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Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer...

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Page 1: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.
Page 2: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

Reading comprehension

Comprehension 1

Please read the passage then answer the questions below.

At the Library

Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library. Mike wants to find a book to

read. His mom wants to use a computer there.

When they get to the library, Mike finds a book about detectives. He also finds a

book with chapters about a friendly ghost. Finally, he finds a book about a man

who lives in the woods without food or water. He puts the books on the front

desk and waits for his mom.

Mike's mom sits at one of the computers in the library. She checks her email and

looks at pictures of flowers on the internet. Then she reads a news article on a


Mike's mom leaves the computer and walks over to Mike, holding up something

out for him. Mike looks at her quizzically. It takes him a moment to recognize

what she is holding. “I got that movie for us to watch tonight," says Mike's mom.

“Are you ready to leave?”

"Sure," Mike says, now holding the movie out in front of him. He reads the cover

while walking back to the library entrance. He puts his books and the movie on

the front desk to check out. A librarian stands behind the counter holding an

electronic scanner. "How long can we keep them?" Mike asks her.

Page 3: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

"Three weeks," says the librarian.

"Cool," says Mike.

Suddenly, Mike is surprised. His mother is checking out something else that is

too big to put on the desk. It’s a picture of the ocean.

"What is that for?" Mike asks.

"To put on our wall at home," says Mike's mom.

"You can do that?" Mike asks.

Mike's mom smiles at the librarian. "Yes," she says, "but we have to return it in

three months."


1) Based on the books Mike finds to check out, we can say that he is interested


A. science

B. nature

C. mystery

D. adventure

2) True or false

While at the computer, Mike's mom checks her mail. (_________)

3) According to the passage, how long can Mike and his mother use the books

and the movie before they must return them to the library?

A. one week

B. two weeks

C. three weeks

D. four weeks

4) As used in paragraph 5, the phrase "check out" most nearly means

Page 4: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

A. to see

B. to rent

C. to find

D. to buy

6) What does Mike's mom want to do with the picture of the ocean?



7) Using the passage as a guide, it can be understood that you can check out

which of the following things from the library?

A. pictures

B. furniture

C. computers

8) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Mike's Mom

B. A Picture of the Ocean

C. At the Library

D. Books, Computers, Movies, and Pictures

Page 5: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

Comprehension 2

Matt’s Missing Pencil

Matt was ready to do his homework. "I am going to ace my maths test!" he said.

Matt opened up his math textbook and grabbed his workbook. "Uh oh," Matt said

as he looked in his pencil case. His pencil was not there.

"Where is my pencil?" Matt asked. "I need my pencil to do my homework."

Page 6: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

Matt looked in his book bag. His pencil was not there. Matt looked around his

desk. He did not see his pencil. Matt looked at the floor. His pencil was

nowhere to be found!

"Mum, I can’t find my pencil," Matt yelled.

Mum walked into his room and pointed to the mirror. She said, "Look over

there." "What? My pencil is not over there," Matt said.

Matt looked in the mirror and laughed. His pencil was behind his ear!


1. Who helped Matt find the pencil?


2. Matt said, “I will ace my math test.” What does this mean?

a. He will not do well.

b. He will hurry.

c. He will get a good grade.

3. Fill in the empty circles.

Where did Matt look for his pencil?

Page 7: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

4. True or false

a) Matt was just about to do his Maths test when he could not find his pencil.


b) Matt mum had the pencil. (__________)

c) Matt put his pencil into his bag. (__________)

d) Matt wasn’t really serious about looking for his pencil. (__________)

e) Matt’s pencil was behind his ear. (__________)

5. Do you think Matt wanted to do his homework? Why?




L.O: To identify and use fronted adverbials and use commas after fronted


Match the fronted adverbial to each sentence so they all make sense.

1. Gently I clean my.

2. Before I go to bed, I play football.

3. At last, I play football the ground began to shake.

4. Every playtime, I reached the finish line.

5. Suddenly, I lost my coat.

6. At the park, she lifted the sleeping baby.

Use the following front adverbials to write your own sentences.

1. Beside my bed,


Page 8: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.


2. Once a week,



3. Carefully,____________________________________________________




Underline the fronted adverbials in the following sentences.

1. As soon as he could, Tom jumped off the train.

2. In the winter, some animals hibernate.

3. Outside my house, I found a pizza.

L.O: To add speech marks to a sentence.

Put the correct punctuation into the sentences below.

I am bored said Jill let’s go out.

Fantastic the boys said.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday said Fatma kindly.

Page 9: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.



L.O: To revise adjectives and adverbs (time, place, manner)

Adverbs are words that describe or modify verbs and sometimes adjectives and

other adverbs. They often answer the questions HOW, WHERE, or WHEN.

Page 10: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

For example:

• Even after one year of lessons, Luke plays the piano badly.

“Badly” is an adverb that modifies the verb “play” and tells us how Luke plays

the piano.

• The class is very difficult. Many students don’t pass it.

