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I WETHfX fOK SALT LAK Generally fair ESTABLISHED cfUNE 6 1870 PRICE FlUE GENTS SAW LAKE CITY OTAJE MONDAY OCTOBER 19 1903 If yea want to do business Advertise la The Herald It Pta results r TIlE A TlPl I t ww w- 7p I 7 d4 PPWS 4 EAST EflITION SALT AXE HERALD T I jPf 3 Pj < DOWIE OPENS UP HIS CAMPAIGN Elijah Impressed With New York Mannors CURIOUS CROWDS WERE OUT BUT T5B3T BH8TT TRY TQ HBAB nIx PXBAGBL YORK Oct M ohn AJexaN Dowle who cans htaaelf Elijah the faced hit first New York audience today and al- though Madison Square Garden was thronged at the afternoon and evening meetings and thousands were turned away from the doors he found himself confronted with what he called a new experience when thousands having evi- dently satisfied their curiosity threw the meetings into Confusion by their Fudd n exodus before the ceremonies had fairly begun Commands to close the doors and pre- vent xit were unavailing and the prophet gave vent to displays of much petulance on finding that it was one thing to gather a great New York au dienro hut quite another affair to com- mand Interest after the first de- mands of curiosity had been satisfied The housetohouse visitations by the host of crusade meetings will be tomorrow CROWDS OF THE CTTRIOTJ- S3fany Took One at Blljah II and Then Went Out New Ynrk o t 1 Five thousand tJer sons were turned away from Madison Kitusr Harden this afternoon after all the Hosts in the buIlding had been tined Alfxnnder Dowie on his first appearance a New York audience Fully 34XK- lVrs n8 were in the garden at wh ii the services with the pro si mal hymn which the Zion white- r oei iholr to the number of about W iud capped and rowned ordained of JtrtTB of the Christian Catholic church of Zion took part Th procesalon ascended to the plat form where the choir took th pulpit and the officers occupied- the places at the When on the platform had taken their places I owi ascended the platform acewn- imnl d hy Overseers Bryant J U Kxcell A J UUdston J Spinner K Mason and W Hammond who took then places behind the pulpit in th order in had as- endf i the rostrum Dr Dowie wore the usual white robe with black robe N t Much t t NEW r Rpt f I It Look with a crowd urtoul to aee John f eT r 30 began f he poitlon be- hind a i e In- augurated 4 great idea U Pip ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ h nervice of prnyor opened with the invocation by Dr I owie followed toe hingiiiK of a hymn during which the rowd continued to pour Into the garden This was followed hy the recital of rreed and the commandments and the reading of scripture during which hun auf inp much confusion The exodus ootv- iliM f l in spite of th doors until nmrly a third of the ll nr had depart many of the vacant cent being filled with the waiting crowd ft r order hud rc t re J Dr Dfnrifr said Scored If this is New York and this is I aw In- new experience I think that some of the people that cant thought this was a Buffalo BUI show I wonaer if rmnjregatk of the chunhfs here enter and leave as they please I reckon we have learned some- thing and will be prepared hereafter There will be no more going out of the r mt door If any have remained outside t them In It seems a shame they have not the seats the Buffalo Bill persons pan Ift No one entered Well let us keep the audience we have Raid the preacher Dr Dowie took txt from the third chapter of i ok Of Revelations tbe twentieth ersiB h ld I stand at the door and knock f any man bear my voice and open the ioor I will eesoe in to him and will sup with him and he with me Thn walking back and forth in tront jf his pulpit h began Kyes have they yet thy see not have they yet thy hear not SU Down Madame II hop It Irda of lItartplf to leave the repeated ordf1II to clone I aU lit I Td Who York J fHeE uf the hi h I hail- Lift a- typical New congregation The in- Earn > < ¬ I shall ask the gentlemen of the press to behave and not to am not one who is concerned much about the ttire he to but I am to have a quiet audience now youd better liHIev down madame you Just down Or Dote strode across the platform arid pointed his finger shaking It at the oman to whom he shoted Now the j opif who have away he ilnuid could have gone be of what I said for I was reading what God said Earn had but they lirarrl not I am going to make them IIPHT wit a his arms above his to a voice that reached the farthest iirts of the Garden he cried Ob it oi to know that Jod has not ceased to Kn k at the human to knock at ih loom of homes to knock at the f tvorkahnp at of places of IMIS the doors of business institu- tions a doors f the municipality at the kmrx of halls of at the i ors of and of presidents and of ltiim Thundering at the door of the ivorii is the King of Kings And In his ram I stiiml betcre you today and u that door and the Spirit of God in A mummr of Amen went up from bis followers Aft r a r f rpnce to Christ and the wo jnwi Samara he continued May Mix in Politics Tlioy began to mink who Christ was Js Ht h tne eon of old Joeeph the car V mr we all know is Jesus the son of old Joseph And they talked with tacli other And they told him to get out of there but he stood still And nay to me In New York Get out of I wont get They said to me in hlcatro they would drive me out of the city but I told thun th only way they roui l drive me out would be by killing me and driving mr out in a Bless yotit life I am th only minister forty two miles from ChKuuo that newspapers hunger to Ktt ov n weIrd from h wont or with a sudden laugh At th l t mayoralty p rtlon both candidate tain to m to DJ k th m up in th fight K rhsp I ml ht b a help to ld or the other iu New York yet I ha not yet up mind about It I have a m s uiK f i th tomorrow pn i I will give it a lik thoyl never for ol iitinulnic he iid Some will gn- s nv and say I dont like Dow He pits Ins wife on the platform with him tVliv should T not put my wlfo nit the platform She talk better than i particularly when we are aV ie to- pothpr Oh whrtt fool the hurdles liar bo n They have let the devil get th women They have let ro on th stage and dunrt and sinfr I It not time we had the women singing for Je1 Y mpond d hIt followers in one VOic Pence Be to Thee TM conclusion Dr Dowle deJJ Td a 7 r rr that witn cr 1 p lclp that the doors b open In onilii lf n bflovod abstain from al aranfe to e11 Par l e to the followers rrsponde together ne thee multiplied An early moniiijr ri rfl y of nraine lido prayer h i i in the Garden wi n 3W per oji w r in attenda- TT Dowle filled ttv urd n tonight w an aMdlenre which equaled the p d throng the afternoon meeting if rFt cr In nsrthy invocation In Uired divine hlerf inr on the mission r1 Tbp tot n th workors and on the- r Tliv Invorution was foll wo l Continued un Page 2 ne no head hrH I the lit the I i l f I 1 I f mack m an I- ra thm a 1 pro I li t w at It JiI I U audi- ka alt con- nun in- doors If- her hearse 4 And one- press F S I t beg t 1 0 < 4c ¬ ¬ > < < < > > > < > LEADER OF THE GANG CAUGHT Arrest of Isaac Gravelle North- ern Pacific Dynamiter PRISONER AN T WAS MADB IN THE MOUNTAINS Moat DeL M Isaac Gra wile was brought to town tonight by a pease of Northern Pacific de- tectives and lodged in Jail on the charge- of being connected with the dynamite outrages on the Northern Pacific Last night while a watchman was patrolling the track about fifteen miles west of Helena Me ran a man digging a hole under the rails On being detected the man ran away and the watchman fired at him twice but missed This morning at 7 oclock Captain Keown and two others took the trait of the man from the railroad track and fol lowed it twenty miles into the finally capturing the man at his cabin He was sealed with a rifle and revolver He said his name was Plum mer but the men knew him to be Isaac Gravelle an exconvict released from the penitentiary M July He is the man the detectives have been hunting for three weeks his picture having been identified as that of the man who was found at a haystack near Towasend where fifty pounds of dynamite were found in a haystack Superintendent Boyle and Detective McPetridge who have charge of the work of running down the dynamiters are positive Gravelle ta the ringleader in the outrages BBBKLUON STTPPBESSED Constantinople Oct 18 The council of ministers has to grant 60009 pounds Turkish to rebuild and alleviate the distress In Macedonia- In an audience held with the German ambassador to Turkey Baron von Bier stein laat sultan aM the present rebellion was almost entirely sup and that Turkish troops were meeting with opposition only in the Djumbala district I I I lI aero mou- ntain I ided 111 to- day 4 4- OAP1UBI 5 ImNA ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TASTE