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READY-MADE GLQTHEMG Ap thecary,ispa, and by roforonofl to my prim tbe iiilillo viUresailydliceni...

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VOL. V. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20, !875. NO. 10 THEIRON ERA f>(muiim) KTEHV BITUHIIAY i r JJRNJ. H.YOGT. IlIHTOHAXUPHOiUBTOlt. Ofllw oa Mirris SiraotnBir Blackwell, IN r u n H IM IK ADVAN^r, UI ,0 Ictor, - - - - - - - «S.OO ^U Jlonlhs, - - - - - - - 1.00 ^jireo months, - - - - - - - BO PASSAGE"TICKETS" Liverpool and Queenstown, nil llii' I'llki.rii.K Klciimjliip liiitg : |\MilN, UUNAMti, XATIOXAf* 1 ivei'i'uol and Great WcRleru. 'iinHi ua Englmul and H'tjni niwli of Ireland .[u.liiWfutrdtM. i:.I,lNDHLEV.Ai(oiit, Dlaclnvcll Street, Dover, N. J. Slate Roofing wurlt warrniitoil, mid nrioeii n'Ruuimbli,. nu, lU»d, I'urpta, I'sidttfutiiil, Black and JL'IIV F. .STICKLK, Oounseller at Law AND MASTI3K IV CIIANCKUV, HOCKAWAY. N, J. [ I Til .IH'HPrlVM ,^ t J_» rAMHttSJULB HA I It tttfESSING-, PIf YSICIAN & SURGEON, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts., (OpposiloDOT« Hank,) DOVKIt; N. J., Hi.nxtii of Wouton milChildnu, tuAof tba I'/.r.mi.lI'.ttr y.Hicmillffi. llllco Hour*: ] lo U A. M., 1 lo 3nii>17 to8 !'. M. .1, L. LAUIU^NXi:, SURVEYOR. Surveys Levels mid Oi'iuies mlnfui 1'II))1II niiili'iiviilt: liiiprovemoui OFFICE : HUSSEX 8THEET, 3AS.SAGK TICKKTS M lo »r>ii from uxiiurata,. OUBKI^HTOWN, LONDOK, IllItH'IGL, OAltDtW'/i OLASOOW, li Ilio While Hlur, .Vulloiml. mid 8lnt« of Him null I jii, or BIIV otlicr HUB if »ro- d. i Uroul liriiolii, and Ibivtl llinli of JOIIK LBCiren, Bll»ii»t>ibtruat, UOVJClt, N. J, i« tUt liiiUdluit formerly oeeuntalby Ho I'ont itiBcii, S u m « Ht., DuVUi, N. J. \- ]t —1'JIrtifutar©tttciition ijlvimlo cutting (na'ilri'Minti IwllfciT and iliililruu'*bslr. Ittuoia l.,,ai-«l, *ft nuilgronmt. _ 1-lv " "j7j."vREiLAND, Carpenter and Builder, Jobbing promptly attended Lo. Sti^u OUT Ma»e*» Hair Mill, lUiiekwll St., "'I'vwirwti'takeii, awl material ruriiiMied. . »,rA\H10N HlH'rfK. * < VtK'r o[ Illadiwull and KUKM-XKIB. DOVKIt. N..I. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Hoi'ibi DIUI Cftirinpci to Lft» O. B. G-AGE, USTICE OFTHE PEACE, Office on HiiBeex Street, ii Hut ImlJilitiK farmer]/occupied" an dlllee by Henry Mr Far! in, flint floor. DOVJEit, M. J. Culloelitiiirt «itcnil«] to with diligence. AIKH, Aj;eiit t-M IUH t«*t Iifu MWI lire Iniov- ucetteniiMiiilD^ j_Ji* lj ''_ L 1 HOUSE, TI1OMA8 RUIGHT, Proprietor, WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. 1H1H Wdll-Unown properly ban recoutly Lean . oslitnuivoly ininrnTnd and inodernliod. for u ncuoratiiDijatifln of Uioia Becking ft retired miDcr rcfllibnuu. Hi(u«tcd at tlio Imad oi ike l) :p»toong It ii ana of tlio moat Joelra- o |.laocii> if Inland resort to bo fnniu] witbli o tmino dltt si'toof New "fork. IutiminkU tlm Jlnoflt moan tain iwenory or Nortliorn Koi rsey, ititli oxc31lt a iit limiting nu<l Hilling, am .ifl driven, 1 II in notflurimmed bynny oilier Ii tlio locality, vii Dovnr, t-'lnlit nilleidiaUnt.on tho tlio lk'l. Lark, .t Went, II. U, triluy rroi iNow Vnrk I n* lion ion ring, Vnv pkrtlcn' ai-tr r irr T. IIKPOIIT, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEB IN- OHAHOEBY, Illtlni In Ilir National Onion Bank DillllltiK .Ittor* .a. ST., DOVER, N. 1. y-KltilinOIIH A QMITII,' ITTOKNEl'Si COOMOELLOKS AT LAW, Cor. Blaekwell ami HIIHBUI »ti. I5OVBB. N. J. Itanium Uth, 1S7». 1-Ijr I. ii. Miimiuoun. A. n. eunii, C \ .\. C11LLIGY, ;, fimt-ml Furnishing Undertaker I.ICI'SSKD AUCTIONEUH ANDCOMMIa- RIOXEII OF DEEDS, All cnlrrB promptly attended to'. IRA 0. COOPER, Mason and Builder. Cotitr*ctn taken for nil kind* of Mason lid Jobbing. hnm, rLABTEii AND CBUEST, Furniaieil at ihort sotleo. OIHHU nnHt-r ' v Tlio Iron T.n\ OBlct?," b , Smmrr,' . Ilorcr, N. J. /M K01IOIS .-ItrCIIlAC-KBV, Carriages and Ejleigfhs, Of Kvei-y Dcarrl|itltiii. c.ir. llb-byril and Itcrsni His, DUl'KIl. IV. J. I!uytlm)nr nltontloii palil ft, repairi'iff anil infilling/ ••".•'.. %!/• TMtVKIl I.AllOUATOttY. ABJUJ-I anil Analyse* at oil descrfpttpaii of . DUES AN J) MIN F.ItAI.S CAIIRPULLV MADE. \li»i i>rvbari,'i'Hirlll bo fiiruhhedon application. L. a nmnwniTH, Davvr atordu Comity N. I. OlIl'llDlltci'S DOVBB, N. j . lobbing promptly attended to. S, J. l-ALMIllt, Arcllllrct. 10-, PIANOS, Organs and Melodeons Repaired and Tuned I'nniijitly. in any part nr Morris C.mnly.. Ail. Jnra w. R. WRKJHT, ; . Dornr, N.l DRUGS & MEDICINES G; it. DAnRVjipi.E, Druggist and Oiemist jruulcinon, Dyn tfrvngt Vimn T j to fvgt Vimn, n . r P T ' l Suppiirl.r, anO Skonlilor UratM, uto. ». i hl 'Wt «»4 Nail nniilnii, a tiilt aa.ort- raont onil Br»jt Tar nty nt Tnllea Arliolm— !'l; lel >»,'andD.ali,r« ,unpll«d at Nootaalo J J " "• ?"»»l'»t pure .lrui.nl tin hint onMily "Jil, «old or ilianeWd. JIOIIO D. «JIITH, 'K: ON 11LACKWK1J, a AT LAW ENQJNES FOR, SALET 50Qnn,nYMKfl&ca,Biia. Portable Hoisting Engines SlTal!" ••'HVABUPiS al.G. Will bo n/ "'^ "arEaln. Olio tan be I9en at Hi" 1•K™ l i"\™«lor, ana onB at StonlaCouiily XnMnHorbi, llmi,. Apply to 1.. IV. LASODIN, Amlit, JOIIfi'DUUMMEIVS SHADING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, I'H'twwn the JUNHIOX HOUSE ,,ndDoittt,); DOTEE, N. J. : . DorriqaticSegars Curds. K M.~"3 By ^ DOVKII, N. 3. J. L. CURTIS, Manufacturer of Segars-and JJKALKn IN [HPOHTED 1HVVX, TOBACCO and OKI ARM, MVW., Goodats & Vought's Drug Store ... *.n>lio will bojiluniuxl to ttttnd nil talk xjrtiiulng to lilfl pruTcmaion. 1'r. JiihnstupIIM U tllopniL'tfi»(if DunlUtry. Kiv.t uiwliich lint kicon in th» <%of Dover. I faivo ukunaiwrlil \p» in tbo iwIYcliini .inii'J Nitrous Oxide G-as, ncli la tho Iwsl aiiOHthotio now In uaofor thr _iti!(>fcn oitroctlnu of tenth. I almi ntti tlie uon Cluu, called ttia FLUID or CONI>HNHED OXH. I .tiKke nodiarga for tbo iftmr tbo eitracttng nf tt o tcctli rrlioru now uuca nro inwirtod. Tui tli fliloilffitli (folr], front uno iiollf r mi, and lvir Ifty eenlf toono JdUar, UeaatUul 8L(» of 'iVt«H, ppcr uid wiilor, lor liiO,' on iho 1at out Im- proved Nurt'im Platoi, wttrnuUd to givr I lake plemture in relonKig lu tlw following It«T. B. C. 3taie, Dr. J. tt King, Dr.T. R. O'Ulciulan, M. 11, Dicker*oH.. 8. 1). Johnston, Opposite segur's New Bank, OvorHoodulo ii Yotigh'AVTUKSlorc. DOVRK.JV. J. Urarii ulinil, 1875. 1875. P. H. Hoffman, MERCHANT TAILOR, MOBHISTOWK. i\. J., TV XOU WAST A SUIT OF CLOTHHS MADE thai will SUIT you gnto I'. It. HOFFMAN, Horrlstowu, N. .1. r F you IVA^T TOTAKEA uxnc THUOUCJH slip FINF CLOTHS, reiidi CoiiUngs, Tor, ~- Dentist, MORRISTOWN, N.'J., Solo Propm-toi- fur SfoiTia County of Polaiii Putml IKilffr. (Jold Filling a Hpcclnlty. juid Nitrous Oildo (lag, Ac, i c , Ac. ALLIE'S HOTEL, Succasunna Plains, N. J. A. K. DECAMP, PropV, T UIH Kotol h Hitimtpdln tho uuet bckutlful vnll«j ia Uoma Oouutj, anil la not ear >SHG(1 liy»ny location for lJEiltbfuliioaii. It iatont.fitttraBtaBrisaDlEj'iMoonU.n, vat lui-ttintiint fiom Bucld'iIdiko endLakoHopit- jnff,' llio country in tlio vicinity bolnp jtnonB for iU &ao mottnltln SMnery and oxcof- lent drivoi. M an Inlnn<l Bummer retreat it li House. [flflVARpqPEQMD.L.&W. S T A M H O P H , KT. OT. Win. BHOWN, Prop'r. ^icollunt accoromoilAlIouH for Iraitn.ont n .rmanent tmordora, also a livery and botrcliui itiblo attached to tlio lioiuo. roflsennors IHIOL ,o anil from Ilpdd'ri Lmkn andLake Hopiiconfi Lt teiKQiublo dintges.' * ?5-tf Merchant Tailor, Ami dnoW in HPII'II and Cliliiinin'ti Rc >fndo Clothing, (^'d door frnm Hlnoinrnll,) i '" nnccH to tbn puUiotliat his a lock o(j^__,_ cnmpliatii an unuiuatv ilno 'Qmortmcnt 1 oT Cloiliii'F>ny CftBaiinotliB »hC| VcnttnRa. *»y thu ' ' ant to nt irithout alikrgo; ur nnulo to order 0 GlinrttiEt notice. Alto conntantly on 1 particularly call aitrillion tq my SPRING AND SmiM13B STOCK to Rilit liio iimai. I ooMiaor uiywK In direct C t t l l t h Newark nad Now Yorkoloth d b f t Rli lii C ttl lll i K In direc C ttloDwlth Newark nad Now Yorkoloth ispa, and by roforonofl to my prim tbe iiilillo viUresailydliceni that I smis-lilxral at tbo inovt llbcinl. lrcoi, 3d door from Blirkwdll, Miners' Oil Company. 122* 114 JUIDES LANEKETVVOIIK, ThBlmulni'fif" rnrmorlyoMTled on under the n»mo of P. VV. MEAD will lien?«fter Iw known a MINERS' OIL COJII'ANY Lnbricnling null liurnliij; Oil? far 4,-p(iaOilBarooHpecially adapted lo Mining VaclilncryaDdarc pnanintewl to suit, flpowa. Wbalo. Olitu, Neat B Foot, Lnnl, T^>o., CoU mil Ha'mnloB fnrniahod on anidiration, and guodi flliipi'oii in lirititu «ru>. ' w A 124, MnM.-n T.ano, V. W. 3IEADK, Trawwrcr. H. V. ChAlQ, Agent. PEOPLE'S STORE." (ONE PRICE ONLY. yvOMESTIC PEP.UiTMENT: auEmsii, slimrlMi, ni.u>w TABINI), TICKDII UNNEI4, IlLDIKEIS, gCn.W —UUIBEILLU, o x t i co«a Ai*n BTiwinKti! MISTS, oiKdi UM, CaTTOV Ayo' WOMTED.'(USPET WAKP, Dira', amT'i, vocTiia' IUP.CIIILIIIIIS'B U W - |HII FANCY OASSIMERES, -AND- Black Doeskins, TQ P,,B. BOFFMAS, * Jlfcrristowji, K. J. 'F JfOU WA3TT TO BUV ANY KIND OV Cloths and Cassimeres, rery clleap md hire tlioui . Cut Free of Charge, 00 TO P. II. HOFFMAN, MOltHISTOWN, N. J. MotTiatowo, March SI, 1874. SHAW' & KENT, Mijtot'iimjnuiifl <JV Champagne Cider, Soda Water, Ginger Ale, 4c. A>U SCAI.U1D !!> Bottled Ale & Porter OF SUPERIOR QtlALITY, EO"VEItNJ TT7TS reupuytfiilly inform the pntlle Hint, liav W inR pnKbtUd tlio oitablfibmtmt of Wil •cn'A M»ckoy.nlho»bOTO business, we luvc mna »4dltion»l nnfl modorn impiovot I mnaa additional and mcxtorn improvomoiitR Iu tho iiiacbinory; &H'. and trill.oxeouto all onlori dbtniBtoil to6a w|lli jiromntiionn and cam, flat- ifo » nnniilod t ibrnrixe promptly it A NEW DEPARTURE. MORRISON THE TOBACCONIST, BLAOKWELL ST.. DOVER, JST. J. H AVING piirclilawl Ilia itn^V anil Rood n ."fi.lKnnu or HOWE t lliaiAllD ' Il anplj his ..... lie Isteilro,, BOOKS, PAPERS, STATIONERY PICTURES, HSAMES, Pens and Holders, Inks. MpSip^lJ D^STBUJIBOTS, rEBFOMEKY, NOTIONS, MO., nud all tlie loading lmmdft ol SUGARS andTOBACCOS, LB linreloftw. Mooiwliwini, Prior and Cla; I'lpcfl, Kcgnr Hiildora, PoacliDi, etc. chllv* Hol?'f?fLY MAG j5siN D E9 and i^klnd of r,-riodlc«lH m r p l M ' t o "Kler. , Daily and Weekly Newspapers snnpliod an Binnl nithout intonuntton. all aatl BOO mi la^B 0 atoc)., loa will find ill (Inifi HUincttiliiR new and lule rent lag. Wm. MOERISON. UNION FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, !U. Hanelnnd, Pronriclar, ROCKAWAY, N. J. Chill ami Di'.y Suml liolls, Ami nil hinda nF ROLLINO MILL WORK, Engines, Pumping Machines, AT.T, HIZMS OV OEAUI.\O& PULLEYS, Having t'hia day (llapoicd or oar dock ;nil jUBinenBi to'Hr. Wm. Morrison,vrecomnii)nda.1I mr uid frkutla and cuitomom '" blin ~ ' GEO. W. WELSH, 253 Greenwich St., Hew York, Corner Park Place, FINE WATCHES JETOLBY andSILVERWABE. Trench Martin Clocks and Bronzes na ^ R D.-Witoh repairing a ipoclalty, In wbloli lepirtnont, ii Aeretoforo, my reputaUou !• The liiiiM-, mcjst Inwlf Tlie viohtt, of pttrpl** i'"'l W nd the l.i-is!it little wires daiiix-, crr.j:* Forn Ktar-liitifl from cvi'i 1 llm lea. linlcar-tlmpaoriiciivi-ii full c^utlydii nt To kiuH tlio giccn K™** ! and luMc.v he IIIHISL biiift lliolr tomirllH IDjoy to I'd" A kirn fiiini Hie Ilnlcrof Tny. TiiG lilrda klxi lui-b oflicc aud UvitU'i | i OIOIKU liibit tiui mini on llio li[|l [ Tlm (,'i'npuvlno nmlirofC-F tlio <>]i1 olioi-ry ttv And tlio |>ubl>W an- IUKJUW] bvtbo rill. To(;«[ tlio ilrnl mp of tlio E1U>T- :r Nihim, tlion, BiioniH bum only to bj kiw HI'. MIIRK it nroufi.luvc. Do you? +~* -^ . (iiinj. lun Imiy oticn thci <• v.-s, nlmlivdl til i!«u Tonn, IJy loilj,'itiR-l(>ttins Mhe iiM live, lier IUIIII MIsutiH U r o u u - lako iidlitftvy ; t relict of ono Anilri.i.- [ir.,*n. w WLy, W n e slmil soon bo W tbo Minn, ifvirlu Hoisting; Apparatus orall ItlndRa speciality, mid Furuiilieil nt Shortest Notice. ROLLS, Turned and Grooved to Order. GAS PIPES AND FIXTURES CUT AND FITTED TO ORDER, BBASS CASTINGS . OFEVmilY DESCKUTIOX. A. SIMON, Merchant Tailor Fashionable ClotMer, jsnuwgctllt'ilinhlt ' NEW STORE, . Cop Blaokwell S Sussex Sts. X5O"V23Pt, 1ST. ff. and offers lo thojmblic (in; Largest and Host Selected STOOZ OF GiDODS Ever before offered in this City, COSBIBTIXnOKTUi: FINEHT FREN'Cir AND IKOLIHII I^LOTIIS Almi, a largo Htocl' nr READY-MADE GLQTHEMG PojUonts, Yotttli'dand Cliildivn'sWVnr. Al- Bo, a largo uuoi'lnit'tit iif Gonts rurnishiiis HATS, OArfl.TIlDKllH, VALISES, Ac, i<-. Tho Cutting Donnrtmcn. |H nmlw ll»' nopcr- tlilonof BIR.P. J. McOUIIlK, well knownlor blBexcollent abllitleHln thla Kiwcialij-. Wom' * trial of our enpacHy to pknuD inovi r>-linrtlcii Iw oi droBS. isiov Cor. Bhekwoll and fiiiisoi 61s.,' Dni-fH 1 , X. J. Br. II. B. CHAMUltK, Ap thecary, Blckeiison Street, PPP08ITU Ti. Tt. DE?.p,T, Qdffa fpF nlO HWfll Bcltnlnd hlurl: nf PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TOILE And Fancy Articles Physicians' Prescriptions WMBS ASB wquons Sweedish Leeches s kit* tlio honulSful u vt llpbtor hotly, *UI1 jrli'ti umbnee tho Jr clotb«, lb«t Fro l io Iiulift UlllllliOLl, 'N, and (il lit'r nmgh-Tiuii'il inaiuiinc- [ \ micccMful iiiiilnlluim or ull varieiiea "VII uti, nf AniDikni) (juutlrf, IIOTO till i nud In HID ^'LMVH mid iiuan tintH ; ,vVia nml J.c.ii<luinfu licnr Mint phi da nru inuvilalili.-, ibu ground of thci lnltrrnu buinH In faiiilly wilureil :r.u tints of 1\TO FliitilcH, Iiiturinin- jliofilly bincH, palu rnrmliiD, erimsoii, >st suspicion dl tliclr inttoilnelluii. II thisj-cr.ron tlio lUHi(>r J-VUimy, tr limn it linn HIIH-O 1B(ii. Tliiu will 5 Maruli, illicit is ivILbiu AIK*du?i uf l|t [ini'bd npnu wbiob it cau tret •nir. On nnniA ywrs l i s t e r falls an w|3tli ofA'H'il. Kouio ytura thcro uro i, nino Hunilayd between EpijjJmuy ^(.nuFiduy, but thin yi'nr thtrti Hero flundnvH inturvuiiitig bntircca tlio ml tba 1m* io od llio A I of thi uith y iifL' of Iliu llal'y Oprtnaii mit'iuii. cderid; William, v.WU'V 1./.•,„,M:.I l utiier ivmiiiirii Htniiuu Kiiil.in: of tl Witii ll;« ilcniise o[ . of (.',.:-.s,-l, (lit. title t citinet. Of HIP "NW . . ... were (littVruntiiilly c;.lli-i3, wlio juinctl in special (.'Diiiiliivi 1 to c'liiKmo " the nilur of Uiimtomtoiu," tliis i)u(Ji' Mtocinu'ii ut a iuminiii.1iij)i-ii»:i>w:i» Hi ro in ii .int. Hiri Kruinifatltdr censiiil to be vlccUiv, lint ]v: ;l in(.-! iliL' (it!,* am\ tho HuvL'ti-igiity of ii jilifu of unL'ieiit HL'IJBO ; tli" tfruudsHii tO'tnll. A niLTJior tyrant never brcntliiHl tii-imiui nir. I'mtorlcil liy tin- Jiniidcttng, he itululged hid nrlii- Irury lirujwiiattios to tho utimut limit! l*i»8iute in it eiiiiized (luiiiito*. HeHtib IKtLi'iulH, and k-.l u .lumeMicli'fn r'uUof uiiiHliil. IIo co(]..ettc(l wilh tlieUliuruh, wliiIn lii« (jliiitl uucii]inliuii wiiii tlio tliciifru; Kiiiiko of Onruiiui lionor mid diguitj 1 , viLilc lie luid mmk HOlow Unit, if rti]><J.'lfl Hpualt true, ho wm ropuntodly kiulictl iu liin oivu 'nilnuc—imy, evou in ilia ajieii stioet—by jierHouH provoked liL>yoii(l ull pccdoil in Iiri UIII und u p k e d ; ucl, llnnlly, mic- r uu tho \mr l)otwenn in, which put im unit i Jl f Vneltt IUh. Ilia full iiKiue W«K Uvl-.l.-li Wriffh Turner, btttcvcrylioily called Jinn "Hob. 1 Hy must linvo inuscd HH Hixticlli In.-th duy, tint nu one cared tu lool: a HCCUOI time to flco if Jio wus grawiiif; old mid ring Miit. Ho eliuied umiind livory leu iiiid snloons, ulviivH hungry mid -lyflnigfj'fld, und wliiluno (mo win liis fmiid he liud no cutHiiies, TU« otlier doy lio foil down iu it fuint in n miloou on the river road, and wlicu was restored to cQiisciou.suP«MII Ht-'HtLo tnn>e or four mou WIKJ lia placed him on the IJDII by cxvlaiming : " B(IVB, I'll be iliitned'if I liaiut going todio! r ' No one had ever (.luiiputl to think wlmtbcr Unfilo Hob -vvim over going to (lie. Itiviin llio fruiii'rnl iniprogHion among hii ncquaiutaiicda that ho would live long for three or faur hundred yuan*. " How do you feel ?" they asked. "Kinder trembly nml weak," lio ro- plied. "I'll bet fifty caiU I'll );ick tbo mket nforo noon I" They oflemd to brintr II doctor, but •"N'o, don't tnko miy tionblo; 'toud right fobiiniuoBs na imnitl, nud when I L'liou nil tbo butchers iioiriy mad illd drive tbn THltmtftbUofBca.'vyUowfv;n» Mt \\\Cr,\»wlo» Ami ovury joint Jicr Idilger imJ, pnuiiRli d> float a nary— iVb, ricli,broitu, Kloricum, linmlnua Jnlun \~\\ua AtfifX\VilXiS **^fiCOQ-ffrnry> . lio mnnl^il biro riclit out of Jinnd: tilto turncil licrlodgcr» out) - nd bo,tliongb still n ]wrlly man, ilota not look qnito BO stout; For at each meal lio vjs-A via IKwltii fair )*rn.- m.o Carres'tho julutu.tiul sivoslmr lord mr. all LJVU jiuiulk lint tU.iiv itu'tu \Tuik—v very nflon done; ' Bui p'npa tiol Utowiwti by \V.\lavf nvtivrii, 1 for vrcdi.lug won, Ii, you trim loflga, ilitin uMows plump, wilU bur Ha black anilivavyt ,iid aitvtya lock BUMpidonrtt* on diitirn swum willi gravy. tobini unil bia 8]ic(!ius. Alniiy of your realicrH will iciucuiboi 1 tiis (jv.lmgaoua behavior tmvnnbt (he Cnssel I'fuliiuncnt wjou utter 18S3. circrtmwcriiig was tlm iuiprt'iiHiou ]>rocliici>d thiiiuyliout aoriunuy by wliut ho (lid Unit Prtuiiu, ttiongli corluiiily uuytliiiig but libcnd in tliosz i!«y*, Uwuglit U iufuuibuut npou IIPI- to iuterfcro in tho iutari!!,^ of iioliti- cal ilcueney. liut Auslnu, being ovnr- iinxioiiB to uphold tbo sovereign rights of tbo minor princcn, bet'imno tlioy pre- vitutud iiuity, sidud witb Iho oleclor. Wlicn l'l'iissm tbrcnteiicd to Imro ro- uoiireu toinnin force, Austiin sent hor . into tlio Electorntc, uid nftor tho UH battlo ot Bi'nuiiffi'.l, in which one !iy liorac WUH wounded, mieeecHled in (IRIIIB nnd expelling thetrgoiiHof IPi-liu gorornniant. Tills "ww lu Tbo vviMikii&sR aliowii cm thnt ou- II by Ilerr ron MuutoufFel, nnrt tbo uccfnl emmo nf tbo wliolo affair, bu cd iu tlio Qfi'innil mind that it lbly did innro tbnu anything OIHO VQtbo way for Uioovcnta of 18QC. liy had tlio iircsontllmporor bucomo JO Hege.it when, tiiking tip tho rolrif tlio IIusso CuBscil Purlinineiit, iniiiukd tlm ruiitnration of llio coil- ional riglitn of the Ileutim people, von I!nnialnrfliiif(iiTnedtheoli;ctiJr nmtiy voitls Unit "tiino wns ii]j;" hfii ho left tho Cubinot, Hew von trek, who cixmo in after him, Hont wd to iiiHiHt iiiraii imjdicit iibedi- witfiiu fofly-wiglit bniu'H, llio elcc- rioldod with a very bad giiipo, anil his revenge by promoting tho io bntwi'cu llui minor priueoa of n'ti, whicli, iiftar iiiijiortnnt raauoeu- tlio ik>ld of dipioiuncjr, found a ftiul siuipuiuiry etui iu tlin Snvp« ' CiimimiGii. lliivinfr been ono of nncipnl eiiomiue of-Prusaift in tlio he elector'H couutiy, to tlieintcnso iction of tho itilmbitiuitii, vtau nn- , tuid tbo oldgciiliemnu bimaelf d m\t ot hoitst) \n\i\ \wnn$. Ha ve- Ircatcd toBolicuiin, nud iu rotum for recognizing tho nowHtnto of tlii'iga xms allowed tlmproceeds of tho lleaainn crown .audit. Two yciira Inlcr b,o jci wiitflil of nccediiijj tq tl,ls nir'aiigeineiit, \w}, linvhiu publislicd n ptotoMt ngniust iJfl iiotiirorciuent, had tho mortification if KCfing his interest in (ho crown lnmla ilnucd iiiulorscqiR'atiatioii, 'X'lioelector's ight children, boiug tlio issuo of a mor- feolins liniKisius tlioi rliiuli pro It 1 kick tlio isGiLtn pla without any Htylo 1" Tlio mou imogiiiod Hint it was incro tsakuesa ^l.ic.i,wOiiia BOOH jiaua ofl, und o of tlieiuBfttilown uciir liim whilo tho uthora rotirod togoiiboiittlioirbiifiinciu. " I t ' s totl(,'lt woiithcr for n funentl t" reumrked UncIoHeb, ua tbo lloieo wind howlud itxoiinil tbo liuuee. "It don't muliu nay cliETurenca how I'm carried ny ; I wouldn't know ifc if tliero wcrueixhion hnokn nnd a •brans band; jiict imliof yo tip uloiio with tlio driver I" After A pntrse he mni.od blindly untl nijuircd: "Tbcy'll speak of mo us the 'Into deceased,' wont they V Yea, of comae. I should like to road thu papers to-morrow mid sco what they tay of me, hiitl wont bo horo, you know." • : ''Havo'you nuy property to dlsnoso of V" asked tlio watcher. . . "Yes, tlm'r's an extra pair of butca and n hat ami about 17 oiintn in inoiipy.-M ttiippoHi] tlio right wnj would l»o to have exocntom "iHiitcJ, but, us 1 latcLuefoiG, I don't want tmj fooling around. -You enn diviilo tip tho ostato botweeuyou." Tlie old man Mas very pnla aud he omoiJ to bo sulTcriug, nud tho iratclicr was fluxions to do somotliing. " I tell you," replied Uuclu Hcb, "I'll lilto KODIO brandy. If it wnaii't jnat FW it 3 I wouldn't put you tonny traulilo, but being I'm goingmvay toHtiiy I'd lilto n few HwnllciH of rail peach ty'tuuly—-some of tbitt in the /uuuy clooantcr." SfliateuUtliAllil EBA-DIATIOHS. Tbo bna Hint grossed ibo ORPHH—Ool- imbus. y/o govern out posaioua, but in gcuor- |1 vto \oi (ho pnsaioos first hnvo n trinl. A oitifiou of Syrnpuae liaa thirtcpn chil- dren—nil girls. Ho buys bnirpins by tho bushel. gn ninrrittgr, novel 1 liud a right [o ho throua —<•«•« . A Story of u S|mrroit'« A writer iu the London Science Gossip elates ji ronmrkiibla story of hi»cxpoii- neo with n foundling sparrow*. Three enrfl ngo a yonug epnrrow full nt Ins oet iijjaii tlio piivomont from a hoiiso- roof. Hocarried it homo, where a ecr- iiiitgin took it in cliitrgu uud tiwiitlicd ud tenderly mimed nud fed it, iidmiii- itoring to it Riippcd bread from herovvu mou tli. Thobnntliiit' took to itH foster- niolhcr nnd toits diet, nud qrevf to full tiltnre. It VHH finally, with n desiro to iyo it ila liberty, placed in tlio gulden, wI.oi'D itrmmiiml mitii iiiiotlnu'ppinrow, ip\iarctitly ol iU'ov.u wgu, mndo lo?o to it, mid finally enticed it nwny to u more nnturnl condition of Bjmrrow lire; bat no.t BO fiir iiway ns Uint it forgot its eaily fricnilu, whom it frequently visited, nml continued to rooognizo M'ith sighs of affection, II the iwmwu in tho gtwi-loii, tbo grateful littlo preaturo would Hy io lier, peifJi niton her hond nndalioiilder, nil rettim ila poailiau when uho was lkig, gathering tlbwci'a, or tlio liko ; ftl t l ltl it ti Bx-ilp H jifiuie pi p nlkg, gg lind it viia iiorfcctly «t lu hlUV A pnno ot RIB fittd it Bruaaeln. Probably componed of gen- tlemcn formerly in tlio netroloupi h|i3v ness. A young lndy wlio cnnio totlie city to so whnt was ndvertmed RS a "spectncu- ur tlrftinn," enme liomo fireatly dinnp- poiutcd. She snys UQt onn of them wore spectacles. A teacher said to tt littlo girl at school <—-"If n naughty girl tfoaulA hurt you, lito n good girl you would forRivo hor, wouldn't you ?" ' "YBH, tnann," sbc w |)licd, "If I couldn't catch lier." A yniihca captiiiu onco sung out iu a equnll, [o it nuv baud on bnurd IUH crnft -"Lot go tho iili, them 1 Dtini your Jin, lot KO tliatiib I" "Iaiu't touching it I" HfniiUIttl tha greeny. A« Imiiium ninnbeb tondollurutlmthc jutd ride the fly-wheol ofn fmw-niill; and nt his widow pniil the d e b t «hfl re- miirlied—"Willmm waaa kind bupband, lint lie did not know muo^ nl^niit fly wheels. 1 ' The foot fioldier in tho Aitstri.m nrpy jirrica a lnirdcn of flliout 471b.. tho Atneripaa aboutB31b., the Italinu 03 lb., tllO B\flsH [l\)OUt 50 111,, tllO l'tHBfl.HB about ill lb., the English and French nearly l!2 I K , tlio RusaJnn over 6B lb. . There was once on independent alii luily wlioso coidmonU on tho Bible were -ery pm'ntoti. Spenhing of Adam's nnm- 'io animals, she wild abo didn't y iininl ing nil llio animals, she uuid abo didn't tbiuk he defiorvod nuy orodit for imming 1 tho lion—anvbody would know what tr ill him. ' A fjentlemim ant down (o ivrito n dend, l bepiu witli, "Know ono woman by theseprenenU." "Vou arewrong." said a by«tntiiler ; "it oURUt to bo, 'Know all men.'" ••Very well/ 1 -tufoliW tb'd other ; "if one wraian Itnown if, nil men ^inof A lln i ami HCftV a iwat-oflioc, tlio other any, and tho lot-blnok who uatilstod her to hor feet ...quired, "J)td you broalt unv bones, madam?" "No, I pucaa not,' 1 BIIO ro- s\)onileili "hut I'm just as nud, as UI hnd broken a dozen of 'am 1" Tit AT FnozEH WAHP.—A Vermont pa- per tells a food story, na fullnws : A Wcat Ilill miniHtcr piulcd up n frozen •wnBji, an tha nuicwalK recently, mul, •with a viWtfl ndvttucing tbo interested s«- ence, liocnrricd itiu tlio h,au6Q,*nud licld ;. i... i,._ *_ii «.i,;in I.Q Vnrmncl its cnrr it by tlio tnil „_—... T .... - -.— over ft Intnp cliimncy. Hin object wna fo soo if vmvpB froze to dentil, or merely lay dormant dining the Wiiitor, Ha w ol opiuiou that tlioy merely lie clormnnr, and tho dorm antes t tiad rit tbat, tied, when tlioy revive, liosnya, tlin tn»J tbniVH tiiit first, for^rliile thla ono'd'lipiia, riglil ovw'tVo tanjPi Syaa »ft B 'f»ff- ?»d cold it cti\i^ ibt -nmli, its i>roba Tforltca wilU iDConccivalile rapidity, that tbo minia- ^or couldn't grasp fnst oiioaali (Q keep u p \yitli it, ' Ho throw tho vioiaua tliiiig tlaura tlio Inrap ohlmtioy, nnd nM lie didn't wimt any moro tntok with n <lar- maut yuan, at wblehliinwifo burst into teal's, and naked how io, a mluUter ol ilia GOBPQ], could uso atich innminRo, right before the ohildreB, toa r tli wltli nit tit in n kitobou li f hompl.oUV A pnno ot RIBSS in n kitobou window wiis fitted up with n liioge, for tlio fiilmiflsioit of tho intorefiUng pet. whioh tlid not full, nt breakfast, dinner, or sup per time, la uiako its appearance and tup At tho wiuilow with its bonk until ifc WHS oponeiUor its entry, wlicn itwonld liy to itH loved :md fnithful uurso nud liiLi'taku of i ts nmiftl feed from her mouth. Thin lmppy interoouvno hos . been - con- tinued foi" tlireo or four years, during which tho simrrow has mined tlireo or four brood**, tm irliicli OCCIIBIOII food lins iren loft for it njKm tho wiiiaoi\VfiQ na be ut oil times ncccsaiblo fnr supplies tho liaiiig gonciiitiriU, On oun of Iliost; occasion a tlio miinbci' of ita visits to tlio food wuu no loss tliiut two Iminlrud. nnd Hiirty-aovon in ouo (Iny. A Mule miHli? U> Oo. A Imd littlo bov in 1'oi-tlniid lit a pnok .f jlro-cmcltcrs and threw tliom into the B*.ci'.et to ma them " go off," Ono ot Ike Ijufcumji'H limits ctiuu ultm^ und HWHI- lowcd tlu'tn boforotbey "wentoff." The mule ivulkcd nbout fiftecJi foot dn<l Btninit-d. Things' Ayari't nc-ting Hglit H li t ( t th l f Ayarit ncting Hg ii to (usto tho cutolo of l\ h i l £ \ Btninit-d. Thin iusiUd. Ho lie iiifit lu's riiis and hcuid HomcUiiliff. It tho oraoliora having fun. '1'ho innlo ._ ictl out nliont tliroo nnd n halfmibs of Klrniglit roail nnd Btnrlcd. A negro met liitn ubont a intlo thoothpr siilo of Iho fttnas howse, R6'HIJJ South, ^-liita with pcrKpirntion, with 'Hfreams of HIIIOUO Fihoolinff out of hk nantrila, mouth and cms, wliiloliiH Ijiil titiick Rtmght up, untl a Htvciim oL blue and ffrooti HtuoUu itbout ten feotlcDgfollnwoil in tho roar- fonnd liis mnlo ytBleniny morning ing l)«lf *"fty throiijjh a fnrm-lioUfiQ uemr Puddy'fi Itnti, utill Hiuoliing. -Tho ninn hnd got liirj family nut aud put 'cm luro lot ot ttties. Iko hnulori hiu inulc .jnic, when ho got cool cnoii^hj on'n ilroT. l ie aiiin b (,'uiug to- rpto\« bjs IIDUGU fnltlicrtiaclc off tb/u-p^J,' ouil bis wiffl'aiid oldc.it (laughk>7 M'ifl *j;heii 1^1*0 water ge^s wnrm, A WITKESS rou QoD-r-Amoug the niultinliod (irfjtimcntfl for tbo existence of God, thuthoughtful observer must Cfivu {oluitnnu lifo u prominont pinco. wo Ha not mean hiimuii iinturo or cxint- cucc, but the earthly crmrso of that ex- iBtouio. Ituiisputiibli 1 , thocniidid mind i i(uji in wiidbcGry Hus' uccn ~VDITUU J God •""* Loconiotiro Company at Pat- Hjblftl llil| l* ^ to tramfor or otbcnriio comc ,ny of Iti property. This, H ia gross >rollmlnary to i motion for a ro- tiuu\n olillGntlaiiH ot tli'o company will in it lO, cf which S3SO,OO0 a Hunting or good mred dolt ft nil t i 50,0001* socitrcd clianpttTWiii, cno for *2M,OO(1 nml two pcrsipjtcli.* doso, tliero being ebont a milo iiloj. *A11 tlio irnportint bridges x .'""havo bean completed;, ttiora still M ll "?Wn qma;i liridgca. The roaa V?.? 1 "! lio op(!ncd during tlio cominB Tlio," g fo ick tlio ih l, hen I plant me quietly and 1" ''Lein.no t !" roused Utlole Heb. ipH, smilcct and rciniirkcd : I I I wiisii't going to tlie I'd try aud Iny in a quart or two of that brnuuV" After live or ten minutes moro tlio miiM naked him if bo didn't feel bettnr. "Fool belle* I" cdiooil tbo olil rann, '' how can a dying man feel bettor ? Do yon Bupjioso I'd ho fooling oround lioro if I irajju't going lo oxpiro ?" Tha wnn ait down and Undo Hob (M>rjfiuuod : "As noon us % go ti)) llio spout ouo of HI BO tothoPoonuustoraudKay , -JJr. ,,'ilM, oltl I^'» IH dead ; sond a fuller down pud plant,him.' That will be us good na a upccoli two hours long. J'III u«."ry 1 was took elck. horc, but it wasn't my fnult, yon may go now." Tlio man wtut out, tli'inkiug Uncle Heb out of liiE mind, nud snt down ant) ployed domiuoea for nu hour. Hearing no movement in tba back tooui he opened the door. Tlio old muu naa dead 1 •—Detroit Free Frew. .1TV- npoii tlio bnfliuesa consists nf41,5i3 jutlx, 160,211 hogsheadti, 123,011: bur- •els, ana 200.12T kildcridus—iu nil, 580,- J03 casla. 'Jbcao figures eourcy a very uudcqmito iiloa of wbat they railly jro'>- rcseiit. Bt. Ptitor'B, at Home, is SbO feet '-jh; put on end, tueuo casks would Eco 2,440 pillftrs UNhigh as Bt. Peter's. it. Paul'e LODJIJII, ia B80 feethigb ; tlioy would mnlio 8,330 pilkrsiu high. The great EtryptiftU Pyramid is 7113 fct;t square at U«o bnsc ; (he butts, bulge to )ulge, Mauding on end, would furnish IIISUU for five uuck pyramids, ami the >thct ciislte would bo inoro than sufficient or tlio Biiijorstrucluto, 400 fact higli.— Babylon \yaa a Bquaro of Httecu tuitos ou :ho Bide—tlicse casks would more than mrrouiiil tlio walls three tinea. If tlioy ;ro luiil cud tu oud, iturtiu/z from Lou- iu iu tho direction of Manchester, they oulJ oierlui) Maneliflatcr by moro than '.xi miles 1 Owing to tlio nJoplion of mcolmuical nd EcienUConpyliiiucoa, whera the form- Icrof tlio -firm employed ten, his sue- jssors only ouiijloy oito ; tu foot, tliey my be afiuoet said to .dispense with Lautml labor, and jctlboy neod tbo str- ices nt Biirringtoti of nearly two tlioua- ind men und bays, in miditiou to huu- orts of otbera to manngo their plnces bugiiipga iu Loudoii, Manchester, Liv- yoo\, NewcnHtlo-upou-Tyne, Shofllold, r olvarlmmpton, Binniaglimii, Btolto, ill nurueroiiH otlier jlncm Tho wnget) iid by tho firm ftluuo, where mauunl la- ov in so largely suparsoded, uovertbe- !ss ntnoimts to ovor i2,000 por week,— fatwitlistauding tlioir great powers of iroiluetion, tiemaltiLg lionsea iii-o »ot hvnjB ndequnte to supply tbo wants of io ooncorn, mul malt has tobo bought i tho extent of iibout 80,000 quarters ; nt Ilensrs. KOBS & Co. always prefer nit of their owu innldug, having alwiiVB viu\r tha best poaaiblo quality. Xbc xn HOUCI oiitsiiy 80,000 barrels u year, id receive into tho works during tbat imo mwmutcrinl weighing 8C,00O to»«. Iu llio year ending nbput tlio 30th of unoj tba ilrmp&id tbo railway and caual -•• aud otlieT' carriers, iu tbat lYImt Rate Arc Good For. Of what usB ia the rat to wnn ? Woll, uot rarj much that wo know o£ j yet a fo\v items mny boraontioucd. Probably wo ninst nttnclt much importance to tie alleged prophetic powers offrhnrut; that ifhofjuaws a perflon'Molotlies, thnt per- noil will speedily dio ; that if hosuddouly quitaaliouac, that uonao^ilWory shortly bo burned down ; thnt if no deserts a eliip, tho Blily iain ftsinkioR staio. A. mill nt yectjoi v;a3 smldouly deserted by a wbolo polony of rnta about twonty years ng" J two. liouro afterwards the mill -wm l dtvwn, ItimiatbocoBlessd tl tho logiois very weiikwliichprovoBffom these fads tlio lKJKseasion of nny pro- photlo power lay Mr, Bat, Wo have evideuco that lio liaa BomctitucH been inodo nsofnljO) tin H. E. (or R. A,}, Jumoa, iii his military iliotionary, mys : ' llnfs nro Hometimca uaod iii military opcra- "' 9, pnrtioularly iu outor-irises for tho Hiiriiuso of Hotting lira to gnu powder. On tlicso oocasionn a lighted match in tied to tho tnil «f tlio animal. NnnhaX Inu recoraniQiuis, tueroforo. that the . a of powder-inngnzinea should bo mtido very thick, and tho pais&gce for light nud nir to narrow m not to admit rats." Wo do uot know whether n cruel iport can ho called a useful employment of rats ; but nu account is given oi a strange proceeding at llom.o( A largo number (if i-als were dipped iu Bjiirita of turpentino, set on fjrc, nu4 niado to rnah down an open fligUt of Bteps near tlio Vatican ; tliey xeaohed tlio bottom na insaca oi clliurctl iloslt, amid tho shouia i'tlio populace. Eats nro worth three hilling a ilozon, in Euglauil, to furnish supply to.tlioso brutnl oxbibitions in .;liicn rat-killiug tcrriors show their power. lUta arc alao caugbt. tor tbo, value of their skins. There is n ilrm iu Paris wliicli buys tho skins for this \i\\h pose. Tlio fur is drensed into nvc^y good Btibstitutfl tav beflvpr, Mflu'la tlm pelt or meiiibrano ia tlrcas^l into leather BO fine, clastic, and cltao an t<J bo used for tlio thnuilv) ui thtt boat gluves. If auy onu believes that xaUt o'ro not used for luman food, ho must cbange his opinion. Xir Paris, tbo e?nSantera, or bone-grubbers, ont thorn. Gipsies cat such ruts iiu nro caisglit iustackB nnd barns, u.n.1' uvo less Btrong iu flavor mii] odor llinn those that feed omuivorotisly, Iu Ghiita, Bplitrata nro-bought us a. tlninty. An English surgeon of Borne uoto badtbom. cooked for bia eating. I n a nmn-ot'WflP, where the rate raodo ..ftvoo vfith Vlie biscuit, tbe Kiiiloifl bud a regular batltie, nuil brought Oonn uumbcru of them. Jnelt niudo rat- pic, bilked it, nml liked it. At tbo mega of Haltn, tlio Fruneli garrison, whou fumislicd, ufTernd ns nuteh as n dolhir niiicpform During tlio ego of wnr, f in tbu latu iiatort rni w.ba norer tastcj U before. ,_; YfboD HemOUT, BPT TUB MigEn XURD.TTA Jeur tbat liis woofl-pllo would Viaoxhnuatctl nt tho oloao of winter, led old GolUiob Hmttcrioli, of Milwnnkeo, to ajwro tbo sticks, ilioncU tbo thcrmonio- tct rnngod twenty-oigfit below zoro, nud liis hovel was EO rioketty (but it nfTorded JitllQ comfort. Gottlieb vnA a miner, and, when l»owns unnblo lo bo nljout, •woa proviilod for by tlio family. (\f Jfr. Adolpli Suolzer, who re^mi uwir by. On Saturday m o r q ^ week rioforo laat Mr». Suelzor Vi<innht bliu u oup ot bo --""-•« ml w ' orm toast, of wliicli liopur- Tlin lady ofTerod tobuild him n wnim tlio room, but lie declined vice, IIH lio feftred the wood vo,u.l«\ Early tho next raomins it trans- ittbo'wuotl Ii!\^ laflted, but tli- oinki tolnvo posi according to In tU owner CO ib liQtl \\oi. ili'fl. Snelner call Spi-o co%p. had {oast, but was nol ned by 'tbo old num. Ho fro.Eou dead 1 Old Gottlieb, bttr- Qfunds ha hml not iutifnstcil to Mr, v. Uc wxd/i tbo latior tlvo ewato Inn 'jyinern, aud as tba Suelzem wa>3 been Hnd to him. (rail bud or him in timca of illuoas, it ' liaa lett rtitm all bis property, sure.-— orning paper SBJB Ibat 03 B0UTI ly owuors aro sliovrini rnvnTivi * J«"3giag from tbeirsiL- _ CUHOLLI a (nldCftlj>it aaonoig y wll - oll sciaoi SatnogcntlomoQ l^ldretrc and LacUatt»ani Railroad Cum- liation.tlng at tUollobokoa (frralnoi a IHKI til bo s.000 foct Ion>. 100 foot nltls, with werkiug girls, and a funnll army'of I to notothoroanl ,, employers flllod tho application room.— I butwean two e^olcanB," ia tbo latest wtv The ppproprintion naltod for is 810,000. | o[ mentioning a party at a cock-fight. A rtitiioiiB Urfwcry. JIi*B?rs IJass k On., thu fniiiuiifi lir i-Hitt, JJtnluti-iil»ou-lriiiit, oceiijiy I: ifty ncnui/lha \altw of which is not loss Ihau £250,000, iu addition Ui about on uindifd ni'i-cs of leudiold iji-operty. Ii lm bitwoiv are twonly-nix stciini en iuesdiiily ut work, with mi ncBrcgiili 'Ovrer of flva liun.li'etl end thirty-t.v< otirnn, LoKutln»r with HI'X locomotivo on 'iiuis, their ov/n liroperly, timt luv< liepouer of flva hundred horses, mii hoy Imvo cifflify poworful curt-liurses miployud besides. 'XUefltm USCH na ""•- ay us wity tlioiiwantl railway truclti :Lo toiirae of six moaths, aud often an * us three hundred and ROVOIIIJ ;H iu a d»y, thnt, placed tilom? to :v, woiiltl innko 11 train of ono mile bum]red and fifly-tliroo yards long. 'tin stock of cafiks necessary for carry- e, tho aggregate Bum for i :iG8.&20 6HT iu the pniduetiou of tbat lUnntity of beer, 250,000 quartors of unit wero naej, »ud 34,000 owt. of hopij. ie land required (or (ho production of hu mult would ho 60,000 ncros nt four nid a biilf quarters of liarloy jwr aero,— 'ha quantity of coal used auiiug tha -welvu montliu v/m 40,000 tons. The imouut of malt tax andlicouse duty paid he BQ-rorumont for tho B&mtt iiwiod WHS lie gQYGtumant foe t h e &&mo p t i i o t l WQS :2B5,000. "SVo ure jirobubly near the ?.nrk wlion vio assess tlio amount of busi- ess dono by Easa &Co., in ono yew louo, lit A littlo less tlinii jE2,4Q0iQOO. A Saxou. Uauy> .J. _' Tlioy ure born quiet—Ihoso peoplo ; » Saxon baby lias bu^ littlo cry iii him, aud uoprtsijitent noiaiucss. In iufnucy io is Btiffoacd out in swaddling clothes, mil lives between two feather pillowfl.UUo * oyster in his shell, moving-only in l»nlo blniali eyes and pasty littlo flng- prs. A. greasy uiming.bottle is poking (self into his inoutk till duy Ioug. Er B a great, hairless, swelled head, like inflated bladder. Hi* Unit aupearaneo 13 »— _.t^ i«. ~\** t--L * _ * . _ * i nitdooriam&uainnbnBke^agon.plimt- id noclwloep nmid liis pElows, tLo hood ' thu wagou boiu^up and olosoly hluo- irtaiucd. Soiautimesha rides double, a brother's or sistor'aliood omcrgiugnt ,o onpoiuto end of tho littlo vuhuilo, they aelOoin dio under thia treatment; inilecil, even it soul would flnd difficulty —lping from beneath tliaso fonther , aud. tlirougli tho crevices of hose oloso-druwn bluo-curtaina. 'When ;hey havo tho colic (bat they seldom nosier energy BufScient) they uplift a ncneer cry, us though nwaro that soniG- liug of tlio sort would bo expected of .hem. Hut it oftcu happens, ns I am iredibly iuformed, they must be dashed fith cold vrntor in ortlor to bring tUcir lungs iuto notion. A. dash of cold water would be apt to produos a spasm iu n Saxon of wliatever nge, Thiu early —ins tUo Hubjootion to law and custom. 311 tho child gets to ho thirty inches iigh ot thereabouts, it ia scut to B«1IOQ1; t'liithcr U paces immediately, with littlo loisa ; racing, horse-laughing, aud all lisordor nro tacitly discouraged. Tho ittlo girls liuk armu anil gossip us they go; while tho bojs marouaoldier-liko ivith their small kuapsacks, j.)recocious tu diaciplino nud conservatism. Whoa 'ho play-hour comas they ongagc, inn uitunlly fiiisjiiciouu mnnnar, &s though oH-consciovis of hypoo^isy and inake- idievo. By nnd by they grow up—moro if them lliiyrt would bo BUpposod. Hut tho lmbit nf following authority and ircocdoQt iu nit coaoeriis of life grows ivith them. They will uovor feel quita iffl about Mowing their noses tiutil they via seen tho written law concerning int ceremony, aigneil mul Bcalelby llio ing, and eouuteraigued by Prince Bis- mu-uk. They swim overywliero in a ork-jneket of law; nnd, sbonU it fail hem, flounder nud sink, nr oven loss heir heads Jind ora betrayed into soniQ ally ivliiolihelia tlmm lo tho bottom. I^DCK-SIIOOTIKO.—" Spcalducof BIIOC g ducks," said an oil Cliosapsa 1 .™ lortamtm named Solby, in that S3f.t nud earchiug wny for which lio is so justly LelobYalGtl-—" Sppakiiiu *>1 nbootiug limke, puts mo iu mind of tho f^oat torm that ocourred whan I was down ho bay last year.. Anawful storm nroae, uid TSW BO fierce thnt it dvovo all the idta in tha bay iuto n pond, covering iout na ncrcj near our lionse. In fnet, i mnny ducks erowiledinto that pond nt I could uot sooa drop of wator. I snt iuto tlio house, and got my donblc- unrroloil BliQt-gun, anddischarged botU "irels riglit intbo midst of thorn ; but, my nutoniBlimoiit, tlioy rose in Hie lir, leaving not n solitary duck iu tl»Q pond. It astonished me at first; hnfc as HOOII as the thicks roso (V few hundred mis™ the nirftntlcorainouccd to sepa- ito ii little, iliocluoki bognu to drop, '"•• *sli&t>ipr you boliero it or not, I .... »il u p twontT-nino barrels of ducks, mil it wns a poor season for tluoks, too i'ou soo tha ducks wore wedged iu HO BOI- id iu tho poud Hint when they roau they curried tho dond into the nir -with them, und wlicn they eaparnted down civaa tlio twonty-uwluutolBo! dead ilucks." -NOLD HOUSE.—Tho residonw of No- sliccli Wcarc, tho first President of New llov. ;<r Attnitl Cuslmii, Iliu fuHuwiiiK "'-'HU'iit jokois going the toumU ui thnJJerlin ucwbpapers lit IDcscnt : A VIJIIUK confeciiouur of tlint jiliiec, Jt:.viii;r. Jiljt* ninny othfir buninesa men nt. piYK.\..r, t<> mmplain of hard tiiuos, huUlly rcidlvoj tu get married ; wltt'lht'i' i" "pile, or jierhaps hecama of thr; pyur ^ulna ut IIIH uarengoau aud }'<tincr.i, iwirtty ljfciiiine she on tvlioin lit liud c.Ht im v idd umiil, UH well l mo wealth, inJeod o protty i.s t h a t KIIQ couimoiided She wan tho daughter of a miisti-i-i'..i:iT)ii uliltlchiwii in tbo sub- in-bs. AH IV ijuucr.illy tlio c.n&o, tha two littlu folks wore agreed. Uot papa hod not j'lit Kivoii his eazuumt, and wanted first to ML* lvhcthor thu business of the "aturn fioii-in-lmy WHS prosperous. Ha JiuiiRltt Lc would convince iiiouelfof thia I'tntc of fuels, and ajiyoiutod BOine aftoruoon wlicn ho would pn^ a visit to our yuinif,' LMnfectiouer, ut "hit saloon, and. tliuiccouiithowmuiiy cuns ot coffee, cboculnU', etc., etc., were called for, and ow mnny piiff-ijiiaien nud niiirengoes oro cutiaiimod, Tho confuL-tioucr well uuilerstood that many an «ffonicon ho oloue could drink moro cofToo tlmu nil bis eustomors. Not knowing what to do, ha coiiBultctl witb f his HliinJiiig cu»U>mer», who i Unnv Uow to davioo TmyB und for nny emergency. But Iiow grent wiii Iiia Kurjiritto wLeu the other, witb n Hinile on 'his countenance, in- formed him that, it would ha no difficult to fill hia entire room with cUktom- er.i. "Bo«f gnoil clicur," he said to him; "let your future fftthor-iu-lawcomo on— I will attend tu the re«t." Tlio after- nouii so UJUUII fuurei flrmlly came ; and, JokolJ! hen-, t-jO, camo ths bakor, nc- coinpnni(i(l by hiw wife, aud nto and dnmli liejirtily. When obflerving tlie stirriuff bnuiues of him who it was uow settled wus the nceeptod Bon-in-lflT, cv«ry doubt iu the mind of tbu baker vanished. Ua depjirltid fully sntiefiod. Hut the yunug- confectioner, to liis grctit ostouisunioiit, noticed tliat nearly all tho customers, whether ladies or gsn- tlonioii, seiiinctl to go nway disappointed. Quietly nintling [o bjuisslf, the customer, llushad with victory, naked the young: candidate for conjugal life—"Sny, do you kiio%v, young man, howI mauugod o Oil your Buloon r I iiuswored nil the UfToroiit Jiilvi'rtiHOinontd for marriages, ill tho peraounld for rendezvous ns young uly, widow oi- niiytbiug you please, isiRDiuff them tonieot me at your cou- 'ectioiioi-y establishment. J)\&you not lotico that each nnd every one, •flietker idy or gentleman, bora n flower, or ome otlier murk of distinction? I wrote iver oiglity hitters in your uohalf." A ^DSINESS TRANSACTION.—A B1BU •went into a clothjng-storo, iu Lawrence,' Mass., tUo otliec day, nad bouglituhat or throe dullura mid fifty oents, loft his ild ono, aud atid he wonld pay (or it vheu he tuuutv lincU. Inbslf an hour lir. returned, und entering tlio afore met the jrojirietor, who was absent at liis first •isit, Tho nrojnietor was glad to BCO tho liinu^a neighbor of his—hutobsen*- tng hia new hut, n shadow passed ovor iis lace, ftiitl lio snid—"'Whoi-o did you l>uy that hat ? I can soil you a liat just ,,• ike tbnt, uutl a good dtul cheaper tbna '.< /hat you paid for it, Ikuow." This ' ilcased tlio neighbor, and his oyfl twiuk* ' .-- *:od liow clieap ho would sell *v- Well, you are a neighbor of ;; :j . line, mid you 6hn!l hate oneforjtut - no dollar and BCTODty-flTo cents." /;:; 'Very well," rciilied tho customer, "I'll >, ;nl;o ibia ouo I havo on, which I cot here ; jalf au hour ago, nud juat returned to Liay lor 11 —ami lio counted oat ono dollar and seventy-five cents, and departed for v his suhiirbnii home, eotiafied at hiabarg- , : . ing, ho askod lio^ liin one. "Well, 3 NoUetlerOIT. A niau nud Liu wife who had been " man-ied teu years disagreed and deter- :, iiiiupd tf> sejrarato. TliHtermaofBBpRra- " : -:" :iou werotobodocidodby the iastloe of V;' tlm arrondi-iSGment in which (hey lived. -•>. Tlioy wpto Pflriflians. •'. "Hnvo you a n y children?" said the V IIRO. . ; "You, monsieur." .•*"* "Hoivmany?" -K; "Thorn; two boys nnd a girl, and it fa ^ ill. ILom lius our iliffioiiUy. HldAtna v.;/ wishes to liavo two of thorn; so d o L " ;'; I ''Havo you ngrood tonbida hy my de- '-.vy. ciaiou?" " W o hav< "Very we! ' said both of them, my friends; I eoDdemu yon toWvo nnotiierchild, so that you '!• may havo two. When you h a r e obtain--.••' cd that you mayreturn to mo." •.•. Tho liiiitter was then adjourned for the ; timo being. _ Two years afterwords the ''. worthy ]ungisti*ntc, who mthe meauthna' ;; hmllicard liothiug of tho husband or,'" wife mot the formr 7 hmard hiug o wife, mot the former. "Ah" idh fe, mot "Ah," ti?" er. 7y "how ubout tho Beprf--*;?• atioa? ^; "Still impossible, monsieur. Instetd ••'•;"\ f four childron wo hnvo ilvo." It is said tliat negotiations in ngmd ':/ •3 tho Yirginiua affair havo bean * ' i r o n g h t t o a Buocsasfal close, and thai.. ;•' nir Government is entirely satisfied '- with tbo manner in which Me. Cashing ':; has managed tho whole nffaii. It ia un- .'• . doratood that according to the agree-..;'; incnt, ft Hutisftiototy money indomity "••„,•. will bo paid by SpainTto tho- represanta- ' : -' ' Hves of tho men. who where exscntod; ^ iud an tlmtwas the only point remaining > . unsottletl UIB whole queation may now ; : ,:. bo cotiBidcrcd na prnctioally OUposed of, A wea bit of a girl, while at th« hreak- ist tablo, a few mornings aiace, mads V '' loud nndrepeated calls for battarod toasL •'•:• Aftsr dispofjing of Aliborol quantity of "' that nourishing article, she -wai told that .'> too much toast would make her Bick. .. Looking wistfully nt tho diah for a mo- ;. ment, alio thought she saw a way out of j' hor difflmilty. nnd exclaimed—" Well, : i mo nuzzor piece, and send.for tlie : A pair of spirited horsns attached to n cigh, drivQa by W01. Howard, licOfttaB liumauRBoahlo when near West Chester, aud upset the vehicle, throwing himBelf ind wifo nnd a child nino years old on n itono pile. Uv. Howard had his skull racturcd, nnd tho child ivns dangerously injured, ncitlicv ot them being expected to live. Mi's. Howard was also fioverely injured. Wcnrc, the Hampshire, from l^i'ifl to 17&1, M in n. sUto of cooa rflpair and owned bya Mm. D\v, Tha hull and Chamber of Skto rownin in the originnl vood, colored bv iaa of th Pidt' Ch w t uga Two gnnl vood, colored bv a of the President'HChniu- A ith l ll T siaa f the Presid nro OOTCKA with lonvy wnll-ijnii hung oa tlio wood by nnil3, tm ^aa tli Miotent custom. Souio of this in in pood condilion,- and of unimpnked color.— Tlio foiling is plastered with a nitbstanco niado from pnlvcrlzed cluru-shoils, A fow ahciont arliolat of fttmittiro and a tftblc mads by U»o PresiilonV" fntliDr nil flliow nu excellent sUtq of ptesen'atinn. Tho work of thoenWuct-tuoker of tho HOTentecnth wrntury BOCUIS moro euilnr- in^ tl^aij, thnt of our own day. Tli ^ncf Mnffistrntoa of New Hunipfiliiro vicieBtyledPresidontanntil tho ndoptiun ot thoCouatitution.in 1702. U)i in Troy, tho utber dsy, a grocer -aught a lonfer wnliiing off with a cod- fiah-inulcr W« coat, nnd nt once sworo ont a Wiirrmit for his nrrest. Dut tho oliap ploudod BOpiteotisly that finally tho complaint was withdrawn, showing that there's norncTirtuo in codfish bawli", after nil. Two Vermont farmers thought thoy d.d a smart tl.iug; whan they in (In cod .heir wive. 1 , to join tho Grangers before joining the order themselves. Now tho wives nro in, antl tlio hnabaiidB OIQapt to ahy ont; twoblnck bn\k greet CTcry npl^ltcatioii- Tlio lndy wlio fainted awny iu *1"> court room when certain toalimnpy TT»S ©Hailed frnm Tilton the other Cay, Tfas on hand briplit and curly ngain tlio next igrass lias been rathor disposud to „, Lonisiuiin, und ia it nny Tfondor therefore tli.it Bliont lust givoi n Pinch- A Georgia durkcy Imdftbutting match with n nip lust weuk, nnd came out necr'"' onti best ! "So much for bockiiig- hnni." ^' . uynii KOO a young iaun''witlt cuo ol thrao inimcwao long OTetconts, loot mt for him. Ho lmn, somo Uisterior Gen. Autliouy.-Wnyno'a military coat udorna tho -wnll of a Pennsylvania bar- Total depravity unions borrowern. room This is in Wayne's ooatinp. Eliziiheth, New Jersey, »unttu?pH>. This IH nopropriatc. EHiabelli of old wns "on(lie kill," too, occnulonallj.
Page 1: READY-MADE GLQTHEMG Ap thecary,ispa, and by roforonofl to my prim tbe iiilillo viUresailydliceni that I smis-lilxral at tbo inovt llbcinl. lrcoi, 3d door from Blirkwdll, Miners' Oil




