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Rabbi Menachem Goldberger דחא בלב - Cloud Object ... · This week’s Lev Echad is being...

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כסלומברכים/ שרה חיי פרשת ישראל תפארת קהילת / - אחד בלבDAVENING SCHEDULE Friday Candle Lighting: 4:38 pm Mincha: 4:40 pm Shabbos Day Shacharis: 8:30 am Mincha: 4:15 pm Maariv: 5:55 pm Shabbos is over after: 6:08 pm Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm Monday-Friday Shacharis: 6:30 am Shacharis (Thursday): 6:20 am Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm Bais Medrash: 8:00 pm Next Shabbos — Parshas Toldos Candle Lighting: 4:32 pm Friday Mincha: 4:35 pm This Shabbos 10 am: Camp Shabbos 7:30 pm: Father/Son Learning 8 pm: Father/Son Learning Campfire Weekday Mincha/Maariv Minyan Over the years we have had a maariv-only minyan during the fall and winter months. This year we have a strong enough nucleus to make a mincha/maariv minyan 15 minutes before sunset each weeknight. We plan on starting November 11, at 4:30 pm in the upstairs Bais Medrash. If you can come on a regular or close to regular basis please call Mordechai Beleck at 443-570- 3850 so he can put you on the minyan list. The Bais Medrash learning program will still continue each weeknight from 8 to 9 pm but there will not be a 9 o’clock maariv minyan (unless those present want to make one). Father/Son Learning Campfire Kickoff with the Rabbi Father/Son Learning is back starting motzei Shabbos, and will celebrate with the Light Up the Night with Your Learning, Special Campfire Event. Learning from 7:30 to 8 pm followed by a campfire, music and food. The shul will provide hot dogs, buns, marshmallows and drinks. All men and boys are welcome. Sponsorships of $18 are welcomed and encouraged. Baruch Dayan HaEmes It is with great sadness that we inform the kehilla that Glenna Ross’ mother, Silvia Esther Frank, Sora Esther bas Tzvi Hersh, a”h, passed away Sunday. Glenna will be sitting shiva Friday until 2 pm and motzei Shabbos from 7 to 9. May the Ross and Frank families be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Making Sense of Suffering There is a mini-shiur for men and women, Shabbos after davening, upstairs in the Bais Medrash. Yaakov Novograd will be speaking on Making Sense of Suffering. Sisterhood Event Please join the Tiferes Yisroel Sisterhood for a planning meeting to discuss shiurim and event ideas and to get your input and help, Wednesday, November 21, at 7:15 pm. The evening will also be featuring a talk by Rena Rotenberg called “A Jewish Child Growing Up in Tientsin, China, 1939-1948” about her late husband’s childhood spent in Shanghai and Tientsin. She will show artifacts and pictures and a Q & A session will follow. Welcome to New Members Uzi Merles and Sarit Ashtam and son Galel Camp Shabbos Join us today for Camp Shabbos in the downstairs Simcha Hall. Camp Shabbos is for children up to age 7 and features storytelling, playtime and Torah, Torah, Torah! Healthy snacks and drinks are provided. To sponsor snacks or volunteer to help, please contact Adriana Steinberg at 202-641- 6677 or [email protected]. Focus on Tanach Week of Celebration We will be having several events associated with the Focus on Tanach Siyum in December, b’ezras Hashem, including a men’s shiur and a women’s shiur with special guest lecturers, a family carnival, and a Grand Siyum Celebration with a guest speaker. Much thanks to Eric and Elaine Gerstenfeld for chairing the events. Stay tuned for details coming soon! Shemen Lamaor Sponsors Ari and Caryn Blum Jerry and Elka Rottman in loving memory of Elka’s dear parents, Aryeh Leib ben Eliyahu HaKohen a”h and Golda bas Yosef Zelig HaLevi a”h Andy Goldfinger Shulamis Heldoorn Rabbi Menachem and Rebbetzin Bracha Goldberger Pushka total: $524.91 (see p. 3) 25 Cheshvan 5773/November 10, 2012 5746-5773 Celebrating our 27th year 1986-2012 Rabbi Menachem Goldberger גולדברגר הלוי ראובן מנחם הרב ד מרא אתראשליטא בס״דWelcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Parshas Chaye Sarah/Mevorchim Kislev This week’s Lev Echad is in honor of: Adriana Steinberg
Page 1: Rabbi Menachem Goldberger דחא בלב - Cloud Object ... · This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude לארשי

