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Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October

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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    Io J


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    Ediors: Magaet Ceullo John emete, Mara Eie Pyllis Ewen, Ted Gema Linda GoAlen Huter oe Inteae Susa Michel Jim O'Brie ona Pe Gal SuvaSchosser A Whor and Reer Wdeich. Interns: Liz Weseied ad eb Wipe

    f o Deee

    Assocae Ediors Peter Biskd Car Boggs Fank Bodead Pau Bue, Joge C CoMargey aies Elle Bos Barara Eenec Jo Ehrereich Dan Geogaas Glaera, m Gree Michael Hrsch Mie Kazi Ken Lawrece, Sagton LdMade Mak Naso Ban Peerson Shela Rowoa Aare Troge Mara VicinuWei, aid Wdgery

    Cover: Drwing nd desgn by Nck Torelson

    Vol 17 o Spteber-ctober 1983 newssnds J

    adi Amer wem nied anups b can reurn te ony if suffent postge s nuded W

    y so end abtacts nqie to Mnurpt Coordinato, co ada Amei

    RDICL ICA (USPS 83-) (mtly or sgle c Ju Proj I 38 U e l 143 (17) 8 1983 by bsrpin es: 5 r year $26 or 2 yeas I r yer r neply. ired or fed ine iAdd 3 year o all pes o fgn bspions be raes o isuons es: 0 dcti opie fo fve r o pe Dibin n nland by ouhe Dibun 7 A Bae Bld Abin Yad N 19D ngland S dtrbon by Crrer Peon Typetting by Lorrne Cooley GJ Community Nws Tyste by Alrd Newmn SS 33717

    cnd posge ad oton Mas nd ddn po esSTMASER: Sd Qdd' chQl ACA AMERC, ] Uio Squ _4 S

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October



    THE BS SOPS HERE: Organzing School BusDrives Bostoteview wth ess wg

    e Recet Histoy of the Bs ivers non

    Gene Bruski

    IN OT SEA he Stoy o heNew Yok axi Ra d Fie CoaioJo Gordon



    Robi Becker 44

    BRASS VALLEY A ReviewRon Gee 47

    QU OF HE BOSVIKS: e Hdde Histoyof Dr. Mare EqNncy Kieger

    PAU NOVIC: A Radica ePal Bhe 74

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October



    e ecen iince oning e Geyon ike , once gin og

    ionce of e e nion qeion efoe ocili We in oee ingqeion o ow e lef o ele o nion Sol ocl in nion e oo e oliic ow c o ey cooe wi lee, o een eei eee Cn nion e il ino oy e ognizion wc ocoe e ioc cil n ex iiion wiin e woking cl W e eonexecon o lnking non oiic wi oe cony nionl n nenioconcen? ee o qeion e eeclly ion oy ngeen oe ek nion, on e one n, n ny wie le nioni lce ee in ooion o lck n woen woe n e con ce, on e o

    RADICAL AMERCA conieny ee o ce e ioy n eelo

    o c ie Te inqiy e oew oe eicl o e cl oenie nion ciiy n e oe ocli, eecilly ece o eeie eownlying cl n exl concen o e ke o owe-coon-enono coliic Ye we e wy o ecogne e oenil o woklce ogning en o o ciee ieie icoie n o il oe in wokng c


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    cncun. Indd m Gn cntnthy A lb tcl d thu) ttmpt t hhht th ctclppch t td unn thy h w l ntl t buldn bd clt/

    mnt mvmntn th u w pd t pnt tcl

    ht mn th cun pblm nd ppct dcl td unn w n tth ctvty n nd l cucu n th wY Cy t nduty nd t th lt ldhp wthn n bu dv unnllw u t vlut numb mptnttc un F w cn vw thmpl utn dn th c-

    vn clc "cucu tywhlt chlln ntnl nd lcl ldhpwthut tn n th bun ldhphmlv ppd t wh ltt lcl ldhp wthu dct chlln ntnl c Scnd w cn cnd hwh ntu w tl ct nnty. In th wd hw d th ndv-ulzd mwht "mnl ntu btht nd bu dvn nlunc h ntu th

    wc nd pnvn t nz-n Fnlly bth t llw u t cndth ptntl m pnly pltclppch t nn nzn cu bthmbdy n ttmpt t bn w ptcl cncun t unn w thy mptntutn but th ptnl dcl unnnzn

    h w Y Cty n nd l TMvmn w tnt dun h ly 19whn t vd u ch\1n h n

    w lvn wht ml ldhp tht dv unn h Rn nd Fl wpdmnnty w t wh ttmptdt bn n plcty dcl ppctv tnnl unn dbt nd t bn wdpltcl dcun und th m w

    ntnc t th mmbhp Mt mtnty thy td t tu wth ucm whch w vdnt n th t ndubcu th pnc nnunn "ypdv n bc nd ltn nhbhd

    uttn y hw dcul wdd u ntnl cm wthn unn nd th cucu v cutn t mnc ntn th mtc dclpnt n n l cucu Onth hnd th m tnc cucum t pmt cc l d wthnunn nd t pn chnnl pltcl dnd dvpmnt mn mmb whch wnt hv bn th wthut h cucu

    In ddn th t t nz wthnnduty th t bun wh w tn pnt t th mpnc plcpltcl ctvty nml wpncunt dd nt ccu unly nuhllw lw dvlpmnt ltnnd nt tvt b tvm t hd t t h publc d by mncucu ttn up nwltt nd tynct nw wy w t ntct

    thn th tutn Th ucc lu ut tht t my b pbl ppl n mntd b t cm tth mbcu up ctvt pvd th pptunty Addtnly th lmt mply n aat bd unn hntd unn b t u cm t dvd w

    Cmpd wth th t dv th chl bu dv unn hw h dptntl whn tt bcm nvlvd th bnnn n buldn unn Gwn th ht tn bun c ttctn mmb lt pv nt v chl bu dun tht cnlctlcl pntd bd cctn cty c nd hnc cmmunty y cnn n h nn t budn

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    unn ltt pcal wn wr abl tattan trn adrhp rl wthu bn prar dntd a br f th ranzdlft Whl prrv wr nvr crtvabt thr pltc th u whch ar ut

    f ranzatnal tru and wr wth thrunn prvdd th pprtun t prn ftda and t ncvr wdprad accptanc fcalt and fnt a ndvdual

    h ntrvw a hhlht hwvr hwdffcult t t brn bradr ptcal cn-cun t unn wr vn whn lftt arn ladrhp. t ta a t f t and nrt d th bun fa unn and uch ncar antnanc actvt can pl d t

    attnn t u wth drct ptcalpact Man wrr av "cnd br unpad wthn th fal r n r padwrplac Th prr f hr dal lvt can lav r fr bradrptca dcun r actvt n ch a tuatn t a fr dcratc unnt t fllatd fr larr pltca u and t acpr p pac wthn th unn

    ut bth prnc aru aant th narrw lfcnrhp whch pput tn urn radca tda. h a and bu drvr wrbth abl t b pn abt r plc and baccptd b thr cwrr All uffrd frvrwr and frutratn t b ur bt thwr nt latd nffctv du a catfnt r lban dntcatn. da w facr n attpt at unn butn than nth pat frt ar ac and antcu-n ar drctl ud t dvd wr Inuch a clat bt tanc unclar h

    apl prntd hr wvr ut that a b pb t tacl h ard utndrctl and that dat urrndr thnarrwt rad unn nthr ncarnr utat uccful.

    Al n th u w fatur anthr nn braph r. nnwn t au n nw Mar Eu wa a cttdca durn th 191 and 3. A pfr wrr and tr fal a ffra

    a ban Eu' prfnal ptcal anna ctn vd r fr th pf radual rfr n f rvuchan r ptcal dvlpn whcht b ncran r nfrd b aana ncarl bracd a ran f nt a ncludd brt cntrl and wrht antprpardn and antprradcal labr and cal n radnbaph n ucl rcn an

    pr a undauntd charactr and anful pltcal ln that rv a an npt h u nvlvd n lt pltc td

    n Gl rvw f lySor o orkg Pol nd mn dr Rgon ra apl f pn wrth ntnn hr n w

    a htr f th bra wrr f th auall n nnctct th athr thruh ntrvw t undrtand nf f a wrn ca cun barbrd prnc f fal and ca w a rcllctn f th p flr.ra chalnn tn abut t pf ppl htr pcal whplcal vn f th htran dffr tha f th ppl wh htr th arn rcrat adn th n th dt

    Ml Kn capan n tn Gr tn f hw t dfn cunt wnuar dfntn f cunt ar cnarrwl bad and ract wr pprvcatv.

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    THE BUS STOPS HEREOrganizng Boston School Bus Drivers

    nteiew with ess w

    Tess Ewing, president of the BasIon Schoo/Bus Drivers Union, Loc1875 United

    workers of Americ hs ong history of ctivism in Boston begining with commorgnizing project in Roxbury during the 960s she hs so been invoved in (he nmovement, in ery women's ibertion nd gy ibertion movements, nd in enncommunity orgniing in the 97s. he begn driving schoo bus in 97 two yersbusing begn in Boston becuse; ws prt-time job tht eft her free to do potic wShe ws n orgnier of the origin union drive t Crros in 976-77 compny wost its city cnrct the foowing yer She wen to work t the Hudson Comp977-78 the yer the union ws succeuy orgnized She ws one of the oureen Hucommiee members who went to i for tweve dys in the Spring of 978 in the strugg

    the first contrct n December 979 se ws eected president to l vcncy n A{ 982, she ws reeected to fu term.h interview ws conducted in the Spring of 983 by four Radial Amera ed

    Mrgret Ceruo Mr rien, Lind Gordon, nd Ann Wiho

    RA: The bus dive' nio s wel known i Bstn patly ecase of the ia

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    r rganng drv n h a vnwhpl gng al ad h b n rllg w bn hgl vbl ba cnncn rdrd bg r dg-gan wn n h l a a vr prg-v n wh a rng hrd Wrld adwn pc n b ra and l andh adrhp In ac wh w wr cndr-ng h nrvw n r dr rad hq wr r n dd andargnal ha dn prvd ln a arhlpl r ppl dg r radnal rad-unn wr

    call, hn ha a vr pran qun dal wh I dn hn ruha wr an dd, argnal nn W ar and

    w arn W ar ar ba w ad ha wa I r ha w hav a arular ppl ha a ar r ha

    ngrad and ar bla hn pran a ar r u b an a h rgh d h wdgrgan/a and a an wh h n , I h hl w ppl al a bgdd, argnal bacall h an ha ha an prgrv ad and ar n adrp hrr dd nn ad hldn n hn ' a cah22 wn, u wn, dn cn

    R Mab d bacrac and dh parlar pl n h nn,hw bung a a cn ha ad ha

    e On hng ha pran

    ba bng wa r dgrgan h pl wh h b l wr n rrac r h wldn hav an h b____ ____"___

    c Hto of t h rga pan' hrar rac prd r wr n nn cnra

    coo o c.Gn Bkin

    B Bi B

    n 194 ar an a cunrggl agan grgan and dcrna n Sch C wa rcdb h r dgrga h pblc chhrgh bng a l h h gdr wa brn Hndrd drvr, r ad chanc ca wr.

    Dvng n raall n n wa n aa wvr /hr wag wa ha a h MA dvr w gng and had h b a drabl n n dr gnb c and b dvr n bgan rganz b wh c Jn 1, a


    9 Bit t Ui

    h w c cnra wr awardd cpan: Hudn, rh l and Tranpra Maagn Cpan rl , n cpan whr a unbn vd n wa lnad r h

    h bg rpr whn drvr rnwr n Spbr wa ha h a lglahad dcdd ha h drvr wr angch n Ar h a a

    hur and whu a ra pa wa c an Sl hr wr n bn, n ganc pd and n b ur urnwa hgh and rnan n

    h drv rh Hll and Hdn brganzng dal n Spbr

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    he it ple. Whih in' the weezel i it hee wee ew peoplethee who now to the b bee hethoght tht deegegtion w imptnt ndhe wned t be p o tht, lmot

    politil ommitmen 'm not tling bti m tling bot mol bl peplend even one white hipp g wh thtwh he did it Bt, it w mtl ht he elit people t didn't wnt to te the ob

    RA w lge i he memehip nd hwdoe it be dwn b e, ex et

    T At thi pint the moit i bl ndHipni And m ge i tht omewheebetween 2 nd 3 peent e women ien thee w muh lowe peentge o

    wmennd 0 peent mbe he thingbt th ob th i t ve, vedivee gup o peple peill bee it

    tend t be bit pime jb. hee lo o people wh hve eond b le men nd hee e eiee od eme eAnd thee e people lie min omewhm e om middle l bgond

    ll thoghR And the ledehip o the unin i pgeive minl letit

    t ge m people who e eliol letit wh tted ot letit g nto nion, thogh peple wh ted b dve, nt letit niul t bt who o wld nw hve t l letitnonio letit The dn't neehin themelve letit, bt the hve me ide Finl, thee e l peple in

    ledehip who go lng bee thenow in the edehip nd the g lng.

