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Read our Fall Newsletter for more on how God is working through ...

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Reaching, Serving and Impacting Women and Men Who Are Unprepared for Pregnancy Fall 2016 Comforting Others with the Comfort We Received By Orcile Barre, Center Director Our clients oſten come to the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) of Metro Richmond facing many challenging problems and find themselves overwhelmed by their circumstances. What a blessing it is to offer them the same comfort that we ourselves have received. Im so thankful for the day I met Sherri*. She is a beauful young woman, but was very depressed the day I met her. I was surprised to hear her share so openly about the abuse she had suffered. Aſter listening to her, I came to understand that she really felt that no one would ever love her, let alone help her, and that she felt very much alone. In her current situaon with her partner, Sherri stated she was treated badly, but didnt feel as if she had much choice in the maer and had no expectaon of things geng beer. With her face downcast she told me her life was unstable and that she didnt have much, but that having a baby was the one thing she looked forward to. Sherri was so excited about her pregnancy and although she was barely showing she requested maternity clothes and a baby s ouit to take with her. I was so glad we could help her. Sherri had many other needs and hoped to find a job and housing in order to provide for her child. Besides helping her with resources and referrals for medical care, I had an opportunity to share with her about the One who would always love her and be there for her. As she listened and looked into my eyes, I could see a glimmer of hope come across her face. It was as if she was hoping that what I said was possible. Since her first appointment, Sherri has returned to receive ultrasound services and has taken a few parenng classes and aended our Bible study group. Sherri started prenatal care and recently obtained health insurance. I m thankful to see her countenance liſted and although she sll faces difficules, she feels safe and comfortable here and is learning to trust again. We all face difficules in life, but because we know God and trust in Him, we experience Gods peace, comfort, and His strength to face our challenges. We are privileged to share that hope here at the PRC. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 *Names changed for confidenality
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Reaching, Serving and Impacting Women and Men Who Are Unprepared for Pregnancy Fall 2016

Comforting Others with the Comfort We Received By Orcile Barrett, Center Director Our clients often come to the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) of Metro Richmond facing many challenging problems and find themselves overwhelmed by their circumstances. What a blessing it is to offer them the same comfort that we ourselves have received. I’m so thankful for the day I met Sherri*. She is a beautiful young woman, but was very depressed the day I met her. I was surprised to hear her share so openly about the abuse she had suffered. After listening to her, I came to understand that she really felt that no one would ever love her, let alone help her, and that she felt very much alone.

In her current situation with her partner, Sherri stated she was treated badly, but didn’t feel as if she had much choice in the matter and had no expectation of things getting better. With her face downcast she told me her life was unstable and that she didn’t have much, but that having a baby was the one thing she looked forward to.

Sherri was so excited about her pregnancy and although she was barely showing she requested maternity clothes and a baby’s outfit to take with her. I was so glad we could help her. Sherri had many other needs and hoped to find a job and housing in order to provide for her child. Besides helping her with resources and referrals for medical care, I had an opportunity to share with her about the One who would always love her and be there for her. As she listened and looked into my eyes, I could see a glimmer of hope come across her face. It was as if she was hoping that what I said was possible.

Since her first appointment, Sherri has returned to receive ultrasound services and has taken a few parenting classes and attended our Bible study group. Sherri started prenatal care and recently obtained health insurance. I’m thankful to see her countenance lifted and although she still faces difficulties, she feels safe and comfortable here and is learning to trust again. We all face difficulties in life, but because we know God and trust in Him, we experience God’s peace, comfort, and His strength to face our challenges. We are privileged to share that hope here at the PRC.

Praise be to the God and Father

of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of compassion and

the God of all comfort, who comforts us in

all our troubles, so that we can comfort

those in any trouble with the comfort we

ourselves receive from God. For just as we

share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ,

so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

*Names changed for confidentiality

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Your Labor in the Lord is Not in Vain!

