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Real Estate Agents Secrets Revealed Ebook.pdf

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Real Estate Agents Secrets Revealed

sell your home for top dollar without paying any commission.



“ The only thing standing in the way of your sale is the real estate agents commission.” I have a confession to make, after being a real estate agent for 16 years and been involved in the sale of hundreds of properties I have come to the realization that, in most cases, I am redundant and in fact a hindrance to the sales process. Technology has replaced the need for a real estate agent and in fact in most sales the agent gets in the way and causes the sale to falter. Agents have only one thing on their mind and that is to be paid a commission and they will do whatever it takes inside or outside of the law in order to get it. The nature of commission selling is competitive and dog eat dog and you as a seller just get in the way of their goal of a commission cheque. Just like a dog with a bone, don’t come between an agent and their pay cheque. I have been to countless seminars from top real estate agents and they consistently train salespeople on how to “condition” a vendor, in other words, get them to drop their price as quickly as possible and rarely does an agent get you more than their commission is worth. The last straw for me came when I was in a seminar of one of the most respected real estate sales trainers in Australia and he declared that real estate agents were superfluous and their negotiation skills worthless in the current technological age.


3. You see, real estate agents are like dinosaurs and they still think and work in the Stone Age when it comes to ideas and technology.

Let`s be honest here, you and me work for money any other reason is not on an agents mind. Agents spend the majority of their time chasing new business and trying to get you to reduce your price in the shortest possible time so they can get paid. They are not in the market to help you or give you good advice; they are here to get a sale as quickly as possible regardless of the price.

Most of the time if you took the commission off your asking price and advertised your property for that price you would achieve a sale almost immediately. Then when you multiply that by 2, if you get both the buyer and seller to sell without an agents commission you end up with a huge amount of money that would allow both buyer and seller to negotiate a fair price leaving you both with more in your pocket. Let me give you a real life, recent example. I was selling a house that was worth around $700,000 and I had an offer of $675,000. The buyer had to sell his home in order to buy this one. This is a very common situation. The buyer’s home was worth around $650,000 and he needed every cent of this in order to buy his dream home.


4. I found a buyer for close to his asking price but just could not get the deal together and both parties missed out on getting a great sale. Why? Because when you add up the commission on this deal it comes to a massive $37,125 including GST @ the regular commission rate of 2.5%. This amount was more than enough to have achieved a sale for both parties at a better than hoped for price.

The buyer and seller are more than capable of negotiating a deal together in 95% of cases in my experience, without a stupid unqualified, ignorant agent getting in the way. After all who knows your house better than you? To this day both properties are still on the market because they are trying to achieve a sale through a regular agent. If your home is worth an average $550,000 the agents commission is $15,125 @ 2.5%. The difference between selling a house at $550,000 and $535,000 is quite significant in this tough market. It is the difference between achieving a sale and staying on the market. Especially in this tough market when every dollar counts in order to get a good sale. There are only two reasons why a property does not sell and they are Price and Marketing.



Agents simply are not worth their fee and I challenge you to ask any agent how they get a top price for you and they drag out the old chestnut line; “ I’m a top negotiator.” Yeah? Ask them how? They will stumble and fall every time because they are simply not taught how to negotiate at all. Real Estate training is all about getting listings; it’s not about selling at all. The average agent spends 95% of his or her time prospecting and listing new property and 5% actually selling your home. So why do you as a seller persist in giving your hard earned money away to an unqualified so called professional? Ignorance of how the system works in today’s technological age of Internet marketing and multi-media. The real estate market has shifted from Agents window displays and newspapers to online in such a huge way most agents don’t even realise it. Newspapers are dying and shop front offices are closing in droves. People shop on line for everything especially property. The Internet is the new media and now accounts for up to 95% of all sales enquiries. Almost 50% of sales people have left the industry over the past 7 years in many areas and offices are closing in droves. Most savvy real estate operators are now closing their shop fronts and opening exclusively on line. The Internet is the new shop front. Nobody walks into real-estate agent’s offices anymore.