OF ARMY LIFE Militia in Camp With the Regu lars at Camp Sanger Kansas Kan Oct J8 The r- e t military camp ever formed la country In time of peace Is new lo- cated here on the government reserva- tion About 1MW men are here and by tomorrow morning it is expected that the total will be Increased to 13 000 The maneuvers will commence in full strength tomorrow and continue- tor a fortnight The militia in camp and to be here by tomorrow are the Missouri provisional regiment the Texas provisional regiment the Second Nebraska the and Second Kan sas the PlftynftB Iowa and batteries A and B Kansas artillery The regular troops comprise the Sixth Second Twelfth and Twenty first infantry regiments eight squad- rons each of the Fourth Eighth and Tenth cavalry regiments a battalion- of engineers under Major Leach and the following batteries of artil- lery Sixth Seventh Nineteenth Twentieth Twentyfifth Twenty eighth and Twentyninth The force is divided into tour brigades of infantry commanded respectively by Brigadier Generals Grant Bell nd Barry of the regular army and Hughes of the Kan- sas national guard It is expected that will be a greater number of for- eign military attaches in attendance upon the series of maneuvers than upon any previous similar occa sionTho work for tomorrow will be an atta k n a rear guard This is to b commanded by Colonel Duncan of the Sixth infantry which is to march out early in the morning and at 1230 is to titan ack to calvin As loon us he starts General Barry Tlth a regiment of troops will be aft r him and Colonel Duncan must get into ramp the Met way he can He com- mands as good an infantry regiment as ever marched and has the reputation p being a capable and energetic corn mnder The roads have dried out an1 the weattier cannot be surpassed al- though the nights are somewhat cool TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY LIVES LOST London Oct 1 A dispatch to + + the Standard from its correspond 4 oft at Odessa says news has + + reached there from Khorassan 4 + that 250 lives have been lost in an + earthquake at Turshli Persia + + Thirteen villages were destroyed + + and some 5000 persons are now + 4 homeless + Pod RIle th bodies now there I I t 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + < > + ANCIENT AND CRUSADERS mDERN The oiffiaders of the eleventh century ridin rtfc to rescue the holy sepulchre from the Turks The crusaders of the tvmittota owatqazy Chicago TrRrone S I Dr August 6reth of San Francisco Have Solved the Problem of Aerial Navigation SUCCESSfUL SAil iNTH AIR t Seems 1 J FRAJJCiaCO Oct 1ft Dr Ait Greth who tor a year past biii V frinsaiitatiousry working on airship toAigr surprised the rejtf Jog that In many ejwentiaia has solved the prftMejb of aerial navigation x r Oreth hai previously tested his by making ascensions with the balloon held captive by a long rope but today was the lint time that he had j gone skyward free The ascension was made fro a lot almost in the heart of the etty and Dr Greth attempted to encircle a towering newspaper building about a mile eastward but found high currents too strong for his power and then turned In an opposite direc- tion The winds carried him ocean ward and for a time be hovered over the vicinity of the Golden Gate various successful trials of his steering gear Landed in the Bay The currents threatened to take him out over the Pacific and he decided to a landing on the parade ground of the Presidio military reservation but made the mistake of letting out too much gas and he landed In the bay SAl uat tbW 1fI1 d lie the mak- Ing I I 4inte i aItlIisg or- meWiieit air- ship make < ¬ ¬ about from silo A crew rf the lifesaving station In the neighbor bood rescued the Mroofctrtr attift MB maofetofc b4ei sustained very Uvnsrtfertaiiajte flWWTHWWIBiv wffB a hximg ca- pacity t 1JM to 2M pounds The car beneath is similar in construction to that used by Santos and weighs about 800 pounds Power Not Sufficient The engine is a twelve horsepower gasoline motor and the total weight carried skyward Including that of the inventor and SM pounds of ballast was about 140 pounds For some inexplica- ble reason tim motor would not develop more than ifo horsepower and Dr Greth consequently found considerable difficulty in making headway against the currents He expects to make another ascension- In a few days when he will have re- paired the Minor damage caused by the salt water bath and remedied the minor defects brought out by his two hours cruise in cloudhuid Dr Greth te a native of AlgaeLorraine and Is 43 years old tie in a graduate of the medical department of of California and has been practicing his profession here for a of years READY TO QUIT WORK StrikeBreaker Gets a Cup of Hot Coffee in His Face in Texas Sherman Tex Oct 18 An injunc- tion against striking employes of the Pacific Express company and their as- sociates has been granted in the United States court here and an order has been issued to the enjoined men to desist from Intimidating or using violence to prevent other employes of the company from performing their duties at Texarkana or Longview Large crowds met every train at Longview and prevented any attempt te load or unload express matter On most of the cars there are no mcoeen- er At Marshall a man who was put on as messenger at New Orleans was es- corted to the hotel by the agent there accompanied by a Jeering crowd When he reached the hotel counter someone struck blIP and the hotel proprietor threw a cup of hot coffee in his face and ordered him out The express strikers him and he was persuaded to leave town Kansas City Mo Oct only noteworthy feature o the Pacific Ex- press strike today was the announce- ment by the company that it would resume the handling ot perishable goods tomorrow teet i lit- tle a baa waCll I blloon Du- mont I I i anJhaU got 18The I I N I r- Ing the hnaIly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BRITISH MINISTER MEDIATE St Petersburg Oct 18 A newspaper at Port Dalny is authority for the report that the to Japan Sir Claude MacDonald has under- taken to mediate between Russia Vvnd Japan and having secured Japans con- sent to certain proposals is now negotiat- ing with Russia These proposals that Rurita jhall restore Manchuria to China and that tbe principal Manchurian towns be to foreign trade that Russia withdraw all her troops from Manchuria with the exception of he railway cuards that sh renounce her forestry concessions on both sides of the Yalu river as well as the Yori ampho concession and that tit country youth of the Ya u bo mlmltted as belong- ing to sphere of Japan AMERICAN CUTTER WILL TAKE A HAND Milwaukee Oct 18 The Tuscarora Milwaukees n w revenu cutter will leave for Cleveland tomorrow to take part in the settlement of the internation- al dispute which arisen between the United States and Canada over the fish- ing in Lake TErie Orders to proceed at- once to that port and t report to the collector of customs there have been re reived by Captain Hall The cutter will coal and then leave fur Lake uric TRIES TO I I I I owned I I I ito i the I has are ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ MADE WEbCQMB Italian Royal Cauple Acclaimed by Persians ELABORATE jSCH SERVED Paris Oct 18 Kins Victor Emmau- uet of Italy and his wife Queen Helene herd early this the Italian chapel here whither they drova without escort At about 9 oclock this morning a start for Vincennes to wit ness the military review The streets through which their majesties passed were not crowded owing to the early hour and a drizzling rain which con- tinued to fall intermittently almost alt morning Upon arriving at the review ground King Victor Emmanuel mount- ed a horse Queen Helene took her place in President Loubef carriage while Madame Loubet entered the high- ly decorated royal stand where before the march past she was Joined by their majesties and the French president The party returned to Paris by way of the boulevards amid the hearty cheering of the people The sun had come out and the crowds vere enthusi- astic At 1 oclock their majesties drove in full state to the Slys0e palace where an elaborate lunch was given the guests being all military or naval officials and including Commander Giles B Harber the naval aftaohe and Captain T Bentley Mott itary attache at the American embas- sy At the lunch King Victor Emman uel made a speech expressing his ad- miration for the French army and re- calling the days when it had fought aide by side with the soldiers of Italy His majesty referred again to the pleasure that he and Queen Helene had derived from their visit to Paris President Loubet replied befittingly The king and queen left for Italy from the Invalidee