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,r !l ^^ i l · ofNew-Jersey, where the Election commenced yesterday, and will bo concluded this...

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THE TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBEB 9. WHIG NOMINATIONS: f< !_.'-*_»_T-*^""."'-' '*" *-*V.___>V>9----^ *-Li-î__-»^^'^ B_-5!_r---¦ +."+**._*$& __»T^-^¿ei ".-/^'-'-::'a-' fc -*-^i_« 1*30 v *.'.*"¦ » v-J»..v-rsJ »____..« ^TC ,r_!l____^^_i_l FOR GuVSKNOK, MILLAIU) F.LLlMQRE. fe» I.IErTF.NAST OOfEBNOR, SAMUEL J. WTLKIN. POl L«.*«.r. CUMMI8SI0f»_R«, BAV-UfiCL IVIIIIKS, of NiaaaraCo. SPENCER KBIfLOOO, of ( »neid¦¦ Co. f.L.1.1 Alt RHOAOBS, ul dii.imI."..! I'.. JOSEPH H. JACKSOSt "'' «¦'rar-.tli-i «Jo. ron PRtCaiOKNTlAL ___CT01«_, ... (WILLI!1 HALL, ot Albany. *-l«*t*'I«»»i JOIIX A <;OI»LI-_it| ol L'rosjroa. FOR C05GK*_M, in«! Ihstnet-J. PHl_._iIPS PIIO-KIXi rvtb .. JOHN II. WILLIAMS. V(h ** JOHKB.SCika.ESs Vim .. HAMILTON FISH. POLITICIi-N'S REGISTER. Election Return-» for 1 S .U-'-3-'44. __gr riie PoLinciA.s's Kecister,containing the Elections ¡n the «jereral States t>> t.aunties ¡_ 184'» and m ull lin» sui'bf'iui m Elections down to thi«» Time. liiiB just been ¡¿.sued from this oilice. This \r our ftogi«-ter, containing the m-tiri'ni appi*0XÍl*_-tÍ0- tve can riinku o «he Popular Voto in tin* recent Elec- tioiía of Virginia, Indiana, Miaaouri, «V.o. &.c. with a Lint of the prevent »-.ngreae, Timen of Holding Elnctionn. «_.c. «fcc. If vtj«j want it, s*-nd in, as the edition ¡a but small. Price 12. cents, or %i fv dosen. -' i.am *__¦*- A l.lfa of Theodore yreili««*¡hit»,'«iei». iNiDdei»«*!, encrzetic mi tnter.tiiii*. Irom «tie tien of »:io w!.o ;.novs-i him «veil, arid of ctHllia love« him, it ¦._*. !j.-.ucil from tint ofiice.it] a irnat. lar.»- «lainohlel of 13 pnr."S wbicb wii! »old at the low pries ol SI uu parhuadnd, Wrd'.:« are rs- soectlullT filicitcd. Krionds ! the UnM ig short! Letutnal rslax a mutcle! l/»t the Insist time, and the l'e-n.le moat vote hsr the ablest »nd t-esl uitn lo rule over them.lor wi»e Mem.- urt-ii'u! iu'.t I.tt'.vi. D.T* Twt DsJLTTaiaCN- it sorvHl rit un t-arly li'"ir In any ».«art ol this City or Brooklyn, oi nine cïnts r>»»r «ve«.k paya- ole to ih» Currier; or by those who jire'er it. attli« tame rate (for ti* month.« or u !Car privatile at ti.e oll'ice in advance.. Partons wrslii.ii* to be served will ple-i. send la theirnaroei iiriiLi'.'i thePott O-ieo or otherwise. *__». Contrai C'iny Committee,..A recular monthly "Jleïiinc ofttioCiiiiiniiift- will be beW at 's'.tiotial Millón iVed.-iesday cvemu«. ?th nisi, at ?', »'clock, Uv order. J. ft*. KEYttOLDS. l'r»*nJ»n».. John T. Ii'it'OE. <.¦_,.-,...,.;., John T. Lorio*. » ______; . ';,[ {¡jf Central Clay Committee..A mMtin« of 'he fresidcntsol the viirinusl.'iuy Clubt Hml Ataoeiatjoril uf ihe City anil th« E.terutivc Central Car (.'"«iniiuce will Im bellt a! Um »("iiilin. ItooriI. on H'eilnnsrlHy. Ilie L'-h Odober, Ht i. o'clock preci*ely Tita -noinber« are ."\:rie»'ly requettlen to r.e i'unciuiil in ait»a«ioiiCi». -inttctv of Import!Uic«S will be laid bel'-re them. The !'r«,«iiicri!sof ihe Clr«r Clubs are rtquesicil to lend n D«il«.a'.» in eise iliey c__uoi nii»n.l. JAtdEd P.. WOOD.President Jcsirü. Kg_5..H.r-rgtriry. _ uUllC Central Olayr c<sinniiits»r, i NATtosaL Ham..Sum la.li-ll < Resolved. That the Clay Culi« and ..tltfr L*-_ocratiC Clay Attuciitiont of the Cuy »t Naw-York lio anrnestly iB«;ii«»»te,1 lo devote tht-nnielvcs with patient hiid persevl no. induttry to the imturtait duty of thoi-uch I'liitiiry organization ct ttie:¡ r<aix«ctiv«i Ward« now in i>ro.res». Rmitlotd..Tint in ¦iri-nrrleni. with a very cnoral witbol our VViiik lnends. ihis CominiUte »fill take UMHUtUl.. ful h"¡,l ine ilunne the mu.-li of October i Maw Meelin»; inthisCiti in wtn.ih il»- Oliy Club». (Jtay Asmseiationtandlnenth ««t Cin> eenerfill/, of all occupalion«. will I»; Kqucsted t»> participate bv devutinc one day us u Insi aiighty movement befutelhi r;i_,-'n. Rssttoed. That the above rc«olati_ot t'»» rCuroit to lb' Coeocil of Pr«?siil»»n!t with powst to »»id r,, tiior nurnbei aci >»ejriiib'ishe<l. .' N. KiiV.S'Ui.Vi. PtWldent. r íTrtet-}««-«--1» _k N. B Al a nMHiin; of the Council oi Pividet''.», Wtwlnej B dor.i?jth(.'ci, waafiteduj»oa '-;: ILT Wc ali'tl! have Election News from Pew BTLTANIA by Ezp'tSai tliis morning, mid lio|)u I( iasuo ihcm in an Extra at LO o'clock. To-night ut midnight we i.pec retorna by various Express«-*» from u good sh.".rc of thut «State und N_w.J_r.s_,. To-morrow m-irriinp; at Í) we hhull issue anothei Exira with half tho returns irom New-Jeieey. We have made urran<-oiiitnis whioh justny our hope that wc shall give our roiders curly and authentic news, be the purport what it miy. O* For interrttirii» Licttere irom WabiiiNGTO-N, LoctsiAXA, J_o. Now i'ubhc-tions, Kfin_r!;u!'h CDiT-b by Wmur, t*_c. see First Page. UT HIRAM KETCH UM, Esq. was vtV.cr- day nominated ¡"or State Sciiat'.r by the Whigs of ihia Distrii't. Mr. Ketchum has lew Eoperiora «i our B_r or in ttic du>cu¿sion of National i\»htics. and hua earned tho coiitidenc»: ««f tne VV'higs ol New.York by yens ardent,effective, u-tjelfith .Jevotíon (o iheir Cause, constantly declining nuniinaiiiins, end acting with u view to Public Gjod alone. \V« triit.-. he Will hccejit the priseni Dcmmatioo, and if b<», wearc ture he will receive an cuthusiu-stic and _rde-:'. lapport. __T Our letters ¡rum d fièrent sections of Fenn- BTLTaru yiBterdny Wtira most ch«*ering. Our friend who is out to bring us News by E.tprci».*. from the North-Eastern Counties, estimates as follows.Pike 31)0 Lien ; Wayne 400 ; Luzerne 6 or 800 I If they have done any thing like thi»-, wo muy expect .MarkleV election. But we do no*. hopa thíiy have d.mo si» well. Wo would gladly givo 1,000 for Luzerno, «ind think we had j-ot oil cheap. _ KewoJer.ey» Wc liivc cheering advicts from difierent parts of New-Jersey, where the Election commenced yesterday, and will bo concluded this evening. In Patersjn, yesterday morning, a Judge of Elec¬ tion was to be chosen ;by stand and count) in place of S. D. Cantield, L»oco candidato for Senate. Tnere was a l_r;-e vote cnt.the Loco Collector had tho call.and tho W tiigs triumph od by two to o»ií. Palenson has generally been Loco. At New Brunswick, sonto of ihe lovely lads seBt down by the Empire Club to preserve order and prevent ihe Whigs from voting illegally, com. meneed operations very early, and when the train p«us-d in the forenoon three of them were in »iil At the election f-r Judge of ihe Election in the to «n of Paramu?, Bergen Co. yeutcrdav morning a Whig was elected by . íu.jority. This torva has been uniformly Loco for s .\ years pus». Vote»« p->lltd in Newark \csterd_y: North Ward.5*~ West Ward.S20 East " ."04 South .SI9 Total.-J"9CÙ O* If the Morning yeas does not seo a diinr- enoe between us.ng the stolen and v:oi_ted private letter of a public man to injure htm, and us;n- that same letter to defend hi m against the_s_;.»lts based upon it, it must hare a singular perception. If it sees no difference between publishing a let¬ ter like Silac Wright's, which was never stolen nor broken open, but came bofore the public without violence or crime, and »Tailing liself of the services of a thiof and a soal-breakcr, we will let that go aleo. That i;s suggestion of an ci. ouse for the Democrat- ccune w_s wholly un- called for and «»jpcrfluous unless it meant to coun. tcnance ¡hat course, is to us very obvtcus. _Xr~ The KmiK!.kii«ick.r Clvb meets this «inning at its head-quarteis, Tark Row. Attend, Kn.ckerbuckers ! unJ ihow how false is liia charge that you have gene down into Jersey to infiuënce horEleciion!_ jr-**r Weii-adver-uitlr said Henri/1, -tvim-n was tiio No* tirsoaadloa'.o f-r Coiigrots lotba Hid District: wo tboold '».ivtt-sid tVr^. S Miller 8*_r_i_ It t_.tr s_n¿jd.!»i ia :_» *.».«__- tai Blclusoa. _>¡ttntt, ^B^^mmmmamaÊÊmmmOÊaaaamiaammÊuama^ÊmamtamiÊmtÊÊaÈimËÊaÊËmi Illegal Votii»«r. The Loco-Fccm of Philadelphia Citj cry out that they are afraid of tVarij Illegal Voting, and t.'io Erening Post echoes the cry '. Tne villains ! wc hart) entreated, begged them tu unite with us in -Wising measures to render Illegal Voting im¬ possible. a:id they have scouted our appeals. The Whigs '¡Msscd a Registry Law in Philadelphia, whicb, on the L-jci-rucrit»' own shovving, enabled them to detect three hundred narn's of Illegal Votera in one Ward, 110 bo to prevent their vot- ing. With proper vigilance Illegal Votes cou'd 11*«t. Le ji-j'leei under that Registry. In this City, to ., the V, digs procured the passage of e Reg:: try Law, which was an absolute stopper on Lilega] Voting so long ca it war» suffored to exist. We knots that the Whigs pollt-d no illegal Votea un¬ der :: we are: c müdem that our opponents polled very few. B:t the Evening Post stt^-Ji»/ r.ccail. id ti.'.s most righteous and necessary law; its whole pnrty reviled and execrated it; Ben liu'ler'-i piety >it:d Ely Mot-rc'd patriotism were equally Drought to ':<;ar upon it; und, the very first m«"». m rit "ur adversaries had the power, the Regisij-s was overthrown. Just sa in Philadelphia. Since men there have been thousands of Iiîege.1 Voies oast in timer city.thousands of flagnnt perju¬ ries committed, which tho Registry would have prevented. At one Election R,bert H. Morris ob- tamed nearly .Sir Thousand maj jrity in our city- two triifd! of it by the most notorious frauds. And yet the virtual authors of these crimes and wrongi prcieiidtohavc a horror of Illegal Voting Whigs' Guard your BaUoLBoxes! The Tariff und Calico««. As the Election approaches, we expect to sec the Journal of Commerce daily more uuscrupu- lous in its assertionr-, more deadly in its haffét to Ameri'-.ap. interests, in subservienîô to the end: of those wot) support it, It }»-*- .¡j along favorec the Loco-Foco ref-rC-iuntati'/n that our Calice I printer-; c:i; making enormous fortunes under the 1 Protection of the present Tariff. Imported Plait Cottons being chaiged ciz cents atid Calicoes nine cents a yard, it is the current supposition 0 the ignorant disciples of the Free Trade schoo that these duties tax the consumers of these arti cíes in like proportion. The Journal has all alont represented the duty on Prints or Calicoes as cm of the most oppressive features of the Tariff but yesterday it turned square round and whis pered ¡»erpcrit like in the ears of tho Calico Prin ter.-, "Join vviih us to break down theTeriff, am ytiU can buy your Printing Cloths so ctieap fron England Ihat you can maKC more money thar you noiv do." Il makes the moiir-irous estimate fur »iliut on tho ignorant, that the house 0 Bfo.sn <Sc Ivés, Providence, make a dollar piofii on each piece of Printing Cloth:, ai.d that, £.: they manufacture sixteen hundred pieces a day their pruliis must be five hundred thousand dol bus n ycut .' We ask all reasonable men to look at this cal eolation, and j»jd-,e from it what must be tin general character of the Journal's statistics.. Here it: the busiceu of making Printing Cloihs, one of the simplest and easiest in the whole cir c'.o -Manufacture, which any body can din inti who has or cun h.rc a leauonablc amount 0 capita! Abundance mills adapted to thi manufacture can be bought, and might bav been at any lime the pan season, lor half th oi-jI t f constructing tlicm. Now can any ma: Imagine that Brown ¿t Ivts would be allowed t iii-ijvc a diillar a piece clear profit on Prinlin Ciotft;, when thee are so many mills tuned iheir manufacture und ample room for more J. Here aie dozens of iuctories employed in maJtin| cotli'ii goods fol China, India and oliier Forcigi countries in which they are directly exposed ti Britieh competition.every one of which wouli uiriKö Printing Cloths instead if that businet- wire oiic.iourui as pro'n-iblc as the Journal rep restiit-i it. And, beside "these, our city is full o shurp, keen.eyed men 01 business, able to c un maud cash and skill to any amount, ami read; to dip inlo any thing ihat will pay. If the read era of the Journal of Commerce believed it statements on this subject, they would be deep i: C itton Mills before Su.iday. Even the Edito would just as soon specuWte in factories a sanctuaries if he were sure it would be profitable Bu', r ¿hi well doe? ho know that the Tariff 110 any t ting ehe can muk»! Cloth-making, excep fir a very «short time tiiore'pruliublo than the hv er, ge oi business.that the competition ineviia biy attracted by the first intimation of increasei ¡imtits will certainly cut down prices to thi lowest living standard. His representations 01 this subject are notoriously opposed tj the teach in¿i> ot nis own masters, ae well us to ttie die tau-s of common seDse. And, when any Loco Foco shai; hereafter be expatiating on the greva profits of Cahco-makers under the present Tariti we hope some Whig will remind him that th» Journal says, of a Rhode Island Calico-printer imt'cr the Tariff, " Mr. CezzertS lint brought his printing ua to the top style and in- t-aJicuM sell as soon mude, a; the top price He cm make money io spite of protection; bul he cow/ti ittuSr mor tCithOUt It. AiutrWuii Finnin!-.. Wu have received a specimen of very supcrio American Flannels, manufactured by Gilbert & Stevens, Ware, Mass. The makers are young men who were enublcd in li34*J to purchase a part of thi property e>f the old Hampshire Company, whic! failed, after using up a large capital, under tin prevalence of that policy which the Journal o Conunerce considers so benignant. Their desert cd factory is now a hive of industry, under thi management of Messrs. Gilbert ¿o Stevens, work up 300,000 pounds of American Wool per annum makes a market for at least $100,000 worth 0 Provisions, Fuel, and other Farm Produce, am scares employment and pay to hundreds win lacked both in 18-12. The residue of the old ruinci Company's works are noss equally active am thrifty, having passed into the hands of tho Oti Company..Where did ever the breaking dowi of Protection do as much fc: Labor and the in crease of National wealth and well-being I.I you are in the City, look in cm «Messrs G. Â; 5-.': .¿ouda at the Fair. O* The )Yas \i;igton Globe denies that the istsu ing of double Frospectu-'Cs from its office, one o them ferociously denouncing the present TariiT the other entirely stlcni en the subject, was an ac oí tho Editora. Bui it does not and cannot dens that its Prospectuses liberally circulated in Pcnn sylvania, under die frank of Hon. B. A. B.dlack, M. C. were minus the attack on the Tariff; 11 has not denied that these svere printed at the Glebe office. Its denial, therefore, amounts onl* to this.that the deception was suggested b-, Mr. Eiclack, and not by the Editors. Whai docs that atiiouut to .'.VVe have circulated thou sands oi Prospectuses of tue Clay Tribune, am nobody has urcnied thcrr. altered for any quarta of the Union. _,_ «m tj_r Wm. H. Van Wagner, Blacksmith, speak in e'efeuca of a Protective Tariff", At Bridgetia.-:. Ct. Ms»» *.Jeeti"ii to day. At Ccrmel. Putnam Co. .\. Y. iiio.ilr-ir.orro-.