“Every property for sale in Australia is

available on the internet”

Buyers don’t care whom they buy property from. Whether it’s Ray White or LJ Hooker, any of the large franchises or you, do they care? No of course not, if the house is what they want and priced correctly they will buy from a monkey. Real Estate agents do not market to buyers they market to sellers; sellers pay the fees, not the buyers. All the slick advertising and marketing proposals are designed for you to list with them. Buyers are the last thing on their mind because they know exactly where the money is, with the seller. Newspaper advertising is designed for the agents to get more business. Why do you think the real estate agent always has his or her stupid photo on the ad? I saw one ad from a local agent selling a house and 80% of the ad was the photo of the agent. Its rampant self-promotion and it does not help you sell your house. Buyers don’t care, its all for self marketing of the agent so sellers see the agents ugly faces as much as possible and think that they must be everywhere and therefore must be a great seller. The fact is an agent does not have time for your property because they need to list a dozen more and that takes up nearly all their time. They spend all their time self-promoting and prospecting for new business. They don’t have time to sell your property.



You would be better off doing it yourself, and why not? You are probably more intelligent and better informed than most agents to sell your own property.

Realestate.com.au is by far and away the biggest advertiser of Real Estate in the country. There is not one property in Australia that is not on this web site it far exceeds its nearest rivals by 2:1. There are over 7.3 million hits on this site from property buyers and it leaves every other site for dead. When you look for a property where do you go? Our surveys show that even if people see a property in a newspaper they will also see it online. Nobody visits all the individual agents web sites. Agents love to say that your house will be shown on 10 Internet sites. It does not matter, who the heck cares about homehound.com? Realestate.com.au is all that matters in the Australian market, spend your money wisely and where it will work. Most sales are generated from this website. Agents will get you to spend thousands on newspapers and other worthless media because it promotes their business. I heard a well-respected real estate sales trainer teach agents that Internet is for buyers but newspapers advertise to sellers. Papers are to advertise the Agent not your property. So don’t waste your time and money on hugely expensive newsprint.



Q: “ How much training and qualification do you need to sell a persons biggest asset? ” A: “ one day!! ” Hard to believe isn’t it, that all you need is one days very basic training and $600 cash and you to can become a real estate “specialist”. The person you are entrusting your greatest asset to has less idea about property than you do. You just think the guy has a clue and that is what they rely on. Would you go to a financier or a lawyer or a doctor who had one day training? It`s crazy but true. I can open a real estate office after doing a 2-day home course by correspondence for a $2000 fee. I remember my first time in real estate and all I was taught to do was get listings and prospect for business all day long. Cold telephones calls by the hundred and annoy poor hapless homeowners every night around dinnertime and ask them to sell their home. Have you ever been annoyed by agents and the like trying to get you to sell your property by stating some rubbish about how they have a buyer for your home even though they have not even seen your place? Agents do not get you a top price for your home. The market decides what it will pay for your property not an agent.


9. The fact is the average agent gets the price of your home wrong, dead wrong most of the time and puts a price on there that is not even realistic because he wants your business, so he will tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear. Even worse he places a price on your property, which is to low in order to get a quick sale. You loose thousands either way because if the property is priced to high in a falling market you have missed the price you could have achieved if you priced your property properly in the first place. I know of dozens of properties that have been priced incorrectly in the first 3 months of the sale process and have missed their price only to have been sold for tens of thousands less than what they could have achieved if it were priced correctly in the first place. The commission-based agent is only after one thing and that is a listing and a sale. You are not important to them. Add to this equation the huge cost of a commission and you are losing big time. A classic example of this is a property I was asked to sell by a desperate seller who was about to have her home repossessed by the finance company and she had been trying to sell her home with an agent for around 3 months. She had the property on the market for $330,000 and her highest offer was $285,000. The agent had told her to take it but luckily she refused and came and saw me.


