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Raven Crisis Management Plan Project

Date post: 17-Dec-2015
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I was cleaning out my computer when I found this project I did back in the Fall of 2013. I got the assignment in my Crisis Management Class to pick a real life organization, come up with a believable crisis and come up with a crisis management plan.Fitting that I find this on a throwback Thursday.
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Confidential Crisis Management Plan BALTIMORE RAVENS 1 Winning Drive Owings Mills, MD (410) 701-4000 Call (443) 555-5454 to activate the Crisis Management Team The contents of this document are confidential. Any person who creates unauthorized duplications or makes any unauthorized distributions will be dealt with swiftly by the full force of the law. Copy Number ________ of ________ Date Issued: ________
  • Confidential

    Crisis Management Plan


    1 Winning Drive

    Owings Mills, MD

    (410) 701-4000

    Call (443) 555-5454 to activate the Crisis Management Team

    The contents of this document are confidential. Any person who creates unauthorized duplications or

    makes any unauthorized distributions will be dealt with swiftly by the full force of the law.

    Copy Number ________ of ________ Date Issued: ________

  • 2


    A Letter from the Owner.. 3 Crisis Plan Acknowledgement..........4

    I. Action Steps......5

    II. Contact Information......... 8 Crisis Team Leaders.....8 Crisis Team Contact Sheet9

    III. Guidelines on Documentation....10 Crisis Contact Sheet.....10

    IV. Propriety Information.....11

    V. Media Relations.....12 Press Contact Sheet..13

    VI. Post Crisis Evaluation.14

    * =fictional representation of name, number, etc.

  • 3

    Dear coworkers and friends,

    It is sad that we live in a world where crises are present in everyday life. But as with all

    unavoidable aspects of life, we need to learn to live with them. By living with them we shouldnt

    accept crises by not answering them; we should tackle them head on. Thats why our

    organizations created several crisis management plans.

    This specific plan is tailored to a situation where a member of the Baltimore Ravens

    coaching staff, player personnel, or front desk has been accused of giving players access to

    performance enhancing drugs.

    Taking performance enhancing drugs is, for lack of a better word, cheating. Cheating is

    an act not condoned by this organization and cheaters are not the type people that are accepted in

    the Baltimore Ravens family.

    Developed in 2011, this plan is to be followed in order to tackle these allegations of

    doping; whether they are true or false. Following the steps and guidelines in this plan will

    result in an effective and efficient way to react to this form of crisis.

    On the following page, there is a Crisis Management Acknowledgement form. Please

    take the time to read and fill out this form and turn it in to your supervisor. Together we can

    tackle any crisis.

    Thank you,

    Stephen J. Biscotti, Owner

  • 4

    Crisis Management Plan Acknowledgement I have read and understand the Baltimore Ravens crisis management plan dated

    11/13/2011 and understand my role in any disaster or crisis containment that may

    be required

    ____________________ _____ ___________________

    Signature Printed Name



  • 5

    Action Steps

    These are, in numerical order, the questions that should be raised and the steps that should be

    taken when the organization is faced with the accusation that that a member of the coaching staff

    has been giving players access to performance enhancing drugs. These action steps are to be

    followed precisely and not to be taken lightly.

    1. Has the president been notified? Where did he hear the information from?

    2. Has the owner been notified? Where did he hear the information from?

    3. Contact the crisis team leaders

    a. Have them begin with their duties

    4. Contact members on crisis team contact sheet

    a. Have them begin with their duties

    5. What is the magnitude of the allegations? Who is making them? What is the public

    perception of the allegations?

    6. Within the first eight hours of the allegations appearing in the major press (ESPN, CNN,

    etc.), have the head of PR draft a press statement for immediate release. The statement

    should be first released to the official Ravens website, epsn.com, and the Baltimore Sun

    simultaneously. This initial release should neither deny nor confirm whether the

    allegations are true, it should just state how it is currently affecting the organization and

    what actions will be taken if the allegations are true.