This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude

קהילת תפארת ישראל פרשת חיי שרה/מברכים כסלו���� / ��� ������ ��-���� ����bWelcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel! Parshas Tazria/Metzora

בלב אחד

DAVENING SCHEDULE Friday Candle Lighting: 4:38 pm Mincha: 4:40 pm Shabbos Day Shacharis: 8:30 am Mincha: 4:15 pm Maariv: 5:55 pm Shabbos is over after: 6:08 pm Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm Monday-Friday Shacharis: 6:30 am Shacharis (Thursday): 6:20 am Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm Bais Medrash: 8:00 pm Next Shabbos — Parshas Toldos Candle Lighting: 4:32 pm Friday Mincha: 4:35 pm

This Shabbos • 10 am: Camp Shabbos • 7:30 pm: Father/Son Learning • 8 pm: Father/Son Learning Campfire

Weekday Mincha/Maariv Minyan Over the years we have had a maariv-only

minyan during the fall and winter months. This year we have a strong enough nucleus to make a mincha/maariv minyan 15 minutes before sunset each weeknight.

We plan on starting November 11, at 4:30 pm in the upstairs Bais Medrash. If you can come on a regular or close to regular basis please call Mordechai Beleck at 443-570-3850 so he can put you on the minyan list.

The Bais Medrash learning program will still continue each weeknight from 8 to 9 pm but there will not be a 9 o’clock maariv

minyan (unless those present want to make one).

Father/Son Learning Campfire Kickoff with the Rabbi

Father/Son Learning is back starting motzei Shabbos, and will celebrate with the Light Up the Night with Your Learning, Special Campfire Event. Learning from 7:30 to 8 pm followed by a campfire, music and food. The shul will provide hot dogs, buns, marshmallows and drinks. All men and boys are welcome. Sponsorships of $18 are welcomed and encouraged.

Baruch Dayan HaEmes It is with great sadness that we inform the

kehilla that Glenna Ross’ mother, Silvia Esther Frank, Sora Esther bas Tzvi Hersh, a”h, passed away Sunday. Glenna will be sitting shiva Friday until 2 pm and motzei Shabbos from 7 to 9.

May the Ross and Frank families be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Making Sense of Suffering There is a mini-shiur for men and women,

Shabbos after davening, upstairs in the Bais Medrash. Yaakov Novograd will be speaking on Making Sense of Suffering.

Sisterhood Event Please join the Tiferes Yisroel Sisterhood

for a planning meeting to discuss shiurim and event ideas and to get your input and help, Wednesday, November 21, at 7:15 pm.

The evening will also be featuring a talk by Rena Rotenberg called “A Jewish Child Growing Up in Tientsin, China, 1939-1948”

about her late husband’s childhood spent in Shanghai and Tientsin. She will show artifacts and pictures and a Q & A session will follow.

Welcome to New Members • Uzi Merles and Sarit Ashtam and son Galel

Camp Shabbos Join us today for Camp Shabbos in the

downstairs Simcha Hall. Camp Shabbos is for children up to age 7

and features storytelling, playtime and Torah, Torah, Torah! Healthy snacks and drinks are provided.

To sponsor snacks or volunteer to help, please contact Adriana Steinberg at 202-641-6677 or [email protected].

Focus on Tanach Week of Celebration

We will be having several events associated with the Focus on Tanach Siyum in December, b’ezras Hashem, including a men’s shiur and a women’s shiur with special guest lecturers, a family carnival, and a Grand Siyum Celebration with a guest speaker.

Much thanks to Eric and Elaine Gerstenfeld for chairing the events. Stay tuned for details coming soon!

