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?rDERAL sPEczrIcAYIom ?ederal Wnesal ~ie8s tiinistsation...

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( .- - .- Serx-n*r 28, 1973 - ?*. $peco PPP-S-760A &tobes 9, 1964 ( 1. ?rDERAL sPEczrIcAYIom (Am colutcmxs ) this specification was pprwed by the ~imaioner, ?ederal Supply Smite, Wnesal ~ie8s tiinistsation, for use of U ?@derAl 9enci*s. SCOPEAm ~cATm 1.1 see E+ This peificatim cevers nailless, flat normetalllc 8trappin9 and con- ductors re~or, intmded for us. h oecurimg packa90s and relnforcinq bundles and con- tainers (see C.A). . . ,..” 1.2 Classification. . 1.2.1 -S nd grades. Strapping covered by this spcafication shall be of the following typ8s na qraa8s, s specified [see 6.2). ~r- Strapping, cord. Grade A - Rqular duty. Grade D - Hcaq duty. ~Ix- $trapping, water resistant, polyolefin plastic. ~pe 111 - Strapping, wat=r rcsis-nt nylon plastic. 2. APPLXCMLE DOCUNEN7S. 2.1 Tho followinq documents, of the issues Ln ffact on date of invitation for buis or request for proposal, form part of this specification to the a%tent specifisd here- ~. rderal Srmcifxcatxen: PPP-B-636 - DOXCS, Shipsinq, riberbaard. Federal Standard: ?ed. Std. NO. 123 - Harking for Domestic Shipent {Civil ~ancies). [Activitieswesid~ t?w I%ckral ~ement 9ay obtein copies of Pederal S~ci~xca- tions, Standards, nd Handbooks s outlined under General Xnfomation in the Xndex of Federal Speesfications nd Standards id t tho pr~cee ~icated in the Me%. The Index, which includes cumulative monthly suppl~es s lssud, is for aalc on sub- scription Msis by the Superintendent of ~ts, U. So ~emmenc Printin9 Otfica, Uashbgton, X 20402. (Shqlo eopios of this specification and ot?wr ?edotd Specifications required by ctivities outsi40 tlm ?edecal Gmmrment for bidd$nq purposos re available without charqa frm Eu8iness Semfic8 Centers t the Ga90raA Semieu M-inistratha ~ional Office in $oston, New York, Ueshinqton, K, At.Aenta, ~Lcs~, Xansas City, ~, Port Mrth, Denv~r, San ?rancxsco, &o An981*s, * ~ttk, 16h. (~ederal Government ctivities My *taia copios of ?ode:al Specifications, Standards and Mandbooks nd tlm Xndex of ?ederal Sp@cMLcation8 nd Standards fa stablished dis- tribution points in their 9mIcisa.) a nilitaw sPecificationsl nc*81Js c Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com
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.- - .- Serx-n*r 28, 1973

- ?*. $peco PPP-S-760A&tobes 9, 1964




(Am colutcmxs )

this specification was ●pprwed by the ~imaioner, ?ederalSupply Smite, Wnesal ~ie8s tiinistsation, for use of●U ?@derAl ●9enci*s.


1.1 seeE+ This ●peificatim cevers nailless, flat normetalllc 8trappin9 and con-ductors ●re~or, intmded for us. h oecurimg packa90s and relnforcinq bundles and con-tainers (see C.A). ..,..”

1.2 Classification..

1.2.1 -S ●nd grades. Strapping covered by this spcafication shall be of thefollowing typ8s ●na qraa8s, ●s specified [see 6.2).

~r- Strapping, cord.Grade A - Rqular duty.Grade D - Hcaq duty.

~Ix- $trapping, water resistant, polyolefin plastic.

~pe 111 - Strapping, wat=r rcsis-nt nylon plastic.


2.1 Tho followinq documents, of the issues Ln ●ffact on date o f invitation for buisor request for proposal, form ● part of this specification to the a%tent specifisd here-~.

rderal Srmcifxcatxen:

PPP-B-636 - DOXCS, Shipsinq, riberbaard.

Federal Standard:

?ed. Std. NO. 123 - Harking for Domestic Shipent {Civil ~ancies).

