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Raybestos Hq

Date post: 26-Feb-2018
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ph. + 48 91 4317330fax + 48 91 4615744fax + 48 91 4317315

mob. +48 [email protected]


a!ie""a 36c s#r.70$772 %&c&eci"




Euroship Service is #he s#oc-i"! is#ribu#or for /abes#os bra-e li"i"! ma#erials i" 'ola". * lar!e selec#io"of /abes#os 9020 is available from s#oc- i" %&c&eci" which e"ables for 99 of all orers #o be ispa#cheo" #he same as as #he orer is receive.

/abes#os 9020 is a" asbes#os free wove" bra-e li"i"! ma#erial which is prouce from ar"s a" brasswire. hereaf#er #he wove" s#ruc#ure is impre!"a#e wi#h special resi"s #o !ive #he ma#erial i#s flexural s#re"!#ha" hea# resis#a"ce. *f#er curi"! i" a" i"us#rial ove" for 4 hours a# 160 e!rees elsius #he ma#erials isrea for use a" i"s#alla#io".

/abes#os 90290 is prouce b a eica#e a" repu#able fac#or a" s#oc-e i" "umerous cou"#ries

worl wie. *ll of #he prouc#io" s#eps are o"e i" house so #he level of uali# ca" be mai"#ai"e a# aco"#i"uous hi!h level. a" of #he leai"! uropea" wi"ch ma"ufac#urers use /abes#os bra-e li"i"!s fori"s#alla#io" o" #heir "ew buili"! wi"ches a" specif i# as recomme"e spare par#s.

%i"ce #he cos# of reli"i"! of bra-e shoes is far more expe"sive #he" #he "ew li"i"!s i#self cos# savi"!s ca" bemae whe" usi"! /abes#os 9020 wi#h i#s superior life#ime.

/abes#os 9020 ca" be i"s#alle b mea"s of copper rive#s bol#s a" "u#s a" or !lue. he me#hoe ofi"s#alla#io" is epe"i"! o" #he prefere"ce of #he user all are accep#able for "ormal applica#io"s. *combi"a#io" of mecha"icall securi"! a" bo"i"! is avise for ex#remel heav u# applica#io"s.

/abes#os 9020 bra-e li"i"! is erma"ischer )lo for mari"e applica#io"s af#er sever #es#i"! a"i"spec#io".

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ph. + 48 91 4317330fax + 48 91 4615744fax + 48 91 4317315

mob. +48 [email protected]


a!ie""a 36c s#r.70$772 %&c&eci"



Product datasheet: Raybestos M9020 brake lining

'rouc# escrip#io" 9020 is a heav u# composi#e wove" from ar"s co"#ai"i"! brasswire. his e"se #ou!h# ma#erial exhibi#s excep#io"al resis#a"ce #o hea#a" compressio" u"er hi!h loas. 9020 has excelle"# fae a"recover s#abili#. 9020 is capable of ru""i! i" oil immerseapplica#io"s however #he coeffice"# of fric#io" will ecrease.

 *pplica#io" 9020 is sui#able for li!h# #o heav u# service applica#io"s i"clui"!wi"ches cra"es hois#s a" o#her heav u# i"us#rial purposes.

'hsical proper#ies i#h: up #o 370 mm

hic-"ess: 32 mm #o 25 mm)e"!h#: 10m

(other sies avaible upon re!uest"

;ric#io" proper#ies oefficie"# of fric#io":

ormal: 053

<o#: 053

@ 200 o : 056

/ecome"e opera#i"! limi#s ax. u"i# pressure: 35 =mm2

ax. rubbi"! spee: 21 m=s

ax. #empera#ure i"#ermi##e"#: 280 o

ax. #empera#ure co"#i"ous: 250 o

er#ifica#e /abes#os 9020 is approve b erma"ischer$)los for use i" =)classe mari"e wi"ches. >cer#. "r 21 138 04<<?

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ph. + 48 91 4317330fax + 48 91 4615744fax + 48 91 4317315

mob. +48 [email protected]


a!ie""a 36c s#r.70$772 %&c&eci"



Pricelist 200# $or Raybestos M9020 brake lining

'rices per me#er i" uro.

 All sizes are available from stock or in 2 days.Lenght – max. 10,00 m as one strip.

