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Ratcliffe, Benjamin - legis.iowa.gov GA/17_ratcliffe...orphan with a youn~er sister to suppol'l·,...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. # . . St andard Form Fo r of the Leq l s l a tu re Harne of ______ __ £ 1tt4-L >:/;I place A. Busin••• ------ -- ------------------ -- -------- -- ---- -- - B. Civic responsibilities ______________________________ ___ 6. Public Offices A. Local ..... I B. State ______________________________________________ __ . C. National ____________________________________________ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

# . .

St andard Form Fo r Hemb~ra of the Leq l s l ature

Harne of Representative~~=r~~==~~~-----Senator ______ __

£ 1tt4-L >:/;I


A. Busin•••---------------------------------------------

B. Civic responsibilities ______________________________ ___

6. Public Offices

A . Local ~ ~~ ..... I

B. State ______________________________________________ __

. C . National ____________________________________________ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

10. Education. __

----------11. Degrees ______ ____ _ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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sources Log For Legislation Ent r i es


source Non Applicable A~_licable Informatio~ obtained

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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HON. BEN .: AM ! N RATCL I FF. .. Il o:-r. llJ·::'>I.f.DIIX JL\Tc i .IFF was 'h(m t at. Cheadle ;\!ill. St.alt'ordsltin!, En~!·

land, Feb, :!i, J~J.t, and died or apoolcxy .Jan. I, 1!)00, afl~:•: an il lu"ss or only lill hotJr~. al!ecl8:; years and 10 tltont.hs.

With hi-i fath e1·'s fari1ily he CalltC to Ameri ca In the year 1~:!-1, 't'lllin~ in Monroe Cunnty, Ohio, on a far·lll, !Ju!J soo n afterwards t' (' lllO\'in~ to th e ci.y of Wh eeling. West \ 'a. J\ t ·-the early aJ,!e of sc\'0nLC'cn· ~:ea r,; he was left un orphan with a you n~er sister to suppol'l·, and he su<:r:cssfully t ool< up and carried on his late fathe r's occupatio11 of pump mal<ing anrl contracting, whi ch b~tsiness he carried 00 for n ear_l~ th irty yea rs at Wh eeling.

In the year 1856 he ca me tc) ·Allalllalcce Count.y, Iowa, ancl bein~ pleasecl \'tl th the Oneota valley, pu rcha~ed the ii~L. Hope fanu to which he soon after· wards remoYed and on which he resided at the time of hi-; clcceasc, heinJ! a successful and progr<'s:~ive Cartner.

Beln~ among the early !lett.lcrs in the lJpp<! r Iowa Rive r \'alley, he und er­went many hardships.iocident. to the ea rly se r.tlement thereof.

In June, 1858, he became a chart.er member In the Mt. Hope Jlresbyteriao church · aud was elected a ·R uling Elder, which office he held until his de·

·cease, and ever gaYe it,a helping ·hand anclloncr to promote il~ interests. · In 18i8 ''Uncle ·Benny" as he was familiarly known, scd·cd as Iteprcsenta· tiYc in the 17th Ge neral AssemlJiy of the State or Iowa with crc!Jit to himsel f and his constituents. Ile was al!!o .l'ostmaster at Clear Creek post-olllce for. nearly 30 yea rs. .

In 18-t:J he waR marricc1 to 1\fi-;s (:ha rlottr. Gilehrist, or Wheeling, West \'a., who died In 1862 lea\'inJ.! ~C \'('11 r:hilclren. rour·or wh om are stil l lh·in~. In 1RG3 he marricrt Mrs. Elizal,~th Clark, also or Whcelln J.!. who cl iecl in lSi:.!, lea,•ing .th ree children. all of whom arc now li\'ing. ln 1HiS he n~arri cd Mrs. Lyd ia Wr i~ht or Des l\l oirtl':', Iowa, \\ ho ~u rvi\'!~S to IIIOU rll his loss.

Mr. Ha tcllfT was lL fine l'Xamplc or a self ruacle man , h<'inK orphaned in early life and lefL to batLie with the world and with but a sl<'~<l~r <'clucation , yet by careful reading nod extensive t. ra\'el and obse rvation ·his mind hccarttc a ,·eritablc.st.orehouse.

Having experienced a stroke or apoplexy some live years !Iince, he ~;et hi~ bouse In· ord!!r and stood read y to be callecl , hl!l only anxiety I.Jeln~ for tho~e about hirn, and God's p(•nr had ever a friend in t,h<'ir nc<'d.