-. At Qesbsv, Oram! Co. <dj.) Saturday. L3:h. At S-ji acute. Monday, '««,'h. [ei-emor.) And ihruughout the week »-.t such places in On oiid-iga Ce. as ".he Central Committee shall hav designated. , ¡¦3. W* a:* liaia under obiiie'aon to U*s*n. Himden i Co. Ut Bsitoa pt-pers. Connecticut Town Elrc-ticsis. A Speermtnof tehztis t-j cene in *-oven}er. Tie Town E celions io e good part of C<»r.. necticut look ola o on Monday. Trie rcrali, so ;_r as- w* hive heuid. i-» glc-riour;. ensurin_ n - least 3,000 m-jon'y f.r Clay ir. N ivemb<*r. fie.*" are tne deuil*: Waterbury, 52 Whig m«-j. a full rote. Middletown, 46 Whig maj. In April, 50 Loco. Durham, 14 Whig nnj. Last Spring Loco. Cheshire, 10 .-*» liir» maj. L_=*. Sprirg 2 Lcc-i. Southington, Whig. Latí Spring 2 Loco. Sovik-Branford, 9 Wh;g mej. In April 21 Loco. Southbury, Whig. Last Sprir.p 4 msj- Loco. Naugaluck, 30 Loco. New town, (from Wa¬ terbury.) The two gave 1 Whig in April. Middlebury, Whigi es usual. Litchfitld, Loco by 5 mtj. L-st Spring 34. Harvoinion, Whigi as usual. Berlin, Whig 8 rn¡ '- Lisi Spring Loco by 10. Bristol, Whig, r.s usual. Plymouth, Whig, as usual. Farmington, Whig. List Spring 13 Loco. Madison, Whig 50 mn;. List Spring 10. Guilford, Board divided, but Whigmaj. Lïst Sprin" 14 Loco. Clinton, *vVhig us usual. Branford, Board divided. In April 71 Loco. Mtriden, Loco by 1 m;.j. In April 72 Loco. Whigs of New.Jerbet! Mark the example! Push on our column ! Co!ri«i>cr.denc>»ol The Tnliunc. Middletown. Oet '. I8ML We arc just holding our election fur Town Officers, and the Whigs are successful for the first time fjr many years. We have carried every thing before us so lar by majorities of from 40 to 120, and are still voting. When we consider that this town has always been claimed by the Locos, und that it is the third or fourth town in point of size in the State this victory is well worthy of three cheers. Veri. 1/ the Whi-rs ore ruing. Middletown ¡*_ve 50 Loco maj jrity i ist April.] CcrrClJi ii(!en<-e of 'I>e Trióune. Mori« ;«l(. Conn. M niltj-eve. (Jr:. 7. It is with much pleasure I am enabled to in. form you, in conclusion, that our Town Election, which occurred '.his day, baa resulted in such an overwhelming defeat of ti.e Loco-Foco party aa has not been known here (or many years. You m-y set down old Norwich as sure for Clay and Fielinghuyscn in November next by fiom 2.Ö0 to 300 majority 1 Murk it. Farther Returns. Waterbury..53 Whig. /Lait Spring Naugatuck,.. 3»' Loto. ] 1 Wnig. -OUibington.Wbig now. 21 Loco. Durham.Whig now. Loco. All right We have a Whig gam in every town heard from. The State is going overwhelm¬ ingly Whig NEW LONDON CO If A..-.-. Lccc Norwich.-30 Killing)«:».. Preston. New London. 20 .juiiihiiigioii. Ledyard. Lisbon. Waterford. 11 Canterbury. North St*«_i_gto_»...15- Plaiofield.». Pomfrei. Divided. Thompson. Bozrah.. EiisiLime. 15 Franklin. ¡O" Bkiugkport, Ct. elected city officers on Monday.all Whig.3. K. HarraJ, Mayor by 162 majority. Last Spring, 50. Maryland.Complete. The Baltimore fatriot of ijaiurduy has full re. tu'ns from every County in the State. The v*ote for Governor ia. 18**. 1841. Connue*. rrc.tr. W Ciuroll/,. Jahninn. It'. Th» £.. Allegan»/.1433 1513. ...1035 lifts** Annc Arundd..173. ltóO_1287 1476 Baltimore City_7968 91S0_»38_ 7i35 Do. County.,2153 29.1«... 1404 2.18 Cal ver.. 46*_ Ü9;*>_43i¡ .,.r»3 Caroline. 659 639_Gtiü «r..'.l Carroll.1831 1730_1444 1618 (Veil.15*24 1585_1188 L_95 Charlee-. 701 5G0_613 430 Dorchester.13-.'8 976_1142 Hit" Frederick.313.1 3115....'.'5.3 27ü>J liai fuid..149- Jill_1114 1160 Kent.Tin 514_597 486 Montgomery.1083 903.... 909 73" Prince George's.... 10_7 749.... 835 G25 Q.uee:i Anna's.7:0 71.*»_702 7li". Soiht-reei.1335 1031_1134 802 Su Mary's.764 49*-_713 450 I'albot.773 753_Gt>3 776 Washington.2633 2578....2196 2316 Worcesiei.J487 1044....1294 698 Total.3:.,U3ô 3l,-l«J5__ 2s7__W 28.959 Maj. forPKATl'i mo. Loco maj..639. Whig gain.1179. Thomas G. Pratt is elected Governor by the largest vote ever cast for any man in tho State. The largest at any former Election was Genera! Harrison, in 1840.33,528.but Pratt- exceeds line by 1507. On tho Legislative Tickets the Whig majority ia considerably larger ihsn en Governor. Delaware. The Whigs wer«! surprized in the stronghold, Sussex County, and lost their Inspectors, by the power of shameful Corruption, but they triumphed in both the usually contested Counties, o.'.:dpylled <t moiority of the votes cast. Tho occurrence of the great VVbijg Mass Convention at Philadel¬ phia was against them. Tiie Uaited States Ga. zettc says that the following are the actual ma¬ jorities in each County, for whose accuracy it can vouch : (-,! ¡»specters Un Asstssjrs Whirr. »Vine Loe.» Wivcistlv.-.i-i .»ut.ex.«,'.. *V«s«t'Cu.sl'e..l3ñ Su«»»* .215 Kent.l«*3-33- Kent.14D-.73. S j take it which way they will, there is a clear Whig majority. But our friends murt nm be neatly caught again. I_f" Several members oi ihe Emp-.rc Club, neadcd by a fugitive from justice, were seen »rowling around our polls ibis morning, but rind- :_£ cur citizens on the alert made a speedy exit, _nd when last seen were going northerly with ox-Alderman K. of this city. Jersey Citv. Tntsisit, Oct-S.'Ho'clock, P.M. lluego. Saul ci. C. Gilbert of Butternuts, George Tvcxerma-vof Ricbfield, and George Skinner «Vestford are ihe Whig candidates for Assembly ;n this stronghold of ancient Federalism and modern Loco Focoism. [We> don't assert that the present politics of John H. Prcnt:ss «_ Co. are precisely the same as in 1612.only that any alteration they have undergone is certainly for the worse.. Wc have high hopes of a decided Whig gain this County. Tenth Ward..The Whigs cf tne Tenth Ward hid a ¡»luriou» gaihtring lasi evenir1;, on the occa¬ sion of the presentation oft splendid Banner to the rVshland Association. The lar;, room of Columbian Hall was filled at an early hour to it-J Utmost c_pa- '.ity, and it was found iwcessarjr to throw open the room cr. tae first floor of die building, where another iru-eiiag was organized. Spirited addresses wen* delivered by Josfph Hohe, Hi Rah Ketchux, Col. St_r_v.__"ih_r and E. C. Giui. Wears _e«uredt_at there wet*e no*. I«*« ihant«-o thousand psrsoss preisnt. How they Menu to elf» It. hare before us a iltming hand-bii! of the Ei »-Foc -s of Michigan, dated " Marshall, Sept. 10.ii, 1544," and ñ reded all over the State, but to which the msK.i.-s »vere afraid or ashamed to afnx their names. In this hand bill, the Whig party is ca!!..'û seme fifty times " the F derol Church burr.rr-;' but «.« care nothing for their abuse and f<ur*ehood. But downright f ;:" i- a different matter. -Te*-- r.r-è - of tic for¬ geries tve fir"! -r, this infamous icct: MODERN WHIG MAX.Mr-- 2 I/""fr,.,t..-.-take car« of the RICH, "'i de rich ike con of rjie POOR!.Danit Webster. 6. Pa »raxj ¡«th* -r..;.T ra«n »t .M-tUT ..v. 1'. Can- -' H i .Vrc04.:.;. 7. i be RABBLE f I idians..Mar tbey be broneht to pay .witn-sUBMIaelOSand aE\£RL>CS totneir -i'.'.'.Kli.!lt>'"-y'i.a.! of >.u Whig Govern/raj Iniiortc Eyery one of these is not merely a forgery, but has ¡onr: since been exposed, over and over, until its sT'i.'itv authors have been compelled to bang their .¡e-tds in silent "h".:::?. Y-. t ¡.ere the-y are all inserted tu undoubted tu!", toswindle ¦he Fr**eciei, of Michigan into the support of Polk end Texas and tnc o*t*tt!h*o*v of Protection to their Industry. Now look at Borne of the common lies told ir. ih:s v !e handbill : «a. Modern Whigs am! re" *riou« bigots of 1544 lu'tify the meet atruciutis murder of cititins and the ekntrncOoa .-I their chinches Bxd nr»ut« property on account o! tneir SEUtHOtr* i ic" .. B 'i here are delects in ur ! "m ¦¦!" Government, and errors in i/npiiisr op r.i int. « rr.rh co administration r;«"« re:tify -V". Webster, a Whig IczJ.-r. Whether -N" Websecr ever said anything like thifl ! ¡st we d not know, but that he ss-as cs-cr ' a Whig leader' is a most infamous falsehood. Be had been engrossed in Literary pursuits for thirty years befure his death, and we never saw his name connected with any Whig meeting, movement or nomination in the world.But what is the use of refuting these immeasurable liars 7 Sixth Coiigie-vsloacl District. The Whigs of tins District turned out nobly at Astor Piace last evening to respond to the nomi¬ nation of Hon. Hamilton Fish. Peter I. Nu- vrcs was called to the Chair, with two Vice-Pre. sident? and one Secretary fruru each of the [11th, l-l'.h, loth, 10th and 17:h) Wards comprising the District. After hearing the Report of the No- minating Committee, which was icccivcd with deafening applause, Mr. Bououton of B roo me Co. made an animated speech in e.tpesition of Whig principles, when the meeting called loudly for Josiirn L. Watte, who came forward at their bidding and said he felt quite too indisposed from ¡he fitligue of recent traveling and speaking to address them, but informed his friends that Joshua A. Sr-EXCEa, Esq. who «vas present, would favor them with a speech. Mr. Spencer was received with thunders oi app!aU3C, sud speke for about an hour with that great power and eloquence for which he is sojustly celebrated. It is imposs.ble for one to listen to the earnest words of Mr. S. and net be convinced that he at least believes what he says, lie spoke of tho utter want of any affirmative principle?, farther than Texas and the spoils of victory are con¬ cerned, on the part of ihc Loca-Focos, and ccn- irasled their heterogéneo;;-» und conflicting doc. trines with the unanimity which pervades the entire Whig party. He spoke ably on the griat question of Protection to American Labor, dis¬ proving and effectually exploding the constant assertions of Free Trade demagogues that tiie Tariff benefits only the rich cupita'isi and manu- facturer, while it operates oppressively on ihc in. teresta of ihc poor laboring man. í!ü nirJ) gave a scorching review of the infa¬ mous Texas conspiracy, and concluded by e.xh irtinrr the W.'ii^s of Now-York City lu no their whole duty, to organize thoroughly every election distriut, and use all lauda'dr efforts ta secure tiie votes of every wavering and doubtful man.to vote caily themselves on the day ol Election and then attend to thtir neighbors. Tne» V- ni»s of the r-'d ' Infected Dibtr¡r-.«.'rie.<M¡d would come over Cayuga Brdr~e with Gnu ninj iritv, and Central New-York would do vastly better than heretofore, v.ud if tne Win«:'; of ¡n't er.d f Î ;hc Strtte wwul come 'p i the work '-.¦ .-houid carry New-York by su;:. a majoi**.y as would astonish even ourselves. Tho meeting was enlivncd at intervals by capital Whig songs fr'iiii .Missing and others, and when ihey acj lumed moved in procession to the residence of their nominee. i nlr of the Atiinitun Institute. Wa luokl J .¡i upon tiie Fiir again »esierduy, ami wert; gratified to perceive :ha: »reut progress had been made in the arrangements lor exhibiting to the best ai'lv-untiise die magnificent collection of the prod cts. of Americas industry, eofeiprisc und skill. Mure tiian twelve i.'iiidrt-d articles Imil been enter*'»! last night, and new ones were coming in ùster liinii they could well be taken care of. The various Committees sveie hsr.l at stork diiriog the das, and we could nut fail to nuiie"-- ihr-ir patient industry and polite and gentlemanly bearing toward nil who ap¬ proached ihein. Though there ivas much to try their patience, they appeared determined to keep in good humor, ¡u spite of eve»y provocation, a- the best meaos of securing the happiness of visitors. Wc do no: see hew ihe arrangements of the vj.rl- otirs halls, ícc. could well be improved. Livery part of the Garden is usad to the best advantage. On entering son rind on une side of the long pasange-way a tine collection of co'iking-ran^es, stoves, «fcc. and on the other a display of beautiful buggies, wagons, Ate. of various styles. At the termination of the passage is the entrance to trie Horticultural Rial Agricultural Department of the Fair. This depart¬ ment is separated from the passage by a ¿creen of lattice work, covered by an intermixture of the fo¬ liage of the hemlock, spruce a::d laurel. Over the dour is placed the Farmer's coa: of arms, made bv a tasteful combination of agricultural implements, supported the right and left by golden wheat- sheaves, while beneath hang clusters of luscious grapes. This department, p,»rh«ps the most erate- lul to the eve of any in ihe whole Fair, is under the direction of Mr. Thomas Bhil-oem «..i, Chainnan of the Committee en Horticulture, who with his gen¬ tlemanly assistants takes great pleasure in pointing visitors to tiie various objects of ¡merest and curi¬ osity under his care. The shoi» of Flowers, Fruit.-» and Vegetables is exceedingly fice, though we do not think il quite equal to that of the recent Fair ct Poughkeepeie. The dah'iiu are superb, and ar¬ ranged in fine taste. Some of the vegetables art remarkable both fur beauty and size. We noticed a squash said to weigh 1-îl« lbs.! At ihe terminativa ot the Horticultural Depart¬ ment a turn io the left takes yon into the Ifirdwarc Hall, where there is a fine exhibition of cutlery, ssddler'a »are. &c. »Sec. You next enter the maia saloon, sviuch we knesv not better hew to describe than by calling it the Mis¬ cellaneous Department, for it contains a little of every thine in heaven above and in the earth beneath. On the walls of the gallery of the saloon are dis played specimens of needle-work, embroiders-, drawing, ice. while ever tne balustrades are sus¬ pended a choice collection nfquiits, comforters, and o:her ¡ike articles. Tne Eastern Saloon.uppersiorv, is occupied as a Cioih room, while underneath arc verions Machines and a steam engine to propel them. Parallel with this saloon is a" temporär» en¬ closure ¡or the sale of refreshments, conlectio.-.arv, perfumery, »5¿c. In the "Garden are a great satiety oi Agricultural Implements, end more «rill no doubt be exhibited hereafter. List evening at ."j o'clock, ihe audience having been called to ord-^r by Gen. Talmix-ge, Jomes Smith, Esq. read an address on the Leading Fea¬ tures of Steam Navigation After a brief exordium, he gave a very interesting account of the birth ami extension of Steam Navigation in Furope, and then pr 'ft etied to speak of the application of steam to Inland Navigation, the necessiry of its still farther extension, and ;ts adapt«, lit: n to.ht purposes of Na¬ tional Defence. The co«.:'usic:i i:i the saloon was so greai that it wns on!» lítense exertion that an» ue could distinctly hear his remarks, but we caucht "uougli to a*'ak-n regrH ihat the whcleea- diencc coulil not have iistciicd to them. The »ub- iect is one with which he is tntireiv familiar, and hi* Address embodied a collec ion m facts at encs tstersstdci sad iapensat Letter from Jame* G- Blmey. Nkw.Torx, Oct. ?. ISO To the Editer tj T,.? Tnbur.e : Your pap« of ibis iiiorniíig cor.tains a Etatemí which I wish to ccrr-cr. Il i*'. thaï« °n !ll>' P**** ¡Vom Detroit 10 Buiilo, / "did notkesitaU toavt mypreference foi Mr. Fo.\ r. for tne Lo o-Fc pji-.Cy £elicr.ll. »,." On the occasion referred to, i ve r.o «ipini-n .'.-* genet.I pr cy of the Dem_i ratic party ; non [.peak of any prefatnee that I hi I. ssh-twe .Mr. Clay and Mr. Polk: but I spoke of ; lem bo i always nave done, a* utterly obj ctionable. remarking on the «; u ¡jer fAnnexation) I «press a -. I :. ,»¦ r-ti-.