railroad station at twen tyfive minutes past 3 They were ac- companied to the station by President and Madame Loubet and along the route received enthusiastic demonstra- tions from the crowd Their departure was without any noteworthy incident NARROW ESCAPE OF BANKER FROM DEATH Reno Xev Oct 18 Colonel J D Powers of Louisville Ky president f of the United States coin was seriously injured yfester f + nay In Reno The special train m which he and a number of other 4 bankers were traveling on their way to San Francisco to attend bankers convention broke in tWe Jn front of the depot T Powers was stepping from coach- to the oth r and fell between He retained his presence of 4 mind and though a and man succeeded in rolling off the f 4 track as the of the fol f coach grazed his shoulder H 0 KING J PA Q T1IJ5- I JIt In was mace I I l I I Ju t olo one 1 ANEFQUEEN j 4 mash morning a t- ears 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Hts consisted of a Unit of the right shoulder two frac tured ribs and a severe cut on the left IP FREIGHT TRAIN HELD UP IN CALIFORNIA- Berkeley Cal Oct IS Three men held up a s eval ireighi train Sacramento in the near West Berkeley at an early hour this morning and robbed Fireman John Engineer Kobert Bde When they had completed thir work robbers or- dered th trainmen to proved and disap- peared in th darkness They they arv th sulucn earUV same iwii who hfld a- in evening in Oakland SCHOONER WENT DOWN ONE SAILOR DROWNED- St Johns N F Oct is The siaoon- Dion with a of codffsh from Fogr for Oporto was sunk off tha banks In One mare of the was swept overboard and The tt rfr- rraalnlnK men launched the small boat and after rowing lot hours during which time they fluttered terri- bly managed to make a j Bdlnjr Th overdue steamer Wales arrived hero this afternoon a mulled th from the trainmen it Is supposed tnat th j ergo rand crew b 1 receIved 10 Tbt aIe + + ¬ > ¬ > + + + + + +++ ++++++ + +++ + + < > COURTMARTIAL OF GENERAL CHASE BEGINS IN DENVER TODAY 4 Denver Colo Oct 18 Everything is in readiness for the general that te expected to probe tbe national scandal Governor Peabody de cjares that investigation will be rig Grot pushed The court will be con- vened tomorrow in senate chamber and unless some change is made In present plan it will be open to the public The case of General John Chase up fiist So tar General Chase te the officer against whom charges have been official- ly tiled with the court He is charged with failure to obey orders of the senor conduct unbecoming to an officer and perjury There some talk of compromising the I whole affair without a an agreement with Chase to resign shertly NEGRO THE Establishes ihe Guilt of John Williams Who Killed Mrs Lauman the the I MURDERER- Suicide t guard ¬ ¬ ¬ WUUams a negro arrested late ast as a suspect Williams who said he had recently teme from Mlsslsslpui made several at- tempts to sell a revolver yesterday and this aroused suspicion was into custody and placed in the Clayton asserted his innocence but finally under severe questioning made the will tell you more about it tomorrow This forenoon a small fire occurred near the Jail and caused some excitement Att been extinguished Sheriff Henc ken went to Williams to him and found the prisoner dead He hanged himself It is thought that the cli mcnt caused by the fire alarmed Williams Into a belief that a mob was and quickly hanged himself with a sheet body was warm when discovered Acting on the possible clue uttered by Williams the are now searching for others implicated The body of Mrs Lauman was burled today GREAT NATURAL WEALTH st Louis Oct lSIt is believed bY the pollen that the mystery of the murder of Mrs Kate Lauman dead body was found lying by the roadside aear Nor on Thursday has been through the suicide today of John jail Well there In this i I bad hlng the to lynch him I t whose inandy re- mark re h California Products Thousands of Oars San Francisco Oct IS The officials ot the Southern Pacific company are exert- ing all their energies to the nto- es ary equipment for the expeditious moving of CalHorma to the east and they are confident they now have the situation hand growth of teethe from this state during rears has been phenomena and hen forced the railroads to go to enorm- ous expense for the purchase of new roll mIl ts well III the ¬ ¬ ¬ < ing 9 K- In last three years the Southern Pacific company hi bought mode than 16000 new freight ears and 337 new loco- motives of th most powerful and ap- proved type have not only been ordered out mosi of them have been delivered t into service fortyone thou- sand carloads of California products were carrIed over the Southern lines to eastern points luring the fiscal year June an increase of 4OW carloads over the year Shipments with in the state also a large increase KTJMOR ANNOYS KIM Burlington Vt Oct 18 Dr Seward Webb who has just returned from Eu- rope expressed today as being very muh annoyed over reports pub Helved in Sew YorK hat he bad been very ill in England and tveu yet had not wholly recovered I have not felt better ia tea cars said Mr Webb the I and III how 0 end- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ > < FUSION DID NOT MISLEAD GROUT Purely Partisan Politics Played in New York WHOLE SCHE1E BARE UBTTKR ACXISMKQra TAJDCA3TT- JfOMUfATlOir NEW TORK Oct 18 Edward 1L the Tammany candidate comptroller in his Utter of acceptance made public tonight says that the party issue has been squarely put into the campaign by those who profess the contrary Until this was revealed I was committed to the bitter and prejudiced attacks made upon his personality by the district at torney It is now clear that Mayor Low was in accord with the Republi- can statements of taxation which have of late years been so hostile to the in- terests of the city of New York and have so steadily and greatly increased contribution to the expenses of state government I have been reproached as a traitor end an apostate A change of opinion when the facts and circumstances changed is neither treachery nor apos tacy Once it became dear to methat this contest had lost its pretense of a lionpartisan discussion of local quas I lions those who were with me bad abandoned the only principle which held us together that the fusion party had become essentially Repub- lican then inevitably I go with the Democratic party FATAL HUMTWG ACCIDENT Idalto Man Mistaken For a Sandhill Crane Boise Ida Oct IS A fatal hunting ac- cident occurred on Silver creek miles from Bailey today Edward Pat tea a rancher on Sliver losing his life The shot was tired by of Halley He and his brother Otto were hunting ducks Fred thought he saw a sandhill crane through the brush and tired at it It was he saw and the shot killd the victim I t of Mayor Low and resented the I Its I I I I I I some- I t I 4 LAW sup- port that ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AHK FORGED TO CLOSE BECAUSE OF HEAVY WITHDRAWALS OF FUNDS Mexico Oct 18 That portion of ooriuanvKy doing basfswe the various American banks in has over the Bank tc Trust companys failure whteh has an office in New York and hers Recent rumor had pointed to trouble cosstnr for the institution and President Bunt in an Interview says that the cause of the dos- ing was more or less than enor- mous withdrawals or funds by deposit Urn Within the past week depositors took out more than HW W The banks van dSBftOBSttatod Fri o ihfe collfctlOB arid Trust company was corn that it had no funds to meet it Th check was sure to have been again pre ty lbs this city It0 to > ¬ ¬ < muted at the beginning of banking hours Saturday hence the officials decided to close and announce voluntary liquidation Many people are m financial distress on account of the locking up of their funds The amount due depositors is some ISIS COO All other American are pre- pared for emergency but any extensive lack of confldeace is not today antici- pated TMMe is some talk among American residents to the effect that all banks should eooMne 4n one strong in here was cdvsr of the broken bank Tie bank w expected to make a detallM statement of its resources and liabilities I I American t ° t t Itt 1iI t ethlWI IiSIUN IP lawyer ¬ after matters have quieted down In re ply to this rumor General Chase said I shall not resign from the national guard AI reports to the effect that I had ever my resig nation are entirely false There will be no from my end of the line if such compromise calls for my Three other officers arw expected to be charged before the court with military offenses Thy are Major Arthur Wil llama Colonel Frank E Kimball and Colonel Fred Gross Major Williams is accused of conduct unbecoming an of ficer and conduct in violation of military discipline