II is body was foll~wed to M t. IT ope church and ce111dery ·by a Ia rge con. 'course or relati\'Cs and friend s, h is sc\'en su rvivinJ.! chl lclren, ahout thirt.y grand children and fou r great grand children bc in~ present. Six Rtal war t l!randsons acted as ·pall-hearers. Revs. Yannice (d Wa uko n, CronRa7. o'f Mt. Hope and Barnes or New Alhln assisted in t l1 e ceremonies, ancl "lll<e a Hhoci< of coro .rlpc (or Lhc han·cst" he waH laicl away in the garner. ·

a t r ip to the l'Ons t or the Gnlr o r Mexico, KttlJI· ping In 'l'l'nneKtwe and other btatcli on bls way, lnttHHIIng to be gon6 about lli'U wet'kK.

-'l'hu I•'armers' Co-oprrntii'O Ct•eam<•ry •"­('c•mmerd:ll Co .. h o lc.l tbe!r annual lll~<Hing nt flarmony llalllllonday, With II good attendance bnt twt at< ~nod :\!lit HhouiC\ be. 0 . H. Mon~t! ·

t·ud . l'resltlent. pretilc.ll'<l. and A . A:lll!llnn acte<l as st•t'Tt'tar ~·. The om,·t:r:.' r!'port wa 11 Wt!ll :ul<l ahly )ll't•st•IIL<•tl :11111 1:<11'\1 go!ltl satt:<facllon. 'l'h<• hntt<·l' malwr, A. Al<lt'srm. showocl that tht·l'l• · ll' t'rtl I." I, lXI lbs or hnttt-r IIHidt' <lnl'il ll! thll Y••al'. amlthn n•·n~H l'lll:olpt:; 1\'('rl' .f'::!.IMih.:t J. or whkh :f:!7 .r~'U. f\~ W:\li p:1111 to tho p:nron,. Olllt-•·1':< t•lt••·t••tl rur next )'t'ar 1\' t•re :1:1 Cullow:<: l'l'<'.•llh·nt. 0 . I 1. i\lolliiCI'IId; Vlro I 11'<•slthlllt I n r 'l'h(II'S<III: ~~·•:'y. Adolph ,\slt'llnn: 'l'ru:u• . . \. 'I'. ,\ ntki'MIII: l>ltt•ct or fill' :1 year!l, Jt•JT)

I h•:.llllllul.

C.'IIJ·:JUt\' ~··--Jl~U . • .:. \\'111. S . Hart ant\ wife :;pont New Yll:tr',; a

Will's oltl h.omc. - J. J. Saul anti wtre l'lC W .\nkon :;rwnt Chris t

nw>~ lwt·o wllh r<•l:ttii'CH . - Ml:;:; Kallu 1\elly hi Vllll tlng Crlclldll In Cat

atl:t durin~ tho holtday11. - - l>euniK Kolly, who Is worllln~ at Ossl;u

:<pent the holldnyK nt home. - !II IsH Cl<lrneorc l{clly , a t;tndrnt o r Waitlw

II. C., xpent hollrlayH nt her home. - lllls ti Nellie JohnROII o r lllhllle:tpolls 11\ ll'l

the holiday!! with home rollc11 heru. - W tn. K olly :m<l Wm. Nlc hollti!Hon or l•'al

l'l uw !!pent th~ h o lhlayH In Clinton Co. - 1·:<1 C nnnhtl{h lllll oC Nuht'alllll\ Is maltlllt'

ple:tl<anl l'ls ll here nmong rl'latll'eH anti lr llmt -J\11~:; Lizzie Moore rec•intly returned rro

l ·r .. :;c·o wht• r e Khc haR lmcn ~laying lho pu Y<':tl'.

- .1 . • J. 1\an•ny anti John Hyclt•r hi\ I'll f,:OIW

Crt·~•·" lor a wt·t•lt'li l'l11lt with relative~ a · rrl eml><.

-lllls11 Jo l~ayannugh ,:arne froin h or 11chc

llntlc:1 nt Vllin1e Crcrl( t o ent' tnrl!oy w~ h OIIIO rol\cK.

- All of out· yonng people toolc In tlw N Yuar'H ball tu lon ancl r<•pot·t a g oocl tlmo thu tu:w hall.

