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r SALE! - NYS Historic...

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fheOs^wwburgldvahce •vaw? vauevbtr GtCOUUB F. DAHAOW, JTBBttt earrf<IUr «arriere..M.aSpejraSjnom. 104 Miheotrlbsra fl t 90 Mr pauun. in adtamw Moe*. eddtttaaAJ eaanred. Of<Uneburg, WOT. 17th. l«tl MY Or THANKtOIVINO AF- tNMNTSD »Y OOVtRMO* OOJUMtll.. , s t v route •lent out of tttltto**; teaet* torf osjnrytag em Steies sad ths well known thst 1 oontributors to ths osapsifi* during the Isst Dorsey, one of the wse secretary of ths ftpubttft* committee, to whom ftsrield address** ths "Dee* Habbell* b*W v sppeajlng lorI tbe funds after ths dsfest In Main* It wms | beautiful to Dorsey'e "soap" that the republican party wss Indebted Ij* Its October vie- 'V'Tff^l «V*v 11 W % 'U '#*»;••• m HI I > * -"' , c # H •$*-.-& mm 'w^m-W- j.^*- 5*-, ••#**—^ -t ;,rt >V>* sA toe Delmonteq dteast.: f 1Jhsjge men ^ were In possssiioa xft.too dangerous as* 11 atsts siWw taass s> We»«f4e» so the mem whoni all kaow havo Swin- dled ths government aad stolen from the people go to take an honorable position slang with Baboooa^ BsUwp* Olftpard, RobssoA aad sll the other thieve* who have plundered the government and been ellowecLto go free. » «> a. (xnuoojs OOVIDWOR fT4te nt Hit 4-ra « na to our HOAVMIJ Father for m aed (be men/ yimi fevor Imatowed upon the •**. THV<UM>AT L THE I 1)/ a»( apart ee e de/ of fur tba rt>«a«ure of prosperity tded uariurtae; the year BOW «aa- loeolpee. UM perched earth has wMfcasld a Me ueueily feneroo* prudttoaVtt, yet hoe been reaawiably KeaW %hm Uw«gtmeraJty llj epprwkktlnc all ito ue. and r«*)liifn« our entire depend r UoA tor thenonMQiiende of It reroflueiAMled the! on the th» people «T th* feet* uiUL wwt, UMmb)«d In orahfp, humMy aoksowl- Him t U b l i y rla«r t o g v l b w q< IWnW MAT frfcod«htp« IM» re- goMm; white MM* Door and tuifortunal* •hnuld be The9tste election^ ilthongh with s tnlied result, is oertslnty a vtj •ubatan- tisl victory for the detnoorsts. ntax* well, (Dem), Ie elected Bute frenedier b y a largo majorltf, while It eeems rea- •oMbly certain that Otrr, Kossell and Davenport Republiesns, tf* elected, />, t h e election of s DenuMVnUo LegiskH tnre Is s resdh which Is most sstosfeeftorj. It I* now conceded that the Benste wjty •tand 17democr U snd 15 republicans, s'nd the Atemblj about 97 democrats snd 61 republicans. Thlt shows a net tp VU gauss eiewutov and, thrvu|k tax the crime, laattV vtigtti* M tf* ths^ hor shams was by traitorous sons, the afefe* 1Of I 4 * • ' a*- ii Wl t^ '•>•« «•;.* '•<$•+%£": mm 4Hi ;*//. ••4®: *f>3«a| Itftf (fc* , ^ 4i > *•€* NT •*£> g^sr^d*™ -**»-« H*m*ato*»<*«l * *. tfaJ,). \-*mm:- :*<i: ritf t t « « «"/* V * • b> ta* psvsr •>* r •;••!•• f K ^ a j l W W * ••»•.*•». W^tfilJeaijMla. "ullof MdBsatllton.. ****f, f Ji ^-;*$$Nki itfi Oil 7oarssUe»e betwof 'iaflt <Rc/5r»?>* .«..« '••*>*.: 'i* ^T^Jini^ WJSJI brvt* «"r»* j-W> UakNft, let ili rajUot that ^he saonejbs paid into the TTsHanlt Treastry has pass- ed through the h s j ^ o / i w e r o o s a t smw ployeie lnU tins o*rtuptl0ii Wd of Ha* hone. If there it a man la t^e tnlted States wba remembers tbe legend «f «M* hoaoredwiUi the Hps »«««dl A * « d aKtfc Ma«rota«/ w^ T^m* *4 U M <*pit<il. In OM» Htjr of AJtMnjr, fourlil 4fkf i*f NovdmlM I U fu «.) owtliOra O M thouNAii S •%t»i7« M . AUMISO tt»r A Aaau. Prhrmki S » c i » U r f j thto In UIA jmmr of «imtn hundrvd By *•• A Bepudiailon. rsatfjusters have been siloosesful fn Vlrginis. They have elected their governor and s majority of the State legiststQre. Ths issue on which they fought their battle wss the scaling down of the itate debt fiW $89,000,000 to 190,000,000, a repudiation of f 11,000, 000. The U. B. goTsmmeat lent all tho akl In Its power to the readjiiaters. at shone fii given the control of the I federal patronage tn thst state, and vast I gain of 10 Benston snd L party tkat can show sueh riUllty Is otrisinljr in s very lively odbdklon. The control of the Legislature brings to the party many advantages snd op* portonltJee for good, sad the personnel of the majority in both branches gives atauranofl to the party and people, tbst the grave reaponsibiUtfes. of the victory will be thoroughly appreciated and the duties imposed will be wWly snd pru- dently adminkterad for the good of the party and the tanellt of the Btste. in Xtottrioal • Word in Time. eni sums of rmmoy was contributed byre pubUoons to carry the state election. Their efforts suoctwled and n*it winter the RJ<l<!lcl*rger bill will undoubtedly be passed ami the state be disgraced by refusing to pay Ma liorient debts. The debt of Virginia won not con tract ml by. tho rar|»ot bag^rti aiul the j>ro- cee<ls stolon. It eibted before the war end Is represented Incollegia, railroad** and many Inttrrnsl improvemiintM. The state is amply able ^>pay this debt snd the deiflwruU proiioned to do it and fought the lost election on that basis. Thet were taateo and the republican party is rosposiblo for the disgraoo to the staU * It is the moral UKMU of the resdjuatcr victory that we have to fear. Wehave lust nts*ed through s great era of debt making. The nation, the states, coun- ties, rltles, towns, vtllsges *nd Individ- •uals ars all greatly in debt. It is the rarest exception if thny are free from such obligations. Kven In these prosper ous times Jhe debt burdens ars verv on- erotis, and contests for repudiation sre going on ell around us. What will be the result when another period of floan rial depression comes (as como it must and we fear soon) with sticn an example as Virginia before us and the poo pi a ac- customed to look upon Mich nets with tolerance sod approval. Instead of edu eating the people up to a high sense of their obligation, a jrreat party, for the sake of a little politloal advantage has deliberately set itself to work in de beuohlng public honesty. We have a great national debt, and we Abuse* Ifn would rStniod those charge of our Hew Opers House, thst with the posseieion of s theatre/ comes the gravest rranpnnibilitiea la Its control and management. Whil« those enthusl iwtio In admiration of the now t*mpU*\\\ noaroe allow It to sufTar In compeHson with ftimltar iitructiirvs In our populous it will be well* tirrrmernb«r tho l(MSon« imjnrtrd by their his- horrors incident to panic in these of theperiyof (< moirsi idess^ 1st W» know tnnt hundreds of e*pen«*osd snd faithful posimsstsrs were >moved from tneirbttoss In Tltginin bv Presidents Qsrfteld s*4 Atiiiw, laoomplUnw with rt lhiC^ OrnoaK. Perhaps ths mbet thorougbly disap- pointed, and, ss finntkom* would nsy p t V pointed, and, ss finno w y p •bitter hsarlsd ens' tn Vfsshlsgtof, at the *f**- r^*/.w sftS(7 d S M * « hsm tha disaster taurtitftsd. David 1 •w«"j ^TF!^rff^T*Tt • ' ' ^ r f "'* "I •' ~*-- ww y m " ^o4soa.aii4fohi> Hamii. of ^ derated rMlroad, ^^^nj^^^^.jfi^ **&< Btreet .. SSOD t ed. From dyjLng, have a state debt s^id other obligations thst every man thfuWl have a pride in tlUehsrgtag honorably. It was EUddle- berger who but a short time ago prophe- sied that it would be but s little whilo when the 'principles ef Readjustment would be spplied to the national debt There can be no doubt but readjust- ment Is the entering wsdjre for complete repudiation. If the whole of a debt is burdensome In good times, then a pert of it will be equally hard to bear, when times ere hard. It sliouUl be s question above party, a question thst all men of integrity should be united upon. The republican party has, however, been tri- fling with dynamite. It has deliberately endorsed dishonesty for the sake of a lit tie f.olitlosl gain. The end of such organisation oannot lie afar off. place*, examples of which are so recent in the larger cities of our State, where all the multiples of horror are accumu- lated, should impress a salutary snd powerful lemon upon the mttutgeraent here. If our theatre may besnid to ri- val more pretentious eetftbliMhmentii, in it* olaborati in, appointment* nnd finish, umy thA fntos forrfond anything like nn apponilift of the •UsAtttor* *l>icli belong to tktir history. It suffice* nothing to •ay that every safeguard n^ainNt danger has been tskeu in the construction of our theatre. Ttitf public is entitled to every potabU }>rto*iUi9€ ot disaster, in l>oth