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Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls...

Date post: 18-Oct-2020
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Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus SECl"et<Jriat Campus, J;ipur - 302005 Ted 0"141-2227887, Fax··22270S7, e-maii: dassined.sarnwad@grndLcorn R,Q,Nc.: S;]I'f'!'l)8d/D/1Sj2020·2021 Qete: 16/04/2020 To {Please send the Bms to; Advertls8rnE;nt; M,H13ger Direr,tor DA!N1K BHASKAR INFORMATION &, PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT OTS Road, Jaip\H .Ji\!PUI\ j;:'lIPur Sir, Reference: !NFORMATION & PUBLIC RELl\T!ONS DEPARTMENT, JAWUR Work Order No.D.P,R./109/2020/33S·41, Dated: 31/03/2020 Occasion: RAjASTHAN D!WAS 2020 Please publish the following advertisement as below details - 'tA\rmn;ount, 1 400 SqCm PSqCm. Premium & Yours Checked Bv Rajasthan Sarnwad L Please submit P..O in Two copy o\loog with the bill in duplicate to concerned organization. 2. AdvertiSement must be published in the directed manner oniy. 3. f\,yment will be rT1<lde on the basis of PER Sec rate, iL 15% win be deducted from the' advertising rates ;)5 commission charges to Hajasthan S.'lIllwad. S. For "II tol'respondenc(;, Piease mention the above cited Hajasthan Samwad Hde2S(' Order No. 6, PieJse sC'nd a copy of a ;;tpproved r<ite cDrd (Di\vP/DIPH/Comrnerci;'li Rate C"nd) 2nd Advt. /I.pproved CD. & AdvL CD. with th,';? bil! 7. f\Jo Pilymems will be released if not published on stipulated date. g. Published Ad'lL shnli be ,,€nt to the concerned organization within 10 days of publication. SL No p<:lvm€nt shall be m<loe for- telEcast of!tween 11:00 PM t.o 6:00 AM. 10. The Department!8oard/Corporatiori/PSU and other shall ensure vedv that oi" aciVE'rtisernl:r,t has been by Newspaper/Electronic 1v1edi<.1. 11 GST will be chargl.:d extra . . y, ND"-'i\!ationai Daily. SD:..::Srate Daily, W",\\leekly, F;:;Fortnigi"1tiy. M=Monthiy. So::Slll dnk"l, t:lvlo::EiC'ctroni;;; Mcdl2" RC:::Radio Channel
Page 1: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

SECl"et<Jriat Campus, J;ipur - 302005

Ted 0"141-2227887, Fax··22270S7, e-maii: dassined.sarnwad@grndLcorn

R,Q,Nc.: S;]I'f'!'l)8d/D/1Sj2020·2021 Qete: 16/04/2020

To {Please send the Bms to;


OTS Road, Jaip\H .Ji\!PUI\



Reference: !NFORMATION & PUBLIC RELl\T!ONS DEPARTMENT, JAWUR Work Order No.D.P,R./109/2020/33S·41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAjASTHAN D!WAS ~ 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details -

";:"i,<~"~::;,,;.::::~:":n~k":;"'::"T'u~,:";':;''''rnp:ag:e:;S::';D~a:y:s;TA':;re:a:"':D:;:'''''''R;'a~t:eT~yippee '1'fHilU~Ei&&"T'Posi~~n'f' 'tA\rmn;ount,

1 400 SqCm PSqCm.

Premium &


~ Checked Bv Rajasthan Sarnwad


L Please submit P..O in Two copy o\loog with the bill in duplicate to concerned organization.

2. AdvertiSement must be published in the directed manner oniy.

3. f\,yment will be rT1<lde on the basis of PER SQCm!PCCt1l/P~,r Sec rate,

iL 15% win be deducted from the' advertising rates ;)5 commission charges to Hajasthan S.'lIllwad.

S. For "II tol'respondenc(;, Piease mention the above cited Hajasthan Samwad Hde2S(' Order No.

6, PieJse sC'nd a copy of a ;;tpproved r<ite cDrd (Di\vP/DIPH/Comrnerci;'li Rate C"nd) 2nd Advt. /I.pproved CD. & BI'Orld(8s~/Tdecrls,e AdvL CD. with th,';? bil!

7. f\Jo Pilymems will be released if not published on stipulated date.

g. Published Ad'lL shnli be ,,€nt to the concerned organization within 10 days of publication.

SL No p<:lvm€nt shall be m<loe for- telEcast of!tween 11:00 PM t.o 6:00 AM.

10. The Department!8oard/Corporatiori/PSU and other org;:if'\i~atiom shall ensure ,~0d vedv that publ!cation/broCJdca~.'ting oi" aciVE'rtisernl:r,t has been i~;s(J'.':d

by Newspaper/Electronic 1v1edi<.1.

11 GST will be chargl.:d extra .

. y, ND"-'i\!ationai Daily. SD:..::Srate Daily, D:o~)"i!y, W",\\leekly, F;:;Fortnigi"1tiy. M=Monthiy. So::Sllldnk"l, t:lvlo::EiC'ctroni;;; Mcdl2" RC:::Radio Channel

Page 2: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Ra!iBsth''''l Samwad Information & Public Helan.ons DeOBI,tnlerlt Campus

Secrl:tariat Campus, Jaipur" 302005

Tei' 01412227887, F,n(··222705/, 0-rruii: da. sif"ied.s.i:H,w/ad@grnalLcoiTI

x.O.Ne.: Sarnwad/D/19/2020·2021 Date: 16/04/2020

To Advertiserncnt i'viJnager

Rajasthan Patrika

{Please send the Bills to} Director


J.41PUR KeSiJr Gafh, RN Marg




Reference: INFORMATION &. PUBliC RElATIONS DEPARTMENT, jft,JPUR \Vork Order No.D.P,R./109/2020/338~41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DlWA$ ~ 2020

Ple.ase publish the following advertisement 3S below details-

x Pages Days Area Rate

1 400 em SqCm

1. Ple<1Se '>ubmit R.O in TV1Q copy Jiong with t'ht, bill in duplicate to concerned organization.

2. ':ldviJrt\semem nlust be pubilshed in tiEl? directed IYlanl1N only.

3. Payment ,·viii be :,Iade on the oasi,> of PEI{ SQCmjPCCm!Per Sec (nte .

• 1.15'1<, 'f/ilt b", Deducted from the adv0ftising rates as CO!nmission charges to Rajastni.lrl Sflmwad

S. For <.Iii correspondence, Ple"s(~ mei,tion the above cited R,)j,)sth;m S;:Hflwad Heieilse Order No.

RateType HUE Amount

PSqCm. 40% 0%



--1~ R<'!jasthan Samwdd

6. Pie3se send il COP)' of a approved r~1te card (DAVP/DIPR/Comrflerdai Hate Card) and Advt. Approved CD. K Broado:;t/Teicc8ste i\dvt. CD. with th,= bili.

7. No Payments 'Nill be reieased if not published on stipubh:d date.

8. Published Advt Sh,lli be ""nt to the conceHled organization within 10 days of publicat'iotL

9. No payment shall be rna::1e for teiec3st between 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

10. The Department/8oard/Corpo(,:itionjPSU and other organizations shall GnSLI:(! and verify th"t publicatiol1/broadC2sting of adv01tisem0nt h,c., b00n IS',Uc>t1

by Ne\.vspaper/Electfonic fviedi,;.

1.1. GST wiH b(~ charged extr<l.

~~ND"'hlation,,1 Dilii,!, SD=Srate Daily, DooDally, 'vV,,,WeekJy, Fc:Fortnighriy, M"'f'.,lonthly, S",Srnarikct, EII,1"'I:iectron1C hii2dia, R:C~Radio Chan"",l

Page 3: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

information ;& Public Re!ations DF,,,,,,trm'nt f:Mmr""

Se(:t'et2riat Carnpus, Jaipur . 302005

H,O.No,; S,;;rnwad/D1l9/7.020··2021 Date: 15/G4/2020

To (PleasE' send the BlIls to}

t,dvettis0ment ;VLonager Director


(hame!i Market, I\/L!. ROile', JAIPU[{




Reference: INFom-ilAT10N &. PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, lAIPUR Work Order No,D.P.R.!1{}9/2020j:B8-41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DlWA$ • 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details-

400 SqCm

1. P!e25~ ~;ubmit H.o in Two copy aiong with the bill in duplicate to cof1cQffwd organization,

2. jt,dver'tisement mu~t be published in the direcl{,d manner oniy.

3, P3yrnent wiii be mad" on the basis of PF[< SQCm/P(Cm/Per S('C r3te.

,1 15'(:, wil! bEe: deducted 'from the ;;r.1vertising rat c." as CD'1,mission charges tu H,lje'lsthan SamWiJd,

5. For a!i corr(~spondence, Please menDon the "bove cited Rajasthan Samwad Release Order No.

RateType Amount

189677.59 PSqCm.

t) Please send a copy of a i:,ppro1jed ratE' cnrd (OiiVl)!DIPR/Comrnerci,,! flate emi) and !\dvt. Approved CD. & BrOiJdcC}st/Te!ec<Jstt: l~d'Jt. CD. \vit~, th,;, tir!