- ·'l'hu Old ~ultlonl' r cnn!oii · ar,v.ttt•rl'l D<·e. :!Uth waH 1n·ll at tcncletl atHI a riJ.Cht t·o: tllllfl . ll':t fl hatl . 'l'ho young ro ll<:l hultl a tl:u In thu ovonlug.

- MIH:! IJicla Hewitt who trach~s tlw Ct· Ho:t<ls :~ehool, ancl Mh;s l~lttlo '!'ran' 11

tt•a•· h•·:~ thu Cherry J\tomul Hchool, l<flt;nt holh.lay:~ a t tholr homc11 lo Wanlwn.

- ·O nt! hy one tlw Jli Oilllt',l' IICtt l~r>~ 1\1'0 pn~l< a wny. J\1rtt. Wm. llt•ITeni clll•<l al ht·r honu Linton twp. De<'. :..".!nd. gho 1cn1·e:; to nw• her los:l.l.Wol<Oilli :lllct lwo ,d:1nghtllrl< a111l a h h:tllll 111111 tltrt•u hrot h il l' I!. ~ho wa:~ :\ ~nnd v atll\ m o thPr :uulnt:IJ.Chhor. llcr n•Jnaln:~ 11

laid to r-,st In the Clll'rry lllottJHI l't' llll'h·ry I :!Cit h. l'ea<·o to ht!r a:~hetl.

-- MI>~s 1\:atlu Decny Iii at ltome o u n w••· I'IHit.

- .\ llllllPY New 't\•a r to nil th n STA:-1 11 rt'lllit:H'>~.

- l 'hrll;tlna Haas rrom r.an~lng Is l'lsllln1 her hrotlwt• Fcrc11nallC\ ' 11.

- lllrH. J(. V. I·'N't'lll nne\ t•hlhlrmt wrn~ gu •I f \\'aulwn r c latl\'cll ovtlr New Year'>~.

. ..... . •. ·- MrH. Fl':\lll< Smith from lll'l\r r .t\TIKill!;

r+++ ........................................................................ ~ ····•••••••••••••••••• ••• • ••••··~ \'lslt. tug \VIIh l\trx . Nt.'CI'i 11\Ht \Vcdne~c1nr. ·; i Hy our ahlo <·nr ,,. nt - \V. ,J. Doran 1'1\llto OVI'r from MCJn nn

t CORRESPON:DENCE I • "llt' lhlhiK\'1\l'nllonwltb n ov. M. K . Norton wrltorK, al"o n o w 11 from • • ·- Jo:ll'ph l>ocmy froiu Hutto, Mont .. t c l'ln l

tho c ounty exchl\nlfoH. t .. u<l :1 rotu· W<'t•lt:;' l'htll hero nll<l r"tllrt•l'<l h

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Allamakee County, Iowa History


Allarnakee County, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

er six children were Sarah (m. John W. Hartley); Mary Agnes (m. George Bellows); Jane (m. Rev. G. l...conard); Ella (m. M.H. Moore); Belle (m. Rev. G. Bird); and Benjamin F. Ratcliffe.

Benjamin and Elizabeth's children were my mother, Charlotte (m. Alfred Albee); Jessie (m. William McNelly); and Daniel Ratcliffe.

His only living grandchildren in 1989 are Esther Nelson, Buehl, ldaho, and myself of Cale­donia, Minn., both in our 80s. My daughter, Eil­een Lapham Felton, Waukon, is a great­granddaughter.

Other Iowa and Minnesota descendants are the grandchildren of Joseph and Benjamin Hart­ley, Hepsie Hartley McClintock, and Charlotte Albee. Great-great-grandsons, Loren and Don­ald Hartley, now own Mt. Hope farm.

We were interested to Jearn recently that the Ratcliffe name is carried on by three brothers in Washington state. They are Daniel Ratcliffe of Sequim, Ti:m of Joyce, and John of Kennewick. Their father was John G., son of Dr. Jay Ratclif­fe, Aitkin, Minn., born in Waukon to John G., the eldest of the B. Ratcliffe children.

There may be others of the name in Texas, where another Benjamin, Dr. Jay's brother, lived in 1950. Submiued by Mabel Albee Lapham


The ancestors of the Mott, Hall, Dodge and Rathbun families were among the early immi­grants to colonial America.