construction snd management. Hithorto, tbel>est care exercifled by com- petent iutelligeucc, and the individual responsibility of private proprietorship, has been inadequate always to secure safety. It can uottasaid we have any greater guarantees for our theatre. We call attention, In this connection, to an sbuse perpetrated iu the very open- ing nights of our Opera House. Con- oedlng that proper facilities are providod for exit from the building in caso of danger or panic— sccurod bycautious rare And foresight in its plan and construc- tion —in the very initiation, thefirst ded- ication ot the building to dramatic art, we see a wanton disregard of them. The first night, with ample room in rear of the sees-circles on the orchestra or first floor, the central nnd only aisle en the floor, and the only means ot exit or escape, was filled with clumsy chain and their occupants, moved from the eUIe -sides for comfort and present time, Is JU-P. X. general Tytoer, It was be who flrsi discovered lbs Star Route vilUny. Ills greet nUftaks wss thst he did not tarn the lights upos U, but concealed Uln a nankin, Indus tima, she ttstss palest rsfomer, Mr. James, poking sbotti la the pigeon hotel of the Department, discovered Tyner*» discovery, sad, witji a brass bend accom- paniment, threw a flood of calcium splen- dor upon ths whols bad business. Vow Tynler, driven by the angel James from the paradise of s estarisd sinecure, re- flects upon what he might have done sad might have been, rolling theUtter bolus of disappointment under hie tongue, sad impotently planning wvenge. Apropos, of Jsmss, I tm told by those #ho are around bun, nndwho Intimately know him, thst he is reslly the greatest humbug who srer spun fame for himself or tried to climb up In ths world on ths suspenders of other men. They ssy hs really knows nothing about business or public affairs, snd tbst, for all the eclat he has gained In-the Star Route business he is indebted to the advice and to the work of an almost unknown employee in the I\>st Office Department. It in expected thst all the member* of the present Cabinet will have^ctirod be- fore tho 15th of December, but the work they have done fqr the principles of civ- il servioe reform will live after them. The Secretary of State has placed his sop jn one of the highest and best paid places in that Department Tho P. if, Gener- al has made bis son-io-law Poatinastt-r of New York city. And the Secretary of the Navy hss plsccd throe of hi* season the permanent pay rolls, of thst Depart' raout. Pity they must resign, as it were, in the morning of their administration, whan their usefulness to their families Is just beginning to be felt. ^ ^ t _ r . * * OXNBBAL IfSW& ' J in from ths 7n^fl',#as aStid- "as n | wmHe smoke it >ps sollsps- the ths 1J» rooe>of the buildings ' th i d d sod under their an Xhsj BooU Fmnscmlians. The prosecution of the star route men, whose detection and certain convictien wss so loudly proclsitned. lias provedSn Ignominious failure. Judge Ooi decided thst the offense with which ttiry were charged was an Infamous one; that they could not IH»arraigned on "informa- tion ami Itollcf," but according to the constitution must l>e Intlieted by the graod jury. They cannot \H> pre*ontod over again, by Indictment, Itecaune of having oncrt been put in Joopardy by pleading not guilty under this quashed process; and, additionally, for tlut rt'»- soif that the time within which they could be indicted expired Oct I, IHH1. The fcKleral statute of limitatUnii an to conapiraoy ruos for three yearn. Tho of fsnees charged against them are drtteil before C>rt. I, IH7H. They mrv *n( c from Indictment ou Out. 1, lrtAI The effort to present them for trial by infor- mation and belief, that is, on the oath of government officials ss complaining wit.. nesses, uss begun on Be pi 99th, 1881, two days be-fore the statute of limltntioiin would svajl them; but the effort ha* been declared unconstitutional and tho men are set free There arc tho UMIIAI re- crimination* among the lawyer* who cur- ried on the proftwution, ami the ides goes forth that it was through thebung- ling of ths pro#M*ut!on .that the rMcal* go free. ft Is possible that this U tnie, but it will lie very hard to convince the people ths 1 McVsagh, Illimi, Brewnter end the others conducting the prosecution sre such In- competent lawyer* sod stupid bunglers •s to allow theeasslves to be so easily beaten. They probably thought it wss far wiser not to convict. after the curtain rose, so that one had to thread a way through thorn. The occu- pants^ of the parqmt were thus shut in, snd so committed to whatever of panic or dittnster might befall, with no means of escape from it but by trampling and crushing ooch other. Thin abuse was continued durisg tho matinee, when there were unoccupied soats in the house snd daring the la»t Might of the open- ing also. It is only an aggravation to say in an- swer, thrtt this indulgence was from a desire to accommodate. Such wonkness was Inadequate to the dumnmli of the occasion. The public,*so largely repre- sented In the regular chair*, had rights which were disregarded; the purchasers of seats incited to a race of diligence in selecting and purchasing them, with reference mainly to proximity to the aisle as a ready and convenient means of exit, had rights which were violated Singular enough to \w «nn* ( that there sre people reckless or thought loss enough to avail theroiu'lveft of nurh license, but this very fact ouforcon the strirtost ad- herence to the Mile* of safety and good management. We need not senrch far for the CSIIPO of this wrong. Did it result from aban- doning control of tho building too ex- clusively to the lessee for the opening night* f The number of theatro-goors in any community, is numerically, a very Rinall pe.rt of it. The patronage therefore, which must sustain a theatre here must como from neightioriug town«people and Canadian friondti. They will give It, perhapfl, if they lwassured that the bad precedents of tho opening nightn sre not to be repeated, and that none of the safeguard*! against jwinic or disaster are to 1M> disrogarded in the interest of money making. We protrst against the rojvetition of I he ourriige. —General Sheridan warns bistorianfi not to accept as true recent newspaper accounts of Bitting Bull's participation in the Ouster massacre. He nighty praises also the Mexican authorities for their prompt coo pern t Inn with our troops in the Indian trouble*. —Ths Isnd Court had up to the 10th received nearly eighteen thousand appli- cations. At Limerick the sub-commis- sioners have reduced the rent of s three acre holding from £10 to £0. In the County Mayo the tsodlords and tenants are making agreements by which appli- cation to the Land Court will be render- ed unnecessary. —The first ot the series of races, best two out of three, for the American Cup, between the Csnsdisn sloop-yacht Atlsn- lanU, of the Bfty of Qninte Yacht Club, and the iron sloop-ys^ht Mischief, of the New York Club, wss •sited on the 9th over the course of the Hew York Yacht Club, and resulted In s victory for the Mlftchief, which beat the Cana- dian sloop Sim. 15^s. actual time, and 28m. 80J». corrected time. The wind for the most ot tts course was west- •outhweat, a fresh whol«-»ajl brssse snd and tide ebb. The tloop-yacht Qrscie nailed over the course with the yachts snd best the Mischief llm. Ms. actual time, and 9m. 27s. corrected time. In the second race, the Mischief won again by 80 minutes snd 45 seconds. Honors to the Amexionn l i n g In Washington X«etter. TIIK STATE BKVOND THR POTOMAC. A 1 MtTTK.lt ifBAKTED (Jirn, RKIVICB SHAM POOI-RRV. Tn* OOOD THAT BI.AIBK, JAMBS AND KAVtt our regular torrttpondent.) , D. C , Nov. 19th, 1861. From Washington we look soross the Potomac upon the hills of Virginia. Vlf- glnis^-nsmed from the Virgin Quo**, Virginia-the eldest snd most majestic of the colonial sisterhood. But yestST- 4ay, on her historic sends, wss oslebmi* London, November >.~The Lord May- OY*S show cawo off W-dsy in dingy snd truly November weather. In the city the day was observed as a general holi- day, and tbs appearance of tbe Ameri- can flag in the procession for the first time attracted sn enormous number, of spectators along the route. Tho Stars am} Stripes wore carried in. the proces- sion, i»rec«oded by ths drum and fife band of the Fourth Battalion of the City of Undon Militia, playing ths "Stir* Spangled Banner.