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Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 ·...

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30th November 2012 Our Ref: J114032 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Peter Kharsas Teska Carson Pty Ltd 516 Church Street RICHMOND VIC 3121 Dear Peter Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne Please find enclosed our Asbestos Risk Assessment, reference J114032, conducted at UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne. This work was conducted for Teska Carson Pty Ltd on the 14th November 2012 by Tricia Williams. The audit confirms that there is a negligible risk of exposure to building tenants. Refurbishment or renovation of facade will require an updated audit and intrusive sampling to identify residual asbestos with former asbestos-products and associated with concealed and enclosed spaces generally restricted from access. This assessment was performed in accordance with the requirements of Part 4.3, Division 5 of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007. If any further information is required or if you have any queries regarding this information please do not hesitate to contact this office on (03) 9890 8811. Yours sincerely NOEL ARNOLD & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD Tricia Williams Health Safety and Environment Consultant
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30th November 2012 Our Ref: J114032 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129


Peter Kharsas

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

516 Church Street


Dear Peter

Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Please find enclosed our Asbestos Risk Assessment, reference J114032, conducted at UGL

Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne. This work was conducted for Teska Carson Pty Ltd

on the 14th November 2012 by Tricia Williams. The audit confirms that there is a negligible

risk of exposure to building tenants.

Refurbishment or renovation of facade will require an updated audit and intrusive

sampling to identify residual asbestos with former asbestos-products and associated with

concealed and enclosed spaces generally restricted from access.

This assessment was performed in accordance with the requirements of Part 4.3, Division 5

of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007.

If any further information is required or if you have any queries regarding this information

please do not hesitate to contact this office on (03) 9890 8811.

Yours sincerely


Tricia Williams

Health Safety and Environment Consultant

Page 2: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd

Level 3 / 818 Whitehorse Road

Box Hill Victoria 3128 Australia

Ph: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911


J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129:TMW

Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne



November 2012

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J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page: i

Asbestos Risk Assessment

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Executive Summary This report documents the findings of the Asbestos Risk Assessment Review conducted at the

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne. The risk assessment review was performed by

Tricia Williams on 14th November 2012.

This review was performed in accordance with the Part 4.3, Division 5 of the Victorian

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007. The objective of a Division 5 audit review

is to assess the condition of previously identified asbestos materials and reassess the risk posed

by the asbestos materials.

The scope of the risk assessment review was restricted to areas identified to contain asbestos

in the previous Noel Arnold and Associates audit Referenced 36537 ARREP-02.

The major findings of this risk assessment were:

Throughout Building:- Plant - asbestos containing flange gaskets

Throughout Building:- HVAC ductwork - Asbestos containing ductwork mastic

Level 23 Plant room:- Asbestos bituminous under sink lining

Level 21 External:- Suspected asbestos eave facade

The building was formerly fire-rated with asbestos containing vermiculite fire-proofing material

to structural steel elements throughout the building. This material has been completely

removed over abatement programs conducted in the 1990s to early 2000.

The tenancy floors are effectively clear of asbestos and there is no asbestos exposure risk to

building occupants.

Remnant asbestos materials is confined to dusts and debris is concealed spaces of perimeter

column risers, gaskets and seals to machinery and plant and potential for minor quantities of

asbestos in remote parts of the HVAC plant. These items are maintenance controllable and

any work is associated with maintenance or service contractors only.

It is recommended that the building management processes incorporate guidance for

maintenance contractors:

1) Working in perimeter column risers where work may involve high dust disturbance

2) Working to maintain plant where gaskets and seals are exposed during dismantling


3) Upgrading the HVAC system causing significant alteration to air flows, changing

configurations or dismantling ducts.

Our professional judgement and experience was used in the identification and location of

materials suspected of containing asbestos in accessible and representative areas. Should

any personnel come across any suspected hazardous material or materials unknown to them,

work should cease immediately in the affected areas until further sampling and investigation

is performed.

Other recommendations relating to the management of the identified asbestos materials are

contained in the body of this report.

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Statement of Limitations

This report has been prepared in accordance with the agreement between Teska Carson Pty Ltd and

Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd.

Within the limitations of the agreed upon scope of services, this work has been undertaken and

performed in a professional manner, in accordance with generally accepted practices, using a degree

of skill and care ordinarily exercised by members of its profession and consulting practice. No other

warranty, expressed or implied, is made.

This report is solely for the use of Teska Carson Pty Ltd and any reliance on this report by third parties shall

be at such party's sole risk and may not contain sufficient information for purposes of other parties or for

other uses. This report shall only be presented in full and may not be used to support any other

objective than those set out in the report, except where written approval with comments are provided

by Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd.

This report relates only to the identification of asbestos-containing materials used in the construction of

the building and does not include the identification of dangerous goods or hazardous substances in the

form of chemicals used, stored or manufactured within the building or plant.

“The following should also be noted:

While the survey has attempted to locate the asbestos-containing materials within the site it should be

noted that the review was a visual inspection and a limited sampling program was conducted and/or

the analysis results of the previous report were used. Representative samples of suspect asbestos

materials were collected for analysis. Other asbestos materials of similar appearance are assumed to

have a similar content.

Not all suspected asbestos materials were sampled. Only those asbestos materials that were physically

accessible could be located and identified. Therefore it is possible that asbestos materials, which may

be concealed within inaccessible areas/voids, may not have been located during the audit. Such

inaccessible areas fall into a number of categories.

(a) Locations behind locked doors.

(b) Inset set ceilings or wall cavities.

(c) Those areas accessible only by dismantling equipment or performing minor localised demolition


(d) Service shafts, ducts etc., concealed within the building structure.

(e) Energised services, gas, electrical, pressurised vessel and chemical lines

(f) Voids or internal areas of machinery, plant, equipment, air conditioning ducts etc.

(g) Totally inaccessible areas such as voids and cavities created and intimately concealed within the

building structure. These voids are only accessible during major demolition works.

(h) Height restricted areas.

(i) Areas deemed unsafe or hazardous at time of audit

In addition to areas that were not accessible, the possible presence of hazardous building materials

may not have been assessed because it was not considered practicable as:

1. It would require unnecessary dismantling of equipment; and/or

2. It was considered disruptive to the normal operations of the building; and/or

3. It may have caused unnecessary damage to equipment, furnishings or surfaces; and/or

4. The hazardous material was not considered to represent a significant exposure risk

5. The time taken to determine the presence of the hazardous building material was considered


Only minor destructive auditing and sampling techniques were employed to gain access to those areas

documented in Appendix A. Consequently, without substantial demolition of the building, it is not

possible to guarantee that every source of hazardous material has been detected.