John Rathbone was one of the twelve men who bought Block Island from Royal Governor Endi­cott on August 17, 1660. Bradshaw W. Rathburn was of the 7th generation of descent from the emigrant.

Tristram Dodge, a fisherman from Newfound­land, was invited to settle on Block Island. His property was a gift of the purchasers. Tristram and his sons were recruited to furnish fish for the inhabitants and promote the fishing industry. He was declared a freeman in 1664. Elmira Dodge Mott was a 7th generation descendant. Other notable descendants in addition to Elmi­ra's son John Randolph, who was a joint recipi­ent of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946, were Gen­eral Henry Dodge and his son, General Augustus Caesar Dodge. Henry was the first governor of Wisconsin. Dodgeville is named for him; Augus­tus was a first senator from Iowa to Congress. The generals were 2nd cousins of Elmira.

We do not have the ancestry of John Stitt Mott beyond his grandfather Lt. Thomas Mott, a sol­dier in the revolutionary war. However, there were Mott families in I 7th century Rhode Island. We have evidence of two early Rathbun­Mott marriages.

John Hall, emigrant from England with the Winthrop fleet in 1630, was declared a Freeman ofBarnstable, MA., on May 14, 1634. Lucy Hall Beedy and Elizabeth Hall Rathbun were m the 8th generation of descent in this Hall family.

We do not have the ancestry of Norman Bee­dy. Old family letters written by Lucy Beedy and Libby Rathbun establish that he was a business­man in Postville. A produce buying station and photographic gallery being two of his enter­prises. He also served as postmaster and as Alla­makee county supervisor.

Thomas I. Rathbun, father of Bradshaw, migrated to Iowa in 1855. He purchased land in Winneshiek county adjacent to the Allamakee county line. When John Stitt Mott moved to Iowa ten years later, he settled on a neighboring farm east of the Rathbuns. However, farm life was not Matt's cup of tea; he moved to Postville in 186 7 and entered a partnership with Hayte & Burdick, established lumbermen.

Bradshaw W. Rathbun worked the family farm after the death of his father in 1866. The Norman Beedy- Lucy Hall and Brad Rathbun - Libby Hall marriages were a double wedding on Nov. 10, 1868. Postville's newspaper report­ed: "Both couples 'trained' immediately to Min­neapolis, St. Paul and Minnehaha; had a ' lus­cious' time and returned via steamer on the Mississippi river to the Evans House, McGre-248

gor." After the passing of Libby in 1892, Brad Rathbun married Florence Miller, daughter of Waukon attorney John Clark, one of the framers of Iowa's first constitution. The couple lived in Postville following his retirement.

The relationship between the Rathbun, Beedy and Mott families was as follows: Elmira Dodge Mott was the daughter of Israeli. Dodge, brother of Hannah Dodge Hall. Hannah was the mother of Lucy Beedy and Elizabeth Rathbun. Thus Mira, Lucy and Libby were first cousins. The old family correspondence confirms that a very close relationship existed between the cousins. The three famihes often celebrated holidays together and came to the aid of each other in times of sick­ness and distress. My mother, Bessie Rathbun boarded with the Motts while attending high school in Postville.

The colonial Rathbone, Dodge, Mott and Hall families had several members who are recorded in American history. Their descendants played a role in the history of Allamakee county. Sllbmit­ted by C. C. Cornell


Floyd Alfred Reavis was born Jan. 18, 1909, at Clemons, Iowa, the second of five children of Loretta Boseburrough and George T. Reavis. After the parents were divorced the children were placed in the Soldiers Orphans Home in Davenport. At age nine, Floyd was brought to Lansing, lA to live as a foster child in the farm home of Cecelia Mathis. Later he worked on farms and in a tire shop. Still later he worked in a meat packing plant in Sioux City.

Ernestine and Floyd Reavis

Ernestine was born in Clayton County Nov. 22, 1913, the eldest of five children of Herman and Alma Torkelson Schoien. She attended rural schools until fifth grade when she entered the Monona Public School. She completed her high school education at Lansing Htgh which she attended two years. She graduated as valedictori­an of the Class of 1931.

In 1932 Floyd was reunited with his parents, a brother, and a sister. He learned of his older sis­ter who lived in California but did not meet her until I 98 I when she came for a visit. His younger brother was first heard from in 1956 when he wrote from Hawaii. The following year he arrived for a visit.

