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RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za...

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Univerzitetna služba za evropske projekte RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06.2016 OBJAVLJENI RAZPISI HORIZON2020 Odprte razpise H2020 najdete na povezavi: PARTICIPANT PORTAL H2020 CALL: FET-OPEN – NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES Več informacij: Povezava Rok prijave: 29.09.2016; 17.1.2017;27.9.2017 Opis: This call aims to support the early stages of joint science and technology research for radically new future technological possibilities. The call is entirely non-prescriptive with regards to the nature or purpose of the technologies that are envisaged and thus targets mainly the unexpected. A bottom-up selection process will build up a diverse portfolio of projects. In order to identify and seize opportunities of long-term benefit for citizens, the economy and society, the early detection of promising new areas, developments and trends, wherever they come from, will be essential. The FET-Open call also seeks for coordination and support activities to turn Europe into the best place in the world for responsible collaborative research and innovation on future and emerging technologies that will make a difference for society in the decades to come. Finally, a specific topic under this call aims to stimulate innovation by initiating entrepreneurial activities around results from FET research projects. Vrednost razpisa: For FETOPEN-01-2016-2017, an amount of EUR 84.00 million will be equally allocated to each of the three cut-off dates. The budget for the third cut-off date will be provided in part from the 2017 budget (EUR 26.50 million) and from the 2018 budget (EUR 57.50 million).
Page 1: RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij na antibiotike. Projekti

Univerzitetna služba

za evropske projekte





Odprte razpise H2020 najdete na povezavi: PARTICIPANT PORTAL H2020 CALL: FET-OPEN – NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES Več informacij: Povezava

Rok prijave: 29.09.2016; 17.1.2017;27.9.2017


This call aims to support the early stages of joint science and technology research for radically new future technological possibilities. The call is entirely non-prescriptive with regards to the nature or purpose of the technologies that are envisaged and thus targets mainly the unexpected. A bottom-up selection process will build up a diverse portfolio of projects. In order to identify and seize opportunities of long-term benefit for citizens, the economy and society, the early detection of promising new areas, developments and trends, wherever they come from, will be essential. The FET-Open call also seeks for coordination and support activities to turn Europe into the best place in the world for responsible collaborative research and innovation on future and emerging technologies that will make a difference for society in the decades to come. Finally, a specific topic under this call aims to stimulate innovation by initiating entrepreneurial activities around results from FET research projects.

Vrednost razpisa: For FETOPEN-01-2016-2017, an amount of EUR 84.00 million will be equally allocated to each of the three cut-off dates. The budget for the third cut-off date will be provided in part from the 2017 budget (EUR 26.50 million) and from the 2018 budget (EUR 57.50 million).

Page 2: RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij na antibiotike. Projekti

H2020 CALL: SECURITY Več informacij: Povezava

Rok prijave: 25.09.2016



SEC-01-DRS-2016: Integrated tools for response planning and scenario building

SEC-02-DRS-2016: Situational awareness systems to support civil protection

preparation and operational decision making

SEC-03-DRS-2016: Validation of biological toxins measurements after an

incident: Development of tools and procedures for quality control

SEC-06-FCT-2016: Developing a comprehensive approach to violent

radicalization in the EU from early understanding to improving protection

SEC-07-FCT-2016-2017: Human Factor for the Prevention, Investigation, and

Mitigation of criminal and terrorist acts

SEC-08-FCT-2016: Forensics techniques on: a) trace qualification, and b)

broadened use of DNA

SEC-11-FCT-2016: Detection techniques on explosives: Countering an explosive

threat, across the timeline of a plot

SEC-14-BES-2016: Towards reducing the cost of technologies in land border

security applications

SEC-19-BES-2016: Data fusion for maritime security applications

SEC-20-BES-2016: Border Security: autonomous systems and control systems

IKT RAZPISI 2016-2017 (H2020-ICT-2016-2017) Evropska komisija bo v okviru razpisa IKT 2016-2017 (H2020-ICT-2016-2017) z 8. decembrom 2016 uradno odprla nove razpisne teme na portalu Obzorja 2020 Več informacij na spletnih straneh MIZŠ http://www.mizs.gov.si/si/obzorje2020/razpisi/

