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;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an...

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;RADE CROSSINGS MUST G0! ! D BRIDGE LEADER i ! ! AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN TQft INTEREST OF WOQDBRIDGfi TOWNSIHP SNTY-FIRST YEAB Woodbridse, N. J., Friday Aftanwon, March 21,1930 THREE LENTS WM COPY V4 "i STATION OADCASTING _, you know that Amos an.l| I' are permanent guests at the ten School? They are very Fpf corn flakes^ candy, and love fchew their way through card boxes. Amos and Ruby are white rats. At first they called "Amos and Andy", un' sprouting biologist Informed faculty that they should be n as Amos and Ruby. — Ws a dandy story about Hampton r the other day. — It Beems during the Morgan explosion 1918). Mr, Cutter gave tho his car and bit own serviced, ive several important men to cene Of the holocaust. — One men said to Mr. Cutter: "You are an excellent chauffeur; come and work for me?" hank you", replied H. C, with at couttwy, "I already have Francis .White, who was time the senior member of Brni White « Hess, Inc.. and some years as editor of •spijer >n fllam, subsequent leaving here, Is now back in ilia, mt hear. — Mrs. Cooper, iren, has held a season ticket same seat in tbe Metropolis era MHWe 1» N»w K.oik, tor Claims Hiflnrty Jobber Took $340 From Hun Threw hundred and forty dollars and a silver watch valued at eight dollars were taken from Jacob Bul- osh, pf 337 Thomas street, Perth Amboy, by a hold-up man "on Keas- bey Heights, a little after midnight, Sunday piprptng, according to a re port made by Bulosh to the local police? Buloslt was returning from a party In Keasbey. Heights. He was uncertain as to whether the-man had a gun and ho could not give an accurate description of the hold-up man. WOODBRIDGE YOUTH KILLED IN COLLISION Funeral Services for Thomas Sipo*, of Metachen Road This Afternoon. Seven Year Old Boy Bitten by Dog B&rtolomeo Qlacolone,,age 7, sou of Pasquale Glacblone, of 3^6 Ful- ton street, was badly bitten by an Irish, terrier, owned by ..Mion her, of 324 Fulton street last y Doii btlug day afternoon. The boy in treated by Dr, I. Spencer, Mr. Di>llher Uud ttiu Uoa up at the request of the police, but someone entered the yard, during the night Thomas Slpos, Jr., 2.3, ot 175 Me I uchen road, Wiodbrldge, was fatal Injured in an automobile a eel 'lent at 11 o'clock Monday evening un State Highway, No, »6, near Dead Man's Curve,'Morgan, where car driven by Kichbla* Lamb, of 100 River road, Rumson, collided with the Sipos car, . > "Slppe, who was a member of the Bearcats A. C , had attelided n meet- Ing of-the club earirer.ln th<- eve- ning. Alter th*buttoes* Reunion, hf und tv.'j other members of (lie club. Frank Boka, of and until him, he said.' has not been seen since The dog _.. tbe Ma* mxt"& fheld for ataim. that by another UdlT, i 4)«eoo>4 fait -.„ ire know tbls Is the first day ing, but It was on Monday While driving along New wick avenue, Fords, that we ttrst "peeper £rog" ot the i. •—*_ On Wednesday a bee Bto the car and butted against ndahteld. Bill Hilkor, for vuatp deck, is a eonataat viai alt meetings of the Board it pBld«nj, Yesterday Bill Mnc- (encMl agent of the New Jer- XI Tet. Co., was present at the , — As an vnvoy plenipbten- ' "" — It Lady of Peace OwfchH< tbe Store uf tbe Climax Sla- Perth Amboy, that we (for >t tikie in our tile) saw a LufJafo girl of ten yearn, who 3 lab. with a deciAcd. Part- ch accent, £- Aniboy News story, Mating that Wood olay bank dinosaur was •1" monster, WOB illustrate picture of a dinosaur wit on tbe ground. Lasi .__ headline spelled it 'dlua i—- 8jow you pick on us! - footbridge Leader once had operator by nume of Job John was a Finn, an looked all Alike U. tbfl Woodbridge Naftes on County Jvy lists Several Wood bridge peoples' namee appear on the lint of the Krimd Jury and petit lury for the April term of the county courts, drawn a t * Hew Bruns- wick this noon, "Thej are: Urund Jwy Robert L. Battler, Charles Kenny, and Jesse FOJ Petit AW Mr*. .Beast* Wtts< i Mm. Bernard Bertram, , Ganett Brodhesd, and Lewis I'rankel, 'The court term April 1. LIBRARIAN WINS PRIZE IN ESSAYCONTEST Miss Brewster Awarded Sec- ond Place in D. A. R. , State Competition. ADMITS THIEF DUFF ACTING RECORDER IN VOCEL'S ABSENCE Attorney Nathan Dufi waa the Acting Recorder last evei ing, In the absence of Recorder .Itn-nurd W. Vogel, who was unexpect <lly lulled out Of town. MIBS Sadie D. Brewster, librarian at the Barron Library and a mem- ber of Janet Gage Ohjipter, D. A. U., was Awarded pt-cond prise for her "Why Every eligible Woman y, Wy y f Should Join the P. A. R", at the 39th. state conference held in Tren- ton, last Friday. Local members at- tending the conference wer*: Mm. Frank R. Valentine, Mra. A. It. Dergen, Mrs. C'dfle Ostrum anil MIBS. Brcwster. Tho prize winning easiy in as Hollow road, irtid Joseph Kdvaeh, of Straw- berry Hltl roud, decided to go to Keyport for a shore dinner Slpos. Kovaeh and Boka were rushed to the South Amboy Hospital where Dr E. A. Meacham treated Blpos for a fractured skull and Ko vach and Doka for lacerations aboui I the head. Every effort was made to save Slpos' life, but tie died without lalninE consciousness at Colonia Parents Protest Against School Condition A protest against th> In the basement of I School, was made by Mi Ettia, follown: "Since rarly Colonial days, event* in America huvc be«u rich in. It is- torirul slRnlflcani'e, The climax wai reached wlu-u Hw achieved her In- deperidejiC" ajyl the Infant, republic {was born Our (vrm of governIUIMII expressed itself li|ig« Declaration of Independence amf Its Constitution. Unbounded cusMiiiee in' the , ulti- mate triumph of freedom from t>- eorLdltlons!ranny was in.,r,>.tned In the con- iii' Colonlii' s c lo|1 * neRS °f ( fi> ancestors. Their and Mrs ,'deusi translates'Into action created lx«vlnR the kitchen door open while you run out to the Mot* Is bad practle*. Mrs.'OeorflaBAa'An- drews, of Oreen »trwt. IsetTB; Who was u candidate for the Board of Education ai ins-recent election, re- ported toy the police late Friday afternooij#that someone entered hei [home anjV took furty dollars, a ((Old ; fountain pen and a (old pencil out of a bureau drawer. Sewaren Camp CWiuwd Oat A thief helped himself to ulmosl everything he could lay his hands un at C«mp Saltus, Sewaren, accord- ing to a.report made to the policy Monday morning by H. D, Halxey, o Oakland aveuu», Sewsren, owner o the camp. The ' theft, according to Halsey occurred sometime within the las six weeks. All the dishes, kltchei utensils, an electrical heater and plush bed cover were among th SLED ACCIDENT things taken. Entrance to the camp was gained by breaking a trar win dow. GRANjnURY Dochinger and Smith Face Manslaughter Charge in Concannon Death. Sot Dochinger, or Smith iitreet and Thomas Smith, of Or«n street, will appear before tbe grand Jury in New Brunswick today, n a cnarfee of manslaughter. Both man have furnished »1,600 ball. - Dochinger and Sfailth are charted with causing the death ot James Coneanton,' Jr., son of Mr, aad Mrs., James Concannoa, of Amboy aveitae, who died from injuries reMlred. after wing stroofc by Smith's ear on January 17. - Th boy. was riding. on a sled "hitched" to Dochlngertt |mr at the time of tbe accident. When turning the corner of Barton avenue Into Oreen street, the boy 1B*O the path ot •m The Societies ot Our ..Lady ot 'eace Church, of Fords, are holding bazaar in Our Lady of Peu.ce au- itorluui. The bazaar opened yes- lay and will continue trttll aun- iay night, Several booths have »een erected and many attractive novelties are on Bale. 4%&cing .a jelng held .every night of the bazaar Inrludlng Sunday. In charge of the booths arp: Jo H«ph Fltsgerald, chairman; M. O'Hara, D. J. Desmond, D. T. Ryan, M. J. Schlcker, J. Rlanchard. C Quadt, W. Nl Qerity, over .__ ihe following ladle#t* u.. A. Quadt. MrS^J- Hlarti T. Hyun, 1*1% H. Handerh Fre*,, Mri. H Bdilcker-,' -Urn. M. J. O V. UurbarottK, Mrs. J Mrs. M. Burns, Mra. K. 0, J. Desmond, Mrs, s. H. »ehmldt, Mn. Joseph Lftraajikk Mrs. A. £ Keftedy, Mrs. $:' Wfer MIB. J. K%^K Jr., Mrs. J«s*pTi |Ar s««n*ult, JUtfki M. Egan. beth Baan. Hrs. J Program (or Brotherhood Minstrel Show fell off the sled Smith's car. MISS VERA SHERWOOD, HIGH SCHOM. TEACHER, WEDSLSL PALMER Announcement Is made of the linn ila^e of Miss Vera R. Sherwood, - uutrher of son lor English of \h<t the body Home L~ui'u ".,a»-..':.ir^!^4 on a teebm- il charge ot manslaughter Tuesday tornlng. Sipos was well known in. Wood- nidge, especially among th« youiiK enrwd; He war emtfoywl at the tteel Equipment Company aa a ;ralner. The work required great iklll, He was an-etpert at making parts of steel look like expensive woods. Slpos is survived 'homas; three sit ilundro, of Gary, ilizabeth, of Wood brother, John, Of V Funeral anivices 'afternoon at t:30 at it two o'clock at the !orm church, on erment wa» n> th Tbe beai erifeall I)oar,cats A. Joseph KMir, _ Zllal. Michael Kara. Ml or Ceioriit, ai a ssrtt ...I' HOUlU 'it Bflui;itl(Wll»"ffl ewnlng at the Hi(,-h School. Mrs. Woodley, speaking for the ilelcKatlon, claimed that I hi' biiBC- nunt win-re the children cat their lunch ig covered with pools of sur- face water that somehow si-tps into the building. She also sai<i tliat the children's eating place to next to thu lavatoriPK and the mothcrx did not think It sanitary.- The.(Hoard u'roin- to take ciire ot the mutter im- ,lat«ly. delegation reglMtii'd a com- against tbe condition uf the' in their neighborhood. .... Woodley said: "The school has to deposit tbe Children quite their homes and likjc deej) in af$ no shli-v.;Llks Hiid tci-know |f somethiuK he don«> about that." delemitftm was ;idvi»ed to ir to thej.attention of 1> Comrnltt^ also iishod that an- id tojilieir line to school •olu ncatlon to pei|ii>tuate American JSJff "Regard for tbe rights of thu in- dividual Is an. tunuaiu.ent.itl concep- tion of to« JJeclarutlon of indepen- dence and. IS Inherent In nil'our In- stitutions. This fact should make its appeaVto every person eligible tor wenfoership in the D. A. H Every privilege {*,>accompanied by a borfespondlnt; OWifatlori. Prom ttie last ceuHUn we l w n that one third of our population In either toivign born or tbe child of the fur- eign born. For fifty yearB the Latin Slavs huye invaded ouv shores. Millions of foreigners remain un- absorb'ed. Subversive Influences on the part of some of" these foreigners have been at work seeking to under- mine our. most sacred institution*. Sinco,America is the melting pot of Drotherhood, of Woodb ship at the High School audUcvii next Friday evening, March 28th. Fred Phillips, composer of the musical- sang hit, "Love Made u Gypsy Out of Me', will be onr of tlu headlines on the program. He b an accomplished pianist nm! will play and fling novernl of his songn. Warwick, a orajton hu ' ! the w Us a rial rt'd I'Kiuiiiunial to cull the Leader a 'cap heet". — Not being familiar, with the t'xehtiquer of the in those days, you may not ate how funny that mmuded. uu the 13th of April, both nks will bold stockholders' fur the purpose ot »p- the proposed merger. :— «;Fadynn, who was with the u'idge Ceramics some yeM» j now cUtslataDt to John White, bf the County Board. Friday, our esteemed con- ary misquoted Miss Rose ,.. who addressed No, 11 I'.-'f, follows: the handllug of children N BE1NU.S Is creating a cial problem," the vocationftl schooU boys and girls are prepared PROFESSIONAL Ufe." no doubt the paleontologist •rltnessed Ihe tindliiB of lira r tracks would he surprised theiuselves referred to wolugists" in the same pap# proposed bank merger Is stll uinr topic or conversation. :26-6:35-6:&4 Watch < W iclety meetu at the l'enn lie ev'g. — Car wijlh Ontariu latus In parked tn front of peen Btrewt every «.v'g." I just leArneil thLs morning that 'VMlller, of Carteret,''is ona of w men who liuve made a hole- at the Culonia golf c l u b . — or Health is starting in early ood example for' "Clean-Op offices are being re-palnted. r. ki to PLANT MEMORIAL IVY AT SCHOOL A memorial Ivy will be planted )T tbu Colonta l'ttrent-Teachers' Ad- ipciatlpu, on Garden Day in lucmory H MTB, John Jordan, a chartei-wem-- b>r of the association, who died re- cently, according to plans made at held at the Colonin. SchooL Tuesday afternoon. A resolution of sympathy wan placed in the mlnutea ind a copy vras-sent to Mr. Jordan urt his daughter, Marion. TickettVwete dlBtr Staged at Avenel Zander-Gump WeddiiiK", a threo act comedy will be presented this evening by the Ladies' Aid Society. of the Avenel Presbyterian church. Mimic will be furnished by the Par- ody Hoys' orchestra. Special SOIIR numbers will be offered by the Rin- key Dinkey Club, Dorothy Ellison, Denjamln Ellison, Jr., and William Kuzmlak. The characters or the play depict the more famous figures in the com- ic strips. Jlggs, Barney Google and Mutt and Jeff will Me among those is »l«n>'« the > HHnk ol the belonging to should band that their identity not le«t. morUt, will glv^'a tVmeJy "chalk talk" on aviation. Mr, Warwick has had actual experience In tbe rank*. He was a war correspondent for a New York paper, and an entertatnei for 14 months over-seas. He served five months on five'fronts and when he was dlBCharged^tuad had b'een com- mlKsiotied a lleutejuuit. His subject- { are drawn from bis war experience and while lie draws, he keeps up « humorouB chatter. Another interesting character ••u\ " ... ithe program will be Peter Donald the ancestral stock a gcte-h humorist and former Zleg themselveH together I M A star. Donald .appeared at' Sihco.America is the meltng p the world, it. i» imperative that aril h tl stock and lulluence be _.»f in its positlMe cunsttt- ThrSugh thu effort of tho In- "^f^rifltVldual," soctefy will bo elevated b<ucl M ' 5 ' ••'••• plane of living. to the Injure ltliwa\' "Our Ttevolutionury H when they cruKsliif; every morniu Wocxlley. "One cbilil a few niontliE ilso it I I M , m g u n «..•.• ---. •It is L'ettinu so tu.U when a mothet buve been referred to a* the send, her child to school in llMiof <<•• Shall not this loaven per- she dotvu'i know how it brought hai li to her at tblt* ancestors 'yeast anoual p&y to be held this year at the schoothouse on Monday eveninc April 7th. Mrs. C. W. Knaur gave review on '-'The Education of the - J <•"••'" " was decided to dance sometime tor th»j present The complete cast is us that if be night.'" Mr. Love the Board gave frei . .„—,, to the children in Colotfiii they could nfit expect Hie "•< per ,<ent*re- liund fri^m th« state as the JShHclren do not live a \uilo iiml a half away law reituires, to taKe the of 7<;. Shall not ibi meate each soul bound to it by or blood?' Our heroic dead y t .t speak. They are calling for action f ll h to whom p on the banquet glveit by President Hoovei at the White House Ip the honor of Ranmey McDonald »nil his eaugh ter, Ishbel, Vban ' country laat •The Mtn an old favoi be another _ Ttie quarteye has been a heading attraction in the Keith vaudrviltc. They have a, splendid repertloro of i classical, religious and IIKKII rn music. No show is complete without Us uittgicinn and Charles Nagle, pre Uentlng "Shake Hands With Char- lie"., will offer several new tricks, "Songs You Uke" is the title of \V;ili riown, Ntass., last' . The marriage took place at the home of the bride's mother. Rev. Thomas A. Conover, performed the cere- mony. The ; house 'Was decorated .talma, tmllax and spring flowers 10 jhades at y*ellow and orange^ Tall green candles were lighted Just be- lore' the ceremony. The bride was gowned In green chiffon and she carried a bouquet of radbnoe roses, floe waa attend- ^ ed by lira, Lyman Bawes, of Water- town, Mass., as matron of honor. Mrs, Dawea wore a frock of rust col- ored chlffpn and carried a, bouquet of butterfly roses and orchid sweet peas. )Klfjs Ethel Sherwood, a sister of t&e .bride, played the wedding, march. lira. Palmer la a graduate of Hood College. Th« groom is a grad- uate of MasHachuestts Institute ol Technology. He hi connected with, the Ontario Refining Company, ol Budbury, Ontario, Canada, where the couple will reside. Mrs. Palmer haa r<*ign«d at, at the ; -4 Ninety Days in Work House WiHla-m l'urkor, 27, WJLZLTJZtSZ I the'.^ J » ^ ci^ they have bt.'u.uealhed a heritage havti k b^a in noble, tradition. Modern Girl". It hold a community lu May. general °houne-clea»ing * 8 K. C. Entitgn says t School children In Lafayt who are allows*} 28 cents ur tranBportatlon, pocket the and walk the several miles JOl. '.. . on wall of Loole'S cfiow em- reads: OUR OOFPBS has a Kick like 'LAPPER'S KISS Former Colonia Woman Diet at Sedalia, Mo. Woj'd has been received of thu Ceath Of Mrs. Sarah R. Norton], 8*. euother of Mm. William B. Pratt, formerly of Colonia, last Sunday, at Sldallfi, 1 MiseouH. Mrs. Nortoif suf- fered a Btroke seven weeks ago. At itbe time of her death, both Mr. anti Mrs. Pratt were at her bedside.-' Mrs. Norton spent a grqat deal of time In Colonia, wben Uis Pratts lived there and she become well knowq in the district. Mrs. Norton is survived by Mm Pratt, one son, WllJJjs C. Norton, of Los Angeles, California, three grand chlldreii and tw^ greut-grandchil dren. ; ( follows; Ella Cinders, Etta II. DeYoung; flinkey' Dinkey. Club,. Jack Mo,wbniy. KiMineth . Petetaon, John' Cwlo, Ed- ward Berry; Ambrose PottB; Walter Hlclnbotheln; Mr, Appleby, Erlton Pomerqy; Jlggs, Charles Slessel, 8r.; Miss Jiggs, Muriel Berry; Walt, Jay Herman; Skeezlk, Bobby Hj-alth- waite; lUchel, Agues Sh«ppnrd;, Mutt, Jack Bonegan; Jeff, Charles Crede. , Tom Carr, Arthur Peterson;,Mary Oold, Jean DeYoune; Uandy, Grace Nottage; Plato, benjamin Ellison, Jr.; Boots' Buddy,' Maj-jorie Done- gan; Bofts, Kathertne Bernard; Flapper- Fanny, Miriam Sermayen; Happy Hooligan, Al ljtmtlernon; SI, all such deliver us. flappers, good from the HCIIOO^I as* tin The Board promised .. Tuattef under considoiatibn. "i. ThiLrfiBiBiiation of iwo teachers, I Miss Gertrude, fcUUwurth, Seventh LGfade lilstoii' teacher -it School No. ll, and Miss Vertt Sherwood, teacher Ixif senior Euglish at tht "' ' School, were accepted. Miss ryn Hu^anif was appuinted to take Miss Sherwood's plucv. High Kinh- Clean Your Own Back Yard First, Says Pickersgi!! The Easier vac4ition Ttown&hlp schools will be viar from April Utli.. td iH'Cordiut; Board. A acquisition Of llctt Albert ' street, known Hill, owned by Josep lor the held ttith tbe 23td,, the decision of the WHS luld regarding property on as.' Cutter's Kachlin, tor Andrew Conrad Lockle; Barney Google, Crede; Sunshine, titUlau Nier; Caspar, Ned Pomeroy; Major Hoople, Arvld Wlnquist; Ro}«cted» Suitor, Roland Hughes. , The cast In the wedding party Is as follows: Tillle the Toiler, Peggy Solomon; Mr. Whlpple, Andrew Til, tou; Belinda, Hellen Tuttle; Hair- breadth Harry, Craig Senft; Cheater school *lt« flurposea The larldvcom- mittee. conBistitis of Maurice Duni gan, Benjamin Wulliug and Hoy Anderson, wtu* autliini^ed to itivea ti'gate the property ;md other suit able lota lu the locality and to re port their, findings at ibe next regu Campbell Association to Hold Card Party The William V. Cwnpbell Associa- tion, of Avenel, will hold, a public card party on Thursday, March 37, buck yard be- alield,This was the tbe service clubs of by Judge Harold R of Perth Amboy, L po lar meeting. According to Clerk ft th K, C. Ensign, .. G, W. KrgUBon, third dl»- : vlce-preeident ot the State atlon of Woman* Club» and k Cgle, first vlae-presldent Anbury Park Woman's Club. e luncheon and dinner guests B. H. Boynton, ,ot Rahway Wednesday. at th,e club houBe. The commitee in charge of the affair is George Toinp- klns, Sr... chairman; Howard Pen- ds/, Jose'iitf Turek, Charles Mfiiera itnd Henry Ackerman. WORK: wishes .houKVwoi'K. week. Phone^ Woodbiidge Mfiiera Qump (rlngbearer). Cheater Not- tage; Orphan. Annie, (flower girl) r Gertrude Grode; Annie's Pal, Winona Benjamin; Andy Gump (beat man), Herbert Ayres; Uncle Him (groom), Ber,t Wheeler; Widow Zunder, (the bride), Marion Ualgrie; Min Gump, [.(matron of honor), Florida Benja- min; Ka'tzenjammer Kids,, William Kujmlak and Frank Brecka. Prowlers Try to Enter Sewaren A. & P. Store According to Clerk K, C. Ensg, interviewed after thu meeting, there Is ,no special} hurry in purchase the lund, but as] the Townshiji Is grow ing it Is considered wise-to "know just whpre land may be acquired. "Clean your own fore you go alk'ld," advice given Woodbridge PickerBgill, Wednesday evening, when the'Lions Club entertained Hie Rotary at a St. Patrick's dinner, at the Craftonien's Club. "You donii have to go far to liefp ueople," said Judge Plckersgill. ''II' the service clubst of Woodbrldge wunt to help others they can begin riglit ' at home. Perhaps a little story will Illustrate my point. Quite mmietiiue ago a man from New York, who has done exceedingly good work among boys, In his city, spoke before ti, certain body in Perlh Amboy. After the speaker was through a membor of the organ- ization stood up uudsaid, 'Sir, what can we in V«rth-Auiboy do to help you with your work In NewYork?' Club' Trio, comjfosed" of Joe OTool<\ Les Agfens and. Lew Sftrn, who are featured artists every Week on Sta- tion WEAR The .trio will offer popular melodies with original har- mony arrangements. i FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR KATHERINE GOLDEN Funeral services for Miss Cather- ine Golden, 66, who died Wednesday "Domino" "Short)' colored, of French IBLn^i. a.., ^- , street, New Brunswick, will have to work lor the: next three months. Domino-wa» brought Into the stn- tlon yesterday by Omcer Michael DeJoy, for annoying Paul l'opolsky r manager of the Mileage Gut) station on Amboy avenue. Last evening Domino appeared before Acting Recorder Nathan Duff on a disorderly conduct charge. When questioned as to bis deatlBa- tion the defendant contradicted him- self several times. One. minute he was on bis way to Carteret and la the very , next breath be told tbe court that be was watting for a, bus court that be wa w to New Brunswick. th morning, at her home on Bergen street, were held Saturday morning at St. Jitmes' church at 10 o'clock. Pother Riclwrd J. OTarrell, offici- ated Interment was in St. James' ceiWery. ? ^,.._. ,._ r , .... "Che bearers were: Mayor William iniated In a loan of A.i , Ryan, Poltije Chief Patrick' order "to drive a 1< Mirpliy, Sergeant Patrick Culllnane, I Perth Amboy." Pc - - ., r. r».,_i n.ft,, omav hut ha re Burilard J. Dunlgsn, lOwen g. Duni- gan, and William. Holobun. MIgs Golden Is. survived by lour sisters, Margaret; of Woodbridge, Elizabeth, of New, Brunswick, Mary, of Pl'ajnfield, Mrs,,Joseph Bader, of Railway and one brother, William P. Later be esld that he waa on the way (6 Perth Amboy to visit friends. Popolsky told the court that James;Domino has been annoying mm times lately, Yesterday, hit •-- '-•• of tea 'buets" In load, of boost to Popolsky order d away but ha refused to go. . Domino has a previous record In If the committee should- decide that the land is needed l"r a school in that locality, they wuuld hav» to Walt untiL election tjino to have the l did ti question as peoyltf decide on An old Avenel WORK WANTBBi Ban' wishes housework or ng by dgy. Phone; Ifetucben Avenel, Firemen Hold Qld Tune Gathering time gathering of the. Avenei u.emen and ihetr families and MendB was held la»t SatuBtot evening at the new nreiouse., Re- freshments wore nrvtd and. dancing enjoyed with the new r»dio provld- '" The* committee In ohar 8 e consis- ted of Prea FoercH. William turfer and Carl Nler. ^' , . Rahway l a T H u r t ai Car Craihti bto Pole . . question there are no aviUUible^ funds to imrcuasu the laud. A special eleQ- tion could be calU'tl, according to Mr. Ensign, but tluii: is no likeli- hood that there will be one. Prof. John H. Lovu'n statistical report for February \vn» aa (QAOWS: days possible, 107,730; days' pres- ent, 101,783 Sij; dajht absent, 5,984 Vi; average «tendajMe,''6,34T; Before th« speaker had time to an- swer, i asked permission to speak first. I told Uie body fjhat they did not have to go to NewYork to help boys, thnt there wus plenty of work to be done in Perth Aniboy. I .sited 3ome cases that cume up before me in court of boys who have atartgd on the downward path, A helping hand would dp them some good Tbe visitor from New York coin mended Die on my attitude. The building occupied by the At- yercettt of attendance, H.5; lantlc & Pacific Te» Company-, on Woodbrius* avenue, Sewarun, has been tampered with a few times fast week, according to a report made to tffe pqllc^ by tbe manager of. the store, Mon-itt Alpine, of 623. Uordon- town avenue, South Aniboy. >ir, | Alpine reported that several win- dows have been broken and thin percent of attenolanci, H.5; tardy, 311; totul nuolUaent (In- cluding vocational =<1KX>1B) ,. 6,015; sessions truant, 45. d ili had someone force the lock on evidently tried the roar door. to attendance tbe past month wan number of absence* principal, 31; f'a. report fi>r as follows: Wlperted by fjMt- pareote Railway „..„ Golden, of Woodbrldge. Trinity Auxiliary Holds Lenten Study Session The second of a series of Lenten Btudy classes was held , Monday afternoon by the Woman's Xurlllary of Trinity Episcopal churcli in the parish house. Mrs, John Strome ^Live a resume o£ the chapter on "Fellowship" in llio mission Btudy book, "The Church and Social Serv- ice." A review pf the third chapter of the book, "The,. Law of Service" was glyen.by Mrs. G.-^A,. McLuugJi i Ha. . 1 The next meeting of the group l/UIIUIIV I . H O H r * T .-_- . Woodbridge and wa» warned to stay out of'the Township Beveral montb> ago. Acting Recorder Duff sentenced hljii to, 90 days tn the County wm-k- hou.se to make him understand that 'he is 'jiot wanted In this neighbor- hood." Congregational Auxiliary- to Hold Ea>ter Sale principal, 31; numbt^ofparent* notified to calf- at •sdiowjor .inter- view, number of ^children of FORDS WOMAN'S CLUB CARD PARTY TONIGHT ! A card party under the auspice* oi the chorus of the Fords "'-•"•"•a "• •>» held this ei 14, on Portju school age moved uut <it 4^iot,. 1; number of children tounfl.on street and taken to school, l.''.,?..••• Aunouawment was made of the 34th. annual djnner of thj Middle- sex -OouhjRp Board ut"" Education at sex GounJRp Ba which will be held the. N«w Dayton *rupswleli, All the m board rtgnl4«4 theii, Edu 24th, at South of the 6 f h of enaeo. mo uu mjr »..I>I>V, ,„„ u 'This Is the point I want to leave w l u be held "Monday, March 24, at with you. ,Jf<tbB CTons and tlie Ro- .!,„ nn ..i ull ),„„„ ^ lary wish to do good work the best place to start Is here In Wood : brldge. ' Both organizations should work in harmony so that there should be no duplication or frlc- tlon " „. The tables were arti8tlcHir)^i{Uic- orated with Shannon green. At eaCh place were fayor» Including green hats and snakes. J, J. Dunne, of the Lions and George Merrill, of the Hotary, presided at the meeting. Me. Merrill, took the place of K. Turner Howell, who is vacationing In Ptnehurst, South Carolina. How- ard Stfllwell, of the Lions led the community singing. ' Kollowtng the meeting the- mem-' bers of both orgafti&tlons adjourned to the bowling alleys where tha Ro- 1 Plans for an Easter XUIR to ba held April 12th., at the honi. uf Mrs. B. W. Hoaglaud, of Uarion avenue, were made at meeting of the. Ladles' Association, of the Con- gregational church, at the home of Mrs. E. J. Harned, of 1 Green street, Wednesday afternoon. Aproris fpv th«> sale were made at the meeting. F0H..BAIiE Combination gaVand coal range » Futton rtrwt, Woodbtldge. FRESH TKJOS Will deWver freib eggs to*Bteady Wl cu»tome»s V tarians pronxptly, defeated the Lions The' ftalwajgundi Literary and MU- Iwl jHoctety will meet next Tues- day evening st.the home of Mr, Un. A. f. BWdolph, of Pal . - -. -. H^ber, tix eggs t ejickens for saK>. B 3»5 cu»tome»s. irtio ejickens Mr*. Vr. Bunn's Lane. Box 3»5. HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY fed L. Hardiman, formerly ot Seaman's Perth Amboy Prescriptions Called For and Delivered Cor, Rahway and Green Street Tel. 1HS The Plan Beauty p«rlor ' AW * Barber Shop' Metaod p{ Permanent WtttB FudmckH, Tarntr C«.
Page 1: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first




