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1 Rapid Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) for: Aproceros leucopoda October 2016 Summary and conclusions of the rapid PRA Provide: (i) a very brief introduction to the pest and the reason for undertaking the PRA, (ii) an overall summary and conclusions of the PRA and (iii) short text to summarise each section. This rapid PRA shows that Aproceros leucopoda is a highly invasive Asian sawfly that is a pest of elm and is spreading rapidly across Europe with little prospect of continued exclusion from the UK. Risk of entry Aproceros leucopoda completes its lifecycle on the leaves, with the exception of the overwintering pupae which may be found in soil or leaf litter, and hence may be associated with dormant trees. The UK imports elms from the range of the pest, and, although 75% of consignments are inspected the pest may be difficult to detect on dormant trees if they enter with growing media or leaf litter. Entry on plants for planting was rated as moderately likely, with medium confidence. The pest has spread rapidly along roads and railways in Europe, and since females reproduce parthenogenetically (asexually) only a single female is required for a new population to establish. Entry by hitchhiking is rated as likely, with low confidence. Entry on cut branches for decorative purposes is very unlikely, with high confidence, as damage is conspicuous and entry by natural spread is very unlikely, with


Rapid Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) for:

Aproceros leucopoda

October 2016

Summary and conclusions of the rapid PRA

Provide: (i) a very brief introduction to the pest and the reason for undertaking the PRA, (ii)

an overall summary and conclusions of the PRA and (iii) short text to summarise each


This rapid PRA shows that Aproceros leucopoda is a highly invasive Asian sawfly that is a

pest of elm and is spreading rapidly across Europe with little prospect of continued

exclusion from the UK.

Risk of entry

Aproceros leucopoda completes its lifecycle on the leaves, with the exception of the

overwintering pupae which may be found in soil or leaf litter, and hence may be associated

with dormant trees. The UK imports elms from the range of the pest, and, although 75% of

consignments are inspected the pest may be difficult to detect on dormant trees if they

enter with growing media or leaf litter. Entry on plants for planting was rated as moderately

likely, with medium confidence. The pest has spread rapidly along roads and railways in

Europe, and since females reproduce parthenogenetically (asexually) only a single female

is required for a new population to establish. Entry by hitchhiking is rated as likely, with low

confidence. Entry on cut branches for decorative purposes is very unlikely, with high

confidence, as damage is conspicuous and entry by natural spread is very unlikely, with


medium confidence, as there is no evidence the pest can fly the necessary distances to

cross the English Channel.

Risk of establishment

Establishment outdoors is rated as very likely with high confidence. Hosts are widespread,

and the pest is established in regions with similar climates to the UK.

Economic, environmental and social impact

When mass occurrences of A. leucopoda occur, impacts are incurred due to severe to

complete defoliation of elms. Such defoliation has been observed in consecutive years in

some European countries, and rarely in Japan, leading to branch dieback and a reduction

in the aesthetic value of the trees. No death of trees due to A. leucopoda infestation has

been reported. Impacts in the current range are rated as medium with medium confidence.

Potential impacts in the UK will be strongly influenced by how often mass occurrences of

the pest occur, the factors that lead to high population numbers are unknown. Since pest

damage is not apparent on dormant elms, which is how the majority of trees are sold,

marketability is not reduced – though widespread defoliation may lead to a reduction in the

demand for elm trees. Potential economic impacts are rated as small with medium


Aproceros leucopoda could cause potential environmental impacts by a) weakening trees

that are already affected by Dutch elm disease and b) impacting on species that rely on

elm foliage as their primary food source, by defoliating elms. Two species of conservation

importance that could be impacted by A. leucopoda is the white letter hairstreak butterfly,

Satyrium w-album, and the white-spotted pinion moth, Cosmia diffinis. More research

would be required to fully assess impacts on biodiversity. No impacts on other species

have been reported in Europe, however the introduction of A. leucopoda is still relatively

recent with impacts only recently emerging in some countries. Environmental impacts have

been rated as medium with low confidence.

Social impacts could be incurred in regions where there is still a significant elm population,

such as the National Elm Collection in Brighton and Hove. Social impacts will be related to

the defoliation of trees which reduces their aesthetic value, and have been rated as

medium, with low confidence, as it is not known how often severe defoliation of trees due

to A. leucopoda feeding may occur in the UK.

