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Ramnish Singh Microsoft Corporation Session...

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Ramnish SinghIT AdvisorMicrosoft CorporationSession Code:

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• Microsoft’s Identity and Access Strategy

• “Geneva” Claims Based Access

User access challenges

Identity Metasystem and claims solution

Introducing “Geneva” claims based access platform

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Identity & Access Customer Challenges



IT SecurityBusiness


• Compliance with regulatory


• Auditable processes for

granting access to resources

• Reducing help desk burden for

end users

• Managing the complexity of

distributed identity


• Enabling new high

business value scenarios

• Supporting mergers, acquisitions

& reorganizations

• Integrated user

provisioning &

credential management

• Ensuring that only authorized

users can access resources

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Customers’ Identity & Access Requirements

Identity Infrastructure

Identity & Credentials Infrastructure: Directory Identity/Credentials, InfoCards, Meta/Virtual Directory, Basic Policy

Network Access

Identity-oriented edge

access - e.g. NAP

Remote Access

Access resources remotely

– e.g. SSL VPN

App Access

SSO, Web/Ent/Host

Access, Federation

Info Access

Drive Encryption, ILP,

Rights Management

Identity-Based Access

Identity & Access Management

Compliance and Audit: Monitoring, reporting , auditing of identity-based access activity

Identity & Credential Management: User provisioning, Certificate & Smartcard Management, User self-service

Policy Management: Identity policy, user/role-based access policy, federation policy, Delegation

Access Management: Group Management, Federation/Trust Management, Entitlements, RBAC

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Microsoft’s Identity & Access Strategy


SolutionsUser Centric Open &


Best TCO

Easiest to Deploy

Broadest Ecosystem

Simplified LicensingService oriented

Application Platform Integration

Open and Interoperable

On Premises and Cloud

Physical and Virtual

Turnkey Offerings Rich Office Integration

Privacy Enabled

Consistent User Experience

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“ ”

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Identity & Access Silos Block Business Needs

User Access Challenges• Lack of System Interoperability: Difficult for users to gain access across diverse

applications and systems to collaborate seamlessly with other users

• Hard to Extend User Access: Complex to extend user access from existing

applications and systems to new applications and systems, and cloud services and

SOA could multiply these challenges

Business Needs• Flexible Collaboration: Enable collaboration within the enterprise, across

organizational boundaries, and on the Web while satisfying security requirements

• Business Agility: Improve ability to react to changing business needs by enabling

existing systems to interoperate with new systems such as cloud services and SOA

What‟s Needed to Solve the Challenges• Single Identity Model: A single simplified user access model that works across different

applications and systems to enable collaboration while helping to maintain security

• Interoperability: An open and adaptable user access model that enables identities to

interoperate with applications and systems regardless of location or architecture

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Shared Industry Solution: Identity Metasystem and Claims

The industry has created a vision and architecture to address the challenges of

identity interoperability

What is the



What are


A shared industry vision for interoperable identity• Single identity model that works in enterprises, federation and consumer Web

• Works with existing IT infrastructures

• Interoperability based on open protocols

• Architecture based on claims

Claims describe identity attributes within the Identity Metasystem• Used to drive application behavior

• Can disclose identity information selectively

• Delivered inside security tokens produced by a security token service (STS)

Learn more about the Identity Metasystem

• Overview: http://www.identityblog.com/?p=355

• A public policy perspective: http://www.ipc.on.ca/images/Resources/up-7laws_whitepaper.pdf

• OASIS standards body: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=imi

• An industry association: http://informationcard.net/

• An open source project: http://www.eclipse.org/org/press-release/20080221_higgins.php

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What does “Geneva” include?

“Geneva” includes three components for enabling claims-based access:

• For Developers: “Geneva” Framework for building .NET applications that use

claims to make user access decisions

• For IT: “Geneva” Server security token service (STS) for issuing and transforming

claims and managing user access

• For Users: Windows CardSpace “Geneva” helps users navigate access decisions

Introducing “Geneva”What is “Geneva”?

• Microsoft‟s open platform for simplified and

security-enhanced user access based on


• Based on the shared industry vision for an

interoperable Identity Metasystem via claims

Why should I adopt “Geneva”?