* 1 Alter a abort inter- val oaine the band from the training- ship Wsrspite, playing * 'Yankee Doo- dle." The American tag, ssit came in view, was^recelrecf with a general ping of hands snd cheers by the i torn. The ssmo honor ws»not wnsplc* uouslj rendered to any oljier. feature of the procession, except when, the cosobes of the old Lord Mayors, Hews. Ellis and McArthur, psMed by. There was A striking demonstration si the proces- sion paused the msnageing office of the United States Cable Compsny on. street. Four toung tst»es -waved }can |1sg« from tbe windows as the nor of the free" passed by sad there was loud and continued applaast* A great dcmonUtration wss slstf mads si tbs American Exchange on the Btrand. Three hundred Uulles wared the Ameri- can colors from tko baid^Ates* Amqng the d©<»rMioasthwmgbd«i Americanflogwss ejgnt jihe floojn vsie orushed nnd tbs wills bulged out, falling with s thunHcr- ing orsiH outXAnJU on Ortod itrest st»4 Sout^ Fl^sv sap*?*, Kmdsmnii Anry ran towards the nenrest fire-box, to ss&d ent aa slatinv >htst assetisg n tittaan w ^ oflettd todo so hie reiurned to the soesjeef th^dissster, rapping vigorous- ly for help ss he. «m along/ OAoers MnAMhttT snd Bibs Je4hed htm ssdid also the employees of the slewted fail- wssd StssiosM, sad msny othet oUlssns wm»ha4heensta#tledby the commotion. aWtMtlof the tsnsnU imn <mt s t the crash and escaped ualnjnred* Rdonds- msn 3arry*i SUewtion was first attracted by the cries of children under the rains of No. St. Tbew were tour ot them— childrtn of John Budorpb—who occu- pied the first floor. The fallen beams had formed an arch over them, but they were all pinned te their h%ds by loose rafters which lay across their necks sad inns. Thoir faces were exposed, and they were crying loudly for help. The wall of the adjoining tenement, No.ft?,was threatening to fsll, snd Roundsman Bait/hesitated to go near ths ruins. Tbs pathetic cries of the helpless chirdren, however persuaded him to run the risk, and with officers Me Arthur and Bliss he crawled In under the arch formed .by the fallen rafters sod tried to rescue the children. They were completely wedged In, and the throe policemen could rtnot move the beam which held the cbilaton fast Citlxeue offered assistance. A strong plank was procured, Us end was plsccd un<}er the beam and presently it was raised and tho children were froed, their Injuries being only slight, At the po- licemen carried them out In their arms they asked if their fttrents had been saved, but the policemen could not teiL They were put in an ambulance nnd re- moved to a neighbor's house, A few moments later their father, John Ran- dolph, was dug out of tbe ruins. He had a leg broken, and bad several bruis- es on Ms body. He WAS scot to St. Vincent Ilospltiil. ' The first to respond to the fire-alarm were the men of Engine Company 18 and of Hook and Ladder Truck 8. They went to work with a will, and in a short time got at tht body of Minnie C. Seville, aged seven years. Her body was badly bruised, but the probable cause of death was suffocation. The number of firemen on the ground was found to be inade- quate, ill view of rutnor? that between thirty and forty persona were buried in tho mint. In response to calls sent out by Chief Bain the crcwe of Engines 20 and 30 and of Hook and Ladder Truck* 1,-0, 19, and 11, in addition to ten men from tbe Ninth Battlion, appeared on ths scene, snd, under the directions of the chiefs of the department sn organ- ized system 6f resent wss put in opera- tion. The concorn was to get out those liv- ing and In sight. Tho most remarkable occurrence of the do* was the rescue of Mrs. Minnie Hill, wific of John Hill, who occupied the first JWor of 58 Qraod St. She wss ImprisoMd under the n*ss of rubbishforseven hours and wss con- scious all tbe time, but during five hours, from nine o'clock until shortly after two o'clock, her face was exposed to view and she wss sble to converse with the firemen who were working to extricate her. The buildings had been pronounced unsafe, bythe inspector from the Bureau of Unsafe Buildings in the Fire Depart- ment. The papers ordering repair* were ready in the office snd were to have been served the dsy the building fell. Jaflemh "TPWMfvf., «> #t% ;•f • • f * « » »#,« * t • « • *,«r« « « • • • **,•».»..»»;,». | * t»* %m •00 vm NswTork.. •7.047 | \j j J ^sW^ ' SIP ^SW Sa^s^awSjJ "SJSJWHW Hsaaanaji I hnd been severely sffitciedwltA Oheu- m*m Asing an s4rsrtls*ni«nt | of d bti jejs/a^s^mWrJp^^pw* Ontario. prsags. Orleans. Oswego Otsego.. Putasm... Queens;.. Keasselaer Richmond *i * i « • • . •00 100 #00 Br t Lswrenoe... Saratoga «... Scheoectady .......... fOO Sohobarie l,W0 Bebuyler.. .'. ,,,. 9ensoa...,« •. W 8teubon Suffolk Sullivan ...... 40ft Tiogs Tompklns .... tJlster 100 Warren 1,100 1,19* •00 * « * s 800 too 400 Washington .... . 1,780 Wsyne 1,800 Westohester ^ •*) nrVyoming Ystes... Totals M.70I 08,089 Apparent majority for Osrr, Rep. 5,- I procured of tHDMapplioa^XL laoi wsUs/t«r osing^as bottle, sbottis sad Hl trpen entirely gitfto It's lt s gsntkmso, 'of bein^ nlnmM^^a with hU eompany. SALE! •!*?*'• to tbs fsatures ot form of any one mvsent, , %n«y»k^*» *ov^ot aaf ^wrewdlitf or writing. ; KerernfafLSo.Agift you hare mad <i. HASTINGS ,. oflfer his Large und Stock of Summer * ' .W.Oovert.4 17. Abr*ham ^KtornMt, d. Hi Wseatsr. 1 Jk g^A fiCSiL^Jfc^ Demoeratt, 17, BepubHeeas, is. -, '•> e» AMBUBLTM an ZLuevno. ALBAKT: U U. J. ^orman, V; 9. Aaron 1 Fuller, D; S. A. J. Parker, Jr., D; 4. John NcDooough, D, * ALLBQAKT: Wasbii^oii Mosses, B. BBOOMB: Frsncii B. Smith, 1). CATTARAUOUS: 1. £. kt Jobasoa, R; 3. S. R, SqhooiUDsjESr, K CATCOA: 1. Thos. Hunter/ B; I. W. Leslie Noyes, R. 1. CHAUTAQUA: A. B. Sheldoa, 4 R; 9. M. If. Fenner t * a CHKMTJKO : Orville P. Dimon, D. Silas W. Berry, R. Benjamin D. Clapp, R. OoLUicniA: Abrora L, Schermerhern, D. CORTLAHP: Alburtis A. Charley, • R DKLAWARBI Ohss. R. Treadwell, R. DUTCHBSS: 1. Alfred Bonney. R; t. John O'Brion, D. ERIK: 1. Jeremiah Riggings,* D; t. Frank Sipp,* R; 8. A. W. Hicknus,* I. R; 4. Timothy Jackson, D; eWob Southwick, R. EB8BI: James W. Shsehy, R WillismT.O'Neil, R. AWD HAMILTOIT: James W. FULTOH Greene, D. GSNBSBB GBBBKK: Ths Power of the IPrees, la no wayfethe power of the press more surely shown than in the universal knowledge thai hss in less than a year, been dMhtsed throughout fifty millions ojf people ot the wonderful curative proper- ties of that splendid remtdy, Kidney- Wort. And the people from the Atlan- tic to the Padito hew shown their intel- ligence and their knowledge of What is in the papers, by already making Kid- ney Wort their household remedy for all diseases #f the kidneys, liver and bowtln, -i ~> i. ltn> »,,„ „, • • In s letter to LaHteur$ M. OoraiDon states that when obetfrtfeg the tuo lately with a Woatopa, lie wasstruok withcer- tain undulstory mOVemeutJ on the disk, On inquiry into their ckn& he Is led to connect them with ths witid blowing on the earth's surface at the time. _ + #»,-,,?,•••• Joseph W. Holmes, • R. Sylvester H. Nichols, D. Alfwd M. Ross, a JspFsmsoir: 1. least L. Hunt, R; 1. Henry Blnninger,+R. KIKOS: 1. John 8hsnley, *D; 9. Micheal J. Hsnnsn, D; $. James O. Tighe, D; 4. Daniel M. Kelly, D; 5. T. J. Sheridan,* D; 0. P. H. HcOarron, D; 7. Geo, H. I4odsay. D{ 8. Hoses Bngls, •D; 0. James W. Monk, R; 10. R. JL Newman, *D; 11. Alfred B. Cbapia, D; 19. J. J; Stllwelt,* D. La win: Oeo. H. P. Gould, D. LrrrjfdsTON: Kidder M, Scott, 9 R. HADISOV: Lsdurna Ballsrd, R. MoNRoa: 1. J. F. Sheldon, R; 9 Chas. S. Baker, R; S. Alex. P-potta, D. MOHTOOMBRT: Cornelius Van Burea, T. O i f f t t TavUftUiav D. IX, The Dsosfnber munbar of this fstor* Ite perioiidsl tppean with the poptlar dh ;^T. Pe Witt Talmsge, 0, D. f as Sditor, aad, sitremelj good as it has hitherto been, ti bat; acquired Inereesed bifm$*ity horn his connection wigt* H, In hU jBbaraoteristlo snitiei address, 'To the People, n he says: 11 We promise nothing, except to trust in God aad do our level best. Our re- ligion is sunsblae, and the difference be- tween earth and heaven is that the sun- shine of earth sometimes fete clouded, but