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Raw system logs processing with hive

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Raw System Logs processing. Files from System Logs. Create a table in Hive to load all the Raw Log data: Hive Create table query: CREATE TABLE rawlog (log_date STRING, log_time STRING, c_ip STRING, cs_username STRING, s_ip STRING, s_port STRING, cs_method STRING, cs_uri_stem STRING, cs_uri_query STRING, sc_status STRING, sc_bytes INT, cs_bytes INT, time_taken INT, cs_user_agent STRING, cs_referrer STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' '; ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ To load the raw data into hive table: LOAD DATA INPATH '/data/logs' INTO TABLE rawlog;
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Raw System Logs processing.

Files from System Logs.

Create a table in Hive to load all the Raw Log data:

Hive Create table query:

CREATE TABLE rawlog (log_date STRING, log_time STRING, c_ip STRING, cs_username STRING, s_ip STRING, s_port STRING, cs_method STRING, cs_uri_stem STRING, cs_uri_query STRING, sc_status STRING, sc_bytes INT, cs_bytes INT, time_taken INT, cs_user_agent STRING, cs_referrer STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ';


To load the raw data into hive table:

LOAD DATA INPATH '/data/logs' INTO TABLE rawlog;

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Check if the data is loaded correctly:

Select * from rawlog LIMIT 100;


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Create an External Table: Clean Log to store data that does not contain NULL values:

Create External Table : Clean Log:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE cleanlog (log_date DATE, log_time STRING, c_ip STRING, cs_username STRING, s_ip STRING, s_port STRING, cs_method STRING, cs_uri_stem STRING, cs_uri_query STRING, sc_status STRING, sc_bytes INT,cs_bytes INT,time_taken INT, cs_user_agent STRING, cs_referrer STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/data/cleanlog';

Insert data into Clean Log table:To create a clean log table:

INSERT INTO TABLE cleanlog SELECT * FROM rawlog WHERE SUBSTR(log_date, 1, 1) <> '#';

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MapReduce Job Completion:

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select * from cleanlog limit 100;

O/P will be a table with no NULL values:

Creating a view for the cleanlog table:

CREATE VIEW vDailySummary AS SELECT log_date, COUNT(*) AS requests, SUM(cs_bytes) AS inbound_bytes, SUM(sc_bytes) AS outbound_bytes FROM cleanlog GROUP BY log_date;

SELECT * FROM daily_summary ORDER BY log_date;

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O/P ordered by log date

Sum of all sc_bytes

Sum of all cs_bytes.

Now we Partition the table, which will help enhance performance when querying on specific columns or when the job can be effectively split across multiple reducer nodes.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE partitionedlog (log_day int, log_time STRING, c_ip STRING, cs_username STRING, s_ip STRING, s_port STRING, cs_method STRING, cs_uri_stem STRING, cs_uri_query STRING, sc_status STRING, sc_bytes INT, cs_bytes INT, time_taken INT, cs_user_agent STRING, cs_referrer STRING) PARTITIONED BY (log_year int, log_month int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/data/partitionedlog';

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While loading into the partitioned table, we need to set the following modes:

SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true;

INSERT INTO TABLE partitionedlog PARTITION(log_year, log_month) SELECT DAY(log_date), log_time, c_ip, cs_username, s_ip, s_port, cs_method, cs_uri_stem, cs_uri_query, sc_status, sc_bytes, cs_bytes, time_taken, cs_user_agent, cs_referrer, YEAR(log_date), MONTH(log_date) FROM rawlog WHERE SUBSTR(log_date, 1, 1) <> '#';

By partitioning the data in this way, queries filtered on year and month will benefit from having to search a smaller volume of data to retrieve the results.

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For EX:

If we want to specifically look at year 2008 and month 6:

SELECT log_day, count(*) AS page_hits FROM partitionedlog WHERE log_year=2008 AND log_month=6 GROUP BY log_day;

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