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Rapid Development Tools in MATLAB1 - University of...

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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries Rapid Development Tools in MATLAB 1 W. Steven Rosenthal wrosenthal at math.arizona.edu University of Arizona GIDP in Applied Mathematics March 6, 2013 1 Best, searchable documentation at http://www.mathworks.com/help/index.html
Page 1: Rapid Development Tools in MATLAB1 - University of Arizonamath.arizona.edu/~swig/documentation/matlab-rapid... · Expanding the utility and reliability of MATLAB library routines

Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries

Rapid Development Tools in MATLAB1

W. Steven Rosenthal

wrosenthal at math.arizona.edu

University of ArizonaGIDP in Applied Mathematics

March 6, 2013

1Best, searchable documentation athttp://www.mathworks.com/help/index.html

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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries


Rapid Development Tools in MATLAB

This presentation introduces and develops tools that can be used with MATLAB forrapid prototyping. While MATLAB is not a computational workhorse, its programdevelopment environment is quick and efficient for small- to medium-scale projects. Ithelps organize and analyze implementation, provides powerful graphical analysis tools,and facilitates rapid sharing of results. One can speed up research tasks even furtherby taking advantage of the structure of MATLAB’s graphical output and libraryroutines. For custom codes, after using the code analyzer to optimize runtime,MATLAB furnishes automated tools to publish the routine in more common or lowerlevel languages. The specific tasks explored within include:

Resizing of all text and graphics in a figure with a single parameter;

Controlling hgobject properties to improve data visualization;

Expanding the utility and reliability of MATLAB library routines with customhandle classes;

Outsourcing intensive computations to C/C++ via automated publishing;

Ensuring reliable code sharing by using MATLAB libraries.

Sample codes for most tasks, and copies of this presentation, can be found on the UAMath Department Software Interest Group (SWIG) website:


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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries


1 Graphical objects and control

2 Using properties to control graphics

3 Built-in functions and control

4 Outsourcing slow computation to C/C++

5 Organizing utility libraries

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Table of Contents

1 Graphical objects and controlObject anatomy of a typical plotMATLAB handle graphics object hierarchyFinding and using hgobjectsExample: controlling legend entriesGlobal queries and changesExample: group plot formattingThe ‘UserData’ propertyOne-parameter resizing

2 Using properties to control graphics

3 Built-in functions and control

4 Outsourcing slow computation to C/C++

5 Organizing utility libraries

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Object anatomy of a typical plot

Every plot is a collection of“hgobjects” (handle graphics)

figure window

axes box (with ticks/labels)

title and axes labels

legend box, lines, and labels

“hidden” annotations

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MATLAB handle graphics object hierarchy

Objects defined by properties






Data/formatting (most)

Examples of objects:

Core: axes, line, text, patch, surface,textPlot: (groups of objects) lineseries,contourgorup, quivergroup, surfaceplotGroup: (group by user) hggroup,hgtransform

Some object properties can affectother objects;

Scope controlled by a hierarchy →Parents ↑Children ↓

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Finding and using hgobjects

Methods: functions which query properties, change their value, or use thevalue.

Commands for querying/modifying properties:

gcf, gca, gco - currently selected figure, axes, or object

get - the value of a property from an object

set - the value of a property of an object

delete - an object (all children fall out of scope)

Objects identified by handles

Name is a “randomly” generated floating point number

A handle usually is outputed when the object is created

h = figure, h = axes, h = line

Can find handles later by using the handle from its parent or child

hc = get(axes handle,’children’)

The MATLAB root (session) has handle 0

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Example: controlling legend entries

hSLines = plot(t,sin(m),’Color’,’b’);

hSGroup = hggroup; % declare hggroup object

set(hSLines,’Parent’,hSGroup) % parent of sine lines


’IconDisplayStyle’,’on’); % hggroup legend icon->on


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Global queries and changes

Commands to search parts/all of a hgobject tree

target_handles = findobj(handle,’property’,value)

ignores hidden objects, finicky with scope

target_handles = findall(handle,’property’,value)

finds all subobjects with given properties

Refine with boolean switches

...,‘property’,value,‘-and’,‘property’,valuealso ‘-or’,‘-xor’, ‘-not’

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Example: group plot formatting

Unify fonts in all objects of all plots in a directory:

fs = 16; % <-- specify fontsize

s = dir(’*.fig’); % build structure of fig files

for j = 1:length(s)

hf = open(s(j).name);

htext = findall(hf,’type’,’text’,’-or’,’type’,’axes’);

% vector of objects containing printed text

set(htext,’fontsize’,fs) % set all fontsizes

[~,filename,~] = fileparts(s(j).name); % remove .fig suffix

print(hf,’-dpng’,’-r150’,filename) % save as .png

close(hf); % without saving reformatting


Caveat:1 Often have multiple plot sizes in paper/presentation

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The ‘UserData’ property

All hgobjects have a ’UserData’ propertyBest practices: when using a program with automated plot output, check ifit uses this property and in which objects.