    RA And the polti the membehip

    ..___ ____When Hdn ied ne the gnze, div-e wled nd oed hi einttementwthin twento h With the ognizingdive now pbli, the deided on the nitedSteel Woe t epeent them nd veqil igned p 0 peent o the 250 dive.he mpn inll gnted n een twomnth lte in Deembe 197) bt onl tedive thee t gin th tme heed, nd tw dive wen to il when tet deled the tie illeg With the hole neing n end nd ontt till not ine b Apil, the dive voed t tie thid time A hunded nd it ittin weeied to dve wh eed etn t wo

    nd teen dive inlding the enie dIon negotiting mmee, wee iled eing to g b 0 w

    n eh o thee ie, dive mbilized p-ent gop, in p b leletting hond oden n he be, explining t them nd

    he pen tht he ompnie ieponibehvi hd ed them int thei ptnd emphizing he et poviin hwee bgining o The itwide enAdvo nl eleed ttemondemnng the mpnie bd ith bgng he Btn Tehe n he Mhett ehe nin evel AFSME SE ll in on the nion, nd tn Lbo nil me ot in pptthe dve A welpubliized te ppmh w held in dwntwn Bon tie w in he hedline eve d A ement w nll ehed two wee lte whthe judge tned on the mpnie ode

    hem ete e l themelve

    88 ehe vite o the nion n 198

    Hdn ompn t deide 0 bil o o

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    T I hink ppl ar n in dirntdg, t ing th pany a bad ingth h Citt a bad ing th gvrnnt a bad, ing apitali a bad thyt a bad ing all th thing a rw-

    ing th wrkr Bu, yu knw, in th gnralppla t, pp dnt tut th gvn-nt, it' nt lar atly what all thian Evry nw and thn div, whyu wudnt pt it in th lat ut and tat talking abut hw th apialityt i ibl and what w ay nd iiali thing lik hat, jut ut thbu. ppl ar pn t that rt ting ta tain dg Thyr l pn 0 t rbdy thy priv a bing a ltit hnthy ay, Oh, hat ut hi and hi grup"Bu it dnt c ppl.

    Busing ad Rce

    RA: Cud w alk dirtly abut buinntt and hw that ha atd yu? Aing ha gn thrugh it variu tag

    ahd th ituatin it' in nw wh appl a ling ttally rutratd wihl, d ha at yu n anything

    T ainy, ju in t budgL and l ny g t hlth bn thi whl tnd tha' hapWhn buing bgan, and until va yar that att, th hl Cidinatd by wi rait plitiian tinally in Bn th hl Citt tpping tn t ighr pltial r w and it wa an prtan patr

    _ __ .I"_.big hunk thir ity nat, gvg ualt 1 bu ARA, a ultibilin dllarintrnatinal nglrat, vd in 0 fill thvid ity wld ARA with a wthart dala lt itywnd bu a buyard and a 1 prnt t lu" ntraARA' jb wa t anag th pratin r thity and th ity hd th wuld b nunin invlvd n uly 198 th h C-i awadd ARA a 5 illin dllarna th nti Btn buing patinARA intnin w ar brak th unin nd it ul

    Aft bing bak n th jb a w tnwk, vr 3 div t in aly Otband vtd vwhlingly r th third ti inthr yar t rika wldat ti v nin-tn laatin grivan fild in tbdiatly nintn tward and EutivBad b wr fid Cntpt itainw iud by th urt any div and i10

    unin ativit w plad in dal whn thy ud t rturn t wk i quit rathr than g t jail h panad and thatnd divr and bgan tpannt pant pttab ARA iptd vr 1 ad, ppaailitary tikbaking urity r an aniunin urity pany in. Dpit nu prur, th dkp hi trik pldg and ud t rtwk until th nintn lad w hith ti iu wr lvd

    Unin b r al v th aa tah pant tudnt and div ld aly ning pikt lin h gntwn r anthr agnnt and any nd ab ud t h wlling plin withut hi pttin. Th ba una r trikbaking divrli pur untd n th hl Ct ARA t th bgaining tab A

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    poon A h hool hav bo or andor nory abou 65 prn norwho o o Boon pb hool and hr arnow wo blak br of h hool o-h hool Co no lonr ha powr ud o hav no lonr an por

    an poon ba h hool ar no lonrporanhy don any ony h wohn hav happnd ohra norhav n no a poon of powr, h powrha go o, h hoo ar falln apa Adwr par of ha bau h ubak odown on u h ubak o down on ah-r, on vrybody A lo of h drvr ar par- and o hy fro h d a wll afro h oud

    RA a h onx ffd you rlaon-hp wh ohr uno Wv alway rd o work wh h

    ahr non and h ohr unon n hoo And w ll do W ry o ak knd of allan ha ar no polally unppld ha an b a probl Rnly, ahr ook a o our abou norWhn h layoff a hy wr uppodhappn on a ba ha rd h raal opoon of h workfor and h ahunon oppod ha. wa nory vraffrav ao and hy ood on noand ook al h way p o h uprCour Wv away akn h oppo pon W'v nvr had an xpl faln wh h, b ha wa a l b of a oon h rlaohp

    RA Wha abou allan wh h ouny On hn hk w would havuh hardr n a or wh unon .,--.----

    ffh wk of h wda rk approahdARA ondd h ln wa a rndo vory A all nd loal wh laborand ouny uppor, had dfad a or-

    n 5 orporaon Lff Rgnmih 1981 shool yar ba wh ban-

    ay wr and or rowdd b, a parof a ran of prob fan h Boonhool a a rul of Raano and paaof h awd ax un nav, ropo-on V Th loal ban rn Raanpol by akn par n oldary ay n

    >Washinton, C and a nubr of loal andnaonal donrao ha hav followd.Drn h 19883 hool yar h hoolparn rd o lna h non byawardn h 198384 onra o a nonunonvndor A yar of oblz ony ad

    labor ppor hlpd oal 5 brran a Boon hool bu drvr wnw and provd non onra

    h uu fur of oal 85

    dpnd on ood ladrhp, h onnav parpaon of rankandfl n unon affa and lo oopraon wohr labor and ouny roup knprov ondon for worknla poplBon and aro h naon


    The ';Ren Hsoy of the Bus Drives Unon"een evsed and eded fom a secal 2-page of e S.W.A. oa 8751 non Buet w

    as ubsed n Januay 19]. Wten by Gskn, t stoy as odued t e Eve Fane, ess Eng Lz Csey, Me ak L Peggy Sas, Kenda ae DSane ak E Cada ajet, y ad Dona Pas

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October



    ig llics with h couty d h's l iottscilly ow lic sco ios, bt o oth iohk tht th blck disd i kgi h hstoy o stggs o

    yash btt ss o th iotlyig wth th coity so thts s o sRA: tlly ws th xlcit to stblish ticis s itgl to tholitics Did ol tlk bot cisiss i tigs, o x

    Not lly ot xlicitly IQsto o big s o th bby h ldshi h wy hgs wws Wl it's gog o go ths wy Wll h dlgio o bs dgo sowh d w'l wtstti o th wokoc bck, so whi, so , so wows st sd i wy tht did' llowbody to sy sothig dit o hwy it hdRA: Gi tht it ws th ldshd ticis h o how thsido bs suot t s't i b

    lgdT W o cos, t 's ioth bck dis Th lot ods who h b oth uothy oty discitd gis o th so o th blc dlso i I hd coso o o o oics who's i ws sg how g ou uo is bsticks o oo lik th

    uio Aty, th cis i hf

    uio s ust owhig Ad wwht d blck wdis d aty th wht wh thy' i th bs yd, s likc o, bu wh thy t th

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    om o m lly bA A yo yng ndd nd

    on yo non m mny v dnly wn y' yojo n y do o?

    T ExlyA m vy mon o nng

    bo ow o dl w m yo ommny w n ng jn' l

    T w w'v lwy d o dond I n w'v dd py wl

    Feml Uosm a ems

    A n o womn' vm ndldp no ng o yonon How dvlod?

    T Womn om ly on md p dpopoon a o v gvn w w ml png o wooA og w lly d vy d mgng nd o old y mng n mngo o lwy og d m ngnd noodyd y

    ny non y wold ln o gy And oo long m lo o ylngnd mng o g yond og In w h gon yond now

    A Wy do yo n mo womn wv n non? ' nl

    T wa y ' dgo Womn wo go no dvng vy qmn n downown oon w ' alnon nd o g own nd o b bv nd og ' my d, nywy

    nd o b nd o popl wo dyo on g and w jmpd no

    R Do womn wo v vml? o?

    T Wn n o womn wo av, moy o m no

    nvolvd w mn o mn o v non T lo womn wo mowomn wo v d b wo dv mn m l d don' m om m mn do

    A yo own n How mm, ngy o do ?

    T A lo! Too m ' olyo v nybody om.

    A W pla wy n wpol w ono ll bo nogwomn' ppon w yo mng, wn ?

    T ' lwy bn polm mng' lwy d o womn

    b b o om And ' lwy womn wo ml

    A Do op a o dvwn o womn wo don' v mnd o wo do?

    T nomly g dd W o, Wn b m o mng? b o v m g wo o o v m o v omody o go om nd oo nd om b?

    y lvlA: Do yo v n o ow womlv d wn y bom v non? T womn Gnm omm p mp n Engand lo nbo ognon o v l don bgn lo womn woom o m nd g nvolvd nd y'd v o go om nd oo nd n ng nd n y d o y

    T "How om I v o do ? A "H n' oo ong? I ndd

    ng wol don w womn w mngbo ow v woganzd

    Ts nony, n lly nd m w . W dd v no

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    prblm arly n, whn w w firt rganz-ng, wth th fact that w wld invaraby havur mtng n barand wmn gt cardaway Rac wa alway mthing w tk ntan h an ara that black andwht bth fl af n?" mr than, I thi aplac whr wmn fl af r cmfabln?" hat wa a ral drag, but t dnt hap-pn anmr

    R w did yu g frm a pitn fbng drgardd a a wman whn yu pkt bcmng prdn f th unn Obvulypp hav a f rpct fr yur pinnand judgmnt Ar yu an cptnalwman"? Or dd thng chang fr all thwmn Why ddnt wmn jt drp ut th unn r unn actvty? hat happn a twmn tart gng t mtng, arn hard,and thy tp gng

    wan th nly wman hr wr abunch f wmn frm th bgnnng wh dd alt f hard wrk and wh tuck with t At actan pnt, ppl jut had ltn I thnkh bac hng wa that prgrv pltc andfmnm, r at lat rpct fr wmn and

    aniac plitc, hav all prvald bcauw w th ppland by w" man p-grv lftt wm mn, and black andw ladrhpwh jut kpt at ju ddth rk W wr th n wh wld bthr, untd n t d th hwrk and 0cm up wth th plan cary ut th trugg th n wh had th analyi that prvdrght i th nd, that wn th truggl And wwr alay avaabl t ak p ppl grv-

    anc, hatvr thy wr and w dd all thwk ad w ndd up gttng th rpcWhn cnrvaiv ppl cntrlld hunn hng jut ddn gt dn a mch, allth thng ddnt gt takn up ppl grv-anc drppd r lt r mthng Bydnt f hard wrk and by th fact that wr4

    right, bacally, w undrtand hw th wrk and t tun ut that yu can pt practc

    R But ha bradr undandngnugh withut a cmmtmnt t makingin cnct way hr th tradn lftt wth h bradr ndrtandngdn't want t pnd th tim n grvann daytday iuing hat hr nctn It mak y wndr hw much d wth thr bng m trng wma wllng lnk btwn ththng and h largr analy

    Yu knw, thnk that ru Wa mr willng t put thmlv t fpl n a human lvl and that wa mpAnd dalng with u lk parking pappl nity pbm, nt dimthm that wa mpant, and I thnk wrl wa mprtant thr

    RA I thr any frum fr wmntiv, t mpwr wmn in th nin, twth m? k t ra nt mtng nD yu hav a caucu? Or talk nfamng yurlv?

