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- 44 -71 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE "National Technical Information Service AD-A029 262 Radar Detectability of Light Aircraft Communications Research Centre 4 April 1976 i, I 1 l
Page 1: Radar Detectability of Light · PDF filecommunications research centre department of communications canada radar detectability of light aircraft by m.v. patriarche, g.o. venier and

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U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE"National Technical Information Service

AD-A029 262

Radar Detectabilityof Light Aircraft

Communications Research Centre


April 1976


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M.Y. Patriarche, G.O. Vonier and I.R. Lewis


MINISTERE DES COMMUNICATIONS This work was sponsored by the Department of National Defence, IAResearch and Development Branch under Project No. 38.03-67.



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byVM.V. Patriarche, G.O. Venier and J.R. Lewis .


(Radio and Radar Branch) % ' /

Receired April 1976CRC REPORT NO. 1291 Published April 1976TELS REPORT NO. 34 OTTAWA

This work was sponsored by tMe Department of National Defence, Resoarch and Development Branch under Project No. 38-03 67.


The use of this Information is permitted subject to recognition of

proprietary and patent rights.

76-066 I,

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ABSTRACT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . . .. . . .... . . . 1

1. INTRODUCTION ...... ............................. 2

2. BACKGROUND ......... .............................. 3

2.1 Radar Target Theory ....... ....................... 32,1.1 Time Domain ..... .. ..................... 32.1.2 Frequency Domain ........................ 4

2.2 Static Measurement of Light-Aircraft RCS .............. 62.2.1 Low-Wing Cherokee 140 ..... .................. 6

4 2.2.2 High-Wing Cessna 150 ..... . .. .............. 112.2.3 Additional General Conclusions. ... ............. 11

2.3 Dynamic RCS Measurement ...... ..................... 16

3. CRC RADAR DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM . ..... .................. 18

3.1 Coherent Laboratory Radar ...... .................... 18

3.2 Radar-Computer Interface......... .. .. .. .. .. . 20

3.3 Data Acquisition Software ...... .................... 213.3.1 Calibration Module .......... .. .. ... ... 213.3.2 Recording Module ......... .. ... .. .. ... 21

4. LIGHT AIRCRAFT COHERENT RADAR DATA ......... .. ....... 23

A 4.1 Time Domain RCS Fluctuation ...... .................. 24

4.1.1 Short-Term Mean RCS ......... .. .......... 244.1.2 Dynamic RCS Probability Density Estimates ... ........ 27 Segregation of the Data by Aspect.. ...... .. Qualitative and Quantitative Results ........ 28

4.2 Aircraft RCS Spectrum ....... ...................... 314.2.1 Variation with Aspect ......... .. . ... ... 364.2.2 Relation to Spectrum to Time Domain Characteristics . . . 384.2.3 Effect of Propeller Doppler on MTI Performance ...... .. 394.2.4 Summary of Spectral Properties ...... ............ 41

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BYPreceding page blank

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5.1 CRC Digital Target Recorder ...... ................... 42

5.2 Analysis Software ........ ....................... 435.2.1 Track Plotter...... . ............ 435.2.2 Interactive Visual '"Quick-Look" Routine ........ 435.2.3 Automatic Detection Routine ......... 435.2.4 Probability of Detection Calculation'Routine. ...... 44

5.3 Ottawa ASR-5 Terminal Radar ...... ................... 45


6.1 General Results ........ ........................ 50

6.2 Tracks 4 and 5 - Nose and Tail-Aspect Flights ............. 52

6.3 Tracks 2 aad 3 - Tangential Flights .................. .. 52

6.4 Track 1 - Flight Over Ground Clutter ..... ............. 53

6.5 Effect of Circular Polarization on Tangential Fades ......... 54

7. CONCLUSION ......... .............................. 58

7.1 Svmmary of Principal Conclusions ..... ................ 58

7.2 Recomendations ........ ......................... 59

8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....... .. ........................... 61

9. REFERENCES ......... .............................. 61

APPENDIX A - Aircraft Accident Report ...... .................. 63

APPENDIX B - Representative RCS Probability Density Functions for Cherokee140, Cessna 177, and Cessna 172 .................. .. 67

APPENDIX C - Calculation of Signal Margin Above MDS .............. 75


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M.V. Patriarche, G.O. Venier and J.R. Lewis


On behalf of the Department of National Defence,'a study has been made of the factors determiningthe ability of radar to detect light aircraft.Previously published work in this area was reviewed,and two series of experiments, in the time frame1973 - 1975, were carried out to investigate thecharacteristics of the radar echo from light air-craft in flight. One series of experiments wascarried out using the calibrated CRC coherentradar. The other series, conducted with the co-operation of the Ministry of Transport, made useof an operational Air Traffic Control radar.

The findings of'the study are summarized, andrecommendations are mnade concerning the design,siting, and operation of Air Traffic Controlprimary radars to improve their detection per-formance. It is pointed out, however, that thesemeasures a 'e unlikely to provide a completesolution to the problem of detecting light air-craft. A 'complementary approach is necessary:to require all light aircraft operating witninairport control zones to be fitted with SecondarySurveillance Radar transponders. The simultaneoususe of the two independent sensors (primary andsecondary radar) should virtually eliminate theproblem.


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At the request of the Directorate of Ele.tronics Ergineering and Main-tenance, Departmenc of National Defence, the Communications Research Centre(CRC) undertook a study of the radar echoing characteristics of some commontypes of light aircraft. The information to be obtained included the meanvalue of the radar cross-section (RCS), the doppler spectrum of the return,and the incidence of "tangential fading" in XTI radars. The Minist.ry of Trans-port expressed interest in the project, and accepted an invitation toparticipate.

The concern expressee by both military and civil authorities arises fromthe hazard presented to airline and military traffic by light aircraftoperating in the vicinity of an airport. Light aircraft are not usuallyequipped with transpondersf and experience shows that they are not detectedreliably by primary radar; in addition, they are frequently operated by in-experienced pilots. The possibility of mid-air collisions evidently exists,and several such events have oc,:urred in recent years. The MOT AircraftAccident Report included as Appendix A describes a collision between an AirCanada Viscount and a private Ercoupe at Vancouver. The report concludes:"The Ercoupe, because of its size, provides an unreliable radar return. Thispartially negated the value of Lhe air traffic control radar." The conclusionthat the poor detectability of light aircraft is due to their small size iswidely accepted, usually without any examination of the fundamental capabili-ties of radar detection.

Concurrently with the planning of the work reported here, the US FederalAviation Administration (FAA) carried out an extensive grogram of measurementsof static RCS for three common types of light aircraft. Static RCS ismeasured w!Ln the aircraft motionless on the ground and the engine off; theaircraft is mounted on a structure that enables the viewing angle (aspect)presented to the radar to be varied. For each aircraft type, the RCS wasmeasured for a wide range of aspects, radar frequencies, and polarizations.The program was carried out at the Radar Target Scatter Division (RAT SCAT),Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. These results complement the dynamic(in-flight) results obtained in the present investigation, and extensive useis made of them in this report. Dynami, measurements are preferable to staticmeasurements in several respects: the aircraft is in its normal environment;there are no spurious reflections from the ground or from the supportingstructure; and the effects of propeller rotation, small aircraft motions dueto c-ntrol action or atmospheric turbulence, and structural deflections dueto inertial and aerodynamic loading, are properly represented. The principaladvantage of static measurements is the precise contzol of aspect that thismethod permits.

This report summarizes the results of the FAA program, and describestwo series of experiments carried out to determine the characteristics of theradar echoes from three types of light aircraft in flight. In one series, acalibrated coherent radar was used to measure the RCS, its amplitude proba-bility-density function, and the spectrum of the echo, as functions of aspectangle for each aircraft type. In the second series, the ability of anoperational ASR-5 airport surveillance radar to detect light aircraft wasassessed; this series included investigations of tangential fading (theattenuation of the output that occurs in MTI radars with targets of low radial

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velocity), for both linear and circular polarizations of the radar pulse. Thefinal section of the report summarizes the results obtained in this andpreviously published work, and some implications of these results are present-ed in the form of recommendations concerning the design, siting, and operationof future radar systems. If implemented, these recommendations would provide,at some future date, a partial solution to the problem of light aircraftdetectability. The principal recommendation in this section is based on analternative (and preferred) approach, which offers a virtually completesolution to the problem, and could be implemented immediately.


The purpose of this section is to review aspects of basic radar targettheory in a form that will be needed in latef sections, and to summarizeliterature of particular relevance to this report.


2.1.1 Time Domain

Tb- radar equation gives the peak target power received by a radar as2:

p P G22F2


t 0r (4u) 3R'

where Pt is the peak transmitted power in watts, G is the antenna power gain,is the wavelength in metres, F is the propagation factor (describing lobing

and beam shape effects), R is the range to the target in metres and a is thetargee radar cross section (RCS) in square metres. Antenna gain and propaga-tion factors are assumed to be equal foi reception and transmission. Theleast well-defined term in the radar equation is usually the target RCS,which is a random variable. For a target having many individual scatterers,none of which is dominant, it can be showp that the amplitude of the receivedsignal has the Rayleigh distribution; and, correspondingly, the power of thissignal has the exponential distribution. It follows that the probabilitydistribution of the RCS of such a target is exponential. This density functionmay be written as:


p e 0, o>O, (2)

where F is the mean cross section. When the correlation properties of theradar cross section are such that RCS is essentially constant from puls.-to-pulse, but varies from scan-to-scan, the target is said to follow Swerling'sCase 1, probably the most commonly-assumed distribution for ATC radar systemcalculations.

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r4Edrington3 has measured amplitude data for two piston and two jet

engined aircraft as they approached a radar, nose-on, at low altitude. The

specific aircraft types were not identified. Briefly, Edrington concludedthat "with good consistency, the aircraft echo power was exponentiallydistributed up to levels as high as 6 to 80".

An aircraft echo can be modelled mathematically using the amplitude andpb-se of the reflections from its principal scattering centres. Clearly, whenconsidered as a set of fixed scatterers irradiated at a particular aspectangle, the aircraft has an RCS which is entirely determini~tic. The statis-tical problem of computing radar probability of detection can then be statedin two ways, namely:

(a) what is the probability of detecting one of a number of identicalaircraft, each with mean cross section a, at some point in amanoeuver; or

(b) what is the probability of detecting an aircraft of mean cross-section a, on each scan of a number of scans, as the aircraft fliesthrough a particular manoeuver.

Averaging as in (a) and (b) above is analogous to the ensemble and timeaveraging of random-process theory; where, as is the case here, the two arenot equivalent except under certain restrictive conditions. In the measure-ments described later in tiis report, the second approach to probability ofdetection estimation was generally adopted, since it is appropriate to theoperation of "controlling" aircraft, and leads to relatively straightforwardexperiments.

2.1.2 Frequency Domain

The doppler frequency of a moving target is given by:


d r

where vr is the radial velocity and A is the wavelength in consistent units.The spectrum of a light aircraft radar return will consist of a fuselage lineand sidebands, the latter deriving largely from reflections off the movingpropeller itself, and the chopping of the fuselage return by the propeller.Aspect will determine which effect dominates. Cardner , in an excellentpaper devoted to spectra of aircraft targets, coucluded that:

(a) "Rotating propeller blades produce dopper-shifted echoes relativeto the airframe due to radar energy reflected from the bladesthemselves. The major portion of the propeller doppler-spectrumis always lower in frequency than the airframe line in a systemwhich folds the spectrum about zero.

(b) The return from the rear of a propeller consits mainly of period-ic pulses of a doppler frequency proportional .o the radialvelocity of a discrete reflecting elemenc on a blade. The reflect-ing element's radius on the propeller blade, hence its radial

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velocity, is a function of viewing aspect and is most clearlydefined within limits determined by the blade angles.

(c) The doppler return from the front of a propeller contains frequencymodulation as well as amplitude mcdulation. At small aspect angles,the propeller doppler spectral lines are grouped in the vicinityof the airframe doppler frequency, while at larger aspects theybecome spread over a much greater portion of the spectrum belowthe airframe line. Again, the spectral lines are spaced by thepropeller blade modulation frequency."