EACEA ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the field of youth - 2016 - Round 2 Več informacij: Povezava

Rok prijave: 1.7.2016


Youth Capacity-building projects aim to: •foster cooperation and exchanges in the field of youth between Programme Countries and Partner Countries from different regions120 of the world; •improve the quality and recognition of youth work, non-formal learning and volunteering in Partner Countries and enhance their synergies and complementarities with other education systems, the labour market and society; •foster the development, testing and launching of schemes and programmes of non-formal learning mobility at regional level (i.e. within and across regions of the world); •promote transnational non-formal learning mobility between Programme and

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Partner Countries, especially targeting young people with fewer opportunities, with a view to improving participants' level of competences and fostering their active participation in society.

Vrednost razpisa: 150 000 EUR

DRUGI MEDNARODNI RAZPISI EUREKA network projects Več informacij:

Več informacij

Rok prijave: Ni roka


EUREKA invites applications for its funding for network projects. This call supports transnational, market-driven innovative research and development project consortia that aim to develop marketable products, services or processes in any technological area with a civilian purpose. The call’s bottom-up approach allows project consortia to define the nature of the technologies to be developed and how the project comes together, agree upon the intellectual property rights and build partnerships, to share expertise and ease access to international markets with the results of their research. Consortia must consist of at least two partners from two different EUREKA countries. Partners may be SMEs, large companies, research institutions and universities. Projects may be financed by national authorities in accordance with national laws, rules and regulations.

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Javno posvetovanje za oblikovanje delovnega programa Obzorje 2020 – družbeni izziv 2:

Če vas zanimajo raziskave na področju hrane, trajnostnega kmetijstva, pomorstva, kopenskih voda,

biotehnologije, lahko sodelujete v javni razpravi, ki jo je objavila Evropska komisija, ter prispevate

svoje mnenje za pripravo naslednjega (končnega) delovnega projrama Obzorje 2020 v družbenem

izzivu 2, “Zanesljiva preskrba s hrano, trajnostno kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo, morske in pomorske

raziskave in raziskave celinskih voda ter biogospodarstvo”. Posvetovanje bo odprto do 28. avgusta


Več informacij


Javno posvetovanje za oblikovanje delovnega programa 2018-2020 za H2020, področje znanosti za


Do 4. julija 2016 lahko zainteresirane organizacije sodelujejo v javnem posvetovanju Evropske

komisije za pripravo delovnega programa Obzorje 2020, področje “Znanost za družbo in z njo”. Še

posebej so dobrodošla mnenja civilne družbe, podjetij, raziskovalnih inštitucij, znanstvenih muzejev,

znanstvenih centrov, lokalnih oblasti, mest z znanstveno kulturo, inovatorjev, podjetnikov ter ostalih


Več informacij:


Najbolj inovativne univerze v Evropi

Reuters je objavil lestvico najbolj inovativnih univerz v Evropi, na prvo mesto je uvrstil Katoliško

univerzo v Leuvnu. Med prih 100 najbolj inovativnih univerz najdemo tako katoliške kot sekularne

universe, državne in zasebne, take, ki so stare več stoletij in take, ki obstajajo šele desetletje.

Prihajajo iz vseh delov EU, iz urbanih in tudi ruralnih področij. Vsem pa imajo skupno to, da so

usmerjene praktične in aplikativne raziskave, in ne le zgolj v bazično znanost. Na lestvici dominirajo

tehnične univerze in univerze, ki največ prispevajo k napredku znanosti, novim tehnologijam ter

imajo vpliv na gospodarski napredek. Med 100 najbolj inovativnimi univerzami v Evropi ni nobene

slovenske univerze.