During the course of normal site works care should be exercised when entering any previously

inaccessible areas or areas mentioned above and it is imperative that work cease pending further

sampling if materials suspected of containing asbestos or unknown materials are encountered.

Therefore during any refurbishment or demolition works, further investigations and assessment may be

required should any suspect material be observed in previously inaccessible areas or areas not fully

inspected previously, i.e. carpeted floors.

This report is not intended to be used for the purposes of tendering, programming of works,

refurbishment works or demolition works unless used in conjunction with a specification detailing the

extent of the works. To ensure its contextual integrity, the report must be read in its entirety and should

not be copied, distributed or referred to in part only.”

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J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1

Asbestos Risk Assessment

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 1

2. Scope of Work ............................................................................................... 1

3. Limits of Risk Assessment .............................................................................. 1

4. Methodology ................................................................................................. 2

5. Findings .......................................................................................................... 2

5.1 Site Description .................................................................................................. 2

5.2 Discussions with Relevant Personnel ................................................................ 3

5.3 Review of Available Documentation ............................................................... 3

5.4 Visual Inspection and Sampling Program ....................................................... 3

6. Summary of Findings .................................................................................... 3

7. Recommendations ....................................................................................... 4

7.1 Management Recommendations .................................................................... 4

7.2 General .............................................................................................................. 4

7.2.1 Residual Asbestos from Former Asbestos Abatement Works ..................4

7.3 Underground Services ....................................................................................... 4

8. Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................... 5

9. Reference Documents .................................................................................. 6

Appendix A: Asbestos Materials Register ............................................................ I

Appendix B: Photographs ...................................................................................... I

Appendix C: Asbestos Identification Analysis (Bulk Sample) Results ............. III

Appendix D: Risk Assessment Factors ................................................................ IV

Appendix E: Risk Status Priority Rating System for Control of Asbestos-

Containing Materials ............................................................................................ VI

Appendix F: Victorian OHS Legislative Requirements .................................... VIII

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1. Introduction

This report documents the findings of the Asbestos Risk Assessment Review conducted at UGL

Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne. The risk assessment was performed by Tricia Williams

on 14th November 2012.

The audit is in accordance with the Part 4.3, Division 5 of the Victorian Occupational Health

and Safety Regulations 2007.

The objective of a Division 5 Asbestos Risk Assessment Review is to:

Determine, so far as is practical, whether asbestos is present in the workplace

To assess the risks posed by the materials identified.

Recommend control actions necessary to manage these asbestos-related risks

At the time of preparation of this assessment, there was planned redevelopment of Level 22

reception area, a separate Hazardous Materials audit was conducted within this area, Refer

J114032 - Nominated Area L22 Report (Nov 2012) for details. This audit confirmed that there

were no asbestos hazards observed that would be impacted by the works.

No other planned refurbishment, demolition or drawings for scheduled works were received

indicating any further works to this building.

2. Scope of Work

The scope of this Asbestos Risk Assessment Review was to:

Review previous asbestos records to identify the status of asbestos removal and audits

undertaken in the site

Inspect representative areas of the site to identify and review the condition of asbestos


Compile an up-dated asbestos register for the site

Make comments for ongoing management of the asbestos materials and describe

requirements for asbestos-related activities

3. Limits of Risk Assessment

The building has been extensive remodelled internally with new ceilings and building furnishings

and the refurbishment has removed asbestos fire-rating materials throughout the majority of

areas of the building. The only areas of remaining asbestos are likely to involve enclosed spaces

of the building, voids containing residues of former asbestos materials, gasket seals to original

installed plant and machinery pre-dating 1998; building facade panels; cements; putties and

mastics and floor screeds.

This report is not adequate for the purposes of refurbishment or demolition works. The asbestos

regulations require a more intrusive risk assessment to be conducted prior to commencement of

such works.

It is noted that given the constraints of practicable access encountered during the risk

assessment survey, the following typical areas were not accessed or inspected:

Height restricted areas of the site and ceilings where safe lifting platforms were not


Inaccessible culverts and floor trenches or tunnels under the building

Building facade fixing brackets and panels under the external claddings

Under carpeted floor coverings in all areas

Behind ceramic wall tiles in rooftop plant and basement areas

Inside mechanical HVAC plant and equipment

Gaskets, mastics and sealants to pipework, ductwork, mechanical equipment and

construction/expansion joints

Waterproof roof membranes

Motor rooms of dumb waiters

Lift shaft and lift cabin fittings

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Within air conditioning re-heat boxes

Within electrical switchboard cupboard or backing

Other specific areas not accessed or inspected and which we suspect may contain asbestos-

containing materials are described in Appendix A – Asbestos Materials Register. These areas

should be assumed to contain asbestos until such a time that they can be assessed for the

presence or absence of asbestos-containing materials.

4. Methodology

The assessment was carried out in accordance with the Victorian Occupational Health and

Safety Regulations 2007 and the guidelines documented in the Victoria‟s compliance Code of

Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in Work Places [NOHSC: 2018 (2005)].

The survey involved:

Discussions with relevant personnel to ascertain the building age and history.

Review of relevant documentation including previous audit reports and abatement records.

A visual inspection of the condition of accessible and representative asbestos materials. The

buildings were occupied at the time of assessment and the survey was conducted during

normal business hours.

The collection and analysis of materials suspected of containing asbestos. Small

representative samples were collected in plastic bags with clip-lock seals. These samples

were analysed in Noel Arnold & Associates‟ NATA-accredited laboratory for the presence of

asbestos by Polarised Light Microscopy.

A strategy of using representative samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials has

been used to minimise the number of samples and degree of disturbance. Because of this

strategy, results of the risk assessment should be interpreted such that all visually similar materials

in the same vicinity must be assumed to be composed of the same material until proven


In accordance with Regulation 4.3.20 of the OHS Regulations, inaccessible areas that are

likely to contain asbestos must be assumed as containing asbestos-containing material until

further inspection and analysis of samples has been undertaken by an approved analyst.