While the Swerling I model assumes that RCS is constant during any onescan, the video output of an air traffic control radar may show considerablepulse-to-pulse variation due to the response of its phase detector and MTI tothe doppler frequency components of the aircraft echo an-', at some aspects,propeller amplitude modulation. System-induced fluctuations are just asi:.ortant to the accurate calculation of probability of detection as those ofthe target, but must be considered separately.

Conventional delay-line MTI receivers make use of doppler shift todiscriminate between fixed and moving targets on the basis of their instant-aneous radiaZ velocities. An aircraft passing through a terminal controlarea will exhibit zero radial velocity as the path becomes tangential to acircle centred on the airport radar. Because of the width of the MTI zero-velocity rejection notch, these aircraft will disappear for a finite distancebefore and after the precise abeam position. The distance over which suchtargets can move while remaining undetected is a function of three factorsfor a given radar:

(a) signal strength above MDS;

(b) target ground speed; and

(c) target distance from the radar.

The most severe tangential fading will occur for low-speed, small-cross-section targets far from a radar employing low frequency and high PRF. Thetype of canceller (number of delay lines) and the use of feedback for velocityresponse shaping will also affect the severity of the tangential fade problem.Any radar parameter ch nge which decrease the basic target signal margin willincrease the width of tangential fades (for example, severe senwi-ivity timecontrol attenuation, or sharp-cutoff antenna patterns). Quantitative know-ledge of tangential fading may be useful in determining the cause of spotcyradar coverage during instrument procedures, and should be employed as onetrade-off in any consideration of siting a terminal radar off-airport (e.g.,where the radar is to provide terminal service for a number of airports).From the point of view of flight safeLy, it is not the gaps in coverage of acontrolled aircraft that are of primary concern, but rather the failure tosee uncontrolled traffic on conflicting tracks. (Appendix A provides a goodexample of a mid-air collision where tangential fading probably was acontributing factor).

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In 1973, a detailed program to measure static RCS (i.e., engine off,aircraft firmly positioned) of Cessna 150, Cherokee 140 and Super Cub aircraftwas carried out at the Radar Tzrget Scatter Division (RAT SCAT), Holloman AirForce Base, under contract to the United States' Federal Aviation Administra-tion 6 . Data were taken at L, S and C-bands (three frequencies within the S-band), with vextical, horizontal and right-circular polarization. This sectionsummarizes relevant results of the RAT SCAT measurements.

2.2.1 Low-Wing Cherokee 140

Figures 1 through 4 (reproduced from the FAA report) show the 2800 MHzstatic cross section of a Cherokee 140 for various aspects, as measured atPAT SCAT. Because of the logarithmic vertical scale, median values cannot beaccurately extracted from these figures by eye; however, contours of equalmedian RCS are presented in Ref. 6, and it is from these that quantitative

data were taken for the following discussion.

Figure 1 shows that, for 00 roll and 0* pit'h, vertically-polarized2800 MHz radars encounter a median RCS of jt'st over 5 dBsm at nose aspect,and just under 5 dBsm at tail aspect, rising fairly steadily to over 20 dBsmfor the 10 degrees each side of the beam aspect. Figure 2 (same -onditionsas Figure 1, except circular polarization) shows a general 5-6 dB drop inmedian RCS, which should come as no surprise*; but the attenuation of thebeam-aspect peaks of the RCS by about 15 dB is of some operational signifi-cance, as will be shown later. Figure 3 shows RCS versus aspect for a 300bank (slightly more than a standard-rate turn for this class of aircraft).When viewing the upper surface of the aircraft (090*), median RCS is about5 dB below the value for level flight; but. when viewing the lower surface ofthez aircraft (2700), the 30* bank angle has decreased the median RCS by about10 dB. The effect of using circular polarization against a banked aircraftis shown in Figure 4. The previously-observed general loss of about 5 dB inRCS is again apparent, but the peak in RCS when viewing the upper burface ofthe aircraft from abeam, which had been visible only with linear polarization,is now observed with CP. Little increase in beam-aspect RCS is obberved whenviewing the lower surface.

To summarize, the use of circular instead of linear polarizationsignificantly reduces the beam-aspect return from an aircraft in level flight,probably because of strong flat-plate-type reflection. At other aspects andbank angles, multi-scatterer refJection predominates, and the loss incurredby using CP is small.

Circularly p-larized (CF) waves reflected from a flat plate or a sphericalscatterer will have the sense of their polarization reversed, and will beattenuated if received using the same antenna that transmicted them. Onthe other hand, any odd number of multiple reflections (such as occurs 3La corner reflector) will cause the polarization sense of the reflectedwave to be unchanged. As both mechanisms ccntribute to the aircraft echo,the apparent aircraft RCS will typically be reddced by use of CP.

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2.2.2 High-Wing Cessna 150

Figures 5 through 8 show the 2800 MHz static cross section of a Cessna150 for Narious aspects, as measured at RAT SCAT. As before, quantitativedata in the following discussion ar! taken from median RCS contour plots inRef. 6.

Figure 5 shows that, for 0* roll and 0* pitch, vertically polarized2800 MHz radars encounter a median RCS of just over 5 dBsm at nose aspect,and just under 5 dBsm at tail aspect, similar in magnitude to that of theCherokee 140. Median RCS rises fairly steadily to about 20 dBsm for the beamaspect. Figure 6 shows, again, that circular polarization results 'ix ageneral 5 dB drop in median RCS, and attenuation of the beam-aspect RCS peaksby nearly 15 dB. Figure 7 shows RCS versus aspect for a 30' bank. MedianRCS, viewing the upper surface (0900 azimuth), has risen slightly, wh4 '_ thatviewing the under surface (2700 azimuth) has fallen by about 8 dB. Theseeffects are similar to those observed in the case of the low-wing Cherokee140. Figure 8 shows again that the use of CP against the banked high-wi.a;aircraft yields little change in form from th:, results observed with li'iearpolarization, although the median values of RCS observed for all aspects showthe usual decrease in magnitude associated with CP.

2.2.3 Additional General Conclusions

The aircraft tested at RAT SCAT included a fabric-covered Piper SuperCub. Reflections from this aircraft are made up of components from the di-electric covering material and from the metal structure beneath. Since thelatter presents a wide variety of lengths and orientations, the median RCSwas more uniform with aspect, varying smoothly from 6 dBsm off the nose,through 15 dbsm off the wingtips, to about 4 dBsm off the tail. Since fabriccovered aircraft were not emplcyed in the CRC study, PAT SCAT results in thisregard will not be considered further.

Although supporting data are not presented here, the following conclu-sions are clearly indicated by material in Ref. 6. With respect to the all-metal aircraft:

(a) Median RCS for both CP and linear polarization is independent offrequency, from L to C bands;

(b) Within the S band, only the fine detail of RCS versus aspect isfrequency dependent;

(c) Median RCS at S band was not apprecia'ly affected by pitch changesof up to +100; and

(d) Vertical and horizontal polarization yield near-identical RCS forall aspects.

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rERE DES COMMUNICATIONS This work was sponsored by the Departmlent of National Defance.Research and Development Branch under Project No. 38.03.67.

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When RCS is determined from measurements of radar echoes in flight, theresult is called the dynamic RCS. Several such measurements have been report-ed since World War II (see, for example, Refs. 3, 4 and 3). The principaladvantages of the dynamic measurement are that it provides real-world data;typical spectra and RCS density functions may be measured and related tofrequently-executed flight manoeuvers; and averaging of RCS fluctuationssimilar to that encountered with operational systems will take place. Theremainder of this report deals with the measurement and characteristics ofthe dynamic RCS.

In the d~namic aircraft RCS measurements reported herein, flightpatterns were chosen with the following in mind:

(a) the operational capabilities of the aircraft;

(b) simulation of r;ai.istic manoeuvers;

(c) variation of target aspect in a smooth, simple manner; and

(d) variation of range between a minimum set by near-field effects,

and a maximum constraiaed by the required signal-to-noise ratioand the presence of range ambiguities due to the radar PRF.

The far fHeld of a radar target exists outside a range given by:


Rf = "T (4)

where D is the maximum separation of significant scattering centres. Formos" light aircraft, with maximum dimension of about 32', eqn. (4) siggeststhat a minimum range of about 1 nmi is required to ensure planar reflectionsfrou. the target. Fortunately, many significant scatterers are separated byfar less than the maximum aircraft dimension and the disruption in datafidelity to be expected with measurement at shorter range is decreasedaccordingly. In any event, moderate violation of the far-field criterionresults first in a reduction of pattern null depth, then later a reductionin the amplitude of pattern peaks, but little modification in median values

For purposes of the measurements presented in this report, aircraftwere flown through three fundamental flight manoeuvers which may be describedas overflight, arc, and tangential (See Figure 9). Each manoeuver exposed aparticular aspect of the aircraft to close study. In addition, almost allaircraft movements in the vicinity of airports consist of groups of thesethree manoeuverj.


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Figure 9. Bask Flight Manoeuver

Data recorded during execution of each manoeuver were broken into seg-ments of "reascnable" length, a rather subjictivc. operation designed to makeresults more readily useable by, for examp!.., no, including nose and beamaspects in a single statistical distribution*. In a few manoeuvers, theminimum aircraft range was about 1/2 nmi, which is marginally less than thenear-field boundary, but is greater than the range used in other measurementprograms (for example, Ref. 6)

The problem of determining the number of parameters to be allowed to varyin an ,xperiment (and their range of variation) is related to the end useof the data. A target signature study may require rigid control of aspectangle, whereas a system performance study may intentionally average overmany aspects. M.P. Warden of the Royal Radar Establishment recently re-ported measurements giving the density function of the radar cross sectionof ail aircraft traversing a certain sector of British airspace over aperiod of several days, without regard to aircraft type, altitude orposition. While very general, such data may be of considerable interestto the system designer.

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The CRC equipment used to study the detailed amplitude and spectralcharacteristics of light-aircraft radar reflections consists of a coherentS-band radar, and a Hewlett-Packard Model 2100 computer connected to theradar through a specially-designed interface,

A coherent radar maintains a consistent phase relationship over manytransmitted pulses, so that the pulses reflected from a target are samples ofa continuous microwave waveform. Coherency is necessary to obtain the completetarget spectrum, including phase. Present interface hardware restricts theCRC system to coherency within a block of up to 2048 transmitted pulses.Pulsed-oscillator radars are incoherent, although a form of "pseudo coherency"is obtained by use of a COHO in MTI systems.

This section describes the radar, the radar-computer interface, and thedata recording software. The method of analysis and discussion of resultswill be dealt with in Section 4.


With the present CRC system, aircraft targets are acquired and trackedin azimuth and elevation by an operator using remote servo-controls to positionthe antenna. A TV camera is mounted parallel to the antenna boresight, anda monitor located near the servo-controls provides the visual referenceneeded.

Figure 10 is a functional block diagram of the radar transceiver. A2970 MHz signal is pulse modulated with PIN switches, amplified in a travell-ing-wave tube amplifier, and transmitted. The received signal is amplified,shifted to a 60 MHz Intermediate Frequency, passed through a logarithmicamplifier and detected (using the 60 MHz reference) in a quadrature phasedetector. The "limiter" shown in the receiver RF line protects tle receiverfront end during transmission, and does not affect normal-level receivedsignals.

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The radar parameteis used during the light aircraft studies are listedin Taole 3-1. The measured total amplitude transfer cheracteristic of thereceiver is shown in Figure 11. Propagation delay through the IF chain iswithin +10 over the dynamic range of input illustrated. Consequently, errordue to amplitude-to-phase conversion can be ignored.


Laboratory Radar Parameters

Frequency - 2970 MHz

Pulscwidth - 1 secPRF - 6828 Hz

Transmit Power - 1 kW peak

IF - 60 MHz logarithmic

Antenna - parabolic reflector, G = 35.5 dB,manually steered by remote servo controls

Polarization - vertical, transmit and receive

Losses (cable and guide) - 5 dB one way

MDS - -96 dBm (at receiver front end)






'" 200-

-90 -85 -W -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30


Figure 1. Radar Receiver Transfer Char,7teristic

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Figure 12 is a functional block diagram of the interface between thelaboratory radar and the HP2100 computer. The interface unit contains threeregisters: the PRI (puise repetition interval) register, the range register,and the multiplexer address register. These registers are individually read-able and writable under program control. By writing register contents, thecomputer controls respectively the radar trigger rate, the video sample range,and the identity of the video channel being sampled. Switches on the inter-face front panel allow manual operator intervention.