7. No Payments will be released if not published on stipuiated date.

8. Published Ad'll. shal! l)e sent to tht' concerned organizatioll within 10 d2YS 01 publication

9. No payment sh,;!1 be made for' teieost betl,v'2en 11:00 PM to 6:00 M,t,.

10. -I he l),;,p2.rtmellt/BoMd!Corpotation!PSU ,Hid other org3nilatlOns ~hall 0[]';Ut'E' iJnd verify that pubiicilt~Dn/bro~1ckilstj[1g of iJdv",t·tiserner:\ hOiS 'r>;,!~~) :::"u'2d

by ['.Jf~j!;:;pi1per'/E!ectronic MediI".

11. GS 1 v·/ili be charged extra.

Page 4: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

information & Public Relations D""a.tn',er1t Campus Secretariat Carnpus, J3ipur ~ 30200::;

R.O.No,; Sanwmd/Dt.l9j2020-202J Date: 10/0412020

To (Please send the Bills to)




Reference: INFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, JA!PU!1 Work Order No.D,P,F\,/109-/2.020/338-41., Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DIWAS ~ 2020

Please publish the following advertisement 35 be!ow details ""

x Pages Days Area Rate RateType Date

.~i~i·Jr·l!~~."""·'·'''·!·36j~7262Et '2255~cmx""'l'6ii"""""r""""":1"""""~~;;2<5,Q8C5i·r;A\!i'i~Dol'··'···"r~~~f~~~,~~}L.

NkJ c~:~y

Publicity Ex Post Pvt. ltd, Facto


1. Ple,l;;€ :;ubmit R.O 1:1 T\.\iO COP'! along 'Nith the bill in duplicate to concerned mgJnln,tion<

2. J\rh'ertisement must be publi~hed in the directed manner only.

3. PaynH~nt will b" m,lde on thf-: b,lS!S of PER SQCmiP(Crn/PfJf Sec rate.

ct. 15% wil! be deducted from the adv(~rtising rat\:<s <15 (QI,\!Y\lssion charges to I{"iasthim S2rmv2d

5. For ail correspondence, Please mer,non the 8bove tited Rajasth<'ti S2!mwad F\(-;ieast: Order No.

PSqCm, 40% 0% ~

G Piea.s\~ send a cop',' of il 2pproved f,~te: ("ra (DAVP/D!Pf{/Commertiai Rate Cimi) and /\clvL AppmvN.! CD. g, BrOddu;$t/Teieclste fldv\ CD_ with the bi!:

7. r'<io Payment, will be r2iea5eo if not published (1n s.tipuiated date,

S Published Acivt. s:h,,1! be sent to the concernr2G oCr;al\il.iHion within 10 d,~y~ of publlG:mol1

9. No piOyrnent shaH br:: made for tei;;:c;:)st betwe;:>n 11 ;00 Pfvl to 6:00 ANI.

10. Tfw D"partment/l5oardJCorpor()tion/P5U ;And other organil.ation~ shail f;r'.sun' and wfify thzlt pubiicatic.m!broadc"~ri,,g of JdVert1sem0:nt has ht',;>rl !~.S\H;\G

by Ne~'J~,pape-r !Electronic Medii>.

1.1. GST wi!i b~ ch-argcd ,~xtr,,;.

~>'Nf>N0tCton,,1 Daily, S[),"St,ltc Ocllt'll O'··Dally, \!<}:o"vVeekiy, FccFortnighr!'l, rvl"-lvlonth!y, :;'7Smanxa, EI\'I=:Ei('ctronic i\I1t'db. l'U>-';\ddio Ch"i\l,d

Page 5: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

';i!12iStmm Samwad int'ormation & Public Relations D,,,,,,,ltm,er\! L.8111E""

SeCI"(-::1:ariat Carnpus, ,jaipuf" - 302005

To Advectisernent iVlan;"gcl'

Date: 16}04/2020

(P!ease SE'I11':l the Bms to; Director

Evening Plus INFORMATION &. PUBLIC RElATIONS DEPARTMENT JAIPUFt A·9, First F!oor, Sudarsi<anpura Industrial Area, 22 God<Jwn




Reference: INFORMATION & PUBliC RElATIONS DEPARTlVlEN1; JA!PUR Werk Order No.D,P.R./:109j2020/33S·41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occas,ion: RAJASTHAN DIWAS - 2020

P!e~,$e publish the following advertisement as below details-

Pages Days Area Rat'e----'-::--·--;:: - :-'H''-U,cE & -'Posit;oln



L Pleil5e submit R.O in hvo copy Jiong wit.h the bill in duplicate to conce-rned orgJni"3tlOG.

2.. AdvNtisernem must bi~ pu!:J!ished I" the directed rnann-:~r oniy,

3, PClvrnent \'1iii be rn:;;tie on [he b;)sis cf PER SQCm/PCCm/Pc( Sec rale.

4. 15% wili bE- deductl;,~d from the 8dvertisins rates \1$ commi.,:,ion Chi3rgE's \0 Ibj<lsth,;n SaffWJ3G.

" For "if COrl'l?sponciencc, Pleas\~ rnention the above cited Rajasthan San,w;Jd FeieaS0 Ortiel' No,

: Premium &


YOn 5r4-

Rajasthan £"nnvad





G, Pie"s!'; send J wpy of iJ approved (;Jte ciHd (DAVP!DiPR/(omnwrcial Hate Car'd) nnd Advt ApDfoved CJ) e, [3;'()3dc;!st/rd(;Cilo,te Advr. CD, ',!"Ith ~li\: bd:

~, 7, No Pa','m,:'nts wiii be released if !lot published on stipuiated d"te.

8. Pl.b!ished AdIJt. shall b(~ sent to ,he concerned org"mz,1tlon within 10 davs of pubiicJtior:,

9 ,\)o pcW!T1ent shai! be nude for' teiec"st bet\-veer. 1.:],:00 P[vl to 6:00 / • .1\,1.

1(J, The Depart111ent![ha(ci/Corpo,;-ltion/PSIf imci othel' org;3l1i:wtions shan el'\Sli e Jnd verify tnC'lr pub!icatlOn/broad(ao.t~~)g of adwrti521"e:-tt i"13S :!h:":' i';~ucj

bv New5paper/E{~ctm!',k Medii;,

11, GST will be Ch2f'ged ("xU,,)

Page 6: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Rala"than Sarnwad Information & Publk Relations D"ttarttm"",t Campus

SeCff::tariat Carnpus, Jaipur ' 302005

Tei : 014:1.-2227837, FDX-2227057, e-I"ail: t:ia$sifiecl,~,)rnwad\EJgmail,wrn


f,\dvetdsernent Manager

Date: IG/04/20?O

(Please send the BiBs to)






Reference: INFORMATION & PUBUC RELATlONS DEPARTMENT, ,lAIPUR Work Ord0f No,D.P.R./.109/2020/33g~41, Dated; 31/03(1020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN D!WAS - 2020

Please publish the fo!!owine adVertisement as below details-


1 em SqCm PSqCm. 40% 0%



rJi!si2. Checked By


1. P;cas(·; submit R.O m Two copy aiong with the bill in duplic",te to concerned org;milatiof).

~, ?. }-'\dV'oft';sell1ent mU5t b(' pubiishEd in the dire(ted IWlnner only,

3. P"YI1112nt will be made on thF~ b3Si~ of PER SQCm/PCCm/Per Sec rate.

415 ft wili be deducted from thf: adVertising rates as commission charges to Rajasthan Sal11wad,

5. For an correspondenu" Ple3se mention the above cited Raj"sthan Samwad Re!east: Order No.

S Plf;'Dse send il cop\, of i, approved f"te curd (DAVPjDIPfljCornmerc:iZli Rate Card) and Advt. !q)[:l)"oved e.O. & 81'OadcastjlelecdsI0 Advt CD. with 'iI,': bil!'

7. No Payment.s wiii be reiea.sed if net published on stipul;:;ted dille,

,~. Published ,A.civt. shoji be sent to the concemed organization withm 10 days of publication.

9. No p"i'rnent shalt be made for telecast between 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

10. The D2p"rtm!::nt/Boiird/Ccl!"pOr2tion/PSU and ol'her organizations shall ensure "nd verify thJt public;:;tion/broCldt.<:I.sting of advii',rtis(>rlv:nt i],jS ~;('0n is'>ii~:d

by Newspaper/Eiectronit M"di;l.

