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Rdo Trust 30 Years Report

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 RURAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION  Gramya Bhavan, Aruvankadu 643 202, The Nilgiris, T amil Nadu, South India !A" #$%$"&'($NT &GANISATI&N )#&* TA%$S$# on T+&N 'AT+ -or T+$$ #$.A#$S  A #$/INIT$ !A" # $A( in #& (IN#A S!..$SS 1
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  RURAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION  Gramya Bhavan, Aruvankadu 643 202, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, South India




TA%$S$# on

T+&N 'AT+

-or T+$$


 A #$/INIT$ !A" #$A(

in #& (IN#A S!..$SS


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NG& A BI#G$ B$T1$$N G&%T and '!B"I.

When we think of problem epe!i"ll# e!onomi! "n$ $e%elopment one in r&r"l In$i"

e%en in the mo$ern time' the firt thin( whi!h !ome to e%er#one) min$ i' no $o&bt'

M"h"tm" G"n$hi who "i$*+In$i" li%e in Vill"(e "n$ the $owntro$$en "n$ the r&r"l

poor "re to be &plifte$+,

Tho&(h h&n$re$ of tho&"n$ of town h"%e m&hroome$ "ll o%er the !o&ntr# "fter

the In$epen$en!e' " f"r " In$i" i !on!erne$ it i till "ppropri"te to !"ll m"n# of them

" -Vill"(e ."e$ Town), .e!"&e b&ine of "ll ort in town "n$ !itie in!l&$in(

Oot#' /oonoor' 0ot"(iri "n$ G&$"l&r town 1of the Nil(iri $itri!t2 "!ro the !o&ntr#

$epen$ on the p&r!h"in( !"p"!it# of the %ill"(er,

 If the ("te of %ill"(e "re !loe$ for " $"#' the town will' $o $o&bt' we"r "lmot "

$eerte$ look "n$ the hopkeeper will $own the h&tter keepin( their fin(er

!roe$, A o&r belo%e$ M"h"tm" G"n$hi h"$ $re"me$' the impro%ement in %ill"(e

e!onom# with b"i! f"!ilitie epe!i"ll# e$&!"tion "n$ he"lth h"%e been (r"$&"ll#

p&hin( &p the entire !o&ntr# on $e%elopment p"th th"nk to &t"ine$ effort "n$

implement"tion of r&r"l $e%elopment !heme b# the &!!ei%e !entr"l "n$ t"te


3owe%er' the miion for " h&n$re$ per!ent $e%elopment in remote h"mlet from

0"hmir to 0"n#"k&m"ri i not #et o%er' (i%en the p"nor"m" of the !o&ntr# "t l"r(e,

The &ltim"te &!!e !"n be "!hie%e$ in the lon( r&n when "ll the people' o!i"l

or("ni4"tion' non(o%ernment"l or("ni4"tion "n$ the #o&th e5ten$ their whole

he"rte$ &pport "n$ !ooper"tion to the power6th"t6be,

Worl$wi$e p"rti!&l"rl# in the $e%elopin( !o&ntrie like In$i"' Non Go%ernment"l

Or("ni"tion 1NGO2 rem"in " bri$(e between the (o%ernment "n$ the people "n$ "re

pl"#in( " (re"ter role in &pliftin( the r&r"l e!onom# in !oor$in"tion with the $itri!t

"$minitr"tion "!ro the !o&ntr#, It i more rele%"nt to remember the wor$ of l"te

$#n"mi! Prime Miniter R"7i% G"n$hi68There m&t be !omplete !onfi$en!e "n$ m&t&"l

tr&t between the b&re"&!r"!# "n$ the %ol&nt"r# or("ni"tion+,

.ein( " $e$i!"te$ (r" root le%el NGO' the R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion 1RDO2 h"

$e%elope$ " (oo$ r"pport with the Nil(iri $itri!t "$minitr"tion "n$ "!hie%e$ m"n# "

(o"l in r&r"l po!ket6m"n# with the or("ni"tion) &t"ine$ effort !o&ple$ with the

offi!i"l) &pport "n$ ome with " tron( fi(ht "fter pen$in( leeple ni(ht,

#& B&N at A!%ANA#! in 50

R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion 1RDO2 Tr&t' whi!h w" born in 9:;< "t /oonoor on

/oonoor6Mett&p"l"#"m N"tion"l 3i(hw"# Ro"$' h"%e been tr"%erin( on the thorn#

p"th to fi(ht "n$ er%e the r&r"l m"e in the Nil(iri $itri!t for the p"t three

$e!"$e, Tho&(h it h" &!!ee$e$ on e$&!"tion' he"lth "n$ li%elihoo$ front inh&n$re$ of poor "n$ remote trib"l' $"lit "n$ ."$"(" %ill"(e in the hill $itri!t to "


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rem"rk"ble e5tent in the l"t thirt# #e"r' it !ontin&e to er%e more %ill"(e "n$ "lo to

work on " new pro7e!t &!h " in$i%i$&"l toilet in e"!h of one l"kh ho&ehol$ in the

Nil(iri $itri!t,

/I$N#S +$SITAT$#, (r '$!(A" !N/A7$#

Mr, N, 0, Per&m"l' =o&n$er of the RDO Tr&t' re!"ll the he"rt ren$in( tor# on the

emer(en!e of RDO Tr&t*+When I l"n$e$ in the e$&!"tion"ll# "n$ e!onomi!"ll#

b"!kw"r$ Nil(iri hill $itri!t in 9:>< "fter relin?&ihin( the tr"$e &nion "!ti%itie with

" !le"r "n$ $efinite $re"m of M"h"tm" G"n$hi on R&r"l De%elopment in m# he"rt' I h"$

to w"lk mile "n$ mile $"il# to ee the %er# poor li%in( !on$ition of the trib"l "n$ $"lit

f"milie " well " $"il# w"(e e"rner from $ifferent !omm&nitie, On eein( the

p"theti! !on$ition pre%"ilin( in the remote r&r"l po!ket' I "lmot broke $own "n$ m#

min$ w" m&!h pert&rbe$, I m"$e &p m# min$ to $o omethin( to impro%e the wore

!on$ition, I h"$ to think of perm"nent ol&tion " the b"!k6bre"kin( e5pe$ition in the

r&r"l belt !ont"ntl# remin$e$ me of the &ntol$ &fferin( e5perien!e$ b# the trib"l

"n$ the $owntro$$en,

8A I be!"me $i(iti(r"$e "lmot w"lkin( on m# toe witho&t to&!hin( the (ro&n$ with

m# heel in the f"r"w"# h"mlet' Gr"m" V"l"r"!hi 1R&r"l De%elopment2 eeme$ to h"%e

been n"ile$ $eep in m# he"rt, Th&' R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion w" born with "

!le"r "n$ !on!rete ob7e!ti%e to $e%elop the remote b"!kw"r$ %ill"(e, In f"!t' m#

frien$' rel"ti%e "n$ e%en m# better h"lf Re%"thi h"$ fe"re$' heit"te$ "n$ ob7e!te$ "n$

"lmot $i!o&r"(e$ me "#in( th"t -@o& will en$ in " fi"!o) "n$ "$%ie$ me to !ontin&e

the tr"$e &nion "!ti%itie !omfort"bl# to le"$ " tre free life,

8 3owe%er l"ter' on eein( m# (en&ine tr&((le "n$ m# ment"l6ph#i!"l p"in " well "

hin$r"n!e in m# p"th' m"n# in!l&$in( m# wife !"me forw"r$ to e5ten$ helpin( h"n$,

So' " e%er#bo$# "!!ept the "#in(6there i " wom"n behin$ the &!!e of e%er# m"n

in the &ni%ere' m# better h"lf Re%"thi too$ b# me $&rin( $iffi!&lt time "n$ rem"ine$

" propeller whene%er I f"!e$ " et b"!k in m# miion, .# Go$) (r"!e' the RDO tr&t (ot

the $e$i!"te$ "n$ honet emplo#ee "n$ worker for effi!ient "$minitr"tion "n$

effe!ti%e "n$ fr&itf&l fiel$ work, I "l&te e%er#one reponible for ho&l$erin( the RDO)

rep&t"tion b&ilt o%er thirt# #e"r, .e!"&e' the or("ni"tion $i$ not leep on " be$ of

roe for thirt# lon( #e"r b&t toile$ h"r$ tre"$in( on the r&((e$ "n$ thorn# p"th to

"!hie%e to the !ontent of o&r he"rt+,

/IST 0 $A A.+I$%$($NT A /I""I' T& #& T$A(

The RDO t"n$ t"ll to$"#' with "ppre!i"tion from %"rio& ?&"rter be!"&e the

"!hie%ement in the firt 9< #e"r of it < #e"r e5iten!e ("%e " fillip to theor("ni"tion, Otherwie' the RDO mi(ht h"%e been " n"me6"ke or("ni"tion "n$ the


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people mi(ht h"%e ri$i!&le$ it " " !ripple$ mo%ement, A("in "n$ "("in' it i the prime

$&t# of the or("ni"tion to "l&te with fol$e$ h"n$ "n$ p"t "ll who "!ti%el# took p"rt

"n$ won the b"ttle to en&re 7&ti!e' free$om from l"%er#' li%elihoo$ (&"r"ntee "n$

e!onomi! empowerment of women in trib"l "n$ $"lit %ill"(e in the firt $e!"$e69:;< to

9::<, In re"lit#' the b"ttle won in the firt 9< #e"r were !r&!i"l "n$ "n o5#(en to the


Stron(l# belie%e$ in the me"(e th"t e$&!"tion wo&l$ open the e#e of the illiter"te

"n$ l"%e' the RDO firt opene$ "$&lt e$&!"tion !entre in 9:;9, Abo&t B>'<<< people

in!l&$in( >C per!ent women benefite$ b# the "$&lt e$&!"tion initi"ti%e, Aro&n$ 'C<<

peron in!l&$in( " (oo$ n&mber of women were tr"ine$ to i(n their n"me' write "n$

re"$ to " tin# e5tent, A " re&lt of it' " te"m of r&r"l "$i%"i "n$ "$i $r"%i$" women

were ent to the meetin( "tten$e$ b# the well e$&!"te$ repreent"ti%e of En(l"n$'

Netherl"n$ "n$ Irel"n$,

Tho&(h thee women were &n"ble to pe"k En(lih "n$ write' the# h"$ the !"p"!it# tothink "n$ e5pre their tho&(ht in their $i"le!t whi!h !o&l$ be tr"nl"te$ in

re(ion"l' n"tion"l "n$ (lob"l l"n(&"(e, 3&n$re$ of women "lo were (i%en "n

opport&nit# to t"ke p"rt in tr"inin( !"mp hel$ "t .en("l&r&' /henn"i' M"$&r"i'

Tir&%"n"n$"p&r"m' New Delhi "n$ A(r", The &!!e of "$&lt e$&!"tion pro(r"mme "n$

the &be?&ent "!ti%itie le$ to " !i%ili4e$ life in their remote %ill"(e, The# "pplie$

!o!on&t oil to their hitherto $irt# m&$$# h"ir' !ombe$ ne"tl#' wore w"he$ !lothe "n$

w"lke$ in " 7o#, One !"n e"il# $ifferenti"te the &n$e%elope$ "n$ l"%er# !ene een in

the r&r"l belt thirt# #e"r "(o "n$ the rem"rk"ble impro%ement thirt# #e"r l"ter, All

thee m"teri"li4e$ be!"&e of the RDO) re%ol&tion,

#ING 1&($N and .+I"#$N B$.A($ #IN 

3"%in( &!!ee$e$ in !h"n(in( the $in(# min$et of the "$&lt' who !o&l$ be !"lle$ "

p"rent' into the $ink#' the RDO) ne5t !le"r (o"l w" !hil$ e$&!"tion, The fiel$ worker

of the RDO t"rte$ $oor to $oor !"mp"i(n' $itrib&te$ e%er"l tho&"n$ h"n$bill'

or("ni4e$ p&bli! meetin(' en"!te$ treet $r"m"' "n( folk on( "n$ or("ni4e$

or!hetr" to moti%"te the p"rent to en$ their !hil$ren to !hool, The h"r$ work $i$

not (o w"te, B99 !hil$ren from trib"l' !he$&le$ !"te "n$ b"!kw"r$ !l" f"milie

were enrolle$, Imme$i"tel# the RDO et &p &pplement"r# !hool in %ill"(e to imp"rt

e$&!"tion to thee !hil$ren, The &pplement"r# !hool were not for the "me "ke b&t

the# "ime$ "t imp"rtin( ?&"lit# e$&!"tion with En(lih pe"kin( tr"inin(' pi!ni!'