Shemen Lamaor Sponsors • Ari and Caryn Blum • Jerry and Elka Rottman in loving memory

of Elka’s dear parents, Aryeh Leib ben Eliyahu HaKohen a”h and Golda bas Yosef Zelig HaLevi a”h

• Andy Goldfinger • Shulamis Heldoorn • Rabbi Menachem and Rebbetzin Bracha


Pushka total: $524.91 (see p. 3) 25 Cheshvan 5773/November 10, 2012.

5746-5773 Celebrating our 27th year 1986-2012

Rabbi Menachem Goldberger

הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר אתראשליטא מרא ד


Welcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Parshas Chaye Sarah/Mevorchim Kislev

This week’s Lev Echad is in honor of:

Adriana Steinberg

Page 2: Rabbi Menachem Goldberger דחא בלב - Cloud Object ... · This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude לארשי

Bais Medrash Renovation It is with much pleasure and excitement

that we announce a major new construction project for Tiferes Yisroel. With G-d’s help we will embark upon a mission to expand and beautify the upstairs Bais Medrash. This will involve building a space directly above the “sunroom” of the main shul. Upstairs on the second floor, we will knock down the wall of the Bais Medrash facing Pinkney Road and build out over the sunroom adding 50 percent more space to our Bais Medrash. At the same time, we will redecorate the Bais Medrash with a new look, additional bookshelves and seforim. The main sanctuary will not be affected or altered.

We have enlisted the services of our friend Bernie Schulman as our contractor. Our long-time shul member Bob Rosenfelt will be helping with the site plans and drawings. Bob is a former president of the shul and was our outstanding building chairman when we built our current shul. Much thanks to Bob and Bernie.

Our dear friends and members Drs. Ed and Mesa Leventhal will be dedicating the new Bais Medrash renovation in memory of Ed’s parents, Harry B. and Sylvia Leventhal a”h. Much thanks and appreciation to Ed and Mesa for their support and generosity. Yaakov and Ester Gur have also given generously to the expansion project to help us get started. Thank you to Yaakov and Ester for your support and generosity.

Rabbi Goldberger will be starting the fundraising effort in the very near future to raise the additional amount necessary for the project, and a smaller amount to paint the inside of the shul building and take care of a few other areas which need attention. The total amount of the project is $75,000.

Our shul has not conducted a capital campaign since we bought and built our current shul building 19 years ago and we have not had a building fund since then as well. Please remember that the funds being raised are completely separate from shul operating funds.

Please begin thinking about what you would like to contribute, if you can, to this beautiful and important project, to enhance a makom Torah and tefilla, which is used daily by our kehilla. This campaign is not meant to take away any support from the day-to-day operations of the shul. The gift you are able to give should be considered over and above what you give to the shul in general.

May Hashem grant us much success in this holy and important endeavor. Thanks to one and all for your help in expanding and beautifying our shul.

The Weekly Parsha

Sedrah Selections — Selections

by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

Ch. 23, v. 9: “M’oras hamachpeiloh” — The double cave — Pirkei d’Rebbi Eliezer and the Holy Zohar write that Avrohom was interested in specifically the M’oras hamachpeiloh as a burial site for his wife, himself, and future generations because he once chased a runaway sheep into this cave and came upon the graves of Odom and Chavoh and found lit candles there.

Yalkut Reuveini says that Avrohom was aware of this location being the passageway to Gan Eden.

Zohar Hechodosh on parshas Lech L’cho says that when a person’s soul ascends upwards it goes through the M’oras hamachpeiloh first. He adds that all our prayers ascend through the M’oras hamachpeiloh.