«.t.that I had butlil fearof.r, should »Mr. Po'ik be elected ; but a gc deal should Mr. Clay be i ¦.* ted. I placed i fears on the erotmd. that >r. Clay, as >«>il Mr.Polk, bad expreestrd himself fat-orablj toa n»»«atiot), ami in; ..«¦ ¦¦ .-. nil'* «*ou!d lead j I'lrtv. wnilal ">ir Polk was incompetent t«i ¡-- it»I I '-.-"T-iJeie«; .Mr- Clay .«.¦« the adroiicst, saw« II iS »t, party tactician we ave; whilst Mr. P< had shown no eitraordinary «skill an«i !'. «Ico ¡i itiv '.. ¦: 'a "-. ¦. r;\ m u ..: /'. for the ¡.c/.-*/ ..'. re M .-.-.- by th Democrc toj the Con My " «hi I rtside, it has been sicce » left home. bi\ reiati to the Libert» p irtj and my nncom; romisi ig p| sition to both the other parti«** is as well nndersto there at _.*_where If, then, 1 bave been nominal by any portion of my countrymen, it baa !>>' neither as a Democrat nor as a V.':,,_. But. have received no official "r authoritative DOlificati of such nomination, it weald be prématuré in now to íake any further notice of ir. B.-. i'..-. fee. -AMES G. BIKNF.Y ¡__r We give Mr. Birney _ Letter as it reach us. Happily, Mr. Clay'»» last ¡c'.'cr Lo the N ti'»na! Intcl'if-enccr has deprived its only mater: mUreprcsentation of all force. All the pcrvcr ingenuity of Mr. Birney and hi*- supporters fur ti Prcsidcii.-y can r.o nnre harm Mr. Ciay on lh subject. Ah tu Birney. nomination for the L-'gis!_».u of Michigan by li'c Loco-Focos of ¡ii.* c lunty, ask every reader to mark v.ell his evasive la nuage, und judge whether wc arc not justified our conviction that *!-.nrc i* ;i well understo coalition between tl e Loco toe« san i Third Pc ty Ab litii .. defeat Mr. Clay and dividet spoils bet «-ecu them. Docs tny nan bclievcth tr.c Loco Foe« sol Sagin .«v luin nominatcdJ i*n G. Birney !. represtnt them without «in undt ttand;;,_-. tnd 11 '.-' ir stipul itio.i of reciprocal si vice1 We cannot. [Ed. Tribune, Polk Advice to Blrueyltes. The Wayne County {Tit.) Herald snjs: " If ihe Abol tioaitti wilb io cultivate and sustain at» Clirisli.iniiniil-b.-riiiiiii.iiv totvards l»-e.\lrican rrn-e will our borden1, 'el them supporttht nominations of the Den erotic parly.I\ma 1>. fols ni'i lieorK« M. I>a:i«s. .. Hirne) :»n I'-iin «.'int ami a «vortnj man, Lu: he can nevr els'ieii Pre» il-i.l. Let the vole*intended to Im cast fur h be east iur 1'iiiK nriil Dallas, and. ihe nati-tlaveif men trill le.i.r have the eonsoiation ofrettet.inc 'hat ¡hey bavc not » e«l try their vuip», eithei dirt»«.Ij «.r imitrc»'!-/, in el.vm Henry Liny, their grtaiest and 'vorst enemy, *.«» .*'i«vcr :'' This fjcnius might have s-uid m->rc iî' hud known more.to wit, that it the Birm men would do the'r utmost to elect Polk, tith by .»educing Whigs to throw away their votes secretly vot¡r_ the Polk Electors, the Polk mi would repay the service by electing Biiney hir sill" to the Michigan Legi-litu.-o. This is on tl sound old principle of ' tickle mo.' &C. »Vettern New-York.Krle ft»» Corresnondenre of The Tribune. Amencun Hotel, ¡ii rrsio. Oct. ?th. 13H. Mr. (jREELtv.Don Sir: 1 have just con from the ground where '.he Whig Convention í the County of Eric is assembled, and a splend meeting it is, lust large enough to get uround ot -land to Ir.iti the speaking. There are aboi five thousand present. The day, which appear« vcrjr cloudy in (lie niorninrr, is now fine, bi tdihcr a cc!d feel in it. Undoubtedly we tlu have rain soon as the Convention is o.,:, for e».»nnià ü» it Providence to ordered it u: <i in ¡! midst of storm tempi »V liig Ccnveutioi have dry .-.« is The ¦;.¦ -i- i. p is.' 'i '¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ !: «c this »mil u«j io the .»"¦ part »I Main street, '.«riere, t a beautiful piece ol ground, ihe Convenu .«-. n»sfiiibled. The meeting was organized by the appoin merit of Willia.. Ketchum. Esq of Butfalo i President, «ivith n number oi '.'¡ce l'icsidonts an s»ecr'.'"»ri'.s Mr. Ketchum h;.i\l"g made a fe "i.uks introduced in the meeting Hon. A. I Foster of Madison, who "ddre-sei! i' t>n the hi lory of the prese';'» Tariff arid of his own mid S las Wright's votii on Ibat Bill. Be »vus fu lowed by a capital S un; from tue Vermont Mil Btreis. Gki«. Daweo.n -,f Rochctst-'r,the able B<. ¿tur of the Democrat, followed ;n one of his be: speeches. J. '»-. Fowl_. oi Otseg», is no speaking. The meeting is very enthusiastic. W. Robinson, Esq ol .New II iven, t.'t. addressed meeting u.sl night in liie n-ioin and is to gpcu .t;»ain this evening, l.oeo-i- oeo Nominations XXist District.Cheri«_) Good] ear of Oisegi XXIId District.Stepiien Str rig ofTiogR. Tioga.-Gideon 0. Chane for Assembly. Saratoga.'Harvey Grange: of Saratoga, Jobi J. Gilchrist of Charllon lor Assembly. Chenango.Solomon S. Hull of Smyrna, Chat R. Miller of Smithville, and Jo-l Burdick o Lin iklacn, for Assembly. Westchester Co..Assembly: J. A. Constant Thomas Ii. Lee. Fatal Acciue.nt..On «Sunday afternoon list four b'jys, of twelve to fifteen, were playing wit] an earth-car, which they had placed on the trael of ihe Harlem Railroad, above Tuckahoc, wh-el is tke j>r«:scnt terminus of the running of thi Road. They would draw the t-r up a prctt» steep ¡¿rade, and then ride down upon it. At lus one of them, a lad of fourteen named Strong j was running down before the car, throwing stones «_c. on the track to jolt those on the car, when i caught him, threw him down, run upon him.anc I a wheel stopped across his neck, killing hirn in. stantly His companions drew the car off him but he wds entirely dead. They then ran off ant- hid, supposing that they should be hung i: caught and remained in hiding till the body was found, wiieu one of them ventured out of the j woods and finally brought out his comrades.. They were examined separately before a Coroner't Jury, and their testimony agreed so perfectly as to leave no doubt of the truth of their f-tory. No 'possible blame can attash to the Riünad, not | any one connected with it, as they run no train on this unfinished section, and did not even leave the car upon the track. Tac frequency oisuch accidents on th-3 Sabbath has been very often remarked. New Portrait of Mr. Clay..Messrs. An¬ thony, Edwards «*_ Co. of th» " National Miniature Gallery, have laid upon our table a splendid engra¬ ving of Henry Clay, from their well known Di- iuerirotype from which (he "Clay Breast Pins" ara copied. We are delighted with iu accuracy.. The noble brow, the mouth, and more ihan ail that eye hitherto bair.icj ihr t-kül of our most eminent artists are there to tho life..One preal obifction in the previous engravings of Mr. CI-t, «¡z ihe ab¬ sence of tr.os»» lines and muscular contractions in his face iï. by «lie ttr.erring pencil of light and the skill of the engraver, entirely obviated, while ihe p!<*aian-_»-Sà oTexpr fsionare admirably pres.^rvpd. \Ve hazard nothing when we say this is'excelled bv no likeness of Mr. Clay ever published. In »¡»'. »nd stjle it ia «.iicilar to the engraving of «Mr. Fro liogbuyaen published by Mesirs. A. il. 6. Co. and 'ike it is sold at tb«; very low price of 25 ci?, retail. El-CTiOK Feacdi..The men arrested at Rafa. way, N.J. for peijary. in obtaining natural, ¿«.-ion papej-i, are Germans, Gi.tfried Dtestesway, und To- i-ian Zuietal, boih of «-¡-horn cor.le£o ih« faca chain-, _ They are last from Texas! The Lee.-Focos who have suborned und imposed upon ihese ccmpa;a< lively innccer.i btran.eri i»»» kr.own, and, i! ih»v show liir-mselve»! the Poili, will am-sred bv :he ^ igilanceCorxmitie»s, who ere on ihe look-'.ut tor i_r_i. The perjured wiine«-«-, who was instm.» mearol in procuring the caturalizition papers, will also be -rreito'j. Pr.c:en was ismed ¡or him' this a.r__-_. [Nswark Daily, Court Ca!endUr....TUtB tiny. Scterior Coort..IW 29, 37 38, 3'.'. 12, 13, 11.45, 46, 47. 18,50, 51, 52, .'..'..''I Circcit Court..Nt-r». v."«.. 80, 3, 12,91, 92, 93, .;, .' .». 100, 102, 1 i. 23, 73. .". Comxok Pleas..Nos 8, 17,48,68, 3, 26 110, 53, bO. 33, 72, "-2. óó. ( ?. 76. 88. CITY INTEL LI G FNCE. Snperlor t onrl. Reñiré a full l> ch IMPORTANT BANKRUPT PBiOCEEDIXfi Skidtnue vs. tir..Wheeler .."'..-.¦>r-<. «-lùdmoia and Whee rtaef. .dgmeiui - . Jl- :.:- ; --.¦.-,.¦ ". :: criarse s; . , .. keeps .wholesale ciuOi'ne store ditl ¦¦¦". :'. ..< - * ... .- S VV isfued e-. -u i .. il ¦v nw stuck .':-¦.-. j ...... . M mo'.-E«:'- --.e.. n,, ..-, .. % .,,, ,.,..-- grge ruprcy rs ou I. :>.imi .- -.,. ,. i traud to have 'Iren I-. -..:. Before Jadee Oakliy. John Nie ois v.t. Wm. C üusenb».rry..Mr N- ,- -, ho J (.rand .t. which wa*in ::ie procès* ol ¦' lit Ma;., uttil '. ,,:....¦; r.i. tritt), tu Mi S rno«*e»l lie ¿however ..,..--. .. - t'lt in \u--i»-. !.-.'. .-¦....- -, . : loNovme r, due n ....... » i-.i an.! tionbrousnt »io wruulfertrd. Venlictlori nil ralui ¦.'..-.' ¿ ¿ i'.e.'.rv Hii sdale vs. D '.. " It lion ol rover, :- ri eo*i rthet eof ty «I bei store nt'sgi '. toreal ist l»ui«. '..¦. -. -:' ;i. -'? -s ¡III .¦'. -, i Verdict for plainutf. Sl.WS . Vie« t'liitiit-elloi'»Court. Befon ¡loa. VV'.».. T. Mc *ov.*r. Viee.f rvsi: Of ¡: smi.»:.» nit: mam'. Barnum rs Frederick Itandall..In July last, a bill wat ri'ed bj Mr Bamum, of rite American Museum., tor sn injuoction to re.trnin Knnd« : Giant, and his tt tis.fr rn exhiorling eil-;'', for use bent lil ..( Mr. Barnum, -s. he ir.t-tijii was »«tainted. I'here was a wi I ins Itandall In leavii tiie .'. -;-' granted, but which m -.-..; in. > charted Randall and itts wi«e hare siaos i«- m l'ii. n i-i. i. Mol n tvosmade jesterday by Mr Price Counsel for Itandall, that the injunction i.v di»- lolved. Mr. I'. .-.'eil the case of Uomblin «-» Lnnneford. ami ..ne coiet inere cited, to show that a contract for merer* rsonal lerric* cannot '..-e enforced in thi» way.ihat «era wru u remedy at law. ándete:: io the caso ol inroIvinB ol111ia de- lèi '.... there was n.i answer to h;« not pursuing it in ti-.i» way. Mr. ;¦. nis.i.ne.l Ihe cos* of Rev.voiictlo.«J Ut» h Chancery Reporti, which was n breach ol contract ter not »ir.^iii-r.ttr.e I'.aiinr. »'liera Hou»'.' Mr. ¡'met. contended that the inju ictron srji.ii.'l be '...... ed. The ni..ti.'n wra opi>o*ed by Mr. Riles, »oUcitoi ol Um complainant, who contended that there was no analogy be iweentlircnss's-ilieonelieiii'; lur persoual itrvite».-tint tiie other a mere e.\hit>iu»p. the -aun' as tathibrtrpa ti piece or italuary or a picture. Mr. Mies alto mo»*ed lor an auach- HI.-I1«. tieaiiist iliniiiiilli'tirvioiatiiiÄt.ei me it »y exhibiting at l'hilarie'phin. rt::<! ni«o :ii-ttin<t Im »oilcilor. Mr VV att 0, drawing up me contract l*tuee:i Kanduil anJ third ¡initie» by winch lie wii,enabled lo eahibit fee. 'Lie V ice i muict-Hor, in hw decitino, remarked tnat undsr the decision ol bambun v». Dinneford, he ihoultl ii-.-one the ¡njtnction.thai con- tricti for mere per»uiial »erv u-.-iiilurt i remed) at law, and cannot be enforced 0) ¡n uncí s- W the applictuon for attachment afrurist Randall and the -.¦.lii-i'nr tot violation ol the injunction he would '.a«''too papers ¦:¦ d oak up hism ml. Court oi aessloua. i;- retl e Recorder and Aldermen Jai KJON and Jabsz Wil¬ liams. Matthew »'. Patermos E»q. Wttncl Attorney. Forfeited Recogxiz »nceí.. L'homas V.. Shaw and William Kennedy indicted fi r a»inii!i and battery, and Ki'-limd Muruii .-.:id Georxe I- i-lier for pet t larceny, several y ¦..' '.i np;ienr and an.isvr. their recosniZincei were fot l^úea. Pleas oi Goiltv..Edward lidien, indicted for urantl larceny, in sitalim: 60C0 Irnnc» nüd s j: in (old «:n! lilrer imm Victor ùondailler ol fío i Nn»»au »t on ifie l-i ,iunu»t last.withdrew his claim ol nui jaiity. aad pleaded cttltti to ¡ad ctmeot He wa, remanded ¡nr lenience. Other cures were ciliol, tut none were ready, and th« L'o'jrt -itlj-'crret! to Wednesday, 11 o'clock. Court of Common 1'U-as. Before Juice DaIV. Augustus Cos vs. Win. McG inchey .Assault sin! tltittur)'..The plaintifT it a native of France, and under stands hut little if tho Ivülish laneuass lie and defendant occupied rr.iurdiiiiu! dwellinxs adjuininc e.i'-li other at V.-rl;. vule. tin ihe J»l July ins-, a l..t ol yunc put» S'«t under the fence and into Umenckrtureofplainlui, ami ha took up a iirirk iiat io dnve iheni off Defendant iva» wuikinc ¡a his cardan, ami In« wile called to him in relntioii to »hut Mr Cos wns.l" tne- He iriimcdiiitely went iii'o Cox's yard. Uted unury wnr.ls and strurx Mr C n h!..« m"t ;ti< ht-u.! nr.i) another on the Imck, with the handle of 1 h.se he had with hi n, by which Mr C wot bruised and named. Verdict iur ptainUfT, 5J.0. Uuvid («loach vs. Patrick Henry, and Henry Mc- Lauchfio..lliii ca«e has bean ui dl efore, ami.; loreearn iuni ofcuti» accrued, ¡t I« an iiCtmn til 'respis» toralenol llleeal seizure, under iandlord'i wurinnt, of tome anieles st Nu in1, r,,~» it, Dear Pearl, the whole of which »e:c »old at «ucnim tnrft. '1 hi-Jury, in llic former trpil, suve n. verdict tor tot. winch carries cost«, but the i.'miii ennttdered u excetsite, and on tin.tiiin sent lh« caso hn-'k for a n«w trial 1'he Jury, allai a »hurt «absence, tc'iiir.ä.i u verdict rürmn for 651. Circuit Court. Before J u d a a km. Elti-tta Ruekmnii i». .»i.i I'itcher -Action azurnst n ttaáatiolder Ui recover SKtf) placed in hu hands ai ttakai m -i horte mee. Mr II in et ¡Ml n u!c in encuernen! wri'. Mr B*yan. o«*ner cl the celebrated ironina mare Lady r-:ii'..il. to match her ayaiatt ti.e iiur-» Americut, owmid h> u mercliani ul' tin» c.-.y. be nuuina SStatO aaaiauS*«*Stl ofiht .w .*¦: of Americut, inn riiitins malch over the Criifrev.llc ( ours-'. Mr Pitcher » a- oie ..t Ihr in.it--, muí held the »t-ike». Americut we.» ihe wi m-r. *nd the --t.ihe« were ¡riven u 11» ln- owner. \ction i- brousht bv Mr Ituekman. the backer ol Lad] -iiili'l lun.ier the ;.,w decbuina all iUin« lu be illetal and itiiUi.ti-in.' ili" i.mr t-sne mi I rcc-.iver llie nmuuiil *>¦ lirl ¡rom M e stakeholder ur Ihe winner.] io recovn oftbettaka liol'ler tiie *JvU; placed in h > li mil. .-.lid lint Severa! p.'i were urged in delén'e, mch bji the. li n-e-riritii hu.» been to fl certain iir^re letraii_ed.ak», Hmr plaintllf wai n.iwnei mediarles, and en.; bring action in hit >nvii name alune izz. 'i'.iecase was ai*j »unie., tu t».i« forenoun. I»»»nce Ofiii-e. Ronñixa a Frenchman..A ¡.¡ri nir-ied Eliai r-iiniii wi-.« nrrestii] liy .. watchman for irealina a cold '.vai. worth S-OIr.-uia l'ei huían, iiinne nnkn -vsi, from a In u». oi ir.taiiioiischiiriic'.e. in Rende »t lie watch was found un der her arm. and the vus coi nute.!. TiiKfi of <¦'' i.', i.c Ui>K Bills..A mai named Aneuttu« Annchutz was arresled ami committed f., -'¦ filing sso in gold coin and bank Inllilroui I't-i.-r.-i. cey. Ñ- c VViisiniijii,.,,;. XHifFT ut-' s Fiihk ..'Inrv M Kentm wfis arrest' i>d nruf committed for -:. lieg s lilver lorie worth 14 from C J. I'et.üaure. .Sou .ar.:i:-.-. Theft of an Uvkrcoat..John Williams, col- .r*d ""i ;. iva« a re.rcil un committed lors'eril ngsn orercoal from John Phelao, tia (19Giacd »:. Coroner'* unicc. Foc.no ihm, Dfad..The Coroner held an ¡r,. ijur-t «i« No S5| Greenwich ¦'. on rhi- ¡i t!