted to our caro r receives our best attention We shall be glad to have a share of your busi- nessTHOMASVILLE f 1 J Business College Thomasville Georgia This school secures the best positions for its graduates Open all the year 1 a 4 ENTERNOVr ANSON W BALL President i S- i 11- 1ft Jjfi > 1 m- KM The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of R- and + 1 has been made under his per- sonal J supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this t- All Counterfeits Imitations and Justas > dare but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health it Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment i What is CASTOR Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare- goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It la contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms R andallays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind t Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation- and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend t I GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS t Bears the Signature of a I I- I Tho You HaYe Always Bought f y 3 I In Use For Ov r 30 Years r- l VHC eeNTun COMPANY TT MURRAY Bracer new YORK err I e t J + l I I J WITH Ills wailing lie accepts tW in- evitable ¬ serenely after the fiat shock of loss Is passed lie also possesses the priceless jewel of the good will of I his fellows The main thing is to he rich toward God Parents need to heed this in giving their children a right notion of where to place the prop- er ¬ I emphasis in lifes Interests We all I need to examine ourselves and invoice our holdings occasionally to see just how we stand in the possession of the things everlastingly worth while Rev Henry Elmer Gilchrist Unitarian New Orleans A severe cold that may Develop into pneumonia over night can be cured quickly by taking Foleys Honey and Tar It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs The genuine is in a yellow package Sold by all dealers oor > M I A Big Load for 1- eiaEI B H SEYMOURP- hone f 185- WANTEDStudent nurses at the 1 Marion County Hospital Reply by r letter or in person to W V Newsom I Til D secretary Ocala Florida i if I Jo I iJ t 1 c 2i
Page 1: r IIf t i Watchword I President- Muifer Asst Is Modesty Tel-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00786/0429.pdf · prolapsus uteri retroversion antever on and otter displacements

r IIf < t tr A rlt ji r 1 I



I=Womans Watchword 1

Is Modestyi

Whatever threatens womans delicate sense of modesty frightens herFor this reason many a woman permits disease of the delicate womanlyorgans to become aggravated because she cannot bring herself to submit I

to the ordeal of unpleasant questionings offensive examinations and I

obnoxious local treatments which most physicians think necessary M


Doubtless thousands of the women who have taken advantage of Dr i

Pierces offer of free consultation by letter have been led to do so by theescape thus offered from a treatment repugnant to modesty

Any sick womnn may write to Dr RV Pierce Buffalo N Y in perfectconfidence letters of consultationbeing treated as strictly private andsacredly confidential and all answersbeing sent in plain envelopes with noadvertising or other printing upon themSuch consultation costs you nothingwhether you take treatment from DrPierce or not

Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription hasbeen long hailed as a towomen It makes weak women strongand sick women well It enables wom ¬

en suffering from female weaknessprolapsus uteri retroversion antever

on and otter displacements of thergans distinctly feminine to curehemselves right in the privacy of their

homes a painful-or irregular periods backache frequent

weak nerves draggingdown-pain or distress in the lower abdominal-or pelvic region gnawing sensation inStomach dizziness or spells andkindred conditions and symptoms arecUred by Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip ¬

tion It is not a secret or patent medi-cine


against the use of which mostpeople of intelligence naturally object

in fact the t Favorite Prescrip¬

tion of a regularly educated and ex-perienced


physician in the treatment-of womans peculiar ailments and whois not afraid to publish all its ingred-ients


aa he does on its bottlewrapperattesting the correctness of the sameunder oath

R v Prescription iq the oneIJcine for womans delicate alimentsc Contains Helper alcnUnr npr

rmu I ha bit forni i ng jrugs being aJure g ycerJC extract of curative prinfiples found in our most valuable nativeMedicinal roots aa attested by many ofIe most eminent medical writers andteachers of all the several schools ofpractice-


Pierces Favorite Prescription isa scientific medicine carefully devisedby an experienced and skillful physician-and adapted to womans delicate systemIt is made of native American medicinalroots and is perfectly harmless in itseffects in any condition ofI the femaletystem d-

