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r y I OCJ tRTi aP i - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wv39b/data/0233.pdf ·...

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h j I I I < r r t r p- pt w i IIiijt t R f JI q r- r t j o i 1i t R k r r y y y d r I OL XXIIRHOP1INSVILL 1l JTUCKY FRIDAY APRIL 61901 NCr 4 OCJ J 1J1I I I PcJt U < l Ioir 11 s f r t- L irt tr- i > f i i t There is lib excuse for any man being without a new shirt for Easter in this good year 1901 We ran across a lot of fine shirts in our last canvass of the markets that we consider the best thing we ever offered to the trade4Theyre worth 75 ctliet world over as asrthey last at 5Qc There sonly fifty dozeriso come early wmle sizes are complete jvltll di r r h v o ii1t b i PhownYKARi See our line of Harnessr Chains Backbauds Bridles Etc j We have just received an elegant line of I 3 FanCY fight Buggy Harness i Ifjyou want something extra nice and good see them before buying We also have a bargain to offer you in extra gpod r Hand Made Harness It At very little more than you pay for cheap made East- ern harness See them and you will be convinced You wilt find full line of cheaper harness at bottem prices also heavy wagon harness saddles bridles etc r F A YostS Co t 1- nr6 L 0 V tRTi t F 4 t Railroads Gitiei Front CviWl 1Ii id Jp1 All Ohio And Aiissiptlippi And Chicago tndlud il j- 11 a c U- r J Me F i- taA r > fl gent E M SIlAtitcindof C Thilroad fursieceivail tirm lint the inilirtntls have r t Jew Jin freight toc8na upeiia <A llI11 Ohio rand 1bisbi plfur and from Cnicigr The reduction dues nut all clcissa of froighband much heavier 6n errata lines others The p centng = rw pfarcent to 50 pIccl1ttllh tv libing about 15 or 20 per cent fVrii reduction qn nails und iron and steel article isX11 per 100stoves and hollow tnU salt 2 cents roedof ktnds 17 cciiti jellies presei ate 22 cents collee 8 to 10 paints leads etc 10 tu 15 muned goods 15 ctfnte sugar und heavy groceries New Orleans and Memphis cents Tliesti redactions are result achieved by the recent of the businesl men to eel from uxDrbitanlJFreighcclja lei t ljtio 1 Was pres th otfAof the lfi and L roadson larch 11 by a com of dltizenH d of l1Ctt to < 1cEeeEl3 as5clt 1tf r G tl If and h Walilj Th t s r ul1 lclMi the rp proniiedto do wlaa could I h q N h received anstrutidits bul roads will of course adhere t same rates asherbtofore hsjWMI reUefywiJi be fully rti b fb pfeople of kiri vilel2bhevonly regret i it dbe npt applyto iill dass freight > LJr PORTER R RICHARDSON HandsomeYoung Vido > Y Popular Drummer Mr Charles Herschel Porter Mrs Carrie Pendleton of Pembroke were married nesday evening at eight o Pembroke It was a quiet weddiwg the ceremonv being formed by Rev Dr Barnes Baptist church Mr and Mrs Porter took Southbound train for New at 915 oclock the same From there they will go to the cific coast to spend a Coronado Beach Loa Angeles Francisco and other points will return and be athomeat Louisville Hotel in after May 10th The bride is one of the complished ladies of this the State Possessing a intellect she has had the tage of a liberal education travel and extensive studies member of magazine clubs tauqua societies and similar izatlonsAs wife of the late Col B Richardson she was a the social circles of Frankfort ing the administration of Brown und later was elected rolling Clerk uf the State one term She IS a young of the most charming person Mr Porter is a number Swann Abram Hat Co largest wholesale hat Louisville and travels for his in Southern territory He is a agreeable gentleman prosperous and still on the side of middle 1Ifc- rShowers Predicted Louisville KyV April 4 cialPartly cloudy and with showers in extreme West tion tonight Friday showers t SPRING ELECTIONS Democrats Will in Chicago And- St4Llitii5 I 1 iMunicipal States Arid Svern 1 Lorgei Cities j < ilI Chicago AjirSil barter Harri son was reelected mayor of Chica ¬ go His total plurality over Judge Elbridge Hanecy the Republican nominee is 28257 votes The total vote of the city is Harrison 15 > 952Hanecy 128695 In last mayII oralty election the votes was risoQDemocrat 148495 Carter Rep blican 107437 Harrisons plurality 41509 In the votei tial campaign last fall the city for president was McKiuley 184 a 736 Bryan 177105 McKinleys plurality 763i Alschulei Oem cratic nominee for governor gf the state ran