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Racquette Issue 10/28/11

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Racquette Issue 10/28/11
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the Racquette SUNY Potsdam’s Student-run Newspaper since 1927 Volume 84, Issue 6 October 28, 2011 www.theracquette.com "#$% &’’() !"#$#%&’ )&*+%),-+#. /#" 0’+%%#)1-+#.2#/ !#-%’,34 $4 56 7&8% 9-1’&.-% ’&:,-& ;,)1& #/ %#<+,) .&-8#"=%4 $4 >6 ?$@A’ INDEX 7&8%6 $4 5 B ?$+.+#. C A’+-#"+,)6 $4 > B D"-% C A.-&"-,+.3&.-6 $4 E B F#))&*& G+/&6 $4 H B F#3+<%6 $4 I5 B 9$#"-%6 $4 I> VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.THERACQUETTE.COM Chemtoberfest: something for everyone J&. K#1<= !1:)+%L&" Creators of Chemtoberfest set out to prove that chemistry has something for everyone, and they were right. !"# %&’( )**+), -"#.(/0#&1#’( (//2 3,)4# 5* 6(/7#,, 8),, 1&/. noon to 4 p.m. on Oct. 23. It was a community event that featured students and professors presenting ("# 5.3/&()*4# )*9 3&#:),#*4# /1 4"#.5’(&; 5* /+& 7/&,9< The chemistry behind everything 1&/. 4"#.54), ,+.5*#’4#*4# (/ 4/(- (/* 4)*9; 7)’ /* 95’3,); )’ ’(+- dents and professors gave out good- ies. Attendees were offered free popcorn, cheese, ice cream, candy )33,#’= 459#&= )*9 ./&# (/ .+*4" /* 7"5,# #>3,/&5*? ("# 1),,@("#.#9 6(/7#,, "),,7);’< !"#&# 7#&# ),’/ ()2# "/.# 5(#.’ 5*4,+95*? 4/,/&1+, 4/&*’()&4" ?//= ?,/7 ’(542’= 0),- ,//* %?+&#’ )*9 1)4# 3)5*(5*?< 6(+9#*( )*9 3&/1#’’/& 3&#’#*- ()(5/*’ 7#&# 9#%*5(#,; "5?",5?"(’ /1 ("# #:#*(< A&< B)&(5* C),2#&D’ 3&#’#*()(5/* /* 4&#)(5*? *;,/*’ )*9 other chemistry-made synthetic .)(#&5),’ 7)’ ) 4&/79 1):/&5(#< !"# 0,)42 ,5?"(@,5( 4"#.54), ,+.5*#’- 4#*4# &//. ),’/ ?/( ) ,/( /1 (&)1%4< C"/ 2*#7 (")( (/*54 7)(#& 7)’ ,+- minescent? E:#&;/*# ,//2#9 1/&7)&9 (/ ("# main event of Chemtoberfest, Dr. B)?54D’ 4"#.5’(&; .)?54 ’"/7< F 4&/79 /1 ),, )?#’ 3)42#9 6(/7- #,, GHH= ("# ,)&?#’( ,#4(+&# "),, 5* ("# 0+5,95*?< C#,, /:#& ) "+*9&#9 -"#.(/0#&1#’( )((#*9##’ ,//2#9 /* )’ A&< B)?54= ),’/ 2*/7* )’ A&< I)95 J/+@F09),,)"= )*9 "5’ ("&## student assistants performed chem- 5’(&; .)?54< E>3,/95*? &#)4(5/*’= 4/,/& 4")*?5*? &#)4(5/*’= ’()(# changing reactions, energy spark- 5*? &#)4(5/*’= )*9 4&#)(5*? 4/,/&- 1+, K).#’ 7#&# L+’( ) 1#7 /1 ("# wonders performed with chemistry 0; I)95 J/+@F09),,)"< !"# 4&/79 0+&’( 5*(/ ,)+?"(#& )*9 )’(/*5’"- .#*( )’ ’#:#&), )+95#*4# 3)&(545- 3)*(’ "#,3#9 3#&1/&. 3,);1+, (&542’< M-"#.5’(; 5’ ),, )&/+*9 +’=N ’)59 I)95 J/+@F09),,)"< M-"#.5’(&; is part of every science, from the .#954), %#,9= (/ #*?5*##&5*?= (/ 4/*’+.#& 3&/9+4(’= (/ 05/,/?; (/ 7/&25*? 75(" .#(),’< O/+ *).# 5(= 4"#.5’(&; 5’ ) .)L/& )’3#4( /1 5(<N F1(#& #>3#&5#*45*? ("# ,)&?#= #>- cited and happy crowd attracted to Chemtoberfest this year, the chem- istry department hopes to make Chemtoberfest bigger and better for *#>( ;#)&< M#.N- =.#<= +- O-+) P#1N;& -"+&’ +-4 J&. K#1<= M"4 Q,*+<N% <L&3+%-"P 3,*+< %L#8 J&. K#1<= M"4 Q,"-+. R,)=&" $"&%&.-&’ #. .P)#.% ,.’ 3#"&4 J&. K#1<= D$$)& F+’&" 7&8 !#-%’,3 %-&$ -&,3 3&,.% :1%+.&%%4 $4 E6 DCA
Page 1: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

the RacquetteSUNY Potsdam’s Student-run Newspaper since 1927 Volume 84, Issue 6 October 28, 2011










Chemtoberfest: something for everyoneJ&.(K#1<=

!1:)+%L&"Creators of Chemtoberfest set

out to prove that chemistry has

something for everyone, and they

were right.

!"#$ %&'($ )**+),$ -"#.(/0#&1#'($(//2$ 3,)4#$ 5*$ 6(/7#,,$ 8),,$ 1&/.$noon to 4 p.m. on Oct. 23. It was

a community event that featured

students and professors presenting

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1&/.$4"#.54),$,+.5*#'4#*4#$(/$4/(­(/*$ 4)*9;$ 7)'$ /*$ 95'3,);$ )'$ '(+­dents and professors gave out good­

ies. Attendees were offered free

popcorn, cheese, ice cream, candy

)33,#'=$ 459#&=$ )*9$ ./&#$ (/$ .+*4"$/*$7"5,#$#>3,/&5*?$("#$1),,@("#.#9$6(/7#,,$ "),,7);'<$!"#&#$7#&#$ ),'/$()2#$"/.#$5(#.'$5*4,+95*?$4/,/&1+,$4/&*'()&4"$ ?//=$ ?,/7$ '(542'=$ 0),­,//*$%?+&#'$)*9$1)4#$3)5*(5*?<6(+9#*($ )*9$ 3&/1#''/&$ 3&#'#*­

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cited and happy crowd attracted to

Chemtoberfest this year, the chem­

istry department hopes to make

Chemtoberfest bigger and better for








Page 2: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

News2 the Racquette October 28, 2011



As many of you may have noticed, there has been a bit of commotion in the village of Pots­dam about the village “dissolving.” What does this mean, exactly? It potentially means a lot of things and it could affect us here at SUNY Potsdam as students.What is known as “Potsdam” is split into

two districts: the town of Potsdam and the village of Potsdam. The village of Potsdam runs most of the services that are common to a community such as the library, the post of­!"#$%&'$()#$*%+,-.$/)#$0122%3#$45$64(-'%7$%2-4$+8&-$"4'#$#&54+"#7#&(9$()#$*421"#$%&'$()#$!+#$departments. Legislation has been proposed to “dissolve” the village, and therefore move the services and government to the town of Potsdam rather than the village. The reason for ()#$'1--428(14&$+#2%(#-$(4$)4:$'15!"82($1($1-$54+$businesses in the town to get services such as water or gas lines from the village, and those who support the dissolution hope that it will bring more businesses into the area. Seems simple, but many complications could arise. Tim Connolly, former Chairman of the Dis­

solution Study Committee, who also runs the Best Friends Thrift Store and North Country Neighbors in Potsdam, says that even though ()#+#$%+#$-(%(#$%&'$!&%&"1%2$1&"#&(10#-$(4$'1-­solve, dissolution of the village is generally a bad idea for several reasons. Firstly, he stated that the town was being too vague as to what it would do once the dissolution happened. Even though there is a plan currently in place, the town does not have to abide by it and it is not binding. Connolly also stated that code enforcement

for students renting off campus could change due to the dissolution, adding that landlords

Dissolution of the

village of Potsdam?


On Oct. 31, 2011 the world’s population is estimated to reach seven billion. If the hu­man race continues breeding as predicted, in 14 years another billion people will populate the earth, with a total of 1.8 billion living in *2%"#-$:1()$:%(#+$-"%+"1(;$%&'$)4++1!"$2101&3$conditions.