1 Write a function2 to save figures and include a “printsize” in UserData.

function fig(figure_handle,filename,printsize)

2 Consider a subfunction to associate “printsize” with ideal fontsize

% Assumes fontunits = point, ensures positive integer

% printsize = 5 <=> fontsize = 24 point (half size)

% printsize = 10 <=> fontsize = 16 point (full size)

fontsize = @(printsize) max(ceil( 24-8/5*(printsize-5) ),1);

3 Can write a similar subfunction to control line width and marker size

4 Write another function2 to save figures according to specified “printsize”

function png(figure_handle,filename,printsize)

2Sample code on SWIG site

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One-parameter resizing

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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries

Table of Contents

1 Graphical objects and control

2 Using properties to control graphicsUngrouping objects for legendsLinking axes of corresponding subplots

3 Built-in functions and control

4 Outsourcing slow computation to C/C++

5 Organizing utility libraries

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Ungrouping objects for legends3

[mC hC] = contour(X,Y,Z,’linewidth’,2);% Undo grouping by letting children

% have legend entries




% Label each line with its contour height

hLines = get(hC,’Children’);

k = 1; ind = 1;

while k < size(mC,2),



k = k+mC(2,k)+1; ind = ind+1;



3See http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2012a/techdoc/creating_


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Linking axes of corresponding subplots

Subplots often have corresponding x- or y - axes

linkaxes(axes handle vector,’x’) - x-axis limits synced

Can link ’y’ axis limits or ’xy’ both4

linkprop - generalized to linking any property


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Overlapping axes in plots

The plotyy function5 graphs two lineswith different ordinate scales

Each line is child to a different axesobjectWhen axes are coincident, difficultadd y-axis labels (also children ofaxes) with the graphical interfaceplotyy outputs hgobject handles foreach axes and line. Use these tocoordinate y-axis labels, colors, tickmarks, and legend entriesUse syntaxplotyy(x1, y1, x2, y2,@plotfun)to extend double y-axes functionalityto “plotfun”


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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries

Table of Contents

1 Graphical objects and control

2 Using properties to control graphics

3 Built-in functions and controlBlack-box methods in MATLABFunctions as objectsProblems with scopeExpanding the scope of a functionUsing a wrapped function handle

4 Outsourcing slow computation to C/C++

5 Organizing utility libraries

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Black-box methods in MATLAB

Encounter during common tasks:

Numerically solve nonlinear ODEs

[tout,yout] = ode45(odefun,tspan,y0,options)

Optimize nonlinear functionals

[x,fval] = fminsearch(fun,x0,options)


Many problems can be described with the function object inputodefun or fun

Can specify options (odeset or optimset), including runtimeoutput/plot functions6

6See http://www.mathworks.com/help/optim/ug/optimization-options-reference.html

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Black-box methods in MATLAB


1 Some problems may require previous model states, e.g.

Processes with time correlationStopping conditions with long-term comparisonsAny problems using time- or iteration-averaged parametersLarge-scale problems: upscaling output in runtime reduces storage

2 Escaping destroys all data as black-box method goes out of scope

Uncaught error thrownctrl+c due to e.g. uncontrolled inf/NaN or slow convergence

→ Would be nice to collect, protect, and/or process data in runtime.

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Functions as objects

→ Think of functions as objects with their own properties and methods.

Recall: e.g. hgobjects have lots of properties, and methods like get andset and findall which draw from and/or manipulate the properties.

The simplest function is the anonymous function, e.g.

% Lorenz-63 model

lorenz63 = @(x,y,z,si,rh,be) [ si*(y-x) ; ...

x.*(rh-z)-y ; ...

x.*y-be*z ];

dudt = @(t,u) lorenz63(u(1),u(2),u(3),10,28,8/3);

Anonymous functions are simple objects

No properties

Just an evaluation method, “feval” (that may take extra arguments)

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Functions as objects

For calculations needing internal storage, there is the function block, e.g.

% Lorenz-63 model

function out = dudt(t,u)

si = 10; rh = 28; be = 8/3;

out = zeros(3,1);

out(1) = si*( u(2)-u(1) );

out(2) = u(1)*( rh-u(3) )-u(2);

out(3) = u(1)*u(2)-be*u(3);


Think of function blocks as objects as well:

Properties (i.e. variables) can be defined within the block

They also have an evaluation method: “feval”

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Problems with scope

Problem: The properties/variables in a function block only exist whenthe function (or one of its subfunctions) has control

1 Calling “feval” on a function passes control to it

2 Returning a value passes control back to whatever called “feval”

3 Without control, the function block object falls out of scope, and itsproperties no longer can be reached

Persistent properties/variables are retained in memory for subsequentfunction calls, but are invisible outside the black-box routine

Global properties/variables are given maximum scope and can be seenanywhere in the MATLAB root. Not a good practice in general. Can bechanged inadvertantly, or cause a name conflict with properties/variablesoutside the function, including those in the black-box!