10. After following my advice she eventually sold her property for $355,000 in a depressed market. Saving her self a whopping $70,000. She is so grateful but it is so easy to achieve and you don’t need an agent. This is not an extreme example it happens all the time because moronic agents think they “know” the market and can get you a better price. Millions of dollars are lost every year around Australia from unskilled and untrained agents. Some of the best agents and trainers around the country are worried about the internet information age because they can see their industry is under threat and as consumers become more educated the real estate agents can see that they are becoming unnecessary and their fees unjustifiable. If you are going to market your property properly do not place a price on it but a range indicator for the first 3 - 4 weeks. I will explain this key factor later. You can take control of the sales process and make maximum profit and enjoy the sale of your home because you know the truth immediately directly from the market. The agent will seldom tell you the truth. If the agent gets you an offer they will usually tell you a price below the offer in order to get you to drop your expectations and work you down so you will accept the low offer initially given to you. Selling yourself will give you instant feedback and it just is not that hard. Nearly anyone can do this. If you cant there are ways of paying someone to negotiate for you without paying thousands.



“ Why do agents get paid so much? “

I`m glad you asked. Well, it dates back many decades when an average house would cost around $20,000 and the agent would be paid a fair fee of around 5% for the first $18,000 and then 2.5% of the remaining sale price. However, prices in real estate in Australia exploded over the following years and agents fees just keep getting bigger and bigger. Now an average home is worth around $550,000 and the agent gets paid a whopping $15,000 for one sale. If it’s a million dollar sale the fee is around $30,000. It`s just inconceivable that an unqualified person can get paid so much for doing so little. The average wage earner has been lucky to be granted CPI increases in their salary over the years but along with property prices agents have been receiving a motza return for no extra work. How would you like to be paid $30,000 for a weeks work? Well you can if you sell your own house and do it well. I will provide for you in the next chapter the system you can use to achieve a maximum return on your investment without paying any commission at all. You can do as little or as much as you want to facilitate the sale. Either way, you pay no commission.



“ Times have changed “

“ Can I do this myself and make real cash? ”

Yes you can and it`s so easy. I have been doing this for 16 years and can give you a system that is proven and works every time in any market. Selling real estate is not, as one sales person once said, “ brain science ”, I think they meant “rocket science.” Bless them. Anyway, most agents will tell you they have systems and ideas that are complicated and that you need their exclusive skills. What a load of rubbish. Below is the basic sequence you need to follow in order to get the best possible sale in any market. 1. Make the decision to sell and commit to it.

I am shocked as an agent by the number of non-committed sellers there are out there in the market place. Selling requires commitment and resolve to follow the process through or you will not achieve a good result. Ask yourself do you want to sell and why? Where will you go? Do I have to sell and when? These might seam like simple questions but my experience tells me many people don’t think it through. It requires planning and timing and a positive attitude and a belief that the right result will be achieved. Understand that it takes normally around 8 weeks of your time to sell your property. You have to keep your house ready and clean for inspections. It can be a bit of a hassle but it is worth it when you think about the money you will save.



2. Do your research.

You probably have been thinking about this for a while so you have a rough idea what your property is worth, now really find out. Spend the next few weeks looking on realestate.com.au and searching for comparable properties on the market within the rough price range of your house. Attend open houses and ask what the local houses sold for in the area. Get recent sales data. Price finder or RP data sell reports on your suburb for a small fee and they will show you what has sold in the last 6 months. It must be recent data no more than 12 months old. The market is alive and moves each month. Look at the type, size, age and location of the houses that have sold and compare to yours. Most importantly look at what has been sold not the asking price because many properties on the market have been there for many months and have still not sold. Compare apples to apples. I know you have an attachment to your house but it probably is not the best house in the street be realistic. Buyers know the market be realistic they have done their research as well. Check out: http://www.onthehouse.com.au/ This site is great for comparable sales and data on your area. Remember don’t get confused with prices of properties sold and what is on the market. Sold prices are often much less than what the owners want. Just because your neighbour want $1million does not mean he will get it.