/ .u" Ssrah Warn n, n-fi'd 70 years, a native el this ciry, who ii-n- found shout aie« o'clock »n Sunday nicht lying on her face .lead ..n rhe uppei tandil ir .,f th«- nt'ic stmr-. Verdict.Dealh I.y an, pi, xv. .Sluh.'mv Hied..Also, at No. 11 Union Court, m I'n iv, r- iv Place, un :i:e !..i!y ol (tntann* French, nged :'4. a nativo nf [relaud, who had Le-üi couiine.! with ¡llnus.i »of much t-'"-i. nun was luddaaly teiaedrm Monday morning at 9 o'clock with a violent p*in .n her back *od head, which renderert herspeeHily insansrblo, nml »he died m |e«3ilmn an hour. Vedict.Death i.y auopiex". FoO.no in THE River..The Coroner also held an ir.ijuust si the .-»lins llntite in 'he Park, on !he ho.lr nf an unknown man, with .la'k hair, who vva. found m Ihe lliiils.ni River at the foot ol ¡.iherty »t He wax dressed in a.lark hi in U¿ine frock coat, Mark satin test. Idaek cloth ranu. la»d shins, black counn «nrki. plaid «ik handkerchiefaround hi» p'^lc. muslin siurt. r.'antnn il.trmol uoder-thirt. a plain eoltl n::_« on bis n;«ht liU'e finger, nml a laiii.r's thiirid;.' in his pock et. v erdict. Dentil by drowning. Murtt ANTii.K Library Associatiox..We would call the nttentinn of the nieinhers of this Institution, and nf our render.» generally, to ihe advertisemrnt in another column, of the classes now forming at Clinton Hull. A ^reui desideratum has been rc- compiished in uniting to the libernl ¡neuns of H.-lf- iastruction ¡ifi'orded hy the Library itself, the f icili- ties for tuition in those branches of knowledge where the aid of a teacher is indispensable; anil sve might adduce, in illustration of the valuable reaulfs ol combined action, the extremely low prices at which instruction in the modern languages is here ofiirred. Persons of limited me'ins, svhu, in order to acquire a sufficient knowledge of the French or Spanish lan- ¡riiaf'is to speak either of them with fluency, have paiil from »jO to 100 dollars for tuition, can beat ap- prei-iate the opportunity here presented of instruc¬ tion in the same for $"J 50 to .*3 per quarter; and those about commencing the study can ea.-ily satisfy themselves, by inquiry, thut they may, through ihe medium of these classes, eccomp'ish their object thoroughly, and at a very cheap rate. The teachers (we speak of some of ¡hem from pen-onal acquaint- ¡mee,, are capable, and of established reputation in their proi'esi-ion. We have only to add that, bv a recent mcdiû-aticn of the constitution, persone not encaged in mrrcantile pursuit.» are, on payment of £J annually, admitted tc membership, and of course participate in the advantages of the abov.» arrange¬ ment. JLT The American Ensign.a pTiny Native paper.has just been started in this City. It ceems to be clever of its kind, and is better do. sei vin** of support than any olhtr of its 6chrx>I. £rir" The Evemng Mirror.'a beautiful two cent daily, V-y Morris Sc Willis, i- now two days old, and has the loon srbinh promises, a long and prosperous life. It has our bed wishes. 33" Joseth S. Pitman has atsuined the edi¬ torship of the Providence Tr-nscript, a daily Whirr paper of decided ability. _3P Do n't forget Dempster's Concert tn-nifht si the Society Library. See advertisement. A SrLENDiD Present..We were show yes- terday a superb Tea Set, manufactured by Fel- lows, Rue!d 6c .Scudder, Maiden-lane, for a pro- sent to Capt. II Randall of the s.eambont Wis. consin, Bjfülo, from the passengers who acoom- panted him on a tour of pleasure to the Upper Likes last July. It is such a present as tiny man might be proud of. Henry Clay..Geo. Endicoti has published a large Lithograph of Henry Clay, ¡r&in a Doguerre> type. It is spirited but rough, and does not pitas» us. By This {Viol-ling's Mail. X_-* Wc hc.r from w veral sources that Markte wa? c_Ttir.fr every th-r.p in Philadjtlphia y sttr- J«y v.i.cu the -ar-- le«.* but oi mrse-we haVe no defin n> Dews. It ¡a slat d th_t the Natives felt cei.-i'.-i of clc ¦'¦>-¦¦ Dk I'm fost'.ivk..Th.«- tToi r which ibi» per« ii w . r ; ..-.'». U* .-*'..' ¦...'.: il ih .ne nnil r«>- It will be» i ri rtii th I i addil ¦.''. to one yei i¡., ,i. - » :¦- ..; ¡i is -. i ...¦.'. us. .1 t: .1 th i ".¦ is. .-. «;._. '. til :¦» in PMJtuli 11-*« « r~ r » N'etl \ » -.'.,,:.«'¦». mix. ki p.". M. 1 .«. «. »- ; I ! ' v'i **»¦ «»-i i I I' r-1 ., ¦¦. .. -.- ...¦.-:.. '....,.:....¦ -.s.. i ¦-¦ -.¦» i Ki -, \ ivii I did n or lii_nu-.il ,. :'¦..¦--....,. it .-»...- ,, 11 : re we re .- A' !>i .\ N ..-.. i»ei*t ¦.¦¦.¦ .ii e. he Mr.». .. /.'. evicted of the murder..' Coffee 1 it ».at IMl. 1' iday. '.'-:.'., N ; on .'«' ¡' A Fugitive..*_ mud Brow. * » incott, un« c .in::: Ited I.y Ihr SJ « tiv» tr.'in Mi.;i,-c rr m .>.¦» Volk, upon Um «til .'- > obi.in inf inonej under fais* | ¦. _ I'.ur iND Loss or Livr.... tire broke out this morning -b ml ..'.' ¦«. i »tal » ovin« by Mi J m Mied on S «. » N l. «s.tu it» eu ¦. '. .-1 'ni» m,,., .-..m municated ¦> treme« »>¦¦ aeon th* We»», astor.esiab'a '«¦I if«» Smith, sn.l r. :¦«. f»,i the] ...- ¦. J i.in_ i-.,i»;.!« r«.- '.'. ¦'. intact A »oui -. m ii .-i : 1er II «oof Mi r__eo'*sdrivers, who had been ntheh hay 1'ii't.... ¦. i. leda».¦ «r -In i'k n. ipptl ¦,. iii. tiuriiit,i ri ,.;,.,, The tire wuthe work ol the tame .-. ¡fund I without maten il .- ¦..- u im _), ssrere taved Lwessiirnaledat S10 Johs QuiNcT Adams ai rHKTr.EMo.M ivpii. .Thja building ««m crowded t.> suffocation l.ix e..!!i»i!*. io hear the venerable statesman and pa¬ triot. I'.\ seven o'clock, ih.». seats were all occu¬ pied.and soon after tin» aUlr.audthe verj »»»'.it ule ni the Temple. When Sir. Adam« cútete«., the whole audience, with ona simultaneous movement, arose le ii feet, and gave him .»u« h a «m Icoine as none but an Vpostle ol Freedom deserves or could receive. I in- nid man eh i;tj»*nt" »poke for two hours in a ¦"rtiii of mingled pathos, invective and eloquent iu a sty le such as alone John (.uincy Adams can command. Th« immense h.-»» i..U's hung «voids m enchained attention, and th« -.¦ henni throughout the evening, * ¦. tha oi ¦:. r. \oiee. was the fir« |uenl bursts ol Iwarl-felt admira¬ tion, that seemed the necessary safety »valve lo »io- vent i motion. Mr. Admits, in a wsi interesting historical ai aly. sis of the treaty ol Fion.la, rescued his charactei and pi litical abüity from ih" calumnieswiili winch iuld li ..I men I ave sought («» oppress ii, and proved :., irrefragable evidence ihai the Sabi e u.is the most Weeiem point noss.ble lhat coulil have been extorted from Spain in il e treat) of 1811). We-will not attempt to do Mr. Admis ih» im..s- tn e i" give n mere synopsis of thi speech- il « ;> .«- aecessary, as we uoderstaud he hu.- contented to bestow upon hi» fello«* i-iti-»':**« his o\«n valuable notes of this inestimable produciiun. Theciti-ens of Boston will long remember >«.i.; graiiiude ili<- great favor thus done them by thi. emin« nr and venera! 1«- patriot, w hose fame hat lillc Cwokhemispheres, and wjjl lníi to eternity. A run necting link between two centuries, both ut whn;ti he lift»» ilistiiiRiiif'lH-il, he ¦.. ii.u«-:i r,de in rl lo ui u.*. he «A-aa respecti d by mir fathers.- [U..-«: Com. Sewerage of (lie City. The fullowinf* Metsi(»e ¡r m the Mayi of ow City dcvclupes a pr»»j ct which -vc heartily ap. prove, thoui*h wet-h-iuid desire some modificaiitw The 'Vil -'I o.ir City '.u^ht no: to be rjeoti d into the River. The plan of removing it, however, wc concur in. Mayos » 'Irrite. > Niiv Vi'r.K. i'. 1.6,18H ». .- Ta Hon thi Dost ioj .' dermen f.'.n' r.< 'i . \ r,,"!iMi«Ji«.ii wu» lately ittuoa Ii/ ih.« ilr,i¡^ Gtivernnieiii, liitvcU«!.m ul tfwii .!.,' m: ,i !... l, t-tai nulhuru D. (hem aniiiiiu rHbi r ihiii.t, u nqune uilu (ki ,«,! n nu« "I liniiii..ti.i. lie " '..'-i ¦_¦. mil «'¦ ,:i.'h;i..ii :-. i..,i|iiv nl u-iuer, :.."! coneialljr Mtu tht un m .. ..v.iiiii; i..¦ publie health in ihe lance M ... ,.. ihm __iric!i fun.i-i 'I '«nil «Vah». t'n.l.r thai .i,ni'-.i,.ii. Hi« lesii n.iiiy ..1" vnrinut !>,, ciim« Engineer». Architects, Urn «1er» and mher Kiei<_i« ii,,-ii «v,i ,:..Ki n, ii' «I leluinatl tu Hi» iivu llnuse* 1 l'ai Tliet iiii..ir-»,i'ii »»i nurina tne lait, runt inui -I in-, ure^nt ycitr. lili» Unte of ilu.« eueh pi-nrlin- n aaiirou __ t.iniii.ii iif.r i-fiti irv. Henry ¡ImüIkiu« Kin hcvttra^, iiiir-'-,: .,. Um M i¿. i'.. -m. 'i ', .11; ... ¦. ..> ItiiL-.r;:- U.yon..«.:.>¦«'.' .1 .. f> el ,'.i.«'.».'..' 'I. r'ri.iii an ii.»¡.»«''.«ii. «j it, ntu! ir» see«impan/iu* testüinosi ..mil tl.icumeni», I tin«! thai it contai ».al rce in__ .«i vr-iuatn« nil-Hi. mm, « (penally uptin Ih subj«ct < I* iwmt sewi tss meant «, *. r ... ¦»- .. ';-.¦.« »nttei .-».-. ii.' reinovin.nniiaal* i v»t'.-.iii »¦ refii«. 'I'li.it -n' ,¦. ¦. in. i- ut.iu- tu enxn.d yOUI -'»libcrvtinni nnil 1 Uiereli resnhinii ihe lieport "I Ihe < '.."iiin«.i'ii »n loUm i.'i-ii.inii ( tow m f.«i tlivir xnmtnnd >r*. ¡i appear* friim (he hVp nUituii Uie City «ifA'cw.Yurk, svitli '»- ih.:. WO.OOO ml--.bit Mils, ««as luur liiiiet i-rnueh wat- t., :, n- wrorl.«:'» I. ti'lun in.niber'*,fot apopulaUoí ,,i. i.ii ¡r 2,10 l,( 00, and >..' ni il in lyindun die «ewen iiun Ki n. ......i part by linut-ol ny are lits chief »*-!___ lor «he retrieval ol ihewm impundei, ami priunifte «reatl/ in th it way, the public hen Hi. Hrintli.i ii,.i lirie* «iilulu ot en..iiuer» r.r.it «Hirer« c .tintce«! with nui muí - .um.i.ii.fiii, I learn thai the -. i... i-i ..: »niei'aie nbuu'lanl fur leaiwint» -»¦.«..i»l'.r th* ssr«..:« Ciir. ullersupplyin« ill ut.-r want*<¦! the populalma.url thai '.',1 »n.11 tevten will lie Mauired, riltrr t,ebui!t!.n|t,f Ih« llish llrii'i-,». iiirarry .,il »h» luiplu« «vier. In ,n!.Ii:,.,ii I,i 'he ;..::' i.il.un'i...,-in lh«»Upply of Wtttd we have, one nearly .«_<cH. in all thai count rn« sewera'e.a being .. i.'.ii.n irri.in .:.: -. ir.un .m ampia tlevaitoea I.eniri'. t.. i'i- «!¦!. , li ir.ulii.-li Ilia wn»h»il ss: 1 daily tide« Therrradet 'hu liimuhed «re in mot ta »«n siipen« r lu thi «o ibe .¦.m «e«s»r« Kpiin nion .. |U«rl the ni i- ,2 lëel Inch «v_'.t»r mai-, rrivuiK uvei n nidn desceñí n every 1CU re»t, while sewers o .;», ,..- :, ., n 100 feet are oin-ructed under ihn London rceutitions. t- f.iund toantw« r. 1 r.,m inr I'arfc. I be «I» eon! tu Hie II tor « «_ 'un n »boiler line lhan lirum Union Square Hy own conviction* are tüonc. aiistna at well |...ni an m- «.ii'fii n ol ih« Kepoit n, i'.-.iiii n pertonaI examination ol lit .,..¦., r«, both m London ai i! Peri* th it. owing the rieetlt- .liape and erad« oi oor nry, it- potition with respeelUid». N r.i and rust lUvers.and tne .. e Uqu u.l ty »t ssati-rlroutrt .. ¡: .i the (.'neon, n eeneral i ystem ufieweri-, uehl to t* adopicd here, lor the purpose» to whieb «»«vers .lretifvo'edm s.iri.u- oiuet .'.'i.i.ii'l. ,in 1 in l!,,«t,in and Philadelphia, vrrii i,-«s»r idvantaRet than we ,"> .es. 'rhfC.'iiiirii.i'iner'«tule, in ihi-ir -Sport, ihat "The mi«. " cal witnesses have brought bel.re tnein fact« in lupptal« " their strvndu iirci'land unanimous "iimi»n. ihm noptp» '" u ut.in be ei»l«h» wlu.-.h lis» niiu.l e --.. p «I«, »r uco n ««.il ;,» uiaated '.. decomp un.' acimal oi re_i tabl n '¦.¦¦'¦ " ci«me >.tl'impur ti«-» to the air. in ilieir l...u-e, nnil inllx " streets " t'ewtufjectsofitieater uniiorr.inreri.-li» rature welfsrtol the cily ran en<n.e your delibertUon*, nr require rum-) rareu .'.-'.i,!i-i.i' », 'inn a proper ysternol test-era«, (now regultn1 by imp« ri»' ordinal »»«, not applic ibta t.i ihe present "»t't».' the city.] and ! ce nmand it t, youre>irl7 cnmideraUun. J VMLS HAEPER. The CampanO-OCIsrs..Occe mora we reco-» mend to all who have not heard the««; extraordinary artiits to tro This Evening to the Tabernacle- Their iierfurnian'ies .-ire truly wonderful. t"_r* // Pirata at ihe Opera House ro-nigbr. This in a very ii-,e jii-»<-e, and waí «*,e!¡ received. J¡C3" Oram. Family Houoat at the Amer mn Muea_ - Exhibittni Ul-tolvinc Views, Automaton r'i.ure». 3li»l«l "-. chn'»»ry, Mr. Bamnels th« Wizard of ihe .\»rth. Mid v*''- perlnrrit inc»» r.t 3 «r rl hail' r«n,i " p. >| by Cole and ha !>' the IVeWrr.r, ami nlberi.«It fortwenty lisec«i.ls. Let««*" lover ol nuveuy rernl trie .M.isenm hill, arid ci. OflT* The parlbna*_«et al 'lie Vew.Vorfc Matsora 5rt''*f atirnciise Anenterta.mnent laket pl««v»Uiûal*era«icn.t»l in the evening, at usual. Th« Carolina Minsireh ».n. tí*- ral.!,-: the Laufbisa Ga« ere __ a food dea I of fan: «n» "»-¦**- lh»r« ofWarsaw a»e p-iln-.t w «den I A.! tor one sni'l.»!« DIED. On Tu_»' ! morn ns, »,f coai-»tion of ih» luoct Kb-*»*' A. ('«.»:.-. ton«- lir ttobert (>.».. in ihe_li >mrofhi««l«- f'he tr en<is..i fir ( ck's bmilyire invited t.n.tteniiin«*' r.era! Ir',m No. Ï Chnn.r «ir>-«tnei. this ateiro"-. nt«i'/C*"- n ihe i:«h nut Jou.s l¡. L-WABSCC. in 'h- TCrh )<*..' <<¦ .' a»e lln reintive» xrnl ¡nerd, ve dirsired. withool further in«u lion, lo attend ¡«ii.n.ral from hi»la'eresnier.ee,So ¿I tnti- h»rs-trect. on l*hursd«ty, l-ie ICth ins-ani. attKn o elnck ici* ¡nranoon. when ihe r»muns «»ill be carne- fur iniennect Bur-Side. Klu'iupc. I. I. . , ,,.,.. At Mar! «-on, N J «I,:»otx*r0 Mn. Assv h. wile cf\\ lU- U:bb«-jr.5, ri»c.i i'¿ years. I1__._tiï oi- tub CiTY.-Frox the r'portof i.-eC-t/ bj«* tor. it appear, that ihe wh'/e ». umber of«.e-tf-t m Ne*» Vo**' forth- »fek pr.dir.» (1ir(i>'>er .th. was 1,6-nf whom «*"*" Men. 30 IV. n n. B»;s. and 45 Girlt-nf these irti ¦ COOtamplion, ileinsn sioi s.Tdmysy in the h»_«l. »5in_-"Di»* don f the lun.s, 6 maraimu», ó drotrne-,4 con-on«'"--'''^'' brain. I croup. I debility. 4 remiuea! fe-.cr, 5 whonp'ri.-*-**'.. I inflammation <.f ivcr. T cholrra intaoloni, l ;.itemr*rl»"' -e. 4\ weie un.ler 1 yiuri.fn.e. t oserTfi. 1 ..i.'r'.O. 115-.**. native« ofthe United *we-*. lo of Ireland. S of oerioaar. --^ Eodand.-ol France. 1 ofgcotland. and lunxno>*n "col*»"' per»"::». -A t*» Cam Fassi ¡i I.A.SÜ' x'.c.Mxtisac-'i f>nxt r»Y»Ti»-' more «"¦r'r'u'ii mai be admille,I in»o tlier.e* tw,iiflt;(-« aboji to cominicca. hy «ii.kin-- immediate »çoheslmt a new Mornin. (.'last tor Lacie» will -I»» i-.-inni»'»-* m * " .lit». I,. MANESCA nCRAM*- c*S 3ti»* i5 Walser lire**' ¦._ Tk. tar nerc-Attl« LU.r_.ry1 .».»ociatlon«-'" (.'la.«« lontniiitee. hnsii,. comiile'ed 'txtr «irsn-fniint* f1' In«difterentteachers, mptictiully mform the Memberse!_»» Association thnl the fo i.,win» f.'ave« are now lormms* .** A will commence t»I> ut tiie2l«t ir.t v.* l'/en'-h CU««., undir 'he tint on of Mon*, ^in.onr»» i«" for the(.'our»eot ri mon'h«. $'» a'. ,w, Spanish <.'!._;,. »,y |i ,:i (.arj,», Kas-aUn. Tern-.« S_ * (.»ur«i» of 6 moniln. Si BO. < (¿ciir.an C'iim by 1'rof. ¿tiusc Term» for the CvaTSt,« monih*. _j,«.'. (*|-ts» in the Italnin I-nn.m.e. Si.nor Trêve*. >e»ch*:-'' lcrni» forth >r*ni..tof rim-i.th». »5 uO , . Illate ia Ki.i,_,k-f»i.iii. by Mr.Thoina* Jonc* Term« «.'*-¦ union, im .-. ii i,f instrun.ou *li» , ... f-l_ss in Penm.n.h.P bv -lr. A. II- IV'r.eiler Term» f«-J *-* C«ur»e of <_. le»tvon», CO. Ticket» for »alu at the Desk or the Library. Meir.rjcrs m- tendinc to join either of the class« are re.i«ie»».»<t ».. enter ISSB narnei up»«n tha »ubt-rnpiitn baot ase»rl« «. post-t»iy__ By order, JOhjV LO 1 If ES. »7 liecd i.ri»ii*__3 Cam CoonnîKs*.
Page 1: ,r !l ^^ i l · ofNew-Jersey, where the Election commenced yesterday, and will bo concluded this evening. In Patersjn,yesterday morning,aJudgeof Elec¬ tion was to be chosen;by stand



