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RCA Culinology Currents Winter/Spring 2014

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Research Chefs Defining the Future of Food ASSOCIATION Official Newsletter of the Research Chefs Association ® Inside This Issue: CURRENTS RCA Elects New Board of Directors Regions: 2013 Was Our Biggest Year Yet Make the Most of Portland 5 7 8 RCA Vision: Create the Future of Food continued on page 3 Winter/Spring 2014 Anthony Bourdain once said, “I’ve long believed that good food, good eating, is all about risk. Whether we’re talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime ‘associates,’ food, for me, has always been an adventure.” In 2014, the RCA wants you to feel inspired to take risks with your culinary creations. The National Restaurant Association among other industry thought-leaders, have announced their “What’s Hot in 2014” survey findings predicting the biggest trends, flavors and consumer behavior expectations in food R&D for the coming year. Even though fads and crazes can sometimes be classified as trends, they still have an impact on what consumers hunger after. Here at the RCA we’ve round-up some of the top trends reported throughout the food and beverage industry that affect you and hopefully will get your creative juices pumping (sources and “links” to full articles located on page 3): Get Inspired in 2014

Research Chefs

Defining the Future of Food


Offi cial Newsletter of the Research Chefs Association®

Inside This Issue:


RCA Elects New Board of Directors Regions: 2013 Was Our Biggest Year Yet

Make the Most of Portland


R C A V i s i o n : C r e a t e t h e F u t u r e o f F o o d

continued on page 3

Winter/Spring 2014

Anthony Bourdain once said, “I’ve long believed that good food, good eating, is all about risk. Whether we’re talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime ‘associates,’ food, for me, has always been an adventure.” In 2014, the RCA wants you to feel inspired to take risks with your culinary creations.

The National Restaurant Association among other industry thought-leaders, have announced their “What’s Hot in 2014” survey fi ndings predicting the biggest trends, fl avors and consumer behavior expectations in food R&D for the coming year. Even though fads and crazes can sometimes be classifi ed as trends, they still have an impact on what consumers hunger after.

Here at the RCA we’ve round-up some of the top trends reported throughout the food and beverage industry that affect you and hopefully will get your creative juices pumping (sources and “links” to full articles located on page 3):

Get Inspired in 2014


| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 20142


Table of Contents:©Copyright 2014 Research Chefs Association®, Inc. All rights reserved. Culinology® Currents is published twice annually by the Research Chefs Association, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from RCA Headquarters.

ContributorsAmanda Boddy

Kristi Johnson

Charles Hayes, CEC, CRC®

Tim Kline

Vickie Mabry

Christina Scavone

All RCA Regional Key Contacts

RCA members receive Culinology® Currents as part of their membership. Applications for RCA membership are available by calling RCA headquarters at (678) 298-1178 or online at www.culinology.org. Culinology® is a registered trademark of the Research Chefs Association.

Unless stated as an offi cial position of the Research Chefs Association (RCA), RCA assumes no responsibility for statements and opinions expressed by contributors to Culinology® Currents. Views advanced in the articles are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the offi cial position of RCA.


RCA Board of Directors 2014-2015

RCA Regions

Make the Most of Portland

Sincere Thanks to Our 2014 Partners





Get Noticed Like Never Before Submissions: This newsletter is for members and is greatly enhanced with your submissions. The RCA Marketing Committee welcomes articles, photos and any member-related news that you’d like to share.

Member News: Have you changed jobs, careers or been promoted in the past year? Have you graduated or are you interning for a great company? Did you give a presentation at a recent industry event? Have you recently been published? Share your news with Culinology® Currents.

Articles: All articles should be submitted by email as a Word document. Articles must be less than 700 words and include the author’s name, a brief bio and company name and description (less than 30 words). A byline and brief bio will be printed with accepted submissions. Note: Please review your submission to ensure the topic is educational and of interest to the RCA audience.

Submit: Send your news or article submission to Christina Scavone at [email protected].

Advertise: Advertising in the RCA Newsletter is just another great way to raise awareness about your company, product or service among other RCA members and industry leaders. Rates are extremely reasonable, the audience is targeted and you can expect the publication to enjoy a long shelf life as it is passed around R&D offi ces for months to come and will be archived on the RCA website. For more information, visit www.culinology.org/advertise-with-rca or call Christina Scavone at (678) 303-3031.


Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 3

President’s MessageIt was Luciano Pavarotti that said, “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”

Very well stated! This points directly to how what we do in our careers affect the world around us. At the RCA we are the future of

food. In order to have a successful future one must plan! That is exactly what the RCA Board of Directors did this fall. During a series of meetings, we took a hard look at ourselves, where we are and where we as leaders see the RCA in the next three to fi ve years. We asked ourselves many tough questions including “How will RCA remain relevant in the changing landscape?” The answer: not alone.

After much soul searching, the Board of Directors updated the mission of the Research Chefs Association to “Empower the food community to enhance food experiences through Culinology®.” Our new vision is to “Create the Future of Food.” To do that, we need more R&D professionals to join our ranks. We want to reach emerging and seasoned individuals from every segment of the food industry — individuals that embrace the practice of combining food science and culinary arts but have not yet become engaged in or aware of Culinology®. To attract those

individuals, we aim to improve our organizational structure and effectiveness; recruit, and, more importantly, engage these professionals so that belonging to RCA is a given rather than an option one considers every year. Our most visible strategy toward growth will be to deliver epic annual conferences.