Where it was determined that asbestos was present, the risk assessment was based on the

following factors:

Type of asbestos-containing material

Degree of friability

Surface treatment

The material condition

Location and accessibility

Activity and disturbance potential

The ranking of the exposure risk posed by the asbestos-containing materials evaluates (i) the

potential for fibre generation, and, (ii) the potential for exposure to person(s). Where these

factors have indicated that there is a possibility of exposure to airborne fibres, appropriate risk

control measures are recommended.

A priority assessment system is adopted to assist in the identifying priorities for control of

asbestos risk items based upon exposure risk.

5. Findings

5.1 Site Description

The property located at the UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne is currently occupied

by UGL as the major tenant. The building is a concrete structure, with tilt-up panel construction

with external cladding, with 23 high-rise floors and 3 Basement floor levels.

The Ground Floor as refurbished completely in the last three years and presently accommodates

five retail tenancies. The former tunnel link way with the former Spencer Street Station (Southern

Cross Station) has been removed and closed to this building.

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The building comprises of a steel beam super structure with tilt up panel construction. All of the

general construction materials used throughout the floors include plasterboard walls with either

plasterboard or suspended SMF ceiling tiles.

The site has undergone asbestos removal on all levels during the mid-1980s to late 1990s. This

involved the removal of sprayed limpet fireproofing to the structural steel members on all floors.

Other asbestos abatement that has been completed in this building has been the removal of

non-friable asbestos based materials during the friable abatement operations.

5.2 Discussions with Relevant Personnel

Discussions were held with the following personnel who provided relevant information on the

likelihood of there being asbestos-containing materials on site:

Date Name - Title Company Information Provided

14/11/12 John Abatzidis Teska & Carson

Pty Ltd

Age of building

Date and extent of refurbishment

Knowledge of presence of asbestos

(aware or not aware of friable materials

and non-friable materials)

5.3 Review of Available Documentation

On request, the following documents were provided for review. The contents of these reports

were considered in undertaking this risk assessment.

Date Title Author/Company

10/10/2003 36537 ARREP-02 Andrew Malcolm

Noel Arnold & Associates

The 2004 report stated that at this assessment, the removal of asbestos containing fire-rating

had been completed on the 1st to 22nd floors inclusive. The Ground floor had not been

remodelled and the 2004 audit was completed, Kane Constructions completed a complete

refurbishment of the floor.

5.4 Visual Inspection and Sampling Program

Eight (8) samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials were collected during the

assessment; detailed findings of the risk assessment can be found in Appendix A - Asbestos

Materials Register.

6. Summary of Findings

The findings of the assessment show that the building tenancy areas are clear of installed

asbestos materials, with the extensive removal of asbestos fire-proofing completed and new

vermiculite fire-rating applied to steel surfaces.

The original plant and ductwork that dates back to the building construction and associated

plant room and basement areas are presumed to contain: asbestos materials as follows:

Throughout plant - Asbestos containing flange gaskets

Throughout ductwork - Asbestos containing ductwork mastic

Level 23 Plant room - Asbestos bituminous under sink lining

Level 21 External – Suspected asbestos eave facade

The risk of asbestos exposure to building tenants is assessed to be negligible.

The known source of residual asbestos is associated with internal columnar voids of the external

risers, which originally contained asbestos cement pipes. The nature of confined risers and pipe

stacks means that asbestos materials can be caught in surfaces in between floors. The base at

each access point has been cleaned and there is no exposure risk entering the risers at

designated access points, but potentially concealed parts of the riser may contain fragments of

the ACM material.

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Other remaining asbestos items in the building are either external to the building, i.e. rooftop;

facade and external eaves, or concealed and installed inside plant and machinery.

Remnant asbestos materials is confined to dusts and debris is concealed spaces of perimeter

column risers, gaskets and seals to machinery and plant and potential for minor quantities of

asbestos in remote parts of the HVAC plant. These items are maintenance controllable and

any work is associated with maintenance or service contractors only.

Precautions for maintenance and servicing of plant and machinery should adopt checks of

gasket seals where plant is dismantled and work performed in line with Division 8, asbestos-

related activity set-out in Part 4.3 Asbestos requirements of the Victorian OHS Regulations


Where demolition of building elements and plant is conducted, a Division 6 audit must be

conducted in line with Division 6 of Part 4.3 Asbestos requirements of the Victorian OHS

Regulations 2007.

Where there is a proposal to work externally on the building, i.e. windows or façade, intrusive

and destructive testing must be conducted within the external facade panelling to access

putties and cement associated with windows or construction joints.

7. Recommendations

Based on the findings of this risk assessment, the following recommendations are made:

7.1 Management Recommendations

A Division 6 audit must be conducted in any area prior to demolition, refurbishment,

alteration or modification works that may impinge upon areas highlighted in Appendix A, as

areas of „no access‟ should be assumed to contain asbestos and/or other hazardous


Appropriate management planning should be implemented in order to control access and

maintenance activities to these areas, until such a time as they can be accessed and the

presence or absence of hazardous materials can be confirmed.

The Management Plan or Contractor Guidelines for work in 120 Spencer Street should be

updated with your nominated service contractors and reviewed annually to inform them that

the building floors are clear of asbestos, however, work that will cause gross disturbance of

settled dusts and/or require dismantlement or demolition of plant, machinery and perimeter

riser columns must be checked prior to work commencing gin case of asbestos materials and


7.2 General

7.2.1 Residual Asbestos from Former Asbestos Abatement Works

WorkSafe Victoria has reissued a prohibition order on June 28, 2007, under Section 55

provisions of the Dangerous Goods Act. The order placed prohibitions on the removal of any

asbestos that is deemed greater than “minor contamination” and is not fixed or installed.

Such removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos removalist. Asbestos that is not

fixed or installed would include loose asbestos residues, asbestos-containing dusts and debris.

Settled dust in the areas of previous asbestos abatement works., such as hollow risers and

horizontal surfaces under asbestos cement roofs and adjacent to asbestos lagged pipelines

7.3 Underground Services

This assessment does not include the inspection of the internals of pipework, underground

tanks, sullage pits, storm water drains, sump pits or any other area not readily and safely

accessible. In these areas the consultant will make assumptions as to the likelihood of

asbestos-containing materials existing and state the reasoning for the assumption.

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8. Glossary of Terms

The following glossary of terms has been referenced from the consolidated Occupational

Health and Safety regulations 2007 and related codes.

Term Definition

Approved asbestos analyst means an analyst approved – (a) by NATA to perform asbestos fibre counting

or to identify asbestos in samples, and to issue findings as endorsed reports

under the authority of a NATA accredited laboratory; or (b) by some other

scheme determined by the Authority under regulation 1.1.6.