the. hesrea k everlasting We mean to cultivate the largest catho- licity. We want in our ICagaitao to help make Sunday the brightest, and most enterislnlng; aud tlie happiest day 6f tbe week, We believe there is no other Stmdsy Ifagasioe in America. So the ftsld is clear. We propose begtnlug ID oar next s series of articles on •People We Have Met, 1 and will, before we get through, set forth some of out contem- poraries of ths fMipit and the press. They oftea hsvs thsir ideas of us. ( We will give our ideas of them." Tbe lead- ing article of the number is entitled, "The Christian Statesmen, Jsmes A. OtHIskt," by the Editor, which U re- pletewfth interesting reminiscences, snd is finely illustrated. Among the other pftrticulsry noteworthy illustrated arti- eles are •'MslU 1 ' ' 'Reminisce noe of sn old New Yorker, "Religious Dissent' in Rossis," "Tbe Prince Imperial Memo- 14, M "A Missionary Emancipator, etc., Ste. The interesting story, "May Cun- aingham^ Trial,** Is continued, and there are many short stone's, sketches, essays, etc., by Eleaaor Kirk, Augusts Browne Osrrett, Rev, Mr. Deems, Rev^ J* H. Waterbury, etc., etc. The poems posssss great merit, and the miscellany is abundant, entertaining snd instruc- tive. Tike price of s single copy* is ' 95 cent*; tbe annual subscription $8; six months, $1,501 four months $1; sent post-paid.. Address, FBAITE LSSUB, Publisher, 08, 95, 57 Park Place, New Tork. » ' <m A good Baptitt clergyman ef Bergen, J*. T., a strong temperance man, suffer. ed with kidney trouble, neuralgia, sod diuiness almost to blindness, over two years after he wss told that Hop Bitters would cure him, because be was afraid of and prejudiced against "Bitters." Since bis curs he says none need fear but trust in Bop BUUn. It is stated that tbe Bank of France has almost entirely abandoned chemical tests in favor of the camera for detecting I forgeries. Tbesenistire plate not only j proclaims forthwith the doing 6! the eraser or penknife, but frequently shows, under the bold figures of the forger, the sum originally borne by the check. Bo ready b the camera to detect ink mark? ] thst a $mrU-d*nnt4 inclosed in a. letter may appear to the eye without a blemish, while a copy of it in the camera will probably exhibit traces of writing across ths face, where it has merely been in contact with-tbe written page. -_. Never appear to botioe s, seal) dsfofm# ny or qmect of any OnS i^aipis* . ^ Kevfrjmat ths sttsntioo ot aa ae* qusintaroelry a &oehe Speak to WaV Never p$kUk your child for a fault to which yott Irs addicted yourself. •ofttr NM- mort of th« •klnr«cmlp srnsi BUM* Curwd. llmouli ^ B ^^ a . _^. hat 1 mode a mtrasmw ecre imm of sondtssass knewa. vatotif rears oM; had suffer- M ~ " ssMtneartjr Ids wanee. SSL at Greatly Re- for the next thirty days. f isau at •nDBj •*•• ww ATWaVaWSWWNU Ml KOOO a'WVUweVv VaO" ttllaeedtae Ootteova Beaotvenl laeernau> and CnUcur»and Cttoura floap extemaDj, which en-' Aa^^teftSW ^^- M - Aev _ * ~- —• -•- - •" so thai my skintoas Jf at^EUILIT,S4Boom 8t SEAMAN e> McCLAIR Respectfully invite the public to call and inspect thfcic. Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, &c. They are now located in the large corner Store in Gilbert's Block, Focd and State street*, andhave tilled it full of Dry Goods and Mil- linery. They have added to their Stock a full line of Domestic Good* and will ael^t^em at the very lowest cash prices. They stiU nuke a speciality of I Cutloura. Tbs Otttfeura Ttesfmsat for the cure of Soalp^aod jUortJMMatas, ffonrisls hi tfc* nee ot Cattonra Beaotveat, (he new Bteod PurnW, and me external nee ot Catfeva and Cutfeura Soeft^Uw Oreel 8kte Cores. Lap, Sic 'Alt««tted trssoarsttsjsiot prtos. CATARRH. Sanford's Radical Cure, Complete Treatment For SI.OO. Saaford'e Radical Cure, Catarrhat Solvent end Improved Inhaler, wrapped la one irith full directions, and sold by all Eor one dollar. Aak(orfiaafonl < aB»—_ v ^,. From a elmple oold or Jaioensa to the rottenj Ins;, ilotighlag *ad deaUi of tbe senses of smell taJteeadnearUttT, ttUs great remedy Is aanremeJ Paisonoos moooue aocunralatlons era removed J onus ths entire mesmbrane toothed and healed, h d h re siesnsert, dMnfsrted. toothed and healed, head and volee cleared, •pell taste sad haarJnf a—tore* aad oonstttai anal ravaces checked. Thus evfeemalhr and ntetnaOr, does thle treat eoonomloal remedy irork. inettuitJIy i^UeVtogaad permanetitij car ac the moet at*t*Tated and damterous forsM d l A WKEX8 A POTTER; general And keep every thing in that line the Njpqr Vbrk market affords. MRS. McCLAIR Is still at the head of their illinery Department! And all theNew Styles are added to their Stock as soon as they are brought out in New York. Don't forget the place. SEAMAN & McCLAIR, 4- Gilbert Block, Cor. Ford A State streets, RAT4% WOK, Water £5> imfATOB and ^ . Mo fear of bad smell*. Barns, tvsnarles and it aw: AJTD Unholstering Cabinet Furniture «iilerV£^r^o%f- Xvarf box warranted. 8et4 •nak Ask forPAlWONS NBW TOBK; 1, |C r O. Murphy,* p ; J. Thomas Mshv, D; e\ W.H. Htlatvre, 4. John F. Abeam, D ; 5 Tboiaas Bo- gaa,* D; «. Matthew Patten,* D; T. L. L. VanAUeo, R: 8. /no. E. Brodakj, «R; 9. J. D. Xo0teUaa4» D 10. J. C. Nlglutach, R; 11. J. H'pdea Bobb, D; 19. David Gideon, D; l$? H. L. Sprague, B; 14. J. J. Gostello, D; IV Jacob Gpoper, D ; M» James* B. Morri- son, D; 17 Jt J. Oostellv, D ; 18. Joba J. OoJlen, 0 ; 19, John McMsnus, P; 90, Jamas Haf g^rty, D; 1L Tbeo. Boose- relt, R: n, Bdwla 0. Sheeny, D; 93. htroj M. Orsne, R; 94, Hatlbsw P, T>. \\ UJos. W. Hiffiar^ D; 9, Thos. V.Welch, P. 0«sW : 1, fst'k Griflo t V H; 9. tforrU Jones, D; *V F. A, BgwHoo* R. O«oin>iftAt THos. O. Alvord,*m 1 I Blbert O. Farrar, B; 8. John ttghton, A pBjsicioo irbo;i» osing Comsoood Oxjrgea In hit prictkje, says: Tre#tro«nt OJUXMM.i i. Jo*. Urnss,%s\ OWJTABS : Henry M. HsM.IL Wm. A. Poueher, It is impossible for a woman after a faithful coarse of treatment with Lydis E. Pfckham'i Vegetable Coaipoand, to con* thiuetosuffer with weakness of the uter- us* Enclose* stamp io Mrs Lydis B. Ptakhsm, 983- Western Avenue, Lynn, Mses., for; psmphiets. 9w. . — a» —Mr. D. 8. Booth, while crossing the ferry oa the Ohaffey yesterday was SL* tonifhsd tosee, sporting in the clear wa ter» pnly a few rods from tbe steamer, a full grows seal The playful fellow was dancing around as happy as could be, ssetalngly indifferent to ths astonisnv ifteat bs was creating among tbe dwellers eioag the banks of tba St. Lawrence aftefooon lU was noticed ty other oiUaens near t)is Sister Is- Imt season a seal was seen near Smith's Island, Just above town, by sev- efmlpertiss. This may be the same one or It may be another straggler, They must OOBM from the Gulf.—[Brockville Bteordtr t Not. 94. . • . ^ fjm+am*l>m*r.) Mr. Tbeodote R^vely, tobacco aad el- gar dealer, 109- Seneca street, waa tetpent- ly laid up with Hiendastlsm so thai be •mOOt*! walk. AftoHberHHaa *l va- riow pivparaiioM he porehssed a bottle offltJacobs Oil, and, to oar his own ejrpyess&on, «<It W the first thing id af- fofd him anything Uke relW/' He has reoeteied by its use. MANHOOD How Lost. How Restored. —AND— Just eakness. % Mental to Mar and Fltm etc. oalebratei author, la dt p man in thirty jeare' sne- 00 matter htmsrtf the hands of UNDERTAKING. Constantly on hand a lafge stock of doth Conrad CASKETS AND COFFINS, Ford Street* Ogdefisbttfg, N. Y. A RARE CHANCE!! TO PURCHASE in the Hardware Jv *mt6xdmm . of Hartford, S#SaSb Its^nAvav sttM . . . ofKewYork. of UnAosu We wHl sell for thirty days from this date, Carroge mafctie^ *^*"^» i> and HoMe-keoptw' supplies, AT COST FOR CASH. Wheels, Spokee, Jfubt, Felloes, Shaft poles snd iwJtaMaUfsv Vew ?efk> ef0ersstoj» w —The receipts of <kmr in B^ilslo by k d ^ i t h i k f Ob s dewsse o( #$9*7 bexrels Uopt yssr. Tbs SAOust teoeiTed M tr • ^ mU the, leadfagf styles; #eb Halters and Surcingle*, Hamas, O& ~m~-~, * e< e^ert CscrifAioB, Rubber and fiasmeled Drill, Brown and Bine Cor- ^' m&0re«|i.Broad £Hoth for trimming Buggy Tops. . V,*••:•' s. . . ' ' , V«mlshQei v Masury'ei Colors, Mil Harri- *Mft p Iron. Ste#J. arte>el Bprln**, Ax- and Tlra stolts. MeM^hanToa' hobt ana Looka of alKklnda. let sosttrs, d s n i s n Lsnps, flbo^eU, Hoes and CUpp OF Aim. ALlf KttttW OF » t T S » f i W AKD 6ECTJKE K . - I I •WI