Countless hours have been spent planning educational sessions, speaker presentations and social events. We are bringing food to the forefront, digging deep into the science behind food that is being created by some incredible chefs. We’ve engaged the local RCA community and challenged students and professionals to test their skills in front of their peers. It is the sincere hope for everyone involved in putting together and executing the 2014 RCA Annual Conference and Culinology® Expo that it will indeed deliver on what we imagine an epic event for the food R&D professional should be — an experience that will impact you for years to come.

Soon you will receive a conference evaluation form asking you to tell us how we did. But don’t stop there. Engage on RCA-Connect. Volunteer to serve on one of dozens RCA committees. Consider running for the Board. Introduce your colleagues to RCA and encourage them to take an active role in helping RCA remain relevant.

Sincerely,Charles Hayes, CRC®, CECRCA President

Cover Story continued Locally sourced everything. It’s no surprise that consumers are becoming more and more interested in the origin of the foods they eat with other cultural trends regarding the environment and sustainability on the rise. Whether out of environmental concern or just because local foods tend to be fresher and promote small business, consumer interest in local foods is growing.

In the past few years, farm-to-table style restaurants have grown. In the coming years, hyper-local sourcing, farm/estate branding and local meats and seafood will become even more prevalent and expected by consumers.

Food Halls (rather than food courts). Upscale “food halls” are on the rise serving artisan foods from local and renowned chefs or eateries. The traditional, mall-style food courts are being outshined by the new marketplaces where food is tastier, fresher and oftentimes more expensive. The “food hall” is perfect for today’s foodie consumer who wants delicious, unique food they can trust.

Ingredient transparency. Customers want to know the ingredients in their food and where they come from. In 2014, this trend will become more popular and expected among consumers. People want fresh ingredients and good-tasting food, plain and simple.

Bold fl avors. Americans are craving new, bold fl avors, without regard for the cuisine’s cultural origin. Mediterranean, Asian, Latin and Middle-Eastern cuisines all meet American’s new desire for fl avors that take them on a journey. Even different regional American cuisines will start to see traction because of this new anthropological need.

In a recent RCA webinar, now available on-demand, on RCA-Connect, Suzy Badaracco, MS, RD, and Chef Andrew Hunter discussed Japanese and Indian cuisine fl avor horizons and how cultural factors and consumer data play into their trendiness. Such cultural factors as trust, adventure and sharing will make bold fl avors a true standout in 2014.

Popup restaurants and markets. Weekend popup markets or popup restaurants allow for local chefs to fl aunt

their talents. Secret supper clubs only serving grilled cheese or ramen burgers are becoming more and more popular as consumers crave the best.

In 2014, the RCA looks forward to seeing our membership carry forth our mission to empower the food community to enhance food experiences through Culinology®. We can’t wait to see what adaptations of projected trends appear on grocery store shelves or restaurant menus this year; furthermore, we continue to be amazed by the out-of-the-box and trend-setting creations you make. Keep collaborating, keep experimenting and keep consumers thirsting for more! Sources:http://www.qsrmagazine.com/news/nra-rounds-hottest-culinary-trends-2014 http://www.forbes.com/sites/caroltice/2013/12/22/what-youll-eat-next-tasty-food-trends-for-2014/ http://www.baumwhiteman.com/2014Forecast.pdfhttp://www.qsrmagazine.com/reports/8-fast-food-trends-14 http://www.qsrmagazine.com/outside-insights/what-s-cooking-2014

| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 20144

The answer is beer. Dried Beer Extract is a natural beer concentrate in powdered form. When added to bread dough below the “beer” taste threshold, Dried Beer Extract provides the fermented notes that say “bread”– without the wait.

Until now, full-fl avored bread required waiting for yeast to ferment. Today’s rapid baking processes deliver volume but are short on fl avor. Now you don’t need to choose between effi ciency and taste. Bring old-world fl avor to unleavened, chemically-leavened and rapid-process dough with Dried Beer Extract.

Tap into the secret of creating artisan bread fl avor…without the wait.

Contact us for a free sample today.

phone: 800.426.1119e-mail: [email protected]: www.butterbuds.com

“The answer is probably right in front of me, but there

must be a way to make great-tasting bread without all this waiting.”

A Division of Butter Buds Inc.

white bread frozen dough pizza dough breadsticks bagels

Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 5


Jason Behrends, CCS®, Ph. D, Tyson Foods, Inc.

Amanda BushongCommunity Coffee and Tea

Steve Bonasia Sanderson Farms

Jeff Cowles, CCS® Kerry Ingredients and Flavors

John Draz, CEC, CCEEd Miniat, Inc.

Susan EdwardsCryovac Food Solutions/Sealed Air Corporation

Charles Hayes, CRC®, CEC, Golden County Foods

Craig “Skip” Julius, CRC®, CCS®, CEC, CCP, CFESensient Flavors

Christian “Kit” Kiefer, CEC, CCE, AAC, FMP, Schwan’s Food Service, Inc.

Susan Licker, PAF, M.S., CFS®, & CCS®


Allison Rittman, CRC®

Culinary Culture

Paul Rockwell, CEC Diversifi ed Foods & Seasonings

Marshall ScarboroughPopeye’s Louisiana Kitchen

Larry Tong, CCS® McCormick & Co., Inc.

Rachel Zemser, CCS®, MSFS, A la Carte Connections

Board Member at LargeHomaro CantuMoto & iNG Restaurants

Congratulations to newly elected board members: Amanda Bushong, Community Coffee and Tea; Jeff Cowles, CCS®, Regional Chain Account Manager & Research Chef, Kerry Ingredients and Flavors; and Paul Rockwell, CEC, Executive R&D Chef, Diversifi ed Foods & Seasonings.