Colonel Kimball and Colonel Gross are accused of alleged Insular ities in connection with the payrolls and commissary contracts JAIL BREAK AT PRICE John Kelly Bound Over For Per jury Made a Neat Getaway Yesterday retire- ment coast toYed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Special to The Herald Price Utah Oct 18 John Kelly a prisoner In the county Jail who was bound ever until tile next term for per jury made his getaway about is oclock this morning and had two hours start the Jailer was of the tact He dug out the ventilator under roof of the Jail with a broken shovel handle dropping the bricks as they were loos- ened to top of the cages One other prisoner was in Jail corridors serv- ing a few months Jail sentence The lat- ter was threatened with death if he gave Kelly away the ¬ ¬ ¬ Sheriff WUcx and Deputy World bad just taken men to the train enrouta to the penitentiary when Kelly began operations and the officers had not more than train which was later than first when Kelly was going Kelly was acquitted last Friday- of the charge of burglary on account of insufficient evidence The five prisoners taken to tile peni- tentiary this morning had planned to make their escape some time ago Kelly gave their plans away to the sheriff Whtn one of the convicted men was on trial Kelly perjured himself in testifying- as to what he heard them escaping and it was on this testimony- he was being held Davis and Pryor two of the men sent up robbed old man Daniels at Castle late after boating him severely on the 13th of August They came up for a hearing on the 13th of this month were given thirteen years each left town- this morning In charge of the sheriff on a doubleheader train of two engines eleven ears making thirteen pieces ot rolling stock After the sentence of the four men to the penitentiary yesterday Judge John- son had a strong guard put around the county jail last night Had it not been for this guard it is likely six desperate would now be at large Kelly has been traced to Helper where it is thought he caught a train out of town five the and and i men I ¬ ¬ INDIANA TOWN VICTIM OF THE FIRE FIEND Kokumo tad Oct 13 Tho town of Galveston is burning At 1 a m the station agent wired news or the blaze which Is of incendiary 4 fririi then hroke off his message 4 with the wods Cant send aoy + more the station is already half + 4 4 4 nilvfSTun In town of 1000 inhab + heats The tire rtiparirotitl 4 has been sent there cn a special 4 + train 4 4 4 4 Indianapolis Oct IS An wires in + 4 Galveston art burned down and 4 4 tails of the fire are not obtainable + I burned hokum c 1 4 4 4 thor 4 a + + + + + + + + ++++++++ + +++ + + +++++ BOUNDARY LINE IS FIRMLY FIXE Decision of tile Arbitration Gws missies CANADA IS SOttaMAT S osrlaanaauiMO- NOON Oct I F w f the Ing papers jmUWi editorialett des OB tfce decision of the Jd boundary trfbsmaL TIM Defly- etrapa expresses extreme satiafactMB that an agreement has been reacted because failure would have dealt a Mb to the policy still in its frail and tea Her infancy of referring dUtrenceax t this character to arbitration The paper hopes that no attempt will be madea either side t reckon up score or claim a victory but that th clsi n will be accepted i good faith It adds the Canadians must retygnlsc it to I better not only for the bM for the empire that the United and Great Britain live on terms C friendship and cooperation than that in every frontier dispute Canada ahooid get the better of the rrfmWic Incidentally the Doily Telegraph pays tribute to the Associated Press well earned reputation for the accuracy ot Its report on international questions The Standard is of the opinion that pate got in essence wnat it wanted the demand for access by one side and the denial of it by the other formed the very kernel of the controvermy The mere concession or loss of land continues the paper i of relatively small choice to Canada long aa she gets a satisfactory waterway she baa small ground for complaint The Daily Mail regards the decision as a serious blow tp progress of arbitration it says that not in the United States wa such a- ignominous climb down on the part at the British commissioners e rr I L each side In tire u U- Rn o ev n 4 Flail- RE- OGMMUT A3D- TGrnro C 4 that Dom eta a Aladha boundary inter- national nor > ¬ perhaps will it be admired has Indeed some small cause fOr com- Plaint says the Daily Mall and tile sole concession to her is an acgrava- tkm of the whole affair CANADA ft A tw jnfrgp Outcome Montreal Oct 1ft Commenting uposM the decisfcm of the Alaskan bovndary commission the Gasette tomorrow will say Canadians generally did not expect much from the arbitration copuniSBlon The was not mn IBiliaUmi tribunal each as could be expecteAjp decide oit the weight of evidence no matter which side suffered The three representatives of the United Stasea- XTnAer the headiog Canada This result had beginning In aeceptmg the icon vf a commission named rrpia jr bj the two parties to the case England plain- ly indicated a disposition to no longer sustain the contentions of Canada to sacrifice them in the hope of secnr lug th disappearance of a ramie of continual friction with the United States Today we find ourselves eowteas plating not the decision of an arbMnh tloa commission but a diplomatic ar- rangement wherein our clear rights have been sacrificed without any re- turn Le Canada which Is the personal or- gan of tbe minister of ma- rine and fisheries will ay Lord Alverstone the representative of Great Britain has ranged himself en the side of the Americana and de- cided favorably to the Americans all along the line save for one little con- cession through the grace of which It is hoped to excuse this shameful ca- pitulation Through the treaty Mr Chamberlain signed with Mr Key Canada is compelled to accept the de- cision of the tribunal and to submit to the voice of the majority In a word Chamberlain has given it to us in tile neck He was the whole machine H issued his instructions before he left the colonial office he refused to heel the protests of Canada against the per- sonality of the American coi er he gave Lord Alverstone lev son and Canada was condemned before the case was heard We have one more instance of the betrayal of OIl interests to add to the long list of British defections The decision of th Alaskan commission is a rude Mow to the cause of imperialism in Canada DEcISION IS infJLL- Eoundaxy Line Ha Bee Settfte- Porevar Toronto Ont Oct 18 In an on the reported decision of the AJaakar boundary decision the Globe govern meat tomorrow wm snake a point ot the value to Canada of Pearae Wales islands the latter PracticallY Xoatna1 u t n ft to U been but Canadian his Papers Angry 1p 1tm5idWupeit onvkilon rideod e cruel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ commanding Simpson the prob abte terminus of the new Canadian transcontinental railway and says decision giving these islands to CaaaA is of no great importance The Globe continues No doabt of the British commh sioner shrank from toe dangerous deadloe that would have ensued had both side refused ot give way in regard to tIM ownership of the head of Lynn canal The fact that Canadian goods an bonded across the coast strip casket the Lynn canal question less import tant than it otherwise would be tan ada will nevertheless be di appointed with the decisIon in to the ownership of the arms of tilt sea in the disputed territory The Haft- ing is a compromise in which neithe side gets all it set out to secure The decision is final however anf here will be no harking back Sven fot of boundary line is now settle forever with no possibility of fnrthei strife that the terms of UK arbitration were most unfair and tha the United States showed Ught ee fidence in the judicial soundness ot tfc claims by refusing to accept arbitrator the World opposition wit say Imperial ptrvtesmen or ratjbftf English statesmen for they do pear to have grasped the meaning e- inil erjalista regard the fri ndshfp e the United States as a porl beyntt price provided this country has to for itThese easy triumphs for Amerlcat diplomacy in the settlement bound- ary disputes are full of dansr vous pos- sibilities There is a irontier be- tween Canada the United States If raising a boundary claim is to mak subsequent acknowledgment a ITIPM I matter of form the Americans are I likely to make our frontier bristle with boundary issues before Canada is much older cite dee p rca antI I i the nSiltI 0r >
Page 1: r Pj PPWS TIlE SALT AXE HERALD I TlPlchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1903-10-19/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Pj < DOWIE OPENS UP HIS CAMPAIGN Elijah Impressed With New York Mannors