Thank you for helping to provide a safe place for moms, dads, and their unborn babies. Thank you for giving of your time, gifts, and talents to a ministry where every life is highly valued. The stories, anonymously shared in this newsletter, represent some of the ways

that you are impacting the lives of those we serve. Your labor in the Lord is not in vain! As a life-affirming ministry, we are with many young moms and dads when they receive the news that they have conceived a child. There are varied responses that are typically based on personal perspective and circumstances. One’s life experiences, support systems, and the responses of those closest to them can have a huge impact on their decision to either parent, lovingly place their child for adoption, or terminate the life of their child through abortion. My heart still skips a beat when I think of the young college student who was so despaired by the intense pressure from the father of the baby to have an abortion and the fear of telling her family that she considered ending her own life. The PRC was here for her, encouraging her to follow through on some additional help, and to let her know that we loved and valued her! The PRC of Metro Richmond has the experience, resources, and faith to help find solutions for difficult pregnancy situations. There are thousands more women and men, though, who would benefit greatly from the PRC’s services. In order to reduce the almost 5,000 abortions being performed per year in and around Richmond, our objective is to make the PRC of Metro Richmond a woman’s first stop in an unplanned pregnancy. Advantageously, the PRC offices are located only minutes from the three major abortion providers in Metro Richmond. Thankfully, with your help the PRC of Metro Richmond has been serving women for over 33 years. We currently serve clients from 75 different zip codes and 13 different known ethnic groups. We have seen many difficult seasons through the years and God has grown us in those times. We have the physical capacity and passion to see many more women and men, but need to significantly expand our marketing avenues, as well as staffing, client support services, and supplies. We will be sharing more about our strategic plan to “Reach the Multitude” at our gala. On November 17th, Christians from across the Greater Metro Richmond community will gather at the Marriott for the PRC 2016 Annual Gala. We are excited about sharing in a night of fellowship and inspiration. Our guest speaker is Kirk Walden, an amazing speaker with a powerful message. You will not want to miss this gala! So make your reservation today, invite some friends, and help us build partners for the ministry as we celebrate life together. For more information or reservations call Janet at 804-673-4150. Thank you again for your prayer and your partnership! Many Blessings,

From the Director

Kim Warburton, Executive Director

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58

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The Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond is committed to

providing compassionate care to

women and men unprepared for

pregnancy by offering resources and practical assistance for life-affirming choices.

All of our services are free and confidential. We do not perform or refer for


24-Hour Help Line (804) 673-2020

Material Donations Please call 673-2020 for drop-off times and directions.

Board Members Chair: Greg Stivers

Vice-Chair: Tim Callahan

Treasurer: Bill Chippendale

Secretary: Lisa Blake

Marty Lico

Asena Madison

Kim Warburton

Rick Wilson

Medical Advisory Board Fidelma Rigby, MD

John Seeds, MD

Lynn Bisbee, RNC,WHNP

Pat Hague, RN, BSN

Sally Harbison, RN

Marty Lico, RN, ANP

Asena Madison, MD

Jonathan Schaaf, MD

Kim Warburton, ED

Catherine Young, RDMS

Client Services Staff (804) 673-2020 Center Director: Orcile Barrett

Nurse Manager: Lynn Bisbee,


Assistant Center Director: Rebecca


Director of PERC: Alison Brown

Staff Nurse: Pat Hague, RN, BSN

Reception: Marla Phillips and Julie


Administration Staff (804) 673-4150

Executive Director: Kim Warburton

Director of Finances: Carol Wray

Director of Communications: Janet


She is Your Neighbor In June, Orcile Barrett, Center Director, and I went on a tour

of the city of Richmond. It wasn’t the usual sightseeing ex-

cursion you might take visitors on such as going to the state

capitol or driving down Monument Avenue. We were going

to see the Richmond City Health District’s (RCHD) Resource

Centers located in the seven housing projects of Richmond.

Because these Resource Centers are placed directly in the

projects, they offer easy access to the residents for routine

check ups, vaccinations, housing advocacy services, etc.

Unfortunately, some of the RCHD projects are many decades old and while they are over-

all being maintained, my heart broke for our city to see the uniformity and drabness of

the homes in these neighborhoods. We finished our tour by visiting the main office of the

Health Department on

Cary Street which is a

new and well-designed

health center.

The tour came about because earlier in 2016 we had invited the nursing staff of the Re-

source Centers, those in the main office, and the staff at the WIC (Women, Infants and

Children) nutritional supplement services to visit our center and learn more about our

services and how we can all better refer our clients to community resources. These were

productive meetings and it was wonderful to see that we share a common goal to assist

women and their partners who are facing an unplanned pregnancy.

As a result, we are now seeing more and more women come to the center telling us that

they have been referred by the Resource Centers or the other offices to receive our free

medical and support services. Recently I saw Jennifer*, a single mom who lives in one of

the projects, for an ultrasound about a week after she came in for her first intake visit and

pregnancy test. She had called to tell us she’d be late for her appointment. We were still-

able to see Jennifer, who was late because the bus she was riding to the PRC broke down

and it took a while to fix it. It was one of the really hot days we had this summer and to-

gether we commiserated about the challenges of the weather, especially for her living in

the projects and then having the bus break down on such a hot day. Her ultrasound went

well and she left knowing how far along in the pregnancy she really was, that her baby

had a heartbeat, and that she was off to a good start.

Having seen the housing projects where Jennifer and many of our clients live, I was re-

minded that I need to be more aware of who my neighbors are and the command to love

them as I want be loved.

I am so grateful to be part of a ministry that reaches out with the love of Jesus to all our

neighbors both in urban and suburban areas, at high schools and colleges, the employed

and the unemployed, and people of all races, ethnicities, and faiths. Thank you to our

faithful partners for making this possible!

Lynn Bisbee, RNC,WHNP Nurse Manager

“The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Galatians 5:14

*Names changed for confidentiality

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Ultrasound is Having a Positive Impact God does amazing things through ultrasound. Even though a client has had a positive pregnancy test and knows she is pregnant, often the ultrasound is what makes the pregnancy a reality.

Laia* was one of those clients. Her pregnancy was unplanned, and she was embarrassed that she had “let this happen.” She had grown up in very challenging circumstances and had never known a stable family environment. She said that she and her boyfriend had discussed their options and were in agreement to have an abortion. I remember her being very composed and matter-of-fact as she told me of her intentions.

A few days later, she returned to the center for her ultrasound. After the pre-ultrasound paperwork was done, we began to pre-pare for the exam. I noticed her begin to tremble, and tears were in her eyes. I asked if she was OK, and she replied that for some reason she was just very emotional. After her boyfriend joined her, we proceeded with the ultrasound. As we did, the tears contin-ued to flow down her cheeks. The impact of the ultrasound was very evident. After the ultrasound, she met with a client advocate to discuss and work through her emotions.

I am thrilled to share that Laia and her partner chose life for their child! This is a joyous example of the impact of ultrasound. We

are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and God uses ultrasound at the PRC to touch hearts with the truth of life.

We are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and God uses ultrasound at the PRC to

touch hearts with the truth of life.

Pat Hague, RN, BSN Staff Nurse

*Names changed for confidentiality

Prayed with 505 clients and shared the gospel with 182 clients. We celebrated with 31 clients who committed their lives to Christ!

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7

Services Provided From January Through August 2016

Intervention Services

1,619 Total visits

677 New cases opened

313 Free ultrasounds performed

545 Free pregnancy tests

87 Men’s ministry visits

379 Bottles of prenatal vitamins provided for clients

PERC (Parenting, Education and Resource Center)

548 Clients’ visits for the mom support groups,

parenting classes, Bible study and Birth of a Family

158 Maternity clothes provided for clients

553 Baby clothes provided for clients

335 Diapers/formula provided for clients

Orcile Barrett Center Director

Your Investment Makes a Difference Through the investment of our volunteers and partners, the PRC of Metro Richmond continues to be a loving refuge for women and men in an unplanned pregnancy. Along with free pregnancy tests and ultrasound we offer vital information so that clients are empowered to make a life-affirming decision for their unborn baby and themselves. We are also privileged to offer parenting classes, moms support group, and Birth of a Family so that our clients gain knowledge about family care, parenting, and ongoing discipleship. You are a part of something wonderful happening at the PRC; God working in the hearts and lives of our clients. Thank you!

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Thank you … Each day we depend on God’s grace and the support of our faithful partners to keep our doors open. We are open approximately 250 days a year and our daily cost to operate the center and provide all of our services free of charge is about $2,600 per day. Thank you to all who have responded to God’s call to assist us by giving of your time, talent, and treasure to enlarge the harvest of righteousness over the past 33 years. For the United Way appeal, the PRC is considered a Private Business (non-government). Donors should fill in the name and address of the center in the section titled, “Specific Care,” at the bottom right of the form.

#3014 for Agency Code #117 for Local Campaign #98488 for Federal Campaign

Hurting Lives are Eternally Changed God is working at the PRC to eternally change lives, even when we feel things are not going so well. In those moments when we feel weak or ill-equipped, God reminds us that it doesn’t matter if we are feeling insufficient because He is almighty and His grace is abundant. I was feeling that insufficient nagging the morning I met Alisha*. During our session she refused to make eye contact. When she did quickly glance at me, there was such a “dead” look in her eyes. As hard as I tried to maintain an open mind, I couldn’t help feeling such a sense of despair. I observed that Alisha was young and when I got a closer look, I noticed that there were scars all along her left arm and leg from cutting. Early in our conversation it became apparent to me that she had come to

the center for our material assistance and referrals and didn’t really want to talk about her options. She told me several times that she wanted this baby. Alisha told me she had mostly grown up in the foster care system and was now living with her boyfriend – neither of whom had jobs or family in town. Her situation seemed very bleak. After helping Alisha with the resources she needed, I pushed past my doubts that she wouldn’t listen to me if I asked her about the gospel. I felt God nudging me to share His love with her. Despite my reservations I asked her if I could share the gospel and she nodded yes. God moved in her heart and she accepted Christ that day!

Experiences like these make me realize what a treasure it is to have the freedom to respectfully, and with permission, share Christ

with all those that come to the center. We could not do this without those who faithfully pray for the PRC and our clients, and all

who generously give of their time and finances. Thank you for heeding the call of the Lord to participate in His work here at the


“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest

upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Marla Phillips, Receptionist

I want to serve with the PRC through a gift of:

□$50.00 □$100.00 □$250.00 □other $______

I want to serve with the PRC with a monthly gift of $______beginning _____. ____Please contact me. Name: _________________________________

Address: __________________________________


Phone: _________________________________

Emails: __________________________________

The PRC staff meets to pray each day before our center opens. We would consider it an honor to pray for any personal requests you may have. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

For Gi f ts, Prayer Requests and Informat ion about the PRC

____ I am interested in learning more about how I can become a

volunteer at the PRC.

____ I would like to receive information about how my church can get involved with the PRC.

____ I / My church or group would like information about the Baby Bottle Campaign.

Please complete the following information as applicable and return it in the enclosed addressed envelope.

Contributions can also be made online through our friendsofprcrichmond.org website.

*Names changed for confidentiality

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Developing Biblical Parents Maisy*, a tall and attractive young woman with beautiful piercing eyes, was 20 weeks pregnant when she first came to the PRC wanting to get involved in the programs offered through our Parenting Edu-cation Resource Center (PERC). She had heard about PERC from a church that was helping her pursue a new vocation and get on a new path. At the PRC, Maisy encountered someone who listened to her story without judgment. She showed interest in both the Parenting Class and the Mom Support Group offered through PERC. At the end of the intake process she wrote on her evaluation that the most helpful thing about her visit was, “Being able to sort of vent and just talk about my situation and feelings I’m going through.”

The very next day after her intake appointment, Maisy experienced Mom Support Group for the first time. The lesson was on “Forgiveness”. Although she was quiet throughout the lesson, she did occasionally nod her head in agreement to comments shared by the leader and other moms. Maisy continued to attend group regularly and after a few weeks, she started to share. As Maisy progressed in her pregnancy, she kept on attending classes, learning parenting skills and how to follow Jesus Christ and His principles for life and family. During one Mom Support Group, with tears streaming down her face, she expressed how much the program had profoundly blessed her. Feeling safe and among friends, she told the group that she had not been able to raise her first child during the infant years and she was now scared about raising her new baby straight from birth. The other moms in group surrounded Maisy with love and support, offering words of encourage- ment and affirmation. Maisy completed the eleven week parenting class and continues attending weekly Mom Support Group, demonstrating her desire to be a good parent. Even now that her precious baby has arrived, Maisy is still learning and growing through the PERC program. Thanks to the support and prayers of faithful donors and churches, the PRC’s PERC program is working with unprepared moms like

Maisy, developing them into biblical parents who are raising loving, godly families!