Special thanks to Kevin M. Anderson, Kevin M. Anderson, LLC; Dianna Fricke, CRC®, CWPC, Executive Chef, Research & Development, J.R. Simplot Company; and Chris Loss, Ph. D., AOS, Director of Menu Research and Development, The Culinary Institute of America — all of whom rotate off the board this March. Thank you for your continued commitment to the RCA and the food community!

Offi cers for 2014-2015 will be elected while in Portland during the 2014 RCA Annual Conference.


RCA Board of Directors 2014-2015

Kevin M. Anderson Kevin M. Anderson, LLC

Dianna Fricke, CRC®, CWPC, J.R. Simplot Company

Chris Loss, Ph. D., AOS, The Culinary Institute of America

Outgoing Directors*Rotating off March 2014

RCA Mission: Empower the food community to enhance food experiences through Culinology®

RCA Vision: Create the Future of FoodDuring a series of strategic planning sessions conducted by your Board of Directors, the RCA’s Mission and Vision statements were revised to align with three key strategies. The Board and committees will be developing action plans around these strategies this year:

1. Deliver epic Annual Conferences

2. Maximize membership recruitment, interaction, engagement and retention

3. Maximize operational effectiveness

| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 20146


How to Download the App:1. Visit your application store and search for the app named “MemberCentric.”

-or-Use this customized QR code and download from your mobile device.

2. Once downloaded, launch the application and search for “RCA-Connect.”

3. Login using your culinology.org username and password.

Now that nearly half of RCA members have used RCA-Connect to ask questions, fi nd ingredients such as dark roux paste and grated grana padano, we want to offer some fun ways to stay engaged, on the go, during the 2014 RCA Annual Conference by using the RCA-Connect mobile app, MemberCentric!

Top Ways to Engage on RCA-Connect During the 2014 Annual Conference & Culinology® Expo

The RCA is Revitalizing Culinology.orgTo better meet the needs of our members and accurately refl ect the knowledge and innovation happening within the organization, we are redesigning Culinology.org. The new website will be optimized for smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops for ease of accessibility. Look for a sneak peek of the website during the RCA 2014 Annual Conference & Culinology® Expo!

Easily trade contact information with a new connection: Tap the plus icon to scan their phone and send a contact request on the spot;



Make plans with Conference attendees by posting a message in the 2014 Annual Conference Community;

Stay up-to-date on industry news through the “Latest Industry News” tab;

Upload photos of your experience into the 2014 Annual Conference community library to share with the membership



Upcoming Industry EventsMarch 2–4, 2014International Restaurant & Foodservice ShowNew York, NY

March 6 –9, 2014Natural Products Expo WestAnaheim, CA

March 11 –14, 2014RCA Annual Conference & Culinology® ExpoPortland, OR

May 17–20, 2014 NRA Show 2014Chicago, IL

June 21–24, 2014IFT Annual Meeting + Food ExpoNew Orleans, LA

July 25–29, 2014ACF National ConventionKansas City, MO


Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 7


RCA RegionsCentral RegionErich Chieca, Lactalis America Group, Inc.Region includes: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia

Eastern Canada RegionEllen J. Hurwitz, Giraffe FoodsRegion includes: Toronto and surrounding areas

Greater Arkansas-NWA RegionJason Behrends, CCS®, Ph.D., Tyson Foods, Inc.Region includes: Arkansas

Gulf Coast RegionPaul Rockwell, CEC, Diversifi ed Foods & SeasoningsRegion includes: Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi

KA/MO Central RegionSteffen Weck, Food Business Consulting, Inc.Region includes: Kansas, Missouri

Mid-Atlantic RegionRichard Gruica, CRC®, PACA Foods Region includes: Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, D.C.

Midwest-Chicagoland RegionAnne Druschitz, CRC®, Edlong Dairy FlavorsRegion includes: Illinois, Wisconsin

New England RegionSusanna Tolini CRC®, KayemRegion includes: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

New York Metro RegionJessica Goldstein, Nu-Spice & Maureen Scarmella, ARAMARKRegion includes: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania

North Central RegionKurt Stiles, Intelligent IngredientsRegion includes: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

Northern California RegionRachel Zemser, CCS®, A La Carte ConnectionsRegion includes: Northern California

Pacifi c Northwest RegionBarbara Zatto, Mizkan Americas, Inc.Region includes: Alaska, Idaho, Northern Nevada, Oregon, Washington

Pacifi c Southwest RegionJenny Rosoff, Village Green FoodsRegion includes: Arizona, Hawaii, New Mexico, Southern California, Southern Nevada

Rocky Mountain Central RegionGavin Estes, CRC®, Kerry Ingredients, Inc.Region includes: Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming

South Central RegionChris Ghozali, CRC®, Tyson Foods, Inc.Region includes: Texas, Oklahoma

Southeastern RegionChristian Hallowell, GategroupRegion includes: Alabama, Georgia

Committee Co-ChairsKevin Anderson, Kevin M. Anderson, LLC. John Draz, CEC, CCE, Ed Miniat, Inc.Gavin Estes, CRC®, Kerry Ingredients & Flavours

2013 Was Our Biggest Year Yet!In 2013 the RCA’s 16 regions hosted 29 successful regional events with more than 500 total attendees. The events ranged from a lunch and learn on “Deciphering the Data: What Do Consumers Really Want?” and a Super Regional during World of Flavors to a trip to Verrill Farms and a shrimping excursion. Hundreds of dollars were raised for the Research Chefs Foundation and two new regions were born. Wow! 2013 was one for the books. In 2014 the RCA vows to host even more events across North America to keep food R&D industry members connected, entertained and informed on the latest and greatest trends or practices. Get involved in your local region today!


| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 20148

Make the Most of PortlandStep out of your shell. Do something out of your comfort zone. Meet 10 new people. The 2014 RCA Annual Conference & Culinology® Expo offers unprecedented networking opportunities. Every year RCA Conference attendees come away with new business leads, connections and deals by leveraging the networking offerings at Conference. Each day boasts at least two networking breaks to get to know new, potential business partners and reconnect with long-time industry peers.

