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Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

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Preliminary remark Thermal infrared Shortwave infrared IASI - FORLI MOPITT V5 MOPITT V6 uses TIR and SWIR channels Thermal infrared Shortwave infrared
1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term 2. How is emissivity taken into account in the trace gas retrieval algorithms Example of IASI retrieval algorithm (FORLI) 3. Spectral emissivity in the CO retrieval spectral range Example of Zhou et al. climatology (from IASI on IASI sampling) 4. Impact of emissivity on the CO retrievals –preliminary results- Session 2 - Impact of thermal infrared surface emissivity uncertainty on trace gas retrieval Introduction
Page 1: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

2. How is emissivity taken into account in the trace gas retrieval algorithms Example of IASI retrieval algorithm (FORLI)

3. Spectral emissivity in the CO retrieval spectral rangeExample of Zhou et al. climatology (from IASI on IASI sampling)

4. Impact of emissivity on the CO retrievals –preliminary results-

Session 2 - Impact of thermal infrared surface emissivity uncertainty on trace gas retrieval


Page 2: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

Preliminary remark

Thermal infrared


Shortwave infrared

MOPITT V6 uses TIR and SWIR channels

Page 3: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term


( ; , , )( ; , ) ( ; ,0) ( ; , 0, ) ( , , )z t z zL z L t z J z dz



The general equation

Radiance at the end of the light path

radiance from the medium weighted by absorption through upper layers

Initial radiance transmitted through the entire path

Radiance at the beginning of the light path

Total transmittance over the light path

source termfrom the medium (thermal emission, scattering…)

Weighting function

( ; ,0)L

( ; , )L z

0 z

1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

Page 4: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term


( )sB T ( )zB T

surface temperature(288 K on global average)

Air temperature(255 K on average for

the troposphere)

In the nadir THERMAL infrared, both term are equally important and cannot be neglected


( ; , , )( ; , ) ( ; ,0) ( ; , 0, ) ( , , )z t z zL z L t z J z dz



1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

Page 5: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term






( , )( )

z t z zJ z dz




0 ( , )(0, ) ( )


t z zL L t z J z dz


Nadir thermal infrared – more details –

0 0( ) (1 ) SunsB TL L L

Reflected solar radiation (negligible below ~2200 cm-1)

Reflected downward atmospheric radiation

Grey-body surface emission

= surface spectral emissivity = effective reflectivity




Looking at 180° (no angle)

surface source term?

1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

Page 6: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

IASI radiances (W / cm2 sr cm-1)

Surface thermal emission

Reflected downward radiance from atmosphere

Reflected solar radiance

Becomes significant above 2200 cm-1 (daytime)

Becomes significant when < 0.95

Dominant term =Emissivity × Blackbody


0 ( , )(0, ) ( )


t z zL L t z J z dz


Surface source term

Total atmospheric transmittance Atmospheric source term

(emission + scattering)Transmittance from z’ to z

0 0( ) (1 ) SunsB TL L L

1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source termConcretely

Page 7: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

IASI radiances (W / cm2 sr cm-1)


0 ( , )(0, ) ( )


t z zL L t z J z dz


Surface source term

Total atmospheric transmittance Atmospheric source term

(emission + scattering)Transmittance from z’ to z

Tskin if =1

0 0( ) (1 ) SunsB TL L L

1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

>> Brightness -equivalent blackbody- temperature (K)


Page 8: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

IASI radiances (W / cm2 sr cm-1)


0 ( , )(0, ) ( )


t z zL L t z J z dz


Surface source term

Total atmospheric transmittance Atmospheric source term

(emission + scattering)Transmittance from z’ to z

!!! Emissivity !!!

Sand emissivity from Zhou et al. climatology

1. Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

>> Equivalent blackbody (brightness) temperature


Page 9: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

Spectral emissivity modifies the surface source term in two ways: • it decreases the surface thermal radiance which would otherwise be

described by pure a blackbody function• It allows for the reflection of the downwelling atmospheric radiation

While the emissivity is pretty close to unity and relatively constant over the entire infrared spectral range for some surfaces (oceans), see, it can be characterized by sharp spectral variations for several land surfaces, especially between 1000 and 1200 cm-1 and above 2100 cm-1

2. How is emissivity taken into account in the retrieval algorithms ?Concretely

Wavenumber-dependence of TIR land emissivity

Page 10: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

• Planck blackbody function at the temperature Ts with a spectral emissivity .