ahead of Bryan however his vote being 188521 against 172 3 Yates a plurality of 16135 t6 Democrats Carried all the city offices on the ticket aUo as well as that of mayor Wm Loefller was elected city clerk A J Ryan city attorney and C P Gunther city treasurer Their pluralities will bei thin a thousands pf Mayor Harrison s The Republican tovu ticketb- tyre elected in Waukegan Rock ford Decafiir and Joliet John A Steinbaclcr Democrat was elected mayor of Quincy John L Phillips Republican was elected mayor of Springfield j DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE 0 fleeted Worlds Fair Mayor of St t Louis by i o dob I St LouiH April 2 Kol I avails Democratic nominee forworlds fair mayor was elected to that office to ¬ day by a pluralityof about 9000 With him was elected the entire Democratic ticket Geo W Parker Republican candidate find Lee Meriwether who was running in ¬ dependently on a municipal owner ¬ ship platform are running a close race for second place St Louis is normally a Republican city by about 15000 plurality Some Re ¬ publican leaders claim the Nesbitt law enabled the Democrats to make such a strong showing They claim fraud and threaten to contest the election Wells was a gold Democrat for two campaigns WISCONSIN TOWNS i Several of Them Elect Democratic Mayor- sMilwaukeeApri12County elec ¬ tions were held throughout the state today but while nearly all the cities and towns elected tickets as a rule party lines were eliminated Joshua Eric Dodge was elected to the su- preme ¬ bench without opposition Four nonpartisan judges were elected in Milwaukee county Osh kosh went Democratic by 250 against a Republican majority last year of bOO At Madison Professor Storm bull Democrat was elected mayor Racine and Fond Du Lac elected Democratic mayors and Republican councils Janesville and Waukesha went Republicana IN THE PEN Men Convicted in Circuit Court Sent to Eddyville Deputy Sheriff C J Barnes and special deputy Jack Boyd took Charles Williams and Jim Tucker both colored to the Eddyville prison yesterday Williams was convicted of robbery and given one yearand Tucker got one year for grand larceny The case of Jim Henry Burrows col convicted of murder and given 13y years was appealed and sentence suspended for sixty days I r 11 f ic4e i4j jf III HEADQUARTERS i A = I j For Everything in HighClass jd1ft SM f1 Dress Goods Fancy Goods White Goods t I Dress Trimmings Lace Curtains and everything i Pm t to be found in an UptoDate store Firstclass t 5 goods at low prices are genuine bargains but i IM inferior are dear at l > aP I can buy Carpets Mattings and Linoleums in m- ot1tall lj the new colors and designs Dont yon know reIt will pay you to buy from Headquarters 11t ItMain Street HOPK1NSVILLE KY gadsrm and so still save big money by trading with me J t It i = Y Newest StylesI- N w Jt 0SPRING t MiLLINRYNow Handsomest Designs Great Bargains IIST Dress Goods and Trimmings Ladies Jack S o f and Capes Skirts Corsets and Shoes r Do not fail to see our Bargains in all kinds of Dry Goods and in Gents Shirts Collars Ties Etc f THE RICHARDS GUe- HOPKINSVILLE KY I V CAUGHT BETWEEN COOS Hand Badly Crushed And Ampu ¬ tation Was Necessary George Tandy col son of Ed ¬ mund Tandy happened to an ac ¬ cident Tuesday night which caused him the loss of an arm The boy was at work for Mr Marlow John ¬ son north of the city and while operating a cutting box got his left hand caught between the cogs and the member was ground to a pulp necessitating amputation The arm was taken off just below the elbow and the chances are that the boy will recover Todd Primary The Democratic Primary election in Todd county will be held tomor ¬ row There are hot contests for several of the nomination C PPOOLPPOOL Baimbridge Couple Have Nuptial Knot Tied In City Last Monday afternoon Mr Johcv W PPool and Miss Delia ppoo both of the Baimbridge neighbor hood were married in the County Clerks office by Judge Cansle The event was witnessed by a largo crowd The young people came to the city in a buggy and as soon as the ceremony was pronounced left for their homet BOYD WILLS Mr David Boyd of near Lafay- ette and Miss Susie Wills daugh- ter ¬ of Mr Jas L Wills of Garret burg eloped to Clarksville on the 28th tilt and were married They
Page 1: r y I OCJ tRTi aP i - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wv39b/data/0233.pdf · 2013-11-07 · h j I I I