me$i!"l "n$ port f"!ilitie,


A!t&"ll#' the m"7or R&r"l E$&!"tion Pro(r"mme w" firt t"rte$ in 9< %ill"(e in the

firt ph"e in 9:;B itelf, The %ill"(e !o%ere$ in the firt ph"e were .ell"$"' Dikl"n$'

0il 3o"tt#' G"n$hip&r"m' 0"tter# Ro"$' So("thor"i' 0ethor"i' 0ollim"l"i' Sem"n$h"$"

"n$ G"n$hip&$&r, The e!on$ ph"e !o%ere$ "nother 9< %ill"(e n"mel# Sel"k"n$#'

Sen("thor"i' 0"ihol"' R"7en$r" N"("r' 0er"$" Le"e' Oorthi$&' Ambe$k"r N"("r'0"nnim"ri"m"n 0oil Street' Ne$&(" 0omb"i "n$ Or"n"ll#, All thee B< %ill"(e were


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inh"bite$ b# tribe' !he$&le$ !"te "n$ b"!kw"r$ !omm&nitie, Ei(ht ."l%"$i were

opene$ &n$er the R&r"l E$&!"tion Pro(r"mme "n$ l"ter' fi%e were h"n$e$ o%er to the

(o%ernment &n$er the T"mil N"$& /hief Miniter) N&tritio& Noon Me"l S!heme,

The R&r"l E$&!"tion Pro(r"mme pro%e$ to be " &!!e "n$ pre"$ in other

e$&!"tion"ll# "n$ e!onomi!"ll# b"!kw"r$ %ill"(e, The !re$it (oe to the three!ommittee6Vill"(e /ommittee' @o&th /ommittee "n$ Women /ommittee6forme$ b# the

RDO, Women /ommittee pl"#e$ " pi%ot"l role in the R&r"l E$&!"tion Pro(r"mme,

The (irl "n$ bo#' who h"$ been (r"4in( !"ttle "n$ !olle!tin( $rie$ e&!"l#pt& tree

le"%e to &pplement their illiter"te p"rent) in!ome #e"r "(o' be!"me e$&!"te$ "n$

"tt"ine$ e!onomi! in$epen$en!e b# 7oinin( the m"intre"m, The preent !ene i th"t

the# "re "ll $epen$in( on their own le( either thro&(h the S3G e!onomi! "!ti%itie or

elf emplo#ment!&lti%"tion, A rem"rk"ble $e%elopment i the preent !ene in %ill"(e,

N&1"$#G$ S$(INA I$"#$# (I" 

=&rthermore' week en$ emin"r were or("ni4e$ for thee %ill"(e, 9FF; men

"n$ women p"rti!ip"te$ in the emin"r whi!h fo!&e$ on the role of women in r&r"l

$e%elopment' en%ironment' o!ie"l foretr#' elf help pro(r"mme' m"ll "%in(' f"mil#

welf"re' l"bo&r e!onomi!' #o&th "!ti%itie "n$ n"tion"l inte(rit#, The week en$

emin"r le$ to the openin( of "%in( b"nk "!!o&nt b# more th"n < f"milie, The

knowle$(e !re"tin( emin"r $i$ not top with the "%in( b"nk "!!o&nt b&t it went on

to help the poor l"n$le l"bo&rer to p&r!h"e mil!h !ow to &it their en%ironment

with the fin"n!i"l "it"n!e from /"n"r" ."nk "n$ In$i"n ."nk to the t&ne of R F,>l"kh, The# be!ome member of the /ooper"ti%e Milk So!ietie "n$ promptl# rep"i$ the

b"nk lo"n, The Reer%e ."nk of In$i" l"&$e$ the er%i!e of the RDO,


s 33 .&$ BASI. A($NITI$S

The or("ni"tion worke$ in %ill"(e where the b"i! f"!ilitie were "lmot 4ero, Sin!e

the or("ni4"tion "lone !o&l$ not pro%i$e b"i! "menitie " h&(e f&n$ were re?&ire$'

the inform"tion "bo&t the pli(ht of the %ill"(e w" bro&(ht to the knowle$(e of the

$itri!t "$minitr"tion, Sh&nnin( the !ommon pr"!ti!e of bl"min( the offi!i"l for l"!kof f"!ilitie in %ill"(e' the RDO emplo#ee $e%elope$ " (oo$ rel"tionhip with the

offi!i"l "n$ "ke$ them to "$$re the (en&ine (rie%"n!e "mi$t $iffi!&ltie "n$



In the lon( r&n' the (o%ernment pent $ire!tl# R, 9, !rore for b"i! f"!ilitie like

ro"$' w"ter' foot p"th' ele!tri!it#' toilet "n$ !on%erion of h&t into p&!!" ho&e, The

or("ni"tion pent R C, ; l"kh for the !ontr&!tion of !hool "n$ i till in$ebte$ to

th"nk the &!!ei%e Ditri!t /olle!tor' .lo!k De%elopment Offi!er "n$ b"nk offi!i"l,


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(AN "I%$S SA%$# /&( #$AT+ B$#S

The %ill"(e in whi!h the RDO te"m worke$ were tot"ll# &nh#(ieni!, P"rent "n$

!hil$ren were fr"(ile owin( to l"!k of n&tritio& foo$, A$e?&"te %it"min t"blet were

$itrib&te$ $oor to $oor "n$ en!o&r"(e$ them to $e%o&r the %it"min t"blet $"il#

witho&t f"il, E%er# month free me$i!"l !"mp were or("ni4e$ to !reen them "n$ $ete!t$ie"e, A $o!tor "n$ " e"one$ "it"nt were in%ol%e$ in the miion to !he!k the

he"lth of %ill"(er "n$ (&i$e them re("r$in( the he"lth problem,

The timel# me$i!"l "it"n!e e5ten$e$ b# the RDO "%e$ m"n# li%e from the $e"th

be$, .ei$e he"rt p"tient oper"te$ on' e#e tre"tment "t Imm"n&el E#e 3opit"l "n$

pro%iion of "rtifi!i"l !"liper to the $i"ble$' m"n# p"tient were tr"nporte$ to Oot#'

/oimb"tore "n$ /henn"i for tre"tment,

$.&N&(I. $NAISSAN.$

S"tifie$ with the re&lt of the "$&lt "n$ !hil$ e$&!"tion " well " he"lth impro%ement

pro(r"mme implemente$ b# the in!ere "n$ h"r$ workin( RDO te"m whi!h !o&l$ not

rem"in p"i%e "n$ i$le in the belief th"t 8We /"n)t !h"n(e their life in remote %ill"(e+'

the or("ni"tion $e!i$e$ to en&re e!onomi! in$epen$en!e in in$i%i$&"l ho&ehol$,

Tho&(h the !o&ntr# h" "tt"ine$ the politi!"l "n$ o!i"l free$om' in!ome (ener"tion

i the re"l free$om in e%er# in$i%i$&"l m"n) life, It $e!i$e$ to brin( "bo&t "n e!onomi!

ren"i"n!e "n$ worke$ on %ill"(e b"e$ %i"ble !heme &!h " !"ttle bree$in(' bee

keepin(' te" !&lti%"tion' r&nnin( pett# hop' e&!"l#pt& oil m"n&f"!t&rin(' r"bbit

bree$in( "n$ t"ilorin(,

The RDO helpe$ them to obt"in b"nk lo"n worth "bo&t R C9 l"kh "n$ in "$$ition to

it interet free lo"n to the t&ne of R, ,B: l"kh for the !heme till M"r!h ' 9::<,

/one?&entl#' " h&(e "!tion pl"n w" $r"wn &p to !on%ert the w"te l"n$ into te"

et"te' whi!h &ltim"tel# le$ to the !re"tion of " mo$el te" ("r$en pre"$in( o%er B<

"!re, The mo$el te" f"rm (i%e 7ob to fift# worker "n$ $ib&re w"(e to the t&ne

of R, l"kh per #e"r,


IN+!(AN (&N$ "$N#$S AN A1A 

Lookin( b"!k "t the e!onomi! !on$ition of the %ill"(e twent# #e"r "(o' we !o&l$ he$

te"r be!"&e "lmot e%er# %ill"(e w" $omin"te$ b# b"rb"ro& 80"nth&%"tti+ 1ille("l

mone# len$in( "t hi(het interet "n$ it w" then !"lle$ meter %"tti2 oper"tor from

/oimb"tore' Ann&r' A%in"hi' Mett&p"l"#"m "n$ S"th#"m"n("l"m, Not onl# the $"ilt

"n$ trib"l b&t "lo the "(r"ri"n ."$"(" were "ffe!te$ b# 0"nth&%"tti,

The m"in re"on for the thri%in( of 0"nth&%"tti then w" the me"(re $"il# w"(e6 R,9<

to R,B<, The $"il# w"(e e"rner !o&l$ not fin$ 7ob in "(ri!&lt&re f"rm thro&(ho&t the

#e"r, A the# $i$ not h"%e " "%in( h"bit' the# h"$ to $epen$ on mone# len$er for

&r(ent nee$, The mone# len$er &e$ to %iit the %ill"(e before the %ill"(er wo&l$le"%e for "(ri!&lt&r"l fiel$ in the mornin(, On eein( the mone# len$er enterin( their


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%ill"(e' the inno!ent people &e$ to wih them "n$ be( for ome mone#, The men "n$

women writhe$ like fihe tr"ppe$ in the fihermen) net " the mone# len$er infli!te$

ment"l tort&re on thoe who were &n"ble to rep"# the borrowin( "t the hi(h r"te

of interet,

At " time when the !r"4# mone# len$er be!"me "n"them" to the inno!ent people' theRDO te"m "rri%e$ on the !ene, The te"m !re"te$ "n "w"rene "bo&t the $"n(er

of 0"nth&%"tti whi!h wo&l$ kill m"n# f"milie, Deepl# "n"l#4in( the re?&irement of the

f"milie' the or("ni"tion ("%e " re%ol%in( f&n$ of R, C<< to women S3G (ro&p to &e

the f&n$ for their &r(ent re?&irement, L"ter' the re%ol%in( f&n$ b&l(e$ to R <<< "n$

R C<<<' f"!ilit"tin( the S3G to !omfort"bl# &e the f&n$ for their f"mil# nee$ "t "n#


The mone# len$er be!"me !"re$ of the flow of re%ol%in( f&n$ in %ill"(e "n$ r"n

"w"# from the %ill"(e, 3owe%er l"ter' the# trie$ their 0"nth&%"tti h"n$iwork in town

"n$ !itie "n$ tort&re$ the e$&!"te$ emplo#ee "n$ b&inemen, We !"n "ll re!"ll thetor# th"t the (o%ernment itelf en"!te$ " l"w "("int the k"nth&%"tti "n$ "nnihil"te$

&!h mone# len$er "t l"r(e in T"mil N"$& "fter the 0"nth&%"tti !r&he$ m"n# f"milie,

+!(ANITAIAN S$%I.$ #!ING 5 /"&&#

The or("ni"tion i "lw"# !ommitte$ to er%in( h&m"nkin$, When "n# m"n or wom"n'

irrepe!ti%e of the !"te' !ree$ "n$ !olo&r' w" fo&n$ in $itre' the RDO wo&l$

imme$i"tel# emb"rk on the 7ob of "%in( their life with the pro%iion of foo$'