In addition to networking breaks, there will be receptions, breakfasts, lunches and fun events to attend to make new connections. There will be an exclusive new member and fi rst-

time attendee reception, a CRC® and CCS® reception, student/professional meet and greet and kick-off opening reception featuring local Portland cuisine at the Portland Art Museum.

The new Food Truck Experience Regional Lunch on Friday is designed to create a means for members to share their knowledge and expertise on a local level. Enjoy a delicious lunch from some of Portland’s top food trucks and look for your “region” when fi nding a seat, to mingle with other attendees that live and work in your area. Committee Chairs will introduce members to the regional key contacts and invite all to get involved at the regional level.

Make the most out of your RCA Conference experience by following these proven suggestions:

• Make sure your professional profi le on RCA-Connect and business cards are updated.

• Bring plenty of business cards, and plan to collect even more.

• New members and fi rst-time attendees: Attend the new member reception on Wednesday, March 12, from 4:45-5:45 p.m.

• Students: Reach out to potential mentors or employers at the student/professional meet and greet.

• Make a list of people or company representatives you want to meet at the conference by checking the attendee list and reaching out on RCA-Connect.

• Follow up with your new connections after the conference on RCA-Connect and with a personal email or note.

• Resist the urge to always sit with friends or colleagues. Try to sit with people you do not recognize.

Weird Things to do in PortlandNow that you’ve made a bunch of new friends, check out what keeps “Portland weird” together! Here’s a list of wacky museum options from hiddenportland.com:

At the Bathtub Art Museum, you enter through the bathtub to view nearly 400 bathtub postcards, valentines, dollhouse tubs and more.

The Hat Museum, America’s only Hat Museum with over 1300 hats offers reservation only tours performed by a milliner in a 1905 costume in the historic Ladd-Reingold House.

The Ernest Starr Memorial Museum of Dental Anomalies is housed on the 5th fl oor of the Dental School, OHSU Oregon Marquam Hill Campus.

The Faux Museum is a “cerebral exercise in subtle genius with raw art, sound and conceptual stimuli.” The front is a store with weird book titles and postcards.

The Freakybuttrue Pecularium and Museum features monthly art showings of weird, gross, odd artists. Don’t miss a picture with Theolonius Biggie foot and watch out for the Alien Autopsy.

Stark’s Vacuum Museum showcases old vacuums from the 1880s to the 1960s, many of which are said to suck, as in they don’t work or never did.

Wells Fargo History Museum houses a stunning restored Concord Stagecoach and shows the history of banking and the express service from the days of the Gold Rush and a miniature model of the Portlandia statue.



Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 9

Sincere Thanks to Our 2014 Annual PartnersRCA is supported by a signifi cant number of sponsoring companies who share our values and mission. Through the generous support of long-standing and new partners, the RCA is able to provide cutting-edge education, networking and growth opportunities for professionals revolutionizing the food R&D industry.

FOUNDING PARTNERSTHE BEEF CHECKOFF: Beef industry new product and culinary efforts are funded by beef producers and importers through their $1-per head beef checkoff program.

For decades, America's most savvy chefs have relied on DARIFAIR FOODS, INC. offering outstanding

value-added dairy products, sauces, blends, compound butters and an unparalleled research kitchen, Darifair provides its customers with innovative, cost-effective solutions.

EATEM FOODS is a product manufacturer of Flavor Systems. We are proud to deliver exceptional

service and cutting-edge products tailored to our customers’ needs. Eatem’s products enhance existing formulas, complete fl avor profi les and increase the impact of your products.

DIAMONDVIKING RANGE, LLC originated ultra-premium commercial-type appliances for the home. Viking is a subsidiary of The

Middleby Corporation, a long-time leader in commercial kitchen technology. Viking appliances are recognized globally as the foremost brand in the high-end appliance industry.

PLATINUMBUTTER BUDS INC., Division of Cumberland Packing Corp., manufactures natural dairy concentrates that provide the

richness, fl avor, and quality of butter, cream and cheese without the cost or fat associated with dairy commodities.

SUPHERB FARMS is the leader in IQF culinary herbs and specialty vegetables. Try SupHerb Fusions-blends, pastes and purees which are customizable

to your desired fl avor profi le and/or application.

PLATINUMUL is building the world’s largest industry-focused search engine that connects product developers with ingredient suppliers. You'll fi nd the technical data sheets and specifi cations,

MSDS and nutritional information you need, and you can request samples.

GOLDSince 1912, our passion at BELL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES has

been to create and deliver fl avors, fragrances, botanical extracts and specialty ingredients that captivate the world’s taste buds and stimulate the senses.

CALIFORNIA WALNUT BOARD AND COMMISSION: Our mission is to connect with others interested in healthy

lifestyles and natural, wholesome “farm to table” eating, and to have fun doing it. We are the leading producers of walnuts throughout the world.

For more than half a century, the CRYOVAC® brand food packaging business has been developing technologies to keep food fresh, better

tasting and more accessible.

Plenish® high oleic soybean oil from DUPONT PIONEER offers functional and consumer benefi ts with improved performance and

broader applications than other available oils to help meet the food industry's need for a soy-based trans-fat solution.

ED MINIAT, INC. is a manufacturer of fully cooked proteins serving the frozen food

and chain restaurant industries.