Floyd and Ernestine were married Nov. 5, 1934 at Elk Point, SD. Since then they lived in Clayton County and since 1944 in Elkader. They are parents of Eleanor Frances, born Sept. 13, 1938, and Franklin Duane, born Feb. 4, 1942. Both graduated from Elkader High School where Eleanor received the Citizenship award and Franklin the Best Athlete award for his achieve­ments in basketball and track. His record in the mile run at the local school was unbroken for over twenty-five years and earned a silver medal in a state meet. Eleanor attended Iowa State Teachers College and graduated from Upper Iowa. Frank attended Wartburg and the Univer­sity of Dubuque.

Eleanor married Neal Krieg in 1959. They have one daughter, Sue Ellen, who is now Mrs. Jeff Meyer and they have two sons. Neal farms two farms owned by the Schoiens, one of which is a Century Farm. Eleanor is a church organist and a second grade teacher in the Valley Schools at Elgin, a position she has held since 1958.

F. rank married Diane Frankl in 1963 and hwas a three sons: Jason Bradley, Daniel Duane, ancsttendc Ryan Paul. Divorced, he still lives in Dubuqu1 Janu with his sons. He is service manager at Richardry my t son's Cadillac-Buick-Honda, where he has beei}Vere n emP.Ioyed over twenty-five years. The·

In 1943 Ernestine resumed her teaching caree£00, tv and also continued her own education. Sh~y. received her B.A. CumLaude in 1961 at U .l.U Jane She retired after ha':'ing taught elementa~er an grades for forty years. Smce, she has done substi<in Ma tute teaching, volunteer work, made quilts, andcame done other needlework. She enjoys reading andWeyn is an active member of Highland Lutheran Jan Church, E.L.C.W., the Coterie, Hospital Auxil-werec iary, Clayton County Genealogical Society, andMass. Delta Kappa Gamma. . Ma

Floyd dtd farm work and after locating inRebu Elkader, worked at the Elkader Co-op, Epcoothel Wire Factory, and service stations. After retire- Reb11 ment he collected antiques, gardened, and did his yard work. Having diabetes, he had several Wl amputations of toes and finally most of one foot. He passed away June I , 1985, following surgery. W Submitted by Ernestine Reavis 190!


The Reburns came to America from Ireland.

William W. Rebum and Anna Bulman Rebum

chile cis a liarr Riel of It

My grandfather Thomas Reburn, Sr. 1830-1896 was living with mother Mary, brother John, tl" and sister Jane near Yorkshire, Racine County, a t Wisconsin Territory in 1849. The mother, e: Mary's dates are I 796- 1859 on her tombstone C in Lycurgus Cemetery. She was born in County Meath, Southern Ireland. s·

Lycurgus is a country church, a crossroads f between Waukon and New Albin, Iowa. An older }' sister Margaret born 1824 lived with the family ~ later in Iowa. She was a governess to a family in 1 New Orleans. Her sympathies were with the t South. That "Copperhead" philosophy did not endear her to the Northern sympathizers in Iowa. A neighbor in Wisconsin was John Dutton Cole who later also moved to Allamakee County, Iowa. He married Jane the sister in 1851. A major in the Union Army he was wounded at the Battle of Corinth in Mississippi 1862.

The brother John enlisted with a Wisconsin Group, Company "H" of the 33rd Regiment. He was mustered out at Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1865. He then made his way to Iowa.

Sometime between 1&49 and 1856 Thomas Reburn worked as a surveyor on the building of the Panama Railroad. That project was during the early 1850's.

One story I know about him on the lsthumus was when Thomas was about to step over a log it moved. He whipped out his Bowie knife and quickly dispatched a Boa Constrictor.

In 1856 Thomas was in Lansing, Iowa where he met and married Jane Allen. Jane was born in Elmira, New York. Her parents were Dr. Jona· than Allen and Anna Chamberlain Allen.

They lived near New Albin, Iowa where he farmed and raised hogs.