“Either we reduce our

numbers voluntarily, or

nature will do it for us


'5'($1*"6)'+,*4%7 Due to many medical advances over the

last 100 years, death rates are now lower than ever before. The world population has dou­bled since the 1960s due to advances such as antibiotics, general medicine and an increas­ingly higher quality of healthcare worldwide. Even with healthcare at its best, the lack of contraception and contraception education in poverty stricken areas will be implicated in a majority of the births leading up to the 7 bil­lion mark and beyond. A study by CNN re­

garding overpopulation stated, “Money spent 4&$"4&(+%"#*(14&$1-$%<48($!0#$(17#-$74+#$#5­!"1#&($ =1&$*+4(#"(1&3$ ()#$ #&01+4&7#&(>$ ()%&$money spent on clean­energy technologies.” This presents a possible solution: instead of pooling all of our resources into clean­ener­gy technologies, maybe we should be spend­ing a portion on birth preventative research and promotion. The most frightening part of overpopula­

tion is the drainage of natural resources and necessities such as food and water, which has already begun to take effect and will only get more severe as the number of inhabitants on Earth increases. The babyboomers of today are not in the United States, but in underde­veloped countries, which do not have easy %""#--$(4$"4&(+%"#*(10#-.$?8++#&(2;$4&#$!5()$of the world’s population is already living in poverty, but as the population continues to rise, so will the number of people living without essentials.Maurice Strong, Secretary­General of the

1992 Earth Summit stated that, “Either we reduce our numbers voluntarily, or nature will do it for us brutally.” This reinforces the rather popular belief that disease and plagues are the Earth’s way of population control, and ()%($:#$78-($!&'$:%;-$(4$<+1&3$<1+()$+%(#-$(4$a reasonable number before Earth creates it’s own way of decreasing the population for us.

World population to

reach seven billion


Police Blotter86,42)*'9:'5'86,42)*'9;'<=99

October 17

17:36 ­ Bowman Hall – Female Stuck in the elevator – Cleared upon arrival – Eleva­(4+$(%,#&$45@1&#$8&(12$()#$74+&1&3

23:11 ­ Provided information on a student and an employee to Potsdam Police to assist in a Grand Larceny case that occurred today.

00:25 ­ Drugs/Marihuana­ Ogdensburg Drive/Knowles Loading dock­ Report of 2 males smoking marihuana.

00:28 ­ Drugs/Marihuana­ Lot 17­ 2 males interviewed and arrested/referred for unlaw­ful possession of marihuana.

01:00 ­ Secured Pete’s Place – Door un­locked.

01:19 ­ Drugs/Marihuana­ Knowles quad­ 3 males observed by UPO smoking marihua­na ­ 1 male arrested for UPM (Referred for Criminal Possession of Marihuana 5th) and 3 total referred for use/possession of mari­huana

01:55 ­ Found Lehman Dining Facility North entrance door unlocked. Unable to -#"8+#$'44+9$A6$4&$-"#&#$%&'$!B#'.

05:15 ­ Refuel patrol vehicle 922 ­ Drop 922 off at Garage for washing.

October 18

14:38 ­ Blue Light Phone Activation –

Parking Lot 9 – Phone now not working – Construction possibly hit a line of some kind

21:32 ­ Report of loose dog in academ­ic quad near Timerman & Stowell. Patrol ")#",#'$%+#%$:1()$&#3%(10#$"4&(%"(.$$C4(1!#'$reporter of results.

22:52 ­ Foot Patrol of Lehman Hall.

01:07 ­ Student reports student in Draime & Student Union quad being loud. Patrol observed 6 students dispersed and quiet upon arrival.

October 19

07:53 ­ Blue light phone activation – Lot 9 Hosmer Hall – unfounded – phone activa­tion button is malfunctioning – proper au­()4+1(1#-$&4(1!#'.

18:07 ­ Disorderly Conduct case follow up – Patrol talked to two suspects/room oc­cupants. Multiple people in room & door left open. Unable to verify who committed offense.

19:10 ­ Student reports laptop computer stolen from his unlocked Bowman West 2nd @44+$+447.$$6%(+42$)%'$DE$")#",$)1-$+447$F$Laptop found. Unknown friends playing a G4,#$(4$3#($DE$(4$24",$)1-$'44+.

22:25 ­ Report of a suspicious person at the walk bridge between the Rugby Field and Canton Drive. Person was a student go­ing for a walk.

Legislation has been

proposed to “dissolve”

the village, and

therefore move the

services and government

to the town of Potsdam.

could be stricter on students. Another rea­son he believes dissolution is a bad idea is because although taxes will be reduced for those living in the village, those living out­side of the village (in the town) will suffer %$ -13&1!"%&($ (%B$ 1&"+#%-#.$H$&#:$-(%(#$*4­lice district would also have to be formed, which may not happen due to the fact that it will have to go through Governor Cuomo, who is likely to veto such measures.A4:#0#+9$D122%3#$/+8-(##$%&'$24"%2$<8-1­

nessman Stephen Warr says that the dis­solution of the village of Potsdam would actually increase business and could have

a positive impact on the community. He states that there has been much arguing be­tween the town and village over services such as taxes, sewer systems, and water supply. He said that would all be solved by dissolving the village, and he has some pos­sible ideas about what would happen to the police department. Either way, if the village is dissolved,

()1&3-$ "482'$ '#!&1(#2;$ ")%&3#$ 5+47$ :)%($they are now. The dissolution issue will be on the village and town ballot on Election Day.

Page 3: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

October 28, 2011 the Racquette 3


PACES Dining Service Halloween Fun

Devilishly fun treats at most eateriesfree cupcake for costumed patrons­ while supplies last!

Oct. 31st


On June 15, the Associated Press (42'$1(-$-(%55$(4$+#5#+$(4$()#$"4&@1"($in Libya as the Libyan Civil War. The movement in Libya is headed by groups of protesters, which to­gether have been called the Arab Spring or the Jasmine revolution, in the Arab world. Recently, popu­lar movements have toppled the most governments since those of the Cold War Era, and Libya is no exception. The protests, originally kick­

started by the protests and eventual overthrow of the government in Egypt, have led to the governments in Tunisia being overthrown, and Libya has joined the list as well.

Tripoli, the Libyan capital, fell to the National Transition Council on Aug. 23, effectively ending Qad­'%!I-$"4&(+42$40#+$()#$"1(;9$:1()$)1-$compound Bab al­Azizia falling into rebel hands. By that point, Qa­''%!$:%-$ ()#$+#"43&1J#'$2#%'#+$45$Libya in only a few countries, and was driven into hiding. Further­more, the International Criminal Court had issued an arrest warrant for him. On Sept. 16, the United Nations recognized the National Transition Council as the legitimate Libyan government, furthering the '#71-#$45$K%''%!I-$%8()4+1(;.$/)#$United Nations’ decision came just as the Palestinian government tried to gain recognition and a seat in the United Nations.L&$L"(.$ MN9$K%''%!$:%-$ ,122#'$

when his convoy was attacked in a 38&!3)(.$/)#$)#%'$45$()#$C%(14&%2$Transition Council announced on ()#$'%;$45$K%''%!I-$'#%()$()%($O1<­ya’s liberation would be restored 4&$P%(8+'%;9$L"(.$MM.$K%''%!$:%-$buried on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Oppo­sition leaders in Syria and Yemen have announced that their heads of state are next, threatening that if real reform does not occur their nation’s heads of government will be thrown out of power. Despite all the mayhem, according to The New York Times Mustafa Abdel­Jalil, Chairman of the Transitional National Council, announced on Monday that an investigation into K%''%!I-$'#%()$1-$<#1&3$2%8&")#'.