As a powerful invigorating tonic n Fa-vorite Prescription imparts strength tothe whole system and to the organsdistinctly feminine in particular Foroverworked t run <

debilitated teachers milliners dress-makers


seamstresses tt shopgirlshousekeepers nursing mothers andfeeble women Dr PiercesFavorite Prescription is the greatestearthl unequaled as anappetizing cprdial and restorative tonic

a and strengthening neri nFavorite Freviption is unequal

ed and is invaluable in al1ayir and I

subduing nervous excitability irritabil-ity


nervous exhaustion nervous pros ¬ I

tration Stneuralgia hysteriaI

Vituss dance and other distressingnervous symptoms commonly attendantupon functional and organic disease ofthe uterus It induces refreshing sleepand relieves mental anxiety and des ¬

pondencyYou cant afford to accept a secret

nostrum as a substitute for this PROVESREMEDY OF KNOWN COMPOSITION

The Blood is The LifeScience has never gone beyond the

above simple statement of scripture-But it has illuminated that statement-and given it a meaning ever broadening-with the increasing breadth of knowl ¬

edge When the blood is tt bad or im¬

pure it is not alone the body whichsuffers through disease The brain iaalso clouded the mind and judgement-are effected and many an evil deed orimpure thought may be directly traced-to the impurity of the blood Foulimpure blood can be made by theuse of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis¬

covery It enriches and purifies theblood thereby curing pimples blotcheseruptions and other cutaneous affectionsas eczema tetter or saltrheum hivesand other manifestations of impureblood

0 0 0 0 0 0In the cure of scrofulous swelling

enlarged glands open eating ulcers 01old sores the tt Golden Medical Discov¬

ery has performed the most marvelous-cures In cases of old sores or openeating ulcers it is well to to theopen sores Dr Pierces AllHealingSalve which possesses wonderful heal¬

ing potency when used as an application-to the sores in conjunction with the useof n Golden MeDical Discovery as a-bJood cleansing constitutional treatmentli your dont happen to havet etA Hea inr Salve in youc n e ly prqcure it by inclosing fiftyftur c nts ostage stamps to Dr KV Pi ce663 Main St Buffalo N Yrand i AHowne to you by return postMo ggists it as well as thin Gin Medical Discovery

0 0 0 0 8 I

You cant afford tq accept jmv med-ia n cmnpnatfinn flfl a sub-


fo Golden Med icftT Discoverywhich JB a medicine OF KNOWN CQM-

8IT having a complete list ofingredients in plain English on itsbottlewrapper the same being attested-as correct under oath

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets invi or-ate


the stomach liver and bowelstOnto three a dose Easy to take as candy


Pure Food Meat Market1

Hugo Russell Proprietoi

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in



A Complete Stock of Meats of All kinds-

on Hand at All Timesi





Three Elegait Trains Daily



Modern Pullman EquipmentThe Seaboard Limited Solid P illman Vestibule train St Au

oustinc and Jacksonville to New York via Richmond and Washing-



Dining Car a la carte service Double Drawing RoomSleeping cars Stateroom and Obs ervation car Leave St Augustine

150 a m and Jacksonville 1255 p m daily including Sundays-

For full information and sleep ng car reservations call on any

agent Seaboard or write5 C BOYLSTON Jr Asst Gen Pass Agent




Gems Gleaned From the Teachingsof All Denominations-

The power to realize the unseen isas truly n part of our human nature asour instinct for right which we cal-lcotiscicnceRev I U Van Ness Bap ¬

tist NashvilleWhat Righteousness Is

It is not enough to believe that right-is right There must bo a passion forgoodness n hunger for righteousnessFor righteousness in men is the life ofGod in the souls of lJwnHp V EBarton Jongregationaiist Chicago

Dont Wait ActDont stop to ask what you can do-

G ahead and do something Souse ofus are impractical and we like to thinkabout things but do not seem to havethe power to map out a course of ac ¬

tion Ilev W W Nevins BaptistWashington-

To Gain a Large Place In LifeTo know one tbiiig and to knov it

thoroughly to submit to be called nar ¬

row and perverse to dig into a sub ¬

ject rather than to make the leaves fly-

over it is the surest way to a largeI

place in lifeRev George Clarke PeckMethodist New York

l Equal RightsThe paramount doctrine of equal

rights is that each soul has a divineright a kingly and knightly right toall the liberty he can use and has theright to stand up in his Makers im ¬

age to show he can use that rightRev M W Stryker PresbyterianClinton N Y

WealthThe only wealth recognized by God-

is the inspiring wealth of an illuminat-ing


and glowing faith God gave usthe gold the oil the coal the grainthat by the sacred use of these things-we might get what is spiritual in them