"!!ommo$"tion "n$ !loth,

When the n"t&r"l !"l"mit# hit the Nil(iri $itri!t in &l# 9:;:' " n&mber of h&t

!oll"pe$ in torrenti"l r"in "n$ (&t# win$ in 0&n$"h' Oonik"n$i "n$ Ann" N"("r

%ill"(e, The or("ni"tion worker r&he$ to the %ill"(e "n$ not onl# $itrib&te$ foo$

p"!ket' !lothe "n$ &tenil b&t "lo pro%i$e$ interet free lo"n to p&r!h"e tile "n$

rep"ir their h&t,

Ap"rt from thi' to&rit from An$hr" Pr"$eh were tr"n$e$ ne"r the RDO Offi!e " the

b& in whi!h the# tr"%elle$ $e%elope$ " te!hni!"l n"(, The# h"$ to w"it for ; $"#

there, The or("ni"tion "rr"n(e$ for free "!!ommo$"tion' foo$ "n$ mone# for them

for ei(ht $"#, The to&rit for(ot their or$e"l "n$ ret&rne$ to their home t"te th"nkin(the or("ni"tion for fillin( their he"rt with h"ppine,

 A '&"I& +IT #A"IT B& T!N$# A '&!"T &1N$

The life of Si%"r"7' " $i"ble$ $"lit bo#' mi(ht h"%e (one to the hell, .&t the

timel# inter%ention of the RDO te"m m"$e him " mini po&ltr# owner who impro%e$ hi

fr"il he"lth b# e"tin( e(( from hi own po&ltr# "n$ e"rne$ mone# for &r%i%"l,

When the or("ni"tion t"rte$ workin( in Ar"n(ip&$&r %ill"(e in 0ook"l p"n!h"#"t

of the Nil(iri $itri!t' it he"r$ " "$ tor# "bo&t the f"mil# of ."nn"ri' " l"n$le


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l"bo&rer' who w" $e7e!te$ in life " hi el$et on Si%"r"7 w" " polio %i!tim, Si%"r"7

w" !onfine$ to h&t " he !o&l$ not w"lk to !hool b&t eeme$ to be interete$ in (oin(

to !hool, The or("ni"tion pro%i$e$ !r&t!he to w"lk "n$ "$mitte$ him in " !hool r&n

b# it,

3e e%in!e$ keen interet in t&$ie with elf !onfi$en!e "n$ o&tperforme$ hi fellowt&$ent, Arr"n(ement were m"$e to "$mit him in /l" IV in the ne"rb# (o%ernment

!hool, A the bo#) he"lth w" we"k' $o!tor "$%ie$ him to e"t "tle"t "n e(( " $"#, The

RDO le"$erhip' known for "n inno%"ti%e thinkin( e%en $&rin( !rii' hit &pon "n i$e" to

help Si%"r"7 to p&r!h"e " few !hi!ken "n$ look "fter them o th"t he !o&l$ e"t the e((

l"i$ b# the !hi!ken "n$ pro$&!e more bir$ "n$ ell them, The i$e" worke$ o&t, 3e

$"il# !olle!te$ left o%er in noon me"l !entre in hi !hool "n$ (r"in from the %ill"(e

!ooper"ti%e tore "n$ fe$ the bir$,

@e"r rolle$ b# "n$ Si%"r"7 (r"$&"ll# in!re"e$ the pop&l"tion of bir$, When the RDO

fiel$ t"ff !"&"ll# %iite$ him one $"#' he w" "ll pr"ie for RDO Per&m"l "n$ howe$hi po&ltr# &nit with FC bir$' "#in( th"t 8I "m t"n$in( on m# own le( th"t i po&ltr#+,


!NIT &/ 8#I."AN#9 /A(I"I$S "$# T& S!..$SS

Di!kl"n$ $"lit h"mlet with " pop&l"tion of 9F: with F: f"milie w" orph"ne$ when the

RDO te"m et foot there, It w" "lmot in"!!eible to the o&ti$e worl$ " one h"$ to

w"lk thro&(h foret to re"!h the h"mlet, Determine$ th"t it w" the ri(ht h"mlet to be

$e%elope$' the or("ni"tion $rew &p " n&mber of pl"n to (ener"te elf emplo#ment

"n$ "ppro"!h the b"nk for lo"n to thee poor f"milie, The b"nk heit"te$ to (i%e

lo"n b&t the RDO $i$ not loe he"rt "n$ $epoite$ R BC' <<< "t /"n"r" ."nk "

e!&rit# "n$ "ppe"le$ to the b"nk m"n"(er to "n!tion lo"n to thee f"milie,

The b"nk in%ite$ FB f"milie "n$ ("%e lo"n for p&r!h"in( mil!h !ow, E"rnin( the

$e!ent in!ome b# w"# of ellin( milk' the# be("n to re"li4e th"t their f&t&re !o&l$ be

f&rther impro%e$ if the# worke$ to(ether, Senin( the &nit# of the f"milie' the RDO

moti%"te$ them to !&lti%"te "n "!re of w"te l"n$ in the %i!init# of their h"mlet, L&!kil#

there w" " link ro"$ to the h"mlet "n$ the hrew$ people b&ilt " !hool for their

!hil$ren b# !"rr#in( !ontr&!tion m"teri"l on their he"$, L"ter' the# remo%e$ the wil$

b&he "n$ hr&b "n$ !&lti%"te$ te"' !&t flower "n$ fr&it in the w"te l"n$,

When the# were "bo&t to pe"k "bo&t their enh"n!e$ t"n$"r$ of li%in( "n$ e5pre

th"nk to the or("ni"tion' the# be!"me $i"ppointe$ " " te"m of foret offi!i"l

b"r(e$ into the h"mlet "n$ or$ere$ them to %"!"te within no min&te, The foret

offi!i"l !l"ime$ th"t the l"n$ belon(e$ to the foret $ep"rtment, All the f"milie

!onfronte$ the offi!i"l "#in( 8We won)t %"!"te the pl"!e, We toile$ h"r$ "n$ impro%e$

o&r life t"n$"r$, We h"%e e%er# ri(ht to li%e here pe"!ef&ll#+,

On eein( the tron( &nit# of the f"milie' the foret $ep"rtment !o&l$ not for!e them

o&t "n$ inte"$' file$ " !o&rt !"e, Unf"4e$' the or("ni"tion en("(e$ " l"w#er to $efen$

the !"e "n$ brin( 7&ti!e to them, After fi%e #e"r' the !o&rt ("%e " %er$i!t in f"%o&r

of the Di!kl"n$ f"milie,


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BATT"$ :ith a (N. IN a 'ANIA %I""AG$

The RDO h"$ won m"n# " b"ttle for o!i"l' e!onomi! "n$ empowerment of the trib"l'

!he$&le$ !"te "n$ the in$i(ent f"milie, .&t the fi(ht with .rook .on$ Et"te in0o&n$"nkolli P"ni#" Trib"l Vill"(e w" the rem"rk"ble one in the hitor# of the


Till BC #e"r "(o' " P"ni#" trib"l %ill"(e !"lle$ 0o&n$"nkolli' >< km from Oot#' w"

po%ert# tri!ken "n$ illiter"te, CB f"milie h"$ been li%in( in their m&$ h&t with

th"t!he$ roof in " p"theti! !on$ition witho&t b"i! f"!ilitie &!h " pot"ble w"ter "n$

ele!tri!it#, The# h"$ to w"lk more th"n B km in foret to re"!h b& top with " b"te$

bre"th on eein( eleph"nt her$ e%er# $"#,

BC #e"r h"%e rolle$ $own "n$ now the "me trib"l %ill"(e i e!onomi!"ll# in$epen$ent

"n$ liter"te " the f"milie "re pro&$ owner of F< "!re of te" et"te "n$ their !hil$ren"re e$&!"te$, If the p"(e of the p"t BC #e"r hitor# of the %ill"(e "re t&rne$ one b#

one' the (re"t m"n will "ppe"r in the min$ of the p&bli!' who h"$ t"ken &t"ine$

effort "n$ fo&(ht " $o or $ie b"ttle with mone# powere$ people to &plift thi %ill"(e,

The m"n i none other th"n R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion) fo&n$er !h"irm"n

N,0,Per&m"l who h" been pro%in( th"t "n NGO !o&l$ &plift "n# po%ert# tri!ken remote

trib"l %ill"(e,

Mr,Per&m"l re!"ll*+One &mmer "fternoon in April 9:;>' the RDO te"m w" in

A"l"%"#"l Trib"l %ill"(e ne"r P"$"nth&r"i to repl"!e the th"t!he$ roof of P"ni#" trib"l

h&t with tile, A P"ni#" #o&th n"me$ ."l"n met me "n$ n"rr"te$ the t"le of hi %ill"(e

0o&n$"nkolli ne"rb# "n$ re?&ete$ me to %iit hi %ill"(e, We w"lke$ C km in the foret

"n$ re"!he$ 0o&n$"nkolli %ill"(e &rro&n$e$ b# l&h (reen hill lope, The !ene of CB

f"milie li%in( in m&$ h&t with th"t!he$ roof witho&t b"i! "menitie to&!he$ m# he"rt,

Their !hil$ren t"#e$ "w"# from the !hool " the# $i$ not like to t"# in hotel, The

(o%ernment effort to p&t them in trib"l rei$enti"l !hool pro%e$ to be " 3er!&le"n


The tribe le$ " pre!"rio& life "n$ worke$ in the %e(et"ble f"rm' p"$$# fiel$ "n$

m"ll te" ("r$en in "n$ "ro&n$ their %ill"(e, The# &e$ to t"ke their !hil$ren "lo with

them to the fiel$ "n$ h"re the me"l offere$ to them b# the l"n$ owner with their

!hil$ren, When fiel$ work w" not "%"il"ble the# !olle!te$ firewoo$ in the ne"rb#

7&n(le "n$ ol$ it in the b"4""r, The# "lo &e$ to t"ke their !hil$ren with them for

firewoo$ !olle!tion,

At thi it&"tion' Per&m"l %ol&nteere$ to inter"!t with "bo&t B<< P"ni#" trib"l &n$er "

h&(e 7&n(le tree "n$ en!o&r"(e$ them to e$&!"te their !hil$ren "n$ &e n"t&r"l

reo&r!e "n$ !&lti%"te w"te l"n$ for their li%elihoo$, Ne5t $"#' Per&m"l "("in %iite$

the %ill"(e "n$ forme$ " !ommittee' p"i$ R C<<< "n$ entr&te$ the 7ob of b&il$in( "

prim"r# !hool to the !ommittee, Within " week the trib"l p&t &p " he$ with m&$ w"ll


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"n$ th"t!he$ roof to t"rt " !hool' whi!h w" opene$ on T"mil New @e"r D"#' 9F April

in 9:;>, Per&m"l h"ppil# ret&rne$ home,

3i h"ppine $i$ not l"t e%en for BF ho&r " ne5t $"# the m"n"(ement of .rook .on$

/omp"n# re$&!e$ the !hool to "he !l"imin( th"t the l"n$ belon(e$ to it, The

!omp"n# re7e!te$ Per&m"l) re?&et to retore the !hool t"tin( the entire0o&n$"nkolli %ill"(e belon(e$ to it, Unf"4e$' Per&m"l tron(l# "r(&e$ th"t the P"ni#"

Trib"l !omm&nit# w" primiti%e "n$ the .rook .on$ /omp"n# !"me from En(l"n$ "n$

en!ro"!he$ the tribe) l"n$, A hi effort like filin( of !"e "n$ meetin( lo!"l tr"$e

&nion le"$er $i$ not work o&t "tif"!toril#' Per&m"l $e!i$e$ to t"# in the %ill"(e to

fi(ht for the ri(ht of the Trib"l, 3e lept &n$er the tree for $"# "n$ le$ the "(it"tion