Libya : a re t ro spec t i ve








Page 4: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

Opinion & Editorial4 the Racquette October 28, 2011


the Racquette!"#$%&'#(')*#+,Jaclyn Gallo-./0#1*+&Benjamin Houck23(34#(45!"#$%&Renee Krusper6"7#1%&Dr. Jen Richardson8+915!"#$%&Emily Beatty:;<!"5!"#$%&Jaclyn Gallo6=!5!"#$%&Carter Jones)%00+4+5>#,+5!"#$%&Liz Raphaelson)%?#@15!"#$%&Bryan MeyerA;%&$15!"#$%&Sam Mallaro-*%$%5!"#$%&Mark StevensB.1#(+11523(34+&Amanda Cacace6"7+&$#1#(4523(34+&Morgan Owen:(0#(+5!"#$%&Renee KrusperC#1$&#/.$#%(523(34+&Cael ManningD#1$%&#3(Cael ManningA+@&+$3&EElora GarlandA$."+($56"7#1%&Shawon RodgerA$3,,5;*%$%4&3;*+&1Lia Preuss

A$3,,5F&#$+&1Alexander IvanoffJohn Rogers

)%;E+"#$%&1Katherine MiddletonDianna Hammond

G($+&(1Esther Kim

6""&+119039 Barrington DriveSUNY PotsdamPotsdam, NY 13676!'?3#[email protected]

!"#$%&'(#$%&$)"#$*+(,-#))#$./$located in Room 119 of the Bar­rington Student Union on the SUNY Potsdam campus. The Racquette is partially funded by the Student Goverment Associa­tion of SUNY Potsdam. A distri­bution of 2,000 copies is printed by Newspapers of Northern New York located in Massena, New York.



Office Hours with President Schwaller!"#$&%00%1.23$%&'(#$"%-4/$+4#$&%4$5#56#4/$%&$)"#$(+57-/$(%55-2.)8$)%$5##)$1.)"$President Schwaller. To make a 15­minute appointment during one of the follow­ing times, please contact Diane Brown by phone at extension 2100 or by e­mail at [email protected]:

Monday, October 31 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 9 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, November 14 11:00 a.m. to noon Tuesday, November 22 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 29 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Simple communication is good communication

Web contact proves impersonal and dangerous

Social networking is a widespread phenom­enon that none of us can deny. Nearly everyone has some sort of account on a social networking site, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, or the new Google circles. Everyone from your little brat of a brother to your old and senile grandmother is connected. Social networking sites have so many great

features that allow us to stay in touch with our friends and family in a quick and easy way. The status feature allows us to post a quick tid bit about how we’re doing or what we’re up to so that everyone we care to show can know how we are doing. News feed pages that display our ‘friends’ status’ and various other activities al­low us to keep up with how things are going for them. The messaging features allow us to pri­vately converse with friends, easily keeping in

touch with just a few keystrokes. These sites also make it easier than ever to plan an event. You can send out the invites and information with just the click of a button. You and your friends can then converse about the event on its wall for all invitees to see. As great as social networking sites are for

keeping in touch, they may be the best thing out there for getting back in touch. All you need is the name of an old friend and that search bar at the top of your page to become instantly re­united. Many of the older generations have used sites like Facebook to look up and reconnect with old friends and colleagues. Sites like Facebook and Twitter also open up

a great doorway for making new friends. Once you become ‘friends’ with someone you can then browse through their ‘friends.’ And since

interests like their favorite bands and movies are often on display you can request to ‘add’ them based on similarities. You can then message them, learning more about them and perhaps be­gin to build a friendship.These sites are also great on a professional

level. You can create special pages for your business or profession. By gaining fans and then using the page to keep them informed on sales, savings, or events, you can increase your com­5#4(.+0.9+).%2$+2:$7%)#2).+008$8%-4$74%')/;$Social networking sites are quick and simple

ways to stay connected to everyone. They allow for a convenient way to stay in touch with old friends, make new ones, and even conduct busi­ness.


For seven years, Facebook has been an easy way for people to stay in contact with each other, but has it been too easy? Facebook has become a major part of many people’s daily routine. For /%5#<$)"#$'4/)$)".23$)"#8$:%$.2$)"#$5%42.23$+&)#4$waking up is open Facebook. For others, they (%2/)+2)08$ '2:$ )"#5/#0=#/$ =./.).23$ >+(#6%%?@/$website to investigate the “latest news.” Still others never even close the site, keeping it open in either a window or a tab of their web browser. This allows Facebook to become a large part of how people get in contact with each other. This is unacceptable because increasingly less people are talking face­to­face and practicing commu­2.(+).%2$/?.00/;$!"./$(4#+)#/$+4).'(.+0$&4.#2:/".7/$devoid of wholesome conversation, and mis­(%55-2.(+).%2$ +2:$ '3")/$ +6%-2:$ 1"#2$ )"#/#$

individuals are exposed to society. Also, everyone knows one person they have

met face­to­face who is socially awkward, but can communicate very well over the internet. Facebook creates a pressure­free environment where people can feel free of being judged, but this veil is not always available to them. Some people use this veil to their advantage and be­come “cyberbullies” or people who tease or be­little others using the internet. These people hide behind false pretenses, create a persona on the internet that they can’t achieve in actual society, and talk down to people to make themselves feel as though they are better than the person they are putting down.Another way that people use the internet

to create a false persona for themselves is the

ever­present worry of sexual harassment and even assault if you “friend” the wrong person. Some Facebook users don’t consider the dangers of adding someone they don’t know, and even some younger users don’t realize how easy it is to give out too much information. Even posts such as “Go Bears!” can narrow down or even give away the college you attend, making it eas­.#4$)%$'2:$8%-$.&$:#/.4#:;$While Facebook is a convenient way to get in

contact with people, I never underestimate the value of calling a friend, or scheduling a meet­ing to go out for coffee and catching up with a friend.


Are social networking sites valuable?

This is your space!Here, in this section, your opinions matter.

No, really. We’ll publish your opinions about anything.

Deadline: Monday at 7 p.m.

E­mail all submissions to [email protected]

Page 5: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

October 28, 2011 the Racquette 5


Page 6: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

Arts & Entertainment6 the Racquette October 28, 2011



“Batman Arkham City” combines ev­erything we love about an immersive “sand box” game and adds just the right amount of linear storyline in the middle. The storyline of “Batman Arkham City”

takes place just after “Arkham Asylum.” The Joker and Batman have been poisoned by this chemical code named “Titan” that !"#$%&'#(")*&'(!"#+,-*&#.!/#,#)(,"'#+/&01*2#freak. However, Batman’s original vaccine didn’t completely cure him or The Joker and they are both counting down the hours left in their lives. Through a series of blackmails and trying to kill Batman anyway, The Joker and Batman search for a cure. Overall I give the storyline a B­. I enjoy the presence of the many classic Batman villains, but it leaves you with a great breadth and no depth. Af­ter battling many epic villains, the ending doesn’t seem that climactic. I guess a super hero’s work is never done. The gameplay in “Batman: Arkham City”

gets an A++. First of all, you are Batman complete with useful gadgets, a gliding bat­suit and more roundhouse kicks than you can handle. The controls are easy to learn ,"2#2(3$0/1'#'!#+,&'*%4#56*#0!+7,'#0,"#)*'#repetitive if you don’t challenge yourself to do the more entertaining take­downs. It’s easy to fall into the “mash square pattern” but the game does a nice job of making the 0!+7,'#+!%*#2(3$0/1'#,"2#8+,&6#9%!!3:#7.#about halfway through the game. Lurking in dark corners to ambush enemies is easy and rewarding. In fact, at least half of the over­all gameplay is taking down armed foes by sneaking around “Batman tailored” rooms and picking them off one by one. I can’t stress enough how cool it is to be the Bat­man everybody wants to be.The length of the game was good but not

great. The main campaign was short and didn’t force players to use enough of the gadgets. The main story in the predecessor “Arkahm Asylum” made you use just about every gadget in a stacked way to get through '6*# $",1# 1*;*1&4# <"&'*,2=# 8>%-6,+# ?('.:#

has you using one gadget at a time, from a grapple hook, to freeze bomb, to Batarang puzzle, to decryptor to a zip line method. This style puzzle may come up more in the innumerable side missions I bypassed to get through the main storyline.The game is visually beautiful. The Un­

real Engine is glorious ­ enough said. Char­acter expression is the best I have ever seen, and the dark and zany “Arkham City” is in­credibly detailed with neon signs, dirty trash everywhere and more gothic architecture than you can shake two sticks at. Immersion is an understatement. “Arkham City” is a work of art.The greatest strength in “Arkham City” is

its innumerable extras. Side missions feel as important as the main storyline because they introduce well­known villains who don’t play a role in the main storyline. These mis­&(!"&#,%*# @/&'#,&#A*&6*2#!/'#B('6#0/'&0*"*&#and “game over” sequences. After you play as Batman you can re­ex­

plore “Arkham City” as Catwoman or Rob­in, who both have unique skills and ways of getting around. Then there are the incredibly well designed challenges that will progres­sively get harder until you are cursing out Batman. Then there are The Riddler challenges

that seem to go on forever. These also un­lock what seems like an encyclopedia of Batman nerd­dom: concept artwork, char­acter bios, 3D character trophies, etc. Did I mention there are online time trials and chal­lenges? There are easily more extras in this game than main storyline, but because they compliment the main game so well it doesn’t weaken the immersion of the game.The soundtrack and voice acting give

a movie theatre appeal to “Arkham City.” Mark Hamill as The Joker is brilliant. All of the voice acting is spot on. The soundtrack is incredibly reminiscent of the edgy Nolan Movie soundtracks by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. It is refreshing to have to mention voice acting and soundtrack work as high points in a game.In conclusion, I AM BATMAN! I felt im­

mersed as Batman in all of my villain tack­

ling, bat suit gliding, grappling hook toting, bat­a­rang throwing glory, and that is what is important to me. Many will get a huge kick out of this game just to play as Batman, the way Batman should be...a kick­ass protago­nist with a messed up conscience who isn’t

followed around by spiky speech bubbles that say KABLAM! This is the most com­plete realization to date of what comic book character games should be: an immersive world where the player can take on the role of a childhood/adulthood icon and love it.