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There is lib excuse for any man beingwithout a new shirt for Easter in this goodyear 1901 We ran across a lot of fine shirtsin our last canvass of the markets thatwe consider the best thing we ever offered tothe trade4Theyre worth 75ctliet worldover as asrthey last at5Qc There sonly fifty dozeriso come earlywmle sizes are complete

jvltll di r r h v o ii1t



PhownYKARiSee our line ofHarnessrChains Backbauds

Bridles Etc

j We have just received anelegant line of

I 3 FanCY

fight Buggy Harness iIfjyou want something extra nice and good

see them before buying

We also have a bargain to offer you in

extra gpod

r Hand Made HarnessIt

At very little more than you pay for cheap made East-

ern harness See them and you will be convinced You

wilt find full line of cheaper harness at bottem prices

also heavy wagon harness saddles bridles etc rF A YostS Cot1-


L0 VtRTit


4 tRailroads Gitiei

Front CviWl 1Iiid Jp1

All Ohio And Aiissiptlippi

And Chicago tndludil


11a c U-


J MeF i-


r > flgent E M SIlAtitcindof

C Thilroad fursieceivailtirm lint the inilirtntls haver t Jew Jin freighttoc8na upeiia <AllI11Ohio rand 1bisbi plfurand from Cnicigr

The reduction dues nutall clcissa of froighbandmuch heavier 6n errata linesothers The p centng = rw

pfarcent to 50 pIccl1ttllh tvlibing about 15 or 20 per centfVrii reduction qn nails undiron and steel article isX11per 100stoves and hollow

tnU salt 2 cents roedofktnds 17 cciiti jellies preseiate 22 cents collee 8 to 10

paints leads etc 10 tu 15muned goods 15 ctfntesugar und heavy groceriesNew Orleans and Memphiscents Tliesti redactions areresult achieved by the recentof the businesl men to eelfrom uxDrbitanlJFreighccljalei t ljtio 1 Was presth otfAof the lfi and Lroadson larch 11 by a comof dltizenH d of l1Cttto <1cEeeEl3 as5clt1tf r G tlIf andhWaliljTh t s r ul1 lclMithe rp proniiedto do wlaacould I h q N hreceived anstrutidits bulroads will of course adhere t

same rates asherbtoforehsjWMI reUefywiJi be

fully rti b fb pfeople ofkiri vilel2bhevonly regret i

it dbe npt applyto iill dassfreight




HandsomeYoung Vido >Y

Popular Drummer

Mr Charles Herschel PorterMrs Carrie Pendletonof Pembroke were marriednesday evening at eight oPembroke It was a quietweddiwg the ceremonv beingformed by Rev Dr BarnesBaptist church

Mr and Mrs Porter tookSouthbound train for Newat 915 oclock the sameFrom there they will go to thecific coast to spend aCoronado Beach Loa AngelesFrancisco and other pointswill return and be athomeatLouisville Hotel inafter May 10th

The bride is one of thecomplished ladies of thisthe State Possessing aintellect she has had thetage of a liberal educationtravel and extensive studiesmember of magazine clubstauqua societies and similar

izatlonsAswife of the late Col

B Richardson she was athe social circles of Frankforting the administration of

Brown und later was electedrolling Clerk uf the Stateone term She IS a youngof the most charming person

Mr Porter is a numberSwann Abram Hat Co

largest wholesale hatLouisville and travels for hisin Southern territory He is aagreeable gentlemanprosperous and still on theside of middle 1Ifc-

rShowers Predicted

Louisville KyV April 4cialPartly cloudy andwith showers in extreme Westtion tonight

Friday showers



Democrats Will in Chicago And-



iMunicipalStates Arid Svern 1 Lorgei

Cities j<ilIChicago AjirSil barter Harri

son was reelected mayor of Chica ¬

go His total plurality over JudgeElbridge Hanecy the Republicannominee is 28257 votes The totalvote of the city is Harrison 15 >

952Hanecy 128695 In last mayIIoralty election the votes wasrisoQDemocrat 148495 CarterRep blican 107437 Harrisonsplurality 41509 In the voteitial campaign last fall the cityfor president was McKiuley 184