    7. Enact an immediate mandatory drug tests, hair follicle and urine, for every single player.

  • 6

    8. As soon as results are received, report the findings in a press release.

    a. If any player tests positive for any type of performance enhancing drug. They are

    to be punished according to the NFL Policy on Steroids.

    i. Have a statement released for why the players were released, how the

    recent findings have affected the organization, and what actions are being

    taken to further the investigation.

    ii. In addition to the statement about the benched players, release a letter

    from the owner that includes an apology for the negligence on the part of

    the organization. The letter is to be released onto the homepage of the

    official Baltimore Ravens website.

    9. Launch a full investigation (co headed by NFL) into the Ravens player personnel.

    a. Have every member of the player personnel interviewed

    i. Ask whether they have gave performance enhancing drugs to any players

    at any time

    ii. Ask whether they have given any players information on where to find or

    receive performance enhancing drugs.

    iii. Comply to any other questions that the NFL has for the personnel

    b. Interview players who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs

    i. Ask if they received the performance enhancing drugs from any member

    of the Ravens organization.

    ii. Ask if they received any information on where to get performance

    enhancing drugs from any member of the Ravens organization.

    iii. Comply to any other questions that the NFL has for the players

  • 7

    10. Fire any party involved with telling players where to get performance enhancing drugs

    and/or who dealt said drugs to players.

    11. Take any legal actions against any party involved with telling players where to get

    performance enhancing drugs and/or who dealt said drugs to players.

    12. Hold a press conference releasing all findings, punishments, and sanctions that the NFL

    and other legal governing body have given the organization.

    13. Have entire staff take Post Crisis Evaluation.

  • 8

    Contact Information

    Crisis Team Leaders

    Department Manager Home Telephone* Office Telephone*

    Executive Jon Smith* (410) 555-2362* (410) 555-8232*

    Player personnel Isaac Jones* (410) 555-5421* (443) 555-9833*

    Administration Lisa Jackson* (410) 555-5124* (443) 555-0123*

    Information Technology Gary Owen* (443)555-7878* (443) 555-1863*

    Operations Alexis Johnson* (410) 555- 6452* (443) 555-0932*

    Public and Community Relations Patrick Gleason* (410) 555-7272* (443) 555-1234*

    Broadcasting Connor Michaels* (410) 555-5421* (443) 555-9392*

    Corporate Sales and Business


    Ben Leonard* (443) 555-0876* (443) 555-6343*

    Marketing Jason Bloom* (410) 555-7231* (443) 555-7778*

    Digital Media Sally Sheen* (410) 555-8212* (443) 555-4334*

    Athletic Training and Medical Dr. Andrew Stone* (443) 555-5454* (443) 555-8621*

  • 9

    Crisis Team Contact Sheet After contacting appropriate crisis team leader, contact these individuals. If they are unable to answer

    their phone, leave a message stating the potential crisis. Make sure you write down what time the call was

    made in the Time Called section.

    Name, Title Home phone* Office


    Cell phone* Home fax* Time called

    Richard W. Cass, President (410) 555-6931* x4231* (443) 555-2131* (410) 555-4343*

    Ozzie Newsome, General

    Mgr. & Executive VP of

    Player personnel

    (410) 555-0012* x8231* (443) 555-0021* (410) 555-9231*

    Jeff Goering, VP & CFO of


    (410) 555-3483* x9123* (443) 555-8903* (410) 555-1313*

    Kevin Byrne, Senior VP of

    Public & Community


    (410) 555-8723* x5567* (443) 555-5652* (410) 555-7656*

  • 10

    Guidelines on Documentation

    It is crucial that every manager of every department records everything that happens

    during the crisis. The records should be neat and organized formal notes that are completely

    legible. Typed notes are preferred. Crisis contact sheets should be used by department heads or

    managers in order to keep a record of any important phone calls that pertain to the crisis. A

    sample Crisis Contact Sheet is located on the bottom of this page. Multiple crisis contact sheets

    will be readily available in the office of every department head for members of every department

    to use.

    It is important to record every event that happens in case certain questions are asked by

    the press, the public, or even a court of law.