[Activities wesid~ t?w I%ckral ~ement 9ay obtein copies of Pederal S~ci~xca-tions, Standards, ●nd Handbooks ●s outlined under General Xnfomation in the Xndex ofFederal Speesfications ●nd Standards ●id ●t tho pr~cee ~icated in the Me%. TheIndex, which includes cumulative monthly suppl~es ●s lssud, is for aalc on ● sub-scription Msis by the Superintendent of ~ts, U. So ~emmenc Printin9 Otfica,Uashbgton, X 20402.

(Shqlo eopios of this specification and ot?wr ?edotd Specifications required by●ctivities outsi40 tlm ?edecal Gmmrment for bidd$nq purposos ●re available withoutcharqa frm Eu8iness Semfic8 Centers ●t the Ga90raA Semieu M-inistratha ~ionalOffice in $oston, New York, Ueshinqton, K, At.Aenta, ~Lcs~, Xansas City, ~, PortMrth, Denv~r, San ?rancxsco, &o An981*s, * ~ttk, 16h.

(~ederal Government ●ctivities My *taia copios of ?ode:al Specifications, Standardsand Mandbooks ●nd tlm Xndex of ?ederal Sp@cMLcation8 ●nd Standards fa ●stablished dis-tribution points in their ●9mIcisa.)

anilitaw sPecificationsl



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Mll;wr’y Standards;

MR-STD-105 - samplkg Procedures ●nd Tables for Inspec:ioa by At”xibutGs.JUL-*129 - Maxkinq ~or Shipmat ●nd Staraqm.xzL-Sm-147 - ?alletized Un:: Msds oa 40 by 48 Inch Pallets.

(-pies of PUitary $peciflcathns and Standards requ:zed by contractors in connectionwith specific pro~rernant functloa: sctiu>dbe obtatid fr= tbo proeurhg ●gency or ●sueczed by tha Conuacttig Of:icu.

- . .. . .

3* xWuxRmzmS -

3.1 Haterials. Materials shall ti of th quallty normally used for th8 pu~G8s Lacc-nrcial practic. and ● hsrdaafter ●puifled under each type ●nd grade.

‘“1”’?F&..i. bubd.rSL-appLnq siaa~l cansist of longitudinal cords of h%qh tensfl. se-ength

boded Wi ●nd sha12 m-t tba str-ngth ●nd dimensional requArumntsspqified hueb. TIM bhde; shaU have ● glash point of not Less than 180*F. before itis ~iaed with &he cords to fora strappinq. Tha plastic binder shall cumpr:se not Lessthan 18 puemt of the s~-appinq by weight, ●nd shall hold the ind~vidual longitudinal . -chords ~etber to form ● non~en ●uappLn9 material. / “

3.1.1 ‘k 1:. The type IX strapping shall ba ●n extruded, oriented polyoAefin which●-ts tbe strongch ●nd dtiensional requxemencs specified herein.

3.1.3 ‘Nue 111. ~e type 111 strappirq shall be ●n extrud-1. orient~ nrlon whichmta the - ●nd dimensional requirements specsfled heroin.

3.2 Breakina strenc$t!! and ●longation. The breaklnq strength ●nd ●ionqation of ‘hemOnaatal~xC 8L-appnq s~ii compiy witn :hc rcqui:aaents shorn in :abl@s 1, II, ●nd IIIwhn cestad in ●ccgrclance WLth 4.4.2.

3.3 Dlsensions.

3“3”1F“ $trappinq shaU ba gurnishd la widths ●a specified in table I VI:! ●nallow~le to ●ance of : 1/32 -8. The t!!ickrmss of strapping shall be no 1.ss than0.024 isch.

3“3”2F“ The strappinq sktallbe furnsshd An the wid- spmczfled in table 1:,wieh an ●l 0Wab18 tolerance of plus or m~nus 0.031 inch. St=appinq with ● smooth finishshall be fumMhed b c28 :’lickness spec~:ied h tabla 11, WLth an ●llowable tolerance of● 0.002 kh for strap 0.023 inch or less in thiCkn.SSc and : 0.003 inch for strap qr8at-‘U than 0.02S inch th$ck. Uhen spocifik (see 5.2) L30 strapp~aq shall have ●n ambosedfl~ishd which yxaids an ov-rail mmlnal :hxckness no qroater taan tuace the Romina:t!!ickness of samot4h suapptiq 0: the swam wid%% ●nd bseekinq strenq=!.

3“3”’v“ The suappinq shall be 5Jrnltied in the widths ●nd “Jicknessoss+4Cifhd u caD ● 111. The width eoAarance shall h 2 0.00S MCh, ●nd the thicknesstoluanco shaU b. 2 0.002 inch for smap 0.02S inch or 1.ss in thickn8ss, and : 0.0fJ3M ~or strap qroacer than 0.02S lath th$ck.

3“4‘%%;*”%SYYL2”.L mifid, m I strapping shall be furnished in onecontbwus 11 b Osctl?aced wuund on fiber mres confomuinq toTahJo W. Tho yudsq. Of suap por WOOA shaU k aoc 1.s8 than that required by TabLov. TM Duabos of Splices per S*1 ●ail not Ueo’od thd followinq l-i-$S-1 W4ght :7prprm*teiy 20 pounds - 2 spL&8a b

40 pounds “ 4 splic9sditto 00 pmlnsls“ 7 Splims



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-. . .

1- ? ???-s-7608


Tmu x. &eakinq strangth, transvorso strwngth ●nd ●longation p-rcont of strappln9

width of Crado hroaking .longation trmwvcrse•maw~ * ●maaqth @ pucalt .trongth,

●t bro8k qrwns

3/w A 3s0 12 12s01/2 A 467 12s0S/$ A S8S H 12s0s/o B 7s0 12s03/4 A 700 H 12s0

TAD12 H. strmgth ●nd ●lonqation Percent of strapping (t- 11)MxnUum ●~onqat-zon? break, p9rcent

7160 16

1/4 .014 14s 101/4 .01s 180 101/4 .019 2001/4 .027 290 H

3/8 .015 2903/8 .018 2s0 ::3/8 .020 3903/8 .024 3s0 R.

7/16 .019 300 107/it .025 450 107fi6 .030 S50 10

l/2 .012s1/2 .Ofs1/2 .017L/2 .0209 P*At* A9*.--e1/2 .02s1/2 .030

300 10390 103so 10530 10Aan.e- ~@

6&o010 ;:

Slo .01s SOo 10:$: .020 680

●02s 8s0 ::M .030 1030 10

3/4 .028 10s0 10

*MU xxx. stronqth ●nd ●lonq paremt of strap

-*M1 thickaosa ma- breaking Ninhxm clonqation

7j16 .023 127/’l6 .02s 8 ,:: 123/2” .01s 4201/2 ● 020 MO ::l/2 .02s 700 12



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. ... ..-— ------ ,.P?P-S-760B

.?ADLE w. Core requiraents for tvve I strapwina

Approxaaute &ngtA ,OK core hMLa* dmmeta Th&ckn*ss ofwdght of 4JKh of coro, inch core wall,


s inch

-o2s to so s-V2 ~ 1/4

Ovoz so 10 : 1/4 3 + l/8 .230 : .00s- 0

?Atu v. ‘Npes of smOIS, ●nd varda par stmol of tvse I st:avuina-&l’Ml width Tyy: of Yards perof strappinq Crade SBOO1

/4 A AOquLu 2,600Quad

3/8 A AqUluQU8d

1/2 A aeguhrQUad

S/a . . A RqtslarQuad

S/a R BoublcQuad

3/4 A Regular-ad

3/4 a 3ouble



3.S Coil yardaae. ~e m$nsmum yards per coLl of type 11 ●nd ;11 stra~pl-c shtll 5e8s +8cizmd M tabio VI for the size scrap ●nd COX1 wAdth (whan ●ppLicabA@) sp~cxfied Lnt!!econtract or order (see 6.21. The coil Lnsido diacm:er ●nd maximum ou~~kde diametershall ●lso b ●s spu&fied in the orderAnq data (see 6.2) . The mil shali be an. con-tinuous length of strappuq.

TABLE VI. Coil vardauel of ?v?e XI ●nd rII straminuW&dUl , Thickness, Mxn. yards per 1- H:a. yards per %&n. yards perinch mch vxde oscillated 5-J/4” w~de 6= wide

wound COL1 oscillated wound oscillated

7,/~~Ca:l wound tail

nlA.“-. 2>007/32 .018 1360

1;4 .014l/4 .01s1/4 .0191/4 .022l/4 .027

3/8 .01s3/8 .0183/8 .0203/8 .024

7/16 .0177/16 .0237/16 .02s7/16 .0297/16 .030



.01s1/2 .037:;; .020

.0251/2 .030


















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. . .. , PPP-S-760B

?ABLt Vx. (continwd)RLa. yarch per 3“ Rut. yasds pertttdo oscillated s-3/4” wide 6“ wide


- coil Osclllstsd Wound Oscillatedcoil wound coil

b- XV8 .015 116Cs/8 .020 066w .025 700s/o .030 600

3/4 .02@5

1 1/4 .03s6.

Contractor may furn Lsh moro yazds per coxl tnan the mAnmua requxed un~ess otne.-xsespuified. -


22300 yatis ti self-contained dispensing carton..

J1830 yards ditto41000 yahds dittoS1S00 yards per 8“ wide coil.$167 yards per 1 1/4 inch wide ribbon wound coil.

Strappxng confoming to this specification shall be capable ofpractica using ●wls, buckles or welded Joints, ●nd strappingtools or equ~~en: suitable for the SLZO ●nd type of strapp%ng s~sf>ed (see 6.2).

3.6.1 Seals ●nd bueklcs. Seals ●nd buckles shall be steel, ●nd 8*11 have ● protec-tive coacti9 of zinc, ca&aLum, black iron ox~de, or qulvalent protection from corrosion.

3.6.2 Joint strength. -e I stravuin~. Joxnts for Type I strap sb~ll be mad~ with seals or buck-108. T?aejoxnu shall have ● tensile strenqth of not 18s8 than 40 percent of the re-quired strap suength. w- ?1 •n~ 1S: straonin~. Joints for types 12 and XII strapping s!M1l semsde with saals or by weld~ng. :ha ]o~nts shall have ● tens~l. strength of not lessthan 40 percent or ma requxred strap strength./

(\ U.-G---- . -2.? -b wuzasAt&p ● S-u-&ppihtj 6iiaii be *Craight, *wth, ●nd cioan ●na shaii be free

u fraa kinks, grooves, edqe curvatura, indentation, cracks ●nd other dofecu that my●ffect iu scmicsability.


4.1 R*SIX3n8ibilLtY for insoution. Tha suppl~er is responsibh for the performanceof all impect~on requ~:aacnu ●s sp~%fiod herein. cxc8Pt ●m Othemise Specafied, thosuppliar My utllizo -h&s own or ●ny-oth-r Lnspction faciiitiea ●nd senric.s ●cceptablem tio Govurnnt. lns~tion records of tho 8%amUution ●nd tasts shall b. kept caB-ploto snd •vailabl~ to the COwrrnent ●s specified in tho contract or otiar. l%.*@rrsaont rosamfes the riqht to perform ●ny of the ins~ctions set forth in the speci-fkation whaz~ such ins~hns ●xs deemd nm888ary to ●ssure that suppl$cs ●nd s8mices*nform to prosczikd reqwranes.

4.1.1 Inspoc tion of materials ●nd mmnents. In ●ccordanc. with 4.1, tho suppliesiS rosponsibh tor usurmq chst 8atu&8A8 ●nd caaponwtts used wsra manufactured, tested,SXd iaspoctti in ●ccordmco with th requir~ts of r8fcrsac~ subaAdhry s~ifications- stadards to th. 8xtont spocifiod, ar M non., in accordance with this s~ification.& * evofitof conflict, *L8 spactficacioa shall qovesn.


4.1 SuBQling. *plinq foz $nspoct$m snd t8sting sh.dl be performed in ●cc&dsncewith the provxssons set forth La ?UL-~lOS, unless otherwiso spoclfisd.

4.2.1 &t. AU mmtallic strappinq of the suae t~, qrado, ●nd dimension presant-d ●t on- ~s, produced by on. msnufacturu shali k considered ● lot ~or tbo pups. of

. -tin.

4.2.2 Sam81ing for exadnatkm. A rind- s8mpLo of -Is or coils shall be sclectsdf- ecb bc 0S Mt8rLal oiie:sd for a8ab8tion in ●~e with tabla VI:.



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.. . . . . .

4.2.3 Sammlina for tests. A random sample of spools or coi~s shail b~ selected fraa●ach Lnspectaon lot m ●c=ozdance with table VIII ●nd shall be sub)ec:ed to :!ICtests●puified h 4.4.

4.3 Examination. Each of thQ sample spools or coils salu:ad in ●ccordance with4.2.2 shall 9xamind to verify compliance with th~s spuifica:ion. hSISifMtiO~ shall& Conduetad ●s specl~iad in table IX ●f:er first resovhg one or more turns of material

/-’ . f= -C S-l OX CO~l for ● L@nqth of •l~ht f~tt. Any spool or coil :~ the s~plt con.

U~in9 on- or morm dafacts shall b- rejected ●nd if the number of d efa ctiv e spools or -4

coils in any sample excods the ●cceptance nudxr :or that sarnplc, the lot roprcsented bytho samplo shall k rojecwi.

TMIZ VI:. Sa mvlinu for e x a min ation~ of spooLs Num89r of spools Acceptance Re]ec:xon n=:eror coils in ● lot or co$ls An ● number (dafutive)

santule (def~tive).20 nd under21 ●m 99 ; :


100 to 229 16 0 i230 w 399 20 1400 to 799 28 “ 2 :800.and over 40 3 4

TAELE VIII. Samellnc for ●cceptance xnseect:on tes:5Numhr of spools Nuaner os spooAs Acceptance numoaror coxls Ln ● lot or co>ls in ● (number of spools Reject~on n~er

Sample or coils non-

● eon:omnlnq on ●nyt93t

=nd undar $ 0 i16 to 40 041 tO 6S 1: 0 i “66 to 120 1s 2111 to 180 . 2s i181 to 300 3s :301 :0 500 so ; 3sol to 800 7s 3 4aol tO 1300 110 4 5

TABLZ IX. ClaoaifAcachn of dofeccs of nomuUic s~-appang in ●ccordance WXQI14m-sm-los

Camuoraesbitxal a


majos : ~inol width ●nd thickmss of strappinq101 not ●s 8pocified 0s not uL-&in tm

•llowabl~ tO~Q~anC8S.102 ?Lastic flmsh dafcctivo: ceachg less

than 18 pueone of tbo suapping by u.iqht

103(typo 1)0~r of 8PUCOS pas spool or coil ax-

104e80d8 tha pomlssibh w*.0im9nslons of eor8 or coil not withsn

10s●llouablo tolo?w”e.Typo ●d grad. not ●s spuifid.

IWtor:201 ?Ukaqiaq arid pukbq mt in accordance

with S.1 or S.2 ●s SPU ifid.


-- . - . . -. —-. .—.—- —.— .—.- - - —-- -— - - - —. -- . . .

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.Z . ?PP-S-760B. .

4.4.1 Conditlonin$. Test suaples chall be conditioned ●nd tested in ● uni:o.alyMlntalnod ●tmospnexe of 23° : 2*C. (73.4° : 3.6’F.) ●d SO : 2 percent rcla:ive hum$d-ity.

- .

~ c “ 4.4.X.1 Type I strappi,n9 shall be conditioned tq equilibrium prior to testing. A~~c •~11 * consid=d ● t equilibrium when the chAn90 in -iqht durxnq ● 1 4aour orbiqar ~riod of mtiitienUq does not exceed 0.02 pucont of tha sample’s w8ight ●t thed of tha period. Typo :1 ●nd 11x SUappiq shall & conditioned for 40 &urs prior to testing.