Ofllw oa Mirris SiraotnBir Blackwell,

I N r u n H I M I K A D V A N ^ r ,

U I , 0 I c t o r , - - - - - - - « S . O O

^ U J l o n l h s , - - - - - - - 1 . 0 0

^ j i r e o m o n t h s , - - - - - - - B O


Liverpool and Queenstown,nil llii' I'llki.rii.K Klciimjliip liiitg :


1 ivei'i'uol a n d Great WcRleru.'iinHi ua Englmul and H'tjni niwli of Ireland.[u.liiWfutrdtM.

i:.I,lNDHLEV.Ai(oiit,Dlaclnvcll Street, Dover, N . J .

Slate Roofing

wurlt warrniitoil, mid nrioeii n'Ruuimbli,.

nu, lU»d, I'urpta, I'sidttfutiiil, Black and


Oounseller at LawAND


HOCKAWAY. N, J.[ I Til .IH'HPrlVM, ^ t J_» rAMHttSJULB

HA I It tttfESSING-,

PIf YSICIAN & SURGEON,Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,

(OpposiloDOT« Hank,)

DOVKIt; N. J . ,Hi.nxtii of Wouton milChildnu, tuA of tba

I'/.r.mi.lI'.ttr y.Hicmillffi.llllco Hour*: ] lo U A. M., 1 lo 3nii>17 to8 !'. M.

.1, L. LAUIU^NX i:,

SURVEYOR.Surveys Levels mid Oi'iuies

mlnfui 1'II))1II niiili'iiviilt: liiiprovemoui


3AS.SAGK TICKKTSM lo »r>ii from uxiiurata,. OUBKI HTOWN,LONDOK, IllItH'IGL, OAltDtW'/i OLASOOW,li Ilio W h i l e Hlur, .Vulloiml. mid 8lnt«

of Him null I j i i , or BIIV otlicr HUB if »ro-d.

i Uroul liriiolii, and Ibivtl llinli of

JOIIK LBCiren,Bll»i i»t>ibtruat ,

UOVJClt, N. J,

i« tUt liiiUdluit formerly oeeuntalby Ho I'ontitiBcii, S u m « Ht., DuVUi, N. J.

\- ]t —1'JIrtifutar©tttciition ijlvimlo cutting(na'ilri'Minti IwllfciT and iliililruu'*bslr. Ittuoial.,,ai-«l, *ft nuilgronmt. _ 1- lv

" "j7j."vREiLAND,Carpenter and Builder,Jobbing promptly attended Lo.

Sti^u OUT Ma»e*» Hair Mill, lUiiekwll St.,

"'I'vwirwti'takeii, awl material ruriiiMied. .

»,rA\H10N HlH'rfK.

* < VtK'r o[ Illadiwull and KUKM-X KIB.

DOVKIt. N..I.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Hoi'ibi DIUI Cftirinpci to Lft»


Office on HiiBeex Street,ii Hut ImlJilitiK farmer]/occupied" an dlllee by

Henry Mr Far! in, flint floor.• DOVJEit, M. J.

Culloelitiiirt «itcnil«] to with diligence.AIKH, Aj;eiit t-M IUH t«*t Iifu MWI lire Iniov-ucetteniiMiiilD^ j _ J i * l j ' ' _

L1 HOUSE,TI1OMA8 RUIGHT, Propr ie tor ,

WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.1H1H Wdll-Unown properly ban recoutly Lean. oslitnuivoly ininrnTnd and inodernliod. foru ncuoratiiDijatifln of Uioia Becking ft retiredmiDcr rcfllibnuu. Hi(u«tcd at tlio Imad oiike l) :p»toong It i i ana of tlio moat Joelra-o |.laocii> if Inland resort to bo fnniu] witblio tmino dltt s i ' toof New "fork. Iut iminkUtlm Jlnoflt moan tain iwenory or Nortliorn Koirsey, ititli oxc31ltaiit limiting nu<l Hilling, am

.ifl driven,1 II in not flu rimmed bynny oilier Iitlio locality,

vii Dovnr, t-'lnlit nilleidiaUnt.on thotlio lk'l. Lark, .t Went, II. U, triluy

rroi iNow Vnrk I n* lion ion ring, Vnv pkrtlcn'ai-tr

ri r r T. IIKPOIIT,

Counsellor at Law,AND MASTEB IN- OHAHOEBY,

Illtlni In Ilir National Onion Bank DillllltiK

. I t t o r* .a. S T . , DOVER, N. 1.

y-KltilinOIIH A QMITII, '


Cor. Blaekwell ami HIIHBUI »ti.I5OVBB. N. J.

Itanium Uth, 1S7». 1-IjrI. ii. Miimiuoun. A. n. eunii,

C \ .\. C11LLIGY,;, fimt-ml



All cnlrrB promptly attended to'.

IRA 0. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Cotitr*ctn taken for nil kind* of Masonlid Jobbing.

hnm, rLABTEii AND CBUEST,Furniaieil at ihort sotleo.

OIHHU nnHt-r 'vTlio Iron T.n\ OBlct?," b

, Smmrr,' . Ilorcr, N. J.


Carriages and Ejleigfhs,Of Kvei-y Dcarrl|itltiii.

c.ir. llb-byril and Itcrsni His, DUl'KIl. IV. J .

I!uytlm)nr nltontloii palil ft, repairi'iff anilinfilling/ • • " . • ' . . % ! / •


ABJUJ-I anil Analyse* at oil descrfpttpaii of .DUES AN J) MIN F.ItAI.S


\li»i i>rvbari,'i'Hirlll bo fiiruhhedon application.

L. a nmnwniTH,Davvr atordu Comity N. I .


DOVBB, N. j .

lobbing promptly attended to.S, J. l-ALMIllt, Arcllllrct.


PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

Repaired and TunedI'nniijitly. in any part nr Morris C.mnly.. Ail.

Jnra w. R. WRKJHT,

; . Dornr, N.l


Druggist and Oiemist

jruulcinon, Dyntfrvngt Vimn Tj to f v g t Vimn, n .

r P T ' l Suppiirl.r, anO Skonlilor UratM, uto.» . i h l 'Wt «»4 Nail nniilnii, a tiilt aa.ort-raont onil Br»jt Tar nty nt Tnllea Arliolm—!'l;lel>»,'andD.ali,r« ,unpll«d at NootaaloJ J " "• ?"»»l'»t pure .lrui.nl tin hint onMily"Jil, «old or ilianeWd.


'K: ON 11LACKWK1J, a


ENQJNES FOR, S A L E T50Qnn,nYMKfl&ca,Biia.

Portable Hoisting Engines

S l T a l ! " ••'HVABUPiS al.G. Will bon/ " ' ^ "arEaln. Olio tan be I9en at Hi"1•K™ l i"\™«lor, ana onB at StonlaCouiilyXnMnHorbi, llmi,. Apply to

1.. IV. LASODIN, Amlit,




DOTEE, N. J.:.


Curds.K M.~"3

By ^ DOVKII, N. 3.

• J. L. CURTIS,Manufacturer of Segars-and



Goodats & Vought's Drug Store. . . *.n>lio will bo jiluniuxl to t t t tnd t» nil ta lk

xjrtiiulng to lilfl pruTcmaion. 1'r. JiihnstupIIM

U tllopniL'tfi»(if DunlUtry. Kiv.t uiwliich lintkicon in th» < % of Dover. I faivo ukunaiwrlil

\p» in tbo iwIYcliini .inii'J

Nitrous Oxide G-as,ncli la tho Iwsl aiiOHthotio now In uaofor thr

_iti!(>fcn oitroctlnu of tenth. I almi ntti tlie uonCluu, called ttia FLUID or CONI>HNHED OXH.

I .tiKke no diarga for tbo iftmr tbo eitracttngnf tt o tcctli rrlioru now uuca nro inwirtod.

Tui tli fliloilffitli (folr], front uno iiollf r mi, andlvir Ifty eenlf to ono JdUar,

UeaatUul 8L(» of 'iVt«H,ppcr uid wiilor, lor liiO,' on iho 1 at out Im-

proved Nurt'im Platoi, wttrnuUd to givr

I lake plemture in relonKig lu tlw following

It«T. B. C. 3 t a i e , Dr. J . tt King,

D r . T . R. O'Ulciulan, M. 11, Dicker*oH..

8. 1). Johnston,Opposite segur's New Bank,

OvorHoodulo ii Yotigh'A VTUK Slorc.


Urariiulinil, 1875. 1875.




thai will SUIT you gn to


Horrlstowu, N. .1.

rF you IVA^T TO TAKE A uxnc THUOUCJHslip


reiidi CoiiUngs,


~- Dentist,MORRISTOWN, N. 'J . ,

Solo Propm-toi- fur SfoiTia County of PolaiiiPu tml IKilffr.

(Jold Fi l l ing a Hpcclnlty.juid Nitrous Oildo (lag, Ac, i c , Ac.

ALLIE 'S HOTEL,Succasunna Plains, N. J.

A. K. D E C A M P , P r o p V ,

TUIH Kotol h Hitimtpdln tho uuet bckutlfulvnll«j ia Uoma Oouutj, anil la not ear

>SHG(1 liy »ny location for lJEiltbfuliioaii.I t iatont.fitttraBtaBrisaDlEj'iMoonU.n, vatlui-ttintiint fiom Bucld'iIdiko endLakoHopit-jnff,' llio country in tlio vicinity bolnpjtnonB for iU &ao mottnltln SMnery and oxcof-

lent drivoi. M an Inlnn<l Bummer retreat it li



Win. BHOWN, Prop'r.^icollunt accoromoilAlIouH for Iraitn.ont n

.rmanent tmordora, also a livery and botrcliuiitiblo attached to tlio lioiuo. roflsennors IHIOL,o anil from Ilpdd'ri Lmkn and Lake HopiiconfiLt teiKQiublo dintges. ' * ?5-tf

Merchant Tailor,Ami dnoW in HPII'II and Cliliiinin'ti Rc

>fndo Clothing,

(^'d d o o r frnm Hlnoinrnll,)

i '"nnccH to tbn puUiotliat his a lock o(j^__,_

cnmpliatii an unuiuatv ilno 'Qmortmcnt1 oTCloiliii 'F>ny CftBaiinotliB »hC| VcnttnRa. *»y thu

' ' ant to n t irithout alikrgo; ur nnulo to order0 GlinrttiEt notice. Alto conntantly on

1 particularly call aitrillion tq my


to Rilit liio iimai. I ooMiaor uiywK In direct

Ct t l l t h Newark nad Now Yorkolothd b f t

Rli lii


lll i

K In direc

CttloDwlth Newark nad Now Yorkolothispa, and by roforonofl to my p r i m tbe

iiilillo viUresailydliceni that I smis - l i lx ra lat tbo inovt llbcinl.

lrcoi, 3d door from Blirkwdll,

Miners' Oil Company.122* 114 JUIDES LANEKETVVOIIK,

ThBlmulni'fif" rnrmorlyoMTled on under then»mo of P. VV. MEAD will lien?«fter Iw known a

MINERS' OIL COJII'ANYLnbricnling null liurnliij;Oil? far

4,-p(iaOilBarooHpecially adapted lo MiningVaclilncryaDdarc pnanintewl to suit, flpowa.Wbalo. Olitu, Neat B Foot, Lnnl, T^>o., CoU mil

Ha'mnloB fnrniahod on anidiration, and guodiflliipi'oii in lirititu «ru>. ' w A 124, MnM.-n T.ano,

V. W. 3IEADK, Trawwrcr.H. V. ChAlQ, Agent.


auEmsii , slimrlMi, ni .u>w TABINI), TICKDII


o x t i co«a Ai*n BTiwinKti! M I S T S , oiKdi


Dira', amT'i , vocTiia' IUP.CIIILIIIIIS'B U



- A N D -

Black Doeskins,TQ

P,,B. BOFFMAS,* Jlfcrristowji, K. J.


Cloths and Cassimeres,rery clleap md hire tlioui .

Cut Free of Charge,00 TO


MotTiatowo, March SI, 1874.