f< !_.'-*_»_T-*^""."'-' '*" *-*V.___>V>9----^

*-Li-î__-»^^'^ B_-5!_r---¦ +."+**._*$&__»T^-^¿ei ".-/^'-'-::'a-' fc -*-^i_«1*30 v *.'.*"¦ » v-J»..v-rsJ »____..« ^TC

,r_!l____^^_i_lFOR GuVSKNOK,


POl L«.*«.r. CUMMI8SI0f»_R«,BAV-UfiCL IVIIIIKS, of NiaaaraCo.SPENCER KBIfLOOO, of ( »neid¦¦ Co.f.L.1.1 Alt RHOAOBS, ul dii.imI."..! I'..JOSEPH H. JACKSOSt "'' «¦'rar-.tli-i «Jo.

ron PRtCaiOKNTlAL ___CT01«_,... (WILLI!1 HALL, ot Albany.*-l«*t*'I«»»i JOIIX A <;OI»LI-_it| ol L'rosjroa.

FOR C05GK*_M,in«! Ihstnet-J. PHl_._iIPS PIIO-KIXirvtb .. JOHN II. WILLIAMS.V(h ** JOHKB.SCika.ESsVim .. HAMILTON FISH.

POLITICIi-N'S REGISTER.Election Return-» for 1 S .U-'-3-'44.

__gr riie PoLinciA.s's Kecister,containing theElections ¡n the «jereral States t>> t.aunties ¡_ 184'»and m ull lin» sui'bf'iui m Elections down to thi«»Time. liiiB just been ¡¿.sued from this oilice. This \rour ftogi«-ter, containing the m-tiri'ni appi*0XÍl*_-tÍ0-tve can riinku o «he Popular Voto in tin* recent Elec-tioiía of Virginia, Indiana, Miaaouri, «V.o. &.c. with a

Lint of the prevent »-.ngreae, Timen of HoldingElnctionn. «_.c. «fcc. If vtj«j want it, s*-nd in, as theedition ¡a but small. Price 12. cents, or %i fvdosen.

-' i.am

*__¦*- A l.lfa of Theodore yreili««*¡hit»,'«iei».iNiDdei»«*!, encrzetic mi tnter.tiiii*. Irom «tie tien of »:io w!.o;.novs-i him «veil, arid of ctHllia love« him, it ¦._*. !j.-.ucil fromtint ofiice.it] a irnat. lar.»- «lainohlel of 13 pnr."S wbicb wii!b» »old at the low pries ol SI uu parhuadnd, Wrd'.:« are rs-

soectlullT filicitcd. Krionds ! the UnM ig short! Letutnalrslax a mutcle! l/»t the Insist time, and the l'e-n.le moat votehsr the ablest »nd t-esl uitn lo rule over them.lor wi»e Mem.-urt-ii'u! iu'.t I.tt'.vi.

D.T* Twt DsJLTTaiaCN- it sorvHl rit un t-arly li'"ir In any».«art ol this City or Brooklyn, oi nine cïnts r>»»r «ve«.k paya-ole to ih» Currier; or by those who jire'er it. attli« tame rate(for ti* month.« or u !Car privatile at ti.e oll'ice in advance..Partons wrslii.ii* to be served will ple-i. send la theirnaroeiiiriiLi'.'i thePott O-ieo or otherwise.

*__». Contrai C'iny Committee,..A recular monthly"Jleïiinc ofttioCiiiiiniiift- will be beW at 's'.tiotial MillóniVed.-iesday cvemu«. ?th nisi, at ?', »'clock, Uv order.

J. ft*. KEYttOLDS. l'r»*nJ»n»..John T. Ii'it'OE. <.¦_,.-,...,.;.,John T. Lorio*. » ______; . ';,[

{¡jf Central Clay Committee..A mMtin« of'he fresidcntsol the viirinusl.'iuy Clubt Hml Ataoeiatjoril ufihe City anil th« E.terutivc Central Car (.'"«iniiuce will Imbellt a! Um »("iiilin. ItooriI. on H'eilnnsrlHy. Ilie L'-h Odober,Ht i. o'clock preci*ely Tita -noinber« are ."\:rie»'ly requettlento r.e i'unciuiil in ait»a«ioiiCi». u» -inttctv of Import!Uic«S willbe laid bel'-re them.The !'r«,«iiicri!sof ihe Clr«r Clubs are rtquesicil to lend n

D«il«.a'.» in eise iliey c__uoi nii»n.l.JAtdEd P.. WOOD.President

Jcsirü. Kg_5..H.r-rgtriry._


Central Olayr c<sinniiits»r, iNATtosaL Ham..Sum la.li-ll <

Resolved. That the Clay Culi« and ..tltfr L*-_ocratiC ClayAttuciitiont of the Cuy »t Naw-York lio anrnestly iB«;ii«»»te,1lo devote tht-nnielvcs with patient hiid persevl no. induttry tothe imturtait duty of thoi-uch I'liitiiry organization ct ttie:¡r<aix«ctiv«i Ward« now in i>ro.res».

Rmitlotd..Tint in ¦iri-nrrleni. with a very cnoral witbolour VViiik lnends. ihis CominiUte »fill take UMHUtUl.. ful h"¡,line ilunne the mu.-li ofOctober i Maw Meelin»; inthisCitiin wtn.ih il»- Oliy Club». (Jtay Asmseiationtandlnenth ««t Cin>eenerfill/, of all occupalion«. will I»; Kqucsted t»> participatebv devutinc one day us u Insi aiighty movement befutelhir;i_,-'n.Rssttoed. That the above rc«olati_ot t'»» rCuroit to lb'

Coeocil of Pr«?siil»»n!t with powst to »»id r,, tiior nurnbei aci>»ejriiib'ishe<l. .' N. KiiV.S'Ui.Vi. PtWldent.

r íTrtet-}««-«--1»_k N. B Al a nMHiin; of the Council oi Pividet''.», WtwlnejB dor.i?jth(.'ci, waafiteduj»oa '-;:

ILT Wc ali'tl! have Election News from PewBTLTANIA by Ezp'tSai tliis morning, mid lio|)u I(

iasuo ihcm in an Extra at LOo'clock. To-night ut

midnight we i.pec retorna by various Express«-*»from u good sh.".rc of thut «State und N_w.J_r.s_,.To-morrow m-irriinp; at Í) we hhull issue anotheiExira with half tho returns irom New-Jeieey.We have made urran<-oiiitnis whioh justny our

hope that wc shall give our roiders curly andauthentic news, be the purport what it miy.

O* For interrttirii» Licttere irom WabiiiNGTO-N,LoctsiAXA, J_o. Now i'ubhc-tions, Kfin_r!;u!'hCDiT-b by Wmur, t*_c. see First Page.UT HIRAM KETCHUM, Esq. was vtV.cr-

day nominated ¡"or State Sciiat'.r by the Whigs ofihia Distrii't. Mr. Ketchum has lew Eoperiora «i

our B_r or in ttic du>cu¿sion of National i\»htics.and hua earned tho coiitidenc»: ««f tne VV'higs olNew.York by yens oí ardent,effective, u-tjelfith.Jevotíon (o iheir Cause, constantly decliningnuniinaiiiins, end acting with u view to PublicGjod alone. \V« triit.-. he Will hccejit the priseniDcmmatioo, and if b<», wearc ture he will receivean cuthusiu-stic and _rde-:'. lapport.

__T Our letters ¡rum d fièrent sections of Fenn-BTLTaru yiBterdny Wtira most ch«*ering. Ourfriend who is out to bring us News by E.tprci».*.from the North-Eastern Counties, estimates as

follows.Pike 31)0 Lien ; Wayne 400 ; Luzerne6 or 800 I If they have done any thing like thi»-,wo muy expect .MarkleV election. But we do no*.

hopa thíiy have d.mo si» well. Wo would gladlygivo 1,000 for Luzerno, «ind think we had j-ot oilcheap. _

KewoJer.ey»Wc liivc cheering advicts from difierent parts

of New-Jersey, where the Election commencedyesterday, and will bo concluded this evening.In Patersjn, yesterday morning, a Judge of Elec¬tion was to be chosen ;by stand and count) inplace of S. D. Cantield, L»oco candidato forSenate. Tnere was a l_r;-e vote cnt.the LocoCollector had tho call.and tho W tiigs triumphod by two to o»ií. Palenson has generally beenLoco.At New Brunswick, sonto of ihe lovely lads

seBt down by the Empire Club to preserve orderand prevent ihe Whigs from voting illegally, com.meneed operations very early, and when the train

p«us-d in the forenoon three of them were in »iilAt the election f-r Judge of ihe Election in the

to «n of Paramu?, Bergen Co. yeutcrdav morninga Whig was elected by . íu.jority. This torvahas been uniformly Loco for s .\ years pus».

Vote»« p->lltd in Newark \csterd_y:North Ward.5*~ West Ward.S20East " ."04 South .SI9Total.-J"9CÙ

O* If the Morning yeas does not seo a diinr-enoe between us.ng the stolen and v:oi_ted privateletter of a public man to injure htm, and us;n-

that same letter to defend him against the_s_;.»ltsbased upon it, it must hare a singular perception.If it sees no difference between publishing a let¬ter like Silac Wright's, which was never stolennor broken open, but came bofore the publicwithout violence or crime, and »Tailing liself ofthe services of a thiof and a soal-breakcr, we willlet that go aleo. That i;s suggestion of an ci.

ouse for the Democrat- ccune w_s wholly un-

called for and «»jpcrfluous unless it meant to coun.

tcnance ¡hat course, is to us very obvtcus.

_Xr~ The KmiK!.kii«ick.r Clvb meets this

«inning at its head-quarteis, Tark Row. Attend,Kn.ckerbuckers ! unJ ihow how false is liia chargethat you have gene down into Jersey to infiuëncehorEleciion!_

jr-**r Weii-adver-uitlr said Henri/1, -tvim-n was tiio No*tirsoaadloa'.o f-r Coiigrots lotba Hid District: wo tboold'».ivtt-sid tVr^. S Miller 8*_r_i_ It t_.tr s_n¿jd.!»i ia :_»

*.».«__- tai Blclusoa. _>¡ttntt,


Illegal Votii»«r.The Loco-Fccm of Philadelphia Citj cry out

that they are afraid of tVarij Illegal Voting, andt.'io Erening Post echoes the cry '. Tne villains !wc hart) entreated, begged them tu unite with us

in -Wising measures to render Illegal Voting im¬possible. a:id they have scouted our appeals. TheWhigs '¡Msscd a Registry Law in Philadelphia,whicb, on the L-jci-rucrit»' own shovving, enabledthem to detect three hundred narn's of IllegalVotera in one Ward, 110 bo to prevent their vot-ing. With proper vigilance Illegal Votes cou'd11*«t. Le ji-j'leei under that Registry. In this City,to ., the V, digs procured the passage of e Reg:: tryLaw, which was an absolute stopper on Lilega]Voting so long ca it war» suffored to exist. Weknots that the Whigs pollt-d no illegal Votea un¬der :: we are: c müdem that ouropponents polledvery few. B:t the Evening Post stt^-Ji»/ r.ccail.id ti.'.s most righteous and necessary law; itswhole pnrty reviled and execrated it; Ben liu'ler'-ipiety >it:d Ely Mot-rc'd patriotism were equallyDrought to ':<;ar upon it; und, the very first m«"».

m rit "ur adversaries had the power, the Regisij-swas overthrown. Just sa in Philadelphia. Sincemen there have been thousands of Iiîege.1 Voiesoast in timer city.thousands of flagnnt perju¬ries committed, which tho Registry would haveprevented. At one Election R,bert H. Morris ob-tamed nearly .Sir Thousand maj jrity in our city-two triifd! of it by the most notorious frauds. Andyet the virtual authorsof these crimes and wrongiprcieiidtohavc a horror of Illegal Voting Whigs'Guard your BaUoLBoxes!

The Tariff und Calico««.As the Election approaches, we expect to sec

the Journal of Commerce daily more uuscrupu-lous in its assertionr-, more deadly in its haffétto Ameri'-.ap. interests, in subservienîô to the end:of those wot) support it, It }»-*- .¡j along favorecthe Loco-Foco ref-rC-iuntati'/n that our Calice

I printer-; c:i; making enormous fortunes under the1 Protection of the present Tariff. Imported PlaitCottons being chaiged ciz cents atid Calicoesnine cents a yard, it is the current supposition 0

the ignorant disciples of the Free Trade schoothat these duties tax the consumers of these articíes in like proportion. The Journal has all alontrepresented the duty on Prints or Calicoes as cm

of the most oppressive features of the Tariffbut yesterday it turned square round and whispered ¡»erpcrit like in the ears of tho Calico Printer.-, "Join vviih us to break down theTeriff, amytiU can buy your Printing Cloths so ctieap fronEngland Ihat you can maKC more money tharyou noiv do." Il makes the moiir-irous estimatefur »iliut on tho ignorant, that the house 0

Bfo.sn <Sc Ivés, Providence, make a dollar piofiion each piece of Printing Cloth:, ai.d that, £.:

they manufacture sixteen hundred pieces a daytheir pruliis must be five hundred thousand dolbus n ycut .'We ask all reasonable men to look at this cal

eolation, and j»jd-,e from it what must be tingeneral character of the Journal's statistics..Here it: the busiceu of making Printing Cloihs,one of the simplest and easiest in the whole circ'.o oí -Manufacture, which any body can din intiwho has or cun h.rc a leauonablc amount 0

capita! Abundance oí mills adapted to thimanufacture can be bought, and might bavbeen at any lime the pan season, lor half thoi-jI t f constructing tlicm. Now can any ma:

Imagine that Brown ¿t Ivts would be allowed tiii-ijvc a diillar a piece clear profit on PrinlinCiotft;, when thee are so many mills tunediheir manufacture und ample room for more J.Here aie dozens of iuctories employed in maJtin|cotli'ii goods fol China, India and oliier Forcigicountries in which they are directly exposed tiBritieh competition.every one of which wouliuiriKö Printing Cloths instead if that businet-wire oiic.iourui as pro'n-iblc as the Journal represtiit-i it. And, beside "these, our city is full o

shurp, keen.eyed men 01 business, able to c un

maud cash and skill to any amount, ami read;to dip inlo any thing ihat will pay. If the readera of the Journal of Commerce believed itstatements on this subject, they would be deep i:C itton Mills before Su.iday. Even the Editowould just as soon specuWte in factories a

sanctuaries if he were sure it would be profitableBu', r ¿hi well doe? ho know that the Tariff 110

any t ting ehe can muk»! Cloth-making, excepfir a very «short time tiiore'pruliublo than the hv

er, ge oi business.that the competition ineviiabiy attracted by the first intimation of increasei¡imtits will certainly cut down prices to thilowest living standard. His representations 01

this subject are notoriously opposed tj the teachin¿i> ot nis own masters, ae well us to ttie dietau-s of common seDse. And, when any LocoFoco shai; hereafter be expatiating on the grevaprofits of Cahco-makers under the present Taritiwe hope some Whig will remind him that th»Journal says, of a Rhode Island Calico-printerimt'cr the Tariff," Mr. CezzertS lint brought his printing ua to the top style

and in- t-aJicuM sell as soon a» mude, a; the top price He cmmake money io spite of protection; bul he cow/ti ittuSr mortCithOUt It.

AiutrWuii Finnin!-..Wu have received a specimen of very supcrio

American Flannels, manufactured by Gilbert &Stevens, Ware, Mass. The makers are young menwho were enublcd in li34*J to purchase a part of thiproperty e>f the old Hampshire Company, whic!failed, after using up a large capital, under tinprevalence of that policy which the Journal o

Conunerce considers so benignant. Their desertcd factory is now a hive of industry, under thimanagement of Messrs. Gilbert ¿o Stevens, workup 300,000 pounds of American Wool per annummakes a market for at least $100,000 worth 0

Provisions, Fuel, and other Farm Produce, amscares employment and pay to hundreds winlacked both in 18-12. The residue of the old ruinci

Company's works are noss equally active am

thrifty, having passed into the hands of tho OtiCompany..Where did ever the breaking dowiof Protection do as much fc: Labor and the increase of National wealth and well-being I.Iyou are in the City, look in cm «Messrs G. Â; 5-.':.¿ouda at the Fair.

O* The )Yas \i;igton Globe denies that the istsu

ing of double Frospectu-'Cs from its office, one o

them ferociously denouncing the present TariiTthe other entirely stlcni en the subject, was an ac

oí tho Editora. Bui it does not and cannot densthat its Prospectuses liberally circulated in Pcnnsylvania, under die frank of Hon. B. A. B.dlack,M. C. were minus the attack on the Tariff; 11has not denied that these svere printed at theGlebe office. Its denial, therefore, amounts onl*to this.that the deception was suggested b-,Mr. Eiclack, and not by the Editors. Whaidocs that atiiouut to .'.VVe have circulated thousands oi Prospectuses of tue Clay Tribune, am

nobody has urcnied thcrr. alteredfor any quartaof the Union.

_,_ «m

tj_r Wm. H. Van Wagner, Blacksmith, wü

speak in e'efeuca of a Protective Tariff",At Bridgetia.-:. Ct. Ms»» *.Jeeti"ii to day.At Ccrmel. Putnam Co. .\. Y. iiio.ilr-ir.orro-.-.At Qesbsv, Oram! Co. <dj.) Saturday. L3:h.At S-ji acute. Monday, '««,'h. [ei-emor.)

And ihruughout the week »-.t such places in Onoiid-iga Ce. as ".he Central Committee shall havdesignated. ,

¡¦3. W* a:* liaia under obiiie'aon to U*s*n. Himden iCo. Ut Bsitoa pt-pers.

Connecticut Town Elrc-ticsis.A Speermtnof tehztis t-j cene in *-oven}er.Tie Town E celions io e good part of C<»r..

necticut look ola o on Monday. Trie rcrali, so

;_r as- w* hive heuid. i-» glc-riour;. ensurin_ nf» -

least 3,000 m-jon'y f.r Clay ir. N ivemb<*r.fie.*" are tne deuil*:

Waterbury, 52 Whig m«-j. a full rote.

Middletown, 46 Whig maj. In April, 50Loco.Durham, 14 Whig nnj. Last Spring Loco.Cheshire, 10 .-*» liir» maj. L_=*. Sprirg 2 Lcc-i.Southington, Whig. Latí Spring 2 Loco.Sovik-Branford, 9 Wh;g mej. In April 21

Loco.Southbury, Whig. Last Sprir.p 4 msj- Loco.Naugaluck, 30 Loco. New town, (from Wa¬

terbury.) The two gave 1 Whig in April.Middlebury, Whigi es usual.Litchfitld, Loco by 5 mtj. L-st Spring 34.Harvoinion, Whigi as usual.Berlin, Whig 8 rn¡ '- Lisi Spring Loco by 10.Bristol, Whig, r.s usual.Plymouth, Whig, as usual.Farmington, Whig. List Spring 13 Loco.Madison, Whig 50 mn;. List Spring 10.Guilford, Board divided, but Whigmaj. Lïst

Sprin" 14 Loco.Clinton, *vVhig us usual.Branford, Board divided. In April 71 Loco.Mtriden, Loco by 1 m;.j. In April 72 Loco.Whigs of New.Jerbet! Mark the example!