1 L GST will bl~ r:h<lfged O::1:r",

~ ,. >'[\jf}d~,;t1on,!i DDiiV, SD·~St2te D2Hy, 0" Daii'l, \V;cWc0k!y, F=Fortnightiy, ~,!kMonthry. S:=St'nzmk2, Etvl:o:Elecrror;ic lVkdiil, R.C=K.){!io Channel

Page 7: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Inforn1ation & Public Relations """,,lIU Secn~t31"jat Campus, J,)ipu(" 302005

Tel: 0141<~227S87, F2rk2227D57, e-rnail: cbssifiec1.sarnwZld(0gmaii.com

R,O.No.; SClnlw,,1d/D/19/2020-2021 Date: 16/04/2.020

To {P!e<:!se send the BHls to)


HukmnBma Samachar








R(~fercnce: INFORMAT!ON & PUBLIC RELAT!ONS DEPARTMENT, JA!PUR Vifer}; Order No.D.P,R./109/2020/3.38--41, Dated; 31/03/;;:020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN !)IWAS k 2Q20

PleaSE publish the following acivertisernent as below details-


Ex Post Facto

Pleilse ~)ubrnit ED in Two copy along '.'\lith the bill in duplicate to concerned org'lniWtion.

2. i;,dvertisernem must be. publishE·d 1n the directed manner only.

3, f)"vrnent will be m<lde on the basis of PEH SQCrn!PCCmjPer Sec rate,

-1. '1$% wHI b" deducted from the 0dvernsing rates as commi5sion charges to Riljastharl S,;:Hrlwad.

S. For al! correspondence, PieaSl~ mention the above (ited Rajilsthan 53rllw<ld fle\e;)se Order No.



S. Pk~a$e send il Copy of;; approved rate card (DAVP/DIPR/Cornmerd;;! Hate CHdj ilnd Advt. Approved CD. F", 8fOadC<lst/TeieuiSte ,\dvt, CD. \vith tht: bill.

i. No Payments wi!! be released if not published on stipulated dBte,

8. Published Ad'lL shall be Sf:!lt to the concerned O!'gantz;:;tion wirnin 10 days of pubiicatio".

9, No pavtnent shall be rnaoe tor teiec3st betwE·"n 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

10. The Depi'l:'tment/Bo"rd/Corpor,JtionjPSU and other crgariizations shai! ensure Jnd w?rilv that pubiiciitiOi1/bro"dc2sting of "dVi?i'tisEonwn\, hOl$ been bU"'D

by Nt:.'wspaperjEhfctrontC MEodia,

11. GST will be dv;rg<2d 1:xtr;:l.

~ ~"h!D"'Nar;onili Daiiy. SO",St;.;k D"dy, DooDilih,r, W"\Veekiy, F,,-Fortmghtiy, tv>l\'lonthly, S",SI'n;vik2, UJlc::Eiectronic f'/h'dia, RC"'i{adio Channel

Page 8: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

''''101'''''''' Samwad

SI:,:uf:tariat Can'lpUS, .Jaipur 302005

R.O,No : Samwdd/D/1.9!202.0·202J Date: J 6/04/2020

To Advecti"erne \l 1vlanJger jagruk Ti!H\';$

{please send the Bills to}





Reference: !NFOR!\l!AT!ON & PUBUC RHATlONS DEPARTMENT, JA!PUR Work Order No,D.P.R./109/2020/338-41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN On/VAS - 2020

Please publish the following advertisement a$ below details-

Area Amount,

"C1'" L4lcoiiio +:~7f;o;ir;A\ipjrIPRt 'r',;i~~; ;""pr,e,*~£H"'" 49106AO SqCm' PSqCm,


rI:~t Cheeked by


" Pit'<lSe submit R,O In Two copy along with the blU in dllplic3!.e to c.oncerned organization.

2. Ad\Jenisf!rnenl must br? publlshed in the direct20 ",,,nne, only

3. P"Vnl:::nt wil! be made on the b;)sis Dr PE[\ SQCrn/PCCIn!P,~r Sec rate.

o. 4, 15% wi!! be deducted from til;:; ,JdVf~rtising I·ates as commission chars8s to H2jJSrnan SJmwad.

S. For ;;ii conespondt,nc<'. pje,;5f~ H1r;ntion Ihe Dhow: cited Rfljasthan Samwad [{"icdse Order· NQ

6. P!e~lse send J COP'! of" 2ppmved (die card (DAVP/OiPR!CornmerciiJ-1 Kilt.::: (;nd) "no .4dvl.. Approved CD. & Bro"dcCist!T,,!ecilst;: Advt. C D. with the bill

:\10 P"'jlw.'nb wiil be rcle3~ed if not published on slipul2ted date.

S Published i\dvL shall bf; sent to The concerned OIWlIllZJDOn withtn 10 day" of pubiiGltion

S. No payment sholl be made for tel(~C8St bi.~tweei111:00 PM to 6:00 /d\:i.

10. The Oep::JrtnFent!30ilrd/Corporanon!PSU and other· organizBtions sinH 0n'.'(!((' and verify L;"\;)t pubiication!bro;;dc<1sting of ,;dvert"isement h,o,s been ,~:,u,.;c

b~' N('vj~·)papl::r!Elb~HOlli( Media.

Page 9: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

!nformation &. Pub!!.c Rdations Campus Secretarrat Carnpus, Jaipur - 302005

fLO,No,; S"mw3d/D!19!2.020··2Ci;~:J Date: 10/04/202.0

To /:;.dvei'tls~rn1?~"lt fvl;)nager

(Please send th,? Bnls to}




Reference: INFORMAT!ON &: PUBUC R.ELAT!ONS DEPARTMENT, JAlPtm WorK Order No.D,P.R.jl09/2010/338-i.!1, Dated: 3.1/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN O!W/l.$ - 2020

P!eas€ pubEsh the rcHawing nd\lerOs€ment as below details-·

Ex Post ! Facto


25 Cmx em

Pages Days Area

400 SqCm PSqCm. 40% 0%

(N~\ Checked BV


L Pfe:)se submit R.O in T,V0 copy along with th0 bil! in duplicate to concernp.o organization.

2 ,'l.dvertisf'ment must be (wbiished in the directNl manner oniy,

3. P;-,yrneni will b~~ made on tnt;' oaSiS of PER SQCm/PCCrr:/Per Sec (ate.

fl., 3.5% I,\'!H be deducted from the adv(",t1sing 'i'lte:. as commission Chafj;l'S to R"ja:>ti"lan SamwacL

.. , 5. For dli correspondence. Please rnention The <JDG'l2 CIted RiljiJsthal1 SamWd(J K(:ietlse Order No.

6 Pie.'se send;) coP'! of a c.ppro'.'ed (ute C';fd (DAVPjDIPR/Commerci,,1 Rate Card) and Adv\. IqJpro'ed (.D. & Bro<H.1ca"t/Teiec;,,,t<;' Ad'lL CD. \.vit:, the bi:i

7. !,lo Payments wiil bf: released if not published on stipulated d2te.

o. Published ;\dvL shQ!l bl' ,,(C;1t to thp concerned organiZiltion within 1[; days of publication.

9, No pa'/fn,"nt shc,!! be made for rt:ieC;5t betW!Jetl11:00 PM to 6:00 Mv1.

10. The DepDrtrnent/!:'.oard/CorpO!';'ltion/PSU and other o(gilnizatior,~ shall f;'f",U(l' and vNifv that publication/broadG1.~Dng of ;;:dV2i'tl$em,:;~nt I ')~-' bef:!] i':.:oi.iE"d

hy ;\![,wspaper/Electronic f;.!l"tli".

1;, GST \,'.,ill \J(~ (h;Hgcd ext!'",

.,-- NO"I\lation;Ji DBiiy, SO"Stil((' Daiiy, D,,-Daiiy, W "N'2'ek!y, F",Fortnightiy, M"-fV1ul\th!V. S",Sn:mkil. fJk"Eiutroni('. (,:,er;;", HC"'Radio Ch3nnel

Page 10: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

~l1formatior, & Public Re!ations D"DBrtf11ellt C"rr!p!LlS Secn~tariat Carnpus, Jaip'.n· ~ 302005

R.O.No,; SanwvadjD/19/2G20-2021 Date: J.6/0,1/2020

(P!ease send the: Bll!:s tOf

Director To Advf~rti$ement Managei






Reference: INFORMATION &. PUBUe RElft:nONS DEPARTMENT, JAIPUR Work Order No,D,P.R./l09/2020/338~41, Dated: 31i03/1020

Oc.casion: It4..JASTHAN DIWA$ .. 2.020

Please publish the following a.dvertisement 3S belovi de-taBs -

Pages Days Area Rate

1 400 42.82 Sqem

1. Plea512 submit R,O In T\NO wpy "long with the hill in duplicatE to COf1Ci!rnea orgMliD:ltion.

2. ~\d,,'ertisemef1t must be published in tl12 directed lYl')nner only.