$epite (oon$" &rro&n$e$ them,

.elie%in( in the me$i"' Per&m"l w"rne$ the "$"m"nt !omp"n# th"t he wo&l$ "ppro"!h

the ../ to fl"h the inh&m"n "n$ b"rb"ri"n "ttit&$e of the .rook .on$ !omp"n#, After "

ten ho&r he"te$ "r(&ment between Per&m"l "n$ the !omp"n# repreen"ti%e' the!omp"n# "(ree$ to "llo!"te one "!re per f"mil# tho&(h Per&m"l $em"n$e$ fi%e "!re

e"!h to " f"mil#, The trib"l $"n!e$ "n$ b&rt !r"!ker " the# be!"me owner of "n "!re


The RDO tr&t initi"te$ "n "!tion to p&t to f&ll &e of their CB "!re of %"!"nt l"n$ t"ken

o%er from .ook .on$ Et"te, 3i(h bree$ te" "plin( were r"ie$ in RDO) own n&rer#

"n$ the te" ee$lin( were pl"nte$ in their l"n$, It took fo&r #e"r to (i%e the firt #iel$

of (reen te" le"f, The tr&t enrolle$ "ll the trib"l " member of S"lib&r# IND/O Te"

/o6op ="!tor#, The trib"l t"rte$ &ppl#in( their (reen te" le"f "n$ (ot f"ir pri!e "n$

(o%ernment &bi$#,

Now' the 0o&n$"nkolli trib"l f"milie "re pro&$ owner of F< "!re of te" pl"nt"tion "n$

9B "!re of p"$$# "n$ (in(er fiel$, The m"rket %"l&e i R C< million, A!t&"ll# it took

more th"n fo&r #e"r for the or("ni"tion to re"li4e the $re"m of m"kin( the trib"l to

be the 7&bil"nt owner of te" ("r$en,

N& S.+&&" #&'&!T IN 'ANIA %I""AG$

The RDO tr&t !ontr&!te$ " !hool "t 0o&n$"nkolli "n$ "ppointe$ two te"!her,The

RDO !hool te"!her h"$ " to&(h time !on%in!in( the trib"l to en$ their !hil$ren to the!hool, The !hool r&n b# the RDO "!hie%e$ " h&n$re$ per!ent "tten$"n!e, The

!hil$ren who !omplete$ fo&r #e"r of !hoolin( "t the RDO !hool were "$mitte$ in the

ne"rb# (o%ernment hi(h "n$ hi(her e!on$"r# !hool, There i no !hool $ropo&t in

thi %ill"(e,


.elie%in( th"t NGO !"nnot &pplement the Go%ernment b&t &ppl"nt the Go%ernment

effort' Per&m"l w"nt the NGO to 7oin h"n$ with the Go%ernment to

er"$i!"te po%ert# "n$ enh"n!e r&r"l infr"tr&!t&re &tili4in( the (o%ernment f&n$, 3e

point o&t th"t the RDO tr&t i !loel# workin( with the Go%ernment in!e it in!eption,

When Mr S&pri#" S"h& w" the /olle!tor of Nil(iri "n$ Mr, Pr"$eep @"$"% w" the


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pro7e!t $ire!tor of 3ADP' the# "!!epte$ the RDO Tr&t) re?&et "n$ helpe$ to "n!tion

f&n$ for b&il$in( ho&e for e"!h f"mil# in 0o&n$"nkolli %ill"(e,


.T# .AI$S &!T #& 1& 

The /entre for Tribe "n$ R&r"l De%elopment 1/TRD2' whi!h i workin( in G&$"l&r "re"

for the p"t BC #e"r' h" $one !ommen$"ble er%i!e to &plift the trib"l !omm&nit# in

El"m"nn" ne"r G&$"l&r, Sin!e B<9B' the /TRD h" in%ol%e$ in 0o&n$"nkolli %ill"(e "n$

h" been followin( the $e%elopment work !"rrie$ o&t b# RDO Tr&t, The UPASI "n$

3orti!&lt&re $ep"rtment "re "lo workin( in 0o&n$"nkolli with the &pport of /TRD,

/"re In$i" i to be th"nke$ for l"&n!hin( il%er tip &nit "t 0o&n$"nkolli thro&(h

/TRD, Sil%er tip pro7e!t will fet!h "n in!ome of R, 9<'<<< for e"!h f"mil# per month,


Tire$ of ro"min( from one pl"!e to "nother in e"r!h of emplo#ment for e%er"l

#e"r' B l"n$le l"bo&rer fin"ll# ettle$ in 0"m"r"7 N"("r in 0il 0&n$"h, The# b&ilt

m&$ h&t "n$ eke$ o&t " li%in( b# $oin( !"&"l work, 3owe%er' their tetin( time

!ontin&e$ " the et"te owner %ehementl# $it&rbe$ their omewh"t pe"!ef&l life "n$

"$opte$ terror t"!ti! to $ri%e them "w"#,

Another "$ in!i$ent w" th"t the priet of " ne"rb# temple !oni$ere$ thee l"n$le

$"lit l"bo&rer " " b"$ omen "n$ $ilike$ their preen!e, 3e openl# inite$ th"t the#

ho&l$ be remo%e$ from the pl"!e " he !o&l$ not ee the f"!e of the worker e%er#mornin(, At thi t"(e' one ni(ht when the# were "leep' their h&t were et on fire,

The# r&he$ o&t "n$ too$ on the ro"$ " the r"(in( fire re$&!e$ the h&t "n$ "rti!le to


The RDO /h"irm"n Per&m"l r&he$ to the pot' mobili4e$ the people from the

nei(hbo&rin( %ill"(e "n$ protete$ the e%il $ei(n of the l"n$lor$, The or("ni"tion

pro%i$e$ tempor"r# helter' !lothe "n$ foo$ to the "ffe!te$ f"milie, With it &pport'

the h&t were reb&ilt, The# "ll %owe$ to &nite "n$ p&l%eri4e the inh&m"n $ei(n of the

"ffl&ent who mo%e$ the !o&rt to e%i!t them, The or("ni"tion en("(e$ " note$ l"w#er to

fi(ht the !"e in Oot# !o&rt, The or("ni"tion "!ti%it "n$ the "ffe!te$ f"milie pr"#e$

for 7&ti!e, The le("l b"ttle' whi!h l"te$ for two #e"r' en$e$ in f"%o&r of the "ffe!te$,

Tetin( time %"nihe$ "n$ pe"!ef&l time !"me in,

#& SATAGAGA SA%$# 8&AN&&9 $SI#$NTS

A m"n# " B $"lit l"bo&r f"milie from /oimb"tore $itri!t mi(r"te$ to the Nil(iri to

toil in "(ri!&lt&r"l fiel$ fi%e $e!"$e "(o, Toile$ for " me"(re w"(e for e%er"l #e"r

witho&t " !eilin( o%er their he"$' the# m"n"(e$ to b&il$ h&t in 0or"noor' B< km from


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A wor$ whi!h the RDO "lw"# weep &n$er !"rpet i /h"rit# be!"&e it firml# belie%e

th"t 8/h"rit# will $etro# $e%elopment "n$ inte"$' fin"n!i"l help in the form of lo"n

will boot .elow Po%ert# Line 1.PL2 f"milie to work h"r$' e"rn more' rep"# $&e "n$

fin"ll# t"n$ on their own, Thi i the or("ni"tion) m"ntr" whi!h pro%e$ " &!!e in

0ollim"l"i 0ot" trib"l %ill"(e "n$ &rro&n$in( rei$enti"l !olonie &!h " Sem"nth"$"

"n$ G"n$hi P&$&r,

The or("ni"tion hopef&ll# !ommen!e$ the !ow bree$in( !heme in the %ill"(e "fter it

(ot " no$ from /"n"r" ."nk "n$ Ditri!t R&r"l De%elopment A(en!# 1DRDA2, It "lo

m"$e the &ne$&!"te$ people to p"rti!ip"te in "$&lt e$&!"tion pro(r"mme "n$

"w"rene !"mp to !on%in!e them th"t the# !o&l$ re"r !ow "n$ "tt"in o!i"l "n$

e!onomi! in$epen$en!e, :< f"milie were below .PL "n$ !ow bree$in( eeme$ to be

more &it"ble for them in the lo!"lit#, DRDA !"me forw"r$ to (r"nt C< per!ent &bi$#

to p&r!h"e !ow,

The .PL f"milie howe$ keen interet in lookin( "fter !ow "n$ pro$&!e$ more milkt&rnin( their %ill"(e "lmot " the l"n$ of milk, NIl(iri Ditri!t /ooper"ti%e Milk

Pro$&!er Union 1ND/MPU2 ent Lorrie twi!e $"il#6mornin( "n$ e%enin(6to tr"nport

milk from the %ill"(e to the ND/MPU' now !"lle$ A"%in, A t&$# !on$&!te$ ei(ht month

"fter the !heme w" t"rte$ re%e"le$ th"t for the firt time' the# t"rte$ !on&min(

milk' b&tter milk "n$ !&r$ " p"rt of their foo$,

S"tifie$ with the perform"n!e of the %ill"(e' /oonoor /"n"r" ."nk !"me forw"r$ to

"n!tion lo"n for mil!h !ow for the e!on$ time, The b"nk "n!tione$ lo"n to the t&ne

of R 9B l"kh $&e to the effort of the or("ni"tion, The %ill"(e rem"in bri(ht,


<(A"IGAI A#AI= .+ANG$# T+$ "I/$ &/ A(ASA( IN %&. NAGA

R"m""m#' " l"n$le l"bo&rer in VO/ N"("r in Ne$&k&l" P"n!h"#"t of the Nil(iri

$itri!t' w" tr&((lin( e%er# $"# to fee$ hi i5 !hil$ren6fo&r on "n$ two $"&(hter,

3e w" &n"ble to en$ hi !hil$ren to !hool "n$ fee$ them "$e?&"tel# " hi in!ome

w" too in"$e?&"te, When the RDO or("ni4e$ "w"rene !"mp "bo&t e$&!"tion' elf

emplo#ment "n$ e!onomi! $e%elopment' R"m""m# o&(ht " fin"n!i"l "it"n!e to

oper"te " mini M"li("i 0"$"i 1(ro!er# hop2 " there w" no &!h " hop in the %ill"(e,

Alon( with R"m""m#' one more peron !"lle$ R"m"krihn"n from the "me %ill"(e "lo

e5pree$ hi willin(ne to r&n " m"li("i k"$"i,

The 7&bil"nt or("ni"tion ("%e "n interet free lo"n of R FBC< "n$ the $&o opene$ "

m"l"i("i k"$"i, The# $i$ " ro"rin( b&ine " there were no &!h hop in "n$ "ro&n$

the %ill"(e, The# e"rne$ " "tif"!tor# in!ome "n$ promptl# rep"i$ the lo"n,


R"m""m#' with fol$e$ h"n$' re!"lle$ hi te"rf&l ol$ tor# "n$ RDO m"$e new h"pp#

tor#*+In f"!t' M"l"ik"i 0"$"i i " rebirth to me be!"&e I !o&l$ "tle"t en$ m# #o&n(er

!hil$ren to !hool $&e to the in!ome $eri%e$ from the hop, E"rlier' m# el$er !hil$ren

rem"ine$ i$le' t"#in( "w"# from !hool, I "m till h"pp# be!"&e m# #o&n(er w"r$

be!ome (r"$&"te, I pe"k from m# he"rt th"t RDO i " li(ht in m# $"rk life+,


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&#ANA#! ANNA NAGA a (&#$" %I""AG$ in INSTA""($NT S.+$($

Sit&"te$ from F km from Oot#' 0o$"n"$& in 0ot"(iri t"l&k of the Nil(iri $itri!t i

to$"# pop&l"r "mon( the to&rit be!"&e 0o$"n"$& %iew point i the perenni"l fe"t tothe e#e of the to&rit "n$ the lo!"l, In 9:;< Ann" N"("r in 0o$"n"$& w" poor "n$

the rei$ent were in $in(# !on$ition, The RDO forme$ Vill"(e Pl"nnin( !ommittee'

