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R.D - Memorial University of...

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VOLUME XLIX. goral ani) o11Jtr !{rms Jtrmt. ... --- -Mr. Edmund Jtoger• bu lhocootncl to wot aod rooonto lbo loierloT or lho BrlU.b lialJ, aod bu men employed at tbe work. I - The bo1411 at Wbllbouroo bu been purchuod b• JJUU• bere, wbo wW h•' 'o t.b• bolldllltt l&ltoo down and j matorl&.I trelabted to tbS. town. -A bod cap!ll•od "off ib• Point or yMteida7. She wu under 0 all, bot bad no ballaat 1D ber. T.b• eo.1• occur;,!'!!l l\lr. :r. T. Jon.., wu rwoecl I by a DI boa&. ---- -\'.()')TaALL.-Tb• match bHWffD t.b• ' 1. r ... and Tona Nova team., played . •• 1• .t 1• ark on Wodoeoda7 •••Dine, TO. '"''"I tn adraw-ooo Coal be.IQg ICC!Qrocl ti.' t:icb aide. ---- - rhl' E. s. liJ)Cklu, Cap&. MIP.rlln. la Po t Offl . Notice ' bore tO l oad •lib Mal oU.and s . ce . for :\ luara. llurTay -Dy a lettn received l rom t;nug lluhOr we learn the lehr. 8affcoo, i!ht-rldan, maai.r, bad anlved Lbere alter a passage of four day .. - Tbe Amy Loolaewu Jolldedon Wed· ul'foda.r with conl\lb (droma) /or Brull. wlll aall DOJCt week !Of her d•UD•· tlon. - Tho A.ntolnette ton on llonday for St. Jobn'a, wber .. b• wUl load with uU foi;.- Lab rador. -Ten of Mea.sra. 0 . •t A. Daw•'• are lylnp: op lbla aoaaon. •·oor Nonrt'glao .cboon ers with 1aH have urh ·od to tt\o tlrm, and .... w abo rt· ly proceed to Labrador wtlh their oar- goe .. -'\\ 0 1Tlr AUTBOIUTY..-Now Yol'k d• cr..ia tho 111yle fttT America; and we keep lo toocli with New York tbrougb Tbo · Jno. J. Co., dllligoon of men'• tuhlona. There for e, "'non we uy," R•"• yo11r ch•tbM made by ua," 1!'< THIC i.>.Tl'. !l't llTYLIC, wo1peak with an· tbof'lty. J. 4\ W. Tho Bxper& Tauorr --- MAILS FOR· LABRADOR per S. S. Virginia Lake, will be cloeed at the Harbor Post Office. at 4 p.m., TO-MORROW JOHN FOLEY, Postmuter. llTICE I Notice To .Mariners ! BUQJ[ 18LA1Q), Baatem Blltruoe to BAJ of Ex- ploit.. lfotre BQ BQ. Latitade 490 33' 50" Norih. LOaaltade 54 o ss· oo· · Weat. 1',.iOTICE ia 'hereby (iweu tbat dur- l. ing tbe month of Jane proa.. a Mark, consiatiog of &.R · upri1bt. anrmounlcd by a & a If-circle. round ai(le uppcrmoat. all painted White, will be erected near the Pilot Sta· tion on Black Ialano, to indicate to abrpe requiring the acnice• of a Pilot the of the t>ilot'a Station. ELI DAW&. Minui.r Marin• and Ft1hor1e .. Dpt. Marine aod liil•b"rloo, _ _ 8&. Jobn'a, Nlld., G, UIO&. Notice To Mariners ! NO. 3, 1908. 1'BWFOUHDL.Um. Alteration in Light, Sandy Poini, Bay St. Latitude 48 o zr Z'T''Nortb. Lo.ogitade 58 o 29· 10 .. Wnt· tlfll[lljtf'fMl'*IRiif S&risfted Customers. The Blend of Quality. Consumers are after it everywhere. · · J-owest price and best Value in Canada. U-We have special labels for those requiring control. aleo, Hard Coal, small size. Old aahlon- ed es, but • t turned ou£ that the goods TeJ'e REALLY Part Cotton. Ber dyeing WU Jl&turany Fall tu."8. the Hew and Improved HOMll DYE that clot.hot ANY - kind pert'ect- !l: Either . - Wool, Cotton. Silk, or ll1n< The 01117 wy ot obta!D Ing Pvtect Benita eveq tlm• II tlvely DO ImltaUon, bllia dealdtd lmpl'OTimleat D And Prove It 'for YouNelf. ...... T1le ......... :-..c..J, u.n. . . . .... . .. . ... .. . . -Wedoe¢ay la8' -...u tho wvm•t d.,. tbt. Muon-the lhermomotor lndl- caUnr: '-0 ot hi!&\. Tnnllen .trom "Doti.OD and I.be P roTlncea HY that tbo heat In lbote placH la exi remo. people 1welterlng trom tho boated at.- m011pboro. N OTlCE i• hereby gitto that on the 24th of June. prox .. thi• Lirht will be chanfed from Fixed White to Ocadling W!We, ahowiog alteruate period• of aecoodt and darlr. The atation in other reapecta remain• unaltered. ' ELI DAWE, lttnlller Marine and Filberte-. Dpt; Marine a.nd Fr1ber1M, , St. :Tobo'e, Nftd., May 19, lG08.: Large stock Lumber, all qualities Large stock Mouldings & Finishings . To OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADE :- We wish to c:xtend our good wishes 'for a prosperous New Year, and at the same time our' sincere thanks for their patronage for the year 1907. Our aim is to extend· to all courteous treatment, and to place in their hands goods of sterling merit, that will meet the approbation of the consumer 'fhich will mean an increased turnover for them and ourselves. A feature of our business '. thia SCUOll is the additic:in of a line of boots oamed TORM K!RG, -Wo give atl«ntlon to Man Or· den. b dON t matter where you UYOJ j write 111 for Mu1uro Carda. Follow di· r ecUoH car efully, and wo gouanMIO to glH U ti:ood a ftt .. lf yoo ... .,. O.D tb• llJ>OL Write to-day for M ... nr• Oard.I aod 1amrl•of Ollr"NH• !h>rlng 8"UIDC•· J.& W. Tho hJ*'& TIWOra. Fon L.laaAJ>O _a.-_T_11_• tolaooeer• Del- a. t. Youns, Fl:rlJl&Cloa..,..r •9"' R\\en, Qulck9tep, Pld4!U1tTtm-. Bilt9l· la, J w•te, Pointer\ .Pl!Dblna. Mu1 F". H1rrl lefl dmh1 t11e "'"k for IAbra- dnr. The Artllor Jim St. Clair, D. tlll>- oan ar o lbo only acboonen lot& bt1 .. They wlll •II oil .Mollday, belngl\Jae Jui of tho fteo&. I -8.lLllO:-t.- A good lapply Of IJ&llllOD wu In lbe marlte& ,. .. monatng. Tho supply 1oceedeclJ.bedeaiaDcl,and a drop took plM!e ta &11:.,r:::--11 Mid 10 centa per lb. belq UI• prsoe. - na.u .. o• ..... wu.1.1411 BMWJr.L l.ut fqne we ...... _ .... _ ...... Df lfn, Jane lirowa, wtf9ol llr. W11Uaa ...,.,n. Tbo dtt .... ed WU Ule CJ& ... late William Noeewcwt117,;-lllltll-......_ of <tt. Jobn'a, and wu fliUrW IO •r. Wllflan1 Brown aboal 4' aso. h .. r life 1bo •• 'lrDOW8 u an lnd11o.n100• wo m1LD, ol. •IHllq •nd kind dfl1>01IU1>n; a Aoocl aod a eln<'ero friend. Mra. tlrowa aea 1nlfere<.I itr eaUy ftom cancrr, and lier llln- la1ely bad beon attended more than o rdlnny tronble1. Her tlln«• wa• hnroe and r•ISDoo toClly, a1•d \he end •walled whb Oh rlaUaa hOJ>t' . Mr11. Brown ten,.. a hn•l>and thrte tun1-Robert In Rrltl1h Colom! bl•; Ramoel In 'Lynn, Ma111., anti Wil- liam In \fonlreal, and two dauft bter - .Mrs. A.lh<-1t of tbla 1uwo and lfra. J, Nowwortby, of Chelaea, Ma, .. The tnJJerat look place on Sond ay fall, and waa attended hy Jar&• numbe r ot frfeod• end acqnalntaD<'N. BO.RN. A.£ CIJ'cnlar Road, St. Jobn'•, OD Wed· 11 1 , lo•'"• a dao1htor to Mr. and oho Donnelly. ' MARRIED. At. Palll'• Cburob, R••· Tbomu Aodcten, Mr . Kenneth H. Rn• •Y· of SL John'•, to W:lllD.le, ter of the lei. AUl'IAb S boppant, ol tll.la to,.. n. On the 6th fn1t., by Rev. Dr. Oowperlh· • al te, tr. OberfM Bowell, ol GrNn'• Harbor, T.D., to Mra. Emm• lforoou, of On flatord ay ovenln& M'•t.bodta• Par eona.xe 1 l>y the 1ame, Mr .81.oJlard Dray to )fi.e F.llu. ao. .. Oo Monday nonlDJt, by tb• ...... _.,,, Wm. O Yetman to Mr1. l'at1onee : Web- t au,.bt.er of Mr. Jo.f'pb \ ho t.fetbodlrt Pa.rtonace, Cubo- '"'•r, on Monday evenlns Jut. bJ. lb• 1:.,·. T. n, Darby Tbamaa eldett .. n o f !.'apt. Nath. De.U. to JOIJ• 1'o'I" 111rn, d•ntrhter nf the late Rlelaard NoT- 1:.a11, ot Flo wer'• Oovt, S\. Barbe. I BO. 8.1908. - .. . 187 B1llbl; Ro1'Ullin Re&L Notice To Mariners ! N OTICE ia bereby kinn that dariac the moatla of June, iroa 11aa · will be moored la Uo9t 3" fathOm• lo tlte narrow pert of Star Barbor Ran-two oa tlae Soatberia Bide. P.!tiated Red ; Latitude 47 o 11r 30" H. } aad hto oa tbe Nortbena Bide. Lon(itade 520 44• 30" W Approz. paiated Black. Tbe puup be- twen tbae baoyacarriea tbe creat- N OTICE ia a of water. cyllDdrlcal ltOD lat tower '1'lleM iroa no,. will replace tbe lat• beea erected oa llortlaera 81IU' bllofa moored bJ oae of Ure Bead of tM aU.. Ooutal •te&Mn ia 1897. from wbicba '"'!teOccal t. Tlte7 will be remoftd aaawly apinat will be idlblted oa -4 afm tile tlle po.-lbilllJ of ti.o.e awka •hift· 100 doz. Birch .. / R. Rutherford & Co. "' NOW IN STOCK. \ 200 boxes Raisins, 100 cases Currants, . 50 barrels MeBB Pork, 50 barrels Ham Butt Pork, 100 sacks Cornmeal, 2li barrels Cornmeal, 5Q boxes Sunlight Soap, 100 sacks Oats. a boot withwbiah no rubber ia aeedecL boot la made cxclusivelr by us and is specially constructed to withstand water. For sportSman, guide, surveyor, and people that must travel in all conditions of weather it will meet their requirements. Place your orders with us early and avoid t the inconvenience of the spring rush. t THIS HAD :Mtll dQ of J .... KLI DAW& = lllUw llarlaeucl l'lebart ... -.. focal, ..... ..... **Id ... -. .. A FULL LINE OF-- CHOICE-J GROCERIES. . FLOUR· IT ....... ID deU weatMr- at a ..._ ::- °' 11 ........ an dlnetloa General Post Office 1T nof '""''" - 1n1..,. APENCJES, Nonvic:lr 1''1re Co. { Guardian Fire Ait•urance Co Ltd., LC''ldon, Eng. . Canadn Life Assurance Co, Canada. . Sherwin·Williams Paint Co., Canada. could qot gained not been all '' clalm . •ill be .--- clular tide ..... 1 at a dlmace of al»oat fO feet =t;' elate be trans- W.,eeterl7 r .... t11e una towr. miDcl .... o1 'I': Moqey 8'ue .. tower will ·'11l paillted O..S.. .U Poat in New; M.unn & Co., Harbor Grace. Its for H. Wlllte. ELIDAWB. .::f1' Mlal1ter Of llariae aad l'WlerteL The -•- or a..='9 7 · · Deputmeat of Marine & ll'laberin. - c.-eea o COmlDl9IOO St. Jolua'a. Nld., Ma7 2lat. 1908. on Teltgrapb MODeJ Orden will be rifr lfflCE I Fil l""91t tbe 1llU&1 money order commission plus twenty r.enll, the COit of a Tele- graphic adYic:e to the Postm.sater at at office of Jayment. R.D: At all times THE BEST FLOUR. cR ae & Sons. VE· RBEN'A AILS for District per S.S. "Stelk Marra" will be despatch· followt :- 00 alteiniMie Satindays from 30th In all 0tber respects Telegraphic Mone,-Orden ·u be subject tQ the ordinary Money Order regulations. B. J. B. WOODS, General Post Office, P. M. G. St. John's, Nftd, June J. 1908. 111&,, bJ .aeamer c.om & John's, c:Jo. Notice To Mariners ! ing at 9 p.m. On alternate Saturdays, Yi& pone and "Oydc,• from 7th June at II p.m. HO. 6, 1908. HEWJ'OtnmLAND. Bags Ialand. logo Island. dee," closing at p.m. La.Utade 490 43' 45" North. I¥PORTER8 AND EXPORTERS. Pr visio s. Groc.eries, Gactiz. Salt. Tar, Pitch, . Fisnery Supplies. &c. Beach Premises,: Harbor Grace. ..-.Branch BUA.ineea . at Grady, Labrador. · GROCERIES AND . PROVISIONS On alternate Tbundays from the 4th June, via Pon 'Blandford and " Duo-, H.J. B. WOODS, Loofitade 54° 15' SO" Weat./ ber.glnn tba . too - AT J. J. foundland, May 30, 190 3 , the 2'4tli a F1.1ed ---- -- -- -- --- ------------...J.. light "Ill be exh1b1ted from TJ< A- ·\ llOOl'ialty of 11.ll best grades. JUST ARRI V WD Raga laland. on the Porth.and of n.. ..... fi h li t · Fru. .r -" 'I.. .&.:.I the Eutcrn channel tnlenng the vuu . t>mnt-t. etc Ito,. a.JI Ex Sehr "w ter L.l ,, I harbor of Fogo. Tiie light will be Gree" Groceries f\.nd Pr duce of all kinda. 300 M. 1 f:oc:°a of ") 1 kinrls. Confe .ctionery, wholesale & retail. .&1.. - , opea frameworlr. painted White. a .. rdware Md Crockeryware. Pt\inte of all ooloura. A£G0 matched BOARD, &c. aad ahould be Y11ible in clear weath- Oil", Tobacco and Cigarettes of the best grades. er at a diatance of 8 milea 111 all LeiLtbor and Le&tberware. Carriage and C&rt ltarnea IFPrices Qn application. direction• aeaward. d ,-, ... .... :. .. - ti h. all A amall. ftat·roofed baildiDf. ...,- 8.1:1 ... e or are &t times. 1lterutlo1al Stock food on Hand. painted white. la erected near the Rope Fishing Aleo, a good etook of I Ught·frame. patent medtetnoe. Pru81UU1 Oil alw&ye at hand. Thia llgllt will be keft lo opera· Firewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle lion darln« the period o npen naYi· tla-> Agent for the frost_ Wire Fencing Co . Feed, Harness, &c., for sale. ption only, or trom •otil A11 ;,, •'()('k iA rrt. lOfoeat prU.M is the Flour of Don't let any person put you off with a substitute. Scantling, Dry Goods. Dry Goods, Grcceries, Hardware. Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. -ALSO-- , Full 11SSOrtments of Dry Goods, Provitti,ns, Groceries, Hard- ware, M-attrasees, Croo.keryware, Jurniture, &c. Thomas "' Ross, Grace SPRING - q.ooos I Men's, Women's and Children's Winter Ru?bers and Boots. Stock of Blankets to arrive next week. Cloths, Tweeds General Dry Goods. At so Provisions and Groceries about tbe end of Decem-r. . · \. ELI DA WE. 1 m _::::z:: _ _ _ :x: THOllAS WALSH. a1J111ter Marine aaid Fitb•r:I••· k Riverhead: I Job wor done at ard CRON, Water · St. f .. , . . .. I


goral ani) o11Jtr !{rms Jtrmt. -~ ... ----Mr. Edmund Jtoger• bu lhocootncl to wot aod rooonto lbo loierloT or lho BrlU.b lialJ, aod bu men employed at tbe work. I

- The bo1411 at Wbllbouroo bu been purchuod b• JJUU• bere, wbo wW h•''o t.b• bolldllltt l&ltoo down and j matorl&.I trelabted to tbS. town.