Ch. 24, v. 1: “VaShem beirach es Avrohom bakole” — And Hashem blessed Avrohom with everything” — The Admor Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov of Sadigura explains the words, “V’dorshei Hashem lo yach’s’ru kol tov” to mean “v’dorshei Hashem lo yach’s’ru,” those who pursue Hashem lack nothing. This is because “kol tov,” everything that happens to them is accepted as being for their good. Applied to our verse, we can say that this was Avrohom’s blessing, “bakole,” with the understanding that that KOL is TOV. (Likutei Bosor Likutei)

Ch. 24, v. 13: “Vaa’sei chesed im adoni Avrohom” — And do kindness to my master Avrohom — Rabbi Chagi in the name of Rabbi Yitzchok said, “Everyone needs to be the recipient of kindness. Even Avrohom who was the apex of kindness, and it was his kindness that was the conduit for Heavenly kindness to descend to the earth, nevertheless, he was also in need of Heavenly kindness. Surely others require kindness to be bestowed upon them.” (M.R.)

Ch. 24, v. 16: “Va’tei’red ho’einoh … vato’al” — And she descended to the wellspring … and she ascended — Why does the Torah tell us that she had to descend to draw water from the well? Perhaps it is to bring to our attention the greatness of her act of kindness. Not only did she draw water numerous times for Eliezer, his entourage, and the camels, but each time she drew water she had to shlep it uphill from the well.

Ch. 24, v. 65: “Vatomer el ho’eved ‘Mi ho’ish halo’zeh’ ” — Why did Rivkoh ask, “Who is this man?” Obviously she saw many

other people during her trip as well. The Moshav Z’keinim and the Paanei’ach Rozo answer in the name of the medrash that she paid special attention to Yitzchok because he was walking in an upside down position, his head on the ground and his feet in the air. This was because he had come from a two year recuperation period in Gan Eden (See Targum Yonoson ben Uziel) to recover from what should have been a fatal laceration to his throat, inflicted by his father at the Akeidoh (See Yalkut Dovid on parshas Toldos). We find a similar phenomenon in the Prophet Shmuel 1:28:13, “Ro’isi elohim olim min ho’oretz.” The Paanei’ach Rozo adds that we have an allusion to Yitzchok’s coming from Gan Eden in verse 62 which begins with “V’Yitzchok boh,” which has the same numerical value as “miGan Eden.” (The TWO YEAR recuperation period does not match with the Seder Olom and Tosfos Y’vomos 61b who posit that Rivkoh was three years old when she was married to Yitzchok, if we also say that she was born at the time of the Akeidoh, as per the Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh mentioned in parshas Va’yeiro.) According to the above-mentioned medrash that Yitzchok sustained what should have been a fatal laceration and survived only by being in the Gan Eden I.C. unit, it is well understood why we end the blessing of “Atoh GIBOR,” called the blessing of “g’vuroh,” corresponding to Yitzchok whose dominant character trait is portrayed as “g’vuroh,” with the words “m’cha’yei ha’meisim,” since Yitzchok was brought back from the dead, meaning that by the rules of nature he should have succumbed to his wound. (Rozo d’Meir)

Ch. 25, v. 11: “Va’y’vo’rech Elokim es Yitzchok” — And Elokim blessed Yitzchok — Avrohom did not bless Yitzchok because he feared that Yishmo’eil would harbour hatred for Yitzchok (see what happened with Yitzchok’s blessing Yaakov, and only by virtue of an impersonation). Once Avrohom died, Hashem bestowed upon Yitzchok the blessing his father would have given him. (Targum Yonoson ben Uziel)

This article is provided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network. Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper,

provided that this notice is included intact.

Graphic courtesy of Chinuch.org.

L’Chayim The kehilla is invited to a L’Chayim to

celebrate the engagement of Yoni Vick and Laya Dachman on Sunday, November 11, from noon to 3 pm at the home of Susan Vick at 2805 Bartol Avenue.

May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael!

Visit us at www.tiferesyisroel.org Parshas Chaye Sarah/Mevorchim Kislev

Page 3: Rabbi Menachem Goldberger דחא בלב - Cloud Object ... · This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude לארשי

Coming Up • November 10: Father/Son Learning • November 10: Camp Shabbos • November 14: Pidyon Haben for the son of

Uzi Merles and Sarit Ashtam. Join our new members and their baby son for this celebration. 8 am.