SNTY-FIRST YEAB Woodbridse, N. J., Friday Aftanwon, March 21,1930 THREE LENTS WM COPY V 4


O A D C A S T I N G_, you know that Amos an.l|I' are permanent guests at theten School? — They are veryFpf corn flakes^ candy, and lovefchew their way through card

boxes. — Amos and Ruby arewhite rats. -» At first theycalled "Amos and Andy", un'sprouting biologist Informed

faculty that they should ben as Amos and Ruby. — Ws

a dandy story about Hamptonr the other day. — It Beems

during the Morgan explosion1918). Mr, Cutter gave tho

his car and bit own serviced,ive several important men tocene Of the holocaust. — One

men said to Mr. Cutter: "Youare an excellent chauffeur;

come and work for me?"hank you", replied H. C, with

at couttwy, "I already have— Francis .White, who wastime the senior member of

Brni White « Hess, Inc.. andsome years as editor of

•spijer >n fllam, subsequentleaving here, Is now back in

ilia, mt hear. — Mrs. Cooper,iren, has held a season ticketsame seat in tbe Metropolis

era MHWe 1» N»w K.oik, tor

Claims Hiflnrty JobberTook $340 From Hun

Threw hundred and forty dollarsand a silver watch valued at eightdollars were taken from Jacob Bul-osh, pf 337 Thomas street, PerthAmboy, by a hold-up man "on Keas-bey Heights, a little after midnight,Sunday piprptng, according to a report made by Bulosh to the localpolice?

Buloslt was returning from aparty In Keasbey. Heights. He wasuncertain as to whether the-manhad a gun and ho could not give anaccurate description of the hold-upman.


IN COLLISIONFuneral Services for Thomas

Sipo*, of Metachen RoadThis Afternoon.

Seven Year Old BoyBitten by Dog

B&rtolomeo Qlacolone,,age 7, souof Pasquale Glacblone, of 3^6 Ful-ton street, was badly bitten by anIrish, terrier, owned by ..Mionher, of 324 Fulton street last


btlugday afternoon. The boy intreated by Dr, I. Spencer,

Mr. Di>llher Uud ttiu Uoa up at therequest of the police, but someoneentered the yard, during the night

Thomas Slpos, Jr., 2.3, ot 175 MeI uchen road, Wiodbrldge, was fatal

Injured in an automobile a eel'lent at 11 o'clock Monday eveningun State Highway, No, »6, nearDead Man's Curve,'Morgan, where

car driven by Kichbla* Lamb, of100 River road, Rumson, collidedwith the Sipos car, . >

"Slppe, who was a member of theBearcats A. C, had attelided n meet-Ing of-the club earirer.ln th<- eve-ning. Alter th* buttoes* Reunion, hfund tv.'j other members of (lie club.Frank Boka, of

and until him, he said.'has not been seen since

The dog

_ . . tbe Ma* mxt"&fheld for ataim. that

by another UdlT,i 4)«eoo>4 fait -.„

ire know tbls Is the first daying, but It was on Monday

While driving along Newwick avenue, Fords, that we

ttrst "peeper £rog" ot thei. •—*_ On Wednesday a beeBto the car and butted against

ndahteld. — Bill Hilkor, forvuatp deck, is a eonataat viai

a l t meetings of the Board itpBld«nj, — Yesterday Bill Mnc-(encMl agent of the New Jer-XI Tet. Co., was present at the

, — As an vnvoy plenipbten-' "" — It

Lady of PeaceOwfchH<

tbe Store uf tbe Climax Sla-Perth Amboy, that we (for

>t tikie in our tile) saw aLufJafo girl of ten yearn, who

3 lab. with a deciAcd. Part-ch accent, £- Aniboy Newsstory, Mating that Wood

olay bank dinosaur was•1" monster, WOB illustrate

picture of a dinosaur witon tbe ground. — Lasi

.__ headline spelled it 'dluai—- 8jow you pick on us! -footbridge Leader once had

operator by nume of Job— John was a Finn, an

looked all Alike U.


Woodbridge Naftes onCounty J v y lists

Several Wood bridge peoples'namee appear on the lint of theKrimd Jury and petit lury forthe April term of the countycourts, drawn at* Hew Bruns-wick this noon, "Thej are:

Urund JwyRobert L. Battler, Charles

Kenny, and Jesse FOJPetit A W

Mr*. .Beast* Wtts< i Mm.B e r n a r d Bertram, , GanettBrodhesd, and Lewis I'rankel,

'The court termApril 1.


Miss Brewster Awarded Sec-ond Place in D. A. R.

, State Competition.



Attorney Nathan Dufi waa theActing Recorder last evei ing, In theabsence of Recorder .Itn-nurd W.Vogel, who was unexpect <lly lulledout Of town.

MIBS Sadie D. Brewster, librarianat the Barron Library and a mem-ber of Janet Gage Ohjipter, D. A. U.,was Awarded pt-cond prise for her

"Why Every eligible Womany, W y y fShould Join the P. A. R", at the39th. state conference held in Tren-ton, last Friday. Local members at-tending the conference wer*: Mm.Frank R. Valentine, Mra. A. It.Dergen, Mrs. C'dfle Ostrum anilMIBS. Brcwster.

Tho prize winning easiy in as

Hollowroad, irtid Joseph Kdvaeh, of Straw-berry Hltl roud, decided to go toKeyport for a shore dinner

Slpos. Kovaeh and Boka wererushed to the South Amboy Hospitalwhere Dr E. A. Meacham treatedBlpos for a fractured skull and Kovach and Doka for lacerations aboui

I the head. Every effort was made tosave Slpos' life, but tie died without

lalninE consciousness at

Colonia ParentsProtest Against

School ConditionA protest against th>

In the basement of ISchool, was made by Mi


follown:"Since rarly Colonial days, event*

in America huvc be«u rich in. It is-torirul slRnlflcani'e, The climax waireached wlu-u Hw achieved her In-deperidejiC" ajyl the Infant, republic

{was born Our (vrm of governIUIMIIexpressed itself li|ig« Declaration ofIndependence amf Its Constitution.Unbounded cusMiiiee in' the , ulti-mate triumph of freedom from t>-

eorLdltlons!ranny was in.,r,>.tned In the con-iii' Colonlii' s c l o | 1 * n e R S °f (fi> ancestors. Their

and Mrs ,'deusi translates'Into action created

lx«vlnR the kitchen door openwhile you run out to the Mot* Isbad practle*. Mrs.'OeorflaBAa'An-drews, of Oreen »trwt. IsetTB; Whowas u candidate for the Board ofEducation ai ins-recent election, re-ported toy the police late Fridayafternooij#that someone entered hei

[home anjV took furty dollars, a ((Old; fountain pen and a (old pencil outof a bureau drawer.

Sewaren Camp CWiuwd OatA thief helped himself to ulmosl

everything he could lay his handsun at C«mp Saltus, Sewaren, accord-ing to a.report made to the policyMonday morning by H. D, Halxey, oOakland aveuu», Sewsren, owner othe camp.

The ' theft, according to Halseyoccurred sometime within the lassix weeks. All the dishes, kltcheiutensils, an electrical heater andplush bed cover were among th


things taken. Entrance to the campwas gained by breaking a trar window.

GRANjnURYDochinger and Smith Face

Manslaughter Charge inConcannon Death.

Sot Dochinger, or Smith iitreetand Thomas Smith, of Or«n street,will appear before tbe grand Juryin New Brunswick today, n acnarfee of manslaughter. Both manhave furnished »1,600 ball.- Dochinger and Sfailth are chartedwith causing the death ot JamesConeanton,' Jr., son of Mr, aad Mrs.,James Concannoa, of Amboy aveitae,who died from injuries reMlred.after wing stroofc by Smith's earon January 17. - Th boy. was riding.on a sled "hitched" to Dochlngertt

|mr at the time of tbe accident.When turning the corner of Bartonavenue Into Oreen street, the boy

1B*O the path ot


The Societies ot Our ..Lady ot'eace Church, of Fords, are holding

bazaar in Our Lady of Peu.ce au-itorluui. The bazaar opened yes-

lay and will continue trttll aun-iay night, Several booths have»een erected and many attractivenovelties are on Bale. 4%&cing .ajelng held .every night of the bazaarInrludlng Sunday.

In charge of the booths arp: JoH«ph Fltsgerald, chairman; M.O'Hara, D. J. Desmond, D. T. Ryan,M. J. Schlcker, J. Rlanchard. CQuadt, W. NlQerity,

over .__ihe following ladle#t* u..A. Quadt. MrS^J- HlartiT. Hyun, 1*1% H. Handerh

Fre*,, Mri. HBdilcker-,' -Urn. M. J. OV. UurbarottK, Mrs. JMrs. M. Burns, Mra. K.0, J. Desmond, Mrs, s.H. »ehmldt, Mn. Joseph LftraajikkMrs. A. £ Keftedy, Mrs. $:' W f e rMIB. J. K%^K Jr., Mrs. J«s*pTi |Ars««n*ult, JUtfki M. Egan.beth Baan. Hrs. J

P r o g r a m(or Brotherhood

Minstrel Show

fell off the sledSmith's car.


W E D S L S L PALMERAnnouncement Is made of the

linn ila^e of Miss Vera R. Sherwood,- uutrher of son lor English of \h<t

the bodyHome

L~ui'u ".,a»-..':.ir^!^4 on a teebm-il charge ot manslaughter Tuesdaytornlng.

Sipos was well known in. Wood-nidge, especially among th« youiiK

enrwd; He war emtfoywl at thetteel Equipment Company aa a;ralner. The work required greatiklll, He was an-etpert at makingparts of steel look like expensive

woods.Slpos is survived

'homas; three sitilundro, of Gary,ilizabeth, of Wood

brother, John, Of VFuneral anivices

'afternoon at t:30 atit two o'clock at the!orm church, on

erment wa» n> thTbe beai erifeall

I)oar,cats A.Joseph KMir, _

Zllal. MichaelKara.

Ml or Ceioriit, ai a ssrtt...I' HOUlU 'it Bflui;itl(Wll»"ffl

ewnlng at the Hi(,-h School.Mrs. Woodley, speaking for the

ilelcKatlon, claimed that I hi' biiBC-nunt win-re the children cat theirlunch ig covered with pools of sur-face water that somehow si-tps intothe building. She also sai<i tliat thechildren's eating place to next to thulavatoriPK and the mothcrx did notthink It sanitary.- The.(Hoard u'roin-

to take ciire ot the mutter im-,lat«ly.

delegation reglMtii'd a com-against tbe condition uf the'in their neighborhood.

. . . . Woodley said: "The schoolhas to deposit tbe Children quite

their homes andlikjc deej) in

af$ no shli-v.;Llks Hiidtci-know |f somethiuK

he don«> about that."delemitftm was ;idvi»ed to

ir to thej.attention of1> Comrnltt^

also iishod that an-id tojilieir line to


ncatlonto pei|ii>tuate American


"Regard for tbe rights of thu in-dividual Is an. tunuaiu.ent.itl concep-tion of to« JJeclarutlon of indepen-dence and. IS Inherent In nil'our In-stitutions. This fact should makeits appeaVto every person eligibletor wenfoership in the D. A. HEvery privilege {*,> accompanied bya borfespondlnt; OWifatlori. Promttie last ceuHUn we l w n that onethird of our population In eithertoivign born or tbe child of the fur-eign born. For fifty yearB the LatinSlavs huye invaded ouv shores.Millions of foreigners remain un-absorb'ed. Subversive Influences onthe part of some of" these foreignershave been at work seeking to under-mine our. most sacred institution*.Sinco,America is the melting pot of

Drotherhood, of Woodbship at the High School audUcviinext Friday evening, March 28th.

Fred Phillips, composer of themusical- sang hit, "Love Made uGypsy Out of Me', will be onr of tluheadlines on the program. He ban accomplished pianist nm! willplay and fling novernl of his songn.