4.4.2 Dreakinq strength. Broakinq strmgth of type I strapping ‘shsll be measured by● floor equipped with ● D-Load cell, ●nd utilizing upper clampsA-S3-8, W %ber coated, Masuri.ng 2 inches by 3 inches ●nd lower clamps A-53-2, DJrubbez Ceated wasur%ng 1 inch by 2 inch-s. The free length Mcween clamps shAll b~ 3illcbes, the cross h~arl s- 2 Lnch.a -r uinuta, ●ti the chart speed 6 inc!m8 permilaute . ?uU scab load shall be S00 or 1,000 pou~s. A piece of strapping of theWidth to & testad sha~l be inserted in the c>aaps ●d t!m InSUOn T@St8r ●ctivated.8rQakhq stronqth shall bc read directly from the chart to the n8arest pound. Braakxnq8UUWth Of type XI ●nd type 11: strappinq shall be masured on ● tensile ttster, such88 an Xnstmn” Tester or equivalent, CapabL@ of load accuracies to vithxn : 1 percent.~o crosshesd speed shall be 2 inches per minute ●nd tha free length b8twe8n cl~mps shallbe no groat=r tMn 5 &nchas. Suitable clamping ●rranqaents to prwunt slip~qe or break--8 within the clamps shall be used. Manual ●c!justnnt of t-tinq equipment, ●ftersaaple is in place, is requxred to remov~ slack ●nd provide ●iiqmnent prior to ●ctxvatinqthe t8st. The bed An punds ●t brsak shall M road dxrectly froa the tcstmq unit orits chart. (Split barrel typ clamps 2 to 4 mcims in diem=ter hsve -n found cffoctiveh gripping the type XI ●nd type 111 strapping.)

4.4.3 Elonqat*on. Percait .Ioqacion of t- I strapping ●t break -all be measuredin the same manner, ●t the same timo ●s breaking screnqth ●nd usxng the sam8 procedure(see 4.4.2). Porcant Elongation ●t break shall be read dir@ctly from th~ chart to the

nosrast ~cont. The percent ●lonqatson of type 11 ●nd 111 strapping ● t break shall bedotsrmimd by aoasurmq in inches tho ●xtmsion of tho sample qaqe lmqth ●t its break,obtained by foliouinq breakanq strength proeedurss (see 4.4.21, ●nd th8n dividinq thisutension fi~e t.y the or\qmsl free Aenqth ●nd mulc>plyinq by 100. An 8xt8nsanetar orequivaimt shall be usd to measure the extmsion, ssnc. Urgar ●rrors duo to sl>ppageor slack removal can be introduced if cross-head soparacion is used.

hoad s- shall b- 6 inch-s per mmute, ●nd the full scale Load sha~l be 10 pounds.Strapping samples shall be inserted in th~ clunps so that ●ach CLURP grips ●pproximatelyOna hslf of the width of th strap. Transwrse scrcngth shall be read dxectly from thezecotiinq dwico h pounds. .

.4.4.S P=rcent of plastic btier. A S-P1O of type I strap is conditioned for a

Biaiaa9 of 24 hours ts- 4.4*L0&) ●nd wiqhod. IYm Saqlo is then *oatod with ● suic-ablc solvent to ruva the plastk bhdar, washed ●d Ov@n dri~ ●t 22S’ + S“?* for c- .hours. Aft-r r~d fm the OWS, it LS recondition for ● nhtium of-24 hours ●ndtm@e&9has. Ttw ~rcmt bitior, bssod oa th omdittinad ueiqht of the conplme strap is “C8kuiatod 8s foll~:

Initial weight - ?iml waight&tAai W%gnt x 100 - ●emant bhhr




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. . .-



f S.1.1 Lavel A. Un189a oth.m~s~ specified, tha SPIS or coils of strappinq or con-mcars s~~ packa9ad im ●ccordane. with aothod XII, of JUL-P-114, in quantities *S8paclfLad Q3 tha csntract or ordu.

$.1.2 -@l c. !brnmtallic strapping or kutors shall b- ‘+ckagad in ●ccordanceVitb th uiizii:uru’s Coanercid pract:c8.

S.2 ?ackinq. Packin9 shall & lCVQ1 A, S or C ●s ●pacifisd (8*8 ~).