Endangered area

The whole of the UK is endangered by the pest.

Risk management options

Given the pest’s rapid spread across Europe and its ability to be introduced via hitchhiking

on vehicles, there are few effective measures that could be used to prevent introduction. In


the event of an outbreak, the quick dispersal of females which can reproduce

parthenogenetically makes eradication or containment very unlikely. There are also few

options for cultural control. Sprays of insecticides can kill larvae, but reinvasion quickly

occurs from untreated areas.

Key uncertainties and topics that would benefit from further investigation

The factors that lead to mass occurrences/outbreaks of A. leucopoda, and how

often such mass occurrences leading to severe defoliation may occur in the UK.

Potential impacts on species strongly associated with Ulmus, including the white

letter hairstreak, S. w-album. Defoliation of elms by A. leucopoda will mean elm

leaves are not available to other species which feed on them. Assessing potential

impacts on these species would require a more detailed analysis.

The rate at which A. leucopoda may hitchhike in association with vehicles or other

modes of transport.

If all species of Ulmus are equally susceptible to infestation.

Potential control options to help prevent defoliation of high value trees.

Images of the pest

An adult Aproceros leucopoda. Image

credit: Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest

Research Institute, Bugwood.org

Damage to an elm leaf and A. leucopoda

larva. Image credit: Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary

Forest Research Institute, Bugwood.org


Is there a need for a detailed PRA or for a more detailed analysis of particular sections of the PRA? If yes, select the PRA area (UK or EU) and the PRA scheme (UK or EPPO) to be used.



PRA area: UK or EU

PRA scheme: UK or EPPO

Given the information assembled within the time scale required, is statutory action considered appropriate / justified?

Aproceros leucopoda is currently absent from the PRA area, though given its rapid spread

across Europe in the past decade it is clearly a highly invasive species. There are no

practical options that would ensure continued exclusion from the UK, especially in the light

of the likelihood of the pest to enter via hitchhiking and quickly establish and spread.

Because of this, statutory action against findings in the wider environment would not be

technically justified. Statutory action will be taken against interceptions on traded material

and if the pest is detected in the wider environment, this decision will be reviewed.

Yes Statutory action


Statutory action


Stage 1: Initiation

1. What is the name of the pest?

Aproceros leucopoda (Hymenoptera: Argidae) Takeuchi

Common name: zigzag elm sawfly

2. What initiated this rapid PRA?

This PRA was initiated because the pest has become increasingly widespread in Europe,

and to see if phytosanitary measures were technically justified.

3. What is the PRA area?

The PRA area is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Stage 2: Risk Assessment

4. What is the pest’s status in the EC Plant Health Directive (Council Directive 2000/29/EC

1) and in the lists

of EPPO2?

The pest is not listed in the EC Plant Health Directive and is not recommended for

regulation as a quarantine pest by EPPO. The pest appeared on the EPPO Alert List in

2011 and was deleted in 2015, after being on the Alert List for 3 years with no international

action requested by EPPO countries (EPPO, 2015).

5. What is the pest’s current geographical distribution?

Aproceros leucopoda is native to East Asia, being found on themain Japanese islands of

Hokkaido and Honshu and has also been collected from the province of Gansu in China

(Blank et al., 2010). Publications from 2011 identified A. leucopoda as a new pest of elms

in the Hebei Province, near Beijing in China (Jiangfeng, 2011, Zheng-Hao & He, 2011). It

is likely to be more widespread in East Asia than currently reported.

1 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2000L0029:20100113:EN:PDF

2 https://www.eppo.int/QUARANTINE/quarantine.htm


EPPO (2015) lists A. leucopoda as present in the Far East of Russia though Blank et al.

(2010) states this record requires confirmation. A later paper details the presence of A.

leucopoda in the Middle Volga region of Russia (Ленгесова & Мищенко, 2013). Other

publications (in Russian), state it is present in the Rostov Region, Stavropol region and

Krasnodar Territory (regions between the Ukrainian and Georgian borders) and Moscow

(Гниненко et al., 2013).