3. P;:;yrnent wiii be rn2de on ,he basis of PER SQCrn!PCCm!Per Sec I·"te.

t:. 1 S,}, will be:' deducted from the ildv0rtising 1';ltO JS cGrnn'li$~;icn charge's to i<.ajJsthc1i1 Sarnw3d

5, FOI' ili! correspondence, Please mention the above oted Rajasthan Samwad EeleiEe Ol'der Nu

RateType Amount


',.'Ol'1' , '-. ' .~-'-"

?t.._t ." 2e:~;r

Rajasthan $(l(n\vad

~, G. Ple;:lse send" copy of il JPproved rate Gclld (DiWP!DiPf{jCommercial Hilt" C2fd) ;;cd Ad'll. t,ppr'oved CD. & I3fOi'lr.k')5t!Tei2c;lst,~ /\dvt. C Co. 1.I!It:h trw bil!

7. r'~o Pov..-nent" will blO: released if :lot published on slipuiated date.

S Published Advt. shall be sent to th(~ concerned organiUlllQ('I within 10 day". 01 ;)ubiic.1tioll

9. No payment shall b(~ rnod e for t{;leC<'15t L1etween 11:00 PM to 6:00 ,c\M.

J.O. Tni:' [Jep"rtlllent/Bo2ni/CmpOr2.tion!PSU and other organizations shail ('!nsUl"E' and \!Hify ~hat publication/broadc.?sring or ,vJvenis2r'ntCnt h;:>s fxpn io".U<.'!;1

by i'Jev/spap'"r!f: ic;nronic Media.

E, GSTwii! be ch;ngcd c·xtra.

Page 11: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Rajasthan 5amwad information & Public Helations Department Ca!n1F,U5

Secrf::t<~rjat Campus, Jalpur - 302005

Tei' 0141~2227887! F2;.::·,22270S7, e-mai! : cLoss!fiec ,sanllNaci@gmai!.corr;

R.O.No.: Samw2d/D!19/2.020·2021 Date-: lG/04j2020

To Advert1semen~ Manager


{Please send the Bit!$ to}




Reference: INFORMAT10N & PUBLIC RELATiONS DEPARTMENT, JAIPUR Work Order No_D.P.R./109/2020/33g~'H, Dated: 31/03/2020

Oetasion: RAJASTHAN D!WAS 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details~-


25 Cm X 16 Cm


. 1

"'~~ Che1~~1 ~

. k • .--

5. , ager


J... Plea:;B submit R.O It) Two copy a!o!"lg with ('he bill in duplicate to concerned organization.

2. ,.'l,dvertisement must be published in the directed mannt'f only.

3. Payment wii! b" I,\ade on tht' b"si~ of PE:R SQCm/PCCmjf\"f Sec rate.

,,1 J.5'i{, wil! b", deducted from the advwtising rates as commission charges to n"j3s1han S"mv.",d.

S. FOI' all corre5pondence, Please ITlemlon the ,"ur)');, cited R.i1jasthan S8mwad Re!ease On"ler NQ.

R;~jasthan Sam\Nsd

6 P!eil~e send a copy of a approved r att' card (D!WP/DIPR/Commercii"Ji Rale Card) and f\dvt. Approv(·,d C.D. 2< 8roadC,lst/Tei eC3Stl: Advt. CD, with the bill

~, 7. No Paymefit~ wii! be released if not. published on stipulated date.

8. published i"dvt. shull be sent to the concernEd organization within 10 days of publication.

9. No payment shall be m"ae for teleost bet\veen 11:00 pr,,1 to 6:00 Mv].

10. Th(~ Department/Soard/Col"pmation!PSU and other,organizations shall (,f1"ure nnJ verifv that publicaticn/bro2dci\sbng of i'idVeftl.s"rn<:nll",~~ t)(~en is ''''od

bV Newspap€f/Electrollic [vledi".

11. GS"l wi I! be charged extra.

Page 12: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

B..O.N!),; Sarnw3d/D/.l9j2020·202.1


"",ja<ti1an Samwad Information & Public Relations i)c"",rtrrll?nt Ca,mr,l,ls

Secretariat Campus, Jaipur - 302.005

Date: J6/04/2.020

(Please send the 8m!> te) Director





Reference: INFORMATION & PUBUC RElAT!ONS DEPARTMENT, jA!PUR Work Order No,D,P.R.j109!2020/3-38-41, Dated: 31{03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN D!WAS - 2.020

Please publish the following advertisdment as below details-


Ex Post Facto

Cm x16 Cm

Pages Days


Rate RateType Amount: &


~---Checked Bv


1. Pie;lse submit ItO in TWG copy along with the bill in duplicate to concernecJ orgGniz2tion.

2 Advertisement r:wst DP ;:mblisht:;d in the dirccted m<"lnrHn only,

3. Payment wiil be !Tlad," on the b,,~i5 of PEB SQCmjPCCrn/Per Sec fate,

4, 1.5'~'· will be deducted from the JdV[!rt1;,ing rate" ilS commission charges to R"jasti1an Samw8cL

5. For ,lIi correspondence, Pleas," mention the Bocve cited Raj;Jsthall Somwad Release Order No.

6. piec)se S0nd;3 copy or il ilpproved (,)te Old (DAVP/DIPH/Comn"H;~rc.i,)i Rate (<lrd) and Advt .. [,ppovea CD. & BrOildcast/Tclecaste Advt. CD. wit!) th0 bili

7. No Pavment'; will bi.': rcleilsed if not published 011 stipulated dilte-.

8. Pubiished !\dvt. shall be sent to the concerned org;miI"tion within 10 d;W" of pubiiciJtion.

9, No p"'',1t":;ent shall be r,,;.)ck for teleCast bE'tween 11:00 [lrvl to 6:00 Mvt

lD. ThE Departrl12!lt/50ard/Corpori.lllOn/P5U ~Ild other organiz.ations sh,lI! (~n<)i.J(e ,md veril,/ th2t publicaticn!bro;:;dc,lsring of adW'i'GSt"mellt 11;,,, been i'>'<:,,('

by New~p<lperjElecti"onl( ivh:;dia,

11, GST ~vill be Chil!'ged (Oxtr,).

~·~ND·~N.atlOnC!1 Dai!y, SO "State Daily, OceUaiiy. vV"Vveekly, F",rortnightly, MooMontl"1iy, S"'~;m2.rib, EM",Electroni( \11('0\2, RC"Radio Channel

Page 13: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

M31U,;tnan Samwad information & Public f~eiations [hmartnlc'nt C81!'C"liJS

Secretariat C3mpu:-, jaipur ~ 302005

H.O,No.: Sarnwad!Df:l9/2.020 :?021 Date: 16/04/2020

To (Please: send the Bills to) Director




Reference: INFORMATION & PUBLIC RElAT!ONS DEPARTMENT, JAIPl}R Work Order l\lo,D.P.R./.W9/2G20/338·41, Dated: 31/03!2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DlWAS ~ 2020

Piease publish the following ;~dverti.sement as below detaHs-

i Agency Publishing Date

: Height x , Width

: Pages i Days i Area Rate i RateType , HUE & ~. -T'po's-ition'--

~,,_,_,~L iTAl1 """"At;X , 30/03/2020[25 Cm x 16 ,

,I Rajasthan i Publicity' Ex Post' em :: ! SD : Pvt, Ltd, Facto

i 400; 66,14;


: Premium i & ... _,~_. __ .le~,~!!lJ~~j

DAVP/DPR: Colour: Good; PSqCm, , 40%: 0%

, ,

.-,---~--."-- -- -- ----~ '~--j~2~ii 'Am-o-u--~t"r --

jYO" ,


~-' :. 'I'" ,ager

Rajasthan Sarnwod





Pll~(i-S(- submit R.O in Tw-o copy 0iong ',>jith thro bill In duplicate to cGncerned org2niz2tion.

2 /\'clvertis"rnent mu~t be pub!i!,;hed in thf.' directed manner only.

3. PaVrn'o'flt wHi be rn"oe on the iJaSiS of PEH SQCm!PCCm/Per Sec rat£:_

/, L5~'c;, 'o'1i!i be deducted from tile advertising r"ti2\~ as wmrnj"sio!l charges to f~i)j"sthan S<:lInwad.

5. Fer aii correspondt'f1Ce, Pi;;,)s", rnelltion the above cited R;)jJsth,lfl Samwi]d HeleZlse OrdH No.

6. Piei-\Se send;:; COP'l oi' d ;;pproved r"t2 Ulnj (DAVP/OiPR!Commel'clai Rate ClI'd') and Advl. f\pPi'oved CD. & Broac!C-l5IjTeieci:lste (',dlft. CD witi) ,he bil;

I. ;··jo Pa'{ments ,.""ii! bl" re!ea~ed if not pubiisflicd on stipulated delte.

B. Publish;,d i\dvt. shaH be 52nt to the concerned org2liliz"tion within lD da\,s of pubi!catior:,

9. Hu o,),{ment "hail be melt]e for telet:l~t betWeen 11:00 PM to 6~OO j\f\~.

10, fhe Oepartment!Bo;:JrdjCo:,porallon/PSU ;:Jnd oth{,'( mgi]nizatiof1$ shall \,nsun, and w'rify thilt Dubli(ationjbro;d,;,:;:;sting of ,;GV2:"tisern0f1\ ha, iwen b'>"~';\

by Newspaper/Electronic Media.