3. Work out a price range. This is key you can never be completely accurate on price. I have seen two identical houses in the same street sell for $30,000 difference for no reason. This is an emotional decision and I have seen logical buyers pay $100,000 more than they should have because they like the property. Emotion sells and you need to create the illusion of demand so buyers will pay more. You need a price range of $50,000 that your property is in, say $600 - $650,000. This is your pricing point. You might get more or less but this is within probable range. If you cant work it out yourself you can get three agents opinions and a registered valuation if you want to be more accurate. The valuation will cost around $350. I am not entirely convinced that this is worth it as ultimately the market will decide what a property is worth. If you place your house on the market at to high a price you will scare off potential buyers. To cheaply and you will rip yourself off and lose money. Based on this information you will have a good idea of where your property lies in the property pricing landscape. This is where it gets a bit controversial; I would not put a price on your property for the first 3 weeks and let the market dictate the price to you. You just don’t know what an emotional buyer will pay for your property. It could be $100,000 more than you think or less than you think, it works both ways.


15. 4. Prepare your property

This is vital. If your home is dirty, unkempt and has broken items lying around you have got to do the work and fix it. Nothing sabotages a sale more than a property that looks tired and unloved. It will cost you thousands in lost sales income if you ignore the basics. I have seen properties before and after a make over sell for $10`s of thousands more. If you don’t have the time to do it yourself get a handyman in and make it look good. It does not have to cost the earth. Just simple things like cutting the grass, mulch the garden, a few nice plants out the front, pressure clean the walls. First impressions count big time. Declutter and minimalise decorations, ornaments and furniture. Fix any broken lights, replace light bulbs that are out, remove all rubbish and clutter from in and around the house. Lubricate squeaky doors and windows. Ensure doors slide and open easily. Curtains and blinds open and close properly. Clean all grime off walls, windows, power points and skirting boards. Paint walls and ceilings if needed. Just go around your house and make a list of everything that needs to be done. If it`s broken fix it, replace it or clean it. You don’t have to go overboard but make it look at least superficially good. This will reap rewards for all your efforts. Have a working party and invite all your friends around with the promise of a B-B-Q and beer afterwards and you will be surprised how much you can get done in a day or two. Just use your common sense and get the job done. Then when you are ready go ahead and book the photographer. You will be proud of your efforts.



5. Get a professional photographer.

I am amazed at the level of poor photography on the Internet. This is so vital I cannot emphasise the importance of this aspect of marketing. If you do nothing else spend at least $200 on a top photographer. It will be the difference between getting a sale and no one showing up to inspect the property. I marketed a property recently that was struggling to sell with another agent after 6 months on the market with poor photos. I employed a top photographer for dusk shots and the property sold for $70,000 more than the highest offer with the other agent. Professional photos and marketing works. The aim of marketing is to present the property in it`s best light and get as many people through the doors as possible. This gives you the best chance of selling in any market. I would also recommend a slide show of the property with a professional voiceover at around $110 well worth the small fee. Example: http://youtu.be/c1Wchy6MkCE Because you are not paying agents commission you can invest a little more in sensational marketing and obtain the best result possible. If you have a particularly great property invest in a professional video for $755 and this gets huge attention and is being utilized today by all the top agents. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTHxDgNNy0g The aim here is to be professional and slick in your presentation and knock the competition out of the water. These ideas work and get your property out there and into the minds of the buyers who have top dollar to spend. Gone are the days of just putting an ad in the paper or Internet and hope for the best. Positive marketing works and gets a premium result.



“ The first 3 weeks are Vital ” You have done all the hard work, your property looks great and the photos, slideshow or video looks amazing. What’s next? Internet marketing is what will sell your property for a premium price. Realestate.com.au is by far and away the best site to be on and leaves the others in its wake. Realestate.com.au has over 7.3 million views per month. Every property and serious property buyer is on this site and looking at this site regularly. This is where you need dominance to have every chance of securing top dollar for your property. Not all ads on Real estate are equal. Watch the video and you will see why. http://sellingguide.realestate.com.au/?video=why-list-online The importance of the first 3 weeks is vital because the most hits occur when a property is fresh to the market. You need to impress the buyers and get them running in droves to your place. If you get this right you will get a sale at a premium price. Because you are saving on commission spend the money where it counts. When you think about it, spending a couple of thousand to get back a potential $20 – $30 – $50,000 + is it worth it? You bet. You can sell your property in a matter of weeks in any market if you get this one thing right.



“ Why it’s vital to market your home effectively “ • To the largest possible audience • To create a competitive buying environment • To achieve the highest possible price

Steps towards getting your property sold.

By using an effective marketing campaign, you’re able to help influence the result of the sale. Creating a competitive buying environment within the first crucial weeks to the largest possible audience is how you can achieve the highest possible selling price. Marketing is your point of difference. All feedback from buyers through marketing your property directly is presented straight to you, no tainted agent feedback, ensuring that you can keep open communication between you and potential buyers. You will confidently strive to achieve your price and openly communicate with all buyers who communicate directly with you with offers for your consideration. A superior result within the shortest time frame is the result of good marketing. It`s not hard, buyers will give you feedback. Just get them to give you a price and you will be surprised at the price range you will receive. I have seen property sell for $130,000 over the reserve price. Never let your expectations create a glass ceiling on price. Let the buyers decide. I recently sold a house in an outer suburb and there was plenty of sales data to suggest a sale price of around $850,000. I did not put a specific price on the property and I received offers right up to $980,000. This was such a revelation to me that an emotional buyer will purchase a property despite evidence that they might be paying too much.



“ Be Bold, take the price off ”

This is the hardest thing for many sellers to do. They have been conditioned to believe that Auctions don’t work or that they know the market and what someone will pay for their house. Things people have said: “All Auctions get passed in.” “It’s a fire sale.” “Auctions don’t work.” “People never buy at Auctions.” Seldom is heard an encouraging word. Fact: Average time a property spends on the market in the Sunshine Coast with a fixed price is around 120 days. Auction condition properties sell on average after only 45 days. Why? Auctions create interest. Buyers are curious. If buyers see a property that looks great and is exactly what they are looking for they will come and have a look and make you an offer. You encourage everyone to make an offer after an inspection and then you get a picture of what the market is prepared to pay. With realestate.com.au you still place a price range in the price search section, this gives buyers an idea of the pricing levels. The Auction process has 3 stages. Before, during and after auction. You have 3 bites of the same cherry. You don’t have that opportunity with a fixed price sale; you can only go down in price. Under auction conditions you can see the maximum price people will offer before, during and post auction. This is the best way to get a true market value on your place and if someone loves it they might pay more than you think.


20. I sold a house recently that the owners and I thought was worth around $620,000. Under auction conditions it sold for $675,000 a price we never thought possible. In order to get a premium sale you must remove your price ceiling and listen to the market. The first 3 weeks will tell you a close figure. It’s a bit like going shopping with my wife; she walks into a dress store, looks at the price and walks onto the next dress. I know she likes the dress but won’t even try it on because it`s too expensive. “There is no point in trying on a $500 dress, I wont pay that much” She says. Then one day we walked into a store that did not display it`s prices and she saw a stunning dress and immediately tried it on and loved it. She had to have it. It was $200 more than her budget but she bought it anyway. We always find the money for something we really want in life. Same with a house, once you take the price off it people will come and have a look. I had a buyer who told me his budget was $800,000 and he ended up spending $1.2 million. It’s the procedure that you go through in order to find out the best possible price. So many agents just take the first offer and ram it down your throat and expect you to take it. If you ask too much you will lose your market, too little and you lose money. Either way you miss the mark and a potentially good sale. In summary there are plenty of good reasons to go to Auction. 1. An unconditional sale Another crucial strength in favour of the auction system is the unconditional nature of the sale. It is highly likely with a private treaty sale that the buyer will impose conditions to suit themselves, such as finance, a satisfactory building and pest report or a longer settlement period.