10 najbolj inovativnih univerz

1 KU Leuven Belgium

2 Imperial College London United Kingdom

3 University of Cambridge United Kingdom

4 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Switzerland

Page 5: RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij na antibiotike. Projekti

5 Technical University of Munich Germany

6 University of Erlangen Nuremberg Germany

7 Delft University of Technology Netherlands

8 University of Oxford United Kingdom

9 University of Munich Germany

10 University of Zurich Switzerland

Več informacij:


36 milijonov evrov za 16 inovativnih projektov

Evropska komisija bo na podlagi instrumenta Hitra pot do inovacij (FTI) namenila 36 milijonov evrov

za 16 inovativnih projektov, ki so jih izvajalci prijavili do 15. marca letos. Prek FTI Evropska komisija

zagotavlja nepovratna sredstva za inovativna podjetja in organizacije, da s svojimi dobrimi idejami

lažje prodrejo na trg. Nagrade dodeljuje za tehnološke preboje z velikim pomenom za družbo. Za

prijave je odprt en razpis. Naslednji datum za izbor prijavljenih projektov je 25. oktober 2016.

Med 16 izbranimi projekti so tehnologija za materiale za lopatice vetrnih turbin, la<serski robot, ki

odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij

na antibiotike. Projekti so bili izbrani med 263 prijavami. Od začetka izvajanja FTI januarja 2015 je

prispelo 1166 prijav projektov, od tega je bilo izbranih 62, za katere je Evropska komisija namenila

134,7 milijona evrov. Skoraj polovica partnerjev v projektih so majhna in srednja podjetja.

Shema FTI podpira male konzorcije treh do petih organizacij z izrazitim sodelovanjem podjetij.

Dobrodošle so vse zamisli s področja tehnologije ali uporabe, sodeluje pa lahko vsak pravni subjekt s

sedežem v EU ali v državi, pridruženi programu Obzorje 2020.

Koristne informacije:

Seznam izbranih projektov:


Spletna stran FTI:


Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na odločitve nadnacionalk, v kateri državi bodo investirale v raziskave in


Nova študija Skupnega raziskovalnega centra (JRC) pri Evropski komisiji je pokazala, da se

nadnacionalke odločajo za investicije v države z velikim tržnim potencialom, če dobijo prednost pred

tekmeci in v države, ki so odprte za trgovanje. Ne skrbijo pa jih preveč visoki davki in stroški za

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začetek poslovanja. Študija tudi nakazuje, da so lahko reforme, ki zagotavljajo pravo kombinacijo

regulacije na področju trga in zaposlovanja, ključne za to, da so nekatere države bolj privlačne za

investicije nadnacionalk v raziskave in inovacije.

Študija je tudi pokazala, da nadnacionalke raje izberejo državo, ki je bližje njihovemu sedežu, državo,

kjer uporabljajo enak jezik, kot v državi, kjer imajo sedež. Cilj izvajalcev študije je bil ugotoviti, v

kolikšni meri regulativa za področje trgov blaga in trg dela skupaj z administrativnimi postopki in

drugimi socialno-ekonomskimi dejavniki vpliva na odločitve podjetij, ki največ investirajo v znanost in

raziskave, katero državo bodo izbrale za svojo naložbo.

Študija je bila narejena na podlagi analize 2500 podjetij, ki na globalni ravni največ investirajo v

raziskave in razvoj.

Koristne informacije:

Študija: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/sites/default/files/JRC100807.pdf

30 polfinalistov za nagrado za socialne inovacije

Izbranih je 30 polfinalistov, ki se potegujejo za letošnjo nagrado za socialne inovacije. Med njimi je

eden iz Slovenije.


Sporočilo Evropske komisije s povezavo na seznam polfinalistov

Smernice za vključevanje v sodelovalno gospodarstvo

Evropska komisija je predstavila smernice za podporo potrošnikom, podjetjem in javnim organom pri

vključevanju v sodelovalno gospodarstvo. Gre za nove poslovne modele, ki lahko prispevajo k

ustvarjanju delovnih mest in rasti v EU. Predstavljene smernice naj bi državam članicam pomagale

vzpostaviti regulativno okolje, ki bo omogočalo razvoj novih poslovnih modelov. Sodelovalno

gospodarstvo je vse bolj razširjeno v številnih dejavnostih in gospodarskih sektorjih, od delitve oz.

souporabe hiš do vožnje po mestu.