-A bod cap!ll•od "off ib• Point or lll'~h yMteida7. She wu under 0all, bot bad no ballaat 1D ber. T.b• eo.1• occur;,!'!!l l\lr. :r. T. Jon.., wu rwoecl I by a DI boa&. -----\'.()')TaALL.-Tb• match bHWffD t.b• ' 1. r ... and Tona Nova team., played

.•• 1 • .t 1•ark on Wodoeoda7 •••Dine, TO. '"''"I tn adraw-ooo Coal be.IQg ICC!Qrocl ti.' t:icb aide. ----

- rhl' E. s. liJ)Cklu, Cap&. MIP.rlln. la Po t Offl . Notice ' r~p.·cl~ bore tO load •lib Mal oU.and s . ce . •l..in~ for :\luara. llurTay d:Cra~rd.

-Dy a lettn received l rom t;nug lluhOr we learn the lehr. 8affcoo, i!ht-rldan, maai.r, bad anlved Lbere alter a passage of four day ..

- Tbe Amy Loolaewu Jolldedon Wed· ul'foda.r with conl\lb (droma) /or Brull. ~be wlll aall DOJCt week !Of her d•UD•· tlon .

- Tho A.ntolnette ton on llonday for S t. J obn'a, wber .. b• wUl load with uU foi;.-Labrador. •

-Ten of Mea.sra. 0 . •t A. Daw•'• ~C'boootrs are lylnp: op lbla aoaaon. •·oor Nonrt'glao .cbooners with 1aH have urh·od to tt\o tlrm, and .... w abort· ly proceed to Labrador wtlh their oar­goe ..


0 1Tlr AUTBOIUTY..-Now Yol'k d• cr..ia tho 111yle fttT America; and we keep lo toocli with New York tbrougb Tbo· Jno. J. :\lllch~l Co., dllligoon of men'• tuhlona. Therefore, "'non we uy," R•"• y o11r ch•tbM made by ua," 1!'< THIC i.>.Tl'.!l't llTYLIC, wo1peak with an· tbof'lty. •

J. 4\ W. lfADICIA.~1 Tho Bxper& Tauorr ---

MAILS FOR· LABRADOR per S. S. Virginia Lake,

will be cloeed at the Harbor Grae~ Post Office. at 4 p.m.,




Notice To .Mariners !

BUQJ[ 18LA1Q),

Baatem Blltruoe to BAJ of Ex­ploit.. lfotre BQ BQ.

Latitade 490 33' 50" Norih. LOaaltade 54 o ss· oo· · Weat.

1',.iOTICE ia 'hereby (iweu tbat dur­l. ~ ing tbe month of Jane proa.. a Mark, consiatiog of &.R ·upri1bt. anrmounlcd by a & a If-circle. round ai(le uppcrmoat. all painted White, will be erected near the Pilot Sta· tion on Black Ialano, to indicate to abrpe requiring the acnice• of a Pilot the ~ilion of the t>ilot'a Station.

ELI DAW&. Minui.r Marin• and Ft1hor1e ..

Dpt. Marine aod liil•b"rloo, _ _ 8&. Jobn'a, Nlld., ~•Y G, UIO&.

Notice To Mariners ! NO. 3, 1908.


Alteration in Light, Sandy Poini, Bay St. ~8.:.

Latitude 48 o zr Z'T''Nortb. Lo.ogitade 58 o 29· 10 .. Wnt·

tlfll[lljtf'fMl'*IRiif S&risfted Customers. The Blend of Quality. Consumers are after it everywhere. · · J-owest price and best Value in Canada.

U-We have special labels for those requiring control.

aleo, Hard Coal, small size.

Old aahlon­ed es, but

• t turned ou£ that the goods

TeJ'e REALLY Part Cotton. Ber dyeing WU Jl&turany Fall tu."8.

the Hew and Improved


that colors~ clot.hot ANY -kind pert'ect-

!l: Either . -Wool, Cotton. Silk,, or ll1n<

~with the~~ The 01117 ~ wy ot obta!D

Ing Pvtect Benita eveq tlm•

!lrDY~LA II tlvely DO ImltaUon, bllia dealdtd lmpl'OTimleat

T~i!x:~:~.~;.~;~ D Y-O~LA And Prove It 'for YouNelf.

...... ~ ~ T1le "=;;~Co., ......... :-..c..J, u.n.

. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . -Wedoe¢ay la8' -...u tho wvm•t

d.,. tbt. Muon-the lhermomotor lndl­caUnr: '-0 d~eca ot hi!&\. Tnnllen .trom "Doti.OD and I.be P roTlncea HY that tbo heat In lbote placH la exiremo. people 1welterlng trom tho boated at.­m011pboro.

NOTlCE i• hereby gitto that on the 24th of June. prox .. thi•

Lirht will be chanfed from Fixed White to Ocadling W!We, ahowiog alteruate period• of 1~ aecoodt ll~ht and darlr. The atation in other reapecta remain• unaltered.

' ELI DAWE, lttnlller Marine and Filberte-.

Dpt; Marine a.nd Fr1ber1M, , St. :Tobo'e, Nftd., May 19, lG08.:

Large stock Lumber, all qualities Large stock Mouldings & Finishings .


We wish to c:xtend our good wishes 'for a prosperous New Year, and at the same time our' sincere thanks for their patronage for the year 1907. Our aim is to extend· to all courteous treatment, and to place in their hands goods of sterling merit, that will meet the approbation of the consumer 'fhich will mean an increased turnover for them and ourselves. A feature of our business'. thia SCUOll is the additic:in of a line of boots oamed TORM K!RG,

~ -Wo give ·~a.I atl«ntlon to Man Or· den. b dON t matter where you UYOJ

j write 111 for Mu1uro Carda. Follow di· recUoH carefully, and wo gouanMIO to glH U ti:ood a ftt .. lf yoo ... .,. O.D tb• llJ>OL Write to-day for M ... nr• Oard.I aod 1amrl•of Ollr"NH• !h>rlng 8"UIDC•·

J.& W . al.t..DIG~~I Tho hJ*'& TIWOra.

Fon L.laaAJ>O_a.-_T_11_• tolaooeer• Del­a. t. T~ Youns, Fl:rlJl&Cloa..,..r •9"' R\\en , Qulck9tep, Pld4!U1tTtm-. Bilt9l· la, J w•te, Pointer\ .Pl!Dblna. Mu1 F". H1rrl• lefl dmh1 t11e "'"k for IAbra­dnr. The Artllor Jim St. Clair, D. tlll>­oan aro lbo only acboonen lot& bt1 .. They wlll • •II oil .Mollday, belngl\Jae Jui of tho fteo&. I

-8.lLllO:-t.-A good lapply Of IJ&llllOD wu In lbe marlte& ,. .. ~ monatng. Tho supply 1oceedeclJ.bedeaiaDcl,and a drop took plM!e ta &11:.,r:::--11 Mid 10 centa per lb. belq UI• prsoe.

- na.u .. o• ..... wu.1.1411 BMWJr.L l.ut fqne we......_...._ ...... Df lfn, Jane lirowa, wtf9ol llr. W11Uaa ...,.,n. Tbo dtt....ed WU Ule ~- CJ& ... late William Noeewcwt117,;-lllltll-......_ of <tt. Jobn'a, and wu fliUrW IO •r. Wllflan1 Brown aboal 4' ~ aso. Thro11~h1>nl h .. r life 1bo •• 'lrDOW8 u an lnd11o.n100• wom1LD, ol. •IHllq ~di •nd kind dfl1>01IU1>n; a Aoocl Deflll~t'1 aod a eln<'ero friend. Mra. tlrowa aea 1nlfere<.I itreaUy ftom cancrr, and lier llln- la1ely bad beon attended ~ more than ordlnny tronble1. Her tlln« • wa• hnroe patl~olly and r•ISDoo toClly, a1•d \he end •walled whb OhrlaUaa hOJ>t'. Mr11. Brown ten,.. a hn•l>and thrte tun1-Robert In Rrltl1h Colom! bl• ; Ramoel In 'Lynn, Ma111., anti Wil­liam In \fonlreal, and two dauftbter­.Mrs. A.lh<-1t ~era o f tbla 1uwo and lfra. J, Nowwortby, of Che laea, Ma, .. The tnJJerat look place on Sonday fall, and waa attended hy • Jar&• number ot frfeod• end acqnalntaD<'N.

BO.RN. A.£ CIJ'cnlar Road, St. Jobn'•, OD Wed·

11 1 , ~rd lo•'"• a dao1htor to Mr. and oho Donnelly. '

MARRIED. Y&t~ay, a~ At. Palll'• Cburob, ~ R••· Tbomu Aodcten, Mr. Kenneth H.

Rn• •Y· o f SL John'•, to W:lllD.le, dau~b· ter of the lei. AUl'IAb Sboppant, ol tll.la to,..n.

On the 6th fn1t., by Rev. Dr. Oowperlh· • alte, tr. OberfM Bowell, ol GrNn'• Harbor, T.D., to Mra. Emm• lforoou, of •·ar~near.

On flatorday ovenln& ·~I.II• M'•t.bodta• Pareona.xe1 l>y the 1ame, Mr • .81.oJlard Dray to )fi.e F.llu. ao. ..

Oo Monday nonlDJt, by tb• ......_.,,, Wm. O Yetman to Mr1. l'at1onee: Web­t ~r. au,.bt.er of Mr. Jo.f'pb V~ •

\ ho t.fetbodlrt Pa.rtonace, Cubo-'"'•r, on Monday evenlns Jut. bJ. lb• 1:.,·. T. n, Darby Tbamaa Da~ eldett .. n o f !.'apt. Nath. De.U. to JOIJ• 1'o'I" 111rn, d•ntrhter nf the late Rlelaard NoT-1:.a11, ot Flower'• Oovt, S\. Barbe.


BO. 8.1908. ~--s-w-JV-'UlQ)LAlQ). - .. .

187 B1llbl; Ro1'Ullin Re&L

Notice To Mariners !

NOTICE ia bereby kinn that dariac the moatla of June,

iroa 11aa b~ · will be moored la Uo9t 3" fathOm• lo tlte narrow pert of Star Barbor Ran-two oa tlae Soatberia Bide. P.!tiated Red ;

Latitude 47 o 11r 30" H. } aad hto oa tbe Nortbena Bide. Lon(itade 520 44• 30" W Approz. paiated Black. Tbe puup be-

twen tbae baoyacarriea tbe creat-NOTICE ia beftby~tJaat a ..t~tb of water.

cyllDdrlcal ltOD lat tower '1'lleM iroa no,. will replace tbe lat• beea erected oa llortlaera 81IU' bllofa moored bJ oae of Ure Bead of tM ~to aU.. Ooutal •te&Mn ia 1897. from wbicba '"'!teOccal t. Tlte7 will be remoftd aaawly

=-~:;:-::.r:::-.:..-:-..=. at11':9,.:;.~~=-ed apinat will be idlblted oa -4 afm tile tlle po.-lbilllJ of ti.o.e awka •hift·

100 doz. Birch Balust~rs ..

/ R. Rutherford & Co. ~ "' NOW IN STOCK. ~ \

200 boxes Raisins, 100 cases Currants,


50 barrels MeBB Pork, 50 barrels Ham Butt Pork, 100 sacks Cornmeal, 2li barrels Cornmeal,

5Q boxes Sunlight Soap, 100 sacks Oats.

a boot withwbiah no rubber ia aeedecL ~ boot la made cxclusivelr by us and is specially constructed to withstand water. For sportSman, guide, surveyor, and people that must travel in all conditions of weather it will meet their requirements. Place your orders with us early and avoid t the inconvenience of the spring rush. t

THIS HAD :Mtll dQ of J .... ~ l~. KLI DAW& ~~fttof,.:: = lllUw llarlaeucl l'lebart ... -.. • focal,..... ..... **Id ... »s::r.:::=..~~--

-. .. A FULL LINE OF--

• CHOICE-J GROCERIES. . FLOUR· IT ....... ID deU weatMr- at a ..._

::- °' 11 ........ an dlnetloa General Post Office

;:.f"tower~•w~I • 1T :.;;=~tat nof '""''" - 1n1..,.

APENCJES, Nonvic:lr 1''1re Auumi~ Co. {

Guardian Fire Ait•urance Co Ltd., LC''ldon, Eng. .

Canadn Life Assurance Co, Canada. • . Sherwin· Williams Paint Co., Canada.

could qot

~av' gained

not been

all '' clalm. •ill be .--- clular tide .....

1 at a dlmace of al»oat fO feet =t;' elate M~y be trans-W.,eeterl7 r.... t11e una towr. miDcl .... o1 'I': Moqey 8'ue .. tower will ·'11l paillted O..S.. .U Poat in New; M.unn & Co., Harbor Grace. Its repulltlo~ for H. Wlllte. • ELIDAWB. =~ .::f1' :r~

Mlal1ter Of llariae aad l'WlerteL The -•- or a..='9 7 · · Deputmeat of Marine & ll'laberin. - c.-eea o COmlDl9IOO

St. Jolua'a. Nld., Ma7 2lat. 1908. on Teltgrapb MODeJ Orden will be

IEIE~ rifr lfflCE I Fil l""91t ~all,.

tbe 1llU&1 money order commission plus twenty r.enll, the COit of a Tele­graphic adYic:e to the Postm.sater at at office of Jayment.

R.D: At all times THE BEST FLOUR.

c Rae & Sons. VE·RBEN'A

AILS for ~ District per S.S. • "Stelk Marra" will be despatch·

followt :-00 alteiniMie Satindays from 30th

In all 0tber respects Telegraphic Mone,-Orden ·u be subject tQ the ordinary Money Order regulations.

B. J. B. WOODS, General Post Office, P. M. G.

St. John's, Nftd, June J. 1908.

111&,, bJ .aeamer c.om & John's, c:Jo. Notice To Mariners ! ing at 9 p.m.

On alternate Saturdays, Yi& Lewi~ pone and "Oydc,• from 7th June at II p.m.

HO. 6, 1908. HEWJ'OtnmLAND.

Bags Ialand. logo Island. dee," closing at 4·3° p.m. La.Utade 490 43' 45" North.


Pr visio s . Groc.eries, Gactiz. Salt. Tar, Pitch, . Fisnery Supplies. &c.

Beach Premises,: Harbor Grace. ..-.Branch BUA.ineea .at Grady, Labrador. ·

GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS On alternate Tbundays from the 4th

June, via Pon 'Blandford and " Duo-,

H.J. B. WOODS, Loofitade 54° 15' SO" Weat./

Gcncra! PostOffi~~~bn~ NOTJ~&i• ber.glnn tba.too - AT J. J. HE~NESSY'S. foundland, May 30, 1903 , the 2'4tli Jot:l9pro~, a F1.1ed ---- ----- - ---------------...J..

Wbi~ light "Ill be exh1b1ted from TJ< A- ·\ llOOl'ialty of 11.ll best grades. JUST ARRI V WD Raga laland. on the Porth.and of n.. ..... fi h li t · Fru. .r -" 'I..