Formally known as Unrated ?6,!&=#5*,+#CD#!3$0(,11.#7*0,+*#a hip­hop dance team in Spring 2010 after winning Canton and Potsdam’s annual Go Hard or Go Home competition for the second time in a row. Since then, the team has recruited 20 total members­their highest amount of members yet. This year, the group even has four boys ­ a record high, and a re­ally big deal for its members. Team NV describes themselves as a group of hard­working, fun, dedicated, laid back and chill individuals. The newest and possibly most

exciting addition to the team is costume designer TyJuan Brooks. “I like turning simple things into something complex,” stated Brooks, and he did exactly that when he designed the boots for last

semester’s Go Hard or Go Home at SUNY Canton. Since then, he has designed and contributed to all of the costumes Team NV has worn for its performances, including its recent performance at Hurley’s Night Club.While under the leadership of

Zada and Delonte, the members of Team NV have accomplished a great deal, including being funded by and part of Student Government Association. Their accomplish­ments also include performances at SUNY Potsdam, SUNY Canton and Clarkson University. This se­mester they hosted a karaoke night, and they have previously given dance lessons to those who wanted to learn their fun routines. In ad­dition, they have hosted mixers, thrown parties and even performed at SUNY Potsdam’s talent show. Although Team NV has its accom­plishments, it still has goals, some

of which include winning Go Hard or Go Home next semester, getting recognized on the school website and maybe even having a Team NV tour around the country. When asked what the best thing

about being part of Team NV is, team member Cyris Jewels re­sponded, “It’s a very welcoming, very honest, happy, open environ­ment.” And all of the members seem to agree. While each member has reasons for joining Team NV, the most common reason was to ac­tually dance hip­hop. Here is where they’ve found their home away from home.To keep up with Team NV,

add them on Facebook by search­ing “Envy Us” or see them per­form live at one of their upcoming shows: Black Solidarity Day on Nov. 17, and the C.L.A.S.S. Pag­eant on Nov. 12, 2011.

Campus step team quickly builds reputation

“Arkham City” offers the Batman experience




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Page 7: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

October 28, 2011 the Racquette 7



John Craigie brought his unique 3!1-# A,;!%# !"0*# ,),("# '!#E/%1*.F&#with musical companions Leigh Jones and past Potsdam student Ol­ivia Quillio.Craigie performed a brilliant bal­

ance of humorous songs and songs with a little more substance this past Friday. The mixed­in humor allows him to adapt to an even larger de­mographic than if he simply sang his beautiful folk songs . Songs like “Chuck Norris’ Tears Cure Cancer, Too Bad He Never Cries” and “Na­ked Skype” always bring a good laugh to just about anyone. With a healthy dose of crowd sing­a­long and interaction, seeing John Craigie was nothing short of an experience. The stage seems like his home. It is refreshing to see an extremely tal­ented musician who is still incred­ibly modest about getting by on his shoe strings.John Craigie is a touring mu­

sician through and through. He spends more days on the road, mov­ing from city to city than staying in any one spot. Check his tour sched­ule on johncragiemusic.com; he lit­erally seems to go everywhere. This may be part of the reason why he is an incredibly interesting story teller and song writer. It also doesn’t hurt that he has a strong control over his custom painted guitar, harmonica and voice.Complimenting Craigie on stage

was Leigh Jones and Olivia Quillio. During each one of the three musi­cian’s unique sets, the three would assemble on certain tunes to add 6,%+!"(*&#,"2#$11#!/'# '6*# %6.'6+4#It gave a nice escalation to the show and demonstrated their camarade­rie; the idea of a family on stage comes to mind.Also returning to the Hurley’s

stage was Olivia Quillio. Since leaving Potsdam, Quillio has been performing regularly around the capital district. Every time she re­turns to Potsdam it is clear she has

further developed her talent, and her improved stage presence was evident. “Don’t Worry You’re Pret­ty” and “Lukewarm Action” stood out in her set. Quillio incorporated a bari ukelele, guitar and banjo into her performance. She was also backed by Dylan Perrillo on upright bass, and Meagan Duffy on electric guitar. Soloing by Duffy and vocal harmonies by Perrillo were nice ad­ditions to Quillio’s already strong sound. Quillio hopes to record her $%&'# 3/11# &0,1*# ,17/+# !3# !%()(",1&#this fall.Leigh Jones opened the eve­

ning’s music with original ukele­le­ backed songs. Jones has a pure voice that was more than enough to listen to over top of her subtle ukelele. With any luck, she will re­turn to the Hurley’s stage.Craigie and friends tend to fre­

quent the Hurley’s stage annually, sometimes once a semester. Be sure to catch John Craigie’s unique show soon.

6203"0$C&#".>03.$E$F#3"032-#;"#3$F5-3&0SUNY Potsdam’s very own

Mikaela Davis will be entering the recording studio in the com­(")# +!"'6&# '!# %*0!%2# 6*%# $%&'#full­length album. Davis used the online service Kickstarter to raise funds for her endeavor. A sophomore harp perfor­

mance major here at SUNY G!'&2,+=# H,;(&# 91,.*2# 6*%# $%&'#notes on the instrument when she was in the third grade. She

remembers feeling a great deal of excitement to learn the instru­ment, recalling: “I wanted to play the harp under the skylight in my living room so my grandmother, who had passed away the year before, could hear me!” Her in­terest in playing music continued throughout the years, and eventu­ally, around the sixth grade, she began writing songs on the piano as a therapeutic device. Soon af­ter, Davis switched from writing for piano back to the harp, and the songs appearing on the album

are ones she has written in recent years. For those who may recall it,

H,;(&F#$%&'#&!1!#)()#B,&#,'#I,2­stop’s Battle of the Bands during the Fall 2010 semester. While being a solo act and entertaining a bustling bar full of attendees is 0*%',("1.# 2(3$0/1'=# *&9*0(,11.# 3!%#someone’s inaugural show, Davis 9/'#!"#,#%*$"*2#,"2#9%!3*&&(!",1#performance which eventually led to her winning the competi­tion. Ever since, Davis has been playing coffee shops, bars, and even WXXI’s OnStage in Roch­ester. Integral to the production of

the album is Davis’ utilization of the online fund­raising website Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a ser­vice which allows musicians to set a certain fund­raising goal for donators to achieve. What’s nice for those donating their money is that Kickstarter fully refunds their donation if the set goal is not met. In Davis’ case, however, this was not an issue as her ini­tial goal of $2,000 was surpassed with a grand total of $2,810 to put forth into the production of the album.If you’d like to give her music

a listen, you can check it out at purevolume.com/mikaeladavis and also “like” her via facebook.com/mikaeladavismusic.


Puss in Boots(90 min) PG7:00, 9:00 nightlySat/Sun 12:45, 3:00

In Time(110 min) PG­137:00, 9:20 nightlySat/Sun 12:30, 3:00

Footloose(113 min) PG­137:00, 9:20 nightlySat/Sun 12:30, 3:00

Paranormal Activity 3(85 min) R7:00, 9:20 nightlySat/Sun 12:45, 3:00

The Three Musketeers in 3D(111 min) PG­137:05, 9:30 nightlySat/Sun 12:50, 3:10

Harpist to record album Jazz Band at Snell

Folk singer returns to Potsdam with former student in ranks




Page 8: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

8 the Racquette October 28, 2011


6203"0$C&#".>03.$E$F#3"032-#;"#3$F5-3&0For those who may have some­

how missed the hype, the legendary banjoist Bela Fleck will be per­forming as part of the CPS concert series on Nov. 5, 2011. Accompa­nying Fleck will be the Original Flecktones, a group of highly ac­01,(+*2#,"2#%*$"*2#+/&(0(,"&#B6!#began playing as an ensemble in the late 80s. Among these musicians are the ever­lauded Victor and Roy Wooten, bass and synth­drum play­ers respectively, and piano/harmon­ica disciple Howard Levy. J("0*# B(""(")# '6*# $%&'# *;*%#

Grammy award for best bluegrass album in 1988, Fleck has been praised not only as one of the world’s premier banjo players, but also as a revolutionary force within the discipline of the instrument. In years since, his playing has been so recognized that he has had more Grammy nominations in separate categories than any other musi­cian in history. His notoriety has even inspired collaborations with other music giants including Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Phish, and even The Dave Matthews Band.