Asbestos means – (a) the fibrous form of the mineral silicates belonging to any one or a

combination of the serpentine and amphibole groups of rock-forming

minerals, including actionolite, amosite (brown asbestos), anthophyllite,

crocidolite (blue asbestos), chrysotile (white asbestos) or tremolite; or (b) any

material or object, whether natural or manufactured, that contains one or

more of the mineral silicates referred to in paragraph (a)

Asbestos-containing material means any manufactured material or object that, as part of its design,

contains one or more of the mineral silicates referred to in paragraph (a) of

the definitions of asbestos (other than plant in which asbestos is fixed or


Asbestos-contaminated dust A Government Prohibition Order made under the Dangerous Goods Act,

originally issued on December 17, 2003 relating to the removal of asbestos

that is not fixed or installed (e.g. asbestos-contaminated dust), cannot be

performed by unlicensed contractors. This prohibition does not apply to the

removal of such asbestos where the asbestos does not constitute more than

minor contamination

Asbestos licence holder means an employer or self-employed person who is the holder of an asbestos

removal licence issued under Part 6.1 (Licences)

Asbestos occupational health

and safety management system

means an occupational health and safety management system that is – (a)

related to asbestos removal work; and (b) accredited or approved by JAS-

ANZ or determined by the Authority under regulation 1.1.6.

Asbestos para-occupational air


means air sampling to estimate the airborne asbestos fibre concentration in

the occupational environment, taken at fixed locations, usually between 1

and 2 metres above floor level, in accordance with – (a) the Membrane Filter

Method; or (b) a method determined by the Authority under regulation 1.1.6.

Asbestos register means the asbestos register kept under regulation 4.3.21 as advised in

accordance with Part 4.3 (Asbestos)

Asbestos removal licence means (a) a Class A asbestos removal licence; or (b) a Class B asbestos

removal licence

Asbestos removal supervisor means a person who is appointed by an asbestos licence holder to oversee

asbestos removal work in accordance with regulation 4.3.62.

Asbestos removal work (asbestos


means the removal of asbestos that is fixed or installed in a building, structure,

ship or plant so that the asbestos is no longer fixed or installed in that building,

structure, ship or plant, up to the point of containment.

Asbestos waste means asbestos removed and disposable items used during asbestos

removal work or asbestos-related activities under Division 8 of Part 4.3

(Asbestos), including plastic sheeting and disposable personal protective

clothing and disposable protective equipment including tools.

Assessment of competency means an assessment under Division 3 of Part 3.6.

Chrysotile-containing material means asbestos-containing material that contains chrysotile asbestos

Class A asbestos removal licence means a licence that permits the holder to remove asbestos of any kind as

specified in the licence

Class B asbestos removal licence means a licence that allows the holder to remove non-friable asbestos-

containing material as specified in the licence

Fall arrest system means equipment or material or a combination of equipment and material

that is designed to arrest the fall of a person;

Example – industrial safety net, catch platform or safety harness system (other

than a travel restraint system)

Friable when dry, (a) may be crumbled, pulverised or reduced to powder by hand

pressure, or (b)as a result of a work process becomes such that it may be

crumbled, pulverised or reduced to powder by hand pressure.

Emergency work, in Part 5.1 means work that is required to be immediately undertaken to rectify an

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Term Definition

(Construction) unexpected breakdown of an essential service (including gas, water,

sewerage, electricity and telecommunications) to enable continuance of

that service.

Employer‟s asbestos register means the employer‟s asbestos register kept under regulation 4.3.29 as

revised in accordance with Part 4.3 (Asbestos)

Person in management and


Responsibility under Part 4.3 of the OHS Regulations 2007 - a) must eliminate

so far as is reasonably practicable the exposure of persons at the workplace

to airborne asbestos fibres; or b) if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate

that exposure, must reduce that exposure so far as is reasonably practicable.

Employer Means a person who employs one or more other persons under contracts of

employment or contracts of training.

Person Includes a body corporate, unincorporated body or association or


Occupier (or apparent occupier) defined in the Victorian Occupational Health & Safety Act – 2004 as in “in

relation to a serving of various notices and reports, including provisional

improvement notices, and reports for rights of entry, warrants and collection

of samples by inspectors.

SMF Synthetic Mineral Fibre (SMF) insulation products including rockwool, mineral

fibre, slagwool, glass wool, continuous filament glass and refractory ceramic


9. Reference Documents

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007

WorkSafe Victoria‟s Compliance Code for Managing Asbestos the Workplaces 2008

Safe Work Australia‟s Code of Practice on How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the

Workplace 2011

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Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Appendix A: Asbestos Materials Register

Page 13: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

ExternalEave Facade Level 21 - No access

No Access - Assumed Present

Assumed Positive

Good Non - Friable

Low Low P3 When access is available

These areas have been left due to no safe access at the time of previous asbestos removal works. (Refer to documents 14121 dated 10 March 1998,14121dated 12 March 1998 and 14121 dated 23 March 1998)

Walls - concrete

Fascia Panels - metal

Fascia fixing bracket - no access

No access at time of audit further investigation required

Roof - concrete

Internal - GeneralThroughout

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 1

Page 14: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Perimeter column risers containing storm water and services (access at only specified floor levels)

Asbestos remnant debris Not sampled Assumed Positive

Fair Non - Friable

Low Low P3 Prior to major work

The access floors inside the columns have been previously cleaned, but there remains a low risk of remnant AC sheet debris originating from former AC drainpipes removed in the late 1990s. The removal of assumed ACM debris is regulated as a Class A licensed removal activity and the conditions and presence of ACM debris must be determined prior to future refurbishment or works that may disturb internal materials for a proper assessment and control program to be prepared.

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 2

Page 15: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Ceiling Cavities Throughout Vermiculite fire rating Similar to J114032/08

It is assumed that the removal of the original asbestos vermiculite application to steel has been completed and cleared by a Class A licensed contractor and hygienist to the standards prevailing in the 1990s prior to the current legislation. Records of former clearance certificates and details of any qualifications must be reviewed and maintained for future reference.

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 3

Page 16: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Ceiling Cavities Throughout Settled dusts Not sampled Negative It is unlikely that there is any asbestos contaminated dusts above a minor nature present in any ceiling space cleared by a Class A licensed removal contractor under former regulatory requirements. Asbestos can be detected by trace analysis however for asbestos contamination to be above a minor nature, the level of asbestos must be in a form that could lead to airborne respirable asbestos fibres.