3 5 6,4 8 10 13 16 20 25,4

20 ,00 !,"0 !,"0 #,00 $,"0 10,"0 10,"0 1,"0 1%,00

2" ,00 #,00 #,00 $,"0 10,"0 12,00 1,"0 1%,00 22,"0

0 !,"0 #,00 $,"0 &,00 12,00 1",00 1#,"0 21,00 2$,00

" !,"0 $,"0 &,00 10,"0 1,"0 1%,00 1&,"0 2!,00 1,"0

!0 #,00 &,00 10,"0 12,00 1",00 1&,"0 22,"0 2%,"0 !,"0

!" #,00 10,"0 10,"0 1,"0 1%,00 22,"0 2","0 1,"0 &,00

"0 $,"0 10,"0 12,00 1",00 1&,"0 2","0 2%,"0 !,"0 !,"0

"" $,"0 12,00 1,"0 1#,"0 21,00 2$,00 0,00 $,"0 !%,00

#0 &,00 1,"0 1",00 1%,00 2!,00 0,00 ,00 !2,00 "2,"0

#" &,00 1,"0 1#,"0 21,00 2","0 ,00 #,00 !",00 "$,00

$0 10,"0 1",00 1%,00 22,"0 2$,00 !,"0 &,00 !%,00 #1,"0

$" 10,"0 1#,"0 1%,00 2!,00 0,00 $,"0 !2,00 "2,"0 ##,00

%0 10,"0 1%,00 1&,"0 2","0 1,"0 !0,"0 !",00 "","0 $0,"0

&0 12,00 1&,"0 22,"0 2%,"0 !,"0 !",00 !&,"0 #,00 $&,"0

100 1,"0 22,"0 2!,00 1,"0 &,00 !&,"0 "","0 #&,00 %%,"0

110 1",00 2!,00 2$,00 !,"0 !,"0 "","0 #1,"0 $#,"0 &$,"0

11" 1#,"0 2","0 2%,"0 #,00 !",00 "$,00 #!,"0 $&,"0 102,00

120 1#,"0 2","0 0,00 $,"0 !#,"0 #0,00 ##,00 %2,"0 10",00

12" 1%,00 2$,00 1,"0 &,00 !&,"0 #,00 #&,00 %$,00 10&,"0

10 1%,00 2%,"0 1,"0 !0,"0 "1,00 #!,"0 $2,00 &0,00 11!,00

1!0 1&,"0 0,00 !,"0 !,"0 "!,00 $0,"0 $%,00 &$,"0 12,001"0 21,00 ,00 $,"0 !#,"0 "%,"0 $",00 %2,"0 10,"0 12,00

1#0 22,"0 !,"0 &,00 !&,"0 #,00 $&,"0 %%,"0 111,00 1!1,00

1#" 22,"0 #,00 !0,"0 "1,00 #!,"0 %2,"0 &1,"0 11!,00 1!","0

1%0 2","0 &,00 !",00 "","0 $0,"0 &0,00 100,"0 12!,"0 1"&,00

1&0 2$,00 !2,00 !#,"0 "%,"0 $,"0 &!,"0 10",00 12,00 1#%,00

200 2%,"0 !,"0 !&,"0 #,00 $%,00 100,"0 111,00 1%,00 1$","0

210 0,00 !#,"0 "2,"0 ##,00 %2,"0 10",00 11$,00 1!","0 1%!,"0

220 1,"0 !%,00 "!,00 #&,00 %","0 10&,"0 121,"0 1",00 1&,"0

20 1,"0 "1,00 "$,00 $2,00 &0,00 11","0 12$,"0 1"&,00 202,"0

2!0 ,00 "2,"0 "%,"0 $",00 &,00 120,00 1,"0 1##,"0 211,"0

2"0 !,"0 "!,00 #1,"0 $%,00 &$,"0 12#,00 1%,00 1$!,00 220,"0

2#0 #,00 "$,00 #!,"0 %1,00 102,00 10,"0 1!!,00 1%0,00 22&,"0

2%0 &,00 #1,"0 #&,00 %$,00 10&,"0 1!1,00 1"#,00 1&,"0 2!#,00

00 !2,00 ##,00 $,"0 &,00 11$,00 1"0,00 1##,"0 20%,"0 2#!,00

Thickn!! "##$

%i&'h "##$