User Access

• Simplifies application development by externalizing user access from applications via claims

• Reduces development effort with pre-built security logic and .NET tools

• Helps users navigate multiple logins, manage different personas, and control information sharing

Streamlines Access

Management &


• Helps speed deployment of applications and enhances security via reduced custom implementation work

• Simplifies user access management with authentication externalized from applications

• Enables easier collaboration between organizations with automated federation tools


Interoperability &


• More quickly adapt user access control methods to meet changing business needs

• Enables users, applications and systems to work better together regardless of location or architecture

• Includes built-in interoperability via open industry standards including WS-* and SAML

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„Relying Party‟

App or Service


Illustration of the Full System

2. Gets claims

Interoperable via industry standard protocols




Built with



„Identity Provider‟



3. Sends claims

1. A user wants

to access an


One example of how “Geneva” components might be used together

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“Geneva” Interoperates with Other Claims Infrastructure


„Relying Party‟

App or Service

2. Gets claims

Interoperable via industry standard protocols


„Identity Provider‟

3. Sends claims

1. User wants to access

an application




Browser or

Third Party



- OR -



MSC, or


Third Party


Built with



Third Party

Framework- OR -

Mix and match “Geneva” components

with 3rd party claims-based STS‟s,

frameworks, and clients

Microsoft Services

Connector (MSC) and

.NET Access Control

Service (ACS) are both

built on “Geneva”

technology and claims


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Example Scenarios


Application Access

• Step-Up Authentication: Build an application that requires users to step up to a higher level

of authentication to approve sensitive transactions

• Cloud SSO: Extend SSO from on-premises Active Directory to Microsoft cloud services with

Microsoft Services Connector or .NET Access Control Service (built on “Geneva” technology)

Streamlines Access

Management &


• Federated Document Collaboration: Enable employees and partners to collaborate with Office

documents and SharePoint via federation

• Managed Info Cards: Issue managed information cards to employees to reduce the need to

remember multiple logins


Interoperability &


• Legacy Interoperability: Implement “Geneva” to help disparate existing applications achieve

seamless user access while laying a foundation to add claims-based apps

• Flexible Authentication: Change authentication methods across multiple applications from

username/password to smart cards

Benefits Scenarios

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FeaturesFeatures Details


• Federation provider STS with simple administration tools to quickly set up federations

• Federation between on-premises directories and cloud services

• Multi-protocol federation, including WS-* and SAML 2.0 protocols



• Identity provider STS to issue claims and managed CardSpace identities

• Applications can be built to prompt users for stronger credentials for scenarios requiring higher security

• Switch authentication types with minimal application re-coding


• Built-in interoperability via open industry protocols including WS-* and SAML 2.0

• STS translates between claims and other protocols to enable claims and non-claims interoperability

• Implements the industry Identity Metasystem vision for interoperable identity via claims



• Pre-built user access logic based on claims

• Developer framework and ASP.NET controls

• Externalize authentication from applications and support multiple authentication types



• Next generation CardSpace helps users navigate between multiple logons

• Streamlined download and installation delivers efficient Web and client experience with CardSpace

• User control and transparency for how information is shared

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“Geneva” Schedule


2nd Half


Beta 2

1st Half

2009Beta 1



• Licensing: All three components will be available under Windows license

• Ship Vehicle: All three components will be available as separate web downloads

• Version Support: Beta 1 supports Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. Support at RTM

will be announced at a later date

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SummarySingle Simplified Identity Model

• Externalizes user access from applications via claims

• Reduces application development effort

• Helps users make identity decisions

Streamlines Access Management and Security

• Speeds deployment of applications

• Consolidates user access management in hands of IT

• Automates federation

Interoperable and Adaptable

• Flexible to change authentication methods

• Works independent of location or architecture

• Interoperable via claims, WS-* and SAML 2.0 protocol

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What can developers build with “Geneva”?

• Claims aware .NET applications

• User authentication experience with CardSpace “Geneva”

• Custom security token services (STS)

Developer BenefitsWhat does “Geneva” offer developers?

• “Geneva” Framework: SDK to build claims based


• Windows CardSpace “Geneva”: Identity client platform

Why should developers use “Geneva”?