• November 17: Camp Shabbos • November 17: Tzeischem L’Shalom Sha-

losh Seudos for Gad and Dena Frenkel. See Mordechai Beleck to sponsor.

• November 21: Sisterhood Event with Rena Rotenberg

• December 1: Camp Shabbos • December 15: Camp Shabbos • March 3: Banquet

Pushka Campaign The pushka challenge is to put whatever

amount of money one is able into a pushka every day or as often as possible. The recommended amount is only 36 cents a day.

When your pushka is full, drop it into the Goldbergers’ locked mailbox at 3310 W. Strathmore Avenue or call Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456 to arrange a pickup. If you need a shul pushka, you may take one from the shul window sill.

Sign up by emailing [email protected]. Thank you to all who have participated.

We look forward to another successful year of raising $10,000 of pushka money for our shul.

Community • November: Sweet Potato Awareness Month • November 10: Women’s shiur in memory

of Esther Nechama Margolese. Sefer HaChinnuch, led by Dr. Dovid Clay. Home of Joyce Dreyfuss, 3820 Menlo Drive, each Shabbos at 3:20 pm. All women and high school girls are invited. Copies available.

• November 17: JobKatif Benefit Concert. Music and the Message of Gratitude — Building Israel, Rebuilding Lives — One Job at a Time. Esteemed community Rab-bis, including our own Rabbi Goldberger, and Rabbis Hauer, Marwick and Silber. Directed by Avraham Rosenblum of the Diaspora Band. Stellar musicians, featuring Yehuda Bergman, Avrohom Finkelstein, Zev Goldenberg, Nossi Gross, Gary Honick, Shlomo Horwitz, Steve Levin, Max Mesinter, Yehudah Mond, Avraham Reich, Avraham Rosenblum, and Shmuel Simenowitz. For additional information, contact Mike Lowenstein at 410-409-8967. Beth Tfiloh Mintzes Theatre, 8:30 pm.

• November 18: Ohr Chadash invites the community to the Eric Energy Science Spectacular. 10:30 am-noon, JCC auditorium. Email ocapta@ohrchadash baltimore.com or call 410-500-5984 for information.

Daven with us at 6201 Park Heights Avenue Parshas Chaye Sarah/Mevorchim Kislev


Sign up by emailing [email protected]. The pushka challenge is to put whatever amount of money one is able into a pushka every day or as often as possible. The recommended amount is only 36 cents a day.

When your pushka is full, please empty it into a ziplock bag marked with your name, and drop it into our locked mailbox at 3310 W. Strathmore Avenue. If it is difficult for you to drop it off, please contact Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456 to arrange a pickup. If you need a shul pushka, you may take one from the shul window sill, and they will be replenished as needed.

Each week we will print the names of the participants who have turned in a pushka that week.

This week’s contributors: Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger

Running total: $524.91

Participants who have signed up for this year's campaign: Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Goldberger Shlomo and Ahuva

Goldberger Howard and Dvora Sora

Reznick Moshe and Shelly Cohen Jerry and Eileen

Rosenbaum Jonathan and Talia Raun Ari and Caryn Blum Ken and Chana Birnbaum Bob and Karen Rosenfelt Lenny and Glenna Ross Keely and Jillian

Goldberger Fred and Rena Levi Elie and Esther Levi Susan Vick Betzalel and Esther Huff Louis and Rachel

Rosenstock Nisan and Marietta Jaffee Mo and Shaina Margolese Barbara Landsman Rottman family

Louis and Gail Feinstein (Mishlei) Shoshana Goldman (9) (Shoftim) Rena Levi Jonah Rena Levi J Eliyahu Margolese (2) Lech Lecha onah N

Focus on Tanach The idea is to complete all of Tanach, as a community, with each family or individual learning a book from Tanach or a

Parsha from the Torah. There can be overlap, as long as we finish Tanach as a shul. Sign up with Shaina Margolese at [email protected] or 410-358-7387. Rabbi Goldberger would very much like the Torah parshiyos to be completed by the youth of our shul. Sign up with

Nechama Goldman, [email protected], 410-440-6234 or Shonny Katz, 410-358-0440, [email protected].