    T: Actally a cupl f yar wman wh a lftt aid t m that hdappntd bca h thught that wwman wa lctd prdnt that thr b all th tuff fr wmn and th waI ft tribl and immdatly wn rd rganiz a wmn cmmttnbdy wantd t b n it ddnt wthink th mthing that ha happndnfrmay A lt f u watd t

    wmn a a mr cncu frc andtrid at varu tm t gt tgthr wthgrp r big grp r cauc g at r whatvr Nw, h a calamng crtan f th wmn thr whach thr fr pprt hr a rt cng f gay wmn r wmand

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    Loca187 o Ly Garv T g Ro oa a Lz y am/o phoo

    wo th, o so tha wo i alA a lot o tis tat t o, t wo

    t to o th i o to t totRA at's itsi, bcaus it poits toso o t lssos w' a o i-isabout h ol o social cocios its o wat ooks pop io aciis.

    T 's aoth apl At tito t th wos coitt oi a t lla o is ac, w ha a bak sal o so-thisothi to o wi Cal Aica, tik. A uss wo bak? A uss wo

    sol? t was th bii o this littl ioal twok o wo tat as sot o ow sicth It bouht tot popl wo b icoc Lik ths two wo a coupl Oo th a b to ai ui th fist stikwth us but t two o th ha scab o tsco stik a t was al tso wth

    t ut ty o ol tou th sal a sic th thy bco acti i

    uio, both o A t happ oth wo, too t has bouht a lot owo toth.RA W you say that spct o wo

    has pail i t uio, coul you aps? A th ay paalls to thacst atosph you scib ali

    T Actualy, it's y paa Taot way i whc th ashipso wo i t uoha satosp o b sist is uaccptab uys who pialy iht b pty isuca' t away with it at a uio t publici's jus ot t to wao uy a coupl o yas ao wo ca is' oo t a buc o haas. was sta aou talki

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    peple and paing hem arnd wa alam le he wa hwng anherwman drver and I wen up hm he h hand wen he dumper, andhew hem awa. ecaue we dd ha heled ind upd Peple ddn cme u and a Wa a mne, ge hem bac hm he were hi r anhng le habecaue we ju wen and dd a hugh, well ha wha we wld d n a r auhrave wa n ac, hin he ended upcming bac and aplgizing a ne pnrn algiing, b rng excue acn u nw I dn ead ha nd , reall bu mebd gae 'em me

    A: A l peple hn he culdn' dmehng le dd ha hed hae ae an pen dicn abu raher aneelng he legimac ac hen here n aing leaderhp

    Bu ge in ha hangp a l me, canmpahe wih he pn hn alman ndvdual plcal hng wa hng ueel he cndence r he nee c p and wha dn n ha cae, dd And

    hee are me her peple wh wilw

    ic p r an emni iue One wman nparicular anne a anhng u lne an wman he' n here ead mah hihead r mehng hae grea admran ha becae here are ime when ll le mehng pa becaue eel uncmrable abui

    A ae nclded anhing n rcnrac abu exual preerence

    eah, we dd h me arund Lame me ga wmen g gehe gure uwa r ge n he cnrac and a exalpreeence cae wa ne he hng wewaned ge n, bu we drped i quie qc-l wan rhcmng rm he cmanand didn eem be mehng we cld

    reall rall he memberhp behndA: w dd u brng p he mhp

    T: We dd f bring up he mhipwch i hw g n e cnra g in hi ime arund Te cddn p p a ighere ging eal hard n ecnmic ue and becaha heve been eal ea n language A: Are a lebian n he u

    e ha' a gd quen. 'm nure wha he anwer thk m nw, b 'm n re pele hincerain her peple are lebian, bne he hng where peple ne

    explcl and uuall nb ever a el bu nbd dene eherA: never eel u ae ell a: have el J had le mei

    dn wan mnmze he rblem a derence ha m n e eleced lead mae a derence r he ga wmen genera ha here a ga wman whha pn. Earlier n I wa muchecreie ab everhing. Nw, peple

    a pernal quen a l, dn hanwer hem Pepe dn' cme up a, e are u a whaeA: ha becaue he nwe ecaue he nw becau

    dn' care, r he can a mebd ehe nw and here ued a h been a whie al l dn wancmpleel pen here abu beng gabecaue he drer bu becaue hpan

    A: Wha wud happen managemwan lebanbai a a wa ahe nin w wud ur ran anrend ha hn a pin he an a

    wld deinel bac me u ha' wh

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    ot of ofd i bi ot of miopth ot o l o wh I di't tllRA: How do it wo out oly? Whyou hv you th of th bu dv,

    ultu divityTes: Ha, ha Its problmatic. We havths wondrful Christmaspartis tha vy-

    body oves, bt for me they can somtimes b a

    dag Last tim, my girlfrind idn't com Ih out with wom who lfi dicome an w joked about dancing togth on

    th slow dance, bt that was jokng Would't ty b ov, oplyRA: Do y of th y wom v bth o th oil Te Wll, popl om with thi il-f I thi om popl mo o obviou with th popl hy bi. I m, tom it' obvou, ot ow whth tiht po it' obviou o ot t

    R W woul i to mov o 0 diuhow you th mi of lftit woi uio O hi ht i dittiv bot youuio i ot oy tht foiou lftit th ldhip, but tht th ft i vy vi-dt ou lwy doi lflt ddi pop to dmotto o ll idof h do't m to hv b f tht f yo w pfot bout yo poti you woul io yolv

    I thi lftit d to too muh of iff bw thmlv d oth po-

    t tu tht i thi uio w ot tiout li o thmb d i om pl thyo, d 'm tht' vy itimidt utwh I'v l i h lot of tim lftitth hy dfft pi of bdw o Oth ppl dot y, Wll, w

    popl, w' ll div, om of u b om whit, om ph, om m, om wom, om y om tiht, but hoe ft thy difft" W l hv viou diff

    omboy l miht b diffbu thy iv i ptiul tow hmiht b mo impott to ombody h thdiff tht m lfi W mify thptul diff d w houd't buoth popl dot o my opio iimt ft, t h poit my opiio i moth litimt bu I'm i th ldhipRA: Pop i dhip who hitt tbi p ft iu pliity tl bot it

    tm of f of bi too f fom th mmbhip ti poitio tht wot mto popl. I th id of hidi bhidmoy ?Te th tho f l, thouh

    blv i ui thi dmotlly hdo't m I dot biv i dhip d poiti out wht I thi i ood vy oft pop o o with it, bI thi it' impott to o o off d y wh

    I wt to th poit w I'v pp th bobtw mylf d oth o tht hy ott If pop ow tht m oi to omb to thm fo ppovl fo th d thdo th motily th omthmwth omthi bout EI lvdo om uppo o it, bt if I o off oo fo mow, d I om b, th wot th upot o i, t wo't do ybody y oo th lo RA f yo mipultiv oud who of iu Te Th I'm ot oi to b tutd it' wy tio, how f you o tli bb bd ou dot wt to p bu th obody mov ywhd yo ot w to mov o ft th y

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    brea i, becauehen you're moving some-where and hey're no You have o be moving

    at a point where it's alway tense and youre

    bringing somebody along wih you wherever

    yu RA w d yu fur u whr ha pns? sr f nu whn yur had

    Te: lauh YahRA: s hr m knd f cllc whnh cc? Or sm ppl wh ry sr

    ha u?Tes: No. At different points we've triedto

    have group of people who woud talk infor-

    mally about where hould we go about this or

    that, meetng of informal group of peoplewe

    thought were more inagreement left sympa

    hizers or omehing ike ha bu i never or

    ofjelled andwha happens now I hink is ha if

    somehing comes up, oh, I'll call hee or four

    people and bounce off hem and see wha

    hey hink. And he ame hing happens when

    an isue comes o somebody else Then maybewell discuss i in he Execuive Board before

    going o he membership Mosly, hee deci-

    sion ge made now by whoever show upa he

    EBoard meeingswhich are generallyopen o

    a unn mmbrIS

    RA Cud w rurn yur rubbanay and ask yu sm am whn yu had mak a dcshw h pull

    Te hr wa a march can' rmwhch nand w h mmbrshdrs and hn afr ha hr was a Qf ubsdzn ppl's a n budwn Washnn and w h mhp pass ha, \0 Afrwards, I bhnk ha mayb ha wa a msak burnd u ha ppl had n dwn ahadn' n n h march bu had nnsad Cmplans cam arund h fhr wan' prpr accunn f

    mny ha was parly h ral ssu anh ral ssu wa ha sm ppl hshudn ndr h march Afr hawhl w had pull back and b mrabu ndrsn ud hn and sspndn mny n hm hnk hprbably a ca whr w wn ar hr ar a l f ca whr w ddnnuh whr w wr md, bu knw n ha

    RA Is h mmbrhp r a uwann m smwhr ls? cway yu ha s up s much cm fladrhp Tss Wl, smm pp fr

    mmbrhp brn mhn up I ' cmmn bu d happn r rcnly smn wand us supACORN n h had n nACORN usd h unn and uspr ha And hr s a f nhusah ran and l abu l Kn cafr mayr.RA Can yu u mr dal n hranz arund pan rlunssus lk Cnra Amrca, r arund n mmbrs dmnsran

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    " , Cpeople ever y, o wh' h go o do wihu

    T Yeh people y Wh' h go o

    do wih u And we eplin wh i ho do wih u h oehing we're conn-ly rying o dornle oe iue ino oe-hing h e he bu driver You knowhow doe nucler power e he Boonchool bu driver O whever And oe-ie we n do i quie well We uully gehee hing ped u he hing i o ohe peope y o heelve, Well i idoen' o e ny oney nd he lederhip

    wn i le' do i And hen i we koroney, i ge o be nohe probe Bu henevery ie hi hppen here oe crpinghe ne dy nd we lwy her ow oewe lwy bring up hee ouide iue We'reuppoed o be hving hee eeing o lkbou our own iue nd no oe oude

    iue ec ec Bu, uuy we ge ped

    RA You id beore or iplied h pevoe or he becue he lederhip i pui nd hey like he lederhip

    T Well, h y be prly i nonely, hink here i endency people o go long wih uhoriyRA e' go bk o l lvdor ow

    you lk bou io oreign poliy genero you bring up he hiory o he role o union in he Vien er

    (lugh) o, we don bring up heo rde union in he Vien re o Wih ny ue we ry o bring up how

    reled o he chool bu drver idexple, i' obviou o ll he driver Regnoi ec chool bu driver. o rhe hee dy here' oegin Regnoic o we n lk boubk or eple And lo driver hve lie o people ren u eed by wh pen o u hool bu driver bu reido oon or people whoe ier re onre or whoe her re on oil ecuriy

    oehing like h People n uully hooin oe wy or noher round hee econoiue Alo hough on re iuepeundernd h prey eily hd nowhen you live in Boon

    Around E lvdor, we u bring irighorwrdly I' obviou. nlvdor here lo rde union uniy cion nd percen o rde unioni beloni nd i wih he FDR o we bring i uphee re our ellow rde unioni in E dor nd h y GE OT here y G OT And we lk bourepreion o rde union bou he reion in gener wih lile bi o n dephi on he repreion o rde union,how ll he rde union hl hve been b

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    up nd ll hs kd of suff, so w brin upon h lvl

    RA h ws h procss by whch youovd ino drship id i so poibco slfcoscous sry for h l obco ldrshipTss No so uch slfcoscous sryi ws or lk wll, w'r suck wh bcus ohrws, hs wll fl pr Afrs w n hs uy for prsdn who hd bnciv h orizn drv nd ws nicnouh uy u ws oo uch work orhi h urnd ou o o b bl o do i ndwhn h ws i ldrship h bc isoldnd hins srd lln p A lf lysis

    is lly ncssry o ywhr, owsyo olly bod down hs sch ndncy for popl o look i s o,his is crppy copny so ohr co-pny's o o b ood bu Knh Hudsonwho runs h udson us Lins is y ni-unio bsrd nd so wv fih hind h s you only so fr

    A cr poin i s drild i hrso lf hki oin ino h dship

    hi h's wh hppnd wh h forprsdn o drild bcus h ddn' hvh ysis o sy, Fih or h pop i h os squshd ws oo uch workfor hi bcus h did hv h ohr oi-von, nd h did' do h h work bcush didn' hv h bodr undrsndn Alo of popl hv bn will o pu lo of nd nry ino buld his union bu don' know if hy would hv owhou lf clys h binin.

