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Rakai Value Addition Training Programme Report

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1| Page Report by Zaake Paul, [email protected] , +256759260260 Rakai Value Addition Training Programme With Uganda Industrial Research Institute-Report
Page 1: Rakai Value Addition Training Programme Report

1 | P a g eReport by Zaake Paul, [email protected] , +256759260260

Rakai Value Addition Training Programme

With Uganda Industrial Research Institute-Report

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August to September 2015

Report by

Zaake Paul

[email protected] , +26759260260


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Welcome remarks:........................................................................................................................................5

Members Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 5

Key note speech............................................................................................................................................5

Programme overview and objectives ...........................................................................................................6

Theme .......................................................................................................................................................6

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 6

They participants expected to learn; ........................................................................................................7

Facilitation of the training.............................................................................................................................7

Learning through Practice.............................................................................................................................8

Closing Ceremony .........................................................................................................................................8

Visiting the Exhibitions................................................................................................................................10

Closure ........................................................................................................................................................10

Way Forward...............................................................................................................................................10

Kakuuto Development Group of Industries-Uganda [KDG (U) Industries] .............................................11

Inclusive Business....................................................................................................................................11

Strong Partnerships.................................................................................................................................12

Appendix .....................................................................................................................................................13

List of Some Participants.........................................................................................................................13

Key Visitors..............................................................................................................................................17

Team From Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) ........................................................................17

More about Paul Zaake...........................................................................................................................18

BACKGROUNDRakai Value Addition Training Programme has a mission to work towards sustainable

community empowerment, value addition and wealth creation through facilitating training,

unity, social entrepreneurship and advocacy.

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Many rural farmers are exploited by the middlemen because they sell produces without

adding significant value. There is a need to add value to local produces, lengthen shelf life of

the perishable produces and prevent wastage.

The trigger for this training was an observation of the excessive mango fruits wastes during

the season. Mangoes continue rotting in villages and at a few cases sold at throw away farm

gate prices. Yet through value addition by extracting juice, mango juice can be available

even during off season, creating jobs to the local communities, earning more income to the

farmers, and sustainably promoting community development.

This value addition training is an important step in boosting rural industrialization and

value chain addition networks in manufacturing and marketing of the products.

With facilitation from Hon Kasamba Mathias, a team of two got training at the Uganda

Industrial Research Institute. Later the training was extended to the community level.

We had multiple planning meetings at the local level, massive local publicity, and later a

training assessment meeting.

Participants proposed a list of sectors that they were interested in and these included:

Cosmetics, Juice, Bakery, Milk and Ceramics. Due to resource constraints the training

included Cosmetics, Bakery and Juice manufacturing and marketing. The training started

on 31st August and ended on 4th September. We would not train all the people due to

various factors; however we are proud of the fact that we got a strong representation from

our target areas. We believe the trained people will be the trainers to others.

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We have planned that the other sectors will be trained in another training which will be

organized in late 2015 or very early 2016.

Welcome remarks:Zaake Paul who works with Rakai Environmental Conservation Programme and Kakuuto

Community Development Project is the Coordinator for the Rakai Value addition training

programme. Paul acknowledged Hon Kasamba Mathias’s support towards this training.

Paul conducted the welcome remarks by encouraging members to be free and active as

they participate and ask questions during the training.

Members IntroductionPaul introduced the participants’ leaders and area sub-coordinators. Paul welcomed Linda

and her team and thanked them UIRI for bringing this training to the communities of Rakai

District. Linda, the Public Relations Executive at Uganda Industrial Research Institute to

introduced her team from UIRI. The participants’ list is appended in this report.

Key note speechLinda started the training on Monday and she trained the participants about the marketing

approach and strategies. Linda emphasized production of quality products to be

competitive in the market.

Later the participants separated into respective groups corresponding to cosmetics, Juice

and bakery.

Hon Kasamba Mathias officially started the training on Tuesday and in his speech he

indicated that:

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The participants befriend the trainers in each and every aspect. He described the Indian’s

entrepreneur aggressiveness; and encouraged the Ugandans to learn from them. He

encouraged people to think business instead of wasting time on politics. He encouraged the

participants to form clusters and establish a strong company. And that production must be

market oriented with focus on quality and quantity.

Programme overview and objectives


While focusing on the main theme of Agro Processing and Value Addition, the key objective

of the training was to impact practical skills

and capabilities in the methods of value

addition and agro processing to

participants on selected aspects. The

overall aim of the training was to increase

rural industrialization as a strategy for

sustainable development.