Aharon and Feige Rochel Adler (Esther)

Feige Rochel Adler (Malachi)

Shaul Allen (Rus, Eicha, Koheles, Esther)

Karen Beleck (Shmuel

Bais) Shira Beleck (Koheles) Yisrael and Rina Miriam

Bethea (Yechezkel) Chananya Blaxberg (3)

(Shemos, Va’eira, Bo)

Gavi Blaxberg (Nasso, Shoftim (parts))

Nisan Blaxberg (Micah, Zephaniah)

Rachamim Blaxberg (5) (Emor, Behar)

Blum family (Shmuel Aleph)

Chaya Blum (11) (Vayeitzei,Yishayahu (parts))

Dovid Blum (4) (Shemos, Va’eira, Bo, Yehoshua)

Reuven Blum (6) (Vayikra, Kedoshim)

Moshe Cohen (Melachim

Bais) Saul and Raizy Cohen

(Yechezkel) Joyce Dreyfuss

(Vayishlach, Vayeishev, Yayigash, Mishpatim, Melachim Aleph and Bais)

Feinstein children in

memory of their brother, Yaakov Chaim z'l (Toldos)

Louis and Gail Feinstein (Mishlei)

Elaine Gerstenfeld (Esther)

Rabbi Goldberger (Yehoshua)

Rebbetzin Goldberger (Shmuel)

Shlomo Goldberger (Shir Hashirim)

Tehila Goldberger (2) (Tehillim)

Yaakov Goldberger (Va’eira, B’shalach, Yisro, Mishpatim, Terumah, Tetzaveh, Ki Sisa, Vayakel, Pekudei, Tzav, Shmini, Tazria, Metzora, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar, Bechukosai, Bamidbar, Naso, Be’halot’cha, Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, Pinchas, Masei, Devarim, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Setzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayelech, Haazinu, V’Zos HaBracha,Yirmiyahu)

Andy Goldfinger (Koheles)

Goldman family (Bo) Avi Goldman (9) (Esther

(parts)) Goldie Goldman (11)

(Vayeitzei) Nechama Goldman

(Miketz) Shoshana Goldman (9)

(Shoftim, Melachim Aleph, Esther)

Yaakov Goldman (B’shalach)

Talia Goldstein (Koheles) Aharon Grayson (Ezra,

Nechemya) Nossi Gross (Yirmiyahu) Yaakov Gur (Iyov) Mark Hart (Tazria,


Shulamis Heldoorn (Shoftim)

Davidi Howarth (Yisro, B’shalach, Va’eira, Shemos, Bo)

Debby Howarth (Noach, Yehoshua, Malachi, Esther)

Bezalel and Esther Huff (Daniel, Ezra)

Samantha Hulkower (Yisro)

Bert Kahn (Obadiah) Efraim Katz (Chayei

Sarah) Suzanne Kayne (Koheles) D Klotzman (Shelach) Barbara Landsman

(Esther) Elie Levi (Tzav, Shmini,

Tazria, Metzora, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar, Bechukosai, Bamidbar, Naso, Be’halot’cha, Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, Pinchas, Masei, Devarim, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Setzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayelech, Haazinu, V’Zos HaBracha, Melachim Aleph, Jonah)

Elie and Esther Levi (Ezra)

Eliyahu Margolese (2)

(Bereishis, Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayeira)

Mo and Shaina Margolese (Melachim Bais)

Mordecai Zev Margolese (Nechemya, Divrei

Hayamim) Hillorie Morrison


Parsowith family (Shmuel Aleph)

Aviva Paul (Vayechi, for L'ilui Nishmas Tamar Rayzil bas Nosson)

Shlomo Pear (6) (Behar, Bechukosai)

Batya Perlman (10) (Beha’aloscha, Trai Asar (parts))

Gavriel Perlman (Ki Seitzei)

Hadassah Perlman (9) (Shemos, Melachim Bais (parts))