    RA owv i rd, s coscoussry or no lo of lfiss hav ovd inodrshp in uios locl unionss opposdo bin n lrnv cucus h's ry ochln h ionl Cn you cors hssris l fro your xprinc0

    ss hnk o hin h hppns you o roud s rnndfil cucuciin h drship nd i your ll sful you sr winni pop ovr o hAh h ldrship is corrup d no nouh, nd o kn up our issup i h cucus r rh, c, c Ahy o h cucus, nd hn ciocos round nd wh do you dourly you run h popl h is h ldrshp nd f you'r succwll, hn you wi

    hr s nohr sry h syshould lwys sy ou of powr, nd on uy in our uon whos lfs k

    ohrsry nd h hs h frdo o criiciz fro h ousd os of ish bcs hink, G, would' i o b o h ousid crpn Bu, popyou ss sriously for hhy don' you hy sy, f you hnk hyr no rh, l's s do i rih Thyyour no kin rsposibly. hpr wih h f your on roudhr's br wy, bu your no o

    k on rsponsby o show how orh, h wh dos ' oyou should criciz unss you hnswr bou how o do rh don'h ll u you los crdbly

    R Coud you spk dircly o wns h in your unon fss r n hrshp Bsids pssn rsoluons d n popl ns h ovr o of ssus, r h ohr wys in whch yyour ipc


    Acully on h hs ky w fr ll sors of ssus I nionrlr in rs of rcs d sxis bhsn frwork nd on wh for won d blck popl is ivn, i hins us r' ccpbl A

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    xamp s that w tak th atttud that w'allworkn tothr and natury w u hard-st or th prson on th bottom hat hasom u rntl baus th van drvrs tpad ss than th b bus drvrs and ass arwas don on a prnta bass whh oous srws th popl at th bottom. And so

    w ot th mmbrshp to pass a rsoluton thatw would push or a br ras or th vandvrs Th atttud w tak s that atuyw do ths and that puts th onus on sombodwho wants to do t anoth wa Th hav toaru hat ts ood to sw th prson on thbottomand that's a hard poson tak ob bn n ladsh w'v bn abl o shaphow

    ssus asd and nk that's vrmportant.R On o th qustons that ntsts us

    drawn on oth opls xprns howdo ou balanc th otal pots ou bnto ths work wth th datoda dmands obusnss hats on o th

    rasons popl adopt a rankand austrat

    Te Thats a al probm baus oural bod down wth al th datostu tha ou hav to do whh s som omost dann and hobl stu. Gttnpolts n an b all touh t bodown mdan btwn popl or daln wprobms that pol hav that ar ral plms but that k m rom don anthpoltal For xamp th has bn an on ssu about whr th dvrs an parths nw la wr workn at ts a probmou nd to parkand kp brn up and trn to solv but t maan't b don anthn that has an oltmport Whr popl an park s mportbut t dosnt hav an poltal mport thns ar drann nrdbl dann Ath rall tak up our tm spall wt's thns btwn th mmbrs lk Hom X an ark th and ant?a th

    On Ihe pck'i: loig t b bu. Mrk Hma o.

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    di m d h' b mbd wh d' pl d" h hiRA: ' hi mi h h b d dibl i d d i

    e: Ad i d ' d hilRA: O, dl wih i hhbh li m I d wih h pli qi, d h bid b

    Tess Y d' bid bl p hm d w ' p hmd w ' h b Id Id i d d w h hd-wi ppl I ' l pblm mmI l li w I li hh h mb di hi idbl hdw h l wh hppd h wh w pid b m I l l mmphi him h l h pdh j ld' hdl ll h w h wih id h qi b i w mh w him d I dd hb i ' mh w m,

    RA: h w h h hie: W hi mmibi b bill h b p h p-d d p h ppl h h im i h w mhi d b Iw d bd l dI d b h E h ppl wh w hdw h b p wih m d h mim h' l hi -

    mi hi, hi pl hi i i wh m wih h hl Cmmmmb m h i wll h p-id h b h l h i i w l iid chi wd h hd ipli-il d wh dlp h d2

    wh dl cid hi m l d ii W hd mmw ppl d hd l l d I w l i hm i. h mp wd wp i B h ppl id did' w wih m h b i p mmi h ppl wh w hwh ll ppl wh h i d h' whl i ipi B, l w mili h b w i h p ii w, d i lii pi. pl l wi i W w mli i h bAd w il d b mili mph i h h b d d pl h l ih id h ml dRA: Y m i eli h mN i p wih hi

    e h' h d p Whh l h'll ll m hll h B h bd p i i h

    i h hd I'm i hi" d mim h m' i hi m lw w I' lw b l h i dhp i m h qi i hw mch dw qh h i d bi d d h ll hw mh d w i

    I h m h pl wh p

    h i h h' l pph i h dl, d m p b h, mmh h ppi pblm ppl d b wh hi mid Tb ll i. wh i hh d hi b hw hi

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    wat mak u tron ol ar rad

    to o out and bu ad and w could utdrct t a t coman' ad or t ct',ntad o ac otr' tat would b ralwondrul

    Anotr tn tat com rom our out" ta w dont av to contnd w a rcdnt o tn bn don n a buraucratcwa W do tn lk rvanc, or amln a vr unburaucrac wa T tandardrvanc rocdur tat atr a tward la rvanc, tr' a vnda rod o coman to anwr t n a t two" mtn t t u wc uod to b btwnt tward t rrntatv o t comanand omon rom t ntrnatonal But watw'v awa don to av on ttwomn vr mont or all t rvanc atcom u o tr ar mab t or tn tw-ard tr On o m uod to arut ca but rt o m ar ttn trlookn mnacn at manamnt omtm

    w'v orand a wol bunc o drvr to odown and ut mll around and ow tat tback u u or torm manamnt oc ordo omtn lk tat T t mor drvrnvolvd n t rvanc roc and o-ull ntmdat manamnt. o w av a

    wa o don n wc not accordnt rul W tnk t muc mor ctand tnd to bak down t rlanc on latc rocdur but n a unon wr t rdnt t altc wa, t' vr ard to t

    nttutn o tn t an't bn dobor vrbod' on o ut a, anot t wa t' don" O, ol wl a t ' onl on o ur ca And nobodon to want to do t at wa ou rall couldnt do t ou worann om ubantal boc o bac ndtr

    e I don't tn t' a mattr o t ndtr but ratr t nwn It' t r

    o mltanc ttn ou omwrRA: Tn lt' ut t drcl. ou don't tat t kind o work ol n our unondrv cool bu atr tan mak tlan mortant dtncton In trm o wo tat ou ond or tt Boton comm or, or aml U tl

    e I tnk vr lac a t artcudrnc rom vr otr ac nk ba uaublc ctor unon do mak a dnc, and bn nvolvd n a ot olcal mak a drnc t a mad t arbrn oltcon t lvl o wat our rton to Boton oltc and ovrnmnnto t cn Our local a alwa ad trat o makn our trul ublc bun allanc wt t communt and tat mant tn to do tu trou t mdT tlworkr wr vr lr o tatrt T wantd to tn n traduntrm u aan t coman, avtn l rrlvantbut now tt o alon wt u on t a lot mor tan tdd bcau tv n tat t workd.

    Workn n rvat ndutr ou dont to dal wt t ublc n t wa ou dou' a rvc unon rvc workr av

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    / L

    C p% del wth the publi nd the nue nre drely thn f yu're deling with f-ty. And if yu'e deling wth gernengeny, yu n't ignre it On the ther hndne dfferene but ur ll tht n wrkaga ilitny i th we'e ll ff dringbue by urele nd nt wrkng tgethe

    where we n tk t eh ther. Eery b hething tht' ging t ke differeneRA ening t yu deribe wht t' liket be unin preident, l the wrk yu he td gien hw thng re ked gnt yuke it ee tht yu lt need peple whe leftit wh he e ther ren tbuild deen trde unin t hrd t ee hwpepe ge ted t d tht wh ent peled by e lrge ene f wht the wrk ibut f yu thnk bk the the t theCO nd the rll f Cunt n buldng thetrde unin eent wht ee hppen tht the wrk lefi d tengthen the trdeunn but t den't neerily trengthen theleft t' thugh leftit e neey t keephe trde unin eent gng

    e: e wndered but thi lt nd dnt knw the nwer w build ten t unn nd ptin n t nt jut upprt fr gd led yu dn' he hi prble wegn w d yu bild ethindn't nd up hng epnibility f ret f yur lfe

    RA e we erned nything frni bu rgnzng tht ddreeiue

    e thnk we'e lerned e ththnk ur unn h e lng wy repet eh ther there, nd th'iprtnt But we hent e th

    length f the wy Wee ried t d httee wy pped t newy, but we hen't e fr enuhen't e t he pn where thngt ll thrwn n ne pern. Tht' tbig truggleRA: he wy th regulr unn geh bureury Tey let their predthe hk by getting ey nd hng ed truture tht re dedening

    dent er wh nybdy yTe Yu knw beng unin pre werd, beue t ke e ypththe t rrble peple etie undernd hw bureurie build uthere e ny tie when wuldhe bureury h gin i wheet' iprtnt t he eftt nibeue it wuld be bluely ipibn th ptin t be predent f l fl nt petely bureurti dert wy f runnng thing if he leftit cnune And enuple re rund t rend e f it

    RA hi ee t ree t ethEern upen re tking buy rete il withut bureur

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    keep etng ueuctic ms t ightue

    Tes: ts ust suh cntditin ecusen the ne hnd, wee tlking t ting tget the peple invlved, t tke sme the

    .spnsility me the hie sewd, gets ll the shit m the the stewds,hugh then he psses it n t me S u st up

    cmmittees t t t ge peple invlved whwill tke espnsilit sme e ut then mmiee mens ueuc It mens meeting when u dn't wnt t g meet-ng the thn getting tgethe euse uwnt t ge tgehe whteve hee emn tmes when we thik it wuld e nice t

    hve pid pesn ut thee e tdesIsnt this nnected t wht we egn t

    ise elie t mtivinhw mh pe-ple e willing t put in wh dws pepe keeps them w m unin ctivism whsnspiing, wht mves

    Tess I think it's el imptnt t se thessue wht pepes lives e likei u

    hve kids wnt t hve eltinshps uvegt t igue ll tht in t wht ind enegu'e ging t hve et.

    Yu expeence is ptcul neest-

    ng ecuse u sid tht in 196 u tk ths euse u wnted pttime tht

    wuld leve ee, nd nw wk is minus n u ie smetimes even vewhelmng

    Tes: Yeh, t's ittle inic in m cse. Cn we etun he uestn we egnwith ut the lessns u expeieneWht wuld mst like pepe t tke m

    tTe: n ma ws he us dves s gup e simil t the "Rinw Cltinht ws ut hee n Bstn und Mel King's

    cmpgn m Wht th expeiencespn t is tht its pssle divese gup

    peple t wk tgethe nd n nl n thmmn issues tht ect us ll t's ls pssle t ing p nd ght ginst things thdivide us like cism nd sexism, withut thethings ceting plztins mng us n c

    deling wth these issues ings us tgetheme

    he : Twg Shmoyhoohe tnsciptin nd editng the ineviewthe w edits Susn Mthel DWhppen Ken Shlsse nd Mget Ceul

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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    THE HOT SEATThe Story of he New Yorkaxi Ra ad Fie Coaiio

    John Go

    (h ly iug k il v g u i wkc ii hughu h cuy. O ciig i h v h ixi wli ii k--il cii, hy f i i fw i h c f builig uly wkig-cl cili v Whil h i y h iug gizi hv i u, wil c y ui buucci O h v k lc i h xi iuy

    Nw Yk iyh gi xi h icu v w h xi Rk F

    Clii, ci c i h cb iuy 1 hi ic gw u i icui hl f h gu i i which w i u u vlu u xic O h ky iu h g i h icui w

    Qui ci, cilly i g hw h ii h wih h "gyy cissu i h w y i xic h icl cu h Qui; lhugh ii i viw, i i i u h ilgu h l h'Whie man pep participe he deepmet this atice particar at akee the tiia Warma See Mani h Gae an Ke Cnnr-a re er the axi Rank &Fie aitiure repiit r the era pepectie ad cncluin te arie rests sle ith e

    Al rphics from Sa of Taxi k u uii

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    A Intrduction

    The early 19s were a tme o turmoil ad

    chage i the yellow cab idusty Ate a tw-

    week ske i December 70, he New Yok

    City Taxi Drivers Uo ad the tax leet-owes came to a agreemet hat would

    decrease the startig commissio rae o

    drives om 9 to 4 pece, ad take a dme

    o he op o each trip o pay or beeits pe-

    vously paid or by he bosses March 3,

    91, the ew cotract was pu ito eect

    (withou a vote by the membeshp as reuied

    by the uio costiutio) alog wih a 48 per-

    ce are icrease

    Oveight, the passegers seemed to dis-appear his, alog with "the dme ad "the

    42 percet cut deepy ito drivers' wages.