fheOs^wwburgldvahce•vaw? vauevbtr



earrf<IUr «arriere..M.aSpejraSjnom.104 Miheotrlbsra f l t 90 Mr pauun.

in adtamw Moe*. eddtttaaAJ eaanred.

Of<Uneburg, WOT. 17th. l « t l


OOJUMtll.. ,

s t v route•lent out of tttltto**;teaet* torf osjnrytagem Steies sad thswell known thst 1oontributors to ths osapsifi*during the IsstDorsey, one of thewse secretary of ths ftpubttft*committee, to whom ftsrield address**ths "Dee* Habbell* b*Wv sppeajlng lor I tbefunds after ths dsfest In Main* It wms | beautifulto Dorsey'e "soap" that the republicanparty wss Indebted I j* Its October vie-

'V'Tff^l •


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sA toe Delmonteq dteast.: f1Jhsjge men^ were In possssiioa xft.too dangerous as*

11 atsts t» siWw taass s> We»«f4e»so the mem whoni all kaow havo Swin-dled ths government aad stolen from thepeople go to take an honorable positionslang with Baboooa^ BsUwp* Olftpard,RobssoA aad sll the other thieve* whohave plundered the government and beenellowecLto go free.

» «>

a. (xnuoojs OOVIDWORfT4te nt Hit4-ra «

nato our HOAVMIJ Father form aed (be men/

yimi fevor Imatowed upon the• * * . THV<UM>ATL THEI 1)/

a»( apart ee e de / offur tba rt>«a«ure of prosperitytded ua riurtae; the year BOW «aa-

loeolpee.UM perched earth has wMfcasld a

Me ueueily feneroo* prudttoaVtt, yethoe been reaawiably KeaW

%hm Uw« gtmeraJtyllj epprwkktlnc all

ito ue. and r«*)liifn« our entire dependr UoA tor the nonMQiiende ofIt l« reroflueiAMled the! on the

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and tuifortunal* •hnuld be

The9tste election^ ilthongh with stnlied result, is oertslnty a vtj •ubatan-tisl victory for the detnoorsts. ntax*well, (Dem), Ie elected Bute frenedierb y a largo majorltf, while It eeems rea-•oMbly certain that Otrr, Kossell andDavenport Republiesns, tf* elected, />,

the election of s DenuMVnUo LegiskHtnre Is s resdh which Is most sstosfeeftorj.It I* now conceded that the Benste wjty•tand 17 democr U snd 15 republicans,s'nd the Atemblj about 97 democratssnd 61 republicans. Thlt shows a net


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UakNft, let i l i rajUot that ^he saonejbspaid into the TTsHanlt Treastry has pass-ed through the h s j ^ o / i w e r o o s a t smwployeie lnU tins o*rtuptl0ii W d of Ha*hone. If there it a man la t^e tnltedStates wba remembers tbe legend «f «M*

hoaoredwiUi the Hps

»«««dl A* « d aKtfcMa«rota«/ w ^T^m* *4 U M <*pit<il. In OM» Htjr of AJtMnjr,

fourlil 4fkf i*f NovdmlM I Ufu «.) owtliOra O M thouNAii

S •%t»i7«M .AUMISO B»

tt»rA Aaau. Prhrmki S»ci»Urf

j thtoIn UIA jmmr of

«imtn hundrvd

By *••A


rsatfjusters have been siloosesfulfn Vlrginis. They have elected theirgovernor and s majority of the StatelegiststQre. Ths issue on which theyfought their battle wss the scaling downof the itate debt f iW $89,000,000 to190,000,000, a repudiation of f 11,000,000. The U. B. goTsmmeat lent all thoakl In Its power to the readjiiaters.at shone f i i given the control of the Ifederal patronage tn thst state, and vast I

gain of 10 Benston sndL party tkat can show sueh riUllty Isotrisinljr in s very lively odbdklon.

The control of the Legislature bringsto the party many advantages snd op*portonltJee for good, sad the personnelof the majority in both branches givesatauranofl to the party and people, tbstthe grave reaponsibiUtfes. of the victorywill be thoroughly appreciated and theduties imposed will be wWly snd pru-dently adminkterad for the good of theparty and the tanellt of the Btste.

in Xtottrioal• Word in Time.


sums of rmmoy was contributed by repubUoons to carry the state election.Their efforts suoctwled and n*it winterthe RJ<l<!lcl*rger bill will undoubtedlybe passed ami the state be disgraced byrefusing to pay Ma liorient debts.

The debt of Virginia won not con tractml by. tho rar|»ot bag^rti aiul the j>ro-cee<ls stolon. It eibted before the warend Is represented In collegia, railroad**and many Inttrrnsl improvemiintM. Thestate is amply able > pay this debt sndthe deiflwruU proiioned to do it andfought the lost election on that basis.Thet were taateo and the republicanparty is rosposiblo for the disgraoo to thestaU *

It is the moral UKMU of the resdjuatcrvictory that we have to fear. We havelust nts*ed through s great era of debtmaking. The nation, the states, coun-ties, rltles, towns, vtllsges *nd Individ-

•uals ars all greatly in debt. It is therarest exception if thny are free fromsuch obligations. Kven In these prosperous times Jhe debt burdens ars verv on-erotis, and contests for repudiation sregoing on ell around us. What will bethe result when another period of floanrial depression comes (as como it mustand we fear soon) with sticn an exampleas Virginia before us and the poo pi a ac-customed to look upon Mich nets withtolerance sod approval. Instead of edueating the people up to a high sense oftheir obligation, a jrreat party, for thesake of a little politloal advantage hasdeliberately set itself to work in debeuohlng public honesty.

We have a great national debt, and we


Ifn would rStniod thosecharge of our Hew Opers House, thstwith the posseieion of s theatre/ comesthe gravest rranpnnibilitiea la Its controland management. Whil« those enthusliwtio In admiration of the now t*mpU*\\\noaroe allow It to sufTar In compeHsonwith ftimltar iitructiirvs In our populous

it will be well* tirrrmernb«r thol(MSon« imjnrtrd by their his-

horrors incident to panic in these

of theperiyof (<moirsi idess^ 1st W»know tnnt hundreds of e*pen«*osd sndfaithful posimsstsrs were >moved fromtneirbttoss In Tltginin bv PresidentsQsrfteld s*4 Atiiiw, laoomplUnw with

rt l h i C ^OrnoaK.

Perhaps ths mbet thorougbly disap-pointed, and, ss finntkom* would nsyp

t Vpointed, and, ss finno w yp

•bitter hsarlsd ens' tn Vfsshlsgtof, at the

*f**- r^*/.w sftS(7d S

M * «

hsm tha disaster taurtitftsd. David 1•w«"j ^TF !^rff^T*Tt • ' ' ^ r f "'* "I •' ~*--wwy m"

^o4soa.aii4fohi> Hamii.of ^ derated rMlroad,

^^^nj^^^^.jfi^ **&<Btreet



ed. „ From


have a state debt s id other obligationsthst every man thfuWl have a pride intlUehsrgtag honorably. It was EUddle-berger who but a short time ago prophe-sied that it would be but s little whilowhen the 'principles ef Readjustmentwould be spplied to the national debt •

There can be no doubt but readjust-ment Is the entering wsdjre for completerepudiation. If the whole of a debt isburdensome In good times, then a pertof it will be equally hard to bear, whentimes ere hard. It sliouUl be s questionabove party, a question thst all men ofintegrity should be united upon. Therepublican party has, however, been tri-fling with dynamite. It has deliberatelyendorsed dishonesty for the sake of a littie f.olitlosl gain. The end of suchorganisation oan not lie afar off.

place*, examples of which are so recentin the larger cities of our State, whereall the multiples of horror are accumu-lated, should impress a salutary sndpowerful lemon upon the mttutgeraenthere. If our theatre may be snid to ri-val more pretentious eetftbliMhmentii, init* olaborati in, appointment* nnd finish,umy thA fntos forrfond anything like nnapponilift of the •UsAtttor* *l>icli belongto tktir history. It suffice* nothing to•ay that every safeguard n ainNt dangerhas been tskeu in the construction ofour theatre. Ttitf public is entitled toevery potabU }>rto*iUi9€ ot disaster, inl>oth construction snd management.Hithorto, tbel>est care exercifled by com-petent iutelligeucc, and the individualresponsibility of private proprietorship,has been inadequate always to securesafety. It can uot ta said we have anygreater guarantees for our theatre.

