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Ready for cambridge 2015

Date post: 06-Aug-2015
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Are you and your students ready for the Cambridge 2015 Exams?

Brian Engquist

The Cambridge exams have changed!

Have you noticed? Have you updated your preparation? / teaching?

What challenges do exam updates give the teacher?

2 minute brainstorm

How good is your knowledge of the new exams?

Did you know…?

Which Cambridge exams have a ‘For Schools’ version?

A KeyB PreliminaryC First D Advanced

Which of these exams has changed for 2015?

A FirstB PreliminaryC ProficiencyD Key E Advanced

Which of the following are true about the 2015 Cambridge Advanced Update?

A It has a more business flavourB There are fewer reading texts C The writing is computer gradedD There are only four papers

Which of the following are true about the 2015 Cambridge First Update? *

A It has a more academic flavourB It is harder than the old exam C There are only four papersD Grammar isn’t tested

*according to Cambridge assessment…

Cambridge exams for 2015

Key Changes: First and First for Schools

Old exam 2015 exam Change

General 5 papers 4 papers Joined Reading and Use of English

Reading and Use of English

1hr 45 mins 72 items

1hr 15 mins 52 items

Shorter texts Fewer items

Writing Compulsory letterOptional set textIncluded story120-180 words

Compulsory essaySet text and story in For Schools only 140-190 words

P1 genre = essayFewer options in (main exam) P2Longer output

Listening P1 questions recordedP2 1 or 2 speakers P3 5 items, 6 options

P1 questions text onlyP2 monologueP3 5 items, 8 options

P1 no audio questions P2 monologue only P3 2 more distractors

Speaking P3 based on pictures P3 based on text prompts. Coming to a decision separate.

Part 3 now word spider, not pictures. Split task.

Key Changes: Advanced

Old exam 2015 exam Change

General 5 papers 4 papers Joined Reading and Use of English

Reading and Use of English

2hrs 15 mins 9 exam parts84 items

1hr 30 mins 8 exam parts56 items

2 Tasks cut 1 New task Shorter texts Fewer items

Writing Compulsory letterOptional set text180-260 words

Compulsory essay Fewer P2 genres No set text 220-260 words

P1 genre = essayFewer P2 options Longer output

Listening No significant changes

Speaking P3 based on pictures P3 based on text prompts. Coming to a decision separate.

Part 3 now word spider, not pictures. Split task.

Reading part 1:Themed texts multiple choice

Use of English part 4: gapped sentences

Reading and Use of English part 6: cross text multiple matching

What does it mean for me?


Examples from Gold First and Gold First New Edition

Published 2012

100% new material

For 2008 exam specs

Published 2014

Light update and new components

For 2015 exam specs

Spot the difference: Use of English


Use of English Part 310 items


Reading and Use of English Part 38 items

Spot the difference: Listening


Listening Part 3 6 options


Listening Part 3 8 options(2 extra distractors)

Spot the difference: Speaking

Revised language focus

Single rubric task

Picture prompts

Split rubric tasks

New audio

Text prompts

Spot the difference: Writing (1)

Part 1: letter/email

Output: 120-150 words

Revised language work

Part 1: essay

Output: 140 – 190 words

Spot the difference: Writing (2)

Letter/email = part 1

Longer input

Shorter output

Letter/email = part 2

Shorter input

Longer output

Revised language work

Spot the difference: Writing (3)

Part 2 can include story

Part 2 no story (except in for schools exam)

Output =120-180

Output = 140-190

Part 2 genres = article, report, review, email/letter


Changes to First v Advanced First Advanced

General From 5 to 4 papers From 5 to 4 papers

Reading & Use of English Shorter texts Fewer items

Shorter textsFewer items2 tasks cut

Writing Fewer P2 genresNo set text or story*Longer output *except in for schools

P1 genre = essayFewer P2 genresNo set text Longer output

Listening P1 no audio questionsP3 more distractors

No significant changes

Speaking P3 based on text prompts not pictures.

P3 based on text prompts not pictures.