736 Bryan 177105 McKinleysplurality 763i Alschulei Oemcratic nominee for governor gf thestate ran ahead of Bryan howeverhis vote being 188521 against 172

3 Yates a plurality of 16135

t6 Democrats Carried all thecity offices on the ticket aUo as wellas that of mayor Wm Loefller waselected city clerk A J Ryan cityattorney and C P Gunther city

treasurer Their pluralities will

bei thin a thousands pf MayorHarrison s

The Republican tovu ticketb-

tyre elected in Waukegan Rockford Decafiir and Joliet John ASteinbaclcr Democrat was electedmayor of Quincy John L PhillipsRepublican was elected mayor ofSpringfield j


0fleeted Worlds Fair Mayor of St

t Louis by i o dob


St LouiH April 2 Kol I availsDemocratic nominee forworlds fairmayor was elected to that office to¬

day by a pluralityof about 9000With him was elected the entireDemocratic ticket Geo W ParkerRepublican candidate find LeeMeriwether who was running in ¬

dependently on a municipal owner¬

ship platform are running a closerace for second place St Louisis normally a Republican city by

about 15000 plurality Some Re ¬

publican leaders claim the Nesbittlaw enabled the Democrats to makesuch a strong showing Theyclaim fraud and threaten to contestthe election Wells was a goldDemocrat for two campaigns


Several of Them Elect Democratic


sMilwaukeeApri12County elec ¬

tions were held throughout the statetoday but while nearly all the citiesand towns elected tickets as a ruleparty lines were eliminated JoshuaEric Dodge was elected to the su-



bench without oppositionFour nonpartisan judges wereelected in Milwaukee county Oshkosh went Democratic by 250 againsta Republican majority last year of

bOO At Madison Professor Stormbull Democrat was elected mayorRacine and Fond Du Lac electedDemocratic mayors and Republicancouncils Janesville and Waukeshawent Republicana


Men Convicted in Circuit Court

Sent to Eddyville

Deputy Sheriff C J Barnes andspecial deputy Jack Boyd tookCharles Williams and Jim Tuckerboth colored to the Eddyvilleprison yesterday Williams wasconvicted of robbery and given oneyearand Tucker got one year forgrand larceny The case of JimHenry Burrows col convicted of

murder and given 13y years wasappealed and sentence suspendedfor sixty days


r11 f ic4e i4j jfIII HEADQUARTERS i


= I j For Everything in HighClassjd1ft SMf1

Dress Goods Fancy Goods White Goods tIDress Trimmings Lace Curtains and everything i Pmt to be found in an UptoDate store Firstclass t

5 goods at low prices are genuine bargains but iIM inferior are dear at l >aP I

can buy Carpets Mattings and Linoleums in m-ot1tall ljthe new colors and designs Dont yon know

reIt will pay you to buy from Headquarters11tItMain Street HOPK1NSVILLE KYgadsrmandso

still save big money by trading with me J

tIt i= Y

Newest StylesI-

Nw Jt


MiLLINRYNowHandsomest Designs

Great BargainsIIST

Dress Goods and Trimmings Ladies Jack So

fand Capes Skirts Corsets and Shoes


Do not fail to see our Bargains in all kinds ofDry Goods and in Gents Shirts

Collars Ties Etcf




Hand Badly Crushed And Ampu ¬

tation Was Necessary

George Tandy col son of Ed ¬

mund Tandy happened to an ac ¬

cident Tuesday night which causedhim the loss of an arm The boywas at work for Mr Marlow John ¬

son north of the city and whileoperating a cutting box got hisleft hand caught between the cogsand the member was ground to apulp necessitating amputationThe arm was taken off just belowthe elbow and the chances are thatthe boy will recover

Todd PrimaryThe Democratic Primary election

in Todd county will be held tomor¬

row There are hot contests forseveral of the nomination


Baimbridge Couple Have NuptialKnot Tied In City

Last Monday afternoon Mr JohcvW PPool and Miss Delia ppooboth of the Baimbridge neighborhood were married in the CountyClerks office by Judge CansleThe event was witnessed by a largocrowd The young people came tothe city in a buggy and as soon asthe ceremony was pronounced leftfor their homet

BOYD WILLSMr David Boyd of near Lafay-

ette and Miss Susie Wills daugh-ter


of Mr Jas L Wills of Garretburg eloped to Clarksville on the28th tilt and were married They