GUM TECHNOLOGY’S hydrocolloid lab is your hydrocolloid lab. Visit with our stabilizer specialists and tap into the power of our problem solving expertise.


| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 201410

GOLDAt LACTALIS® CULINARY, our experienced chefs and foodservice professionals put as much care into helping you choose your

cheese as our cheesemakers do in crafting it. We offer dedicated, customized attention to your culinary and business challenges.

PARK 100 FOODS is a

custom manufacturer of custom soups, chilis, dips, side dishes, soup bases and concentrates. We produce for food service national chains.

SCHWAN’S FOOD SERVICE provides commercial and non-

commercial operators with progressive, easy-to-prepare, on-trend frozen foods backed by extensive consumer research, that are designed to satisfy customers and generate greater profi tability.

SILVERThe ALMOND BOARD OF CALIFORNIA promotes almonds through a research-based approach to all aspects of marketing, farming and

production on behalf of the more than 6,000 California Almond growers and processors, many of whom are multi-generational family operations.

With more than 265 processing plants, 460 crop procurement facilities, and the world’s premier crop transportation network, ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND COMPANY helps connect the harvest to the

home in more than 140 countries.

FUCHS NORTH AMERICA is one of the food industry’s leading seasonings manufacturers. We service the food manufacturing and food service industries and achieve success by developing winning

food products in both taste and quality.

IDFTM manufactures the purest fl avor foundations for your culinary creations: poultry and meat-based broth, meat,

and fat powders; frozen and shelf-stable chicken broth; and shelf-stable chicken fat.

SILVERKIKKOMAN SALES USA, INC.: With over 300 years of naturally brewing excellence, and

two production facilities in the U.S., Kikkoman is your source for RTU and custom sauces. Our R&D professionals are available to assist with your culinary needs.

KRONOS’ full line of Mediterranean-inspired foods support today’s culinary trends and

healthy lifestyles. Whether you offer traditional Mediterranean cuisine or are looking for products to add international appeal, we are your partner.

The MCILHENNY COMPANY has been making Tabasco® brand Red Pepper Sauce for over 145 years using the same recipe. Today we have nine varieties of Tabasco® brand Industrial Ingredients to choose from in liquid, intermediate

moisture, and dry forms.


that packaging solutions can solve unmet Food Service needs and challenges. Packaging is a tool that can improve food quality, convenience and operational effi ciencies while driving consumer convenience and loyalty.

PARADISE has been bringing innovative sauces, packaging and services to foodservice chains and manufacturers 20+ years. Custom sauces, culinary and product development support. Tomato-based, BBQ, ethnic and hot sauces; salsas; glazes;


PEPSICO FOODSERVICE integrates the relevant units of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay together with Quaker, Tropicana and Gatorade in

the U.S. and Canada. PepsiCo Foodservice leverages the scale and breadth of our brands to provide a unifi ed voice to our customers.

SENSIENT FLAVORS experts draw upon a wide

range of ingredients, core fl avors, top notes, botanical extracts and enhancers to deliver authentic, innovative solutions. Ask us about low-sodium, vegetarian, Kosher, Halal and USDA-certifi ed products.


Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 11


TATE & LYLE provides high quality ingredients and

solutions that add taste, texture, nutrition and functionality to products consumed by millions of people every day.


INGREDION is a leading global producer of ingredients - sweeteners, texturizing solutions, nutritional

ingredients - for the F&B industry. Ingredion is at the forefront of trends driving the industry, including clean label, non-GM, and private label and texture.

Ingredient Partners of the 2014 Culinology® Competitions

DAVID MICHAEL & CO.'s culinary department can assist you with every step of your new product development, including ideation, sensory science, marketing and

consumer research, product creation and product scale up.

SUPHERB FARMS is the leader in IQF culinary herbs and specialty vegetables. Try SupHerb Fusions-blends, pastes and purees which are

customizable to your desired fl avor profi le and/or application.


Save the


New Orleans, LouisianaDateMarch 24-27, 2015



| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 201412

Sincere Thanks to Our 2014 Conference PartnersRCA is supported by a signifi cant number of sponsoring companies who share our values and mission. Through the generous support of long-standing and new partners, RCA is able to provide cutting-edge education, networking and growth opportunities for professionals revolutionizing the food R&D industry.

OPENING RECEPTIONAt DUPONT, we’re putting science to work—improving the nutritional value of food, ensuring

food safety, and fi nding smart, sustainable solutions to feed a growing population.

1ST TIER GUM TECHNOLOGY’S hydrocolloid lab is your hydrocolloid lab. Visit with our stabilizer specialists and tap into the power of our problem solving expertise.

KERRY is a leader in the global food and beverage industry, offering the largest, most

innovative portfolio of Taste & Nutrition Systems that enable our customers to deliver winning products.

MANE’s fl avor expertise, proprietary technology, and

client-focused approach enable us to design fresh and innovative fl avors cost effectively. From N-Capture™, Sense Capture™ and Pure Capture™ we have the knowledge, experience, and technology to turn your creative concepts into reality.

PEPSICO FOODSERVICE integrates the relevant units of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay together with Quaker, Tropicana and

Gatorade in the U.S. and Canada. PepsiCo Foodservice leverages the scale and breadth of our brands to provide a unifi ed voice to our customers.

TYSON FOODS, INC. is one of the world’s largest processors and marketers of chicken, beef and pork. We produce a wide variety of protein-based

and prepared food products.

2ND TIERWith a distinguished mosaic of heritage brands including Brill, Multifoods and Henry & Henry, CSM BAKERY PRODUCTS offers a broad sweet goods

portfolio: cakes, cookies, brownies, muffi ns, icings, glazes, laminated dough and pastries.