Despite such success, in 2009 Fleck visited various African nations in search of the roots of the Ameri­canized banjo ­ an instrument that traveled from Africa to the states in the days of slave ownership and trade. Filming occurred through­out the extent of the endeavor, and was then utilized for the documen­tary “Throw Down Your Heart,” a chronicling of Fleck’s journey through the continent as he inter­

acted with indigenous peoples and musicians. Like all other things cre­ative Fleck seems to have a hand in, '6*#$1+#+!"/+*"',11.#&/00**2&#("#illustrating the evolution of his in­strument when juxtaposed against its traditional African forms. Even

the soundtrack taken from the jour­ney garnered more Grammy nomi­nations for the musician.While Fleck’s numerable cre­

dentials would overshadow most musicians on a shared stage, join­ing him will be a trio of absolutely extraordinary gentlemen. For those of you who know him, you are well aware that Victor Wooten’s reputa­tion of bass virtuoso precedes him. While he started simply as a kid making music with the rest of his family, Wooten’s technical prowess caused him to rocket into the fore­front of the electric bass community upon joining Fleck’s backing band. Also on the stage will be Roy “Fu­tureMan” Wooten, playing his infa­mous “drumitar.” The contraption is a guitar­shaped piece of wood with multiple MIDI triggers which sound off drum noises with relation to the velocity in which they are struck. While the instrument may sound gimmicky, Wooten’s taste­ful musicianship ensures a full­kit &!/"2# '6,'#2*$*&#,".#6/+,"# 1!)(0#of how drums can be played. Tickets are on sale at the CPS

7!K#!3$0*#"!B=# &!#+,-*# &/%*# .!/#get into Crane sometime this week to grab yours.

Legendary banjoist to perform in Potsdam


...[Fleck] has had more Grammy nominations in separate categories than any other musician in history.

Upcoming events:MNOPQ$R$S7"#-#=$T"("7R







































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Page 9: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

October 28, 2011 the Racquette 9College Life


Montana: a summer classroom for five Potsdam Wilderness Education students


Leading an expedition into over one million acres of pris­tine Montana wilderness and dealing with injuries, forest !"#$%&'()!*+,-&"(.#"&*"/$$(01$%&2(,',()#&30'&'"343-(*&-#""3(0&($&!.#&$-+'#0-$5&('#3&/)&13(0(01&,#3'#"$6(7&#87#"(#0*#9Led by Mark Simon and assistant leader Julianne Vadas,

SUNY Potsdam students Ian Maus, Tom Macula, Simon Thompson, Brandon Brady and Mike Yuhnke spent 20 days #87,/"(01&-6#&:/;&<3"$63,,&=(,'#"0#$$&(0&2#$-#"0&</0-3039Departing from Potsdam on July 31, the students set out to

cover over 120 miles in dramatic terrain with 45 to 60 pound 73*>$&/0&-6#("&;3*>9&?-3"-(01&3-&3&;3$#&/)&@+$-&/.#"&ABBB&)##-%&-6#& !.#& $-+'#0-$& #8*6301#'& ,#3'#"$6(7& "#$7/0$(;(,(-(#$& )/"&four days at a time over 20 days to lead their group to land marks like the Chinese Wall, Needle Falls and several major 4/+0-3(0$&(0&-6#&3"#39Practicing time management, the crew of seven got up

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throughout the trip allowed them to experience the terrain )"/4&430C&301,#$9&G6#C&2#"#&#.#0&3;,#&-/&$##&H,3*(#"&I3­-(/03,&J3">&(0&-6#&'($-30*#9However, the actual course of the trip was far from what

was planned as the students had to demonstrate leadership, decision­making and risk management to overcome obstacles 7+-&(0&-6#("&23C9&On day four of the trip injuries slowed progress of the ex­

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trip was a major learning experience for us out there,” com­4#0-#'&<3*+,39&Q=#&#8#*+-#'&/+"&-"(7%&7"#73"#'&)/"&-6#&2/"$-&30'&#.#0&-6#0&-6#"#&2#"#&$+"7"($#$9R&U.#0&2(-6&(0@+"(#$%&)/"­#$-&!"#$&30'&+0*"/$$3;,#&"(.#"$%&-6#&$-+'#0-$&*/47,#-#'&-6#("&SB&'3C&#87#'(-(/09The Chinese Wall, a 1000 foot cliff that extends for 22

4(,#$%&23$&'#!0(-#,C&3&6(16,(16-&/)&-6#&-"(79&G6($&23$&,(-#"3,,C&the highest point reached for the crew at nearly 8700 feet in #,#.3-(/09&Needle Falls, a massive waterfall that comes out of a rock

face so eroded that it looks like the eye of a needle, was also 3&6(16,(16-&/)& -6#& -"(79&G6#&$-+'#0-$&31"##'& (-&23$&;#--#"& (0&7#"$/0&-630&30C&1+('#;//>&43'#&(-&/+-&-/&;#9The students enjoyed swimming in snow melt rivers and

run off pools, the almost perfect dry heat weather and view­(01&,/-$&/)&2(,',()#9&K0*,+'#'&/0&-6#&,($-&/)&2(,',()#&#0*/+0­tered was hearing a pack of wolves and then viewing moun­-3(0&1/3-$%&3&4/+0-3(0&,(/0%&7"3("(#&'/1$%&#,>%&'##"%&-2/&1"(PP,C&;#3"$&30'&/0#&;,3*>&;#3"9&G6#&$-+'#0-$&*3""(#'&;#3"&$7"3C%&3&7/-#0-&7#77#"&$7"3C%&;+-%&)/"-+03-#,C%&0#.#"&63'&-/&+$#&(-9&G6#&students noted that many of the guides and rangers carried ,3"1#&630'1+0$%&4/$-&,(>#,C&)/"&7"/-#*-(/0&313(0$-&;#3"$9“We were able to watch trout swim up stream as we stuck

/+"&6#3'$&+0'#"23-#"%R&3''#'&<(>#&V+60>#9&Q?##(01&3,,&-6#&different types of vegetation was also an interesting part of -6#&-"(79R&G6#&$-+'#0-$&$32&-"3*#$&/)&2(,',()#&3,,&/.#"&(0*,+'­

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around 80 degrees fahrenheit during the day and frost causing ,/2$&0#3"&WB&'#1"##$&3-&0(16-9&G6#C&#87#"(#0*#'&@+$-&+0'#"&six hours of rain during the 20 day trip, most of which came 26(,#&$#--(01&+7&*3479&G6#C&)/+0'&/+-&263-& -6#&$-3"X!,,#'%&big sky Montana meant, and were able to see a little bit of L+"/"3&:/"#3,($%&*/44/0,C&>0/20&3$&-6#&I/"-6#"0&O(16-$9The students were in an area known to have snow fall year

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Page 10: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

10 the Racquette October 28, 2011



Y+430$&[$9&\/4;(#$&($&3&134#%&3,-6/+16&7,3C#'&03-(/0­3,,C%& -63-& ($& 3& ,3"1#& 73"-& /)& -6#& *+,-+"#& /)& ?]IV& J/-$'349&Played just once every semester, it allows students to make 0#2&)"(#0'$&30'&63.#&)+0&26(,#&'/(01&(-9&?/4#&7#/7,#&-3>#&the game more seriously than others, and everyone has dif­)#"#0-&/;@#*-(.#$&-/&3**/47,($6&)/"&6(4&/"&6#"$#,)9&G6($&($&30&intense two weeks that students long and prepare for before $*6//,&($&#.#0&(0&$#$$(/0&(0&$/4#&*3$#$9&^/"&4/"#&(0)/"43­-(/0%&7,#3$#&$##&6.P$/+"*#9*/49</0'3C%&Z*-9&FD%&SBFF%&FSEBF&3949&X&&G6#&37/*3,C7$#&63$&

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#'& 3,,& /)& -6($& *63/$& 63.#& ;##0& )/+0'9&G6#C& 63.#& ,/$-& -6#("&ability to disguise themselves as humans because now the hu­430$&>0/2&263-&-6#C&3"#&,//>(01&)/"9From there on out, it was life or death situations strewn

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G6+"$'3C9&Z0&G6+"$'3C%& -6#&P/4;(#$& "#3,(P#'& -63-& -6#C&63'&eaten the humans much too quickly and were beginning to die

30'&;#*/4#&*/"7$#$9&G6#&*/"7$#$&;#130&-/&3''&+79&^("$-&-6#"#&were two, then eight, later 20, suddenly 50 and eventually 86 3-&FFEeS&/0&?+0'3C%&Z*-9&SW9&L-& -6($& -(4#%&/0,C&SS&P/4;(#$&2#"#&,#)-&313(0$-&We&6+430$9G6#&'3C&;#)/"#%&-6#&6+430$&63'&3&4($$(/0&-/&"#-"(#.#&!.#&

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Humans Vs. Zombies: who will win?