Warwick, a orajton hu'

! the wUs a rial rt'd I'Kiuiiiunial

to cull the Leader a 'capheet". — Not being familiar,

with the t'xehtiquer of thein those days, you may not

ate how funny that mmuded.uu the 13th of April, both

nks will bold stockholders'fur the purpose ot »p-

the proposed merger. :—«;Fadynn, who was with the

u'idge Ceramics some yeM»j now cUtslataDt to John White,bf the County Board.

Friday, our esteemed con-ary misquoted Miss Rose

,.. who addressed No, 11 I'.-'f,follows:

the handllug of childrenN BE1NU.S Is creating a

cial problem,"the vocationftl schooU

boys and girls are preparedPROFESSIONAL Ufe."

no doubt the paleontologist•rltnessed Ihe tindliiB of lira

r tracks would he surprisedtheiuselves referred to

wolugists" in the same pap#proposed bank merger Is stll

uinr topic or conversation. —:26-6:35-6:&4 Watch < Wiclety meetu at the l'enn lie

ev'g. — Car wijlh Ontariulatus In parked tn front of

peen Btrewt every «.v'g."I just leArneil thLs morning that'VMlller, of Carteret,''is ona of

w men who liuve made a hole-at the Culonia golf c lub .—or Health is starting in early

ood example for' "Clean-Opoffices are being re-palnted.

r. ki toP L A N T MEMORIAL

IVY AT S C H O O LA memorial Ivy will be planted

)T tbu Colonta l'ttrent-Teachers' Ad-ipciatlpu, on Garden Day in lucmoryH MTB, John Jordan, a chartei-wem--b>r of the association, who died re-cently, according to plans made at

held at the Colonin. SchooLTuesday afternoon. A resolution ofsympathy wan placed in the mlnuteaind a copy vras-sent to Mr. Jordanurt his daughter, Marion.

TickettVwete dlBtr

Staged at AvenelZander-Gump WeddiiiK", a threo

act comedy will be presented thisevening by the Ladies' Aid Society.of the Avenel Presbyterian church.Mimic will be furnished by the Par-ody Hoys' orchestra. Special SOIIRnumbers will be offered by the Rin-key Dinkey Club, Dorothy Ellison,Denjamln Ellison, Jr., and WilliamKuzmlak.

The characters or the play depictthe more famous figures in the com-ic strips. Jlggs, Barney Google andMutt and Jeff will Me among those

is »l«n>'«the > m«

HHnk ol the

belonging toshould bandthat their identitynot le«t.

morUt, will glv^'a tVmeJy "chalktalk" on aviation. Mr, Warwick hashad actual experience In tbe rank*.He was a war correspondent for aNew York paper, and an entertatneifor 14 months over-seas. He servedfive months on five'fronts and whenhe was dlBCharged tuad had b'een com-mlKsiotied a lleutejuuit. His subject-

{are drawn from bis war experienceand while lie draws, he keeps up «humorouB chatter.

Another interesting character ••u\" . . . ithe program will be Peter Donald

the ancestral stock a gcte-h humorist and former ZlegthemselveH together I M A star. Donald .appeared at '

Sihco.America is the meltng pthe world, it. i» imperative that aril

h t l stock

and lulluence be

_ . » f i n its positlMe cunsttt-ThrSugh thu effort of tho In-

"^f^rifltVldual," soctefy will bo elevatedb<ucl M ' 5 ' ••'••• plane of living.


theInjureltliwa\' "Our Ttevolut ionury

Hwhen theycruKsliif; every morniuWocxlley. "One cbilila few niontliE ilso it I I M , m g u n «..•.• — - - - . •

•It is L'ettinu so tu.U when a mothet buve been referred to a* thes e n d , her child to school in llMiof <<•• Shall not this loaven per-

she dotvu'i know how itbrought hai li to her at



anoual p&y to be held this year atthe schoothouse on Monday evenincApril 7th. Mrs. C. W. Knaur gave

review on '-'The Education of the- J — <•"••'" " was decided to

dance sometime

tor th»j present The complete cast is us

that ifbe

night.'" Mr. Lovethe Board gave frei . . „ — , ,to the children in Colotfiii theycould nfit expect Hie "•< per ,<ent*re-

liund fri m th« state as the JShHclrendo not live a \uilo iiml a half away

law reituires,to taKe the

of 7<;. Shall not ibimeate each soul bound to it byor blood?' Our heroic dead yt.tspeak. They are calling for action

f ll h to whompon the

banquet glveit by President Hooveiat the White House Ip the honor ofRanmey McDonald »nil his eaughter, Ishbel, Vban 'country laat

•The Mtnan old favoibe another _Ttie quarteye has been a headingattraction in the Keith vaudrviltc.They have a, splendid repertloro of iclassical, religious and IIKKII rnmusic.

No show is complete without Usuittgicinn and Charles Nagle, pre

Uentlng "Shake Hands With Char-lie"., will offer several new tricks,

"Songs You Uke" is the title of

\V;ili riown, Ntass., last' .The marriage took place at the homeof the bride's mother. Rev. ThomasA. Conover, performed the cere-mony.

The ; house 'Was decorated.talma, tmllax and spring flowers 10jhades at y*ellow and orange^ Tallgreen candles were lighted Just be-lore' the ceremony. •

The bride was gowned In greenchiffon and she carried a bouquetof radbnoe roses, floe waa attend- ^ed by lira, Lyman Bawes, of Water-town, Mass., as matron of honor.Mrs, Dawea wore a frock of rust col-ored chlffpn and carried a, bouquetof butterfly roses and orchid sweetpeas. )Klfjs Ethel Sherwood, a sisterof t&e .bride, played the wedding,march.

lira. Palmer la a graduate ofHood College. Th« groom is a grad-uate of MasHachuestts Institute olTechnology. He hi connected with,the Ontario Refining Company, olBudbury, Ontario, Canada, where thecouple will reside.

Mrs. Palmer haa r<*ign«d at,at the

; -4

Ninety Days inWork House

WiHla-ml'urkor, 27,

WJLZLTJZtSZ I the'.^ J » ^ ci^they have bt.'u.uealhed a heritagehavtikb^ain noble, tradition.

Modern Girl". Ithold a communitylu May.

general °houne-clea»ing 1»* 8 K. C. Entitgn says t

School children In Lafaytwho are allows*} 28 cents

ur tranBportatlon, pocket theand walk the several miles

JOl. ' . . .

on wall of Loole'S cfiow em-reads:

OUR OOFPBShas a Kick like

' L A P P E R ' S K I S S

Former Colonia WomanDiet at Sedalia, Mo.

Woj'd has been received of thuCeath Of Mrs. Sarah R. Norton], 8*.euother of Mm. William B. Pratt,formerly of Colonia, last Sunday, atSldallfi,1 MiseouH. Mrs. Nortoif suf-fered a Btroke seven weeks ago. Atitbe time of her death, both Mr. antiMrs. Pratt were at her bedside.-'

Mrs. Norton spent a grqat deal oftime In Colonia, wben Uis Prattslived there and she become wellknowq in the district.

Mrs. Norton is survived by MmPratt, one son, WllJJjs C. Norton, ofLos Angeles, California, three grandchlldreii and tw^ greut-grandchildren. ; (

follows;Ella Cinders, Etta II. DeYoung;

flinkey' Dinkey. Club,. Jack Mo,wbniy.KiMineth . Petetaon, John' Cwlo, Ed-ward Berry; Ambrose PottB; WalterHlclnbotheln; Mr, Appleby, ErltonPomerqy; Jlggs, Charles Slessel,8r.; Miss Jiggs, Muriel Berry; Walt,Jay Herman; Skeezlk, Bobby Hj-alth-waite; lUchel, Agues Sh«ppnrd;,Mutt, Jack Bonegan; Jeff, CharlesCrede. ,

Tom Carr, Arthur Peterson;,MaryOold, Jean DeYoune; Uandy, GraceNottage; Plato, benjamin Ellison,Jr.; Boots' Buddy,' Maj-jorie Done-gan; Bofts, Kathertne Bernard;Flapper- Fanny, Miriam Sermayen;Happy Hooligan, Al ljtmtlernon; SI,

all suchdeliver us.

flappers, good

from the HCIIOO I as* tinThe Board promised ..Tuattef under considoiatibn."i. ThiLrfiBiBiiation of iwo teachers,

I Miss Gertrude, fcUUwurth, SeventhLGfade lilstoii' teacher -it School No.l l , and Miss Vertt Sherwood, teacherIxif senior Euglish at tht " ' 'School, were accepted. Missryn Hu^anif was appuinted to takeMiss Sherwood's plucv.


Clean Your OwnBack Yard First,

Says Pickersgi!!

The Easier vac4itionTtown&hlp schools will beviar from April Utli.. tdiH'Cordiut;Board.

Aacquisition Of llctt

Albert ' street, knownHill, owned by Josep

lor theheld ttith

tbe 23td,,the decision of the

WHS luld regardingproperty onas.' Cutter'sKachlin, tor


Lockle; Barney Google,Crede; Sunshine, titUlau

Nier; Caspar, Ned Pomeroy; MajorHoople, Arvld Wlnquist; Ro}«cted»Suitor, Roland Hughes. ,

The cast In the wedding party Isas follows: Tillle the Toiler, PeggySolomon; Mr. Whlpple, Andrew Til,tou; Belinda, Hellen Tuttle; Hair-breadth Harry, Craig Senft; Cheater

school *lt« flurposea The larldvcom-mittee. conBistitis of Maurice Dunigan, Benjamin Wulliug and HoyAnderson, wtu* autliini^ed to itiveati'gate the property ;md other suitable lota lu the locality and to report their, findings at ibe next regu

Campbell Associationto Hold Card Party

The William V. Cwnpbell Associa-tion, of Avenel, will hold, a publiccard party on Thursday, March 37,

buck yard be-a l i e l d , T h i s was thet« tbe service clubs ofby Judge Harold Rof Perth Amboy,


polar meeting.

According to Clerkft th

K, C. Ensign,

.. G, W. KrgUBon, third dl»-: vlce-preeident ot the Stateatlon of Woman* Club» and

k Cgle, first vlae-presldentAnbury Park Woman's Club.e luncheon and dinner guests

B. H. Boynton, ,ot RahwayWednesday.

at th,e club houBe. The commitee incharge of the affair is George Toinp-klns, Sr... chairman; Howard Pen-ds/, Jose'iitf Turek, Charles Mfiieraitnd Henry Ackerman.


wishes .houKVwoi'K.week. Phone^ Woodbiidge


Qump (rlngbearer). Cheater Not-tage; Orphan. Annie, (flower girl)

rGertrude Grode; Annie's Pal, WinonaBenjamin; Andy Gump (beat man),Herbert Ayres; Uncle Him (groom),Ber,t Wheeler; Widow Zunder, (thebride), Marion Ualgrie; Min Gump,

[.(matron of honor), Florida Benja-min; Ka'tzenjammer Kids,, WilliamKujmlak and Frank Brecka.

Prowlers Try to EnterSewaren A. & P. Store

According to Clerk K, C. E n s g ,interviewed after thu meeting, thereIs ,no special} hurry in purchase thelund, but as] the Townshiji Is growing it Is considered wise-to "knowjust whpre land may be acquired.

"Clean your ownfore you go alk'ld,"advice givenWoodbridgePickerBgill,Wednesday evening, when the'LionsClub entertained Hie Rotary at a St.Patrick's dinner, at the Craftonien'sClub.

"You donii have to go far to liefpueople," said Judge Plckersgill. ''II'the service clubst of Woodbrldgewunt to help others they can beginriglit ' at home. Perhaps a littlestory will Illustrate my point. Quitemmietiiue ago a man from NewYork, who has done exceedinglygood work among boys, In his city,spoke before ti, certain body inPerlh Amboy. After the speakerwas through a membor of the organ-ization stood up uud said, 'Sir, whatcan we in V«rth-Auiboy do to helpyou with your work In New York?'

Club' Trio, comjfosed" of Joe OTool<\Les Agfens and. Lew Sftrn, who arefeatured artists every Week on Sta-tion WEAR The .trio will offerpopular melodies with original har-mony arrangements. i


Funeral services for Miss Cather-ine Golden, 66, who died Wednesday

"Domino" "Short)'colored, of French

I B L n ^ i . a . . , ^ - ,

street, New Brunswick, will have towork lor the: next three months.Domino-wa» brought Into the stn-tlon yesterday by Omcer MichaelDeJoy, for annoying Paul l'opolskyrmanager of the Mileage Gut) stationon Amboy avenue.

Last evening Domino appearedbefore Acting Recorder Nathan Duffon a disorderly conduct charge.When questioned as to bis deatlBa-tion the defendant contradicted him-self several times. One. minute hewas on bis way to Carteret and lathe very , next breath be told tbecourt that be was watting for a, buscourt that be wa wto New Brunswick.

thmorning, at her home on Bergenstreet, were held Saturday morningat St. Jitmes' church at 10 o'clock.Pother Riclwrd J. OTarrell, offici-ated Interment was in St. James'ceiWery. ? ^, . ._ . , ._ r ,....

"Che bearers were: Mayor William iniated In a loan ofA.i , Ryan, Poltije Chief Patrick' order "to drive a 1<Mirpliy, Sergeant Patrick Culllnane, I Perth Amboy." Pc

- - ., r. r».,_i n.ft,, o m a v hut ha reBurilard J. Dunlgsn, lOwen g. Duni-gan, and William. Holobun.

MIgs Golden Is. survived by loursisters, Margaret; of Woodbridge,Elizabeth, of New, Brunswick, Mary,of Pl'ajnfield, Mrs,,Joseph Bader, ofRailway and one brother, William P.

Later be esldthat he waa on the way (6 PerthAmboy to visit friends.

Popolsky told the court thatJames;Domino has been annoying mm

times lately, Yesterday, hit•-- ' - • • of tea 'buets" In

load, of boost toPopolsky order d

away but ha refused to go. .Domino has a previous record In

If the committee should- decide thatthe land is needed l"r a school inthat locality, they wuuld hav» toWalt untiL election tjino to have the

l d i d ti question aspeoyltf decide on

An oldAvenel


Ban' wishes housework orng by dgy. Phone; Ifetucben

Avenel, Firemen HoldQld • Tune Gathering

time gathering of the.Avenei u.emen and ihetr familiesand MendB was held la»t SatuBtotevening at the new nreiouse., Re-freshments wore nrvtd and. dancingenjoyed with the new r»dio provld-

'" The* committee In ohar8e consis-ted of Prea FoercH. William turferand Carl Nler. ^' , .

Rahway l a T H u r t aiCar Craihti b t o Pole

. . questionthere are no aviUUible funds toimrcuasu the laud. A special eleQ-tion could be calU'tl, according toMr. Ensign, but tluii: is no likeli-hood that there will be one.

Prof. John H. Lovu'n statisticalreport for February \vn» aa (QAOWS:days possible, 107,730; days' pres-ent, 101,783 Sij; dajht absent,5,984 Vi; average «tendajMe,''6,34T;

Before th« speaker had time to an-swer, i asked permission to speakfirst. I told Uie body fjhat they didnot have to go to New York to helpboys, thnt there wus plenty of workto be done in Perth Aniboy. I .sited3ome cases that cume up before mein court of boys who have atartgdon the downward path, A helpinghand would dp them some goodTbe visitor from New York coinmended Die on my attitude.

The building occupied by the At- yercettt of attendance, H.5;lantlc & Pacific Te» Company-, onWoodbrius* avenue, Sewarun, hasbeen tampered with a few times fastweek, according to a report made totffe pqllc^ by tbe manager of. thestore, Mon-itt Alpine, of 623. Uordon-town avenue, South Aniboy. >ir,

| Alpine reported that several win-dows have been broken and thin

percent of attenolanci, H .5;tardy, 311; totul nuolUaent (In-cluding vocational =< 1KX>1B) ,. 6,015;sessions truant, 45.

d ili

hadsomeoneforce the lock on

evidently triedthe roar door.


attendancetbe past month wannumber of absence*principal, 31;

f'a. report fi>ras follows:Wlperted by

fjMt- pareote

Railway „..„Golden, of Woodbrldge.

Trinity Auxiliary HoldsLenten Study Session

The second of a series of LentenBtudy classes was held , Mondayafternoon by the Woman's Xurlllaryof Trinity Episcopal churcli in theparish house. Mrs, John Strome^Live a resume o£ the chapter on"Fellowship" in llio mission Btudybook, "The Church and Social Serv-ice." A review pf the third chapterof the book, "The,. Law of Service"was glyen.by Mrs. G.- A,. McLuugJi

i Ha. .1 The next meeting of the group

l / U I I U I I V I . H O H r * T . - _ - .

Woodbridge and wa» warned to stayout of'the Township Beveral montb>ago. Acting Recorder Duff sentencedhljii to, 90 days tn the County wm-k-hou.se to make him understand that'he is 'jiot wanted In this neighbor-hood."

Congregational Auxiliary-to Hold Ea>ter Sale

principal, 31; numbt^ofparent*notified to calf- at •sdiowjor .inter-view, number of ^children of


! A card party under the auspice*oi the chorus of the Fords "'-•"•"•a

"• •>» held this ei14, on Portju

school age moved uut <it 4 ^ i o t , . 1;number of children tounfl.on streetand taken to school, l.''.,?..•••

Aunouawment was made of the34th. annual djnner of thj Middle-sex -OouhjRp Board ut"" Education


sex GounJRp B awhich will be heldthe. N«w Dayton*rupswleli, All the mboard rtgnl4«4 theii,

Edu24th, at

Southof the6 f


enaeo. mo uu mjr ». .I>I>V, ,„„ u

'This Is the point I want to leave w l u b e held "Monday, March 24, atwith you. ,Jf<tbB CTons and tlie Ro- .!,„ nn..iull ),„„„ ^lary wish to do good work the bestplace to start Is here In Wood:

brldge. ' Both organizations shouldwork in harmony so that thereshould be no duplication or frlc-tlon" „.

The tables were arti8tlcHir)^i{Uic-orated with Shannon green. At eaChplace were fayor» Including greenhats and snakes. J, J. Dunne, ofthe Lions and George Merrill, ofthe Hotary, presided at the meeting.Me. Merrill, took the place of K.Turner Howell, who is vacationingIn Ptnehurst, South Carolina. How-ard Stfllwell, of the Lions led thecommunity singing.' Kollowtng the meeting the- mem-'bers of both orgafti&tlons adjournedto the bowling alleys where tha Ro-

1-Plans for an Easter XUIR to ba

held April 12th., at the honi. ufMrs. B. W. Hoaglaud, of Uarionavenue, were made at meeting ofthe. Ladles' Association, of the Con-gregational church, at the home ofMrs. E. J. Harned, of1 Green street,Wednesday afternoon. Aproris fpvth«> sale were made at the meeting.


Combination gaVand coal range» Futton rtrwt, Woodbtldge.


Will deWver freib eggs to*BteadyWlcu»tome»s


tarians pronxptly, defeated the Lions

The' ftalwajgundi Literary and MU-Iwl jHoctety will meet next Tues-

day evening st.the home of Mr,Un. A. f. BWdolph, of Pal .

- - . -. H^ber,

tix eggs tejickens for saK>.

B 3»5cu»tome»s. irtio ejickensMr*. Vr. Bunn's Lane. Box 3»5.


fed L. Hardiman, formerly otSeaman's Perth Amboy

PrescriptionsCalled For and Delivered

Cor, Rahwayand Green Street

Tel. 1HS

The Plan Beauty p«rlor„ ' AW* Barber Shop'

Metaod p{ PermanentWtttB FudmckH, Tarntr C«.

Page 2: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first


U R. LITAr ILR H ^ p^j^, p


Dark blue white and gold will be|thn new colors of the Little Wom-

an* Club, according to a de*taton

toCounterfeit Bill

Pasalng a oounlertf* bfll «n Mm. j !


EVERY DAY ISmade at a meetlnK held last Friday<*tor*' o n

gAnnie Koaael, propriftor o( a

aveaue, Avenrt. i*


Officers Preient atCaresMoiet in Parlors ofCMgregatwtud drarch.

1fh« sixth birthday of the JanetChapter of the pautcbten of

American Revolution, was.eele-In the «burch parlors of MMCoagretfattonai, church, palOitv

jr afternoon. OiWng to the til-• ! • • ( of the rir<»-r«wnl, Mrs. H W."To* Bremen. Mrs. Frank R. Valen-t ta t presided, at the mee,tlag.- The semlon opened with the aa-

•' lB(* to the flag, followed by the lrv-Voe&tttn Klren by Mra Mathlab8t«elman, »tale chaplain of the p.A, R-

Mr*. C. R. Banks, past state re-•Mlt and.past vice president genferal,wongtit grnetloKs from the state of-

Mrs. C. E. Mucrar. sUU re-'vat^pt, gave a short talk on the de-.vclooment or the D. A. R. School In^| |p«DUtb.

" ~ Inn the social hour, Mrs.R. Trimble, of Ea^t Orange,

"Contentment", bv SaKer, and'Winter's Lullaby", by ReginaldKOVM. Mrs. Prank R. Valen-

planlut, plaved "Cordorva", byand selections from the

bperette "Naughty Marietta", byITIctor Herbert. Refresh men t* werea*nrad and Mrs. Banks and Mrs.

• WniUUDB Ward, state regent, pouredtfcwtea.

ST. MARGARET'S UNIT. PLANS CARD PARTYA public card party will be held

• t the Trinity parish house on Mon-day evening, May 6, according toplans made by St. Margaret's Unit,

. of Trinity EplBCopal church, at ameeting held Monday evening at^thehome of Mrs. Alonzo Davies.'' '

Bargain Day USED CAR MAR!