Generally fair


SAW LAKE CITY OTAJE MONDAY OCTOBER 19 1903If yea want to do businessAdvertise la The HeraldIt Pta results



I t

ww w-7p I 7 d4 PPWS 4 EAST EflITION






Elijah Impressed WithNew York Mannors




YORK Oct M ohn AJexaNDowle who cans htaaelf

Elijah the faced hitfirst New York audience today and al-

though Madison Square Garden wasthronged at the afternoon and eveningmeetings and thousands were turnedaway from the doors he found himselfconfronted with what he called a newexperience when thousands having evi-

dently satisfied their curiosity threwthe meetings into Confusion by theirFudd n exodus before the ceremonieshad fairly begun

Commands to close the doors and pre-vent xit were unavailing and theprophet gave vent to displays of muchpetulance on finding that it was onething to gather a great New York audienro hut quite another affair to com-mand Interest after the first de-mands of curiosity had been satisfiedThe housetohouse visitations by thehost of crusade meetings will be



S3fany Took One at Blljah IIand Then Went Out

New Ynrk o t 1 Five thousand tJersons were turned away from MadisonKitusr Harden this afternoon after allthe Hosts in the buIlding had been tined

Alfxnnder Dowie on his first appearancea New York audience Fully 34XK-

lVrs n8 were in the garden atwh ii the services with the pro

si mal hymn which the Zion white-r oei iholr to the number of about Wiud capped and rowned ordained ofJtrtTB of the Christian Catholic church ofZion took part

Th procesalon ascended to the platform where the choir took

th pulpit and the officers occupied-the places at the When onthe platform had taken their placesI owi ascended the platform acewn-imnl d hy Overseers Bryant J UKxcell A J UUdston JSpinner K Mason and W Hammond

who took then places behind thepulpit in th order in had as-

endf i the rostrum Dr Dowie wore theusual white robe with black robe

N t Much



NEW rRpt





with a crowd urtoul to aee John

f eT r30



poitlon be-hind






4 great











h nervice of prnyor opened with theinvocation by Dr I owie followed toehingiiiK of a hymn during which the

rowd continued to pour Into the gardenThis was followed hy the recital ofrreed and the commandments and thereading of scripture during which hun

auf inp much confusion The exodus ootv-iliM f l in spite ofth doors until nmrly a third of thell nr had depart many of the vacant

cent being filled with the waiting crowdft r order hud

rc t re J Dr Dfnrifr saidScored

If this is New York and this isI aw In-

new experience I thinkthat some of the people that cantthought this was a Buffalo BUI show Iwonaer if rmnjregatk of thechunhfs here enter and leave as theyplease I reckon we have learned some-thing and will be prepared hereafterThere will be no more going out of the

r mt door If any have remained outsidet them In It seems a shame they have

not the seats the Buffalo Bill personspan Ift No one enteredWell let us keep the audience

we have Raid the preacher Dr Dowietook txt from the third chapter of

i ok Of Revelations tbe twentiethersiB h ld I stand at the door and knockf any man bear my voice and open theioor I will eesoe in to him and will supwith him and he with me

Thn walking back and forth in trontjf his pulpit h began Kyes have theyyet thy see not have they yetthy hear not

SU Down Madame

II hop It

Irda of lItartplf to leave therepeated ordf1II to clone

I aU

lit I

Td Who

YorkJ fHeE uf






typical New congregationThe






I shall ask the gentlemen of the pressto behave and not to am not onewho is concerned much about thettire he to but I am tohave a quiet audience now youd betterliHIev down madame you Justdown

Or Dote strode across the platformarid pointed his finger shaking It at theoman to whom he shoted Now thej opif who have away heilnuid could have gone be

of what I said for I was readingwhat God said Earn had but theylirarrl not I am going to make themIIPHT

wit a his arms above his to avoice that reached the farthest

iirts of the Garden he cried Ob itoi to know that Jod has not ceased to

Kn k at the human to knock atih loom of homes to knock at the

f tvorkahnp at of places ofIMIS the doors of business institu-tions a doors f the municipality atthe kmrx of halls of at the

i ors of and of presidents and ofltiim Thundering at the door of theivorii is the King of Kings And In hisram I stiiml betcre you today and

u that door and the Spirit of Godin

A mummr of Amen went up frombis followers

Aft r a r f rpnce to Christ and the wojnwi Samara he continued

May Mix in PoliticsTlioy began to mink who Christ was

Js Ht h tne eon of old Joeeph the carV m r we all know is Jesus theson of old Joseph And they talked withtacli other And they told him to getout of there but he stood still And

nay to me In New York Get out ofI wont get They said to me in

hlcatro they would drive me out of thecity but I told thun th only way theyroui l drive me out would be by killingme and driving mr out in a Blessyotit life I am th only minister fortytwo miles from ChKuuo that newspapershunger to Ktt ov n weIrd from hwont or with a sudden laugh At thl t mayoralty p rtlon both candidatetain to m to DJ k th m up in th fight

K rhsp I ml ht b a help told or the other iu New York yet I

ha not yet up mind about ItI have a m s uiK f i th tomorrowpn i I will give it a lik thoyl never for

oliitinulnic he iid Some will gn-

s nv and say I dont like Dow Hepits Ins wife on the platform with himtVliv should T not put my wlfo nit theplatform She talk better than

i particularly when we are aV ie to-pothpr Oh whrtt fool the hurdlesliar bo n They have let the devil getth women They have let ro onth stage and dunrt and sinfr I It nottime we had the women singing forJe1

Y mpond d hIt followers in oneVOic

Pence Be to TheeTM conclusion Dr Dowle deJJ Td a

7 r rr that witn cr1 p lclp that the doors b open

In onilii lf n bflovod abstain from alaranfe to e11 Par l e to the

followers rrsponde togetherne thee multiplied

An early moniiijr ri rfl y of nrainelido prayer h i i in the Gardenwi n 3W per oji w r in attenda-

TT Dowle filled ttv urd n tonightw an aMdlenre which equaled thep d throng the afternoon meeting

if rFt cr In nsrthy invocationIn Uired divine hlerf inr on the missionr1 Tbp tot n th workors and on the-r Tliv Invorution was foll wo l