The participants were expected to;

1. Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of value addition and the methods

2. Engage in practical sessions of value addition and agro processing in the selected aspects

3. Compare the market value of finished, labeled products in the shops and supermarkets

and the importance attached to the same produces at farm gates markets.

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Paul and Linda facilitated the training objectives outline and discussed with participants

their expectation based on the programme and expounded in brief the training objectives.

They participants expected to learn;

1. How to process and package fruit produces for example passion fruits, pine apple,

mangoes, tomato etc.

2. How to manufacture soap, shampoo and lotions

3. How to make cakes, donuts,


4. More about the value addition

and how to market the products.

8. Application of hygiene

standards when handling foods.

9. Approaches to employ when

teaching community members on

the on the importance of value


Facilitation of the trainingThe groups were facilitated by Paul Kityo, Grace Kongai, and Samuel Mukakanya in aspects

of Juice, cosmetics and bakery respectively.

Teaching through a mixture of practical and theory continued up to Wednesday.

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Learning through PracticeOn Thursday, each group of participants independently made their respective products for

exhibition on Friday morning.

Closing Ceremony The group also confirmed that the training built their soft and hard skills in linking

processing technology to value addition

especially for their farm products. They

promised the facilitators that they would

implement what was learnt as part of

their action points.

The opening prayer for the closing

ceremony was led by Abdu Hakimu

Kiggundu. The closing ceremony was officially opened by L.C.I Charman - Siraaje Lugemwa.

The chief guest for the ceremony was Fr. Lawrence Kakooza (Parish Priest at Sanje).

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The representatives from each category: Cosmetics, Juice and Bakery presented their

reports to the gathering of a fully packed

classroom with news agents from various


We received key remarks from: Deputy

Principle, Sanje Community Polytechnic

L.C.III Chairman for Kakuuto Sub-county,

Stephen Sebunya; Kasasa Sub-county community Development Officer who represented

the Sub-county Chief; L.C.V counselor, Mr. Ssempiira Charles.

We got the speech from the Coordinator, Zaake Paul and

Uganda Industrial Research Institute team leader, Lilian Linda.

Later we got a full speech from the chief guest, Fr. Lawrence

Kakooza who represented Hon Kasamba Mathias. Hon

Kasamba Mathias was not able to be with us because he had gone to United States of

America for official duties.

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Visiting the Exhibitions

Paul Zaake led the guests across the spectacular exhibition tables. Within minutes, the

exhibited products were all purchased.

ClosureLater the training was officially closed by the bank

manager, centenary bank, Kyotera branch, Sylivia


Way ForwardWe had a meeting on Friday Evening. The exhibition sales representative presented their

sales reports to the participants.

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We agreed to establish a company. An acting committee was elected. The name of the

company is Kakuuto Development Group of Industries-Uganda.

Kakuuto Development Group of Industries-Uganda [KDG (U) Industries]

KDG (U) Industries is standard-bearer in quality and innovation in rural value addition. The

company was founded in 2015 and continues to leverage advanced value addition

capabilities and innovation to create the best products that meet critical industry needs in

areas of: Juice, Cosmetics, and Bakery and more.

Each industry vertical and horizontal shares similar approaches: a network of technical

partners to support quality production; deep technical expertise and market knowledge; a

service platform that includes marketing and product management; a focus on customer

intimacy; and an absolute devotion to customer service.

The KDG (U) industries company is committed to maintaining its technical advantage

supported by an expert team and locals who have traditionally accumulated unique

formulation knowledge.

Inclusive Business

We believe that businesses like ours can and should play an important role in generating

wealth and jobs around the world, improving skills and offering access to markets.

As a result of our business model, we have a unique opportunity to include millions of

people in our business: smallholder farmers who may lack access to skills or markets;

small-scale retailers who can earn a living by starting or expanding a business selling our

products; and young entrepreneurs who may need training.

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In this way, we can promote strong and healthy communities and work to ensure that we

satisfy our customers, create profit to our shareholders. At the same time, this is an

opportunity to expand the market for our products and make our business model more

resilient in an uncertain world.

Strong Partnerships

Through our commitment to sourcing sustainably- in particular fruits, eggs, milk- we are

strengthening smallholder farming by working with our suppliers and partners (Kakuuto

Community Development Project, and Rakai Environmental Conservation Programme) we

are empowering hundreds of smallholder farmers, improving their practices and giving

them access to better- quality farm inputs, training, means that they can double or even

triple their yields.

Our partnership with Hon Kasamba Mathias will not only continue

attracting heavy investment but also boosts an opportunity to market our

products in the region through him.

We are proud of our partnership with Uganda Industrial

Research Institute (UIRI), a Centre of Excellency for the

East African Community (EAC) in industrial research. UIRI

not only trained our technical team but also continues to

provide technical support to us.