.&.:.I the Eutcrn channel tnlenng the vuu l~ . t>mnt-t. etc Ito,. a.JI ~inda Ex Sehr "w ter L .l ,, I harbor of Fogo. Tiie light will be Gree" Groceries f\.nd Pr duce of all kinda.

300 M. N~. 1 aSH~~LBS f:oc:°a i~n!°ta~~:i!.1o;0f:t~\!~!~ Sti~tiooery of ")1 kinrls. Confe.ctionery, wholesale & retail. .&1.. - , opea frameworlr. painted White. a .. rdware Md Crockeryware. Pt\inte of all ooloura. A£G0 matched BOARD, &c. aad ahould be Y11ible in clear weath- Pain~, Oil", Tobacco and Cigarettes of the best grades.

er at a diatance of 8 milea 111 all LeiLtbor and Le&tberware. Carriage and C&rt ltarnea IFPrices Qn application. direction• aeaward. ~H d ,-, ... ....:. .. - ti h. all

A amall. ftat·roofed baildiDf. ...,- 01"!4:~ 8.1:1 .__..~ ... e or are &t times. 1lterutlo1al Stock food on Hand. painted white. la erected near the Rope ~~ Fishing l~plem.ente. Aleo, a good etook of

I Ught·frame. patent medtetnoe. Pru81UU1 Oil alw&ye at hand.

• Thia llgllt will be keft lo opera· Firewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle lion darln« the period o npen naYi· tla-> Agent for the frost_ Wire Fencing Co . Feed, Harness, &c., for sale. ption only, or trom L~ay •otil A11 ;,, •'()('k iA n111rlr.~d rrt. lOfoeat prU.M

is the Flour of qu~lity. Don't let any person put you off with a substitute.

Boa~d, Scantling, Dry Goods. Dry Goods, Grcceries, Hardware.

Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. -ALSO-- ,

Full 11SSOrtments of Dry Goods, Provitti,ns, Groceries, Hard-ware, M-attrasees, Croo.keryware, Jurniture, &c. •

Thomas"' Ross, Ha~bor Grace

SPRING - q.ooos I Men's, Women's and Children's Winter

Cl~·ng. Ru?bers and Boots. Stock of Blankets to arrive next week.

Cloths, Tweeds an~ · General Dry Goods. Atso Provisions and Groceries about tbe end of Decem-r. . • · \. • ELI DA WE.

1 m _::::z:: _ _ _ :x:

• THOllAS WALSH. a1J111ter Marine aaid Fitb•r:I••· k Riverhead: I

0Gtfo~!~~4~~;'~1808. Job wor done at ard ·J~ES CRON, • Water ·St. f . .

• ,

. .


I •




W.S. Goodwin, D.D.S, Gra.duate of Phlladelpb.la JXatal Collep aad llo. pital oI Oral Sa.rrery ......

Oflice ill reside.ace-Water Street, oat door to the Bault.

Teeth C%tracted abeolat.e17 with· oat paia b7 11ae of 'ritalised air or perfect anaesthetic.


~ssnranu ~o' n. lJ.DIJDD-)


We Want An Agent r~ Harbor Gnce and Di.strict to tell them and other Fruit and Ornamental 9coc:k. Swt DOW at best selling 1CUOO. Write for Terms and Catalngue, and lmd •see lor our A.wJ'1lf1Jll Pocur KIC"*">n and 3oc., re. our Hand7 .... )..a tbe tbiar for tri~ treel ; ___ ,.....wood.


oeiDber. Three :run a~o my eld· 88& 80D, Adam. who la now tweuty­tbr.e Jean of age, went to the

-Tile Bcock ~· ~ HowAro HoephaJ lo Polladelpbia : == ~~ =ra= 11!: for ·treatment. He wu totally ..t of pieon will be Ole lOanra . blind in tbe rlgbl eye Be re Jl'al1a. a thouaad feet ~ ancf350 THE SUl'J'BBKR PAB.ALYSJCD l'BOll WAIST TO ll'Ell.'T-ENCASED 1alned bl1 eltrht \brougb a •imllar lm\ "''- aaotJaer b&tlle -'- etperadoo to that performed on my 900

f. °?~ a ...- IN PLASTBR 01' PARIS FOR lfINX MONTHS-DR WIL Herbert . ee ' LUMB' PINK PILLS CURE AJITER FOUR DOCTORS BAD "Now we can ' "nd him to gram·

-A twel•e-year-old boy. at Da- FAILED-THE CURE VOUCHED FOR BY \\ WELL KNOWN mar aod blgb Mlbool, "nd • fU\r qaesne, PL, U.S.A •. ia eo 1to11t for OLJCBGYMAN be may attt1Dd college U he etill hie ace that a apeclal daalr &ad dale ·• wiebee &o take up medicine and be· bue to be pro'rided for him at -----------=----==-====-~==~=-===-- come an e7e epeoiallet eo that he ICbooL Be la be feet one ud a ParaJyaia. no m.U.r how tlliitht. obanae lo me. I wu able to get may ald lbtt bllod, we will be glad mJf iacbea hirh. and weich• 182 le a llrrlbl• aftlia&lc>D. but '° be out of bed and crawl "long Life to haH him do'eo.


poud.a. paral7Ud Crea wala' &o feet, &o be 8nor on my band• and *i.o • The blind of tbe world have hope -A Jane bur nearly broke up a a belpl- orlpple. to&ally depend Oradaally my limbe)>eo&m~ • &I • rauh of &hie operaUoo.''

wcddloir la Obfo lut week. Tb• •D' u~ •bat otbendo for JOU. it er Boon I coold walk whh be Fr~~kiii?':'ll~~ub~l!~a~,r .~~·1 11 ~ thia&' flew ia the face of tb' bride a ~ u WNlobed · aa man aid or a oaoe and lD8ide o( nine -c ., "J "

&Dd ahe tcreame4 when ahe ahoald could pa.lbll bear. Boch •at mon\be afier I bad bc-gan tbe O'f cb~e o~ tbe Lyn aobool for the ha•e promiaed to obey. Tbecroom tbe etate of r. Allan J llcDon· of &be pllla I waa to~"lly oared.and bl~I' tbwl~_: tbt\l.._~ 1,loo which made a awipe at the bng. &Del lalad· ud. of Bloe Poili&. p E.L ll'or OHf once mor• abl• to do light work. WI. "ap8r • cd oo tbe beat man. The mlai1ter ~_Jear he.,.. a beh-1- innlld. NI)• I am., atrooi .. ner I •u waa performed OD' my " n pil "aa a had quite a time of it qaletiar tbe K• --1 ....... f Lia I &to d d It bo t lb moll wonderful ooe. l'o my mlnd part, Wore lie ooaJ4 pCocled WitJa e wu ..--1- rom 11 •• 1 an oao 0 my " 0 r a 0 e U wu lhe greateal ever performed.". tbe ceraaoa7. · t.11i!r •-=•rt.:au:-:-~ ~ ~~.~ .... ~:~::.! "Tbomncb or people in tbe

Miil. Nr of the tiiill ~ 1n .r~ob& .n1ca~or l>Mldee lbJ UnUia 8tafll n~• lln• a hope of attd ~~U:-;.-:;'.":f. ~i.~{.:,a:;.J Prlaoe Bclwlll'd :r.Ju4 .... ~ht ownoue. I bo•or two otber.- beln4 cored. ecame trimmlap to match. l wiah '°help him aad be ....... doOmeli of pual7m cured b1 &hem Two .. errrt WU ~ft oC the brl ich L ydu wollld drop iato ' Brown·• aad to a Jl(e of mllery ud d•pa_lr. 7oons atria who bad been crippl• •l popi 1 I ner baCI. · Be eollred pt it.•• Bal hope oame to him •hen be and wtiom I adtleed to u, lbe my olua juel Uiree. yea.ra ago. B e

Baeband (a amart fellow): " Let read of what Dr. Wllllam9' Pi~ pllle" lurned rapidly. He went to the me IM!e.. Oh. I ~. That·• the Pllla bad dooe for o&lter 1ufferir1 Io corroboralion of what Hr. Mo· eohool for Uie blind lo B ali/ax, lhop where they hue '° ma.ay from paralyals. He procured a Donald aaya, &he &ii•. D. MaoLean where be learned the Eoglieb bra.al . prettl. gida. ia't It ?"' eupplJ of &tie pUJa and becan &&k· or Cbarlo\tetoWD, p JI: I., wrl\ea :- that 11 to read by &he mean• of

" ...... " . 1111 &hem. Graduall7 tbeJ brole "I TW&ed Mr. MoDooala many ~~·wd bl~:aebrse. came h"re be bad ,0 "Ye9. I remember. That pl at tbe ob&lu ,,t dl..u. &bat bound dmee during bla Ulna.ca He wu .... "' .. the trimmiq coaater know• JOlll' him, and 8118' lait wbole body atlladed by three or more doo•ors forget tbe English ayetem and taatea. &Del wlll doabtleae eelect jaet wbb oew bl~ ure and ri&or Mr. and pot lo plul&r of pallle, and H · learn lbe 6Ye ~erlcan metbode of the eort of trimmlnc yoa waat-1 lfcDouald •J• :-" 1 am a farmer erylhing imaalnable ~ch mlll:bt reading and writing I go\ a Id meaa tbe Ef!. with the fOlden "bair. ud ha OODNQUIDC8 baH a great beofbeoeft' w .. done i bam wf&Ja. &er from hie 11i11ler, Mt..e Phoebe li1:~-ter-" bl11e e,a. &ad aweet deal of hard work lo do. One da7 oul euooeea. He bad 1 aU ~wer Martin, in which ahe told me that

Wife : .. Now I think of It, tAeN wldle about -wt I lojuncl mJ of hie body from lhe .-In down Herbert woald make hie firs\ call are a 11bmber of thiap I wut. ao back, ba& at tbe Ume I plald ll&tle and I tblnk be wu near~ year at my bouee to lell me all about 111 fO and cet tbem m,.U. .. a&tentlola lo tile bajary ud COD· under \realment before b be«ao to the wooderf'al cure when be re-- dnued mJ work. .U lime wen& on, UH Dr. Will lame' PiDk Pille..-J t~ed lo Lyon nut week.

SCIATOL U.Oagb, Uae galD beoam9 DlQJ'e ee· .., with him tbe day he &rel' Before lea'riog here Harbert •ne &Del I 900ll fOUIMI 1DJMlf Oil mond bla big &oe aod from tba& told me lbat be hoped the opera·


able to lift aa7'1do1. no m~ dme oo be gradually lmproHcl lion woald be aooce.tul, but that - how !tsht. I& wu Do& loq before aod ror tbe laat few 7ean be bu If U were not be would make the

Ann I ltad to mp work &ltopUler and been pecfecUy well. I call youcb bee& of hie lot. l'f l& wu a eucceaa. THE ... oonnl' a dootor. Re trM&ed m., ror tbe cure Dr. Williama' Pink he eaid, he woal4 go lo aobool and

Q.&H SDll ill OILY cm but bla "-'••i did DO\ belpm• Plll• efl'eoled in hie oue.'' college and become an eye apecial-WU' a, ud I ra(IWIJ p_ew wone. I bad U JO.a~ elok ud U.. U.aLment lat;,

FOil to take lo •:r bicl. u4 ha &be hope you are now t.kfog doee not help I am very aoxloua to eee B er·

S ~I A T JC A &bal m7 alllDeqb& noel•• tome 7ou, gin Dr Willlami' Plait Pille bert.-lbat la ban him call h ere. ~ ..L' • dreDg\la r ... plioed lo & plu&er & (air &rial They ban oared tbou· I wonder bow he ~ill ~cl D~W tba~

ol pUta Olli&. 'l'ltla did not belp MDM after d~ton and otbermedl· be bu recovered h lll 11ghL. -Boe _.Soona ol teatimoaiala J.s fro~ me, and I ooald feel tbt oanlyel1 cal trea'4qot bad . bopel ... ly loo American. penou wbo laate beea aired by the elowl7 = OTer me till I .... Called. Tbiee pilla ac\.aally make TBA W- 18- 1-N-SA_N_E.

of Beu Tbe-'~aal tad tolallJ ,_-from m1 wain lo new, rich, red blood, feed &be ~ cao TO.; aeea ~":(,pucat1~ mJ f.... 1 lad all oootrol onr ekned 11enee M>d bring health to the Co9P8;DJ• m7 bowel• aad bladder &Del my aad 1treo1tb to eHrY parl of tbe - ------ I•• bed DO more feellDc tlllaD II bod1. Tble la why Dr. Wtlliame' '1lce-30 OIDtl per bottle. th~ wen made of woqd. Three Pink Pille cure l \IOh a pparently

odaer dooton llri•ed to care m~ bupel ... O&H11 as lb. MoUonald'e. bu& &Hll' u.&men& allo wu •fall and l& ie wh7 they ban cured me, &Del for OTer eln191 montb1 I tbo111&Dd1 and &ltouund1 of eluk,

The Peddle Lblfment' Co., lay la bed Uable to mon. Dr clhocnarq•d people lo eHry part J1MW' Gt (/'•.a Williama' Pink Pilla wen than ad o{ \he world. ~

--. ,_ ,.... !11iJi« l WM •owa llltlaloDW9 Bold bJ all dealen lo ~iclne, : et~ ..... W v.a _,.. 111 or wlll 'M Mn\ bJ mall, pod 1115ld,

(',UIJ••11lll, ~':rt:t:'-..J.'°= ~fo~0:.rr:..~;:!:~J: Dt • ..._ - .:E7

tMJ 'IU4J a nmatbble llurdo & Oo .. Bl, lobo'I.

~ ........

We baYe aU grades ol Lumber in stock, and pcnons requiring material in that line are asked' to inepect them and obtain the prices.

On band.-6o,ooo rect of 5-3 Spruce, suitable for i'encins. The lot is o&r­cd for ooe month from date at 90 c:tL per 100 feet-cheap and Jood fmcing.

To arri.e- a large 1h1pment ol all kinds ol Lumber. Au. Al 0'1 Al SllOU.

A UllABltABU OPiB.ATION. 11neraJ al\emp\a to care Herbert. Their effortll were (nd&lNL Her ben could barelJ ... to gel along &be 1treel Be Hldom appeared In pabllc aloa.e.

Hit preU7 mter Pboebe •at em­plo7ed u a DUl"H wltb Dr. Poeey. Sb• bad manelled al hie woodet fa) aklll-,laad been bl• u.Utanl In maDJ a aeUoa&e opera'1oo. Sbe told him &be eUo 1tor7 of her blo&ber.

"Brlo1 blm IP• and I will ... wbl& I can do,~ laid &be irre&l •~alle&.

Berber& weol to Pblladelplila in Deoember. The ,doctor, uoder tbe lula&eaoe of tbf elater, au.empted ~·pea\ operalion. Ptogree1 wu alade. And now 1t le eald &he bo7 can ... tbe !Deel prln& oleu1/. He will be bome nex& week Ml will &ell b1a blind &each er wbal b& '"' lo tbe world of beaot7 wUb bl• HW e7ee.

Thie ~ wba& the boy's motbtr, Mn l otin D. Marlie, bad to .., when teen lo-day b7 a repor&er of tbe Boetoo American :

"We are oHrjoyed ai lbe good 11ew1 We cnald ao& beliflH U wu true. The word came from my da11t1b&er, PbOflbe, who for ftve yeare bu worked on oaeea 1'ith Dr. William Campbell Pote7 , eape­clall7 bllDd patleoll.

"U wu &liroagb btr &bat we HDl Berber& to PltlladelpblL ~ P.

Salt tie~ ~. fi~d, WINTER ECZEM~ .

lt lt wd1-11Mtcold ..... ....... -. _. wQ _,cold ....... i... .... - cled mcl !hey ""- from - or ..aa .i.- ... -. ... ~ ... ~ofdleU. . n..e i. .. ........ ........... .. ~ .__.. '° iM tklii .. Dr. c••• ~ wbidi i.&. llJ> IM ••· ...... *liilia - ........... - .. --... ...,. .