EATEM FOODS is a product manufacturer of Flavor Systems. We are proud to deliver exceptional service and cutting-edge products

tailored to our customers’ needs. Eatem’s products enhance existing formulas, complete fl avor profi les and increase the impact of your products.

3RD TIERBUNGE is the world’s largest oilseed processor and has been

involved in agribusiness since 1818. We continually work toward eliminating trans fat, reducing saturated fat, improving menu and nutritional labeling while implementing sustainable solutions.

GIRAFFE FOOD & BEVERAGE INC.: Private label, custom manufacturer of foodservice & retail wing & hot sauces,

marinades, barbecue sauces, creamy dips, salad dressings. Kosher & Halal certifi ed.

OREGON FRUIT processes specialty fruit from the Pacifi c NW and beyond. Our 78 year old company is famous for our berries and cherries in retail, foodservice

and industrial market segments.

RED ARROW PRODUCTS CO. LLC: We create great-tasting fl avors

to help you develop signature foods with unique appeal. From Condensed Natural Smokes to savory Cooking Method Flavors, we’re dedicated to providing delicious,


Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 13

authentic fl avors.

3RD TIERSOUTHEASTERN MILLS is a fourth generation, professionally managed food

company headquartered in Rome, Georgia. The company’s core strength is the development and manufacture of savory texture and fl avor ingredients.

The USA DRY PEA & LENTIL COUNCIL represents US grown dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas. Pulses are a rich source of

protein, dietary fi ber, folate and potassium as well as low fat and cholesterol free.

4TH TIERThe ALMOND BOARD OF CALIFORNIA promotes almonds through a research-based approach to all aspects of

marketing, farming and production on behalf of the more than 6,000 California Almond growers and processors, many of whom are multi-generational family operations.

CALIFORNIA GARLIC COMPANY: Processor and distributor of natural and organic ingredients for manufacturers and foodservice. We can customize. Email [email protected] for an up to date product list. All things garlic and lots


At COMMUNITY COFFEE COMPANY we strive to make the best. For over 90 years, our mission has been to share our

passion for coffee by remaining committed to superior quality, paying attention to the details and always doing what’s right.

KALSEC INC.: Selling and marketing in more than 70 countries worldwide, Kalsec® is

the leading global producer of natural spice and herb fl avor extracts, hop extracts, natural colors and antioxidants for the food and beverage industry.

MIZKAN AMERICAS: Manufacturer of vinegar,

cooking wines, spirits, wine and spirit reductions, green

chiles, jalapenos, chipotles, and tomatillos.

4TH TIEROREGON RASPBERRY & BLACKBERRY COMMISSION: ORBC represents growers of premium cranberries in Oregon. Our berries are known worldwide for great taste, color and versatility. Fresh, frozen, canned and

dried berries star in many culinary applications.

PREPARED FOODS provides market trends, new

product opportunities, ingredient formulation and product development solutions for those driving new product developments. Our research on how your customers develop products allows us to create new, powerful multi-media options to fi t your needs.

ROSINA FOOD PRODUCTS INC., located in Buffalo, NY, is a premium manufacturer of frozen Italian

specialties: meatballs, frozen pasta, breaded eggplant, sliced sausage and pizza toppings. Rosina’s has proudly provided “best in class” quality and customer service for over 50 years!

SIEMER SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS: Manufacturer of Naturally Heat Treated Grain Products.

USA PEARS: Ten distinct varieties of USA Pears are available year-round from the 1,600 pear growers based in Oregon and Washington. A healthy fi t for any course, daypart, and type of

cuisine; the fl avor combinations with pears are limitless!

GOLFSURLEAN FOODS is a family-owned company that’s been supplying chain accounts with

value-added custom meats, soups and sauces for 30 years. For value-added custom products – and a partner who values service – count on Surlean Foods.


| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 201414

Sosland Publishing and the Research Chefs Association are proud to bring you the new version of Culinology magazine. The Sosland editorial team of food industry experts in conjunction with the RCA editorial board, have partnered to offer research chefs, corporate managers, culinary scientists, and other product development professionals an “insider’s view” on trends in the food processing and food service arenas.

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Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 15

Finalist Teams“Fishpops with Parsnip Fries and Zesty Sauce / Peach, Blueberry Panna Cotta”Chee Her & Mark Mares

“Whole Wheat Bao Buns with Steelhead Trout & Rogue Root Beer Glaze / Soba Noodle Salad / Marinated Vegetable Salad / Mixed Berry Creamsicle Pop”Jaime Mestan, CSC® & Eric Stein, M.S., R.D., CCE

“Codfl afel with Very Berry Bar & Guava Berry Milk”Christina Olivarez & Alice Lee

“Northwest Seafood Stew with Sourdough Garlic Toast / Popcorn Trail Mix Bar”Russ Zito, CEC & Kevin Crawley, CEC

“Dungeness Crab and Brown Rice Risotto in a Bacon Flavored Cone / Apple Spice Cake with Warm Marionberries and Frozen Greek Yogurt”Jody Denton, CRC® & Nicolassa Murillo

Professional Culinology® Competition JudgesHelmut Holzer, CMC, WGMC, VP. Corporate Executive Chef R&D, Gourmet Foods International

Steve Jilleba, CMC, Corporate Executive Chef, Unilever Food Solutions

John Kinsella CMC, AAC, WGMC, PhD., President, Smart Chefs LLC

Walter Zuromski, CEC, CCE, President / Culinary Director, Chef Services Group

Show ChairMichael Deihl, CEC, CCA, AACExecutive Chef, East Lake Golf Club

Premier Partner

Equipment Partner:

Ingredient PartnersDavid Michael & Co.SupHerb Farms


2014 Professional Culinology® Competition Finalists Five professional teams have been selected as fi nalists to compete in the third annual, ACF sanctioned, RCA Professional Culinology® Competition. The competition will be held at the Oregon Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, on Thursday, March 13, 2014, live on the Culinology® Expo fl oor. Attendees are invited to watch the action onsite or via live, streaming video. The teams will execute their Pacifi c Northwest, regional, food truck meal featuring seafood and a healthy dessert using fruit for school food service (grades 9-12), all while addressing sodium concerns.