SHAW' & KENT,Mijtot'iimjnuiifl <JV

Champagne Cider, Soda Water,

Ginger Ale, 4c.A>U SCAI.U1D !!>

Bottled Ale & PorterOF SUPERIOR QtlALITY,

EO"VEItNJTT7TS reupuytfiilly inform the pntlle Hint, liavW inR pnKbtUd tlio oitablfibmtmt of Wil

•cn 'A M»ckoy.nlho»bOTO business, we l u v cmna »4dltion»l nnfl modorn i m p i o v o t Imnaa additional and mcxtorn improvomoiitR Iutho iiiacbinory; &H'. and trill.oxeouto all onloridbtniBtoil to 6a w|lli jiromntiionn and cam, flat-

ifo » nnniilod t

ibrnrixe promptly i t





HAVING piirclilawl Ilia itn^V anil Rood n. " f i . l K n n u or HOWE t lliaiAllD

' Ilanplj his . . . . .lie Isteilro,, •



Pens and Holders, Inks.MpSip^lJ D^STBUJIBOTS,

rEBFOMEKY, NOTIONS, MO., nudall tlie loading lmmdft ol

SUGARS and TOBACCOS,LB linreloftw. Mooiwliwini, Prior and Cla;

I'lpcfl, Kcgnr Hiildora, PoacliDi, etc.

chllv* Hol?'f?fLY MAG j5siNDE9 and i^klndof r,-riodlc«lH m r p l M ' t o "Kler. ,

Daily and Weekly Newspapers

snnpliod an Binnl nithout intonuntton.all aatl BOO mi la^B0 atoc)., l o a will findill (Inifi HUincttiliiR new and lule rent lag.




!U. Hanelnnd, Pronriclar,


Chill ami Di'.y Suml liolls,Ami nil hinda nF


Engines, Pumping Machines,



Having t'hia day (llapoicd or oar dock ;niljUBinenBi to'Hr. Wm. Morrison,vrecomnii)nda.1Imr uid frkutla and cuitomom ' " blin ~ '

GEO. W. WELSH,253 Greenwich St., Hew York,

Corner Park Place,


Trench Martin Clocks and Bronzes

na ^

R D.-Witoh repairing a ipoclalty, In wblolilepirtnont, i i Aeretoforo, my reputaUou !•

The liiiiM-, mcjst Inwlf

Tlie viohtt, of pttrpl** i'"'l W

nd the l.i-is!it little wires daiiix-, crr.j:*

Forn Ktar-liitifl from cvi'i1 llm lea.

linlcar-tlmpaoriiciivi-ii full c^utlydii nt

To kiuH tlio giccn K™** ! and lu Mc.v

he IIIHISL biiift lliolr tomirllH ID joy to I'd"

A kirn fiiini Hie Ilnlcrof Tny.

TiiG lilrda klxi lui-b oflicc aud UvitU'i |

i OIOIKU liibit tiui mini on llio li[|l [Tlm (,'i'npuvlno nmlirofC-F tlio <>]i1 olioi-ry ttv

And tlio |>ubl>W an- IUKJUW] bv tbo rill.

To(;«[ tlio ilrnl mp of tlio E1U>T-

:r Nihim, tlion, BiioniH bum only to bj kiw

HI'. MIIRK it nroufi.luvc. Do you?+~ * - ^ .(iiinj.

lun Imiy oticn thci <• v.-s, nlmlivdl tili!«u Tonn,

IJy loilj,'itiR-l(>ttins Mhe iiM live, lier IUIIIIMIsutiH U r o u u -

lako iidlitftvy ;t relict of ono Anilri.i.- [ir.,*n. w

WLy, W n e slmil soon bo W tbo Minn, ifvirlu

Hoisting; Apparatusorall ItlndR a speciality, mid

Furuii l iei l nt Shortest Notice.

ROLLS,Turned and Grooved to Order.




A. SIMON,Merchant Tailor

Fashionable ClotMer,jsnuwgctllt'ilinhlt '


Cop Blaokwell S Sussex Sts.

X 5 O " V 2 3 P t , 1ST. ff.and offers lo thojmblic (in;

Largest and Host Selected


Ever before offered in this City,COSBIBTIXnOKTUi:


Almi, a largo Htocl' nr

READY-MADE GLQTHEMGPojUonts, Yotttli'dand Cliildivn'sWVnr. Al-

Bo, a largo uuoi'lnit'tit iif

Gonts rurnishiiisHATS, OArfl.TIlDKllH, VALISES, Ac, i<-.

Tho Cutting Donnrtmcn. |H nmlw ll»' nopcr-tlilonof BIR.P. J. McOUIIlK, well known lorblBexcollent abllitleHln thla Kiwcialij-. Wom'* trial of our enpacHy to pknuD inovi r>-linrtlciiIw oi droBS. isiov

Cor. Bhekwoll and fiiiisoi 61s.,' Dni-fH1, X. J.

Br. II. B. CHAMUltK,

Ap thecary,Blckeiison Street,

PPP08ITU Ti. Tt. DE?.p,T,

Qdffa fpF nlO H Wfll Bcltnlnd hlurl: nf



P E R F U M E R Y , T O I L E

And Fancy Articles

Physicians' Prescriptions

WMBS ASB wquons

Sweedish Leeches

s kit* tlio honulSful u

vt llpbtor hotly, *UI1jrli'ti umbnee thoJr clotb«, lb«t Fro


io IiuliftUlllllliOLl,

'N, and (il lit'r nmgh-Tiuii'il inaiuiinc-[\ micccMful iiiiilnlluim or ull varieiiea

"VII uti, nf AniDikni) (juutlrf, IIOTO tilli nud In HID 'LMVH mid iiuan tintH ;

,vVia nml J.c.ii<luinfu licnr Mint phi da

nru inuvilalili.-, ibu ground of thci

lnltrrnu buinH In faiiilly wilureil

:r.u tints of 1\TO FliitilcH, Iiiturinin-

jliofilly bincH, palu rnrmliiD, erimsoii,

>st suspicion dl tliclr inttoilnelluii.

II thisj-cr.ron tlio lUHi(>r J-VUimy,t r limn it linn HIIH-O 1B(ii. Tliiu will

5 Maruli, illicit is ivILbiu AIK *du?i ufl|t [ini'bd npnu wbiob it cau tret

•nir. On nnniA ywrs l i s t e r falls an

w|3tli ofA'H'il. Kouio ytura thcro uro

i, nino Hunilayd between EpijjJmuy

^(.nuFiduy, but thin yi'nr thtrti Hero

flundnvH inturvuiiitig bntircca tlioml tba

1m* i o od llio

A Iof thiuith

yiifL' of Iliu llal'yOprtnaii mit'iuii.

cderid; William,v.WU'V 1./.•,„,M:.Il

uti ier ivmiiiiriiHtniiuu Kiiil.in: of t lWit i i ll;« ilcniise o[ .of (.',.:-.s,-l, (lit. t i t le tc i t ine t . Of HIP " N W . . . . .were (littVruntiiilly c;.lli-i3, wlio juinctl inspecial (.'Diiiiliivi1 to c'liiKmo " the n i lu r ofU i i m t o m t o i u , " tliis i)u(Ji' Mtocinu'ii ut aiuminiii.1iij)i-ii»:i>w:i» Hiro in ii .int. Hiri Kruinifatltdr censiiil to b evlccUiv, lint ]v: ; lin (.-! iliL' (it!,* am\ t hoHuvL'ti-igiity of ii jilifu of unL'ieiit HL'IJBO ;tli" tfruudsHii tO ' tn l l . A niLTJior tyrantnever brcntliiHl tii-imiui nir. I 'mtor lc i lliy tin- J in i idc t tng , h e i tululged hid nrlii-Irury lirujwiiattios t o tho u t i m u t limit!l*i»8iute in it e i i i i ized (luiiiito*. HeHt ib

IKtLi'iulH, and k-.l u .lumeMicli'fn r'uUofuiiiHliil. I Io co(]..ettc(l wi lh t l ieUl iuruh,wliiIn lii« (jliiitl uucii]inliuii wiiii t l iotliciifru; Kiiiiko of Onruiiui l ionor middiguitj1, viLilc lie luid mmk HO low Unit,if rti]><J.'lfl Hpualt true, ho wm ropuntodlykiulictl iu liin oivu 'nilnuc—imy, evou inilia ajieii stioet—by jierHouH provokedliL>yoii(l ullpccdoil i n Iiri

UIII und

u p k e d; ucl, llnnlly, mic-

r uu t ho \ m r l)otwennin, which pu t im unit

i Jl f

Vneltt IUh.Ilia full iiKiue W«K Uvl-.l.-li Wriffh

Turner, btttcvcrylioily called Jinn "Hob.1

Hy must linvo inuscd HH Hixticlli In.-thduy, tint nu one cared tu lool: a HCCUOItime to flco if Jio wus grawiiif; old mid

ring Miit. Ho eliuied umiind livoryleu iiiid snloons, ulviivH hungry mid

-lyflnigfj'fld, und wliiluno (mo win liisfmiid he liud no cutHiiies,

TU« otlier doy lio foil down iu it fuintin n miloou on the river road, and wlicu

was restored to cQiisciou.suP«M IIHt-'H tLo tnn>e or four mou WIKJ lia

placed him on the IJDII by cxvlaiming :" B(IVB, I'll be iliitned'if I liaiut going

todio! r 'No one had ever (.luiiputl to think

wlmtbcr Unfilo Hob -vvim over going to(lie. Itiviin llio fruiii'rnl iniprogHion amonghii ncquaiutaiicda that ho would live longfor three or faur hundred yuan*.

" How do you feel ?" they asked."Kinder trembly nml weak," lio ro-

plied. " I ' l l bet fifty caiU I'll );ick tbomket nforo noon I"They oflemd to brintr II doctor, but

•"N'o, don't tnko miy tionblo; 'toudright fobiiniuoBs na imnitl, nud when I

L'liou nil tbo butchers iioiriy mad illd drive tbn

THltmtftbUofBca.'vyUowfv;n» M t \\\Cr,\»wlo»

Ami ovury joint Jicr Idilger imJ, pnuiiRli d> float

a nary— •

iVb, ricli,broitu, Kloricum, linmlnua Jnlun \~\\ua

AtfifX\VilXiS ** fiCOQ- ffrnry> .

lio mnnl^il biro riclit out of Jinnd: tilto turncil

licrlodgcr» out) -nd bo,tliongb still n ]wrlly man, ilota not

look qnito BO s tou t ;For at each meal lio vjs-A via IK wltii fair )*rn.-

m.o Carres'tho julutu. t iul sivoslmr lord mr.

all LJVU jiuiulk l in t tU.iiv itu'tu \Tuik—v

very nflon done; '

Bui p'npa tiol Utowiwti by \V.\lavf nvtivrii, 1

for vrcdi.lug won,

Ii, you trim loflga, ilitin uMows plump, wilU

bur Ha black anilivavyt

,iid aitvtya lock BUMpidonrtt* on diitirn swum

willi gravy.

t o b i n i unil b ia 8]ic(!ius. Alniiy of y o u rrealicrH will iciucuiboi1 tiis (jv.lmgaouabehavior tmvnnbt (he Cnssel I 'fuliiuncntwjou utter 18S3. S» circrtmwcriiig wastlm iuiprt'iiHiou ]>rocliici>d th i i iuyl ioutaoriunuy by wliut ho (lid Unit Prtuiiu,ttiongli corluiiily uuytliiiig but libcnd intliosz i!«y*, Uwuglit U iufuuibuut npouIIPI- to iuterfcro in tho iutari!!,^ of iioliti-cal ilcueney. liut Auslnu, being ovnr-iinxioiiB to uphold tbo sovereign rightsof tbo minor princcn, bet'imno tlioy pre-vitutud iiuity, sidud witb Iho oleclor.Wlicn l'l'iissm tbrcnteiicd to Imro ro-uoiireu to innin force, Austiin sent hor

. into tlio Electorntc, u id nftor thoUH battlo ot Bi'nuiiffi'.l, in which one!iy liorac WUH wounded, mieeecHled in(IRIIIB nnd expelling the trgoiiH ofIPi-liu gorornniant. Tills "ww lu

Tbo vviMikii&sR aliowii cm thnt ou-II by I lerr ron MuutoufFel, nnrt tbouccfnl emmo nf tbo wliolo affair, bucd iu tlio Qfi'innil mind that i tlbly did innro tbnu anything OIHOVQ tbo way for Uioovcnta of 18QC.

liy had tlio iircsontllmporor bucomoJO Hege.it when, tiiking tip thorolrif tlio IIusso CuBscil Purlinineiit,iniiiukd tlm ruiitnration of llio coil-ional riglitn of the Ileutim people,von I!nnialnrfliiif(iiTnedtheoli;ctiJrnmtiy voitls Unit "tiino wns ii]j ;"hfii ho left tho Cubinot, Hew vontrek, who cixmo in after him, Hontwd to iiiHiHt iiiraii imjdicit iibedi-

witfiiu fofly-wiglit bniu'H, l l io elcc-rioldod with a very bad giiipo, anil

his revenge • by promoting thoio bntwi'cu llui minor priueoa ofn'ti, whicli, iiftar iiiijiortnnt raauoeu-

tlio ik>ld of dipioiuncjr, found aftiul siuipuiuiry etui iu tlin Snvp«

' CiimimiGii. lliivinfr been ono ofnncipnl eiiomiue of-Prusaift in tliohe elector'H couutiy, to tlieintcnsoiction of tho itilmbitiuitii, vtau nn-, tuid tbo old gciiliemnu bimaelfd m\t ot hoitst) \n\i\ \wnn$. H a ve-

Ircatcd to Bolicuiin, nud iu rotum forrecognizing tho now Htnto of tlii'iga xmsallowed tlm proceeds of tho lleaainncrown .audit. Two yciira Inlcr b,o jciwiitflil of nccediiijj tq tl,ls nir'aiigeineiit,\w}, linvhiu publislicd n ptotoMt ngniustiJfl iiotiirorciuent, had tho mortificationif KCfing his interest in (ho crown lnmlailnucd iiiulorscqiR'atiatioii, 'X'lioelector'sight children, boiug tlio issuo of a mor-



rliiuli proIt 1

kick tlio isGiLtn plawithout any Htylo 1"

Tlio mou imogiiiod Hint it was incrotsakuesa ^l.ic.i,wOiiia BOOH jiaua ofl, undo of tlieiuBfttilown uciir liim whilo tho

uthora rotirod togoiiboiittlioirbiifiinciu." I t ' s totl(,'lt woiithcr for n funentl t"

reumrked UncIoHeb, ua tbo lloieo windhowlud itxoiinil tbo liuuee. " I t don'tmuliu nay cliETurenca how I 'm carried ny ;I wouldn't know ifc if tliero wcrueixhionhnokn nnd a •brans band; jiict im liof yotip uloiio with tlio driver I"

After A pntrse he mni.od blindly untlnijuircd:

"Tbcy' l l speak of mo us the 'Intodeceased,' wont they V Yea, of comae.I should like to road thu papers to-morrowmid sco what they tay of me, h i i t l wontbo horo, you know." • :

' 'Havo'you nuy property to dlsnosoof V" asked tlio watcher. • . • .

"Yes, tlm'r's an extra pair of butca and nhat ami about 17 oiintn in inoiipy.-MttiippoHi] tlio right wnj would l»o to haveexocntom "iHiitcJ, but, us 1 latcLuefoiG,I don't want tmj fooling around. -Youenn diviilo tip tho ostato botweeuyou."

Tlie old man Mas very pnla aud heomoiJ to bo sulTcriug, nud tho iratclicr

was fluxions to do somotliing." I tell you," replied Uuclu Hcb, "I'll

lilto KODIO brandy. If it wnaii't jnat FW it3 I wouldn't put you to nny traulilo, but

being I'm goingmvay to Htiiy I'd lilto nfew HwnllciH of rail peach ty'tuuly—-someof tbitt in the /uuuy clooantcr."

S f l i a t e u U t l i A l l i l


Tbo bna Hint grossed ibo ORPHH—Ool-imbus.

y/o govern out posaioua, but in gcuor-|1 vto \oi (ho pnsaioos first hnvo n trinl.

A oitifiou of Syrnpuae liaa thirtcpn chil-dren—nil girls. Ho buys bnirpins by thobushel.

g n ninrrittgr, novel1 liud a right [oho throua

— < • « • « .

A Story of u S|mrroit'«A writer iu the London Science Gossip

elates ji ronmrkiibla story of hi»cxpoii-neo with n foundling sparrow*. Threeenrfl ngo a yonug epnrrow full nt Insoet iijjaii tlio piivomont from a hoiiso-roof. Ho carried i t homo, where a ecr-iiiitgin took it in cliitrgu uud tiwiitlicdud tenderly mimed nud fed it, iidmiii-itoring to it Riippcd bread from herovvu

mou tli. Tho bnntliiit' took to itH foster-niolhcr nnd to its diet, nud qrevf to fulltiltnre. I t VHH finally, with n desiro toiyo i t ila liberty, placed in tlio gulden,

wI.oi'D i t rmmiiml mitii iiiiotlnu'ppinrow,ip\iarctitly ol iU'ov.u wgu, mndo lo?o toit, mid finally enticed i t nwny to u morennturnl condition of Bjmrrow lire; batno.t BO fiir iiway ns Uint it forgot its eailyfricnilu, whom it frequently visited, nmlcontinued to rooognizo M'ith sighs ofaffection, I I the i w m w u in tho gtwi-loii,tbo grateful littlo preaturo would Hy iolier, peifJi niton her hond nndalioiilder,nil rettim ila poailiau when uho was

l k i g , gathering tlbwci'a, or tlio liko ;ftl t l ltl it ti

Bx-ilp H jifiuie pi p

nlkg, g glind it viia iiorfcctly «t luh l U V A pnno ot RIB

fittd itBruaaeln. Probably componed of gen-tlemcn formerly in tlio netroloupi h|i3vness.

A young lndy wlio cnnio to tlie city toso whnt was ndvertmed RS a "spectncu-

ur tlrftinn," enme liomo fireatly dinnp-poiutcd. She snys UQt onn of themwore spectacles.

A teacher said to tt littlo girl at school<—-"If n naughty girl tfoaulA hur t you,lito n good girl you would forRivo hor,wouldn't you ?" ' "YBH, tnann," sbc w|)licd, "If I couldn't catch lier."

A yniihca captiiiu onco sung out iu aequnll, [o it nuv baud on bnurd IUH crnft

-"Lot go tho iili, them 1 Dtini yourJin, lot KO t l iat i ib I" " Ia iu ' t touching

it I" HfniiUIttl tha greeny.

A« Imiiium ninnbeb tondollurutlmthcjutd ride the fly-wheol ofn fmw-niill;

and nt his widow pniil the deb t «hfl re-miirlied—"Willmm waaa kind bupband,lint lie did not know muo^ nl^niit flywheels.1'

The foot fioldier in tho Aitstri.m nrpyjirrica a lnirdcn of flliout 471b.. tho

Atneripaa aboutB31b., the Italinu 03 lb.,tllO B\flsH [l\)OUt 50 111,, tllO l'tHBfl.HBabout ill lb., the English and Frenchnearly l!2 IK, tlio RusaJnn over 6B lb. .

There was once on independent aliiluily wlioso coidmonU on tho Bible were-ery pm'ntoti. Spenhing of Adam's nnm-

'io animals, she wild abo didn'ty iininl

ing nil llio animals, she uuid abo didn'ttbiuk he defiorvod nuy orodit for imming1

tho lion—anvbody would know what t rill him. 'A fjentlemim ant down (o ivrito n dend,l bepiu witli, "Know ono woman by

theseprenenU." "Vou arewrong." saida by«tntiiler ; "i t oURUt to bo, 'Know allmen.'" ••Very well/1-tufoliW tb'd other ;"if one wraian Itnown if, nil men ^inof

A llni

amiHCftV a iwat-oflioc, tlio other any, and tho

lot-blnok who uatilstod her to hor feet...quired, "J)td you broalt unv bones,madam?" "No, I pucaa not,'1 BIIO ro-s\)onileili " h u t I'm just as nud, as U Ihnd broken a dozen of 'am 1"

Tit AT FnozEH WAHP.—A Vermont pa-per tells a food story, na fullnws : AWcat Ilill miniHtcr piulcd up n frozen•wnBji, an tha nuicwalK recently, mul, •witha viWtfl ndvttucing tbo interested s«-ence, liocnrricd i t iu tlio h,au6Q,*nud licld; . i... i,._ *_ii «.i,;in I.Q Vnrmncl its cnrrit by tlio tnil „_—...T ....- -.—over ft Intnp cliimncy. Hin object wna fosoo if vmvpB froze to dentil, or merely laydormant dining the Wiiitor, H a w olopiuiou that tlioy merely lie clormnnr,and tho dorm antes t t i a d rit tbat, tied,when tlioy revive, liosnya, tlin tn»J tbniVHtiiit first, for^rliile thla ono'd'lipiia, riglilovw'tVo tanjPi Syaa »ft B'f»ff- ?»d cold i tcti\i^ i b t -nmli, i ts i>roba Tforltca wilUiDConccivalile rapidity, that tbo minia-^or couldn't grasp fnst oiioaali (Q keepup \yitli it, ' H o throw tho vioiaua tliiiigtlaura tlio Inrap ohlmtioy, nnd nM liedidn ' t wimt any moro tntok with n <lar-maut yuan, at wblehliinwifo burst intoteal's, and naked how i o , a mluUter olilia GOBPQ], could uso atich innminRo,right before the ohildreB, toa •

r tliwltli nit tit

in n kitoboul i f

hompl.oUV A pnno ot RIBSS in n kitobouwindow wiis fitted up with n liioge, fortlio fiilmiflsioit of tho intorefiUng pet.whioh tlid not full, nt breakfast, dinner,or sup per time, la uiako its appearanceand tup At tho wiuilow with its bonk untilifc WHS oponeiUor its entry, wlicn itwonldliy to itH loved :md fnithful uurso nudliiLi'taku of i ts nmiftl feed from her mouth.Thin lmppy interoouvno hos . been - con-tinued foi" tlireo or four years, duringwhich tho simrrow has mined tlireo orfour brood**, tm irliicli OCCIIBIOII food linsiren loft for it njKm tho wiiiaoi\VfiQ na

be ut oil times ncccsaiblo fnr suppliestho liaiiig gonciiitiriU, On oun of

Iliost; occasion a tlio miinbci' of ita visitsto tlio food wuu no loss tliiut two Iminlrud.nnd Hiirty-aovon in ouo (Iny.

A Mule miHli? U> Oo.A Imd littlo bov in 1'oi-tlniid lit a pnok

.f jlro-cmcltcrs and threw tliom into theB*.ci'.et to ma them " go off," Ono ot IkeIjufcumji'H limits ctiuu ultm^ und HWHI-lowcd tlu'tn boforotbey "wentoff." Themule ivulkcd nbout fiftecJi foot dn<lBtninit-d. Things' Ayari't nc-ting Hglit

H li t ( t th l fAyarit ncting Hg

ii to (usto tho cutolo ofl \ h i l £ \

Btninit-d. ThiniusiUd. Ho lie

iiifit lu's riiis and hcuid HomcUiiliff. Ittho oraoliora having fun. '1'ho innlo

._ ictl out nliont tliroo nnd n halfmibsof Klrniglit roail nnd Btnrlcd. A negromet liitn ubont a intlo thoothpr siilo ofIho fttnas howse, R6'HIJJ South, ^-liita withpcrKpirntion, with 'Hfreams of HIIIOUOFihoolinff out of hk nantrila, mouth andcms, wliiloliiH Ijiil titiick Rtmght up, untla Htvciim oL blue and ffrooti HtuoUu itboutten feotlcDgfollnwoil in tho roar-fonnd liis mnlo ytBleniny morninging l)«lf *"fty throiijjh a fnrm-lioUfiQ uemrPuddy'fi Itnti, utill Hiuoliing. -Tho ninnhnd got liirj family nut aud put 'cm luro

lot ot ttties. Iko hnulori hiu inulc

.jnic, when ho got cool cnoii^hj on'nilroT. '¥lie aiiin b (,'uiug to- rpto\« bjsIIDUGU fnltlicrtiaclc off tb/u-p^J,' ouil biswiffl'aiid oldc.it (laughk>7 M'ifl*j;heii 11*0 water ge^s wnrm,

A WITKESS rou QoD-r-Amoug theniultinliod (irfjtimcntfl for tbo existenceof God, thu thoughtful observer mustCfivu {o luitnnu lifo u prominont pinco.wo Ha not mean hiimuii iinturo or cxint-cucc, but the earthly crmrso of that ex-iBtouio. Ituiisputiibli1, thocniidid mind

i i(uji in wiidbcGry Hus' uccn ~VDITUUJ

God •""* Loconiotiro Company at Pat-Hjblftlllil |l* ^ to tramfor or otbcnriio

c o m c , n y of Iti property. This, H iagross >rollmlnary to i motion for a ro-tiuu\n olillGntlaiiH ot tli'o company willin i t lO, cf which S3SO,OO0 t« a Hunting orgood mred dol t ft nil t i 50,0001* socitrcdclianpttTWiii, cno for *2M,OO(1 nml twopcrsipjtcli.*

doso, tliero being ebont a miloiiloj. *A11 tlio irnportint bridges

x.'""havo bean completed;, ttiora stillM l l " ? W n qma;i liridgca. The roaaV?.?1"! lio op(!ncd during tlio cominB


g foick tlioih

l, hen Iplant me quietly and1"

' 'Lein.no t !" roused Utlole Heb.

ipH, smilcct and rciniirkcd :I I I wiisii't going to tlie I'd try aud

Iny in a quart or two of that brnuu V"After live or ten minutes moro tlio

miiM naked him if bo didn't feel bettnr."Fool belle* I" cdiooil tbo olil rann,

' ' how can a dying man feel bettor ? Doyon Bupjioso I 'd ho fooling oround lioroif I irajju't going lo oxpiro ?"

Tha wnn ait down and Undo Hob(M>rjfiuuod :

"As noon us % go ti)) llio spout ouo ofHI BO tothoPoonuustoraudKay , -JJr.

, , ' i l M , oltl I^'» IH dead ; sond a fullerdown pud plant,him.' That will be usgood na a upccoli two hours long. J 'IIIu«."ry 1 was took elck. horc, but it wasn'tmy fnult, yon may go now."

Tlio man wtut out, tli'inkiug Uncle Hebout of liiE mind, nud snt down ant) ployeddomiuoea for nu hour. Hearing nomovement in tba back tooui he openedthe door.

Tlio old muu naa dead 1•—Detroit Free Frew.

.1TV-npoii tlio bnfliuesa consists nf41,5i3jutlx, 160,211 hogsheadti, 123,011: bur-•els, ana 200.12T kildcridus—iu nil, 580,-J03 casla. 'Jbcao figures eourcy a veryuudcqmito iiloa of wbat they railly jro'>-rcseiit. Bt. Ptitor'B, at Home, is SbO feet

'-jh; put on end, tueuo casks wouldEco 2,440 pillftrs UNhigh as Bt. Peter's.

it. Paul'e LODJIJII, ia B80 feethigb ; tlioywould mnlio 8,330 p i lk r s iu high. Thegreat EtryptiftU Pyramid is 7113 fct;tsquare at U«o bnsc ; (he butts, bulge to)ulge, Mauding on end, would furnishIIISUU for five uuck pyramids, ami the>thct ciislte would bo inoro than sufficientor tlio Biiijorstrucluto, 400 fact higli.—Babylon \yaa a Bquaro of Httecu tuitos ou:ho Bide—tlicse casks would more thanmrrouiiil tlio walls three tinea. If tlioy

;ro luiil cud tu oud, iturtiu/z from Lou-iu iu tho direction of Manchester, they

oulJ oierlui) Maneliflatcr by moro than'.xi miles 1

Owing to tlio nJoplion of mcolmuicalnd EcienUConpyliiiucoa, whera the form-Icrof tlio -firm employed ten, his sue-jssors only ouiijloy oito ; tu foot, tlieymy be afiuoet said to .dispense withLautml labor, and j c t l b o y neod tbo str-ices n t Biirringtoti of nearly two tlioua-ind men und bays, in miditiou to huu-

orts of otbera to manngo their plncesbugiiipga iu Loudoii, Manchester, Liv-

yoo\, NewcnHtlo-upou-Tyne, Shofllold,rolvarlmmpton, Binniaglimii, Btolto,ill nurueroiiH otlier j l ncm Tho wnget)iid by tho firm ftluuo, where mauunl la-

ov in so largely suparsoded, uovertbe-!ss ntnoimts to ovor i2,000 por week,—fatwitlistauding tlioir great powers ofiroiluetion, t i e maltiLg lionsea iii-o »othvnjB ndequnte to supply tbo wants ofio ooncorn, mul malt has to bo boughti tho extent of iibout 80,000 quarters ;nt Ilensrs. KOBS & Co. always prefernit of their owu innldug, having alwiiVBviu\r tha best poaaiblo quality. Xbcxn HOUCI oiitsiiy 80,000 barrels u year,id receive into tho works during tbat

imo mw mutcrinl weighing 8C,00O to»«.Iu llio year ending nbput tlio 30th of

unoj tba ilrmp&id tbo railway and caual™ -•• aud otlieT' carriers, iu tbat

lYImt Rate Arc Good For.Of what usB ia the rat to wnn ? Woll,

uot rarj much that wo know o£ j yet afo\v items mny boraontioucd. Probablywo ninst nttnclt much importance to t iealleged prophetic powers of frhn rut; thatifhofjuaws a perflon'M olotlies, thnt per-noil will speedily dio ; that if hosuddoulyquitaaliouac, that uonao^ilWory shortlybo burned down ; thnt if no deserts aeliip, tho Blily iain ftsinkioR staio. A.mill nt yectjoi v;a3 smldouly deserted bya wbolo polony of rnta about twonty yearsng" J two. liouro afterwards the mill -wm

l dtvwn, ItimiatbocoBlessd tl

tho logiois very weiikwliichprovoBffomthese fads tlio lKJKseasion of nny pro-photlo power lay Mr, Bat, Wo haveevideuco that lio liaa BomctitucH beeninodo nsofnljO) tin H. E. (or R. A,}, Jumoa,iii his military iliotionary, mys : ' • llnfsnro Hometimca uaod iii military opcra-"' 9, pnrtioularly iu outor-irises for thoHiiriiuso of Hotting lira to gnu powder.On tlicso oocasionn a lighted match intied to tho tnil «f tlio animal. NnnhaX

Inu recoraniQiuis, tueroforo. that the. a of powder-inngnzinea should bo

mtido very thick, and tho pais&gce forlight nud nir to narrow m not to admitrats." Wo do uot know whether n crueliport can ho called a useful employmentof rats ; but nu account is given o i astrange proceeding at llom.o( A largonumber (if i-als were dipped iu Bjiirita ofturpentino, set on fjrc, nu4 niado to rnahdown an open fligUt of Bteps near tlioVatican ; tliey xeaohed tlio bottom na

insaca oi clliurctl iloslt, amid tho shouiai'tlio populace. Eats nro worth threehilling a ilozon, in Euglauil, to furnishsupply to.tlioso brutnl oxbibitions in

.;liicn rat-killiug tcrriors show theirpower. lUta arc alao caugbt. tor tbo,value of their skins. There is n ilrm iuParis wliicli buys tho skins for this \i\\hpose. Tlio fur is drensed into n vc^y goodBtibstitutfl tav beflvpr, Mflu'la tlm pelt ormeiiibrano ia tlrcas^l into leather BO fine,clastic, and cltao an t<J bo used for tliothnuilv) ui thtt boat gluves. If auy onubelieves that xaUt o'ro not used for lumanfood, ho must cbange his opinion. XirParis, tbo e?nSantera, o r bone-grubbers,ont thorn. Gipsies cat such ruts iiu nrocaisglit i u stackB nnd barns, u.n.1' uvo lessBtrong iu flavor mii] odor llinn those thatfeed omuivorotisly, Iu Ghiita, Bplitratanro-bought us a. tlninty. An Englishsurgeon of Borne uoto bad tbom. cookedfor bia eating. In a nmn-ot'WflP, wherethe rate raodo ..ftvoo vfith Vlie biscuit, tbeKiiiloifl bud a regular batltie, nuil broughtOonn uumbcru of them. Jnelt niudo rat-pic, bilked it, nml liked it. At tbo megaof Haltn, tlio Fruneli garrison, whoufumislicd, ufTernd ns nuteh as n dolhir

niiicpformDuring tlio ego of


in tbu latuiiatort rni w.ba

norer tastcj U before.

,_; YfboD H e m OUT, B P T TUB MigEnXURD.TTA Jeur tbat liis woofl-pllo wouldViaoxhnuatctl nt tho oloao of winter, ledold GolUiob Hmttcrioli, of Milwnnkeo, toajwro tbo sticks, ilioncU tbo thcrmonio-tct rnngod twenty-oigfit below zoro, nudliis hovel was EO rioketty (but it nfTordedJitllQ comfort. Gottlieb vnA a miner,and, when l»o wns unnblo lo bo nljout,•woa proviilod for by tlio family. (\f Jfr.Adolpli Suolzer, who re^mi uwir by.On Saturday m o r q ^ week rioforo laatMr». Suelzor Vi<innht bliu u oup ot bo--""-•« ml w ' o r m toast, of wliicli liopur-

Tlin lady ofTerod to build him nwnim tlio room, but lie declinedvice, IIH lio feftred the wood vo,u.l«\

Early tho next raomins it trans-ittbo'wuotl Ii!\^ laflted, but tli-

oinkitolnvo posiaccording toIn tU owner


ib liQtl \\oi. ili'fl. Snelner callSpi-o co%p. had {oast, but was nolned by 'tbo old num. Hofro.Eou dead 1 Old Gottlieb, bttr-Q funds ha hml not iutifnstcil to Mr,v. Uc wxd/i tbo latior tlvo ewato

Inn 'jyinern, aud as tba Suelzemwa>3 been Hnd to him. (rail budor him in timca of illuoas, i t' liaa lett rtitm all bis property,

sure.-—orning paper SBJB Ibat

03 B0UTI ly owuors aro sliovrinirnvnTivi * J«"3giag from tbeirsiL- _CUHOLLI a ( n l d Cftlj>it a a o n o i gyw l l-o l l sciaoi


l^ldretrc and LacUatt»ani Railroad Cum-liation.tlng at tUo llobokoa (frralnoi aIHKI til bo s.000 foct Ion>. 100 foot nltls,

with werkiug girls, and a funnll army'of I to notothoroanl ,,employers flllod tho application room.— I butwean two e^olcanB," ia tbo latest wtvThe ppproprintion naltod for is 810,000. | o[ mentioning a party at a cock-fight.

A rtitiioiiB Urfwcry.JIi*B?rs IJass k On., thu fniiiuiifi lir

i-Hitt, JJtnluti-iil»ou-lriiiit, oceiijiy I:

ifty ncnui/lha \altw of which is not lossIhau £250,000, iu addition Ui about onuindifd ni'i-cs of leudiold iji-operty. Iilm bitwoiv are twonly-nix stciini eniuesdiiily ut work, with mi ncBrcgiili'Ovrer of flva liun.li'etl end thirty-t.v<otirnn, LoKutln»r with HI'X locomotivo on'iiuis, their ov/n liroperly, timt luv<liepouer of flva hundred horses, miihoy Imvo cifflify poworful curt-liursesmiployud besides. 'XUefltm USCH na ""•-ay us wity tlioiiwantl railway truclti:Lo toiirae of six moaths, aud often an

* us three hundred and ROVOIIIJ;H iu a d»y, thnt, placed tilom? to:v, woiiltl innko 11 train of ono milebum]red and fifly-tliroo yards long.

'tin stock of cafiks necessary for carry-

e, tho aggregate Bum for i:iG8.&20 6HT iu the pniduetiou of tbatlUnntity of beer, 250,000 quartors ofunit wero naej, »ud 34,000 owt. of hopij.

ie land required (or (ho production ofhu mult would ho 60,000 ncros nt fournid a biilf quarters of liarloy jwr aero,—'ha quantity of coal used aui iug tha-welvu montliu v/m 40,000 tons. Theimouut of malt tax andlicouse duty paidhe BQ-rorumont for tho B&mtt iiwiod WHSlie gQYGtumant foe the &&mo ptiiotl WQS:2B5,000. "SVo ure jirobubly near the?.nrk wlion vio assess tlio amount of busi-ess dono by Easa &Co., in ono yewlouo, lit A littlo less tlinii jE2,4Q0iQOO.

A Saxou. Uauy> . J . _'Tlioy ure born quiet—Ihoso peoplo ; »

Saxon baby lias bu^ littlo cry iii him,aud uoprtsijitent noiaiucss. In iufnucyio is Btiffoacd out in swaddling clothes,mil lives between two feather pillowfl.UUo* oyster i n his shell, moving-only in

l»nlo blniali eyes and pasty littlo flng-prs. A. greasy uiming.bottle is poking(self into his inoutk till duy Ioug. E r

B a great, hairless, swelled head, likeinflated bladder. Hi* Unit aupearaneo

13 »— _.t^ i«. ~\** t--L * _ * . _ * initdooriam&uainnbnBke^agon.plimt-id noclwloep nmid liis pElows, tLo hood' thu wagou boiu^up and olosoly hluo-irtaiucd. Soiautimesha rides double,a brother's or sistor'aliood omcrgiugnt,o onpoiuto end of tho littlo vuhuilo,

they aelOoin dio under thia t rea tment ;inilecil, even it soul would flnd difficulty

—lping from beneath tliaso fonther, a u d . tlirougli tho crevices of

hose oloso-druwn bluo-curtaina. 'When;hey havo tho colic (bat they seldomnosier energy BufScient) they uplift ancneer cry, us though nwaro that soniG-liug of tlio sort would bo expected of

.hem. Hut it oftcu happens, ns I amiredibly iuformed, they must be dashedfith cold vrntor in ortlor to bring tUcir

lungs iuto notion. A. dash of cold waterwould b e apt to produos a spasm iu nSaxon of wliatever nge, Thiu early

—ins tUo Hubjootion to law and custom.311 tho child gets to ho thirty inches

iigh ot thereabouts, i t ia scut to B«1IOQ1;t'liithcr U paces immediately, with littloloisa ; racing, horse-laughing, aud alllisordor nro tacitly discouraged. Thoittlo girls liuk armu anil gossip us they

go; while tho bojs marouaoldier-likoivith their small kuapsacks, j.)recocioustu diaciplino nud conservatism. Whoa'ho play-hour comas they ongagc, i n nuitunlly fiiisjiiciouu mnnnar, &s thoughoH-consciovis of hypoo^isy and inake-idievo. By nnd by they grow up—moroif them lliiyrt would bo BUpposod. Huttho lmbit nf following authority andircocdoQt iu nit coaoeriis of life growsivith them. They will uovor feel quitaiffl about Mowing their noses tiutil theyvia seen tho written law concerningint ceremony, aigneil mul Bcalelby llioing, and eouuteraigued by Prince Bis-

mu-uk. They swim overywliero in aork-jneket of law; nnd, sbonU it failhem, flounder nud sink, nr oven lossheir heads Jind ora betrayed into soniQally ivliiolihelia tlmm lo tho bottom.