NaNoWriMo: the ultimate writer’s challenge

Effective communication skills:,";$<1/5=17-

<15==$9/71"/Has there ever been a time when you feel someone mis­

understood something you were saying? Has an argument fallen apart on you because of some miscommunication you */+,'05-&7+-&C/+"&!01#"&/0f&G6#$#&2#"#&@+$-&3&)#2&g+#$-(/0$&3$>#'&;C&=#,,0#$$&L'./­

*3-#$&O3+"#0&[#0#-/PP(&30'&Z,(.(3&:"##0&3-&-6#&;#1(00(01&/)&-6#("&7"#$#0-3-(/0&QU))#*-(.#&N/44+0(*3-(/0R&,3$-&G6+"$'3C9&This was one of the many hour­long presentations run by the =#,,0#$$&L'./*3-#$9L$&[#0#-/PP(&30'&:"##0&7"#$#0-#'%&#))#*-(.#&*/44+0(*3­

-(/0&($&3&.#"C&.3,+3;,#&-//,&-/&63.#9&G6#&23C&3&$7#3>#"&7"#$­#0-$&30&('#3&($&*"+*(3,&/0&6/2&(-&($&"#*#(.#'&;C&3&,($-#0#"9&L&$7#3>#"5$&(0M#*-(/0$%&2/"'&*6/(*#&30'&./,+4#&*30&*6301#&-6#&7/(0-&-6#&$7#3>#"&($&-"C(01&-/&43>#9&G6($&63$&-/&'/&2(-6&4/"#&than just the choice of words; body language, tone, posture and context are all things that may affect how a message is in­-#"7"#-#'9&I/0X.#";3,&*/44+0(*3-(/0$&3"#&-2/X-6("'$&/)&6/2&3&4#$$31#& ($& (0-#"7"#-#'9&=6#0&$7#3>(01%&43>#&$+"#&0/-& -/&$,/+*6&30'&0/-&-/&(0-"+'#&/0&-6#&,($-#0#"5$&Q*/4)/"-&;+;;,#9R&[#0#-/PP(&3,$/&"#4(0'#'&-6#&3+'(#0*#%&QG6#&"(16-&g+#$-(/0&3-&


*/0.#"$3-(/09& K-5$& (47/"-30-&26#0&1(.(01& )##';3*>& -/&3./('&(47/$(01&C/+"$#,)&/0&$/4#/0#9&Z))#"&('#3$&;+-&'/05-&;#&-6#&Q0311(01& 4/-6#"%R& 3$& -6#& $7#3>#"$& '#$*"(;#'& (-9& =6#0& 3-­tempting to receive feedback from someone try to remain 0#+-"3,&30'&'/05-&7"#$$& -6#&7#"$/09&]$#& ,(0#$&$+*6&3$%&QV/+&seem to have something on your mind,” and avoid the “We 0##'&-/&-3,>R&,(0#9&U.#"C/0#&43>#$&4($-3>#$&(0&*/0.#"$3-(/0&30'&3"1+4#0-$h&

-6#&[#0#-/PP(&30'&:"##0&13.#&-6#("&3'.(*#&)/"&-6($&3$&2#,,9&K-&is never wrong to suggest taking a break and talking about a subject at a better time when both parties can focus on it bet­ter, or admitting that it might have been a bad time to bring $/4#-6(01&+79&L$&3&$7#3>#"&(-&($&*"+*(3,&-/&3./('&3**+$3-(/0$&/"&30C-6(01&-63-&*/+,'&;#&(0-#"7"#-#'&3$&30&3**+$3-(/09It is also very important to know what defensive role you

)3,,&(0-/9&G6#$#&*30&"301#&30C26#"#&)"/4&Q-6#&4(0'&"#3'#"R&26/&-"(#$&-/&(0-#"7"#-&-6#&/-6#"&7#"$/05$&-6/+16-$%&-/&Q-6#&@/>­#"R&26/& -"(#$& -/& 3./('& */0M(*-& -6"/+16& @/>#$9& &U.#"C/0#& ($&1+(,-C&/)&!--(01&(0-/&/0#&/)&-6#$#&"/,#$&3-&/0#&7/(0-&/"&30/-6#"9&This is not a bad thing but it is important to be conscious of it 26#0&(-&6377#0$9&G6($&*30&$3.#&-6#&*/0.#"$3-(/09Proper listening skills are just as important as an ability

-/& $7#3>&2#,,9&U0131#& -6#& $7#3>#"&;C&3$>(01&g+#$-(/0$&30'&.3,('3-(01&-63-&C/+&+0'#"$-30'&263-&($&;#(01&$3('9&L./('&$3C­(01&$/4#-6(01&3,/01&-6#&,(0#$&/)&Q=6C&'/&C/+&)##,&-63-&23C9R&K0$-#3'%&$6/2&-63-&C/+&*3"#&)/"&263-&($&;#(01&$3('9&^(03,,C%&'/&0/-&(0./,.#&C/+"&#1/h&'/05-&-3>#&263-&($&;#(01&$3('&7#"$/03,,C9The presentation ended with a few useful pointers to keep

in mind during conversation: F9&O(.#&;C&263-&C/+&$3C9&&=63-&($&$3('&30'&'/0#%&'3CX-/X

day is the most important part of communication; intellectual 6/0#$-C&($&#$$#0-(3,&-/&'#.#,/7(01&1//'&*/44+0(*3-(/09&S9&]0'#"$-30'&-63-&0/&43--#"&263-&2#&$3C&/"&6/2&2#&$3C&

it, no one else quite gets the meaning we intended from the 2/"'$&2#&+$#9& &:C& -6#& $34#& -/>#0%&2#&0#.#"&1#-& -6#& $34#&4#30(01&-63-&($&(0-#0'#'&)"/4&263-&/-6#"&7#/7,#&$3C9&W9&d/&0/-&#.3,+3-#%&73$$&@+'14#0-&/"&31"##&/"&'($31"##&2(-6&



U))#*-(.#&*/44+0(*3-(/0& ($&$/4#-6(01&2#&3,,&0##'& -/&;#&3;,#&-/&377,C9&Y/7#)+,,C&$/4#&/)&-6#$#&-(7$&2(,,&6#,7&(0&C/+"­'3CX-/X'3C&,()#&-/&(47"/.#&C/+&3$&3&$7#3>#"&30'&3&,($-#0#"9&


Calling all aspiring writers! National Novel Writing Month bI3I/="(</c&($&g+(*>,C&377"/3*6(019&Z0&I/.9&F%&2"(-#"$&3,,&over the world will be taking on the challenge to write an entire 50,000 word novel, in addition to their other daily ac­-(.(-(#$%& (0& @+$-& 3&4/0-69&G6#"#& ($&0/&7"#$$+"#& -/&!0($6& X& & (-&is all based on what you feel you can handle ­ but winners

receive special offers for discount writing software and their own copy of their novels, bound in paperback with a cover -63-&-6#C&'#$(10&-6#4$#,.#$9& If you feel you want to take on the challenge there are