Dr. A. W. Chue'a Ointment

Ii - • •'t:t--"wl··-· ChilWei.i. ...... _, ..... -. die ,,,._. - '° ... m.w. -e, _,,... ....... ~ die .-.. ildiiij -... ................. , ..... ., .....

Detroit, Mich., May 80.- Thera is no doubt bu' lha& Harry K Thaw b111 paranoia, •aid 1orlge Victor J Dowling, of Ne" York, to-day in an interview on the famoWI trial o• er Tthlch be prtl!lided. JudRe Dow1iog arrived here to day to make an addrt1 to nlgbL aL tbt K oi1bte or Colnmbua baoqu'' · •"'fbere la-Go qaee\ioo abouLTbaw'1 baaanlt1," ~d tbe jodae. Tbere I• no doobl \hal h• bu p&J&noia. Do I lbiok Thaw 'WIU eHr leao llaU awau Aeylum? That d~penda upoo bit form of iDPnity. If it b decided that he bu paranoia or cf couru he can never recover. Thaw wu eenL to Ma\leawan lo remain lbere u loog u hie condl· Uoo !adaogerou1 to the oommonlty. People generally believe Lhat when a man bu mo.ney be can be aoquh· led on wbatner charge may be placed agaloeL blm, or freed from the reeponeibUlty of whatever crime be may have commlUed. Tbat lbia i• no& true waa proven in &hie oaae. I alway11 held tbe ver· dlol o( the jury wae juet. and \baL wu the ptevailing optoioo of New York arter the H rd icL wae returned Do I tbink tbe testimony lo t he Thaw caae was demoralisin_g to the commaoUy al large? No, Ldo not think ao. The newepapert toned down the n i dence oopgld~rably. Such tragedle1 often leach a greaL moral leeaon."


Mn. F.clward 8cbwaru, Lady1mlth, Que., wrtlft: "I bad OOM'OQa p roe· JraUoni could no\ eleop bad frequ0n t l\tad&CllOI aod cllaay 1pella, palpatfon of Ule b .. rt, wu Ured, • xhaualod and Hrl. lrrltabl• a nd nenoo1. Dr. Obue e Nern Food cored h all eod r cauno~ ftod worda toexpr- my 1b&11kfolneu." Dr. Ob&M'a .NerHYood curea in natore'1 way by forml~ rlcb red blood and buUdiDg op the ey1tem.

-A New York obaotreur b., sued ble emfloyer t or ,10.000 alleJlna ,h• i the fae drlvtna h• bu bean forced l.o do bu lojnrecf blt heart and '"" oa.

Al th• YarmouUI Y . al. 0. A. Boya' Oa111p1 held al T11tltet Falla IA Aogt1llt, I found ltlNAR01~ L!NU1.£NT moet beneftcal for aon burn, an lmmfdlalt l'ellef tor oollo and toothache.

ALl>' Rl:D !fTOK E R, Oenoral Secretary.

- The New York board ot hnhb h•• o rdered that &II mtn who mUk co"• and pla.n co ... nd tbe mJlk co New York city mUlt wear wblte auJll wh ile milk· 101.

HOulo-Flailbinp ror inaide and out·

FOR • SALE. ~ .:! :: finiahed and • .. • SaDd 111 roar oa1en. and · recei"

.... _,..... ... ,.... ..... _,.. ......._ 60Cllllla boir. 11.acl.l.rl • F.&..,...,8-&Co..T....u;

Mr. J. H. Ad....., 0 I •, W-" - ,_, C..N.a. ........


rn tblt cban1::eable cllm11leof our1,on• abould remember tbu Oit. WtllTAR'H R,U,llA.)! OP W1 LO <"DJIRn\' ha• JlrOYClO tlMlt l.o be,;poelUH cure fo r coq1urtlplfon utbma, bNocblUa, a od all Ju nit d lHtuff. It bu taHd lb t lh .. of many 6"en after all bope had fled. !aay t1f onr moaUnllllla eot ra.mllle1 woald u aoon be wtlhont woolen olothlat: ln wlnllr, .. to noibaYe Wlll'l'A"'" BAU UC alwa.r• on band , for l& neHr fa Ila to lmmedlatelJ' n lle'H au aonueu of tbroaa and 10 011. A uosl• dON taken at bed li me wW 1.en tly warm the bloocl,caoff rdf•b111g u11mber a oct by moro lns an ordla aty ooogb or !!Old wlll be &one. A.lk your d~l•t and your hie11dl oonoarnlng the merit of WtnU'• B.t.LLUC1 and 1>9 .....

- THAT PBCE or LilD- :::-~~Pd ...... and on Pipe Track Road known as pricel.---

J~\~~~Farm. Forparticulars ml llUE Ill II,, MRS. MARY HEX.NESSY. • SPANUJU>'B BA\'.

-r ... .._,_.....,._ ... , .................... ... _..,~ .... _-c .. ... ............. Dr. a-.·. a.....&. .............................. _ ...................... -..... ....... _.,_ ... -: Zoo,~ ud St i>er botUa. Bold b.Y

claalen f • neral!y, aod b7 T. MfMvcro • Ooo • lolaA'a. •


-There la in the northern ~ IILL DSSINr. oflladeglUIC&r tbe mOf\ remarkable U na\oral forutl8 In lhe wmld. U BE pDlUHBYTED occnpled by a wild lrlbe who oall ~ l 1

themal•eL....r.- People of tbe • c Rooke. The fortreu •• a preclpl· llleOlealatory Process Oenocnt~ tom rook, one tbouaand feel blgb • and eight equare mllee t~ area. IMJ by .5clmti1ta as Extremely • idea are ao sleep lhal l& C&DDO\ be Dllaprout- How the ~o-olimbed wilboa\ arlltlolal means. awjc:.a 8' Removed. \Vltbiu its bnllnw, anrf the only ent1'ance to ll la by a eubllrr&DMD paaaage.


~· bell li11C\1¥ion i1 btinst C':lrr!ed - by 90llM di th• llf' .. tc wiM \_.ts a• to • ~., and "crime'' or ki in !~d !117 Dr. Somers, Health om~-er oS \t· laatJo Oit7, and l>r. N alp:iue."2.( the 11.dJcaS Pacult7 or Pari,, Thn1 c!Vlrr• ·• Ima wiUa apruding itrippc. 1 arlel

T ....,., m.aelu, mump. " hoopinr.

he SHOP and DWELLING, eoq11,.typho~d f•.nr, d 1phther1a, "f'Y· W:i.tcr St~ now ..._.,nicd by Mr. lfpUM, men1ng.iti1, t ubt'rruma. •&•I ...,..., ....... w,.. 11a117 iAfectioua alcin dis~..,~,. ThM· Bugcnc Noel Hu water and electric ~ tecialation on l bo .1111\i~i. and light. &bl Postin& of not ica in r:uf .. •:r 1. tr.·

~ALSO,- lloDe, .treet cars a rd otl.l'r p•1l/i: Th D\VELLING-UQUSE · pt.c.9, but tht;r • l.Y it. \\oulrl IH1 nsr-

" eTh B ch n 'd"' sstwa~c .... to pod them on i'r•ar.·l1li,, i 1 on c ea , an at present in ~ oonaen porcL... •I• ,h n!IOC! the occup;a.ocy or thu undcnigned. or moonlit l~wru. ':rl.~y o~ 0 . p: •po~ Thi! Dwelling is supplied with water f!ie1DP~'1 lr$Ci,tlation for m :l.rd; d and eleQJric ~ ~&au \ WO aarhn& dWDftction of Ultl m~uth at J pur!r>· attacbed. - --r=- l~ --~ •Pl'C1all1 W'1th • n -

For particulars ap1p01:rHtNo C ~ • no ~i0!1:;1~h:;bj.:,i, 1~ ~11';:~

ASJ!,V. .. .. Tb• sre•test and most IC' .I~ · May t5th, 1908. pllri!w ud cenn de\tro) r know":. I I --====,,.-======= iMclleal ecieJiee for the modh, tlun :.

aAd bredh, u .,.,u •• for l i,.,· }/,., .tomach and IU11p, ill P,yl"\1in • ot triampb or the medical world : ~· , attraoiina almoet un.i"!' raal a ". • 1 McaUN of the wonBcrful re •• , n".

ATTEN Carriage, Ho'\se and ign Painting,

Paper Hanaing, ~raioin arid Gluing work done willu<c:atn~and despatch.

Ordcn frorfl H:trbfr Grace &hd '1cioity respectfully solicited.

Give me a trial an~ tbc work will not fail to meet with approval

Prices reasonable. Address-

WIL AM CU RRIE, Spaniard's Bay.

P ublic Notice. I n acoordanoe with Obap\er 88 of th•

Oont0Uda\ed S tatutu, (Bec~d 8edaa), SWINE

found at lart• by any pellOll,, may he impounded Jn tho nearH t 001111110 0 1>0UJ1d. Penalty, not uceacl.lng S2 each for Swiao eo tmpoooded, • l\h -4a.

ALL GOATS ruonJnit at large m111t be y oked, nch with a ttood 111batanlW yoi, , n f wbleb th lower bar ab all ~ three fMt aod lbe upper not 1- tb11n I loobt1 In lensth; 0U1enrlae mat'. be Impounded 1n tb• n~ aroat oommoh pound by any pereou. Penalty, nol •Xcffding $:?.with COit.a.

NO ENTIRE H ORSE •hall be allowfd io go at larse or utray. Peualty , not u-1ing ~ ,


EVERY DOG fouod at larso w ltho11\ l ta owner or olbor pert0n In charr;e thereof muat have futened to I .. u ~t>k a clog or piece or wood or not 1- lbllD 1 l bil. wel1tht and not 1- lbao 18 tocboa In Je2 U•, with the name of lbo owner atam or marl(.. lbereon ; or to be • ft:eo nally mauled i otberwS- may be t ho& or d• 1troyed oY lb• police. Tb .. 1ball not

~IT to 'Pointers, Sattera, 8 paalela or

n lera. . o penon eball have lo b._.~n

any Pololerl Setter, 8panlel 0or Tarrier ~. wltbog a • rl tten llcenH from a 8U~odlary Mattl• trate1 under a!.if al&y no~ exoeedlog f& All aacll • eo llcen1ed •hall wear a collar wl the owner'• npo In full tbereoo.

Pollqe 06a1tableia are reqalred lo C&IJ'1 ou\ th• abon reanlallone. :Penal&y for nogl~t of duty ln rofUtilng to d • "ir J>Ole, '4° for Br9' oiteoce. •

A. B . SEY MOU:Jl, SUpaodlai:y Ma11ttrale.

PoUce Omc,. B arbor On ce, May~ IGOS."'--................................... -PR0fE$$10NAL JOARD.


9 ti> 11, a.m.. ; 2 to 8, 7 to 8 p.m.

OFFICE-One doar co.st of Mr. ThomAS Ross's shop, Water Street, H arbor Grace.

t1adiq ita u ... Ono or it.a ' ' • ·r. uapba ia totd u a mattor • •1 - • - in the followfoa brief al . ~ .. Dr.--0!). .... .adlQI ,.,. pHlo 9JMS lfttl"""" " • . ~

wtCb .. ~ lft&I ,_tdf l'SYCIJI~ . t --slll iU4 w.c!Ma 10' me. J Y.,n vl. t. I S:':'9crl .... • bal I ICl!t PSH :I!l!'o. , ,

Mdll'l'C-Gplllan laniral.le< '" ' • ..._ ?'l.!.--:,....s .....,.cwnnor u..1 .. 11 .,,. ~ and .,,.;ed. .. Trtto<'.UL I • .._...,_bU'cln1"rpt i..uer. D11Ll"- YC1:. •t 111"4-: _Mr l uap llAT• c..-er bOL.'lu,.i cu -. u4 ,..,_Ila pwm&DCDt cure.

IO& LlUli: OA RSll>E. Jttllel!lunt 1.. Loadon. O::~

~. proDOUuced Bi·kffn, ia ad· mitt.ad to ti. the most wondorful of a ll ~ aad aerm-d111troyinr, o~cnc!.1 J'or b1111dln1 op the run-dowu •11tt'm ud carilla all fonna or 1tomach '1oablel and di...- of t hl' ~,.,.., . Ulna\ ud luap or b~ad, i t i1 1impl1

1uapproachablo. It ia a l"f'liaLf,) ll():n., V..Ullent . For aale at all d rnl'" i•' • 80o and I U >O. or Dr. T. A S'<. .. ..,. Limited, 119 K ina 6 \reut W<'~t. 'l'o­... to.

ENS pe ecs arc m ad o a bo r t abrln of with a rollable, on~lii~ S'J'£VENS.

CI.For Spon or Service 8TEVCNS RIFLES-8HOTOU NS-PIS TOL8 .,. WS.Clrpaued.


-·-la ---lM.hto lllw-. ... _

---.... CIMolos. .......wt .. rrnm- . .-'1~ ~


J. 8T&VEN8 ARMS .t T OOL CO. 1'. 0. Ba toes.

Chlcopeo Fallt, Mu a.

TO 'LE'l."'!


Coll(farta~le Dw,lling-Hou$e -Known as " TBE MANSI..' -•

1ituatcd on Victoria ~ • . For partieulara apply tr• 1 ~=~ 1·

a ger1 of St. Andrew'• Ch~ . 1.

J. A. WHITMAN, SAVE CUITOll TAILOI. ..........~.?Jt:,_ ..

-.. J'U, l&yle lhcl and Wertman. ebip guar&Dt.eed • ._

Omtom ~ork of all ldod8 exeoo­led at loweet prloe.t and wUh dee­i-&ob.

¥ ... ure 0&.rde I OpplJed OD &J> plication


IUIR'S MARBLE WORIS, :.cabot Building, Water Street -- ·- St. J ohn's. r

paying vsl Doct@~: r


cri -: ~l G t1 ~ u H ~

DR. A\ORSE'S INDIA~ !>~UT l ! '~

(E 11abU1hfld tsn.) --::"'.:."- THEY arc t he P ·~ • •

Full lines Granite and ~larblc Head· bountcou• t:::-r. ~ • stones, Monuments and Cemetery 0 &- p rovided fo,. I coi:ations nO"tf on !W1~· Dt:Signa and from U.\PURl: u , • cstun:itd on apphcallon. Bt:1t work- • rrutnshi Lowest prices. -

MUIR MARBLE WORKS', ~orse's ~.-..~t~~.r.i. ~ l\CHl . t.>T • ,

CABOT BUlLDING, Pills •·ona•u• · 1 ht£. t-er., t •

WATER STREET, • ST. JOHN'S. f'Off .. ,. •Y Al.I. 0 • •

D r. LEHhtt I

t>entlet, l)Mlol Parlon clRd ~

Opfolf'9 T . 11'11.ordo ~ 0011. lh01>


TtlE W. 11. CO,\lSTOCJ; '"{i •ttoo.a••ti.~ o..,,. ... ~ ••

lllJ 11Urt'I Llnimnt in the toma

• I

oo++~~ooo .... 00000000

The effect of Seo« .s Emul.slon cm tbia, pale children ia 1ml3ica1.

It makes them plump, "rc>sy, active, ba&>P7· It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypopbotphi._

and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put topther that it ia eui1y ms-ted by little folk.





~W. V ~· DRj\~~ON, Member of t~ MU8ic 1radu' ~

1CHESLE~ ' WOODS _....;·;._HAS,---

M us1;U!&tit~UsE ~odliq. Shoddy kept

....... w ......... -.-.. ~--- .... ~~..........,-

Jina tile Jlen Kanflotan1' D tJae t-ding lla""oiene an oar PatroDa. ~~lllillUJMlllOW

Write u. .

Dr. Morse's lftdlan Root ~ills.1~~@~

Dr. Morse's In~ Root Pills.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

~To Save Doctor's Bills, use Dr. Morse's Indian Root l>Uts THE BllST ,A~ILY ~ILL IN USE

Por Sale 1»7 all Deale-n.

froa TB• 8TAJIDUD]


8oft11 falla Ua~ efflliq abadowa, 81owl71DO\Ultelh•mooa on blgb,

One by one the •Ian an 'w~klag Io the uure dom• of u7.