(W. S..ck i

I1|€ "«>d r o T «r

. . | At the w H rt.uan, Mr8. Koll^|"~ *av« the following dtecriptloo o* the

Mrs. (Moffce Welgel. of Burnett man: weight, about J«« pounds,•treet, Ar«a«l, haa retumel from 8 t heUht' about flv« feet, sis inehes.Michael's botpltal and Is convales- medium complexion. He wore adng at h«r home. 'Jirnwn hat and gray suit.


.awing ' the business aewtlon-were played. High scores

made by Mies Ada Fullertonana Mrs. Oscar Large. The next

- .meeting of tbe unit will be held onUoftday evening, April 7. at tbehome of Miss Fullerton, on Grovestreet.

ftnsd Tbe L**der

(gjSHOlM.t (gkPMAN


Phone P. A. 2509 - 25*1


lower prices" is the slogan at the Mart.

1928 Whippet Cabriolet >1928 Essex Coach — Challenger ,.......,..••••••••1928 Chrysler 72 Town Sedan • •,••••••••1928 Ford Model " A " Tudor .....— ,...•1928 Ford Model " A " Sport Coupe ..'..........••••••1927 Oakland Sedan f • i • • • •'•••• • • •1927 Willys Knight Six Coupe •1928 Chevrolet Coupe . . . . < . . . . . . . . .1929 Chevrolet Six Coupe1928 Oldsmobile Six Sedan ......,,.;...1929 Pontiac Big Six Coupe '.'.....1928 Dodge Fastest Four? Cabriolet • • • 295-001928 Nash Standard Six Coach 250.001929 Ford Model "A" Tudors, Coupes & Fordors $350.80 to $400.00

- " ' . . 7 $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 to $550.00

Wm. F. MurphySHEET METAL WORKTin - Copper - Sheet IronBaoftng M Hot Afar Heating

9» WEDCEWOOD AVE.Tel. Woodbrldge 75T-W

S|>ring FlowersARE unusually beautiful this year. Th«y are

plentiful, too—which is Good News for you,because it means thai prices are LOW. We arecutting them now, and you owe it to yourselfto call and see the gorgeous display.

TULIPS, Daffodils, Lace Flower, Calendulas,1 Anemone, Snap-dragons, Sweet Pe*s, Free-

sia, Jonquils, and our own exquisite roses,which we grow ourselves. We also have a widevariety of potted plants awaiting JQUT selection.

C1XTEEN targe hot-houses, full of floral beau-0 ty, assure a constant, prompt-deliv«y sup-ply. Delivery free to all parts of Union andMiddlesex Counties. Just use floWer+fone:Rahway 711 or 712.

Many other cars and trucks ranging in priceOUR GUARANTEE!






W o o d b r i d f *

538Malm Si. Woodbridgo

John R. BaumannTMtMhnr of FloHsfe' Trtasnph Vetinrj lawrtitili


Greenhouses: St. George and Hazelwood AvenuesRahway, New Jersey




Wm. Haug, ProprietoriSlt Aiuboj Avenue

Phone 1158 Woodbridge

' J

• • • • • • •







' ''"'• :•£'.•-:•-•

Is tjiere a telephone hour in ymr home?


THERE » nothingtelephone hour who»


atives ttfne home for a icgulacchat by tderthonc

The fiinUy is gathered in theI livinftrooott. It's an <*dttoc time,*> Dad Will call Marjotte and John

W college fint, and'dhen the fam-l lt fl i

W college fint, anddhen the family wilt *flt with the folks backh '



.' many home*. Talking to lovedonwii a m best to seeing tfwm,

, t"' lt*» «fj7 aasl inexpeoiive.

ME than 64 per cent of all electrical energy soldby Public Service in 1929 was used for indus-trial purposes.

More than 28 per cent of all gas sold by PublicService in 1929 was used for industrial or commercialpurposes. '• ' , -I ' • / ' V

Tbe connected power load on the lines of PublicService, at the end of 1929, amounted to 1,165,595horsepower.

Consumption of gas for industrial purposes in192#, showed an increase of 625,000.000 cubic feetor 23 per cent.

Adequate electric and gas service is a necessity toNew Jersey industry.

The use of electricity for pow«r purposes, is one oftbe controlling, factors in that great improvement inproduction methods that has given America iti indus-trial supremacy; the use of gas in heating and treat-ing processes of manufacture is rapidly increasingefficiency and lowering unit costs.

Wherever a manufacturer locates.in the section ofNew Jersey served by PubliciSeryjce, he is assured.of adependable and ample supply of electricity amd gas atuniform rates.

"The far reaching electric and gas systems of Public Service are New Jersey asseta,which play a major part in the upbuilding of the State, arfd every New Jersey- citizen: >shares tn the prosperity that they help to create." , V :

Page 3: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first



Junior Club Fashion Show StagedbyLBamberger&Co*Many Charming M o d e l

Shown at Spring Event atMunicipal Auditorium.

"Adorable!" "Stunning!" "Juattoo perfect for worda!" Th«w wore.some of the expressions heard attlie Municipal founding JaBt Fridayevening, when « fashion show underthe direction ofjJL. Bamberger A Cowas preientaTto the members andguests of the Junior Woman's Clubof Wood bridge.

A lecture on* dress was made byMrs. Charlotte Weiss, of Bamberg-er'a, before the show.

"Many tjilngf have had In |hflu--enre on faun ion", declared Mrs.Weld*. "Wars eapeetally, have atways had the tendency to abbrevi-ate woman'B clothtng. It Is realty amatter of economy. In war-time we«vcn find »ho*f• cut lower so thatthe leather may be used for otherpurposes.

"Modes of transportation havealso, Influenced fashion. When thebtcycl* was Invented we had whatwas tliert called tRe "'bicycle skirt',which WM really a forerunner ofthe short skirt of a few yeurs ago.

"Tht automobile Is responsiblefor the small tight fitting hat.When automobile riding first bo-came the fashion the ladles tried totie their big hnU with relit but itdldrf't work. Airplane and Zeppelintravel are Influencing (tyles already.The aviator hdt is one of the newfads." H

Mrs. Weiss tfso spoke on type,dolor and line. She said that thereare three types/tof people, the tail-ored type, tlie feminine type and thesophisticated type. There la a def-inite kind of dreas for each type.Mrs, WelRs waratd her listeners notto pick the moat, fashionable colorbut the Blmde of <hat color -whichla inoKt suitablf to the model.

According to the lecturer, differ-ent fabrics produce different, linesA shiny surface Is unflattering us arule. Large prints and broad stripeshave a tendency to make one looklurger, while a small _check_or tinestripes make a shorter person Tooktaller.

Three models Miss Rita Crane.Miss Kathertne Cohert and MissSally Harr, took part In the fashion |show following the lecture.

The Arst style to be modeled wasa navy blue serge coat with a scal-loped cape and American broadtailcollar. The hat was a stlfr blackuruw in tin' poke., bonnet style.When the model removed the coatshe disclosed a print dress, sleeve-less, with a cape to form a capsleeve. The material was modern*little floral design.

The second model displayed a"blege sport coat with a lynx Collar.

Her hat, bag and thoea were all ofthe same shade of brown. Her

What Milady is Wearing8

Pearl Whit

MBKl HINTOinvfet

linked Potatoes With Crmuii <)r»>jCabb«K.> .Salad

Ihlkrrt Applrs With Crmni.Cook leu To«

This U Intended for a mentle-txI dinner nunu. ESK* are good foodInnd tin' ways of itervlng them asv

leglnit It la well to substitutethem fnr meat at leant ogee a wee*H|I the ysar 'round, but In Lent peo-ple naturally turn their thoughts t>meat substitutes, ;ind eggR- arc omiof the beat.

THIS WKKK'H KEliJ'KBPlain Onurtet- I'our eggn, four tiA

blespoohs milk or water, one-hairteaipoon salt. • Heat eg«n untilfoamy and'add liquid, salt and a bitof pepper. Heat n frying pan, meltfour tablespoon^ fat in thiii, th<-iipour the egg mixture' Into t'ie hotfat. Cook very slowly, loosening tin*edges with a spatula and tipping thepan BO the unbooked egg touches the |edge. Whan putty slip under HUMbroiler to brown the top. fold overand serve ou n. hot plalter. Aiivjomelet nnut be eaten as aoim as it IIH done, for It will fall If allowed to i• land. . . • ,

The nropheclcd style nile—simple clothes and lavish Jewels—seemto hold good, as witness this evening gown of bright red satin, minusany trimming save for a simple bow at the neckline. Evorjr other bitof ornament Is "detachable.

The rings and bracelets that decorate both wrists and hands areheavy with diamonds, In regulation, conventional cuttings and In oddgeometric ahajttS One jjf the bracelets haa emeralds combined, withthe diamonds, M l a tiny watch concealed among1 Its links. Anotherhaa rubles outlining Its edges.

Lavish as lji «o jeweled accessories seem, there is a- thri(Jjr side tothis n/w pha*8 of fashion. Detachable trimmings may be changedfrom on* costume to another, and used In several ways. Bracelets ofthe type pictured, that are worn on the wrist for evening gowns, arelooped around the belt of an afternoon dress, to serve M • Jeweledtuckle-band, and are fastened In the knots of bows ua t close thenecklines of daytime frocks. —K. D'ORSAY..

f Omelet—li«e the Ram*) in-gredients aa for plain onvele.t. Beatthe yolks until Iis)it and thick, addthe milk and salt and fold into the.Btlffly beaten whites. Pour Into theHot greased pan and cook very

| slowly until It la raised and puffy.Finish pooking In n slow oven, orunder a Blow brollor flame. If thutop U Well dlted out, tt wont col-lapse aa »09n,as It is touched.

Mate's Poor QualitiesToo Often Exaggerated

When 'Other Man' EntersDKAH VIRGINIA LKK; I have

bi-i-n marrtpd four ypms andI no IOIIST love


GRADUATED, uneven hemlinesstill distinguish evening* frocks,

"Why. you* answer does not make a merry one!'leflse!" cried Peter5. "How can you

drew WBR also of print, the pre-; ofdominating color being gold. Thedress wuiDMto with a short sleeve .yefJ. t 0 ^ o l h tbewftuMJttlona.Just a little above the elbow. •

An appropriate spring coat tor aalie 18 or 36 was shown in a brownand beige tweed with a wrap aroundattain tur collar. The hat, -mflWand bag were all of bronte. The«!res» to go -with tthe outflt was aerepe Jacket-ffock-Wr-amber with awhite crepe tucked In blouse. Greenbeads added color to the costume. '

Another charming- Jacket frock;was shown In red crepe. This model''aUo had a cape effect but the linewas broken In the back, which gavoja ilenderiflofc effect.

Polka dots, a auie sign ol-were shown ih brown and tan. Thecape, which Jtoema so Important inthe newt spring frocks, fell In a Vline both in the front and back- Theskirt had several kick pleats. I

Yellow and. black will be very 1popular shades, ror the spring and'early summer. One becoming model j•wia made,of, yellow crepe #* chine'with a slender cape Which also


Frost Comes1 BELIEVE you aaket}. Boy, If this

pool was the all-year-round home Ugi- shrilled he. "We have a good a b l e


flour and when bubbling a d d t h e ' * ""milk. Cook until thickened. Addthe beaten eggs, the cheese, salt, adash of pepper and paprika If do- r * B K , , .. ,sired. Potfr Into greased custard K. lovf • * * "> l " e «'»™1 a{

cups, set cups In a pan ot boiling *im^ designed evening dress,water and bake at 325. degrees un-. . T t v u i M u i i . ^

I til the custard la set about 45 min- _ —8J¥LE WHIMSIfcS--'utes. These may he turned-out on T h e v * r i e d l e n « U l o f »l«eves th>«a hot platter or may be served In season makes gloves of more Inipor..._ . -J. . .u. ._i j:„,,„* _-™m , ,o n ioj tance than for some time.

Th« hem tgraduatingbaekv

The bustle effect of the Hash which'loops at the. back, nnd thn accesso-

of jewelry and long whltotilts'

my hunband. ]t f n l l w now thnt It w«» never real'<>v.. mi my part. Yet ll wn» hi*u r t 1 o n » thatHilled mi after-Hun fnr hi ni'iHi' drinks nn llins n vile tern-per nnd 1 find Ithard l<i forithps i> in •' of th»lllillKK lit" JlHs i t ld it rid d n n p .

' 1 ll H V ••l i n e a l e ll <> d t ' llenvi" n i n n y t l n i Mmill t ie h a s tu l i im e (n '.MI lUieiid,( lu l l l ie I ' imid UelII I n i l i; w l t l m l l ' ':

Illlt Wlll'tl l I i

i imrkxi n n a v i n m N l ' n . K Kni i l ly HtnrttMl to leave once hef i :IMI iiml lieuM'd mi' t» ntny Snidhe still IIIVCH me. And HIIICC thenhe Ims h w n perfect to me, butIIIUMI'I stopped dl'lnklnn — al-t!u>iii;h lie hnau't bet'n drunk ••mid 1 wonder if It will inM.

"Here In another difficulty I amfiiriiifi. I am now really in lovwith another man, and 1 know itis real lovn, Must 1 nl\e Up allln>p«- of tiupplness In tlita life andatlrU in my husband fur duty'ssake? There are no children tobe; constaef^r My husbtind naynhis heart, will be broken ir 1 leavohim, and t know mine will breakIf I give, this other up and stay.Whose Bitail It be, his or mine?

•'I will be pnseHv awiUtlni;your answer In your column.


always se«ma to be anotheriwnitiMc to fwUelr the wife If|fnlln,down oi^ the Job. •)

On you know, Desperate,tn ariviM you to l«av« jrovr iHMfcMtar'10 lnt'dk his heart. If yo« nqst, mlx<r nit and marry the boy tttmt * !provided !«• means marriage. %•'would like to have you take mj afl-viee ;itnl then I'd like to k««y •<•

jtourh with you and (earn Justiiiiirii you would real lie of the

Ililm'Kit Hint you thtirtr, you'd1 Do wm really, In youri think that a man who Would. li>v<- to nnntlier man's "wife n i Umake a very desirable husbaaATAnd provided he did. that the

I he. hears you Is genuine and! without RWkinK on hi* part, a*d W*i dnoR liin part to make VJIU11 wonder If he wouldn't have aitem- that a woman who would, eternal love for one man and| him—even If her love wus killed'his behavior, as you say yoursI--might noi step out on himday If he failed to come up tortcatlorm, or might not meet anotherman nhejUttd better. . .,#_

I know :ifV not pleasant to fl«av;

I the man Jl» tnarrWd is • diunkar^land iosses«t>d of n violent temper.But wher V wife adds the para-graph about the Other Man, Inot help Reeling that perhaps' _^..is not quite u black as painted, butthat hi* unpleasanr qualltlts are W^t;ing exaggerated to assuage a s*uOty"

{conscience and excuse her InfatWUlon for another. • | ,.j If your life with your husband b*-cpmeR unbearable, leave htm and getyour divorce. And then see If IW»other man will step up and aak ftfyour hand In marriage. This WB

•ytitt a chaiwe to-A

the Individual dishes, accompanied t a n c e t h a n

by a tart sauce, such as tomato ^ o f th(J i | 1 | w r e i l t ' l r f !n i,mushroom.. a w a y f r o m oft.the-face hats, they

Fn eomrnrt rUfr Uover/M; ^ f t , » m i l . l . - . i - - . g L ^ ^ l l U r r T ? ;"Now, Hhats too bad! began, T h e influence of color Is growing b shapes too, are Important, al

Peter. But Dragon-Fly stesd e v e n t l , the selection of roods. In ™ h |^ a n

chuckled. • "m 'London, England, different tints For, . b ^ _ _"Den't.you worry your head about c h e e g e a n d biM.w, a r e now fashion-, —PEBSONALS— >

...!" Bhrilled he. "We have a good a b l e w i , i le kippers, sausages and_. us Dragon-Flies or if we lived time while we are on this earth aud united meats have each a carefully-1

The n e r e oaiiy in Bum#er. . And 1 say that's more than can b« said for vv

moat folks. Best a shaft life «nd- O i o r gch<me

"Yes Sltree!" addedNumber TITO, who seerocerering {«>»• nir nt fptance. "As brother says, we Dragoh-Files make ^he lost of every., morment. We fly, and hunt, And,eat,

• > • •

666Is a Prescription for

the hunting fieldB, to the rushes we.flit, and are rocked to sleep in a.swaying cradle. Would you like to.h«>r our Dragon-Fly song?"

Peter nodded. He rememberedthe victory song of the Bees and ht:wondered if these insects knew any-thing half so pretty.

Grippe, Flu, Dengue,Fever and Malaria

It is the most speedy remedy known

Misses Claire Pfelffer, MyrtleHoward, Louis MorrlB, Melbu How-ard, Alice Howard,-Martha Sprague,a*d WUhclmlna Bjornsen, attende'l

sixth annual young people'sterence ot the Middlesex County

Council of UellgloiiH Kdueatioii inNew Brunswick, Friday and Satur-day.


<t here only In Summer andI may


Dinner StoriesSlm% No

"Tilly, you wereu.«- yr«i- IUUUU, ^ w - • ™»# "•" ••'••*, J « " "<'•= e n t e r t a i n i n g i«rved as a cap ^sleeve. The hat, g t u p i ( i D U t i don't understand you," man In the kitchen last night, werebeads, gloves and fur piece were all "That's because you know noth- you not?"black. ... . Ing v about Dragon-Files," bega;i "That's for him to say, ma'am.

DragffvFly Numb** Two, but Num- I did my best.,"ber One Interrupted:

Even the spoftii dresses will belonger this spring. A plain out-standing tenniB dress, waB made ofblue cotton ' pique and had the

effect, The skirt hadInsert pleats. To Insure

motion theAn un-

usual corded bull tucked theIn at the waistline.

wMl not be

''Thu't'a no way to talk to a gue«t, |" d



g | pb l o t h e l ! " unapped'he. "No wonder A llv«,wire • salesman rushed upt h e b o y Ao«™\ P^nUui. If to the'home of a dector in a small>ou r e Bolng to ao all the explain- village a*out 3 A. M. and asked himl"g- why>qnt jfpu! mak«' yourself t 0 come at once to a distant towii.

dre« c l 8 ^ < ? - 'I'" l l k e l h U b o y- W e T n e d o t t o r ****** hi« <Hvver anddresn D r n . F | [ e 8 U v e j i e r e . „ t h e y o , r they drove furiously to theirr o u n d • { m l8' »11 * Dragon-Fly', nation. |

h th uTwo ZiU Sf navykl d t d

ltd suits.and one of slmrAH or them ha^noft silk .blomseswith the llniiiK* td match.Of the conventional White blouse,one outfit feuidlW a shell p nitblouse which cfin',1»e worn over tn<Mskirt, or tuckjed.Jlto

Evening dremlTiin- still of vari-ous lenBtlm. but the more formal tlieoccaslou, the longer the drees. Lace,plays an important part l u t l i e

wardrobe for tfce coming ft^son,-One interesting frock, a e«>P>r u f 0 D e ,of lJeplln'», was Of black lace oveishell pink. U wa» of aukle length,and gave a sophisticated appearance jto the model. A touch ot color was,added by a larg* red georgettehandkerchiel. Another eveninggown was of peach, woven printtaffeta. The dress'had several tterB,a iquare neckline and Irregularhemline. '

Strange a8 It !»») Heeiu, cottou IBcoining back Into its own and is aowused for formal wear. A charmingmodel for the petite young lady was.made of printed cotton net. The de-sign wan roses on a white back-ground... A hu«e*Vpiie ribbon ut theright hand nld« helped to Eet tt

tucked-iu walBtllne effect.For the morg mature type, a

large pvtnt on a dark backgroundwtut shown. The back was cut dar-ingly low. A lo«>4" panel effect in

i the front gave added appeaiancft| o f height* T h e dress was worn wlt»ijilacli accessories. ' . • *s' Lounslng ensembles wei# the last

aodels shown. For the short girlpa\r of bright green trousers and

-a black flowered Jauanese coat Ui«ooBtdered quite tlw thing for p»-

mutt parties, Uajijy print was fea-itured iu the second model which

id wide trouser* and ft red blouse,he third a«4 l a s t l M t l Bhown was-

navy and white ... . . . . . .tie trousers were Vwiie In Dutcn

Htyle and bjittoned' oft the whiteID bloine with Urge pearl but-

W W « 4 , and Y*t throUfeh the Upon, their arrival the salesman•nnrtoUd (summer only. Because a Dragon- asked, "How, much is your fee, doe-

»Uk blouses ! f ' l j ' s l l f e l s ™lyo™ summer louts- tor?" \ ^Ynataftd '" t h e w t n t e r Ye a r e i*tv!l'e- I n t h e "Three dollars," said the physiu spring we are 'pragon-Fltes, and we clan,- In surprise. '

the summer sunsl)in^.> "Here' you are," said the sales-Jack man, handing over the, jjymeyj "theman, handing over th

blamed garage keepe.f*'wanted $15to drlve«me over when I missed mytrain."

Howard -Epp'enger', o f 8 t . Georgeavenue, Is spending two weeks InMiami, Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Cutter, of(irern street, returned home Mondayafter a month's tour of Florida andCalifornia.

) Mrs.avenue,George Cram, sit


Hi*'Iritin tlu

»un tnul sky. Tliejtuid beautify life.