Aproceros leucopoda was first recorded in Europe in 2003 in Poland and Hungary (Blank

et al., 2010), since then it has spread to an additional 14 European countries. This,

coupled with it becoming more widespread in China and Russia as well, suggests it is very

likely the distribution of the pest will continue to expand.

Table : Distribution of Aproceros leucopoda taken from (EPPO, 2015), unless

otherwise cited.

North America: No records

Central America: No records

South America: No records


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria (Doychev, 2015), Croatia (Matošević & Pajač

Živković, 2013), Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia

(Notification to the European Commission, 2015), Netherlands, Poland,

Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine

Africa: No records

Asia: China, Japan

Oceania: No records

6. Is the pest established or transient, or suspected to be established/transient in the UK/PRA Area?

Aproceros leucopoda has not been recorded in the UK, nor has it been intercepted.

7. What are the pest’s natural and experimental host plants; of these, which are of economic and/or environmental importance in the UK/PRA area?

Aproceros leucopoda has been recorded on a number of Ulmus (elm) species, having

been recorded on both European and Asian native Ulmus species (Blank et al., 2010).


Recorded Ulmus spp. hosts are U. davidiana var. japonica (Japanese elm), U. glabra

(wych elm), U. lacinata (cut-leaf elm), U. laevis (European white elm), U. minor (field elm,

containing many subspecies and varieties including English elm and smooth-leaved elm)

and U. pumila (Siberian elm) (Blank et al., 2010, Blank et al., 2014, EPPO, 2015).

In addition, several hybrid elms, bred for their resistance to Dutch Elm Disease, have been

recorded as hosts including ‘New Horizon’, ‘Regal’ and ‘Rebona’ (Blank et al., 2014).

Whether the whole genus of Ulmus can be infested was an uncertainty highlighted by the

2013 German Express PRA (Schrader & Schröder, 2013), and this remains uncertain.

Blank et al., 2014 noted only light damage to some cultivars, though it is not clear if this

suggests resistance of those cultivars or other factors, given A. leucopoda is still a

relatively recent invasion in Europe.

The importance of Ulmus spp to the UK has previously been summarised in the PRA for

Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi (Webber, 2014). Ulmus minor and U. glabra are widespread

in the UK, and, although populations of both species were drastically reduced by Dutch

elm disease (DED) and few mature trees remain, elm is still an environmentally important

species in the UK. The National Elm Collection is in Brighton and Hove, an area with a low

prevalence of DED. It currently has around 17000 elms and actively seeks to extend the

range of elms in the collection (Brighton & Hove City Council, 2016).

Figure 1: Distribution of Ulmus minor, one species of elm found in the UK, in the British

Isles. Image copyright BSBI, 2016.


8. What pathways provide opportunities for the pest to enter and transfer to a suitable host and what is the likelihood of entering the UK/PRA area?

Aproceros leucopoda is parthenogenetic, meaning females are able to produce offspring

without any males, in fact males have never been recorded (Blank et al., 2010). Thus only

a single A. leucopoda needs to enter for there to be a risk of a population establishing.

Aproceros leucopoda is a multivoltine species, with four or five generations reported per

year. The eggs are laid at leaf edges and after hatching the larvae feed on the leaves, in a

characteristic zigzag pattern. There are six larval stages (instars), with the final instar

larvae either making a loose, net-like cocoon on the underside of a leaf, or a sturdier, solid

walled cocoon, which is found in the leaf-litter or the soil under the tree, and in which the

sawfly overwinters (Schrader & Schröder, 2013, EPPO 2015).The pathway by which A.

leucopoda first entered Europe is unknown.

Plants for Planting

The majority of A. leucopoda life stages are associated with the leaves, and thus trees

moved in leaf present a higher risk than trees moved in dormancy. Trees that are heavily

infested would most likely be rejected for sale. Only a very light infestation may go

unnoticed, but this seems unlikely since the feeding damage by larvae is highly distinctive.

Bonsai in particular are unlikely to be infested, as there would be a very low level of

tolerance for damage of these high value trees.