Continued un Page 2











f mack m

an I-



a 1

proI li
















And one-





beg t










> >






Arrest of Isaac Gravelle North-

ern Pacific Dynamiter



Moat DeL M Isaac Grawile was brought to town tonightby a pease of Northern Pacific de-

tectives and lodged in Jail on the charge-of being connected with the dynamiteoutrages on the Northern Pacific Lastnight while a watchman was patrollingthe track about fifteen miles west ofHelena Me ran a man digging ahole under the rails On being detectedthe man ran away and the watchmanfired at him twice but missed Thismorning at 7 oclock Captain Keownand two others took the trait of theman from the railroad track and followed it twenty miles into the

finally capturing the man at hiscabin He was sealed with a rifle andrevolver He said his name was Plummer but the men knew him to be IsaacGravelle an exconvict released fromthe penitentiary M July He is the manthe detectives have been hunting forthree weeks his picture having beenidentified as that of the man who wasfound at a haystack near Towasendwhere fifty pounds of dynamite werefound in a haystack

Superintendent Boyle and DetectiveMcPetridge who have charge of thework of running down the dynamitersare positive Gravelle ta the ringleaderin the outrages

BBBKLUON STTPPBESSEDConstantinople Oct 18 The council of

ministers has to grant 60009pounds Turkish to rebuild andalleviate the distress In Macedonia-

In an audience held with the Germanambassador to Turkey Baron von Bierstein laat sultan aM thepresent rebellion was almost entirely sup

and that Turkish troops weremeeting with opposition only in the

Djumbala district





















Militia in Camp With the Regulars at Camp Sanger


Kan Oct J8 The r-

e t military camp ever formed lacountry In time of peace Is new lo-

cated here on the government reserva-tion About 1MW men are here andby tomorrow morning it is expectedthat the total will be Increased to 13000 The maneuvers will commence infull strength tomorrow and continue-tor a fortnight

The militia in camp andto be here by tomorrow arethe Missouri provisional regiment theTexas provisional regiment the SecondNebraska the and Second Kansas the PlftynftB Iowa and batteriesA and B Kansas artillery

The regular troops comprise theSixth Second Twelfth and Twentyfirst infantry regiments eight squad-rons each of the Fourth Eighth andTenth cavalry regiments a battalion-of engineers under Major Leach andthe following batteries of artil-lery Sixth Seventh NineteenthTwentieth Twentyfifth Twentyeighth and Twentyninth The force isdivided into tour brigades of infantrycommanded respectively by BrigadierGenerals Grant Bell nd Barry of theregular army and Hughes of the Kan-sas national guard It is expected that

will be a greater number of for-

eign military attaches in attendanceupon the series of maneuversthan upon any previous similar occa

sionTho work for tomorrow will be anatta k n a rear guard This is to bcommanded by Colonel Duncan of theSixth infantry which is to march outearly in the morning and at 1230 is totitan ack to calvin

As loon us he starts General BarryTlth a regiment of troops will be aft rhim and Colonel Duncan must get intoramp the Met way he can He com-mands as good an infantry regiment asever marched and has the reputationp being a capable and energetic cornmnder The roads have dried out an1the weattier cannot be surpassed al-

though the nights are somewhat cool



London Oct 1 A dispatch to ++ the Standard from its correspond 4

oft at Odessa says news has ++ reached there from Khorassan 4+ that 250 lives have been lost in an +

earthquake at Turshli Persia ++ Thirteen villages were destroyed ++ and some 5000 persons are now +4 homeless +

Pod RIleth

bodies now

















+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

< >



The oiffiaders of the eleventh century ridin rtfc to rescue the holy sepulchre from the Turks

The crusaders of the tvmittota owatqazyChicago TrRrone



Dr August 6reth of San Francisco Have Solvedthe Problem of Aerial






FRAJJCiaCO Oct 1ft Dr AitGreth who tor a year past

biii V frinsaiitatiousry workingon airship toAigr surprised the rejtf

Jog that In many ejwentiaia hassolved the prftMejb of aerial navigationx r Oreth hai previously tested his

by making ascensions with theballoon held captive by a long rope buttoday was the lint time that he had j

gone skyward free The ascension wasmade fro a lot almost in the heart ofthe etty and Dr Greth attempted toencircle a towering newspaper buildingabout a mile eastward but foundhigh currents too strong for his powerand then turned In an opposite direc-tion The winds carried him oceanward and for a time be hovered overthe vicinity of the Golden Gate

various successful trials of hissteering gear

Landed in the BayThe currents threatened to take him

out over the Pacific and he decided toa landing on the parade ground

of the Presidio military reservation butmade the mistake of letting out toomuch gas and he landed In the bay

SAl uat

tbW 1fI1 d






4inte i aItlIisg or-







about from silo A crew rfthe lifesaving station In the neighborbood rescued the Mroofctrtr attift MB

maofetofc b4ei sustained veryUvnsrtfertaiiajte

flWWTHWWIBiv wffB a hximg ca-pacity t 1JM to 2M pounds Thecar beneath is similar inconstruction to that used by Santos

and weighs about 800 poundsPower Not Sufficient

The engine is a twelve horsepowergasoline motor and the total weightcarried skyward Including that of theinventor and SM pounds of ballast wasabout 140 pounds For some inexplica-ble reason tim motor would not developmore than ifo horsepower and DrGreth consequently found considerabledifficulty in making headway againstthe currents

He expects to make another ascension-In a few days when he will have re-paired the Minor damage caused by thesalt water bath and remedied the minordefects brought out by his two hourscruise in cloudhuid

Dr Greth te a native of AlgaeLorraineand Is 43 years old tie in a graduate ofthe medical department ofof California and has been practicing hisprofession here for a of years


StrikeBreaker Gets a Cup ofHot Coffee in His Face

in Texas

Sherman Tex Oct 18 An injunc-tion against striking employes of thePacific Express company and their as-sociates has been granted in theUnited States court here and an orderhas been issued to the enjoined mento desist from Intimidating or usingviolence to prevent other employes ofthe company from performing theirduties at Texarkana orLongview

Large crowds met every train atLongview and prevented any attemptte load or unload express matter Onmost of the cars there are no mcoeen-

erAt Marshall a man who was put on

as messenger at New Orleans was es-

corted to the hotel by the agent thereaccompanied by a Jeering crowd Whenhe reached the hotel counter someonestruck blIP and the hotel proprietorthrew a cup of hot coffee in his faceand ordered him out The expressstrikers him and he waspersuaded to leave town

Kansas City Mo Oct onlynoteworthy feature o the Pacific Ex-press strike today was the announce-ment by the company that it wouldresume the handling ot perishablegoods tomorrow


i lit-tle a baawaCll
























MEDIATESt Petersburg Oct 18 A newspaper

at Port Dalny is authority forthe report that the toJapan Sir Claude MacDonald has under-taken to mediate between Russia VvndJapan and having secured Japans con-sent to certain proposals is now negotiat-ing with Russia These proposalsthat Rurita jhall restore Manchuria toChina and that tbe principal Manchuriantowns be to foreign trade thatRussia withdraw all her troops fromManchuria with the exception of herailway cuards that sh renounce herforestry concessions on both sides of theYalu river as well as the Yori amphoconcession and that tit countryyouth of the Ya u bo mlmltted as belong-ing to sphere of Japan


Milwaukee Oct 18 The TuscaroraMilwaukees n w revenu cutter willleave for Cleveland tomorrow to takepart in the settlement of the internation-al dispute which arisen between theUnited States and Canada over the fish-ing in Lake TErie Orders to proceed at-once to that port and t report to thecollector of customs there have been rereived by Captain Hall The cutter willcoal and then leave fur Lake uric





I owned



I ito i












Italian Royal Cauple Acclaimedby Persians


Paris Oct 18 Kins Victor Emmau-uet of Italy and his wife Queen Heleneherd early this theItalian chapel here whither they drovawithout escort