7,#0-C&/)&/7-(/0$&)/"&$+77/"-9&L,#830'"3&i#$(*>&63$&*"#3-#'&3&Facebook group called Potsdam NaNoWriMos that offers in­$7("3-(/0&30'&1+('30*#9&G6#&/)!*(3,&2#;$(-#&3-&2229I3I/=­"(</9/"1&($&3,$/&/7#0&-/&30C/0#&26/&230-$&-/&-"C%&($&)"##&-/&join and offers many services, from support to inspiration,

and will even help you track your word count as you work -/& "#3*6& -6#& AB%BBB&2/"'& 1/3,9&i#$(*>& ($& 3,$/& 7,300(01& /0&holding several “write­ins” in which everyone can come and 2/">&-/1#-6#"&(0&3&,(;"3"C&$-+'C&"//49&^+"-6#"&(0)/"43-(/0&/0&these meetings will be posted on the Facebook group page 30'& 30C& g+#$-(/0$& *30& ;#& '("#*-#'& -/&i#$(*>& 3-& >#$(*>3$j7/-$'349#'+9

65/)$<1"A"#- B5(C'"11"$:/(.7A"-

Page 11: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

October 28, 2011 the Racquette 11


Greek of the week: Kristen Brunnabend


i"($-#0& :"+003;#0'& 23$& 0/4(­03-#'& ;C& 6#"& )#,,/2& L,,& H"##>&Council members for her outstand­ing achievements as President of Z4#13& d#,-3& J6(9& K0& 6#"& $-"/01&leadership role, she helped her house by working hard to promote their name while working with their alumni to reform what being in Omega has really meant to all 4#4;#"$9& K0& $6/"-%& $6#&63$&6#,7#'&make a change for the better, strid­ing towards a more positive image /)&6#"&6/+$#&30'&/)&H"##>&,()#9Omega Delta Phi takes pride in

its chapter, but also in its numerous 76(,30-6"/7(*& #.#0-$9& d+"(01& /+"&(0-#".(#2%&i"($-#0& $3('%& QG6($& 73$-&weekend we participated in Dodg­ing for Dreams with Clarkson Uni­.#"$(-C9&K-5$&;3$(*3,,C&3&1(30-&'/'1#&ball game that raises money for <3>#&L&=($6&^/+0'3-(/09R&i"($-#0&

also talked more about her alumni by describing their 50th anniver­sary this past summer, for which approximately 200 Omega Delta Phi alumni returned to Potsdam, re­$+,-(01&(0&3&6+1#&"#+0(/09&Q=#&@+$-&have such a strong alumni support $C$-#4%R&$3('&i"($-#09&QG6#C5"#&3,­ways here for us, and always will­(01& -/& ,#0'& 3& 630'9R& K0& )3*-%& -6#C&recently lent a hand during a “work weekend” where alumni and cur­rent members of Omega worked together and helped replace ceiling -(,#$%&73(0-& "//4$&30'&!8&+7&/-6#"&73"-$&/)&-6#("&6/+$#9L$& $+$7#*-#'%& 26#0& K& 3$>#'&

i"($-#0& 3;/+-& 6#"& )3./"(-#& #.#0-&of the year, she responded, “Relay ^/"&O()#k&K-5$&)/"&3&1"#3-&*3+$#&b-6#&L4#"(*30&N30*#"&?/*(#-Cc%&30'&(-5$&$/&4+*6&)+0k&K&,/.#&T#,3CkR&L$&)/"&(-$& )+-+"#& #0'#3./"$%& i"($-#0& $3C$&Omega is currently helping to cre­ate a Post Secret website to raise $+(*('#&323"#0#$$9


Sex Q&A Column>/H$*51/7(75$9.",".5#


If you can’t get HIV from saliva, how can rapid tests use mucous from the inside of

your cheek?




What’s in your closet?6"8.5##$M2&#

<15==$9/71"/Candy corn, pumpkins, black and

orange, trick or treating! Halloween is just around the corner and so are */$-+4#& 73"-(#$9& N/,,#1#& $-+'#0-$&plan extensively for a great costume idea every Halloween, and this can be executed simply with items (0& /+"& *,/$#-$9&Y/2& 3;/+-& -"C(01& 3&)3$6(/03;,#& *3-f&L& $*6//,1(",f& aB$&M3$6;3*>f& Y(77(#f& ?/&430C& ('#3$&can be found with a little rummag­(019 To be a fashion cat wear black

leggings with a cute black cardigan /.#"& 30& 30(43,& 7"(0-& $6("-9&L,,& C/+&need to buy are kitty ears and cute

;,3*>&630'&1,/.#$9&G/&!0($6&/))&-6#&look, add combat boots or heels! Feeling like you could make a

good schoolgirl? Find a pencil skirt or accordion skirt, paired with a 26(-#&;,/+$#& -(#'&3-& -6#&#0'9&O3C#"&(-& 2(-6& 3& *3"'(130& 30'& 3**#$$/"(P#&with some knee socks, throw your hair in some pigtails and top off the ,//>&2(-6&)3+8&1,3$$#$9 Fall into the past by going all out

(0&0#/0&*/,/"$&)/"&30&aB$&,//>9&=#3"&your hair big, an arm full of bangles 30'&1/&2(-6&3& @#30&@3*>#-9&L$&)/"&3&hippie look, need I go into detail? H/& 2(-6& *"3PC& 7"(0-$%& M3"#& @#30$%&faux fur, platform heels and peace $(10$9&Y377C&G"(*>&/"&G"#3-(01k


Fashion Profile: Victoria AstutoM7N$B5J.5",-&#0&,,"8"$M7="$D@71&/

Where is your favorite place

to shop?

XK-5$& 3& -(#& ;#-2##0& <3"$63,,5$& 30'&^/"#.#"&SF9

What’s your favorite piece in

your wardrobe?


What are you excited to

wear in the approaching cold



Who is your style muse?


What is your casual weekend



How would you describe

your style?


i##7&2#,,X'"#$$#'&30'&classy Potsdam, and you could be featured in our 0#8-&^3$6(/0&J"/!,#k

Page 12: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

Comics12 the Racquette October 28, 2011



.))-/01,-*$")2$3&++*2$ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$32*4







0)-,C17#*C5 444#.))-/01,-*")2C&++*2#8)7

Page 13: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

October 28, 2011 the Racquette 13


the college storehas a new section

it sells gently used and well

loved trade books Interested in selling yours?

We'll buy what we need, talkto jan, see if she's interested!

we buy paperbacks for $1sell for $2

we buy cloth $3 sell for $4

no further discounts or returns, but we might buy it back!



6:1+&C*$1+C$D100&+*,,$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$E2&,


Page 14: Racquette Issue 10/28/11

14 the Racquette October 28, 2011


The C


Store’s Great Pumpkin Hunt

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere!

Not a one in sight...

$5­50 You’ll WIN for a purchase

If You Look just Right!

Oct. 31 only or until all pumpkins are found. Use your findings now or later!

celebrate popcorn popping mouths

the union market october 31- nov 5

25¢ a bag



The College Store & Union Market



The College Store

$5 off any SweatPant

October 24‐29

usual exceptions apply

Scary MovieSpecial

Scary MovieSpecial

Union MarketOct 24-29

Union MarketOct 24-29

Rent 2 Movies get a bag of microwave popcorn

for $3.00


ends Saturday

October 29

get them while

you can!

Page 15: Racquette Issue 10/28/11


October 28, 2011 the Racquette 15



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For additional information, or to schedule a visit, contact: Erin Callahan Wheeler, Director of Student Recruitment at 518.631.9850 or email at: [email protected]

You still

have timeto let us know

what you think



rental books

survey ends

October 30http://www.studentwatch.org

Participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your current or future relations with SUNY Potsdam If you decide to participate, you are free to not answer any question or to withdraw at any time without affecting those relationships. Student Watch surveys are conducted by OnCampus Research and report student data in the aggregate. No individual data is ever released. As the data is collected no identifiers, including name, address, or e­mail are attached to the data. When a contest is offered as an incentive, the names are stored separately from the survey data, and winners are contacted individually. No respondent of Student Watch surveys will be personally identified as a respondent without permission. You must be 18 years or older to participate at the time of the survey.

Open weekdays from 10:30 a.m. ­ 3 p.m. and 4 ­ 9 p.m.

Open weekends from 9:30 a.m. ­ 3 p.m. and 4 ­ 9 p.m.

Breakfast available all day­ just one meal swipe for an all you care to eat value!

FLEX entry price to Lehman$6.80 for lunch

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QUALITY VALUE SPACEPrime Attraction specials evry night- check out the menu! Wings, prime rib, !sh, burgers, veganspecialilties- we have them all. October 28- Ghoulish Delights- wear a costume and get a grab bag 11am-3pm.


Page 16: Racquette Issue 10/28/11


Jessica Silveira of the Women’s Ice Hock­ey team had three goals and an assist this past weekend vs Penn State

Alessio Vitale of the Men’s Soccer team scored a goal against Geneso allowing the Bears to tie the Knights

Scoreboard ScheduleMen’s Soccer

Bears 0

Clarkson 2

Women’s Soccer

Bears 0

St. Lawrence 6

Women’s Volleyball

Bears 0 Clarkson 4

Men’s Soccer

Bears at Plattsburgh Sat. 29th @ 1 p.m.