Geoll1 n'er lbe... m•dowa eieallog, Scnmda ·of dr0wa1 Uakllag bellt;

Borne oa1...U1 J>:erfumeds7pbera J'rom tile dU., apangled dell ..

Io Ole atleo~ of &he L•ill1bt.. l'alnll1 aouada the aullea boom

Of &be reetl- ocean'• 111rp1. Htud far oo\ amid lb• 1loom.

A.a lhe gramce oll6 -1llag, FalaU7 1011Dda Uaelr Uamad'roua

elaOoke, Faint thelr roaring u Uaey back· . ••rd.

Sha\&ered aurge amlcltL Uae roob.

lo JOD thioke&, 1Jaowlna cll .. ly, 'G&loat the alo•IJ datkiiin~ w..a.,

Tb1Ula eome reeU~ blaok•bud'a wuoiog

To ila mate upon lhe ne~l.

Sadly o'er lhe lake come11 flnatiog, The loon11 lonuome., mournful

And th°:)~~· beama of dayll1bt Fadee from onl lbe weetern eky.

P .. oe)w quiet ba>Od• around ut1 'Tia \be bour ol d7log da{;

Ob, ma1 "" wbeo .,da life e jonr· nay,

E'en tbua calmy pua a•ay.


" On tbe 4th of April, at the real· deooe or ber altc.r-lo·law, Mn. Browo, fr1 Earle Couot B;quare, S.W., Sophia, rellot .of tba Rn. 1acob Mountain, and widow of Ed ward Feild, late Blabop of New· Couaclland, aod Jul eonlring dau_3b&er of the late Bobert Brown, of Ringham Rookery, Bory Bl., Jl:daumda, aged 88 "


Ai & l~tteaded rapreeen·

John's Marble W-orks ::~:;.:J~~uaii:!rc:t~ ' &o tire memory of the Rpbco~&e

~t ovQUI oflbe W.bt Re'f, J. 8 . Kahy, D.D.1

--PERSONS """' RING-- Ualrd BTabop of Newtoaodland, ahenrard• Blahop of Ule Uolted Monuments Headstones Ta blats DiooeN of lforay, Roal, and Oaith·

' , • D ... ud aomeUme Prlmue or the and such like Work Soo"1m Ep1eoopa1 Cborob. Tb•

forai of memorial wblob mel w!Ui tht moll peeral ucep&aaoe ,,.. to er.el ~eo&Claolr Slalla ID the C'AUatCl .... ID•eroe11, toa1lber with a llemorW Ta"l•L

11an br1 aui\ed by adcirelllDc ihe Proprlmr of \heabove-named Worb

·~ Oqtp<'Tt letter• ot enquiry promptly annrered, eeti· •n>lt.f' "' pri .,.,. 1rn'1 ml,. furnished , and •tiafit.Ction unred .. t'ft •I) .. t A•tttPf-,. '

J. llalln~ ~•tor.


T0trard1 tha objaet £860 hne been oolltca.cl, loolodh>1 £'}/.) 6L from a ft" frleoda lo Ntwfoud· lucl. .Tb .. an maDJ IDON botr·


.. .,, ill li1~laad nlll •nm•· la who · Bt.llo 1 w~b admiration nd .~3 wbo, •• thlnit§; '1ld a.. 1lad &o ooo\ribote ~ emodal. Cobtrlbo~ 1 be eeD\ to Mr.

1amu Boee, orer) Notth or of Soolland Bank-, lanraeu; or the Son &io. Re•. Stall' Douglas, Foruie, Scotland.

Amoogat Uie many lributea lo the memory or Bit1hop K~ll7 we quote lb• lateet. ~ ie from the Mldre1a of the Blabop of Glu«ow and Galloway at the '•peoing ofbie Dlooeean 87nod. "l now D&Qle to )On tboee •hom l& bu plea•ed Al· miMhv God to call to their reet.· Agald-tqia Je&r two of our Biabope b&•• bea taken from u1 Eacb I• 1oooMialoa. beld Uaeo1i.cebf Primue of oar Sco&&l11b Ohuroh, aod b<.~ -we,. 10\ldeDly called away. J'amN Batie' Knill Kell1f for 18 yean Blahop of MoraJ, ROM 1uid Caith• a.., and aomet.lme 'Coadju~r Bia· "'°p of Newfoundland. w .. u do ft reme~ber the dlgoll7 wlUl wblob 1>e preaiil9tt onr our ueem bliea, and lbt ~lldernN!I aotl ' ru&h with wbi,s:h he named the departed oq tbeae ocouloWI • Iu a large mkeure we owe to him \he forma· tloo of our CooeullaUve Cuuooil oo Chnrch heglelaUun, whlob pro· mi"9 lo aJro>rd an adf!quaie eolu· \Ion of wha\ is known aa Ute Lait7 Qoeetion We of 8cot\11h blood 111re grawful to biw for t~e -cafll he took to acqoue a koowledu ol lbe obaraoler and feeling or \be people of ScoLlaod {. and all •• wba~ e .. r their naUolial \y, preaelie.&be teoderea memori• alld delapeJ& Hneralioo for bim, our Falb~r io· God."-DlocefAO Maguloe.


Sunday, May Slit, 11u • Red Lelter Da7 in SL M-ary11 Church, Heu''• Cooteol. and we tru•' lhe eenlcea held will be a great "P1'lt ual bene&\ to those •ho took plrt to th•m· There wae a oelt1bratlo11 of the Holy Communion at elghl o'oloot anchlllliia a large number wu praenl

Tbe Rev George H. Field, Ru rat Dean oCTrinU7,Bay'-waa oele 1>ranl, aaele1ed. by the mv. J. L Brodie.

Al. 9 80 maUDB were Nad hy lhe Ouratelo obarge,Rev J' L Brodie. and at 11 a m a laf'l(e 01>QgreJaUoo wu preeeol &o wltoMe ' lbe ioduo lion of our oe~ Reotor, and to pf fer Up our pra71r11 OD hie behalf After the ueua form of inductio11 had beto 1one lbrouirh, the Re•. O.Orae R. Field, R.D., ' who wM dae lDallLawr, -pre .. hicl a ver7 pr11thnl MrmM, &&kins for ~i,. lelll l Tbeea. V . 12 aud 18 nnee-

Bt wae lh1lenad to with rapt at &er.li.on. The uroeetoeea wit)> which both lihe Rural Dl'eo p6r formed bla p&r'1 and \be Rev. F. 8mart,topk U)Oo blmeelf lbe ve" lm~l ofBoe •• Rector of thle paitab, oould not fall to lmpreaa QI! WlUa fMllat• or ••e and re .. reooe uul tlto a P' aenM of ou'r uo worlbln-. nen &o be perml&led to taka put lo 1uob a Mrrice. ·

A& 7 p.m. Ulere ... oboral even· IODll, which wu 1un1 by the Rev. 1 L. Brodie Tb' leeaona were read IJJ Uae R.ral Dean aod the Beo&or pneabed, a Tel'J lmpreaehe ud lnatruotlve :.from Ute Uie worda •• EHn '' loved tbt Obarob, and ~a ipeelf for l,,n I

The aenlce ... htanv. tbe @In~ lag exoepllona\IY ~Md, and .,.., Coqp&tulate lh 11 Rev L- L Brod If' on \he able mannflr fn wblcb hf' coorlao&ed tbeeenice.

Wfl heat\lly rongratulate tb,. Rev. ll'ra11k Sro-rtlon bis appolM llleDl, and " i11 fnr u11 no• tn co--4pera&e with bim lo bla work, and a\ all ttmea to exten(t lO him tb .. baod of aympatby od kiodoese; and further~ay tha t God " onld pour n~ him an abundance of grace anit mere,>'. IHl th,.,\ be tntt.y aucoe11afally ftf'd the fll)()lt com milled to hie charge. and help to extend Obrlel'a hiDRdom-tbe Church -Com. .

Bear''' Content.. J uoe S, 1908.

CHANCES OP PEAT DEVRLO.P· peai cote qalk u •tiafacliory u MENT. ObU09al for hardauln1 armour

pla&ee, and 11 ..... 8lemaae . b&Te It eaema almoelUke /&peat j••t •acowfall1 G.-d 1' lo Ult muau·

of nature that ab6 baa placed in faota,. of calolum oarbld.e (from Newfouodlaod almoel cooo\l... wblob aacetylaoo g~made). Io million• or &one of fuel in Ult ab ape B•eden •b•re.-ti• eleoUlfloaLioo of pea\ or bog and bu 10 waler- or lhe l'-&t raUwaJI la angaaiDJ logged U to lbeexteotof more than the atteotioo of expert.I, a_ pea\luel 90 per oen& lhat in ibe damp oil· geoeraUog a~tloo or 4.000 hone mate auch ae ebe bu besliowed power 11 belpg .planoed. Pe&t coke upoo u .. it i11 almoel impnlllible to gi•ea good emokeleee brlqueUe for UNI h Men, lbOUJtb, eYerywbere' nee lo m~oe bollerl. Tbey baYe are lnleruted lo dlfficuU problem• been u(ed on German torpedo aod the whole field ot 11e\ence at boa&a tritb marked euccau. · • lhe preaeot day le occopled by men So on the •bole tbiop look pro­of the keeoee( lntelll1eooe who are miaiog for lbe early ullllDUoo of elnqir\li>it wltb the problem• or Newfouodland>a gTI"al pea& flelde, bow to,uro the reeleling forou of aad h may nil be t~e oue that

tore lnlo obaooela that will add eHo if coal •heuld be dleco .. red " the onmfort aod h•prlneee of tho in workable quaatiUee it will _pay

human family. We.al ~oow wbal beUer to uae ibe now aoddeo Toal bu· beeo done io the llae\ thirty lhat 1111 p!I Ult eurfaoe lo our bop yean In \be cue o( t~uite pe· n.lhft \b&D dig down for the more troleum. Bow a prod'uci{lbat bu ooetly oo.I.

-t )


Wietar's Bal~! 1~JI- . .. ,~.rry

Thie olCI rell•ble 9P90'tflo for ooushe, oold• and all da...... of• pulmonetJ noture ... u, retalne tt'l csoPUlel'ttJ emona the .-o­•>ls. thoueande of Whom ,,a, •·meet be .. Id to have :>een ral..ci UllOn It alnoe th .. eo Ions been the urll· . ·tlfU OUfe•all In eo matlJ

i'lomim. lta record fw .... , warda of • half oentury le k.nown to •U •nd att•te It• remlilrkabfo merit. 'or .. a. by •II DNaclete.

. · Seth W. Fowle & Saas, ~

8'. JobD'a, April 11, 1008. · ,,

been lo evldeooe 1locli the build· Moreo .. r, pea\ la oo" belD1 iog of lbe ark. •blob baa beeo ly· Died 1uooen(ull7 lb the Uul\ed loa aboot the "orld In Jn&' uae- B&a&ea for muklng ooane brown 11!88 1&ccumuladoo• bu beeo hmled pspet &Dd 1' la quite witb.la tbe tn the every day uae of enrfone to llmi\e or p1obablllly Ula& •lthin a everyone's pleuure and advantage nzy ahorl lime eome •1•tem m&J. and bu become ooe onl1.e crea&eet be dleoovered for bleaohlni It 1 indol\riee in tbe world. We know t!iat while p&pez may beprOduoed. •h•L men have done io baroeuiog Wbeu thie ia brought aboQ\ there lhe &errifio force• of elec~rloHy, will be an lmmenee d~nd tor turn Inf them to the commonae' peat. 'The ouUo lo thl•x. reollon :nm IWIDT. o~ o life, even to the boiling of le moll hopefal.- e Pe le. Pi.ab, 1&rge meiohantable, per qll....16.00 eg1t1 OJ' tbe ironlnir of ehlrl11. And E REV Flab, 1milJ m61'Cbanlable ...•.•.••.• .6.00 ao 11re have every hope that the LAT · O. P. . C MBE. l'leb,lu:ge maderia, •••••••••••••••••••• .6.!M> enormous ltf'poeila of bog and peat 'llab, llD&ll Kaderla . ............. " ..... 4.80 in lhe world, tboogb ,1odden and Tbe many frienda lo &~uda of !'lab, Wse Weat lodi&. ............... .A..00 Hturaled with water, wlll eome lbe Bev. C. P. K. Coombe ~II learn PWa, llD&ll Weat 1Ddla. ................. .8J!O day be exploited hv eoleooe aod with regnt of b11 death wt.lob oo Flab, Lab~or ••••••• " ....... ..uo to~ made eaell• nallabl• to man aa a onrred in Ne• York on March 27lb ~!'-b~~.:ieh~1cme ... •.OO to!~

' lul. The followlo~obituar~wblob. ~.uu1 •per -~0• • ., ••••••••••••• ....,., source or heat and power. -~ <t..ll .......................... .!J50 A11d we do not ibink tbat day ie appeared lo the e Yo preee &lmoa, o. i. Jazp peT trc. ...... ... a.oo

.,,.r., far distant for within lhe laet hu beeo forwarded to wl bare Balmoa, Ro.1,amill, per Lro •••••••• .10.00 couple of --eare gna\ progfllsa bae qoea\ for lla lneertion : Lobe~•oue.!!o.lt flata..U> 80 to16.60

en made i-0 other couotrlee•io "The RH Charlee aimer Ood OU, per W.O,~ Jlkl'·- 68.00 deftlopiog machinery for oU!Jslng KalgM""Coombe, a olergyrA1n of pkp ... '62.00 , peat d11po11it&._ A progreuiog and lbe Eogllah Church, mo.\ of~oee novmoira. much rHpeoled 6ogloeer in he- life wae •peat lo Bermuda, dl oo lrlaoJtoba fin~ paieota •.••.. -6..SO '° 6.60 land, where peat deposit.a are FridaJ' Dlgb\, March 27th, a 187 Ma.nhoba aeooDd paLe~&a-. ..ti.40 to 600 mcWL e.x1enelve, baa tOdeed lately Ed& Tweoty fin\ Street.. wher- b~ Mloorapoll1 paLeota - .. m •••• 6.00 &o 6.4(1 irone 110 far aa to eay that even now lived the pall winter. Be ,,..., 77 Xuua pa&en&a ................. .6.60 to 5.00 ·•the commercial o\iliu.lion or r:-n old. He •ae eduoatW to ~t~tot:b•,:~~·~~~ ~ t= peat for power ie a •ery ordloarz gland. ud ai hie graduaLioll Pork,_per brL,meaa- •••••. ..17.60to18.00 bil of engineering journeyman a w-en\ to Newfoundlaod, where h• Bun Pork ·······-···-·····l.8.l50 to 19.00 work. And i\ oan be undertaken Wat ordained J>,J the late Lord Pork, per bd., fam: JIMll ••• !UO &o ~ whf'liever Uie oapltaUe\ will Bod Biebop Feild. He wu eent by 'be \Wlr, bean •••••••••••• - ••••••• 18.60 &o 17.00 the money." We do noL rear1 Blabop to Bermuda, ae tte&or of the &tel, per brl •..•••.•...••.... ..14.00 to 15.00 q uiet eo much hope u \bi.A iJllo tbe parlabee of Sumereet and Sooth· ~, per lb., Canadian..... JG lo 'D

l ( ...,,. b h I d r Ham. per lb., Bellu~ ••... _ 28 lo 80 recorded reeu la of operallon 10 ar •m,..-n, w ere f1 rema ne or Ham,~ lb., Lipton'•······ 28 bui lhe et.atement le iJldlcaUve of ab.>u\ lorl7 7ear11. Part oftb' Ume ~'°• per lb ••.••.••••••••••.• 16 to 26 of what may be expected in the he waa oonn,.cted wUb holb \be ObMM, ~b........... ... .... 18l to 20 very Df'ar foture. army aad tbA nan ae MllllarJ Bu,(er, per lb' Canadian... 26 &o ao