Push on our column !Co!ri«i>cr.denc>»ol The Tnliunc.

Middletown. Oet '. I8MLWe arc just holding our election fur Town

Officers, and the Whigs are successful for thefirst time fjr many years. We have carried everything before us so lar by majorities of from 40 to

120, and are still voting.When we consider that this town has always

been claimed by the Locos, und that it is thethird or fourth town in point of size in the Statethis victory is well worthy of three cheers. Veri.1/ the Whi-rs ore ruing.

Middletown ¡*_ve 50 Loco maj jrity i ist April.]CcrrClJi ii(!en<-e of 'I>e Trióune.

Mori« ;«l(. Conn. M niltj-eve. (Jr:. 7.It is with much pleasure I am enabled to in.

form you, in conclusion, that our Town Election,which occurred '.his day, baa resulted in such an

overwhelming defeat of ti.e Loco-Foco party aa

has not been known here (or many years. Youm-y set down old Norwich as sure for Clay andFielinghuyscn in November next by fiom 2.Ö0 to300 majority 1 Murk it.

Farther Returns.Waterbury..53 Whig. /Lait SpringNaugatuck,.. 3»' Loto. ] 1 Wnig.-OUibington.Wbig now. 21 Loco.Durham.Whig now. Loco.

All right We have a Whig gam in everytown heard from. The State is going overwhelm¬ingly Whig

NEW LONDON COIf A..-.-. Lccc

Norwich.-30 Killing)«:»..Preston. New London. 20.juiiihiiigioii. Ledyard.Lisbon. Waterford. 11Canterbury. North St*«_i_gto_»...15-Plaiofield.».Pomfrei. Divided.Thompson. Bozrah..EiisiLime. 15 Franklin.

¡O" Bkiugkport, Ct. elected city officers on

Monday.all Whig.3. K. HarraJ, Mayor by162 majority. Last Spring, 50.

Maryland.Complete.The Baltimore fatriot of ijaiurduy has full re.

tu'ns from every County in the State. The v*otefor Governor ia.

18**. 1841.Connue*. rrc.tr. W Ciuroll/,. Jahninn. It'. Th» £..

Allegan»/.1433 1513. ...1035 lifts**Annc Arundd..173. ltóO_1287 1476Baltimore City_7968 91S0_»38_ 7i35

Do. County.,2153 29.1«... 1404 2.18Cal ver.. 46*_ Ü9;*>_43i¡ .,.r»3Caroline. 659 639_Gtiü «r..'.lCarroll.1831 1730_1444 1618(Veil.15*24 1585_1188 L_95Charlee-. 701 5G0_613 430Dorchester.13-.'8 976_1142 Hit"Frederick.313.1 3115....'.'5.3 27ü>Jliaifuid..149- Jill_1114 1160Kent.Tin 514_597 486Montgomery.1083 903.... 909 73"Prince George's.... 10_7 749.... 835 G25Q.uee:i Anna's.7:0 71.*»_702 7li".Soiht-reei.1335 1031_1134 802SuMary's.764 49*-_713 450I'albot.773 753_Gt>3 776Washington.2633 2578....2196 2316Worcesiei.J487 1044....1294 698Total.3:.,U3ô 3l,-l«J5__ 2s7__W 28.959Maj. forPKATl'i mo. Loco maj..639.

Whig gain.1179.Thomas G. Pratt is elected Governor by the

largest vote ever cast for any man in tho State.The largest at any former Election was Genera!Harrison, in 1840.33,528.but Pratt- exceedsline by 1507. On tho Legislative Tickets theWhig majority ia considerably larger ihsn en


Delaware.The Whigs wer«! surprized in the stronghold,

Sussex County, and lost their Inspectors, by thepower of shameful Corruption, but they triumphedin both the usually contested Counties, o.'.:dpylled<t moiority of the votes cast. Tho occurrence

of the great VVbijg Mass Convention at Philadel¬phia was against them. Tiie Uaited States Ga.zettc says that the following are the actual ma¬

jorities in each County, for whose accuracy itcan vouch :

(-,! ¡»specters Un AsstssjrsWhirr. »Vine Loe.»

Wivcistlv.-.i-i .»ut.ex.«,'.. *V«s«t'Cu.sl'e..l3ñ Su«»»* .215Kent.l«*3-33- Kent.14D-.73.S j take it which way they will, there is a clear

Whig majority. But our friends murt nm beneatly caught again.

I_f" Several members oi ihe Emp-.rc Club,neadcd by a fugitive from justice, were seen

»rowling around our polls ibis morning, but rind-:_£ cur citizens on the alert made a speedy exit,_nd when last seen were going northerly withox-Alderman K. of this city.Jersey Citv. Tntsisit, Oct-S.'Ho'clock, P.M.

lluego.Saul ci. C. Gilbert of Butternuts, George

Tvcxerma-vof Ricbfield, and George Skinner«Vestford are ihe Whig candidates for Assembly;n this stronghold of ancient Federalism andmodern Loco Focoism. [We> don't assert thatthe present politics of John H. Prcnt:ss «_ Co.are precisely the same as in 1612.only that anyalteration they have undergone is certainly forthe worse.. Wc have high hopes of a decidedWhig gain this County.Tenth Ward..The Whigs cf tne Tenth Ward

hid a ¡»luriou» gaihtring lasi evenir1;, on the occa¬sion of the presentation oft splendid Banner to therVshland Association. The lar;, room of ColumbianHall was filled at an early hour to it-J Utmost c_pa-'.ity, and it was found iwcessarjr to throw open theroom cr. tae first floor of die building, where anotheriru-eiiag was organized. Spirited addresses wen*delivered by Josfph Hohe, HiRah Ketchux,Col. St_r_v.__"ih_r and E. C. Giui. Wears_e«uredt_at there wet*e no*. I«*« ihant«-o thousandpsrsoss preisnt.

How they Menu to elf» It.Wç hare before us a iltming hand-bii! of the

Ei »-Foc -s of Michigan, dated " Marshall, Sept.10.ii, 1544," and ñ reded all over the State, butto which the msK.i.-s »vere afraid or ashamed toafnx their names. In this hand bill, the Whigparty is ca!!..'û seme fifty times " the F derolChurch burr.rr-;' but «.« care nothing for theirabuse and f<ur*ehood. But downright f ;:" i-a different matter. -Te*-- r.r-è - of tic for¬geries tve fir"! -r, this infamous icct:

MODERN WHIG MAX.Mr--2 I/""fr,.,t..-.-take car« of the RICH, "'i de rich

ike con of rjiePOOR!.Danit Webster.6. Pa »raxj ¡«th* -r..;.T ra«n »t .M-tUT ..v. 1'. Can-

-' H i .Vrc04.:.;.7. i be RABBLE f I idians..Mar tbey be broneht to pay

.witn-sUBMIaelOSand aE\£RL>CS totneir-i'.'.'.Kli.!lt>'"-y'i.a.! of >.u Whig Govern/raj Iniiortc

Eyery one of these is not merely a forgery,but has ¡onr: since been exposed, over and over,

until its sT'i.'itv authors have been compelled to

bang their .¡e-tds in silent "h".:::?. Y-. t ¡.ere the-yare all inserted tu undoubted tu!", toswindle¦he Fr**eciei, of Michigan into the support ofPolk end Texas and tnc o*t*tt!h*o*v of Protectionto their Industry.Now look at Borne of the common lies told ir.

ih:s v !e handbill :

«a. Modern Whigs am! re" *riou« bigots of 1544 lu'tify themeet atruciutis murder of cititins and the ekntrncOoa .-I theirchinches Bxd nr»ut« property on account o! tneir SEUtHOtr*i ic" ..

B 'i here are delects in ur ! "m ¦¦!" Government, and errorsin i/npiiisr op r.i int. « rr.rh co administration r;«"« re:tify -V".Webster, a Whig IczJ.-r.Whether -N" Websecr ever said anything like

thifl ! ¡st we d not know, but that he ss-as cs-cr' a Whig leader' is a most infamous falsehood.Be had been engrossed in Literary pursuits forthirty years befure his death, and we never saw

his name connected with any Whig meeting,movement or nomination in the world.Butwhat is the use of refuting these immeasurableliars 7

Sixth Coiigie-vsloacl District.The Whigs of tins District turned out nobly at

Astor Piace last evening to respond to the nomi¬nation of Hon. Hamilton Fish. Peter I. Nu-vrcs was called to the Chair, with two Vice-Pre.sident? and one Secretary fruru each of the [11th,l-l'.h, loth, 10th and 17:h) Wards comprising theDistrict. After hearing the Report of the No-minating Committee, which was icccivcd withdeafening applause, Mr. Bououton of Broome Co.made an animated speech in e.tpesition of Whigprinciples, when the meeting called loudly forJosiirn L. Watte, who came forward at theirbidding and said he felt quite too indisposed from¡he fitligue of recent traveling and speaking to

address them, but informed his friends that JoshuaA. Sr-EXCEa, Esq. who «vas present, would favorthem with a speech. Mr. Spencer was receivedwith thunders oi app!aU3C, sud speke for aboutan hour with that great power and eloquence forwhich he is sojustly celebrated.

It is imposs.ble for one to listen to the earnestwords of Mr. S. and net be convinced that he at

least believes what he says, lie spoke of thoutter want of any affirmative principle?, fartherthan Texas and the spoils of victory are con¬

cerned, on the part of ihc Loca-Focos, and ccn-

irasled their heterogéneo;;-» und conflicting doc.trines with the unanimity which pervades theentire Whig party. He spoke ably on the griatquestion of Protection to American Labor, dis¬proving and effectually exploding the constantassertions of Free Trade demagogues that tiieTariff benefits only the rich cupita'isi and manu-facturer, while it operates oppressively on ihc in.teresta of ihc poor laboring man.

í!ü nirJ) gave a scorching review of the infa¬mous Texas conspiracy, and concluded bye.xh irtinrr the W.'ii^s of Now-York City lu no

their whole duty, to organize thoroughly everyelection distriut, and use all lauda'dr efforts tasecure tiie votes of every wavering and doubtfulman.to vote caily themselves on the day olElection and then attend to thtir neighbors.Tne» V- ni»s of the r-'d ' Infected Dibtr¡r-.«.'rie.<M¡dwould come over Cayuga Brdr~e with lá Gnuninj iritv, and Central New-York would do vastlybetter than heretofore, v.ud if tne Win«:'; of ¡n'ter.d f Î ;hc Strtte wwul come 'p i the work '-.¦

.-houid carry New-York by su;:. a majoi**.y aswould astonish even ourselves.Tho meeting was enlivncd at intervals by

capital Whig songs fr'iiii .Missing and others, andwhen ihey acj lumed moved in procession to theresidence of their nominee.

i nlr of the Atiinitun Institute.Wa luokl J .¡i upon tiie Fiir again »esierduy, ami

wert; gratified to perceive :ha: »reut progress hadbeen made in the arrangements lor exhibiting to thebest ai'lv-untiise die magnificent collection of theprod cts. of Americas industry, eofeiprisc und skill.Mure tiian twelve i.'iiidrt-d articles Imil been enter*'»!last night, and new ones were coming in ùster liinii

they could well be taken care of. The variousCommittees sveie hsr.l at stork diiriog the das, andwe could nut fail to nuiie"-- ihr-ir patient industry andpolite and gentlemanly bearing toward nil who ap¬proached ihein. Though there ivas much to trytheir patience, they appeared determined to keep ingood humor, ¡u spite of eve»y provocation, a- thebest meaos of securing the happiness of visitors.Wc do no: see hew ihe arrangements of the vj.rl-

otirs halls, ícc. could well be improved. Livery partof the Garden is usad to the best advantage. Onentering son rind on une side of the long pasange-waya tine collection of co'iking-ran^es, stoves, «fcc. andon the other a display of beautiful buggies, wagons,Ate. of various styles. At the termination of thepassage is the entrance to trie Horticultural RialAgricultural Department of the Fair. This depart¬ment is separated from the passage by a ¿creen oflattice work, covered by an intermixture of the fo¬liage of the hemlock, spruce a::d laurel. Over thedour is placed the Farmer's coa: of arms, made bv a

tasteful combination of agricultural implements,supported o£ the right and left by golden wheat-sheaves, while beneath hang clusters of lusciousgrapes. This department, p,»rh«ps the most erate-lul to the eve of any in ihe whole Fair, is under thedirection of Mr. Thomas Bhil-oem «..i, Chainnan ofthe Committee en Horticulture, who with his gen¬tlemanly assistants takes great pleasure in pointingvisitors to tiie various objects of ¡merest and curi¬osity under his care. The shoi» of Flowers, Fruit.-»and Vegetables is exceedingly fice, though we donot think il quite equal to that of the recent Fair ct

Poughkeepeie. The dah'iiu are superb, and ar¬

ranged in fine taste. Some of the vegetables art

remarkable both fur beauty and size. We noticeda squash said to weigh 1-îl« lbs.!At ihe terminativa ot the Horticultural Depart¬

ment a turn io the left takes yon into the IfirdwarcHall, where there is a fine exhibition ofcutlery,ssddler'a »are. &c. »Sec.You next enter the maia saloon, sviuch we knesv

not better hew to describe than by calling it the Mis¬cellaneous Department, for it contains a little ofevery thine in heaven above and in the earth beneath.On the walls of the gallery of the saloon are displayed specimens of needle-work, embroiders-,drawing, ice. while ever tne balustrades are sus¬

pended a choice collection nfquiits, comforters, ando:her ¡ike articles. Tne Eastern Saloon.uppersiorv,is occupied as a Cioih room, while underneath arcverions Machines and a steam engine to propelthem. Parallel with this saloon is a" temporär» en¬closure ¡or the sale of refreshments, conlectio.-.arv,perfumery, »5¿c.

In the "Garden are a great satiety oi AgriculturalImplements, end more «rill no doubt be exhibitedhereafter.

List evening at ."j o'clock, ihe audience havingbeen called to ord-^r by Gen. Talmix-ge, JomesSmith, Esq. read an address on the Leading Fea¬tures of Steam Navigation After a brief exordium,he gave a very interesting account of the birth amiextension of Steam Navigation in Furope, and thenpr 'ft etied to speak of the application of steam to

Inland Navigation, the necessiry of its still fartherextension, and ;ts adapt«, lit: n to.ht purposes of Na¬tional Defence. The co«.:'usic:i i:i the saloon was

so greai that it wns on!» b» lítense exertion thatan» ue could distinctly hear his remarks, but we

caucht "uougli to a*'ak-n regrH ihat the whcleea-diencc coulil not have iistciicd to them. The »ub-iect is one with which he is tntireiv familiar, andhi* Address embodied a collec ion m facts at encs

tstersstdci sad iapensat

Letter from Jame* G- Blmey.Nkw.Torx, Oct. ?. ISO

To the Editer tj T,.? Tnbur.e :

Your pap« of ibis iiiorniíig cor.tains a Etatemí

which I wish to ccrr-cr. Il i*'. thaï« °n !ll>' P****¡Vom Detroit 10 Buiilo, / "did notkesitaU toavt

mypreference foi Mr. Fo.\ r. for tne Lo o-Fcpji-.Cy £elicr.ll. »,."On the occasion referred to, i ?» ve r.o «ipini-n

.'.-* genet.I pr cy of the Dem_i ratic party ; non

[.peak of any prefatnee that I hi I. ssh-twe.Mr. Clay and Mr. Polk: but I spoke of ; lem boa« i always nave done, a* utterly obj ctionable.remarking on the «; u ¡jer fAnnexation) I «press

a -. I :. ,»¦ r-ti-.«.t.that I had butlilfearof.r, should »Mr. Po'ik be elected ; but a gcdeal should Mr. Clay be i ¦.* ted. I placed i

fears on the erotmd. that >r. Clay, as >«>ilMr.Polk, bad expreestrd himself fat-orablj toan»»«atiot), ami in; ..«¦ ¦¦ .-. nil'* «*ou!d lead

j I'lrtv. wnilal ">ir Polk was incompetent t«i ¡-- it»II '-.-"T-iJeie«; .Mr- Clay .«.¦« the adroiicst, saw« II iS

»t, party tactician we ave; whilst Mr. P<had shown no eitraordinary «skill an«i !'. «Ico¡i itiv '.. ¦: .¦ 'a "-. ¦. r;\ m u

..: /'. i» for the ¡.c/.-*/ ..'. re

M .-.-.- by th Democrc toj the Con My " «hiI rtside, it has been sicce » left home. bi\ reiatito the Libert» p irtj and my nncom; romisi ig p|sition to both the other parti«** is as well nnderstothere at _.*_where If, then, 1 bave been nominalby any portion of my countrymen, it baa !>>'neither as a Democrat nor as a V.':,,_. But.have received no official "r authoritative DOlificatiof such nomination, it weald be prématuré innow to íake any further notice of ir.

B.-. i'..-. fee. -AMES G. BIKNF.Y¡__r We give Mr. Birney _ Letter as it reach

us. Happily, Mr. Clay'»» last ¡c'.'cr Lo the Nti'»na! Intcl'if-enccr has deprived its only mater:

mUreprcsentation of all force. All the pcrvcringenuity of Mr. Birney and hi*- supporters fur ti

Prcsidcii.-y can r.o nnre harm Mr. Ciay on lhsubject.Ah tu Birney. nomination for the L-'gis!_».u

of Michigan by li'c Loco-Focos of ¡ii.* c lunty, >¦

ask every reader to mark v.ell his evasive lanuage, und judge whether wc arc not justifiedour conviction that *!-.nrc i* ;i well understocoalition between tl e Loco toe« san i Third Pc

ty Ab litii .. defeat Mr. Clay and dividet

spoils bet «-ecu them. Docs tny nan bclievcthtr.c Loco Foe« sol Sagin .«v luin nominatcdJ i*n

G. Birney !. represtnt them without «in undtttand;;,_-. tnd 11 '.-' ir stipul itio.i of reciprocal si

vice1 We cannot. [Ed. Tribune,

Polk Advice to Blrueyltes.The Wayne County {Tit.) Herald snjs:" If ihe Abol tioaitti wilb io cultivate and sustain at»

Clirisli.iniiniil-b.-riiiiiii.iiv totvards l»-e.\lrican rrn-e willour borden1, 'el them supporttht nominations of the Denerotic parly.I\ma 1>. fols ni'i lieorK« M. I>a:i«s. ..