21. Whilst these conditions may eventually sort themselves out, it slows the selling process down, puts the purchaser in control and it can result in frustrating time delays for the seller. With an auction, unconditional contracts are signed and exchanged immediately upon the fall of the hammer and a deposit is paid by the purchaser. There is no cooling off period & therefore no opportunity for a purchaser to withdraw their offer and interest. 2. Competition To create competition by fully promoting the property and allowing interested parties to compete (bid) against each other, a higher price (than the seller’s expectations) can often be achieved. Obviously, this generally cannot occur with private treaty. 3.Promotion With sellers normally marketing their properties for 4 – 6 weeks, they are able to inform a considerable number of potential purchasers that their property is available for sale. Advertising is an investment in ensuring you achieve maximum exposure for your property. 4. More selling opportunities An auction offers three opportunities to sell. Firstly, if a satisfactory offer is made prior to auction, a sale may be concluded. The greatest chance should present itself on auction day. If you do not achieve a result on auction day, you can use the feedback provided from the first two stages to launch into a marketing campaign post auction with a strategy of a realistic asking price. Auctions are not as expensive as you think, in fact only $440. The fact that you are not paying any agents commission means that you can spend your money wisely on promotion and marketing that really works and puts money in your pocket where it belongs.



Auctions are not just for expensive properties, I sold a block of land for $145,000 at Auction when the highest offer was only $135,000 prior to auction day. Auctions open up the playing field and allow a truly independent price to be reached without any hidden agendas or conditions. My experience is that 10% of properties sell prior to auction around 40 - 45% sell under the hammer and 30% 2 – 3 weeks after the auction making up around an 80% success rate within 6 weeks of listing your property. It is the quickest and most efficient way to sell any property. In the next chapter I will explain other approaches that can work if you don’t think auctions are for you.



“ Offers Over”

I like offers over a price, it drags in potential buyers because you are showing a lesser price and you are not scaring away purchasers who might not look at a certain price category. If someone has $600,000 to spend they will look at anything from $550 - $650,000. If after you have done your research and you decide your property is in the $500 - $600,000 bracket you place the advertising at offers over $555,000 and encourage people to offer as much as they can. This way you are not restricting your price ceiling. This is not as effective as auctioning a property but it does create some competition and opens up the pricing parameters. If you simply just want to put a price on it just pick the higher end of your price research bracket and give that a go for 2 weeks and see the response. If you don’t get any enquiry or very little enquiry and few inspections then you know you are placing an unrealistic price on your property. You must react to the market and drop the price till you see some good activity. Ask every person who comes through your property what he or she would pay for the place in today’s market. This gives you a good indication if you are on track. Don’t worry about bargain hunters they will try to throw you off but listen to the overall market feedback, not just one or two rogue offers. After 3 weeks on the market you will have an idea of what is going on. Keep looking at realestate.com.au and see what competition is out there because remember your enemy is a better cheaper house than yours for sale. Sign up for “alerts” on realestate.com.au as this will automatically send you email alerts of any new listings every day.