The Analog-to-Digital Converter used is a 10-bit bipolar (+I volt) unitrequiring a conversion time of 20 ps. When two video chant~els (I and Q) arebeing sampled at a high PRF and a constant or slowly varying range, most ofthe computer time is spent alternating the multiplexer addresses and readingdata from the converter. With the interface shown in Figure 12, the maximumPRF which can be handled is about 13 kHz.






16-BIT L










Figure 12. Functional Logic Diagram, Rador-Computer Interface

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Software modules are used to calibrate the radar receiver, and to controlthe radar during thl pulse-by-pulse recording of aircraft echo data. Thissection describes each briefly.

3.3.1 Calibration Module

Each data recording run is preceded by receiver calibration, both toveiify proper operation, and to account for varying gains within the receiverchain. With the receiver input derived from a :970 MHz puls d signal genera-tot, the calibration module takes 100 samples of video for each input RFpower level, incremented in 5 dB steps from -90 dBia to -30 dBm. At each in-put level, the mean modulus of the '00 in-phase and quadrature (I and Q)pairs is calculated and punched on paper tape with the corresponding inputpower level in dBm. The paper tape produced by this module, a permanentrecked of receiver gain and transfer characteristic, is retained with therecorded video data obtained in the subsequent experiment for use during dataanalysis.

3.3.2 Recording Module

The recording module produces digital magnetic tape recordings of the Iand Q video samples corresponding to successive aircraft hits. Up to 2048consecutive hits are stored as a single physical tape record, with recordsseparated in time by 0.3 to 1.5 seconds depending upon the mode of targetrange tracking employed. In addition to the video data, each physical recordcontains houseLeeping words identifying the record number, target range,transmitted power, PRF, and RF attenuation applicable ro the particularrecord. These parameters allow the calculation of cross section from thedigitized video, using the radar receiver calibration tape.

Figure 13 is an abbreviated flow chart of the recording module. Oncethe range gate position is made to correspond with the target pcsitioninitially, automatic tracking in range can be selected, and program controlis held in the "wait and track" loop. The tracking algorithm is simple.Three range delays centred on the past target posit~on and separated by 0.57Pscc are tcsted. At each range, hardware spectral analysi. of a short recordis performed to allow fixed-clutter rejection. The range yielding the strong-est non-zero-doppler return is chosen as the updated target position. A

* threshold test prevents the change of range gate position for very lowamplitude returns, to allow rh- holding of constant range during tangentialfades.

D" recording is started and stopped by setting or clearing a computerswitch which controls entry into the "record loop" of Figure 13. While con-trol is in the record loop, single passes through the track algorithm may bealternated with acquiring and writing physical records of video data.

Automatic range tracking of the target is optional, and the recordingprogram mod ile is fully compatJble with manual tracking from the interfacefront panel. The automatic mode described was designed to adequately trackthe slow-moving light aircraft being studied; it would not be adequate fcrtracking aircraft at velocities much greater than 200 knots, due to the re-stricted iteration rate (required by magnetic tape recording), and the re-stricted range correction on a single iteration.

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Figure 13. Functional Block Digrm of the Dta Recording Module

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The CRC labo ,tory radar described in Section 3.1 was used to obtain

recordings of radar video from a Cessna 177 Cardinal, a Cessna 172 Skyhawk,

and a Piper Cherokee 140. Figure 14 shows the ground tracks flown by all

aircraft. Each track was flown at an altitude of 500 ft. above the antenna,

and was covered at least twice in a given recording session as a check on re-

producibility of the data. An aircraft flying track I presents successively

a broad range of aspect* angles to the radar; on tracks 2 and 3, wing, nose,

and tail aspects are presented.

The term "aspect" is used her- to indicate the angle between the aircraft's

longitudinal axis and the .Lne between the radar and aircraft, both project-

ed in the horizontal plane.

1C TF~1t R T RAdr i/- ; r g:~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Fiue1.CnTs.lgtRues(hm R aaisa h etr fte;2nirnerns

-"~~ imm m m

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Since the radar receiver has a nonlinear amplitude transfer function,all data analysis begins by using the calibration curve (relating the videophasot amplitude to received power) to "invert" the radar nonlinearity. Themodulus of each complex video sampie (I and Q pair) is uniquely related tothe input RF power by this curve; moreover, the amplitude-to-phase conversionin the receiver has been shown to be negligible. Under these conditions, theeffect of the nonlinearity may be removed from the data by replacing theamplitude of each recorded sample (pulse-by-pulse) with the square root of theactual input power in milliwatts. The phase cf each sample is left unchanged.The resulting modified sample moduli have the units of volts across a 10resistance; Radar Cross Section (RCS) is then calculated using the radarparameters of Table 3-1, the Radar Equation (eqn. (1)), and the target rangewhich has been recorded with each data block. Doppler spectra computed fromthe modified data will have the intermodulation associated with the nonlinearreceiver channel strongly suppressed, and the remainin- spectral character-istics will be related to the aircraft scattering characteristics.

The subsections which follow discuss, in turn, the time-domain fluctua-tion of observed RCS, and the doppler spectral dependence on viewing aspect,for each of the three aircraft studied,


The fluctuation of radar return from an aircraft is commonly described

in terms of the fluctuation of RCS; this eliminates the range dependence fromthe description, as well as eliminating the dependence on transmitter powerand antenna gain. Two types of fluctuation will be discussed briefly bymeans of examples:

a) fluctuation of the short-term mean RCS; and

b) fluctuation of the RCS pulse-to-pulse, shown as probability density


4.1.1 Short-Tenm Mean RCS

Figures 15 to 17 are representative ti'ne histories of the short-termmean RCS as the test aircraft flew along the tracks shown in Figure 14. Ineach case, the mean RCS is computed for a 150 msec record containing 1024samples (long enough to include 5 complete propeller revolutions); and re-cords are separated in time by about 1.5 seconds (limited by the computerprocessing speed).

Figure 15 is the observed mean RCS of the Cherokee ]40 as it flew along

track 1. The aspect of observation of the aircraft varies continuously alongthis track. Several aspect angles are indicated along the time axis; theseare determined from the radial velocity (measured as doppler shift) and theestimated aircraft ground speed and crab angle. The most significant aspectdependence visible is the 12-15 dB increase in mean RCS in the narrow angularsector centred on the wing tip, in agreement with data presented in Section2.2.1.

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cnU 10,

780 900 120

0 40 60 120 160 200


Figure 15. Short-Term Mean RCS of Cherokee 140, on Track I



U 10

0 -


FIgure 16. Short-Term Mean RCS of Cherokee 140, on Inbound Track 3

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° 10



-10, ,p I ,0 75 150


Figure 17 Short-Term Mean RCS of Cessna 177 on Tangential Track 2

Figure 16 shows the fluctuating mean RCS of the Cherokee 140, observedon the inbound section of track 3. On this track, the aspect angle is zero(nose-on). Short term mean RCS variations of up to 20 dB seen in this exampleare typical of those observed in both nose and tail aspects for all threeaircraft.

Finally, Figure 17 shows the mean RCS observed using the Cessna 177Cardinal, on a portion of the tangential track 2. On this track, the air-craft maintains a near 90* aspect with respect to the radar; the high RCSobserved at 90* aspect (> 15 dBsm for a significant part of the observation)is a consistent feature of all three aircraft studied.

From examination of short-term mean RCS data (presented in the form ofFigures 15 to 17)for several flights of each track by each of the three testaircraft, the following generalizations may be drawn:

a) the dynamic RCS has a significant increase in mean in a narrow

region about wing aspect. This is in agreement with the static RATSCAT RCS measurements reported in Ref. 6 for three light aircraft;

b) the short-term mean R'CS fluctuates by as much as 10-20 dB overintervals as short as 1.5 seconds, for light aircraft performingsimple manoeuvers. Normal handling on any of the test routes canproduce changes of aspect of one degree or more per second; and thestatic RCS data shows that such changes could account for theobserved fluctuations.

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4.1.2 Dynamic RCS Probability Density Estimates Segregation of the Data by Aspect

The extent of the fluctuation of dynamically-measured RCS is convenien-tly demonstrated by forming estimates of the probability density function ofcross section. A need for some segregation of the data according to aspectangle exists: the cross section samples observed near 90* aspect clearlycome from a population having a mean value higher than the mean of the re-maining samples; also, the static RAT SCAT data suggests that somewhat highermedian cross sections are likely to be observed at 00 and 1800 aspects thanin the intermediate regions between 90' and either of these extremes. Forthese reasons, the data for each aircraft were segregated according to projec-ted aspect angle as shown in Figure 18.

-I0o 0* +100


\200-700 SECTOR

0O VIW7 ' 00 °80

10-1600 SECTOR

/ TAILII II 1600

1900 I 1700 10

Figure 18. Angular regions selected for RCS probability density estimate. Both the line to the aircraftfrom the radar, and the longitudinal axis of the fuselage are projected in the horilontal plane.

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For each aircraft, nose and tail-aspect data were taken from track 3exclusively. The width of the aspect sector thus achieved is determined bythe accuracy of flight and the crab angle needed to compensate for crosswind.Allowing for these factors, the angular width of the sectors involved islikely to be bounded by +100.

Beam-aspect data is taken exclusively from selected recordings on tan-gential track 2. Selection was made to exclude records for which dopplershift showed that obvious gross track corrections were being made. Since theinstantaneous relative wind vector is unknown, the allowed data is taken fromthe range 900 + 100 + crab angle, with the crab angle less than 100. Theuncertainty in this angle and the sensitivity of median RCS to aspect near900 will be evident in the beam-aspect density function estimates.

The "20-700 Sector" and "110-160 Sector" data included were selectedfrom track 1 measurements. The angular regions included were determined bycalculating the angle relative to track from the ground speed and mean dopplershift, and correcting, when necessary, for crab angle. Qualitative and Quantitative Results

Figures 19 and 20 are examples of RCS probability density functionestimates derived from the segregated data. Each corresponds to a singleaircraft type, a single aspect sector, and one recording flight. A densityfunction estimate is produced by dividing the cross section range into binsof width 0.2 m 2 , counting the num'-er of cross section samples observed to fallin each bin, and plotting the suitably normalized count as a function of thebin position. The aircraft type and aspect are not shown, as these figuresare intended only to illustrate features of the da.- which were generallyobserved.





0 5 10 15 20

RCS C S. )

Figure 19. Eperlmental RCS probability density estimate. The overlaid curve is an e.ponentialfunctlon with mean 1.3 M2 .


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1,5 10 is 20

RCS C S. )

Figure 20, Experimental RCS probability density estimate. The overlaid curve is the weighted sum of twoexponential functions of mean 7 m2 (0.9 weight) and mean 0.5 m2 (0. 1 weight).

The physical justification for expecting an exponential distributionof RCS is discussed in Section 2.1.1. The experimental curve in Figure .9 isoverlaid with an exponential curve having a mean value equal to the experi-mental mean. Excellent agreement between the two can be seen, The curve ofFigure 20, however, cannot be adequately represented by a simple exponentialfunction.

Certain experimenters have reported log-normal distributions for theRCS of some highly structured rigid scatterers when sampled in azimuth; how-ever, as yet no satisfactory physical mechanism for the occurrence of log-normally distributed scattering has been founds The log-normal distributionis suggested by the existence of very wide dynamic range in observed crosssection samples, such as is shown in Figure 20. Wilson 9 has reported success-ful fitting of dynamic RCS density estimates for an unspecified propeller-driven aircraft at L, S and X-band, using the chi-squared distribution. Hisdata were segregated into aspect (azimuth) sectors of 10° width, and werepresented for aspects of 200 to 1600. Except at beam aspect, the chi-squareddistribution with 2 degrees of freedom closely approximated his results. Thechi-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom is identical to the ex-ponential distribution of eqn. (2). In fact, thE experimental curve of Figure20, which employed data from a relatively broad range of aspects, lan be verynearly approximated by tb: weighted sum of two exponential functions havingdifferent mean values. The mean values used, and the resulting analyticapproximation to the experimental curve, are shown in Figure 20.