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The valued recognition by the Centenary Bank, Kyotera Branch launched a landmark to our

partnership with such a leading financial

institution in Uganda.

We continue to expand existing partners, as well as look for new opportunities to increase

our positive impact and grow our business.


List of Some Participants

No Name Contact

1. Babirye Juliet 0751584060

2. Babirye Passy 0780154553

3. Baweera Veniranda 0778806877

4. Businge Lydia

5. Dembe Joseph 0772681433

6. Julius Zaake

7. Kabango Jude 0758422078

8. Kalemba Vianey Johnmary 0753449992

9. Katongole Joshua 0775549845

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10. Kawesi Ben 0782399013

11. Kiggundu Abdul Hakim 077959660/0706728435

12. Lubega Timo

13. Lugemwa Festo

14. Lusiba Abdu Karimu 0782453265

15. Mapeera Willy 0701532048

16. Mbabazi Beatrice

17. Muhimba Francis

18. Mukwaya Jude

19. Muwonge Lawrence

20. Nabasumba Allen 0791515634

21. Nabatanzi Margret 0771879007

22. Nabiryo Rose

23. Nabitosi Sandra 0779275861

24. Nabukenya Angel 0705594300

25. Nabuuma Sylivia

26. Nabwami Resty 0774329287/0755257759

27. Nagawa Bukenya Claudia 0774439345

28. Najingo Jascent

29. Nakabuye Nazifah

30. Nakasinga Harriet 0775195630

31. Nakate Teddy 0782658333

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32. Nakato Magrate

33. Nakato Scovia 0778039685

34. Nakayenga Justine 0779425367

35. Nakayima Jackline

36. Nakiranda Joanitah

37. Nakirembeka Aisha 0752559841

38. Nakyese Faith

39. Nalongo Nantezza

40. Nalubega Stephania 0783710078

41. Naluswata Margrate 0774238511

42. Namaganda Sylivia

43. Namatiku Lydia

44. Namazzi Justine

45. Nampijja Jovan

46. Namugera Cate

47. Namugula Agness

48. Namugumya Joan 0785159507

49. Namujjuzi Norah

50. Namuleme Jane 0774677202

51. Namulindwa Annet 0773787168

52. Namulindwa Noline

53. Namwogerere

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54. Namwogerere Resty

55. Nnango Jane 0773775660

56. Nankumba Maddy 0788067637

57. Nanteza Joyce

58. Nantongo Prossy

59. Nantongo Resty

60. Nazimuli Angel

61. Ndagire Jane 0779498245

62. Ndala James 0772673622

63. Ninsiima Jane 0778985358

64. Nsubuga Luke

65. Okiring David 0782047081

66. Sebandeke Molly 0781549554

67. Sendagala Julius

68. Senkooto Tonny

69. Serunjogi Muhamadi 0701939838

70. Ssemogerere Kiwanuka.E 0779275861

71. Ssempiira Charles 0782871529

72. Ssentongo Gonzaga 0755206861

73. Ssentongo Vicent

74. Tugume Peter

75. Twesigge Hadson

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76. Wanyana Passy 0782524593

77. Zawedde Victoria 0772025194

78. Zziwa Betty 0786375282

Key Visitors

No Name Position Contact

Hon Kasamba Mathias Member of

Parliament, Kakuuto



Kayondo Max Speaker Kakuuto S/C 0782164125

Kalemba Christopher Former Resident



Lwengo District

0772518671 ,

[email protected]



Lukonge Peter Head Master, St

Mary’s S.S.S

Nasejje Mary Ssemusu L.C.V Councilor 0782303558

Team From Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI)

Linda Lilian Public Relations Executive,



[email protected]

Paul Kityo Food Scientist, UIRI 0700287583, 0773047986

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[email protected]

Grace Kongai Soap and Cosmetics &

Toiletries, UIRI


[email protected]

Samuel Mukakanya Bakery


0703826238, 0782644008

Gracious Murera Driver,


More about Paul Zaake

Paul has a strong educational background and a wealth of applicable industry experience. He has strategically worked in and also visited various industries and factories.

Paul graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture at Gulu University, Gulu, Uganda.

Paul completed a Global Health Course: International Women’s Health and Human Rights at Stanford University, California, U.S.A.

Paul Zaake got training on “Optimizing agrifood supply chains to deliver business and social value” by Centre for Development

Innovation, Wageningen University, Netherlands.

He got training on agricultural value addition with focus on fruits and juice production and together with the team developed a mango juice product at Uganda Industrial Research Institute. Kampala-Uganda.