Poslovni modeli temeljijo na transakcijah med sodelujočimi in skupni platformi delovanja, kar

ustvarja odprt trg za začasno uporabo izdelkov ali storitev. Najpogosteje ne gre za spremembo

lastništva, dejavnosti pa so lahko pridobitne ali nepridobitne.

Sporočilo Evropska agenda za sodelovalno gospodarstvo vsebuje smernice v zvezi s tem, kako bi bilo

treba obstoječo zakonodajo EU uporabljati v tem dinamičnem in hitro razvijajočem se sektorju,

obenem pa pojasnjuje ključna vprašanja, ki pestijo upravljavce trga in javne organe.

Evropska komisija poziva države članice EU, naj pregledajo in po potrebi revidirajo veljavno

zakonodajo v skladu s temi smernicami.

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Koristne informacije:

Sporočilo Evropska agenda za sodelovalno gospodarstvo:


Prost dostop do evropskih znanstvenih člankov

Vsi evropski znanstveni članki morajo biti do leta 2020 prosto dostopni, so sklenili ministri, pristojni

za konkurenčnost.



Razpis za člane odbora za etiko

Evropska komisija prek javnega poziva do 26. junija zbira kandidature za člane odbora za etiko.


Sporočilo o pozivu

Računalniški model za boljši zrak v mestih

Znanstveniki skupnega raziskovalnega centra (JRC) pri Evropski komisiji je razvila računalniški model

za primerjavo podatkov o kakovosti zraka v mestih.


Spletna stran o modelu


Dogodek za izmenjavo projektnih idej za področje ZDRAVJE

21. in 22. Junij 2016, Bruselj

Razpisi Obzorje 2020 s področja zdravja so:

SC1-HCO-03-2017: Implementing the Strategic Research Agenda on Personalised Medicine

SC1-HCO-07-2017: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD)

SC1-HCO-08-2017: Actions to bridge the divide in European health research and innovation

SC1-PM-02-2017: New concepts in patient stratification SC1-PM-03-2017: Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases SC1-PM-07-2017: Promoting mental health and well-being in the young SC1-PM-08-2017: New therapies for rare diseases SC1-PM-10-2017: Comparing the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in the adult population SC1-PM-15-2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age SC1-PM-16-2017: In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products SC1-PM-17-2017: Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being

Page 8: RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij na antibiotike. Projekti

SC1-PM-19-2017: PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalised healthcare records SC1-PM-20-2017: Development of new methods and measures for improved economic evaluation and efficiency measures in the health sector

Dogodek za izmenjavo projektnih idej za Obzorje 2020 – nanotehnologija in ICT

21. junij 2016, Bruselj

Prosimo izberite teme, ki vas zanimajo, ter opišite kako bi v projektu sodelovali.

KONTAKT: Maja Ferlinc [email protected]

Razpisi za 2017:



04-2017: Architectured /Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures

05-2017: Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetics in

high added value consumer goods

06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore

07-2017: Systems of materials characterisation for model, product and process optimisation


12-2017: Development of a reliable methodology for better risk management of engineered

biomaterials in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and/or Medical Devices

13-2017: Cross-cutting KETs for diagnostics at the point-of-care

14-2017: Regulatory Science Framework for assessment of risk benefit ratio of Nanomedicines and


15-2017: Nanotechnologies for imaging cellular transplants and regenerative processes in vivo

16-2017: Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem


19-2017: Cost-effective materials for “power-to-chemical” technologies

20-2017: High-performance materials for optimizing carbon dioxide capture


22-2017: Business models and industrial strategies supporting novel supply chains for innovative



25-2017: Next generation system integrating tangible and intangible materials model components

to support innovation in industry



Page 9: RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij na antibiotike. Projekti