For all three aircraft studied, and for each of the gross aspect sectors(excluding only wing aspect), a single generalization can be made: the RCSprobability density function estimated from the data for any flight is closelyapproximated by either

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a) an exponential function; or

b) the weighted sum of two exponential functions having different meanvalues.

Appendix B contains a typical set of experimental RCS density plots foreach of the three aircraft studied, in each of the 5 gross aspect sectors.The parameters of appropriate analytic approximations (as Lhe weighted sum ofexponentials), are presented with each curve. Curve fitting was done by asequence of trials, using the eye to judge goodness of fit. No attempt wasmade to fit the curves for beam aspect, as these appear to be multimodal.

Repetition of single flights with any aircraft tends to show

a) consistency in the mean values of the two exponential curves neededto fit the resulting RCS density estimate; and

b) some variation in the weights required in summing the exponentials.

These results are reasonable, given the assumption that, for most aspectangles (with the possible exception of beam aspect), the effective RCS resultsfrom the vector summation of the returns from a number of scattering centres,none being dominant. This gives rise to exponentially distributed samples as

small changes in aircraft orientation occur. Certain chanjes in orientationadd or remove significant scattering centres by virtue of Utered shadowingof the fuselage and propeller. Thus, the mean return changes while themechanism needed for exponential scattering is still maintainec. Consequent-ly, a set of cross section samples obtained during a single flight segmentmay contain members of several distinct exponential populations. Since eachaircraft pass is slightly different from others due to local wind and turbu-lence, the fraction of time Lpent in sampling each population varies fronflight to flight. This gives rise to the variation in the weights applied tothe two exponential curves which together fit the data.

The multimodal distributions of wing-aspect cross section have not beenexamined in detail. They probably arise through some combination of exponen-tial scattering and the interaction of several large dominant scatterers. Inlevel flight at wing aspect, an aircraft presents the large, relatively flatside of its fuselage as a radar reflector. Intuitively, this suggests thatthe criteria for exponential scattering may not be met.

The numerical results of the RCS probability density function study aresummarized in Table 4-1. For each of the three aircraft, and each aspectsector (with the exception of wing aspect), four numbers are presented:

a) Mean of "most likely" exponential distribution. The "most likely"exponential distribution is that exponential distribution comprisingthe largest fraction of all of the cross section samples taken inthe study. The number given is the average of "most likely" meanvalues in several trials, and hence may differ slightly from theexample in Appendix B;

b) Fraction of the total observation in which the "most likely"exponential distribution occurred;

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c) Smallest mean occurring for a significant time. This is taken to bethe smallest mean of an exponential distribution which was observedfor 10% or more of a single flight; and

d) The overall mean of all data available for that aircraft and aspect.

Table 4-1 provides a relatively simple description of the return fromthe three aircraft at most aspect angles. For example, the first line of theCherokee 140 entry is interpreted: at nose aspect, about 80% of the observedRCS samples come from an exponential distribution with mean 6.1 m2 . However,within a few degrees of nose aspect a given observation may yield samplesfrom an exponential distribution with mean 0.5 m 2 , for a significant part ofthe observation. Such data are useful in analysis and testing o" radar systems,and will be employed in Section 6.

The medians of the "most likely" exponential distributions reported inTable 4-1 for the Cherokee 1.40 are in agreement with the RAT SCAT mediansreported for the same airctaft type in Ref. 6.


Summary of RCS Probability Density Data



(m2) (m2)

Cherokee 140

Nose 6. 1 0.8 0.5 5.1200 -700 2.6 0.8 1.0 2.1100- 1600 1.3 0.8 1.0 2.2Tail 2.3 0.7 0.8 3.0

Cessna 177 Cardinal

Nose 7.5 0.6 2.0 5.4200-- 700 1.6 0.8 1 0 2.A1 100 - 1600 1.5 0.9 1.3 1.5Tail 1.6 0.8 0.25 1.3

Cessna 172 SkyhawkNose 10.0 0.9 1.5 8.)200 -70" 8.0 0.9 0.7 7.31100 1600 8.2 0.7 1.0 6.5Tail 5.4 0.8 0.8 4.8


The spectra shown in Figures 21 to 29 are selected examples of manycomputed from recorded data for the three aircraft. These examples werechosen to illustrate the behavior of target spectra, resulting from bothamplitude and doppler modulation, as aspect angle changes. Each spectrum was

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computed from a digital record consisting of a sequence of 1024 complexsamples of the radar video waveform. The sample rate was 6828 Hz and thetime duration of the record was therefore 150 milliseconds. Hanning weightingwas applied in the frequency domain to reduce sidelobes, ano this resu..ted ina degradation of the resolution to slightly worse than 7 Hz.





-20 7

14 -1707 0 1707 3414


Figure 21. Doppler Spectrum, Cessna 172, 150 Aspect.




rn 0-



Y414 -1707 0 1707 3414

FRetr, 7Z)

Figure 22 Doppler Spectrum, C~'ssna 172, 300 A sped.

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0 .'U,a:


-414 -1707 0 1707 3414


Figure 23. Doppler Spectrum, Cessna 172, 450 Aspect.




En 0U


- -1707 0 1707 3q114

FREQ. (HZ)Figure 24. Doppler Spectrum, Cessna 172, 600 Aspect.

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cn 0u



-1707 0 1707 3414FRED.. (HZ)

Figure 25. Doppler Spectrum, Cessna 172, 90° Aspect. The "dotted" lines are due to measuringsystem nonlinearities.




S 0


I ilL 4.-419"1411 -1707 0 1707 3q1 4

FRE.. (HZ)

Figure 26, Doppler Spec truin, Cessna 172, 120? Aspeci.

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Um 0



•i 4q -1707 0 1707 341


Figure 27. Doppler Spectrum, Cessna 172, 150 A pea.

I 40



S 0-U


jA1 -aAp

-4 4 -1707 0 1707 3q14

FRE, OM.Z)Figure 28. Doppler Spectrum, Ce s, /77, Nose Aspect. The uoted t.rmn is due to in, aslrutig

system r .hnrarilty.


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UN 0


414 -1707 0 1707 3414

FREQ. 04Z)

FIgure 29. Doppler Spectrum, . ssna 177, Tail Aspect.

The vertical scale on these graphs is a radar cross section scale indB relative to one square metre. It is not a density scale; that is, theintegral over frequency does not give the total cross section. Rather, thetotal cross section is given by the sum of the values in each di cretefrequency resolution cell. Such a presentation simnlifies the interpretationof the line bpectra, since the contribution of each line to the overall crosssection is given by its y coordinate, provided the line is not significantlywider than the resolution cell. On this scale a target moving with constantvelocity, and giving a perfect sine wave doppler, would generate a singlespectral line, with the line amplitude giving the radar cross section of thetarget.

4.2.1 Variation with Aspect

Figures 21 to 27 were computed from data recorded for aircraft at variouspoints along Track I (Figure 14). The aircraft in this case was the Cessna172, but similar spectra were obtained from the other two aircraft. Sincethe aircraft altitude was about 500 feet greater than that of the radarantenna, the radar beam was looking up at the aircraft at an angle to thehorizontal varying from about 30 at the ends of the track, to about 110 atthe point of closest approach. There were also changes in the effectiveangles of roll and pitch of the aircraft (relative to the line to the radar)caused bj the altitude difference, but these were relatively small. The ob-servati(n angles involved are considered not untypical for an aircraft passingan operational radar, since both the distance and altitude are normally greater.

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Each graph was computed from data taken at a different point along thepath and hence at a different aspect angle. (The term "aspect angle" is usedhere for the "projected aspect" discussed in Figure 21 shows thetarget spectrum for an aspect angle of about 150. The strongest line, atabout 1027 Hz, results from airframe reflection, and corresponds to a radialvelocity of 100 knots. Other weaker lines are present, separated from theairframe line by multiples of 76.7 Hz. This frequency is equal to twice the2.00 r/min propeller rotation frequency. (The periodicity of any two-bladedpropeller modulation ccrresponds to twice the cotation rate, since one 1half-

revolution of the propeller is indistinguishable from the next.) Thus it isapparent that these lines result from the rotating propeller. The line atzero frequency is caused by fixed clutter, and RF leakage in the receiver.

Images of th airframe line are present at minus the true airframedoppler (-1027 Hz) and also at plus three times the airframe doppler. Thesehave been shown to be caused by residual effects of nonlinearity in he radarsystem, and are nearly 30 dB below the airframe line from which they arise.

Figure 22 is the spectrum for an aspect angle of about 30*. It can be8een that the propeller lines cover a greater frequency extent than beforeand are not spread symmetrically with respect to the airframe line. The air-frame line has moved to a lower frequency, since the radial component of theaircraft's velocity is lower at this angle.

Figure 23, measured at an aspect angle of about 45, shows even greaterspread in frequency and lower individual line amplit.des. No immediate im-portance should be attached to the relative amplitudes of the airframe lineand propeller lines, since the airframe line can change a great deal inamplitude in a short time as a result of its sensitivity to aspect angle. Thepropeller-line amplitudes do not display this sensitivity.

At an aspect angle of 600 (Figure 24) the lines are spread even furtherin frequency, and some aliasing occurs at the negative end of the frequencyrange (a consequence of the low sampling rate and the cyclic nature of theFFT). The amplitude of the lines has again decreased. The lines at zerofrequency and at twice and three times the airframe doppler are, of course,not part of the true spectrim.

At an aspect angle of 900 (Figure 25), the very strong return from theairframe confuses the picture, since the undesired lines caused by the non-linearity in the system, although well below the airframe line, are largerthan the propeller doppler lines. Lines which have definitely been ide".tifiedas undesired system-generated ones have been marked with a dot over them.The remaining lines are generally of low amplitude, but are spread over theentire frequency range.

At an aspect angle of 1200 (Figure 26), the propeller lines have in-creased again in amplitude but their extent in frequency has decreased. Also,they are seen to extend more on the positive frequency side of the airframeline than on the negative frequency side. This is a reversal of the situa-tion which occurred for aspects less than 90*. The spectrum for a 1500aspect angle in Figure 27 does not differ greatly from that of Figure 26, butthe propeller lines have slightly greater amplitude and are less extensive infrequency.

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To complete the picture, Figures 28 and 2q show the spectrum foraspects of 0* and 1800. These were computed fr)m data on a different air-craft, a Cessna 177, which had similar spectra to those of Figures 21 to 27at corresponding aspects. These nose and tail aspect spectra show relativelystrong propeller lines and relatively small extent in frequency. The spectrumfor tail aspect shows a wider doppler frequency extent than does the one fornose aspect. There is some possibility that this effect is not real, but iscaused by an actual aspect angle differing from 1800. This angle was difficultto control bec;.use of cross winds and track errors, but the results seem tobe consistent over a number of runs. A possible explanation for the widerspectrum at tail aspect is modulation of the propeller return due to blockingof the radar wave at some angles by the other parts of the aircraft.

4.2.2 Relation to Spectrum to Time Domain Characteristics

A look at a time history of the cross section from pulse to pulse shouldaid in understanding the spectra just presented. An example is given inFigure 30, which shows the radar cross section pulse-by-pulse within onerecord (1024 complex points). The data were obtained using a Cessna 172 atan aspect angle of 30*.






,-5I I I I I -L---4 ---

0 75 150


Figure 30. Example Time Record of RCS of Cessna 172 ct 300 Aspect.


i / =" -.- . . .. . .. .. ...M- "

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A short duration excursion is seen to occur about every 13 milliseconds,a period which corresponds to one-half rotation of the propeller. Gardner4

attributes the short-duration propeller return to specular reflection at someangular position of the propeller. In fact, this mechanism would lead to thevariation of spectral bandwidth reported by Gardner for aspects from 00 to 600,and is in qualitative agreement with corresponding data in Section 4.2.1.However, the "specular patch" mechanism is not likely to apply at aspectangles of 60-120* for example, since the edge of the propeller is thenLiluminated, and the width and radius of curvature of the reflecting patchmust then be signifir-ntly less than the radar wavelength. An additionalmechanism suggested in the following paragraph . is in qualitative agreementwith the experimental results.