At about 9 oclock this morning astart for Vincennes to witness the military review The streetsthrough which their majesties passedwere not crowded owing to the earlyhour and a drizzling rain which con-

tinued to fall intermittently almost altmorning Upon arriving at the reviewground King Victor Emmanuel mount-ed a horse Queen Helene took herplace in President Loubef carriagewhile Madame Loubet entered the high-ly decorated royal stand where beforethe march past she was Joined by theirmajesties and the French president

The party returned to Paris by wayof the boulevards amid the heartycheering of the people The sun hadcome out and the crowds vere enthusi-astic At 1 oclock their majestiesdrove in full state to the Slys0e palacewhere an elaborate lunch was giventhe guests being all military or navalofficials and including CommanderGiles B Harber the naval aftaoheand Captain T Bentley Mottitary attache at the American embas-sy At the lunch King Victor Emmanuel made a speech expressing his ad-

miration for the French army and re-calling the days when it had fought aideby side with the soldiers of Italy Hismajesty referred again to the pleasurethat he and Queen Helene had derivedfrom their visit to Paris PresidentLoubet replied befittingly

The king and queen left for Italy fromthe Invalidee railroad station at twentyfive minutes past 3 They were ac-companied to the station by Presidentand Madame Loubet and along theroute received enthusiastic demonstra-tions from the crowd Their departurewas without any noteworthy incident



Reno Xev Oct 18 Colonel J DPowers of Louisville Ky president fof the United States coin

was seriously injured yfester f+ nay In Reno The special train m

which he and a number of other4 bankers were traveling on their way

to San Francisco to attendbankers convention broke in tWe

Jn front of the depot TPowers was stepping from coach-to the oth r and fell between

He retained his presence of4 mind and though a and

man succeeded in rolling off the f4 track as the of the fol fcoach grazed his shoulder H






was mace





IJut olo




mash morning















+++ +

++ +






Hts consisted of aUnit of the right shoulder two fractured ribs and a severe cut on theleft IP



Berkeley Cal Oct IS Threemen held up a s eval ireighi trainSacramento in the near WestBerkeley at an early hour this morningand robbed Fireman JohnEngineer Kobert Bde When they hadcompleted thir work robbers or-dered th trainmen to proved and disap-peared in th darkness They

they arv thsulucn earUV

same iwii who hfld a-in evening in Oakland


St Johns N F Oct is The siaoon-Dion with a of codffsh from Fogrfor Oporto was sunk off tha banksIn One mare of thewas swept overboard and The tt rfr-rraalnlnK men launched the small boatand after rowing lot hoursduring which time they fluttered terri-bly managed to make a j Bdlnjr Thoverdue steamer Wales arrived hero thisafternoon




from the trainmen it Is supposed tnatth






receIved 10

Tbt aIe

+ +




>+ +

++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

< >




Denver Colo Oct 18 Everything is inreadiness for the generalthat te expected to probe tbe national

scandal Governor Peabody decjares that investigation will be rigGrot pushed The court will be con-vened tomorrow in senate chamberand unless some change is made Inpresent plan it will be open to the publicThe case of General John Chaseup fiist

So tar General Chase te the officeragainst whom charges have been official-ly tiled with the court He is chargedwith failure to obey orders of thesenor conduct unbecoming to an officerand perjury

There some talk of compromising theI whole affair without a an

agreement with Chase to resign shertly


Establishes ihe Guilt of

John Williams Who Killed

Mrs Lauman









WUUams a negro arrested late astas a suspect

Williams who said he had recentlyteme from Mlsslsslpui made several at-tempts to sell a revolver yesterday andthis aroused suspicion wasinto custody and placed in the Clayton

asserted his innocence but finallyunder severe questioning made thewill tell you more about it tomorrow

This forenoon a small fire occurred nearthe Jail and caused some excitement Att

been extinguished Sheriff Hencken went to Williams to himand found the prisoner dead Hehanged himself It is thought that the

cli mcnt caused by the fire alarmedWilliams Into a belief that a mob was

andquickly hanged himself with a sheetbody was warm when discovered

Acting on the possible clue uttered byWilliams the are now searchingfor others implicated The body of MrsLauman was burled today


st Louis Oct lSIt is believed bY thepollen that the mystery of the murder ofMrs Kate Lauman dead body wasfound lying by the roadside aear Nor

on Thursday has beenthrough the suicide today of John


Well there In this i


hlng the to lynch him





re-mark re


California Products Thousandsof Oars

San Francisco Oct IS The officials otthe Southern Pacific company are exert-ing all their energies to the nto-es ary equipment for the expeditiousmoving of CalHorma tothe east and they are confident theynow have the situation handgrowth of teethe from this state during

rears has been phenomena andhen forced the railroads to go to enorm-ous expense for the purchase of new roll



well III the





ing 9 K-

In last three years the SouthernPacific company hi bought mode than16000 new freight ears and 337 new loco-motives of th most powerful and ap-proved type have not only been orderedout mosi of them have been delivered

t into service fortyone thou-sand carloads of California products werecarrIed over the Southern lines toeastern points luring the fiscal year

June an increase of 4OW carloadsover the year Shipments within the state also a large increase

KTJMOR ANNOYS KIMBurlington Vt Oct 18 Dr Seward

Webb who has just returned from Eu-rope expressed today as beingvery muh annoyed over reports pubHelved in Sew YorK hat he bad been veryill in England and tveu yet had notwholly recovered I have not felt betteria tea cars said Mr Webb

the I












Purely Partisan Politics Playedin New York




NEWTORK Oct 18 Edward 1L

the Tammany candidatecomptroller in his Utter of

acceptance made public tonight saysthat the party issue has been squarelyput into the campaign by those whoprofess the contrary Until this wasrevealed I was committed to the

bitter and prejudiced attacks madeupon his personality by the district attorney It is now clear that MayorLow was in accord with the Republi-can statements of taxation which haveof late years been so hostile to the in-

terests of the city of New York andhave so steadily and greatly increased

contribution to the expenses of stategovernment

I have been reproached as a traitorend an apostate A change of opinionwhen the facts and circumstanceschanged is neither treachery nor apostacy Once it became dear to methatthis contest had lost its pretense of alionpartisan discussion of local quas

I lions those who were with mebad abandoned the only principlewhich held us together that the fusionparty had become essentially Repub-lican then inevitably I go with theDemocratic party


Idalto Man Mistaken For a SandhillCrane

Boise Ida Oct IS A fatal hunting ac-cident occurred on Silver creekmiles from Bailey today Edward Pattea a rancher on Sliver losing hislife The shot was tired byof Halley He and his brother Otto werehunting ducks Fred thought he saw asandhill crane through the brush andtired at it It was he saw andthe shot killd the victim



of Mayor Low and resented theI






















Mexico Oct 18 That portion ofooriuanvKy doing basfswe the

various American banks in hasover the Bank

tc Trust companys failure whteh hasan office in New York and hers Recentrumor had pointed to trouble cosstnr forthe institution and President Bunt in anInterview says that the cause of the dos-ing was more or less than enor-mous withdrawals or funds by depositUrn Within the past week depositorstook out more than HW W The banks

van dSBftOBSttatod Frio ihfecollfctlOB aridTrust company was cornthat it had no funds to meet it Thcheck was sure to have been again pre


this city






muted at the beginning of banking hoursSaturday hence the officials decided toclose and announce voluntary liquidationMany people are m financial distress onaccount of the locking up of their fundsThe amount due depositors is some ISISCOO All other American are pre-pared for emergency but any extensivelack of confldeace is not today antici-pated

TMMe is some talk among Americanresidents to the effect that allbanks should eooMne 4n one strong in

here wascdvsr of the broken bank Tie bank wexpected to make a detallM statementof its resources and liabilities