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Expanding the scope of a function

Solution: Expand the scope of the function to outside the black-box

Make it an object in scope outside the black-box routine

Define an evaluation method so black-box routines still canmanipulate its properties

Include properties which store iterations of the black-box routine

Black-box routine


Black-box routine

Wrapper object

(Properties) Function →

→ Write a MATLAB classdef file7 defining “wrapper objects”,properties, evaluation method, and overload the desired built-in routines

wrapped_rhs = wrapper(@Lorenz63); % Wrap function with storage

[t,y] = ode45(wrapped_rhs,tspan,y0); % Pass wrapper to black-box

7RHS wrapper for MATLAB ODE solvers available on SWIG website

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Using a wrapped function handle"model" acts like a function handle with storage

odelib.rhswrap handlePackage: odelib

Properties:h_rhs: @odelib.Lorenz63

t_backup: []y_backup: []

Attempt to integrate "model" with an ode solver...

Unexpected error halts the integration of Lorenz63MException

Properties:identifier: ’Lorenz63:error’

message: ’Oops! Output lost?’cause: 0x1 cellstack: [6x1 struct]

"model.t_backup" & "model.u_backup" now hold resultsodelib.rhswrap handlePackage: odelib

Properties:h_rhs: @odelib.Lorenz63

t_backup: [621x1 double]y_backup: [621x3 double]

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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries

Table of Contents

1 Graphical objects and control

2 Using properties to control graphics

3 Built-in functions and control

4 Outsourcing slow computation to C/C++Developing in MATLAB ↔ Executing in C/C++Intentions and prerequisitesGeneral workflow in C/C++ ACG

5 Organizing utility libraries

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Developing in MATLAB ↔ Executing in C/C++

Advantages of MATLAB1 Simple, high-level syntax2 Development environment3 Vectorized memory management4 Comprehensive graphics library5 Code optimization reporting6 HTML/LaTeX results compiler7 Support (MathWorks


Disadvantages of MATLAB1 Slow for large-scale applications2 Hides many compiling/

computation details3 No 0 index4 Convoluted handle graphics system5 Little integration with open source

projects6 Commercial product

Speed-up Solution: Automated C/C++ code generation (ACG)

Outsource intensive computations

Deploy to non-MATLAB systems

350+ MATLAB toolbox functions adapted for C/C++ ACG

Testing and development remains in MATLAB environment

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Intentions and prerequisites


Make sure all functions called in the MATLAB code are supportedfor code generation8

Code generation primarily is used for computation. Functions whichmake use of handle graphics may not translate.




A supported C compiler (MATLAB provides one, though qualifies itis inefficient)

Tutorials available: Step-by-step instructions for command lineimplementation9

8See http:


for list9Step-by-step instructions also at http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/


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General workflow in C/C++ ACG10

1 Eliminate unsupported constructs from the MATLAB function

Placing %#codegen below function declaration tells the MATLAB codeanalyzer (green/orange/red square in upper right of compiler) to checkfor translation conflicts, e.g. cell array indexing

2 The codegen function will identify other mistranslations at runtime

If automated translation will succeed, codegen returns a .mex functionfor sample executionOtherwise, codegen generates an error reportC uses static typing, so must specify class and size of all function inputs

3 Generate standalone C library using codegen

Add -config:lib to generate C library for the translated functionA .c-file with the same name as the translated MATLAB file containsthe highest level functionInclude the library in intended C program and call as desiredBest practices: use -report to generate hyperlink to debugging report

10Good demonstration video at http://www.mathworks.com/videos/


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Graphical objects Controlling graphics Built-in functions Outsourcing to C/C++ Organizing libraries

Table of Contents

1 Graphical objects and control

2 Using properties to control graphics

3 Built-in functions and control

4 Outsourcing slow computation to C/C++

5 Organizing utility librariesThe “+[library name]” prefixExample

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The “+[library name]” prefix

For protecting/sharing collections of related/interdependent functions:

Similar utilites, functions with subfunctions, or combinations of each

Keeps dependencies supported when sharing functions in the library

Place library directory in the MATLAB path or the current directory;attaching the prefix “library name.” to the front of a function orscript from the library restricts the namespace to the library

In other words, now “plot” and “library name.plot” are two differentfunctions, and “library name.plot” can be called from the currentdirectory or anywhere along the MATLAB path, like the original“plot” function

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1 Suppose one has the formatting utilities (fig.m,png.m) and a plotdemonstration (a typical plot.m) which calls one of theformatting utilities

2 Place the functions in a library directory e.g. “+plotlib”, and addthe library directory to the MATLAB path (or ensure it is a subfolderof the current directory

3 Note that the current directory cannot be the library directory, evenwhen running scripts located in the library directory

4 Open a typical plot.m and make sure it refers to the otherutilities as “library name.fig(...)” or “library name.png(...)”

5 To run the plot demonstration script, press F5 while insidea typical plot.m or type “plotlib.a typical plot.m” into thecommand line and press “Enter”

6 Note that the plots will be saved in the current directory, and not inthe library directory

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Questions, comments, typos? Feel free to e-mail the author at:

wrosenthal at math.arizona.edu