The majority of trees are moved when they are dormant and often bare-rooted, though

data from the statutory pre-arrival notification scheme for Ulmus spp. indicates limited

imports of trees in spring/summer months when they would be in leaf. The egg stage of

the pest is relatively cryptic, and if trees were then moved on quickly these may not be

detected before the larvae hatch. Where trees are imported dormant, the over-wintering

pupae may be found with associated growing media or still attached to leaf litter

transported incidentally with the tree. Cocoons are relatively small, only a few millimetres

across, and could easily be missed if trees were inspected on arrival. Females could then

emerge in spring and locate a suitable host, establishing a population.

No imports of Ulmus from 3rd countries occurred into the UK in the past 12 months (APHA,

unpublished data). There is a statutory pre-arrival notification scheme for the import of

Ulmus into the United Kingdom from the EU. In the 12 month period between April 2015

and April 2016, 122 consignments (17204 trees total) were notified under this scheme and

nearly all consignments originated from countries where A. leucopoda is known to occur

(APHA, unpublished data).

As of September 2016, the PHSI are inspecting 75% of all consignments imported under

the pre-arrival notification scheme.

Since the majority of trees are moved when dormant it is the pupal stage of A. leucopoda

that is most likely to be transported undetected within growing medium or leaf litter. Entry


on plants for planting is rated as moderately likely but with medium confidence, as

there are no reported instances of A. leucopoda being associated with plants intended for

planting moving in trade.

Cut Branches

All of the life-stages of A. leucopoda could be present on infested branches of Ulmus spp.

which may be imported as part of bouquets or for other ornamental purpose. However,

Ulmus is rarely used for such purposes, and where it may be there would be a low

tolerance for damage caused by pests, reducing the chances of A. leucopoda being

associated with cut branches. To transfer to a suitable host, cut branches would need to

be disposed of outdoors, as composting is common in the UK this is likely. It would also

need to stay fresh enough to allow the larvae to reach the pupation stage. Entry on cut

branches is rated as very unlikely with high confidence, due to the very limited trade

in this commodity and the very low likelihood of survival on a perishable commodity.


It is intrinsically difficult to judge the likelihood of a pest hitchhiking (e.g. utilising transport

conveyances to be moved to new locations) because there is often a lack of data on the

rate at which this occurs. The 2013 German Express-PRA notes the spread along traffic

lines of A. leucopoda and how it being a “blind passenger” could be an important pathway

of spread over long distances (Schrader & Schröder, 2013). Blank et al. 2014 noted that

the arrival of the pest in the Netherlands and Belgium was likely to be by human mediated

jump-dispersal, as no infestations could be found between these and those nearest in

Germany. They also noted they had not observed A. leucopoda being associated with

traded plant material, thus hitchhiking may explain the arrival of this pest in the Low

Countries. Introduction into Italy was also theorised to be related to road traffic, with the

greatest infestations being found along a motorway and severe defoliation noted at

motorway carparks often used by those travelling from Central Europe to Italy

(Zandigiacomo et al., 2011).

There is significant long distance movement of vehicles between those countries where A.

leucopoda occurs and the United Kingdom each day. In addition, the pest continues to

spread rapidly in Europe, increasing the risk of the pest becoming associated with

conveyances. Ulmus species are so widespread that an individual is likely to be able to

locate a host species upon arrival in the UK (see figure 1 in section 7). For this reason,

entry via hitchhiking is rated as likely, with low confidence. Confidence is low

because formal evidence of hitchhiking has not been published, and this rating has been

based on the observations of spread in Europe rather than scientific data.


Natural Spread

Although females are thought to be “strong fliers” (EPPO, 2015), there is no evidence they

would be capable of completing the distance necessary to fly across the English Channel.

The pest is not yet recorded in France with the Straits of Dover (between Dover and

Calais) being the narrowest part of the Channel at just over 30 km wide. However, given

the rapid spread in Europe and the presence of the pest in Belgium, it is very likely to enter

France in the coming years. Blank et al. 2014 commented that the British Isles and

Scandinavia may be adequately protected by the sea from self-dispersal event. Entry by

natural spread is rated as very unlikely with medium confidence; confidence is not

rated higher as there are no published data on the natural dispersal capacity of A.