Women /ommittee "n$ @o&th /ommittee "n$ "!ti%"te$ them to $e%elop their %ill"(e

"n$ their life,

The or("ni"tion ("%e R C<< " " lo"n to the women !ommittee for meetin( &r(ent

nee$ "n$ rep"#in( on int"llment b"i, In 9:;< R C<< w" " h&(e "mo&nt $&e to it

mone# %"l&e, Relie%e$ from the $ebt tr"p of !r&el mone# len$er' the Ann" N"("r

rei$ent !"me forw"r$ to p"# ome "mo&nt e%er# month to !re"te " oli$ f&n$ for

emer(en!# nee$, A the mone# pool b"lloone$' the h"pp# rei$ent $rew " lot "n$

("%e R ><< to " l&!k# peron to b&# two (r"m (ol$ perio$i!"ll#,

The# "lo form&l"te$ " r&le f"!ilit"tin( "n# member to borrow mone# from the %ill"(e

pool for m"rri"(e p&rpoe on int"llment b"i, The %ill"(e women !ommittee "lo

$e%elope$ the pr"!ti!e of !on(r"t&l"tin( the newl# m"rrie$ !o&ple with " (ift, Th&' the

%ill"(e be!"me " role mo$el in lo"n int"llment !heme,

#& A#%&.AT$# -or a S(A"" /A(I" N&(

RDO initi"ti%e $i$ not top with the e!onomi! empowerment of women b&t wentbe#on$ it to moti%"te women to opt "n$ "$%o!"te for " m"ll f"mil# norm thro&(h

f"mil# pl"nnin( oper"tion,

=ort&n"tel#' when the RDO or("ni4e$ "n "w"rene !"mp"i(n in In$ir" N"("r' 9F km

from Oot#' it fo&n$ " $#n"mi! wom"n n"me$ Th&l"i"mm"l' who !"me here from

/oimb"tore in e"r!h of emplo#ment to fee$ her fo&r !hil$ren6two on "n$ two

$"&(hter, E%en her two on were !hool $ropo&t, 3"%in( writhe$ in po%ert#' he

o&(ht the help of the or("ni"tion to b&# " mil!h !ow, Imme$i"tel#' "rr"n(ement w"

m"$e for the p&r!h"e of " mil!h !ow' her h"r$ work bore fr&it in " few #e"r, The

n&mber of mil!h !ow in!re"e$ to three, 3er on "n$ $"&(hter (ot m"rrie$ be!"&eof her &t"ine$ effort,

She en!o&r"(e$ her $"&(hter to "!!ept " m"ll f"mil# norm "n$ m"$e them to &n$er(o

f"mil# pl"nnin( oper"tion, She bo"te$ of the !h"n(e in her f"mil# "n$ $e!i$e$ to

!"mp"i(n "bo&t " m"ll f"mil# norm on beh"lf of the R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion,

She met e%er# wom"n ep"r"tel# "n$ e5pl"ine$ "bo&t the !h"n(e in her f"mil# "n$ "lo

"bo&t the f"mil# pl"nnin( oper"tion her two $"&(hter h"$ &n$erwent "n$ the benefit,

In the initi"l t"(e' onl# one or women litene$ to her b&t he !ontin&e$ her !"mp"i(n

not onl# "bo&t the import"n!e of f"mil# pl"nnin( b&t "lo "("int the h&b"n$

"tt"!kin( wi%e in the %ill"(e,


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The "w"rene !"mp"i(n b# Th&l"i"mm"l with the f&ll b"!kin( of the or("ni"tion

#iel$e$ "tif"!tor# re&lt, Men toppe$ r"iin( their h"n$ "n$ t"rte$ lo%in( their

wi%e "n$ "!!epte$ the m"ll f"mil# norm,


SI"" TAINING -or the $#!.AT$# -or S$"/ $('"&($NT

Sin!e the e$&!"te$ #o&th in the r&r"l "re" were &n"ble to fin$ &it"ble 7ob not onl# in

the hill $itri!t b&t "lo in the pl"in' the RDO tho&(ht th"t it w" imper"ti%e to imp"rt

kill tr"inin( in ei(ht tr"$e, Serio& effort were initi"te$ to tr"in the e$&!"te$ bo#

"n$ (irl in the tr"$e n"mel# /&ttin(' T"ilorin( "n$ Embroi$er#' 3"n$ 0nittin( "n$

M"!hine 0nittin(' T#pewritin( "n$ Se!ret"ri"l !o&re' S#ntheti! Gem /&ttin(' /oir M"t

M"kin(' Potter#' Motor Vehi!le Dri%in(' Steel ="bri!"tion "n$ Steel Work "n$ /"rpentr#,


+AI#ASS a B$ST $>am?le in S$"/ $('"&($NT

After the tr"inin( w" !omplete$' h&n$re$ of bo# "n$ (irl t"rte$ elf emplo#ment

"n$ hone in life, One bet e5"mple w" 3"ri$" of Do$$"ni %ill"(e' 9> km from

0ot"(iri, 3e &n$erwent tr"inin( in heet met"l "n$ teel f"bri!"tion work "n$ "lo

&n$erwent "n "pprenti!e in one of the heet met"l &nit in /oimb"tore "n$ ret&rne$

home, 3e e5pree$ hi $eire to t"rt " workhop in hi %ill"(e "n$ (i%e 7ob to the

e$&!"te$ #o&th, Wel!omin( the i$e"' the RDO t&$ie$ the fe"ibilit# of the propo"l

"n$ !"me to " !on!l&ion th"t it wo&l$ be " %i"ble one, It e5ten$e$ " fin"n!i"l "it"n!e

"n$ other ne!e"r# help to et"blih " workhop, =&rther' it re!ommen$e$ him to

"%"il " lo"n from Ditri!t In$&tr# /entre 1DI/2' whi!h w" kin$ eno&(h to "n!tion "

lo"n of R, C'<<<,

3"ri$" re"!he$ the pinn"!le of h"ppine "n$ pro%i$e$ 7ob to i5 #o&th in hi

%ill"(e, Thi "p"rt' " few other were (i%en tr"inin( on heet met"l "n$ teel f"bri!"tion

in the workhop, Like 3"ri$"' m"n# e$&!"te$ #o&th e%in!e$ keen interet in elf



BA#AGA (&T+$9s "AST 1IS+ at #$AT+ B$#

With the RDO ren$erin( it er%i!e in "ll %ill"(e irrepe!ti%e of !"te' !omm&nit# "n$

reli(ion in the hill $itri!t' the (en&ine o!io6e!onomi! $e%elopment work !"rrie$ o&t

b# the RDO le$ b# it fo&n$er Dr, N, 0, Per&m"l to&!he$ the he"rt of the el$erl# peron

"n$ !hil$ren, M"n# $e!ribe$ Per&m"l " " tr&e $i!iple of M"h"tm" G"n$hi "n$ ="ther

of /ontit&tion Ambe$k"r,


After h"%in( impro%e$ the b"i! f"!ilitie "n$ li%elihoo$ in illiter"tele e$&!"te$ trib"l

"n$ $"lit %ill"(e' Per&m"l et hi foot in the b"!kw"r$ ."$"(" %ill"(e where

"(ri!&lt&re i till m"in o!!&p"tion b&t the# l"!ke$ b"i! "menitie in 9:;<, The RDO

opene$ ."l%"$i' !ontr&!te$ !omm&nit# h"ll'pro%i$e$ ro"$' toilet "n$ lo"n for elf


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emplo#ment in .ell"$"h' 0il O"tt# "n$ 0"ihol" ."$"(" %ill"(e, Go(hee Gow$er' R"m"

Gow$er' Si%"lin("m "n$ .elli of 0il O"tt# %ill"(e' M"th" Gow$er "n$ R"m" of .ell"$"h

"n$ .ell" Gow$er of 0"ihol" h"$ e5ten$e$ their whole he"rte$ &pport "n$

!ooper"tion "n$ pl"#e$ " i(nifi!"nt role in implementin( the or("ni"tion) work


D&rin( one mi$6ni(ht' 0"ilhol" %ill"(e .ell" Gow$er) wife h"$ premonition th"t he

ho&l$ "tt"in S"m"$hi in the ne5t few ho&r, She e5pree$ hi l"t wih to ee Per&m"l

before Go$) in%it"tion to the he"%en, .ell" Gow$er) on in l"w r&he$ to the rei$en!e

of Per&m"l "t mi$ ni(ht "n$ n"rr"te$ the tor#, St&nne$' Per&m"l too$ motionle for "

few e!on$' r&he$ to the %ill"(e "n$ he$ te"r on eein( the ."$"(" mother "t $e"th

be$, With the te"r flowin( $own her !heek' the ."$"(" mother blee$ Per&m"l in

."$"(" $i"le!t, All the rei$ent ("there$ "n$ he$ te"r,

Within the few ho&r of the in!i$ent' the ."$"(" mother $ep"rte$ from the worl$


#& SA%$# the "I/$ &/ a 2 $A &"# GI" 'ATI$NT

RDO Per&m"l' the n"me f"mili"r with the people of the Nil(iri be!"&e

of RDO) h&m"ne er%i!e "n$ e!onomi! $e%elopment "!ti%itie' i kin$ eno&(h to (o to

"n# e5tent to "%e the life of the poor !hil$ren, Tho&(h tho&"n$ of people benefite$

b# the RDO me$i!"l !"mp' it took tit"ni! effort to mobili4e "$e?&"te f&n$ for the

tre"tment of Sel%i' " 9B #e"r ol$ $"&(hter of " l"n$le l"bo&rer P"l"ni"m# of

G"n$hip&$&r N"("r' 9F km from Oot#, Sel%i h"$ often !ompl"ine$ of !het p"in "n$ h"$

been !ontin&o&l# &fferin( " the p"in kept in!re"in(,

When the RDO me$i!"l !"mp w" in pro(re in the %ill"(e' P"l"ni"m# bro&(ht hi

$"&(hter Sel%i "n$ re?&ete$ the $o!tor to !reen her, She w" referre$ to Oot#

Go%ernment 3e"$?&"rter 3opit"l "t the me$i!"l !"mp, A ner%o& P"l"ni"m# r&he$

Sel%i to the (o%ernment hopit"l where the $o!tor "$%ie$ him to !on&lt " !"r$iolo(it

"t /oimb"tore, 3e met Mr, Per&m"l "n$ ple"$e$ hi in"bilit# to "ffor$ b& f"re to

/oimb"tore, Per&m"l imme$i"tel# ("%e eno&(h mone# to meet the tr"nport "n$ other

e5pene to !&re the (irl, 3e "lo "$%ie$ P"l"ni"m# to t"ke her $"&(hter to G

0&pp&"m# N"i$& Memori"l 1G0NM2 3opit"l,

A te"m of pe!i"lit in G0NM hopit"l re!ommen$e$ &r(er# for Atri"l Sept"l Defe!t

"n$ "ke$ Seli%) f"ther to p"# R '<<< for "n imme$i"te oper"tion, P"l"ni"m# w"

ho!ke$ "n$ w" w"ilin( witho&t knowin( wh"t to $o, The m"tter w" bro&(ht to the

knowle$(e of Per&m"l who %owe$ to "%e the life of the (irl, Per&m"l &!!ee$e$ in

mobili4in( the f&n$ thro&(h hi &t"ine$ effort, 3e himelf !ontrib&te$ R ;<<< "n$

the rem"inin( !"me from Prime Miniter) Relief =&n$6R,9'<<<' /hief Miniter) Relief

=&n$6R,99'<<<' /oonoor /hen("pp"6R,9<<<' Lion .ori"h6R,9<<<' Lion /l&b of Oot#6

R,><< "n$ P"rent of the p"tient6R, B'<<<, The tot"l "mo&nt w" R '><< whi!h w"

the e5"!t fee for the &!!ef&l &r(er# performe$ on M"# 99' 9::,


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The (irl ret&rne$ home h"ppil# "n$ the whole %ill"(e e5pree$ th"nk "n$ "i$ in one