• The skin temperature is retrieved together with the CO profile, using the same spectral fitting window.

• For continental surfaces the spectral emissivity relies on the climatology of [Zhou et al. 2011]. In cases of missing values in the Zhou et al. climatology, the MODIS climatology of Wan [2008] is used.

• A constant sea surface emissivity (possibly varying with wind speed) is used

The third term, accounts for the reflected solar radiance in the direction of the sounding beam. It is calculated using a • Planck blackbody function at 5700 K,

without including spectral lines,• a reflective surface combining

Lambertian and specular reflections.

0 0( ) (1 ) SunsB TL L L

Reflected solar radiation (negligible below ~2200 cm-1)

Reflected downward atmospheric radiation

Grey-body surface emission

= surface spectral emissivity = effective reflectivity

calculation of the mean radiance associated to the total downward flux reaching the surface, integrated upon all the geometries. This is done • considering a

Lambertian surface.

Example for IASI (FORLIv20100815)

2. How is emissivity taken into account in the retrieval algorithms ?

Page 11: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

Monthly global variability of emissivity at 2150cm-1

Zhou et al. climatology

3. Spectral emissivity in the CO retrieval spectral range

Jan Feb March

Apr May June

July Aug Sept

Oct Nov Dec

spatial and temporal variability of TIR land emissivity

Page 12: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

variability of emissivity between 1800 and 2760 cm-1 above given surfaces

CO retrieval spectral range for IASI FORLI2143-2181.25 cm-1



Western US


Figures M. Van Damme

Zhou et al. climatology

3. Spectral emissivity in the CO retrieval spectral range

Dashed lines: min and max Plain line: mean Shadow: standard deviationspatial and temporal

variability of TIR land emissivity

Wavenumber-dependence of TIR land emissivity

Page 13: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

variability of emissivity between 1800 and 2760 cm-1 above given surfaces

CO retrieval spectral range: 2143-2181.25 cm-1



Western US


Figures M. Van Damme

Zhou et al. climatology

3. Spectral emissivity in the CO retrieval spectral range

Page 14: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

First FORLI version with MODIS emissivity database (12 channels only in the thermal IR)

FORLI version v20100815 with first Zhou et al. emissivity database (all IASI channels but monthly averages.

Figure by Maya George

4. What is the impact of emissivity on the IASI CO retrievals? –preliminary results-

Page 15: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

JUNE 2008IASI morning overpass

CO total column (molec/cm²) Retrieval error (%)

RMS (W/(cm2.sr.cm-1)) Residual bias (W/(cm2.sr.cm-1))

o Larger RMS and biases above hot surfaces, including deserts

o Impact on total retrieval error is, however, limited

4. What is the impact of emissivity on the IASI CO retrievals? –preliminary results–

Figures M. Van Damme

Page 16: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term

JUNE 2008IASI evening overpass

CO total column (molec/cm²) Retrieval error (%)

RMS (W/(cm2.sr.cm-1)) Residual bias (W/(cm2.sr.cm-1))

o Larger RMS and biases above hot surfaces, including deserts

o Impact on total retrieval error is, however, limited

o Diurnal variability of ?

4. What is the impact of emissivity on the IASI CO retrievals? –preliminary results–

Figures M. Van Damme

Page 17: Radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and the surface source term


E 20


SI m


ng o




l ret


l err



(W /

cm2 s

r cm



(W /

cm2 s

r cm



E 20


SI e


ng o



emissivity emissivity emissivity

emissivity emissivity emissivity

o Some correlations between decreasing emissivity and larger errors/biases/RMSo Some (but weak) differences in correlation patterns day and nighto Other impacts still to be verified (temperature vs. emissivty?)

Figures M. Van Damme

4. What is the impact of emissivity on the IASI CO retrievals? –preliminary results–
