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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Page 1: Rabies

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Page 2: Rabies

Groups 5

1.Anggraini puspita2.Gita apriliana3.Nurul aisyah4.Octadio 5.Zuliati apridio

Page 3: Rabies

Definition of rabiesRabies is a viral disease that causes

neuroinvasive acute encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in warm-blooded animals. It is zoonotic (ie, transmitted by animals), most commonly by a bite from an infected animal, but occasionally by other forms of contact. Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms.

Page 4: Rabies

Symtoms of rabies there are sign and symtoms of rabies,such as a -High temperature of 38 degree celcius(100,4

degree farenheith)-chills-fatigue(extreme tiredness)-problems sleeping -lack of appetite -headache-irritability-anxiety-sore throat-vomiting

Page 5: Rabies

Dialogue about rabiesA: Good morning doc ....B: good morning too, with the father who is this?A: My name is rahman , doc. I come here want to check

about my illnessB: yes sir, what complaint you feel?A: my body of one or two weeks ago it was a fever and my

head often feels dizzy, my feeling is often restless and tense,

B: if the father had previously been dropped or exposed to an animal bite?

A: Two or three weeks ago I was bitten by a dog, but even then I have checked to the clinic and have treated but why after 2 weeks my body is very illness.

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A: I see from the analysis that the father may be exposed to rabies due to dog bites because influence of symptoms of dog bites include:• 1. Feeling tense, stressed and anxious (Anxiety)• 2. Delirium• 3. Drooling• 4. Seizures (convulsions)• 5. Exaggerated sensation at the bite site• 6. Excitability or combative• 7. Hallucination (Hallucinations)• 8. Loss of taste on the part of the

body• 9. Decline in muscle function•10. Fever

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• 11. Difficulty swallowing (drinking water will trigger spasms in the throat, so people become afraid of water hydrophobic)

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B: then I have to do doc,? ...A: there must be the possibility of a cure, the

treatment through regular therapy and drug delivery of antibiotics for the virus to dog bites is not spread to other parts of the body

B: Oh, thank you for the information doc,A: yes sir. I gave this recipe to reduce pain in the

bite area and please drink two day.and if you feel sick or else soon come here alone.

A:thanks you very muchB:you’re welcome

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wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb
