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REACH'S OFFICUI, 1.1. - LA84...

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8 THE ILITTE. April 6. WALDO I, 831 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. We are prepared to make to order our Adjustable Lacing Base Ball Shoes with the Claflin Improved Plate. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS: New Orleans, La., Jan. 24, '87. MR. WALDO M. CLAFLIN. Dear Sir: I wish to express to you the ex- treme satisfaction I have had with your Base Ball Shoes. I can play better ball in them. While they are very light and soft, they wear me better than any yet worn, and when it comes to running bases, can't understand WALDO M. CLAFLIN, Phila., Pa. Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that I unequivocally endorse your Base Ball Shoes. Having worn them two seasons, I find them satisfactory in every way. Yours truly, C. J, FERGUSON. WALDO M. CLAFLIN. Dear Sir: The Adjustable Lacing Base Ball Shoes are still, in my opinion, the best in the business. M. J. KELLY. how a player can do without them. Yours truly, N. F, PFEFFER, 2d Baseman Chicago B. B. Club, JHR. WALDO M. CLAFLIN. Dear Sir: In reply to yours of late date will say I really cannot make a suggestion to improve your make of Base Ball Shoes, Marshalltown, la., Jan, 3. ________Truly Yours, WM. A. SUNDAY. BASE BALL. NEW YORK NOTES. . Day in Trouble- Some of HU Players Kc- fuse to Sign Metropolitan Items. New York has a sensation. Tim Keefe, Mickey Welch ami Tom Deasley refused to sign New York contracts on Thursday. Deasley is offered $100 less than he got laat season. Ewing got what he asked for, and signed. Gerhardt has not yet come to terms, and says he won't play unless he gets as much as he did last Beacon, lie is tn be cut down $400. The trouble with Kccfe and Welch .was that they demanded personal contract*, guaranteeing them their salaries whether they played or not. The un- derstanding was I hut last year shou((l end all «uch arrangements. Mr. Day says of the mat- ter: "Well, they won't get snob contracts from us this year, even if they don't pliy ball. We carfl fi>r our men when sick and puy good galarire, and I duu't tjPe wliy we hhouM bo compelled tu make u ptrsoiml contract wjilj them." Mr. Day expects that the trouble will be m-tll«d in a few dnyn. However, if he U furceil to do without Ko.-fe, W.-lch, and Dcasley, he will do ao, and they will not play ball at all. O'ROURKE'S CASE. In reference to the continued absence of James O'Rou'ke, one of NVw York's valuable players, who, it bttft also been intiniittcd, has reused to 8i»:u, President' Day aaid there was no truth in the rumor that he was holding off f<-r an increased salary. "I telagraplted him yesterday,1' he wild, "to know if he would play with us on Saturday, and here ia his answer." It reads M follow*: "BRIDOEPOBT, Conn., April 1. JOHN B. DAY, ESQ. Dear Sir: In answer to yonr telegram, I may briefly ay that in consequence of not hearing from yon earlier I have neglected to ank or to solicit any special rraDKemements witb the Yale faculty iu reference to my examination. "Unless I can make special arrangements satisfac- tory to them I shall be oblk'ed to forego the pleasure f playing with the "Giants" earlier than June 26. **If the weather is euittblo for playjug to-morrow, however, I will come down; otherwise not for the present. Yours truly, JAS. H. O'BoORKl." MINOR MENTION. The uniform of the Giants this jpwno will consist of a maroon and btack-uttlped ihirt and cap, white kme-breechers nad maroon stockings. Their prac- tice uniforms will be inuff brown, with maroon trim- ming. Managing Director Watrous has a standing offer of a wbo-has a bttttiDg cvurage of over .300 iittheeiidof the 60801). Brown, tbe California catcher, has arrived. He tanda 6 tVt 1 inch in his stocking feet The Metropolitans «re greatly plenstd with three of their new m«n O'Biieu, Morrison and Sommers. The latter is a Cleveland boy, and will mane one of the greatest eatcbera of all the young men in that pogl tfOD. Tiernan, of the New Torks, baa recovered from hta lecent illiieM and will report for doty next Monday. George Gore la practicing base running. It Is raid be fcelievee be will beat Hull if a base-running tourney in Manager Mutrio wit] give the Giants plenty of prac- tice against left handed pitchers. Ho wants to win the pennant and leave Detroit in the shade. We imagine that Donohue, Hall and may be one or two others of the Metropolitans wilt not be kept long on tbe team. The team has five pitchers and UTO catchers too many to retained. If It conies to the release of a pitcher Managing Director Watrous will h»Vfi a hard cht-jco to make. There are Lynch, May*, Shatter, Gush man and By an. The latter haw shown up In wonderful form at practice. Y*>t he wonM probably be the one of th-- fivt- to be disposed of not released, for he would be too valuable a man to throw on the market for any club to gobble up. BEGINNING WITH DEFEAT. The Indianapolis Club Beaten by Cincinnati in Their Initial Game. Special to KPORTINO LIFE. INDIANAPOLIS, April 2. The opening game of ball was plnyed ye.-terday afternoon between Cincinnnti and Indinna|>oli3, the home Uam being defeated by a score of 10 to 4. This was expected, as the local club has had no practice of any account, Meyers, who caught, arriving at 10 o'clock Friday. All things considered, the team did exceptionally well. The ground was covered with snow this morning, and although it melted oS by noon, the weather was cold and nDfitfiTbali|la\liig. However, at least 2,000 siiiver- ing people wniched the game out and how led them- elved hoarse. The team lacked the services of Denny, wfco will arrive lo-ufght and pUv in to-mnriw.'s game. Henley, Oitssett, McGeachey and Graves have itined, and will here not later than Monday. This leaves only Hackett and Klrby unsigned, and they will within the fold sot.n no doubt. Score of game: Indianapolis............... 000001120 4 Cincinnati.......... ....... 10201213 j 10 Karned ririf ImllawapoHs 1, Cincinnati 2. Base Mt« Iurtlaii«»olh9, Cincinnati 13. Bases on balls- Beery 2, GlHHMOck 1, Cahlll 1, Hi ers 1, Kicol 2, Jones I, Carpenter 1. Tasted Ull Myers 1. Wild pitch tlnl:anel. UiitterieM ln<!iauapolis, Boyle and Myers; Cincinnati, filullaueaud Baldwin. Umpire Brtmuan. MIMVAUKEE TIPS. Wo;ild-bc Critics Making Blunders- Grounds Not Yet Selected, Etc. MIL\VAUM;B. March 2^, Editor SPORTING LIFE. James A. Hart arrived in Milwaukee last Friday, and will now remain with us until the season o[;cii?. He is making many friends by hid quiet, g-ntUniinly ways, and the only way lie can keep the crowds from seeing tho Miiwaukeea play will be to close the gates. Gieiter enthusiasm over the National game never prevailed thun there does at the present time. Tlic La Cro-ye correspondent of a St. Louis paper and tio Nothwc&tern Sporttman, of St. Paul, take Mr. Hart to tusk about the sched- ule*; the t.-ruiw writing that Mr. Hart fixed the ci.cduly tu tust hi matt) f, iiytwithstttudinrf tbe Hil- WHII:-'-C^ travel 774 jnUes mom than tho La Crosse lean. Tbc Ij-i Cio«i« pt-uple hu»e mislaid their prtio- tioil tintliuititit:. lt.);urdtuKJniii|« l uiiy sensible per- son 1:0111,1 B 'U it "a, ,i lyiMJintiduHL error and oot an eriui ol th*! c^ntMJitU'w. Tno Xorthtreslern Sportsman makes a iiotf uf citoTn in the schedule, giving -uoio cunsideralile I'Mimim-bco iu its iteue oi Mureh 11^, The cha.ni^ui i-l t:'f co.iiiuUtce will prQtfbly bo plowed wtu n Ih. Northirextern Spo.-kmau disco\er« their blui d L'i iu trji--^, o uu&uvur tl.e blunders (?) of others, If ib y " ij! si e tht nutttr the same prwmiuonce then as V'iij di: Leiuiti. Mr. Hait lius iu,t jet decided where he will play the COL.u.£ M-HtioM. ^iih a Htilu outlay of niuney ih« old Wiijibl-att*-' t j.r -uiid^ would prove the b: nt, although tht i.iHUujdii' nt ul the Fuir Oruandn uru tryiug to m- dnt.B Hr. liar to rtnt their ^rouudd nud ai'c iibtrut ia thei-|'iotui:>»-<4. Th.ByryiiuJ question will be settled by A [Hit 1, wheu C. M. Iii|.'p is expt-ctfcd in Milwuu- »ee. w. U. riiirriyjiton, manager of the La Crosse team, wa-in'.hi.-city t!) (' [>u t twu days. Orto Shomberg let'i fur ImlUti.ipoli* je'-t'-niay to rt^ort. Otto j>l!ifi'js, li-o A'-o-iati'-u t 1 - ihf 1 L a^iie. P. tiestun aiid I'at S'-l^vau, .of Noi'tlii'- s-'.-ii; and Western League fame, ftih p;i-, wiiii Utf >la; I-u,*J8 tli? comiug qeiuon, a Joiin E. M««i.«hnn,.i«(vi»nre ^jfttifof tUe Chai.dler ci'iuiJMHii IP, will *h.,w bt-f-- iiuxi Monday, April 4, at tb" K >!>.-rt Chiv-:s Huii. w paay compriKis Jack Burke, Geur^e U libuicbf (Th<- ilarii..e), Hiily Wil- on. Joliuuii WaiiiiHti uud uiliera. from here they ith.t'A in r'**ri LAO, O>-hk^h, Applebm, Sla.lw<m, Jaut'-iville and one or (,wo otDt-r towns in \ViiscoitMii. YoUl'S) PiVIDSON. AMUSEMENTS. N ATION A lTTH]3ATRi£ Bldsje Avenne. Tenth and Callowhlll Streets. RESEBVKD ORUHKSTK V CHAIKSONLY60CENTS. MONDAY EVENINiJ, APRIL 4, MATINEE- TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATUR- DAY. riUST TIME IN TWO Y BARS OP THE TALENTED YOUNO ACTOR, 1ST. IS. t7VOOX>, In the beuitlfni Komantij B..rder Drama, entirely Kewritteu and Reconstructed, THE BOY SCOUT OH1 THE SIERRAS. PRODUCED IN <;K\M> SPECTAULAK STYLE. 2 HORSE-: Ul'OS THE STAGE 2 40 SUrKRN I'MKll \KIE- *) AN UNEXCELLED DHAMAT1C COMPANY. NOTE Everv lady attending the Tuesday, Tliursday and Saturday Matine.s will receive free an elegant Souvenir Phototype of Mr. Wood» 6KCURE SEATS DURING THE DAY, 9 TO 6. Next Week, Mond *y, April 11, comuieDcinj? with Easter Monday Matin> e, the Now Mexican Melodrama, "ON THE KIO GBANDB." W ALNUT STREET THEATRE. I. Ft.EI8HMAS......Sole Lessee and Manager. THIS WEEK FIVE NIGHTS, TWO MATINEES. THEATllE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY NIGHT. MRS. LANGTRY Accompanied hv MR. CooHLiN and her own Company. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WBDNE-DAY, TUUBSDAY AKD SATURDAY MATINEE. LADY CLANCARTY EVERYTHING PRODUCE!' MAGNIFICENTLY. WEDNESDAY MAT NEE AND SATURDAY NIGHT, i GALATEA. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. NEXT WEEK1W. J. SCANLAN in THE IRISH Barter Monday./ MIN.STREL. A RCH STEEET OPERA HOUSE, TENTH AND ARCH STREETS. AMERICA'S ONE COMIC OPERA, THE 72 PRIZE MEDALS! The Original English Dog Food. Best and Cheapest. 90,000 Dogs Consume 2OO Tons Weekly, and Eat no Other Food. JOMUKB* INTO COO!K:i3Xr<3-1 *XO TH.OTTIBXjE t NO 3VIESS! SPRATT'S PATENT MEAT "FIBRINE" VEGETABLE DOG CAKES WITH BEETROOT. POULTRY MEAL, GAME MEAL and "CRISSEL." BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS. See each cake is stamped SPRATT'S PATENT and an "X." COD LIVER OIL DOG CAKES, Especially beneficial for Puppies recovering from Distemper! and for Dainty Feeders and Sick or Pet Doga. CA/T FOOD, In 5c. half-pound packets. Sufficient to feed a Cat for two daya. Invaluable for conditioning Horses, and :is a change of iood, especially in the case of bad feeders. Biscuits, Plain Round Dog Biscuits, Pet Dog Biscuits, Round Oat Meal frog Biscuit*. Bone fifea-l for Yuppies. P-ATEISTT ORIGINAL ENGLISH MEDICINES. Alterative Cooling Powders. BO eta. Cure for Rheumatism, etc., SO cts. Cure for Jaundice. SO cts. Tonic Condition fillx, ffO cts. _.... Cure. SO cts. TAniment for Sprains, SO cts. Cure for Canker of the Ear, SO cts. Stimulant for Growth of Hair SO cts. Cure for Worms, SO cts. Purging Pills, Cough Pills, SO cts. Cure for Distemper, $1.OO. IHarrluen and Dysentery Cure. $1.OO. DOG SOAP. Non-Poisonous and free from the danger attending the use of Carbolic Acid. Instantly destroys Vermin infest- ing the skin and keeps the coat in exhibition condition. "THE C03TMOX SENSE OF DOG DOCTORING." 25 Cents, or Post Free 28 Cents. Pamphlet on Canine Diseases, and Full List of Medicines, Post Free. TO INSURE A LARGE AND FERTILE STOCK OF Samples and Full Particulars, Post Free. Grx-0-u.xxd. Oyster- JSliollis. BONE MEAL FOR POULTRY OR CHICK. CARDIAC, A TONIC FOR POULTRY. Ronp Paste, 5O cts. Tonic Condition Paste, 50 eta. Gape Cure for Chicks, 5O cts. Disinfectant far Poultry Houses, per packet, 25 ots. Insect Powders, per tin, 25 cts. FIGEONFOOD FOR KEAH1XG TOUffCt SQUABS- Pampulet on Pi^e-'u Uf».iui<f Post Free., POULTKY AND PIGEON SOAP. "Toe Common Sense of Poultry Keeuint," !Oc. f post free, 12c. "Tbe Common Sense of Pheiisant Rearing," lOc.. post free, 12o» PREPARED PUPPY FOOD A Boon to Breeders ! Rears Puppies from Birth! SPRATT'S PATENT (AMERICA), Limited, 239, 241, 243 and 245 East Fifty-sixth Street, N. Y, DOWN-TOWN DEPOT 18 South William Street, New York. CANADIAN DEPOT 518 S. James Street, Montreal. UNIFORMS. OUTFITTERS FOR THE NATIONAL, WESTERN, EASTERN, NORTH- WESTERN, COLLEGE, SOUTHERN, INTER- NATIONAL, OHIO STATE LEAGUES, and AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Don't intcust your orders to inexperienced hands, but send direct to headquarters and get the best and most reliable BASE BALL UNIFORMS, made from material manufactured expressly for our own trade. To avo,id the usual rush, Clubs are requested to select their material and place orders early. Samples of Suitings and prices sent on application. CHICAGO NEW YORK 108 MADISON fc*l BROADWAY PORTING GOOD' OUT APRIL 16TH. THE NATIONAL DAILY Base Ball Gazette, O. P. CA.Y LOR, Managing Editor, And to appear daily thereafter except Mondays. For Sale by all newsde&lera within two hundred miles of New York City the morning of publication. Or It will be sent by mail on trial to any address for Two Months upon receipt of «1.5O; Six Months, »4; One Tear, 87. Addrets all Communications to THE EDITOR. EVERY EVENING AT 8. WKDNE-iD/vY AND SATURDAY M \TINEE^ AT 2. POPULAR PRICES. 25c., 6()c., 75c. and $1. GEEAT INTERNATIONAL SIX DAYS' RACE. CHWTNUT STREET KINK, 23D AND CHETSNUT, MAY 2 TO 7. 84,000 CASH PRIZES. The following entries have been accepted: Albert, Adams, Auders, Bennett, Burns, Curren, Dlckinson, S. Day,W. Day. Deuchar, Dowe, Dlllon, Dolton, Earley, Franklin, Golden, Guer>ero, Gleason'a unknown, Hegelman, Hart, Hurst, Huber, Holt, Johnson, Laytou, Leader, Mulholland, Mxnzi, Noremac, Nolan, O'Leary, Panchot, Poplin, Batferty*s unknown, Bielly, Strokel, Sola, Vint, Wateon, Waldaseer. Additional entries will be received up to April 18, on payment of 825 each. Address WM. M. GRIFFITHS, Caro of 28 8. Sev-nth street. B ASE BALL. BASE BALL. Athl-tic Ground), Twenty-sixth and Jefferson Sts. Games for This Week Local Championship; Monday, April 4....... Tuesday, April5....... ATHLETIC Wednesday, April 6... Thursday, Apiil 7...... Friday, April 8......... Saturday, April 0....... The Philadelphia grounds not being In readiness for the spiing game*, all the above games will teplay<tl on tiw Athletic grounds. Book ticbtfa of the I'hila- delphia Glut) will admit to the games on the Athletic grounds in the above series. Admission, 25 cents. Play at 3:45. vs. PHILADELPHIA. SNEED'S LADS AT WORK. Result of the Game* So Far Flayed and Deductions Therefrom. MEMPHIS, March 28. Editor SPORTING LIFE: Syracuse played here Monday and Tuesday last, losing both games to Memphis by tbe scores 5 to 11 and 1 to 5. Dea Moines were defeated by the Browns on Thursday. Score Memphis 15, Dea Moines 8. On tbe following day the Des Moines turned the tables on Sneed's sluggers, beating them in a miserably played game, or rather half a game five inuingp. Score Dea Moincs 9, Memphis 6. Tosh St'tirs pitched fur Memphis in Friday's gume against I>e» Moim-s, and with the tame support that n-ould have beon given a professional would have won the, game. Wells, late of the Ailtuitaa, did the twirling fur Des MoiLes. Seven base hits, with a total of twelve, were made off Wetla. He gave four men bases ou balls and struck out two. Sears *as hit safely eix tim* e, for a toral of ten based. He gave five men basea on tails »nd struck out two. Yet the Memphis papers say tbat fears is no pitchf-r and praiee Wells as having few equals. S;'ats ia guilty of being an amateur. While lUou'ttbluk that Sears ia the equal of Black, German or Wtijrr-ifle, I do believe in giving tho boy a "showing f«>r Ma ally." Davy Force, by bis wonderful stops, has caught the town. Duve is batting well under the new rules. Dick vhelun ia regaining his old-;ime form. Krch* ard nui'le fjur bits with u total of seven in lust Tues- day's game. Wally Andrews ia a great favorite here. His pick- ops ol low thrown bulls are simply beautiful. Joe Grotty is as fino a catcher aa will ba seen in our League this year, lie is another Cal Broughton, George Baker ia a splendid hAC&Stopj tut bis throwing u aw.ay off. Uaker is aalu^gtr iiom Slug«crville. Weigr-'-fle wil! proVfi our main-stay of pitchers. McAuier is one of the fluent ficUUrj I have ever seen. lie will be heard from during the season. Harry Lloyd ia a cpltmdid batter and lightning base-runner, but put between such fielders as McAleer and Sliced, his work BI centre does not show up well. On Doyle hurt his hand last week and is on the "lay-off" for a few days. Junnie umpired Friday's game and did it welt, too. The new rules will not go through the season as they tiuw stand. Five bqlls and three strikes would be about ri*:ht, Smith bu£ established himself as a favorite. He pitched a ^reat game Against the Dos Moines. Doyle is a fine third basoinau. He id the best bat- ter in the iiiuo and no si -ucli at base-ruuniog. The State championship games will draw tremen- dous crowds. CHICKASAW. They Really Can't Help It, nager Scbmeiz, of the Cinciiiuatis, la havfng le w!!h clubs that have CftiiceKed dates for April without giving pryper notice, and he wants th« tion Couaoit'.cc to take a hand in the mattyj: scribes a penalty of not le.-s than $60 o_r more 00 f< T each offcuse. He says that Wlkoff has ed his co-operation to break up this prftctico ants Preaideut Young to fall in lino, too?' £&- don't be so hard. They couldn't help it, }MU know. That confounded Inter-State Com- merce Bill knocked out all calculations. A spring trip with the great additional expense entailed by the provisions of the bill would have been a crippling tax upon the resources of many minoj cluba. "Ma troubl games Arbit and. p tluii: promis and w change. Ah, tra re 100 f< BASEBALL UNIFORMS COMPLETE, ONLY $4.00 PER MAN. Consisting of Caps (any style), Shirts (with inttial of club ou breast). Pants, Extra Long StockingB, and Bella (any color), ighoe?, with Bteel shoe iplates. Send for Samples be- fore ordering elsewhere. SEND FOU 1887 CATA- LOGUE. H, H, KIFFE, 318 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. AMUSEMENTS. N, ; raTH AND ARCH DIME MUSEUM. 0 A BBADIKBUROH& Co., Proprietors & Manage . WEEK. COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 4. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE FAMOUS ARMY SURGEON! THE ONLY FEMALE PRISONER OF WAR! THE EMINENT WOMAN'S RIGHTS DR. WALKEU will deliver hourly Her Celebrated Lectures known as THIS TO DR. WALKER will also relate her War Experi- ences; her persist**! advocacy of Woman Suffrage, and will explain the difficulties attendant on her success- ful efforts to induce the Forty-ninth Congress to frame a law permitting her to wear male attiro. NO EXTIlA CHARGE FOR THE LECTUKE3. HOP 0' MY THUMB, Smallcet Living Man. ABO, 20 Years. Weight, 0 Ponuds. He can hide himself in a eilk hat. THE TATTOOED QUEEN. THE AKMLESS PKODIOY. SKATORIAL ECCES'TIUC'rf. JOE BERLINER, The Fire-Box Dictionary. Gives correct answers to all questions concerning fires in this city for the past five yours. IN THE THEATRE. CAEBOLL'S COMEDY COMPANY IN THE FCN- NIE-iT OF FPNSY PLAYS. A GREAT CONFUSION. The Prize Lau^h IVdHcor. luO Laughs to the Square Inch. OPEN 1 TO 5. 6:30 TO 10 P. M. ADMISSION AND A SEAT, ONE DIME. SCORE CARD. Everyone should, havo MASON'S SCORE CARB. Send in your orders, aa we have made arrangements to sei\a quicker tham ever before. A good thing to have. It settles all arguments. Wo have two thousand eubscribera and want more. See it; a good thing in a hurry. To all subscribers wo give a Base Ball Almanac and the Atuletio-Philadel[>hia game free;. Sign no contract but MASON'S, '.T^. MASON, 139 NOI'.TII EIGHTH jTIHiBT.______ ATHLETIC BASE BALL CLUB HEADQUARTERS and SAMPLE ROOM, No. 139 North Eighth Street. IMPORTER AND DE\LEK IN ALL KINDS OF SPORTING GOODS. BASK HALL GOOD*, ETC, CHARLES MASON, PROPRIETOR, Also Imported aud Domestic CIGARS and TOBACCO. Athletic Clu» FMiUM ftt Sain, 60 Coal* Fi*muO. Old Frames Re-gilded, THE PHILADELPHIA KENNEL CLUB WILL HOLD ITS FIFTH BENCH SHOW OF DOGS AT ELITE RINK, 23D AND CHESTNUT 8TS, APRIL 19, 20, 21, 22, 1887. For Premium List and Entry Blanks apply SEUHETABY PHILADELPHIA KENNEL CLUB, N. E. Cor. 13th and Market «t»., Philadelphia. ENTRIES CLOSE APRIL 9th. COLUMBIA BICYCLES and TRICYCLES. HIGHEST URADti OF MACHINES MADE. The Test of the Roads for 8 Years Has Not Worn Out a Single Columbia. Thoir Kidors Hold the BEST World's Records. In Ma- jority at Every League Meet. Almost Invariably Ridden by Long Distance Tourists. Every Part In- terchangeable. Catfiloffitf Sent Free. POPE MFG. CO., Boston, N"e\v York, Chicago, Hartford. |T) TM<P PRESS, *8. f trail..- .to, «». Alii 1 KempniMT nil*, «44. Tjv» «' 'oiirowis^^r*'- CARDS Kafi 1*-^- 1 it I'rcttMt, _ , . . . Kaftory. t CU., »<riden. Coin. G AME FOWLS. Celebrate! Fighting Strains Egcs J3 per 12. Stamp flu- reply. CSisi "Ihe Oaks,'' GaHhehbarg, MA 1887. REACH'S OFFICUI, 1.1. Is the Most Complete and Satisfactory B. B. Book Ever Issued Tho Only Publication Containing the CONSTITUTION, the NEW PLAYING RULES and AVERAGES of the American Association. Pffltt/ffffENTS A. J. REACH & CO., No. 23 8. Eighth St., Fhila. PRICE 1O CENTS. WILL BE READY APRIL 1ST. HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST-CLASS BASE BALL UNIFORMS. PROM: $5,50 TO $18,50, Samples of Flannels and Direc- tions for Self-measurement Sent on App.ication. SOLE AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED IEWII CATCHERS' AND I^FIELDERS' &.LOVE, A.- «T. RE A OH & CO., NO. 23 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. NOISE SUBDUERS. "John Creahan, of the Continental Hotel, Philadel- phia, has devised a much-needed appliance f>>r rt'tlnc- intr the noise in rooms, and a patent baa been granted him for it. Almost erery player, who baa con- sideration for others, will recall how much he haa been made to, suffer in construe nee of the mania his neighboring players have had for himmeriug their cues upon the floor, as if to beat tlmo when thvy had failed to beat their antagonist. Croahao stops thin racket by a simple dovko that he attaches to the butt of the cue. As be describes it in a letter, his inven- tion, despite its amn^ing simplicity, is some thing we never before heard of or saw. Crcalian conceived the idea because he had failed to get tbe thing itgt'lf, or substitute for it, from the billiard muuufactnrers. He tins decided t') fix the price at one dollar a dozen," Kow York Clipper, BILLIARDS. '.r:\DljrARTEK-) KOU TUB Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Billiard Table.", Carom Combination and Pool. Bila-r tj ' - ' u'. iy 'li.Mcnpu >n nUv^Vfl on li-iild. Ouei- 500,OOO 'Xolse Suhduers SoM. Ordfr<fiu[U.ill !-ur^->:' tl>* worldiiromotly lUleml^ditOi JOHW CHBAHAIf, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. H. J. BERCMAftB, DEALER IN ' The Brims wick-Balke-Collender Co/s Billinnl and Tool Tables, Bar Fix- tnrcs, Saloon Furniture, Check and Cash Rpgisters, Etc. 1OO'! AI-.UU STHliHT,

8 THE ILITTE. April 6.


Philadelphia, Pa.We are prepared to make to order

our Adjustable Lacing Base Ball Shoes with the Claflin Improved Plate.


MR. WALDO M. CLAFLIN.Dear Sir: I wish to express to you the ex­

treme satisfaction I have had with your Base Ball Shoes. I can play better ball in them. While they are very light and soft, they wear me better than any yet worn, and when it comes to running bases, can't understand

WALDO M. CLAFLIN, Phila., Pa.Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that

I unequivocally endorse your Base Ball Shoes. Having worn them two seasons, I find them satisfactory in every way.

Yours truly, C. J, FERGUSON.

WALDO M. CLAFLIN.Dear Sir: The Adjustable Lacing Base

Ball Shoes are still, in my opinion, the best in the business. M. J. KELLY.

how a player can do without them.Yours truly, N. F, PFEFFER,

2d Baseman Chicago B. B. Club, JHR. WALDO M. CLAFLIN. Dear Sir: In reply to yours of late date will say I

really cannot make a suggestion to improve your make of Base Ball Shoes,

Marshalltown, la., Jan, 3. ________Truly Yours, WM. A. SUNDAY.


Day in Trouble- Some of HU Players Kc- fuse to Sign Metropolitan Items.

New York has a sensation. Tim Keefe, Mickey Welch ami Tom Deasley refused to sign New York contracts on Thursday. Deasley is offered $100 less than he got laat season. Ewing got what he asked for, and signed. Gerhardt has not yet come to terms, and says he won't play unless he gets as much as he did last Beacon, lie is tn be cut down $400. The trouble with Kccfe and Welch .was that they demanded personal contract*, guaranteeing them their salaries whether they played or not. The un­ derstanding was I hut last year shou((l end all «uch arrangements. Mr. Day says of the mat­ ter: "Well, they won't get snob contracts from us this year, even if they don't pliy ball. We carfl fi>r our men when sick and puy good galarire, and I duu't tjPe wliy we hhouM bo compelled tu make u ptrsoiml contract wjilj them." Mr. Day expects that the trouble will be m-tll«d in a few dnyn. However, if he U furceil to do without Ko.-fe, W.-lch, and Dcasley, he will do ao, and they will not play ball at all.

O'ROURKE'S CASE.In reference to the continued absence of James

O'Rou'ke, one of NVw York's valuable players, who, it bttft also been intiniittcd, has reused to 8i»:u, President' Day aaid there was no truth in the rumor that he was holding off f<-r an increased salary. "I telagraplted him yesterday,1 ' he wild, "to know if he would play with us on Saturday, and here ia his answer." It reads M follow*:

"BRIDOEPOBT, Conn., April 1. JOHN B. DAY, ESQ. Dear Sir: In answer to yonr telegram, I may briefly ay that in consequence of not hearing from yon earlier I have neglected to ank or to solicit any special rraDKemements witb the Yale faculty iu reference to my examination.

"Unless I can make special arrangements satisfac­ tory to them I shall be oblk'ed to forego the pleasure f playing with the "Giants" earlier than June 26.

**If the weather is euittblo for playjug to-morrow, however, I will come down; otherwise not for the present. Yours truly, JAS. H. O'BoORKl."

MINOR MENTION.The uniform of the Giants this jpwno will consist

of a maroon and btack-uttlped ihirt and cap, white kme-breechers nad maroon stockings. Their prac­ tice uniforms will be inuff brown, with maroon trim­ ming.

Managing Director Watrous has a standing offer of a

wbo-has a bttttiDg cvurage of over .300 iittheeiidof the 60801).

Brown, tbe California catcher, has arrived. He tanda 6 tVt 1 inch in his stocking feet

The Metropolitans «re greatly plenstd with three of their new m«n O'Biieu, Morrison and Sommers. The latter is a Cleveland boy, and will mane one of the greatest eatcbera of all the young men in that pogltfOD.

Tiernan, of the New Torks, baa recovered from hta lecent illiieM and will report for doty next Monday.

George Gore la practicing base running. It Is raid be fcelievee be will beat Hull if a base-running tourney in

Manager Mutrio wit] give the Giants plenty of prac­ tice against left handed pitchers. Ho wants to win the pennant and leave Detroit in the shade.

We imagine that Donohue, Hall and may be one or two others of the Metropolitans wilt not be kept long on tbe team. The team has five pitchers and UTO catchers too many to b« retained. If It conies to the release of a pitcher Managing Director Watrous will h»Vfi a hard cht-jco to make. There are Lynch, May*, Shatter, Gush man and By an. The latter haw shown up In wonderful form at practice. Y*>t he wonM probably be the one of th-- fivt- to be disposed of not released, for he would be too valuable a man to throw on the market for any club to gobble up.


The Indianapolis Club Beaten by Cincinnati in Their Initial Game.

Special to KPORTINO LIFE.INDIANAPOLIS, April 2. The opening game

of ball was plnyed ye.-terday afternoon between Cincinnnti and Indinna|>oli3, the home Uam being defeated by a score of 10 to 4. This was expected, as the local club has had no practice of any account, Meyers, who caught, arriving at 10 o'clock Friday. All things considered, the team did exceptionally well. The ground was covered with snow this morning, and although it melted oS by noon, the weather was cold and nDfitfiTbali|la\liig. However, at least 2,000 siiiver- ing people wniched the game out and how led them- elved hoarse. The team lacked the services of Denny, wfco will arrive lo-ufght and pUv in to-mnriw.'s game. Henley, Oitssett, McGeachey and Graves have itined, and will 1« here not later than Monday. This leaves only Hackett and Klrby unsigned, and they will b« within the fold sot.n no doubt. Score of game: Indianapolis............... 000001120 4Cincinnati.......... ....... 10201213 j 10

Karned ririf ImllawapoHs 1, Cincinnati 2. Base Mt« Iurtlaii«»olh9, Cincinnati 13. Bases on balls- Beery 2, GlHHMOck 1, Cahlll 1, Hi ers 1, Kicol 2, Jones I, Carpenter 1. Tasted Ull Myers 1. Wild pitch tlnl:anel. UiitterieM ln<!iauapolis, Boyle and Myers; Cincinnati, filullaueaud Baldwin. Umpire Brtmuan.


Wo;ild-bc Critics Making Blunders- Grounds Not Yet Selected, Etc.

MIL\VAUM;B. March 2^, Editor SPORTING LIFE. James A. Hart arrived in Milwaukee last Friday, and will now remain with us until the season o[;cii?. He is making many friends by hid quiet, g-ntUniinly ways, and the only way lie can keep the crowds from seeing tho Miiwaukeea play will be to close the gates. Gieiter enthusiasm over the National game never prevailed thun there does at the present time. Tlic La Cro-ye correspondent of a St. Louis paper and tio Nothwc&tern Sporttman, of St. Paul, take Mr. Hart to tusk about the sched­ ule*; the t.-ruiw writing that Mr. Hart fixed the ci.cduly tu tust hi matt) f, iiytwithstttudinrf tbe Hil- WHII:-'-C^ travel 774 jnUes mom than tho La Crosse lean. Tbc Ij-i Cio«i« pt-uple hu»e mislaid their prtio- tioil tintliuititit:. lt.);urdtuKJniii|«l uiiy sensible per­ son 1:0111,1 B 'U it "a, ,i lyiMJintiduHL error and oot an eriui ol th*! c^ntMJitU'w. Tno Xorthtreslern Sportsman makes a iiotf uf citoTn in the schedule, giving -uoio cunsideralile I'Mimim-bco iu its iteue oi Mureh 11^, The cha.ni^ui i-l t:'f co.iiiuUtce will prQtfbly bo plowed wtu n Ih. Northirextern Spo.-kmau disco\er« their blui d L'i iu trji--^, o uu&uvur tl.e blunders (?) of others, If ib y " ij! si e tht nutttr the same prwmiuonce then as V'iij di: Leiuiti.

Mr. Hait lius iu,t jet decided where he will play the COL.u.£ M-HtioM. ^iih a Htilu outlay of niuney ih« old Wiijibl-att*-' t j.r -uiid^ would prove the b: nt, although tht i.iHUujdii' nt ul the Fuir Oruandn uru tryiug to m- dnt.B Hr. liar to rtnt their ^rouudd nud ai'c iibtrut ia thei-|'iotui:>»-<4. Th.ByryiiuJ question will be settled by A [Hit 1, wheu C. M. Iii|.'p is expt-ctfcd in Milwuu- »ee.

w. U. riiirriyjiton, manager of the La Crosse team, wa-in'.hi.-city t!) (' [>u t twu days. Orto Shomberg let'i fur ImlUti.ipoli* je'-t'-niay to rt^ort. Otto j>l!ifi'js, li-o A'-o-iati'-u t 1 - ihf 1 L a^iie. P. tiestun aiid I'at S'-l^vau, .of Noi'tlii'- s-'.-ii; and Western League fame, ftih p;i-, wiiii Utf >la; I-u,*J8 tli? comiug qeiuon, a

Joiin E. M««i.«hnn,.i«(vi»nre ^jfttifof tUe Chai.dler ci'iuiJMHii IP, will *h.,w bt-f-- iiuxi Monday, April 4, at tb" K >!>.-rt Chiv-:s Huii. T»w paay compriKis Jack Burke, Geur^e U libuicbf (Th<- ilarii..e), Hiily Wil- on. Joliuuii WaiiiiHti uud uiliera. from here they ith.t'A in r'**ri d« LAO, O>-hk^h, Applebm, Sla.lw<m, Jaut'-iville and one or (,wo otDt-r towns in \ViiscoitMii.



NATION A lTTH]3ATRi£ Bldsje Avenne. Tenth and Callowhlll Streets.




1ST. IS. t7VOOX>,In the beuitlfni Komantij B..rder Drama, entirely

Kewritteu and Reconstructed, THE




AN UNEXCELLED DHAMAT1C COMPANY.NOTE Everv lady attending the Tuesday, Tliursday

and Saturday Matine.s will receive free an elegantSouvenir Phototype of Mr. Wood»

6KCURE SEATS DURING THE DAY, 9 TO 6. Next Week, Mond *y, April 11, comuieDcinj? with

Easter Monday Matin> e, the Now Mexican Melodrama, "ON THE KIO GBANDB."

WALNUT STREET THEATRE. I. Ft.EI8HMAS......Sole Lessee and Manager.


MRS. LANGTRYAccompanied hv MR. CooHLiN and her own Company.MONDAY, TUESDAY, WBDNE-DAY, TUUBSDAY








72 PRIZE MEDALS!The Original English Dog Food. Best and Cheapest. 90,000

Dogs Consume 2OO Tons Weekly, and Eat no Other Food. JOMUKB* INTO COO!K:i3Xr<3-1 *XO TH.OTTIBXjE t NO 3VIESS!


See each cake is stamped SPRATT'S PATENT and an "X."

COD LIVER OIL DOG CAKES,Especially beneficial for Puppies recovering from Distemper! and for

Dainty Feeders and Sick or Pet Doga.

CA/T FOOD,In 5c. half-pound packets. Sufficient to feed a Cat for two daya.

Invaluable for conditioning Horses, and :is a change of iood, especially in the case of bad feeders.

Biscuits, Plain Round Dog Biscuits, Pet Dog Biscuits, Round Oat Meal frog Biscuit*.

Bone fifea-l for Yuppies.


Alterative Cooling Powders.BO eta.

Cure for Rheumatism, etc.,SO cts.

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SO cts.

Cure for Distemper, $1.OO. IHarrluen and Dysentery

Cure. $1.OO.

DOG SOAP.Non-Poisonous and free from the danger attending the use of Carbolic Acid. Instantly destroys Vermin infest­ ing the skin and keeps the coat in exhibition condition.

"THE C03TMOX SENSE OF DOG DOCTORING."25 Cents, or Post Free 28 Cents.

Pamphlet on Canine Diseases, and Full List of Medicines, Post Free.

TO INSURE A LARGE AND FERTILE STOCK OF Samples and Full Particulars, Post Free.

Grx-0-u.xxd. Oyster- JSliollis.BONE MEAL FOR POULTRY OR CHICK.

CARDIAC, A TONIC FOR POULTRY.Ronp Paste, 5O cts. Tonic Condition Paste, 50 eta.

Gape Cure for Chicks, 5O cts. Disinfectantfar Poultry Houses, per packet, 25 ots.

Insect Powders, per tin, 25 cts.

FIGEONFOOD FOR KEAH1XG TOUffCt SQUABS-Pampulet on Pi^e-'u Uf».iui<f Post Free.,

POULTKY AND PIGEON SOAP."Toe Common Sense of Poultry Keeuint," !Oc. f post free, 12c.

"Tbe Common Sense of Pheiisant Rearing," lOc.. post free, 12o»PREPARED PUPPY FOOD A Boon to Breeders ! Rears Puppies from Birth!

SPRATT'S PATENT (AMERICA), Limited, 239, 241, 243 and 245 East Fifty-sixth Street, N. Y,DOWN-TOWN DEPOT 18 South William Street, New York. CANADIAN DEPOT 518 S. James Street, Montreal.




Don't intcust your orders to inexperienced hands, but send direct to headquarters and get the best and most reliable BASE BALL UNIFORMS, made from material manufactured expressly for our own trade.

To avo,id the usual rush, Clubs are requested to select their material and place orders early. Samples of Suitings and prices sent on application.




DAILY Base Ball Gazette,O. P. CA.Y LOR, Managing Editor,

And to appear daily thereafter except Mondays. For Sale by all newsde&lera within two hundred miles of New York City the morning of publication. Or It will be sent by mail on trial to any address for Two Months upon receipt of «1.5O; Six Months, »4; One Tear, 87.

Addrets all Communications to THE EDITOR.


POPULAR PRICES. 25c., 6()c., 75c. and $1.



MAY 2 TO 7. 84,000 CASH PRIZES. The following entries have been accepted: Albert,

Adams, Auders, Bennett, Burns, Curren, Dlckinson, S. Day,W. Day. Deuchar, Dowe, Dlllon, Dolton, Earley, Franklin, Golden, Guer>ero, Gleason'a unknown, Hegelman, Hart, Hurst, Huber, Holt, Johnson, Laytou, Leader, Mulholland, Mxnzi, Noremac, Nolan, O'Leary, Panchot, Poplin, Batferty*s unknown, Bielly, Strokel, Sola, Vint, Wateon, Waldaseer.

Additional entries will be received up to April 18, on payment of 825 each.

Address WM. M. GRIFFITHS, Caro of 28 8. Sev-nth street.

BASE BALL. BASE BALL. Athl-tic Ground), Twenty-sixth and Jefferson Sts. Games for This Week Local Championship;

Monday, April 4.......Tuesday, April5....... ATHLETICWednesday, April 6... Thursday, Apiil 7......Friday, April 8.........Saturday, April 0.......

The Philadelphia grounds not being In readiness for the spiing game*, all the above games will teplay<tl on tiw Athletic grounds. Book ticbtfa of the I'hila- delphia Glut) will admit to the games on the Athletic grounds in the above series.

Admission, 25 cents. Play at 3:45.



Result of the Game* So Far Flayed and Deductions Therefrom.

MEMPHIS, March 28. Editor SPORTING LIFE: Syracuse played here Monday and Tuesday last, losing both games to Memphis by tbe scores 5 to 11 and 1 to 5.

Dea Moines were defeated by the Browns on Thursday. Score Memphis 15, Dea Moines 8. On tbe following day the Des Moines turned the tables on Sneed's sluggers, beating them in a miserably played game, or rather half a game five inuingp. Score Dea Moincs 9, Memphis 6. Tosh St'tirs pitched fur Memphis in Friday's gume against I>e» Moim-s, and with the tame support that n-ould have beon given a professional would have won the, game. Wells, late of the Ailtuitaa, did the twirling fur Des MoiLes. Seven base hits, with a total of twelve, were made off Wetla. He gave four men bases ou balls and struck out two. Sears *as hit safely eix tim* e, for a toral of ten based. He gave five men basea on tails »nd struck out two. Yet the Memphis papers say tbat fears is no pitchf-r and praiee Wells as having few equals. S;'ats ia guilty of being an amateur. While lUou'ttbluk that Sears ia the equal of Black, German or Wtijrr-ifle, I do believe in giving tho boy a "showing f«>r Ma ally."

Davy Force, by bis wonderful stops, has caught the town. Duve is batting well under the new rules.

Dick vhelun ia regaining his old-;ime form. Krch* ard nui'le fjur bits with u total of seven in lust Tues­ day's game.

Wally Andrews ia a great favorite here. His pick- ops ol low thrown bulls are simply beautiful.

Joe Grotty is as fino a catcher aa will ba seen in our League this year, lie is another Cal Broughton, George Baker ia a splendid hAC&Stopj tut bis throwing u aw.ay off. Uaker is aalu^gtr iiom Slug«crville.