Sven m ft frlemUy manwoman brlnn a raeas-nf happlnewi to

theyIt costs uo more to se-

cure our - p r o p « r 1 yeaulpp«4 Jiwvlce,night attention,calls. . :



CANDYis one of ourbest sources ofquick energy

o Remember the great causeof,fatigue is insufficient

Sugar in the blood

We have your favorite kinds

N. Y. CANDY KITCHEN*Phone Woodbridge 43


Women SufferingBladder Irritation

If functional Bladder Irritationdisturbs your sleep, or causes Burn-ing or Itching Sensation, Backache,Leg Fains, or muscular aches, mak-ing you. feel tired, depressed, anddiscouraged, why not try the Cygtex48 Hour Test? Don't give up. GetCygtex today at any drug store. Putit to the test. See for yourself how

- quickly It works. Money back If itdoesn't bring quick improvement,and satisfy you completely. Try

•, Cystez today. Only 60c.

Sueeten the day wit


and Cooking Appliances

Road Automatic and Slwttgt Wat&tfwttn

Ntw Proctu G* Rangti

There your love for him Is lasting.

i-/ Ifhen (bitty 8uks158 160 Smith St Bath Amboy N.J-

A greaf new HOOVERaf no increase in price/'T'WEN'rY-FlVE per cent more efficient than the previous Hoover—

X. whidi in itself removed more dirt per minute than any othercleaner. That is what you get in the New Hoover, Model 725.

Come in and see'this nevv model, See its cleaning principle,Positive Agitation, dislodge and remove embedded grit that can-not be reached by ordinary cleaning methods. And—'good news—there is no increase 'in price over the previous Hoover model,despite its many improvements. ' '

. Only $5 DownYou can pay for this Hoover as you use jt. {(5 down, #

• muith. Liberal allowance for your old cleaner. Tele-

phone—-we'll send it out (or a tree trial or (ioine demon-

stration. • .



Telephone 5510 Perth ApUy


Page 4: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first

1 - f •



THE WOUUBRIDQB PR1NTBK1, (WO.At 184 Main Street, Woodbrilge. N. J.

K... Olhce .1 Woodbndc*. N. J.. M S*eMid C U M Mail MatMt


Repubtlcatloti a t * m aid »tttui *l M t u r tm i b w eol-a ^ n U permitted provided credit U g lvu to T Q * Wood-brMv* Leader.Oorreepondeac* from n M t n , wprMMog. optnioot n

Interest are Invited, but BO anonymous IHtm wttt N

r u n


Woodbrid(«, N. J., Friday AfUmoon, MiTeh 21,"ttM l

7 ••*•



Low money rates now prevailing should have'a «timulat-jing effect on real estate and building activities in the New!York attd New Jersey Metropolitan district, according tot^pinions expressed by experienced Iwdera in both fields.

In Woodbridge Township real estate has not been active«uring recent years, in spite of the fact 'that opportunities to-day are greater than, ever before.

The proposed building of a refinery at Sewaren, plantfor th.e great. Million Kilowatt super-power station in theiiume section, and the purchase of large tract* in Sewaren bythe Public Service Corporation, obviously for industrial pur-poses, should make investment in local real estate very attrac-!tive to local and outside capital. j

Woodbridge Township offers some ef the finest industrialopportunities in the otherwise overcrowded Metropolitan area.JMen with vision, courage and capital eannot long overlook th« jmany inducements this ideally situated section has to offer, j


It is to be hoped that the Township Board of Education''Swill continue to act favorably on the school dental clinic"!proposition. Its need is all-ajmajfiCt. The school board nursesare doing excellent work in maintaining health standards;the dental clinic will be right inline with this progressivepolicy.

Conscience i» a still, small voice that tells us when we areabout to getxaught.—Arizona Producer,

Conversation is said to be coming back into fashion,everybody will be talking about it—Punch.


lu these days of whoopsie grandmothers,sixty" really means something.—Virginian-Pilot.

"going like

The body of a new car has black and yfellojr*verticalstripes. Great Scott! Are motorists going to sting tts now!—"3he Passing Show (London). ... ^

^ ^ ^ — • — i —

interest in June Flower Sliow.. 1$ Forecast by Activity of

Woman's Club* GardenersSpring

| i l > -

1 a floww show In th<i Undscape artist* are hi,,,In an trreslntablp com- qtmntly for the larger gard,.,,

jid several women In thn anyone with tajite can plan aare already talking seedn, inij garden. The border of „

fflrttllMr spading, and garden ar- ,1m, especally, If perennials« S t A f«f of them are used, should,'to an Int*'wowSrtag' whether or not the of heavy and light H M t » with „,diMtaf will be as pretty as they haps a prtpmttefaiee of i,,..,, 7 . l u t V«r or whether or not plants at th«*ottt«i Or ends i,,ih« tulips will be In full bloom In Wntual« the dtslgtt of the i,,'(|time for the (lower show of spring T |, f l | o W plants rodlt be at th.' ,,|blooms to b« held by the Wood- 0( the beds, t$w medium plumstrldW Woman's Club, during tim ( h e c e H l r»i portion and the uyearlfparf of June. g l u t s ' In the kMk.

Sfrs. Prank Barth, of Aj*ne'<i color U o! utmost Impotran^ ,.chairman of gardens of th* _wonv ^ ^ ^ ^ h t r m o n ,an's Club, is noted t n r o u« i ) O U ,1 * " blfnded w that th . color, win „Township and .wroui«dlng town. w l t n . ^ c h * „ „ . A 1 , „ ^

P ,h 'Srsrs atfuravsi?^ots of dThllas aion*. and when the, h « « In June, Hn. Barth hop.. „re in full bloom they are. myriad, eachand ew,MMMtrar gard,n,,

The rest of her flowers ' tho^Townahip will exhibit. Urn V,are landscaped almost every possible flower wasand she ral^s maTy.she ral^s m y .

tn beds ™ tirtoui Aap«B and m^to produce a Pleasing .(reel.

Another *oll known local nniatci* Mrdenw Is Mrs. Asher M»t-Randolph. Although she has be«norgaged In gardening a-coniparatlv.'- croeuwH

ft.blted, AnioM UH. iow-r . wi,,,* i» «o doubt be exhibits « r ( , ,lips, hyadnth. a variety of (.ailrows, gtranlums, marigold, d.hi,..rhododendron, mapdrog«n. pi,i,

Irtt**, nnd holl

Chad's Problem* Topicof P.-T. A. AddreM

to Meet

^* Ladles' Auxiliary, of,brldge Plre Company, No.

Wood-1, will


ramhlTK, and several other varlnties. Arcordlnd to Mru. RandolphHiBes are a great care, but th* irIfiauty is tht reward of the amateurpardoner. However, some of HIPlifnt varieties hare a tendency ti>spot. Black spot, a c c o r d -ui); to Mrs. Randolph, can be prevented with a little care. Demileaven or other refuse breed tripspore and-a thorough cleaning ot


Auto Insurance Laws" wns <ut' an address" uivi-ii by I i

cix I'UIUT, assistant secreury of <.Manufacturers' Association, of '• >Ji>rney, before the members or nllotary ut a regular lunelitun n,

the Harden, especially around th<> Ing held yesierda/ noon at the Mirose bed, lit this time of year, i» the dle»ex Hotel. Mr. Potter explain.-most" important factor of prevention the new insurance laws. Hi' «MI.I. .

It Is good practice to spray the Ills talk by saying that Is was I.Iwhole garden with lime sulphur, to-! belief that an automobile dnfore vegetation gets a -start, also tin ; should carry liability insurance athe trunks of trees, as high as you plenty of it.outreach— BA the Jrunks oftrtee The guests of th« day wi rharbor many" of the gradeii" ehomlef "tfaTpVAOflnsdn, of POTTO; Amt»»in Its crevlcuti.

Mrs. Randolph has planted 260tulip blilbs in beds of various shapee.

was th*-«ubject of a talk given byiMr*. H. Van Riper, ot New Bruno-'wick, county chairman of the No*Jersey Congress of Parent-Teach-ers' Associatlln, at a meeting of thel"orda:.f.-T.. A- held Wednesday;afternoon, at the school-house. A ;

of selections

Hopelawn Fire Co. Auxiliary _Will Hold Cardw . P a r t y AP"1*1 £. at the four o'clock service!

The choir of Trinity Episcopalchurch, augmented to twenty-livevoices, will give "The Crucifixion"by Stainer on Sunday afternoon,

, If there is no" such thing as telepathy, how does tlte long- K h o o i ' S r a .__>" ' d i s t a n c e operator k n o w jUSt When you a r e in the b a t h t u b ? — l a n d Eighth Grade pupils sang sev- ning, March 25. Many attractive

eral popular' melodies. prizes will be awarded.

The Ladles' Auxiliary, of the' Mrs.Hopelawn ©re Company, will hold at thea public card party on TueBday eve-1 Mrs.

j rVineennes (Ind.) Sun.

"All the modfrn girl wants is a little license," says awriter. W4relesa, dog, car, or merely marriage ?—The Hu-morist.

"Anybody can learn to dance," 'says an instructor, thesimplest method is to volunteer to put up a shelf in the kitchenj bang a thumb with th> hammer.—The Humorist.

•lias returned to hervisit in Philadelphia.

" f n i i - I G r l M i " Some of the beds are planted In solidVrUCIIIUQU c o l o r w W i e others are a mixture of

colore that blend well."Of course," Said Mrs. Randolph,

I will have to wait until they comeup before I can say much aboutthem, but, if they are a suw.rjts,they will be a pretty sight;'

Crocuses, hollyhocks,* marigold,Canterbury bells, andJ phlox allplay a part in Mrs. Randolph's gar*den.. The latter flowed plays a greatpart In the gardens In this section

Henry Bllwell, of Elisabeth, .Hurry Van Iderstlne, Sr., who •the guest of his ion, Harry, Jr.

John H. Love 1B improvingRailway Hospital.C. Chase, of Tlsdale place,

home after a

Some Facts About New PlanetVery Dark and Cold on Recently Discovered Sky Wanderer, and no life Is Possible,

Scientist Declares

"After we have Had a quarrel, I always get a handsomegift from my husband," said a woman in court last week. Heevidently believes in the present making up for the past. — IThe Humorist. j

Sure, and There Was Plenty •_ jof Green Worn on Paddy's Day;

_ _ _ _ — * _ ~ — « M - I

IThere was plenty of green to be "Saint Patrick, aa in legends told, j

seen in Wooilbridge Township on'The morning being very cold, jMonday morning, In honor of Erin's In order to assuage the weatherpatron.' saint, good St. Patrick, who Collected bits of ice together.brought the blessing of Christianity Then gently breathed upon the pyre,lo the En(eral(l Isle. I When evecy fragment, blazed a fire

Then* were green ties and hand-,Oh! If the Saint had been Bo kind,keichiefs edged with ,g're<en, and As to have left the gift behind •

, there wore green Bhtru and green;To sush a lovelorn wretch ae,nu\"Socks, and green dresses and smocks j Who dally struggles to be free;and there were shamrocks on coat!I'd lie content — content w,im part,lapels, and green caVriktioijui. • The] I'd .only ask to thaw the Lean. ;•Ctuidy Kitchen hiid green tee creaju,'The froapn heart of Po'ly Hoe." ,.and favors for parties and dinners. The mist oomuion .story, of SI

The lawns -were green, and the | Patrick's, ttir;icles la that ufidrlvtu*green of the early "buds could be'venomous' reptiles out of (inland$een in the BUJI, and §ven the.:' and rendering the Irish foil, forOrangemen were green with envy. "Ievdr after, so obnoxious to the ser-

Nor was it only, the ij'fth thjit'iieut race, that they die instantly in•wore the colors; men, women and" touching it. Colgan, seriouaiy ,n-childien of every race and nation-juues that- St. Patrick accomiilUhodalily wore the cheerful cqjur* that \ thvs feat by beating a drum.-whlulifor centurlos has been td,entl|ltd j he struck with auch fervdur that Iw•*llh the rollicking, fiuhllng, liberty-1 Knocked a hole In It, thereby en-loviag Und immortalized in song«nd story.

Logi-nds IlecmlledA popular legend relates that St.

1'atrlek and hie followers foundthemselves one cold myrning, on uiiilountala with no fire lo cook their

or to warm, their, frozeni i

sl or to warm, their, froznlimbs. Unheeding their complaints.Patrick desired them to collect upile of Ice and snow balls, .whichlaving been done, he breathed uponit, and it Instantaneously.became apleasant fire. One Irish poet re-ineinbered the event in these line's:

daugering the aud&ss ; of, the mir-acle. But an angel, no the legend,goee, ~ appeared and mended thedrum.

According to FatherFarrell, the shamrock.

Beaten Up by "Gang"Because He Defended

His Younger BrotherBecause he defended, his yourm-

brother from a group Of older bo;the other day, Joseph B e r t h s 13, ••106 Pershing avenue, Cartoret, 1.ported to the local police that tli<

They aM hardy and seeds can be ob-jsame group stopped him on Htnntalned from the dealers for the red,! street, Hagaman HeigkU, Poi:

whjte and blue colors. j Reading, and beat htm on the he.i 1Others in the Township who with roller skates*. Wednesday e\>

have had successful gardens In thelnlng, »paBt, are: G. C. Holmes, ot Avenel, | Bertha said that he was walkiiuwho ratted prize winning dahlias, home after visiting his uncle, JamiD. W. Bartholomew, of Green street, i Bertha, who lives on Henry Btrt'<-iwho has had surprising success in Hie lad w*a so badly beaten th:iraisingthe little annuals as well as he was knocked unconscious for ,.the peTenhlafs, Mrs. G. H.-Boynton, few momenta* > The pollee>-»re Inv.of Rahway avenue and Mi's. John Heating the case.Leeson.

Dahlias seem to be thepopular perennial in the Township. IDahlia clumpB should be divided be- jfore planting, so that each piece] _ — — _ "* 'has one fleshy, tuber and a piece ot | SweeLare the slumber* s>t the vistem with at least one eye or sprout tuoug man. Addlson.en it. This should be set about • • •three to tour inches under the o r e a t thoughts come from Iground. Outdoor planting should, heart —Vauvenareuesnot be done before the latter part | * * •of toy and many gardenm prefer 1 L e t time that makeii you hom«l>to set them out early In June, so m a k e you. sage —Parnellthat they, wll not begin to flower be-, ' «« .»«« . rarneii.fore September when flowers beg ln * * .*'•

Words of Wisdom

td grow scarce.According to amateur gardeners

Prejudices, friend, govern th>vulgar crowd.—Voltaire.

t . • - *

Deep vengeance it Abe( deep stlenee.—Alfleft.

daughterinterviewed 5y. the leader, reporter,:the care one takes in planning a'garden is very important. Above of deep Btlenee.-all, a study ot the soil la essential 1 [«Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium1 Every rumor la bslleved againstare all needed for the success of the the unfortunate.—SITUS.flowerg and <tf they are lacking theyi ™ - • •may be supplied by any good ferttl-l Man Is only miserable so far as »•

thinks himsalf so.—Sannawiro.

Bichardthe trefoil I

plajit, which Is almoit tiniversaUyworn on St. Patrick's Day. is^he na-t iinal emblem of Ireland. The pop-ular story is that when St. Patrickpreathed the doctrine of Trinity, tothe pugun Irish, he used this plant,bearing three leaves upon one stem,-as a symbol or Illustration of thegreat Mystery.

T.J|/, relative position of the new planet lo the other im:iiil>cm of the »unV liuuilj; below left tol'K«»-. "«• < bservnunj utFUgstaiT; Ui,.- lale l*rofcKNor IVrrlvul lowell, anil the iflutlve KIW of the

iv |il..i,it l» the |>iunt \eptuuc.



In the old days of hone driven-*ehlde» thjr* « u plenty of timeto see the signs wbM you came to

' cross roads. The hone andcould draw up to th« mostent position and -rtwdy the

to the heart's content of the

_ ^ thoM day* ,»re orer. Crossradi are now danger pojati to thewmtitt to be Approached wkb care«nl a rigid adherence to m law.

The j3j«nt policeman in out in

should tw u »re»Uy (WMCted by•tnft>torbt » tb« " ffil

When the ncce»iiJy (or lonkinfat'tbe road tictu promts it«cli tlie•top should be nwU with evtrythought for the safety of all con-cerned. The car should be drawnup on tht right tide of the road andthe motorist should alight and in*ipect tb* tigna on foot. Do notdrive up to tht sign* and engineerto place yourcsr *o that you canread them from the driver* "regardlcM of the oncoming tr

A flashlight should be m «wofktng condition in every car,motorist can not depend on mikinga stop'at night which will bring hiilights to bear on the sign*. The old


iBSF&mdown in spejd

b« ifOflrtd by theMUttttlMfirit" ia 0 »of e w y ta/utoe

nMy plaiuts,' these livr embers ot

my iiaiMOH,L.njuioit ot illy liun.cjuit'.i

ut (lumti, 1 '• " '• .Flung; thioLgii the uight, for

night tu lef.alifim, ...PraUe, and fo i^t , the sp'.«ndou:'

AilI And «o while

1 to twu hU ihoory becomejviisi. uVuiy ot %t M.'!- iti>k».:i.>»ii(

i- j His ••co-woi ke/s,»t i'lagatuff,i by Or. V. M. Sllpn*r, began th« cum

»•'! mitiitif

Th« sun speift^fn "Walilwrs pfthe Sky.'1—AlIrM Noyea. ; %

By AHTHVK W V . (AKPENTfiJR^Ofilral f M t Moteuce Wt|Usr)

CH1CAQ0, Mar. M,~~A tjny »p¥ck,appearing pn "i photograph of

the heavens »,Dd w^tch()d by setrou-omws with bfttea breath (or afi;reeis,b««oi>i«l i new worldr *wimming alonf OB tt» pfdei/eal path farout b«yond N^BtiA^t, until now theOiOsf remote a f (tie »un's family.

'And sotenUffc wen tlie world over,who have suspected the existence otthis CraiM-Nftptur4*n planet1 yfsai*ijuiorti its dUpeVery, have settleddown while the .te»t of the 'worldthrills to the naps, to 4«termliM aname for the E^ilh'B n»wly dlseov-fifd outer.

to the,LoWtrll,

putatlons which h*re Juut now re-ttultuu" in the planet's discovery.Mure «weet>ing Q( ; tbe heavensu teletQope would, not do . ' Uqjrred night after hfght of labor foryenra before ln«#e workeraindicate a limited section of•ueaveus uod say, "Point your

here and you'll Unu

I>re«m ot seasuus, ur pushibilily of vt'geta-failed lo llvnli'i"' .uiu ufe tuuld Hoi be ttiouWln

f a c t , • •• '

Tliis buniness of discovniugets is somewnat like me occuyatlouof picking flowers from centuryplants -^. the findings are few knu

itell us that this traog-Nep-i

tunlan body ia 4* least 45 times asfar airsr from i)te pun as \i theffcrth,. Now Nttn(u«is Is 30 times usremote aJ the eitr|h from the solarorb and Neptun«»Meu with (he mostj>ow.«rHil telescope appears as afaint bluish dink with 'a diameterOf i % necooda pf arc on the cele*tin I sphere. '• ' •

Then think Ho*> faint the obser-vations of the uew planet must be.


.tye don't

Urauu8>-wa» the first to be discov-ered, and U oreateil great excitementthroughout the world. Sir Willtani

a seveu-inch refleqt-ing telescope, accluently etumbledou the planet on March "13, T»71Neptuno WHS dlneovered 8ept«mber

1846, at Berlin, pot by accident,"

could Herwhel,the'



mwonder if it ha*

v , , * ,..iye dont havo^O wonder if It haslat« ProfaMor Perelv»L. much light and ft»>t For light and* #w4»4e4 tb^ o b ^ r v [hekt from' the Bin decreaae1 inverseo b » * w j h e * t from1 the Sum decrease

,ArU,, . partly f « ; l y u the. nquu«,ot the dlit»oo».« W i e w | A H d i o the earth's new silver Slater

I receives 2.0JB Hma» less light andthe orbit h«%t thap we d<Uwr« 90 this planet,

>ljy^iOT|lgiW.£,JplUBK. » * J f b § j a d «ud1 ,dB»w-found rtWOte world.

: / :

but through the acute mathematicalwork of Le Verrlw. a frenchman,who told the observorg at Berlinwhere to train their telescope

¥oum DeniedA few moatus before this time In

EuKlund Adams, a youthful studentin Cambridge, placed similar eom-putattons before the astronomers afGreenwich, but these 'were pigeon-h l n» the,,work of unoffldal

Nevurtlieiess whe0 thac^me to be named; thechow Neptune, because a*

E n l d U


cIreuch w Neptune, becausethey »aw, England ruU, the » » .

The Sung official f i l nowThe Bun's official family. u u -

bits wmen sail iLbom in t ( l e r e g l o ^

and. theIn

ueIn the heavejw Mars, Jupiter- o bigger than


y• Eorth,

Forr • I



Page 5: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first

j ; ; r ; » -•'•*••vfxJ. - s . v saw;;'


Sewaren HistoryClub ObservesPresidents' Dav

riano solos and recitations tea-!tured the Presidents' Day program jheld by the 8e#aren History Club, i«t the home ot Mrs, P. 0 . TIMIalt,'of tlahway avenue, Wednesday iafternoon. Mrs, George Uroan and'Mrs. A. C. Brown, opened-4he pro-gram with two. pWutto duets. £ | | MPauline Mayo presents severalcharacter Bkelcnw, "The LivelyBoys", "A Telephone Romance",-He Knew Lincoln", "An BrenlngMualcale", "Toe Abandoned Klope-ment', and "Two Days Old". Mrs.Lester M. White, of Perth Amboy,an accomplished pianist, played, one Iuf BrMim's Hungarian dances and)"From the Caueorealc" by Samuel IGardner,

Prior to the entertainment, Mrs.W. W. . Connot, president of th«club. Introduced Mrs. George W.Ferguson, third district vlce-presl-dent, who brought greetings to theclub from her district. Mrs. Fergu-son spoke of the convention whichwill be held in the Spring In Cran-bury, and of the junior conventionwhich will be held in Asbury Parkat the Monterey Hotel.