HVAC System and Perimeter riser shafts

Settled dusts Not sampled Assumed Positive

Fair Dust Low Low P3 Prior to major work

Remnant asbestos materials is confined to dusts and debris is concealed spaces of perimeter column risers and plant and potential for minor quantities of asbestos in remote parts of the HVAC plant.

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 4

Page 17: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Electrical Cabinets Throughout

Electrical Cupboard - Metal Switchboard

No Access Assumed Positive

No access due to electrical hazard. Suspected to contain asbestos bituminous electrical backing boards. Further investigation required when access become available

Ductwork Throughout Ductwork Flanges - mastic Similar to J114032 - 04

Assumed Positive

Good Non - Friable

Low Low P4 November 2017

Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Pipework Throughout Pipework Flange - gasket material

Similar to J114032 - 06

Assumed Positive

Good Non - Friable

Low Low P4 November 2012

Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Lifts throughout

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 5

Page 18: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Lift Motor / brakes - Pads assumed to contain asbestos, No access

No Access Assumed Positive

When access is available

Assumed to contain asbestos. Maintain in good order, replace with non asbestos pads as part of routine maintenance. No access further investigation required when access become available.

Lift Doors - No access to internal core

No Access Assumed Positive

When access is available

Maintain in good order. No access further investigation required when access become available

Lift Electrical System - No access, electrical cables and equipment

No Access Assumed Positive

When access is available

Maintain in good order. No access further investigation required when access become available

General Tenancies - Level 1 - 20

Floors - carpet and new style sheet vinyl on concrete

Floor Lift Foyers - carpet or ceramic tile

Walls - concrete & plaster

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 6

Page 19: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Ceiling - plaster and suspended SMF tiles

General Tenancies Amenities - Level 1 - 20

Floors - ceramic tile on concrete

Walls - plaster

Splashbacks - tiles on plaster

Cubical walls - timber laminated

Ceilings - plaster

Ceiling Cavities Throughout

Ductworks - Foil Wrapped SMF

Pipework - combination of foil wrapped SMF and Neoprene Rubber

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 7

Page 20: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Vermiculite based fire-rating materials to structural steel beams

Structural Steel - Metal and adjoining concrete structure in the immediate vicinity of the steel throughout the building high-rise.

Similar to J114032/08

Negative This material is a non-asbestos replacement compound that replaced the original asbestos based vermiculite, previously stripped by Class A licensed contractors

Electrical & Communication Risers

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - concrete

Fire Suppression - SMF pillows and Fire Stop

Basement Riser - Insulation material in soil

Previously Sampled 36537 -



Goods Lift Foyers - Floor B3 to Level 23

Floor - Concrete

Floor Finish Lower Levels - Vinyl floor tiles. 300mm x 300mm Green Tiles

Previously Sampled 36537-



J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 8

Page 21: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Floor Finish Upper Levels - New style sheet vinyl

Walls - Brick

Ceiling - Plasterboard

Electrical Cupboard Switchboard - Internals

No Access Assumed Positive

9 When access is available

Label & maintain in good order . No access due to electrical hazard. Suspected to contain asbestos bituminous electrical backing boards. Further investigation required when access become available

Fire Doors - Non asbestos cores

Doors installed in 1997 as part of the redevelopment works for the site.

Goods Lift Foyer LB3 - L22 Toilets/Store Room

Floor - Concrete

Floor Finish - Ceramic Tiles or new style sheet vinyl

Walls - Plasterboard

Ceiling - Plasterboard

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 9

Page 22: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Splashbacks - Ceramic Tiles over Plasterboard

Cubical Walls - Laminated Timber

Basement Carparks

Ductwork Flanges - mastic Similar to J114032 - 04

Assumed Positive

Good Non - Friable

Low Low P4 Nov 17 Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - exposed concrete soffit

Beam treatment - vermiculite fire proofing

Similar to J114032/08

Negative This material is a non-asbestos replacement compound that replaced the original asbestos based vermiculite, previously stripped by Class A licensed contractors

Internal - Specific AreasBasement B3

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 10

Page 23: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Sprinkler & Hydrant Pump Room

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - concrete

Pipework insulation - combination of foil wrapped SMF and Neoprene Rubber

Pipework - metal

Pipework Flange Gaskets - fibrous material

J114032 - 01 Negative

Backup Pump Motor (blue) Exhaust pipe Flange - gasket material

J114032 - 02 Positive 1 Good Friable Low Low P3 Nov 17 Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 11

Page 24: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Backup Pump Motor (blue) Exhaust pipe - insulation

No Access Assumed Positive

2 Good Friable Low Low P3 Nov 17 Asbestos label affixed. Maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Basement B1

Carpark Plant Rooms

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - concrete

Yellow pipework Flange - gasket material

J114032 - 03 Negative

Electrical Cabinets - Metal No Access Assumed Positive

When access is available

Maintain in good order. No access due to electrical hazard. Suspected to contain asbestos bituminous electrical backing boards. Further investigation required when access become available

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 12

Page 25: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Treatment Tank Plant Room

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - concrete

Ductwork Flanges - mastic J114032 - 04 Positive 3 Good Non - Friable

Low Low P4 Nov 17 Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Carpark Attendant Office

Floor - vinyl tile on concrete

Walls - plaster

Ceiling - plaster

Cleaners - toilet/Bin wash area

Floor - vinyl tile on concrete

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 13

Page 26: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Walls - ceramic tile on concrete

Ceiling - plaster

Behind Urinal - no access No Access Assumed Positive

10 Nov 17 No access behind urinal, suspected to contain asbestos bituminous lining. Further investigation required prior to any works being conducted within this area

Entry from carport B1 to goods lifts

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - concrete

Loading doc - metal

Fire door to goods lift - Internal insulation / core assumed to contain asbestos

No Access Assumed Positive

4 Good Friable Low Low P3 Nov 17 Further investigation required. Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Level 9

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 14

Page 27: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Level 9 Plant Rooms

Floor - concrete

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - concrete

Plant room Adjacent Goods Lifts (NE corner of building) Ceiling structural beam - vermiculite insulation

J114032 - 08 Negative This material is a non-asbestos replacement compound that replaced the original asbestos based vermiculite, previously stripped by Class A licensed contractors