    Mass oppostio to the ew cotract aose.

    April, uio oficals were teray drve ou

    o he semaual membeshp meetig bythousads o agry ax workers Ad soo

    aer, the axi Rank & Fle Coalitio was

    ormed o ight or a decet cotrac ad a

    more democratic uio

    The ew group moved quickly to chalegehe io leadership headed by Harry Va Ars-

    dale who was also presidet o the Cetra

    Labo Coucil The Coaliio whe uable to

    deea Va Arsdae did succeed preseg a

    serious chaege to the uio leadeship ad

    capug he imagiaios o thousads o taxi

    dvers throughout the cty its six years o

    exisece, he group ra i two elecio cam

    paigs, boh imes receivig a sizeable perce-

    tage o the vote May o its members wereeected shop stewads ad committee me ad

    wome i thei gaages t participaed i aumber o widca strkes ad i geera po-

    vded a pesky obstacle o the smgy edless

    machiatos o the uo leadeship


    While the Coaitio mtaed is

    ocus o wokig codtios ad uo d

    racy, it gradualy boadeed ts cocer

    whole rage o other issues, icludig r

    sexsm, ad evetually socialism

    The movemets o the sixties had a iuece o the "Rak & Fles develo

    The wome's movemet ad the atiwar

    me especiaJy coribued to a emph

    tera democacy ad a hostilty towar

    mac appoaches o trade uio orga

    he coatio was also chaacterid by

    might be caled a heathy disrespect

    ade uio bureaucacy his attiude

    led o charges o beig atiuio by oth

    ists though very rarely by other taxi dr

    he eary seveties may leeto

    bega to sell their cabs o idividual ow

    the orm o mieets Wihi ive

    years, twothrds o the lee idustry ha

    sod o, eecively wipg out the ba

    both the uo ad the isurget mov

    The Ra & ie Coalitio ought the p

    but could o hat it I 1 the Coalitomaly dissolved itsel, athough some ra

    le activity cotied ad i act, coti

    this day.

    The Gse

    Yelow cab drivers were't the ol

    workers maig ews duig he early

    While workers i the medallio e lc

    idusry wee organzg oppostio to

    presde Harry Va Arsdale i the y

    garages aoud the city, a more vioet st

    was beig waged o the streets o ew

    back ad Hspaic commuities HBedordStuyvesat, ad especially the

    Brox, the omedalio "gypsy cab try was ghtg or suvival

    he South Brox, home o the ctys

    Hispac eighborhood gradually becam

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    cene of e ugge eved e oind economic policie of govenme ndidu in e e, e neigoood wooking moe d moe ike omedo woe Lell oud of uidig d eeun ou nd wee ndoed lndod.e nk edlned e ou o me

    of poic, efuing o lend mone fo oungo uie inveme in e e Ci evicewee lowl u ue eig widw U-empomen in e i' ge io dkockeed d e nume of ou oneide ddiced o eoin e dug ddi-ion w epecill eiou eide deoinge live of mn of e ommuni' oungpeope, i w mjo fue fo e gowngime polem n e eigoood

    Ad neingl dive wee viim of ime u ee l lone on e iee ofen deeed neigoood, winoing eween e dive nd e pege, dive w e ge Moe d moec dive efued o pk up lck nd H-pic people

    C dive d een png up k peoplefo e u e le e polem deced mve popoio f ou ween'

    wie d ou wned , ou pol dIong wi ed of ou w no uncommono ee ive o en emp c dive ckpeon efoe one woud op And if ouwned o go o Hlem o Bedfoduven,nce wee e dive woud imp efue

    In epoe o i lk of evce nd e

    ig unemplomen mog id wold peoplee ci, e nomedio indu pg Gpe wee lowed o pick up fe cenl e o do ll u unke medio e old o egll pick up pge wo led em on e ee

    Gpie go ig oo duing e u

    uw ike of 66 ei nume ediceed ougou e e of e '6 u 6 e umeed fom ee o five ond comped o 1 8 medllon c

    e eeowe woe iveme weened i gow, egn o ck nomedlion indu unmeiful e leeip of Locl 3036 e ew Yok Ci ive nion, gleefull jumped o e wgon B 0 e d jol pued

    eive lw oug e c counci euig ll medlion c o e pned elow nig nonmedllion c fom uing coo

    Week fe week on inl diguiig im, e eeowne d e union edip filled e pge of ei newppe we of gp dive' ime e leeoweppe e N w piull vcion eme 68 o ce ju one e

    ple e N pned fonpge o egn lke

    Rpe oe, u nmidoee e ome of e efeence w

    gp dve ing o ei jo Apen o oe quifion e eed

    e ekdow of ew Yok i

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    lwless ngle hs een oon to thesevulures who pre on unwitting vitimshe vum in lw enforement hsenled hem to terrorie the it withimpuni srking where the wn when

    the wn.

    Mn of the stories in New York's dil newsppers tloguing gps drivers solled"rimes gnst soie were plnted there the feeowners themselves. ne of their morefrenzied tks ws repored in the New Yorkm on August 27, 97 :

    A spokesmn for the xi industr

    hrged esterd tht ssults this weekin rlem on drivers, one of whomws killed, were prt o pttern whih slum re mlitnts ttemp to terrorie drivers in sh res

    Aording to Arthur Gore pulishernd editor of xi News nd spokesmnfor the indusr the more thn ttks on drivers ths summer nnotsimp e hrged off to ddts nd smlme hoodums

    Mr Gore hrged tht miltntsthrough onsn htewhie m-pigns, provoked dire ssus to pro-te gps opertons in their re,nd ht he indiretl nited thehigh emotonl or the "feele-minded to mke wnon viious ttks

    ut the residens of those sum respprentl dd not gree ver sine the 4 per-ent inrese in ellow rtes five months

    erlier, he gps ndustr hd een oomingffering rtes onethird lower the gpses weree to tke over most of the usiness in lknd Hispn neighorhoods he numer ofnonmedllon s multiplied rpid 7estimtes of their totl numer rn s high s2, And the ellow s tht egn flter

    ing k into the res the hd preshunned found th the sitution hd fter the fre hike Now it ws he pswho were doing he reusing. Most residrem BedfordStuvesnt nd heronx were hoosing gpsies over elloprtill euse of the lower ut of deepseted resentment felt towmedlion indstr ne memerRnk ile Coliton whie drivdrove gps for whie efore switelow s hd his to s

    t ws nteresng to note how he espeill in the neghorhoods whsies worked, relted to me whendriving ellow nd when I ws gps nd it ws re differenwere eer when ws driving here were whole lo more frenow when m in Wshingon Heiin Hrlem, or in n lk neigho

    ou see lo of people tht outhere witing for ut theng for gps And m not totwhether it lies in soldrit with tsies for providing the servie or h gpsies re heperproof oh

    Thi comment w made t suion eld

    eme o he olto i orer o um up ou exp

    Unle ohewi oed, l qoo e rom os

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    n Etn Cnfi St I

    A oo a the eetower ad uo o-al realed how wdepread the oppoto tohe ew otra wa, the tepped up ther

    tak o the gpe, hop to ht therpobt o he low bookg addereaed wage awa rom themelve

    A the ummer o 97 wore o t beameoe o ther otat theme io wde ele-to were om up November ad theRak le Coalto wa moutg a troghallege o Va Ardale ghtg or urvvalthe uo leaderhp was edg ever eorttoward regag ome o t lot redblt

    h paae om the uo paper, the TDve' Vce wa tpal

    We a permt the gpe to tear athe gut o the tax woker ad we o-der aoe who at th tme wat ouuo to reegate th ght to the ak-groud wll be adg ad aett theeem he leaderhp o th uoudertand ve wel the ature o theght to tale th tax dutr ad

    that wh our eor are reagdal h ht requre the ooperatoo al our member Aoe who hooeto tad o the dele tead o part-patg ol help prolo th ght Weddt ud a uo to ve people alee to tea We ddt uld a uo toallow law voator to deprve u o ahoet lvg We do ot ted to tad whe law volator beome lealed atthe expee o hoet hard work tax

    dver Whe we marh or ute let uall marh together

    A ttle lker ha the oe but the me-age wa the ame Ad to a erta extet theuo wa ueul Ma drver poted to

    the domae o the pe lak ad pa eghborhood ad ther wde pheo operato a the aue o ther prolemAd a we aw eaer, the leetowe (ad tuo) were quk to lk the reag um

    o roere ommtted aat a drve the e o the gpe

    Wth the Rak le Coato all thaued a lo o ouo. he oup wa tr orgae a ma drver a pobe to ampa agat the tlluged otraMa Rak le ember eleved there wa hae to overtu . Moreover we were plag to ru a late agat the uo eadeh the upom eleto

    ut here were dvo wth the grouhe were older drver mal agr aothe otrat ad the lak o uo demorahere were ouger whte drver, motl eto the dur, ma o whom had had expeee the awa movemet, vl ghmovemet or wome lerato movemehere were alo omer uo bureaurat ahaero who o oe reao or aoth

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    wee on he o wih he en nion eade-hip Thee wee no man lak o Hipandive A hee gop had een pepe-ve on he gp qeion an on he deionhe Coaliion ogh o ake

    The meeing wee age, p, and ai-all npanned Dive who had een hakingo wn ea wol an p and ven heiange an aion a he oe and nionoa. Diion ened o ame omone p o he ne a one peon henanohe wold ph hei paila poin ovew. Eah wk ive o ix new people wolome, paiipae, and oen neve ome akThe iaion demande ode, no one

    waned o epode he ak o demoa wehad expeiened whin he nion o he gopveeed in he ohe eion, an a kn ohao eigne.

    B depie he hao he meeing wee aoe o engh The emphai on inenaldemoa and llingne o hea people oeven i ook i mnigh oeed a hap on-a o he nion eadehip an il uamong ank Fie meme I wa, howeve,a diil iaion in whih o wok o a po-ion on a onoveial ie like he gpie


    a I ememe he onge people, hepeople who onidee hemelve poli-ia a he ime, eall ie o a awaom he e a mh a poe o eao aenaing a o o peope hee wa awhole lo o ange aond he onaand noo wane o do anhing oqe ha down Thee wee a lo o ank

    and ie a dve who ame

    0hemeeing, who had pked p on he line

    ha he non and he oe had eeneeng, and who ai we ga do omehing ao (again he gpean ememe eing ve pgh eveimeha wa ogh p no waning i o

    ome ino he pie an k evep

    And I emembe ony wO

    speaking in support of the gy

    rememe Leo standing up and

    that rap abouthow workng peop

    unite wth other woking peop

    theonlywaywe'regoingto win,

    an that An I also remembe

    fom likehe year 1 AD, saying

    sy cabs are gonna hepus win ag

    bosses, we shoud invie hem

    ownown and wok whie we

    Thal makehe bosses wan o s

    ske and gve us ou money an

    ak o work, ase i's her

    not ours. (Leo and Jack were bo

    dves Leo's ommenswee ma

    first meeting.)