Plants for planting

Very unlikely

Unlikely Moderately

likely Likely

Very likely

Confidence High


Medium Confidence

Low Confidence

Cut branches

Very unlikely

Unlikely Moderately

likely Likely

Very likely

Confidence High


Medium Confidence

Low Confidence

Hitchhiking Very

unlikely Unlikely

Moderately likely

Likely Very likely

Confidence High


Medium Confidence

Low Confidence

Natural spread

Very unlikely

Unlikely Moderately

likely Likely

Very likely

Confidence High


Medium Confidence

Low Confidence

9. If the pest needs a vector, is it present in the UK/PRA area?

Aproceros leucopoda is a free living organism that does not require a vector.

10. How likely is the pest to establish outdoors or under protection in the UK/PRA area?

Aproceros leucopoda is becoming increasingly widespread in Europe, and is found in

countries with a similar climate to the UK including the Netherlands, Belgium and the


northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. Although mature elm numbers have been greatly

reduced by DED, U. minor is still found widely in hedgerows and DED resistant elms have

been planted as ornamentals or amenity trees, so host availability is unlikely to limit

establishment. Based on current distribution and availability of hosts, establishment

outdoors is rated as very likely with high confidence.

Ulmus spp. is not normally grown under protection and neither has A. leucopoda been recorded as a pest of protected cultivation. Establishment under protection is rated as very unlikely with high confidence.

Outdoors Very

unlikely Unlikely

Moderately likely

Likely Very likely

Confidence High


Medium Confidence



Under Protection

Very unlikely

Unlikely Moderately

likely Likely

Very likely

Confidence High


Medium Confidence



11. How quickly could the pest spread in the UK/PRA area?

There are no data on the flight capacity of A. leucopoda, but females are thought to be

strong fliers (EPPO, 2015), and the Germany express-PRA concluded that “rapid natural

spread” was expected (Schrader & Schröder, 2013). Blank et al. 2014 estimated invasion

speeds in Europe as between 45-90 km/yr based on distances “between closest

neighbouring sites, where A. leucopoda was recorded only a few years later”. Relatively

little is known about the natural dispersal capacity of sawflies but other species are

capable of similar distances (Blank et al., 2014). However, not all spread may have been

due to the flight of females alone, and hitchhiking along roads or railways may have

contributed to the overall spread in Europe especially as only a single female is required to

start a new population. Natural spread is rated as very quickly, with medium

confidence due to the lack of specific data on the flight capacity of A. leucopoda.

As discussed in section 8, the majority of the life stages of A. leucopoda are associated

with the leaves, with the exception of the over-wintering cocoons which drop to the ground

and may be found amongst leaf litter or soil. Trees are usually moved when dormant,

which does limit the association of most lifestages, however, not of the over-wintering

cocoons which are potentially difficult to spot. For this reason spread with trade is rated

as moderate with medium confidence, though the pest has not been observed moving

in trade in Europe.

Natural Spread

Very slowly

Slowly Moderate

pace Quickly

Very quickly

Confidence High


Medium Confidence




With trade Very

slowly Slowly

Moderate pace

Quickly Very


Confidence High


Medium Confidence



12. What is the pest’s economic, environmental and social impact within its existing distribution?

The larval feeding of A. leucopoda can lead to impacts in its current range. Larvae can be

voracious feeders and cause near complete defoliation of trees in years when mass

occurrences occur.

Though native to Hokkaido, severe defoliation caused by A. leucopoda (on U. pumila) was

only observed between 1991-1993, when there was a mass occurrence of A. leucopoda.

The defoliation led to trees going on to suffer dieback (Blank et al., 2010). Apart from this

report, there are no other reported impacts from the native range of the pest.

In Italy, the pest was first observed in 2009. At least four generations a year occur in the

lowlands of north-eastern Italy (Zandigiacomo et al., 2011). In 2009 a mass occurrence,

leading to severe or complete defoliation, was observed in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region

(north-eastern Italy, near the Slovenian border). The infested trees did produce new leaves

in 2010, and similar damage was then recorded – along with some dying branches

observed. No elms attacked by A. leucopoda were found to be killed (Zandigiacomo et al.,

2011). Leaf damage associated with A. leucopoda was noted in Slovenia for the first time

in 2011 near the Italian border, and similar damage as seen in Italy may be possible in

Slovenia (Seljak, 2012). In the Middle Volga region of Russia, defoliation of elms was also

noted, and the pest showed a preference for feeding on U. pumila over U. glabra

(Ленгесова & Мищенко, 2013). Damage where the pest is invasive in the Hebei Province,

China, has been described as “severe” on U. pumila and investigations into potential

control methods have been undertaken (Jiangfeng, 2011).