Tbe llnH of experiment a\ lbe Chaplain In 1868 lie wu ap Oleo, per lb ............. _..... 18 &o ·n preeent lime are Jo &he dlreoUon i>olni.d Dean and Ecolealutloal M.oi-. In poo., 1* pl .... .O.M IO G.82 of power 1tatlone eel&bll1bed at Commleaary, wblob beld until ht SUpr, U.bL brown, pwowU.80 &o UO

b d .. ___ .a lb resigned bl• Urine lo 1870 a. Baiar, l'J&DOla'41d, per OW$, •• 7JIO t,o 7{10 lba nge an are ~ 00 e 8Qfu bi f b l!Upi:B*d'. loaf, per O'fl-••••••;• 9.60 to 10.00 ,.

itr. •ha' th •• made oama &o \ • ~not,.. a &er t • "' v ~ .. "" pol D • • 8 tr- •J , per v*lo ~•I>. ....... ,.,., •• , • • ,_....., taroi I &lat peat to pro8&able ac· dea&h of hie" •lfe. be 7ear1 ago." Bread. per t-i, No. I .......... '" •••••. uo coon"' can be Ul4Ml foT aome otber -Dlooeean Mat1ulae. Pol.ak>ft. P.E.1. ••••••••• - ................ .uo pnrpoH, fOr lnnance ln runnla11 ~ ~&oee. &ooa.1 ••••••• -._. ........... '" .. .i.OO .... 1111 OC' facldt'IM, oz lralne, or BORN BLIND, OA.N ... ,o~ SEE C.nota,P.E,.I. ······················-······UO ,ligh'; rnr in the nee of the 1111 &-es. per brl ......••............. 2.80 to 4..00

, Pbtladelpbla, May 17.-HatlD" Peat, per bd., round ·•··•··· 4.90 tn 6.10 nomee Lbe pro8\ or manuaaohJre .. p., .. ,,_t brl roond .260t<'07"-been blind for lif• Berberl M•" · • ..- ·· ········ ""' " The proceee to wbiob we refer In tin, "-14 year old ~y, will beu\:1o PllU,Pftt r1.,1pllt ............ 690 to7.00

volvee 6ni the drying or \be peal, b.- b L M Peae, put brl., tplit. .•••..•. •.• a60 lo 8.76 which la-done by electrlclly. The to ome a• yon, au., next P91!.1, gnl'n, per lb ......... ···········-·····•t drted peat 11 Lh•n u~ed in an ordl week, from the Howard Hoapil•l Oal&Yaooea, per lb ......••.........•... 8 to 8l nary gu proituctr plant(or making witb hie eight folly ree~red . No' O&&mea.I, ~1' hrl ·············-7 20 to 7.60 l(U, •oft lble lfU la lben made'° until 7eaterday bad the boy eYer 8&1'1 per b d ..................... 1.00 &o 1.1!0

I known tba l\flereoce ba\weeo 11.'..-raaeoe " U, p+-r pllon. ..... O.l(ij to .20 operate a gu eogloe, whlob n turn 11.,bt and darkn...-. • Tobacco, p~r Jb .............. " ... -62 to 70 drivee a dynamo and produces lhe ~ electrioitJ which le anllable for Tbat Martin can eee la due to a PROJ>OCS, ?llDI'l', rro power purpoeee of all eorle. s, marnllouely . delicate oper&tioo B!fd per ton ........ - ................... .82.CO fore tbe gu la need for power lhfi performed by Dr Campell Pnrey, F er, 1>81' wo ............... 18.00 to ~.oo a1DU1ooia which it conlaine la ex· tbe falllt>ua apeoiallel at lbe How O.te, pc.r bU.hel .... - ....................... 80

ard Hoepllal., , who laid the e7ea 21'1Ul, per IOO.lb uck .................. 1.40 traaled, aboul noe ton ~valued at Oa"1e fc· .. l l"' I'- uck 17"'

bare, unoovered the oplio oen.., """'• "' 0 • -············· • " • 60) for eTery 2l)t tODll 0 peat, &Dd d ed f C'orn, ~1' aacJr .............................. ll.00 it bu been estimated thal the nlue ao nmov rom tbem, a\ Lh• Cotameel, ~1' brl •.....•.. 1 .... 8.GO to s.so of lbe ammonia more than coveni polnt wheN \bey oonnec\ •llb the OolM11, per cue. ...........•.............. s.oo the coet of trettiog &he pea.t and re bral~o a eofL growlb which camed ~per doaen, loca.1 ........•......... none tluclnf{ It to" elate or dryoeu j 10 lbe lndoeea. s;. ea. partridgo aod wbona . ........ .so

I .JI b th ODDll Martin la the eon or • Raleine, per boj ··· ··· ·······~2.20 to uo that all tba\ e earneu y e eor I.von mflroban\, and ba11 been a BaU.ln1, per boJi, C.UComir. .......... 6.00 plu11 power geoera&ed may be eaid pupil of \be Lyon eohool (or lbe Currsot.e. per • wt .... . .................. 6.40 to be proftL Mind. Hie ei11ter la a our11e at tbe Oning>a, per a.ee ....................... .8.60

To illu11trate the economic nna•I Alw.,ria Gr.pea ............. , •....•.•••••. t.00 r-~ Ho"srd Hoepilal, and tbroullh ~

billtiee of peat boga, bath from ao her Dr. Posey became intereetea in N rth s d •ttrlpnltural a11 well u the power the cue. o Y ney, ~r too .................. 6.60 lll.811d rn1ial we xuute a very la le de ~ath dydoey .............................. ~

I f , i b 1 d Tbi11 is uld to be lhe only 011111 V1cton• ..... ...... ........................ .. 6 IO 11or Jll nn o " a. II e n~ oae d d h b bli d Gia Ba iu lhf' Friesland di11trfct of Holland recor e w ere• J>f'reoo urn ° 04! y ......... ......... .................. 6.10

bas ba11 the elghl re•tored. wu. BBa. "'bf're lber11 are 25,000 acree of ( A Id 111 t tb b 1 bo.iland The bo11t will be draiof'd obe l er 0 e d ove 11 Juniper •..... ............••.•.... 25.00 to 30.00 bJ a network of 26 mllea of caoal11. ltno"n era, 0 faol u elate •~ lhe bbingle. C<'du, 'Xo. l , pr. M .• 4.60 to 5.00 t<od a' eta ti on for l(f'De~a\log el to r&l!ldence of lhe f11ther and 1i1U1r I Shiog1911 tlr, Ko. 1 ...... .... ............. .2.00 trlch' .,111 be fl!l~bliebed at the would 11eem to indl~te that the t!hinglea, pioo, No. 1 .................. 2.00

la·l 111 H11rbert M'artlo, f'OO or Mr. Lath•······-················ .. ······· .. ·····Done junatloa or tbe main caoal with J . D. Marlin, (orm,.rly of tbis t"wn Pa.tinge .......... .................. Ui() to 2.20 the blgb road from LP11r to Wht· anrl now reeidl1>1C io Lynn MlllJI t!pruce t><iard. ~~· l .•.•.••.• J8.00 to 20.00 mur d Corr"ot from tbi1 stati1111 · i 1 p · i d Spruce plank.J111•tJog, 11tud· .. m he dietriboted over an area A 818~er 8 a nunie 0 • tit " eil phill • •nni.: • n.t 1Cooolling ...... :.'O.OO to 26.00 l h lr&'f miles lo dlaro9ter. Tbe peM Hoepi~I The e~lameot IL'! tu the l·i1i. P At. •J1rure tl•-onng ..........• ..20.00

hny 11e1n1t boro blind Is loc-.•rrect IJ-!n. p. & l ~11'1 t> l1ct1>rin)C...20.00 to li4.00 • .. m ~ .. ne' a11 fuel, the plow11 "od H" liait hf-f' n 111ff: ring froo:1 ~1111111 , •tin. 1• .\: L 111/()o< floc·riug . .20 00 to 24.00 IJnn's Lilime:it Lnmbennan's O'ien.. . ..... , n>MCblnt'lry ueed in 8tUng the afilloUon 6£ the eyu, but he C•lDlfl, t Pin11 lo0o&nl (nJ .. 11r1.- . ....... ..60.00 to 60.00

------------ land for cultivation heittJC drivl'n wbtle in Harbor Grace. !!O a lwut u .. ,d,• utl µ:"11k.. ... : ._ ..... so.110 to 86.00

B• 1• s II h y JN'"''"' from the bog productt. uoa1Lended.-8TA!l'DARD_) Th. •bov .. q 1101-1&U<••ia a.re wboleule. 1 loqs Pe S which will aleo irlve lljtbt aud

powr1r lO rDID1 IOm>UDdlog tqwnw. - A. lblll!DC IDbeorlplloD LI belD& Cl'- ]Ich11n1re on Lown II ... Lit"Anntll ,.r M d b b bl L 11olnd1Jla•eryoooolf7&Cdlat11tnwn ~ 111 r1u,.. A HABIT mr. OD W O pro a h a DO WI! ol Ortat Brlt.aln 111 beb4'lf of tha Qa•beo

Yt:ar tofta 'car ,_ """ ,,...;. .a.cl. al mor4t ahoQt po"er gae t an •DJ ter-oeotnr7 t a.nd. . LOOA.L &ATll: 'Wiou. ~ ~ _..,+!i,. .i. .man ' living, baa elated thai ble Buylo1r- IUli ; eight, s.&.86. lctllalias ... itb '- o( tho bcrWdt, clinl conoluded • contract with a com CONSTfl'ATION A.ND BEADAOBE, S.,lfui~ ·M.Stf j lljtl\&., '4.sst.- .

"-~ aod ill teen-. 11111il • 0< • p•"y lo Italy fot a 2,000 bone'pow· Mre. R. lllonow, Braeebr(dge, Ont. 1'111d~ a .. vtew. ._ ·-1 .- , .... WTllee:-"For man7 7ean I wu tronbl·


• >J

•~ a haliil. or de-relop ir: er ammonia recovery peal K"" I'd conetanllf' wltb OOJlltlpa.iton of I.be ~'I 1-~- ~-- ,,.,.4m.mcJIUDi1 Bot.'it"• diMaM qf thaw.,.. 1 • r • • l I trl I d" • i bowel• IDd DaYlf 1.0\ ailyl.blAJ &o do me .,. WIAW 11\uua -ompaan

'Voa. ua bf.U diia dWia of~ b: Pan. " r a ceoua e eo oa 18'' tbo luting .iQOd lbal bu beooobt.alncd , ,,TMqal;Jatelllf--1•oothlJ .

tJM. we of bution elation, from Dr. Oli(H'1 ICldo~·Ll•er Piila. lllAlll.WIMoa "~ 1'0lfo• oan N if h 1 • Id Tboy a leo cored of budaohee and Im • ~. 8old1Dhro•ec-or

Dr A W Chas J ow IQO • P an. YOU Pj' proud my 1•nua&lhHltla vtry muob" ~ 11\f'Clllf\ll-No. I, tor oidlbary . . . e. eet down on • depoelt or peaL D 'rbere I•. pJ~Dr. o~ K.Jdoe7· 49 ... - ... &:~~~:.. ~~:v Kidney Live .• Pills • n.1, or Germany, wha\ ii ~o pr ... .Llnr J:'lll.1 lnenr,. home ... oure for I ~: ... P* ~. &11t&;;.11

• ,a not a similar ou\6t paying 10 coo1tt~t100,headaohe and 0

IDdJs•Uoo. ... ~"'11~~~.0.:,· • T1icy an~ -i ~ b Ne"founrlland if the po"er gener· - .ui eo&fn-. 10 l'{ew Yotk bu ftbl•t11i. ,_cl lhcit cfucc:t Mdtpeeikec1-ocll aled could be llled in mille or Cao· brourhlutiluor MO.OOOdam~N aaatou 'he Ooell Mffloin .. co., llll4ool',OD&a.-li · lb Q · Cl the bilolr • ri l tb Tb a n.Oroad becatuit lbe Olllrtoe ho wu

Cf'U, _,,.. • emc -t • &o ee or o ~y o er way. " dd-Ylos blow op an4 laJurecl him badly. ~· -:i.e.. ii It ~ u.i s-iiit it • auea\loo oow does no\ eeem lo be ::.~~..: Q.JJ'it'!C:-. •111 it poellible lo uee our bog• for ~MiaSTO PROOURE MEDIOTNE. lllf<liciDe is bedred !>J tha abll -1 ~11 fuel" bu• le there any uae for the WJ..ollota, Ont. thaf ... ous~ BOck•hor. A.W.Cbi.. power, beat or ligb\ our boga oaa Tb• W. B . Com.1tock Co. r1 printed """ pnbllabed anry l'rld17 ~t D. Olio •cf-. 25 ~IL a Ii.«.~ .: genera'·?" Dear 8lr1:-Am NllJo~ .Yoorl.bl "D1 r. effolos, at tho 8T•IU>.t.110 omce1 Vic·

... Mol'ff'• Iudtan Roo& Pilla' fn • 0- tnrla 1'11... Hu•'Or or-, by MWUl ar; Olt• dWera °'EV'!"'"'• 8.4 & Co.. T-c.1· Bu' ••en If we are no' ye' In a oallty. r~uetomera who oome !l> 8 ...... I •• "·t _..,,,,..

' 1......1 o • • • nill• tor 1 e 111ttlng " or1e'1 Piii.. o.,..,r1p .. oo ~- ee:-,.-.. per UUl1UllJ Mr. JGa..S. HYL ........ Sr., ffasla.D, at -poelUoo to QM for power oor hn· Thll rpea i'toT ilf .. to tbelr~nlae. t LOO ~r li11lf year ; to fore!ln nbeartb-

wril• 1 t d l b j l OM Liie~ oor tam Uy wl&o ~~be ar1 lbe ralN wtll be $2.60. 'My wifo fe:cr ,,._ • mtoae pea epoa \I t ere 1 yeL a m~l aatJlfaotory rfflll'--" My wife AdnrU.lns Rei..-40 oente per lao!a Ii~ aid "t'.i;!.!: but Or. OU:. probab •lly of ita tJelng worked lo bu '*D cared ot 1itk•fletJ.dach1 by for llr1' lmerUon I tweo~ per I.Deb v:.1-... • .... _ P'"· i..,. __ _,_ _, L__ a u• • d•ant ... ae fuel a& ao earl~date, their uu. We could oot do w1lho11t tor aaob oontln!J&UOL n... tor -T4-ff" .,. - "' """ lhtm. · ~~ofre ~&M. • .... 01 ettat•a. n- old ~ • ....,_ tllllliw, for lD GenDUJ lbt 11 .. ra. opp1 Toon e&o.. •-·--. -f71\Q&-• w • Oeiq"ualll '-~.- ...... Dr. Qw.• Uie lnM g11D maktn laHa fODDCl ""--.. • o,._..o 07M1e ..........



' ? •

\ ., ..





(&DlTOa U 8 80ll UAC& ft'UD.uD.) TalrQ tJlia --~ edaooJa U •


..:::.-.;.- TRINITY, HPLD.-..._~

GENERAL MERCHANTa Importers of British, Am~can, Call1di•n, French and German

Dry 8nds, Pre11,1as, 8~. ,arnue.Lea..,_. --&XPOATDS or-

Codft,t(, Cad 011, Cadllftr 811, Sal••· "'1111· ._.,.,.