I^DCK-SIIOOTIKO.—" Spcalducof BIIOCg ducks," said an oi l Cliosapsa1.™lortamtm named Solby, in that S3f.t nud

earchiug wny for which lio is so justlyLelobYalGtl-—" Sppakiiiu *>1 nbootiuglimke, puts mo iu mind of tho f^oattorm that ocourred whan I was downho bay last year.. An awful storm nroae,uid TSW BO fierce thnt it dvovo all the

idta in tha bay iuto n pond, coveringiout na ncrcj near our lionse. I n fnet,i mnny ducks erowiledinto that pondnt I could uot soo a drop of wator. Isnt iuto tlio house, and got my donblc-

unrroloil BliQt-gun, and discharged botU"irels riglit in tbo midst of thorn ; but,

my nutoniBlimoiit, tlioy rose in Hielir, leaving not n solitary duck iu tl»Qpond. It astonished me at first; hnfcas HOOII as the thicks roso (V few hundred

m i s ™ the nirftntlcorainouccd to sepa-ito ii little, iliocluoki bognu to drop,'"•• *sli&t>ipr you boliero it or not, I.. . . »il up twontT-nino barrels of ducks,

mil i t wns a poor season for tluoks, tooi'ou soo tha ducks wore wedged iu HO BOI-id iu tho poud Hint when they roau theycurried tho dond into the nir -with them,und wlicn they eaparnted down civaa tliotwonty-uwluutolBo! dead ilucks."

- N O L D HOUSE.—Tho residonw of No-sliccli Wcarc, tho first President of New

llov. ;<r Attnitl Cuslmii,

Iliu fuHuwiiiK "'-'HU'iit jokois goingthe toumU ui thn JJerlin ucwbpapers litIDcscnt : A VIJIIUK confeciiouur of tlintjiliiec, Jt:.viii;r. Jiljt* ninny othfir buninesamen nt. piYK.\..r, t<> mmplain of hardtiiuos, huUlly rcidlvoj tu get married ;wltt'lht'i' i" "pile, or jierhaps hecama ofthr; pyur ^ulna ut IIIH uarengoau aud}'<tincr.i, iwirtty ljfciiiine she on tvlioin l i tliud c.Ht im v i d dumiil, UH well l

mo wealth,

inJeod o prottyi.s that KIIQ couimoiidedShe wan tho daughter of

a miisti-i-i'..i:iT)ii uliltlchiwii in tbo sub-in-bs. AH IV ijuucr.illy tlio c.n&o, tha twolittlu folks wore agreed. Uot papa hodnot j'lit Kivoii his eazuumt, and wantedfirst to ML* lvhcthor thu business of the"aturn fioii-in-lmy WHS prosperous. H aJiuiiRltt Lc would convince iiiouelfofthia I'tntc of fuels, and ajiyoiutod BOineaftoruoon wlicn ho would pn^ a visit toour yuinif,' LMnfectiouer, ut "hit saloon,and. tliuiccouiithowmuiiy cuns ot coffee,cboculnU', etc., etc., were called for, and

ow mnny piiff-ijiiaien nud niiirengoesoro cutiaiimod,

Tho confuL-tioucr well uuilerstood thatmany an «ffonicon ho oloue could drinkmoro cofToo tlmu nil bis eustomors. Notknowing what to do, ha coiiBultctl witb

f his HliinJiiig cu»U>mer», whoi Unnv Uow to davioo TmyB undfor nny emergency. But Iiow

grent wiii Iiia Kurjiritto wLeu the other,witb n Hinile on 'his countenance, in-formed him that, it would ha no difficult

to fill hia entire room with cUktom-er.i. "Bo«f gnoil clicur," he said to h im;"let your future fftthor-iu-lawcomo on—I will attend tu the re«t." Tlio after-nouii so UJUUII fuurei flrmlly came ; and,JokolJ! hen-, t-jO, camo ths bakor, nc-coinpnni(i(l by hiw wife, aud nto anddnmli liejirtily. When obflerving tliestirriuff bnuiues of him who it was uowsettled wus the nceeptod Bon-in-lflT, cv«rydoubt iu the mind of tbu baker vanished.Ua depjirltid fully sntiefiod.

Hut the yunug- confectioner, to liisgrctit ostouisunioiit, noticed tliat nearlyall tho customers, whether ladies or gsn-tlonioii, seiiinctl to go nway disappointed.Quietly nintling [o bjuisslf, the customer,llushad with victory, naked the young:candidate for conjugal life—"Sny, doyou kiio%v, young man, how I mauugodo Oil your Buloon r I iiuswored nil theUfToroiit Jiilvi'rtiHOinontd for marriages,ill tho peraounld for rendezvous ns younguly, widow oi- niiytbiug you please,isiRDiuff them to nieot me at your cou-

'ectioiioi-y establishment. J)\& you notlotico that each nnd every one, •flietkeridy or gentleman, bora n flower, orome otlier murk of distinction? I wroteiver oiglity hitters in your uohalf."

A ^DSINESS TRANSACTION.—A B1BU•went into a clothjng-storo, iu Lawrence, 'Mass., tUo otliec day, nad bougl i tuha tor throe dullura mid fifty oents, loft hisild ono, aud atid he wonld pay (or i tvheu he tuuutv lincU. I n bslf an hour lir.returned, und entering tlio afore met thejrojirietor, who was absent at liis first•isit, Tho nrojnietor was glad to BCOtho li inu^a neighbor of his—hutobsen*-tng hia new hut, n shadow passed ovoriis lace, ftiitl lio snid—"'Whoi-o did youl>uy that hat ? I can soil you a liat just ,,•ike tbnt, uutl a good dtul cheaper tbna '.</hat you paid for it, Ikuow." This 'ilcased tlio neighbor, and his oyfl twiuk* ' .--

*:od liow clieap ho would sell *v-Well, you are a neighbor of ;; : j.

line, mid you 6hn!l ha te one fo r j tu t -no dollar and BCTODty-flTo cents ." /;:;'Very well," rciilied tho customer, " I ' l l >,;nl;o ibia ouo I havo on, which I cot here ;jalf au hour ago, nud juat returned toLiay lor11—ami lio counted oat ono dollar •and seventy-five cents, and departed for vhis suhiirbnii home, eotiafied at hiabarg- • ,:.

ing, ho askod lio^liin one. • "Well, 3


A niau nud Liu wife who had been "man-ied teu years disagreed and deter- :,iiiiupd tf> sejrarato. TliHtermaofBBpRra- ": -:":iou werotobodocidodby the iastloe of V;'tlm arrondi-iSGment in which (hey lived. -•>.Tlioy wpto Pflriflians. •'.

"Hnvo you a ny children?" said the VIIRO. . ;

"You, monsieur." .•*"*"Hoivmany?" -K;"Thorn; two boys nnd a girl, and it fa ^

ill. ILom lius our iliffioiiUy. HldAtna v.;/wishes to liavo two of thorn; so do L " ;'; I

''Havo you ngrood to nbida hy my de- '-.vy.ciaiou?"

"Wo hav<"Very we!

' said both of them,my friends; I eoDdemu

yon to Wvo nnotiierchild, so that you '!•may havo two. When you hare obtain--.••'cd that you may return to mo." •.•.

Tho liiiitter was then adjourned for the ;timo being. _ Two years afterwords the ''.worthy ]ungisti*ntc, who m the meauthna' ;;hmllicard liothiug of tho husband or,'"wife mot the formr 7h m a r d hiug owife, mot the former.

" A h " idhfe, mot"Ah,"t i ? "

er. 7y"how ubout tho Beprf--*;?•

atioa? ^ ;"Still impossible, monsieur. Instetd ••'•;"\

f four childron wo hnvo ilvo."

I t is said tliat negotiations in ngmd ':/•3 tho Yirginiua affair havo bean * '

i r o n g h t t o a Buocsasfal close, and tha i . . ;•'nir Government is entirely satisfied ' -with tbo manner in which Me. Cashing ':; •has managed tho whole nffaii. I t ia un- .'• .doratood that according to the ag ree - . . ; ' ;incnt, ft Hutisftiototy money indomity "••„,•.will bo paid by SpainTto tho- represanta- ':-' 'Hves of tho men. who where exscntod; ^iud an tlmtwas the only point remaining > .unsottletl UIB whole queation may now ; : , : .bo cotiBidcrcd na prnctioally OUposed of,

A wea bit of a girl, while a t th« hreak-ist tablo, a few mornings aiace, mads V ' '

loud nnd repeated calls for battarod toasL •'•:•Aftsr dispofjing of A liborol quantity of "'that nourishing article, she -wai told that .'>too much toast would make her Bick. ..Looking wistfully nt tho diah for a mo- ;.ment, alio thought she saw a way out of j 'hor difflmilty. nnd exclaimed—" Well, :

i mo nuzzor piece, and send.for tlie :

A pair of spirited horsns attached to ncigh, drivQa by W01. Howard, licOfttaB

liumauRBoahlo when near West Chester,aud upset the vehicle, throwing himBelfind wifo nnd a child nino years old on nitono pile. Uv. Howard had his skullracturcd, nnd tho child ivns dangerouslyinjured, ncitlicv ot them being expectedto live. Mi's. Howard was also fioverelyinjured.

Wcnrc, theHampshire, from l i'ifl to 17&1, M in n.sUto of cooa rflpair and owned by a Mm.D\v, Tha hull and Chamber of Sktorownin in the originnl vood, colored bv

iaa of th P i d t ' Chw t

uga Twognnl vood, colored bv

a of the President'H Chniu-A ith l ll

T siaa f the Presidnro OOTCKA with lonvy wnll-ijnii

hung oa tlio wood by nnil3, tm ^aa tliMiotent custom. Souio of this in in poodcondilion,- and of unimpnked color.—Tlio foiling is plastered with a nitbstanconiado from pnlvcrlzed cluru-shoils, Afow ahciont arliolat of fttmittiro and atftblc mads by U»o PresiilonV" fntliDr nilflliow nu excellent sUtq of ptesen'atinn.Tho work of thoenWuct-tuoker of thoHOTentecnth wrntury BOCUIS moro euilnr-in^ tl^aij, thnt of our own day. Tli^ncf Mnffistrntoa of New HunipfiliirovicieBtyledPresidontanntil tho ndoptiunot thoCouatitution.in 1702.

U)i in Troy, tho utber dsy, a grocer-aught a lonfer wnliiing off with a cod-fiah-inulcr W« coat, nnd nt once sworoont a Wiirrmit for his nrrest. Dut thooliap ploudod BO piteotisly that finallytho complaint was withdrawn, showingthat there's norncTirtuo in codfish bawli",after nil.

Two Vermont farmers thought thoyd.d a smart tl.iug; whan they in (In cod.heir wive.1, to join tho Grangers beforejoining the order themselves. Now thowives nro in, antl tlio hnabaiidB OIQ aptto a h y o n t ; two blnck bn\k greet CTcrynpl^ltcatioii-

Tlio lndy wlio fainted awny iu *1">court room when certain toalimnpy TT»S©Hailed frnm Tilton the other Cay, Tfason hand briplit and curly ngain tlio next

igrass lias been rathor disposud to„, Lonisiuiin, und ia it nny Tfondortherefore tli.it Bliont lust givoi n Pinch-

A Georgia durkcy Imd ft butting matchwith n nip lust weuk, nnd came out necr'"'onti best ! "So much for bockiiig-hnni." ^ '

. u ynii KOO a young iaun''witlt cuool thrao inimcwao long OTetconts, loo tmt for him. Ho lmn, somo Uisterior

Gen. Autliouy.-Wnyno'a military coatudorna tho -wnll of a Pennsylvania bar-

Total depravity unionsborrowern.

room This isin Wayne's ooatinp.

Eliziiheth, New Jersey, »unttu?pH>.This IH nopropriatc. EHiabelli of oldwns "on (lie kill," too, occnulonallj.

Page 2: READY-MADE GLQTHEMG Ap thecary,ispa, and by roforonofl to my prim tbe iiilillo viUresailydliceni that I smis-lilxral at tbo inovt llbcinl. lrcoi, 3d door from Blirkwdll, Miners' Oil

HtOXIlllll" J.llltl:!!-.- it I.

i UMtiU'CIVll llt'Tl'lti,o l Jiiitli.ii-.V S, LBV.

iv...l II:- ••v.-hippira,*.!, W . ™ >•. ,,.,.!:n. I

!,»10 l h « . i .

Mini Iliwi'l

l-.--l.--ltUKlilV'-Wit--."-'tititii .inii.Uil'l u s l t m uIliu-1

'Ililiilili'ltT .'ii tit"..ill 111.' li'tllt fiilf•'liii-i., . i m - i t l i - H

1.1... An liuiir nitiitrl.nl :W Ji ' f . i ., l , , ic ' . , i lvcr t l i i l .

j At 1..2J 1'. Jl. llh>

Hitih" llml ijllirHire,- fts«,;,,)., Mr. Slo

mill- .•.tii.::ii-i-ii.iih-...ijr;!;iii.

V.u- h.i; nl>, nil- li.vu .belaiv.l l.v th . . 'Vmir I Ihlliuiorc uml Ulii'i Iliiilnu..l, uji.insl..nil. Hit1 IVuiiHylv.min Cy.itni], Pri-jiili'tll

Hit CiniTott lists \ u i l l « i l i |..'tl,f lit I'r.'.ii-.lf'ttl1...1- Ki-..ll, in n-liii-li In- mva :,'irit " I nut H.iH ility ii.lvi.nl llml .vmir

Hie miipnuy Iliu iisiHte.l In the 11*0 i.l 'illiclit tiiiilli'lKity tlmmfrli t'jn <:.timli".i

1 to-1 ut'tl Ambuv niilruad, belli uu l'l.il.t.lol-, II1..1- I l>liin nml K m Yiirfc.tonttiwipt lo il|.|>m-o

Bnilililitru null Uliiu

inl'i-i Ji.ii-r, ill a



•r. Wo tinut-y niul tlienii.I ii[ tin

- uf tin? I*

^l i r iUhcr -liti'.iiniof

dislit.' trof l

lint HiSutllK.-Hl

" " ' " l :1 in

l ! n .•.•.•

.,. -.1!

,:!i in Mi.. l-.:il j-.m-nitl, uml they• I-.' lmlil l l i- ip liniltil Imtiil. -l'lio I i ' l i " "1!::. :-i-.-..,i ,:,:,„;• ill4l:,.i>™ ..t W.,»-I B i l v ; . r , „„.>>'t,nilli,'t'il..vi>li,iii t - j i l t olijei-1, -i,i uil'.i|..'li.,ii V.I11VI1 wIliiiK uf it"

.-nt II1..I 11 li-iii-lii url.'.l vnnuan i i1-1 lik«,.itii; irii-™ t i iiiniiliiiiil.i i.iLiliCl.'tlt'iiiKlit, v . l i ' i i t k . e.irw;.f.' I'll-:!,! 'iiiiitu ll-s, uf Iliu jiiil't

.1111.111 1,1111.1 t.il..-i in tlio world, nuil; 1 i:'.l. iiiiil i»!fri<riiigj which J in 1111-•• v.illi.nit i; iiitiriiitiL- tilhl v i lhoi l t

ilui, liU Hi

Im-ibiv i-nlil. Ai il.il) •-. II. Hi" ' ! » " ' ' "•ilic-nlcj -II bclmv ; tl»> iiuieknilycr »;»•linr.louiiiL' oa Iliu init-.iil.-. A few imu-

il. I'uiitpieti'lrock. 1 ciiiiieil it 1

ii ,,H! b.i. llm luniMer of ullicl.v nituiiisliineut. folia.

1I0 Hi-' titin

till itiTbttiia ciiiitiinu'l it. ittltnl coiulition »•»»» t.™» • » ' '

tiiowcil life. On J.um»r.v 10, nt 11 P. MIlic tlii'niiiiiiDti't»ti),..liti:liJl'i'lu»-; Jiimjttrv 11, nt 7 A. St., 14 U'liraj Jnimury 1(I'p. >!., llli below. On Urn uvemug c.Iiiiiiuir)' 8, llio ov.'iiiiiKiilinvi'-im-'lltlollCLnt Ul.:iil r . SI.. 1 lie 1-i'nMei1 w.iw -10 lielttv

is tho cihli'sl iviMllii't- wu Inivo Intl.Uiuliti- ilnto uf .Imiiinn 11,


' '..I.


. ..f., .,1

in', 1- l:W\Dill il

' t i l l - •

i l l i I s*

ill III

.1 iti





.ui'T i1

IV V.T..i

p[-;lf ni :


•Inicli.;.-li tlio•K.i'i 1

,1, (,;]!,hill)' I

11 wlmi, en11 limn \t

111, OU>


ill iUl.1

f.tl-ilv. I > 1 0 V M

.-I-.-, n-i

Ifvuli-iilimifv tunl 1

11 t

i, ill

ill 111!

liena Uicro,. . 1.


ofi' l l .

1' ii



t h u iV,







. Uinlipj

'ill- i..l..'.y tlio

presKjitl in llio m-ouli.-ir stylo of this We:"Jack Front fidil tlio bwt fiinul 111night, nml iiUyoJ it in follow* : At «..v. M. tlio thi'riuuiui*li'i-ttouiUt&01iolt>'at 111.30 r. M-. Gl bnlow ; ut ll.ttO I', siBii hol.nv." Tlio v.-ouUicr ltwnli ot Unm»rtli**T.'it inaliu up an iiitcresliiiyrolKwioii. '1'1'U fulIowinK nt'd aneciiueiis: lts\tlin singe I'iino thruiisli Blacktoul nTucwtny <-icuing, nol.otly could tnll lmeulil it, was; nil tho tht'tnotuoters wcifrozen, Tho Independent of Tliiirsiiii.contajus nu Recount uf tliu frtciiny tiili'nth of four Oliinuintii going down tli

W.m; ia (ii>nlli :iliaiKul"lib<iWtown." "Tbewowt i l i ^ l e, . ' ' . . iiiiin in D.'cr Jjodt'is Iliis winter u Oici

1 '•" I villt'iituart.tlic mortt iwulal tlim-monmti1

il oliseiTcrin Mutiiann. Anticii>atiiijji.iHihlo HJIOII of vcntlici- Hint the uiei'isiil tlicinouk-ti'i- wfml.lb.i innilmiiiiitiit

-I'orJ, ho scut to Hivt Vmtc for n thsfiirit tliLTiuuiiictor, fur whidi ho \Tf•liargptl a ejiiritiwl jiriCiJ. It nrrivoil iinoil ,-ii-nvuii, but on csuminiuL' it,I-IIKfound tobc only Riwiantud laUO di;rL'i.'ji liehnv zero, lio says il iu a goodiiongh ciiuimcr tlioi'momctcr, but "in't ndculntcil for Ilii3kiii(lof n \uiii.-i

Tho luenn Lctnpcrnluro in Kiu^ie, Jur-i«tT tli" mouth of Junimry, wiwouly 1'[li'irraL'H nbnvo zero, wliich is S iiogrccaL'niilcr Ihun tho mean tempernhu'o foL'ltvRii years previous.


•rlil i.i full—mi evi\

r woman's lnvo, anil

ri•!• K'*e.'!i' l:iiiL*v in tlin Ininiuf sitliiic.**,

H.-o.l'n.Kril. A lnuMvomimvi l lmnU.

imv Mieriilft.' in uitl i't tlio i«w lo whom

Ii*T- hi'nili;i (,'ivcu; nnil, that lure tmvo

.•u..vii»lciv(1,ilu- (iiiL-Ily »f tin- liiurllrM

\.-V.W- tif niiiiil.iiiil will nt'l iilwiiys i-rnah

i! .ml. talio uiny rttftllmr—ilc^i>eniticn

ui.11- K^il to crime—but tin' womsm doea

jmi ..lililt-nilL- tin- ll».ii»Iits of Iliu m m

:-1IL- 1'iVt1.?, Iinwuvor liln* nmy fuucful it

fnnil tliOMi alioul lirr. V.'lu.t \nirc

tlici:-iit cm thoveiie than llm luvu uf

i:uilli<»r for IIIT child ; whun the wfiii

niiy brniiil hiniuMUi miUMnt. wlion tli

iuiiiil i.f Jiisliit-niiiy Iv nutstivtdu'il t.

[:!a;» l:im us .: ciimiimfcv u Inpitiw

tin, m:>ttivr will I'liicu her own WU-- or caft

iv in danger Unit lie may rsi-iipr. Jlsil

i"< sliiiif.l i nj>riM»ii ct-llifi mivictl.rdff.-ll

hi'- hoiiM! tifii loviiir; wife, «lm f:ut tp

ilin-iibnluit n t:iii<l wonl from tliuobjsi:

nf 1,,,- l»vc, wntl if the ilDuutml for hi'

t-oi^i••ncy bu i-vi>u looked or ivhi^.frc.l

!u (i;i! j'fici'cil circle of IIOIJH*, v.lion till

b,w pl.il3i- i i fiiven. "I'd when, in tli

Iiitti- .rtnincnt.i ot Hf.-. tho i-ireh- 1»

r..ll-.ul.'.i|-'.rb.v t lf i i t i imi of LIIIHIR nti

ll.Jl!.-, 111!- doVolt.'ll (if V.'OIIMII iillOW

isliiistfUnot 1Ui i.

, : lo l .o . ' h iHIIIL'Q tho


. iil JllH-TWIIKI n



ili-Mi'Tiiriicv's Sii-1 i:sti:>rfoiii>i'.1J;':.-li> Turner, ono ..f llu- wilhosuu

i.i-wniti»H ut llir Ucrulirr trial, telli ..!::ul inlo i'f upglifct sinco lii'i" iiimio liasliri'u brininht NO prominently befum tlic]iiili?ii-. WIRUI lho Juvoati/,iaioii Com-uiiltcL' opened ila nesnitraa Miss TiiniQiwas iv tencher nt the SteubcmvHlo Acad-1 my, vliero hlio hiul liceu sent n« a pniiiifruin Tilton'a IJOIISC. Ilcr nitboi-, wlitliiiil cuht hrr ofl 'in iitfuucr, wiw (;ivc;i£ I lift by the committee to briup hisi!::ii^iik'r cm luni lviinp:;.' lie went oilIn llm ncailciny, iiiviting Uoasio lit come\vil!i him on a visit to her ftiaudparentsiu rhilnOclphia ami then to Lung Dnuiclt,

•'-". tl.o point niinril fit wn-» Ifrmn*) 1'lnec,i i:mt slio wfia iinhorcil inlo tlio cuuiinittco-•• Trunn and pxnuiincd at lonytl'- Kor fii-

liicr tht-n (ibnndnncd her. Her position. nt llio rehii(»l hml bumi rloscil npiin.st'^ \wr, !iho Lui written to IIP;- fcmiidpa 1--' fiit for aid nud wittnsi'l, but lipr lel-

lir was ri'turncd, vith orders to wi'ite 110nii.ri', Jiiiil slio I1.13 reinuined in BrooklynMUCH liiht fiuintucr. strivius to ^ct workin cv.-ry way, lmt iu thiit time hus rjrn-i'-\ iwA nio'ro" Hum fc'iiil. J\lr. iloratjoKin"; rniploYcd her nt toitving ami p;iidlifr tu Mi-. Uringtun n'tnincil lii'r In Ihis httJi-f duriiif; two WCO1;H nt tlin holiilay f-oasoii, niul Mm. liUciirnmn piiidhci:( for Bomn sewing. Sh.3 is slayiiif

'.viili u iioiiriliug-niistrcea who him ijivoi:her t:''niiiifiion to stay unlill elm caililiU wiiiJ;. Mr. OviiiRtoii IIHH been' nlmint tin; only 011c wlm li;ii. intcrcitcilliiiDEclfinltcviHiliair. Tho Ir.ndlmly nltlie lionrsL- anhiitaiitialcil tho facts as it.Ilidiw^y wuitlition of Ui'fssii1, wlso nht.L;.:iU luul to borrow money to pny hiafi'nhjri; ivhfii niiswering nilvcrLbtmcut;in New Yori;. Sim caiiiiot now leaveBrooklyn UH a Hiibpocnn has boon servefmi her fur titlcnilatica 115.11 witnes?,


Tlio hitter conlroveray nver th0 ulcciiun of R*}V. Dr. DoKovcu. aa liinUop o'if liliniiis, coiitiimci tu widnu ttiolircivdIJCIWCMI llm two pnrtim of cbutchmnin tlmt (lidL'Psn, nnd throiitcn-j to iucreaB.Urn diaiuibaiicc on tho mibjrct ritnali.'iirin nil purtH of tlin country. Tho procrttliugg of tho couvenlion that clecle'him aro Bcvcrely crlliciscd by llio Aitnpjxiiiitcd jinrtics nnd charges of nnfaiiness nml intrigue aro ireely mailu. Athu eoiiaent of n majority of lho stnudlniCommittee nnd tho Itisbopa of lho clmrclis necessary lor tlio ratification nf tlielection, tho oppenfinte of Dr. UeKovc;l::ivo betu holding nmotiuya and dctei1-iniiicdtw scud cimijnm to the 4B Rtnnt1

iml romuiittoos uryiupr Ihcni lo witlihol(licir couscnt, auduitiu to UPO pi'i-BoiminihiGiico to that end. On thu nlhcihand tho friends of Dr. ScKuvun i>itiptiEo to issue a coiiteracliiig iucuiuri:iwiling forth Uis cntincut quaiitlualioiiB,iisid nKRDrttiDR that the diocese will ]iolha Bfitiaficd with any but a High Churcliman for Bishop.

Two 'iioiniuont aiiti-ritualinta^JRcvDra. Powers nnd Sullivan, in thoir stir-morn* in Chicago, Inst Kmiday, protestedngninat tlio.olcction. Tho former, wlict!iutor»>?(l Dr. DcKovfii's jtereomil clwr-:ieler, declared him "nnauitcd for tinoflico ami chiirgcd lii:t tmpiKiitera withliaviug uraclicctl 11 low order of prilitii

:prcscntution nnd bat] man-rare iliscredifaVilo to gontic-

WIII'.L' Congress was in hesaion mi \VutliiHfidav iintl tho t!tilhtno.i and uurridoiwi>r<- "nmiHiiiilly era wiled ivitli jinoplu1111 iinknown man oonimiltL'd Miicido iianeli n frightful way an t«> send iv thiilof boiTor tliroiiRli every poi-Hon in thvast building. It win a bold nud ewilJeitp into instant dralh, nud to thosewlio wurn without tlio eastern fronttho Cupitol or ulsmfliiiK at the iriudowi.[ thfi llonsu Imll looking up thiuiigli

mlislit of a winter dny, ilif Konio hngi! Iiidin-nibbpi

tho blightiii.iionrod


iiitcliuiii 7rom tho top oldome and linil gono boiimiing ni '

i-rafr, uiivcpinors which wineii, nnd plainly violated the eminlUu-ttonttf tbo Churcli."

Dr. Stjllimn eaiit that neatly halfthe clergy find nine-tenths of the laity oithe (iiouMO were Borrowing over tlictriiinipli of EituuliBni, declurcs tliat tlioBi.sbop-elcct was oil tlio Tergi ,and ]>iY)tcsted affaiu.it his coiiKecration.

Ituvn'AL OF BUSIKESS.—'Ilio Pliiludoljihiit Inquirer snya: "The indicationjinhit to nn earlier commencement oltho Spring trailD tbnn wns expected.Wrslern, Kontbcrti, nud Vncitic coaatjulibers nrc Inlying freely nod liberally inJinticipition of largo demands at home,v.hilo uur own jobbers aro iu good^nirita nud fuel ns.ntrcil of n fair trudo.Thero is no doubt of tbo fact that tliocountry is bnro of goods, nud tlint tlie(jrcat contutoing scctiotis of tbo country,itre iu 11 prosperous condition, Tlioi-oUon t-rop will bo nearly, if not quite,(ia largo r.tt last year, nml thu staple Isfiling nt n largo profit ou Uic eoat ofpriHim-tiou. Tho tprcai ftnplo of tin-Wevt, Uic largo croi> of'ceicisds, breadiitnfi*3 nort liog products, A good porliouiidvi) Iieen marketed, bringing good

i and nrnkinf. |,ho rnrraera rich nuddobi th-|

past.out of doiit than for tiinny years

ThasQ nro the nontlitioua withtho enormous liquiilationa of^vhicli tho e o y i u i d a t i o n a

ILibilitfcs ilint have beon in i>rogroua fortho Iflat eighteen months, give nwiirsiucoof n aciliii rcvivnl of btieiue-w."

....„ down over the curved iron ridgo:f ita mirfiteu, elcnving tlitt second colon

-jaded gullrrv in its descent nnd fullini11)0 foot'below to tho very edge of thi\pox of tlm roof of lht( ftutorn front.

" WHS I'pcoguizeil as tho binjt nno_. . f.,rm of 11 lifeless man. Tlioi

it hiy for hours in lull view from-theinter galleries of the dome nnd tlio up-lor wimlowH of tlio HUURK, awaiting tintirrivol of thu Coroner. After nu iuqueslran hold mid il \vn« found to, ho i

..uiL'idL', by jnmpiug from tho top of tindome, yf u poor laboring rnan driven ItdcBnurntion tlirough poKaiblo iiovertj-jlho body was lowered oy ropes from th<roof uf tho inn in hnildiug to tho ground,When Inn bond struck, the copper rooj

iiH indenteil several inches. It wasnpossiblo to cncoOln the body on tlio

rotif and gut it down thiough the crooltciltairway^ ol UIB dome. Alnrgo erovroif iieoplo vicwod tho roiuniii8>during thefternoDii mid witnesacd tlicir rouiovnl.

The face was iiuit'uoj;i]iznblo and everyhone in thu boily idiove the luiccs ap-peared lo hiivi) been brohon into Kplint-»rs. The uni'iu of thoiiuicide ia TlioinnsUuitfiihniio, a young mcohanic, who rcai-IGLI in ilin norlhern part of Washington,to lelt iiis homo Ihia ninrnlng ovidontly

Jttprcsscd for want of work, nnd wont'» 11 pawn-shop where ho iiawncd a vest"or poventy-five cents. Thence lio wento the Capitol nud asked for food andnoney, but waa warned by n poliooman

' beg iu tho building. Ho thenil tli(> dome nnd desecruiod to ]m


T\frf"."fw IUATCIIED AT LAST.—Edwardnyuoi) WCHIOB bun nt last consented toicopt n I'linllDugofroin tlio rival pedea-

..iiui, and hfi3 ngrocd to walk ngainstJ. It. iTndd, nt tho hipnodrouio, • an tlieiiwt of next month, Tbo corrcspou-ileiiou botwrcu tho pitrtics vnsbogiin onlho Jih iiiKt., nnd wao opened by Judd,who cited nil tho objections over madeby Wcstnu to wnlk ugaiiiKt another man,

swerejl them in regular order, nndded liy formally challoiiaing Woston

... n nix dnyw1 rnco on bis own lenna.The latent objection urged by Wostonlicing tlntl ho had pledged himself toirallt oiilv ngniiiKt an Kiighsh coninetitor,ivns met. by Jutlil •with tbo tiBSorlion thatlie was uu EoRliahninn, and mudo (liechallenge na siich. \Vcston repliotl tint,having committed himself to Mr. T. J.KugellinanU of The 1\trf, Field wulFarm, whom bo had authorized fc_match him against nu English coiupct-itor, ho would ngiee to walk Judd a six

nee, ut 11 timo and place to he

uiutiilly Agvecil iii.on.offered tlio uao ut \\

Mr. Uuruuii:

tlio contest and 11 purno of 85,000 to thowinner,and also otters nu ndditionnlpurio

f S2.CO1) t" HPft tlio fr.it of wnlliing IIPlilea during the first twenty foijr hours,

and fJOl) miles' in nix consecutive dnysrepented here. Tho match will coinsoff nt the Hippodrome, the contoatnntanlartin.fi in the first five iniiiutea of Mon-diiv, .Mulch 1, ending nt midnight ofSttunb.r, M«re}if..

NKW PATB-VTS.—Tlitt followiug pntoiitanere iwued to citizens of tho State ofNew Jersey during tho wool: ending Feb-ruary 11, 1H75 ;. Chnin Grips—J. Ackiirman, Ilnckon-act.

• Light Machinery Motors—P. Unldwiu,Midland Park.

Bee HiTCS—L. Coe, Mt. Clftir.Trunk Fflstener—A. Frnukol, Newark.Tobocco Coloring l'rooess—O. Knabe,

Newark, •Bitchiun Machine— ProcetH—O.

Kiisbe, -Kowart,Dilebiiig Miclitno—T. Rnndoliih,

Morriatown.Metallic l'oft—F. C'.Lowlhrop, Olmra-

bersbnig..Nursing Bottles—J. .VHBOH.NOW lintu-

swielt.Reported by Fitch & Fiteli, Coituaol-

lora at Law nud Solioitora of Putfi^ta, iilPark How, New York-, through Win. T.Loport, Attorney nt Law nud Corres-poudiiig Solicitor, Dover, N. J.

There I'H said lo be raoro Lope that lhoitiito of'lUiiioia will, nfter a long delay,honor one of her nolilest nnd most tal-ented noil*, Stnphen A. Douglntis, withu monmiifiil. For u long timo thetiubjcct has been under cunflidorntiou,^ut liko tho WosliiuRton monument, theproject imi] (5 firu. Tlie iueompleto stateof the Wnsbington momuncnt Las beonn atttiiJing disgmcc to tho country, andtho ciugorly way tho Btnto of IllinoisIIOJI Tinndlnd tho Dotig]a.<iFi inomimont,has been n source of sorrow to tbo ad-mirers of gifted statesmen.

A Democrat, by the nnme of Locbiru,rcceired C3 votes for tho XT. S. Benntor-

m Minnesota, on Saturday, widithiii 10 volea of Becuriug Uio

•lection. Tlie'Hepublicnu vote wns di-Tection. iheHepublici iu vote w•ided among fourteen candidates.

Itailnud paasongeiii report tliat nix-teen business liousei were uurned in In-

d M T l d i h tJopomlcnce, Mo.,There ia' no teleffparticulars are not

Thursday nightoffice thore, nnd


iliu public mill llio Uaitimo. . - ..nud, of t!ie convenient use of tlmt lineby wi Hid rawing thi> tieiwl-t for tlthnnigli BPtviL-a by ihu Biiltimur.) inOhio mad fnnu oiir <illkv-j in Nf.v Ym,«d Kei7 Kiif,'Uind. That .ymi havn nl-

uu'cri!*! that frniclit eara of thi»lJ.iltiiii!»!nnd Ohio nmd hhali not puss over yi>'tKifkH ia tho city ol PLilndulpltiii, au^onlinj,' t.) iibnyo fr.>ni tho Philadcljiliin,WihniiiRton mid Uolttmure Uuatl,P'jiuts of tla1i\*u:v for thu niurtiliniiia imid dwilern of Vhilmlolphhi, mid thuyou propUHo to put additional J•fsre lictwcmi Washintiton nnd Ki .for tho pumoHO of iiiturferiuK with tinbusiucsd of thfi Bnltimoro and Ohio Comluny, which pansea over its Wihningtibi-micli imd western roadi."

Ho thiiti proouedod Lo K:IV that tho I)altiinore and Ohio hat ncueedeil to "littribute whiuli tho PouiiMylvuniu Ueutralthrough its inoaoj>oly of tho mute butireon KevYnrh nud Phil.iilolnhia h;idDinniided, nud eoncludoj hy Haying tluitlui Ualtiiuore nail Ohio will tnke promr,nudeJIlc'if:ul means to van! accitring thoirights. Must rnilroiid rivalries uro ato roault in good to tlio people, hy wiot <*hf>iipur transportatiou nud mure rnpid tr.auuit, hut in thb caao it is not HONow Uic rivalry lws mtuheil sucli ix piletlmt. tlirmi{ih tickets cannot bo buiiRliin tho city for point1* beyond Baltimorennd jUnitimuro nnd Oltio ngeitta liavu Ipitrclttise loual tielieta mer tho Punusiyvaiiiii lino for thoir patrouH, who anobliged to buy now tickets iu Haiti mo:nnd hiivo baygigo chocked anew. Ilemcomes much iiminvi>iiicc3 to tlic tmvu

HCV. Thomai A. Jagg"r, IX !>., r lof Ilia Church ot the Uoly Trinity, Philndolphia, IIM uuuonncfld Iii3 iieco[)tnuu<uf thn Kpiicopatu of .Southern Ohio, t<-.vliifh bu w:i:i deel.'>d cm tho 10th n!t

Bfioh, of ICuntaoby, fi li

d i-t-clflinivh, a resolntii1IV.-1 Uml Mr. JtrviitiH I'nt Hi' Millii-iont csretluni.iiiivineiit, of tho olmroh.mfcri'iici'wni hfld v.ithll:as hiirjtri-Hi-'J, mid ivinuiistL-lion, lmt uLitvuiliiigly, k

down Thmwliiy tivenini* ou n HIinivemiMit in Waslnngtun nnd fraliiu nnu nt thu right wrist, buth bantbreaking.

Win. Glover, a ucgiM r.ig piclier, wufound dead Tliur.sday morning ou th

. . . of n lime kiln near Richmond, VnHo is auppo-ind to have beou imfl'oeatcby limo gna.

Cyi-na B. Joii^, n wonltliy farmer nupolitician of Illinois, living ncnrPoutinc,WHS assniaiuated by HII uuknovvn pnrtyou tho ovcuing on tin 10th nt hi* horn

There are fourteen whisky dmtiileiiiu Biulinglou uoiiuty ; lust yivir tinindo 50,585 ffallon«, on which . O.oOO.Bloro paid na Uovcruinent \AX.

JanieaHiiGilckor, pentipastor tit CJio.fl;buvgh, MilUtonn township, Moinnoutlcunuty, recently lost four children iitwo weeks from diphtheria.

A boy, tv.o j'Ctiri of ago, uumtsd Furrcl,Ml into nboullrfl inthoBlroetnt JLH-HO,M\y Saturday night, nnd wns burned HKidty that ho has aineo died.