1l. GSl wiil be cnargQd ('xtra.

Page 14: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

R •• ia.sth.m Sarnwad Information & Public Re!ations !)",,,,,-I,mp,,' Campus

Secretadat Campus, .1aipur ~ 302.00S

TI:! : 0141 22.2.7837, !:ax-22270:;7, e~rn2i: : CkiSStli),::d.sa!T)[email protected]

R.O.No.: S;o1[lrN2rljD!J.9j2020';·W2.:I Date: 16/04)2020

To (Please send the 8m:; to}

AdVE!rtis,:;nwnt Msn3gu' Director Morning News INFORMAT!ON & PUBLIC REL!\TIONS DEPARTMENT



Reference: INFORMATION &. PUBUC RELAT!ONS DEPf~RTMf:NT, JAIPUR Work Order No.D.P.R./W9/2020j338 h 41, D,;1.te-d: 31/03/2020

Occ3sion: RAJASTHAN DlWAS - 2:020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details-

: Rate


RateType . HUUIEE 8&1 'i'clSlition i Premium &


1) -c· ,rr ., < ,ag . .;.

Rajasthan Sarnwad



'"' 1. Ph,ase submit fU) in Two cory along with the bin in duplicate to (()ri(erm~d C!I'g"nii:dmm.

2. /\dvertis(;rTl£'nt must be; pubi1sheQ in the directed rnann", only

.i. P<l'lfYlC:'!lt wil! be rnade Gn the basis of pm SQCm!PCCm/Per Sec rate.

,; 15% wi I! be deducted from the iid;I(,;(tising fi;\t<"S il5 commission charg(:s w FlJjilSthan SafmN.:d

5, For dil correspondence. Please men!;",on the abDve cited Rujasthan Samwad ReleLl~e Order No

6, P,2ase send::l copy of ij 0pproved (ute c;}rd (Di\VP/DiPR/Comrnerciai R,lle C;m.!] dnd f\dvt. ,\pproved CD. & Broadcii~;t!Te!ecc)st'" ,'Itbt Lu, with Irk hili

7. No P<lYl'lwnts wiii be I'e!eilsed if not pubiished on stipulated dilte.

S Published i"dvt. ,t131! be sent to the concerned org<ll1ization withm 10 d;W:! of publicClrion

9, No pavnH,nt ,>i'I()\! be ITl"de ror t,~lecas,t bftw(:'en 11 :00 PM to 6:00 J\rv1.

10. rh~' D,cpi3rtment/8oard!CorpofDt!On!PSU and ot.her organiwt'lons shall ensure- <lnd VE'fifV thi.!t pubiic8tion/bloadca.stiog of ,jdv~rti,,<:n1('-nl h2,; peen is;',U(:ci

bV Nlcvispaper!E!(:ctrollic [vledi;:;.

11, GST 'Niii b,,, charged extra.

-, ~HD"'Nationi)1 Oeoiy, SD",StilW Dadv, O=;[)aiiy, \\h-V'.\?ckly. Fo:oFortnightiy, !Vl:o!V1onthiy, S",Smimka. EM~~Eiectronic M':odi,'l, RC;oi-!.ddio (h,lnnd

Page 15: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

ftO.No,; 5"m)\vacijD/19/2020<W21


infonnation &: Public R.etations n,m8rtnnent Campus Secretariat C3!'npu5, Jaipur - 302005

Date: 16/04/2020

(Please send the BlHs to)




Reference: INFORMATION & PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, JAlPUF{ Work Order No.O.P.R/109/2020j338Al, Dated: 31./03/202G

Occasion: RI~lASTHAN DIWAS - ;uno

Please publish the fo!!owing advertisement as below details -


25 Cm x 16 em

Pages Oays Area



1. Ple,m'o subrnit F 0 in T'.'!o copy along \.-Vitti the bili in r1UpIiC2tP to concen'1cd organiz(ition .

RateType HUE & Position Amount Premium &

4894.40 PSqCm.

. .. 48.94,40


• , 2. Advertis21l12nI fYtust Of' pubiished in the directed manner only.

3. PaVI11"nt wiii be made on the h(1sis of PEH SQCmjPCCm/Per Sec rate,

4. IS'X, \NiH 1)(0 deducted frOl'rl the Clth'('rtising r,'ltes as comrnission charges to f\,)jasthDf\ S;lITlV'.'ad

S. fCo," ,)11 correspond"nce, Plf.':·,se me;orion the ilbov" cited Kuj<lsthan Sdn1w;,d Rele;:l~e Order No.

o Pi('(lse send d COP'I of a i.:PPW\!ed ('ilk Ute! (DI\vPjDiPH!Cornrnercia! Hat.e Cilidi .1nd /\dvt. _ApproVl'd CD. & B;'oiJdcdSt(T(ciccchtr;' /',dllt. CD. with the bl!i.

7. No Payments win bc! released ililot pubiish(:o on stipulated date.

(, Published Advl. sil;)!! be sent to the concel ned org"nildtinn \vithin 10 dClyS of publication.

9. No pavrnenl ~h"iI be IY,atle for \idH.ast be,W21m l1:QO PM to &:00 Id·l!.

10. Th(! Dep,Hlment/8o"rd!(orpo"atlOll/PSU Mlr1 uther' org;;niZi.ltlOns ,;r.ai! '?i",';;Un.' 2nd verify that pubiic:;t'ion/bro2dcasl1ng of advertisNllHlt h;}:; !X'dl 15Sl:f-'d

by i·JC'V'lspap0.'l'hle-ctronil' iVledia.

11 .. GS'( wiil be cha:'g'.cd extr3

. ~NO"'Nat'ional Dati','. SD"ST2t2 D]ily, nco,Dai!v W ,vVeekly, r-:",r-ortnightly, fv1'::,!\1or:thiV. S·"Sc(unk2-, EM"'Eiectronic Mf;di". i-H.::"t{a0io (h2nnei

Page 16: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

R"jaiSth"n Sarnw8:o information &. PubHc Reianons De,o,wtr",!nt Camc""

Secretariat C;;ifiiPU5, Jalpuf - 302005

Tei : 0141.· 22.27887, F;;n>22270S7, e--rria:! : classifled.s<u,,\vad@Zi11ai:'corn

R,Q.No.; Saniwi3d/D!:l 9/2.02(;"2021 Date: 16/04/202.0

To Advertisement kliJnager

(please send the 8iHs to)





Reference: iNFORMATION & PUSUC RELATIONS DEPARTiV1ENT, JA!PUR Work Order No,D.P,R,/109/2020j338-41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DlWAS ~ 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details-

Agency Pages Days Area Rate RateType HUE Date

1 SqCm PSqCm.

Checked BV


1. Pie"se submit R,O In Two copy a!otlg wit.h the bill in duplicate to concerned org,jnizatiof\.

2. Advertisement musl be published lrl the directed rnanrrer oniv

~, 3. PaYl"flent '..vill be made on the basis at' PEf:: SQem/peCm/Per Sec rate.

tl. 15% wi!! be deducted from the "dverti"ing rates as commission charges to Rajasthan Silmv,fad.

:" For ,1!1 correspondpnct', Please mention the "OOVi,;- cited RCijasthan Samwad Release Orum No

G Pie,o; send a copy of a "pproved rate card (DAVP/DIPR/Commerciai R;;te Cm)) and ;\dvt. Approved c.o. &. Bro(l!..icastjT!dec3ste Advt. CD. with ,hf.' hi1:.

7. No Pilyment·> wi!! be released if nOt published on stipulated date.

S. published Advt. silai! be sent to the concQfned organization within 10 ddYS 01 publicae-ion

9. No pavrnem sh2.i! be m"de for tdeo5t bet'.vl<en 11 :00 prv1 w 6:00 AM.

"10, The DepJrtrnent!Boiud/Corpmation!PSU and other organizations shad ensure ,l\1d verify thili publication/bro,;t!cL,sting of advertiser-m,nt has :werl ,S:,t "d

by NeI.'Jspapel-jf:.lectroni( (v'iedia.

