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Rad winners

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RAD: Codefest Track for Ribbit Application Development
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RAD: Codefest Track for Ribbit Application Development

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RAD Overview• 2,354 registrations from 543 different institutions

across 59 countries makes Codefest the second largest online event in terms of participation ever hosted by a college of Indian Subcontinent.Duration: 3 months

• RAD received 169 team registrations comprising of 248 participants.

• Resulted in 58 Ribbit app submissions • Top 17 included in this deck.

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RAD Marketing• Contacted 500 colleges, 100 professional institutes in

India and 12 international colleges and sent 1500 printed posters. These posters are expected to touch about 200,000 people globally.

• Promoted RAD on 60 different active forums, google groups and student communities

• Publicized the event through Orkut(600+ friends), facebook, twitter(330 followers).

• 24 X 7 display of Ribbit, BT and TCS logo on all the codefest pages through out the 2 month long festival.

• Total Sponsorship money spent by Ribbit: $2500

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RAD Training

• Ribbit online workshop conducted by Tim Stevens and Gabby

• Codefest team conducted two workshops on Ribbit platform on 6th Feb and 12th Mar.

• Conducted webinar on 11th Feb• TCS Ribbit team provided support to Codefest


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RAD Applications and Winners

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RAD Top 3 Winners1. vBlog - VoiceBlog application suite

– Team: Teenovators – Developers

• Karan Jain, Email: [email protected] • Ajay Kumar Gautam , Email: [email protected]

2. BrainyBot - Voice and SMS notifications for special day– Team: developerX – Developers

• Himanshu Singh, Email: [email protected]• Shivasheesh, Email: [email protected]

3. Globe Trotter- Location aware notifications– Team: softwizards– Developers:

• Neelotpal Saha , Email: [email protected] • Akash Nawani , Email: [email protected]

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vBlog is a Voice 2.0 Application which lays down an analogy between the standard Blogger application with additional voice feature support such as dictating your blog contents, managing Voicemails & SMS, posting comments & hearing blog entries via Phone/SMS and many more.

Ribbit API used

.NET API Silverlight API

Ribbit Features Used

Call & SMS features View & Manage Active

Calls Manage Voicemail &

SMS Request Inbound

Number Call forwarding Create New Users DTMF Entries Play a file to call

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Team - developerX

BRAINYBOT – Reminder and Birthday Managing Service

Ribbit API used : JAVA API

Ribbit Features used :• SMS Sending• Voicemails• Request Inbound number• Calling from Inbound number• Voice Recording• Playing media file on phone• DTMF Digit collection• View and Manage sent messages

Team - developerX

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G L O B E T R O T T E RFor a pers on, who tra v els interna tiona lly a lot, tim e z one c ha ng es frequently , henc e h is c a lls will be ha ndled a utom a tic a lly a c c ord ing to the tim e of the p la c e where he c urrently is whic h is determ ined us ing h is phone’s G PS .If a pe rs on is not a b le to c onnec t y ou or if he c a lls a fter y our work ing hours he c a n rec ord v oic e m es s a g e a nd y ou will rec eiv e a S MS ha v ing the tra ns c ript of the v oic e m es s a g e he ha s left for y ou.R ib b it A P I U s e d :

• R ibbit JAVA API

R ib b it f e a t u r e s u s e d :•C rea te C a ll•H a ng -up C a ll•R ec eiv e C a ll•Tra ns fer L eg•S end S MS•C onv ert Voic e to Tex t


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Any registered user can use our services to send a text message to one or more recipients in any languages out of list of languages supported by Google Translator. The recipients' phone must support the selected language to receive a message in that particular language .

Ribbit APIs Used:


Ribbit Features Used :

SMS Sending

Voice to text conversion( can be

extended using this feature)

Login into Ribbit

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Ribbit Features Used:

• Voice to Text Conversion• SMS sending•Receiving query via SMS using inbound number.Team Sharks

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Description: Get tweet updates

via SMS. Tweet via SMS and


Ribbit Features: Voice to Text

conversion used in tweet by voice.

Sending SMS via Ribbit message service.