Tho City Council of Bonluutown, nthoir last meeting, resolved not tn iuilulgi) in tlioir aumml Hiippoi1, and ftp-propriiittul tlio coit towaidi aiding tfa[ioor.

Aiulrow Uogun, a laburer, employed:m thu PiilawufL', lifiulii'.w.iunu iern tuuncl, wai outight bot' . . .niekotM, Miinduy nnd xnm fatally iujnrudA In-Ahcniau uaineil Tyler, ugo tihoii1

18 years, was caught between two CUM,uud crushed so b:nlly that ho BOOH nfter-wards died, by tlie cullisiou o[ detached•MV8, with a regular train ou the 13ri~jnilwfty, nt Pntei-flon, on Saturday,

Patrick MeRlroy wftakillndou Mondayevening by falling frotn n buolcot iti ihlinft of tho Delaware nnd Lacliawaimllailrond tunnel in Jersey Citj'. Ho is'ho ijftecntU uiuu killed in this tuuiniul

itliin ii few weeks.

Houry Nowton, of Elizabeth, who at-Lemptoa luiclde a fow days ngo, died iullio county jnil on Snturday. He "been married only three months.

On Saturday hist Charily Knigii_.t Cauideu, aged 80 years. Slio nnd liorBister were jtoaaeascd of considerableiroporty, nud lirod togethoriua secliul-(t innniier for ninny yuuru. They neverjuttiuj. About u ji'tii' IIRO thu fsHiurliod from csposuro ntutnogloot.

Ou Monday of laat weak Wm. Bou-iQtt, iu Ilolmdel towiialii]), Monmoiithlounty, was killed by the falling of two;vecs ou him.

A wagoner named Patrick Foley, fell:rom his cart nnd was run over near Ho-iiltmi, sustaining injuries which willrobiibly prove fatal.

Four mon on Wuduesday of luativocl:id what thoy or their nous will probably

lover ropent, viz : walked on the ico''torn Jersey City to New York. Sinco.835 the feat hn3 not bean nccompliuhed,md the chaucos nro that atich another

: jueoof wind, wave .and wentliL.nil not again ocotir iu tlio nest forty.care. Among the Arctiu experioneos ofUo cold snap w&s tho np|)oarauco of alimntity of wild duck nud four acid: 'id about the lower bay,

Tho Coummsionora nppoiutcd to BO-.|lect appropriate piles for certain Sintaistitutions hnvo about conoiudod tlieiribors. Thoy recommend tho site ofl'er-

!il Ht Kcw Bruiiawiok nu nn nppropriatoilnco for tho cstublishmcnt of the Duafmd Dumb" Asylum. They recommendVrcnton us a suitable placo for the Sol-liera' Ohildreu'sHomo, mid nftor it liftBiccoul])lialied its purpose they rocanj-nend that it be UHCI! US on nsiyhiin fi>r10 blind. Tlioy recommend the sitont

Jordcutowu for tho insiitutioii for Utciceblo-mindod. I t lioa 'on tho lands ofWilliam S. Herbert nud Autolno Kliuo,

\ contai tit 150 acres.

Mr. C. W, Jocos. Democrat, wai onhurBilny, elected Unifod StutM Kcmitoty tho Florida Logialuturo on tho 2-ltliullol. •

Hon.. Samuel Hooper, Keproscntntivoiu Ci)iigrea3 from the Fourth District inniaRsachusotU, died in Washing ton, ou"'iimdny ovoniug, of pneumonia.

A bill removing tlio' capital of Westrireiuia from Charleston t'i WbeeHnnlaa passed the LcgiBhluro of that Statu,

Tho stcanior-Fmak P . Grueo.v, valuedit $16,000, win destroyed by lho Jlon-;lay atEvnu.ivillfl, Intl.

"While, a nun, named Uumolln, wasstifyinjf iu n civil suit, nt Huiitington,

V. Y-. o» Saturday, Dr. Butlur, n purty.i tbo suit, called him n liar. Diirnullnstnick Bntlcr, nnd wits instantly stabbed

tlio nbdomon by tlio latter. Butler iscustody, awaiting the result of Dur-

iclln'a wound.. dame Christine Nilssori has Leon

cngsgod for SI, 000 a. uifiht to givo 12-nwntio concerts iu Franco during_'arch next. These will bo divided bo-ween the citici of Lyoos, Mnrsoilles,

Lille, Knntcj,- liordei\ux, Iloucn, Nice,and Toulcnao.

Johu Smith, a lcaident of PortBich-lOnd, Pn.; got into im altercation Sun-iy night with one "William Hntchininn

luring wliieh Lho latter stabbed Smithix times with a penknifo. Three of tho•onnds, which nro in the aide, nro said

bo serious. Hutehiiiaon ia in ouatody.

The drying nnd mixing mill of tbejhttgtieoke Powdor Company, at Troy,few York, blew up on Saturday, injur-ig two men, ono of them, Horace Por-

:er, fatally. • "

It is repoi-tcd that tbe great *jort ofie barraoU, ntTort Bin, was horned nfew dnyn aiuoc, u^i thnf- "««rly- nil the

[ndinn prisoners cic&nod.

Tlio iompcmnca licoplo of Millrilloire going to issuo a prohibition sheet'ireo times a week till niter election.

Christian TVnnnmalEer. of HohoknaM\ ono of Ilia fed frozen, and ncglcst-ag to nttend to it, no dietl on Saturday;f lockjaw. . • .Over a game uf cards in Newark Mon-,iy night, David Smnllcy threw n boorlima, which struck a man- nnmod Bectjiflictiug fatal injuries. . *

nit., n't. ciintht-r iiHTtni'i,'. thu «WHS ri>t«riiritK-d. Ou Smidny inoi-iiiii|.

Iliu 7th liiHt... IliyiHi npokc of the tronhl)l<i hiii ciiii;;r^";i(iuii, MVIIIJ; Hint thblioiiM lmvt L'DiittiiiUiuitviiidol tin' nua>.--;;(v oi tht iranl ^ . . I n l i o t i . l*L.'t.li»tt..l llifiii lum-fnilhint bt ' litul b.-uii Iu th.t iiiti-vt^iH ofthu i-hiirch, tn,<l tMiil tliiit Hicy cuiiMcoullde tlii'ir wialu-a to 111\vhn.s4> decision tho]>;iHt<

The only obiirj-n it;aceniii to bo tliut lie tlpulm't eloquonci1.

Over four-filltid of 11:Hobokcn Alothoaiot „ , -have siguetl n vc-pi.^t tlmt llov. Mr. Iky-All continue an u:i.ifoi- of thu ulnirch tothe close of tlio cuufcrcuco year. Then-ure nearly three hundred

Thu Le-jisiliitimt has IMU huaiufH.i l)u-fore it than it lias ut wiy mio sL-a-iim formnny yciii'i—not one-(jiiiiiler uf tlio Imu-inosd presented nt tlw name htn^e of thvHUSIIOIIH diirins ''ii»«r '»»« ol tlifour yo:\fi, Iu view of thii iinitdl nmnmilof l)iifiiiic^i pi'CHcntttil und likely to coui"before tho Lugixtiitiiro, a rusirtnliou wasadopted in tho jsuatu on Tiie«lr.y to ud-iourn *iuc tlio on tlie fourtli of MurcUnoxt. Tbero ia not a iiarticlu ot dimhtbut that the LagiMhitiirociii, if it dinuwiHO to do, llnitju up all tho bmiuoas ni-'cd-ed bufoio tlmt diiv, uud tlierefuro shouldadjourn ai. tltnt timu. Tho Latfisklim;i« mm in i!s iilth week, ami haa lvun

'uctuallv in soHaiou and nt work loss tlui)ten hours earii week, aolulv fur the want

of i M tu t

Ovur lliii'lv iiicclir.Dieswrroiliaclnirgi'ilfrom tho fihopfi ol the Ptmusylvniiiiiliailroad ut I/uiiliL-rtvilnit.— Musi, if mil nil i.fwith fnmiliw.

— -O-6 -*-OliiukH t!on!;ling, u y....

ployed fit Vreelmiti's feedHOII, Htulu iiWIi from hitSainr,l;.y und uhi-uoiidud.



t'tit illttrilmtuU

. n i i , l

ijVlilin1jHn ri

iy year fur -

tat CB" will ncnrl)"l|o(» Vcfit-riro now on our film, nayim.ruiiarntion In IL< ii- ulnrrj Hivfs siiMi I'XfL-lknl satiarnetl

;rSK^ fifes'"nt(lofi>rll)ulK.uti(l

RHEUMATISM.If juul iavo KIimiTimllHin, Uoul,nr LuinimjiiJ

Kit l o l l . / L C . Killii.iro'Hiinic Ktoro ami (JL-I«;i!ii|.li) iHiltluof Dr. Jttirluti't 'luoili-, fnio of Htnif!''- ">' H"iri'K»i;

f) . liUtnkmiiiiUTuVillvnmUKm'Uiiit rutiL'fv.lj!lt'ii!l csta-iMla]

„,.„ ..«. ifiiijioi'iit'. OuroUJiiut l»f,*ii"jt' •"•••.•patnplc ]>'j[i]i.'H fw in jjivo you an oiiportiuitiy U>It will <lci Eli that i» rlaiuiu.1 f.n- it. T I T II,1'rqtmil lir iinliwl Kilipin-, i.Vnir, N. J.

SEVERE^OOLD ' i_O il Cutigh rnn In' mto-H In it U-w iia\n liv W j

taliiuK Dr. llnrtun'ti WKdablo r.niKIi [«--»•• I t h iiurut* Vi-ot.il,ln fii.,1 iri .mi' uf I n . !

umlu-ii known f.ir COIIIJIIM, Colik, lln n-- id Ml «ftVi-iioii:iof ihi-Xlirimt «r I.i -

thst mar li'Ail to Consumption, living ofn' llui; iiatnrc, it cannot full lo ' ' -

i-At iu nil ai*M ivhei-0 Hie I,

jiiu'botllDH nrc twhu luid MllCl,' 6j"(Jl'l.uii'l 'inl JluLwri Killgiiiv'4 dnijj wlurt.', I)>ivr, N. .1.

454r ^

RUPTURE.I'.ir nupturo Ilia "IMBKH" Hnnl ItiiLbcrTi

ia cuiiccilfti l>y nil vUaha_ho IH

_, _.. . . . . rii t l i m t»ljI, cluaiifut Blul riHlust till us in \\onv dial

T l t tliuj aio now \>u\n$ nccil In tiobpitnU in |.reference) In BI

Biilliclmii riTimnnnnIolil I l l i l

•cat niifflii1'! HitliiT TrusH Hindro;' them tn liullim liny puc wlm Ixro.L-r n trues la cct oxw. A full tt'finniuo "ltif-gH^JIanUlnLHr Tniizou, lmtli "iiiKlo ami ihmhje, nro ki

K0IH3BTnlj- Illlt, 1871.

WARHE'S n.oyr;

Moniiiiionts, Tciiiusunos. 6c.



Merchant Tailor,


FOREIGN CLOTHSo A s a i r»i K is K s


I1!ll1.-<!1w..:1.!iivi!li^.i:iit.'.-iiiii.'ll\I !•>;.'•- CltAVMsniM^iUiilMO.N'

Ready-Made ClothingPAUL G. B O T T I C H E R ,

Gents' Furnlsli ing Goods.Oysters Solved in every ' i i i1! _ _Cnmlllc. Sn.plicl !»• tbi '


McKlnnon Brothers,

I* liJi«vi-.l t!t;i(

Tho ftlaterial is Superior,

Parties,FestivalsFuruiMlieil Ht rawtninlilL' mi

Suwannec Yellow Pine Lumber,


HEUS. A. BEEHEB1H inv; t.M.lv witliiill llm

New Style


,|GEO, I1I0HAR0S &C0,,

I D B Y G O O D S ,i'OliEUIN' iuul B0.ME8TI0.


BOOTS and SHOES,:;h.TA.M"l.-f *sS HASH Till: l..\r.n£«r «o«K IS




»H»E« Ht., Dover, N. J.




.lid diseases or tlm Throat, Ghent nnd LIHIRThe only Mcilioiuo of tlio IfdiO in tho Wort J,


djiiciit CoiiHtimpliuti, Loss of Volte, KliortiiiiBHuf lirialli, CMiilTli, Climp, CUUUIIH, Culdi, tiC,In A fuw dayH, likuma^ic. X'm^ctl ikcn licvjTM'i

Aim, l)n.H, D. H O W K ' S

Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier,riiluli uitTUMit from nil otiicr pr^jici'tilltJiia ia Immediate Aoiinn upon tlinL I V E I t , KIDNEYS AND 111,0011.

:iuimrclr vrgatalilu, clcnnstx tlio nydiumII tuiimiltica, liulfcla il Hghi tnniro nil, midmkcKit pnrn, rit.li blood. I t curontfcniloiui 1MB-

nil kinds, louinvca Uniulipailon, nudoivula 1't "Ni;rtvrn D

pnrn, rinil kin

ll I"I^sr'vrrALm"UllOKUH PCWS

i lio lUth Ci'tilt- y bottle i t wu



"AIJJH, I)n. S. D. H O W E ' S

.rabian Sngar-Goatod Livor.Pills!'IIPV cloatuo tlio I.ivnr nml filuinacli, Umr-uglily ruinating CouMination. LVmlain noMomi'l orniij-otliLTiiijiuiinia iiih'ictik'iil, nml

juickly upon tliciiD' ur>;iiiiB without JII' oillier pain or woaknnw. Pilco f t ]

ultiot CounumiUlvoa sUouUl uuu u!l llinu

Solii liy Cloguutu for 1)

!01y •

ii.vn:.t Vortmr, Driigifiiilj. Kolov e r N T


• Juan C. llunin,Jlr. t'nry,W** Mary K. l'ol.-.v,Jamcx It. Ocorec,John IlnwUlr.I-Iilwanl Hauling,a H

.ilciJalmWWin. Trlmliitli,Jol.nTfimkiii,

, Snr.ili A. Wnti-m,acorjjo HoopOi, Mrn. i\ Wlllliinis,

Antlionv Laimlinii>ToobUltiaiiy of tlionhovo ktlcra M J >'n.l-

L-ihfli.iV' nml Rivo (Uto i>r Ililu list,JO11SIIASCE, 1*. M,.

httleirt l'ciuaiuiiig liucltiiiucilnthc PustOMcc. nt Dover, N..I.

la-tirnarj- loili, 1S7S.

Allniark, Jit cob Boil.lv, ,T-i!inCsrlntou, E. HfUait, lillalUviK, Jlury Ann Di.-Uiuioii.-I.. tiDavcv, Tiiiifl.livcnV. T. Cnr|>Mi!l>'«Ii<-ar<1fi. .Tuliu'Tuli'V, Jnnutiullf-v, (lcorfi.'HLlmnu, Ik'iirvJnlinMon, Jl . 'KIIIB, Fi.nl Sforcontc, Win.Oatn, Jolni Vim-mu, Wnnn-ttn-o obtain any (if lliosu lotlcr* mid njiplicantil cull far "Ailwrtin-d letter"anil fflvli tlioj ofilits list. • , A. UKEHKli, V. 31.

i.Uiuioii.I..aily, Fraul:vni'i 1

(licik, JdliliIlciiMcv, l'riKattiTfr, Y.Sf W

DIE I). .AKDEIIS—In 3Iorrialowii, Ft-bniarv IGtli, ofDipt her! a, KIIEIUUE \\\, snn u( U'tn. It. auUMaggl0 Bmidon, agod 8 jenrs mill 7 moutlia.


ivil Engineer and Surveyor,


....jU'ron ..OSK IIOJiHE, 1 tivn-lmnip Jlcavy Wnyiii-. 1 nnr' i?.i Unco nn llm; mynn. 1 (wo-lmixa nl< il,

horn.-, blanket, efo. Alio, l»t r.r Ilinwuli-..Kitriieii TUltKITUIIi:, mit-li aa 1 cook Ptoro,imrhr st'-vr. U>\ »t \>-'tU nml betl>Un ' 'UblrH, Hhmip, l(tolilni,'-;;In*:><-», li^rn" " iirrntiH, lot di crocfcnrv, {,'lufln, ltmi:

lmll..v.'..vnro, Ao. FIv» tarnh «.ic-'ir, nnd many oilii-r nrliilcn miltoll1 trieniiHiiciiBO at 1 n'diicli I1. M. Oinill-iii!, Ac,made liiunvn on ibv <>f ml» hv

Mil. 11. VODSG.V,M.I;:,- ,t C«m, AuclioncL-i-.'. l i

I D J O U H F F J ) " RHEBlVFa SAL B.In ( l i i i i - t rv « r X . « Jrri-py-Vi.fa. ForHSIU

I•fi'iiml nriiimiTH, \Vlnr.'lti Tanac 11.di li< tVunVlBliinm, nml IVHi A. HoultmnlI:: . ir!i i.i- ••>!>,nntl KainnilT. Lawn-neeM- i1. :i-1.i-i••!. llctusnalik' l)anli(-r Tun

I. ' . ;-j(iL'nA Hiiini, KIJIV'H.

m i l l ? ..: i i '• .•'>'• 1 rt-cpnrilCBsUmi_ ii.i|<.i.i> i !•> i. '. «• tho Mmwk

'!;!:-:••.•• • . istli,

A. J?. 1-T.\ K . • .Jin- ' ' J M . oii.lt'fldi-k. I1, ' i ,10-*. . l n^TMAX, Miorlir.

I,SOS, msTif fi.sia ; HOWES, r i m IVUll A 11AKFJI, in-rv t.i:ST9; ami ntl

Iti lirniiortimi, KMHUHU tho nitio-.nit ami N wivifl W ivltiriip.l I.y ti»t mail. A<Mrcy.i

I)lil'I.\XC13 NEKJJLE CO.,-" 1 . . (!J3 I)rtiiiOwii.v, Sew York.

\tnn-Ji sclln at BI|;1I

it Mi-'uCu., lWtBtPii.


l ' O l l •

COUQIIS, Colds, Hoarseness,Anil All ThrniK DW'iiscs



A TRIED AND SUKE HKltEDY.ir s:ilu liy DnigpinU got!orally, amiIIT JaiiNHTsiN 1I»U,':IVA'.- ft ru., 1'liiL, Pa.


1 Jhw ••itlier sw n u ; U.sni.it.. niul gnli:llu' lon-nml (iJT,'cticiiiK(irui[V]fiMm tuev I'IHHIKI

n warrlus>'o puulu, Kcyiilinn C)mi:li>,iH, lllulN lo i.iMli.'it,.VV.Miii{,-M;;|it Wiirt,

H. M. ROGUES & Oo'AO. II l-nltdii WlmNval


UVER'OIL,- HvjuimaiuirrcEli,

Jiloa.e^nt t(l tlliP. PIT ITITl'tAUl: M.MIK

unit TIIC OIRIX'TION or A si:i'F.iiion Jvvar.. Iiili'dileil nml nnnnatirnt In it it USTWIB in aJIita of Wcuk Lttng^, (^ihiiiniiljoii, On no ml

Dclsilllv, CoiiubN, <Mil», nml nil LUNO amirHIIU.Vr DIHKASKJ. Aik I'nr Hofinw A Vf.'ii'UKF, KEWFOUKBLAM) COD UYF.lt OH,.I'rico GO UIH. p i r lmt I la (8 u;;).


Fur nalfl li.v Drnpslrti nciicrally, lO-lbw








tbi. bi-bt nml ehrniK-st hi tliu marlt.-t._ iy« to fit, iro to bof . . - .thUBtorointhourestMtprajftuii Ua\\ug W-MITC „.„ ,.., ,„„„

"ofitjlci»DdD3e»inrotnenlB,iinii (llplomn or ImDur at lliu rnmatu World',

* - year 1875, Tor liuut macliuic in ihu world, nroCl ieaper t h a n a t a n y now on cxhiiiiiinn mid n.r -1

p at li. U. tlllAKL'rf. LargoStore in Alorrtl Conn JOSEPH KA1SI2U, Agent.

In iRubber Boots and >•"

And ovstTthlng In thaHu frPI]l




i JrSunariicrvnw

iH WB 1iT 'IVi

CUn liU ivir-', aud 'i\umu VmiiiH WB 1 -fonJaiils. Iktnninhln to KcliruniT 'IVriii \D> 1H73- AUOUHTCaff. CUTtEIl, Hut."

m i l E talo in hiihaltut lho nbovo ji* l j l t t k luo &tCOTTAGE BOW, j (fc™'S> M U W J , ' ™ M "

Fashionable Millinery. AND

fi.l"1SIHatf*^'' t a r O O t l w .


Latest Styles & Newest Designsr.'iM»i.Y orroJiiTn NATIONAT, VNIOS UAXK

uniDi.-ra, uovsil. J:. J.

iu lnrj;obt and nioKt cnmiili'tcIKUII^TU'VOI^IH lo I.r Ton

OIlIIUtHf U l l l S , P ien*, Ribbon A;

nitd Iniittttioinml IJows,

Lnce niulSeis, t'l'Hiu'!*. Mom

niul lln

ou'ci'fl, Fen*li-Luces—-rent

\ k t i\cfktiCollars,Li

Clu'gnons, Switches, Braids, Ac.,UM.,U vtry Inr^i- nuiet.mr •



ilfl i t

I s



lir'^-'SVf.'-Aiif.K-if cbftrR.'.iml:

:i-lsr.in,KB-IsJi 'v 12 inclMil'xU lm

If fi t'Cilliiij;,

iiimi r.u'ii;i;.'x

Irra prumiillrTill! [flll(.B-il!j

:-l! l]i..irin;{ Sn

\ . . i'.

<>ii |>l.in1t No'.'li Pti^Miimik


,IK Avr.siti:..•ulorilrl ' lKu11-1*1 Sminrk

U .'.nlnK au<nli'i- di.viiiTH innil.'llvpivtl oncan,' »ht-n (vi)iH(mit!;

,. I nml i.

ii. 11 nml 2.N.i, 1 j'ii.1 ::.


!i|., Niv.iiili.an.


The New EmpireHot-Air,

( S 3



Iiiirtics1iis]iiiig (joods.'.I mntcilil nn.l inn.li' il]


AinnmU-r, Vrfvci, Hnw*l*. 3-|Jy, liigi-aln.

Anitas.', WIMII, IJHICII, liBj; nml Ili-mp ('oriii-!^,

L!iK)ki[in», (I.l CUhn, uf i:n;;liH!i .-.ml .Vmor-

can niannrnrliirr; M:it A. HUSH, 1'i'UKK***J. w ' " ' l f !

iIi»l]fimK.S]i:u!i.l''i;.tiiri-n( Live (Jf-TKuri-atheir,

JasdOfliw, CurLiin Matoilnl*, ,Vo.

lVi' m»l,u iiml In.v CarjH-t, n i l nml lay Oil

.'l.Jlli, iiuikf ami lisii!;;Hliii!is. iisiil Kiia.'aniini

Win.1 Hsii-i'lsi,,111'! TCIIMAKEll,

EECKSTIA Ol' HOCKAWAY, liciti to ...-r..r:n l,:s piirons ami rHciitlit, nmltho pub-

" . ; Rdionily, liiul ho linn rnuovcil Ms hw\w

Sussex Siroet, Dover, N, J.,.i llio liiiiliinicroriuci-ljoccaiiiril l»vliisl.r.itbcIuconli.ill.viiivitcii bin IHiiUdi oiul thu iml.lo jilvu liliii a fall, ftdiupoasurol dial ln> i'clatlsfy Ilium Iu twty particular. Tim externm•x[H'nii(riii llio IniBinmaiiil tlio ol.l ul u m

•onlii nnd innclilnoi CHRMCK him lo exmiy kind (ircoinnhcntcilM-uik. 23-tf



lit tedlEVERY Itmndi <.r ttm tjiiHiiiL^ngnl

ii]i-lii->iniiiil|'fHiit hordes, new n-nlliiS rairi Kfiisl l b l i


'. IIIIIHCH linanlml by tho day ur wuuli.

SUSSKK STRKK'V.'•*":°T Kjun " I ' liijT.it pr.niii:;,}

DovEii, :;. J. ' . ,A. KANOD8K, Piopr iu lm


- A X n -



..jim of BIJIOH and cnlnrd iiliicInr roiiuin-d ntnl wIiirJi-Knofhi>ntly unnliflfil toiiroilinw.

- . . . .juit <]iiali(.r o r s i a l u \vlt\ lioimr work unrrATlliil to proilnco nil~ :t» uf a. tlglit «nil AnnUoninf.Bltl lnrato

ALLEN, l tt .t SON,oVer.N. J.

n HTOVI; I N Tin; WOULDs-irhimil of eihrr Htvltn

l V

FOR SUMMERS WINTER USE.Aim., ft timiiv ^..i-l; i.r

Hnvflwarc, ' Cutlory,(llnss,*\Vi«iiIi-:i, t'i>i»pcr, l'l:.t,i mi.l .UJIUIHICI


Oilt'lDlli*. Cirpota, Lanijw, ruintt Mi.l Oils,Hiul (!.i»i'M, l''callicrii,llr:iitt!i A«lrnl Oil (linn-

;ii!nwhf.) AIBO,


orl; luoniiilly nllunilol tii.

Bonneil's Patent Straw Cutter,

Scitlon n * M i i n u f n c -roi'H i» l i e OH ^or.-BrsiKB, Lonil, I!a"fi niuliiin ni'li.ingp for KtiiiilB.ASIF.S II.IIKITKN ,'i IHI ,rfhl. 137U. ]T -



For Sixty Days Only

' I ' l l IS D A T TO.

! stficc iS-J.

_ j


UNDERTAKERS,At I In- Old Sfaiiu nn Sussex SI.,

. ' E l t , X . ,T.



IBnco „,,„ uraiphl u, bnirnrtlio ilt..id, null QIIHT |in-

I'UBiiicRsKill li»roiin.| Inntiri H L f d m - j r o , ; , , , . , : " ™ " - ' " - " " - 1 ' " 1 " " " " ' " "

Desirable Property

'Voi- Halo.

LARGE HOUSEliTXKi'SS,:;11'1'1'' "i:

Washington Turnpike, Chosinr.1" Vrm* AK ,r.[ipljlo


I 1 ' " ' . . . acMt;. M.J-

A. FISE IlALli TO LIiT~I ll;i;ll?ll,K»Mi,»i.wiim1,,i,m ..:..

•j KATHUIl nni.TKIl,Host, Ilacl.bt-ry Oilj, ,W,

.lallnil Bh.l Mining Iw.lip, l',,,k,, ] , . . , s t a ,

Csn»l I«mm», Sl.md«Vr'irUB, i...vnoimms iinds.

" MomiiKTinvK, s . j .


CROCKHUV, Tin, W'oodrn am!Willow Wan,

es mill 1'rovisioiin.

i'iiM, t'uuliiiil Ciitiija, Priail rf.'ll.r:, Htll{OrB, HjllouB Btld CV(iH in ilii ."i*"iiiry liiiL'.

'K A N ' D


HAEDWAKE:ii, file*

1«B, «I• "nntlliiinlH."B lurj,-r nil B

An1 1i t :Ca



!i.lMiiiini;.M(i!iTiali(•'line, iHiODli) nnd (InS'IIIIH, KnililiTH' llnnlvi-;n-nti»tb' Tout*, Mtra

Hlinii'Hali!lniytTK,wi':.Id at rhoapciU rntoa,

irullMmla.n l'ipo and'arc. lll-uk-ni PnpM.ur


Cim. I)r,AOIl\VFJJ.aii«l HURREX&t..

DOVKII , N. ,1.


JL SIGLEE,Ik'ulcnii

Lehigh, Scranion, & Bituminous

lii ull I'ailx ut tlio Oil/on.l vklully,

At tlio l^oucht lUui'lti't I'cices,in'.iliiirittoeiiit [mri'lmBCM,And Mnmifiirtnitircif

COMMON & FRONTx o nat.

Fire Brick & Olay,Drain. Tile,

Oven Tile.Masons' Material, &c.

Coiislnntly on linnil. . , -

On Borgon Street, near R. R.

Building Lots For SaleOn tlin MMUI Iradinc fru'ni




Dover, N. J.< .>s fii.vrt:v.u.i M'. IIUMIU' UKIKII:N wr.)

V.iKilo^il... nuO llrlnll ik-nlaVH in

Scrnnton and Xoliigho o A Lr

Lime, Cement, Plaslor, Wood,


A-c, at tlic


-oal of all Hizcs C'onHliiiidy «nliund, anil delivered t o any

part of the City or Vicinity.! nro aha ruidy to meet tho Inrgcit onkri for



Orilors may bo ailrircsxcd tliroilgli the l'ost) I/icl; Lox23, or left ai A. neeinor'itullkoickwr-ll RIIMPI, noar SHHSPS. '

Itn'Myu InnilK-i- j an l .

H. R I'AUIfill

SEASON, 1 8 7 5 !

cadquartei's of Morris County

Flowers!LliaslpitrnnaKC w«iil<l^Hfl,,u[ri,||y ,.n|i n c

',"£"": ifiV ''"""' "0"T" '" 'M l M*-AUGEST AND FINEST &TOC1K8 OP

P L A N T S -..-•

ltililo lot IM. [•llr.tal.,, „ 1,1,-h I ,li! , „ , .o fiitnlHl] tin pltni-1 tiotiw, jijul n{ BR

's ivlsltinc In pttii-linhi- ?.rf n-nnoHtnlli.atj- ulo lt,

tiiisUH MA17.li AVi;. f:.,r. PKHHY HT,M o r i - i s l i m - i i , .V. , 1 . ,

- loft it I Ti-aHtmv, router AYaritu nmlJl flri-flii, Ilnri-r, rill rritclrc imtniit


tttrxl Ui n.n;i. ,-ll.lp.el.

A. UmiKIt,

RAT is,

nd cnii]|)c>tont





. & I. SearingCARPENTERS, ^


'Lira amltacifteatlomi ftirlmjiainn, Oonlr«3liuli.-ii nml mtilrrlal, rnnmliwl.

Jobbing in Geseral,


irckTIl1. UEST V2(flLIfl;i CHAP

.n'.Tji, nnsicav, I.ACEI.

IV; S. BA.BB1TT,s i o i i N

Page 3: READY-MADE GLQTHEMG Ap thecary,ispa, and by roforonofl to my prim tbe iiilillo viUresailydliceni that I smis-lilxral at tbo inovt llbcinl. lrcoi, 3d door from Blirkwdll, Miners' Oil



M Llci ii Mi

Dii,.&ff.E.E. TIME TABLE.rtiov mivr.ii H" i ' ; o w t H T :

1 Hnil 'J Si A . M . : <)r.wi-n<i ICspiiuH

I 4 fli) A . J t . ; Mover J':•ckiiltetcinu Mall, 7.:il A,




J'. J

4 . 1 . r



M. r.\t.,3i e.w

M Mi

I i:.

i c.H

Weekly Statement oflronOrotuaisa TQB HAGKECJUTOWS SCALIW, vi.


taiM, X^cbnimy ISfli, 187^.

I ' tUJ

'_','.' 3,13iJ til



ID Frctliolilcrn

flsllindOIlV Itll

- • -»-*•

ingot m-xt

•llldilV IIDKt


cm hot l«f n m> I#Ki»-htivit pnii-i'riliiij!H ft

ml inicix'Mt llm nail w o k .

u]lo.ui!nn pas TroikuR't'tu inncilliiii'tl nn

cil with tmiall-pox viniK.

v. T. lli'Witt Taliiiadifd H, D.. lorl iirun i

Lulls™ M. E.UIiurcli.Wiireii 3d.

n IOJ un I.nlrn Ilopaleunc ami ;>lher Wiitera

)a srrliilll Irl auoiltflU illolliK lllii:1.!,

win anil Warron Conn lies Imvo cumplied

J generally vrilli Urn (fillip-runt law.

Tlie Imtiilomu newcbnniirfiers for llio ..„„...-

niH arrived l » t wwk ana have bcaii;mt up.

lndiicyi'nriinxl "Monday ulm'n U w r p r n

il l:i-r Vlrnnii'!1. It hoi pnlil for Its mii

I'lioniaiivliii fuinulalaJy'i lu l ami • old i" " m y will avoid espmmru by brlnp.iuy; i

I. IV. IM!, KIIJ., nr MorrMuvii, liitH juir-

ii il ihe mitten™ (if Eilflln liuMtit Itm-tin

ft* $7,0lH).

im-ivalre.<ii1linK In many cntivmionilia

•ti liold near Milt™ l>y Ilnr. Kr. UiggD n

bo onjttou conipnny will hold iiu n-gular

ithly meeting next Monday ercnlnjr in th


iiu annual miimlonsuy incpting or. tlm luinn-

Sr. B. Church,' PaWiaHi last, ncttpti nearly

I for the can Hi*.

If S.?;^ noil—Wnnhlngtoo'Blllrtliiljy— bun;

Gal holiday, all notes duo al Iho Bniili <>:

ir.Oeo. A. Amimon, who atockoil tlm wa

In III(B icotion, In* k e n Appointed rial

nulenlonor by tlio Govtrnor.

he chnlriuau of tbo smc'liti); commit I'<' '•<•

lu ted lo appscr bcfi.ro the bonrd or dead

ii'M nnd report inntiodlaloly.

Tlio ladirfl of Uia.ClieiUr Pi osbytorlnn Olinrcli

! hsltl sLs-.ly Wasbbfiten Tua Party oi tha

IBO of \ r . llobluson next Tuesday.

' pnutpoiinineiit cm nceuiint or ilio wofUhi'i

Hecotii) AdTenlklH have decided that Ih

ilcomcvloau orul April JOth noil,

lie QOTT lillliird ]im torn nt tbo Fm-tner'n hotel,

"tisloivii, ivrre inansiiraUul WiilucuUy

ing l>y Ilic fatiiouH players Onrulor and Dion.

L Mil hoi boon introduced In llio Huiale tn

priato fD0fl,0(O fbrlhopnrpono orcontlnu-

- iloruonSiiBiieiftroot occnpicdliy Hi

ilic Jeweler, is being math much hnudium!

i 'ice- front, the work orenipciilcr Yrcclan

ilcliol), Ilioforctrnho attemplod to com-

t Milelde In tho 3IorrJntoirn jnll lint Slimmer,

*liccndimilisrgcil Troin castodyby ontrr of


eiupplumonl to tlio flliurtorof tho town of

r, kutliorliingtlieiftaiioot tr.l.OW) nli\illoii-

a llonila, lu;i pa.sncd linlli liouBra n| tho

miall and beautiful poll knlfo win k'ft In

ntfKi-aiili oftlcoiho other drty. 'JliD oimor

lisvo it liy applying nnd iloa^riblng prop-

«to tho operator.

irt.UnrryMin, ft Inly rustriiiiK on llio nevr

si lictwtmi Ponn UTIUIIO and ChrysUI H trcet,

uiwn Uio Ice tlio other Jny and r«w!vi.d pc:

• inlomftlitijurlos,

ID latliM of Iho FJniitlont 3t. V,. Oliurcli will0 »n oyster supper for llio Ixinollt nr Ibo

"•>li at tha pareonafjo mi Wnliicsthy even-

tl. All aro Invite.(iteemed frientl and to'wnaman Or. S. B,onlttilwcn urim1y41lmt l.ia homo InIlitoffn. We are ploaEctl to note, lipvr-

t, lie IH rwovfiriiig'iiiiil iriir coon ho with iiaIn.Ibta tlio yoiinR DOTDI- corrfiiwiitiet; at jhewlgtomiHerilil taken arllclej ft-oin'tho E iu»«e np big eiimiiTuDioationa he nbonld g;?owpcr crcdll. A chrlntian-in net nuppossd

ittnl.' w»y of lea partloB, nojv BO gtentiy IIIlie "Pliantom 'loil 'arty" ia tlio utmost

Such an ono will bo held In i-onnoc-^titli tbe Cangrepitiotul Cbttnh i»l CIIOH-

niany friends or Slr*ot ConunUSbhorWri will wgrpl to b u n thai b» in Mill c o , i -

>!• M by raiwin o t i . a n i u c r»11 on

h»mMTriBcnon v » arrutcd on Wclriofl.*"tnilag, en comphlnt oi his mto, forabriso

to Inrolrii eecunly in n,o anm or J500 to1 tlm peace for ono year.

^frieudjorncT. Mr. Miller will give (iim•MMontliBitthB liouwof Mr. JnUnWil-

nlnit. All i r e inrfi

oo Mr. Jnlm W«mat Wodoowlay, thoy,


f o r «>o Jlrty Job. or Cw-


. c r 6 n f o t C ("ncnt or tho compnlioryU<r r " ' o d > " ' Whiter. Wo boporowoflwllwi l t J

Wni. Uunnofla reputation

T:<n lioiiiifuii liiiUrliu kin bruki 11 mil ill ovcuilii ilin *m:il|.pi'x. -lii'Icinj,' frnm tlio cunlortii>iiHiir(li^|intio!;t It In it baritone, Itlnolvu« if " '0 inifctiilL'* or tho dread malady kmputlimul very tlucliiy nliuiit thctnontb nf tbaediUn-nnil lie hud tlicrcnpun wired It on hiluwpjinpcr

An ntlrtitliuinijuiiiKcrifitioiKimia tliv KaiinaYAM VunA, li.r,Tt»r>|ili Ilrnloror, ii tn-Vnm\cil«i'(l-iimliinK tlio tiitaUrnount 6123. Agrcal•nun; iloii&tiinis nrt'lollilnf,' hove been mwlilcii tlu1 lailicM worn riiKit;;o»l yfptwday oftcr-nofiin.t Hi- IViiiliyi.ilnr flmrdi inpaddnK In

l 1

The [\

t in t Mi.'


rwino 1

waplo;sue), v


nUhloilierrl|[liti'lbe w\




1 1


nllUin> Iron

uill tin

IU Mil!

VtA f.-.

! l»! til.