Pipework Gaskets - fibrous material

Similar to J114032 - 06

Positive Good Non - Friable

Low Low P3 Nov 17 Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Electrical SWB cabinets - internal linings

No Access Assumed Positive

When access is available

No access due to electrical hazard. Suspected to contain asbestos bituminous electrical backing boards. Further investigation required when access become available

Level 23 - Plantrooms

Floor - concrete

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 15

Page 28: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Walls - concrete

Ceiling - metal/concrete

Sink adjacent goods lift, underside of sink - bituminous lining

J114032 - 05 Positive 5 Good Non - Friable

Low Low P3 Nov 17 Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan

Heater units throughout - linings

No Access Assumed Positive

6 Further investigation required when access is available. This material should be labelled, incorporated into an asbestos management plan and re-inspected periodically to monitor its condition. Remove by a licensed contractor prior to works which will affect this material

Ductwork Flanges - mastic Similar to J114032 - 04

Assumed Positive

Good Non - Friable

Low Low P4 Nov 17 Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 16

Page 29: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Steam'O'Matic Boiler - Internal insulation

No Access Assumed Positive

7 When access is available

Further investigation required when access is available. This material should be labelled, incorporated into an asbestos management plan and re-inspected periodically to monitor its condition. Remove by a licensed contractor prior to works which will affect this material

Tank Room - Pipework Flange - gasket material

J114032 - 06 Positive 8 Good Non - Friable

Low Low P4 November 2012

Label and maintain in good order. This material should be incorporated into an asbestos management plan and procedures put in place for when maintenance occurs item should be replaced with alternate material.

Level 23 - Entertainment Room

Entertainment Room

Floor - carpet & new style sheet vinyl on concrete

Floor adjacent sink - vinyl tile on concrete

J114032 - 07 Negative

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 17

Page 30: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Walls - plaster

Ceiling plaster


Floor - new style sheet vinyl on concrete

Walls - plaster

Ceiling - plaster

Behind Urinal - Sound deadening lining assumed to be present to rear of item

No Access Assumed Positive

When access is available

Maintain in good order. No access behind urinal, suspected to contain asbestos bituminous lining. Further investigation required prior to any works being conducted within this area

Rooftop BBQ area

Floor membrane - Black bituminous membrane

Previously Sampled 36537 -



Walls - brick

Ceiling - shade sale

Ground Floor


J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 18

Page 31: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

Asbestos Risk Assessment Register November 2012Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd Our Ref: J114032818 Whitehorse Road Client Details: Teska & Carson Pty Ltd Client No. C107089Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 First Floor, 516 Church Street Site Details: 120 Spencer StreetPhone: (03) 9890 8811 Fax: (03) 9890 8911 Richmond Vic 3121 Melbourne Vic 3000

Survey Date: SPECIAL NOTES: Refer Text Sections: Areas Not Accessed and Labelling Requirements.

Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007

Location Item Sample No Sample Status

Dwg/ Photo Condition Friability Disturbance


Status Priority Re-inspect Date Comments

Note 1: Areas not accessed that may contain asbestos must be assumed to contain asbestos until determined otherwise by inspection and sampling in accordance with the14th Nov 2012

Floor - Marble tile on concrete

Walls - marble tile, plaster & glass

Ceiling - plaster

Lifts - no access

Fire Control Office

Floor - new style sheet vinyl on concrete

Wall - plaster

Ceiling - plaster

Retail Shops

Floor - ceramic tile or carpet on

Walls - plasters or ceramic tile

Ceiling - plaster and suspended SMF tiles

J114032 Asbestos Register 120 Spencer 20121122 120 Spencer St Page 19

Page 32: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

November 2012

J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW

Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Appendix B: Photographs

Page 33: Re: Asbestos Risk Assessment - UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne · 2018-12-17 · November 2012 J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW Page 1 1. Introduction This

November 2012

J114032 D5 120 Spencer St 20121129 C107089:TMW

Photo 1: Blue Backup Motor - Gaskets Photo 2: Muffler Insulation

Location: Basement B3 – Sprinkler/ Hydrant


Location: Basement B3 – Sprinkler/ Hydrant


Sample Reference: J114032 - 02 Sample Reference: No access

Item Status: Positive Item Status: Assumed Positive - Labelled

Photo 3: Ductwork Flanges - mastic Photo 4: Fire Door - insulation

Location: Basement B1 – Tank Treatment Rm Location: Basement B1 –Goods lift

Sample Reference: J114032 - 04 Sample Reference: No Access

Item Status: Positive Item Status: Assumed Positive

Photo 5: Under sink - bituminous lining Photo 6: Heater Units - lining

Location: Level23 Plant Room Location: Level 23

Sample Reference: J114302 - 05 Sample Reference: No Access

Item Status: Positive Item Status: Assumed Positive

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Photo 7: Steam-o-matic – Internal insulation Photo 8: Flange joints - gaskets

Location: Level 23 plant room Location: Level 23 – Tank Room

Sample Reference: No access Sample Reference: J114302 - 06

Item Status: Assumed Positive Item Status: Positive

Photo 9: Switchboard – internal backing


Photo 10: Urinal – lining to rear of item

Location: Throughout building Location: Level B1 & 23 Male toilets

Sample Reference: No access Sample Reference: No Access

Item Status: Assumed Positive Item Status: Assumed Positive

Photo 11: Under sink - bituminous lining Photo 12: Heater Units - lining

Location: Level23 Plant Room Location: Level 23

Sample Reference: J114302 - 05 Sample Reference: No Access

Item Status: Positive Item Status: Assumed Positive

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Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Appendix C: Asbestos Identification Analysis (Bulk Sample) Results

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Friday, 30/11/2012 Our ref: C107089:J114032

Peter Kharsas

Teska & Carson Pty Ltd

516 Church Street


Dear Peter,

Yours sincerely


Kirsten Casey : Approved Identifier

Kirsten Casey : Approved Signatory

This letter presents the results of asbestos fibre identification analysis performed on 8 samples collected by

Tricia Williams of Noel Arnold & Associates Pty Ltd on Wednesday, 14 November 2012. The samples were

stated to be from 120 Spencer Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.

All sample analysis was performed using polarised light microscopy, including dispersion staining in our

Melbourne Laboratory in accordance with Noel Arnold and Associates Pty Ltd Test Method NALAB 302

“Asbestos Identification Analysis” and following the guidelines of Australian Standard AS4964-2004.