Blank et al. (2010) include observations of defoliation rates from sites in Romania and

Hungary. At the studied sites in Romania, average defoliation of individual trees (all U.

glabra) was between 74-98%. In Hungary the level of defoliation varied between sites.

100% defoliation was seen on individual trees of U. minor and U. pumila, but more leaves

were produced by the tree in the same season. Amenity trees in Budapest suffered 70%

defoliation, leading to a significant reduction in the aesthetic quality of the trees. Trees

attacked in 2008 went on to produce new leaves in 2009 but dieback of some branches

was observed.

First reports of the pest in Croatia in 2011 stated that damage was not severe and no

defoliation occurred, though the authors noted that the possibility of complete defoliation of

elm trees in Croatia in the future could not be excluded (Matošević, 2012). The pest was

first reported in Bulgaria in 2015, but observed damage levels were considered

insignificant, with only 1 – 2 % defoliation reported (Doychev, 2015). During investigations


into the life-cycle and distribution of the pest in the Netherlands, A. leucopoda was found

to be locally common and largely found in urban areas, but no severe damage was seen,

despite four or five generations being observed (Mol & Vonk, 2015). It is likely these low

rates of damage are related to the recent arrival of the pest, and that severe defoliation

may occur in the future.

Some publications make reference to the fact that A. leucopoda may further weaken trees

that are already affected by other Ulmus diseases such as Ophiostoma novo-ulmi (DED)

and Ca. Phytoplasma ulmi (elm yellows phytoplasma) (Blank et al., 2010, Schrader &

Schröder, 2013, Zandigiacomo et al., 2011), though to date there are no specific reports

related to the cumulative impacts of A. leucopoda defoliation and other elm pests and

diseases. No environmental impacts, including impacts on other species associated with

Ulmus, have been reported.

The majority of the damage caused by A. leucopoda is aesthetic, as defoliated trees are

reported as producing new leaves in the same season or the next season. There have

been occasional reports of dieback of branches but no tree mortality has been observed.

Impacts in the current range are rated as medium, with medium confidence.

Confidence is medium as A. leucopoda is a highly invasive species, and many areas have

only been recently invaded, so it can be expected that impacts will continue to emerge

over the coming years including unusually large populations which lead to severe


Impacts Very small

Small Medium Large Very large

Confidence High


Medium Confidence



13. What is the pest’s potential to cause economic, environmental and social impacts in the UK/PRA area?

The impacts of A. leucopoda will be strongly influenced by how often, and how widely,

population explosions of the pest may occur which lead to severe or complete defoliation

of trees. To date, there is no published evidence linking certain factors (e.g. local weather

conditions) to mass occurrences of A. leucopoda. This is a considerable source of

uncertainty in this section of the PRA.

Where nurseries are selling elm trees in leaf, economic impacts may be incurred as

damage from the sawfly will reduce the marketability of the plants. Most trees are,

however, sold when dormant and when the sawfly is not apparent. Demand for Ulmus spp.

may also be reduced if the pest becomes widespread and causes regular defoliation.

Potential economic impacts in the UK are rated as small, with medium confidence,

as A. leucopoda will not reduce the marketability of dormant trees. Confidence is medium

as it is uncertain how many years’ mass occurrences of A. leucopoda may occur which

could lead to knock on effects on elm sales.


Environmental impacts may be incurred by high population densities of A. leucopoda

larvae, as this will reduce availability of Ulmus as a food resource for other species. An

example of a species which could be impacted by the introduction of A. leucopoda is

Satyrium w-album, the white-letter hairstreak butterfly. This elm specialist is a priority

species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, due to the 99% decline in abundance seen

over a 25 year period (JNCC, 2010a). Since both larvae of S. w-album and A. leucopoda

feed on Ulmus leaves, infestation by A. leucopoda could impact on populations of S. w-

album, but the differing lifecycles of the two pests may aid in reducing impacts. Firstly, in

the Netherlands which has a similar climate to the UK, females of A. leucopoda were first

seen at the end of April, which means the first generation larvae would be expected to

occur at the start of May in the UK. In contrast, S. w-album caterpillars are active from mid-