As a propeller rotates, a position will exist such that the radial axisof each of the blades is in turn perpendicular to the line of incidence ofthe radar energy. At these angles, reflections (not necessarily specular)from points along the length of the blade will add in phase, giving a maximumoverall return from the blade. For two-bladed propellers, this condition willbe satisfied twice per revolution. At an aspect angle of 00 the propellerblades are perpendicular to the line to the radar throughout the entirerotation (assuming zero aircraft pitch angle). As the aspect angle increases,the propeller spends less and less time within any given angle about theperpendicular until at 900 this time is a minimum. Since the shorter theduration of the signal peak the wider will be the resulting spectrum, wewould expect the width of the spectrum to be minimum for nose and tail a!sPtctsand maximum at 900. This is in fact the situation seen in Figures 22 to 27.

Figures 28 and 29 for nose and tail aspect still show a spectrum ofsignificant width. This is due in part to the apparent pitch angle (the air-craft was higher than the radar), but variations in propeller cross sectiondue to rotation through the direction of polarization of the incident fieldmay also play a part, as may the shadowing of the airframe by the propeller(nose aspect) and of the propeller by the airframe (tail aspect).

Within the impulses shown in Figure 30, a high frequency oscillationcan be seen. This, no doubt, is a result of the phase changes (doppler) ofthe propeller return relative to the airframe return. Phase variations appearas RCS fluctuations, since the returns from airframe and propller add whenin phase and subtract when out of phase. If the propeller were perfectlysymmetrical, we would not expect such phase variations, since as one bladewas moving away from the radar the other would be approaching, and the neteffect would be no phase change. However, an examination of a typical two-blade propeller shows thdt for aircraft aspect angles between 00 and 900(but not right at these angles) the blade which is moving relatively awayfrom the radar presents a greater projected area to the radar then does theblade moving relatively toward the radar, while for angles between 900 and1800 the reverse is true. Thus the resulting doppler should be mainlynegative with respect to the airframe doppler in the first case, and positivein the second. This effect is clearly seen in Figures 22 to 27.

4.2.3 Effect of Propeller Doppler on MTI Performance

The portion of the spectrum due solely to the propeller was extractedby a program which computed the spectrum for each record, removed the strongest

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(airframe) line, and computed the cross section corresponding to the totalremaining power. The data for each aircraft as it flew Track 1 (Figure 14)was processed in this way and the results plotted as a function of aspectangle (computed from radial ve2ocity). An examaple is shoT'n in Figure 31.Each plotted point was computed from one 1024 complex-word record. Unfortu-nately, near 900 aspect, the very strong airframe line generates false lineswhich dominate the spectrum, making it difficult to extract the cross sectionof the true propeller doppler lines. Therefore it was necessary to removesome of these from the plots, leaving a scarcity of points near 90' . Thetrend visible in Figure 31 was common to all 3 aircraft: the overall propellercross section has maxima near nose and trail aspects, and a minimum near 90*aspect. This might be expected from a simple look at the prijected area ofthe propeller as seen by the radar. Unfortunately, it is just at an aspectof 900, where the airframe doppler is near zero, that the propeller crosssection is least. It is in this area that we might have hoped for someimprovement in MTI response as a result of the rotating propeller.





cj* U . •

D .%

0 45 30 135 1SO


figure 31. Variation of propeller RCS (computed fromn power In propeller mvdulitlun speLtrum) wi'th aspce-t.The data shown are for the Cessna /77.

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4.2.4 Summary of Spbctr&l Properties

A number of general conclusions may be drawn from the spectra presentedin this section.

a) The rotating propeller causes the generation of a number of linesseparated from the airframe line by multiples of twice the rotationrate.

b) The magnitude of the prcpeller lines is greatest near nose aspect,decreases to a minimum at 90° aspect, and increases again to amaximum (apparently a lower one than the one for nose aspect) neartail aspect The largest of these lines is smaller than the air-frame line.

c) The extent in frequency over which these lines exist is minimum at

nose aspect and increases to a maximum at around 90° aspect. It

decreases again to a minimum at tail aspect, although it appearsthat this is not as low a minimum as for nose aspect.

d) The propeller doppler lines are not generally spread symmetricallywith respect to the airframe line, but have a "centre of gravity"which is below the airframe line for aspect angles less than q0° ,and above the airframe line for angles between 900 and 1800. .'orall aspects, therefore, significant scattering areas in the propellermove ir. opposition to the direction of motion of the airframe, toor from the observer.

e) The total power in the propeller lines has a maximum near nose andtail aspect, and a minimum near wing aspect. The maximum at tailaspect appears smaller than that at nose aspect.

Generally, the spectral width of the target echo can be expected toalleviate MTI blind speed losses associated with constant-PRF radar system.-,and velocity-response losses in the case of staggered-PRF radar systems.However, as a consequence of (b) and (d) above, and as shown in Figure 31,little relief from tongential fading can be expected

The assumption inherent in the Swerling I target model, that amplitudedoes not fluctuate greatly withiin a given look (or scan), requires that signalbandwidth be less than the re'Jprocal of the dwell time on target (e.g., 17ms for the ASR--5 radar). The spectra suggest that the Swerling I correlationrequirement is 'iolated for most aircraft aspects, and Figure 30 tends toconfirip this view.


This section describes hardware and software developed at CRC tofacilitate recc-iing of radar-target data in the field, and its later analysisin the laboratory ubing a dedicated HP 2100 minicomputer. While the digitalrecording equipment had been developed some ycars before, and has been usedpreviously in a number of applications, the software was written specificallyfor the research reported herein.

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The digital tape recording system used to transform radar signals to arecorded digital data format compatible with the computer is described in thissection.

The recorder uses a modified B-scan display for target acquisition andtracking (see Figure 32 below). This display scans in rectanpular coordinates,giving Azimuth versus Range on the y and x axes respectively. Only signalswithin a range interval AR and azimuth interval AA, as shown in Figure 32(b),are recorded. The position of the recording window is set by a track ballthat is integral to the recorder. Manual displacement of the track ball movesthe displayed window for tracking purposes. In practice, because of spottyradar performance and the need to be sure of accurately tracking "misses" aswell as "detections", raw SSR video, displaced in range from the skin paintby a constant distance, was added to the B-scan display to permit precisetracking, even during target primary-radar dropouts.

An 8-bit number giving the peak video voltage within the recording-window range interval AR is acquired for every transmitted pulse. At the endof each scan, 16 8-bit words of housekeeping data and the accumulated videodata (up to 496 words, depending on the PRF and the window width AA) aretransferred as a discrete record to 9-track computer tape.

In the present trials, LR was usually set to 1.2 nmi, or about 30 timesthe correlation time of the receiver video noise (ASR-5 video bandwidth isspecified at 2 MHz). If the video input is gated to the recorder's peakdett.Lur for 30 times the correlation time of the input, the peak detectorwill, on average, choose the largest of 30 uncorrelated samples. Lewis, inan unpublished Technical Memorandum, has shown that this "collapsing loss",in the present instance, has a value of 6 dB.



M E 6AW E F< S



Figure 32 B Scope (b) Versus - PPI Scope (a)

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Compute- tapes re-ju''ting from the ASR-5 radar experiments were analyzedon a specially-configured 11P 2100 computer system enploying 32K memory, disc-operating system, magnetic tape unit, CRT X-Y display, and an on-line hard-copy plotter. The fo.llowing paragraphs describe the software modules writtenfor this task.

5.2.1 Track Plotter

Th4s program plots the actual aircraft track flown, to any requestedscale. It may be used to produce properly-scaled overlays for maps or PPIpictures of ground clutter (clutter profiles). By setting a sense switch onthe computer, discrete locations along each track may be flagged. A table isoutput on the system teletype, giving the time, bearing and range of thepoints so flagged, and the track, distaDce and ground speed since the precedingflag.

5.2.2 Interactive Visual "Quick-Look" Routine

This computer program presents, for each scan, amplitude-versus-azimuthsignal data, Logether with selected housekeeping parameters, on a CRT X-Ydisplay. It is used for screening recorded blocks of data, and as a type ofdata editor, which can, under the operator's control, transfer segments ofdata to a disc file for later detailed analysis; or, it can produce permanentpaper plots of signal histories during designated scans.

Figure 33 shows two examples of recorded range-gated video, as seenusing the "Quick-Look" routine. Figure 33(a) is the video voltage producedas the ASR-5 antenna beam scans by a strong isolated, point target. Theslight asymmetry of the target response (resulting from the radar's integrator)may be seen. Figure 33(b) is the same point target adjacent to an area ofdistributed clutter. In both cases, a fiest threshold has been set as shown,and a simple sliding-window detector (as described in Section 5.2.3) wouldhave no difficulty determining the true azimuth of the point target. MTIvideo recorded using radar systems without integrators typically shows rapidfluctuations within a scan, but these have been largely eliminated here bythe ASR-5 integrator.

5.2.3 Automatic Cetection Routine

A software implementation of a plot extractor was employed to give arepetitive, unbiased and relatively accurate measure of the observed detect-ability of the aircraft return on each scan. The algorithm employed was thefamiliar double-threshold, sliding-window detector. For purposes of theanalysis presented in later sections, the first threshold was set at threetimes the mean video voltage within each recording window (including noise,clutter residue, and signal), averaged over azimuth to contain a high pro-portion of noise and clutter residue. The second threshold was set to one-half the number of pulses per sliding window, which was, in turn, set to thenumber of hits per 10-dB beamwidth.

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RANCE * 10 rni


5Z I-- -- --

0330T 1230T




2980T 3380TAZIMUTH


Figure 33. Range-Gated ASR.5 Video

5.2.4 Probability of Detection Calculation Routine

In the context of a measurement problem, "instantaneous probability ofdetection" has no meaning. For the present work, the scan history of thetarget, consisting of "detections" and "misses" as determined by the previous-ly-described automatic detection routine, was analyzed in overlapping blocksof 50 scans during a given manoeuver. In this way, each "miss" within ablock would lower blip/scan ratio by 0.02. To provide smoothing of results,the 50-scan block was advanced only 10 scans between computotions resultingin correlation between adjacent values of blip-scan r-tio. Blake definesthe blip-scan ratio as the fraction of scans on which olip is observed,averaged over a small range interval (consistent with its useage here), He

further notes that this quantity "corresponds to the probability of detectionwhen the observer's integration time is less than the scan period of theradar" (again, the case here).

With the Ottawa ASR-5 radar, averaging over 50 scans corresponds toaveraging over 3 minutes and 20 seconds of real time, or 5-3/2 nmi of move-ment for a 100 knot aircraft (see parameters in Table 5.1). The 50 scan data

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interval is a compromise, large enough to provide the required averaging(leading to repeatable, easily interpreted results), but small enough so that,normally, two or more unrelated detection factors do not occupy the intervalat the same time (i.e., it may not be desirable for a taagential fade andstrong target suppression by clutter to be averaged in the same data interval).In each of the sequences reported here, data were screened manually to ensurethat false alarms and undesired aircraft in the recording window had notsignificantly corrupted probability of detection results.


Approximate ASR-5 Radar System Parameters (Ottawa)

Peak Transmitted Power 400 kW

Pulse Length 0.833 ps

Wavelength 0.107 m

PRF (average) 1158 Hz

PRI stagger 9:i 1

Antenna Gain (peak) 34.0 dB

Antenna Azimuthal Beamwidth 1.50Antenna Elevation Beamwidth 5.00

Antenna Height 60 feet

Antenna Beam.Peak Elevation 1.80

Antenna Polariiation vertical

Antenna Scan Rate IS r/min

Receiver Bandwidth (IF) 4 MHzReceiver Bandwidth (video) 2 MHL

Receiver Noise Figure 4.0 dB


All operational-radar experiments discussed in this report employed theOttawa ASR-5 terminal radar, although prelimlnary work had been done withother systems. This section describes only those parameters and subsystemsof the Ottawa ASR-5 necessary to an understanding of the experimental resultq.