Levi Perlman (4) (B’shalach)

Minky Perlman (5) (Shemos)

Mordechai Meir Perlman (Devarim)

Noam Petersen (7) (Terumah)

Yaron Petersen (6) (Mattos)

Jonathan and Talia Raun

(Iyov) Aaron Binyamin Reznick

(Pinchas, Mattos) Dvora Sora Reznick

(Tehillim) Howard and Dvora Sora

Reznick (Habakkuk) Jerry and Eileen

Rosenbaum (Trai Asar)

Louis and Rachel Rosenstock (Va’eschanan)

Lenny and Glenna Ross (Hosea)

Jerry, Elka and Elisheva Rottman (Vayigash)

Judy Schnidman (Noach) Shoshana Shamberg

(Malachi) Meira Shnidman

(Melachim Aleph) Avi and Susan Sonenthal


Avi Sonenthal (Mishlei) Ann Stiller (Shmuel) Devorah Taffel (Devarim) Shmeuli Tenenbaum

(Shmuel Aleph) Aryeh Yehuda Vanderhoof

(6) (Behar, Bechukosai)

Betzalel Vanderhoof (7) (Pinchas)

Tzadik Vanderhoof (Divrei Hayamim)

Elie and Esther Weiner

(Yishayahu) Women’s Tehillim Group

(Tehillim) Hillel Zeitlin (Rus)

Page 4: Rabbi Menachem Goldberger דחא בלב - Cloud Object ... · This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude לארשי


Refuah Shalaimah to Our Members • Karen Rosenfelt, Chaya bas Sheindel • Karen Eisenberg, Keren bas Levana Yuta • Jay Taffel, who had foot surgery • Rena Levi, who had knee surgery


Giving tzedakah in the name of the departed has the power to elevate their soul. When you give charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving to Tiferes Yisroel.

And may the soul of your loved one be bound in the bond of life, together with the souls of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah, Rivka, Ra-chel and Leah; and together with the other righteous men and women in Gan Eden.

Arlene Katz, Chai Tova bas Itzchak HaLevi a”h, 29

Cheshvan, mother of Sandra Orman, wife of Bernard Katz a”h

Ian Kahn, Amram Simintov ben Michel HaKohen a”h, 30 Cheshvan, grandson of Harold a”h and Emily R. Lipsitz

Ilene Lipsitz Kahn, Ahava Chaya bas Hershel Velvel HaLevi a”h, 30 Cheshvan, daughter of Harold a”h and Emily R. Lipsitz

HaRav Yaakov Ozer ben Reb Eliyakum Gatzil a”h, 1 Kislev, grandfather of Chana Kuritsky

Donation • In memory of Sylvia Frank, mother of Glenna

Ross, by Allen and Abby Feiglin.

Job Katif Benefit Concert An Evening to Remember Music and the Message of


Four Dynamic Rabbis Goldberger, Hauer, Marwick and


Twelve Accomplished Musicians

One Outstanding Musical Director Avraham Rosenblum

One Professional Organization

with a Heart of Gold JobKatif

All contributions matched by the Israeli

Government on 3 to 1 basis Sponsorships encouraged

Please contact Lenny Ross 410-358-1687

Tickets available through Lenna. Adults ($36), Children younger than 18 ($18)

Motzei Shabbos, November 17, 8:30 pm Beth Tfiloh Mintzes Theatre

No Peanuts! The shul is peanut-free. In consid-eration of our members with peanut allergies, please refrain from bringing peanut products into the shul.

Mitzvah Cards. For $18, you get four cards that you can mail out yourself. For $10, we will send the card out for you, and your donation will be announced in the Lev Echad.

Contact Glenna Ross at 410-358-1687 or e-mail [email protected].

Joblink. Joblink provides job seekers, recruiters

and employers with valuable information regarding employment opportunities and career information.

If you are looking for a job or know of one at your office, contact our shul liaison, Yehuda Bennett, at [email protected], 443-827-8420 or Elly Lasson, executive director at Joblink, [email protected], 410-602-8700.