Dear Slr-Woald JOU allow me der tbe ajpenlal of vt11ceat P • apue iA t lae 8'r411DUD to • 7 a Barke. ~·r tla• C. aeboola of word ru~ tile ufalr U.t- H~. dliPM 111 tbc dlocue lllht ~ Ole rat. cllalftll ol Ila"* Gtut aeclDded we hcl or UllCt94 for~ •bt by llao ti.. a.abet of teadaera employed, UQlted Town' &lectric Co. L td.? 251, wu the Mme aa last yea.r, tbe Sid tlle compu7 Int-- atarted tb4a 11amber of papila la att.uclaoce m~t Jaae deemed lt ~lat abo1lt the' umc. or rather more if ucl,1&1! to~tlae•tora. facfor· tbe return bad all been aeat iD, iea ucl worl'...,_ Ill wbida tbe tbaa la.at 7ear 'a-belar oft!' one ia electric U,bt la u9d u utra cbarte CYery &te Of tbe R. C: popalatioa. oTCr &Dd aboft tbat leTled oa tie T here ia .. pleutar ilipro•emeat d welliQ·boUCL la other" worda. la tbe rqalarity of a t teuda.ace. abope tia.t ue tbe. licbt fol' bat foar e," pen:eatace Of anrar, a ttead· mo11tha ud Oil Sata rday 11l1bte la aace." it la almost nrpnaiag ud !!9rJ:ea.r b&Ye to m.i;on for tile wboUy ptltn. to note. la better'

The foUowlnr allnoancemcnt made the other day by P remier A• qaith ahowa t hat tbc right or •oliag will aoon be conferred on 11fOmcn lo the Mother Country. Opinion will be dirided aa to the approval that aboilld be gi•cn to the tactica adopted by the militaDla amongst the womea autrragiata ; but there c&D be liWc quc1tioo that the mca· urea adopted by thcae utremiat.a. let aa ~II them, b&d bad au etrcct b1 butelllag the day of gr.lilting fe. male aatfra,e.

We thlDlr. t oo, that were the male pop11latiQn more alin to the deairablllty of p•iDl women tbe power to •ote,tbc mct.hoctacmployed by tbe Britiab aullra2"11ta would be leu harshly crl~· ·zea.

~ 10 SAOKSJNEW. Tll\1ld>THY HA,Y ( SEED,


lJONAVISTA, KDtG'S COVE, BLLISTOH, GUBHSPOHD. ce t baa tbe d ...._ la tball tbat of far.famed Non 8cotiL

wb.lcb tbe Hrbt le ued ~ nlcbt. Mr. Burke couiden tbat tbla :!I. aboald tlaia dlecriaalAtioa: be " ah'eqtbf'lla the poaitiOll~ Ill tbe Int place. ucl wlar tbat malDtalD the ape of

aboaJd ii be allo.,.. to collthuae 7 moral aauiOD 0ttr compaleo Jo. And the following STATIONS ON L.nRADOa-

Batteaux. Webber's Barbor, Orleans and Bi.wk'& Barbor.

FISHING OUTFITS Supplied at all the above E. tai 'iah-ucots.

HIGH.EST PRICES PAID for alt kinds or Produce.

ljlarhnr Ii~ Standard fereacn oi ~'!:; coocem••s B•· ry Georp'a • bat ta l!leW Zea­land L moderate appllcatloD of It WU at tended with l!lcblJ (taUfy• iajl' reaulta.

A b-..... IDall OD Water Street. fialation u a mcaaa of •aearinf wbo coeeldered tbla arraapmeat compalaory atteoduce. " ·That may ameuoaabJe. baa di9co11tiaaed tbe be bad oae to cboo.e betwceD moral ue oftlul electric llrbt. and doabt· aaaaioa aa4 ,Pat we may call lepl leu maay more are iadlllecl t o fol· aauion : bat doabtleu the beat ... low biaua111ple.. I tblak tlaat if tbe aalta. perba~~ °-811 aa~ bu1nt , ........ ,.-......a .. ..-....,...1 •PalMd 1t1·1IMMlli' d.,_, ~ -die ......., .,.y ~ e..utoa murtace to moral .. tM ....,..,..... of .. inaap a.laaloa. .• mat. ucl abollelt lite ftDtioa8 Ud Tbere la a. large namber of cbil· nfair dl.ecriaalllatloll tbat uiate la drea of all deaomlnatiooa that oa&ht ita taria. • to be at acbool lbr their owa pod



'/>' ...


The local taxing bodiea were Ukewiac e{•ea power -to tax land ilccordiar to ita nlue. Ill 1895 theae be~ to cnrciae tbia ricttt. Cities, counties, road diatricta. townabipa.

• adopted tbe plaD to a rreater or lea The followioif aD.nouaccmcat ap- utcot. Compariaooa rec:eatly made

parcnUJ on ~ood aotboritr baa been of twclTe dtiee that applied lt wltb ap""'"nnrr 10 the outa1dc presa. IHI al Damber that had not. T~ c:a be but little doubt that !:0 .;;; that tbe former had niDed the agitation conducted by the Bond rreatly in popal&tioD, while tbe Go.crnmc.of the l paat few ,an latter ploed bat allfhtly, foar of again1t tbc policy unworthy of a tbem alaowingadecreaae. WclUar· Great Empire or •the Brili1h Go•· too, theoat1 City tbat raised Ila l'H·

Baellleae mea who aae the electric and for t he commualty'a ·rood eYCD llrht.,nfer it to keroeeae. ud are DOW, aot to epeak of the future.that wllllq to pa7 doable tbe coat of the are .. be&ti•K ,about tbe atrceta" or !attar lllaailD&Dt. bat all maat.c4 clae attencllilr ac:hool b7 &ta and do ate tbe a afalraeaa of the extra atarta. T he dillicllltlea are to frame cbarp abOTe tbat for dweWar· a compalaory meaaare that will aot boaeee. No oae will object payillf bear QDdaly bard Oil tbc worlriDf for the cl~c Urllt tbey ue ill cluaea of the populatioD, and to en· t heir n ta bftaluDalta : all do could· force the mcaaure. But thcae ob. er lt aajaa~to y for tbat which ia ataclea are aurdy Dot ~aurmoa.nt· aotaMd, la ao beae&t to them able. aad wbcll it 11 COD • dered how aad for wb an utra cbaree ia aeceaaary for the wclfa of .tbe ri•·

. / crnmcnt in aacri&~g the ~iahta ~f cnue cxclaaiTCly by a tax oa lalld thi1 Coloay. to dca1rc for Cncndah~ Talari. made tbe ercatcat pill. with foreign natioDa bu had ma Where etel"1 olle can hue a liome to do wilh th.ia importaot claaae ill of bi• OWD tbere are lea Ji.kdy to be tbe New Anglo-United Statea Ar· reckleaa labor wan. Tbere ba.e bltntion treaty. The statcmeat of bceJI llO atrikea where the taxi.a en· otar caac made at tbc Imperial Coll· forced, aad New Zeal1ocl 11oweojoya fcrcncc by tl;lc Right Hoa. Mr. Bond, the diatilldion of beinr tbe beat could not bot create a deep imprc• ....,. I tb Id f kin• aion on bia fellow-Premiers of the coaaH,, 0 e wor or wor -

made. Let the baailleu mea pro- lo&' acnen.tion for tbi;orld and teat. aad allow to the company their the llext and for tbc we re of the aide of"tbe cue; a readjaatmcnt or community at large tba the dail· loweria&' of the •p-rate mu1t fol· drca of a country 1houl \.aot grow low. ap la iporanc:e. it ia llOt '°° much

Boplar tbat tbe company will act to upect that moral aauion atro~ reuoeably lll tllia lllat tet', aaa gin redouble ita cneru &lld enlarge ita tbe 011e rate all roa11d. scope. and call In tbc aid or the

Yoan truly, 1tronr arm o(.tbc law aa well A Uaf,a or EucTic L1c11T. The Dumber of acboola 1howa an

J ade 10, 190& · incrcaae of three o•er Jut year•· and 13 over the year before. people. T beae ha•c birm wapa

Empire there aaaemblcd ; and tbe and aborter boun t baa uywhere feeling amoapt Brit.iab ptople at clac. becaa.e, it ia daimed. t&ad mo. home and in the colollies created by llopoly baa Ma aboliahecl.


of teactferr aaluiea i1 Mc that will repay more attentloll thaa we can beatow upon it. The 1uc:c:eaa of a ac:bool, u e•4ir1body kao... de· penda more OD the tea~ tball Oil any other fqtor. We feel iacllllcd here to allC tbe often miaapplicd ad· yerb " la&llitcly"'-illbuely more. The bifh.St aalary paid to aoy male teacber andet b.ia charge in bi• &eld. of the highest grade, Mr. Barke ah.ow•· la $527 (we omit the c:etJla). tbe loweat $311 t11c ucrare S388; of tbe aecoad JT&de $402. $l72. aod $306 ~tiTCly: of the tbird grade. $217. $186. aod U>l re· apectiTClJ. While tbe female teach· aa neehe-tboae of the lft.2ftde. Sl80. S3Q5. aod $239 ; of tbl-~ 1rade. SJS6, SISS.. aod $191 ; of tae ltd rnde t'Zl7, $117, $51'2. ;tleae aa1arlea.,. cre-t lmpronmnta oa tboeeof yean aot IO Car back, tballka larKelJ '9 the ealiehteoed policy carried oat by the prueat Go•crll· meat and to the ucrtiona of the aapcriateadeala of edacatloll and Qtllcr ialiaeatial edacatioDlata. Bat are the pre9C11t q.larin otrcrcd to tbe teacbiq profea1ioa 111ftldeDt? Some will aay tbe aalarica are eaoa1b for the ae"icca rendcnd . We opine not. Elae why the yodua from tbi1 laod of promiae, that 1ac· ceaain ac:hcapl report• of all d~· aomhsatlon• d.lf it be ia·

' the wide publicity glRD to1 the bold By makiar apecalatioa 111 laad attitude of thia little Colony in u.npro&tablc. lal>or baa been emu- RCY. 11'. W. Colley rec:ei•ed a let· maintaining the righta of tbe col· cipatect. tbe lmpoaitioa of aadae ter from Re•. Mr. Stewart. of Fort Olliea to ac!C·go•erDmeat also bad a rent la elimiaa* and tile beaelt Cbimo, Uapn. Labrador, from powcrfnl c1fCct in atilfeelD&' the accraea to '\be wapearaen ud tq wbicb we take tbe followhlc inter· back of the Britiab Miniatry. All cepital iateatecl t11 proclKtite la· estiq ~pbe: . th.c colollial poueuio111 of Great daatriea. Laad belq at tbe foaoda- Fort Chhao. Uagua. ~ritain hue au1tained, more or 1eM tiOll of employeeat. to keep it dear, December U. 1907. ~ tbc paat .. much I~ and ~e Em· u apec"1atioa doea. makes employ· "I wu terribl7 dl•~iated wbell ptre deeply humiliated 10 the meat ec:arc:e. nUaea rata ud low the abip arrbed to lad no coll~ae

. •• luloclriar unde,r'' of Britl~h Go•· wap Eaterpriae ia llOt budlcap- OD boaid. I wu eo clad wbea i.atat crnmcnta to foreign arrresuoa. It peel by tues "Oil balldlllp aa4 ... beard RlcllG'd9 ... comlll&" i per· ia to be hoped we bate aeea tbe lutr pro,.-~ DOI' la Jul moaopolJ bar. I wu wvadal.r elated, ud aow

• of a\Jch want of ~ckbon!!- eacdarqecl ucl perpe\Uted by aot If a• apaNd WI aext abip time. I " An importaot 10JlOfttiOD appeare taziJll' aa.lmPl'Oftd property at ita ab.all baft beea !.._~ .~ aJoae.

in the Ane1o-Am~ GCDCi&l' Ar· trae ftlae. S11dl la tlae ieMlljla to be God =~ ucl ~ me. with bitratioa Treaty, which bu bceG leanaell fl'OIP New z.1ud, w ~ ; Mn'"i bope to remai11 raWied by tbe Seaate. The Bdtlab =tf la the beet D100f of BU aMlatUce -. I ban ao Goftl'IUDCDt reaenea tile debt be- Tllat = 1lu iidapota4 .._ Gf •fttlS.:z jMMtl oa.allaadoa­fore Cll9dadills aay •pedal qn. ~ ~ lam~ Jee •1 'It!« Na efta fOC' one meat atfectiq t11e lD....U of UM o! reilafoa. Bata..., ud l9cllltlll ~· Ji,. few cla19uo. Oil tile otller eelf:Jc?ftl'lliDc do•h•lou&;: !l'Ptrr la tile dSllt Plam • try - ol ... Siter JCVeoclr. eeMra1 Bril!ab E~pite to obtaia COii- allda Gpai..ta )gr ti.. lllMlt Of ....... ~ W9N ...,...... to carrcace of that domi.._ tile world." a.Ill. ...._ cnata... ud tber, meat. Tbi• ~tlaa ...... , ... wltldaan ... ofa''CUIP' made la a p.nl.J diplo-atlc: tN&tf l'aOll T ecle,-'fte a, L .-. ftallOll wu ~tl(DL bat .. -.:.-~ ~Le.:;.-. ...... _.. .-, 61 mt bow tide. The7

==-~ ....... ....,.. . .....- .. - .. =;--- .,..~=ll:r"oirtot coao.-. Tllii 1...... ti9t tllp to Ille Wt• dlMt ,_..Of • came to .-l la to 1ae ..... tM - at~ tlle -. llil9~haD• ...... 1a 69 - a.r• u41_.w .. ..,_I Ber 8ot61 St, b,t It Ii ... • lflllr f tdiit, • lite ,,aJ aaf• ....... to..... ...... -it .... fnm~ud. tioL

...!- 1:•cer ...._. tlit _._ ..._.~4tl. ._. ol a. lillllltr41M aad tbe aar· •.;t&" - ·~ I ef ~&ti! ~ of tbe dead.

~ ..:_ll,i ftla .. ~ elater ... kilW A. T~ ... ~- ..... ~=.:s ........ aicl ..... poorcblld, WU

• ........ ..... _. ...... ~---_ ....... tlae~-... a.. ... to .... tile .... oltentlcw •tile -- ... to .... tlle ow.-. ol ......... u an lJliss 'toicl to~· tllam or to dlapOee Of tlaee to otben tbat will 110 ao. or to wreader tllem. TIM followhal' article allowlac wbat a tas Oil lUd bae dOlle for Autralla ia ftrJ ~tin:

" A riaitDr from 1'•• Z-1•"' re-catl7 a~ tbe project4'=:t atamabi commaaicatioa CaMda that co\oay, wlddl tboacllt wllile wlae for lmoerial ,... aoaa WoaJd be c:oemen:ia117 •c1 I fllt Tbat coloay coma aext to Canada ia rate of growth of aettle­mcnt. iDcrcaae of popalatloa, denl· opment of iaduatry and commercial cxpaaaioo. Popalatloa bu in· crciaaed thirteen ptr cent. in the lut fi•e yca.ra. propcaa in other dircc:­tioaa bein1 1n proportion. Thja pr~ 11 a cbnp from lbe aome­what decadent coaditloaa of some yeara &«<>· New Zcalaad wu at one

lllllllir .aa.114 wllea belp ar· lh.t Bow i.rrt-le mat be tbe

IJl!ll'~.flllll'l9:1_... ......... _ ol ol ..... "goor.· "1Jdrea 0

1lle Mille _.. W... ::f an to-=1 p N'P-.l..... belp. e..., -... --r lot la a

flliit~lili1 .-; God. oar work i.a

....... ~ ::n:.~ ·t:~.:=rc~~·= ......,.... llw."tua a ....... ~ iaeWarri~from ....... to .. ..,.. tlle far ~ ban Kl,.. p Ma· tltnl-. ucl if 1oa..a fal ucl

Y~ .._. la It. Jolla'• laWJtceat. I llope to baptl• tbem tM 11alf.MUda79 t. ellop- abotat elcbteea moatba or two yean =..=:.-... "':!::.:ii -·· ___ _ al acanloa tlaia to •JOJ till Dl1D1> AT LABRADOJL cpabT air, ..WW otMri _ tie )"elJd <:on.e aporta. Lut week aen 'fa& receiftd

deedalaadof flowiDgwith with milk aocl y-why doD't tbe male tcadaer• at leut remain in it ? Are t,be, all ao a~id aa to ro farflaer and rare wouc ?