The ASR-5 MTI, as selected during the trials, employs a standard,double-delay, no feed-back canceller. The average PRF of 1158 Hz and PRIstagger ratio of 9:11 give rise to the velocity response shown in Figure 34,with a vestigial blind speed at 121 knots. Aircraft radial velocity compon-ents for the flights discussed here varied between zero and 125 knots.Typi.cal radial flights were carried out with ground speeds of about 100knots and for these, a signal-to-noise ratio loss of 5 dB would be expected.

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oU A AA^\ t \I


-is -



-30L- - - - . - - __

0 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250


Figure 34. A SR-5WTI Velocity Response

Figure 35 shows the probability of detecting 2, 5 and 10 m2 Swerling Itargets with the CRC recording equipment and ASR-5 radar employed in theOttawa tests. In plotting Figure 35, the methods of Blake2 and Fehlner


were utilized*, with a target altitude of 2600 feet, probability of falsealarm of 10-8, an assumed antenna temperature of 120*K, and an antenna beam-shape as discussed in Ref. 7 (cosecant-squared above the beam peak, andparabolic below). Total system losses of 27.7 dB have been assumed, made upas follows:

a) MTI velocity response loss - 5 dB;

b) recorder collapsing loss(Section 5.1.1) - 6 dB;

c) antenna beamshape loss 2 - 1.6 dB;

d) Bandwidth correction factor 2 - 1.1 dB;

e) receiver microwave hardwareloss - 3.9 dB;

f) Transmitter microwave hardwareloss - 2.5 dB; &nd

The computer program used to plot Figure 35 was written by A.U. Tenne-Sensof the Communications Research Centre, and is described by him in an un-published Technical Memorandum.

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g) Miscellaneous (includes provisionfor "system degradation" in thefield2 , atmospheric absorption, etc). 7.6 dB.

The above loss totals are consistent (within 2 dB) with those used in themanufacturer's published range calculations for similar equipment, if account

if taken of the longer-than-standard waveguide run used in the CanadianMinistry of Transport installations. It should be noted that losses (a) and(b) introduce a potential 11 dB difffirence between Figure 35 and standardcoverage diagrams for the ASR-5; therefore, Figure 35 relates to the presentmeasurement program only, and should not be used as an indication of ASR-5range performance in general.

100EA , 9- Rgv- I.E~ OS V.MPUSE LENIT'- 8.3E-07 SECS.

ANiT. GAIN- %.0 DO.90 \ '"VAVELENcT. .10 MRS.


PIW=11SS. HZ.60 'R, IIR . BNDWIDTt- 1.0E 06 lZ.

\ \ NOISE lFI;U/= t..0 08.

~70 _ \ \ ANT.'flh-1 1.0 .70-- BE~ffVIDTI- 1.5 DEG.

TNRET .LTITUDWC 000. FT.60 ____ \___ NO RAIN'ALL60'

o ''





o S 10 IS 20 25 30 3S t0 tS soPE (W0)

FIgure 35. Probabihty of detec ting 2, 5 and 10 m 2 Swerly / flut tuatiny laryet) at 3000' ASL using theOttawa ASR-5 and CRC recorder (100 knot tarqet radial velocity).

A video sweep integrator, as shown in Figure 36, is employed in thpASR-5 to improve detectability, particularly of the MTI output. The effectof the integrator is to introduce correlation between adjacent hits on atarget. Used with the preceding limiter, the overall subsystem has thefollowing major effects:

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a) destruction of the conventionally-asLumed linear relationshipbetween arget cross section aae video amplitude (targets above thenoise level will all integrate up to about the same video voltage,;

b) the range-gated signal history of a target will show an envelopedominated by the integrator characteristic (a rising and fallingexponential), rather than a replica of the antenna horizontal polardiagram; and

c) pulse-to-pulse fluctuations due to MTI blind-phase effects will belargely eliminated.

Because of the first of the above effects, plans to compute the "apparentradar cross section" of the test aircraft by inversion of tha radar rangecalculation were abandoned in favor of measuring smoothed probalilities ofdetection by employing a software "plot extractor", a procedure desLribed inthe next section.



Figure 36. ASR-5 Video Integrator


This section describes experiments performed using the Ottawa ASR-5terminal radar, and analyzes results of these experiments.

The ASR-5 at Ottawa is an operational ATC Radar, and this did not permitadjustment during a given trial. To ensure uniformity of performance, an MOTtechnician wai in attendance during each test, and assurance was given thatthe channel in use was operating normally. In addition, the following testswere performed at the close of each day's activity:

a) Measurement of bipolar video rms noise level and pre-MTI limit level(typically, the ratio of these two was 30-35 dB);

b) Measurement of sy m MDS, by viewing an injected pulsed signaldisplayed on an A-scan display, and measurement of the RF inputlevel required to produce limiting ahead of the MTI; and

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c) Measurement of the Sensitivity Time Control characteristic in useat the time.

Figure 37 shows the tracks selected to allow observationa of ASR-5performance. The entiie pattern was flown twice for each test aircraft (viz.Cherkee140, Cessna 172, Cessna 177).

%~ %


\\ v2?i'~A

j.' - -

Figre 7. xpe~metalTraks low Agins OtawaASR5Rar

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Track 1, which runs from the Ottawa River west of Aylmer, to just northof Buckingham, was chosen to position aircraft over the strongest groundclutter in the area. Unfortunately, this track proved difficult to followwith precision in the air, and actual ground tracks tended to deviate northof the ideal by several miles, enough to place the aircraft over cluttervoids beyond the Gaineau escarpment. For this reason, only general conclusionsregarding the effects of ground clutter can be drawn from the Track-l flights.

Tracks 2 and 3, from the Casselman non-directional beacon, over theUplands beacon, to just southwest of Richmond, were selected to avoid all

ground clutter of any consequence. This routing, which shows detectabilityof the aircraft for a variety of aspects from 200 off the nose and tail,through the important 90 * wing aspect, was flown both eastbound (Track 3) andwestbound (Track 2) in every flight sequence.

Tracks 4 and 5, from Casselm non-directional beacon, over the radar,to just south of Carp, were selected to show radar performance against noseand tail aspects respectively. Again, the tracks are largely free of ground


Tracks 6 and 7, from Kemptville to the Ottawa River northwest of the

Airport, were selected to be directly downwind and upwind on the day of theiruse. These tracks were used in the tangential fading experiments describedin Section 6.5.

Results observed with each of the three aircraft types were similar, aswould be expected from the measured data presented in Section 4. For thisreason, the results of only one flight, that carried out on 2 May 1974 usinga Cessna 177 Cardinal, will be presented in full.


Figure 38 shows the STC characteristic set on channel B of the ASR-5during the 2 May flight test. For ranges jf 7-10 nmi, the relationshipemployed Is a good deal more severe than 1/R : wher. -s, for ranges below 6nmi, the opposite is true. All STC action is essentially complete by 15 nmi.Figure 38 is typical of the STC laws encountered throdghout the trials, with

the greatest variation from day to day occurring at the short ranges (i.e.,less than 6 nmi). After the flight, MTI MDS was measured as -109 dBm, andMTI dynamic range was 35 dB, Both figures may be regarded as cypical forthis equipment.

Figure 39 shows a record of the position of detections during the

flight sequence. The displacement of tracks 4 and 5 from the ideal (theywere intended to pass over the radar) results from a minor navigation error.Isolated points, obviously separated in azimuth from the desired aircrafttracks, are due to other flights passing t1irough the recording window.

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00 .5 10 is


Figure 38. Measured STC Characteristic, ASR-S, 2 Mlay 1974.


300 000

Fiue3.2drDlctoso70sa17 -2My17 S l 1:090,00

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Figure 40 shows the measured probability of detection (Pd) of the Cessna177 during the inbound flight at 2600 feet. At a radar range of 18 nmi,probability of detection is about 80%, consistent with a target cross sectiunof just over 5 m2 (as may be extrapolated from Figure 35). Pd increases asthe aircraft approaches, until the combination of STC and antenna beamshapecause a fall in Pd between 14 ;nd 18 nmi. A distinct ,...,um in Pd is seenat 7 nmi, consistent with tho STC law presented in Figure 38.

rigure 41 shows the measured Pd for the Cessna 177 during an outboundflight at 2600 feet. Again, detection probability is decreased at shortranges. Farther out, at a radar range of 17 nmi, P has fallen to 60%,consistent with a target cross section of about 2 m (see Figure 35).

RADAR OMGE (mi) RA (m)

20.9 17.0 13.1 9.4 6.0 4.U ? 4.,1? 14? I 1 U7 Z6 6S1.. .

0. 3 0. 8 ~ _ ___ _

0. q -


O.c0 - 0.0 -


Figure 40 Cessna 177, Track 4, Inbound Fgure 41. Cessna / 77, Track 5, Outbound

The values of RCS estimated in the preceding two paragraphs from themaximum-range data show remarkably close agreement with the overall mean noseand tail radar cross sections, 5.4 in2 and 1.3 m2 respectively, measured atCRC and tabulated in Table 4-1. Equally good agreement was observed betweenmaximum-range data and measured nose and tail-aspect radar cross sections forthe Cessna 172 and Cherokee 140. While absolute values of maximum radarrange are critically dependent upon the assumed system loss factor, theconsistency of relative maximum ranges for different aspects is noteworthy.


Figures 42 and 43 show the measured probabilities of detection for theWestbound and Eastbound tangential flights respectively. Less difference isapparent between "nose" and "tail" maximum ranges than before, because thelateral displacement of the track does not permit direct nose and tail viewsof the aircraft. Again, this is in agreement with the data measured at CRCand presented in Section 4.

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RA AAWA~ (rat) RAWk RAJIG (rml)

20.1 13.0 1.9 9.01 1S.2 22.5 19.4 12.3 1.9 9.4 1.8 23 Z

1.0C 1.0C/ \

0.0 0.6 -

0. 2

0.c 0. IC!O . D8 16 2 4 3 2 4 0 1 [ = 2 4


Figure 42. Cessna 177, Track 2, Westbound Figure 43. Cessna 177, Track 3, Eastbound

The most striking feature in both Figures 42 and 43 is the readily-

apparent tangential fade. The depth of the fade implies the losZ, of 15 and

12 out of 50 scans respectively. The width of the fade is exaggerated by the

smearing effect of calculating detection probability over 50 scans. Thenumber of lost scans suggests a fade width of about one minute, or 1.7 nmi at

a ground speed of 100 knots; although, in practice, the fade will not be

rigidly defined, and will include some detections. This subject will be

considered again in Section 6.5 when the effect of circular polarization is


6.4 TRACK 1 - FLIGHT OVER GROUND CLUTTERpobiblty of detection for the Cessra

LJmuLe -.- shows , m1easured p- " 0 U=L=cL~onIesu

177 over the area of ground clutter north of Ottawa. The clutter strength

along track I is mostly between 20 dB and 30 dB above the MDS, with clutter

points in excess of 30 dB widely scattered. This level of clutter should be

within the cancellation capability of the MTI, based on simple linear theor>;and, therefore, little degradation should result.

Lack of range precision in the present recorder, together with lack of

tr..,;K accuracy on this leg (and time limitations generally), mitigate againstdetailed consideration of ground-clutter effects at this Lime. However, it

can be stated that even moderate clutter levels did clearly result in a

marked decrease in detection performance at a given range (compared to clutter-free tracks) for the three aircraft types studied, and that a visual screen-

ing of raw data suggests that small signal suppression, rather than MTI

improvement factor degradation as a result of limiting, was the dominant

cause, although both effects were observed to take place.

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16.0 1S.3 is S 16.9 19.0 21.61. 0



4.8 12 16 0


Figure 44. Cessna 177, Track/ Over Ground Clutter


The increase in aircraft RCS at beam aspects was discussed in Sections2.2.1 and 4.1.1. For tangential flights, this increased cross section,occurring for aspects where radial velocity is near zero, should counteractthe effect of the MTI tangential fade, and narrow the region in which radar"misses" are encountered. RAT SCAT experimenters found that the beam-aspectRCS increase was not apparent when using circular polarization (see Section2.2.1). Hence, tangential fades should be more severe when using circularpolarization than when using linear polarization, at least under the follow-ing ideal conditions:

a) accurately flown tangential track, with small heading errors (i.e.,not more than 5 or 10 degrees):

b) near-zero bank angle (i.e., excludes fades encountered during arc

flying); and

c) crab angle due to wind drift less than about 10 degrees.