%oi!e th"t the# were (r"tef&l "n$ in$ebte$ to the R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion,

 A''$.IATI&NS /&( AB&A# -or #&

The RDO won the "ppl"&e of the In$i"n "n$ =orei(ner for it bet work "n$ er%i!e in

r&r"l b"!kw"r$ "re",

Vim"l" De%i .e!h"rr# P"n"r# of M"&riti& !ribble$68There "re no wor$ of how to

e5pre m# "$mir"tion for wh"t #o& "n$ #o&r or("ni"tion "re $oin( for the r&r"l

people, In$ee$' I "m th"nkf&l to #o& for "ll the (oo$ $ee$ #o& "re $oin( to !ome into

the help for thee poor people, M"# Go$ ble #o& "n$ #o&r or("ni"tion "n$ m"# #o&r

Or("ni"tion proper more "n$ more+,

Simi"rl#' e"nne 0 No#et"b&r" of T"n4"ni" penne$68I wih to e5pre m# "ppre!i"tionfor the work $one in the RDO b&t I wo&l$ like to !ommen$ #o& "lo for the o&tre"!hin(

he"rt "n$ the "!rifi!i"l !"&e #o& h"%e t"ken &p for the benefit of the mot

$i"$%"nt"(e$ people, M"# Go$ ble #o& "b&n$"ntl#+,

%ISIT o- #IGNITAI$S to #&

The $i(nit"rie who p"i$ " %iit to the R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion were Mr .or7e

S%enon' Gener"l Se!ret"r# of the I=PAAW' Gene%"' S P 0&m"r"%el' Ai"n Re(ion"l

Repreen"ti%e of I=PAAW' M A(net" ."(lin "n$ Mr .oe' T/O of Swe$en' M .elin$"."nnet' Senior /on&lt"nt' Tr"inin( /entre for Entreprene&r De%elopment' M"$&r"i

0"m"r"7 Uni%erit#' Mr S Gop"l"n' Dire!tor Gener"l' /APART' New Delhi' / S P"n$e#'

Dep&t# Dire!tor 1En((,2' /APART' New Delhi' Mr P M"ri"el%"m'Gener"l Se!ret"r# of

People) A(ri!&ltr"l ="rm' P&$&kott"i' 0 Pr"$h"ni' /h"irm"n of the P"rli"ment"r#

/ommittee on Welf"re of S!he$&le$ /"te "n$ S!he$&le$ Tribe' Mr Denie e"n P"&l

of =r"n!e' DPA N"i$&' Re(ion"l A$%ior on R&r"l Worker) A!ti%itie' Intern"tion"l

L"bo&r Or("ni"tion' ."n(kok' "n$ Ar&n Sh"h' Ait"nt Dire!tor' /APART' Mr,H

Mr,R"%i Sh"nk"r Aiol" I=S' /on&l"te Gener"l of In$i"' V"n!o&r' /"n"$"'

R,S"thi#"&n$"r"m' IPS' ATI' M#ore' G,V,Sh"nk"r 1IAS2' Prin!iple A$%ior on In$i"n

Aff"ir to Premier of S"k"t!h&%"n' /"n"$"'Nirm"l" $in IPS' M"h"r"tr"'Dr,S,.oop"thi'

ATI' M#ore, Mr,S"mir Ro#' E5e!&ti%e Dire!tor' Intit&te for Pl"nt"tion A(ri!&lt&r"l

R&r"l Worker' Wet .en("l' Mr,P,P,Si%"pr"(""m' 3&m"n De%elopment Or("ni"tion'


$.&(($N#ATI&NS T& .&""$.T& AT+I(&&"A( B&$ /!ITS

The RDO h"$ tron(l# re!ommen$e$ to the then $#n"mi! /olle!tor N Athimool"m th"t

in!e the N"tion"l R&r"l Emplo#ment Pro("rmme w" pl"#in( " i(nifi!"nt role in the

$e%elopment of %ill"(e' "n emph"i ho&l$ be l"i$ on thi, It &((ete$ th"t inte"$ of

p&ttin( &p more !ontr&!tion in r&r"l "re" where "lre"$# &ffi!ient b&il$in( were

"%"il"ble' " &r%e# ho&l$ be !on$&!te$ to i$entif# %ill"(e to b&il$ !omm&nit# h"ll "n$b"l%"$i with " !le"r fo!& on $"lit' trib"l "n$ ."$"(" %ill"(e,


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Pointin( o&t th"t the Nil(iri h"$ "!!ommo$"te$ more th"n C<'<<< Sri L"nk"n

rep"tri"te' the or("ni"tion tree$ th"t f&rther mi(r"tion ho&l$ be b"nne$ to

m"int"in the e!olo(# of the hill re(ion, It e5pree$ the !on!ern o%er the $e(r"$"tion of

the pritine be"&t# of Oot# "n$ !"lle$ for "n imme$i"te me"&re to prote!t it, More

import"nt w" the Nil(iri $itri!t ho&l$ be e5empte$ from power !&t in or$er to

en&re &ninterr&pte$ oper"tion of Te" f"!torie be!"&e B l"kh people were $epen$in(

on "(ri!&lt&re "n$ "llie$ in$&trie,

Thee &((etion h"%e been e%en now rele%"nt "n$ implemente$ b# the &!!ei%e

(o%ernment, The preent t"te (o%ernment permitte$ the Nil(iri $itri!t to be

e5empte$ from power !&t, The en%ironment "n$ e!olo(# $e(r"$"tion h" been

pre%ente$ to " poible e5tent,


.&""$.T& A;!(A GA%$ an I('$T!S to NG& 

The RDO felt the nee$ to re!"ll ome of hi "!hie%ement be!"&e he belie%e$ "n$

en!o&r"(e$ the NGO to &pport the $itri!t "$minitr"tion to implement welf"re "n$

$e%elopment !heme in r&r"l po!ket, /olle!tor G A R"7k&m"r %iite$ 9:B %ill"(e "n$

re$ree$ (rie%"n!e to the "tif"!tion of the people "n$ or("ni"tion within " #e"r, 3e

i&e$ F<< ho&e ite p"tt" to the poor within ei(ht month, It w" " rem"rk"ble

"!hie%ement, A m"n# " 9>'C: t&$ent benefite$ b# free b& p" in the tin# hill


/ommitte$ to prote!tin( the en%ironment' Mr,R"7k&m"r pre%ente$ fellin( of tree "n$

preer%e$ foret, 3e!ti! "ttempt of M&ltin"tion"l /omp"nie "n$ infl&enti"l timber

mer!h"nt to obt"in tree !&ttin( permit from thi !olle!tor en$e$ in " fi"!o, 3e took "

tern "!tion "("int the timber mer!h"nt who %iol"te$ the r&le, 3i p&t "n en$ to the

!ommon pr"!ti!e of the 0er"l" "n$ 0"rn"t"k" people (r"bbin( the (o%ernment l"n$ in

G&$"l&r blo!k of the Nil(iri $itri!t,

3e en&re$ mooth b& er%i!e to %ill"(e from town "n$ "lo or$ere$ "$e?&"te b&

er%i!e from %ill"(e to %ill"(e, 3e tre"mline$ the P&bli! Ditrib&tion S#tem 1PDS2

thro&(h perio$i!"l inpe!tion in !i%il &pplie $ep"rtment, The r"tion item were

$itrib&te$ to the !"r$ hol$er, E%en %ill"(e !ommittee were forme$ to monitor the

PDS, 3e opene$ BB new r"tion hop to meet the nee$ of the people "n$ eenti"l

!ommo$itie were &pplie$ thro&(h Lorrie in remote "re",

3e er"$i!"te$ illi!it "rr"!k brewin( "n$ "le in the $itri!t "n$ the prote!te$ the he"lth

of the poor l"bo&rer "n$ their f"milie, B';BB peron were "rrete$ in thi !onne!tion,


Like thee !olle!tor' &!!ei%e $itri!t !olle!tor h"%e $one " !ommen$"ble work in

the $itri!t, The NGO h"%e e5ten$e$ f&ll !ooper"tion to the $itri!t "$minitr"tion for

welf"re of the people,


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 A .om?rehensive Study on Tri@al +ealth Tradition /olk (ediine

R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion i preentl# m"kin( " !ompreheni%e t&$# on

Re%it"li"tion of Lo!"l Trib"l 3e"lth Tr"$ition "n$ =olk Me$i!ine &n$er the Minitr#

of 3e"lth "n$ ="mil# Welf"re' Go%ernment of In$i", The o&t!ome of the t&$# will be

$o!&mente$ "n$ preer%e$ for the f&t&re (ener"tion of the trib"l !omm&nitie of theNil(iri $itri!t, The $o!&ment will be immenel# &ef&l to the t&$ent of Si$$"h "n$

A#&r%e$" /olle(e "!ro In$i",


;AN!A 6, 2006 a $# "$TT$ #A 

"n&"r# ' B<< i " re$ letter $"# in the &!!ef&l hitor# of the RDO be!"&e the $"#

m"rke$ the Sil%er &bilee, Thi $"# !"n not be for(otten b# the people of the hill $itri!t

in (ener"l "n$ the or("ni"tion he"$ "n$ t"ff in p"rti!&l"r be!"&e "lmot the entire

hill t"tion !on(re("te$ "t G"n$hi M"i$"n "t M"rket .& St"n$' pop&l"rl# known " AT/.& St"n$ to witne the Sil%er &bilee /elebr"tion,

Abo&t <'<<< people from e%er# nook "n$ !orner of the !ool"nt Nil(iri $itri!t took "

!olo&rf&l me(" pro!eion, The pro!eion t"rte$ from AT/' went thro&(h M"in ."44"r

"n$ termin"te$ "t 3ADP Open Air St"$i&m' better known " .reek S!hool Gro&n$' on

the Go%ernment .ot"ni!"l G"r$en Ro"$, The !row$ w" pont"neo&, The to&rit town

of Oot# wore " feti%e look, The h"ppine on the f"!e of r&r"l men "n$ women kept

the hill town of Oot# milin(,

Mr,/l"ir /"l"i' Se!ret"r# Gener"l' Ai$e et A!tion' Mr,/hir&' IAS' then Pro7e!t Dire!tor

of 3ill Are" De%elopment Pro(r"mme 13ADP2' "n$ Mr,M"heh D"#"l' IPS' then

&perinten$ent of Poli!e' Nil(iri' m"$e " f"nt"ti! pee!h "n$ kept the h&(e !row$ "

pellbo&n$, The VIP were o h"pp# th"t the# poke from their $eep he"rt th"t the# h"$

not een &!h " bi( "n$ well $i!ipline$ !row$, The men "n$ women who "!ti%el# "n$

h"ppil# p"rti!ip"te$ in the 7&bil"nt pro!eion $i$ " (oo$ 7ob "t the en$ of the

pro(r"mme, The# !olle!te$ R, 9,C l"kh "n$ $on"te$ to $itri!t "$minitr"tion for

T&n"mi relief work, Mr N0 Per&m"l' =o&n$er of the RDO' e5pree$ he"rt6f&ll th"nk

to the Or("ni"tion /row$ whi!h e5ten$e$ help in the term of p&bli! $on"tion to the

T&n"mi "ffe!te$ people,


A few prominent intern"tion"l Ai$e "(en!ie "ppro"!he$ RDO "n$ &r(e$ it to t"ke &p

T&n"mi Reh"bilit"tion work, Mr, Per&m"l &((ete$ th"t onl# lo!"l NGO ho&l$ be

en("(e$ in T&n"mi "ffe!te$ "re" to work in " f"t w"# be!"&e the# were "w"re of the

imme$i"te problem "n$ re?&irement of the fihermen "n$ their "re" $&e to their

$ire!t !onne!tion with them,

3owe%er' Mr, Per&m"l %ol&nteere$ to %iit the T&n"mi "ffe!te$ "re" "n$ i$entif# lo!"l