I Rev George Hooper Ferris Baptist


PhiladelphiaStandard For Measuring You

Not in what you have but what youare will be found the standard bywhich God and your friends and theworld will measure you and there toowill be found the criterion of yourown estimate of lifeRe 1 Harry NWilson Presbyterian St Paul

Need of PrayrEverything else will til us if we

are not men of prayer Prayer mustbe the connecting link to bind us toGod We must ask for soul lifeChrist himself said he was willing togive the Holy Spirit to them that ask-ed


him This means soul life andI power Rev Dr Len G Broughton

Baptist Atlanta GaThe Will of God

Let us then keep ourselves in theway of a clear understanding of ouraim and duty We are here not neces-sarily


to be always happy or alwaysprosperous but to be always striving-to do the will of God That will ofGod may be briefly expressed in thewords of the text Be ye thereforeperfect Link with those matchlesswords these others Look not mourn-fully


into the past it comes not backagain Wisely improve the present itis thine Go forth to meet the shad ¬

owy future without a fear and with aImanly heartRcv Joel B SlocumBaptist Brooklyn

Christianity and HappinessMany people believe that the purpose-

of Christs coming into the world wasto make men happy and when they be-

come Christians they expect great hap-piness


to attend them the rest of theirlives If periods of struggle comewhen they must live by faith they areapt to be led into doubt The people-of the world seek happiness onethrough money another through pleas-ure


In what sense are we differentfrom them If our purpose in servingGod is personal happiness except thatthe means we use are more successful-than theirs And if a man seeks happi-ness


as the main purpose of life therewill come times when that purposewill seem more likely of attainment byother means than the service of God-

It is true that God delights In the hap-piness


of his children it is also truethat the service of God is a joyfulhappy service and that the way of thetransgressor is an unhappy one TheScriptures repeatedly emphasize thesefacts Light is sown for the righteous-and gladness for the upright in heart

The kingdom of heaven is joy in theHoly Ghost Rev Robert BagnellMethodist Brooklyn

I Looking Through Gods Eye I

The truest interpretation of life anddestiny comes from looking through-the


r eye of God Thus we come to ap-

preciate¬ I

I the relative and comparative


value of things as we have the true I

perspective against which they are I

thrown This realized relationship doesI by no means indicate that we ire to lie

prone upon the grassy sward countingthe stars instead it means active co ¬

operation with him What follows amans retirement is the key to his pastlife Right here we discover the mo ¬

tives of his career The parable showshow physical motives culminate in nphysical view of retirement We meas-ure


such a man in the terms of cashThe one who relies upon God and has I

relied upon him possesses a fine dis-


between the accidents andsubstance of satisfaction If perchance-his accumulations fail he does not com-mit


suicide nqr torture hIsfriends ears

tYfH ROBINSON President-

S H BUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Asst MuiferGEO J BUTCH Tel-







Best AttentionEve-

rything of a banking nature entrusted to our caror

receives our best attention We shall be glad tohave a share of your busi-




Business CollegeThomasville Georgia

This school secures the best positions forits graduates Open all the year






1ftJjfi > 1



The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has beenin use for over 30 years has borne the signature of R-

and+ 1

has been made under his per-sonal


supervision since its infancyAllow no one to deceive you in this t-

All Counterfeits Imitations and Justas >dare butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health itInfants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment i

What is CASTORCastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare-goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It la

contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms R

andallays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind tColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation-and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleepThe Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend



Bears the Signature ofa



I Tho You HaYe Always Bought fy


I In Use For Ov r 30 Years r-



t J + lI



WITH Ills wailing lie accepts tW in-


serenely after the fiat shockof loss Is passed lie also possessesthe priceless jewel of the good will of


his fellows The main thing is to herich toward God Parents need to

heed this in giving their children aright notion of where to place the prop-er



emphasis in lifes Interests We allI

need to examine ourselves and invoiceour holdings occasionally to see justhow we stand in the possession of thethings everlastingly worth while RevHenry Elmer Gilchrist Unitarian NewOrleans

A severe cold that may Develop intopneumonia over night can be curedquickly by taking Foleys Honey andTar It will cure the most obstinateracking cough and strengthen yourlungs The genuine is in a yellowpackage Sold by all dealers



A Big Load for 1-





WANTEDStudent nurses at the 1

Marion County Hospital Reply by r

letter or in person to W V Newsom ITil D secretary Ocala Florida i

ifI Jo



t1 c