11. GST \'ViI! be chMged ('xtrd .

• ' ""~NO::-:Nat;()nai Daily, SD,,-St;He Daily, D::l)aiiy. W;;;Weekiv, F'+I:ortnightlv, M"'Monthl,{, S",Smar"ib, ETkotie(:tronic M-ediz, RC",RilUio Ch,,-;nnei

Page 17: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Ra.ias!h2m Samwacl tnformation & Public Relations rJi"n21l't,"",nt Calmp'u,

Secretariat C3rnpus, Jaipur - 302005

Tei; 01.41-2227837, F()x'<L?270S7, e"(('.aii. ddssinf,~(Ls2ITl'N3d@grn&U.com

fLO. No.: Sam"vad!()j:i9!2020--2(121 Date: 16/04/2020

To (Please send the BiBs to)

/\.cl>!e'"Usc:;,rnellt rvlanager Director





Reference: !NFORMATJON 8J: PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, JAlPUR Work Order No.D,P.R./.109/2020/338-41, Dated: 3J./03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DIWAS .. 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details.-

Nc;,lEditlc;;;': Ai:e';cy'TPul;ii5;hi;;gTiieigh;t~"""" TPPaagg,e;,s,TIDl,a,yys"" ., ······'''Ra·t···e···········'·RateType THHLUIEE &. "Ip;;S;,tj;;,;.··········


x 16 em


1. Plea"e subrnit R..O in Tv,)o copy along with the bil! in duplicate to concerned org;:mi2Zltlofl.

2. Aci'Jertisement rnust be published in th~: directed m;:mner only.

5. PJV(Tl(:;'f1t '.viii be made on the bilSi~ of PER SQCm!PCCm/Per Sec t<lte.

4. 15% 'Nili bf.:' Deducted from the Zldvcrtising f<ltC$;'S comrllisSlOn charges w R.aja~ith3n Sarnwild

5. For aU corr('.spondencL Please m'~nt\on th(, abov€' cited Rajasthan S,ml'Naa Release Order No.

Premium &


G. Pi""S0 $£~nd a copy of iJ approved r,;te card (DAVP/DiPR/Commercia! R.2te (;:m:!) and AdvL fWPr(lve-d LD. & Brodclsl/Tele(;'Jste i\uv\.. CD. with thr.: bil:

7. No P:Wrnents wi!1 be released if not pubiisi;ed on stipuiated date.

R Published AdvL shull be sent to th(O c()ncemed mganizJtion withm 10 days oj publiorion.

9. No payment shail be made for tej",cast bet\-'!een 11:00 PM to 6:00 f..M.

10, Thf:' D~~p,3rtment/Boill'd!C0rpor3tionjPSU ;inti other org,;nizatiow; ~hill! ,,~nsure ,inu verify thilt publicsticn/bl'OcH.icdsting of ",Qvertisernenl. ha~ bf't:f) i~; ,u£'d

bV l\lQVISppffr/Electronk iVied!".

11. GS f willI:;" d"",ged extr:"

-, ~ND'~f'-)iltion;}i Dail',!, SD,,'Stt!te 02iiy, I)=[loiiy; \N==Weekiy, FooFortnightiy, Mo:::Month!y, S",Smarib, Ef'v1;.::Eicctrofli( f'v'1'.:diil, RC=Radio Chcll'1rl('1

Page 18: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

R"j8!St!1<'" Samwad information tit Public Relations Department Ca,mpllS

Secretariat Campus, Jaipui' ~ 30200::;

"\",1: 0141.-222788-7, Fax-2227057, (' milii : c:L~ssH'h:d,5a!'nw3d~ilgm2\i.com

R.O.No.; Sdnlw2,d/U/19/202.0-202:! Date; 16/04/2020

To , A_dvcn:1S<2rYlenr. ivlanager


(P~ease send the Bfils to}






Reference: INFORMATION & PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, }A!PUR: Work Order No.D.P.R.jl09j202.0/338-41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DIWAS - 2.020

P!e-as{: publish the foHowing advertisement as below details --

Agency Rate RateType Date

1 PCICm.

HUE& , Position &

: Premium c~-io~;-':' Good

40%1 0%




~~ .. Checked By

?le25,,0: submit R,O in 1'."'0 copy aiong \.vith th~ bitl in duptitilte to concerned organiwtlOn,

2. fC\xl'lt,rtl;,ement must b,.~ published in tn,; !hn~("t'ed manner only.

3. Payrm,nt will b(' m3dc 01' the bClc.l5 of PEH SQCrn/PCCrnjPer Sec ("te.

I{ 15% ,,"JIll be deducted ftom the ildv('rtising rates 3$ commission charf.Ws to R'.lJilsthan S"mwad.

:; For iii! corf€spondenti~, PleaSe mentIOn the above cil2d R~ljasthan Samvv<ld Relr!i:1S0 Order No.

G. Pledse- s0nd d C0f-lY of a approved rOlte cJrd (DAVPjDiPfl.jCommercl<1i R,ne Card) and Advt App~()ved CD. & Broad(~I~t/Teh"ca~tc, f\dvt, CU. with the b:1I

No P;Jyrnents wili b(,: rdf;Cl5(:0 if not published on stipul3ted oatE:.

£) No payment shelil be fn;;1d.:- for teiec;)st be,weef1 1] :00 PM co 6:00 Afvl

10. The D!.CDartment/So;m,I/Corpon'Uon/P5L! <':n(j other c;rganiz';ltlDns shai\ f,I':5urf- "na verify thel, pubiic<'llion/bwa0c2st:n8 or adIJ2;'tl"C'm"n\ has be,,:, :s:.\:(;fi i:,'i

No."Nsp2per/El",ctronic: ivledi2.

1.1. GST '.\'111 t)i; chctrged extra.

~ q ~·m~;i'-Jiihonal Dnity. S[)'''SL)H.' D::lily, Do,l)iiily, \:V;o;'N00kly. Fo:::Fortnightly, i\~::d\/Iont.h!y, S;::SGE<rik"" Eivl;oE!euronic i\'1",aia, RC-"'i~:2rik, Ch;:,nnei

Page 19: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus


Information &, Public Relations fj,'nn,'rroe Secretariat Carnpu:., Jalpur·" 302005

Datf~; 16/04/2020

A.civi2rtisernent MI'lnager


{Pleflse send the 8%; to}





Reference: INFORM,.:\T10N & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, lAIPUR Work Ord(?f No,D.P.R.!.109!2020/338-41, D,~ted: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN O!WAS - 2020

Please publish the foHowlng advertisement as below details-"

Pages Days Area


RateTT,yi,p"e;iiHHUUEE & """P;,'sijj;;;; T Premium &




"'" , """'" ,," ,,"'" "",.,,'" '''' ,.." .,. "',' ",' '" '" "" ', ..... '" '" '" ' •••.• ', .•• , .,', T;;i~I;~';;~~;;~:.' .•• '.". .9447. 20 ,


rJ4M Check;d"By


L Ple8se subrrut R_O in -i\vo wpy ,~ioF1g with the bil! in duplicate to concerned OI"ganizatbt1,

2.. AdwH1isemEm rnust bp published in the directed manilN only.

?L P8Vn-lent '.vill be made on thi2 b;:;sis of PU{ SQCm/PCCm!Per Sec rat,;.

,1 15% wili be dedut:ed horn the i:ldvcl·t!sing I"dtes as commission ci13rges tu R ,jasrhan Sarmvad.

5. for 0i1 c()n·espondl~nc('. ;'!east' mUllion the above ciced Rajasthan S2Irl'N;Hj Reieas~, Ordt:r No

6. ?!(:,)$f, sfCnd;) copy of il i\ppruved I'dte (,;rei (DfWP/DIPR./C.omrnercial Hate (ann and Adlit. Approved CD. &, 8I"Qclf.k,JstiT,,!e(ast~' Adc't. CiT \'viti"1 Uv·: bli

7. No Payments \:','iti IK: released if Hot published on stipulated date.

s. P\,blished p.dvt. shall be ;,(>nt to the concerned olB.;miziltion within 10 dc1'/:; of pwbk.31ion

9. No payment shai! be rl1i!.0l.' fOr t2k~c"s1.' b(·;tv·;een 11 :00 PM to 6:00 Mli

10, l'i),', Clt'!p2rtment/Soilnl/Corpor-ation/PSU dnc othH org<lnizatlOns sh"ll ",.nsur<' 2nd verify th;:;t publ1cation/broCldc2sting of adljp.(1.is!.~nv.,ni. h,l" bee" i'J>UU'

by Newspaper/Eiectronic Media.

11. GST wii! be ch,;,ged e~,tr'l.

~ <ND·-:;Natlondl f)"iiy, Sl)",State Dailv, O'''Daiiy. W'~Weeklv, F,;d"'ortnightly. ivl::-Month!y, S",Sn1ilr,kG, Fi'l:loctiectronic [v1>;"di2, RC"'Radio Channel

Page 20: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Secretari;:~t: Carnpus,

ftO,No,; S<:~rnw<ld/I)!19/2G2C<W2'1


~ 302005

D~t€: 16/04/2020

(PleasE: send the EHls to)




Reference: INFORM/i..nON & PUBU( RELATIONS DEPARTMENT; JAiPUR V'Jork Order No,D,P.R!lG9/2020/338-41, Dated: 31/03/2020

00::a5100: RAJASTHAN DlWAS- - 202:0


Ple3se publis.h the fo!lowing advertisement as below detai!s -,

2 Jaipur SD


Ex Post Facto

Ex Post Facto


25 em x 16 em

Pages Days Area

1 400 SqCm.