    Along wih eing aaid o alenainia ppoe, hee wa he ve eal ha we had no onee popoa o he eion hee ea ae, he Cme p wih a popoa o mniipaind, whih wol eiminae he mem alogehe and ing all ax nem n 191 hee wa no h pand mo people el ha emnaing inon eween gypie and elloweae hao, epeia given he eaeow ind had aken ine he a

    he eeon ampagn ook p amoo enegie ha a Van Adale haeeived e han 5 peen o he vo pomied o e dieen Evewe wen we on a dive io ona and mo lamed on he nehp. Alhogh he oaon wa neind, and din have he eoeVan Adae mahine, we el we ha a

    The need o ake a poion on heeeme even moe peing, h

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    emned unble t ele t ee te weethe un ledehp hmmeed wy t theue, mng eled ccutn tt the Rn& Fle Cltn uppted e gype e, nthe e nd, ept nng t the gype

    wee nt the ue, tht the un w ny'ng them t det ttentn m the eluethe ctct d the lc unndemccy

    hen the me cleed te the eectn,n Adle d cne hd 5 pecet te te Rn & Fle l cnddte eu hd 5 pecent d ndependent dnde J pecet he unn bueuct weetll n pwe but m Cltn membe eltthe cmpgn d been ucce e ddnte muc mey, lced n etblhed et cnct ughut the t nduty, nd wehd been chllengng mn wh'd been hd the ew Y Cy Centl b Cuncl twee ye ct, we wee gup elte unnwn Ye we hd gtten e thd the te, nd we new tt e hl theleet we d nt een ed the electn(ptlly becue pnteu due byctthd mde my them nelgble). ce the

    mt cmmn epne tht we encunteeddung the cmpgn w dgu n dle nd eelng cmplete lentn mthe unn, we gued mt e nnewee n u de

    e w ue hw much the gypy hd ected the utcme lthugh t eebu th u eul n the chuttc gnt medl cb hd cme te ntutely the gup leme ny ytemtc nly the electthe tme whethe e eecn hnged gypy quetn emn n pe quetn

    p Sgg C HThe gype wee gwng, n numbe n

    gzn, but wth th gw cnceed epe n ugut 11 mnth bee te unn electn, Mcz ed the newly ceted mune Cmm nunced thtw gng t lcene d egule medlln nduy peng the neeenue t ece n the blc nd pcmmue, e tted th he wuld ge ltu t lge ectn the gypy nduwhle elmng wht he clled gygype, whch he d peted etely de the lw wee, l mde ctht he w gng t ence te egultthe b wch phbted cung

    by gypeh w ppently enug t cn

    me the me wellpced gypy wnd gup them geed help m new lw ut mt wee nt cnnced ged e he cnlct hetedl hugh the et 17 1 nd the beg 1972, plce ment cceleted the gype held demnttn y the m 17 hd but 1 50 nmed

    cb gned up h lunty egttn gm he emnde but pecent ttl) wee eung t g lng.

    he eptembe tht ye, nunced tt he w gng t ce the ge t te ut e mete ll hell b

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    loose he ses clled demonsron onhe evenn o eemer 4 e ouBronx When ellow c ws drven hrohhe crowd conronon develoed whhquckl rew no polce ro Over hundredommun} resdens were nured nd w wereled Udd he newser o lolPuero n ornzon l om ells

    wh hened e h

    he sve es shoced heRn commun cused ner ommun reled h rcks nles r o mch or uns hnd

    lel sssss On he even emer 1h he commun rounree nd Prose Ave reredwres on he lh oles were u hwhen e ole cme he were mdrkened nd rmed ommunwere exhned he ole ulled

    he nex ew ds were ense huvsed he unerl rlor whereGllrdos od n se On er 20 demosron ws lled

    s drves he were nls eses o ore Gllrdo ndsme me expressn er deemo onue her jus srule

    hrouhou he mrch he exressed her suor nd enmen lenhed s ws commoon e sees o e ouh Bronx

    B Ooer he ses hd reedornzon he Assoon o on

    on Drves nd wee n more sros hen on Ooer Lzr down. n elerm red he ommoer o he 4s renc o meenssoon zr nnounced h wcull lel or nomedlo s meers nd h he dd no hve uhorder her removl. he ses hd woor he hd no lusons ou nl Bu ws vor oneeless

    As me ssed he n


    moved slowl owrd oson o oor or he srule o onmedllon Mos o ose who oposed he pses ole he onzon he ore o he sled ou wenve r

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    yung, wht dvs tvy nw t thndusty h mpgn gnst th nttst ts mmdy And w bgn t z thtwnnng nin dmcy wd qu ngstugg

    h gups ptis nd pph tsgnzng sttd hnging Ctn mm-bs bm ss wing t sbmg th pt- vws nd ngtm gs t th nds fth mmnt n y 17, ft ngthy int-nl dbt th ot Seat n fu pg tn th w n Vtnm h t supptdth pp f uthst Asi in thi fght fntn btin nd dmndd thimmdt nd mpt wthdw f

    Amn mty psnn nd qipmnt.n th fwng mnths th tis n ssusutsd f t bgn t pp gy Butth Rnk & mnd sint n th gypss

    t wsnt unti Otb 7 tht th gptk p th ssu puby gn In H Seat nwspp, ndnth g t butth kings f tw yw b dvs, wpntd sm t bt tw gypsy dvswh w kd wh bng bbd h Ht

    Seatsttd: Wh mdn nd nnmd-

    n dvs d th sm b, tk th smsks nd d f th sm sns w stgnst h th by th vy pp wh pft ff b: th bsss, y indsyz, t t ndd with l f th twgps t unt wth h th ginst thmmn nmy

    Thot Sea fny dt wth th iss in sius wy n ny 3 fuy twntymnths ft th bith f th Citn nd fmnths ft Gds dth Ov nndhf pg spd th pp dsssd th gyp-sy stugg th ism usd by th bsss nth ntgypsy mpgn nd, n n ttmptt nk p th tw mvmnts, th hssmntf yw b divs by th T Cb Cmmis

    sin In n t nttd Gypsis Bk" w n dwn sm hsty f th nmdn bs nd thi unt fight ghssmnt. W sd tht th gypss gbs th wnt nugh bs ut

    nhttn, nd tht mny dvs dn't gt ghtt nghbhds bus f mny, nd th undnb sm f sms Athgh th t ws bvusy ntd t b n sppt f th gypsis, w snb t m ut nd sy tht It ndd with sttmnt tht vy yw b dshd bm w nfmd but th gss

    w ssus t th Hot Seat d fpg ntvw wh mmb f th Asstn f Nndn ivs t tht th st tm th Ctn dlt with th idty n th pgs f ts nwspp ymdd f 7, nnmdn bs hd wnft gntn n th ty's bk Hspni nghbhds Athgh th fwns ntnd thi ttks, th ty hsmd ny sis mvs t kp th gypssth stts sn tht wnt th st nys, dspt pi hssmnt, th gyphv wkd n thi mmuntis, pkdfs by h, nd mnd th pnp sf t sv n Hm, Bdfdtuyvsnd th uth Bn kng bk nw, t ds nt sm t muh t sy thtgypsis' stbshmnt f th ight t wkstts ws th mst sgnfnt vty wnny Nw Yk b dvs n ths dd.

    Jhn Whn t m dwn t it, th

    bm ky ssu bus it hd tmdus mmunity suppt It ws stg by thd wd mmnitis fty f btt svis f bsiy qsvsf ti sv, whh wnt gtting t st ptiy d tism f b dvs

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    We wee ve hesian o hallenge peo-ple ao ha. a ndesand haHee we wee mosl ounge dves,almos al whie And I hink i wa vegood i a o o was ha we wee hesiano go o and sa aling all hese oldeaies aiss, who had ee diving owey or hry yeas, and had really paid

    he des u on he ohe had, hesolion we ame p wih was o s nodeal wih i a all Ad I hin i was a eaopponi ha we missed

    B Div i Cii d

    Sm gt n O pr RimIn he six eas o he ai ank & File oal-iios exisene pehaps 3 axi wokes

    passed hogh o anks hogh he medal-lio inds was poal ose 0 hal lakand Hispani all a handl o hose


    3 ank & File memes wee who hose onwhie dves ha dd gop mos saed ave o onl whie.

    Thee was swoh a ong lak

    who oined he oalio in is eal dawoh was ong, ineesed polive enhsiasi Wheneve he go on lie o wai o a ae insead o uisinmp ou o he a, sa handing o S ad apping wih ohe dives Bwoh neve g oo involved wih hwokings o he goup ad soon died

    hen hee was poal hpoliiall expeiened o he lak doi he a

    &Fie Ae onl a ew

    was hosen o e on he seeig

    ee hs was a oang posio uusuall eseved o people who had eoaiion longe. So was ve onshs ole as he on lak peson in heMoe han one he iiized s o ouHe also woe he s mao aile in on aism oside he axi indusaie, whh dea wih he shooig ohild named lod Glove a whwas an impoan sep owad o sdemed he aaks on he lak ommhe polie wiho eig wshwashma o ou aes on aism endedUnonael S oo died awa ale he nds aogehe

    Eddie on h ohe hand had nevave in polis Hs main inees was inds, and he hew himsel ino hiion's aiviies wih an eeg ad en

    ha amazed s oweve ae a whildisoaged wh ou lak o pogess a paulal slow peiod o us dopped o ddie emaied pesoawh a & File memes in his gaaneve eal go aive in he oaliion

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    ee wee tes wh ned, t nt mnyAnd t n te eept pssy n the veyegnnng dd we hve e tn ne tw Hspn dves ttendng meetngsMe ten n nt, thee wee nn

    Te stutn n the gges ws lte d-eent. n mst ples we hd py gd el-tns wth the thd wd dves ey ended t e eltvely endly us s ndvdusnd s gup supptve wt we weedng ut eept n ew ses hey ddn'ge nvlved

    ne exeptn ws Mete, n vewhelnglythd wld gge n 19 Cg wteee the Rn & le ws eeted shpmn F lmst ye thee ws ghlevel tvty t Mete sly und ggessuesngs ssment dves wpduvty, te gt t use e ulletn d,nd s th.

    Anthe eeptn ws den Gge wheethe thd wd wes wee n Lesteswds

    lwys the ul u suppt nd theul the tvsts n e gge eews m nd me [th whte Rn


    memes, ed wh wee n the sp m-mttee nd the est te mttee ws nd Ltn And st u sup-ptes, u stng se wee themehns nd the nsde wes whwee ll Ltn

    u even t Mete nd Eden the d wldwes genelly nned the tvtes t

    e gge he ssue sm ws sed mst dt

    lly t 55th gge, whee n gntnws ul tt nluded Rn & le Cltnemes, e whte vsts nt n the C-n nd l dves he gup sueeded

    n sweepng he 174 shp elens nd elshng n Atn Cmttee, tve gge ssues

    Tetened y ths develpen te ugt . Wen the x e, t el n

    dve ned Ms, ne the mst spen memes the Atn CmmMs ws ed twe The st e he gj te nedy wldt ste nttn. ut the gup ws unle t enugh sppt ste te the senng nd the t pehps egnngweness eused enstte m Mened ed nd ws unle t get n n te ndusy

    It ws wdely undestd tht the ssnsusly hsen t e dwn n we. The st ste denstted nd wte dves uld unte t gh l dve n the the nd, the tthe ss dd sueed n ng Ms nd hhm llsted eed he peeptns ml dves thughut he ndusty tht wee e vulnele thn whte dves, less ley t e supped nd d ptns they wee ed.

    Why uldn't he Cln ttt ml nd Hspn dves We d ldes ut ew slutns dde put hs ngene plem:

    ted t ge sme the thes w n the gge t e dwn t R& le meetngs ut they wuldnt nythng t d wth t euse teythe Rn & Fle s eng gnsunn dy wnts t hve nythd wh the nn, even ts ppsete unn u nw wht 'm sydy wns nytng t d wthunn.

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    Dnad a bac de wh nee jned heCatn pu t anthe wa n a 7 nte-ew wth the H Sea

    he unn and hat h t' jut muchbuht we dea wh That' the wa at t gt much ht dea wthgt much atc man hae thawe gt t untee be haed wthh Smebd ee hat tuff ha gt tbe dne abe tha t abe bthehae a few me hae t g thughthan u cat Een thugh cud hepchange a few hae the demand geae eewhee.

    hee wee the pbem. eampe, theff ta gaage tende t efect he

    egegaed neghbhd n the c t fus woked in garages tha were pmarlywhite.