Hirne) :»n I'-iin «.'int ami a «vortnj man, Lu: he can nevrels'ieii Pre» il-i.l. Let the vole*intended to Im cast fur hbe east iur 1'iiiK nriil Dallas, and. ihe nati-tlaveif men trillle.i.r have the eonsoiation ofrettet.inc 'hat ¡hey bavc not »

e«l try their vuip», eithei dirt»«.Ij «.r imitrc»'!-/, in el.vmHenry Liny, their grtaiest and 'vorst enemy, *.«» .*'i«vcr :''

This fjcnius might have s-uid m->rc iî'hud known more.to wit, that it the Birmmen would do the'r utmost to elect Polk, tith

by .»educing Whigs to throw away their votes

secretly vot¡r_ the Polk Electors, the Polk mi

would repay the service by electing Biiney hirsill" to the Michigan Legi-litu.-o. This is on tlsound old principle of ' tickle mo.' &C.

»Vettern New-York.Krle ft»»Corresnondenre of The Tribune.

Amencun Hotel, ¡ii rrsio. Oct. ?th. 13H.Mr. (jREELtv.Don Sir: 1 have just con

from the ground where '.he Whig Convention íthe County of Eric is assembled, and a splendmeeting it is, lust large enough to get uround ot

-land to Ir.iti the speaking. There are aboifive thousand present. The day, which appear«vcrjr cloudy in (lie niorninrr, is now fine, bi

tdihcr a cc!d feel in it. Undoubtedly we tluhave rain soon as the Convention is o.,:, fore».»nnià ü» it Providence to ordered it u: <i in ¡!midst of storm mü tempi »V liig Ccnveutioihave dry .-.« isThe ¦;.¦ -i- i. p is.' 'i '¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ !: «c this t« »mil

u«j io the .»"¦ part »I Main street, '.«riere, t

a beautiful piece ol ground, ihe Convenu .«-.

n»sfiiibled.The meeting was organized by the appoin

merit of Willia.. Ketchum. Esq of Butfalo i

President, «ivith n number oi '.'¡ce l'icsidonts an

s»ecr'.'"»ri'.s Mr. Ketchum h;.i\l"g made a fe"i.uks introduced in the meeting Hon. A. I

Foster of Madison, who "ddre-sei! i' t>n the hilory of the prese';'» Tariff arid of his own mid Slas Wright's votii on Ibat Bill. Be »vus fulowed by a capital S un; from tue Vermont MilBtreis. Gki«. Daweo.n -,f Rochctst-'r,the able B<.¿tur of the Democrat, followed ;n one of his be:speeches. J. '»-. Fowl_. oi Otseg», is no

speaking.The meeting is very enthusiastic. W.

Robinson, Esq ol .New II iven, t.'t. addressedmeeting u.sl night in liie n-ioin and is to gpcu.t;»ain this evening,

l.oeo-i- oeo NominationsXXist District.Cheri«_) Good] ear of OisegiXXIId District.Stepiien Str rig ofTiogR.Tioga.-Gideon 0. Chane for Assembly.Saratoga.'Harvey Grange: of Saratoga, Jobi

J. Gilchrist of Charllon lor Assembly.Chenango.Solomon S. Hull of Smyrna, Chat

R. Miller of Smithville, and Jo-l Burdick o

Lin iklacn, for Assembly.Westchester Co..Assembly: J. A. Constant

Thomas Ii. Lee.

Fatal Acciue.nt..On «Sunday afternoon listfour b'jys, of twelve to fifteen, were playing wit]an earth-car, which they had placed on the traelof ihe Harlem Railroad, above Tuckahoc, wh-elis tke j>r«:scnt terminus of the running of thiRoad. They would draw the t-r up a prctt»steep ¡¿rade, and then ride down upon it. At lusone of them, a lad of fourteen named Strong

j was running down before the car, throwing stones«_c. on the track to jolt those on the car, when icaught him, threw him down, run upon him.anc

I a wheel stopped across his neck, killing hirn in.stantly His companions drew the car off himbut he wds entirely dead. They then ran off ant-

hid, supposing that they should be hung i:caught and remained in hiding till the bodywas found, wiieu one of them ventured out of the

j woods and finally brought out his comrades..They were examined separately before a Coroner'tJury, and their testimony agreed so perfectly as

to leave no doubt of the truth of their f-tory. No'possible blame can attash to the Riünad, not

| any one connected with it, as they run no trainon this unfinished section, and did not even leavethe car upon the track. Tac frequency oisuchaccidents on th-3 Sabbath has been very oftenremarked.New Portrait of Mr. Clay..Messrs. An¬

thony, Edwards «*_ Co. of th» " National MiniatureGallery, have laid upon our table a splendid engra¬ving of Henry Clay, from their well known Di-iuerirotype from which (he "Clay Breast Pins"ara copied. We are delighted with iu accuracy..The noble brow, the mouth, and more ihan ail thateye hitherto bair.icj ihr t-kül of our most eminentartists are there to tho life..One preal obifction inthe previous engravings of Mr. CI-t, «¡z ihe ab¬sence of tr.os»» lines and muscular contractions inhis face iï. by «lie ttr.erring pencil of light and theskill of the engraver, entirely obviated, while ihep!<*aian-_»-Sà oTexpr fsionare admirably pres.^rvpd.\Ve hazard nothing when we say this is'excelled bvno likeness of Mr. Clay ever published. In »¡»'.»nd stjle it ia «.iicilar to the engraving of «Mr. Froliogbuyaen published by Mesirs. A. il. 6. Co. and'ike it is sold at tb«; very low price of 25 ci?, retail.El-CTiOK Feacdi..The men arrested at Rafa.

way, N.J. for peijary. in obtaining natural, ¿«.-ionpapej-i, are Germans, Gi.tfried Dtestesway, und To-i-ian Zuietal, boih of «-¡-horn cor.le£o ih« faca chain-, _

They are last from Texas! The Lee.-Focos whohave suborned und imposed upon ihese ccmpa;a<lively innccer.i btran.eri i»»» kr.own, and, i! ih»vshow liir-mselve»! s» the Poili, will b« am-sred bv:he ^ igilanceCorxmitie»s, who ere on ihe look-'.uttor i_r_i. The perjured wiine«-«-, who was instm.»mearol in procuring the caturalizition papers, willalso be -rreito'j. Pr.c:en was ismed ¡or him' thisa.r__-_. [Nswark Daily,

Court Ca!endUr....TUtB tiny.Scterior Coort..IW 29, 37 38, 3'.'. 12, 13,

11.45, 46, 47. 18,50, 51, 52, .'..'..''ICirccit Court..Nt-r». v."«.. 80, 3, 12,91, 92, 93,

.;, .' .». 100, 102, 1 i. 23, 73. .".

Comxok Pleas..Nos 8, 17,48,68, 3, 26 110,53, bO. 33, 72, "-2. óó. ( ?. 76. 88.


Snperlor t onrl.Reñiré a full l> ch

IMPORTANT BANKRUPT PBiOCEEDIXfiSkidtnue vs. tir..Wheeler r« .¦ .."'..-.¦>r-<.

«-lùdmoia and Whee rtaef. .dgmeiui .«-


Jl- :.:- ; --.¦.-,.¦ ".

:: criarse s; . , .. keeps.wholesale ciuOi'ne storeditl ¦¦¦". '» :'. ..< - * ... .- M» .« SVV isfued e-. -u i .. il .¦

¦v nw stuck .':-¦.-. j ...... ;¦ . Mmo'.-E«:'- --.e.. n,, ..-, .. % .,,, ,.,..-- grgeruprcy rs ou I. :>.imi .- -.,. ,. i traud to have'Iren I-. -..:.

BeforeJadee Oakliy.John Nie ois v.t. Wm. C üusenb».rry..Mr N-

,- .¦ -, I«'¦ ho J (.rand.t. which wa*in ::ie procès* ol ¦'

lit Ma;., uttil '. ,,:....¦; r.i.tritt), tu Mi S rno«*e»l lie¿however ..,..--. .. -

t'lt in \u--i»-. !.-.'. .-¦....- -, . :

loNovme r, due n ....... i« » i-.i an.!tionbrousnt »io wruulfertrd. Venlictlori nil

ralui ¦.'..-.' ¿ ¿i'.e.'.rv Hii sdale vs. D '..

" It lionol rover, :- ri eo*i rthet eof ty «I bei store

nt'sgi '. toreal ist l»ui«. '..¦. -.

-:' ;i. -'? -s ¡III .¦'. -, i

Verdict for plainutf. Sl.WS .

Vie« t'liitiit-elloi'»Court.Befon ¡loa. VV'.».. T. Mc *ov.*r. Viee.f

rvsi: Of ¡: smi.»:.» nit: mam'.Barnum rs Frederick Itandall..In July last, a

bill wat ri'ed bj Mr Bamum, of rite American Museum., torsn injuoction to re.trnin Knnd« : Giant, and his tt tis.fr rn

exhiorling eil-;'', for use bent lil ..( Mr. Barnum, -s. he .¦

ir.t-tijii was »«tainted. I'here was a wiIins Itandall In .» leavii tiie .'. .¦ -;-' granted, but whichm -.-..; in. > charted Randall and itts wi«e haresiaos i«- m l'ii. n i-i. i. Mol n tvosmade jesterday byMr Price Counsel for Itandall, that the injunction i.v di»-lolved. Mr. I'. .-.'eil the case of Uomblin «-» Lnnneford. ami..ne coiet inere cited, to show that a contract for merer* rsonallerric* cannot '..-e enforced in thi» way.ihat «era wru u

remedy at law. ándete:: io the caso ol inroIvinB ol111ia de-lèi '.... there was n.i answer to h;« not pursuing it in ti-.i»

way. Mr. ;¦. nis.i.ne.l Ihe cos* of Rev.voiictlo.«J Ut» hChancery Reporti, which was n breach ol contract ter not»ir.^iii-r.ttr.e I'.aiinr. »'liera Hou»'.'Mr. ¡'met. contended that the inju ictron srji.ii.'l be '......

ed. The ni..ti.'n wra opi>o*ed by Mr. Riles, »oUcitoi ol Umcomplainant, who contended that there was no analogy beiweentlircnss's-ilieonelieiii'; lur persoual itrvite».-tint tiie

other a mere e.\hit>iu»p. the -aun' as tathibrtrpa ti piece or

italuary or a picture. Mr. Mies alto mo»*ed lor an auach-HI.-I1«. tieaiiist iliniiiiilli'tirvioiatiiiÄt.ei me it »y exhibitingat l'hilarie'phin. rt::<! ni«o :ii-ttin<t Im »oilcilor. Mr VV att 0, I«drawing up me contract l*tuee:i Kanduil anJ third ¡initie» bywinch lie wii,enabled lo eahibit fee. 'Lie V ice i muict-Hor,in hw decitino, remarked tnat undsr the decision ol bambunv». Dinneford, he ihoultl ii-.-one the ¡njtnction.thai con-tricti for mere per»uiial »erv u-.-iiilurt i remed) at law, andcannot be enforced 0) ¡n uncí s- W the applictuon forattachment afrurist Randall and the -.¦.lii-i'nr tot violation olthe injunction he would '.a«''too papers ¦:¦ d oak up hism ml.

Court oi aessloua.i;- retl e Recorder and Aldermen Jai KJON and Jabsz Wil¬liams. Matthew »'. Patermos E»q. Wttncl Attorney.Forfeited Recogxiz »nceí.. L'homas V.. Shaw

and William Kennedy indicted fi r a»inii!i and battery, andKi'-limd Muruii .-.:id Georxe I- i-lier for pet t larceny, several y:¦ ¦..' '.i np;ienr and an.isvr. their recosniZincei were fotl^úea.Pleas oi Goiltv..Edward lidien, indicted for

urantl larceny, in sitalim: 60C0 Irnnc» nüd s j: in (old «:n! lilrerimm Victor ùondailler ol fío i Nn»»au »t on ifie l-i ,iunu»tlast.withdrew his claim ol nui jaiity. aad pleaded cttltti to¡ad ctmeot He wa, remanded ¡nr lenience.

Other cures were ciliol, tut none were ready,and th« L'o'jrt -itlj-'crret! to Wednesday, 11 o'clock.

Court of Common 1'U-as.Before Juice DaIV.

Augustus Cos vs. Win. McG inchey .Assaultsin! tltittur)'..The plaintifT it a native of France, and understands hut little if tho Ivülish laneuass lie and defendantoccupied rr.iurdiiiiu! dwellinxs adjuininc e.i'-li other at V.-rl;.vule. tin ihe J»l July ins-, a l..t ol yunc put» S'«t under thefence and into Umenckrtureofplainlui, ami ha took up a iirirkiiat io dnve iheni off Defendant iva» wuikinc ¡a his cardan,ami In« wile called to him in relntioii to »hut Mr Cos wns.l"tne- He iriimcdiiitely went iii'o Cox's yard. Uted unury wnr.lsand strurx Mr C n h!..« m"t ;ti< ht-u.! nr.i) another on the Imck,with the handle of 1 h.se he had with hi n, by which Mr C wotbruised and named. Verdict iur ptainUfT, 5J.0.Uuvid («loach vs. Patrick Henry, and Henry Mc-

Lauchfio..lliii ca«e has bean ui dl efore, ami.; loreearn iuniofcuti» accrued, ¡t I« an iiCtmn til 'respis» toralenol llleealseizure, under iandlord'i wurinnt, of tome anieles st Nu in1,

r,,~» it, Dear Pearl, the whole of which »e:c »old at «ucnimtnrft. '1 hi-Jury, in llic former trpil, suve n. verdict tor tot.winch carries cost«, but the i.'miii ennttdered u excetsite, andon tin.tiiin sent lh« caso hn-'k for a n«w trial 1'he Jury, allaia »hurt «absence, tc'iiir.ä.i u verdict rürmn for 651.

Circuit Court.Before J u d a a km.

Elti-tta Ruekmnii i». .»i.i I'itcher -Actionazurnst n ttaáatiolder Ui recover SKtf) placed in hu hands aittakai m -i horte mee. Mr II in et ¡Ml n u!c in encuernen!wri'. Mr B*yan. o«*ner cl the celebrated ironina mare Ladyr-:ii'..il. to match her ayaiatt ti.e iiur-» Americut, owmid h> umercliani ul' tin» c.-.y. be nuuina SStatO aaaiauS*«*Stl ofiht.w .*¦: of Americut, inn riiitins malch over the Criifrev.llc( ours-'. Mr Pitcher » a- oie ..t Ihr in.it--, muí held the »t-ike».Americut we.» ihe wi m-r. *nd the --t.ihe« were ¡riven u 11» ln-owner. \ction i- brousht bv Mr Ituekman. the backer olLad] -iiili'l lun.ier the ;.,w decbuina all '¦ iUin« lu be illetaland itiiUi.ti-in.' ili" i.mr t-sne mi I rcc-.iver llie nmuuiil *>¦ lirl¡rom M e stakeholder ur Ihe winner.] io recovn oftbettakaliol'ler tiie *JvU; s» placed in h > li mil. .-.lid lint Severa! p.'iwere urged in delén'e, mch bji the. li n-e-riritii hu.» been to flcertain iir^re letraii_ed.ak», Hmr plaintllfwai n.iwnei

mediarles, and en.; bring action in hit >nvii name aluneizz. 'i'.iecase was ai*j »unie., tu t».i« forenoun.

I»»»nce Ofiii-e.Ronñixa a Frenchman..A ¡.¡ri nir-ied Eliai

r-iiniii wi-.« nrrestii] liy .. watchman for irealina a cold '.vai.worth S-OIr.-uia l'ei huían, iiinne nnkn -vsi, from a In u».oi ir.taiiioiischiiriic'.e. in Rende »t lie watch was found under her arm. and the vus coi nute.!.

TiiKfi of <¦'' i.', i.c Ui>K Bills..A mainamed Aneuttu« Annchutz was arresled ami committed f.,-'¦ filing sso in gold coin and bank Inllilroui I't-i.-r.-i. cey. Ñ-c VViisiniijii,.,,;.XHifFT ut-' s Fiihk ..'Inrv M Kentm wfis arrest'

i>d nruf committed for -:. lieg s lilver lorie worth 14 from CJ. I'et.üaure. .Sou .ar.:i:-.-.Theft of an Uvkrcoat..John Williams, col-

.r*d ""i ;. iva« a re.rcil un committed lors'eril ngsn orercoalfrom John Phelao, tia (19Giacd »:.

Coroner'* unicc.Foc.no ihm, Dfad..The Coroner held an ¡r,.

ijur-t «i« No S5| Greenwich ¦'. on rhi- ¡i t!/ .u" Ssrah Warn n,n-fi'd 70 years, a native el this ciry, who ii-n- found shout aie«o'clock »n Sunday nicht lying on her face .lead ..n rhe uppeitandil ir .,f th«- nt'ic stmr-. Verdict.Dealh I.y an, pi, xv..Sluh.'mv Hied..Also, at No. 11 Union Court,

m I'n iv, r- iv Place, un :i:e !..i!y ol (tntann* French, nged :'4.a nativo nf [relaud, who had Le-üi couiine.! with ¡llnus.i»of much t-'"-i. nun was luddaaly teiaedrm Monday morningat 9 o'clock with a violent p*in .n her back *od head, whichrenderert herspeeHily insansrblo, nml »he died m |e«3ilmn anhour. Vedict.Death i.y auopiex".

FoO.no in THE River..The Coroner also heldan ir.ijuust si the .-»lins llntite in 'he Park, on !he ho.lr nf anunknown man, with .la'k hair, who vva. found m Ihe lliiils.niRiver at the foot ol ¡.iherty »t He wax dressed in a.lark hi inU¿ine frock coat, Mark satin test. Idaek cloth ranu. la»dshins, black counn «nrki. plaid «ik handkerchiefaround hi»p'^lc. muslin siurt. r.'antnn il.trmol uoder-thirt. a plain eoltln::_« on bis n;«ht liU'e finger, nml a laiii.r's thiirid;.' in his pocket. v erdict. Dentil by drowning.

Murtt ANTii.K Library Associatiox..We wouldcall the nttentinn of the nieinhers of this Institution,and nf our render.» generally, to ihe advertisemrntin another column, of the classes now forming atClinton Hull. A ^reui desideratum has been rc-

compiished in uniting to the libernl ¡neuns of H.-lf-iastruction ¡ifi'orded hy the Library itself, the f icili-ties for tuition in those branches of knowledge wherethe aid of a teacher is indispensable; anil sve mightadduce, in illustration of the valuable reaulfs olcombined action, the extremely low prices at whichinstruction in the modern languages is here ofiirred.Persons of limited me'ins, svhu, in order to acquire a

sufficient knowledge of the French or Spanish lan-¡riiaf'is to speak either of them with fluency, havepaiil from »jO to 100 dollars for tuition, can beat ap-prei-iate the opportunity here presented of instruc¬tion in the same for $"J 50 to .*3 per quarter; andthose about commencing the study can ea.-ily satisfythemselves, by inquiry, thut they may, through ihemedium of these classes, eccomp'ish their objectthoroughly, and at a very cheap rate. The teachers(we speak of some of ¡hem from pen-onal acquaint-¡mee,, are capable, and of established reputation intheir proi'esi-ion. We have only to add that, bv a

recent mcdiû-aticn of the constitution, persone not

encaged in mrrcantile pursuit.» are, on payment of£J annually, admitted tc membership, and of courseparticipate in the advantages of the abov.» arrange¬ment.