NGO to t"ke &p the !h"llen(in( t"k, 3e t"#e$ in T&n"mi "ffe!te$ "re" in Sri L"nk"1 G"lle "n$ Tri!om"le2 "n$ N"("p"ttin"m "n$ /&$$"lore in T"mil N"$& for three month


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"n$ i$entifie$ fo&r NGO' two in Sri L"nk" "n$ two in T"mil N"$&, Thee NGO h"$

!omplete$ the T&n"mi reh"bilit"tion work to the "tif"!tion of the (o%ernment "n$

the p&bli!,


 A#%&.A. and "&BBING

.ei$e bein( "!ti%e in the Nil(iri' the RDO !ontin&e to in%ol%e itelf in A$%o!"!# "n$

Lobb#in( "t the n"tion"l "n$ (lob"l le%el for the betterment of the people "n$

implement"tion of the rele%"nt pro7e!t, It i "ppropri"te to re!"ll th"t the RDO h"$

pl"#e$ " i(nifi!"nt role in en"!tin( M"h"tm" G"n$hi Emplo#ment G&"r"ntee A!t, In

9:;:' " $e$i!"te$ te"m from T"mil N"$& le$ b# Mr Per&m"l t"#e$ "t P&ne in

M"h"r"tr" "n$ m"$e "n in$epth t&$# on M"h"r"tr" Emplo#ment G&"r"ntee A!t,

S&be?&entl#' the RDO bro&(ht BF (r"root le%el NGO in T"mil N"$& &n$er the

b"nner of oint A!tion /o&n!il of Vol&nt"r# A(en!ie 1A/VA2, The A/VA te"m %iite$e%er# nook "n$ !orner of T"mil N"$& "n$ mobili4e$ the "(ri!&lt&r"l worker to lobb#

for M"h"r"tr" p"ttern of Emplo#ment G&"r"ntee A!t, =ormer Prime Miniter R"7i%

G"n$hi rele"e$ the "&$io !"ette pro$&!e$ b# RDO in the preen!e of h"lf " million

people in R"7"p"l"#"m, /one?&ent to the effort m"$e b# A/VA' T"mil N"$&

Go%ernment intro$&!e$ Emplo#ment G&"r"ntee S!heme, =ollowin( thi' the

Go%ernment of In$i" en"!te$ the R&r"l emplo#ment G&"r"ntee A!t,

1&$S9 '"IG+T '!T in I"& 

RDO i workin( with Ai" /on&lt"nt =or&m to hi(hli(ht the pli(ht of m"ll te" (rower

in In$i"' P"kit"n' ."n(l"$eh' Sri L"nk"' Vietn"m "n$ In$onei", The pli(ht of te"

(rower "n$ pl"nt"tion worker i bein( t"ken &p "t Intern"tion"l L"bo&r Or("ni"tion

1ILO2 for ?&i!k ol&tion,


#& /&.!S$S &N $#!.ATI&N /& (IGAT& .+I"#$N )$(.*

A("in "n$ A("in' the R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion i pro&$ of it "!hie%ement in

the fiel$ of prim"r# e$&!"tion whi!h i the in$elible root to m"ke e%er# !hil$ " !ompletem"n, The $e%ote$ RDO te"m w"lke$ to the e!onomi!"ll# "n$ e$&!"tion"ll# b"!kw"r$

h"mlet "n$ t"rte$ CC !hool "n$ pro%i$e$ ?&"lit# "n$ %"l&e e$&!"tion for the poor

!hil$ren in the l"t B #e"r, ;C'<<< !hil$ren h"%e benefite$ in the Nil(iri $itri!t o f"r,


Sin!e it i the motto of the RDO in!e it in!eption th"t "ll the !hil$ren ho&l$ be ent to

!hool "t "n# !ot' it i h"pp# now to ee lo!"l !hil$ren from e%er# nook "n$ !orner

of the hill $itri!t w"lkin( or tr"%ellin( to !hool in r&r"l "re", 3owe%er' the

or("ni"tion fo&n$ in the re!ent #e"r th"t the !hil$ren of the po%ert# "n$ M"oit

tri!ken mi(r"tor# l"bo&rer from h"rkh"n$' .ih"r' Ori"' /hh"ti("rh "n$ Wet

.en("l were w"n$erin( in "n$ "ro&n$ te" et"te "n$ 7&n(le in the Nil(iri hill,


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=e"rin( th"t the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren m"# be tr"ppe$ b# the "nti o!i"l element " In$i"

i one of the %&lner"ble !o&ntrie for !hil$ tr"ffi!kin(' the RDO $e!i$e$ to imp"rt

e$&!"tion to thee !hil$ren, It "ppro"!he$ Ve$"nt" whi!h' in t&rn' in%ite$ Te"m RDO to

Delhi to m"ke " preent"tion "bo&t the pli(ht of the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren before it p"nel

member, A fo&r member RDO te"m le$ it fo&n$er Mr, N,0,Per&m"l $i$ o on April

9;' B<99, S"tifie$ with the p"t "n$ preent perform"n!e of the RDO' L"ke!it# Vent&re

P%t Lt$ 1" (ro&p of Ve$"nt"2 i(ne$ " MoU on A&(&t 9;' B<99, Imme$i"tel#' the

or("ni"tion w&n( into "!tion,


#& B&$ B&TT$"N$.S in $m.

A the o&ti$er in!l&$in( NGO !"nnot enter pri%"te te" et"te witho&t prior

permiion of the m"n"(ement' the RDO "ppro"!he$ the Nil(iri Pl"nter Ao!i"tion

1NPA2 "n$ "pprie$ of it pl"n to enroll the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren in !hool in April B<99,

Mr, N, 0, Per&m"l peron"ll# et"blihe$ " (oo$ r"pport with the /h"irm"n of NPA' iten

P"reek "n$ e5pl"ine$ "t len(th "bo&t E$&!"tion of Mi(r"tor# /hil$ren 1Em/2, Mr

Per&m"l "lo met NPA Se!ret"r# for the (oo$ !"&e, The NPA ("%e " (reen i(n"l to the

or(r"ni"tion to implement the Em/ pro7e!t effi!ientl#,

The m"in ob7e!ti%e of the Em/ pro7e!t "re to inte(r"te the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren with lo!"l

!hil$ren "n$ elimin"te home i!k feelin( from their min$ "n$ "tt"in holiti!

$e%elopment of the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren thro&(h ?&"lit# e$&!"tion with !omm&nit#

p"rti!ip"tion, The Em/ pro7e!t i implemente$ b# not onl# $e%elopin( !loe

!oor$in"tion with the $itri!t !olle!tor "n$ Ditri!t E$&!"tion Offi!er b&t "lo in%ol%in(

the et"te m"n"(ement in the pro7e!t "n$ er%i!e !l&b "n$ S3G,


6C (IGAT& .+I"#$N ST!#ING in 3 S.+&&"S

The &ltim"te "im of the RDO i to prep"re the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren "n$ enroll them in

(o%ernment !hool, 3owe%er' it enroll the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren where%er poible, In

&!h !"e' it will "ppoint "$$ition"l te"!her for the p&rpoe, If the !hool h"%e no

pro%iion to offer l&n!h to the mi(r"tor# !hil$ren' the RDO will p"# R 9C per !hil$ren

per $"# for l&n!h "lon( with lo!"l !hil$ren, Mr, Per&m"l re!r&ite$ new t"ff for the

&!!ef&l implement"tion of the pro7e!t "n$ t"&(ht the t"ff "bo&t the hitor# ofmi(r"tion' min$et of mi(r"tor# worker' home i!k' !&lt&r"l "n$ l"n(&"(e b"rrier,

Mr V"nith" /h"rle' Ait"nt Profeor' Pro%i$en!e /olle(e' /oonoor' !on$&!te$ "

tr"inin( pro(r"mme on !hil$ p#!holo(#' te"!hin( metho$' pl"# w"#

metho$' (o%ernment #ll"b&' e5tr" !&rri!&l"r "!ti%itie, Mr,

Re%"th# e5pl"ine$ "bo&t peron"l h#(iene' n&tritio& foo$ "n$ te"!her6p"rent


The or("ni"tion i h"pp# th"t while the et"te m"n"(ement h"%e pro%i$e$ b&il$in(

to r&n !hool' /olle!tor of Nil(iri' Ar!h"n" P"tn"ik' "n$ Ditri!t E$&!"tion Offi!er "re

e5ten$in( e5!ellent !ooper"tion to e5e!&te the Em/ pro(r"mme, The RDO h" "lo

i(ne$ " MoU with the Ditri!t E$&!"tion Dep"rtment to in%ol%e the (o%ernment "i$e$


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!hool in pri%"te pl"nt"tion to t"ke pe!i"l !"re to te"!h mi(r"tor# !hil$ren, The MoU

h" p"%e$ the w"# to "ppoint 3in$i te"!her "n$ pro%i$e noon me"l "n$ n&tritio& foo$,

At preent' >9 mi(r"tor# !hil$ren "re t&$#in( in 9 !hool $&e to &t"ine$ effort

of the or("ni"tion,


#& A#%&.AT$S -or a (inimum S!''&T 'I.$ -or G$$N T$A "$A/

The mi(r"tion of the Nil(iri bo# "n$ (irl to other $itri!t in e"r!h of emplo#ment in

("rment "n$ hopit"lit# in$&trie i on the rie l"r(el# be!"&e of &n6rem&ner"ti%e

pri!e for (reen te" le"%e, A per the B<99 !en&' the Nil(iri pop&l"tion i >'C'<>9

whi!h i min& ,CC !omp"re$ to the B<<9 !en&, It i "n in$i!"tion th"t the mi(r"tion

will !ontin&e in the #e"r to !ome, If the tren$ (oe &n!he!ke$ "n$ reme$i"l me"&re

"re not t"ken' the te" et"te' the lifeline for <'<<< m"ll (rower f"milie

!ompriin( 9,C< l"kh member "n$ tho&"n$ of pl"nt"tion l"bo&rer' will be in the

h"n$ of o&ti$er for promotin( re"l et"te b&ine, Alre"$#' m"n# h"%e ol$ their

m"ll te" ("r$en "n$ %e(et"ble f"rm for !ontr&!tion of !ommer!i"l b&il$in( &!h "

!ott"(e "n$ (&et ho&e,

The m"ll (rower "re not (ettin( f"ir pri!e for their (reen te" le"%e $&e to

(lob"li4"tion "n$ poor ?&"lit# of te" le"%e in the hill $itri!t, < per!ent of te" b&he

in m"ll (rower) te" ("r$en "re < to 9<< #e"r ol$ "n$ the ret "re B< to F< #e"r ol$

th"t h"%e not been m"int"ine$ profeion"ll#, A " re&lt' ?&"lit# te" le"%e !"nnot be

pro$&!e$, It i " f"!t th"t &nle the m"ll te" (rower &proot their $e!"$e ol$ te"

b&he "n$ repl"!e with hi(h ?&"lit# te" ee$lin(' " (oo$ pri!e !"nnot be e5pe!te$,

The f&t&re of the m"ll te" (rower) !hil$ren will be!ome " ?&etion m"rk,


T+ANS -or .+I$/ (INIST$ ;AA"A"IT+A

3owe%er "t preent' there i " !onole for the te" (rower " 3ono&r"ble /hief Miniter

, "#"l"lith" h" !ome forw"r$ to re!&e the m"ll te" (rower b# pro%i$in( " &bi$#

of R,B per k(, The RDO th"nk 3ono&r"ble /hief Miniter , "#"l"lith"" on beh"lf of the