Minr.nin-iHQ i


lil 'lC


'i1, n, V,I:I

r lmi1' I'ilH.

thorn U i-mt.idu-alilo lalifiii will revise early lu ihKKiitCliarlott cbiirc, dreoml i-tlicii, (hut Imvn Iteulio work, (1, tluu (iflordlii

niln-ilM mm lilto, Wo tnu

LuneLcil owr Ibolllintl

nl l a i n o n c"rmiL-lHi



l:il 1)1

!i livUio

t twflvo O'L-1.r.i-miUimuiiif;

Etovc In tli>el; Ttmrmlo

tliom. Nik'li

nminily rostsired thlnne t\vd\i ucmly n|Ouancll room

rannlud whoiii> fitnim t

dwelling limKoof Mr. Juliu Vim Dnvn

nt lV.fi'jaf<! VCHL-V WUH tloBtroyud Jiy llio, with

t orHBL'OIII.'UU, 011 Mondaynflcrnooii, T

uu^bt from tho chilli hoy. TlieroffiH

-H;IUO of i;m n;i MIG lioiuo nnil $.100 on f

rui-niiiiro, l l r . V.n Uuytui'ii aged gramlmotii

O.i yearn oiA «i-.iii icmuvi>«1 t« n plm-a ,jf Barely.

Tlio «o«t Qnarlwlj M,*Vhig nl MtifrUL'ima

I,(icl^, I .O . ofO.T. , nilltio ht-M Iti Hlltern

Hall, Hllwrnh. 011 W-.lnai.dny, Mardi th).. T

Hi'HXiuiia nillboln-ld.mnj at 11) A. M., aurl iho

other at 11-211 . J [ . A calluLlun will bo held

IIUCII in tlni baunniont of tlm M. H. Clmrdi, n

Mi t a n f O mroHiiK will bu hold in

lujnrlny ttio w

(orniioof Iho driving lvlwola of tinJ of tlio (JlicBtcr train, on its )lanI'julity irinrnlng, Ijccnnu1 hrokon at o:ttn'a ri;mif>», o»il ilyinu np did ipiHiORC In lho iab . Fintmintely no onil. After wrcrallionriii-rlwiiynfildcntlv ri-nuliovor. 'liitif phn

iirtrdifunlo-d to bringelncc IH"

Ukon to ilie Blinpii.Mr. Wm. YnHii|i« t.r Wiihmt drove hint h

t.vim In iitteml A pirly at Milllimik mi Wr.lr.ctoy rrrnlutr. Tim team wan Icil in tho tlinl c.fMr. Laiiw HllltH.and llio driver on (jolng to got

:i nltdut thrt-a o'clock in Ihe mnrntiiR, foui>(UiD)H,nimrtiw'illi foul, uratl. Tbo mi

Kt.a oflmi in "tho liabit <>r lying down nlion lionlcd, and it is mipposod did

in Ililn ca*!1, ilrosBhig ihi- other hnrno acttilrnnglliif her.

irtrcntli animal minpir mid cotillionpi>rty of tho Drnb.vlllo IIOIMC, DrnUvills, ivillbo held on Tliarutlty cvenltitt nost tlio 25flust. Tho vrny proprietor linker gulu up Ilicsnn nnil nfFuira la itcntillon to IIITHITC* amlilauEorn, nnd tliu mcro cntiouncnuiont of htu "orwiV is PIWHI;\I In insko many licnrtn qulrUoivi Ii niiti(.'Ipntod|ileasiirc. Twoliuitilrcilntulilf-!y JnTitnlianuiiiTO hecti ixmiod, mid wo ffarranDViry itfipicnt will bo Ibcre, unlcsfl prevrntoiuj-iioinu luiroraiicii niitforliino.

Wo locoivid Iho IullinWii({ tclcgranlilc (Itslati'b yfiRtunlay 'innrnhig: " l l io store In Oriiijjo In irtileli WM lucatcd llm WeRlorn VnloiPiilctnepli Ofllcu, van burnoi] last ntglil. Tinu-ppt-rty ot llio onioe wan eavcil. Tlio iidlce oIho Ovongo .Tonrnnl in Ilia upper part of build-

liumcilliri;oninr>niilnf pomlfl In a tailor uliop In tho

rojod by water. Onlyii part r.f tlm building ivnn bnrnod, and'it litlioiif;l>t (hoinKinnuoi) will cmn.t^tiloiii."

The tadloit nf tho Pmbjter tan Clmrcli atStnnhopa ivill glvo a Inrllia Waehinpton TiTarly in tlio church nn Monday mid Tiuwlay

RilngM ncit . Tho Ililrtccu orlghml Htat<[Hho ii.jirwiontL-il nl tables fully IIURMICid tn addition tlioutaloB of Wonder, Ucaaf

•y nnd MuMinony,nid uovnl ftnlnru In Hi pan pui-llca, nhave becoms r.o p'lmlar. A grand

Binnptuons entertainment Is proniisuil allittond, ami nil wlinivnd Una will bsn i ie if tlioy:atoliep.l nnj»n.

Mr. TliDiiiaH J(i!niHo:iof tliu luleflrni ot KayA JolinG'in, «l!l open n^aln tho DorcrM'orl.s, UPSt to Ihla ofikp, on tho flrftof Jlmcli.Hr. Jolnimin In aworbinnn of Ability and longiipcrleiii'a mid va dontiL nut ibat under bitlUto-innnngtmcDt. them votU will nttivln n botlor i-epntnllsn tlian avar bcifiiro. With LcttoiuiciliiTcB hfl will tiiun IJO rofitly to nifltm^"-hircnommicnlfj, gmvo utonnn, inautclH and ollioitrtluloain IIIHIIUO in [holiest inaimcr. Weclu>aifn% cuiiimcni) b imto Ibo pnUieftiiJ nil-vlso nil to piili-ouizo homo liuhiuiiy.

Aclsnf iiunhtoiitatioiiK, (,'cimino vitality t rcio rare now-n-dajm, that It Ia refreshing to item>t them. Wolcariioilofncasn tlio otlmr tiny

whore n lady nf our town took to her own hottl<l tins bctm si\icu Kliidl; tntlng for, n lick

[tiiiy fullow woman, lo wb»m filio vras mniili(>iitl')iiH hy run Bon of tolnlioitrililp or olh-lito. Tlie n-orld of <-IUIFI>« dnf H not km

t, hut wo r.irrant that tlio ilcod (H nn pi3titlyici!or(lcil hy the All Bering aa tbouii

cent doii.itloan mmlc tn Ilieclojjical initilatlunnhy liiercliiinl prinecn and licraldcil tilth a flour-ish of tnwiputu all over tlio loud.

Tho Dover nrnniatlo AiBocIatloii;Lu)rilratboir to tlio publio In Mollor'a Open

next Monilay DTMIIIIK, williapnijwpll calcnlntmilo Drciiro tlio favor «r

H I D tvclMinumi tlrnnia nr "WclcTitrpln nnd Tmn King" will Im ]iriotti'1* lyanucr tliau ovur be Tore, after acarofulvhearsnl nnd wllh clmnSas tu the cast of cbaicrn. ISi'aiilm thin slmdutr pantomimes ivill bo

Han Uox Myslory," will ho prcnoniml, tho lat-i'r wllh inochnnlcal nppllanc;g. To thepo will

ologby Ihe company. An Mentagit iKpniiiilt.udaiid uii Bbotiid attend

ho ran. " .TJinvir Council, No. II, O, II. A. II., of Itdn

[rincc, ivill glvu Ihnii' Firxt Annual ltcccptlnii oni" of Wasbi.iplon1'! Ulrtlidny—MonJay

nest. Tho Ji«t part of tho pro^rnnimo in clinicsi ovurliiro liy llio buiil, an addrcsB, fanr inli-ami, ••CIOJIIOIIII or IJberty," "An Oticonmn-ni*;1 ».L Ilclo CnnTmiLuiie," and "My Qrand-thor'o Okl Itam;" tlm rrcilHlioi) of 31 irkv;wu's liutv.ovuutt skokli. "Buck 1'ainiiw'n

Fungal ; " and two elindtiw imilomimrn, "TlioD(mliBt,"iin(l "Von't un Homt-lill Stornlng."Tiiuronminiluroniic iilglitwlll lie a soiBoti orlineliiK-lhu whnlo running nno (if Ilia tliirognumiiQs f»r an entcitaicnicnt crer afroiii Utivor. Tlie proceeds nro fir tbo heacflt oiHid now fibrory of tho Council.

Cacefi'l imjulry nmnns Urn pouch t ' l w u n o rlorris cunnty leadu IIB to hcllcvo tbat a. largosrcontaKO of tho crop In prospect bun boon dc'-

ilrojcQ bj tlie BOTUTO woatlitr. An ranplnn-lion of llm hinU rtom orrlianlH on hw grnaud

fully ono-thinl hhafcil, wlillo thoco onr croiind aro Injured hi n ksH degree,nil probably nnmlwr ono-qunrler. Tho

iiidn boferi) Injury did not promise as prolific acrop IB that realise ed last rear, and, token nlto-Guther, wo aro pretty well nnsnrcd of a cwni'iii-atively rniinll crop, although for tho matter orprofits to tbo firoiror, It may proro muro rcmu-norntivo tbsn could bo realized tram an Ira-

np and conllnual glut in llio market.Wo have bofitro as » bunt'li of twig*, from or*""

or Sir. Uenjamin Oobfo, nhicli FIIOWibontono-tliinlof (lio luida liIaBtcd.—Banner.Foitiupi tUn moBt intitroBtlD(j book liaucd In

tliU countrj- in a long limo Is a frcati imbllrs-" in of Harper i K ; o j . : " l l io Lait Jnnrnilsof D^vid LiTlngntiiiio in Central Africa,-from1SGQ lo hid death ; continued by a narrative orbU lait niorocnlt auil nnfturinga, ohhinod frombla fatthfid SCITSUIB, Clmma and Haul. DyItoraaa Waller, F. It. a . H." 'llm work h hean-tirully and profuioly illuitmUd with porlrallg,napsand other illuntrsUonfl'and ia attnctirelyinona in qloth, library, nnd lialf calf.'anil In coldX (5, tG, anil 17.50, according to blnillng. JTliofo and lervicoi of tlila grcol oiplorrr aro imfU;icntiv*nDl\VTio\T«tonillo mats lliliirorV'tiT

alraoit inoalcnlablo valno looll, and* greatnO;dlllon to any library. Mr, John totoiicr bun

icatcd tbo ssoncy for Jlotria con'uty, anil iaJW run vis fins for tba work. Tllosa wlin oaeilIB work, a'lid no rui lor can hardly jfford to

bo Wilhont it, ilionlii apply to or addroaa hint.

Luivid its |ii


,,.,; tliuin lim

|.j]Uiiii off.irly uAtwiy. Tlu- 111m •in niiw mining 11,100 turn ;f<m- \>J> nnmtli.

ivua la«l yum l,«l •!,H«l limn Vii'i Itiiuu;!iilily, nnd lias no«v im hand 23.0IW t-iiui nrall H"1<1. COUHUUI-IIII; tbo fuel that tli in colu-

jnnilo nn tx-.liietlon of lib wurliinu force Inminus durltiff UiL- punk-, MiU U a clrnr ln-

oO nvm Lliu H.KMI timou hutaro, mill in ter-taliily un iinlli^ition nt cniiQilonca in tlio B|>>proadi of bettor IIUIGK on tbo part of tlio

juipiiny if not nn auhiirancc.Illorarr tmti-rlaiuinont In Ilodtawiiy undur

the aiiupk-i'N of Itwktwny Sir lsbn H. of T . \ u .101; UiM J. 11, ( lu toa m J Sic. II. K.KuUlnnof Nowark, H. J . , ITIII favor tlio [iiibliu willi abiljhl? intdl<>ctnal niiturtaiiinn-'iit, uduxlHlltm himcltatumn or <-,huko inHtrilfting mid blghly[IIOUBIUK xulvtitluni in Into I'lodutlusiwy nt\'k,in tbo l'nuiiylijriaii Chunli.oii Tlinmlay ovi<u-i«B, Fe\miaiy2Dtli, l t f6 . Qooil and o]iprtipriatunnmio will bo fiirtiislKul to compluto ibu cntur-tainmtnl. Tliu occa«ion promliicn to ho unu i»fnuiiHiul iutcrc-Ht and txttllcuce, All shouldimprciTO Iho npjxirtunity by bolnj{ pregoiit.l>min «limi at 7 oVlwk. EJOICIIWH cmnmencoat H. Admiuubr. lirt-'iity-llTu touts.

ApL'tttlonto(kntfoiDuoo in being Hrcnlatcdiu liiitf tonii nnd vicinity, ntnmly tmong Llio fi>-miilo member* of iht> L-Inirch nnd curigrcjjiitlini,by tlio fi ion.lu of it,.v. Mr. Daniels, fi>r ihe «•-

if liiat t-cnUtim-ii to tho M. H.Churdl in thin tjkci' fur a Ihhd t m a . Wo nn-dtTBtand them | 9 0 elutiso in Iho pot iti mi nhli-h

ska for tho appointment i>( HIT, Jlr. Mcfoi'-ik-k, now at Tranijidlity, Suasox County, i

cast) Oonforonco HLOUII! not inuliuo tn tlio app:i]ntmcntoftho tirat tiamod ecutlonian. t.cry cnfliiiFlriutte young gcullunion nppolntcto [,ii'i'int llio pullllon fur Hl|,niiilurcB,lioM« onIho in'liK-uniL'iit and nrKm.-« with Hib-n<ra tlm"iminiiorijjd-iuiseciloa fuillio work nf tliMinting CiiiifutQuoo j'tiir. Wo ra«|it><!trail;.' ]ir<>tout jgaiiiHt EIIOII a iiK'un in»li imlion.

jiinilliuii.Mn. ruiToti; On n'odni'mlay ovonitiff lam

there wan t vou in Iho ball of tliu y. M. C. A.,clnre »f I'Uceding intevott on Hio topic,li,i-ItnsiJfi to aiuccfi." Tho lecturer of Hiluton, I'rof. Allicrt L. IUKIJH, etitortd tli

hull EH uoarunE, iirecwkd by six otbor porxanp l i R panplo oi diUuroiit nitlonalilici 0

the Kant. On tho trail uurrounillns tlio plit-funn were hung, lifo-Hizud nnd larger, picturuaif [mnuinent [WHOM in this country, uiiuh a

Arnbio Sliukx, an Egrptinii laily, an Arab prinld A b li f l l if



CK flfst innj vt all ii

t!od;" tiv:nw with Owl

lllllll t.ll.(ru'.li I senHint a purL ^ i t i n a ,awuili. IWbciiovurgatlino.1liucanio Ih11» iiltuInvelfilo' ]itliL-m tlmIbruu niunwi»i. til*:

B Billin aniu-nilj

tii'ii iIhttJI

[nm 1

a oet

toS«o a l lHint




ni l

>f .1if filift!



he villiij

BVCl'ltOl 1

luro Ib:'talu (fnnijitho\\.tt l i

< ii:

ad i

y l .ecum

r thin ii arli in"

i tucv

nU \!».r<niu<.-(trvjfiinlii;o wtA i


it it Iiuof tliU


thuiiii) iCM (Kiod 'i\.»i

ito tlidiua lot

JCN, ami

« Hilli;; Ihu

•B!M-il-lit ui';

V;«»l( iitfijf ,,,,]

=l»l»rHr Jnntna, lui]«r fifty


n diuahtbd, t-rll.tlHL

iHi*l" l '


Onlrto, ni

irt- lur




1 I'Vl'l


j Th,. tu.rtiH.urly

,i it t'.,::t Ihnn sI^lllt!l,L \ m awl Hot

•:.',-iw., Rlli d i n s . , itli r.ud Dili vorF*a.

!I»1'H ujiirit uoiKirij ;

1 Iu din 11 tlm * pul.tiu fw

TuihUli mold Amb m iit, n fully

i ladkdynf tli'o direct,bln tlnnUey, hU left root UQIIIIHI frriina curioiii );InJn(

Inntly, thinj; in a Mlrnp IUH^III IHmiddle,

Tlio lecturer Ucgn:t in a \try ploaRant innftir vtikii, wlitdi, by Ilia wny, ho acquired en a

fixed possoniilon in the course nf tliu tlirooycanU among iho children

oftbo desert, najing that It (fftvo him pleasuretu talk nbonKticHu ilKTeicnt psqilon.trhu nro

day afl tlieyal ways woronnJ viha linvo lit "dllTuroiil. Nor h

y any nbiliiy to uan vrhat (hoy bnvotlielr imnKoiHlDii now. 'liicy itpurii anil ik>-

Jte iniiiivatliin. Their leailiiirj IdeaH aro do-livi-il rroiu.Abralii.uii lull nntel, their IVmay ha found In tlio wnya of IIIB children la ILIsday. - Tliny lovo liberty, hence their roTing illa-

lUd taul-lKo. I t Ltt nol uncommon t«flndinon'of gi'aatngD, say EHlaiiU over, by tlio

itlninwl tho cano nt an AnhHbeik OH yearn old who rodo 20 mi lea hetutc)rcalifn«t with him ono day, nnd aflcrwirdill day luahcn tu f 120 (IORN-OS. WomnnlUvoa still, txui la-iiny yoa mi} flml tboni jtha timo of ALraluni Iiaklng tho cakvs, makiiip*tliotmttor, and gailicrJii^ tLo honey for (histranger that l»kci slicttor under taelr but*.—


Kvon tl t ciuuipt, as ho ita-d 400ted a i-aso of nno wlin liaTlng i dowry of £4,000

no her own right, inado n pruptmal t o a jtnnu alfaclicd ta an oiploilng party, Iu onlurlo mcnpi) <bo Mavery of her elatbn. Slio wjDiluratod III Europe, an wm aleohur f*thor. Iiivory Irlbo th«ry In a poot mid pnutosy ivboiolni»bc»3 itIHtt) gDikor \ip tuclcsctius nuft Uaohivtory of Ihclr people nnd put tbom in rliyimaud lo toll BtQricH. IJtllllhoro i i nut a pngoowrilltif,' to bo found, hut yuu may gna t anyUmoaiiilit'at- from tbuir lips tbo history, veryminutely too, or IUo3CO years past. They liiroiromk-rful meiuorlfB. Arabs may marrytwo, three, I>ii t not more than four wivei.tivcn tiiln juuiiy, lik-nluil |juul-)JlJiici--ii»*ie» wil-ing to live with her I'lirniman niatcr If HID milvould coniout ID marry hor. This parly of ci-ilorecBwai Ihvn in tlio landot.aloihnoir DCBU-hnu vrjioro thla triuo had Ua homo.

It tabes groot precaution tu enter tho coun-try o! tlio Aralia; thefoloro Iho rrofoiam

idalan-sclioolln Cairo In 1831 lo ]>tcisoirAnhlsmifisIon.' Ho Bnsumed the, irali'ictingbt'EBir nnil rtma panscil, tin

not without mm-ijt-ioti, throitglwiit nil theirwmnlry.

In llm llrntlwour tliroo inoiitliH of bljHit ikin of his face and bands becarao all 'lerrd and finally turned broivu like t int offcbarifffncB. Henco lio oicapctl iletccliou, uloo•cuowiiifT flic inugtiAgo well, Tlie days aroiccilln^ly long, M mid 1(1 liouru, Uo painted;hu i»rtrails of tho chief people; ttio womeniboneil him cn]y half of Ibo fact-, bccaiwo.Uoy d id , it lio tnolc tUo wliok faca oiory tihithoWimUl 1,,DI: upon llio plclurn In (liu tlis-nut Imnio, thoy would hsvo lo conto to hu

ivliieh would ha very Inconvoiilcnt. Thoy thinkUIM-O ii BOtno magic art in i t tliatnmlei towi '

In ordnr to nit for their pictures,the limn boriDwod tlio mum (word, and

n tho lanio oriiainonta; yet they aro verymodelt. A Syrian Arab woman bad a bcail-

iff upon it a l l her frciHUio in silver, goldnnd procfone Blones, Tor llmi only, teynrding

i Ihe Mohammedan law, iru they oxotnpl froailisurc. Whato?cr a woman han Iw hcra alone,

Uo exhibited a vf.il nf tlm ir-incn; which «great lino iliatvl havinff at ono corner and ntthutivo aidcN r.Iiigci.and aa\a that thli

lUitb hud lvbcn rtie Bl«auttho Hold of Bun*, flacli a vtll will easily holdrer a btiabol. Tlio r ink and itatinn Iii Hfo

ild from tlio color of tlio triage

1 tho veil; that of t i hsttig a lirightred, and of the inarilcd beinjja purple color.-

rarticlon nf i\rvf» w*>ro ttlmwn )mt their(>•tcription wonU maliu tills artldo too long. .

KQ nolt [leacrihcil a 1'craiuu of tlio caravanwith whfdi ho Journpyotl to Diniaacna. A 1'or-

or Arab cares precious litllo what youtblnk or lil'ia iwrnuiially, but if .you t l i inl 'andapeak lilglily of Ills father's graiid-fiitlior up to

II unlimited podigrco, tben you aru alw*yi wtl-amcil and ho IB your r"Von juuit ucvor take a pro sent from them for

aa will hnvo to pay fcr ft, aud that ronmlly.-lioy nro vcvj crafty. Yiltntmi Uio inintlowlid. UrBnItt botpcen Abraham and Ilemor;

luoli it la to-day.

Tifo speaker iiciicrlbMl tlioir groat Jomlnowir IQUHIO, and allowed tbo profotypo of-tbe

wooileii violin. A'I oi»r inuslcal instrumentimo fr°ni Feraia j tbolr'nlory-tollDrs wltilsay tho timo for thmn, A great Emir wbu> on a joifrniiy oSareil to give to ono of thosi

players nml story tellers, for tboy do both atthe Mtio time, & tlankty, to i+BBocond B> horn ,knd to tha boat of tho.tlitca & camet. Tbo t in tDUO undo tlietn alt laugh till they could laugh

)ro,'wilh tho recital of oioceafnely rannystories, Tlio Emir sild this was wandarfiiLTliu sccoiiil ono tuada Ibcm all cry with IIIB pft-

ctio lovo-*tory, of how somo young iroocd andtied; the Hralr until till a wai more wonilerful•I, 'Iho ttilrd plnybi] on an instramont, somo-

thinj; llko our piano. Dy Ills mutlo ho led themihrouRh ploaaant groves, hy murmarinjr brooks;homado tlio wind aigh thronght to troe«t nu-ll) they all foil nsieop, and lorn* begun to enorouoivilj, wUcn ho struck a ilevp biaa tiring andImitateil tlialr sooro. Tlio Emir gata l»Iw tboluiol, fur, Bnitt bo, "tlio ctbors liaTO made n inigh and cry, reminding UB of onr misery, h i t'da man made u i forgot It—ho put'to sloop."It Ukm 2Q j i t d s of cloth to miko & tatlian

aud It IB wonml iround tbo' lioad according iotliecoursoof tlieaun. Tin religion of UIBEO-duiitB lo tint 3Iohtmnibilanbut Pagan. But Imnat clofo with much material on hand. u.

. Spr ing Slylea.Tho Ilmulway atyloof Silk Hat for the fiprins

of 1S7S are noyr cstabliub'ea. They arc lightanil nobby. Thtycaiibo hatl.at

N. A.'UEtllUTT'*, I

lVltliam LuaolEfl(i.,ofDclvidcrc, Ia main cflurt to septiro tin ppiltion <\t Ircwcq'tqriftbo PlMi orWarrnn cojinty. Tho term ofJoaoph Vliot, Esq., who lias tba position far thaput 15 yeari, eiplroi next mo'gtli;

a iittlusixBiBtancii. Why iha swindle an oulraeeou* IrapoBitioii, the high-coi-Uabrwiw otllicn- iwclutifa mi'miwliSlc rliing on thu proceed!* of till! nulioanl or las.thoy wore uictuhors cf nu-li mi orgnulsatii:and subject tn micli Bttipundotu; outlavfl, Hiwould i-xpiict tu li3Tfi CUTV wtttl, Hiijiplicd Ithe- Rul-tv iiji'ludiii),' »cttl<--:iici)t nf till hUU,nud no itunlit ui>iil(lalmitXji>'H to n^civi 'tnIhrif, nr JIvo iioIUrn ]ivr tiny in nililitiou f|iL-nnit(ln({ thin nltcutiim uu tliti jwrl of tl

Wiglil with equal i'«HHinteiK-.v Miuk on'atiuthu:iU'iii mid claim that [tt. ctnu llu'y w w junUcoir thin Hublnnary Kphcro bufuio tlioy womjiu.ready, llm i/idgu MlionldiulL'iccpt tliolr traitw.haiif-u uud junk them !ntl(, ond tcu lti.it Ibranking |>rvi!i<4H wa* »iih|>L-tiduil until t in!i'ui.vi>iiii<iiuo IWM Huileil. Unfortunately i\;

i:li«rm, or Incantctiou by which, a llflv tmidily nm LJU Irannfunued Inln anything <liigbtT vnlui', aud they ain ax lunorant uf tinadoncu of Iraiiflinulntiou an unllnarTnr tlio IiiIuriiiRtiuii of those sikowrt c;I will liero giva ft tow thiusd i-c'eur<liug thintt'iupiTatiL'c urganlzaticiu. In Ibollrnt placo ItIti purely mtd solely a hciiovoluiit insUUitfoll,not liojufidal, iii thu gtii(ji»l Hrntio of tliu toiNuxlly, He on]/ rnvciiug ia thodo fifty cftMCKKiuotittt iwi' qunrtw, tijwl tlilvdly, litilucnaro.Bdjnnleil Juut fio as'tu meet llio crout worMiid eipoiweu of tlto fariotm Tjoti^

iHiryLodgo^t 3IcCaIun?illc, tmmberx abiSO members in f;ond stniKlinpf-30 mala nnd '10fcmak'B. (juai'ttTly tliwH of. milieu, tiriy centeach, aiiionniH lo tUicen iloilarg; quarterly dueiirfcmalcN, twfiuty-llte cmU cacb, iiva dollarsnhU'li togollicr fur Ilirco montht* nwcMu to thfrond Hum totaiof In-only ilollarri. lVom thindu'luci niun ilollnra runt uf l'umianil Uio purcajilla tax uf ten cDiiiecuch to theOrnnd I.CHIBO and no liavu tlm rabnluutt BIIIH cnix dullirx loH tn [Jiinitmso fuel, Ikjlit, Btalloiiery, ami mrat VurlmiH nthur UtIL hllln tin

|) in, Iu Kpilc of tlic rloHoil (ii-onomy. 1WH that a mlj,'lity !»» pilti of ntatnps ar

pfthopn.ilony thei:

billn, anil tliu Hlu:f{i|[cfl aro conjp

LO, pi••Li,,

Cbu)pound almost pxutiifilvclyiio>I »r nhomnre obllgcit loniu little commit nr luxuryinthn Lodge, no Hut nllglitn tho mini Iu II partakes of a sacriflir. Tlicro

coHiotinl ItistancnH in wliieli incaim,L'II wnnltii iniart, fur it rc

inled, lint thoy nro widein ordinary zcit!lllllllCoaiHTBOtl

i tn the-Rnrkci-u in tlm various

of rcnl tutnpnnptTB nee mid

mplaig. I t iiibnt or .(ii[Ii'BCOiKlIiiff iulo tlio vnlloy of liuuiiliatiiinch, aiidalmoit ninal to Bochl Hjmtriationfto tn tbo few in«t»nccH ol good olminiHtancx'R)r ufllucncD no niinu ran Uo ntasnuably oxpoctod of timm Minn any oilier mouthers. TliolrBBcrificc, counsel, mid example being minjcieD

it lomllng them with au utiiluo burden otha Lodf-o. I luvo tnken mure tpaeo with tblt

hut conyidernhls nipltnl wna, atul Ia bring nindtout of UiocTcnl ofelckncb* Hlludud tu at thebofcliinliiir of tliii article, and I win], to iipgutthulr llttlu pile. U llilu-. then ii»t do it nnnthtiduee or twa will, n-iul must effccliialty,

I would like hiiTQ lo say la Iho intinhcra oftlio paoudo Q. T. Lodge, No, 220, ut Urakcrillithat their puunurd in uithliold, tlmt Ir 11.

Iu of that Hchool district viil penult thornto bold moli orgicH in tlio HCIIOOI IIDUI

n Ihu iDdt iti.iitb, I will piihlkb ili'nQDIDOS of orery ono amecmed fn tha affiilr. J

lo tlio place, hut such meetings as liavo beenheld Ihoro would tint ho Inter a! eel in a liotelthat clciiDod niiy rcBpootafillity or d

On taut Saturday evening nrlod load of llm^nung iolkavf KuecjBiniua und Drake vi lie, 1<in nnintier, went to I'll enter tn hear tbu Iliitchitmona' slngcrfl, I bi'liovo, nml o:» ilioir wa}liomo, near tlio reoldonra or Sir. I^OIE, tlm Hk<iSiWto pustng <K6* a rna*a t»f Ico wan thtowiiiiloTJno to tho cutter and unpei^rd, Bpilllo;Iho cargo in great tliiiorder. J.ueiiiiy tlio fonlorBoanttaflicd to ttio filcrt wcro v,-ry gqntli

and stoiipcd nn liiu InBtantj olse It might haveresoltod in a terrible eataitrnpho. As It wm

\i' eight nr ton of tha party, lioth IJISICH andlluinon, wero comidernbly luuUnd, onolattot- u win fcarctl, Norluunly, nnd fur t<Ihrcu (layn artor.uulll NUIIIC tiling dnlinl

could hfl ascm-lHitiL'd almut bin ran; all the rewore a mllicr no!cmn-clioly Innk, Bui Uioindividual it around again, r Ilia funnyiido oftlio affair is tiiroeil ant, That sbigtii d i l l h o l a n ? roincmhoml hj snmn or tho

nt luait, mid whould caution tucmer nmonnL of retkleaBaoBH iu itkigli riding

in mtuio, ' Soino regard AmnWi )>o lmd ntho condition of tho rotda ivltli vuoli >ti exl

Itliiw Uio »taga iwrtU, t.liwt tiro I ruThat tba wnitiu™ world mav kuoiv;" h l i B l i it t il th b d n i ovan u n

wnitiu™ woit to nil tho


rld mavbordonild l l.0 Mnecs not your old sloiil rraily ;

'amo your flah-hnrn I lounly Idnvr it.Tell to all tho wnndisring nntinnn""tanliopo'B"got.a bran IIBW [juat.

Ycaeit. Awl If you <U>uU it stc Uio Rime*llortld «f February lOHi.

Strairurdhxi! iUSbnhf-jptarc, Ayi., !tu Hiiriix,ihuotsford KB Scott, and a good many piuco*

Byron; whyalioiild tiolStanhopohnvflhcr—•ah, ivull, ho is too modest and I do not euro to

to immorWUty by nnniaaVlnx n ninidL'B to hido bcnualli A Host in; M.DUK.

Uut it would rhynio sith Beldoti Jimt ai well nswith tho baj horso wliieli carnu> him to rc-imr-

I ohildrcu with broken nook*. (8i-o'7tii linofrom tho end of "Stanhspoir. Illiyroc.") True,thoru aro envious penjilo who snjjgi'sl tiio Iden

• borrowed Train too ItCRktor of nonio monthsigO, In fflifch, they pay not only iho Idea hutlio rery words were, though In j l

k h t lll t l k, g j u i ; (inly.

Dut yon know havt pcopto nlll talk.LgrcLlav, Lowull.liryft'.it, Doolor Ilnhud,

nd Bayard Taylor aro Rotting old andurtntomlcdlliatitbaraco nhaubldiitu

out, Ro ahe bus ioucli it poot with thr l b

pMvi!»E.AiTi.mj*,'tba ttrii j-fft or genliif, (bo

iRhcat typo at Hint, and ho is no nioilmt wllhalnd denies It. l l l i s a l d l h a tThirteen cities mourned tlio Homer dosO.

Tlirougli wLic|i the living Homer beggod lila


But t imu. l i tvo cbftngeil Nlneo Iboin'l liavo to bos any morr. Iu thin cnllsblcDed

igo genius la appreclaloO, and 11 b nntrnnhlri'jr PcgUBRt to gel bin daily oata and first classittciitfoii by an intelligent hol ler Ijciidus. 1romombor how Cliarloy Jay was jealotin of thoruniBOfDr. Tlio.-«. Dunn ]-;ngllnb—Hit any fool

lllng proso together, l t tnVes tbo Iiii;n.;al;iud of SonliiH to wiito "rliymu."

Hurrah for Bunhopo'i 1'oc.l I • D. J.

llorrlblti Accldonl.Itobort Lcnimoni, a m!ncr cmjiloynl at tbcg£t\&n 3HDO, i Giir Osd^nsb^Tg* vinn i fttiLnl\yillod on Monday afternoon by an csploaiou of

[liint ponder. Tho purlicnbrB of tho accldont,,a wo hear thorn, aro nafollowx: Between tlirooand four o'clock In tlio iflcrnoon, ho wunt intotho blacksmith itiop at tliu mine am] t>cgnu

irmliiR a cartrldgo of Iho jiowJur, uhlch he,ld In lila haiul, over tlio fire, when i t auddoniy:plodcd wllh n li)ii<I report, liloiviiig on" his

Load and o w . i r m , AHU olhonvlto .1UflgnrinB

ady. Ttio roof of the shop wan ttlio blowntiff. Tlie blatkflmllU sud tUo engineer of thamine, were In tho rdiop at tha timo, hut OB-

id milajnrcil. Ur . Ilodull Boss also escapedmvlng the Bbop n Uw momenta before tho

pxploniou. IjCiqmnna leaves a viftj and oneohlld. Wo had n|waji umlorulooa tlmt haipuwflor conlA not be oiplodcilimluBi tV»« cap wa*iritli It, t u t tblB ».hqwa that 11 eon.-I|PB|ator.

A gond iletl of ntniT 1B maiiiifantiired aiidcalled'1 ciaut iiowdt-r^blcli is. auytlilng CIHU•an tho red artlclo. It would bo ivoll lor onr

cotoutportrJfig to loani tha facts hoforo «le-

'uUii-i>il (

wt IHlH>iu>a ell

liiouml, bttjwii or b!ad:, tbinn-it, blccli, dark stunc, uiiii pludurU Mi{c, with tTljitellgiin^iiiilui d (liiHiRiiH, jjtain, lnw, mid tlowtail ]iolka flpatu. They 1,1 u HCUII[ihiii and Iho Kit In-ft cod vniiotici,anticrlur, ivu think, to any tli

t'iifl: tliLidr, ft th

red itUijjtsHI both tin

ve hc lofuru

litllo moii! pauililKM In coloring Ihau Innoblitniud fur isovfral fma»onn, Miuiifeli puttorninf dulicato ilaiirm. Tliu Rimind, whii'ti ua- furtfm inu.it imi'i hglil. nro iti termer* ml wiib unlow iMiir-liiiu slripL-i', outl tbusn BprinHcu ovwith luIntilop.irti-Rdlim'rt.iluiiiUw! Hprl^. Tlfffjet in fiiimciitly pluiwhiG, uml l'imludi itiof hlli of old cuuilirk drawn li'um tliu ni.ynlii

in AuiMri^ii olilntzru tbor.j nro striped \.aliit-ni; <>t i|til.-t .'(.lnrH, vtiiluh will not f«dienjniiillely nrat, I'lHnforlililcmnliervlcoaljIii inniTjicniiiiiof, und dcNliucd t'j ( r r i l t |io|iu1ariiy.In doniL'niiu talic'rt'f, \iu rind the UHUJI Army ofiDaddi'r v.nh^f, in Mimil not (lcsiRUK Mid utrlpci—homely lint iLscful aud &Aiiriiitalila, In tinqiiutntltuni of prices In tbo ilry gjtofii uiarhut

oiii-liatrpi:rfi!iit.oiini«yiiril;t]miiK!lilHttfincttu ur, from tliu qiiul:ty(,r tlmfipiTlmoiin Hhon-nt!u>y h:u\ m-vrr liicn qnil,. r)i ck'.tp nn nt I liepresent,

Tlu'i'u efualtto lo buiiuiinlarpobl:1, and itvirictf(>a nl htwm. nml organdy iiinilinn; butruiiciiLlionm,'tlinl "mflleicut to lltudiiy in Ihooill ilicrcof," r.ml ilntulug around us morecloBoly run- dim, at ilur !.;iru nimitiouof HIGH

wo larbonrnuifnuto ilcbL-i,|.M»ii UII tlmy ulir..m'tm inm a iniiiuitiiiti'ly ucuci>Miiy foi' HIT.

wo Bhnll usnin liavo llm Mill, Air/,.v WOHIOII amcumtil'a-hair fiihilcH wldcli j'.iiinvd tia uiiqimiitloimble popularity in Iho Antiunu. Tor tliIntor pni'lion uf .Ihu irar.ni, tliu untno varluticsof goodu, of Hplitor hotly, ivill l»u prou-'lilud.

icuii inbricB umbr.ico tlio (,'omiiuo IndiauiL-IVhuir cloth*, Uiy 1-Voufli Im it ii lion,'cnon caun'rH-hatr eabbiucr^s, vinoo^trtjiouKiNKH, nnd ullu't- roufli-fwod manufae-rrs, with mieew'rnl imiinllonu of nil variotlrt

[•us btitiivn UH, of Amrrh'Rn ijoudif, havn nl«i plain, nml in tliu f-v.ijs nnd »:nit tlntn:

but from l'aiis and London vo henr tlmt plalihatripeg nro iuovilabk', Ihe yroutnl of Iho

particular [ul trrni being In luintlj1 ctiligraynand ixuu UU!K of two Bhiideu, lulorniln-glnil with fjlicntly blucN, i>uloi:avoi[iin,griiiisi

li',ni«l(itl«'P lively lHK'it,BO i»lctwovcH[itthe Iiqi-Mt NiiBpldpu of tliolr Introdnclli

iclicnrllor llian it hna HIUL>O ISIH). This»|i tlio liij;" IeBliv.il of Umtur tlilg yom

tlio mh of March, whlcli ia within six dujtho carlk-st pniiail upon vbiolr it can j

ibly occur. On jomo yearn IJaster follilalu an tlia 'iJlh of April. Komo ycari there

any BH nine Sundija ktweonitiitl Auh WtidnuRilay, h«t thla year the;only flro Sun<lavii Intervening between thojubilee ofKplphnny ntiti iho solonm fast of Leut.

l)lfllio[) Corrigim 1ms (csuod ilio fullotriugilou for the obfleivaaco or Lent:Ash Wcducadaj-, tlio (Irst tU-y nt Lout', -will

fall, in thin year, ou tho 10th day of Febrnarr.I. All Ihu woGli-dayn nf -LouL from ifsli

WodnoHdny till Eaator SunOariaro fast days ofprccopi.ou ono meal, with (Uo allowanco or auiodci-algoollatiouiii tlio oTonIng.

3. Tho precept of fasting hnplioK also Ihot utnliBtinonco hum tbo ueo of fltaii mott, Unt, hydi»|K)mialloii, tho uao of floih moat 1B allowedat ovary mcnl on Sunday, and at tho principal- -il on Mondays, Tuesday * nnd Thursday* or

it, with tlm exception (if Holy Tlmraihy,B year, on aoouuut.of tlm CouBecratlon o i !

rro-Cathedinl. whtet.will tuko place on ilia_..Rt or Ht. l'fttrltVr-ths 17IU nt" March-,-Ilitf jvttcopt ot nuBllnoneo in nlupcnsotl with on tliat

5.* I t IK not iillowod to; UM finh with flcslimeal nt tlio Hunio meat i irJ^nt/

i, Thoro in no prohibition to me eggV bullet-or cbncstt, provlflnd iho rule* or «iuanllly pro-Fcribed hv thu fAst hii uomnlicd with.

l«blra,otu.. ' .G. Tha Cliureb I^CIIMS frotn tlio nlriliriU'un

of (utlne; (lint not of utiHlinctico frnn flnlineat, except In njiecini cunts of Blekneia o r tboIko) iho r.IllcwiiiK CIUBH of nwmatt: luf, ihontlrm ; 2il, tlioga wlirnie dulbit aro uf n'n ex--auHting or InlKirioiiH cliarnetar; 3d. tiorsiinHho (iro attaining Idefr firoivth ; Itli, triiiuoii Inrucnaney or nurjliif: IHIUIIIH ; Otti, tlioso nlioro cnl'i'eiiled by old nge.Mi alike, liowurcr, alionld cntcj- into tho

[ilrlt or tliU holy DSDnoii which i s , In n Kiwcbllainior, a tfino of jimyrr, nnd sorrow An- nlit,

Iji-ijflittuln iiigh, aili(i(}d,aiidfr.rilijl tllUqilCBti'JII

if iirolivu yima pilotrying uiiid tn lire,

!iin vieiy uftho

i from making tlitm'/[ The cjusutlon \ttfully itndcoui-iiiciu({lyauii<|erod by citiufjmau'

,'ntion tn hiH Maliur, "TUou uliouldst cult


:.i \i tu llvo Ii11 kf- -ji dod

tiy intciint in tlio

iu^ and Ii00plug von1

l 'bplmtiim. 'iltosSS'IIR ami domnrfailure to wrif* t

ltxitig ini

of tbrnntunodjui-n In tho ftbsouill-aufficiout Atone-•lutings aud nearly

uuen attained by, and deuds of trui

i traco tha cansan utter failure on

hulr part in iiiclio cum cnjnunt, liL-»rty, paiFTHUK ttrnrl to keep to thofailh. Ai nearly alliiivo these uolcuni olil[gallons ieating uponhum, nn earnest tihartallou was given, t int

candid, RctUma th'iauUt tiwj ho fliveu ta Uioluljuct, nml Ibo ouo nuodM, dclennlnciiL'nrtt-il clf>rt ho inado mul'nuccosii thereby in-fired. I t l no ctm hiu f^tbful atriridjlio way uf rightwuiiiouiiT fulled to Lriti!C<kd ht-ip from tho tliraiip of tho Moat

wbiloralhiro'JflCT.e<I oflbrl on Iho part of tlio o

i-blo truth Miijlht, nnd, in J11 cault from aillng foix'o to

u ; lialMioarl-irhocanio short,

by.biitrcplolo withi pa»siuK

udi gooJ,

tbo p>'

And tho gruro is

'Uio Bonillx up gidus noticD or

IVcsbyttrliThiH is tho kind nf aluiiBoinont thatcommotid ittdf t(

n i b butnclira of UK

.1, lo il iBt rottirniiitl,iB not nputou i i tho e> ' "o! Temporal

liloiuliurcli c 1 tko 2Gtti

llio public, wborotiling*, bolb pleasing and I n true UTO, Iilrtuutly ospoutcd. Tlio no rrieea of two cloetiIonlnti from Newark liavo I JOB. nccured for tliominliin. Ouo is a lady n id tho olbaragou-Ismail, both or wbom ivo IM nrbl(jlily spoken or.Tho bridge across Ibo ouial in being roaroa

p»ii »l»utinM\t« ulioui tljlMi fimi blghor UIBUlitisn on which tho farnitf Blood, nnd thatQumed fall high for comfortalilo travol. Thin•ay puaiilbly bo uiade peepaMo by an utmosttiilk-BH amount of grading, HIOURU tbo goucwl

reeling Booms to bo that tho canal company troimposing upon tho public, aW Bomo suggestedIho pmpiluty of lon-orinir tbu «aUa lo a rojaon-cl.k hdghlh. One tbuugbt it bcal lo nao ylaiit

vik-i-fliuljjivo thorn a genprd blowup. Thoiplo at lluekaniiy imd (Ji lnred mauy |ncoti>.

Vtiniflicog f,,r (ha mko of ecUiig n new Utldgo,whloh proinieei to lio h fincstructuro—allthnt

(I hu itoiilrod—if pUcod <jn ruodu»tiily high

low inu <o Bay, Luloro dosing, that yourFlanders contrihutor sbaulil' nut consider myillusion t;i htn Iudnlgcncoif tho " w o ^ r ' a a n "captiouio of tlmt aphit van im.111 willing to aaluiowkjf-ot!me tnlwcco, yot IB a rn»ltcr riL-rtlmtit iujnroBratliartha

children Hliould bo iliscourof

llio moderate uaocdtlciBin," for

n^cdiii. m i l u l

Lcnciitfl, and that I1 by prooopt anil

Dxaniplo rj-oin falling iuto tup liabil. tbatcoatimelt In troublo mid oipcijuo with no real rc-iiincralton. An llfoiiB&ldtoboinado upof naudio of liabitft, euro choult ho excreted that

tlwv lw totveot. .. . . ' Xx,it.

Wiiumer „„._„ - . —gold, weighed lienvy, antl woniniilto thonoy out nf, Tko inuu jnot to loavo till th6 mill wan :Not liciug sur« tltot it was gWinmeL' urgeJ Mr. -Mnnbal1'tlio Fort mid licivo it* tested,mid Geo. McKiUtryprououooeiOniitnin Matter cinio ligbt iinUatskall aad- ci Uod all' the1 I mgotlior, nod ngt tod with^ thoiix t<buiiiidut'it>n tluil they claimed, ntright of rtiscovi ry dominded tlcout. of all go il taken ant.

payment, werocortaia tmnxlier


raliiiHKifiiigaiidiuorUntiiitlmi.•llio tnilhfitl ara. romlnitxl ilmt, hi i l l d h l h H l

po inl !l l l f l

llio tnilhfitl ara. romlnitxl ilmt, h r a Bpo inl ! L —privilepo granlod hy.lho Holv R jo to (ho fnllliful M 1 1 1 ; „LT t l» DlScesc, c 1'lennry fndafgenuc hiay b o ' n m m

gained mi Iho imnn! comlUiona on tit P t l U ' ' 'Day, o

inlVoudd,nuy day. witliiii tlio

on nocldout occurred to rufl'— ro-UowtoiinUI* A. ST., forj :

hnoHt lutraculonaly Jrce'Li__,_ri

Arctilenl ci.iOirijiiliirdoymtio train which lo

\Vntarloo, which'from f.Vlal rcsnUa. lly (ho hronlllig of a rail,.'" "" "jT"at tho enihauljiiieut belwccu the Slato Cut nnd ' „ „ -tin? cropdiip; thin side vt QuwTalu'tt iarra, tlie ,'train wat thrown from Ilio trad;, nnd tbo big- no th inggage ant! mail car tnmeii upsldo dawn. T h o r o c ' s a r e

cngino pnesc<l over llio rail Bafoly, aa did the .* i i t i i c r t

nd nt do

y,, but Hie rtnt- ea

tlm iiilianktii l, ivhioli *iiS np=ot, KmX 15 feet

and tho cur set on flro. Tliu oooiip;VLTO well slmton up , but u<i»ly Injured. AHarnlufia tilliklamictlon

top of Manning Dualap, Jamfa I,ewln naninjured on Iho hnnil, nml the mall a^out, Win.Pallet, rncoived'uliglit biirDR. rinding i t iiu-

mMo In proceed, tho paHxciigcn rulumcdSra-tntiun foot, nml tool; tlio Bliillaml traliiNow York. Tlio CDSIIW and flnt pneiengeiwere aoiucwhnt Injured^ but llio oscnpc

tu % waro O.VIOMM ivi-cldmit w^n & lulravlo.cilra gang of mwi IM lo bo plao

[•unil'to liiulio rt.-pu.irn, aud i t In rmnorul Hut

M railn will bo laid iu Iho Sru-iiifrOno of tlio Ihirly passengers who irpro rolled

town a Jlftcou foot (niibankmcnt on the fiiissoiIf. 11. Inni Sntm-iiny, ntntort tliat lio van iuforrnori

, railroad omployeo that there wero ntarly ailrad defective aad bnikuu rnili mi tlmt

rwid. FQilunate!y HIQ eitpfrintctidcu 1 of thoroad wan ono of tho oucup.iiitH or tlio domol-

rcphto tin.1 [>rcai<iit rails,. A railroadat r a i l s , A railroad auiieriiiriglil to o'cenpy aueli' a safe

train; Jifa plaro ahoiild lie tholl

ilent. hapitiim nn pnt r\T danger—nn llio coivcatciicr.

Sir. ClmJcs 1'. Rnrbarh, n wplUlinotm undiinowhnl cceptitilo cHW.Cn at Ken-ton, baniHtnl aliout tho town hanJWIla oUbiiii? his

iropcrty for salo for tho lulIntTlug reofeoiw ;" ~ W « M or nn iiirilnllon frora Kallro, ho

King nt tUo C&nu.ual ItiknAii to viiil b i i KIBR-, in company with that groit andillusIrioUH

American tra'eler, known as tba (jcullomancconllyroturucil fromJoniBiiIoni. CoupledmyuotcMatiou fur tho duplicity or pro-1 filundH, and iho perfidy and villainy of

'datives, I have concluded to got for Knllco, lioir tli». devil, just- a» Intsrost may tlicltle or;li*cun)8tuncos determine. In furtherance of a

npocdy nccompllshiiicnt of this Intention, Iaffrr lor salo, at rcaflonablo priccn, and on easyterms, the nulijolood Bpoclfled prnpoity," fee.

After a de»crip|Ion of his nropcrty, ulilub Iiio of tliD fliioat In tint occllon, andcanoluduw ;

lii. When, found abohurucd. ftoia Ucr ticok ioUcr »Uw tops. Almostlltcmily rottgtt-dallvo. Bho liiJEereil UU tha fo]Ion-ing Saturday, nhcu shodlcil, andwia burledtonlay In tho graveyard of tli J 31, E, Church atthin place. I t is n plcanure fo j mo to i»y in rof-oroncc to this unforluntLlcyouii? lady thai sotoo

ago nho renounced !llio faith ol.horid joined Iho Jf. J3, jburch, Iu wliieli

she lived acoimiHtetitaud nsemt taeinker up tohor death, In hor lifo and do Jo lion ttho iron al]her neighbors to hor in profound respect and

fU f f h i h I tb t

ful interest ntid euro puulfcBte I by then in uuvIDC forhcr in tier distrcin, nm In wofplnfii ather burial, '

Itnlrahlo pbeon for n esiden1 nf tliu 11

tvull an iiH, in the State of New Jo.iioy. I l l s nell

wppliod wltli Uotd« aud clmrchcH, laget beeriloons and idiotilx, haw n puhlio library nnd

ithcr gasrrorks. Ami, lor (IIORQ who wish toiccujiy that kind at froparty, a splendid com-ilorj-, Is, not iritliHUndiuir, vary biulttty, Tkoltijiulo of tho plnrti nl.ovo Uda -rator Ii about

iDt, and lor sown days In a week—ICRH allumomlity nnd jk'ty of tho town k auji-d to attain nearly tha uama nl til mis from

ha sumo stand-point, I t Is nUo tlm place ofcf n unmtior well-known "f«r their

patriotic mid philmiturDpiozcal ia tho nffdra oflmrcli and Stnto, vhciiovcr Uio Rfoailiilix Isliar. Axido from tlicsn, and a loner C!*RB ofnuiiiicm timially found in conntrj lowns, thoooplo of Newton will compare favorably withKino or any other community r.ir Tumpctince,iteHtgoncQ nnd PivliioUstn."

gfc tliu tegUlmiit« art lcb.

Tlio Wale-on Mnnufnetnrlnp; Cnmn.inj bnvobcun awarded tlio contract for building tlio nowIron briilgo over.thc arnsMnotcimg nt Hack-otlatoffn. Tbo cost is indefinitely slated to bobetween $2,00(1 nnd 13,000. •

f,ih\H J). Cory VH. Iho Jfuyor, Aldcnneu ,Common duijitii ui jrorristowu. xb i i wasappeal from an award made by OomiuiBsiou.u i r lbo follrmiujf fntts; BIr. Cory iiftnodnuu ihe liorlhiust curucr of t j r l v Hlr.i-t •

Itittriut nvn jittMiiuI a.J ordinunct fur wnlr»u

I orSy ulrant and Uihij,' llm sldu liiu u tbert

Ibo doItiR of thin neccSiwrily luvulvt'd Iho i

propriatiou o.'a email strip of land off tlie H

nf Mr. t^ry'H Int : luVxarH. II, 11. filimn a

Mr. Cory's da

!lUl)f*r Iholaml nc taki'itlw iaded


i tliu

'? nvariled hln• him ; JIT. Cur;nvaril nppculiI, chiming o>Ihuu-lrdiu to tbc ijiijiivn.

*1,OW> tUmiijitni. ThoWfot a nil ruuulud In a i or diet fur Ur. Cory fL

II. C, Pilucy am! J'. A. DuMutt far deIm W. Cory TN. Itobort H. Johnston and Wm.

Jolnujlou, J r . Mr. (Jury sumo tlmu ago wIho jiropriutcr of a boarding housioii Ibo anIlim grounds; he dnimud tLat tbu dofcudacijectod liim from tho premise a, and claltm

ngoi for tamo, Verdbt far pleicliff, lOTifloT. Worta forpUiiitiQ'j JI, C, Vitnej tn

UOUIIII rtiicuif cotjitr,the caso of J imei Willli VB. William I]

t—brought to ettabllsh tha Illicit of tit- t h a jury found a verdict of six cents.foi[italmhT. J . J . Cutler for nlalnthT; Mills nodChuicli for tlefirouani,

AtidrcirMaukoy vn, ratiiuk Duuu and Mimm. Action brought to recover 1190 loanci>ouo Jiri . Downoy for account of Mrfl. Daw

Dofonoo was that Mrs. Ilowuoy borrowed thimoney frocu plaintiff on hor own account.Verdict for defeadautB. Nowton 8. Kitchcll foiIilaEntlfT; F . A. Dollott for dofoadants.

Tho cflto of J. L. Htout TB. Amass Iflonird,:bicti IISH hcon beforo tho OourtB forImo pait in diflercul forma, has jaatu-nccd m'd will [.cotxUjr bo a.

Alubluii IJ. ltugcr, oppollant, vn, Johu MItrublo. "•Ucorgo Alter, apntilUnl, TS. David Pcrrino,

api>ollco. DiHmisHod with costa,LOWIB L. Ftraniftin, appellant, vs. Aaron

Salmon, aupulloo; jury appeal. Verdict of BIXcents for inpullant,

William Johmton and Itobort B, Juunnton,Pl«llBiit», VH. Tetor Miyo, apiielleo. Ycrdicf taj.03 in favor of appolloo,tJampuoH Ooorgo, appollnnt,.fo, Wm, tSoniluppcll^j. JJIsmlBael with COBIH.Win. Wolfo, appellant, va. Jaeol( U. Thomi

nn. Dcdnlon below r«Tors8d.OENEHAI, IEIHIOK0.

TlHHartBmttb.ladicledforVBtpbB i dlsoidorly honuo, was lined (30 and coats.

(Jhsrlon aiaslor, indicted for larceny, iu BleuIngF

, y,at froji tha Kandlon House.Found enllty of iMilitlarcony,

ClmrlcH Uoalor, itidlclod for u u u U «nd bat-tery. AKOLLEpiioinjut wts entered.

W. Peek, indicted at t provlons tarinof Court for keeping a disorderly honaa at Sicris riahiH. Tordlct, not gallty.

Win. Counorit, hidtatou for assnull »nd battory,vis tried and found galUy.

T'lios. McCrpady, indicted for UBaitlt tndbnltory; tried and found not guilty.

Hannah (jnueny, Indicted for larceny, ;iteadcpiilty.

n c E h Quiun,lndtctodforkoopi*iE dltordorlyouso, retracted pie* acdpioailca nol guilty

|or ffirf I n PfHTtoo,n Tuesday morning thu follow-

to. givo t i e Itit htudliGcatiwrshlite, benda

. . . • '

,willyoubok«iiDU camo in IIOBHto telt mo liowybu enmo in

this IJIGCO of golti ?""Yea; i t W ' "

Ur.Mnnlia11.niQe Jiriil gnthore,. wflust on bis thirty per ooatanil bad it bitrioa underoror hauling hia' traps, lio eaiclthe' prosenDO lot Elisb*a..P;" iiiny, I .ivlll mvo you tliis pieoi

^ ..IwajB iiilcnuod to have a > riIrom it for my ibothor, lint I wto you.' I taolsj it, and I haVemy pbiuesiiion from thut day to

"You liftvo )iot tho oinot (In

e llcriinnUvltb orrcitpondent of Iho Duu-it 'write

A moxt d c^htniu oecurral t-LUiiaplaco ou Tuesday of lait trceti the Oth ln*l. AHIHH Holoii tjillivan, aged about SO, the onlysurviving inciubor of her fa tier's family, andIIIH housobnepcr, wlillo BlunoJ sitting with herback Intliostovo, fon ml tlm tl her clothing had

flio. llurfltBt effort (['eras tolavobcouto n moihdr the Jlru by rolling horse If iu blault-

«, tcv-flo whleli she bad to go iu i t t l r i .ba t « » afnnnd tlmt Blw ivnannalilo to [Iutout tbsflamea,[jind tbo UUUHO ivni taking fl

llh tl k d fg

her tlolhcs partly kntiied frxtn Iior, and ilill

tlio Hpring for irator, and put?, and tben ran in an o> ono hundred yards Iowa

; in tli Is state,

nulling to th<mt tlio flro in tho

undo ilotaJa a nolcbborlug

py, proof of which was

t d i f t

pn In tbo tear-

n n l l r o a d Kotw.llio BU piitctnont to tbo Gcnfral Itailroail lu

introttnccil in tbo Now Jersey Logialataru prviu>B tlmt railroail corpomttos may balld

' l i t k b f t l l dand above it -wlien sucb tunnelflflcuu fwjt below UtoTko supplement aUc


runs more than

irthcr timo foiPover IB alia

glvon In a corporation orgai zed under thli:t to chnngo itironfoor ron t* and tlio loca-

tion ofilnvorki.An injanotion In Clmncory baa boon Bfirroil[inn tlio Grout Locomotive IJonipnnr a t PaU-son, forhlddliiiT it to tranircr or ctuerirlio

ill6[io»o uf any of Us property. Tliit, it IBhollared, U preliminary lo a, motion Tor a ro-.culver. Tha obllgatlaus af tlio coinpui; will

h SSOO.QOO, omiilcli U50,a|o li a floating orlargely nnweured debt nnil ^O.OLIO Ia nocurcd>y lliii'o luurtgagcs, ono for ^So,000 nnd I no

k on tlio EiBton nnil A aboy nilrmd, is

1 portint bridgesdnurtng to a dose, thero beimoru lo bo gmilud, All tLo flipon tlio Iho litvo bcoii cooij)

ill probably.be opnncd datlnff tbo comlua;nine- • Tho Aciisl ntaonnt of <raH»y tiiuB f » in

M,!02,50a 7S.


ullp Wliieli will bo £9,000 foot lo ik 100 fast nil!*,nnd 14 foot dcop* ctpalila of \im\\"largo Ble&rnorB at oncq.-

Wo received iI aiapaioh i

burning 'a building on Spring BtroU, cpponiloebo Court House, Iho proporty of I tdmandO'Loary. Tbo ground floerot tlig buildingnaaooenpied by ? . U. Earl, liquor dealar, L. Slru-blo, joirolor, and A.ckotn}n b, Onstad, butchira,Jlach uf the ouutuntM of eitau plsco voro re-

lovctd und much wa» stolen. Uio catuo of thoru was nccidoatol. Tho total uamaga will

•boat (7,000; I nun red far about one-half tbat>unt. Tbo flro dopartmont workod admlraaud in eonclmiou tnjoyed tlioic cncVan

choesoauilcoffoo. X."This building was ft low and long wooilon

Blrucluro, and alniya eoneldorcd tho wontplaco ia tho toim for a fire, *• tt commanilod

uly tho whole husineai |)crtion of tha pl&co.it 11 not bean fir tho On) dcpoitmout the I « "

at thin flro miclit h i r e o u l l j tmoanted tocouple of huudrod thouBaud dollars. Thi•Icurnor worked

IB on in 0!iploudldlj, LaTln5 ihreo

' itea from tbo li 'flrlnc;, and tba hand ongino boyi workod *Utplock and eiiergy unfcqoallod. A corronpondcut sends UR the Mowing laconic notice In re-lation to the labors of tho latter company :. " At tbo flro in thin place ou Monday night Uu

fiino Company So. 3, {band cogino) doBorrcicspQclftl priitio. T i m e is nothbu hka boinc oitime, and It only can ho done kjr tha energy tlmwon dtBplsyail by tbU Company, Tlio cftiisoncf Nuwtctt ehoalJ fcol proud of aucb a compa-ny or men, for it is greatly owing to thorn (bathe town m* iiavod from *. conQigrttion oqnrto tlio ouo tbat thUtd the" placo a year ago lagFait. 'The. steam onglno only in point of endur-ance cuuld equal tho hand engine, and than af-tur all could not ipunk wllh inch awllIorontb.Hisiastu as No. 2'i boyi. It remladod on? of oldtlnioi, bufnio stcant engines oamo la me,

a gr»n4 dlipfar ft human powor pittedagaiuat «toam, Tho display of cood fpclinp af-*;or all was over atonod In part for tha loiaoslaBtalned l j tho morcbinti. All joined hands

over.Iho cltBtn made black and dreary, andlonu utter ilio flro \n» Ocaa, UTO men walkedtlio corridors of tbo Cocliran House. Vox."


irion PreiB HHJB: "Complaint hasbeen made to the anthorltiei th&t »ta*a 'John Micolls, rcsidJog-at, Stockholm, Sutsex

ty, Ii going about Uhiag tho aanjesauidischarge? or oxUlolilIora for tbo purpsao, ai

i (ty«, ofgotHrig tbo iu pon ilona aud boantloHIIIIIOM »ro cautioned to h tvenotb ing ta diUii thli m«n, »i ho has BO authority toact and

Is nob recognized by any of tbo Dcpartmonts,and appcara io bo • 'frond.'"

Tho rcaldanco of Hon., Robert lUuilllon atNotrlon which i* unoccupiod daring thii IOB-slon of Cungroaa, was enterod hy bur^Ura dur-ing Saturday uight. Tbotblcfortbisvoa gained access through tliecellar,but it Is not knownThatbootywasaccui-cd. Mr. ILwoiid tot and tho loea mnnot bo asucrtalnoifiia arrival. Tho valuahloa of tlie family / e r e ,oi'tiuiatcly, not tatt in ttolmnao.

Sir. Iiaao IJowoll of thu pl*bo placed in ourhand on Wednesday, an EUJJIIBII htlf.punny

iriag dftto 1730. I t was roocntlv found tnono of lbs floldi of Kr. Coll, and Is yory brifhtind tlio Inscription can bo read without muchdifficulty,—HueltoUiiown Qazotto.

James A. Umtth, or Belvldero, formerly ofoicton, hai told ono-)ikir af hii mine, locateda Turkey Mount*in, iu Uuutordoa County, toAston cipilsliati for «T,000, tlio original[ I t* -nholo property.OnFrfday.Oth, Hon. John I . SUIratartodror

Cedar It&pldi; lona, lo taVo chargo tit tbe Bur-linston Codtr Xtaplds AiidMInnoBotAHtJiroad,irblcli ia now largely In debt. IIB oipeotn to ro-main till next April.

Tlio Proo SlethodlstB h&vo organised a societyIu I'liillipshurtr, and wo undoratind that theyaro glvlug earnest consideration .to the projoctof erecting a chajwj during the coming Snrn-mor.- Democrat.

Tha Phllltpaburg Domocrat girei i n encour-iging Recount of the mtnufactoring interests

fa that placo. Tbo Rolling 31111 and Agriculrnr-i Worliiaroovorruii with onion.

Tbs lock-np i t TnnqaiIIt|r caught flco fromdrimnoy, on Bunuay eT>ning, the ?Lu, &nd

'as (lestroyefl. Throo trampi wero rositod outr their comfortable qaar tcn,Tbo complotian of the now furnace at Hack-

ottitown IN m a r o d by JUtrcb l i t . Col. Bojer,Ibo contractor, baa made a fcvonblo proposition

) lone it for •. torm of yesn.Jlr. Jacob Sweeny .of rblllipuburg rotalnR bii

position a i Jonrnal Cl«r)c of the Uonae nfBsemblj under Chior Clerk Patterson.Tliero U n proapoct that tho vacant car elwps

at mekoltatown wUI bo utilized a i i tnanUfac-rforirtificlallhnfca.

LOST!f \ N tbe SOtb January, ft blielc and Uu HonmlL / Dog, with a iGftthor strtp and ring arooudiU ntoV. He shows % few white lialra on hisiroait, aud Bomo of tho tocn on ono of hts hindoot tro whits. Ha !i about wven month* old,

jtid lUHwori to tho name of "Bliol." At thoexpiration of thii adrortiicniont, rwt(os ktwmito 1I«VD poiieiilonoflho dog will be tiro BOO ntcd•cootding to law union tho anlioal fa rctariind


At Mine Hill, near Jardlnn's store.




Itoont roMlrodandpalnUd. dalvanhsedIronoraicoi, GnUcn , Leaden MiQ^eottlatort,



Merchant TailorAND

CLOTHIER,BIa.flkwell S t , Dovev

'K iiml'forluiii'ttly furhita t i l l ' S '"''

Great Reduction cf Pricesid jiint taken puieC uud purcln

..eordingly. Ho in uuw rtady tlie the





orMou'u, Youlh'HoiidChildrin'iJ



Cloths, Oaaaimoros, Yeatinge, and

OheviotB for Suitings.J®-PLEASE TAKE NOTICE -ilTiat wo [lay our camcHi anil jiarlicularatti'ii-

oa 4D our


We hove couBtuntly on hand a full line of


Tlioprices in all poods wo nil! guaranty Hiuot be competed mtb.


S'ext dour to the font Oflbr,D0VEIt,N.J;

our AHQAlil} ll.WK JIUilNiXO (UHATIKO l'AKLOll HTuVi:. Tliorouglily

itluK than OUT tillior iu tho moiLct. Hunnlyllt'Hcivoa with fl and Imi-.n the tu inpmturc ifi

opproanLiiuif uinter jimt ivhcro yon want it.MHO, WO hnvn In atotk tho bent

FUIiNACK,d nvcr fortv dfiicn-nt paltrrua 'jf 1'AIILOI!,U.Liaud t'OOKIMI K'J"OVJiS; I'lltNAClw!IKOEH, GlIATJCH, Ac.

WOOD and IRON PUMPSuruvoi-rvucicty, J.U.U) ami I11ON I'IPJ-;.

PITJMBIHG W03£ E0HE TO OSDER.Laini) FisturoH. Tin,Hooting, Gutters, Ay.Us, Ag'ontsfor




At 3STew York PricesAT TUB


We nro now prepared lo offor lo tlio publicnick barcaiiiR in itie lino o! 'l'EAS jinver knownbororo tbii side of Now York. Ten, in S or 10 Ib.package* at ft great reduction In prices, andquality Rnarantood. Wo iro uow retalllnc teasof tho very boat quality at tho pricoa .named

[JoodUIuck Tea, 4Q 43 70 85 els. mid H.20." Oroon " 4OO0750O " " 1.00(1,30pau.uncolorod, CO 70 M " » 1.20iff. BroaLfaKt, 70nnd03cts.

ilixed, ia i& 73 BH cts. and i l W. -

Also couBtanllr un hand a ehoico nclcctlou'of


, PEEU n

1). A. SEARIXa ft Co.'


BAYING remorcd my stock of goods to tliolaroo and comtnodloui Btoro roam In


SUSSEX ST11E33T,fOBMEni-i occvniiD BY it IIOWB t IUCHAIIDB.) •

I am rotiily to sotva my limtiy fdotiiju •uKTyioV•oua wltb, a much lirgor Block and """~<»-rariotT than evor before at PHICES tLthoTiMES. In couitldcialloti of tbofasttbutlimes nro dull nut) aro likely to continue so forlomo time, I huvo cancludod to nisot the dc-mndaofroduoed - - - " '

l E N E R i t REDUOTIO1?' I N P E I O E iJiy stock Is BO larga and varied tlmt It won Idc impossible to onmuorato tlio pdcoa, but II 'ly Intention to nuko & rndnoiion on alt artlt*ircaBh. THE NEWS BTAND will as boremtalii all tlio leading Dallies/ "VYookllon a_-,ontblioB, aud a ohoipo sotoctlon of first-dags

iftarary Works, Ly aniitoat authors, Qihleulymn Ilooki, Commontnrioa nnd othor Itellg-otjg Works, School aud Kducallonnl JJooto o,11 kinJB.. ThoioViiililiiK any now or popularforts, can l u n them ordorecl through mo

i tlio publisher

Music and Musical Instrumentsvln? 1«BII rocontlv mntln (• nwrat'M ot tMagical Board of Trade, I om supplied

monthly, with all tho now

SHEET MUSICsoon as It appears, ami can thoruforo i l l . ,

itclal advantage to Mttaio Toaehora andhers. Organs, Pianos,'Violins, AccordeouB,

on.certlnas.HuteB.riccolos.li'iroB.-Hnnnouioaile. All tho lcadlhg branda of

orelgn and Domestic Cigars,


DE118, and uverytbing elno ID pomilatbv tlio fovors ot tho weed.

CONFECTIONERY!n Dowcarrylng nml intend to bcop oVluind:bolcout Block of Confeationciy in this BOO-,. Over fifty varieties or Candies. N R ( I of

_uuw. Figt, OrMicuB and.LtvDionB.nwl lwrnyitlicr thlncs In tliisllno, at croatly roiluceQ

DB. HPEOrAL ItHDUOTIONS mitds In imp-\us I'eidlvalit mid l'artlos.

flO* STATIONERY, -^saA full Hnu oi Blank Uonka, Blatika, Stocogram

•aper and Envelops,-mid ovorv variety orVit-

-,.Jnpn, Lantern" nndCopper and Iron Vuv.' alloueiit market n


Welcome ono a lu amisaminatioii olour




REDUCED PRICE.1 [he jardu of .


DOYEB, N. ,1.

A. Beenier,^ ESTATE AGENT,

, ncor Siiraos, Dover, -N. J.


FOB SALE.For (lOBcrlptlonB of Property unJ iiaHkulars

inaulroattho office.

nsuro in Companies"WTiich. Pay Losses,i

COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES,HOVOB, Sutnonden, rerfumorlon, Hair Oilslionaaud otlior articlea too nun* to onuuiorafo,bicli oro nupslly kept In a flrat-cJao varloty

TV. O. DOHOHHUE.Porer, R-lirnary cth, 18T5.

\J tra'tors", It'IB o'rdorod if tlio Sorragnto iliatBald AdminfBtrators (tiro pttblie iiotfou to thoormlltoK of tba ostalo ofsafd decedent to brinprIn tliolr dohta, .lomnnda nnd cldmii agaluet thowiiio, under oalh, irithin ulno nionthn from thislite, by sotting up A copy of lliltt order, nithinwonty tlaya horcaftor, fn llvo of tbo most pub-In plncDa In tha •. County of Morris for twonontbs, nnd aho within tho said twenty darnliy niivertluhiB tlio sarau in UID Isios Eit\, ohooi the notvipapcrs of. thia Stale, fur tbo samospneo of timo (ihu Surrcflato judging any furthernotice- to lie unnecessary); and it any creditorshall neglect tookbiblt hi» or Lor debt, demandand claim within tbo said period of nine mon tunpublic notice belnff Rtvon as afnrewilil, fuiflicri'd jtor nhall he forever debarred of his or bvraction therefor against tho snic) Adminiatrators.

.,•• K.E. WILLIS, Surrogate.A truo copy Irom tho mimitcsj 3-1 On-


GATHERS NO MOSS,"trilo old adage, nnd ia itricttj, ohxorTCd

"Candy'Man,". —OS—

Sussex Street, .Tho settle! down at tho old placo and instead

roaming about, dovctca bis timeIto IniproTfug

CONFECTIONERY.ondieu variety, Rn4 or excellent manafne-

' ture, at chean pricoa.

TOTS!"KUAINT.KUIUOUS AXD KOMIOAL,"tho uoniomont of litllo cbitdren and h\a

onoH.too.forlhat mattor. '


STATIONERY.linB papon ana EnTOlniio. of Ihu Diont aD-

provod et;lcs,ArEflaudBUitrrmlt,, »„[,„[ , „ k i i a <

VALENTnaa! VALENTINES 11ll I1M1 mllablj, r,,r ,|10 0 I p m , l o , , rf B O u U .

hi. .look. llMta..aro,]7lliit l io ta .»™a a onbRud WBujltlng Ulai «1U please and


f • ' Dover, N . J .


'rice, 8 i a , 82S, 83S. a n a $00.Honil . b m p tor Oataloflno to

W . Y . E D W A I U > S , A " « - I T ,' WCollojorlaco, N.T.

luting tbo lost year the. . . „„ _ . . . .

hcen BUBtaiued anil promptly paltl by

FIUSiaiAN WODD, Agont or tho

following CotnpauiOfl i ' f

IUDfiON COUKTY - - •• - M.600

'EOPLE'Sof Koffark - - - -1,700

HIBEIlrllA or KowarU - - . 1,400

FRANKLIN of rtitUdclphla . . . 3,JGO

or Tmnton. - 1,000UMTO0X nnd L1VEIIPOOE, ami OLOliE 1,1003OYAL of Liverpool - ' - . 1 3 0

otal loBsea nudalued dmlng tlio year lla^St)


nlackwoll 81., next to Illclinnla <V CO.'H Btoic.

1-tf *


. — undoralBucd lmvinir leased tlio aboveJL named tiotel. Is now jiropurod to takeboarders from nix dollars per fl-cub rip, accord-ing to rooms, IlutendtoHotat'oud tablqandkeep a rospoct nhlo bouse. AIuo attaclmd to thahotel fg a good Livery and Excbaugo liable.IIorsoHand cnningcB to Int. nnd partloy takento any parlor tlio county at reaHotiahlo rates. Anwxl lure is uttaclicil \o tliolionan •wneremnyho found cboico brnndt of nil kui'In of liquoraand iogarB. sreals at 50 isU., mid 60 eta. forlodging. Thankful for past fnvnra from IhuoitlzeuB of Dover iu my Into bnalnciiii. I hopeby strict attention to bnnintss to nierjf- 0011-tinnanco of tbo same. U. L. POK^D.

Horuss kept by tho tiay.-vrcck otuunttli. Al-tentivo hostlorn may ha found at tliAtablcB.

P. S. IlnvInjT boon oiiRds-d (n tlm liotel bin-mean before, I flatter mysoir tlmt I knniv tliowants of tlio public and shall endeavor to meet" " ' - rrpulIonUr.

Horrlfi Coiiniy SiiiTognto'H Oilier. •FiiunBAnv cm, tevs-

tho matter of An son G.'P. Go car and Max.SI. Yomic, Administrators of Wm. L, Younp,doo'd. Burrcgato'a oilier to limit crcditorn.

K aimHcatlon of tho Mxwe-iia'nwMl At,min.E>tmtoru It I rdorod bs t to tSarregatc (hat


J b , N. J.



conbtantly on hnnd.

HErAinnta rRoHiTLY ATTESDED TO.ltcftr to MorrlH Calmly Jtncblno fi Iron Co.




(conHtin or UCHSEX ASD CA>-AU HT*,,)

••• D O V E I t , N . . 1 .

all UuJi ot lon iaaN mi DOJtcsTIO

LIQUORS and SEOARS.Al«o, WACKlKnUl'H. ADAM k CO.'acole-

iralpdLaKor. Al.lifl, MIKEltAL WATIJIIK, t t c .






OrftddrcRB by.malt. " l?-3m


H A J I D W J V B E ami


MOKK1STOWN, N.-J..MHO dealers In llniklers'.r.'inlraotorH' andiulnc aooda, I'nints, Oils, Oluus, i c . Agri-

• i t a B w 0 i W u i » n &nltnral Ii1. c.v40-Ci

4A3TE3 it. voontmr-i.

Page 4: READY-MADE GLQTHEMG Ap thecary,ispa, and by roforonofl to my prim tbe iiilillo viUresailydliceni that I smis-lilxral at tbo inovt llbcinl. lrcoi, 3d door from Blirkwdll, Miners' Oil

-a;,vii TOU Tr.rDOVER BANK SHERIFFS SALE. \ MORRIS COUNTY . p . V p . i n i r ' b A 9. D o k e r s o n ) & Co. GAGE A- HALSEY|NAH0NAL UNION

j or iHnrEn. * - ™ s _ , „ - ; , , «... , ; S i l " E l S C l r M A C H I N E & IRON Co.! „„„.,.....,::;; - - ; » ; ; - ; :Capi t a l , - § 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . .«.!.<• •<««•« <»• • »»»••••'•! \p;:xil^:t^£dUr1: \^:f.;;:^;l''X •-•'! ™';^'-.

Capital ," $100,000. : ' ' : ' - l ' ' : >^ : ;^ : l 'K , , , , ,,. i,(.v;-:,;. N. • '. ir'^\.^t:'':.:!rB^

o lu lU lU 'Uwne t ra l . ' . l U i a t t l io i r ' , i . • . ! . . . - ; , i

-Ei S T O C K , o r ' 'LUMBER


—AND - i . . , „ .