Jhea aappoae the uodera were filO ,,Hod u Dot to kno11J their Ca.llaaD, auwer tbat the teacher• arc pa.,d ... much .. tbe kind or work they actually perform warnnla, docs Dot doee the diac:uaaioa. unlcaa tbe an•· weren colltend tbat tbc clau of work teachers are called upon to do la of an Inferior rradc. But it i1 aot ao. To t~ the future men and womca _gt a country ao ~bat they •-.J wortb11J fill their politioo lo thl• world aDd the world to come i1 aarely aa lmportaat work u to tTaia a horse to manage a farm, to aell loar or cloth, to rua a factory. to care the body, uaefal a.ad honor· able calHll(I &1 -tbcae all att. The oaae dema11d1 for Jta proper accomp­Jiabaaeat jHl u 1'.igh quali6catioa. u aay of tboee aamed. or aay pro-11e1t11 tbat caa b!I nM>ed· How can •"~ qulllcatioG be eir:ptcted; bow cua ~ elatlful. arduoaa and ez. haaatlar aenicca really needed, be upectecl1fot a 1&lar1 that in the cue 9f tHe rrcat majority of male tcachc.ra of all denoininatloaa la about tlie aamc aa a man rcta rot workinr on the ro1d1. or wbaoea, aad find• it aot a bit too much for .hoDcat labor performed. WhJ woo· der tbat.o many tf'achcra.both male and female. rcrard the profeaaion &1 a ateppiDK·•t.oae to other thinga. The true pohcy ia to rai1e the aaJ. arica of the tcachb1g prorcuioe, raiae tbe requirement•. aDd rite the tcachera. too, the re1pect and atataa tba• a.a honorable and re. 1po111iblc profca1loa dcaene. Thia la the policy that the prcacnt Go•· emmaat that baa done ao ~uch to farther tbeae eQda. mu1t CODtiaae. &lld coatia11e with DOl oaly unabated b11twith qalckcacd apced.

After all la aai again1t the lac· tic:a. .and no d t. something can be aaid apin•t t . the agitatora. aad maDy or them women or re· &ocd fcclinp, muat have been thoro-.cla\,J COAvinced of Uac richt· __....,, Of tllelr caaae to be wil· Uac to go t hroach what tbcy have dolle to force the iaaac. Morconr. what tbey did do waa4Dfiaitely lea• atrocioaa than ~ method• that hue been adopted by many mate promoters of dcalrablc rcfonna. No aeriou1 lajury to llfC: llmb, or liber· ty baa rcaulted from the. women'• craaade. ·

Lolldoa, May 20.'-Prime Mini1ter Asquith, rcpl7ing t<Hlay to a dclc­phOD fa•onng woman auffra(c.• aaid that the go.crnmcnt intended to pa11 a comprchcn1irc m~aurc of electoral rcfonn, and that ahould ao amendment Ca•oring- woman 1uff· rage be introduced the Government would not oppoae it. provided the propoacd cbanszc waa upon demo­cratic lloea. Be waa aware that about two-third• of hie colleaguea favored.it.

- One or our citizen.farmers. irri· lated the other day at the prucnce of a goat in bi1 &cld Oil the " upper lc•cla." iaatrucfcd hi1 acrvaot mao lo aboot it, which the man did. The o"ner, we arc informed, rnteoda taking proceedings apjn1t the farmer.

-Mr. W. 'A. Muna and family arc to apend the 1ummcr months at Brae Bead, bating takcll it durioir the abaence of Mra. Mann wbo wit& Miu Mann ia apeDdiD&' tbc 1ummer ill the old country •iaitiDf relative• and fricDda. Our IDDlmer •i1ilora arc expected here aooa, We trait that many others - will alao 1pend the acaaon amongst ua.

-The Journal for May oC lbc Royal Colonial Joatitutc baa na the paper read before the bodJ the more tbaa u1ually practical and latcre1t­iq oo,e of tbc All·Red Route by the B09.. Lord--Strathcona. The COD· tribatioa that according to the t>ro­poula before the Britiah Cabinet tommittee t hat the Mother Country would be expected to glte i1 $1,SOQ,· 000 a year-about the coat o{ a ba ttlc dbip. Cbo.ada i1 prepared to pay tbc aamc amoallt.

-Mn. Noel and friend• In town receiYed letter• and poet cards from tlae Re•. CaDOD Noel oa Saturday . CaAon Noel waa. at the time of writinr. In Ediabarr on a •i•it to a friend, and wu enjoying b ia atay . Tbc •oyage acroas bad a bc.oe.ficial etr«t. aDd Canon Noel Celt greatly impro•ed. The Canon purposed lpcDdln&" aomc time with Rev, Or. Pilot afftt bi1 trip in Edinburg bad terminated.

-C1t1~tt.-A meeting or the Ale.nuder Cricket Club was held tut nlrM. and arn.ngcmc.nta were made for tbc playing or the game thia aeaaon. Mr. Tra,-cra'""' elect· ed l>retident, Mr. N. Mui;ia, Vicc­Prcaidcnt. and Mr. E E. Paraona. Scc.·Treaa. Mc1&rs. R. Martin, E. Quinn, A. Warrco; Jobn Gritlio and n. Wbiteway. were elected aa Cap­tain, •ice-captai.o.and committee or the Club. The fir1t mat~ will be apiaat the St. John"• team coming wltfl the Nftd. Britiah Society on the 26th ln1t. ,,,

- The aaddcD death or Mre. Mary Mackey, wife of Mr. John Mackey, took place 11t RiYerbcad, ye1tctday morning at 10 a,m. Mi-.. M&ckcy accmcd 'to be in her aaaal ~ood health latc!J. and the newa of her death come1 with surpriae and re. crct to fricada of the family. Mrllo Mackey waa a 1i1tcr of Captain J . J . BcDacuy. and lcnca a bu band. two IOlll and three daughters to moarll their great lou. The de· ceaaed wa1 ill ber 67th 1car, and waahi(hly reapected by all acqu1in· taDcea. To the bereaved family the ST.A.NOUD uteDda it• 11mpathy.

-"-AT--..- • '

$2.40 ~ERL, (BLUE') DRY j' flOUR; 1 Oc. G~LLO,.

-AT -


rFiSHERY~~ !~ )-AT LOW PRICES :......... f . Bdt English. Rope at 121 cents per lb. \

Extra Good Corkwood at 5 cents. Lines, ~es, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Ba.r Iron.

Copper Paint for Vessels- var{ous brands $ House iJ!W1ti- Victor and Matchless, Brands. $

ERNEST SIM.MONS Water Street~ ~~~~:::

Fresh from the Gardens ••• • •· IN ·SEALED LEAD PACKETS.

i· ••• BEE BRAND ~EA.



_Reid-Newfoundland Company,,; THE S.S. CLYDE

Leaves ~wisporte every Mopday and Friday after arrival of Ex· press Trnu1s 1 as follows: EVERY MONDAY for Campbclton, I<itc Cove, Botwoodville, Exploita, Moreton's Harbor, Tiziard's Harbor, Twillingate, H erring Neck, Cbang-e Islands, F ogo, Be:werton , Beaver Cove, Dog Bay. E'1ERY FRIDAY for E-xploits, Fortun~ Bar:1i' N ew Bay H ead, Leading Tickles, Triton, Pilleys J ... lanoJ. Spn dale, Boot Harbor, Ward's Harbor, Wellman's Co,·c, f,i:1'.: Bay stands, Little Bay, Three Arma, Jackson'• Cove and ~ · ~ West Arm, alteroately 1 Rattling Brook, North West Ann ~1111 : • ..

Harbor, Belt's Cove, Snook's Arm, Tilt CoYe, Shoe Cove. ' ·

THE S . S . ETHIE • Leaves Clarenville cYery Monday for Ports marked • and l'ridav for Ports marked o, on arrival Express Trains: ·

o Fox Harbor, o Deer Harbor, o• Lady Cove, o Tboroutrhhr.!. •Hant'" Harbor, o Britiab Harbot, o• Bay-de-Verde o• \\'.:-.tern Bay._ *Sci.Uy Co•e, •Hear~'• Conte.at , o• Trinity, o l~elanrl'-. E.1 e, o Bntan111a Cove, ,o•Cataltna, o• ffickman's Harbor, •Old P crli-.1n, o*Carbonear, o N{w Bonuenture, o Salmon Cove.

The S. S. Ethic leaves Ca.rboDe.!.f every Tuesday and Saturday.

THE S . S . DUNDEE Leaves fort Blandford every Monday and Friday after arri1·al 1.1 1 express trains for the following portll or call :

Bunyan's Co,·e, Charlottetown, Jamestown, Brookh ·n 1.J •. ,. g rave, Sweet Bay, Sout hern Bay, Indian Arm, Plate' C1H• . Open H~ll, Kin~'s Cove, K eels, Bon:ivista, Salvage, Flat Islantl, ~t. Brendan s, GooSebcrry Island, ~r Island, Grccnspocd Pov!'-. Island, Wesleyville. '

.lllir'"Freight receh•ed at all stations daily for above ports.

P ublic Notice. i y· t . B k St . .. · · 1c ona oo ore. PEBSON.1 /,. THE PU~LIC arc hereby notl&ed

?dra. J. 0. Monn, wbo blld been on a t 36tb~\l? Cthc prr~i1tiedon1Sotaf Ct btap- ~8rS, be ready With 't11tl &o trl411de lo Mootraal In oompADY er 0 ~ ODIO 1 a o ea, -1 with her 111ser, (Mn. o. Datrd, or st. Second Sert Ill they are requi~ your Outfit! .Toba.'"} relOrned home b1 Saturday'a. ed to keep their ~ ; tu.la. llra. Munn'• trip wy, a moo y ARDS AND PR_EMISES We have now in stock-pleManl one. r r ll · I RO S · · -Capt. J J Henne..,. bu bffn ap- ree rom a noxioua nu '!"\CH ancl ~ D - JOmtl'd and b.' mboo. point.a aaeni for Ule Froet Wire Fooc- filtb. which are likely to iDJUre the HOOKS- best guaged, double gut :11111 Ins Co. public bca~tb. Oy. A variety or Lines and Flolt'.

Mr. and Mn. Thomu Davi. left by T here will be k Reels, Baskets and Strops. Toucta7•1 tralA tor Flower'• Con. A THOROUGH INSPECTION C:ms, etc.

chll•ren returned to St. John'• on ¥ on. d C d t da til i • agumcs- tran , " unsey's, r~:u· day Jut. aD rom ay 0 Y un t 1 son's, McClure's, Everybody's, Lon·

, -Tbe Ru. 0. Carpenter leU by the completed. d R I Cos I" \ ·

~ time the moet moaopolf·ridd~ 'c:ODDtry iD the world, aaJfenar un· der what seemed a colldltioa of per­maaeat depreaaioa. Popa.l&tioe waa decreuinr. tbc labor qaeatioa waa acate. a.ad in 1890 tbere ... a cnat atrike ia wbida tbe aaioa• were -.orated. The fOl9 of oririlep by wblcb the colony waa cb1el7 retard· ed wu the moaopoliaatioa. of land. and reactioa natarallJ came ia. the ~tiou of the priDclple 'Of tuiq

nlaea. The land at that time • wu held in large tract• bf pritate

oW1lera. who dem.aoded pncea pre­ftlltatittfof aettlcaMnt. The tax bad the immediate c.ffect of ope.a.lair the l&ad to acttlera. Ttlue may be dlf·

• O.r local uop.bnda, or coaater· -... La.._ cl lite death of Jlr, laoppen. • tlaey Med to be caUecl Jolla Balf. • J'ebnlary 15cll, at la Ue pnd old hya, Wore waatef s-197 llMlor. Dec__. wa• bolidJ,pe deflrit! tbea of all c1ea1N ......-, a '611111it of~r. 1Nt ~ ~p,-wfa~ ti.y lw lat'ONll Md .... ll«. oa tile l•brdor tlaaa lbalr & Jolia'• 6rotben? Tbe for a ...._ o1,_.... A1*1t two ..,_. oltWr .. p1o7era an aealb1e ,._,. ac!> .. wu atricke.a witb par· mea aad .,,illlac to rin their em- alysia. from . which be partly re­ployeea a cballc:e to recreate iD the coftred. Lut Jue be had anotller 91adr ecuoa. It la aald tla.at a few attack &Del after tbat bia eoll, are aot ao .. .,._..,: bat pcrbapa Moeea. aaed to accompany bim they woalcl be if tllay were cooawt- wbcnftf' lM went. Bat oa tbe da1 ed aa to an arraaremaat. At all of bi• demi ... Moeea ,, .. away e.Uta. it woald be better for au aad the old mu •tarted witb com· that are la fatOr of a balf·bolida1. atick ucl doC9 ~ ro acrOM the Bay or a -.bole bollday weekly, to cl•• to his aammer realdaace. WJaeu a aacll eft'll if ou or two would not abort way from tbe abdr'e he waa cotcar. lf th.ii canaot be dooc, aeiaed wi!Ethcr attack. ud ex· eome othu arraoec~ent mifht be plnMI OD Upoa tbe aoo re. come to t hat wo11IJ ri•c ~cJr huda tarnlDr llome e immediately atart· the cbaDc:e of u oaflq. " All work ed la ~It of bia father. Be aod ao play ma~ Jack a dall bo~. foa.ad tlle lifeteee body by the aide a.ad Gllla dlill rirL Bow woalcl 1t of the aleiprrtly co•ered b1 a do for tbe 1bop-b.aod1 to bold a aaowclrift u the faithfal dor• meetlag, formulate a ac:heme of keeplas watcb oftf the remaiaa. h.olida1a. aod ban a coafeT'CDCC ~ ,,... 64 years of ace, and at a meeUar of their employers. team a wife. oae aoo and two dau· whereby aom• arraaceme~t •tis; (hten at Healer Barbor a elater factory to both coald be am..S at . (Mn. Ambroee Pike) at Barbor

Grace. a ~ter. two aiater aod a brother la::Lrf>f Ial.uda. to all of wbom we aiaccre 1ympathy. -Weatera Star.

- The Vlrcln'- Lake reporta that the ac:boo•era Mary. Johll Carroll. ud the Stadlaad, W. ParmiteT, "ere at Baar Barbor wbea 1hc called there Oil Taud&1 OD her way ao11th.

-<:oo•raa.-eo.a. lrooa Barbor Orac• l•land aod lUlaer p1- 1Sroo1hl to a IOOCll1' IOJ!PIJ of Ood·O•b on 'rueeda1 mcu-•la&. The geaaeral raa of ft1b wae •malL Trapa haYe aot done inocla to dai., arad bciolc·ancl-IJne aea are Ioele la& for lh• oocaJoa of tbe capllo. A •110 ol Ulla ball ft•la -.ru bad al Bol,Jrood on Iii~, ba' DODI laaH IUlded 1et.

M'r. aod Mn. R. A . Saolr• and two of lbc town on the 20ttt of Mal~ M · s d .. t

E l.bJa oa Toelday for Bay-d .. Verde, The ow~ of rremiac1 found in on, oya I • mopo itan,_. ri;o,~. where be wlll '/.tod 11 ooopre of weeJti t>,.d coad' ion. wll be liable to a fin R~ Boo~, Review of Rc,1ews, 1 1t with •h• RaY. . o. Britnell. Mr. Car- of ' , Bits, Lad1C$' Home Joumlll. peowr bu ooi bcto well lalely. TWEN.-f- FIVE DOLLARS Latest Novels-Colonfal, etc., by rclc

- Tb• ReY. J. T. Ne.,,mao and Mre. l 1. 1 · · b ed · !ftwman of Dlaellbead wtre pu.eoiren A. B. S&YMOUR. ~t wnttrs. by W9doeecla71 la .. train for t. Jobo•1. Stl..,.ndiary Ma....;1tratc Bills Collected Monthly. \fr. Newman -.rent to take pan h the p 1· om-- ..- G • ,.. nH>peoln1 aen1ce or Gower 81.nH o tee .......,, Barbor race Me1hodlll Olaurola laa• D.Jth" Ma713. 1908. JOHii CODY, :-: Manager.

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