    Al nce the gup had etablhed a whte

    dentt wa a e dffcu tuatn f annwhe pen me n be the nbac pen n a m fu f whte pbabwant the mt deabe wa t pend an ee-nngpatcua when t wa nt awa tcea hw much we wee accmphng.

    But the pnt aed dde and nad

    eem cucal Wuldn't mt blac wewho were nterested n becomng actve want o

    get involved in a struggle that wasdected spe-

    cfca agant the pen f back pepe

    andthe ntutn f whte upemac?At n

    me wath amaj fcu f the Tax Rank&

    Fe Can.

    Ofcue we wee a pped tacm and

    we ageed that we huld cndemn t. Bu hee

    were a lot of dfferentideas about how much it

    wa cnnected10 what wewee dng.Waac-m a centa ue n he tax nduty? Shuld

    t be amaj fcu f he Hot Seat? What at-

    tude hud we take twa the efua f man

    tax dve t pc up nnwhte peple? Hw


    much hud we be ang ue tha dec cnnected the jb Ranmembe wee bth dded and cnfuthee and he quetn abut he naeent f acm n th cet

    a a that when he jned the Che thugh that

    he pma thng t adde waquetn And, f anthng thawa ne f he e f cetthe fueen ffteen e f hthat wa gng t be taen cae the eutn n he ame wa hgng get d f putn aeutn and hae ma tanthe eutn wee a gng tf acm afe the eutn

    hat wa nt methng I had ut It wa methng I fe ntnaua And thn that emabac ptn the bu f mRan & Fe unt metme n cupe f ea

    Stee fet hat

    whn Ran & e when acaed n a e ugent wa, uut wa beng njected dpptAnd I thn hat me f u efand efaccuan cme fm ng that we hud hae had meffe me t f wa f e[acm when thn the facwe cud mae a eate ght cn ang the ne

    d n the the hand a that

    ned the Catn he had "pettwedut dea abut the mpfcung n the fgh agant acm n Ran Fe the dea gt puhebacgund ethe due {he fenze

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    h, th +t w s tsstn m th mms

    A lt ths vsns w ct n ltt t st ts glnc th St s ht w l wth th ss csms

    ll, n tht thnng n th mt

    tn t nt Atls m nnhs Smtms w g tw hsss wtht nthng n w wl n cl tls n sm n th sm ss

    Dng st w s w l wth thss m gll thgh gn thtcls tn t l wth sll tssss nnn t R,shl sng n stn n s n. W gnll v lng wth csthm sss

    iQ@/$ :i; k ,ady fir ; OVd"out': Use 0. d Ie .

    \ M :

    ; '5 +0 5Qr e "wi s) but getsTe;rc;1\- \ b,


    l m gnst vs th slvs t w n h Wl nghhW na t t pn ths w sctsth st w sss h I

    n s ths sgmnts l n ts n th ntw mvmn th sxsth stn mvmnt wn mn tn tw th wng ss n th tht t ws th n g wth nmnntst n vtnng ctlst sct.

    F sm s th n & Cltws pt tht hng n tn W wp th t tht w h n l ws' gnn wth l spp nnstn (tht s, mng tx v

    FU\T60 EIC1 s"ci .

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    Maye or ha eaon we wee a lie denve Many o u l ha a large ar o hLe crcm o wongla racm wa And w were aricularly hol o anyanaly ha called whe worer rivlgd

    When racm wa maned y h yem ingeeral o he oe in arcular he Coa-ion wa qu o condemn u when heu wa he racim o or worer we wer

    more hean, l har n our analyi ax drver w could undrand he ruedrve el when hey aed u lac and anc eoe and we were relucan o crczehem or eecally we hough i wouldcreae a conc n our relaonh w hmo one waned o ecome a o once ad,

    he deuy correcor o audgarag.

    he wa conan enion ewea a grou ighng or a decen nracac eom o he unon and condon and our role a eoleoward a revoluionary ranormaioy n he H S we raed he quocialim, or a la he cla nauociey arly conenly. n h conue lie uno coruion or h cohe cahi uualy had he eec ong he ue or ocng eole oqueon hey wouldn ordnarly owa a reecion o he rge o organaround h lowe ommon denomnel ha cran queo had o e rahough ome worer mgh alworngcla eoe were ever gongwh he aic aumon o caaln h ene, aling aou ocialirecion o wha many o u aw a aheorder o gan uo

    e when w dd h n he coecuo o racm eemed o hav e c One examle o hi a h Cod a hryamhle he Coalion uhed namhle ried o lac he axi ndroader mor comehenve world rae h ida o ocam o ax woerou way n mo reec i ll len u concenng he gyi, we h

    ay We houldn' all o h aac o gyy divr. hy areo lie ourlve The racgada ha ha een ued aganhur all o u Wh he cime/dlm n hi ciy, hre no w

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    in t elmiate eies venihtAnd wth the feas and pedies eslt-in fm a sety filed with aism,thees nt way wee in have eveydive wiln t wk evey neihhdvenih Gypsy as pvide a neessay

    sevie in Bak and et Rian neih-hds he answe is nt t deny thatsevie

    he eal isse is that eveyne in theity shld e aanteed taxi seveAnd even me imptant, evey taxiwke mst e aanteed a safe Yellw and ypsy dves mst et teth-e wth all tansit wkes 0 pvide se-vies f al mmnties in the ityMniipalzatin may ein t slve that

    plem Bt we think that the nly ln-tem sltn is a wkentlledindsty in a wkentlled siety.

    hee ae a nme f plems with thistin, nt the least f whh is that t pa-ally ndnes the patie f many dves

    wk in hid Wd neihhdst he qein hee is whethe its pdtiveaise the isse f wkes nt in ths n-

    t a east ths wayWhen we aised sialist ideas in the ntextnin ptin the teie ndtn fas, we wee akn an isse hat hee was

    de aeement at (that is, almst eveyneeed tha the nin ffiias wee ks) andin 0 take that ne step fthe Bt in talk

    at the ypsies we wee takn sset thee was a 0 f disaeement at, tthe east By thwn in the dea f wk-

    nt we seem t e tyin t side vevey diffilt plem f widespead asmn a dves t seems imptant t ask ethe the lntem inteests f a wkesveme ae eally seved y avdin sh


    Some Codig Though

    av think the way t lk at the ypsy isse is n exatly what shld wehave dne then think the pssiilitiesf what we ld have dne then weevey limited Bt think the way t lkat it is what wld we d nw faed withthe same sitatin

    And Im afaid that thee ae twmpetin essns ne lessn wld ethat faed with the same siatin nw, allf s knwin what we knw, that smepeple wld advate that we shd dthe same thin aain hat if the ypsieseame that knd f ial mass qestinn the ndsty tmw, that we shd

    say that we have n psitin n the yp-sies, ndemn the aism and say thatthey wee ein sed as a sapeat Andhat thes wld ae at ths pint thatinstead we shd ealy and neqiv-aly sppt the iht f ypsy as twk the steets and that that was a mainpltal espnsiility Nw I dnt knwwhat that wld have meant f e'seletn ampain, had we dne that thenI hnestly dnt knw Bt what it wd

    have meant is t wld have pened p anentiely diffeent set f pitial pssiilities, spefaly and eatin-shps wth lak and atin dives in theypsy a indsty If, n fat what wewee tyin t d was t e pat f anemein wkn lass mvement tyint fe that mvement then thse ela-tnships ae st as imptant as any-thin we d with thse peple wh dntdive a ypsy a

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    H _


    u dud uad aan andaan n t Catn dbat t at m t tat w w a tad unnup tat w ud t t tad unnu and tat w ud d n p-b tw ut unn adp a t unn and ma t m dma Int w an u t wa n t-nam, am and t ppn tdwd pp n t u tat ddnt

    at dt t t a ndutwud nanat u m t d w mt ptn-ta n n a tu t ma unn mdmat On w ampd tat, td w ud bn t a t u. Futm man t bt wtn t Ca

    tn and n anan utd t naud ta an t u wa t apa pat nt a tad unn anaup

    Ot n t Can t at t

    wan t man wn ap bau t t and t abmnt ad ad t ta up t a bau t ad nnatd nad bad and butt u. tat t unt pat u awn tad t waat a ptn t wt wn tun uppt t " man pa n ad t t ppn pp and t wa n mmunmmmb up am t tawant pb tun t unn nt anatn tat a ut t mmbbau unn ad bm mptatd nt t aptat tm mt m t tan a 0a t p but nn wud an t natu t tm t

    w tw p pnn wtRan & Catn. matm mw n btwn uand 2, t u w n bnma m t t u tnddn abut tm a tan wda a 14, w ddd t ma a ap ba wt tatad unnm n t HI St apampt Tx th d wad am and td t dnntn btwn u t a m

    at unn and t nan tuwnd, at t

    dn w t da wtddnt bm a un mu ammb t an & ad bzd dun t 1 wn t tu

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    la ele je, eay, and weed ene ae n S l w wewee nled n a a a wee e eneid wld y n ew Cy adnied n a deen ax ee On e

    ne and, we dened w a andnded a e nn' and e e'aa n e ye wee a e e.On e e and e Cal wa aallyaed y a dee ew a ly nn eaay, and ay eeedwe ad a ane e el en e e-end ane and an neaed ye na and e Al nn een APal ad ne waned d anyn

    e a dwnn e w e ye eee e Caln ad le we a a any yy de wned ewn a and wed eele n ae ele ae n e yy eewned e an ne a and leaed e an e al eewne Cew we ed eale, ad n le

    Te le e ye j e e ae e al e ePe an ee e wn lale aa exlan aaand al neene e need anan edae, e need eae a eee nen le al edae e yy a de ae e neeay e eala el anan a wll eeene nee a a and e nee

    e ny, e ae nya a ed e yy] a de e ennn One anza-n ed e e e yy andy aaneed and we wll aeae exae e eeene wan a ned le

    wa a nadn a e S aeen a aed any e a na eween e deand d wld ne ealy and e need a ly we la een. ee and d

    e C a a lae a e la en ad ed e an aeae ey eaed ein j eed lae e Aean edean a al nen exla eey eeey n e e led ade dwn e een dn 198 wen e la y n Cy ed exe nl e a e nly ean aen de

    edan e lden e ned Fedn eae wen n e eenMany e Caln ad edny n a le w we wee ae w a la nadn O nleade ddn eae ey aaed e e y e an & le lele e nadin we eaen we ed addle e ene nallyed lwly a n

    ny e, a e ed ae lan e e ae ll eled ele en wa ade ae wadle d wld ele ean en en an e eneal aand le een dayOHN GORO do a lo b n ok fom 97 o 97 no ok mhn n a co n Bookn an n Ih Comm n SoldaY hPo o

    Sdo /SPES)

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October



    I sa sti i the a, esisigSua shl & the puli sh kiswh swre i it w s I wet a pivate sh urg he week,ut i the Sua sh the kis kwathg Athig Like whe the teah askewha the O esamet was, kew t was a sure k,a eal hist k ut the hughti was a Jewsh miaes

    heir fathers elge t the rtherhf he Temple leae as waiig fr their kis me ut with heir ful muthsher ks were smkig tuhig the ahrm& smetimes the girls ee ver e salls, sikegM father ught agels it was Sua &e tale was vee with eam heese & stikig sh Ma_ I g t the the sh whee Reigi lass, hist was s hasme & ugSure, he ha me l, me atratitha thse l gus wh, thugh ve smar,wee l makg histrWe ha seph wth his at f ma rs his rhers the eautil Quee EstherI' lie up all ur gus agaist theirsu smehw Chst, hagig ptiful frm hat ssthe ais

    &sikes stikig it hs hea

    he alwas w

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    I knew I was on he side f he Old Testamet,but the ther kids n my sde were s mean

    I thught f gng ver t the New. Ad ts tue gt a tte scared in Debbie Lawsn's bedrm:suspeded abve her bed a wden cucxwith him hanging a dne st pht Mahere was n way ut f elignnt n 6th grade, my fred Ane Pst sadReig was the Oate f the Pepe.A thse stres she sad-Chst ses Bddhaeveybdy had them Aeads we had new wrds ushaae beefs athest astcAferwads I fet superir

    knew they beeved

    because they eeded t ecause hey cdnt stand kwngas Anie I knew that t was really accdetsn space, all chemistry vaprs

    b Becke

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    48/83r;k I b /ag Cpan rbur Rpuba Aran