Uovt-r, X. .1 .


Wall-Paper and Window Shades.

w i-.ii.'.|ilall.-I l.y «ny in Iliis vu-iiiilv. Ahvayi on l.ui:il mi i-s-

ten^ive assortment nf

Dress Goods for all Seasons!P K I N T S ! CASSIMERES!! SHAWLS "! | 0 i .d e r s f o i .S a w i n g a n d Planing

mi'1' in hliori .'wn-lliiii" in tbo Drv (.noils line that tlie Indies' iieeil.• ° . . . . . — • - j "••••" • "»°"« i i .

Builders'llardwaio of every description Stoves. Stoves.


B O O T S -A-JSTiD S H O E S j • n..i.v..!is,tll.. n.,m.or ALL KIXDS AM SIZES. I Hot Air Furnaces,

)f tlic ljtosi ,iuil m<»t iiii];rbviil nijli,;, furlannliiglinlillruiiil primlu luLilOlu ji. A iarsi)

assDitiiitut of Htuvin, f heap Tor casli.


STOVES, R A N G E S ,Clover and Timothy SEED, j *'• *'• •»"*<>"

Plows. Bone Manure,Super-PliosBhate of Lime.

Oement, Plaster, &c.


Oi1 ALL KINDS.Tin1 Liulioa' iintl Goiitlemcii will please bear in lniud that R. J. Jioberlft'

Patent Parabola Needles,The very best in tlic worW," silvrry in polisli aoJ graceful iu shape; ulsu Roberts'

Finest Riizor Steel Tockol Cutlery, Scissors and Jlnzors,islejj'iut of Finish i\ml Keen of Edge.

Ciive u-.ii call. Wo are DOVKD IO -irll for LESS PROFIT than any oilier house

Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J.



Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,


Mining Materials of all kind's.


Lim«, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, «&c.ALSO, DEALERS IX

JT_. XT 3VE DB DEI Ft. A.NI> C O A L .

STOVES ! STOVES ! IReduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

~*.»_*llsviii'.'j'i-a rer; ivi-tt a large si0"Ji o[ Stoves of crery description, wo ar.3iii.TvprtrarcU to if I) si

& H E A T L V XUETDUOXIS JFH-XCTUtt,All kinds rit il.D rcry latcs* vlci or

Cooking: Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stoves, Hmigcf.\ &c.AWiO

Tinwaio, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing,

A very fine nsorinicnt of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c-,An,l n van-?!} ur wtliw n tides nnulk kffl iu 1 wctlrappUcil Tin Slan-.

PLUMBING and al l kinds of REPAIRING.V.-ail.riloncanilpiomiiilyiiH.inlc.lKi. We guiranlce to givcMti8f»ctit-n.


0. LLEPORT,Oficrbnatrl.TwmiiMt.jnra.XitlunKr.ii].


BoynlCfliiwHnn «f Mon- i

trcnl, Assets $5,<>-.!5,<)00. j



mMnEi.T ornriED »v HENRV HCTA&LA*, csq.)


Atlas of Hartford,Assets $:{S3,000.' COMPANIES EEPBESENTED :

(.'oiiiincrciiil ofjf.y.,

Assets $370,000.

St. Nicholas of* X. V.,Assets $>S5,000.

(iloUeof Cliiai?*),

Assets $695,000.

Phenix of KciTarlc,Assets $110,000.

New Jersey tfutiinl Life,

Assets $2,500,000.

' I r.-ol .iwnrn'. that tlio itrcngtbof Ihceom-patilt., tl.cir eonptrratire' managaraeiit andMaple auelB wiU n M j oommend ttiem toInsurants BflurJiop foil RnarenHM tor indon-nlljnmiest Iron, Bodthocirefal prolecUoo ofany interest Uiit maj Iw pUecd with than .

AU tiasinniK laired vith me will !>t pramptlrBtttnilfil trt. 'Cnrr^rvinJtnpotoIieltivt. El-Jy



, Assets 510,000,000.


! Assets S7O0.OO0.


• Assets S3OQ.0O0.


! Assets 8360,000.

JFHIEMEX-S, - - " 700,000.

I CITIZENS, - - " 4O0O0O.



Assete 530,000,000.Vt't tod CGU&dent froin Ute coapanlii vc

r t p m e s l from our long oaDtio(i»ic« in thebnknftM, tnd from our extended KqtuiclasMwiUiii&denrriteni, wepoueu iDptrior i d n s -

i f i l i f H





.LADUtS, uml all I. in tin of Jobliii^ in my line,oup in tlic U'Bl inwintr nud at tin- n h u ' 'otice, lliytioit lu'ict* \m'u\ fur old Iron.Copjier leal ami \i'\\UT UK>n In eiL'li

L. D. SCHWARZ.i>i:.\Li:n is .


Wines and Liquors,for familj ncillcol use, AU wirrinlcl

Ediniric AIHI iwrfpctly jmre.

Martell's and Hennessy'sOOGNAO BRANDY.


n i i ' l in i I'll Al'I'I.K llllAS'DILS,CHASiriONHS, IX)]tT ASD




AKin-IllKK W1SVP.b\visa tsTOMAciii: urrruii-s.



Wholesale OrdersfiiHiittors ami nines iirr>iuntk lltlcil. >Sloi on sl'KSEX rfliEhJr iu Ike

SEW D B I 0 K BU1LDIXOirlli taut or tlio JSvtr Hriik'c







Liverpool, Qucemtoivn, Glus-gow, Londonderry, London,

Bristol or Ciirdlfr.

Tor TICKETS *ad Particular, applr to


:o :



THOS. BOLITHOW or ibis riclailr iliut lm has rttnnii.'d Io

Dover, i» the

Agent f the Delaware Oyster Co.ami lias opened » plait' nn



WH0I,S3AL3 aid ?.ETAIL



"SVj tti niiuj tli&ulR for psi-l I mitts, I bc-nptal.tbe rcatwtil of my old enrtoraers, md the pii•tm»gf of tin-(,• i u L ; J public. , • .

Ti lOS. I IOLITIIO.Dottr, October Hb." lfii.


E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,

Iusurauce Agents,Office, Old Iron Bank Building,


Lutnx Eois CEO. IL BOBS, E f m i t s BBIXKT..

A. J. COE, Oollector,DOTEIi. N. J.


American Untiul Ins. Do., of Newark,S.J , AnttioTir $1,100,000

Mataal las. 0o-, of Ke»arl,I. J., Assetiovcr 000,000

Pireiaeii'e Hntnil Iiu. Oo-, of Jicmrl,M. J, Atsetl DTCT 500,000L&ni& U n t n i l Ins , Co., of V w a t k ,IT. I , OajiM, - 200,000

i rDtroil^d to «>, pcnonailr or by rarrcfpondmce. Kin recerro prompt attention,D.T.JEXKWOS. (53-1») C.B.GACE.

tm. IimrujM OomniDT, cfCona, Assets, 5,000/)00

Continental Instraace Ooarptny, of HewTork. Capita], . 1,000,000

Iffottutl Benefit life Iur. do., of Ucwuk.I . I , Amh, 26,000,000

l'MTiKini; Ii'»in>rri>ni9 A. X. to i 1'. X. lYi'iuplnllrnlimt t l u n In tlio iiurclinM! ami naln nfJtomla nml nlhrr K.mril'ci; Ilia collcclinu nrr»rit(.-i, niiildnliicilicpup'r, •Ir.lli', dicvks Ac.

COLUMBUS IVEiCH, Frra ' l .JAY. H. TllI iVT, fusilier.

111 E K C T O II S .



The Miners' Savings HimkOP UOVEII, S. .1.

AT IUI: u imi : or Tin. Nvfio.vil. VMUK 13ASK.

SIX-IMT ciint. inleriBt nill'jc paid on (H'poBluntadc mi ur tiiTuru tliulrsldaT»nf llmuii,

[•Ki:. SEiTrjini:i; .ud flr.rmuj.u.3fO\n-it lUilr ln>ni. n d'etook A. M. to i

ilncl r. M.M A N A G E U S :


Kl'HIIAIir LINOSLEY, Viru I'liiiiUiil.JAYH. TREAT, Trrunrcr.

.•li. 17, I

A T J K S T 1 0 X H I M

i)n»flg o n t V - r : i ; - i ! i - r :. • - I;

M. H . l i l r i i i ; i ; . - " v . - •

2<i-i[ M.M'i.. ;,

lloverO P F K - U i.'.' i K i v m : B A : ; ; ; . ;': • ' ^ » / ™ " r •'•< ••'••• j i ' - ' jy ' ^ ^ ' i JlSj"!"'";.!.'.'-.™.'- " " " '"""' |" ' , ' ^ ' ; ' '" ' j

— !••":•• - .v ' - ' . i - . i ' i" : ^ - r v ^ . ; . p V ' r i Y . . : i I . i j . i j V ^ i ' ] | R A i L W A Y T U R N T A B L E S , I , ! i i : : ; , : ; ; : i , ! i : i f " . " s ' s ' ' " - ' - ' : " " " " " J " io i T i i m i s : i!:,;.i:>;•;!;'; i';. A , ' . . ' . I » i«,»niwri,,in.[ i . 1 - 1 , , ra*"-"1- 1

1.V»»I m«..ssc-..HTi.\<i.s, j

PASSAGE TICKETS•iiiL1.1.'..li:.«.i1-Jli:-,l,.-il V. >)r.u,i and nit-; j r

ioRAM. IIAHCE & Co.'s STORE,, „ - : : ; ; > , ,.'.v.,.;"-.'.i;,,..^::.;.:""..iMUVi,'.:r«a;;;;.ij IORASI. IIAHCE &CO,S biuHt,

> L 1 ! : / S & ™ . :': '°»'"nM..i ;y ? . , : ^ 7 ^ t ' ^ ^ ' i . ' ^ : ^ ! r J : ^ i t ^ ¥ . ; P O R G I N O c f n l ! D E S G H I P T I O N S . ,,, J i r r , , i : , \ . \ i . N . -I-

Alloi.'wighioii.1 (:..••. M. i-u-:-. iMM-.i r,'ii''iiv!j~;1

1ii',1i'i'sif'ti'alit'.'.'''r:iiii!.!ii! , I A - T L J l M f ^ n c Q C T A I I T V ! I*1 l!,: ^ ' v ' CI'''i'i'jt.iw'n>V'l ut ' l .uTj:si-n.sl.liini'aiuaii. -•.. 11,, ,n ' . ii-i.-y- •|!1'i ,!,.,i,,;y ,":», ,ii,.,! i,. i l l , . i'i«i ii.-i.'n n« ! A T H I N C i U r O L H U I Y ! i - , , . . . 1 ;™ 1 ^; , " , ; , "^ . ' ^ ,« , i iu :vr in : i r . \ i x

JilflK,f,j Sl.pLrii:,

,1.111 IIJL |ri •»]'!' " I "IL! i r i , ' . • • >•_ ]

: !b:H^£SS:.feiS^ CHESTER, hi- J.

" . T T I W T V r n T 1 1 r " R.B.WATTERS1 i:'%:,';m^\^{^i<"Sii& Parlor, Dining-llooniF A L L and W I N T E R , j ;:v-:;z s:i:V^!,";ft;.s;!;;r4-^;!

0T8TEK HOUSE I^i-^rA.OT^ffiS'rffiK! KITCHEN nutim-uiu.

•VHITLO('K & LKW1S..: v.-'iih'-rV.' '-viiVuL-i. io""iiii:ir ii.i'ii^iatiJi 15 i : i ) - JU)OM S I ' I T S ,

J '.i. - - 1 " t • : i i l> A\l, I?; . ' . . ' [ W h i r l ] Kill 1»- ili*|>riM-il <t ill [.lie. - tJii;! .villRESTAHHANT.I IH.ArKWTlLST.IEEr.l.OVEi:. SHERIFFS SALE ! , H o r ^ K K K l u O l i S .

b o a l f l - s i l l , ' Xi:-VI! I ' X K i S l i .M.1 . . | - . , i l.: I . . , . J ..I N . - . ! , : • , y - H . t i . l ' . » • » ' - ^ ' | J.lV,'''|1"T-»1ii' Vii'l-J'IV.Vi""..-.'-.'!' lllnt".'.'*"™."II.ii1?.M-

IMeals Furnished at All Hours. !:;:'J^H,f''iHls:.''ii; W ^ ! l 'HTi ' i in J 'JIAMKSDRY GOODS, jOysters Served in every Stylo. J ^ ^ ! ; ^ ^ ; ' ; - ^ ! ^ ) ; ^ inwoisrEmw Joiwixti AXU

I r n m i l i r s S t t ] i | i l i i ' i ! 1>J t i f f H i n t - j " J.j'",:);'.,^1;,"'!;'',"1!,!!''!",;;1''11''''1"'11"'1'1' JlM'AIULMl

; dreil of 'niiiiisainl, ' ••KIXH'.'.Y, it. Ml! .liyl.'r MAl'.ill SI:XT. j Tii 'cmiS'.wiS'ifiSol! S ^ l l ' l i i S



AM, nmrau:,, ™ M.I. PAHTS-,,,- THI: : y. ; . | ^ ; ^ ; i p ^ | | ^ j | UNDE B T A K I N G.

f l m r U f l L o i i c c . I ! i<j 'n^ | J i ^ r - ; r i d o f n i l t i n -i Mr. WATTEIW 1M- mtc l »;• .ij-Kit- ^• j i s . li.'if n!-it'"i !'|!f!!!:hUIii.yVli^\irBw'5

Wood & Wil low W a r e

(llllssWa),t ICE CREAM SALOON, f i | l | i l pU A I ' S IC . - M r A M timl cv.;v lliiii^: M,,I ; .;;I V,:I^-'I i.n>!nit;. .;!:. .-(ir.ii t HtClii

• •( r ' I. •!: sldu -. i*i j-mtli f' i-iy--.ii.- .IiKi-ffs ... -

_ _ _ _ . , — , , Hi Li.\:;i:.V.'i'1i:.t3/niiii:^ni..nn l 'ri-i!]nt.iUl.ir.y

P a r t i e s , F e s a v a l s . E t c . • ;,;:n:1;..••:,/\'[:::lva"1! ^^l •T^^v!iykl;


Iron and Steel.

I GEORGE GREEN & SON, ^ ™ &&&*'*&•




Gas IMJID and Flttliigs,

*l( Hani llnbbcr Trn-Mii v.i nil "' '""' ' "c t ->\n nml ili.ulil«, nm kgit l.y

SusiL'S Ht., Dover, S. J.


'i'liroat, Uhcrtt mid LUII|[K'.olllioltinjiii (lio^-iirlil.

PUTE FOlt COD I.HTOI OIL,ures Antlitun, IJronoliitii. In-Iiliun, L«»Hijf VtiL-i-, Hluitni'Mirli, Uiutip, Cmmlis, Colila, Ac,kumacic I'IIICEJI I-EB ]jorn.>:,Dn. B. D. IIOIVK'Honic Blood Purifier,

frtnn all other iiroiiatntloiij inIctinn upon 11mI D N E V 3 AND I iLOOD.jt.ili.L', clcnimcH Ilio nyxiijin ofImlMs il rlglit iijnnru ii|>, nmlcli blood. It enrcti St-riikmn ]Jis-

Ciuh, romnvm Cniintilwiion, nmlUUIVL-IH. Vat "NtnvoiH DLUII.I-IrLt-iTV," 'Urj-VAiu DIUBAHIW,"IJJoim CosunwTioN*," I ulml-

[ I . worth Ih i»iSfal In Ko!il.

jlln. H. D. H O W E ' S 1

igar-Ooatod Livor .Pills 1u '- • CnDMiImtloD. Comnln lin

,licr fiijnrnjua incrediuiil, nmltliciio' orgnns without pnt-or-mhnciw. VileoUiwr


w W

• i i !• I ' c

i •

;; ; ' ' : "

- V , "

•'-. ' 1 1 . - '


:r::'"l :

I:, i'.'."

(I p . f i l l -•l,i'-. V.'. v

' ' " i J.: 5I;



is. ' Wti-rvin .Tti:iv.:in.fir.- il.eCMiiy.itt c m l Jlary


'!![•• ; li.it .• i iartin.-a: :!:.- :i-mi>mN. J., i'«MAIiCJI U,

,-• ti.-nr* d! U M


itir-x .1.ul];lji(l-



. 311.1 S


I'oii TII i:


A.. TA.VJT..O.1;'.,


:,Msl!i.'l].Lbv;'!l .. kvys :

M«.r,;>.lN:.- IViiuld ifiimaiio A«o:[..i.o-i.

ill AlJ'.X.VMililA, VA.

i.i-.-r til' fjll-'isml O! i (iifl • .

l.MY.-lHiill-, -l'i.n:<'iI", r^l i i i in- , •'..lpi"».-iil'ii .liiiiiK l.i1"'!

NUMIJl'lt OF TK'KETS, 100,000.


Tin M-mr^ l i ' r I l ianl i I l imum A f t i a H . m .rliarn-ntl I.T tin l . i ^ l a h i i f .,f YIISHIM amitftcCitviiii .•mir.ii.-(ii;ui;,e f:i,,in.»|Ki!;f>iljy n( i n m l ' . i n Connrt In < s h b h - h i;ml CIHIKW a" H o r n ' f'ir if.'- ulil . J'-.linn. jirid HfulihiteI,nili-.sii! Vii ; ini i ," 11! JLni l jul i i r . tliu r a inu rrt , : i l , urr (ifl ' r tMilrli l . ' i ium ,M.i(liK<)]i.

ll,,n-i -.-oil* ilrn.-K, I iu iiMOM., July Si, lf»74.ll !tiV..i(N nit- iilijit.nr.- In Kay tlial 1 mti well

.U'.liuiin!.-.! n i l l i ' s la i -u tmlur i l r «'f Hit; nlUfflf

..I ilio j l .ml i . ii. i I V n t i l Iliiiii-'.m .VimrwLmoit.Him i.-Id- i:i :)" ' vii'initv L»r my IKHIUMUKU

IHll.lU' !..lliM.'IKt>, iillJll.illl'.. tml Mlt>rlt!.<ltil(lnil nil:; Ulrciiilly i-M>r( .wnifil iimmiK Ilictn.

JAMl^l.. KKMl'l-.lJ.di.r. VirKii!la..\i r\.>M)in\, V.i., JnlvMli, l l71. ° • • I

.-uiaiuuiiil ilia,. , i K .-i , i ; oiImticr nml liilfgrily,jiinl fr,)]\ .-utill.il li< ll:f L'onllJdi.'u nf Hit- imb-

11.W,1IUI11I£HIf.N. JmUi'Kastn-n 1'lsl. urYa.

liinli.r iff.-n-iii'f. by iiri'iniitiifiH: Ills Hi-.H-llfli.-V lilllurt I!. \ViilliiT, rx^lnvi rm.r ur Vs.;IIUII. itiibr-rM:. Witln •>-. ].icti"..(..iv.i.f Va, amii;. H. Sriial.iri'It'ct: !-u:iiir« BUM Mniiln'ia oifhiijiiv.-iiifKiiii Vlrjii.m.

lli'UillinnrfH rnriH. t^ ui;.y !-<• iiiatlt> l.v v.i-1 !

Uon. JA1IED BAEB0UH.I 'C I -S 'TM. F. I I . A., .\i.r.SANt)t\iA, VA.

j;i linMi; a([c!il(i wanli'il everyivlieie. 10-Hr


CLOTHINT! , ~"'^' ' !


Si ID Jsta jvrj diy. Aniuiln nsiitLil. All

- •'M' ' j"JiiVi'vim.t"'ll,!'ia^?l|mMmlulilinL|nd1yJ.,rcvorj1 •Vni.i-k. mil lutllcitlim, Irroin, At., ncul

HOUSE «»\ OARMAOC HQUIPUEHTS fc.^i;;,!:;;^'aravS

at PANIC PBIOES. ^'"^'^''^^i"^'1'^HAHXESS, KADUW3S,



ADJOnftlFFALO I tOl lKS. iAaniNiMri^rofW; Kilfc, .toiK-d, «iU

'".JSSi'WOLTEItlS'E n6l!E8. ' • " » « ^ " " : l ' " ' '"""'"*•"""J.i'iilirSl'° W O L F HOIiUS ; SATUKDAY. Mftn-li Ctli, 1S75,



uUFiirraf'*.1 f.ir >:lnn^lti un.l duniliiliiy,SI^IIRL^ an.rCiiamf-U KM'iu ,,r IIA..«.J1I I,I;'I-porf.. A urci- nutnlHTiif r.,-ll tnu],- jttH ' t

SIKULE and DOUBLE HAHNESSl-jth li-ln and h u-1. All kiinu i.f

.D.i673,be?ANOY LAP ROBES, •"; ;^t ;^S' i" A ^ S W I I S K S Ii-lorli, P.M. ' i r X... *-itli pwj;LLIN(; HI>1>!; UK! BAIIS

Hsriic-- mule to (,n\.V r.r tin- ln^i'iiiah-naU Ifi-ldlkil workmen, at

io-i r" o J{ S J-2 J11 . A N K ]', ' i ' S

r< n " Vl v i i ? 1 " " 1 ' ? ° Wllt1*r ""<I(tr wlinl

trnih ynii hlio.ilifkVcp 'iii'miml': Vl"3i!foj.scA . T . \ Y ! , < » IX , "-iKtMlw I»n<i .inpiirovoMlltlDii orilinhlnM*,

1'iimv that,nml lUeilit-oftfio ninit denart; but,V. I O«. :11M. 1-.T1. lJilVKli. N. .). \yn tani,i.f finrjfv tlio lit(Mxl liv Iliu I]/ "

A HVKH'l'ISINd: t'ifi:.,r: Goiul: Hyaliiiiuile,J l 4!ltJiT«(»iiiiwbopi.r.it!tii])lii|oiual.liiffcoii-tratta v.iih iii>ijMinj)i>r» Inr lite* iiuicriimi nfinlvci tlfi'iui'iilx, slumkl BCLKI US i-(-uU in den.I1, lluivi'lt .'. Cn., 41 I'arU liotr, Ncv Yurli, fnrHicw ?AMl'l!Li:r.Ji0OK (nimSv-Hcvonll. Wi-lion), cniita(!iln(,'lli,iflor<)Vc.-ylO(i() ncwutiapcraand t-rilimnirn, bhoiving llm cnit. Ailtrrliso-""•iitt lal;en ttirlfntliii!; paiKTHin ininvHtnt

trcmt'inldiH roductloii rron. |)ul'illnlirj . (li:rTiiiiiin»i:. _ i-l.v

NEW YORK TRI.BUNE." 'flip rcailin^ Amcricati XoiTsjmppr,"

THK liKSl' ADYKItTISISfJ MED1USI.Djilv.iKla.vcai-. S.'iiii-Wrtkl.V.tn. Wi'Cklr.ii.

lUST.vrii: FJIHK TO THK KL'nSRMItK...Si.friini'ii C«|-ii'S nml AdvcritBiiiif HB'.CH Frco,Wi'i'kly, liii'lnljRor.ainr mwLMdilv*!, tmatiijT*pant. Aililn*n Tm: TiunvsE, X. V. 1-ly

" • " ' - • • ' • • " J ' " " iii.i -.1,=i.;L.,o»!,ra,|,,:<J,Vrf,.,tei.; I - " p*. .n™i ,IfoS,, a,,,l osta .fc ,- . MllnlilauUp^OKSSIH GLOVESiTO-HITTEES, JJESJAMLV HOH-EU. J l i lWil l D0(l(l &'CO.'S " S i ^ ' ^ n ^ S ' r S ! ' ^


uisovmi .v n/n1iii)r->i»orHoii. (iKKK.V fi SO.\,

N E W S T O R E . |M'«RYL/IND"FARlHSJaiAffif i \ O . C>j> IIUO A !> S T K i : i : T , ' ;yHr<^'v,i.i.V. l!Jl>(ii:iA',SAlforncy,1!

.Newark, .V..».

. toil,:,, .1, trai. ..J. tis, .j.iu iL?

I Thompson's Business College.

] IJ^UccjuiifT, •\Vriliiif:. KMRHKII lirnncbcR, and

' | S l l l H i l | i : i ! FANCY GOODS i^-'-1--"1---—~BABBITT & McCOLLUM,

wLrrc JOQ trill flnj a Urge A^surtiueut Io M'k-rlIrt-ra of »J1 (iniOEK «nd STTI.FA



,>10BKISTOH.\, .N. J.

GEO. W. MAKE,llie Urgcit and mnxt sniHrtMfal Dfiltrin


MORRISTOWN,Ilu« jiiBi CuisLwl itocUug bit. fiiore iritli

WINTER GOODS,."\liicb sorpasEuB anvtldug in tLe line,

Iu point of


Superiority of JLif^riitl,

ETCT liefore tilTorcd.




Liglite, Newton and

s &IRSST' I S K a j S ^ r i f i ---.—,.,.,1...,,,... I-Lfeeman Wood,:^: tLt (ciiAji^.:..-

AT Till:

Agency atAt Prices a« Clit'.i;i HK ilit'y cjin

M^, A ,,», ^ j ^ " " ^ , , . , C e n t r a l D r y G o o d s i T N S U R A N C E A G E N T

. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - 0o« iinoAD sTitKE'r. ;

Dr. •?.

j-.n-piLri.t it.i!, uifulo cliitily from tins i]:itiVl)

ni ^Vviula mouiitaius of Culiiornh, theincdiriiuil in'oiwrtica of uliioli aro extract-ml i l u i t fn im witliotit tlio uaoof AlcoliojTlio question is almost daily nsteil. "WlmtiK tlic cause of tlio uujiarallclcd mcccnj, ofVi.viaiAB l l r r rn ta?" ^ « r answer in, tinttlicv iTinovo tlio cm :.<- at disonac,' and tlioliiilient recovers hia ).•* d t b . Tliey are tliogrout blood purifier and n lifo-givjiig pria.-chile, n perfect llcnovutor ami InviRorutirof Iho Bjfltcm. Never lief ore iu tuoLiatorvof tlie world liaa a medicino befiii cWil*.poiindod pOBflcasing tlio rcinarkfliile c|iinl.ilk>H of VisnoAn Uirixna iu lieolinc; tlio siotnf cvrrv disease man is beir to . They my „ficntln'riirgiitivu as well nsaTimio.rnlicr.intf Congestion or Inflnininaiion of tieLivnriiml ViBecnilOrgnns,m UilioimBiB.

[i'nti'ii will rnjoyKood ltenll!i,i,t

mid iivoiil t!i.- r.r=s: <<f iil.:o!iolic fstiuiHlniiiiiu <*v«\* f.T::i.

Nil EJC:SO!I ^ll t (!!!:(' llM'Sf. V •;••

lllUYi II, jVi'ivhlcl tlirir \KJIH i, ia-t," j

nml'vilJ-l'<'r.'-'!!:• wi:i.-li>.t L.»y<>u,l njI'V '(Jttiii'i 'i-i T!:.:ns:ii.(!s proclniai Vir;

c u t |)ni1tj;Hi;..'Hu'«t wonilerfiil Inu,-,.,.(ll,i (|l.li..V.-Ml>tHilH':lt.ll»8iuIut1ffVKt"-,l.

Kiifo.'t:. lii'iitiifci!!, anil f ii * i ^mil.rni l-Vvi'rs,which«roHOjiivvti.:-:!jll tlii".ii!]i-\s i.f (iilf (rival riven tliidiijl,.out \hv l-'nitr.l Sli.ti:., c-Miictnllv tlu-hi „•tin- Jiiv.iv.ip*,], Oliin, MVni .n Iilit,n;r

bimii M u . J , , J i : r , ,nml ii!i-)!,v otlii-1% wUli llicii-' vtw-t trili-'(itvii'-i, I liniii^liou! our entire riqtnh'.v iinriiur flu SiitunurniitlAiihiinii, ami rc'n.inl,:ililv :;n riminpcciiaoils of iilillfliial licnt m\)ilrviu1^. en; iiivi.tir.Mynfcompnuicill.roiIci'i'-ire (U'riiiigi'inniti, of (lip Hluiiiui-lMinaliver,mul olhornbtlominalTiKccm. In tluirl]i»li:i:!nt,u purgative,exertitign]»i\VPifi]|iiiliiui.iv uiion tliffic vnrioti» OI'^UIIH, IBI1:.!.' jitiiiilv uowiFiairy. Thcrtf iAnnciitluir.tit"i'iii'U:f1iiiii'iioi:tM'i]«iiltoDii.J.WArjKEii1sYr.iMMt UtiTCi^nu tlicy will epocdily n<.move tho rliU'l.-rnlnretl viflciil niuKcr wish•v. hi eli I IK1 limvi'l:; lire loaded, at the wunclimn i;iiii>n!»(iii:r (lin finonitlnutt ..f !],e

liu-i-, nml (•oiii'Killy rpf-loriiijy (lie linilllivfi!i:ciiuiiu of Urn iliffi'slivo orgitur;.

fh'Kjii'li^in »•' JiHlIgostloii , I real.! ' l ' i I l S l l d C l / r i li :c!i i , l i i i i i t i I l r . . C g l i

lip;;.-; (if I lie L'licst, DizzincBs, Soiu* lu(inti't of tlin Hloiiiiuilt, Had Timto in i baiimili, Wiliuiui A.t(i!ek3,riili)iia[ion of t|Mlli-.u-i, inllimmintion nf tlio Luuga, IVmin (.lie n-(vi('!i ('( tli« Kitliieyo, and II liim.dreil litiici-iiiiinrtil Kjmiitoinn, nro ttic (iff.h|)i-in;f» <>f D.vHpciH.i.i. One buttle willju-ovc ti better (iitai'aiiteo of I(B mi-ritn tliau lci.f;:li,v r.dvi riifii'nicut.

Mrri.i'iii.i. w Kilii^ti l l v l l , V.'liilpS-.vel:iii;;s, UIi'ov), Erj-HijiL-liui, BwcllwlNi'i'I., (Idilrc, ycrofulous XnitauiiuntiutisInilulfiit Iuil:ii;uiiiilion«. AlpMUi-Inl Afi'wtimi'i, Old liorp.", Erupt ions ot tlio Shin,tef.iit Kroii, c l c , etc. I n those, as m «![other ciniKlihiliiiiuil Diseases, WALKER'SVlKtCIAK UriTl.ltFI linvi! OboWll tlicir f,TCill(•amthi: imwors in thu most obaliiuitu niiiliiitniclnliio tiafios.

Fuv iuilinninuiory imtl Chronicl i l l l ' . l l .ml lsm, Gout, liilioufl,RciuiUcalnml Intermit.cut Fcvets, Diaousaq of ihBluod, Live-.-, Kidneys, and Wnddcr, tliwUittciti 11iivc uo equul. Such Diseu.s.'fi nrecausLd by A'itiutcd 131ood. . .

Mfit'llilUfcill' WiSPJLSes.—1'einoiia i;i.enjjert in 1'IUUIB mid Blijicrah, QHI-II NPlumlioni. Tvpo-sottcrn, Gold-beatem, c ^Slinri1?, fiu tlicy ndVnnco iu life, aro suli"jeet to imrclyMs of the Bowels. To giuntQRniiist. this, fnko :i duso of WALKKII'BVIXEHAH Urrriiiis oceasiouallv.

fiidt lUtoiitn, ])lolehcp. Kliot.1, Kmiiloi1'iihtnU'.", lluilb, Curl miiulca. ltiugivoriasScald Hond, Hova Eyes, EiyftimiliiH, It.-]i,8cm-f3,lJifccoloriitio]i3 of tlio tJliln, lliunnnmid Di.seaBCGof MiPfildnoIwlmlc-vcrnaiiiDor nntiiro, nro literally dug up iind c»nie\out nf ilia prf-lcm in n short timoliy tlie«£L- ot t.hcs« liilloiu

P i n , TuitK, nml ( t l l icr HTorins, l l i r 1 'inp iii llieK.vutt.-m of no mmiy thonsaiiil9,nw(•fluctunll.v dc&tt'oycd and rcuiovoii. NoBj'stcm nf iiioiliciiii", no voriniftit'i-s. noiuitlieliii.iiit.es, will fnm OIL- Hjntciii fromwoniiH lilie (lies:; B i t t en .

For.Kflmii t f l t'uiuiiliiiiifM, iiiyfimiforo ld , inanitiil o r h'ingle, nt Hut tlunnofmnunnlinad ortlia turn of lift-, tliewTnuIrLil tew f1i»iiltiy flu ilu-iiluil IUI infliwiu*Unit ir.i]>fti vein t u t in Bonn iiii'iuijitiltl'1

fSlttillftice.—In nil casts nt JIIUIHUI,,rosl .iciiiiicd tliiityour liver is uot dciuK Hwork. The only HP.inIhld tVefttnjeut l^l'lliromoto Ilio r.ccrri-.j:i pf the bllo »uJfavor its rcmornl. i n ; i\u~ jmrp'*1 ' '•>»Y)M:UA« Kn'ri:ns.

CVLT you Iluil- !:• .iii..s:i..;;•-. liiiwiiUjjthrough tl:o(.ldu,hi i':..!^!;--, Jviipliuii'ior Soios; clcnima'it -whtn j i tu Ihi'l it «li-Btrnelnd ni.d biuggii.li in tlio. wins; elaiu*it when it in Iiml; yuiir fwiiims wi.l 1<Uyon wlini. Kci'i> t,io bloo.l pm.-,nu . uci-.t-ultli <>ril.« ^-NU-JU will fcillov.

i : , i j . .'ii ur.NAj.u <b ri>..

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Kubl)cr Boots mid Shoes,irylUitjj; iu tint titw frcini tlici jnjinir Alniufnt trm

Gin: MF. * C U


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AtU,eSton.ofJ).A.I,,i,,-.! Morris Orphans' Court. \Vmte*W*ZZnt "r^/^JU O V , : K , . N . J . : ^ WSTAK TEBM. MB. ; • H o H ^ C l . i ^ {itm.N ™^»A™'. Tro - »,„„,,!

- * mnJS^i:1"11--'-- ' S p l ^ l C S i S t H B i PAIXT8. OILS, CLASS, ,1"E0PLE'il J!*»*- " •«.''»*!Boot a n d Shoe Store f';"°'i"i-:..,jiu.j;:;,,i,A,lu,i,,i,,,,...,.u,i ^«.«w,»-ir j , , , , ,a , . "niEKMA, •• .. *miim\Boot a n d Shoe Store ('?"°'i"i-:..<jiu.i;::,,i,A<iu,i,,i,,,,..(,.u,

"r_"OT1;^ K ! : i - i^^ i"^ '^ . ' »MS3t !Ume, Cement, Plaster,:Hn! ' ! ' rLij; " ».»m..


MAKES THE WEAK STBONB.r/ioPfii'i/ytot Sump, <t TvoUd*cil Solution of the ProloxMc ofSfoiit is BO combined as to Jiavothe charactct' of an ailment, ascaalln Mfinlca anil amlmllateitwith Ihe blood as tlio ellltplesifood. It inercasca tho mtnnlllllof Nature's Oton VUallsImAaait, Iron in tha llooil, an"mm "a thousand Ills," elmplul>tlTonlnovp,Invlrioratlnaml>lI lUtltzbig the System, Tlieen?rlclicd ami vtlutlzeil Uoml fev-Vimfcs everg part of tha botW,repairlnff damages anil waste,nearchhtif ont worbitl eccrc*Uons and leavin othing fit

!. C . B U E T S Gaiters and' Shoes for Utiies.: "!# J v ' ' ? « " ' S S s i « r ,3! H. P. SANDERSONies, Misses and Children's , »•»••>»«i«»ui»,,n., -SES.-'V^^ j fHr" 1 ' "^"^J"-»—';^^. ^,u i ^ t ^ ^11«!PUr>cHASEDancl SOL

n-prmrra Men s Li8h' & Heavy BoDts. ii-«.-'i"™«w iu ,u £JC^Z£'- " ''~'-r""""i''-"±'" : ' —* ^ * ' i Kreal virii-tv Iu • • : 'i'/a-i-M '"T'f'""' t*l""' l"Uii*'"' ^i^^-ctinid. ^J1 (j[ (f ' \ V () O F ) V ( t I* xi T ' l * "• •

n»uUd*lw»r* to fit, are to bofouud iu ££- r.LI'AIiUNti tirui'nutli M'T^ 't"l'i" ' " ' l l ' • ""''-''"-^ 1 j'-">li<s' * i I J iil urrifcVi.r.-ij oa'AVj'Tirh jfv * ' ^ " O I C B J j O t d 111 D O V P itliif Ktorein tlin gretUml proJasian i * ' ' • a 'u '1 '"1 ' ' ' •<-• , KI- iuiuit»-rii iby !,f Sieved j j j " iip - , i ! I J I - O H X A _ \ l ) If I*" AV V ' ** v v v l

airing Djspoiisin, lAvor Com-plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dln'-lIffiBlIKAflfetls

House. wiQn s.nd i"^•• ^»^«'- < »x *<• .-.*....''.'. i u \ . , ; - i . i -. —' .'.• • -•••'.- *-'.'.v^1 ** . r- ^^


^ s . K o r T o n s A f l f e c t l o ,Chills nml Fevers, UuinorSit o s s r,f Constitutional Visor,Disease; uf tlio Kiane-d ' nnflBladder, Tomato! ComplnlntSinnrt all diseases ortgliuiUna fua bad slate of tlie Month or ac-companied ly debility or alowttateofthe tysteirt.' Ilolnvfru)from Jlcdlwl, In any format*plcroth fft aro »n«Wte

tiMucnt* will !,<• nuiab'i' !ill.<l I,- ,'tUii • V '.T.S-v1 '"^?;]/1^.:;^i'»uuii^i;l^:m-n.j]rbL:tii'ii^T>ltli:' 1"V1I| i > o v i - ; i > - v j


Efiiff strennth, vigor, ami ne'Olife Into alliiarls of tlio system,

"t'ltullo'"'""1' "J> " " J ' ' °" C°"~

hit the MSO of this remedy,fromweak, slclilir, suffering crea-tures, to strong, healthy, andnappy men and women! and<nvaiidscannotrcar,analilylics-itate toglvoUa. trial.

Sea that each hottlo has PERU-VIAN SYRUP Motonin tho glass,

SETH W. rOWLE & SONS, Proprlelors,Ho. GO Han-linn JLr., Saitan.

Sox.» m D'nuaaiaxs oBniBAti-f-