The results of the asbestos identification analysis are presented in the appended table.

Re: Asbestos Identification Analysis - 120 Spencer Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

The samples will be kept for six months and then disposed of, unless otherwise directed.

Should you require further information please contact Tricia Williams.

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17020, Corporate

Site No. 18349.

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025.

Corporate Site No. 5450, Site No. 5443 Melbourne


The results of the tests, calibrations and/or measurements

included in this document are traceable to

Australian/national standards.

This document shall not be reproduced except in full

Email: [email protected]


A.C.N. 006 318 010 A.B.N. 76 006 318 010

Level 3, 818 Whitehorse Road,

Box Hill, Victoria 3128 Australia

Phone: (03) 9890 8811

Fax: (03) 9890 8911

J114032 - 120 Spencer Street ID 20121115 1 of 2

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Sample ID Analysis Result

















Intermal, Level B1, Treatment Tank Plant Room, Ductwork Flange - mastic

~21 x 7 x 4 mm

Grey coated beige rubbery mastic material

Yellow painted black compressed fibrous sheet material

Internal, Level B1, Carpark Plant Room, Yellow Pipework, Flange - gasket


Melbourne Laboratory

Sample Analysis Results

120 Spencer Street, Melbourne VIC 3000


Internal, Level B3, Sprinkler & Hydrant Pump Room, Pipework Flange -

gasket material

Beige coated black bituminous compressed fibrous sheet material

~14 x 12 x 2 mm

Internal, Level B3, Sprinkler & Hydrant Pump Room, Backup Pump Motor,

Exhaust Pipe Flange - gasket material

Grey painted pink-grey compressed fibrous sheet material

~15 x 4 x 3 mm

Sample Location/Description/Weight or Size

Friday, 30/11/2012 Our ref: C107089:J114032

Site Location:


Internal, Level 23 Plantroom Entry, Under Sink Lining - bituminous material

Black bituminous compressed fibrous sheet material

~9 x 9 x 2 mm

No Asbestos Detected

Organic Fibres

Chrysotile (white asbestos)

~31 x 7 x 3 mm

No Asbestos Detected

Organic Fibres

Chrysotile (white asbestos)




8 Beige powder, mica, fibre vermiculite-type material

Chrysotile (white asbestos)



* Shaded row with bolded text indicates sample contains a positive result for asbestos.

Chrysotile (white asbestos)

No Asbestos Detected

No Asbestos Detected

Organic Fibres

Internal, Level 9, NE Plant Room, Ceiling Beam Insulation - vermiculite

Green and black coated pink-grey compressed fibrous sheet material

Internal, Level 23, Tank Room, Pipework Flange - gasket material

Beige brittle vinyl material and associated amber adhesive material

~75 x 36 x 3 mm

~156 x 25 x 3 mm

Internal, Level 23, Entertainment Room, Floor Covering adjacent sink -

vinyl tile

~75 x 28 x 9 mm

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Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Appendix D: Risk Assessment Factors

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Risk Assessment Factors - Asbestos

The static presence of asbestos-containing materials does not necessarily constitute an

exposure risk. However, if the asbestos-containing material is sufficiently disturbed to cause

the release of airborne respirable fibres, then an exposure risk may be posed to individuals.

The assessment of the exposure risk posed by asbestos-containing materials assesses a) the

material condition and friability, and b) the disturbance potential.

Material Condition

The assessment factors for material condition include:

Evidence of physical deterioration and/or water damage

Degree of friability of asbestos-containing material

Surface treatment, unlined or uncoated

Likelihood to sustain damage or deterioration in its current location and state

Physical Condition and Damage

The condition of the asbestos is rated as either being good, fair or poor.

Good refers to asbestos that has not been damaged or has not deteriorated

Fair refers to asbestos material having suffered minor cracking or de-surfacing

Poor describes asbestos which has been damaged or its condition has deteriorated

Friability and Surface Treatment

The degree of friability of asbestos materials describes the ease of which the material can be

crumbled, and hence to release fibres, and takes into account surface treatment.

Friable asbestos (e.g. sprayed asbestos insulation (limpet), pipe lagging) can be easily

crumbled and is more hazardous than non-friable asbestos products.

Non-friable asbestos also referred to as bonded asbestos, is typically comprises asbestos

fibres tightly bound in a stable non-asbestos matrix or impregnated with a coating. Examples

of non-friable asbestos products include asbestos cement materials (sheeting, pipes etc),

asbestos-containing vinyl floor tiles, compressed gaskets and electrical backing boards.

Disturbance Potential:

In order to assess the potential for disturbance potential the following factors are considered:

Requirement for access for either building work and type of maintenance operations

Likelihood and frequency of disturbance of the asbestos material

Accessibility of asbestos materials

Proximity of air plenums and direct air stream

Quantity and exposed surface areas of asbestos and

Normal use and activity in area, and numbers of persons in vicinity of asbestos materials.

These factors are used to determine (i) the potential for fibre generation, and, (ii) the

potential for exposure to person(s), as a rating of low, medium or high disturbance potential:

Low describes asbestos materials that cannot be easily disturbed, as they are not readily

accessible, with low activity and likelihood of disturbance from maintenance.

Medium describes asbestos materials that are accessible, but normal activity of occupancy

poses low risk of disturbance, but maintenance work may occasionally cause exposure.

High describes asbestos materials that are readily disturbed by maintenance or planned

building works, or their accessibility poses a risk to occupants given the activity in the area.

Where these factors have indicated that there is a possibility of exposure to airborne fibres,

appropriate risk control measures are recommended.

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Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Appendix E: Risk Status Priority Rating System for Control of Asbestos-

Containing Materials

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Risk Status and Priority Assessment for Control of Asbestos Exposure Risks

The control measures require elimination of asbestos exposure risk by removal, or if not

practicable, abatement of exposure risk through enclosure and encapsulation. Other

hazardous materials require risk control measures appropriate to the nature of the hazard,

including precautions for safe handling and management in the workplace or contained

and controlled for regulatory disposal to an approved waste processor or disposal site

Priority Assessment

The following schedule of priority assessment system is adopted to assist in the programming

and budgeting of the control of asbestos and/or hazardous materials risks identified in the


Priority 1 (P1) Organise Abatement Works Immediately before Commencement of Works

An area has asbestos or other nominated hazardous materials, which are either damaged or

are being exposed to continual disturbance. Due to these conditions, there is an increased

potential for exposure and/or transfer of the material to other areas with continued

unrestricted use of the area. Representative asbestos fibre monitoring should be conducted

in the building area during normal building operation where recommended. Prompt

abatement or remedial measure to eliminate the hazard or control the hazardous material is

recommended. As an interim, restrict access.