~ Checked By


Ple35(~ submit R,O in T'iJG cop)' ~!ong with the bi!! in duplicate to concerned or8Bnll,;:;twn.

i\dvel'tis2rl1C'nt must be published in the directed mailll('( oniv.

:;. Payment wfii bi2 m2cic on th(~ tnsis of PE!'~ SQCrn/PCCrn/Pcr Sec ("te .

... , ,~. 15')(. VIii! bp deducted from th{; advertising fates ils COi"lI11i~:~ion (harges to Raj<l~,ihi!n S,rnw;:;d

5. For all corrEspondence, PIE'<:lSf.' i1Wi,\lO[1 the 2tJOW cited Rajasthan Samwad Reie,;s"", On~er [-.Jo.

RateType Amount




Sr. : ger

Rajasthan arnwad

6. PiCllSte ~t'nd a copy of a approved rate card (D,\VP/DiPH/ColTlmNoal FUtl) Card) "nd Ad'/t .. L;ppro'fCd c.o. ~~. Bro;:,ocast!Tf'i0cdst2 ;\dvt. CD. with l,he hii:

7. No p"yrnents will be 1"('i(Jdsed if not pubi!5hcd Oil stipulated dati:.

3. Published Advt. sh.(li\ be SHlt to thu concerned ol'ganIZ<ltion \!Jithin 10 0;l15 ()f pubi!cjt\mL

o No puyment shan !w rnade for t0i(.~('J5: between 11:00 PM to 6:00 l'.M

bV New.spiipi;'r/Electwl""iic Meriia.

n. GST \-viii be charGed ex.W,.

Page 21: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Information & Publk Rel"tions npn~r'fj"p,,' Secretariat Campus! Jaipur - 302005

R.O.No.: $;:Jn-Iwad!D!J.9!202G·2021 Date: 16/04/207.:0

{Please send the Sm.., to)







Reference: lNFQRf'<.iIATION & PUBLIC RELAT!ONS DEPARTMENT, JA1PUR Work Order No.D.P.R,jl09j202Gj338-41, Dated: 3.1/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DIWAS - 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details -

1 42470.40 SqCm PSqCm.



~ ..• Cnecked By

~ag;;; RaJosthan SamvJad


L Ph~im~ suomit R.O In Two copy along with the bill in duplicate to concerned organization.

2. j\dvertlsemem must be published in rhf: directed rnanm,r onhr

3. f)<lvmeot WI\! be made on the basi~ of PEH SQCm!PCCm/Per Sec rate.

4. 1:i'!1, wi!1 be deducted from the 3dv'(-:rti<;ing rates 35 commiSSion ch"rgC's to f{aj'2sthall S3rm','"d.

5, For ell! correspol,dence, Please mention the abOVe cited H"j"sthc:n Sarr\wa('j Heieas(o Order No,

,j. Piease s~nd J copy of d approved f;;te card (DiWPjDIPRjComrnercial R"te ("ro) and Advt, .f.\p~roved CD. K Bwadcast/Tf:lecaste Advt. CD, with ti10 bill.

"/. t>Jo Payrnenb wiH be released if not putliished on stipulated date

8. Published f\dvt. sr.;]!! b~~ sent to the concerned organization 'Nithm 10 d:ws of publiG1tion.

~, 9. t~o pnyment sh"U be malie for telecast between ll:on PM to 6:00 Ark

10. The Dep;HtI1lCnt/Bo;mi/Corpor2(-ionjPSU and oHler organizations shaH ensure 0nd v£·rifl/ that publication/bf02dulsting of adverr\'iemc"nt h3~ b.,.en h·:',\.!(;C!

by Newspaper/Electronic fvler.iii,.

] .L G5T '.NiB be ch;;rgc~d f~'xtra.

HND"~-lationill Daily, S[}",Stdte DFiil/, l)",Uaiiy, W,,\.Ve,::kiv, r~"Fortnightlv, 1'.-1.00 Month!y, S"'Smank2, a"l""Electronic r'/re(iia, RC"'H;;dio Channel

Page 22: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Information & Public Relations D,,,'artrl10nt <-<IITi'P'S5

Secfi;:tariat Campus, Jaipur·· 302005

Tei: 0141 ·2227R87. Fax-2227QS7, e-ma!i: dil5Sitk~{ .sarnwHd@)gmaii.com

R.O.No.: SarY1;i'fadjD/19/2020·-202J Date: 16/04/2020

(P!ease send the BlHs to)

Director To Advertisement ~.jian2ger





Reference: lNFORMA'T10N &. PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, JA!PUR Work Order No.D.P.R.jl09j2021J/338·41, Oated: 31103/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN DIWAS ., 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as be!ovJ details --


Ex Post Facto

Rattle~··· T RR.·~att;e';Tr\Y;ip),e,THHllUJiEi&& • p';;ijio,.;r ,Amount Premium &


C141, ChecKed By


1. Plea 50 submit R.O Hi T\','O copy along with the "bili in duplicate to concerned orgonizinion.

2.. f>.dY0rt"i·;ernenL must be publbhec in the dm'!ctcd manner only.

3. Payment will be mOld" on the basis of PE.H SQCm/PCCm/Per Sec r<lte.

4.1:;'''0 will be deducted from the advertising rates as co:mnission charge,s to Haj3s1hi.Hl 5arnw;:;d.

s. rOt· all cor,('spondence, Please mention the (loave cited R3ji'lstn<Jn Scln,wad Release Orae;' No

6 Pie;;se send a copy of <:! i1pproved rJte Cilrd (DAVP/DIPR!Comrnercia! Riite C<li'd) and i\dvt. ;\pproved C.D. &r Broadc""t/Te!ecaste Advt. .D, 'Nith the bill.

7. Ho Payments wil! be released if not published on stipulated date.

S. PUblished f\aV1:. Shill: be sent to the conc"rned organiwtion within 10 ,bys of publication.

S. i>h pilymenl shall be made for t(;ieGJ51 between 11:00 PM to 6;00 MI:.

4. 10. The Department/Bo;:lrd/CorpoI"3tlon/P5L1 and other organizations shall ensun~ and vcrifv that pub!i(!tion/broiHlt;ii5ting of advetisement h2S br:',?n issu\,d

by Newsp,-,per!Electronic MediCi.

11. GS T ,·\iii! be charged l':<tra.

»"i'!D;;-·f\J,ltlonai Daily, SD=State DaiiV, D::::l)ai!y, 'vVco'J;jeeidv, F'"Fortnightiy, fVI"',Monthiv, S::::Smarikil, Eh:1=Electronic r·{h.~di8, fIC'"Hiidio Ch81"1nel

Page 23: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

n"i,!S!h,m SamvJad

lnformation &. PubHc Relations Secretariat C~\mpus; .Jaipur - 302005

R.O.No ; Sarrwnd/D!19j2020-202:l Date: 16/04/2020

(Pleas€ send the BHjs to)

Director To

Advel'~iS0:rni:'nt MallJger



Reference: lNFQRIVIATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, JA!PUR Work Order No.D.P.R./l09/2D20/338-41, Dated; 31/03/202D

Occasion: RAJASTHAN D!iAU~S - 2020

Please publish the following advertisement as below details ,.'

Pages Days Area Rate RateType Amount

1 4ooj'j;"o.;l·~;;;;;'i"jonji·····~':i~~;1P~'~i~~.: 120864.80

i Facta SqCm


~t.;L t:\

Sr. j¥l ,ager

RaJ3'Stha, S2Irmvad Checked 8V


1. P\e3~e submit R.G in -1\','0 copy "long with the bill in duplicate to tonClofne<:] o;'g,mlz<ition.

3. P2','rnl'nt w!1I be made on the ba~;i:; of Pf:f{ SQCm/PCCm/Per Sec f3tB.

,1 1. :;'j\ will be deducted from the udv('rti~;jng rates 2S cornmissior) charges to Haj;15thal7 SarYiw<,d,

S. For ail com;spolfd(:nce~ PIR:lSe !ll1H\tion the i1bove (Ited HBjasth"n SdT1W,Ej f\~:.>leil"e Order t'Jo

\') ?i0dse send a cOpy or <l 8pproved rot!: card (DAVP/DIPR/Comrnerdal Rate Card) imp i\dvL I\pnmved cr;, 8, 8roadc3."t/T0iecilstc Ad',;\, CD, v-iith th:: bid

7. No Payment'; w;lI be rele<:!sed if not pubiished or, stipuii1ted d"te.

8 Published /ldvt. Sh0!i be st'nt to the concerned organization within 10 tidV~ at !lubiication.

~). Nt} payment ShClii be made fm tdec:<;st between 11:00 [>tV! to 6:00 Ai"v'f.

10. lb0 D • .:cpi3rtrnenl/BoBrd/Coi·porcltion/PSU emd other org<lnil<ltions $h2:1 ensure and verify< ti";sr pubiic"tion!bmaUchting of aclvsrtiS(!iTH<l1t h;;)s lWen ic~;;L ;;(-i

bV Ne'tiSpapH/Eiect!olHc r,,1pdia.