“Very” is an adverb that modifies the adjective “difficult” and tells us how

difficult the class is.

Choose an adverb from the list below to complete each sentence.

recently fast yesterday tomorrow soon

1. ___________________ I forgot to brush my teeth before bed.

2. Khalifa will finish his book report _______________________.

3. Fatma and Maha walked to school ______________________.

4. Your plant will grow _________________if you take care of it.

5. My family travelled ___________________to Dubai.

Complete the sentences with the best adverb.

Page 11: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

slowly carefully beautifully well loudly carelessly easily

excitedly finally suddenly quickly quietly

1. Come here ____________. You have to see this!

2. We knew that she had got the job when we saw her _________ talking on the


3. He ______________ put the vase on the table. It fell to the floor.

4. Shahad is throwing a party on Saturday. She ___________ finished her Project.

5. Let’s walk ________________. I don’t want to be the first one at the meeting.

6. Alex _____________ put up the bookshelves. It was too difficult for me to do on

my own.

7. Everything happened so ______________. We had to move to California in less

than a month.

8. Why does he always have to talk so ____________. You can hear him in the next


9. Although she speaks five languages, she did not do ___________ on the

translation exam.

10.I was so surprised. His new apartment was _____________ decorated.

Page 12: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

L.O: To use adverbs and adverbials for identifying place

Use the adverbs in the box to complete the sentences.

there somewhere everywhere around away

a. The boat started to spin ___________________ in the water.

b. He got ____________________ and went outside.

c. He walked __________________ from his car because he couldn’t

start it.

d. I've got a feeling, I've seen him before __________________.

e. I’ve already looked ___________________. I couldn’t find him.

Underline the adverbs of place in the following sentences.

1. Education gets everywhere these days, doesn’t it?

2. I won’t be here to listen to your complaints.

3. The toilets are over there, dear.

4. I’m very busy. So, I can’t stand around chatting all day.

5. I broke my father’s car. I have to go away now!

Page 13: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

Complete the sentences using an adjective or an adverb.

To make adverbs, we often add –ly at the end of an adjective (words that

describe a noun)

Example: beautiful (adjective) girl (noun)

beautiful + ly = beautifully (adverb)

1. He’s always in a rush. I don’t understand why he walks so ____________


2. I prefer studying in the library. It’s always_______________ (quiet/quietly).

3. Michael _____________ (happy/happily) took the assistant job. He had been

looking for a position all summer.

4. Marta dances _____________ (beautiful/beautifully). She’s been taking ballet

since she was five years old.

5. They speak French very ______________ (good/well). They lived in France for

two years.

6. My neighbour always plays ______________ (loud/loudly) music on the

weekends. It’s so annoying.

7. Please be __________ (careful/carefully) in the hallway. The walls have just

been painted.

8. Dan is very smart, but he is not a very___________ (good/well) student.

Page 14: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

9. He reacted __________ (angry/angrily) to the news. I have never seen him so


10.We didn’t ______________ (complete/completely) understand the teacher’s

instructions. Most of us did not finish the assignment.

Circle the adverb

After the game, the disappointed players shook their heads sadly but refused to

accept defeat.

a. Disappointed

b. Sadly

c. After

Sue completely understood the directions.

a. Sue

b. Completely

c. Understood

Jim cut the grass yesterday.

a. Jim

b. Cut

c. yesterday

The rain was pouring loudly on the roof.

a. loudly

b. pouring

c. rain

Jason said that he did not feel well.

Page 15: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

a. said

b. Well

c. feel


To look at patterns in grammar (comparative and superlative forms), adding


& -



• if the word has one syllable:

-The comparative will be word+ er

-The superlative will be the word +est

Eg: big (1 syllable) - bigger- biggest

• If the word has more than one syllable:

-The comparative will be more+ word

-The superlative will be most+ word

Eg: expensive (3 syllables) more expensive - most expensive

• There are some adjectives that don’t follow this rule:

Good better best

Bad worse worst

Many more most

Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative of the words

between parentheses.

Page 16: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

a) Prophet Muhammed has said that the _______________ person is the one

who can control his hands and tongue and not hurt other people.(good)

b) Salem is _______________ than Ahmed. (tall)

c) The Lamborghini Veneno is one of the __________________________cars in

the world. (expensive)

d) My sister is ___________________ in her writing than me. (careful)

e) It is ____________________ today than it was yesterday. (hot)

f) Arabic grammar is __________________ to understand than English

grammar. (difficult)

g) I am the ________________ runner in my class. (fast)

h) Ahmed was sad because his Maths mark in Test two was _______________

than his mark in Test one. (bad)

i) The teacher said that Ali is a ________ reader than Ghanim. (good)

Fill the table with the correct comparative and superlative.


Comparative Superlative







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Use the following adjectives, comparatives or superlatives to write a sentence.










Page 18: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.




Most beautiful



L.O: To revise suffixes; -ing and –ed

We add suffixes to some words to change their meanings.

Ex- The man wanted to run.