Team: Sharks

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Stock Tracking System is a web portal for updates about changes in rates of shares in share market as asked by user for lower and upper bound for that any particular

share submitted by him. User can submit multiple shares for updates.


Ribbit Java API used.

SMS(short message service) using Ribbit.

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•Local search through voice.•User calls service number and says what he/she is looking for .Eg “Car Wash”. Search results containing addresses and phone numbers of car washes in the user’s location are sent to the user as a text message.•Ribbit features used : voicemail , voice to text transcription , text messaging

Results for "car wash":1.DeAnzaCarInc,10165 North De Anza Boulevard,Cupertino,CAPh:(408) 996-3276 2.Lozano Sunnyvale Car Wash,620 Grape Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA, Ph:(408) 996-1222

Sample Text Message

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BLOG UPDATESDescription: The Application fetches the latest comment on your blog and sends it to you.RibbitFeature used:RibbitAPI for Short Messaging Service(SMS)

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TITLE :KMU ( Keep Me Updated )

Use : KMU is designed for the people who like to keep themseleves aware of new happenings about whatever interests them be it Science and Technology or Lionel Messi. With the option for translation, subscribed users will get the news in the language of their choice.

Ribbit API : JAVA API Ribbit Features : Send SMS messages

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Remote-control Controll your PC by just a phone call.

• You can call your computer and tell it to do stuff... like:

Delete some folder

Start your web server

Turn on the coffee machine (if it is connected to your computer)

Shut down (don't do that, or you can't tell it anything else!)

• How it works: User calls on the purpose number

(provided by the Ribbit), and gives a commands.

The Ribbit server stores the voice message as well as a text version of the voice message.

User's PC polls for new messages on the ribbit server and executes when gets new one

Ribbit Features Used: Ribbit Java API


Voice to text

Retrieve text messages from Ribbit server.

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For the parents, who wants details ofvaccination for their child. So thisapplication automatically send SMS to theusers on the vaccination date along withcomplete address of all nearby vaccinationbooth.

Ribbit API used: Ribbit PHP API

Ribbit Features Used:Ribbit API for Short Messaging Service.Ribbit Device for generating inbound SMS number.Ribbit incoming SMS notification support.Ribbit new message retrieval support.

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“ConfAdmin” is an application that is very useful in creating multi-user telephone conferences . The application allows the user to send notification to desired legs before a conference starts . The

application also allows the administrator to transfer a new leg to the currently existing conference.

Ribbit Features Used:->Creating Conferences between known users.->Sending Messages.->Transfering Legs from one conference to the other.

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LIMS – Library Management System

DESCRIPTION:Inform the current holders of book about due date via SMS,whenever another user makes reservation on the book.

RIBBIT FEATURES:Sending sms through RIBBIT message service.

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The client calls or messages (sms) the event and the object/participant they want to vote for and this application automatically registers the vote in the database.This application can also be used to call and send messages to any clients as feeds about the reality shows/polls.This application can be used as an automatic voting system for any kind of polls or reality show.

Ribbit Features and API used : Ribbit Java APIMake and Receive call .Send SMS.Voice to Text features.

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Cenqure MessageNet provides basic infrastructure for building and managing  Personal Interactive Message Response Systems (IMRS) that functions by using Ribbit API with the following features –

Easy management with CenqureBlocks

Quick Information retrieval from the VirtualWeb using VoiceURL

Parameter based data query with Executor

Ribbit Features utilised –

Ribbit API for Short Messaging Service Ribbit Devices for generating inbound SMS number Ribbit incoming SMS notification support

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BlindCall• BlindCall is a fun application which takes social networking to the next level. It lets you talk to

a random person of opposite sex, using the Ribbit API! Talk for fun or build a relationship... Now its up to you to woo him/her ;)

• Focused on Ribbit technologies rather than third-party APIs, it uses the following features- *Calling *Short Messaging Service *Voice mailbox

Features to be implemented depending on the feedback, user base and reviews-*Call recording*Rate your BlindCall (via DTMF)*Conversation log (Ribbit voice to text service)*Push logs to other social networking sites like FB, Orkut, Twitter etc..*More features depending on how crazy we can get with this :)(Developed by DV and Pushkal, as an entry for Codefest IT-BHU)