At thdtalose ot tbe afternoon, re-freshment! were terved with Mrs.V.tJ. Adams and Mrs. John Hay-wood, pouring tea. Guests werepreat-nt from the Avenel Woman'sClub, Metuehen Borough Improvement League, Metuehen Quiet HourStudy Club, South Amboy Woman'sClub, Martawan,Woman's Club, PerthAmboy WomanV Club, "WoodbrldgeWoman's Club, Perth Amboy His-tory Club, New Brunswick Woman'sClub, Asbury Park Woman's Club,and Home and Reading "Club ofRailway.

Passion PlayPicture Booked

for Holy Week

FRIDAY, MARCU 11, 1930

Among Us Girls trttnity as rtiowa on map now on fcpproxlmatply 350file known aa Map of Avenet Park, Boulevard. ,.Section. No., J. extending southerly Went .. . . .approxhaatelf 630 (eet to Hudson! Beginning at the southerly »x- feet to Hudson Boulevard.Boulevard. ' # tremitr aa a t o m on msp now on

lihrtaffrto* Averme SIi.^°*J *.*5££L£ r* l2LK!1:1 Beginning at th*at th» souther!? •:

tremity as shown on nufr now o_Hie known as Map of Avenel Park.,1

JliW SfW-doA worn/. iPyoukftintfo th'ti t

feet to Hudson Chate Avenue; as laid down on Map thereof Mreby vacate* at*j«T Avenel Park. 8JKUO.II No. 4. ex- on a nftjf snow tag tin location*.

Avctton tending easUrly approximately Ull bounds aad dimensions tneHof a*4- - " - • Sled with the-TewnahtptHer*W&WpTjitrtu

troduetioa ol this ordlaaam.'a. The public right* ariatftg 1

th* dedication of said streetsreleased tram sad

aecMW NJ. I, extending490 feet !

T s X a p l e Avenue ,Beginning at the southerly

tfemtty 'aa' tfkown -on map >«w. . _Ate ktiowt aa Map ot Avenel Park.Seetlon No. I ' - - -

titled. "Map of Avenel Park, Sectl<n No. 4," extending easterly ap-

II* featBmdmurd

map now W Ilia known aa Mop Beginning at Its westerly extrem-Avenel Par* Section No. », and Ity as shown on Map of Avenel Pars.ndlflg aWterly approximately Section No. 4, as laid down, and ex-

Hwt toWttt Side Avenue. tttdlnt easterly 1.116 feet to th>•Mat West Side Avenue. . . . . . .easterly line of 1. Said streets or the portion* l l tO, aad tsare.li ttl

TMa ordinance shall «ak«-imniedlatoly upon Its adopUO»"




:.-\.'i: SECTION 28 -

N«|U0« if hereby glvm that the uadtntgned. Collector of Taxes of the Township of Woodbrldge. la the Ootuty ot Middlesex, wttl hod atale at tt» fax Offlee, Memorial Kunldpal-Bwfilmg, Main Street, Woodbrldge. New. Jersey, OK the 3rd day ef April, It»0, aflwo o'eloek. Iafternoon:, tfpatern Standard Time, to latuty municipal liens now In a rears.

• .The pawrU to be sold are listed below, being described by lot and Hock number as shown on the Township AjSMtsmwt Hap. and In iwith they lait tax duplicate giving th* owner's name as shown on the last lax duplicate, togettTCr with the total amount due thereon aa computed t»,juiy t, t i n . * »

Sal* **»peetWe parcel! ot land will be sold to make the- amounts s«\«rally chargeable aaalBit the same on.said Brat day of July, 1929, is oosi- •"'puted in JaM list together with Interest on. said amount from aatd first ('ay ot July to- th* date ot sal*, and tbe coats ot sal*, la a supplementalcolumn t« am^n the estimated payment required to avoid sale. I

Said psMels will be sold In tee to such persons as will purchase the <**•, subject to redemption at th* lowest rate ot Interest, but no* sxeeed-Ing eight 6*T cent, per annum.

Said sale* win be subject only to municipal liens accruing attar Ju y 1, l*S», including useasments confirm** after that data and m i taw*,and to th* right of interested parties to redeem Within th* tint* flxtdby aw, .

Block ,4P Lots t l 3 1 & 1132 Flori«i»-0)*ve


A double birthday party, in thehonor of Mrs. Chris Rasmusaeu, of



Notice Is .hereby' given, thatsettled bids will *e'received by the_ .. — • "-|»etti<ju UIUH win <oe received oy m e

Fords and. Miss Madelyn Bawnu.,- Department ot Public Welfare ofisen, of Perth Anihujv »aa Held S u a 4 H ^ ^ a r t , ^chosen^Freeholders of

of Nazareth", is the title'?*>' evening at the h.o/ue ot Mr. and i the County of Middlesex for theon play film which will bo M r 8 ' "»r.s.. R:i.iSma.-mi. • s.iisi..o. ..supplying and installation of laun-

"Jesusof a paaslon r ,shown on Thursday and Vrlday ofH T

a 6 - « « » * < r e enjoyedth e v i

shown on Thursday and Vrlday of 6 » r e enjoyedHoly Week at the State Theatre, [throughout the evening. A midnightW d b d M M C i 8 " 0 ^ ' ! " *&» nervedWoodbrldge. Manager McCormick,|s«P^r was nerved.responding to numerous requeues T,"I~**Tfor a Biblical picture during the Mrs. A. t. Randolph will enter-week of April 13th., decided upon: laln the Friday Afternoon Auction"Jesus of Nazareth", produced by Bridge Club, next week. ,the Itlfal Pictures Cit't>oiatlon. afterijjewing many other pictures whichportrayed the life of the 8aviour. t


De Molay H o l d2nd. Annual Dinner


dry'machinery and appHtmces at theOounty Workhouse, located in theCounty of Middlesex, to be openedand read in public at the CountyRecord Building, New Brunswick,New Jersey oa Tuesday, April firstat 3 P. M, standard time.

Specifications for the proposedwork, prepared by the Departmentof Publie Welfare, have been tiledin the office, of the Clerk of theBoard of Chosen freeholders, In theCounty Record Building, Bayardg N J

^ - in the afternoon, to consider theThe Aflierlcus Chapter, Order of final passage of the folfowlng or-

De Molay, held iu second annual a'1""1*1. at which time ,and place obbanquet at the Craftsmen's Club J«cU°ns. thereto may he presenteulast Friday evening, Dancing wa* b ' W taxpayer ot/Uie Township.«MIJoyed until one o'clock. . Tan-Kaard's orchestra provided' them u s i c . «•> ' • >>•

Among the guests present were:Rieanor Mason; Lorraine Hoflman,Rudolph P*terson. A. WlnqiUsf.Robert C. 9*el, Blna Nelson, Wllliam LaurUsen, Helen Dockstader,Justin Marsh, Ida W. Farr, AlbertMartin, Erma Frederick, Mrs. andMrs. P. 0 . Fredericks, Howard Cottrell, Margayet Oano, J. LesterNeary, G«ne D. Ryan. Lydla Bennlng, Phlllls Epstein. Jacob Chnd-ogli. Charles Senft, Jr., Doris Smal-ley, Frank Lelsent Ruth Struve.

the Towushlp Committee will hold a!gt.,-New Brunswick. Nt 1 , and maymeeting at the Melnorlul Municipul ibe-'inspected by prospective biddersBuilding,. Woodbrldge, N, J., on during Business hours.March 24th., 1030, at S:30 o'clock; bidders will be furnished with a

Objectors may. file a written ob-jection with the Township Clerkprior -to that -dale. ,..,•,,•,•

B... J/D0N1OAN,Townohip Clerk


To Authorize, Ratify and Cou-Hriu the Making tit a Contrnctfor the RepavlnK of O«k TreeHoad as a Lot«l 'Iiiiprovvttientand Providing for the Tom-Horary Financing Thereof.W.HEREASrby rpBOjutlon adopted

July 22, 1629, the proper, officialswt-ie authorised to execute an

copy of these specifications. "Bidsmust be enclosed In u sealed en-velope bearing: the n«me"and ad-dress of bidder and the Mime ofjob on the outside, addressed to thfBoard' of. Clxosen Kr^eholdera ,.ofMiddlesex County, aud'Jglidt l»/¥c-coinpanied'by a certified check pay-able to the Treasurer q| the'CQunjyof Middlesex In the sum of J50O.09.

The Board reserves the right toreject any and all bids if deemed inthe best interest of the County ofMiddlesex 'HO to do.BY ORDER OK THE BOARD OFCHOSEN FREEHOLDERS OF THE


Clerk.To be advertised March 21., 1930

aud March 28th., 1930.



S.n.' ia^k. i H.UtU Mr andTrV Woodbridge of Jlfty per cent o| the, the . ordinance hereinafter • set ou\

n i * SZZlTt Owen* Mil on N and In addition the cost ot return*!the public rights ih-portions of theFiler, ^ t y j ' v 0 * , * ^ ' Awi iu i and curbs, and ' streets therein describes, has beenAgreen, Wtlliam G. Heller. Aloyslus W H E R ^ , A S p e t l U Q n g w e r e filed introduced and passed on flrat read-St. r***^a **&.**? S?,'^' by the Anttlw Wro\erty ownan Ing by the Township Committee ofAgnes Byers. Herluf C KeldBen. > ToWDahil) committee tor the Township of Woodbrldge, in theMargaret Jellyman. Valda•>»' ™ V t of b a k T r e e R o a a county ot MiddleBex, and said Or-Victor Lund. EdrthFrlis.Harnei VdiBtance of approxlmatfeW dlRftWe will be considered at aRichard ShoWlm, H°w»™ W™: Q' k T r e e R o a d a n d t h e Uucoln held at the Memorial, Municipaln ^ i ^ . T - i r i ? u l » ' Eppeu- Htelrway In a' Koneral westerly dl-. Building, on Monday March 24th.,B,- >mkrBMa^v Lund MarL Shan,, rwtion from curb to curt,, the total 1930, at 3;30 .o'clock in.the after;stetmcr Har^ Lund, Marian bnarp. . i.aprwemAnt.as paid nbon. . . ,^ " h . 1 " 1 &!EL r ™ DtotJ fw »y in*. TownrtiliMo he aasensed; At said meeting or any adjourn-Dorothy f W ' G ; ° a n

D l e ' ' a l ld L the abuttlnH property ownera,! went thereof,, all persons whoseMr. and Mrs. Battman^ Mr. ana <-v , l a n d s w l R ^ an-ected b>, ^u 0Y.

Mr». J. M ^ X * ^ ? ! " ^ " ^ ' ! ; 1 WHERKAS. said contract " has-1 dlnance or who may Vk .tt«areatedS*r^r g 'Orirai*,"Albert « S ' been executed and Jhe »um to be therein, will be given aa opportunity

M a , j M>er», n ^ ^ w l t h t h e C o u n t v o t Middle-sex for the improvement from curb,

'to cusb' of Oak Tree Road, from Haintersection with the Lincoln Hlgli-

— „ . - - . _ - , t d |B t a nt 2.270 feet lu

JE?B.*sSS:«ftfc'rxr' «•"•""•"""• *returned from a few week s visit * V a r h e r a Ohail be appropriatedHavana and Miami. _ _ „•„ 'for the sbare'.of the cost <lf said im-

ot a re-iaforced con-t, returns attd: curbsTownship; under saidsum of ' Twenty^four

u t b therein, will be g n oppConimlttet to .be heard at said nieeting.

Said drd'inance is as follows:


thy Farroat(


Maw., were the w<*k~endI gMr. and Mrs. H. W. Von Bremen, ofFreeman street.

York on Bt. J?dtrtok's Day.

notes art

•provi-252 ot the tawa

ed and jupplnment-or bonds1 shall bear

S S l e s Sentt: Bavonue. Ayenel.

Mr. and Mrs.


0, C Jones, ot Urn ' • " •Mr. bonds sha 1.

All ther jlino£esT

.„ Mr.of aewaren.Mrs. Mlaitt Sunday

A. new

To Vacate, lU'lwwe ftjyl Kv-tlnguish the Public KlsJlits in1'I«U«IIH of Chnse Avenue,MHIIIHOII AVMIU.-, l"wk Avwrae,Fifth Avehue, Mviiigaton Ave.line, Mnplti Avenue, West SideAvenue, Lenox Avenue, Tanp*nStreet, Ik-lgimle Street andHudson HMitevttlil, I" theTownship ot WooUbrtOge, Coun-ty1 of Mhldlesf\ and State ofN«w Jersey, as Shown on Cer-tain Maps Entitled, "Map ofAvenel 1'ark, Section Ho. a","Man-oTAwoel Park, fcctlonNo. »", aiid "Mai) * Avenelrwrk, Section N*. 4", Uat«<lFebnwiy, loao..Mad« by Lar-

W JHitl Fox, ClvU BUHrtneers,and Duly VULH In the Clerk's(HHce of Mldd^sex Cm|»ty.

Be It Ordained by. the TownshipCommittee, of tha TowijKhlp o«Woodbrldge, in the. Codnty ofMiddlesex:- • •1 That' thoee pprflone of the

etreetB hereinafter desoribed, be and• the saiue-ai-e hereby vacated: .r' "-""' Chft«e Avewe ;e Beginning at the. southerly ex-i- tremity UB sliownon map now on


erly ex-now- on1*1 Pail*.N o , 3.

650 feet 'to

'Beulnning attremity?M shoftle known - a» M


the *u(ftwly W






1&88 & 15891-315 & 18161529 to 1534,1361 & 13521353 to 135818701375 & 13761388 to 1'3861389 & 13901155 & 11561393 & 13941397 to 14001468 to 1473

Jatnes St.'" St.

Ave.fen Ave.ientAve.

/ordfiti Ave.i t e e Av«.• ' t ee Ave.

Lee Ave.Worden Ave.

Lee Ave.Lee Ave.

Luther Ave.



1104 to 1106 Florida Grove Road1ST " ""••" Jaltette St.~1»9 & 200 Loretta St.256 & 257 Hoy Ave.176 & JL77 Hoy Ave,150 & 151 Bbjf Ave.152 & 153 Hoy Ave. *71 & 72 • Hoy Ave.99 & 100 Hamilton Ave.104 & 105 Hamilton Ave.41 & 42 Hamilton Ave. House17 & 18 Hamilton-Ave.5 & 6 Hairiilton Ave.37 New Brunswick Ave: House38 to 41 Hoy Ave.20 ffof 14 &all 15 New Brunswick Ave. House136 Commercial Ave.

Computed' • ,• • t O

July 1.1829

Ethel,Sitniaky ..- $ 540.18Luigi Scappsvtucio ^.,H 179.3^Michael Sabel _.....I. 20S.o5

5OOEft Alex Balint, Jr. ,,.„,. 572.6125X100EA John Urbanit I . 179.3225xlOOEa Alex Balint, Jr. 323.16

25x100 Adam & Agnes Palmcy 93.4225xl«diia Alex Balint, Jr 529.8525xl«6Ea Hans Thompson •... 244V8625xlOOBa Hans Thompson 122.1726xlOQBa Orozco Parrilla 179-.8226xlO9Ba Vincenzo Ceres 186.8425x1006* Vincenzo Ceres 373.68Irregular Vincenzo Ceres 606.67Irregujar David Hyman 737.40

EstlfiMtatVAmowt ,

to SaUMtr *




25xl00Ea Joseph Dihenes 212.8825xlOOEa Charles Blitza 832.7725xlOOEa Herman Shore :.z 825.6425xl00Ea Ned K. Miller 927.9S25x1 OOEa Chris RasmuBsen .,.. 1,893.1825xl00Ea Elmer Merrill _ 772.0625xlO0Ea Theodore Ronalder 281.5925xlOOEa Josephine Juravich 272.83Irrefular Louia Hansen 369.00I l Elmer Merrill 168.21

Grace O'Brien i 264.34Stephen L. Balint ...v...... 1,940.88Mary Gajdos .'. 1,767.52



><t SIC148167

• • * . :V





J54154155155156156 ,166159159160160175B333346A347347349A349A349AS49A349BS49B349B


185 & 18C195 & 196203 & 20422913

-14-266' 263 & 264

157B, 158 &159180 & 18191- to 94114 & 11543 & 4410 & 111L & 1M63 ft of 260all of 261 &4 ft of 262y-y of 91A &afl 91B49 to 5172

• - 3 9 , - v •-,-..•82105 to 107 '


! 10 & 11-' - • » • •

' . ,195 to 197 ,

'.' .256 & 257! 265 to 2671 210 & 2111 247 to 249\ 133 & 184^V 137f 160 ft 161

94, & 9586 to( 9822 to\2429 to 185152 \2 . \ •••

I t o 6?A

Commercial Ave.Erin Ave.

' • ' • • • • • . - ; - .

Erin Aye. HouseNew Brunswick Ave. Store

Elmmett Ave:Emmett Ave.

New Brunswick Ave.New Brunswick Ave. House

Ling St.Ling-St.

Ryan St. HouseNe,w Brunswick Ave.

William St. HouseWilliam St.Hornsby St.Hornsby St. House

New Brunswick Ave. HouseLing St. " /House

45x150 Henry Anderson 756.4425xlOQ Michael, Geo. & Susanne

Pollock __ 162.71.7....*... • 144.4025x100


, Ford Ave.

Ford Ave. . HouseGrant Ave. House

Woodland Ave. j: -Grant Ave.^ * , , , .^Woodland Ave. -

Mary Ave.Ford Ave. . House

King "George's Road HouseKing George's Road HouseKing George's Road House

Mary Gallos .7....*...City Und & Investment

Co 152.8526xlOOEa John & Pauline Sopinsky ... 261.52Irregular Michael Pollock 489.002S*100Ea John & Pauline Sopinsky ... 261.52Irregular Michael Pollock 152.57

. 25x100 Jennie Herbert 271.6925x100 Joseph Herbert 269.56

Irregular Metuehen Realty Co - 280.39Irregular Julia Olcesky 465.61

Irregular C. S. Deppe 1,161.8425xl00Ea Morris Weisberger 1,726.09Irregular David Goldman 1,739.9725xl00Ea William Mundy 753.8225xl00Ea Fred Eymundsen. 398.8625xl00Ea William Deak - - 352.24.Irregular Kate Goldstein 640.6125x175 Ira R, Grouse 3,557.98

Irregular John P. Petruska 562.35





in.it1 5 2 ^


, 485.44"






Fair field Ave.•^gjrfield Ave.

fejy Ave.''irfield Aye.

Ijoja Ave.~ • fepla Ave.

.Mary Ave..• IzoU Ave.

Izola Ave.- Hansen Ave.

Hansen Ave.Mary Ave.Ford Ava.

d Ave.




C « t t A eGutter Aye.


786 A786D1073



7A24 to 28 , •29E .20G , .

•Hto .If:4 ' • • • • • > • •'

8S & 84 ,


15 ft 1619 ft 20

* ^ S f ^ l

Wiim. St.• Fulton St.'

Fj»lton St.

Fulton St.

Main tt.Grove Ave.Grove Ave.i l W S M

i Houses



Irregular. 'Elizabeth LeBko 685,427:5xl60Ba Mary Boll 1,074.54

75x150 John Hansen : 527.98-75x150 Baniel Meade 1 620.69754150 John Hansen 464.95 ^

75xl50Pa' Bernard M. Gannon 1,505.54 -Irregular Ira R. Crouse 1,884.00Irregular Clarence Dunham 2,125,62'Irregular' James Dunham x 1.648-.67Irregular Jamqs Dunham v: 784.9930x70Ea Julius Levine & Nathan .

Cohen' '. 1,3-13.5430x70Ea Joseph Kanick ,. 239.7930x70Ea J. Miller ...,....» ;:. • 338.743Ox70Ea Morris & Annie Braun • 592.99 .30x70Ea Amelia Gross 375.9230x70Ea Paul Fecsik 367.92

30x70 John Avemaria 165.2530x,70Ea Paul Fecsjk : - 912.4930x70Ea .Abraham Davidson 228.953Ox70Ea John & .July Zoldos 365,7025*70Ea Joe Ondrik 313.00

Irregular John Zoldos ~ ,1,109.6075x160 J. Boelhauer ! 833.92

Irregular Joseph Nagy ! ,802.4525xl00Ea Alex Tobias 601.34

2.215 acres John Cs6rdas ; 372.24.John Csordas , ; • 186.12Eichard Dickaon * 186.12rLeon Fer1>el t 226.97C. C. Stoeckel ,. 234.04C. C. Stoeckel 218.14Richard Jago ,r.J .137.40Rose Jago -197.40EdwardvDwyer, Jr.,.. 197.40Arno Wolf 189.51Hans Theilfoldt 530.38Catherine Ebner 197.76Plia. Jjicquea 881.44Stephen Juhas 445.82:Elek Fortenbacker ,.. 2,755.71

Irregular Joseph Rachlin ....S .: , 246.72Jrfegular Joseph Raijhlin 246.86

586.65 '



l f575.8i1,962.072,219.98 •l,721.10;-^i

8 2 1 . ^ ^


1.08 acres50kl00SOxlOO50x100



IJImjularIrregularIrrefcularI l

Irregular- Joseph BachlinIrregalir Frank Papp

. IrrestHjw J. J. Collins —40x100 S. C. Pew - — - —

Irregular Ella Sohendorf r-.*--•

Irregular Arthur Oilman .;26xlS0Eft John F.Winan* .....:.