We call attention, In this connection,to an sbuse perpetrated iu the very open-ing nights of our Opera House. Con-oedlng that proper facilities are providodfor exit from the building in caso ofdanger or panic— sccurod by cautious rareAnd foresight in its plan and construc-tion —in the very initiation, the first ded-ication ot the building to dramatic art,we see a wanton disregard of them.

The first night, with ample room inrear of the sees-circles on the orchestraor first floor, the central nnd only aisleen the floor, and the only means ot exitor escape, was filled with clumsy chainand their occupants, moved from theeUIe -sides for comfort and

present time, Is JU-P. X. general Tytoer,It was be who flrsi discovered lbs StarRoute vilUny. Ills greet nUftaks wssthst he did not tarn the lights upos U,but concealed Uln a nankin, Industima, she ttstss palest rsfomer, Mr.James, poking sbotti la the pigeon hotelof the Department, discovered Tyner*»discovery, sad, witji a brass bend accom-paniment, threw a flood of calcium splen-dor upon ths whols bad business. VowTynler, driven by the angel James fromthe paradise of s estarisd sinecure, re-flects upon what he might have done sadmight have been, rolling the Utter bolusof disappointment under hie tongue, sadimpotently planning wvenge.

Apropos, of Jsmss, I tm told by those#ho are around bun, nnd who Intimatelyknow him, thst he is reslly the greatesthumbug who srer spun fame for himselfor tried to climb up In ths world on thssuspenders of other men. They ssy hsreally knows nothing about business orpublic affairs, snd tbst, for all the eclathe has gained In-the Star Route businesshe is indebted to the advice and to thework of an almost unknown employee inthe I\>st Office Department.

It in expected thst all the member* ofthe present Cabinet will have^ctirod be-fore tho 15th of December, but the workthey have done fqr the principles of civ-il servioe reform will live after them. TheSecretary of State has placed his sop jnone of the highest and best paid placesin that Department Tho P. if, Gener-al has made bis son-io-law Poatinastt-r ofNew York city. And the Secretary ofthe Navy hss plsccd throe of hi* seasonthe permanent pay rolls, of thst Depart'raout. Pity they must resign, as it were,in the morning of their administration,whan their usefulness to their families Isjust beginning to be felt.

^ ^ t_r . * *OXNBBAL IfSW& '

Jin from ths

7n^fl',#as aStid-" a s

n | wmHe smoke

it >pssollsps-


1J» rooe>of the buildings 'th i d dsod under their


Xhsj BooU Fmnscmlians.

The prosecution of the star route men,whose detection and certain convictienwss so loudly proclsitned. lias proved SnIgnominious failure. Judge Ooi decidedthst the offense with which ttiry werecharged was an Infamous one; that theycould not IH» arraigned on "informa-tion ami Itollcf," but according to theconstitution must l>e Intlieted by thegraod jury. They cannot \H> pre*ontodover again, by Indictment, Itecaune ofhaving oncrt been put in Joopardy bypleading not guilty under this quashedprocess; and, additionally, for tlut rt'»-soif that the time within which theycould be indicted expired Oct I, IHH1.The fcKleral statute of limitatUnii an toconapiraoy ruos for three yearn. Tho offsnees charged against them are drtteilbefore C>rt. I, IH7H. They mrv *n(c

from Indictment ou Out. 1, lrtAI Theeffort to present them for trial by infor-mation and belief, that is, on the oath ofgovernment officials ss complaining wit..nesses, uss begun on Be pi 99th, 1881,two days be-fore the statute of limltntioiinwould svajl them; but the effort ha*been declared unconstitutional and thomen are set free There arc tho UMIIAI re-crimination* among the lawyer* who cur-ried on the proftwution, ami the idesgoes forth that it was through the bung-ling of ths pro#M*ut!on .that the rMcal*go free.

ft Is possible that this U tnie, but it willlie very hard to convince the people ths1

McVsagh, Illimi, Brewnter end the othersconducting the prosecution sre such In-competent lawyer* sod stupid bunglers•s to allow theeasslves to be so easilybeaten. They probably thought it wssfar wiser not to convict.

after the curtain rose, so that one had tothread a way through thorn. The occu-pants of the parqmt were thus shut in,snd so committed to whatever of panic ordittnster might befall, with no means ofescape from it but by trampling andcrushing ooch other. Thin abuse wascontinued durisg tho matinee, whenthere were unoccupied soats in the housesnd daring the la»t Might of the open-ing also.

It is only an aggravation to say in an-swer, thrtt this indulgence was from adesire to accommodate. Such wonknesswas Inadequate to the dumnmli of theoccasion. The public,*so largely repre-sented In the regular chair*, had rightswhich were disregarded; the purchasersof seats incited to a race of diligence inselecting and purchasing them, withreference mainly to proximity to theaisle as a ready and convenient means ofexit, had rights which were violatedSingular enough to \w «nn*( that theresre people reckless or thought loss enoughto avail theroiu'lveft of nurh license, butthis very fact ouforcon the strirtost ad-herence to the Mile* of safety and goodmanagement.

We need not senrch far for the CSIIPO ofthis wrong. Did it result from aban-doning control of tho building too ex-clusively to the lessee for the openingnight* f

The number of theatro-goors in anycommunity, is numerically, a very Rinallpe.rt of it. The patronage therefore,which must sustain a theatre here mustcomo from neightioriug town«people andCanadian friondti. They will give It,perhapfl, if they lw assured that the badprecedents of tho opening nightn sre notto be repeated, and that none of thesafeguard*! against jwinic or disaster areto 1M> disrogarded in the interest ofmoney making.

We protrst against the rojvetition ofI he ourriige.

—General Sheridan warns bistorianfinot to accept as true recent newspaperaccounts of Bitting Bull's participationin the Ouster massacre. He nightypraises also the Mexican authorities fortheir prompt coo pern t Inn with our troopsin the Indian trouble*.

—Ths Isnd Court had up to the 10threceived nearly eighteen thousand appli-cations. At Limerick the sub-commis-sioners have reduced the rent of s threeacre holding from £10 to £0. In theCounty Mayo the tsodlords and tenantsare making agreements by which appli-cation to the Land Court will be render-ed unnecessary.

—The first ot the series of races, besttwo out of three, for the American Cup,between the Csnsdisn sloop-yacht Atlsn-lanU, of the Bfty of Qninte Yacht Club,and the iron sloop-ys^ht Mischief, ofthe New York Club, wss •sited on the9th over the course of the Hew YorkYacht Club, and resulted In s victoryfor the Mlftchief, which beat the Cana-dian sloop Sim. 15^s. actual time, and28m. 80J». corrected time. The windfor the most ot t t s course was west-•outhweat, a fresh whol«-»ajl brssse sndand tide ebb. The tloop-yacht Qrscienailed over the course with the yachtssnd best the Mischief l lm. Ms. actualtime, and 9m. 27s. corrected time. Inthe second race, the Mischief won againby 80 minutes snd 45 seconds.

Honors to the Amexionn l i n g In

Washington X«etter.




our regular torrttpondent.), D. C ,

Nov. 19th, 1861.From Washington we look soross the

Potomac upon the hills of Virginia. Vlf-glnis^-nsmed from the Virgin Quo**,Virginia-the eldest snd most majesticof the colonial sisterhood. But yestST-4ay, on her historic sends, wss oslebmi*

London, November >.~The Lord May-OY*S show cawo off W-dsy in dingy sndtruly November weather. In the citythe day was observed as a general holi-day, and tbs appearance of tbe Ameri-can flag in the procession for the firsttime attracted sn enormous number, ofspectators along the route. Tho Starsam} Stripes wore carried in. the proces-sion, i»rec«oded by ths drum and fifeband of the Fourth Battalion of the Cityof Undon Militia, playing ths "Stir*Spangled Banner.*1 Alter a abort inter-val oaine the band from the training-ship Wsrspite, playing * 'Yankee Doo-dle." The American tag, ssit came inview, was^recelrecf with a generalping of hands snd cheers by the itorn. The ssmo honor ws»not wnsplc*uouslj rendered to any oljier. feature ofthe procession, except when, the cosobesof the old Lord Mayors, Hews. Ellisand McArthur, psMed by. There was Astriking demonstration si the proces-sion paused the msnageing office of theUnited States Cable Compsny on.street. Four toung tst»es -waved}can |1sg« from tbe windows as thenor of the free" passed by sad there wasloud and continued applaast* A greatdcmonUtration wss slstf mads si tbsAmerican Exchange on the Btrand.Three hundred Uulles wared the Ameri-can colors from tko baid^Ates* Amqngthe d©<»rMioasthwmgbd«iAmerican flog wss

ejgnt jihe floojn vsie orushed nnd tbswills bulged out, falling with s thunHcr-ing orsiH outXAnJU on Ortod itrest st»4Sout^ Fl^sv sap*?*, Kmdsmnii Anryran towards the nenrest fire-box, to ss&dent aa slatinv >htst assetisg n tittaanw ^ oflettd to do so hie reiurned to thesoesjeef th^dissster, rapping vigorous-ly for help ss he. «m along/ OAoersMnAMhttT snd Bibs Je4hed htm ss didalso the employees of the slewted fail-wssd StssiosM, sad msny othet oUlssnswm»ha4heensta#tledby the commotion.aWtMtlof the tsnsnU imn <mt st thecrash and escaped ualnjnred* Rdonds-msn 3arry*i SUewtion was first attractedby the cries of children under the rainsof No. St. Tbew were tour ot them—childrtn of John Budorpb—who occu-pied the first floor. The fallen beamshad formed an arch over them, but theywere all pinned te their h%ds by looserafters which lay across their neckssad inns. Thoir faces were exposed,and they were crying loudly for help.The wall of the adjoining tenement,No. ft?, was threatening to fsll, sndRoundsman Bait/hesitated to go nearths ruins. Tbs pathetic cries of thehelpless chirdren, however persuadedhim to run the risk, and with officersMe Arthur and Bliss he crawled In underthe arch formed .by the fallen rafterssod tried to rescue the children. Theywere completely wedged In, and thethroe policemen could rtnot move thebeam which held the cbilaton fast