Weigr-'-fle wil! proVfi our main-stay of pitchers.McAuier is one of the fluent ficUUrj I have ever

seen. lie will be heard from during the season.Harry Lloyd ia a cpltmdid batter and lightning

base-runner, but put between such fielders as McAleer and Sliced, his work BI centre does not show up well.

On Doyle hurt his hand last week and is on the "lay-off" for a few days. Junnie umpired Friday's game and did it welt, too.

The new rules will not go through the season as they tiuw stand. Five bqlls and three strikes would be about ri*:ht,

Smith bu£ established himself as a favorite. He pitched a ^reat game Against the Dos Moines.

Doyle is a fine third basoinau. He id the best bat­ ter in the iiiuo and no si -ucli at base-ruuniog.

The State championship games will draw tremen­ dous crowds. CHICKASAW.

They Really Can't Help It,nager Scbmeiz, of the Cinciiiuatis, la havfng

le w!!h clubs that have CftiiceKed dates for April without giving pryper notice, and he wants th« tion Couaoit'.cc to take a hand in the mattyj: scribes a penalty of not le.-s than $60 o_r more 00 f< T each offcuse. He says that Wlkoff has

ed his co-operation to break up this prftctico ants Preaideut Young to fall in lino, too?' £&-

don't be so hard. They couldn't help it, }MU know. That confounded Inter-State Com­ merce Bill knocked out all calculations. A spring trip with the great additional expense entailed by the provisions of the bill would have been a crippling tax upon the resources of many minoj cluba.

"Ma troubl games Arbit and. p tluii: promis and w change.


tra re 100 f<



$4.00PER MAN.

Consisting of Caps (any style), Shirts (with inttial of club ou breast). Pants, Extra Long StockingB, and Bella (any color), ighoe?, with Bteel shoe iplates.

Send for Samples be­ fore ordering elsewhere. SEND FOU 1887 CATA­


H, H, KIFFE,318 Fulton St.,

Brooklyn, N.Y.


N,; raTH AND ARCH DIME MUSEUM. 0 A BBADIKBUROH& Co., Proprietors & Manage .



THE EMINENT WOMAN'S RIGHTSDR. WALKEU will deliver hourly Her Celebrated

Lectures known as

THIS TODR. WALKER will also relate her War Experi­

ences; her persist**! advocacy of Woman Suffrage, and will explain the difficulties attendant on her success­ ful efforts to induce the Forty-ninth Congress to frame a law permitting her to wear male attiro.


HOP 0' MY THUMB,Smallcet Living Man. ABO, 20 Years. Weight, 0

Ponuds. He can hide himself in a eilk hat. THE TATTOOED QUEEN.



JOE BERLINER,The Fire-Box Dictionary. Gives correct answers to

all questions concerning fires in this cityfor the past five yours.



The Prize Lau^h IVdHcor. luO Laughs to theSquare Inch.


SCORE CARD.Everyone should, havo MASON'S SCORE CARB. Send

in your orders, aa we have made arrangements to sei\a quicker tham ever before. A good thing to have. It settles all arguments. Wo have two thousand eubscribera and want more. See it; a good thing in a hurry. To all subscribers wo give a Base Ball Almanac and the Atuletio-Philadel[>hia game free;. Sign no contract but MASON'S,

'.T^. MASON,139 NOI'.TII EIGHTH jTIHiBT.______





Also Imported aud Domestic CIGARS and TOBACCO. Athletic Clu» FMiUM ftt Sain, 60 Coal* Fi*muO.

Old Frames Re-gilded,




APRIL 19, 20, 21, 22, 1887.For Premium List and Entry Blanks apply


N. E. Cor. 13th and Market «t»., Philadelphia.




The Test of the Roads for 8 Years Has Not Worn Out a Single Columbia. Thoir Kidors Hold the BEST World's Records. In Ma­ jority at Every League Meet. Almost Invariably Ridden by Long Distance Tourists. Every Part In­ terchangeable.

Catfiloffitf Sent Free.POPE MFG. CO.,

Boston, N"e\v York, Chicago, Hartford.

|T) TM<P PRESS, *8. f trail..- .to, «». Alii 1 KempniMT nil*, «44. Tjv» «' 'oiirowis^^r*'-

CARDS Kafi1*-^-1 it I'rcttMt,_ , . . . Kaftory. t CU., »<riden. Coin.

GAME FOWLS. Celebrate! Fighting Strains Egcs J3 per 12. Stamp flu- reply. CSisi

"Ihe Oaks,'' GaHhehbarg, MA


REACH'S OFFICUI, 1.1.Is the Most Complete and Satisfactory B. B. Book Ever Issued

Tho Only Publication Containing the CONSTITUTION, the NEW

PLAYING RULES and AVERAGES of the American Association.


A. J. REACH & CO.,No. 23 8. Eighth St., Fhila.





$18,50,Samples of Flannels and Direc­

tions for Self-measurement Sent

on App.ication.





&.LOVE,A.- «T. RE A OH & CO.,


NOISE SUBDUERS."John Creahan, of the Continental Hotel, Philadel­

phia, has devised a much-needed appliance f>>r rt'tlnc- intr the noise in rooms, and a patent baa been granted him for it. Almost erery player, who baa con­ sideration for others, will recall how much he haa been made to, suffer in construe nee of the mania his neighboring players have had for himmeriug their cues upon the floor, as if to beat tlmo when thvy had failed to beat their antagonist. Croahao stops thin racket by a simple dovko that he attaches to the butt of the cue. As be describes it in a letter, his inven­ tion, despite its amn^ing simplicity, is some thing we never before heard of or saw. Crcalian conceived the idea because he had failed to get tbe thing itgt'lf, or substitute for it, from the billiard muuufactnrers. He tins decided t') fix the price at one dollar a dozen," Kow York Clipper,


Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. BilliardTable.", Carom Combination and Pool.

Bila-r tj ' - ' u'. iy 'li.Mcnpu >n nUv^Vfl on li-iild.Ouei- 500,OOO 'Xolse Suhduers SoM.

Ordfr<fiu[U.ill !-ur^->:' tl>* worldiiromotly lUleml^ditOiJOHW CHBAHAIf,

Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.


The Brims wick-Balke-Collender Co/sBillinnl and Tool Tables, Bar Fix-

tnrcs, Saloon Furniture, Checkand Cash Rpgisters, Etc.