Thomas C Kipwr .—Mary t- HumpnHy



y $28,20^l\i56.83 '


. 388.34195.17 ,195.ltMW %245.20.jT.•MUM**207^4



4 ;"4 '"





Page 6: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first

Page Six

funeral Services Heldfor Pan. C. Jorgenscn

Fitwfral services for Paul C Jorg»DMn, 47, of 458 Crow* Mill romd,rords. who dl*J Wednesday, Marchl i , were held Sundsiy afternoon atbis late residence. Rev. RobertSctilotter. pastor of the Oraee LnUi-er«m Muirch, Verth Amboy, olllel-

Intermont was in the AI pint

THE VOOOirtlDCE LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930. . - • « . ; : . , : . ^ j . .

The bearers,were: Anton Ander(tin. Siren Hansrn, Pred Miller, Haasvl>»n4, Emll Nelson, and Chris

• tjttdiel. The late Mr. Jorge&senJMU a member of Perth Am boyCamp, No. 1$, Woodmen of theWorW.

Mr. Jorgrnsen Is survived by hiswife, Maren. his dauglRer, Mar-garet, ajtd a. .brother and Kilter tttinnmark. ,



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe Township Committee of theTownship of .Woodbrldge, at a meet-ing to be held at the Memorial Mu-nicipal Building on the 24th. day of.March, 1930, at 3:30 O'clock In the•iiternoon, will consider the report,of asseeanirnU and benefits incurredupon lots and parcels nf land an<lreal estate by reason of the Improve-ments known as:—

Howard iUrtet, Hupebiwn, raringand Curbing

Cnunptou Awmif, WoolbrWge,Paring ami fnrbtai

rfanaoti Avenue, Fords, Gradingliving, Cm-Mag and HMMP Con-

iv ctlonsDouglm Street, Fonts, Qradtag

Paving ami CurbingThe purpose of such meeting is to

Vnnsider, nmnng- olhrr things, anyobjection or objection! thai theownacs- uf property named in- saidreport may present ,»gainit the con-nriuatlon of such assessments, andto take such further aetton as maybe defined proper, and as right andjustice shall require. The reporUabov* referred to are now«on file inthe office of (he Township Clerk fnrexamination by parties Interestedtherein. "•

—_, r r__B, iTownBhip Clerk

To he (advertised March 14th.,1930, and March 21st.. 1930.



—Between Perth Atriboy Buildingand Loan Association, Complain-ant and Charl- s Chappo, Jr., etalts., Defendants. Fl Fa for saleof mortgaged premises dated Feb-ruary 17. 1930By virtue ot the-above stated writ

to me directed and delivered, I wille\pose to sale at public vendue on


THIRTYat two o'clock in the afternoon of* lid day at the Sheriff's Office inthe City of New Brunswick, N. J.

All the following tract or parcelof • land and premises hereinafterl'articularly-described, situate, lyingnnd-fceing In the Township of WoaA-hridge In the Caitdy of Middlesexand Slate of New Jersey.

Being known and designated asLots Nos. 25S and 2S6 on a map ofproperty e n 1111 e'd "Woodbridgel^awns, situated in Woodbrtdge, Mid-dlesex County, New Jersey, Um 31.1911," Property of the Bache RealtyCo., 220 Broadway, Ne.w York, v ,

Being the same ' premises con-veyed to the said Charles Chappo bydeed from Clifford E. Shlpman, et.ux., tearing date May 11, 1928 andrecorded in Book 920, nage 233.

Decrees amounting to approxi-mately 14,700. '

Together 'with all and singularthe rights, privileges, hereditamentsand' appurtenances thereunto be*longing or In anywise appeftalntng


LEO GOLDBERGER.918.90 Solicitor.

To be advertised March 7th.,1930, March Uth.. 1930, March21st., 1930. and March 28th., 1930



—Between Jersey Mortgage andTitle Guaranty- Company, a cor-poration, Complainant, and Ar-thur Berkowltc. et. als., Defend'an is. Fi Fa for sate of mortgagedpremises dated February Zfl. .1931).By virtue, of tlft^ahive etated writ

to, me directed and delivered, I willexpose to sale at public vtndue bn


THIRTY,at two o'clock in tire afternoon, ot£aid day at tne~Sherin"s Office in theCity of Now Bruusnlck, N. J.

Alt the following tract or parcel' of land and premises hereinafter

particularly described, situate, lyingand being In the Township of Wood-bridge, in tie Cnunty of Middlesex,and State ot New Jersey.

BEGINNING at a point wh«re thesoutherly side of New Brunswick Intersects with the ' westerly side o!

" Byan , Street and running fromthence (1) Southerly and along saidnyan Street, 100 feet to a point;thMtee (2) westerly and parallel toNew Brunswick Avenue, 56 feet to-a point; thence 13) northerly ^parallel with the first describedcourse, 100 (eet to a pojnt on. 8*14New Brunswick Avenue; thence (44easterly and along said New Bruns-wick Avenue, 50 f<*et to*the pointor place of BEGINNING.

Being' the saaje premises conveyed to Samuel Barkowiu »nd,Arthur Berkowiu, Uy deed ot John J.Deveny, and Margaret <terecy. bhj

, wife, dated September «, M81. re-corded September •». 1»J1 In book«»» of D»eds. PNW 6«7, the saidSamuel BerkowU* having conveyedSis rnter*»t therein to Arthur Berko-wits by dived datjed September It1918, rtewded SwUatber I t , !»»in book tf 3 ofDMd*. m e vti-

JDscrea i u n o t t t« * I » > *

gth% rights. wMm\ CimU»•an* ampurtenane* QuttMinto be-longing or In anywise appertaining

. BB8NAB&M. "

rth 14b.. 1«», ., and March IStk,,



Quite Convenient! !By WALLY BISHOP

• x \ •




HIGH PRESSURE PETE Funny Ht Didn't Get "Half-Tree*" By SWAN

VH. SbO W f t - l f MW TRW MWRt SOMNfth eusessA'A OT nsfom I?IIMK roniN6





, M V PLA,l^rS. «rJ

GOOFEY MOVIES Facing Deatht>



. .. » l 150' F £ E T FROM tHf£ GROUMO??!



h, '/

Page 7: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first

' • - \ - i "*•> , . , - - • \


LEADER SPORTSrenel RifleClub to Hold

Sunday Shoot3dns for a "Rnib bag" shoot tohold Bunilay nt "Obropta'S Spa",flaliway avenue, were made at a

Avenel Firemen and. Craftsmen Bowlers 'Tied for Civic Lttguc Championship

IseHn SenatorsMake Plans for

Baseball SeasonTlie Uetin Senators A. c. is :\r-

.live iiRain now tfiat thaiWt-hiill «•»-

TH17 A i » . • 'son Is coming on. At a recent mept-

nn, Avenei fire torapany and the Craftstnen Club are tied!'"* °f the organisation, piun? werefor honors to the Civic League Bowling contest. J^\ffi^TnX?S? £*&

teams nave bowled consistently good matches throughout the purchase or equipment and uni-entire" HM<ni. A deciding match will have to be bQ.wled on •%*« '&JZ t K ; " ' , :


a prizes will all bebox and the winners will

xpected to grab for them. ;Avenel Rifle Club is affiliated

the National Rifleman's AssoIon. The club uses Winchester j neutral alleys sometime next week. The place and time has l« re-

llbor, 52 model and Savage, 22 been lpft in tha » o n t . i « . e v. IL ». o vr i e n. ,-,' i. The team's line-up for ther. 25-A rifles. The officers of D e e n l e t t t 0 t n e captains of both teams, S. Naylor of th« Crafts- season will include: Cluirles

organization are: Fred Huff, men and J. Larsen if the Avenel Fire Company b e r t ' Nelson Ohlmun, Tliomns Ll-ent; W. Cllne, treasurer; C.I In thn o+viv.^., k« ..i J u •* i . L A . I _I m m o 1 1 ' Richard Dube, CharUs Huttt!-

ier, secretary; L. Pomeroy, ex-1 . W Strings bowled between the tWO teams last TueB- m a n i aeOrge Hutteman, Fr.',l \Vhlte.tve officer. The complete list 'of day evening, the Craftsmen broke the record for the local al- p* t e r Schmidt,' Charles Scott, nich-*eNier, " H U T E . obroptTc.' l e y s b y t a I l y i n g . m - And* Simonsen helped to roll out the

ta, I. Obropta, Earl McCrac-!score by 214 pins. The scores:

Sport SidelightsJACK SORDS

; J. Oana, John Larson, L. I'om-W. Cllne, H. Palmblad, C.

•ts, L. Krommer, Jr.secretary, C. R. Nler, is ne-

tlng with several rifle clubs IniiBtrict for matches. He hop«sjS' Naylor

able lo arrange a competitionlunday, March 30.

Andy SlraonsonP, Sohwenzer ...Rudy SlmonsonA*, Lev! „ „

(Vaftaiiieii's Club214\U160213219

191 104• M S 15&178 171176 186142 -.176

Amboy News GiveNickey Too Many Pins

982 t'i9 881

B. NlerT, Cmtaon0. Selssel ..J. Larwn ..M. Larsen

Avenel Kit* t'o.181 151215 177170H I

...... 171




898 $67 894

(bridge Leader,Sporting Editor:

Iclosed within are the real amict scort'H of the Langan and

bowling match rolled on theatlqit alleys on Friday 14th.,

1 'hope you publish as theythese are the reali.have been published

Amboy Earning Nwor400*-pint moiI do hope you show true

ntblp by publishing thescore and give a man credit

rhat be has bowled,en had but on« mUc

his average wasa average was 170-7. Tg%

are as follows: •'•'•L a w g a j i

1«9 172 137180 174 133


iLltts] Silas ..„. ,„Bagger /.!.„.".

Legion. 197 171

192 17613» 171160 181136 ~173

. , Woodbridffe Klre Co.174 Llddle '. „.„...'. 1S1 lft?

93 : A. Lanon, 8r 146 114178'A. Larson, Jr., 80 80UljOsborne ...'. 177 167201 ,iJohn Petraa „..*. 178 167

ard Shohfl, and JosephOfficers of the Senator* ari> OK

follows: president, Thomas Lliuoli;vice presedent, Nelson Olilman;secretary, Richard Shohn; Measurer.Richard Dube.

New Areas Addedto State Forests

807 871 8071

flan Duck PinU PnLEXANDER JON1ES, steward tft'the Craftemen's Club and

1 5 1 j TRENTON, Mar. 21.--A total of, os 1,650 acres of lands has luin added

111 j to -the New Jersey State Forests,] 91 under the supervision of Hit- SU202 Department of Conservation and I

. velopment, Blnce Januarj l, accord-732 636 730 ll»K to word received todp> from the

State Forester's office. .Tills bringsthe tota.1 area of the State forestHto 31,223, acres. ^

Prior to January 1, tlie total areu

or.±_*jautcdiaiLJrfLthe_ailey»i is anjeiousjtogetJrowhsi^nterettedJacreg-in the ducfrpm championship tournament being planned bythe Craftsmen.

1. As warmer weather approaches, the duck-pins become

was 29,593acquired

o three ofucreB have

Stokes Statein Susee;

been added to theForest, near BranchvilleCounty. 502 acrea- were

more popular and Jones should find no trouble in signing up 'tor the fieiiepiaiii .Forest* near™«AiXB*L. - P|all> In Cape May County, aadcanaiattW. , .acres have b«en added to the

I River State Forest, near Newna, Burlington' County.


Sixty AnswerCall for Diamond

C a n d i d a t e sTouch (Hlon Rlce'n (Vi1^ oatl f«r «"'

of candidates for ihe Wood-lKh School bniwball tram

him Monday. brouRht out HO »tu-doiits. 8*veral of last year's,tMhireported. They wifre: Roy Fuller- 'ton, FVanels Parsons. Ek Kosic. DonMontague, Tony Cacclola. Andrewl/ocklf, John AqulU, Ssm Qtoe An-drew Paulson and l*tl Sherman,

The new candidates for the teamwore: Stanley Klug, Stanley Frwt-I'llc. George Dlgn, Howard Day«r.Frank Baka. Out Hutteman, PeteWilliams, Steve Munn, Joe Seb«tk>%SalvHtore Vergillo, John Hacker.Uob Ferry, R*y Predmore, VictorMurdock. John Yura, V. Battman.Ed Joehen, Walter Warr, Joe Rud-dy. Al Hanklns, John Kopi, WalterHouxman, Bob Humphries, Oeor^e

!Lt*e, l-"r«nk Ungmry. Prancii Netaon.1 Chnrles Fee, John Brennan, DonaldBatgrle, Pate Schmidt, John Hlnkle;

| itubml Tiffany, Junas Dtnumk. W -idore Farer, Andww JwidrlalT«ts,• Hobert Heller, Al Bnwn, Jo« L M -; ««n, Don HorgaifloB,' Jim U e , R*yPeterson,. Joe Bosie, O«org* La«,William Thufiton, Robert Oarallto,Harold Handerhan, Frank Ilko.Kntnk Sattantlo and Paul Spraooia.

U tlve good weather k««ps uppructlco will start next llonday.iv|i«n Uv.: boys will be outfitted. TheIV:iron team has a tough'sohedutennd witt have to work hard to getin I ne for the dianiplonablp.Among schools scheduled to bep!a>ed, are: Freehold, Metuchta,l.connrflo, Lakewood, Carteret, andSt. Mary'B. The opening gam« willb« played with Linden at home, onApril 18th.


Fishldn Brothers'





crowns In addition to the 220-yardfree style championship. He willnot defend MB backstroke, and quar-ter mile free style titles.

Kojac this y*ar was undefeatedIn intercollegiate competition andscored a total of ninety points to set

1,972 ! a v e w geason'-s record. The old

1 9 3 !216!

Bearcats Honor Member;Suspend All Activities

gThe State forests in

being managed by the

|ac to SeekNew Records




Tlie Bearcats A. C, havepended all athletic activities thisweek on account of the death of

L.'RSEN. ;murfc of eighty-Bix points was nude | Thomas Sipos, one of their meinberajof outdoor recreation.limit year by Johnny Bryant of Dart <Who was Wiled In an automobile ac-'mouth.

OtherIn the Intercollegiate y todaySmith and Jelenko in the 60

addition toDepartment

of Conservation and Development Ijfor watershed protection, timber I

HUH- . production and the/ reclamation of |Idle land, also provide lai^e areas iwhere the public may. hunt, flah,camp, hike, and enjoy.other forms

High School Faculty FiveBeats Inter-class Teams a n y

Q K .


Rut! swimmers enteredareand

ST.the funeral In a body this after-

; 100-yard dashes. Phillips In the220 and 440-yard'swims, Armstrong


In the fancy dive, and Cronin andMarquette in the 300-yard Individ-ual medley.

n««4t The LemUer Regutely

Filtering Out the Mtath ""Say, Main, wtw baby Bent doiii

from heaven?""Ye», son."'"I guess they like lo have tilings

quiet up there, huh, SIom!"--Serv-lce Magazine.



The faculty of the WoodbridgeHigh School, with the aid of onejunior, Stlllnian, defeated the fresh-men, sophomores and seniors In a stUlman fseries of basketball games played 'j, L e e 'cthis week at they Barron avenue Tamboer g " 5gymnasium. The last game will beplayed tbU evening when the juniors ]will meet the faculty. Coach OrionRice expects that It will be, a tough

. K.6 09 03 0


game for the faculty as ther

23 2 4H

I Tin; OUTDOORSTAc Cost of Angling-Equipment

J!W BRUNSWICK, Mar. 21 —ge Kojac, Rutgers University

am Ins captain and Olympicstroke champion, will churn the

of th* Yale pool at Newin three events today and to-

ow in an effort to wrest threeollegiate titles from the shbul-of Johnny Howlasd, Vale1*

Uter swimmer. Th*\ Iplwh be-|n Kojac and Howlftnd will prob-

be the outstanding feature ofannual Intercollegiate Swim- The New York Times carried an 1(1.00. , There may be some that

Association Individual cham- article last Sunday about the highUell for |9.00, 112.00 and $15.00,iahlps 'cost of golf. The writer gave an I but these are required onfy whereIt Princeton a year ago, Howland'itemUed account of the various de-,unusually big flsh are taken, andlured the 50, 100 and 220-yar<i,talU such as membership fee, end- where the skill of the ny-caster de

style titles, and George Kojac, ld.lea' fees, clubs, balls, locker fees, manda the very best,a sophomore won the lUtt-yard clothing, etc., showing that" even at I ,Juat:a word about flhe*. There is

krtroke and the 440-yard free,the most reasonable golf club theja great temptation to lay in a stockevents This year Kojac spe; annual cost is in the neighborhood of many downs. A decently tied

llxed in the 50 and 100-yard of 1500, whereas the more elite fly, wet or Jry, costs no less than 16Kes and he will seek those two cluba would bring the cost as high cents. H is easy to invest too much

|5 000 I I money In flies. Half a. doien Asbeen said about thj « « h Q'-the following, in iUzes«uite«

of fishing Sar«wtt« t» the «Bhlng waters: Royal Coach-?rate wiVe's have dSlV-i?J*n, M»rch Brown, Chill, Gray

e are ii some very good basketball players

„,._ „ y, , „ «». . . ,,lplayera^?»mo>» the, Juniors. TheTU* $t. -.femes' HcWSrt -ba«eba,l s coreg ^ - d a J f t f e u'M\mn: fac-1

team opened Us season last week by l l ) K , w tmahtne-n <n-dofwung No. 1 School, 14 to 4.1 " " U n o r e T ^Keating, O'Connor and Almon bat- | f ° ; , . '•ted for St. JaraeB', white Pender.l1 0-' '*•Knight and Miller, batted for tne The line-ups for th« games are as


f a e u l t y 4 g >

f a c u l t y S 2 8 e n .

public school.The St. James' team would like

I to book games with other grammarisdhool teams in toe Township or1 vicinity. Any team wishing to playwith the parochial school, shouldget In touch with Thomas Feeney,Bergen street, Woodbridge.


Rice, t. ...White, f.Tamboer,Werlock,Stlllnian,


.... 8

... 3... 3... 1


Why Worry'.1Liberal reward for

green monkey withoutLaad (Ma.) Sun-News,

returntail. —

24 6 54

De Fueshiuen

Fishing TackleO F Q U A L I T Y

Much hashigh costfriends andIs and rate wives nave tteiiv-:"*•*"• """ t" "'""••> "«»•••> "•-•• i

some scathing ^^,f^^^m^A\^A S !

• „ hinntlc. who upends $80 for W Uung, BeaverKin ana ua«>anvwhere from $35 iBeaverklll, Ginger Quill — will bu'

IO'TIOO' for"a"new fly rod' ll(r to ample..Other fishermen may change 1115 for wilding shoes and a balanc.it>>1* «w «•»•> and substitute others,, " H S O U I " a ghS5?8d Dollar, for but most of them will abide by the

leaders, flies, and accessories, not to I same list, Uter in the season a|

lever Before...IAVE we been uble to.. BO varied and rooaonablyjTlcfil mi asHoitinont of flsh-(g tackle to the anglers ofjBrth Amboy and vicinity.

ntock 1B the inost com-' illnpluy of high qualityIB in the city. Fretiri-

Kter and salt water tuitflornt o are planning to replacej add to their outfits, will do

•11 to Inspect our.stock bn-making their final uelec-

ns. We have everything inline of tacklft: rods, reeln,

tes, creels, flies, apinners,books and boxes, boots,

ders, flahlng ooats, baitxes, minnow buckets, baitUs, leatlerH, lines of ev«rytcrlption for every, purpose.OP In and look around btf'

*e the season opens. W»| l state nulling licenses.


157 Sniitli HU-eet1'KIITH


•the\uoat"w*o'mtort oi . a s ^ ^ ^ T ^ A "^"winilng, however, to: amazed by the sum tota of all. e>- . t h ^ h , n 6 a r n e 8 t a b o u t m<iipenditureB connected with nshlng., t - ^ ,, , , k g o l l V € £| Hut the Hems do certainly not havo r{J". • ft ' ' • n ((jgt ^to lw as high as prices quoted. j c a u g e "o7 a cheap leader,' poorly

I One of the best trout rods wo ^gHed flies, and a poor line.I «ver laid was a four ounce rod ut • T h e dyerage, medium priced tro.it•undetermined origin that was given I outfit, it properly cared for, shouldlo ua as a urebunt, and retailed '"''juat from three to Ova years, eyen'

H12.50. That rod was used for two' l f u s e d throughout the entire season'yearn on trout and bass, and It waniOf e a c n y^,.1 only through our own carelessness. T n o g e w n Q n f t v e learned by bltu-vthat it was broken, and had to be e x p ert e noe, have foUnd that It la

! shortened to the point where It no b e s t l 0 s e n d a r o d n a c k t 0 t h e m a m i .!longer'gave good By-casting service. i (acturer e « h year, for straighten'

Wo have seen overfed captains of!Ing, repairing of windings, varninh-luduutry purchase aa much as |500Jing. and ^replacement of wornworth of equipment at Abbey ft lm- guides, ferrules, etc. Anyone will-brio's Abercromble & Fitch,, aiid Ing to make that small Investment

A N G L E R SA T T E N T I O N ! !