Meeting Real Needs As one of two receptionists that serve here at the PRC, I see a lot of clients come and go. Many come in for pregnancy tests while others come for ultrasounds and other services that we offer. One of the services that we are able to offer is emergency assistance such as formula and diapers. When some-one comes to our center for these items, I am able to see the kindness and faithfulness of God displayed to these little ones.

Just recently, we were able to serve a mom of a little two-week old. The mom came in because she had very little formula left for her new baby. Even though it is very sad that this

mom could not provide for the needs of her baby, we were able to provide not only formula, but diapers as well. We were able to go above and beyond the initial need that this mom presented. Not only was it through the kindness and the faithfulness of God that we were able to care for this mom and her baby, but it was through the kindness and faithfulness of people like you. Because of God moving in your heart to give, we are able to give to those in need. My prayer for this mom is that through receiving material resources from the PRC, she will begin to see her spiritual need as well, and one day come to know the love that Jesus has for her.

Julie Hagen, Receptionist

Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not

minister to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’

Matthew 25:44 - 45

Alison Brown, Director of PERC

...with tears streaming down her face, she expressed how much the program

had profoundly blessed her.

*Names changed for confidentiality

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Changing Hearts and Minds Each day at the PRC brings new challenges and new opportunities to see God working within the hearts of our clients. In my role as Volunteer Coordinator, I work closely with our trainee client advocates during their training and annually sit in on a counseling session with each current client advocate. I am encouraged to see how God pairs each client with the perfect client advocate who can meet her where she is, relate to her, and offer her the hope of the Gospel and hope for the future. Jamie* came to the PRC for a pregnancy test. She felt abortion was her only choice as she was trying to overcome drug addictions and to provide for herself. Her client advocate did not judge or show surprise as Jamie told of her struggles but instead respectfully shared pregnancy options and gently

offered information without pushing when Jamie said no to some brochures. Jamie agreed to let her client advocate share the Gospel with her and to pray with her.

Jamie came in seriously considering abortion but left wanting to think about it some more. A few days later, she returned for her ultrasound and learned she was carrying twins. After talking with the nurse and again with her client advocate, Jamie said she was going to carry and was think-ing about adoption. Jamie also took advantage of the support that our PERC program offers.

Praise God for using Jamie’s client advocate, nurse, the visual of an ultrasound, and factual brochures to turn her heart towards her babies.

Rebecca Jones Assistant Center Director:

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

Serving our Spanish Clients Well We are blessed to have a fluent Spanish translator to serve our Spanish clients well. Having a volunteer translator (verses clients bringing their own translator) gives us confidence that what the client advocate and the client say is being communi-cated correctly. It is a great privilege when, together with our translator, we can share the good news of the Gospel with a client who then prays to receive Jesus as her personal Savior! God is working at the PRC to redeem and restore fallen man-kind! Just recently, another client came to know the Savior as our translator helped her client advocate minster to her! Praise God that He is patient with us, providing many opportunities for each of us to experience His love and forgiveness. There is rejoicing at the PRC and in heaven when clients surrender their lives to Christ!

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-

nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7

Patience in Serving Because God is Patient Sally* had been to the PRC a few times, and she knew we were a safe place to come and receive resources and education materials should she become pregnant. She didn’t feel able to care for a fourth child and wanted to talk about the options of adoption and parenting. Sally said she went to church as a child, but no longer attended and did not understand why God allowed some things into her life. Her client advocate listened to her story and gently confronted her anger at God and her need for a Savior. The Holy Spirit drew Sally unto Himself that day and she became a Christian!

She came in seriously considering abortion but left wanting to think about it some more.

*Names changed for confidentiality

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PRC OF METRO RICHMOND 1510 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite 200

Richmond, VA 23230

www.friendsofprcrichmond.org Phone (804) 673-4150 Fax (804) 673-4153 [email protected]


1510 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23230-3024

2016 Annual Gala

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Richmond Marriott

With Special Guest Speaker

Kirk Walden

Register today at www.friendsofprcrichmond.org

The PRC of Metro Richmond was

recommended to me and I will recommend (it) as well.

The Staff is very nice,

understanding, and don’t seem to be judgmental

at all.

Recent PRC Client