28-2017: Framework and strategies for nanomaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and

read-across for risk analysis

29-2017: Advanced and realistic models and assays for nanomaterial hazard assessment



31-2017: Presidency events

34-2017: Governing innovation of nanotechnology through enhanced societal engagement

35-2017: Innovative solutions for the conservation of 20th century cultural heritage


A new generation of components and systems

ICT-04-2017: Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative

Advanced Computing

ICT-05-2017: Customised and low energy computing

Future Internet

ICT-07-2017: 5G PPP Research and Validation of critical technologies and systems

ICT-08-2017: 5G PPP Convergent Technologies

ICT-09-2017: Networking research beyond 5G

ICT-11-2017: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation

Content technologies and information management

ICT-14-2017: Big Data PPP: cross-sectorial and cross-lingual data integration and experimentation

ICT-15-2017: Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven


ICT-16-2017: Big data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy

ICT-17-2017: Big data PPP: Support, industrial skills, benchmarking and evaluation

ICT-19-2017: Media and content convergence

ICT-20-2017: Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries

ICT-23-2017: Interfaces for accessibility

Robotics and Autonomous Systems

ICT-25-2017: Advanced robot capabilities research and take-up

ICT-27-2017: System abilities, SME & benchmarking actions, safety certification

ICT-28-2017: Robotics Competition, coordination and support

ICT Key Enabling Technologies

ICT-30-2017: Photonics KET 2017

ICT-31-2017: Micro- and nanoelectronics technologies

Innovation and Entrepreneurship support

ICT-32-2017: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects

ICT-33-2017: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects

International Cooperation actions

ICT-39-2017: International partnership building in low and middle income countries

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Factories of the Future

FOF-06-2017: New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for

mass production

FOF-07-2017: Integration of unconventional technologies for multi-material processing into

manufacturing systems

FOF-08-2017: In-line measurement and control for micro-/nano-enabled high-volume

manufacturing for enhanced reliability

FOF-09-2017: Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of

production systems


FOF-12-2017: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)


OBZORJE2020: Ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu na temo izobraževanja in veščin v

podporo mladim evropskim inovatorjem

Ukrajinska ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu Obzorja 2020 na temo izobraževanja in

veščin v podporo mladim evropskim inovatorjem (razpis H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2016-2017).

Ponudba je objavljena na portalu Idealist, preko katerega v primeru interesa tudi odgovorite.

Date of Publication: 14/06/2016

Call Identifier: H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2016-2017

Full proposal Name: Open environment for youth learning and entrepreneurship

based on modern IT and business models

Topic: CO-CREATION-01-2017: Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators

Type of Action: Innovation action

Evaluation Scheme: One Step

Closure Date: 2/2/2017

Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-ua-101085

OBZORJE2020: Ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu na temo 5. generacije omrežij

(razpis H2020-ICT-2017)

Beloruska ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu Obzorja 2020 na temo elektromagnetske

varnosti in ekologije v primeru 5. generacije omrežnih komunikacij. Ponudba je objavljena na portalu

Idealist preko katerega v primeru interesa tudi odgovorite.

Date of Publication: 10/06/2016

Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2017

Full proposal Name: 5G cellular communications electromagnetic safety and ecology

Topic: ICT-07-2017: 5G PPP Research and Validation of critical technologies and systems

Type of Action: Research and Innovation Actions

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Evaluation Scheme: One Stage

Closure Date: 8/11/2016

Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-by-100501


Apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (please see attachment for further information)

The National Hellenic Research Foundation is interested in participating as a host organization in the following types of actions under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016):

MSCA-IF-EF-ST (ST - Standard European Fellowships)

MSCA-IF-EF-CAR (CAR – Career Restart panel)

MSCA-IF-EF-RI (RI – Reintegration panel)

MSCA-IF-GF (Global Fellowships)

Researchers who wish to cooperate with NHRF for the submission of a project proposal under the aforementioned actions should check that they fulfill the respective eligibility criteria and then send an expression of interest, consisting of a short CV and a two-page summary presentation of their research proposal, to Mrs Kleri Foniadaki ( [email protected]).