Shul Rentals. To reserve the use of the shul’s

simcha hall or Nancy Taffel Annex, please contact Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or eileen@ tiferesyisroel.org.

There is no fee to reserve the date. For availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org, and click on the “Calendar” button on the left. This online calendar is kept up-to-date continuously.

Sponsorships. To arrange your sponsorship,

email [email protected] or go to www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel, 6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.

To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the Lev Echad, Camp Shabbos or Father/Son Learning for a week, the donation is $36.

For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg at 410-358-3943 or [email protected].

Siddur $50 Chumash $75 Yahrzeit Plaque $300 Other seforim may be dedicated as well.

TY Shiurim Schedule Sunday: • 9:30-10:15 am: Men’s Gemara Brachos shiur

given by the Rabbi. Rashi, selected Tosfos and Maharsha following Shacharis.

• 10-10:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for cholim (Nancy Taffel Annex).

Monday: • 6:45-7:45 pm: Rambam Hilchos Ishus. Given by

Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash. On hiatus.

Tuesday: • One hour before mincha: Gemara Chulin. The

8th perek dealing with the meat and bones and blood of kashrus, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash.

• 8 pm: Chabura learning — Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, focusing on the laws of Pesach. After maariv in the Bais Medrash. Led by Elie Weiner.

Wednesday: • 8-9 pm: Nesivos Shalom. Bais Medrash. Led by

Fred Levi.

Daily (Monday-Friday): • 6-6:25 am: Chabura learning Rashi on the

weekly parsha given by Nisan Blaxberg. All men and (older) boys are invited to attend.

• Every morning following davening — a chabura for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos Shalom. With fresh hot coffee!

• Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/ maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur for men. Mishna Berurah.

• 8-9 pm: Nightly men’s bais medrash. Sunday through Thursday.

• 9:20-9:40 pm: Rabbi Goldberger teaching Tur-Bais Yoseph. Monday through Thursday.

Shabbos: • 8-8:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin.

OFFICERS President Ari Blum 410-358-5478

[email protected] VP Mo Margolese [email protected] VP Membership Louis Rosenstock 443-255-4343

[email protected], lrosenstockphoto@ yahoo.com

Secretary Ari Blum 410-358-5478 [email protected]

Treasurer Yaakov Gur 410-358-2005 [email protected]

CONTACT INFORMATION Ahavas Yisrael Chabura Project Meira Blaxberg

410-358-3943 [email protected] Bais Medrash Rabbi Elie Levi 410-318-8932 Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443

[email protected] Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 202-641-6677

[email protected] Candyman Ari Blum Chesed Committee Chana Birnbaum (shiva) 410-

358-7736; Ester Gur (births) 410-358-2005; Raizy Cohen (cholim) 410-764-8852

Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 410-358-9825 Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 410-358-7316 Gabbai Tzedakah Nathan Franco 240-472-2815 Girls’ Learning Group Nechama Goldman Hospitality Gail Feinstein 410-764-2532, 410-456-

4306 Kitchen/Kiddush Volunteer opportunity Lev Echad Suzanne Kayne 410-764-1971, Option

4 (please use email) [email protected] Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 410-358-1687 Seforim

Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Repair Mark Hart

Shalosh Seudos Coordinator Hinda Blum 410-764-2279

Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443 [email protected]

Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 410-358-3768 jenbgold@gmail. com; Elka Rottman 410-358-5427 [email protected]; Devorah Taffel 410-358-9029 [email protected]

Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410-664-1212 [email protected]

Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Be-leck 443-570-3850 [email protected]

Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 410-764-2258 [email protected]

Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 410-963-2977

[email protected] Shul Business [email protected]

Lev Echad Deadline: Wednesday, 6:13 pm [email protected]

Good Shabbos!

Pushka Campaign The pushka challenge is to put whatever

amount of money one is able into a pushka every day or as often as possible. The recommended amount is only 36 cents a day.

Experience Saturday Morning Lite Parshas Chaye Sarah/Mevorchim Kislev