1. GS r wiil b,;; Ch.:!fgcd (:/U':l,

"" ND"Ni.,.tional DailV. SD""Stat(: D311y, D ~Diliiy, \;V""WC'e\<Jy, F'OYortnightly. Mc:fV!onthly, S"Sn1,-"f!ki'l, fT-Il=Eiectronk [,,1(;GI;l, RC"ibll'G Channl:i

Page 24: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

!nfotmation &, Pubik Relations D(martn1entCampU5 Sccn?ti:l.(iat Carnpu5, - 3020ns

R.O.N.o.; 5;:;I11V{80/0/1.9/2020-)02:1 Date: 16!04!2U20

Tc Advertisernern Manager

(Please send the Bms to} Director





Referenc.:'2; INFORMATION &. PUBLIC RElATIONS DEP.~RTiVlENT, JAIPUR Vdork Order No.D.P.R./109/20:20!338~41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN D!WAS • ZQ20

Please publish the foHowing advertisement as below details .-

Pages Days RateType Amount'



~--Checked BV


1. Pie,!,€, ~ubrnit R.O In hvo (Opy along with th(~ bill in duplic2te to concemed org<1nilation.

L Advertisement must be published ;n the direct'ed manni'( only.

$' 3, fl<1YITI!?nt ,vili be made on tht' t.\a~i5 of PEE SQCrnjPCCm/Per Sec (;)te,

4 1.5% wii! be deducted from the adv('(tisillg rates 3$ commission charges 1:0 Hajas,hap SanW!du.

5. For ,'Ii! corre5pondF~nce, Pi,:'<JSE' mention the above oted R()jasthan S,3n1wad Rel'~ilS': C,rde:' No.

G. Please send a copv of a .;JrJpro'1ed rate cJrd (DAVPjDiPR.!Commercial Rate Card) ilnd ;\dVL Approved CD. &. B~oadcast!rek;ulsh; J\dvt. CD. '.vith th'; ill:!

,. fila Payments wiii be- ,e\<"il$('d if not publi(,hed on stipulated date.

S. Published i\avt. sh;:11i be 5t,nl to thE': concerned organization within 10 days of publ!ctltwil.

9. No paVITtent shail be made tor ,dee3st between 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM .

.1.0. rile Df:p<1flrm,nt/Bo.'Hd/Corporation/PSU Mid other orgiiniz,ltioGo. shall en~ure ano verifv rhal publication!bro;ldCilstmg of advertw:;m"nt ha~ bocr. ;',o,-",d

by NC','lSpap2r!Uectroni, fv1edl2.

11, GST will be Ch2fg0d extra.

" uND=+13tion;:i Daily, SDooSr:J:e D~1i!V. D"-Di:lii'l, W"'v\h,e!dy, F,.,Po(trllf,ntiy, iV1ocrvlonthiy, 5"'~m"rik;.;, Er.'1"'E:('~ctronic i\!;0did, RC"·RcJoio Cnanrlei

Page 25: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Secretar!i;"lt Carnpus, J2ipur - 302005

R,Q,1\lo,; SatYbv3d/D/19/2020,,2021 Date: 16jOcl!202G

To {Please send the am,; to)

l~dvC'rti;;ernt'nt 1'/1anager Director




Reference: !f\IFOHMATION & PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARHiIENT, jAl?UR 'Nork Order No,D,P,R/109/2020/33S·41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occa:::ion: RAJASTHAN D!WA$ 2020

Please publish t!H~ following advertisement as below details-"

Rate RateTvpe HUE & Position 'Premium" &

: Pre~~ium Colour: Good

PSqCm. 40% i 0%



........... ................... ...................... To.\.al.A.m.o.unt i 26544.00


~ ~i~. Checked By Rapsthdf1 Sarnwaa


1. Pib,S!::' ~ubnlit RJ) in Two cop\, along with the bili in duphcate to co'lcernefi org8niz21ion,

2, Advertisement !T\\Jst be pub!i~hed in the direded mann0r only,

3. P<iynE'nt wiii Of.' :nHce Qn tile b"sis of PEf.: SnCm!F'CCm'/Pe:' Sec r.)te.

~, .1. 15% 'Nil! be deducted from the advertiSing rates ",s commission charges trJ BClia~than S::;mwi')d,

5. FOf ali corresr>QndE~n(i:', Please mention the elbove cited Rajasthul"l $,llTlwad Rek,")s(" Order f\Jo

6 Please send a COpy of ,I <lpproved ri,\e card (DAVPjDIPR/Cornmerciai R2te C;:nd) ,)nd Adv\. [.:,pproved C.D. & Bro{jck:·,)$l!T~~k("2stf.' /l,dvt. C D. with fhf:' bili

7. i'lO P;;Vrnerlts will be rdei.\sed if not published on stipulated date.

S f'ubiished Advi. shall tli~ set"!t to ~he conc"rned organization w:thln 10 ri2Y~ of publication

9. Nl'] pavment shi",!Il)e made for teiec2:;t betwe€f1 11:GO fl,\-1 to 6:00 MvL

10, The 0epanrnent/Board/CQrporallOn!PSU ,,(10 other orgr1nilalions sh;.lii (:",<,U(2 <lno verify lil;:!t pubiintion/blO<lCc;lsting d ¢dV1;i·tis2n'h,~nl h2" !)d~1l ;.; ;u"',!

b)' Newsp<;pN/He(tfonic Med!2

11. ()Si wii!!Je ~hMg0d cxtrco.

~ "ND .. ·('.jai50n;:1l Daily, SI>S1<lte Dady, Doof)aily, \N"'';fJ,:'cklv, F",Fortnightiy, 1\11 "Month!v, S"S':lal"if:.<1. Ef\.'l=Ei('C1;f;)nic 1v1(~dia. HC"'Radio (i1,;onc;i

Page 26: Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls ... · Rajasthan Samwad information .& PuhHc Reiatiorls Departrnent Campus

Rajasthan Samwad information IS, Puhlic Relations DeO"!rtn1er,/ Cam!llUS

St~cretarjat Campus, Jaipur 302005

Ti,<: 0141.-2227887, F"x-2:?27057, 0-)"n,)i!: d"ssified.s'HYiwad(t.)grnaii,COif!

I'LO.No.; Sarn>,v2d/D/19/2020-2021 Date: 16/04/2020

To (Pleas!} send the BiBs to}

Advertisement ManJger Director (h3mb;:.;1 Sandesh INFORMAT!ON &. PUBUC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT

Kota Jj'\.IPUf{




Reference: !NFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARn,,1ENT, lAIPUR Work Order NO,Q,P.R./l09/2020j33e-41, Dated: 31/03/2020

Occasion: RAJASTHAN D!WAS " 2020

Please publish the following advertisement <1$ below details ~-

Pages Days Amount Date

:'ll\~t~' tl~~""··rj~kGh02Clr2255CCmm;x·i166r· .. ·~t"··11;·"·:iooj';'S85'j'''o~~ii)PRT 14476.00 !



SD Publicity Ex Post Pvt. Ltd. Facto


1 f'leao0 submit R.O in Two copy :llong with the bill in duplicate to concerned organization.

2- Advertisement mu,t bo pubiished in the dll-0cted manner only,

3. Payment '.vili be maue on the ba5io. of PER SQCrn!?CCm/Per Set: rate.



is'!-!, wi!! be deducted from the iJdv{~i·ti$ing i'atcs as commission charges to fl.3ju5th;m Sarr.Wii;cL

r·or ali correspondenct', Please mention the above cited F:iljasthan Sam\,'Jau RelC'ase Order NQ,


)U\~i Rajasthan Sar1lwad

G. Pieasi.:' 5cnd a cop,/ of a "pproved rilte card (DAVP/DIPRjCommeroai Rale Card) ;:lIld Advt. Approved CD (,,, Broi:ldcc:stiTc!ecaSie Advt. CD. with th2 bdl

7. No Payments will be re\e,)sed if not pubi;shed on stipulated date.

S. Published /\dvt. shail be sent to ,t,e concerned organization within 10 days of publication.

9 No payment Shill! be made for telecast between 11:00 Phil to 6:00 Mv1.

10. The ClepMtment/6oard/Corpor"tiDn/PSU and othf!I' organizations "hall (~n"ure ijnd verify th2t publication/bro,'idclsting of (-ldVi:rtis;:,m"-,rri h2S bH'n f,;,uul

bv N£'WSp<lp0r!EJe:ctronic Medi(l.

1:\ GSf will be' dlc,rgcd ext I';:;.

~';!"JD,~~i"tiQnJI Dildy-, SD=St,'ltc Daily, r;o=Daiiy, WooW{;2k1V, ;::"Foftnighti\" M<\4unthi'j, S:;:;Sf~lanka, f.fv\'"Elcctronic k'10di2, HC"'Kadio Ch,mn0!