For further information, please contact Mrs Kleri Foniadaki ([email protected], +30 210 7273514) and Mrs Vassiliki Kollia ([email protected], +30 210 7273767).


Enterprise, Internal Market:

Public consultation on the possible revision of the Mutual Recognition Regulation (EC) No 764/2008


Ex-post Evaluation of the Single European Sky (SES) Performance and Charging Schemes

Communications Networks - Content & Technology, Information Society:

Public consultation on the safety of apps and other non-embedded software not covered by sectoral

legislation (such as medical devices or radio equipment).

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Public consultation on a possible modernisation of the trade part of the EU-Chile Association



Joint EUDAT- OpenAIRE webinar “How to write a Data Management Plan”, Thursday, 7 July 2016

Joint EUDAT- OpenAIRE webinar “How to write a Data Management Plan” As several research funders are carrying out (Open) Data Pilots, projects and researchers are increasingly required to deliver a Data Management Plan or DMP. The DMP is a useful instrument for researchers to reflect on and communicate about the way they will deal with their data. It prompts them to think about how they will generate, analyse and share data during their research project and afterwards. In this webinar Sarah Jones (DCC) and Marjan Grootveld (DANS) will talk you through the aspects that Horizon 2020 requires from a DMP. We’ll discuss examples from real DMPs and also touch upon the Software Management Plan, which for some projects can be a sensible addition. For introductory information about Research Data Management you can check the recordings and slides of our previous joint webinar: "Research Data Management: An introductory Webinar from OpenAIRE and EUDAT<https://eudat.eu/events/webinar/research-data-management-an-introductory-webinar-from-openaire-and-eudat>" When: Thursday, 7 July 2016 at 11.00 CEST Target audience: Researchers, data librarians, project coordinators and research officers CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!<https://eudat.eu/webinar-registration-7-july-2016> To participate: go to http://www.instantpresenter.com/eifl159 (https://www.openaire.eu/events/eventdetail/404/53%7C54%7C55%7C56%7C57%7C58/joint-eudat-openaire-webinar-how-to-write-a-data-management-plan)

Stakeholder Forum and Programme Review Days of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint

Undertaking, 21-23 November 2016 in Brussels

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) is very pleased to invite you to its 9th

Stakeholder Forum. More than 350 participants from the European Industry and Research

communities together with decision-makers will attend the FCH JU annual event.

Given the conclusions of COP 21 (commitment to a target of at least 40% domestic reduction in

greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990), policy makers and high level industry

representatives will get together to stress the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) momentum and

strongly state the key role FCH technologies may play in contributing to reach the stated targets.

Page 13: RAZPISI, NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE 15.06 · odkriva napake pri varjenju trupov ladij, naprava za oživljanje, nov hitrejši test občutljivosti bakterij na antibiotike. Projekti

Urgencies related to climate change and environment, combined with the maturity and

commercialisation readiness of FCH technologies will be discussed, taking into account the need for

favourable legislative provisions, regulatory framework and proper financial mechanisms to enhance

FCH technologies’ commercialisation.

Best practices will be presented in order to illustrate how European, National and Regional

programmes are integrated and how regulations, tariffs and incentives can favour FCH solutions’

market penetration.

The two days preceding the Stakeholder Forum will include the 2016 Programme Review Days

which will be an opportunity to review activities of many FCH JU projects.

Thank you to mark these dates in your agenda.

More information will come shortly on our website www.fch.europa.eu

High level conference on Food authenticity and integrity

Bruselj, junij 24. 2016,

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Single Market for products: Fresh ideas to unleash the full potential

Bruselj, junij 17. 2016,

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Vision2020: Second Climate Helix Event

Valencia, junij 29. – 30. 2016,

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Forum 2016 – Where business and research talent meet

Bruselj, junij 29. 2016,

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Budimpešta, julij 19. – 20. 2016,

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