Nil(iri people, .&t' fi5in( " minim&m floor pri!e for (reen te" le"%e i the perm"nent

ol&tion to pre%ent mi(r"tion "n$ er"$i!"te po%ert#, The (o%ernment ho&l$ fi5 " pri!e

for (reen te" le"%e on the line of the &pport pri!e fi5e$ for p"$$# "n$ &("r !"ne "n$perio$i!"l enh"n!ement, The floor pri!e i %er# poible if the Defen!e Minitr# !ome

forw"r$ to b&# te" $ire!tl# from te" f"!torie in the Nil(iri r"ther th"n b&#in( from

mi$$lemen for it one million t"ff in In$i",


#& A.TI&N '"AN to I('&%$ S(A"" T$A GA#$NS

The RDO &((et "n "!tion pl"n to impro%e the m"ll te" ("r$en "n$ pl&!k ?&"lit# te"

le"f to en&re " (oo$ pri!e,


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<'<<< m"ll te" (rower in the Nil(iri $itri!t ho&l$ be "ite$ to &proot < #e"r

ol$ te" b&he !"tterin( o%er <'<<< "!re,

9C< million hi(h #iel$in( te" ee$lin( ho&l$ be repl"nte$ to repl"!e the ol$ te"

b&he in <'<<< "!re,

The pro$&!tion ho&l$ be in!re"e$ from B<<< k( of te" le"f per "!re to <<< k( hi(h

?&"lit# (reen te" le"f per "!re,

The "nn&"l in!ome of " f"mil# m&t in!re"e from R, B<'<<< to R 9'<<' <<<,

3i(hl# ?&"lifie$ profeion"l ho&l$ be "ppointe$ to e$&!"te the m"ll te" (rower to

pro$&!e hi(h ?&"lit# te" le"f,

9B bo&(ht te" le"f f"!torie' whi!h "re b&#in( (reen te" le"%e from the m"ll

(rower' ho&l$ be moti%"te$ thro&(h Te" .o"r$ to mo$erni4e with l"tet m"!hinerie

in or$er to m"n&f"!t&re hi(h ?&"lit# te",

8On the pot+ or fiel$ tr"inin( ho&l$ be or("ni4e$ to f"!ilit"te the m"ll (rower to

pro$&!e "n$ pl&!k ?&"lit# te" le"f,

The m"ll (rower ho&l$ be "ite$ to "%"il f"!ilitie "%"il"ble with Te" .o"r$' UPASI6

0V0 "n$ 3orti!&lt&re Dep"rtment,

Mi(r"tion of m"ll (rower) f"milie "n$ pl"nt"tion l"bo&rer ho&l$ be !he!ke$ "n$

pre%ente$ on!e the "!tion pl"n i p&t in motion,


&'$N #$/$.ATI&N /$$ )&#/* #ISTI.T '&GA(

The RDO !ontin&e to be "!ti%e "t the (ro root le%el in!e it in!eption in 9:;<, It feel

pro&$ of it "!hie%ement "("in "n$ "("in' th"nk to the tirele effort of the $e$i!"te$

t"ff' like min$e$ &pporter "n$ p"rtner, 3"%in( pl"#e$ " p"r"mo&nt role in the

$e%elopment of m"n# " pro7e!t for the welf"re of the poor "n$ the $owntro$$en' the

or("ni4"tion i !ommitte$ to m"kin( the Nil(iri " $efe!"tion free $itri!t, =or the

p&rpoe' it h" t"ken " !on!rete $e!iion to "it one l"kh f"milie to !ontr&!t toilet in

the $itri!t in ne5t 9< #e"r,

Mr,N,0, Per&m"l' Dire!tor of R&r"l De%elopment Or("ni"tion' h" $eepl# t&$ie$ the

fe"ibilit# of the Open Defe!"tion =ree 1OD=2 pro(r"mme "n$ $r"wn &p "n "!tion to

implement it in " tr"np"rent m"nner, Sin!e it i " h&(e pro7e!t to be e5e!&te$ in%ol%in(

m"le "n$ fem"le member in e"!h of one l"kh f"milie in the $itri!t' tr"np"ren!# i

p"r"mo&nt "t e"!h t"(e, 3en!e' the or("ni"tion h" " !on!rete pl"n to "it 9<'<<<

f"milie to b&il$ toilet per #e"r " in"$e?&"te "nit"tion i " i(nifi!"nt problem in the

$itri!t, It i r"mp"nt p"rti!&l"rl# in the r&r"l "n$ trib"l belt of the $itri!t $&e to l"!k

of knowle$(e "n$ reo&r!e, Appro5im"tel# >B per!ent of the tot"l pop&l"tion of

>'C'<>9 li%in( in B''<B9 ho&e h"%e no "!!e to "nit"tion f"!ilitie, Thi problem

nee$ to be "$$ree$ before the !"le of $ie"e re"!he "n epi$emi! proportion, ,


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3en!e' in or$er to "!hie%e open $efe!"tion free in the Nil(iri hill' the or("ni"tion i

workin( with the r&r"l m"e "n$ moti%"tin( them to b&il$ in$i%i$&"l ho&ehol$

l"trine, The ob7e!ti%e of the or("ni"tion "re to "!hie%e open $efe!"tion free in t"r(et

"re"' pre%ent he"lth h"4"r$ th"t "ffe!t the r&r"l people epe!i"ll# women "n$ (irl

$&e to non6"%"il"bilit# of l"trine "t home "n$ !hool' impro%e the %ill"(e

"tmophere' prote!t the en%ironment "n$ pre%ent poll&tion of ri%er' tre"m "n$


+&N&! -or #& 

The Go%ernment of T"mil N"$& "ppointe$ RDO fo&n$er Mr,N,0,Per&m"l " /h"irm"n of

T"mil N"$& St"te %ol&nt"r# Reo&r!e /entre "n$ Dire!tor of T"mil N"$& !orpor"tion for

Women De%elopment in re!o(nition of RDO) er%i!e "n$ "!hie%ement,

Ai$e et A!tion intern"tion"l "ppointe$ Per&m"l " it .ro"$ Member, 3e i the onl#bo"r$ member from NGO e!tor in the worl$, The =INIS3 ponore$ b# the Netherl"n$

b"e$ WASTE "lo "ppointe$ Per&m"l " it .o"r$ member,

Mr,Per&m"l) pee!h on S"nit"tion $eli%ere$ "t &nite$ N"tion Uni%erit# 1UNU2

M""tri!ht' 3oll"n$ i hi(hli(hte$ in =INIS3 Net, The or("ni"tion i preentl#

repreentin( e%er"l !ommittee in the Nil(iri $itri!t,

TAINING S+Gs to D!A"I/ -or T&I"$T "&AN

To implement the pro7e!t &!!ef&ll#' more th"n ><'<<< Trib"l' D"lit "n$ ."$"("

women !"ttere$ in %"rio& p"rt of the Nil(iri $itri!t "re bein( bro&(ht &n$er Self6

help Gro&p 1S3G2 b# the or("ni"tion, It i "lo tr"inin( the S3G to r&n their (ro&p

profeion"ll# to "%"il lo"n from the fin"n!i"l intit&tion to !ontr&!t ho&ehol$

toilet, The tr"inin( will help the S3G to ?&"lif# for lo"n' in!re"e S3G in pro7e!t "re"'

repon$ to !h"n(e in o!i"l !&tom' help t&$ent to &r(e their p"rent to !ontr&!t

toilet "n$ &ltim"tel# help to r"ie R, B< !rore to !ontr&!t 9<'<<< ho&ehol$ toilet per


/ontr"!tor will not be "llowe$ in the !ontr&!tion of ho&ehol$ l"trine "n$ the

benefi!i"rie themel%e will be en!o&r"(e$ to b&il$, .efore benefi!i"rie t"ke &p the

!ontr&!tion work' the profeion"l will (i%e tr"inin( to lo!"l m"on to !ontr&!t !ot

effe!ti%e "n$ t"ble toilet b# &in( "ppropri"te r&r"l te!hnolo(#, Sin!e the Nil(iri

e5perien!e (&t# win$ "n$ r"in for > month' toilet m&t be !ontr&!te$ with oli$

m"teri"l "n$ !on!rete roof, The lo!"l e5perien!e etim"te the minim&m !ot to

!ontr&!t " ho&ehol$ toilet "t R BC'<<<, Therefore' it i m"n$"tor# for e"!h benefi!i"r#

to !ontrib&te l"bo&r worth R C<<<,


To "!!omplih the "mbitio& (o"l' it h" 7oine$ h"n$ with b"nk p"rti!&l"rl# I/I/I ."nk,

The or("ni4"tion "ite$ BF<< f"milie to b&il$ toilet $&rin( the #e"r B<9969B with


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b"nk "it"n!e, It h" pl"nne$ to in%ol%e Sm"ll Te" Grower Ao!i"tion' N"kk&bett"

."$"(" Ao!i"tion' S3G' @o&th /l&b' /olle(e "n$ hi(h !hool in implementin( Open

Defe!"tion =ree pro(r"mme,

I.I.I BAN "&AN -or &N$ "A+ +&!S$+&"# T&I"$TS

I/I/I ."nk h" "&re$ to (i%e lo"n to the t&ne of R, B<< !rore to !ontr&!t one l"kh

in$i%i$&"l toilet "t ho&ehol$ &n$er R&r"l De%elopment O("ni"tion) S"nit"tion

pro(r"mme in the $itri!t in 9< #e"r t"rtin( from B<9B,

The or("ni"tion h" "lre"$# b&ilt BF<< ho&ehol$ toilet in b"!kw"r$ %ill"(e like

Porthih"$", Work on !ontr&!tin( 9<<< ho&ehol$ toilet i in pro(re "t 0ot"(iri, In

or$er to implement the "nit"tion pro7e!t in r&r"l "re" &!!ef&ll#' the or("ni"tion

h" 7oine$ h"n$ with the (o%ernment, .e!"&e thi or("ni"tion tron(l# belie%e th"t

o!i"l' e$&!"tion "n$ e!onomi! &plift of the &n$erpri%ile(e$ !o&l$ be implemente$effe!ti%el# with the (o%ernment &pport "n$ !ooper"tion, The R&r"l De%elopment

Or("ni"tion h" rele"e$ " book on "nit"tion pro(r"mme,

While "&rin( to (i%e lo"n for !ontr&!tion of toilet $&rin( or("ni"tion) "nit"tion

pro(r"mme' Mr,S"r"t @"$"%' AGM' I/I/I ."nk' emph"i4e$ th"t impro%in( "nit"tion in

r&r"l "re" w" imper"ti%e " open $efe!tion w" the !"&e for pre"$ of $ie"e, 3e

"i$ th"t f&n$ w" not " !ontr"int "n$ the people ho&l$ p"rti!ip"te in the ho&ehol$

"nit"tion pro(r"mme "!ti%el#, Oot# m&ni!ip"l !h"irm"n Mr, 0, S"th#"bh"m" note$

th"t the t"te (o%ernment w" !ommitte$ to impro%in( "nit"tion not onl# in !i%i!

bo$ie b&t "lo in !hool, Mr, A, Men"k"' Ditri!t P"n!h"#"t /h"irm"n' "n$

Mr,D,M&r&("n' Re(ion"l 3e"$' I/I/I ."nk' "lo e5pl"ine$ "bo&t the import"n!e

of ho&ehol$ "nit"tion,

The RDO rem"in th"nkf&l to Mr, S"r"t @"$"%' " enior offi!er of I/I/I ."nk' for h"%in(

p"rti!ip"te$ in the "nit"tion pro(r"mme "n$ "&re$ to e5ten$ lo"n in the preen!e

of " l"r(e n&mber of women S3G,

Tho&(h the !"p"!it# b&il$in( "n$ !ontr&!tion of toilet will be !omplete$ in " %ill"(e

within Month' RDO i !ommitte$ to workin( with the t"r(et (ro&p for to 9< #e"r

be!"&e of the b"nk link"(e, RDO h" to t"ke mor"l reponibilitie for rep"#ment of

Lo"n' whi!h will t"ke #e"r to !le"r $&e, On!e the "nit"tion lo"n i !loe$' the t"r(et(ro&p will be "ite$ for ne5t lo"n for "$$ition"l infr"tr&!t&re "n$ e!onomi! "!ti%itie,