March, initially feeding on elm flowers before moving onto leaf buds and emerging leaves,

with the first pupae being formed around mid-May and adults emerging in mid-June (Ellis

& Wainwright, 2016). This means it is likely that at least some S. w-album will complete

their lifecycle before severe defoliation of elms by A. leucopoda can occur. Eggs are the

overwintering stage of S. w-album, and these are on the twigs (Ellis & Wainwright, 2016),

so should not be affected by the activity of A. leucopoda. Further research would be

required to have greater confidence on potential indirect environmental impacts of S. w-


Another species on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, which relies on elm, is Cosmia diffinis,

the white-spotted pinion, a moth whose distribution is now thought to be restricted to

Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and Essex (Wigglesworth et al., 2016). This species has

suffered a 77% decline over 24 years in the UK and is also declining in other European

countries (JNCC, 2010b). The larvae of this species would be expected to be active at a

similar time to the larvae of A. leucopoda, being found between mid-April and mid-June

(Wigglesworth et al., 2016), and are thus more likely to be impacted by any defoliation of

Ulmus caused by A. leucopoda feeding.

There are a significant number of other native invertebrates which rely on elm as their

primary food source, the BRC lists over 200 invertebrate species that are associated with

Ulmus (BRC, 2016), though not all of these will rely on Ulmus foliage as their primary food

source. It is not within the scope of a rapid pest risk analysis to assess potential impacts

on all species associated with elm. It is important to note that no impacts on biodiversity

have been recorded in the current range of the pest, though this should be assessed in

the light of A. leucopoda still being a relatively recent introduction to Europe with impacts

in some regions still emerging.

Environmental impacts could also be caused due to cumulative damage that could occur if

trees tolerant, but infected, by Dutch elm disease are further weakened by the infestation

of A. leucopoda. However impacts of this kind in Europe, where many DED resistant and

tolerant varieties have been planted, have yet to be reported.

Potential environmental impacts are rated as medium, with low confidence.

Though there is no evidence of death of Ulmus due to A. leucopoda infestation, with

dieback of branches only recorded occasionally, A. leucopoda could still cause social


impacts due to significant defoliation leading to a reduction in the aesthetic value of the

trees. Though DED dramatically reduced elm populations in the UK, there are still areas

with a high number of Ulmus such as the National Elm Collection in Brighton and Hove, as

well as areas where resistant Ulmus trees have been planted as amenity trees. Some

iconic single trees remain which, for unknown reasons, did not succumb to DED. These

trees can also be locally important. Projects which aim to replace elm in the environment

that was lost to DED may also be impacted by this pest.

Areas where Ulmus is locally prevalent, especially urban areas have potential to incur

large social impacts due to reduction in the aesthetic value of the trees when significant

defoliation occurs. Taking into account the fact that elm is not evenly distributed across the

country; overall social impacts have been rated as medium with low confidence. The

major contributing factor to the low confidence score is that it is not known how often

severe defoliation events may occur in the United Kingdom.

Economic Impacts

Very small

Small Medium Large Very large

Confidence High


Medium Confidence



Environ -mental Impacts

Very small

Small Medium Large Very large

Confidence High


Medium Confidence



Social Impacts

Very small

Small Medium Large Very large

Confidence High


Medium Confidence



14. What is the pest’s potential as a vector of plant pathogens?

Aproceros leucopoda is not recorded as a vector of plant pathogens.

15. What is the area endangered by the pest?

The whole of the UK is endangered by the pest.


Stage 3: Pest Risk Management

16. What are the risk management options for the UK/PRA area?


Prospects for continued exclusion of A. leucopoda are very low, as it is practically

impossible to reduce the likelihood of the pest arriving by hitchhiking. For this reason

protection via regulatory options such as a protected zone is not recommended.

There are some measures that could be placed on plants for planting to reduce the

likelihood of the pest being associated with this commodity. By only allowing the

transportation of trees when dormant, bare rooted and free from soil and leaf litter, no life

stages of the pest will be associated with the plants. Importing plants only from pest free

areas could also be considered, though given the rate of spread of the pest in Europe this

would be likely to severely limit import options in the future.