Four sons were Thomas, John, George, and William. The three daughters were Anna, Molly, and Margaret. Margaret, Sister Amatora entered the Notre Dame Convent. My father, William

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1owa Mamages, US:>l-lYUU- Ancestry.com

ancestry You searched for Bcl\iamin Ratcliff in Iowa


~ 199? 201011n<<'<tiV.com

Name: Benjamin Ratcliff

Spause: Lydia Wright

Maniage Date: 17 Apr 1878

County: Polk

State: lA

Sourc~ Information: 0< · 1 .I rdan, l.rnhona R...-orch, romp /owo .Womoge> 18.;Hooo ld•tooo'f on-itnt~ Pro•-o. t.. t.:S\· nw-c>n~rah(Jfl<. '•'h\ot"-.lne.:.M)()O (" In J lata· See 6tf'nckrl dt'S(Tiphon (Orof'i;ina) data ':oOUrt't"Sit~tt"d b\ COUnt~ .

Or.~ription: This dn1aba~ contains marrt:tgf' 1nfonn;\t1on (rom UtriousrountltSin thC" li.S, stftt( o(lo, .. n f1om a8~1~t900. 1nrormat1on that rna~ br found m this databasr for t•Jch ind1'idui1l intludt"s theoir n.unr. -;~1use's name, mam:1&t dout. nnd marriage count). Lr01rn mor.-.

Ancesll'Y.com Bloo Affihates

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http:/ /search.ancestry .com/cgi-binlsse.dll ?indiv= 1 &db=iarnarr 1851 %2c&rank=O&gsfn=B... 10/15/201 0

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lUI Individual Record Page I of 1

IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0

North America

Benjamin F Ratcliffe Male

Event(s): Birth: 27 FEB 1814 Cheadle Hiii,Staffordshire,, , England Christening: Death: 01 JAN 1900 Mt Hope, ,, Iowa Burial:

Parents: Father: Mother:

James Ratcl iffe Mary Lynn




Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LOS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.

Source Information: No source information is available.

An official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © 2008 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/IGI/individual_record.asp?recid= l 00478048104... 10/ 15/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lUllndiVldual Kecord Page 1 of 1

IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0

North America

Benjamin RATCLIFFE Male

Event(s): Birth: 28 FEB 1814 Cheadle Mill, , Stafford, England Christening: Death: 01 JAN 1900 Burial:

Marriages: Spouse: Lydia Ellen Pike Wright Marriage: 17 APR 1878 , Des Moines, Iowa





Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LOS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.

Source Information: No source information is available.

An official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © 2008 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/IGI/individual_record.asp?recid=100 198870875... 10/ 15/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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YOIJ o~re tltr• TrHS > OQ:fvt.Atldi!H > 8e.njam1n Ratditfe


.!. Benjamin Ratcliffe n: 27 Feb 18141

Cheadle Mill, Stafforoshlre, England

ed: 1900 Mt Hope, Iowa, USA


Family Historical Records

Family Groups

Spouse 1

Charlotte Gilchrist Born: 27 Qa 1819 In Wheeling, Virginia, USA

I James Ratcltffe IA!!D


Famj!v Facts

Died: 1862 In Union City Township, Allamakee, I owa, USA


Children Sex Birth

11J.QmJs Lynn R.,otd•ffc M 7 May 1823

JllllUillcbn<t B.atd•tfe M 184141 in Wheeling, West VIrginia, USA

Mary Aoncsj!J~ 1846 in Parkerdburg, West Virginia, USA

5,1rah G &tcwt:e 1848 in W~ling, West Vorglnla, USA

t:1i2!lUJO:ai B.}~g f(J: F 1849 in Wheeling, West Virginia, USA

Jl!OP AQ"e 841<:!!J!l: F 1851 In Wheeling, West Virginia, USA

Ehzabe!h Hellen Rat~ F 1853 in Wheeling, West Virginia, USA

~~ F 1855 In Wheeling, West Virginia, USA

IWlJ.AmJD.frankhn B,atd•ftc M 1857 In Wheeling, West Virginia, USA

Mary Lynn B.atebffe 1867 in Wheeling, West Virginia, USA

Spouse 2

Elizabeth Fisher Gi!chrjst Born: 19 Nov 1832 In Wheeling, West VIrginia, USA Died: 2 Feb 1872 In Mt Hope Farm, Iowa, USA

Marriage: 25 Jun 1863 in Mt Hope, Iowa, USA


<:.na.ctotte GtJC.hnst B,atcljffe


Lydja E Wright Born: 1825 Died:

Marriage: 1878 ln l owa,USA


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Sex Birth

F 23 Qa 1863 in Union City, Iowa, USA

F 1867 in Mt Hope Farm, Iowa, USA

M 1872 in Mt Hope Farm, Iowa, USA

Sex Birth

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