The man was running fast.

Run run+ing (suffix) = running

Some suffixes: er , ing , ed

Add "ed" and "ing" to the other words in the list.

Page 19: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

For words that end in a silent "e": drop the "e" and then add "ed" or "ing"

Example: trade - traded - trading

Base word Add "ed" Add "ing"

trade traded trading









Add ing or ed to the words between parentheses and write the new word into

the blank.

1. Abdalla’s plane is______________________ in about an hour.


Page 20: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

2. My brother and I ______________________on the trampoline yesterday.


3. Dana ________________________on the phone last night.


4. The principle will be ______________________ our school’s art contest.


5. Bobby is having a good time ______________________ down the hill.


Use the words in the list to complete the sentences below.

walked talked showed jumped

walking talking showing

1. I am _______________ on the phone with my grandparents.

2. My brother and I _______________ on the trampoline yesterday.

3. My friends and I _______________ to school last week.

4. Jack _______________ on the phone last night.

5. I _______________ my dad what I found last week.

6. Megan is _______________ all over the mall and shopping.

7. Tom is _______________ me where to put my books.

To use nouns and Pronouns effectively and appropriately to avoid repetitions

and ambiguities.

Nouns are names of people, places, animals, things, days of the week and

months of the year.

Page 21: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

Pronouns are written instead of a noun.

Example: Mary was reading a book. Mary liked it a lot.

She liked it a


Underline the noun and circle the pronoun in the following sentences.

1. Anne and Tom went to school by bus. They got to school early every day.

2. Mum baked a tasty cake. She also made sandwiches and tea.

3. The dog was barking at the cat. He was so loud.

4. There was a big apple tree in out garden. It had lots of fruits.

5. My brother and I love playing football. We always play in the evening.

Match the noun with the pronoun.

Mr Adam she

Muhammed and Ahmed he

Mother they

The cat we

My friends and I it

Circle the pronouns in the sentences below. Some sentences have more than

one pronoun.

1. She went to the store with Angela.

Page 22: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

2. Six of us had to squeeze in the tiny car.

3. Every Thursday, Kenny goes to Wal-Mart with them.

4. At the store, the cashier gave her some change.

5. When the sun comes up, he leaves for work.

6. I enjoyed seeing them on the playground.

Rewrite each sentence. Change the underlined word or words to a pronoun.

1. Sarah made dinner for the whole family.


2. Tyler played tag with Miguel and Ramon.


3. Mr. Cane went to the movies with Mrs. Cane.


4. The house needs a fresh coat of paint.

To identify and use possessive apostrophes, eg. Mum’s bag and contraction eg.

I am = I’m.

Possessive Apostrophe

An apostrophe is used to show possession (something belongs to someone).

The most common way it is used is in the apostrophe + s combination in the

end of a person’s name.


The cat belongs to Susan. It is Susan’s cat.

Page 23: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

The dog belongs to Dennis. It is Dennis’s dog.

Read the first sentence. Finish the second sentence using the possessive

apostrophe + s.

1. The lunch belongs to Bob. It is ___________________________________

2. The pencil belongs to Dave. It is __________________________________

3. The game belongs to Lisa. It is ____________________________________

4. The folder belongs to Ann. It is ____________________________________

5. The shoes belong to Jill. They are___________________________________

Re-write the following sentences on the lines below and add apostrophes.

Example: Susans birthday is tomorrow.

Answer: Susan’s birthday is tomorrow.

1. Davids bicycle rides very fast.


2. Mans best friend was his dog.


3. Do you know where Darrens little brother is hiding?


4. The suns rays were shining brightly.


Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

Page 24: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

1. (Sarahs / Sarah’s) textbook was in her backpack.

2. I went to (Stephen’s / Stephens) home for dinner.

3. The (teams / team’s) jerseys were brand new.

4. (Michael’s / Michaels) sweater was dirty.

5. The (lion’s / lions) fur was bright yellow.

Contraction Apostrophes

Fill in the gaps with the contractions of the words between the parentheses.

1. ______ going outside. (He is)

2. ________ finished eating. (They have)

3. He ____________ sing. (cannot)

4. ___________ go swimming. (Let us)

5. You _____________ do that. (should not)

6. They ____________ coming. (are not)

Insert the missing contraction apostrophes.

1. Ive lost my book and Ill need it later.

2. You shouldnt run, I cant keep up to you.

3. They arent coming now so lets go home.

4. Theyre leaving soon and Ill have to go too.

5. Its a sunny day so lets go outside.

6. She didnt look too happy.

Write the correct contraction for each set of words.

Page 25: Reading comprehension 4...Reading comprehension Comprehension 1 Please read the passage then answer the questions below. At the Library Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library.

1. did not ___________________ 2. they will ___________________

3. they would ___________________ 4. he would ___________________

5. were not ___________________ 6. has not ___________________

7. had not ___________________ 8. she is ___________________

9. I have ___________________ 10. we have ___________________

11. he will ___________________ 12. they had ___________________