    Crisis Contact Sheet No. _________ (in order received)

    Name of reporting manager: ____________________________

    Call received at ________________ a.m./p.m. From: ____________________________

    Callers phone number: ____________________________




    What action was taken:



    Who performed the action: ______________________________________________________________

    Copy of report sent to: __________________________________________________________________

  • 11

    Propriety Information

    Remember that although we want the public to see that our organization is working hard in order

    to aid the investigation against the allegations to our team; we also must be careful to not give out too

    many details about the Baltimore Ravens. These aspects of the team shouldnt be revealed due to the fact

    that the information could be incorrect depending on how a worker or a journalist perceives or hears said

    information. Topics that shouldnt be discussed are:

    Net worth of organization

    Net worth of any key personnel

    Home phone numbers of key personnel

    Any information regarding the Ravens playbook

    Names of any private investors, consultants, etc.

    Name of companys bank or creditors

    Whether these allegations have been made before

    Whether allegations are true or not

    Who is to blame

    There may come a time when some of this information can and will be released, but discretion

    should be used when giving out information to any person who is not a member of the Baltimore Ravens

    organization. Be careful and attentive to what you say and who you say it to.

  • 12

    Media Relations

    The first step for media relations is to establish a location that will be used as a media center.

    Tentatively, the media center can be expected to be located at the Hyatt Place hotel at 4730 Painters Mill

    Road in Owings Mills, MD. The media center will serve as the hub for all calls from the press. All calls

    should be transferred to Patrick Gleason, the Public Relations manager. There should be a log of all press

    related calls that the media center receives. A sample press contact will be on page 14. At the time of

    crisis, multiple press contact sheets will be readily available at the media center and copies will be

    emailed to every department.

    Remember that a spokesperson always has the right to refuse to answer a question. However, the

    question should be answered in a later call to the member of the press who asked.

    Be careful of saying the term no comment because it carries negative connotations and the

    public could see it as the organization trying to hide something.

    Off the record comments should be kept to an absolute minimum and preferably only stated by

    the PR manager.

    Do not speculate, guess, or provide false information because these types of errors could lead to

    major problems in the future.

    Make sure to emphasize the positive in any statement a spokesperson gives.

    The second step should be to locate and find a local media monitoring service (otherwise known

    as a clipping service). This is to help us keep track of how the media is reporting the allegations against

    our organization.

    Other steps should be to:

    Make sure that all stock photos are monitored by the media center. Release some stock

    photos, taken by a staff member, to the press to use in any article written about the


  • 13

    Make sure that there is an in-depth and helpful press conference dress rehearsal, so that every

    member involved in the conference knows what they should actually do when the actual press

    conference happens. During the conference, the spokesperson should maintain a calm, cool,

    and collected demeanor. His/her voice should never be raised in anger toward any member of

    the organization or any member of the press.

    At every press conference there should be counsel readily available to be able to aid the

    speaker in case a sensitive topic such as questions regarding legal ramifications are raised.

    Also at the press conference have written materials such as: fact sheets, contact sheets,

    biographies, and press statements ready to be handed out to every person that is in attendance.

    Make sure every member of the media relations team fills out a Post crisis evaluation.

    Press Contact Sheet No. ___________ (in order received)

    Date: ______________________________ Time: ______________ a.m/p.m

    Reporting AP officer: ____________________________

    Inquiry received from (person):


    Reporter/Editor with (organization):









    Is follow-up needed? : _________________ If so when?:___________________________





  • 14

    Post Crisis Evaluation

    Please read and finish the following form in a timely manner and turn the form into your

    superior. Thank you.

    Date: ________________________

    Department: ______________________________________________

    Department Phone Number and Extension: _____________________________________________

    1. How were you involved in this crisis:




    2. Were you notified in a timely manner: _________________

    3. Were you happy how you were notified: ______________________________

    Why or why not?: ___________________________________________________________

    4. What could be improved about the notification system:




    5. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rank the way your

    department handled this crisis. Circle your answer choice.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    6. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rank the way the

    company as a whole handled this crisis. Circle your answer choice.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    7. How can the companys crisis management plan be improved?





  • 15

    8. Any other comments?