The concepts will be judged on how well the plated, commercialized concept matches up against the gold standard. As an ACF sanctioned culinary competition, fi nalists compete not only for a $5,000 fi rst place award, but also for ACF competition medals. Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony and Celebration on Friday, March 14.

Look Who’s Certifi ed!*as of February 10, 2014

Congratulations to our intelligent and dedicated members who have recently become certifi ed as either a Certifi ed Culinary Scientist® or Certifi ed Research Chef®. Congratulations again on this impressive accomplishment!

Joshua Swift, CRC®

Michael Hudak, CRC®

Nand Abbi, CRC®

Michael Stalbaum, CRC®

Ben Zirbel, CRC®

Nicole Thurston, CRC®

Ryan Phillipps, CRC®

Nick Aiello, CRC®

Robert Henney, CCS® Amber Koehler, CCS® Alisha Deakins, CCS® Yongcheng Liu, CCS® Ben Zirbel, CCS® Todd Dickinson, CCS® Steve Mikolay, CCS® Tony Tidwell, CCS®

Claric Grimes, CCS® Kerry Fabrizio, CCS® Jacquelyn Miles, CCS® Micca Brown, CCS® Angela Wadlington, CCS® Mary Vonallmen, CCS® Justin Balousek, CCS® Raghu Ramaswamy, CCS® Marcia Hopson, CCS® Julia Tryon, CCS® Melissa Masdea, CCS® Brian Huber, CCS® John Yingling, CCS® Devon Cameron-Nubbie, CCS® Carrie Falvo, CCS®

| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 201416


2014 Culinology® Poster PresentationsStudents and Professionals will participate for top honors at the 2014 RCA Culinology® Poster Presentations which will be on display during the Culinology® Expo on Thursday, March 13, 2014, at the Oregon Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, during the Culinology® Expo. Attendees can actively engage in a learning environment that supports quality interaction and a continuous exchange of ideas and new developments through their presentations.

Finalists’ presentations will feature new application developments, processes or products, original research or an innovative concept regarding Culinology®. Finalists will be judged in several categories (listed below).

Product Development: Student Member“Sodium Reduction using Nu-Tek Salt Advanced Formula Potassium Chloride in the Development of Puffl ings”Erin Badzinski, E. Iserman, K. Langel, A. Partain & M. Cheng*Department of Culinology® and Hospitality Management, Southwest Minnesota State UniversityApplication Areas and Food Product Development

“Pacifi c Potstickers”Molly Erickson, H. Zahn, J. Tomczak, A. Heiderscheidt.Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of MinnesotaFood Science and Formula Development

“Development of Low Sodium, Nutrient Dense, Hoisinadas”Danielle Conover, Alex Maxwell, Cara Dennis, Yuda Ou, Kelly Getty, and Jayendra Amamcharla. Food Science Institute, Kansas State University Formula Development

“Consumer acceptability and preference of a novel pea protein supplement shake in comparison to whey and soy protein supplement shakes”N. Bonner, S. Amin, E. Iserman, A. Hobson , M. TraynorCulinology® Department, Southwest Minnesota State University

Scientifi c Research: Student Member“Engaging Young Product Developers: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Culinary, Nutrition, and Packaging Students at the Sophomore Level”Alexandra C. Weeks, M.D. Condrasky, D. Darby, J.L. SharpDepartment of Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Science, Clemson UniversityAppropriate Documentation, Formula Development, Ingredient Sourcing, and Product Presentation

“Investigating if Dr. Pepper 10 is “not for women” but a “10” for Men”Mollye MacNaughton, Brooke Butterworth, Allie Corvese, Kathryn Davis, Eric Ewald, Erin Fitzgerald, Cameron Flowers, Hannah Green, Alyssa Grigg, Gabrielle Gunter, Edward Jones, Lindsey Keating, Mark Maurer, Dr. Rose Martinez-Dawson* and Dr. Paul Dawson**. Department of Mathematical Sciences* and Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences** Clemson UniversityCompetitive Products and Competitive Product Analysis

“Evaluation of Quality and Shelf Life of Whole Crawfi sh in Refrigerated and Frozen Storage” John B. Shackelford, L.E. Lampila, K.W. McMillinSchool of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Louisiana State UniversityFood Chemistry and Microbiology, Product Shelf Life

Innovative Concept: Student Member“Evaluation Instrument of Culinarians to Knowledge of Nutrition Science and Trends”Margaret D. Condrasky, N. Abdulsalam, J. Sharp, M.E. Moorachian, A. Coffee Dept. Food, Nutrition, & Packaging Sciences, Clemson University and Johnson & Wales Application Areas of Nutrition Knowledge and Current Nutrition Trends

Scientifi c Research: Professional Member“Cognitive Analysis on Highly Reputable Japanese and French Cuisine Chefs in Creating New Dishes”Hiroya Kawasaki, Chinatsu Kasamatsu, Masahiko NonakaFood Sensory Research Group, Frontier Research Labs, Institute for Innovation, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.Culinary Fundamentals and Production Systems

Product Development: Professional Member“Innovative Food Product Development using Molecular Gastronomy; A Focus on Flavor and Sensory Evaluation”Mark Traynor, Róisín Burke and Catherine Barry-RyanSchool of Culinary Arts and Food Technology, College of Arts and Tourism, DIT, Cathal Brugha Street,Dublin 1, Ireland.Formula Development

Poster Presentation JudgesJill Golden, MS, RDNCulinology®/Food Science Program Coordinator, Orange Coast College

Justin Kanthak, CRC®, CCS®

Manager of Culinary Development, Tate & Lyle

Herbert A. Stockschlaeder II, CRC®, DTRDirector – Research & Development, Rosina Food Products, Inc.