A mathematical model was evaluated, and four test tracks flown (two usingcircular polarization; two using linear polarization) to test the practicaleffect of circular polarization tangential fades. A Cessna 172 was employedin this sequence of flights.

Figure 45 shows a simplified model for the dependence of Cessna 172 RCSon aspect, for linear and circular polarizations. The shapes and magnitudesare consistent with measured median values. Circular polarization is assumedto result simply in the disappearance of the beam-aspect peak in RCS, and adrop of 5-6 dB in "background" RCS.

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40 . sin 2A

-- A2E





0 --------

0 70 90 110 180


Figure 45. Simplified Model for Light.AIcrut RCS.

Figure 46 shows the computed HTI amplitude, as a function of position,

for a tangentially-flying target. This computation assumes the MTI response

of the ASR-5 radar (i.e., double-delay canceller with no MTI feedback, S-band,

PRF of 1158 Hz). The "No. of Scans" notation along the top of the graph

relates to a tangential flight by a 100 knot aircraft with a distance of

closest approach of 11 i these be-g the paror of the tst flights

reported in this section. Appendix C shows the signal margin above MDS for a

7 m2 target at 11 nrni to be 19.6 dB for the Ottawa ASR-5 radar. Moving to

-19.6 dB in Figure 46, one would expect the given flight to result in a fade

width (using linear polarization) of 14 scans, 1.6 nmi, or 56 seconds. The

use of circular polarization, according to the model, will aggravate thLs

situation, doubling the fade to 28 scans, 3.2 nmi, or 112 seconds.

A Cessna 172 wss flown along tracks 6 and 7, selected to minimize wind

drift and ground clutter: two reciprocal tracks were flown for circular and

two for linear polarization. Figures 47 and 48 show the recorded probability

of detecting the Cessna 172 along the northbound and southbound tangential

tracks respectively, using linear polarization. It is interesting to note

that Figures 47 and 48 are almost exact mirror images of each other, showing

the repeatability of the averaged probability of detection plots. One slight

difference, the lower Pd at the right-ha'd extreme of Figure 47 compared to

the left-hand extreme of Figure 48, is likely due to the former being a

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tail-aspect view, while the latter is nose-aspect (see relative RCS valuesgiven in Section 4). Figures 49 and 50 show the identical routes, trackedusing circular polarization. The increased depth and width of the tangentialfade, compared to that encountered using linear polarization, is clear. Table6.2 summarizes the number of missed scans in the fade for the four tracks andfor the theoretical model. Measured results are consistent with those cal-culated from the model. Although the precise fade width calculated from themodel is dependent upon the selected signal margin above MDS, the relativeincrease in fade width engendered by the use of circular polarization, givenan assumed linear-polarization fade width, is far less so.


Width of Tangential Fade (Number of Missed Scans)

Linear Polarization Circular Polarization

Northbound (Figures 47, 49) 16 30

Southbound (Figures 48, 50) 18 28

Model (Figure 46) 14 28


+i 0 0 0O 20 30 40


S-.50 .,

-4 -0. 3 -0. 2 -0.!1 0 "t0.1 +0. 2 +0. 3 +0. 4


Figure 46. Computed ASR.5 M7l Amplitude For Tangential Tracks

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16.2 12.5 11.0 12.S 16.. 21.1 21.1 16.2 12.S 10.6 12.0 15.8

1.0 1.0t

30. 6 0.8--

0.4 0.4

-0.2 - 0.2

0. 0 6 l 18 24 30 0. 00 6 12 1 8 24 30


Figure 47. Cessna 172, Tangential Track Figure 48. Cessna 172, Tangential Track- Linear Polarization - Linear Polarization

- Northbound - Southbound

AW~ MG (rt) SA W (m13

1S.2 n3.9 11.3 13.3 17.4 22.4 19.4 34.8 13.5 10.8 13.2 17.4

I0. 0.2

12 18 24 30 6 12 18 24 30


Figure 49. Cessna 172, Tangential Track Figure 50 Cessna 172, Tangential Track

- Circular Polarization - Circular Polarization- Northbound - Southbound

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In addition to affecting the tangential fade, circular polarizationresults in a loss of range performance (e.g., 0.62 versus 0.88 probability ofdetection at 17.4 nmi range from Figures 47 and 49), approximately equivalentto a 6 dB loss on a Swerling I target, in agreement with RAT SCAT data. Alack of symmetry in the range performance is also apparent for both circularand linear polarizations. This resulted from repeatedly observed poordetection performance to the south of the radar at 12-16 nmi. No attempt wasmade to determine the cause of this weakness which, incidentally, occurs withthe aircraft viewed at both nose and tail aspects in the figures presented.


The time and frequency domain characteristics of the radar echo from

light aircraft have been studied, using data derived from a static range, acoherent laboratory radar, and an operational air traffic control radar. Theresults of this study are summarized below.


a) With linear polarization, the median radar cross sections of Cessna177, 172, 150 and Cherokee 140 aircraft generally lie between 0 and 10 dBsmfor all aspects except the beam aspect (Sections 2.2.1, 4.1.1, and

b) With linear polarization, the median RCS of the above aircra't atbeam aspects is about 20 dBsm ove- a 200 wide interval for 00 of bank(Sections 2.2.1 and 4.1.1).

c) Circular polarization results in a 5 or 6 dB loss in median echoamplitude, except at beam aspect where the loss is about 15 dB (Section 2.2).

d) When an aircraft is in a turn, stronger signals are received fromthe upper surface than the lower surface (i.e., when the radar is abeam ofthe passing aircraft, turns away from the radar will momentarily produce worsefades than will turns toward the radar) (Section 2.2).

e) Median RCS is substantially independent of frequency from L throughC band (Section 2.2.3).

f) Within S band, only the fine detail of RCS versus aspect isfrequency dependent (Section 2.2.3).

g) Median RCS is not strongly affected by pitch changes of up to ±100(Section 2.2.3).

h) Vertical and hori-ontal polarization yields near-identical RCS forall aspects of the aircraft studied (Section 2.2.3).

i) The RCS of the fabric-covered Super Cub is similar to that of all-metal aircraft of comparable size, except that strong peaks are not observedat the beam aspect (Section 2.2.3).

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j) For all aircraft studied, at all aspects except beam aspect, theRCS probability density function may be taken to be either exponentfil or theweighted sum of two exponential functions with different mean values. Theuse of an exponential density is justified for generalized performance cal-culations only (Sectijn The assumption made in the Swerling Imodel, that the RCS is constant within a scan, does not hold in practice(Section 4.2.4).

k) Mean values of the various RCS density functions for various aspectsof the aircraft studied are summarized in Table 4..1. In general, large RCSseems to depend more on rectangular form and a lack of streamlining than onphysical size. Nose aspects always yielded higher RCS values than tailaspects (Section

1) The short-term mean RCS of light aircraft in flight fluctuates byas much as 10-20 dB over intervals as short as 1.5 seconds (Section 4.1.1).

m) Nose and tail aspect spectra show strong propeller doppler lines,but narrow frequency extent. At beam aspects, propeller line spectra covera wide frequency range, but their amplitude is small. Hence, doppler-shiftedcomponents due to the propeller provide little improvement in MTI performance,with the possible exception of a tendency for propeller modulation to "fill-in"the blind speeds of non-staggered systems viewing aircraft at quarteringaspects (Section 4.2.3).

n) Modeling and measurement suggests that the use of circularpolarization will double the width of the region of tangential fading (com-pared to that encountered using linear polarization), although this effectmay not always be apparent where crab angle is high, or where the aircraftheading is wandering (Section 6.5).

o) Ground clutter reduces ASR-5 detection performance, apparentlythrough small-signal suppression, even where the clutter is well within thenormally-assumed MTI cancellation capability of the radar (Section 6.4).

p) Non-optimum STC adjustment can seriously reduce detection perfor-mance against light aircraft at short ranges (Section 6.2).


The difficulty of detecting light aircraft is not due solely to theirsmall radar cross-section, but to this factor in associdtion with others.The most important of the other factors are the techniques used to enhancedetection in clutter (e.g., MTI, limiting receivers, STC, circular polariza-tion), and Lhe operational practices (which are, in part, imposed by thedesign) of using these techniques in weather conditionj, or on ranges andazimuths where they are not only unnecessary but actually disadvantageous.Improved detection performance could be realized by more elaborate signalprocessing, but the cost is likely to be high. Experience with air defenceradar, which tends to lead ATC radar in sophitication (and expense), doesnot suggest that an ultimate solution to primary radar shortcomings will beobtained simply by improved radar design.

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The moot obvious and most effective solution to the problem of detectinglight aircraft is to require that all aircraft operating within extended DNDPositive Control Zones or civil Terminal Radar Service Areas be fitted withSSR Transponders, so that the positive technical features of primary andsecondary radar can complement one another. The "political" practicality ofthis requirement is indicated by the adoption, some years ago, of a similarrequirement for two-way communications equipment. Before adopting this coukse,it would be necessary to verify that it would not lead to over-loading of theSecondary Surveillance Radar system. The authors believe that this would notbe an immediate problem in Canada.

The following recommendations relate to the design, siting, andoperation of future military ATC radar systems, and are offered on theassumption that improved primary radar performance is required, whether ornot the course recommended above is adopted:

a) Requirements for new ATC radars should include the demonstration ofreliable detection of a specified "worst-case" target. The target should have

2a mean RCS of lm , with an exponential distribution, where detection of noone aircraft type Is of dominant concern. However, the correlation propertiesassumed in the Swerling I target model must be viewed with suspicion,parcicularly when analysing radar performance at high probabilities ofdetection, where in-scan fluctuations of real light-aircraft targets willmake that model a pessimistic predictor of detection.

b) All ATC terminal radars should be capable of employing linear aswell as circular polarization. Operators should be made aware of the degrada-tion in performance (with respect to detection range and tangential fading)caused by the unnecessary use of CP in dry weather.

c) Sweep integration and/or quadrature detection should be incorporated

in ATC terminal radars with YTI, to decrease the incidence of blind-phaseeffects, both pulse-to-pulse and scan-to-scan.

d) Adaptive clutter switching should be employed to restrict the useof MTI processing to areas of high clutter.

e) The position and size of probable tangential fade areas should beestimated and taken into account in determining radar siting, particular]yin cases where the radar is not located on the airport.

f) STC adjustment procedures should be chosen with care, to avoid thesevere attenuations at short ranges often chosen in the interests of reducingMTI residue near the middle of the PPI.

g) Further research should be undertaken to study the application ofautomatic scan analysis, as used in the work reported here, to the improve-ment of system evaluation and routine maintenance procedures.

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The authors wish to acknowledge with gratitude the technical andfinancial support given by the Directorate of Electronics Engineering and

MaintenancL, National Defence Headquarters. Appreciation is also extended tothe Ministry of Transport for arranging CRC access to their radars, and to thetechnicians and controllers at Ottawa International Airport for their assist-ance during the flight tests. Permission given by the Federal Aviation

Administration permitting reproduction of static light-aircraft RCS datameasured at RAT SCAT has contributed strongly to the conclusiveness of thedynamic measurements reported herin.

Although many CRC staff members were associated with the project fromtime to time, the contributions of Mr. D.M. Selwyn who designed the digitalrecording equipment and organized the flight tests, and Dr. A.W.R. Gilchristwho edited and significantly influenced the content of the final report, areworthy of particular mention.

The overall project was carried out under the auspices of the Departmentof National Defence, Canada.


1. Patriarche, M.V., An EvaZuation of Some Features cf An Air TrafficControl Radar System in a !ountaincus Envirorxent, CRC Tech. Note No.635, April 1972.

2. Skolnik, M.I., (ed), Radar Handbook, McGraw Hill, New York, 1970.(Chapter 2).

3. Edrington, T.S., The 4mpZitude Statistics of Aircraft Radar Echoes, IEEETransactions on Military Electronics, January 1965.