Citlxeue offered assistance. A strongplank was procured, Us end was plsccdun<}er the beam and presently it wasraised and tho children were froed, theirInjuries being only slight, At the po-licemen carried them out In their armsthey asked if their fttrents had beensaved, but the policemen could not teiLThey were put in an ambulance nnd re-moved to a neighbor's house, A fewmoments later their father, John Ran-dolph, was dug out of tbe ruins. Hehad a leg broken, and bad several bruis-es on Ms body. He WAS scot to St.Vincent Ilospltiil. '

The first to respond to the fire-alarmwere the men of Engine Company 18 andof Hook and Ladder Truck 8. Theywent to work with a will, and in a shorttime got at tht body of Minnie C. Seville,aged seven years. Her body was badlybruised, but the probable cause of deathwas suffocation. The number of firemenon the ground was found to be inade-quate, ill view of rutnor? that betweenthirty and forty persona were buried intho mint. In response to calls sent outby Chief Bain the crcwe of Engines 20and 30 and of Hook and Ladder Truck*1,-0, 19, and 11, in addition to ten menfrom tbe Ninth Battlion, appeared onths scene, snd, under the directions ofthe chiefs of the department sn organ-ized system 6f resent wss put in opera-tion. The concorn was to get out those liv-ing and In sight. Tho most remarkableoccurrence of the do* was the rescue ofMrs. Minnie Hill, wific of John Hill, whooccupied the first JWor of 58 Qraod St.She wss ImprisoMd under the n*ss ofrubbish for seven hours and wss con-scious all tbe time, but during five hours,from nine o'clock until shortly after twoo'clock, her face was exposed to viewand she wss sble to converse with thefiremen who were working to extricateher. The buildings had been pronouncedunsafe, by the inspector from the Bureauof Unsafe Buildings in the Fire Depart-ment. The papers ordering repair* wereready in the office snd were to have beenserved the dsy the building fell.


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NswTork.. •7.047

| \ j j J

^ s W ^ ' SIP ^ S W Sa^s^awSjJ "SJSJWHW Hsaaanaji

I hnd been severely sffitciedwltA Oheu-m*m Asing an s4rsrtls*ni«nt | of

d b t i



*i * i « • • .



#00Brt Lswrenoe...Saratoga « . . .Scheoectady. . . . . . . . . . fOOSohobarie l,W0Bebuyler.. .'. , , , .9ensoa...,« •. W8teubonSuffolkSullivan.... . . 40ftTiogsTompklns . . . .tJlster 100Warren


1,19*•00* « * s


400Washington . . . . . 1,780Wsyne 1,800Westohester ^ •*)

nrVyomingYstes.. .

Totals M.70I 08,089Apparent majority for Osrr, Rep. 5,-

I procuredof

tHDMapplioa^XL laoiwsUs/t«r osing^as bottle,

sbottis sadHl trpenentirely

gitfto It'slt

s gsntkmso, 'of bein^nlnmM^^a

with hU eompany.

SALE!•!*?* '•

to tbs fsatures otform of any one mvsent, ,%n«y»k^*» *ov^ot aaf

^wrewdlitf or writing. ;

KerernfafLSo.Agift you hare mad


HASTINGS , .oflfer his Large und

Stock of Summer

* ' •

.W.Oovert.4 17. Abr*ham^KtornMt, d. Hi Wseatsr. 1

Jk g^A fiCSiL^Jfc^

Demoeratt, 17, BepubHeeas, i s .-, '•> e»

AMBUBLTM an ZLuevno.ALBAKT: U U. J. ^orman, V; 9.

Aaron1 Fuller, D; S. A. J. Parker, Jr.,D; 4. John NcDooough, D,* ALLBQAKT: Wasbii^oii Mosses, B.

BBOOMB: Frsncii B. Smith, 1).CATTARAUOUS: 1. £. kt Jobasoa, R;

3. S. R, SqhooiUDsjESr, KCATCOA: 1. Thos. Hunter/ B; I.

W. Leslie Noyes, R.1. CHAUTAQUA: A. B. Sheldoa,4 R;

9. M. If. Fennert* aCHKMTJKO : Orville P. Dimon, D.

Silas W. Berry, R.Benjamin D. Clapp, R.

OoLUicniA: Abrora L, Schermerhern,D.

CORTLAHP: Alburtis A. Charley, • RDKLAWARBI Ohss. R. Treadwell, R.DUTCHBSS: 1. Alfred Bonney. R; t.

John O'Brion, D.ERIK: 1. Jeremiah Riggings,* D; t.

Frank Sipp,* R; 8. A. W. Hicknus,* I.R; 4. Timothy Jackson, D; eWobSouthwick, R.

EB8BI: James W. Shsehy, RWillismT.O'Neil, R.



Ths Power of the IPrees,

la no way fe the power of the pressmore surely shown than in the universalknowledge thai hss in less than a year,been dMhtsed throughout fifty millions ojfpeople ot the wonderful curative proper-ties of that splendid remtdy, Kidney-Wort. And the people from the Atlan-tic to the Padito hew shown their intel-ligence and their knowledge of What isin the papers, by already making Kid-ney Wort their household remedy for alldiseases #f the kidneys, liver and bowtln,

- i ~> i. ltn> » , , „ „, • •

In s letter to La Hteur$ M. OoraiDonstates that when obetfrtfeg the tuo latelywith a Woatopa, lie wasstruok with cer-tain undulstory mOVemeutJ on the disk,On inquiry into their ckn& he Is led toconnect them with ths witid blowing onthe earth's surface at the time.

_ — + #»,-,,?,••••

Joseph W. Holmes, • R.Sylvester H. Nichols, D.

Alfwd M. Ross, aJspFsmsoir: 1. least L. Hunt, R; 1.

Henry Blnninger,+R.KIKOS: 1. John 8hsnley, * D ; 9.

Micheal J. Hsnnsn, D; $. James O.Tighe, D; 4. Daniel M. Kelly, D; 5. T.J. Sheridan,* D; 0. P. H. HcOarron, D;7. Geo, H. I4odsay. D{ 8. Hoses Bngls,•D; 0. James W. Monk, R; 10. R. JLNewman, *D; 11. Alfred B. Cbapia, D;19. J. J; Stllwelt,* D.

La win: Oeo. H. P. Gould, D.LrrrjfdsTON: Kidder M, Scott,9 R.HADISOV: Lsdurna Ballsrd, R.MoNRoa: 1. J. F. Sheldon, R; 9

Chas. S. Baker, R; S. Alex. P-potta,D.

MOHTOOMBRT: Cornelius Van Burea,

T. O i f f t t TavUftUiav D. IX,

The Dsosfnber munbar of this fstor*Ite perioiidsl tppean with the poptlard h ; ^ T . Pe Witt Talmsge, 0 , D.f asSditor, aad, sitremelj good as it hashitherto been, ti bat; acquired Inereesedbifm$*ity horn his connection wigt* H,In hU jBbaraoteristlo snitiei address, 'Tothe People,n he says:

11 We promise nothing, except to trustin God aad do our level best. Our re-ligion is sunsblae, and the difference be-tween earth and heaven is that the sun-shine of earth sometimes fete clouded,but the. hesrea k everlastingWe mean to cultivate the largest catho-licity. We want in our ICagaitao tohelp make Sunday the brightest, andmost enterislnlng; aud tlie happiest day6f tbe week, We believe there is noother Stmdsy Ifagasioe in America. Sothe ftsld is clear. We propose begtnlugID oar next s series of articles on •PeopleWe Have Met,1 and will, before we getthrough, set forth some of out contem-poraries of ths fMipit and the press.They oftea hsvs thsir ideas of us. ( Wewill give our ideas of them." Tbe lead-ing article of the number is entitled,"The Christian Statesmen, Jsmes A.OtHIskt," by the Editor, which U re-pletewfth interesting reminiscences, sndis finely illustrated. Among the otherpftrticulsry noteworthy illustrated arti-eles are •'MslU1' ' 'Reminisce noe of snold New Yorker, "Religious Dissent' inRossis," "Tbe Prince Imperial Memo-14,M "A Missionary Emancipator, etc.,Ste. The interesting story, "May Cun-aingham^ Trial,** Is continued, andthere are many short stone's, sketches,essays, etc., by Eleaaor Kirk, AugustsBrowne Osrrett, Rev, Mr. Deems, RevJ* H. Waterbury, etc., etc. The poemsposssss great merit, and the miscellanyis abundant, entertaining snd instruc-tive. Tike price of s single copy* is ' 95cent*; tbe annual subscription $8; sixmonths, $1,501 four months $1; sentpost-paid.. Address, FBAITE L S S U B ,

Publisher, 08, 95, 57 Park Place, NewTork. »

• • ' <m —

A good Baptitt clergyman ef Bergen,J*. T., a strong temperance man, suffer.ed with kidney trouble, neuralgia, soddiuiness almost to blindness, over twoyears after he wss told that Hop Bitterswould cure him, because be was afraidof and prejudiced against "Bitters."Since bis curs he says none need fear buttrust in Bop BUUn.