Eradication and Containment

If an outbreak is detected in the wider environment, it is very unlikely to be eradicated or

contained. This is because females are active fliers and able to disperse quickly, and

reproduce asexually.

If, during inspection of elms, overwintering pupae or other life stages were found on

recently imported plants destruction of these plants may be justified if the pest was not

already present in the wider environment.

Cultural Control

There is relatively little information on potential control options for A. leucopoda.

Insecticidal sprays have been trialled in Hungary and China with some success, though

the Germany Express-PRA pointed out that even after larvae have been, killed treated

trees may be re-colonised by females arriving from outside of the treated area, and

spraying of trees is technically difficult to achieve (Schrader & Schröder, 2013). Spraying

trees will also have negative impacts on non-target invertebrates. Additional research into

potential control options, such as tree injections or biological control, for A. leucopoda

would be beneficial, especially where there may be a desire to protect high value trees.

17. References

Blank SM, Hara H, Mikulás J, Csoka G, Ciornei C, Constantineanu R, Constantineanu I, Roller L, Altenhofer E & Huflejt T (2010): Aproceros leucopoda (Hymenoptera:


Argidae): an East Asian pest of elms (Ulmus spp.) invading Europe. European Journal of Entomology 107, 357.

Blank SM, Köhler T, Pfannenstill T, Neuenfeldt N, Zimmer B, Jansen E, Taeger A & Liston AD (2014): Zig-zagging across Central Europe: recent range extension, dispersal speed and larval hosts of Aproceros leucopoda (Hymenoptera, Argidae) in Germany. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 41, 57.

BRC (2016) Database of Insects and their Food Plants: Ulmus. Biological Records Centre, UK. Available at: http://www.brc.ac.uk/dbif/hostsresults.aspx?hostid=6113 (accessed 08/09/2016.

Brighton & Hove City Council (2016) National Elm Collection. Brighton & Hove City Council. Available at: http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/content/leisure-and-libraries/parks-and-green-spaces/national-elm-collection (accessed 02/09/2016.

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Ellis S & Wainwright D (2016) White-letter Hairstreak. Butterfly Conservation, UK. Available at: https://butterfly-conservation.org/files/white-letter-hairstreak-psf.pdf (accessed 08/09/2016.

EPPO (2015) Aproceros leucopoda. EPPO, Paris, France. Available at: https://www.eppo.int/QUARANTINE/Alert_List/.../Aproceros_leucopoda.docx (accessed 31/08/2016.

Jiangfeng C (2011): Bionomics and control of Aproceros leucopoda. Forest Pest and Disease 6, 004.

JNCC (2010a) UK Priority Species data collation Satyrium w-album. JNCC, UK. Available at: http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/_speciespages/2586.pdf (accessed 08/09/2016.

JNCC (2010b) UK Priority Species Page - Cosmia diffinis. JNCC, UK. Available at: http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/_speciespages/241.pdf (accessed 26/09/2016.

Matošević D (2012): First record of elm sawfly (Aproceros leucopoda), new invasive species in Croatia. Šumarski list 136, 57-61.

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Schrader G & Schröder T (2013) Express-PRA for Aproceros leucopoda. Julias Kühn-Institut, Germany, p. 9.

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Zandigiacomo P, Cargnus E & Villani A (2011): First record of the invasive sawfly Aproceros leucopoda infesting elms in Italy. Bulletin of Insectology 64, 145-149.

Zheng-Hao YG-YZ & He W (2011): Identification and bionomics of the sawfly Aproceros leucopoda Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 3, 033.

Гниненко Ю, Гниненко М & Раков А (2013): Новые обнаружения ильмового пилильщика-зигзаг в России. Защита и карантин растений.

Ленгесова Н & Мищенко А (2013): Биология, экология и молекулярно-генетическое исследование ильмового пилильщика Aproceros leucopoda (Takeuchi, 1939)(Hymenoptera: Argidae)–вредителя вяза в Среднем Поволжье Biology, ecology and molecular characterization of Aproceros leucopoda (Takeuchi, 1939)(Hymenoptera: Argidae). Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень 9, 163-167.

Name of Pest Risk Analysts(s)

Melanie Tuffen


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