Coming to a decision separateComing to a decision separate

1 new taskP1 genre = essay

Practical ideas to develop exam skills

Focus areas•Part 3 Speaking FCE/CAE (coming to a decision)•Part 1 Writing FCE (essay)•Part 6 Reading and Use of English CAE (Cross text multiple matching)

Part 3 Speaking FCE

Come to a decision!

Give students the tools

Disappearing dialogue

A: So which two skills do you think would be the most useful?

B: Top of the list for me would be finding water and making a shelter because without these things you can’t survive.

A: I’d put making a fire above making a shelter. I think learning to make a fire would be the highest priority for me because a fire can keep you warm and you can also use it to boil water so that it’s safe to drink and for cooking.

B: That’s true. So out of these five skills, making a fire and finding water would be the most useful

Disappearing dialogue

A: So which two ____ do you think would be ________?

B: Top of the list for me would be ________and _______ because without these things you _________.

A: I’d put ______ above _______ . I think learning to ___ would be the highest priority for me because _____ can _____ and you can also use it to ______so that it’s safe to ___ and for ______.

B: That’s true. So out of these five skills, _______ and ____ would be the most useful.

Disappearing dialogue

A: So _____ two _____do you ________________?

B: Top ________________________ and ____________ because _________________.

A: I’d ______________. I think _____________________ because ______________ and _____________ so that ______________________.

B: That’s _______. So ____________________ and _________________.

Part 1 Writing FCE (essay)

Part 1 Writing FCE (essay)

You must answer this question- Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.

In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?


NotesWrite about:

1. transport2. rivers and seas3.........................(your own ideas)

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?

Essay structure

Introduction … (Nowadays, many people are concerned about … )

On the one hand … (ways to solve the problems)

On the other hand …. (reasons why they’re too hard to solve)

In conclusion … (my personal on environmental problems) FailPossible essay structure

You must answer this question- Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.

In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?


NotesWrite about:

1. transport2. rivers and seas3.........................(your own ideas)

Making an additional point

Giving a solution to a problem

Introducing an example

Giving a reason

Giving an opinion Making a contrast

Meaning ‘about’ Concluding

Cross text mulitiple matching

Examples from Gold Advanced and Gold Expert

Published 2014

100% new material

For 2015 exam specs

Published 2014

100% new material

For 2015 exam specs

Part 6 Reading and Use of English CAE (Cross text multiple matching)

Surprise Disapproval

Doubt Very strong disagreement

Admiration Optimism

A strong opinion Shock

Concern Confusion

Fear Disappointment

Disbelief Indifference

SurpriseI’d never have guessed thatI can’t believe that That’s the last thing I expectedIt came out of the blue (I’m surprised that)

DoubtI’m not (so) sure whether/ifIt remains to be seen whether/ifI don’t know for certain whether/if(I doubt / It’s doubtful)

CertaintyI know for a fact thatI’m positive thatI’m absolutely sure that(I’m certain that)

AdmirationI’m impressed thatIt’s marvellous/wonderful/fantastic/ that(I admire)

A strong opinionI firmly believe I’m absolutely convinced (I strongly believe)

ConcernI’m worried about/thatI’m anxious about/that (I’m concerned about/that)

FearI’m afraid thatI’m frightened that I’m scared thatI’m terrified that

Disbelief/ShockWho would have thought that…?I would never have thought thatI was taken aback byI was stunned to hear that(I find it difficult to believe that…)(It came as a complete shock)

DisapprovalI can’t say I think it’s a good idea(I disapprove of the fact that)

Very strong disagreementIt’s laughable that…That’s definitely/certainly not the case (I strongly/totally disagree)

Optimism I have high hopes that…(I’m optimistic that)

ConfusionI’m having trouble understanding…(I’m confused by)

DisappointmentIt’s a real shame that.It’s a real let down that (I’m disappointed that/by)

IndifferenceI don’t really care thatIt’s all the same to me It doesn’t matter I’m apathetic(It makes no difference / I’m indifferent)

Thank you!

Any Questions?