4. Gardner, R.E., Doppler Spectral Characteristics of Aircraft RadarTargets at b eand, Naval Research Laboratory Report No. 5656, August1961.

5. Bahret, W.F., Dynamic FulZ Scale Measurement of RC., NATO AGARD LS-59,October 1973.

6. Federal Aviation Administration Report No. FAA-RD-74-99, ftaric RadarCross Section of Light Aircraft, Volumes I, II and III, December 1973,

7. Patriarche, M.V., A Theoretical Study of the Effect of Rain Upon thePerformance of Airport Surveillance Radars at Canadian MilitaryTerminals, CRC Report No. 1222, Ottawa, December 1971.

8. Pollon, G.E., Statistical Parameters for Scattering from handomlyOriented Arrays, Cylinders and Plates, IEEE Transactions on Antennasand Propagation, Vol. AP-18, No. 1, January 1970, pp. 68-75.

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9. Wilson, J.D., Probability of Detectio of Radar Targets, IEEE Trans-actions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-8, No. 6,November 1972.

10. Fehlner, L.F., Marcwn's and Swerling's Data on Target Detection by aPulsed Radar, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Report No. TG-451,and "Supplement", Report No. TG-451A.

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Aircraft Accident Report

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64 Preceding page blank

0:r l A. IeJI IE l J t IhI I ikIM 1%11 AI 1) % IIAN',&I'-I,



0 AI I Ill ipe .1-41RISIRIION-

Vickers Viscounit 757 CF-THYHCI j I. I I Iae adloomrf H|GISIRAfION - Im IfICUihlI1oI VAII .IIMi OI,H.i.. OPI A I f MN '.,.,I"'"

Ercoupe 415C CF-SHN lMar70 1332 PSTIPI A( I 4i1.I.,, LATI JUI) IONGretili ,

8 miles SE of Vancouver International Airport, BC 49/06N I 123/03W,I1EM All S, ,n

Near Vancouver, BCWtAIhIR -Cond imE s m$fJuoaloqques

High scattered cloud, 4isibility 50, temperature 42°F, wind NW at 13 mphLICENCE ,oA, ,,,,U,.,,,o.. , T,, S. LAST 90 DAYS - 101., d'hc..... (90 d- 111 .......... 1

0Air Transport 7376 AL TYPES - fou ,Yoo 135 ALL IYPIS 1, Iv1's

2040 ON TYPE - rTyp - ce .35 ON TIPE I , .......

reminEdo theAL HOURSa- Hfutun r ratar$ TOTAL HOURS. LAST 90 DAYS- TOWi dest en s ou

PriVate 200 ON TgPht- Tb r un e tusee te aYPr radar te repor

OISC:RIPIION OF OM('IRR| NCI| - Di$s{ooPli- sle 1@0vinem~ni

Air Canada flight 106 departed from Victoria, BC at 1318 PST enroute to VancouverInternational Airport. At 1326 PST the pilots cancelled their IFR flightplan butremained on the arrival frequency for radar surveillance. While nearing destination inclear weather in a VFR descent of 500 fpm. and 180 kts, the pilots were informed byarrival control that there was an aircraft at 12 o'clock at one mile, movi,, from left toright. They looked intently but were unable to see the aircrft; radar then reportedtat ith target had disappeared and directed a frequency change to t ower. The pilots

resumed their pre-landing cockpit duties and a few seconds later they felt a slight jaras the Viscount collided with a white Ercoupe at approximately 1500 feet as1. Witnesses;.o the collision saw a small white aircraft spiralling to the ground. The Viscountlanded safely with minor damage to an engine nacelle.

Vanicouver International Airport positive control zone extended five miles from theairport. Aircraft flying within this zone are required to maintain two-way radiocontact with the control tower. A NOTAM in effect at the time of the accident requested

that pilots flying VFR outside the control zone but within a 10 mile radius of the air-. .rt -.emain. at or belvw 1500 fcet si, unless otherwise cleared by (Ccmtld un buck)

The see-and-be-sean concept, although augmented by radar, was ineffective.

The procedures to ensure safe separation of mixed traffic in the Vancouver area are


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Vancouver towel (See Figure A-1). Radar monitoring in the area is available from a radar screen in the controltower.

The Ercoupe had taken off from nearby Delta Airpark on a solo recreation flight ond was being flown outsidethe 5-mile positive control zone of Vancouver International Airport, but inside the 10 mile area defined by theNOTAM. The pilot had not contacted any Vancouver agency by radio and, at the moment of collison vas etor near the edge of the restricted airspace (Figure A-2).

The Viscount descended VFR toward the Romeo beacon with its prescribed crossing altitude of 1300 feet asl,this would require approaching or penetrating a region where mixed local traffic is confined.

The Ercoupe was painted white and would be difficult to see against the background of predominantly whitehouses. The Viscount pilots were also attempting to spot a target which had a low relative movement acrosstheir line of vision.

rhe radar equipment currently in use has several limitations. For example it can indicate range and directionbut riot altitude. Small targets such as light aircraft (not equipped with transponder beacons) do not alwaysprovide reliable returns, also, small targets can be obscured by returns from larger aircraft, particularly thoseequipped with transponder beacons.

1. Although the visibility was excellent, and approach control had alerted the pilots of the Viscount, theydid not see the Ercoupe.

2. By cancelling IFR and descending the Viscount crew were anproaching airspace allocated to mixedtraffic, thus placing dependence on the see-and-be-seen concept.

3. The cautions, regulations, re-trictions, etc, aimed at providing safe separ,.tion at controlled airports arecontained in several public,.,ons, NOTAMS, etc. There was no 3ssurance that the pilot of the Ercoupehad received all essential information relating to aircraft operation in the Vancouver area

4. The radar at Vancouver International Airport as at all major airports has no height finding capabilityThis not only seriously limits its usefulness as a cuI;.';on avoidance devce but downgrades the credibilityof ATC collision avoidance assistance to pilts. Additionally, not all pilots are aware of the limitationsof radar and some place undue reliance on it.

5. The Ercoupe, because of its size provides aii unreliable radar rEturn. This partial.y negated the value ofthe air traffic control radar.

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Vancouver international E0



= -- = ,beacon )



Q) Delt0Ii


Figre -1 Fighputs o fe To Arcrft

liur -. Se ioa Vewo Rqono 16itveCnto (hde)

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Representative RCS Probability Density Functions for Cherokee 140,

Cessna 177, and Cessna 172

Figures B-I to B-15 are additional typical RCS probability densityfunctions, prepared as discussed in Section 4.1.2 of the text.

AC TYPE: Cherokee 140

Aspect: Nose



7 90%0.5 10%




0 I

0 5 10 15 20

RCS C SQ. M. )

Figure 8-1. RCS /Probubility )ensity fun( tlion.

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AL TYPE: Cherokee 140ASPECT : 20' - 70'.S





D- .2



0 10 iS 20


Figure B.2. RCS Probability Density Function.

AL TYPE Cherokee 140 1ASPECT 1o10 to h,0



4.5 40


cm*- 3



0_ 10_

0 S10 5210


Figure B.3. RCS Probability Denity Function.

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AC TYPE: Cherokee 140ASPECT : Tail



3 51 25X






010 S10 15 20

RC5 (' SQ. N4.

Figure B.4. RCS Probability Density Fun tion

A .WI VL ,hern.'I9

* 03



cii 0

0 150 300 450 600


Fiqure B-4. RCS Probability De'nsity I t ion.

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AC TYPE: Cessna 177ASPECT : Nose



2 55.6,5 45



co .1 2


0 S 10 15 20


Figure B.6. RCS Probobility Density Function.

kA TYPE Cesna 177ASPECT 1o to 70'



1 9 100

- °3


Figure B. . RCS Probabiliy Density Function.

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AC TYPE: Cessna 177ASPECT : 110' to 160'


MEAN (m)

O FTNCE.7 F 1.3 oo 00



0.m .23


0 5 10 is 20

RCS (SQ. .

Figure B-8. RCS Probability Density Function.

AL. TYPL. Cessna 177.5APLCT Tail



7 90


- ._j I


CL 3


0 -

0 10 Is 20

RCS , SQ. M.

Figure B-9. RCS Probability Density Function.

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AC TYPL: Cessna 177ASPECT Wing





0 ISO 300 450


Figure B.10. RCS Probability Density Function.

AC TYPi essrd 17ZASPLT %Ose






0 I

0 5 10 is 20


higure B-I1 RCS Probability )ensitv I un t ion.

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AC TYPL: Cessna 172ASPECT . 20 to 70


MEAN Cw) OCURRNI .20 1.0 I 9o

. 15

cn= . 10-


00 S 10 is 20


Figure B-12. RCS Probability Density Function.

AC TYPL Le ,%,nd 172ASPECT I101 to Ib0




7 I3

2 2---



0 S 10 is 20


I iqure 11 13. RCS Probabiltv Den, ity I un tion.

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AC TYPE- Cessna 172




I 96,

-0 .8




0 ,

0 5 10 15 20


Figure B-14. RCS Probability Density Func ton.

k ... ..e s 4IAL TyPE Le~.rd l72



- 01



0 150 300 450 600


Figure B-15. RCS Probability Densily function.

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Calculation of Signal Margin Above MDS

1. ASR-5, WITH 7 m2 TARGET AT 11 nmi

Equation (1) way be solved to get the mean received power:

PG2),2a 4 x 15 106.8 x (0.107)2 x 7 = 62.3 dBm. (A.1)

r (4r) 3R4 (4)" x (11 x 1853) 4

System noise power may be calculated from:

N = k B[T (NF - 1) + T all (A.2)

where k is Boltzmann's Constant, B is the receiver bandwidth, To is 2900K, T

is the effective antenna temperature, and NF is the receiver noise factur. aSolving eqn. (A.2) yields:

0-23 6 04 ) 10

N = 1.38 x 10 x 1.44 x 106 [290(10 04 1) + 120

= -109.6 dBm (A.3)

Hence, the basic signal-to-noise ratio is 47.3 dB.

The following losses must be added:

System loss -21.1 dBSTC Loss (11 nmi, measured) - 3.0 dBAntenna Pattern Loss

(2.20 elevation) - 3.6 dB(


Hence, the average net signal-to-noise ratio is 19.6 dB, on a single-pulsebasis.

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1. ORIGINATOR: Department of Communicatiorns/Communications Research Centre

2. DOCUMENT NO: CRC Report No. 1291

3. DOCUMENT DATE: March 1976

4. DOCUMENT T!TLE. Radar Detectability of Light Aircraft

5. AUTHOR(s): M.V. Patriarche, G.O. Vanier and J.R. Lewis

6. KEYWORDS: (11 Hadar

(2) Detection

(3) -A~r-'rraffic-ControI


-17 Navigation. Communications, Detection, and Countermeasures

1Z.J. 09 Radar detectioa

t 8. ABSTRACT:on behalf of the Department of National Delen;.e. di study has beern oade ot the factois deemining the ability of iada. tu Jete~t

tight aircraft Previously published work in this area was reviewed, and two series of eitpei.ments. in the time fiaine 1973 1975. were

carried out tu investigate the characteristics of the radar echo from light dacaft or) flight. One oeioes of eApei~ments was .aiied out

using the c.alibrated CRC c-oherent radar. ihs, other series, conducted with the Looperation ut the Ministry at Tjinspil.t made se at

an operational Air Traffic Control radar.

The findings of the study are summarized, and recommendatitons are made conr-erning the design, siting, arid opeiat.on at Aui

TraffiG Control primary radars to improve their detertion performance. it .s pointed out. huwevef, that these oreaSWUiS al,- ofilikely tuprovide a completet stAution to the problem of detefting light aircraft A wrnpfenienrary approac-h is necess.Iry to ieqii' a.1 !ight

aorr.raft operating within airport countrol zones to be fitted with Secondary Survemiiinc Radar tiam~pondeis Thu s~multarieuus u se Vf

the two independent sensors (primary and secondary radar) should virtualliy eliminate ttie problem

9. CITATION: _______________________________

RP&DS Rev. 1973