5.2.1 Lev81 A. !$mxmotallic strapplnq or =nnactors stulI”bs packad in containers con-fo~q ~ir V2a of PPP-B+34. Xnsofu ●s practical containers shall baof unifara*PO - ●izo, ba of mtilma cubs and tar. cons~atent with tha protection raquirad andcontain Mutt$cal qumtltiea. Cmtainms shall h elosd, .aalsd ●nd rcinforcsd in●ccordanc~ with ●ppllcabla contalmr #pacification or ●pp.ndti thueto. The weight ofContan- for ~i~rboud shipping containers shall b. subject to th~ ltiltations of thecontainer s~ification.

S.2.2 &v81 n. ?@mMtallic strapping or connectors shall k packad in domastic orwaathu-r~t typa contabmrs cenfoming to PPP-8-636. Insofar ●s practical, cun-taLmrs shall ba of uniform shapa ●nd 81x8, b- of minlatuas cub. ●nd Mr. consistence withtho pmt~tion raqulrd ●nd conta~n identical quantitlos. ContaAnors shall bc closadand ra=forcsd h ●ccordance with the ●ppllcabl. ~ntainar specification or ●ppandixtlmrem . 73. might of contents for ~iberboard shipping containers shall b~ sub]ect tsQ* Uxitatioru of tho cuntalnu .puiflcation.

S.2.3 MV91 c. No!umtalLic strapping or containers sIM1l ba packed in a namerwhich ui.l~o ●rzival &t deatuaat~on la satiafactsry condition ●nd wh&c5 WXIL b.accoptablc to t!!- carrier ●t huost rates. Shipping containers shaLl cmply wxth thoCarrgu mlas ●id regulations ●ppllcabla to the mod. of transpomtion.

S.3 Pal18tized unit load. Unlsss oths~lso spocifiad plhtizad unit loads shall bcin ●ccordance WL-m tUL-5Ta-&47.

S.4 Markinq.

S.4.1 Civil ●ueneiss. M addition to any spuial -rklaq roquirad by the contrac: or-.S. -~ls, ~uqos and shlppmq con~inus sMU b. markd in ucordanca with ?ad.SM. h. 1:3.

m I sUapp@q is for strapping of ut8rials to ba stmad utiu cover or lnaidaSaaq- .

6.1.1 caution. )lo~llic svappinq h not Lntmdod for usa h tha rdnfarc~t ofaa$ld - or cloatd paml ~ or Cxatos. steal SUappiaq S&uld b9 Uad for u●pplkattin.

8 .

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..—. —.. .PP*S-7608

● -● “’”2%--Y Wrchasars should ●oltit the prof.rr.d options pmlttd her-in

ad inclu ● tha fo lowing information in pr-r-nt dcG-nt*.


tltls, nuabor ●d &tc of W* sp8ciflc8tion.~, grdo and d~nsioru roqulrod (s- 1.2.1, 3.3 ard ●pplictil. table).T~rd8g0 por s-l or coil (.H U1O V Or W).&vd of packaging d lmml of packbq roqulrti (-~. S.1 and S.2). .?Suotlzd unit 1*4S {s09 5-3 - S.3.1).-1s and buckles (808 3.6.1)8 WPt ●1*. •~ Watitr -lr~”Mako and DOC3d of strqtp~ oqui~ont that tho strapp~ and seals must wmk in,if 8pplie*l*.~on an enbossed finish on t- 11 stx~ppinq iS desir.d or Q11QWW3 (see 3.3.2).=Ll dknsiona (s.. 3.S md tabl. VI).

6.3 ?ay’ncnt should b. -O on tha basis of tho yardqo of nonm8taUic strapping deliv=rod.


hrmy-cL?tary - SAAir ?’Orc. - 69

Reviw ●ctivities:

Navy - UP

Aciumsuation,aet*”L Z bq% for th. $uprintmrhnt of Dc&mmt8. S80 ●ction 2 of this spoci~fication to obati axtr8 COP1OS ●d othu dommmts rofaronc.d hcrdn. ?ric8~3 cmts-.



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