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    BRASS VALLEY: A Review

    on Gr

    Bras Vuey: The Slo 0/ Wking Pepe's Liv nd tgge in un Ameicn Ind Rgion Compiad by Jerey Bch, Jy Lba an a Stackous. Tl Uvey Pe Plael(1982). 24 Ix otga

    ss s so of t bss woks of t gtuk Vl Wstontu t s lso so o t out n t ltons btw wok, ot, sugg t s bs vl on ol stos ss t to f t ttton of t sto ont t s b os bious n snss t ost sssfl s ot

    gw u t Vl n g tis sto vwng t ls , o tnusl n oston of bo ns ots to t xs l Mo ss us so osl ntw n tso t to sss o wtout t ot, witot son igsso, s iossb n 1955 ws wokg fst sit in t Nugtk C Co O t 19t o Agst os s us to b o t job b 6 Aso s s, ws t bus

    bn out kg t ngt bo w s,

    ois o is o book l s wt ong woks in Vll o t s n t so) t n v t lst t s s Hn Dnn bo ov t Notst. Wn M Stt to oss t v o bs st t iv ws n loo Vll s now, t ls on si t sn t bigs o owown blok vw tg t l wl o to t

    h r m B Vly em UlY P

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    rf f h Alar hr hh hl fnMn Sr s bul n h hll m hf s lll, h f n nus f hVal fln u s Fr s fr nrh srrnn huh Wrbur n u-u hr I s n hn suh Drb hrushn r s hn hs h nrrs f frs, lumbrrs, ppl srn h us fr n f h ms hnusrl rs f nsr Cnnu

    xhus fm h prus nh nsh b h r, sns hn h hsn bn n h lf f h Vlhh h bn rn sn h n ff ll (huh s hn rpu hsmh bn smblll n n h ul nr n run b sur I nb fr m m, msl fr funrlsbu nr n l n b p f hmun n nn nsn hsr f h Vll s Ph ssrnI s nr n h sn s r,h pn ls h h hsrn hl B V s m b h n h pl s s a n usbh pr n sp hs pss,s h h prspr f h ffs n hrm mun n rmmbrs fr h f-s u ls, s n pr f h l fbss n h Vl uu n, nh n hh ns s nm h r f hl (n hh s n n ppr n hmp f h rn n h b s n s nr fr h rubbr nusr (uh ns mn b US ubbr (n Unlhus, hl prhps r n h l flbr srb h, I m n ls s nus h jr nusrl fus f hsu n nn pn n nmnl f h brss nus

    Wh s n f hs mpn I n nhr hn h f h suh pns nn

    bu ff h I r hs b nff xplns rspns n bns, s spns n pns, a b ll s pp, hn frms s uh f B V

    V s ppls hsr bh Hsr Wshp l. hs bu n nl fr h bu lspplf h Vl hs hs hs nlbl h s sl, fr n, npr fmr s plpur nsn rmn b s pps hsr n h s uh fn h r smn f h ppl hn hr mrs h umns prfusl hr r pp s ls hsr bus brns br n hf h Vl h nps n ssumpns n lus f h n sr h su f rn lss lh nr f h lf n ppl n hsr n s brrs f hr n uhsr hh fns h fs n nps n h nm lns f h fashp r h rnn, Vs nsus nrbs hs f h n sl hsr n ssbl h s pbl unlu bn pp n hr hlu bn h Vll n hhsl frs hh shp fh hs s pp's hsr mhuh h mns n sls f sphsl hsns n ppr fr unss bh h nus f h bh f s prbls

    rs s nus n hn f nxp prhps Hnr lsss cnh Tim n mnon h brns rfull n nl h nns nprns f h hsrn n h llpr b s ppl; h s s s

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    tt st nd s undd n t lssn tlf. T st f tc Vln a Vae cms mccsm f , m n tcl c wsmnn dd fm c s nd

    n ls ts c nss ts cfctts sclnss. lctn f ts tn t tt f t ntwd sttcl dt ntd, nd l tnt s (t wttn nd sllfl ctd t jttn ntd, n ss n c cc t n-l css nd n t nl csss tcfcs f lf n t V

    Ba Vae l qt ccssfll sns f lc, t tdns f tswln cmmnt, dn tstd wl nt t 195s s ln tt n nws w clls nd cmds mtms f s f m dscn cnw tm td stl tt f lf n tVlt scl tn n t wd nds f ts w ld t nc f tlt f cs ctm nd t

    w l nm sl nm cntl f t ls nd ct smllls f ln nd cn l. s n f mt tclt nfms s Wtms d lcs t l nt tm ln ndns t lc w cn cmmun wt t smmn nc, nd smw w

    w ld w ws tn t dtdll tt" (. 28.

    a Vae

    tt lst sntnc s s c- s t cdn nst Lf n t Vlw nd tul nst t nmsw f ct d, nd st wcnmntld st wld lf t a Vae d nt lss f wl mtd (m f wc lt nt nd w n t mls (t tl

    Co BsCo aeba /a,

    c f t Vl nd f ts fmntl T w f t m l fnds nd nw nd dns dt utn dmnn, dmndn t t n nms tl n

    wd lm fw nns n m sn smtm f wl dncmd f swt nd tl, nd n us tms ctn scut clcc ntmnt n w w n um scs dcd tll d dc, t ft f tss mnml tn t s tmn

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    human aaiy ha o muh wa ra on olil In h ag hr gnraion ofworkr onfron hir hiory wih a irnan lariy byon noagia.

    ih o muh ha i oii going on inB V i m aiou o oin ouroblm u w mo from bing mmbr ofa ommuniy o bng obr of i an whilw an jug uh a work a hi on h bai ofommuniy mmory i mu ao b jug aan hiorial an oiia nrri. BV rai imoran quion for ommuni-y hiory in i iion an i olii

    oblm of organizaion ar or h moar, only iu by h auhor Mo of

    ho inriw ar ai in union if nounion aii. Th marial ha bn ar-fully l for hir ronan wih wha ilogial wih wha ring ru for h hiorian-auhor an wih h ommuniy' iion ofif Th ohr aa rn ha bn honon h bai of how i illumina h gnralhm of h wor

    u h anguih, agony ially hangr of lif i rangy miing h Valy i a

    miroom of Amrian la rlaion Inry on of h own on h w i (hrailing win arry h mll an fih of hmill awar) ar nighborhoo of omar

    Th vl J9

    ai walh n augauk hi araing wny o hiryroom manion owah of grni all il Sibhonor of h nar la wag ai o honra aborr brough in o buil

    hom n ohr own i go by qualing nam uh a Counry Club oSoiy Hil" All of h ar, of ourra o Coon olow," Lil oon Holow" an h lik. A oin ou, o nam a la i o urn hiory h nam k ali h lion of h walking own" whr formr ownr managr an irunil qui rnly li in om ro

    hir mloyY h ol of B rh ai from a fw rfrn o hfamii uh a h Srry an Goomar hir li an ommunii o ohr Thy m ingulary unrla rlaion. biouly on o noa arfully rawn la analyi from araor; bu a a fa of lif a ar of onin a knowg of iffrn

    ur of riilg, on woul um

    n o h hm hr i rally olong imony ( 2122) whih omo ariulaing h n u angr of han h rfrn hr i im no laion W o no know, an ar nowhhr hi i h rul of ga in hmony gahr or a ar of h ior I n o hin i i h larn rnaion h iniiual oral

    i ar on oo brif oo riiourangly laing in oi unh hyonain i qualiy whn omar ooll in Amkg Thy ar la hink h workr of Manhr w hir ar mor ariula han ho of hly hink hi i a robm of lion,

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    cToon fm } su /i Bin

    folow t ntll fom th tl of thntocton to th nto wttn ththo Ech pon who ttmon ncl ntoc to t c -

    l octl tnl g no n othm nl o th ml whn thp? o th p wth gnton nghop? A th goo o gt oll?ht th om? now h goghl), th wo hto th mgtopttn, t not th hmnn. Sl thnwng poc poc om thoghtot th chc, ponl o pclchm of ho ntw. w tht ll?

    ot I mm h h polm of on. In mpng tol th hto whch h n conc"fom popl, n th wo of tho popl,omhow th h lot th oc on wopct ( h h wo h t not hton, th mnc, th nn of p

    on th n hot, h ntw lc th pntton of lf, omthng w o tong componnt of th wo ofSt T

    h tho tt tht commnt hto

    nt poltc poc h w wht th poltcl pont of VaTh nw m t c. h htoth Vl, th hto of n th hof tggl to c, thogh nnom contol of on lf cfll o th collp of th nt nntgton nto th ntnonl cono h to of Amcn B con th n mg of Anc

    nto ACO, n th connc n mof ch mlgmton fo lf n tggth Vll pcll wll c nz Alo cfll po th polm fc th non of th Vllth htocl lt th c fom thnto th ft: cm, xm o to compom lmtng wlot mpong ton lc of nncontol pcll th two), a

    to mntn ps contctBt th non lo h ongth htoc conncton o th cmnt pcl hnc commntgowng nm f ong locl n ncng opnn to colon wh cmnt gop n octon ngth l n h cptoBa Va of th M 18 tt ollng M wh ch c

    ton cc n t mn fo tt wcnton n gnt ollc h ctothn jtpo gnt cnt flnoth mll, wh ch colon mg Snc th compon mo o clo th oo mp th polcl pth colon of non n go c

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


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    Pogam 0 wti mh 0/ hi 48 Cub 191

    nty gops an b tv n ighing bakhkng th pow o th ooat od andsing so ontol o th wok poss Is tis as bviosy wa s psntd h is

    ipotant and sold b sppotd n whatvway ossibl bt it bings into stion howvn th os igly oganizd and litantlyotiva loal oaliion an a down nt-nationa ongloas wth no loal s osonsbitisonloas wh an si-py los sop and ov lswh as hy av

    don n any sh ass s no soinnationa psptiv and appaa Call t soialis i yo wil And pivoal vns in th labo hisoy oVally ba dity

    h bass ils at any aly and ais w oganizd n th i30s by th in ill and t Wwhos lads nvisiond on nion h whol poss o op ininabiaton o bass Fo any asonnal ons dbaing th ativiioan Cao Ch indvidal awati sttons sh as h pldg, and so on t in i was o

    a ss o sditional stggls in 0s and aly 15s h AW n Wand th tlwoks lswh in tito psnt th woks o th ills Wits ails and thy w any th did spak an intnatonal hto tits as pat o an intnatonal woki was opn o poitis and it did astggl byond Valy All o this in 0s To b s on an st

    dply any o th in ill dology pnatd th loal t Ba Vavy li" and oy as Bth n ti o isis It was avaiabaltnav lanation o th hangong Abov a t is availab as od o ap Th ah vatnt o intnal stggls wn ll in ags oBa Vaallow s o ais ths knds o sio

    Ths in nd Ba Va whihh in nviling th hstoy o th aVally dos litt to ov s byondviws o that istoy his ay b a ndi to sh loal hstois and t sl h to point ths o and dist o hos o Ba Va

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 17 No 5 - 1983 - September October


    b n i bln n' pnr. rr i r b imiin p b r n nin pnr-ip. bn i mr blimi imp b n' iw nl win

    mmni Hw mmni rinpr i r r plil iin win wr p i iin w iin, n mr w wir mmn? i nlin b ir li r ni w wm w priip in r ir w? Hw c pnin mrl?

    Dpr w w in mmni?

    D w p inin w wrwi, pil nrrw b ni i n r? I r lgr mrnmi np w n bring r wr?Di w gng rmmni m w li rg

    ir n w inr r in n


    orke mving bs shts at Aona Bra and Coppr., 1879.

    bm pr nging ilg r? Cn w w p r r nrprin ir pinA w ngrpr wringl r iin wi rpnibili? Cn w

    b rin n pipn? i n Bra Vae i nw r nm rm i r g r in n nr r i n, wmbnin lrin n imiin w i Bra aly, b i g r i nn wn mr n in n

    w bm rr ng I b Ba a i impn i

    i pr m mmni iy Hir rp il in n in ll ig irin n ml r r r. i m b n ning prr rl rng n mmmn EE i drctor of he Ol HReearch Oc t Coumbia Unve.

    Twelve uoli!tng I,g" ny U COlO. eeD' pOe', d slace r1o. entlgnn l W yTmDabwe, 1 Pe" rBredd PupTh.,t, 4wl Ftr llOO.w-ondo

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