JLT The American Ensign.a pTiny Nativepaper.has just been started in this City. Itceems to be clever of its kind, and is better do.sei vin** of support than any olhtr of its 6chrx>I.

£rir" The Evemng Mirror.'a beautiful twocent daily, V-y Morris Sc Willis, i- now two daysold, and has the loon srbinh promises, a long andprosperous life. It has our bed wishes.

33" Joseth S. Pitman has atsuined the edi¬torship of the Providence Tr-nscript, a dailyWhirr paper of decided ability._3P Do n't forget Dempster's Concert tn-nifht si

the Society Library. See advertisement.

A SrLENDiD Present..We were show yes-terday a superb Tea Set, manufactured by Fel-lows, Rue!d 6c .Scudder, Maiden-lane, for a pro-sent to Capt. II Randall of the s.eambont Wis.consin, Bjfülo, from the passengers who acoom-

panted him on a tour of pleasure to the UpperLikes last July. It is such a present as tinyman might be proud of.

Henry Clay..Geo. Endicoti has published a

large Lithograph of Henry Clay, ¡r&in a Doguerre>type. It is spirited but rough, and does not pitas» us.

By This {Viol-ling's Mail.X_-* Wc hc.r from w veral sources that Markte

wa? c_Ttir.fr every th-r.p in Philadjtlphia y sttr-

J«y v.i.cu the -ar-- le«.* but oi mrse-we haVe no

defin n> Dews. It ¡a slat d th_t the Natives feltcei.-i'.-i of clc ¦'¦>-¦¦

Dk I'm fost'.ivk..Th.«- tToi r which ibi»per« ii w . r ; ..-.'».U* .-*'..' ¦...'.:

il ih .ne nnil r«>- It will be» i

ri rtii th I i addil ¦.''. to one yeii¡., ,i. - » :¦- ..; ¡i is -. i l«...¦.'. us. .1 t: .1 th i ".¦ is.

.-. «;._.

'. til :¦» in PMJtuli 11-*« «

r~ r » N'etl \ »

-.'.,,:.«'¦». mix. ki p.". M.

1 .«. «. »- ; I ! ' v'i **»¦ «»-i .» i I I'r-1 ., ¦¦.

.. -.- ...¦.-:..'....,.:....¦

-.s.. i ¦-¦ -.¦» i Ki-,

\ ivii m» I did n I« orlii_nu-.il ,.

:'¦..¦--....,. it

.-»...- ,, 11 : re we re.-

A' !>i .\ N ..-..

i»ei*t ¦.¦¦.¦.ii e.

he Mr.». .. /.'. evictedofthe murder..' Coffee1 it».at IMl.1' iday. '.'-:.'., N; on .'«' ¡'A Fugitive..*_ mud Brow. * » incott,

un« c .in::: Ited I.y Ihr SJ «

tiv» tr.'in Mi.;i,-c rr m .>.¦» Volk, upon Um «til .'- > obi.ininf inonej under fais* | ¦.


I'.ur iND Loss or Livr.... tire broke out thismorning -b ml ..'.' ¦«. i »tal » ovin« by Mi J m

Mied on S «. » N l.«s.tu it» eu ¦. '. .-1 'ni» i» m,,., .-..m

municated ¦> treme« »>¦¦ aeon th* We»», astor.esiab'a'«¦I if«» Smith, sn.l r. :¦«. f»,i the] ...- ¦. J i.in_ i-.,i»;.!« r«.-'.'. ¦'. intact A »oui -. m ii .-i : 1er II «oof Mir__eo'*sdrivers, who had been nthehhay 1'ii't.... ¦. i.leda ».¦ «r

-In i'k n. ipptl ¦,.

iii. tiuriiit,i ri ,.;,.,, The tire wuthe work olthe tame .-. ¡fund Iwithout maten il .- ¦..- u im_), ssrere taved Lwessiirnaledat S10

Johs QuiNcT Adams ai rHKTr.EMo.M ivpii.

.Thja building ««m crowded t.> suffocation l.ixe..!!i»i!*. io hear the venerable statesman and pa¬triot. I'.\ seven o'clock, ih.». seats were all occu¬pied.and soon after tin» aUlr.audthe verj »»»'.it uleni the Temple. When Sir. Adam« cútete«., thewhole audience, with ona simultaneous movement,arose le ii feet, and gave him .»u« h a «m Icoine as

none but an Vpostle ol Freedom deserves or couldreceive.

I in- .» nid man eh i;tj»*nt" »poke for two hours in a

¦"rtiii ofmingled pathos, invective and eloquentiu a sty le such as alone John (.uincy Adams cancommand. Th« immense h.-»» i..U's hung«voids m enchained attention, and th« -.¦

henni throughout the evening, * ¦. tha oi ¦:. r.

\oiee. was the fir« |uenl bursts ol Iwarl-felt admira¬tion, that seemed the necessary safety »valve lo »io-vent i motion.Mr. Admits, in a wsi interesting historical ai aly.

sis of the treaty ol Fion.la, rescued his characteiand pi litical abüity from ih" calumnieswiili winchiuld li ..I men I ave sought («» oppress ii, and proved:., irrefragable evidence ihai the Sabi e u.is themost Weeiem point noss.ble lhat coulil have beenextorted from Spain in il e treat) of 1811).

We-will not attempt to do Mr. Admis ih» im..s-tn e i" give n mere synopsis of thi speech- il « ;> .«-

aecessary, as we uoderstaud he hu.- contented to

bestow upon hi» fello«* i-iti-»':**« his o\«n valuablenotes of this inestimable produciiun.Theciti-ens of Boston will long remember >«.i.;

graiiiude ili<- great favor thus done them by thi.emin« nr and venera! 1«- patriot, w hose fame hat lillcCwokhemispheres, and wjjl lníi to eternity. A run

necting link between two centuries, both ut whn;tihe lift»» ilistiiiRiiif'lH-il, he i» ¦.. ii.u«-:i r,de in rl lo ui

u.*. he «A-aa respecti d by mir fathers.- [U..-«: Com.

Sewerage of (lie City.The fullowinf* Metsi(»e ¡r m the Mayi ofow

City dcvclupes a pr»»j ct which -vc heartily ap.prove, thoui*h wet-h-iuid desire some modificaiitwThe 'Vil -'I o.ir City '.u^ht no: to be rjeoti d into

the River. The plan of removing it, however,wc concur in.

Mayos » 'Irrite. >Niiv Vi'r.K. i'. 1.6,18H ». .-

Ta Hon thi Dost ioj .' dermenf.'.n' r.< 'i . \ r,,"!iMi«Ji«.ii wu» lately ittuoa Ii/ ih.« ilr,i¡^

Gtivernnieiii, liitvcU«!.m ul tfwii .!.,' m: ,i !... l, t-tainulhuru D. (hem aniiiiiu rHbi r ihiii.t, u nqune uilu (ki ,«,!n nu« "I liniiii..ti.i. lie " '..'-i ¦_¦. mil «'¦ ,:i.'h;i..ii _»

:-. i..,i|iiv nl u-iuer, :.."! coneialljr Mtu thtun m .. ..v.iiiii; i..¦ publie health in ihe lance M... ,.. ihm __iric!i fun.i-i 'I '«nil «Vah».

t'n.l.r thai .i,ni'-.i,.ii. Hi« lesii n.iiiy ..1" vnrinut !>,,ciim« Engineer». Architects, Urn «1er» and mher Kiei<_i«ii,,-ii «v,i ,:..Ki n, ii' «I leluinatl tu Hi» iivu llnuse* 1 l'aiTliet iiii..ir-»,i'ii »»i nurina tne lait, runt inui -I in-, ure^nt

ycitr. lili» Unte of ilu.« eueh pi-nrlin- n aaiirou __

t.iniii.ii iif.r i-fiti irv. Henry ¡ImüIkiu« Kin hcvttra^,iiiir-'-,: .,. Um M i¿. i'.. -m. 'i ', .11; ... ¦. ..> ItiiL-.r;:-U.yon..«.:.>¦«'.' .1 .. f> el ,'.i.«'.».'..' 'I.

r'ri.iii an ii.»¡.»«''.«ii. «j it, ntu! ir» see«impan/iu* testüinosi..mil tl.icumeni», I tin«! thai it contai ».al rce in__ .«i vr-iuatn«nil-Hi. mm, « (penally uptin Ih subj«ct < I* iwmt sewi tss

meant «, *. r ... ¦»- .. ';-.¦.« »nttei .-».-. ii.' reinovin.nniiaal* iv»t'.-.iii »¦ refii«.

'I'li.it -n' ,¦. ¦. in. i- ut.iu- tu enxn.d yOUI -'»libcrvtinninnil 1 Uiereli resnhinii ihe lieport "I Ihe < '.."iiin«.i'ii »n loUmi.'i-ii.inii ( tow m f.«i tlivir xnmtnnd >r*.

¡i appear* friim (he hVp nUituii Uie City «ifA'cw.Yurk, svitli'»- ih.:. WO.OOO ml--.bit Mils, ««as luur liiiiet i-rnueh wat-t., :, n- wrorl.«:'» I. ti'lun in.niber'*,fot apopulaUoí,,i. i.ii ¡r 2,10 l,( 00, and >..' ni il in lyindun die «ewen iiunKi n. ......i part by linut-ol ny are lits chief »*-!___lor «he retrieval ol ihewm impundei, ami priunifte «reatl/in th itway, the public hen Hi.

Hrintli.i ii,.i lirie* «iilulu ot en..iiuer» r.r.it «Hirer« c .tintce«!with nui muí - .um.i.ii.fiii, I learn thai the -.

i... i-i ..: »niei'aie nbuu'lanl fur leaiwint» -»¦.«..i»l'.r th* ssr«..:«Ciir. ullersupplyin« ill ut.-r want*<¦! the populalma.urlthai '.',1 »n.11 tevten will lie Mauired, riltrr t,ebui!t!.n|t,fIh« llish llrii'i-,». iiirarry .,il »h» luiplu« «vier.

In ,n!.Ii:,.,ii I,i 'he ;..::' i.il.un'i...,-in lh«»Upply of Wtttdwe have, one nearly .«_<cH. in all thai count rn« sewera'e.abeing .. i.'.ii.n irri.in .:.: -. _¦ ir.un .m ampia tlevaitoeaI.eniri'. t.. i'i- «!¦!. , li .¦ ir.ulii.-li Ilia wn»h»il ss: 1

daily tide« Therrradet 'hu liimuhed «re in mot ta »«nsiipen« r lu thi «o ibe .¦.m «e«s»r« Kpiin nion .. |U«rlthe d« ni i- ,2 lëel i» Inch «v_'.t»r mai-, rrivuiK uvei n nidndesceñí n every 1CU re»t, while sewers o .;», ,..- :, ., n100 feet are oin-ructed under ihn London rceutitions. t-f.iund toantw« r. 1 r.,m inr I'arfc. Ibe «I» eon! tu Hie II tor «

«_ :¦ 'un n »boiler line lhan lirum Union SquareHy own conviction* are tüonc. aiistna at well |...ni an m-

«.ii'fii n ol ih« Kepoit n, i'.-.iiii n pertonaI examination ol lit.,..¦., r«, both m London ai i! Peri* th it. owing t» the rieetlt-.liape and erad« oi oor nry, it- potition with respeelUid».N r.i and rust lUvers.and tne .. e Uqu u.l ty »t ssati-rlroutrt.. ¡: .i the (.'neon, n eeneral iystem ufieweri-, uehl to t*adopicd here, lor the purpose» to whieb «»«vers .lretifvo'edms.iri.u- oiuet .'.'i.i.ii'l. ,in 1 in l!,,«t,in and Philadelphia, vrriii,-«s»r idvantaRet than we ,"> .es.'rhfC.'iiiirii.i'iner'«tule, in ihi-ir -Sport, ihat "The mi«.

" cal witnesses have brought bel.re tnein fact« in lupptal«" their strvndu iirci'land unanimous "iimi»n. ihm noptp»'" u ut.in be ei»l«h» wlu.-.h lis» niiu.l e --.. p «I«, »r uco

n ««.il ;,» uiaated '.. decomp un.' acimal oi re_i tabl n '¦.¦¦'¦" ci«me >.tl'impur ti«-» to the air. in ilieir l...u-e, nnil inllx" streets "

t'ewtufjectsofitieater uniiorr.inreri.-li» rature welfsrtolthe cily ran en<n.e your delibertUon*, nr require rum-) rareu.'.-'.i,!i-i.i' », 'inn a proper ysternol test-era«, (now regultn1by imp« ri»' ordinal »»«, not applic ibta t.i ihe present "»t't».'the city.] and ! ce nmand it t, youre>irl7 cnmideraUun.

J VMLS HAEPER.The CampanO-OCIsrs..Occe mora we reco-»

mend to all who have not heard the««; extraordinaryartiits to tro This Evening to the Tabernacle-Their iierfurnian'ies .-ire truly wonderful.

t"_r* // Pirata at ihe Opera House ro-nigbr.This in a very ii-,e jii-»<-e, and waí «*,e!¡ received.

J¡C3" Oram. Family Houoat at theAmermn Muea_ -

Exhibittni Ul-tolvinc Views, Automaton r'i.ure». 3li»l«l "-.

chn'»»ry, Mr. Bamnels th« Wizard of ihe .\»rth. Mid v*''-perlnrrit inc»» r.t 3 «r rl hail' r«n,i " p. >| by Cole and ha !>'the IVeWrr.r, ami nlberi.«It fortwenty lisec«i.ls. Let««*"lover ol nuveuy rernl trie .M.isenm hill, arid ci.

OflT* The parlbna*_«et al 'lie Vew.Vorfc Matsora 5rt''*fatirnciise Anenterta.mnent laket pl««v»Uiûal*era«icn.t»lin the evening, at usual. Th« Carolina Minsireh ».n. tí*-ral.!,-: the Laufbisa Ga« ere __ a food dea I offan: «n» "»-¦**-lh»r« ofWarsaw a»e p-iln-.t w «den I A.! tor one sni'l.»!«

DIED.On Tu_»' ! morn ns, »,f coai-»tion of ih» luoct Kb-*»*'

A. ('«.»:.-. ton«- lir ttobert (>.».. in ihe_li >mrofhi««l«-f'he tr en<is..i fir ( ck's bmilyire invited t.n.tteniiin«*'

r.era! Ir',m No. Ï Chnn.r «ir>-«tnei. this ateiro"-. nt«i'/C*"-n ihe i:«h nut Jou.s l¡. L-WABSCC. in 'h- TCrh )<*..' <<¦ .'

a»elln reintive» xrnl ¡nerd, ve dirsired. withool further in«u

lion, lo attend ¡«ii.n.ral from hi»la'eresnier.ee,So ¿I tnti-h»rs-trect. on l*hursd«ty, l-ie ICth ins-ani. attKn o elnck ici*

¡nranoon. when ihe r»muns «»ill be carne- fur iniennectBur-Side. Klu'iupc. I. I. . , ,,.,..

At Mar! «-on, N J «I,:»otx*r0 Mn. Assv h. wile cf\\ lU-U:bb«-jr.5, ri»c.i i'¿ years.

I1__._tiï oi- tub CiTY.-Frox the r'portof i.-eC-t/ bj«*tor. it appear, that ihe wh'/e ». umber of«.e-tf-t m Ne*» Vo**'forth- »fek pr.dir.» (1ir(i>'>er .th. was 1,6-nf whom «*"*"Men. 30 IV. n n. .» B»;s. and 45 Girlt-nf these a« irti ¦

COOtamplion, ileinsn sioi s.Tdmysy in the h»_«l. »5in_-"Di»*don f the lun.s, 6 maraimu», ó drotrne-,4 con-on«'"--'''^''brain. I croup. I debility. 4 remiuea! fe-.cr, 5 whonp'ri.-*-**'..I inflammation <.f ivcr. T cholrra intaoloni, l ;.itemr*rl»"'-e. 4\ weie un.ler 1 yiuri.fn.e. t oserTfi. 1 ..i.'r'.O. 115-.**.native«ofthe United *we-*. lo of Ireland. S of oerioaar. --^Eodand.-ol France. 1 ofgcotland. and lunxno>*n "col*»"'per»"::».

-A t*»CamFassi ¡i I.A.SÜ' x'.c.Mxtisac-'i f>nxt r»Y»Ti»-'

more «"¦r'r'u'ii mai be admille,I in»o tlier.e* tw,iiflt;(-«aboji to cominicca. hy «ii.kin-- immediate »çoheslmt a

new Mornin. (.'last tor Lacie» will -I»» i-.-inni»'»-* m * "

.lit». I,. MANESCA nCRAM*-c*S 3ti»*i5 Walser lire**'

¦._ Tk.tar nerc-Attl« LU.r_.ry1 .».»ociatlon«-'"

(.'la.«« lontniiitee. hnsii,. comiile'ed 'txtr «irsn-fniint* f1'In«difterentteachers, mptictiully mform the Memberse!_»»Association thnl the fo i.,win» f.'ave« are now lormms* .** Awill commence t»I> ut tiie2l«t ir.t v.*

l'/en'-h CU««., undir 'he tint on of Mon*, ^in.onr»» i«"for the(.'our»eot ri mon'h«. $'» a'. ,w,Spanish <.'!._;,. »,y |i ,:i (.arj,», Kas-aUn. Tern-.« S_ *

(.»ur«i» of 6 moniln. Si BO. <

(¿ciir.an C'iim by 1'rof. ¿tiusc Term» for the CvaTSt,«monih*. _j,«.'.

(*|-ts» in the Italnin I-nn.m.e. Si.nor Trêve*. >e»ch*:-''lcrni» forth >r*ni..tof rim-i.th». »5 uO , .

Illate ia Ki.i,_,k-f»i.iii. by Mr.Thoina* Jonc* Term« «.'*-¦union,im .-. ii ,« i,f instrun.ou *li» , ...

f-l_ss in Penm.n.h.P bv -lr. A. II- IV'r.eiler Term» f«-J *-*C«ur»e of <_. le»tvon», Ià CO.Ticket» for »alu at the Desk or the Library. Meir.rjcrs m-

tendinc to join either of the class« are re.i«ie»».»<t ».. enter ISSBnarnei up»«n tha »ubt-rnpiitn baot ase»rl« «. post-t»iy__

By order, JOhjV LO 1 If ES.»7 liecd i.ri»ii*__3 Cam CoonnîKs*.