• Simplifies application development by externalizing user access from applications via claims

• Enables developers to code to a single simplified identity model based on claims

• Includes pre-built security logic with .NET tools to free up time for more value-added work




• Helps provide consistent security with a single user access model externalized from applications

• Enhances consistency of security with pre-built user access logic

• Provides seamless user access to on-premises software and cloud services


and Extensible

• Offers built-in interoperability via industry protocols including WS-* and SAML 2.0

• Implements the industry Identity Metasystem vision for interoperable identity

• Enables interoperability between users, applications, systems and other resources via claims

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What can IT pros do with “Geneva”?

• Deploy an STS to enable user access to applications via


• Quickly establish federations with partners and customers

• Issue managed identity cards to users

IT Professional BenefitsWhat does “Geneva” offer IT pros?

• “Geneva” Server: Security token service (STS) with

identity and federation provider roles plus user access

management capabilities

• Windows CardSpace “Geneva”: Authentication client

Why should developers use “Geneva”?

Streamlines User



• Implements a single user access model with native single sign on and easier federation

• Builds on and interoperates with existing identity infrastructure investments

• Works with identity management infrastructure such as Active Directory and Identity Lifecycle Manager




• Helps provide consistent security with a single user access model externalized from applications

• Vests more complete control over user access decisions with IT instead of developers

• Provides seamless access between on-premises software and cloud services

Interoperable &


• Based on industry standard protocols including WS-* and SAML 2.0 for interoperability

• Meet new business needs faster by allowing applications and infrastructure to evolve independently

• Integrates new authentication methods with fewer application code changes

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Comparing AD FS, CardSpace1, WCF with Geneva

• Passive browser federation

• WS-* protocols

• Self-issued information cards

• Federated SharePoint

• Federated rights management

• End to end claims support

• Pre-built ASP.NET controls

• Federate Office documents

• SAML 2.0 protocol support

• Native SSO

• Active client federation

• Automated trust management

• Managed information cards

• Streamlined client UI

“Geneva” Framework“Geneva” Server

CardSpace “Geneva”AD FS 1.1CardSpace 1.0


“Geneva” Adds

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“Geneva” Beta 1 vs. Future FeaturesComponent



“Geneva” Server



Beta 1 Features Features We Will Add by RTM

• Externalize authentication from the app

• Multiple authentication types supported

• Identity delegation

• Step-up authentication

• Write apps to accept managed CardSpace


• SAML 2.0 token format

• Transform claims into Kerberos tokens

• Provision an STS in relying party apps

• Identity provider integrated with Active


• Issue managed CardSpace identities

• SAML 2.0 protocol for IDP for SSO

• SAML 2.0 token format

• Transform claims into Kerberos tokens

• Easy trust establishment

• Identity delegation management

• Support for managed information card


• Small download (less than 5mb)

• Streamlined UI

• Inline UI for websites

• SAML 2.0 IDP and SP protocol support for SSO

• Automated trust management

• SAML 2.0 protocol for SP for SSO

• Support for alternate identity attribute stores

• Issue multiple CardSpace identities for multiple

user roles

• Extranet access support

• Powershell support

• Interoperability of WS-Fed with mobile and other

low-performance clients

• User self-issued information cards

• Backward compatibility for Windows apps

• Challenge-response for authentication assurance

• Secure desktop

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“Geneva” Beta 1 vs. Future ScenariosBeta 1 Scenarios Scenarios We Will Enable by Final Release

Enable employees and partners to collaborate with Office documents

and SharePoint via federation.

Accept self-issued information cards on an e-commerce website

to speed checkout and improve security.

Extend single sign on from an on-premises directory such as Active

Directory to cloud services such as those offered by Live.

Build an application that asks users to step up to a higher level of

authentication based on context

Build an application that later allows IT to change authentication methods

from username/password to smart cards without app code changes.

Build a chain of applications and services that act on behalf of users

while maintaining control of identity disclosure within claims.

Issue managed information cards to employees to reduce the need to

remember multiple logins.

Implement “Geneva” to help an existing Kerberos application achieve

seamless user access while laying a foundation to add claims-based apps.

Implement federation with partners on heterogeneous infrastructures

and maintain trusts automatically.

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© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS,