Sponsored by Rosina Food Products, Inc.

Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 17


Continuing Education WorkshopsAn RCA Culinology® Certifi cation may be easier than you think! Distinguish yourself as an R&D elite professional by enhancing your culinary or food science skills at one of the RCA’s continuing education workshops that act as stepping stones for either a CCS® or CRC® Certifi cation. These workshops are offered year-round, at several partnering educational institutions in the United States and Canada. For more information call RCA Headquarters at (678) 298-1178.

Continuing Education Workshops for ChefsApril 1-May 6, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Foundations in Food Science (Distance Learning)

April 30-May 2, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Foundations in Food Science (ON)

June 10-July 15, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Basics of Food Processing and Food Systems (Distance Learning)

July 23-25, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Food Safety, Regulations, Packaging, and Sensory Evaluation (ON)

Aug. 19-Oct. 7, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Food Safety, Regulations, Packaging, and Sensory Evaluation (Distance Learning)

Sept. 24-26, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Basics of Food Processing and Food Systems (ON)

Nov. 5-7, 2014: Culinology® Workshop: Development of Food Systems and Commercialization (ON)

Continuing Education Workshops for Food TechnologistsMarch 17-21, 2014: Baking Arts Fundamentals for Food Techs (AR)

May 12-16, 2014: Culinary Arts Fundamentals for Food Techs (AR)

Sept. 8-12, 2014: Global / Advanced Culinary Arts for Food Technologists (AR)

| Culinology CURRENTS | Winter/Spring 201418

Finalist Teams“Asian BBQ SeaDog in Steamed Bun with Veggies”Johnson & Wales University, Providence, Rhode Island

“Hoisinadas” - Asian Seafood EmpanadasKansas State University

“Puffl ings”: A Handheld Cuisine Trio with Grapefruit Sweet and Sour & Greek Yogurt Avocado Dipping SaucesSouthwest Minnesota State University

“Turaton”: Multi-Layered Tuna Roll with Tangy Lemon SauceTaylor’s University

“Salmon Bowler”University of Guelph

“Pacifi c Potstickers”University of Minnesota

Student Culinology® Competition FinalistsSix student teams have been selected as fi nalists to compete in the onsite component of the annual RCA Student Culinology® Competition, to be held at the Oregon Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, on Thursday, March 13, 2014, in the lead up to the Culinology® Expo. Attendees are invited to watch these teams onsite or via live, streaming video. The teams will compete executing their Pacifi c Northwest, regional, food truck meal featuring a grab-and-go seafood item for school food service (grades 9-12), all while addressing sodium concerns.

The concepts will be judged in part against how well the plated, commercialized concept matches up against the gold standard. Teams are competing for a $5,000 fi rst place award, and winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony and Celebration Friday, March 14.

Student Culinology® Competition JudgesMark Baida, CEC,CCA,ACEDirector of Culinary Development, FIVESTAR GOURMET FOODS

Jason Behrends, CCS®, Ph.D.Project Leader, Tyson Foods, Inc.

Gerrie Bouchard, CRC®

Marketing Manager, Eatem Foods Company

Christopher Runkle, CRC®

Director of Culinary, Cargill, Inc.- Dressings, Sauces and Oil

Eric Sparks, CECDirector - Product Development, Park 100 Foods, Inc.

Susanna Tolini, CRC®

Product Development Chef, Kayem Foods, Inc.

Student Culinology® Competition Proposal JudgesMichael GunnDirector of Culinary & Sensory Services, The Schwan Food Company

Doug MartinidesVice President - Culinary Development, ARAMARK Strategic Assets

Dolf De RoviraPresident, Flavor Dynamics, Inc.

Premier Partner

Equipment Partner

Ingredient PartnersDavid Michael & Co.SupHerb Farms


Winter/Spring 2014 | Culinology CURRENTS | 19

The RCF Helps Dreams Become Reality The RCA, through the Research Chefs Foundation (RCF), provides fi nancial assistance in the form of scholarships to nearly 20 students and professionals each year. In 2014 alone, the RCF plans to award $40,000 in scholarship monies to students and professionals pursuing higher learning and continuing education in Culinology®. Since its inception in 2002, the RCF has awarded more than $140,000 in scholarships. Isn’t that incredible!? Your support makes these scholarship opportunities possible:

• Higher Learning Scholarships

• Continuing Education Scholarships

• Michele Block Memorial Scholarship

• Bill “Pops” Hahne Memorial Scholarship

• Corporate Scholarships

These funds are raised through the RCF Community of Donors, participation in the Annual RCF Golf Tournament, the RCF 5K and Fun Run, the Silent Auction and through various raffl es held during our regional events across the U.S. and Canada each year. Without the support from YOU, these scholarships would not be made possible.

Make Your Donation TodayTogether we can reach the Foundation’s endowment goals. Supporting the Foundation may be the most important step you take toward investing in the future of food product development. Visit http://www.culinology.org/foundation-contribute to make a contribution.



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