B E S T BY T E S T !Hundreds of SatisfiedSportsmen Praise Our


Mills And we never felt the leastKor we knew that' with our

cheap little outfit we wouldenvy,own

annually, will be glad to use tin;same rod indefinitely. k

So far as flies and lures are con-cheap little outfit we woum So far as flies and lures are con-more fun and possibly get earned, there Is an awful conglom-

11101* flbh than the heavy-livered eratlon of junk on the market everybuttw and egg m«n, iyear. Without tall the new lures

The same thing holds true lu; (usually selling at a fancy price)uolt Last year we saw a fifteen'are always heraled as "the greatestyear old caddie, with a "patohed-.up flsh killer* of all time". As a ruleB«1 of second Imnd flubs P.lay <ra a tt»y Hut only a Betsoa.and are in-neaiby course, to the envy oFaM «)e|tended largely lor the benefit-of thebald-headed DabblU who were too manufacturer. , .muscle-bound to enjoy the gam*. The true and tried stand-bys, the

The extreme iMced tackle B,nd!,und»rd patterns of flies, spinners,equipment Is designed to catch bu.t plugs, wlgglers, etc., are bent in the

lone tiling—suckers, aotf not tlw long run.I kind that swim,' either. Of cours*,| gome of us are Inclined lo ex-the angling enthualftBt, who tnkeisslperlinent, however, and are neverDiucl. prld* in willful caBtlngM i.i .happy until we have proven thecatching nun, will not be, content «uc««w or failure of a newwith a poor rod, reel


. or Wtt«.Our "maximum esMmat* o f the

'com«of a i«si good, serviceable Ayjrod, woulcf b« |36. or »W #t ui«v«ry higiiaBt; Ul& 18 SO tSWl* <*•*logs show some dan** rfflftl V. W>oelle^t bamboo, reWlHit$.,;for | 8 0and as loW M IH.60-

•A» for reels, a,4t»u .„ . .nwer.cost more » * » , « * « » .

,». ._ most of us, however,fancy-colored doodadB are a

that clutter up. the taeklt

Ht'llilim ltoilaShakespeare


ReelsRussell Trout

ReelsHardy FilesPflueger

LuresSouth Bend

& Al FosaSpecials

Full Line ofSalt WaterTackle

J a pCroels


HootsFly BooksDuxbak CoatsLanding NetsLoiuler* . and

L e a d e r

English &Anierl c a ntailored &level lines

LE V I N 1Hportlnt! (iiHxlK Co.HI! Ma4iw»« Ave.

Perth Anitxn s

Casey, f.Baka, f. ..J. Lee, f.1'red mo re,'Marcus, g. ..Frederick, gMurdock, g.Leesou, g. ..

G.... 2... 1

c. ......

v"L §

...L.... .-.. -0„.' o.„., ... 0

'„ 00



9 6 24

Jandrielvets,Pomeroy, f.O. Lee, c. „Aquila, g,Parsons, g.P. Nelson,

f. ......

Rice, f.Btlliman, t.Tamboer, c.White, g.Werlock, gJ. Lee, g.


Warr, g.Rullerton,

24 4 52


I. 4


4 3t

Chowbig HU Brand"To what do you attribute

the opening of the troutseason A three weeks off, FishklnBros., sporting goods and tackledealers, of Perth Amboy, have al-ready secured several scores of 'names of ambitious anglers who.have entered their 1930 fishing con-test,

Pfttes are being offered In everydepartment of angling and consistof standard Shakespeare tackle.Especially the trout price, a de luxefly rod, should prove-an Incentive tothe hundreds of Middlesex CountyAngtws who- irblB the. Jerseystreams every season,

There is also a splendid prise forbait casters In the pike, perch, •pickerel and black bans dlvaioni.The salt water fishermen, of whom,there, are hundreds In the PerthAmboy'aiiXflct, will have a chanceto compete for surf reels, boat roils,and bait-casting reels of high qual-ity.

i' All of the prizes are now on dis-play in the window of the Smithstreet' store. They are dally ad-mired by hundreds of men andboys, who are ltchln' to go flxhlu' assoon aj the season opens.

i Prize winners In the Flshkin, Contest will have a chance to enter7* their catches In the district and n»-, tlonal contest annually conducteda by the Shakespeare Company. Withs,th6jeTiey coast, furnishing some «•I the biggest salt water flsh, local an-

• glers have' an excellent chance ofcopping one or more of the coveteddistrict or country-wide awards, Mr.Fishkln says.

Non-prlie-wlnners will receive v


Regular exercise andhealthful recreationwill keep you physi-cally and mentally"on your toes"

BOWLINGis the ideal indoorsport for men andand women of alt ages


"Where tho Ladles Uowl"


them testimonial fellers a-dlckertn'with me."— Border Cities Star.

Bend The Leader Regularly

It la the province of kings tobring wars about; it the provinceof God to end them.—Cardinal lJole.


ioi!it>r no good reason, and merel)to remind us of what dajii-we were,

a it the coat of equipment anddoes play havoc with the

, » « . . , budget. It Is worth the moneyIf it serves to keep ua out i» the

o « r the weekend*, awsy fromi( »nd »way from the s«w-

if the cluttered high.-

Dorsey MotorsI N C O R P O R A T E D


Cowh Joe Wood, the Smoky Joe of old major league fame, fives %f«w hints to a couple of his diamond stars * t Yale university. ' inU ihowii taft with CapUin Red Bey«r, of the 1 % snd AlWt O«olht

rlfht, b*»eball thoHatep snd football end puketbajl flayer.

Page 8: ;RADE CROSSINGS D BRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · ;rade crossings must g0! ! d bridge leader i! ! an independent newspaper published in tqft interest of woqdbridgfi townsihp snty-first


jdkmghtobeGeneral Chairman

of Scoot Drive


Steel Pat toSeme It

Kafitaa Couno!I

a* th*Ctol

VMH, IKN-OOWS Co.. alE l

K, *

for a irtt> Mrthda:: atfc» r««». pi«

f M at th* Mat* of t.h*iturdfet. Mrs Hffcert T BHa*r ,taa*a. of «owh«rfI i,l«*e- W*4«*«.r B o M ^ M „ . ,rfe««i toy**M""*'"- J ! ^ " v K e*T*"*""t' . i * F»,« UMfl Caaaasar for wkit wn: be beU aen Friday er*«ta« j B t I > 1 M r < ^^^j y ^ . . ( ^ ,^»

"*_*'* a * * H ? * l ! ? i ^ 5 ^ t r**- * Fard bodies aatly after exhasathrt•ewly orcaftlsftd Camp nre RT*»V ,^-J. V-^ proved tkat It

pv of lac Jasiot Freak ifa ty«b Sehooi , ^ ,*f HfetiUM Pars u gaeata <rf honor : . ^

•ill Tb« »o»or awards eaTSttd by tb» ' • , , vmej MoMr*. aaM

7 - ' I T W> "IT' ~-":' -n i l I ! ! • • Mm. I, , 1-1 ™ 9 m • AaV.B '^ Hw rKlaaJK p f f T W r 1

"Haw t* Bajoy Life !at I N P. M MM

Caioa fluih* at t*w Cee(cr»-**Uoaai Ckanft. B n £ra«« Ab-,hott wDl preae* oa Tie Rteh

at • v'tfork.

Her. 1. B. Ityw*. P"*«* !

I A . K —OW»r*!ioB of H<?l? E» j

it~A, M—Charrh School11 A. * . — F W aw* tkW

•ee)e*r«tiaa ot•enac<>; second ^norsioc prayer "f i T h #

Firi< C&ffdk ^ Cfcritt,

DWrid rta«rw*f,

< the. Cabi* Co. *** «• ho intend t« *fJ".

Harry G.


)I1t.5«« for th* ariK>a* <Aon tfi* Boy K«*y t*n?«lta-

in thU 'i-TrtVjr) aaq <f, f**h


at nmri for t*» auaafaeter*of a aaaibrr of Uiasa la which a

• »*rtaaa««fti hrUHaaee vat deairtd.kat the Ford Motor Company was'i:.*- B5-n t* latrwdaee its

«td 'Thai It"was able I*

HOT. ft. 9.

Maasu at i:«t, »:»• mtd

afftr »:M

Brtsita* IWeekdayBory Day

odoel AasfUwr

at >:M P. K.f T I I in In 1 a


: M o"rt«k-

« P. 9Thla e res ta r at T.4S — !>»««>

Wmnaa's jClass. Thit Ciaai;Monday sft*mooa,

it t P. M. rertrj

Me«Uag of tha

nwetuf ot the St.


of TW Mother Cburd,.rtrat Chweh <

to Boston. M«aa.!««-_ii :M A. M.

gekooi—l^O A. M.

v , AW

l i t

A. M.— pWonhlp


S:!« Mo«a*rLam.

proaudlo*."Befor* M

«oof Fir* Pri«*r» — r«rf Oli!l*»«H» a* Taaraday

fUriiaa C'njnril hus in«*a»*4..,Ka «Demb*triiip froni 1«M than tM 'to orer w'( bo>i since 1S24 Tbedistrict. lneloo>* Perth Amboy. f**t"Tsoa

Rotith AinlKry awd itayrnilt*.


Hi Tb*

of Amboy

» r«word*«( H«altk

ibt decorated laaad vbtt*. Tb* farors vet*

! basket* of ausdj; and (h*of all the lefteahavau


r ofSa4aJVy of BM*M4 Virfta Mary:aa«nloa tMrl fcmday af morJb •GlrU of tke Psrtcb: Oonaajoa:

»t 7:16

A ton. p , Peart PMr. aa4 Kit 'Joatph UtUk. of 242 jrllyaua.ttaia ftr«et. W J b M Mb

*vm u w . T l « lof tbe eeampaaY and all Holy Days

— - iab}<»et*4 It to iaaU far sjot* at- «• Satordays.Bridge Ctab held » T ^, t ibm it wooM a*rt ia actaal —

«jHlan»«o» ifcotn Tveaday «T«- M T , ^ . TIM.T vai u throaKti a salt Pariah farlrtfcm • P. ht r,as tfta «h* honor of Mkw Aau w a t w ^ T , , fW i»t hours. e«or»- Raaary Bottoty: Conmaaion Plrtt PrMay eYeatof—Uttay

Bakt-r io4 Mlas Marlon i t to t>-o tear* ol tfrrtee o«t-of- Svaday of awath.djmtht»T« of chr» atem door* ia thf utost corroatrr eUaut* Holy Maaw: OosflaQsioo Second

to tbe HJT»y lor 4»*tb* eqalraient of-44) years otto Ibt BWt terere auto-

'<pberk ooaditi«w. it stfll eoald b»! Fourth Saaday afBolkshad to iu oririoal hrBUaa«p.

• The abtiit. «f nwteas steel tow*ar aadn tbe aaoft tnias ooadi-

I'.iooa is due to the (act that th*ftaatiiiea of tb? metal, which auk*'a hi«h palicb poaaibk. exist all tb- _way thiMtft. Paru made of rast- l i t A. M-—Madar Schoot

tt*H JMMWSS tb* aaa»e asperi-, n A. M. — atoraiac Worship.1

I P . " rhrhrttaw - - • 'as 7:45 V M. — Kre

-». fTb« foUofrae births<* «*.this WMV at t».*

wdteci— . Po<!ow*nK tbe' A s#a'. Emc-D* Predrrkk. wa* bridge was »ta.f«d.k«rw t« Mr. aad Mrs Frederick wrre saade bj Uf*. Thaasaw•ctehard, of TriHtf* strtnt, U«ttk> IMM. Mrs. Joha Oattoa. and Mrs. <Jat th* Perth Assboy City HosptUI. A. MeLsu^hCa. Cm-* prtSr-t W«I«>;MW H*M poams io* aa>« MIWII-,• a Monday, Ma>H> 1*. jwoa by Mtas Ainu Darles. Mi«. iarUy over fUted ntetais aaansonlr

Jr., *ui bora to ptarl Petenoa. and Mrs. A M


Warn, V. P .


1 Be*, at C QriMm. yaator

, Chwrtt iroak Trea Boad.! lt 1 U H Saaday aunlig.

oa Mareb Mcaibcn. vrcwat «<-r»: Mrs Lrrukd. Mn. Joha Gono*. Mr*

»• Mr and Mr. Rnateli Thn«MM. M r t c A udjinhOm. Mn.ot %Z E*A anen *tr«t, Wooo- p ^ n a . »»d Mr*. HARTbrM**, at th* Perth ABboy Ctty «, x-I « 2 . . „ . wf_

Mr. an

fa aniomob-l"!vterUag sitrerware

silver plalo Assay sacial left it can he aoBakaflif it were i

"la ttaera«4al it utilised ia th* hradiator ih*!1. cowl

«4fllai|a.Uat aaala.

jthe radiator bab

— ttrenins Worship.,Moadajr at 7:M P *M- — Bible,

U Sektool orchaatn. ' '0. E. T. Clab asaeto tbe Brat MOB-'

dar« nf tbe nMatk at &:•« P. M. !Mytu Phi SororltT wflll

at the .hwase of Mr*. A G ;Brown. Moa4ay onaiaE, at 7:3B.

PxakytmmRev. C. A. Marrow, Pastor

I:M A. M.

John , of n i l 1

EttetaiM Bridf c CUb


A son. Hieaa*4, Jr., wa» born to t -Mr. and Mrs. Mtehaat Pi<k, of 5« Lattt M

.JUiUm iTenne, Woodt»rl4g« on 9at-|nrday. March IS. ',"

3a. atagkUr, NeUit, vat born U UdjxtMr. an4 Mr*. NeU latstrup, ofKlehard av«ma*. iM-ltB. on Toecday, ( j b ( ^ ^B a * IT ' ijjy nieethifs oo

A daaehter, Marysana. vat born •to Mr. SAQ Mrs. L> ofi Scx iynjHU «i the first Pr^sbvf*ri£n cfaurr*: 1of Hynd«b*rs ar«nu«>, WoodbrJdre.^t Wednesday, March 2«th-, withjOB Wednesday, Mareb 12 iMns. John'Strome as th^ leader i

- — j j B lbe laomlES. Mra. Btronse *!!!!Otfea »JBa to Ron»e ltt1i x eonfervnee oa program build-1

fSXlTKl W OftZ, Wldf^W Of 9 ' Jnc fOf - >fc* VdMj* A t BO4Jnl % b o i 'forBier L'niied Hute« diplomat, ha»;1UBeh<c)i ^ n te\ene&. Tbewb-:

_ i* i a. * "" t* tit " ' lOJflC TOr Cllft aUurfltOOfi M?SHOD VI]] •

Janl«ilum Hill, with f 59,0*0 a veajv^i r0«ns misaionar^ea winfor gjpkeep. Muiwillnl accepted th« f,

taah cap*. Tuesday at l i t — 0 . i . Society.*t t h e boBK of M n . Artbar O.;Brown. • •> j

Wedaeaday afternoon. March If.Tbe Ladlea1 ABBMBBUOB wfU meet atthe home of Kra. Thompson, of

Mr* Georce YalcaUne. of Orwa O*»r atooet. __^^enteruined tbe Friday After- w«*"«*»y •» •=•• p M.-lJwlon

!BWJB Btidee Chrt a* her bosaa last Mid-wee« t « t e « j S * r r i « « « ^iPridar Hi«h scorea were smaaW by Ch«wh. R*r. Enwri Abfcott wfal;Mrs. Willlaai T. Jonea, of RaaMrsy ¥»«•*»; , T , - „ - ' IZ^.'

_ - . « ^ * " w «- Pn»Wto. Mra. C. R Wedneadar at • : ! • P. M.-Chotr•eries of HUatoa-JBrown j ^ MrB^ g^n-oo Brewster. ;pr»eti«.

ganday Sehooi.A. M. Morniac Worship.

at t)M ATaaal Othnalhoaae.7:U P. M. Christian ifedeaTor.%M V. M, Special Chrtetaw


^neril topi*! f i * B e l t nteetiac of the dnb willwil be h.ld h e W | n U jfteraoon »t th* Uo

A. F. Randolph, of

CHURCH NEWSKm* A. Boyaaa t%s Gerald,

A .Mf-Suada:11:09 X. M.—Mori

y Sehooi.i WMorning Worship.

Sermon topic: "Marks of a Progres-



-A.I A. M—B«aday MoralM Masa.< P.


Woodbridge N.

Meelbf ^

NOTICE WHEREBY GIVEN that puraWBt M «fl/pf.

tta dtawton • «P«lal me«tiag of th«,ahar^hol««|i of Th*

W National Baak will be bald at ttJ

aft 194 Main Street, in the tmtaC4>rporBt*t TBJ«t»

of WaodiridRe. 1» the Township of Woodbrldw, M«U of

Ne- J « « i on Saturday. April 1». l»30, at ! : • • *Wek-

to the afternooB, for the purpose of eoasWerlBg Msi tfa-

termtala* by »ot* whether « a»re«nitnt to eoMotMstt*

the aaM bank aad The Flnt NaHobal Bank of Woo4-

brtd/e, State of N«w Jemy, under the prottelotJ ot tb»

brUacv tUte of Nem Jenw, tinder tbe prwlala«ji af a%*

lavs of tke Called Btatea. shall h» raU««d and eaaftnM*.

asd for the parpos* of Toting npon say other iwttan fcv

eMeatal la the proposed eoaaoHditloa of the twf bttka.

A eafy ot the aforeaaid aire*""1 « * « « ^ by tjujofHy

of tbe itweton of each of the two banks, prc*tfa$ t&

ike cowatldatton, hi on Die at th« tafifc asd aay Vf la'

spotted «Brtits ba*ae»9 hoara.


Daaad; March t l , 1S39AdTBrttoed Ma«* IlaL

4th and April 11th., 1»S»., March 2«th . !»»•, April

*aUW aijBouDcinr that after Mn. ^ stuay period will be devoted toIjrart* death it would be tamed ! lh« Amtrtean Kegro-.

-'XSSL Pvm «"* 1, ""* 'Hi T h e ' • ' • • ' •wr Programa of the- * W B M Villa Sana, and i» on*- of Woman's Auxiliary for Mar andthe shciK plac-a of H iut, •

sat Abbot, pastar

4:45 A. M.—SttBday 8«hooL


«:4» P. M.—Erworth League.7:4* P. M.—Evening Worship:

The aenaon wfU be preached to theOrder ot De Motajr. Sermon toplewill be "The Forte of an Ideal".

JTappen. Tb* *ub)«t* to be di»-d f l l il 2»d

aadA le&dlnr Dutch woman. Mr* 'euaed are as follows: April 2»rd-, dlate Chrtatbui Badearor

Cow»dl)or Malbere, ha* t«*n ap-j-Oor Girls at the Allison XTOiBted deputy-mayor of Pretoria.! school1, and May 2 nth.. "OnrMe admlDlstratlye eaptlai of th*;T«wher uf Boy« at the A»h«vllleTransvaal Colony. SotiUi Africa. | rum Sehooi".

• ^ with


BERNKE CLAIREHtr«-iif» Ueat Bbuitny- hm» Team


Lontft Fazend*

t:«5 P. aL—*mlor ChrlatUlt Ea-dearor.

i 45 P. Jl. — YoungChoreh.

Qwr Uiy W Pec*(FORDS)

Her. C. B. Reagan, pastor

Masse* oa Sittday morning at *and M o'etoek. Monday School fol-Wwlas ftrat Haas.

M d f l t


Rev. R. t. OVavTett, pastor

MBBMB dafly at I o'doek.Holy Rotary, Society meets the

trat Monday of each month.8od*llty of the Blessed Virgin

Mary, meets the third Monday ofthe month.

Holy Name Society meet* tbe sec-ond 8onday ot the month at 8'dock maaa.


gen lee* at PvbUa School, Maaa

St.Rev. C. Oalawl, pastor

Church OD Woodbrtdge Avenue, j

Sate*, Appraisals, Ei-p e r t TeatlmoDy, MortgageLoans, Bnstneaa Brokerage,Eeonomieal Management ofProperty a Specialty

Bonds & Mortff.«s«a

93 Main Street


Lite, Fire, BargUur. Acddatand Health, Teams' Boilers,Druggists', Employ**'. Land-lordsl< and Contraeton' Uabfl-Ity. Marine, Tourist, dalesmenand Transit Imnraaee, Atto-mobile Fire and LUhiltty Caai-paBtes and Plate Qlals -

Telephone 2S3






VICTOR McLAGLENSaturday Only, March 22



"THE NIGHT RIDER"Sunday, Monday, March 23 - 24



Saturday Only, March 29


HEWS • j


Taetday, Wednesday, March 25 - 26

1«HAHHOHSEVKN a saxaphone pUfrr nuiy

have a brain, a* the big-tqwnboxo provrii when he broke th<-

of Main sivett by craehtai;\vi»r on I he village green. Hf-ihe.Mtars of the ota^e play in tin-hit that kvp« \«w Torlt l«nntiin«for aliuoitt a year.



With Charles Grapewin,Mary Philbin and JohnBrecden- An Emmett FlynnProduction. Presented byCarl Laemmle.

Thursday, Friday, March 27 - 28

, • t:-r:-^.>- .;-,--V,'-;-; f';-s:S