“ Open for inspection day ”

I think this is one of the most important times in the selling process because a well presented house will leave a great first impression. You only get one chance to make a first impression and it sticks in buyer’s minds. What is the one thing you can do to make the first second count? Think of something to place at the front door or make a nice path to lead people into your place. Landscaping? Have a good look at your place from the front looking back. I think open homes are key because you get a group though at the same time and it creates an environment of competition and desire for your property. People want what they think other people might desire. So many times I have taken an offer for a house and then another person makes an offer almost immediately. It is the power of demand. Also, having a 45 minute open time means that you can funnel all the prospective buyers together at a set time period when you can show your house in its best light. There is nothing worse than having to keep the house immaculate for numerous inspections each week; it is a far better to save your energy for more productive things. Now, this is show time, the big moment has arrived, the moment of truth. Is my place worth what I think it is? Don’t Panic. Be cool. Just let buyers roam around and don’t play the big agent game and talk it up with a nonsensical spiel, “ look here is the kitchen! ” People hate that and it is so obvious. You don’t have to say anything because if they like your place they will ask the questions. There is no need to push your property if a person does not even like it. You can tell if prospective buyers show some interest because they will linger around and make positive statements.


25. Don’t say anything unless it is helpful and the buyer asks for more information. If the buyer has children you could mention that the local school is great and only a kilometer walk over the hill or that the local supermarket and cafes are just down the road. Not everyone will like your house, don’t get offended or argue with them about some minor point, disconnect from the property. If you don’t think you can do this get a friend or family member to do the open house for you. If you don’t know anyone you can employ someone for a fee who can take the enquiry for you. Thank prospective buyers for coming when they leave. Make sure you ask them for a price they would pay because they have seen far more houses than you have and their feedback is valuable.



“ Negotiation Time “

You have fielded numerous offers that have been well below par and you are feeling a bit down. Don’t worry bargain hunters are always out there. You will learn quickly who is genuine and who is not. If someone is genuine in their offer you need to negotiate them up. Seldom does a buyer come in at their highest price to commence negotiation. Its usually an ambit claim; for example they have $450,000 but commence @ $390,000 and try it on. Hold your ground at first; if you want $450,000 remain at this price and just smile at there first offer without any real reaction. Look perplexed at the low offer. Say nothing, less is more. This disarms people, as they want you to collapse. It’s a standoff, don’t be the first person to back down. Stand firm. Put on your best poker face. 9 out of 10 times they will go up in price. If they don’t immediately increase their offer then tell them you will need more if they have any hope of a purchase. If they still don’t come up in price say you need some time to digest their low offer and you will get back to them. The trick here is to do that even if it is a good offer that you might accept. See if they will come up, I have gotten buyers up $10,000 over asking price this way. Most agents will just take it and never ask for more. Think about your last purchase would you have paid another $5,000 if you were pushed? This can be a bit challenging but worth it. The golfer knows that you have to putt the ball past the hole in order to get it in. Just push a little to see what they will pay. If they do not get back to you after a while, then call them back and accept the offer. You wont lose them if you call back the same day. Have some patience.


27. Point out the features of your place and tell them that the replacement cost would be far more. Tell them that the property is worth every cent. If other properties have sold recently in the area that are more expensive than yours but don’t look as great print off a report and show them. I can provide sales reports for you to give to purchasers. This is another reason why I think Auction is a great way to sell because a qualified auctioneer is also a great negotiator and puts the pressure on the buyer to commit unconditionally. Your sale is secured quickly and all contracts signed, sealed and delivered on the day. You will be surprised how easy it is to secure a good sale at a premium price. If you think you cant negotiate a deal then I would be more than happy to do so for a small fee and also tend to documentation and contracts.




You now have a choice to sell yourself or spend tens of thousands on an agent. In summary here are the important things in a nutshell:

1. Decide you want to sell and commit to the process. 2. Count the cost and what you will save if you do it yourself. 3. Create a timeline start to finish 4. Engage a professional for what you can`t do yourself. 5. Work out what is best for you 6. Visit soldfast.com.au 7. Email me [email protected] if you need to know more.

I wish you all the best with your dreams and goals and if I have helped you please let me know. If you have any comments email me. Best of luck!