Priority 2 (P2) Organise Remedial Works before Commencement of Works

Area has asbestos-containing materials or other hazardous material with a potential for

disturbance due to the following conditions:

Material has been disturbed or damaged and its current condition, while not posing an

immediate hazard, is unstable.

The material is accessible and can, when disturbed, present a short-term exposure risk.

Demolition, renovation, refurbishment, maintenance, modification or new installations,

(including air-handling systems, ceilings, lighting, fire safety systems or floor layout).

Appropriate abatement measures should be taken as soon as practicable. A negligible

exposure risk exists if materials remain under the control of a site safety or management plan.

Priority 3 (P3) No Remedial Works Required – Monitor over Period of Works

Area has asbestos-containing materials and other hazardous materials, where:

The condition of the friable asbestos material is now stable and has low potential of being


The asbestos material is currently in a non-friable condition, may have slight damage, but

do not present an exposure unless cut, drilled, sanded or otherwise abraded.

The hazardous material is not earmarked for demolition and can be safely managed on

site in accordance with recommended codes and guidelines.

This presents a low risk of exposure where the materials are not likely to be disturbed by the

planned refurbishment and demolition works. Label the asbestos and document the

presence of the hazardous materials in the employer‟s asbestos register at the site and

maintain under the control of a site safety plant or asbestos management plan. Defer any

major action unless materials are to be disturbed as a result of maintenance, refurbishment or

demolition operations.

Priority 4 (P4) No Remedial Works Required – Review Prior to Any New Works

The asbestos material is in a non-friable form and hazardous materials are stable and in good

condition. It is unlikely that the hazardous materials can be disturbed under the proposed

development, refurbishment or demolition activity. These materials should be left and their

condition monitored during subsequent reviews. These asbestos and/or nominated

hazardous materials must be removed prior to renovations that may impact on the asbestos

hazardous materials.

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Asbestos Risk Assessment

Teska Carson Pty Ltd

UGL Building - 120 Spencer Street Melbourne

Appendix F: Victorian OHS Legislative Requirements

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Victorian OHS Legislative Requirements

The Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 require that the person who

manages or controls the workplace must determine, so far as is practicable, whether

asbestos is present in the workplace by taking into account the following factors:

(a) The type of asbestos-containing material;

(b) The location of the asbestos-containing material;

(c) Whether the asbestos-containing material is friable or non-friable; the condition of the

asbestos-containing material;.

(d) The nature of, age, layout and condition of the workplace; and

(e) The likely exposure of employees to asbestos; and

(f) The system of work to be utilised in the demolition or refurbishment; and

(g) Any other factors considered relevant by the employer, the employees or the health and

safety representative.

(Regulation 4.3.20, Part 4.3, Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007)

If the person who manages or controls a workplace is uncertain as to whether there is

asbestos present, or there are inaccessible areas that are likely to contain asbestos, the

person who manages or controls a workplace must;

(a) Deem that asbestos is present; or

(b) Arrange for an analysis of the sample to be undertaken by an approved analyst.

(Regulation 4.3.27, Part 4.3, Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - 2007)

Notification and Consultation

Copy of this Report Must Be Given

In accordance with regulation 4.3.23, Part 4.3 of the Regulations there is a requirement for the

person who manages or controls a workplace to provide the most recent copy of the audit


Any employer or self-employed person who is a tenant at the workplace.

A person licensed under Part 4.3 of the Victorian Occupational Health & Safety

Regulations – 2007, if removal of asbestos is required.

Provide Access to the Audit

In accordance with regulation 4.3.23, there is a requirement to supply access to the current

asbestos audit to:

Any person engaged to do work which involves the likelihood of exposure to asbestos.

If requested to any person engaged to do work by the occupier.

If requested to any employer or self-employed person who proposes to occupy the


Refurbishment and Demolition

We recommend that where this report is not adequate for the purposes of refurbishment or

demolition works and that an additional risk assessment audit be conducted prior to

commencement of works.

Additional Risk Assessments

In accordance with Part 4.3, Division 6 of the Regulations, the person who manages or controls

a workplace must review the risk assessment audit prior to demolition. If this document is

inadequate having regard to the proposed demolition works, a person who manages or

controls the workplace must revise the risk assessment accordingly.

Regulation 4.3.39 requires that the person who manages or controls a workplace must ensure

that the asbestos materials that may become disturbed as a result of the proposed demolition

works, be removed prior to commencement of works.

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The employer conducting the refurbishment or demolition and/or the licensed asbestos removal

contractor, must ensure that the completeness of the audit is checked having regard to the

extent of proposed work, prior to commencement of those works

Control Plan Requirements

In accordance with regulation 4.3.69, the licensed asbestos removal contractor must prepare a

Control Plan and make the copy accessible to ensure the removal of asbestos is conducted in a

manner that will eliminate the release of airborne asbestos fibres so far as is practicable.

Revision of this Report

At the completion of the asbestos removal project the asbestos register must be revised to

reflect the current situation at the site.

This is particularly relevant for materials identified or suspected of containing asbestos that

remain at completion of refurbishment or demolition works be documented in the current

asbestos register.


It is a requirement of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 for the

person who manages or controls a workplace to ensure that the presence and location of

asbestos materials are clearly identified and where practicable, the identification is to be by


It is recommended that where possible, an asbestos warning label be placed in all locations to

clearly identify the presence of asbestos materials. The asbestos warning label should be affixed

to an asbestos based material or access point to an area containing friable asbestos materials in

order to warn personnel of potential exposure to asbestos fibres if the material is disturbed or if

this area is accessed without precautions being taken.

The practicability of labelling non-friable asbestos items in public access areas should be

carefully considered in relation to the potential risks of exposure.

Abatement of Asbestos Materials

Materials identified as containing asbestos should be removed from the proposed work area

or satisfactorily contained prior to commencement of refurbishment or demolition works in

accordance with control recommendations mentioned in Appendix A. It is recommended

that a specific scope of works documentation be produced to manage the asbestos

abatement project.

Asbestos materials should only be removed by a registered asbestos removal contractor

licensed to conduct this type of work as per Part 4.3.61 (Licensing) of the Victorian

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007.

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