Men’s Ice Hockey

Bears at MorrisvilleFri. 28th @ 7 p.m.

Women’s Volleyball

Bears vs GeneseoSat. 29th @ 1 p.m.

16 the Racquette October 28, 2011


Bears complete sweep of Nittany Lions, 3­1 !"#$%&'()'*+,#-,#

./,+0-'1#2,+3"0$,#'!$+%40,+ POTSDAM, N.Y.—The SUNY

Potsdam women’s hockey team wrapped up its preseason sched­ule with a 3­1 exhibition win over Penn State University. Freshman Forward Izzy Fayerman (Calgary, Alberta/The Edge), sophomore for­ward Jessica Silveira (Brampton, Ontario/Brampton Thunder), and senior forward Caitlin Manahan (St. Alban’s, Vt./Elmira College) !"#$%&#'(!)%*'(%+$!%,!"(&-%%.$!%/(&+%*!0%1234+!&%'*%+$!%/(&+%5!(2')%0!(!%the most even of the contest. Nei­ther team got a shot until almost four minutes into the game, but then Potsdam’s offense started to heat up. At the 8:21 mark, sophomore defender Brittany Lucky (Kanata, Ontario/Ottawa Senators) and se­nior captain Brandi Atwell (Corn­wall, Ontario/Cornwall Colts) set

up Fayerman who tipped the puck between the pads of Penn State sophomore goalie Katie Vaughn. Nearly two minutes later Bears se­nior defenseman Breanna Roy (Or­leans, Ontario/Nepean Wildcats) was called for checking penalty, putting the Nittany Lions on the power­play. At 10:28, Penn State senior defender Sara Chroman fed

freshman forward Tess Weaver in front. Weaver blasted a slapshot from the slot that just slipped through the closing pads of Pots­dam sophomore goaltender Dawna Salvarinas (Mississauga, Ontario/Brampton Thunder) for a game­ty­ing power­play goal. The Bears re­gained the lead at the 18:06 mark as Manahan and junior forward Katie Komsa (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario/Sault Ste. Marie AA Midget) set up Silveira for the eventual game­winner on the power­play. Potsdam dominated the second period with a 20­3 shot advantage, but was un­able to score. The best chance of the period came on a Nittany Lions’ two­on­one break with about six minutes left in the period. Chro­man hit Weaver with a pass in front of the Bears’ net, but Salvarinas made a huge pad save to keep the Bears on top. The Bears kept the pressure on in the third period and

/3"667% 8'+% &'1!% 23&4("3#!% "+% +$!%4:06 mark. Manahan picked up the 6''&!%54#9%23%*('3+%"3)%/(!)%"%0(2&+%&$'+%'**%:"48$3%*'(%+$!%8"1!;&%/3"6%goal. Potsdam outshot Penn State, which will make the transition to Division I next season, 54­9. Salva­rinas made nine stops for the win "3)%:"48$3%/32&$!)%02+$%<=%&">!&-%%“We’re still looking for some of­fense,” said Bears Head Coach Jay Green. “We’re lacking some natural goal scorers that could have exploited some of our chances to­day. Fortunately Dawna was able to prevent a momentum swing with that big save in the second period. Jessica Silveira and Brandi Atwell had very strong games for us today also.” The Bears open the regular season next Saturday, October 29, at ECAC West powerhouse Platts­burgh at 7 p.m.




Bears earn fifth seed in SUNYAC."3'8"&&"+,./,+0-'9:$0,+

The Potsdam men’s soccer team $"&%!"(3!)%+$!%/*+$%&!!)%23%+$!%?@==%SUNYAC men’s soccer tourna­ment. Potsdam has an overall re­cord of 7­8­3, while going 4­3­2 in SUNYAC play this year. This year the Bears were led by a pair of freshman Eduardo Figueroa and Stephen Auyer. Both scored six goals this year, which was tied for the team lead. Figueroa is also tied for the teams lead in assists with />!% 82>238% $21% "% +!"1%$28$% 5'23+%total of 17 points this season.%A3%+$!%/(&+%B4"(+!(/3"6%8"1!%'*%

the SUNYAC tournament the sixth seeded Hawks from New Paltz will travel to play the third seeded Knights from Geneseo. Earlier this season Geneseo beat New Paltz on the road 1­0. The winner will ad­>"3#!%+'%+$!%&!12/3"6&%"3)%$">!%+'%beat the second seeded Golden Ea­gles from Brockport at home. The Golden Eagles posted an overall record of 11­3­1, while going 8­1­0

in SUNYAC play. Their only loss in SUNYAC play was a 3­1 defeat on the road to top seeded Oneonta.The Bears will play in the sec­

'3)% B4"(+!(/3"6% 8"1!% 0$!(!% +$!7%will have to play the fourth seeded Cardinals from Plattsburgh. The game is scheduled for October

29th at 1 p.m. in Plattsburgh. The Bears this year have posted a less than stellar record on the road this year going 1­5­3. Earlier this year on September 29th the Bears man­aged a 0­0 double overtime tie on the road against this same Cardinal team. If the Bears win they will ad­

>"3#!%+'%+$!%&!#'3)%&!12/3"6%8"1!%where they will have to play the top seeded Red Dragons from Oneonta. Oneonta has an overall record of 12­2­2 and went 8­0­1 in SUNYAC play this year. Earlier this year in Oneonta the Red Dragons defeated the Bears 4­0.

Cuse’ locked

and loaded."3'8"&&"+,./,+0-'9:$0,+

A3% +$!% /(&+% #'"#$!;&% 5'66% '*% +$!%7!"(C% +$!% D("38!% "(!% ("39!)% /*+$%in the country. People in Syracuse have high hopes for this team. Coach Boeheim said himself that this year’s team has more depth and more talent than his team in 2003. In case you forgot, that was the year he won his only national title with Carmelo Anthony and company. Player to watch this year has to be C.J. Fair. Kid has been uunstoppable in practice, so i’ve heard. Tuesday, DaJaun Coleman (who is No. 14 on the ESPNU 100) list committed to Syracuse. Cole­man is a local star having played ball at Jamesville­DeWitt High School. Just so happens that Syra­cuse starting guard Brandon Triche also attended the same high school. With Coleman’s decision to attend Syracuse in the fall, along with the commitment of Jerami Grant who is No. 43 on the ESPNU 100 list, has the Orange in line for a back to back top 10 recruiting class.Tuesday, Terrell Owens worked

'4+% *'(% +$!%/(&+% +21!%&23#!%&4(8!(7%in April to repair a torn ACL. To the dismay of Owens and his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, not a single NFL scout showed up. This doesn’t mean that he won’t get signed at some point during this year. Be­fore the injury in 2010 T.O. had 72 catches for 983 yards with nine touchdowns in 10 games. When it comes to T.O., it has never been about whether or not he can put up solid numbers, it’s been more about the distractions that he will eventu­ally cause. Owens will be 39 this December and coming off of major knee surgery seems like his chances are limited. I believe that he will get a shot at some point this year. Too many teams are in a playoff race that could use a wide out like Ow­ens. The most obvious team would have to be the Tennessee Titans. With Kenny Britt out, the Titans’ total­passing yards per game are nearly cut in half. The St. Louis Cardinals head

home down 3­2 in the World Series with the Texas Rangers. Cardinal’s manager Tony La Russa has trouble communicating with his bullpen on who he wanted to start warm­ing up. La Russa had asked for his closer Jason Motte to start warm­ing up, when in actuality bullpen coach Derek Lilliquist got reliever Lance Lynn ready. During the in­ning where he wished to bring in, his closer Lilliquist was brought in and the Rangers took a 4­2 lead that inning. La Russa accepts full re­sponsibility for what happened. He insists that he must have mumbled on the two phone calls he made to Lilliquist to get Motte up and throwing.Thanks for reading this week’s

issue of the Racquette and don’t forget to grab a fresh copy next week. See you then!

!!!"#$%&'%()$*+ ,'-.()$*+ Finals Sat. Oct. 29 Wed. Nov. 2 Sat. Nov. 5

#3 Geneseo 1pm at Geneseo #3/#6 winner#6 New Paltz at Brockport #2 Brockport

Champions #1 Oneonta #4 Plattsburgh at Oneonta

1pm at Plattsburgh #4/#5 winner #5 Potsdam