American t

° tt Itt






after matters have quieted down In reply to this rumor General Chase saidI shall not resign from the national

guard AI reports to the effect that Ihad ever my resignation are entirely false There will beno from my end of the lineif such compromise calls for my

Three other officers arw expected to becharged before the court with militaryoffenses Thy are Major Arthur Willlama Colonel Frank E Kimball andColonel Fred Gross Major Williams isaccused of conduct unbecoming an officer and conduct in violation of militarydiscipline Colonel Kimball and ColonelGross are accused of alleged Insularities in connection with the payrolls andcommissary contracts


John Kelly Bound Over For Perjury Made a Neat Getaway



coast toYed







Special to The HeraldPrice Utah Oct 18 John Kelly a

prisoner In the county Jail who wasbound ever until tile next term for perjury made his getaway about is oclockthis morning and had two hours start

the Jailer was of the tactHe dug out the ventilator under roofof the Jail with a broken shovel handledropping the bricks as they were loos-ened to top of the cages One otherprisoner was in Jail corridors serv-ing a few months Jail sentence The lat-ter was threatened with death if he gaveKelly away




Sheriff WUcx and Deputy World badjust taken men to the train enroutato the penitentiary when Kelly beganoperations and the officers had not morethan train which was laterthan first when Kelly wasgoing Kelly was acquitted last Friday-of the charge of burglary on account ofinsufficient evidence

The five prisoners taken to tile peni-tentiary this morning had planned tomake their escape some time ago Kellygave their plans away to the sheriffWhtn one of the convicted men was ontrial Kelly perjured himself in testifying-as to what he heard themescaping and it was on this testimony-he was being held

Davis and Pryor two of the men sentup robbed old man Daniels at Castlelate after boating him severely on the13th of August They came up for ahearing on the 13th of this month weregiven thirteen years each left town-this morning In charge of the sheriff ona doubleheader train of two engineseleven ears making thirteen pieces otrolling stock

After the sentence of the four men tothe penitentiary yesterday Judge John-son had a strong guard put around thecounty jail last night Had it not beenfor this guard it is likely six desperate

would now be at large Kelly hasbeen traced to Helper where it is thoughthe caught a train out of town










Kokumo tad Oct 13 Tho townof Galveston is burning At 1 a mthe station agent wired newsor the blaze which Is of incendiary

4 fririi then hroke off his message4 with the wods Cant send aoy+ more the station is already half +4 44 nilvfSTun In town of 1000 inhab+ heats The tire rtiparirotitl4 has been sent there cn a special 4+ train 44 44 Indianapolis Oct IS An wires in +4 Galveston art burned down and 44 tails of the fire are not obtainable +

I burned


c 1

44 4



++ +





+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



Decision of tile Arbitration Gws




NOON Oct I F w f theIng papers jmUWi editorialettdes OB tfce decision of the Jd

boundary trfbsmaL TIM Defly-etrapa expresses extreme satiafactMBthat an agreement has been reactedbecause failure would have dealt a Mbto the policy still in its frail and teaHer infancy of referring dUtrenceax tthis character to arbitration The paperhopes that no attempt will be madeaeither side t reckon up score or claima victory but that th clsi n will beaccepted i good faith It addsthe Canadians must retygnlsc it to Ibetter not only for the bMfor the empire that the Unitedand Great Britain live on terms C

friendship and cooperation than thatin every frontier dispute Canada ahooidget the better of the rrfmWic

Incidentally the Doily Telegraph paystribute to the Associated Press well

earned reputation for the accuracy otIts report on international questions

The Standard is of the opinion thatpate got in essence wnat it wanted

the demand for access by one sideand the denial of it by the other formedthe very kernel of the controvermyThe mere concession or loss of landcontinues the paper i of relativelysmall choice to Canada long aa shegets a satisfactory waterway she baasmall ground for complaint

The Daily Mail regards the decisionas a serious blow tp progress of

arbitration it says that notin the United States wa such a-

ignominous climb down on the part atthe British commissioners e




each side In tire uU-Rn


ev n










Aladha boundary





perhaps will it be admiredhas Indeed some small cause fOr com-Plaint says the Daily Mall and tilesole concession to her is an acgrava-tkm of the whole affair

CANADA ft A twjnfrgp

OutcomeMontreal Oct 1ft Commenting uposM

the decisfcm of the Alaskan bovndarycommission the Gasette tomorrow willsay

Canadians generally did not expectmuch from the arbitration copuniSBlonThe was not mn IBiliaUmitribunal each as could be expecteAjpdecide oit the weight of evidence nomatter which side suffered The threerepresentatives of the United Stasea-

XTnAer the headiog Canada

This result hadbeginning In aeceptmg the iconvf a commission named rrpia jr bj thetwo parties to the case England plain-ly indicated a disposition to no longersustain the contentions of Canadato sacrifice them in the hope of secnrlug th disappearance of a ramie ofcontinual friction with the UnitedStates

Today we find ourselves eowteasplating not the decision of an arbMnhtloa commission but a diplomatic ar-rangement wherein our clear rightshave been sacrificed without any re-turn

Le Canada which Is the personal or-gan of tbe minister of ma-rine and fisheries will ay

Lord Alverstone the representativeof Great Britain has ranged himselfen the side of the Americana and de-cided favorably to the Americans allalong the line save for one little con-cession through the grace of which Itis hoped to excuse this shameful ca-pitulation Through the treaty MrChamberlain signed with Mr KeyCanada is compelled to accept the de-cision of the tribunal and to submit tothe voice of the majority In a wordChamberlain has given it to us in tileneck He was the whole machine Hissued his instructions before he leftthe colonial office he refused to heelthe protests of Canada against the per-sonality of the American coier he gave Lord Alverstone levson and Canada was condemned beforethe case was heard We have onemore instance of the betrayal of OIlinterests to add to the long list ofBritish defections The decision of thAlaskan commission is a rude Mow tothe cause of imperialism in Canada


Eoundaxy Line Ha Bee Settfte-

PorevarToronto Ont Oct 18 In an

on the reported decision of the AJaakarboundary decision the Globe governmeat tomorrow wm snake a point otthe value to Canada of PearaeWales islands the latter PracticallY

Xoatna1 u t







Papers Angry 1p

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commanding Simpson the probabte terminus of the new Canadiantranscontinental railway and saysdecision giving these islands to CaaaAis of no great importance

The Globe continues No doabtof the British commhsioner

shrank from toe dangerous deadloethat would have ensued had both siderefused ot give way in regard to tIM

ownership of the head of Lynn canalThe fact that Canadian goods anbonded across the coast strip casketthe Lynn canal question less importtant than it otherwise would be tanada will nevertheless be diappointed with the decisIon into the ownership of the arms of tiltsea in the disputed territory The Haft-ing is a compromise in which neitheside gets all it set out to secure

The decision is final however anfhere will be no harking back Svenfot of boundary line is now settleforever with no possibility of fnrtheistrife

that the terms of UK

arbitration were most unfair and thathe United States showed Ught eefidence in the judicial soundness ot tfc

claims by refusing to acceptarbitrator the World opposition witsay

Imperial ptrvtesmen or ratjbftfEnglish statesmen for they dopear to have grasped the meaning e-

inil erjalista regard the fri ndshfp ethe United States as a porl beynttprice provided this country has tofor itThese easy triumphs for Amerlcatdiplomacy in the settlement bound-ary disputes are full of dansr vous pos-

sibilities There is a irontier be-

tween Canada the United StatesIf raising a boundary claim is to maksubsequent acknowledgment a ITIPM

I matter of form the Americans are


likely to make our frontier bristle withboundary issues before Canada ismuch older