It is stated that tbe Bank of Francehas almost entirely abandoned chemicaltests in favor of the camera for detecting Iforgeries. Tbe senistire plate not only jproclaims forthwith the doing 6! theeraser or penknife, but frequently shows,under the bold figures of the forger, thesum originally borne by the check. Boready b the camera to detect ink mark? ]thst a $mrU-d*nnt4 inclosed in a. lettermay appear to the eye without a blemish,while a copy of it in the camera willprobably exhibit traces of writing acrossths face, where it has merely been incontact with-tbe written page.

-_. Never appear to botioe s, seal) dsfofm#n y or qmect of any OnS i^aipis* .^ Kevfrjmat ths sttsntioo ot aa ae*qusintaroelry a &oehe Speak to WaV

Never p$kUk your child for a fault towhich yott Irs addicted yourself.

•ofttr NM-mort of th« •k lnr«cmlp srnsi

BUM* Curwd.

llmouli ^B^^a . _^.hat 1 mode a mtrasm w ecreimm of s o n dtssass knewa.vatotif rears oM; had suffer-M ~ " ssMtneartjr Ids



at Greatly Re-for the next

thirty days.f isau

at •nDBj •*•• w w ATWaVaWSW WNU M l KOOO a'WVUweVv VaO"ttllaeedtae Ootteova Beaotvenl laeernau> andCnUcur»and Cttoura floap extemaDj, which en-'Aa^^teftSW ^ ^ - M - A e v _ * ~- —• - • - • - •"so thai my skin to as

Jf at^EUILIT,S4Boom 8t

SEAMAN e> McCLAIRRespectfully invite the public to call and inspect thfcic. Stock of

Dry Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, &c.They are now located in the large corner Store in Gilbert's Block,Focd and State street*, and have tilled it full of Dry Goods and Mil-linery. They have added to their Stock a full line of Domestic Good*and will ael^t^em at the very lowest cash prices. They stiU nuke a

speciality of


Cutloura.Tbs Otttfeura Ttesfmsat for the cure of

Soalp^aod jUortJMMatas, ffonrisls hi tfc*nee ot Cattonra Beaotveat, (he new Bteod PurnW,and me external nee ot Catfeva and CutfeuraSoeft Uw Oreel 8kte Cores.

Lap, Sic

'Alt««tted trssoarsttsjsiot prtos.

CATARRH.Sanford's Radical Cure,

Complete TreatmentFor SI.OO.

Saaford'e Radical Cure, Catarrhat Solvent endImproved Inhaler, wrapped la oneirith full directions, and sold by allEor one dollar. Aak(orfiaafonl<aB»—_v^,.

From a elmple oold or Jaioensa to the rottenjIns;, ilotighlag *ad deaUi of tbe senses of smelltaJteeadnearUttT, ttUs great remedy Is aanremeJPaisonoos moooue aocunralatlons era removed Jonusths entire mesmbranetoothed and healed, h

d h

r e siesnsert, dMnfsrted.toothed and healed, head and volee cleared,•pell taste sad haarJnf a—tore* aad oonstttaianal ravaces checked. Thus evfeemalhr and

ntetnaOr, does thle treat eoonomloal remedyirork. inettuitJIy i UeVtogaad permanetitij carac the moet at*t*Tated and damterous forsM

d l A WKEX8 A POTTER;general

And keep every thing in that line the Njpqr Vbrk market affords.

MRS. McCLAIRIs still at the head of their

illinery Department!And all the New Styles are added to their Stock as soon as they are

brought out in New York. Don't forget the place.


Gilbert Block, Cor. Ford A State streets,

RAT4% WOK,Water

£5>imfATOB and .Mo fear of bad smell*.Barns, tvsnarles and

it aw:


Unholstering Cabinet Furniture

«iilerV£^r^o%f-Xvarf box warranted. 8et4• n a k Ask forPAlWONS

NBW TOBK; 1, |Cr O. Murphy,* p ; J.Thomas Mshv, D; e\ W .H. Htlatvre,4. John F. Abeam, D; 5 Tboiaas Bo-gaa,* D; «. Matthew Patten,* D; T. L.L. VanAUeo, R: 8. /no. E. Brodakj,«R; 9. J. D. Xo0teUaa4» D 10. J. C.Nlglutach, R; 11. J. H'pdea Bobb, D;19. David Gideon, D; l$? H. L.Sprague, B; 14. J. J. Gostello, D; IVJacob Gpoper, D; M» James* B. Morri-son, D; 17 Jt J. Oostellv, D; 18. JobaJ. OoJlen, 0 ; 19, John McMsnus, P ;90, Jamas Haf g^rty, D; 1L Tbeo. Boose-relt, R: n, Bdwla 0. Sheeny, D; 93.htroj M. Orsne, R; 94, Hatlbsw P,

T>. \\UJos. W. Hiffiar^ D;

9, Thos. V.Welch, P.0 « s W : 1, fst'k Griflot V H; 9.

tforrU Jones, D; *V F. A, BgwHoo* R.O«oin>iftAt THos. O. Alvord,*m 1

I Blbert O. Farrar, B; 8. John ttghton,

A pBjsicioo irbo;i» osing ComsooodOxjrgea In hit prictkje, says:Tre#tro«nt

OJUXMM.i i. Jo*. U r n s s , % s \

OWJTABS : Henry M. HsM.ILWm. A. Poueher,

It is impossible for a woman after afaithful coarse of treatment with Lydis E.Pfckham'i Vegetable Coaipoand, to con*thiue to suffer with weakness of the uter-us* Enclose* stamp io Mrs Lydis B.Ptakhsm, 983- Western Avenue, Lynn,Mses., for; psmphiets. 9w.

• . — a»—Mr. D. 8. Booth, while crossing the

ferry oa the Ohaffey yesterday was SL*tonifhsd to see, sporting in the clear water» pnly a few rods from tbe steamer, afull grows seal The playful fellow wasdancing around as happy as could be,ssetalngly indifferent to ths astonisnvifteat bs was creating among tbe dwellerseioag the banks of tba St. Lawrence

aftefooon lU was noticed tyother oiUaens near t)is Sister Is-Imt season a seal was seen near

Smith's Island, Just above town, by sev-efmlpertiss. This may be the same oneor It may be another straggler, Theymust OOBM from the Gulf.—[BrockvilleBteordtrt Not. 94.

. • . ^ a» —

fjm+am*l>m*r.)Mr. Tbeodote R^vely, tobacco aad el-

gar dealer, 109- Seneca street, waa tetpent-ly laid up with Hiendastlsm so thai be•mOOt*! walk. AftoHberHHaa *l va-riow pivparaiioM he porehssed a bottleof flt Jacobs Oil, and, to oar his ownejrpyess&on, «<It W the first thing id af-fofd him anything Uke relW/' He has

reoeteied by its use.

MANHOODHow Lost. How Restored. —AND—


eakness.% Mentalto Mar

and Fltm

etc.oalebratei author, lad t p

man in

thirty jeare' sne-

00 matterhtmsrtf

the hands of

UNDERTAKING.Constantly on hand a lafge stock of doth Conrad

CASKETS AND COFFINS,Ford Street* Ogdefisbttfg, N. Y.


in the HardwareJ v *mt6xdmm

. of Hartford,S#SaSb Its^nAvav sttM

. .. ofKewYork.

of UnAosu

We wHl sell for thirty days from this date, Carroge mafctie^*^*"^» i > and HoMe-keoptw' supplies, AT COST FOR CASH.

Wheels, Spokee, Jfubt, Felloes, Shaft poles snd

iwJtaMaUfsvVew ?efk>


—The receipts of <kmr in B^ilslo byk d ^ i t h i k f O b

s dewsse o( #$9*7 bexrels Uoptyssr. Tbs SAOust teoeiTed M

tr •

mU the, leadfagf styles; # e b Halters and Surcingle*, Hamas, O& ~m~-~,* e< e^ert CscrifAioB, Rubber and fiasmeled Drill, Brown and Bine Cor-

^' m& 0re«|i.Broad £Hoth for trimming Buggy Tops.. V,*••:•' s. . . ' ' , •

V«mlshQeiv Masury'ei Colors, Mil Harri-*Mftp Iron. Ste#J. arte>el Bprln**, Ax-• and Tlra stolts. MeM hanToa'

hobt ana Looka of alKklnda.let

sosttrs, d s n i s n Lsnps,flbo^eU, Hoes and CUpp


Aim. ALlf KttttW OF »tTS»fi W


K . -

