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Real World Analytics with Solr Cloud and Spark

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Real-World Analytics with Solr Cloud and Spark Solving Analytic Problems for Billions of Records Within Seconds Vancouver, May 2016 | Johannes Weigend | QAware GmbH Johannes Weigend Apache Big Data North America 2016 May 2016
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Real-World Analytics with Solr Cloud and SparkSolving Analytic Problems for Billions of Records Within Seconds

Vancouver, May 2016 | Johannes Weigend | QAware GmbH

Johannes Weigend Apache Big Data North America 2016 May 2016

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Any Question? Ask or Twitter with the Hashtag #cloudnativenerd

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

The Problem We Want to Solve

■Interactive applications with runtimes lower than a second!

■Processing of billions of records (>109 rows / records)■Continuously import data (near realtime)■Applications on top of the Reactive Manifesto

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Horizontal Scalability can be difficult!

■Horizontal Scalability of functions■Trivial ■Loadbalancing of (stateless) services (makro- / microservices)

■More users ! more machines ■Not trivial ■More machines ! faster response times

■Horizontal Scalability of data■Trivial ■Linear distribution of data on multiple machines

■More machines ! more data ■Not trivial ■Constant response times with growing datasets

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Hadoop Gives Answers for Horizontal Scalability of Data and Functions

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

The Processing of Distributed Data can be Quite Slow!


Data Flow

Read Read Read

Filter Filter Filter

Map Map Map


foreach() -> Minutes / Hours


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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

With Former Indexing and Searching, Less Data has to be Read and Filtered.



Search Search Search

Map Map Map


Data FlowFilter Filterforeach()

-> Seconds/Minutes

Search / NoSQL

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SparkSearch Search Search

Map Map Map


Distributed Data

Cluster Processing

Business Layer


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1. Solr Cloud for Analytics


Search Search Search

Map Map Map


Data FlowFilter Filter

Search / NoSQL

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

■Document based NoSQL database with outstanding search capabilities■A document is a collection of fields (string, number, date, …)■Single und multiple fields (fields can be arrays)■Nested documents■Static und dynamic scheme■Powerful query language (Lucene)

■Horizontal scalable with Solr Cloud ■Distributed data in separate shards ■Resilience by the combination of zookeeper and replication

■Powerful aggregations (aka facets) ■Stable —> V 6.0



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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH


The Architecture of Solr Cloud

Solr Server


Solr ServerSolr Server


Zookeeper Zookeeper Zookeeper Cluster

Solr Cloud


Scale Out


Replika8 Replika9

Shard5Shard4 Shard6 Shard8Shard7 Shard9

Replika2 Replika3 Replika5




Replica4 Replica7 Replika1 Shard6

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Solr Stores Everything in a Single „Table“ (BigTable). Searching is Extremely Fast and Powerful.*

Customer Order

*1Name Amount

Address Product

Type ID Name Address Amount Product K2BCustomer 1 K 1 A 1 - - [3,5]Customer 2 K 2 A 2 - - [4]

Order 3 - - Z 1 P 1 [1]Order 4 - - Z 2 P 2 [2]





(*) With 100 million documents per shard, runtimes of queries and aggregations are normally less then 100ms

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

A Solr Cloud can be Started in Seconds.

■ Create a scheme by reusing an existing set of solr config files■ There are examples in the installation directory $SOLR_HOME/server/solr/configsets which can be

copied and modified

■ Start solr■ When the wizzard asks for a collection name use „bigdata2016“ (see above)

■Make a first test

cp $SOLR_HOME/server/solr/configset/basic_configs \ $SOLR_HOME/server/solr/configsets/bigdata2016

$SOLR_HOME/bin/solr start –e cloud

curl localhost:8983/solr/jax2016/query?q=*:*

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

With the Solr Cloud Collection API, Shards can be Created, Changed or Deleted.

■ Create a collection

■ Delete a collection <<SOLR URL>>/solr/admin/collections?action=DELETE& name=<<name of collection>>

<<SOLR URL>>/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE& name=<<name of collection>>& numShards=16& replicationFactor=2& maxShardsPerNode=8& collection.configName= <<name of uploaded zookeeper configuration>>


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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Zookeeper has to be Started First and the Solr Configuration must be Uploaded to Use a Solr Cloud.

1.Start zookeeper on 2n+1 nodes (odd number)

2.Upload the solr configuration into zookeeper

3.Start solr on n-nodes connected to the zookeeper cluster

4.Create a collection with a number of shards and replicas

$SOLR_HOME/bin/solr start –c -z,,

$SOLR_HOME/server/scripts/cloud-scripts$ ./zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost,, -confname ekgdata -solrhome /opt/solr/server/solr -confdir /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/ekgdata_configs/conf

$ZOO_HOME/bin/zkServer.sh start

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Example: Solr Cloud for Analytics of Insurance Data

■ Insurance sample data with the following fields

Education IncomeGender


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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Solr Supports JSON Queries per HTTP Post

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Term Facets Group and Count a Single Field.


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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Function Facets Aggregate Fields.



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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Pivot Facets Compose Facets into Hierarchies.


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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Solr 6 Supports SQL

■ Solr 6 supports distributed SQL■ The JDBC Driver is part of the solrj client library

■ A collection is currently mapped as single table. ■ Collection -> Table■ SolrDocument -> Row■ Field -> Column

■ The Solr 6.0 is limited, but more functionality is expected in upcoming versions■ No database metadata, no prepared statements, no mapping to tables per type field

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH


■The number of replicas per shard is configurable (replication factor)■This number corresponds with the number of nodes which can silently

fail■Zookeeper is the single source of failure, but can also be failsafe by

running multiple instances■Solr knows all zookeeper instances and can silently switch over to the

next available leader if last connected zookeeper crashes

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

You Got Everything What You Need! – Or Not?

■Client side processing of solr documents does not scale■No possibility to run parallel business logic inside solr■The solr index is not a general purpose store for huge data■Images■Videos■Binaries / large text documents

■No Interface to machine learning or typical statistics libraries (R) ...


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SparkDistributed In-Memory Computing

mit Apache Spark


Search Search Search

Map Map Map


Data flowFilter Filter

Search / NoSQL

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

■Distributed computing (100x faster than Hadoop (M/R)■Distributed Map/Reduce on distributed data can be done in-memory ■Written in Scala (JVM)■Java/Scala/Python APIs■Processes data from distributed and non-distributed sources■ Textfiles (accessible from all nodes)■Hadoop File System (HDFS)■Databases (JDBC)■ Solr per Lucidworks API■ ...


READ THIS: https://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~matei/papers/2012/nsdi_spark.pdf

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH









Master / Yarn / MesosJVM














Master Host

Spark Context


Resilient Distributed

Dataset RDD

Driver Node


Driver Application








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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

A Very First Spark Application

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Spark Pattern 1: Distributed Task with Params

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Spark Pattern 2: Distributed Read from External Sources

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Spark Pattern 3: Caching and Further Processing with RDDs

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SparkPutting all together

Solr & Spark in Action


Search Search Search

Map Map Map


DatenflussFilter Filter

Search / NoSQL

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

How to implement readFromShard()?

■ Several possibilities for that:■ SolrJ: SolrStream■ /export Handler kann Massendaten aus SOLR streamen■ Unterstützt nur JSON Export (Kein Binary Format !)

■ Or: SolrJ cursor marks■ Or: Custom export handler


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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

LucidWorks has released a Spark/Solr Integration Library.https://github.com/lucidworks/spark-solr

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Lucidworks Solr-Spark Adapter V 2.1

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Logfile Analytics with Solr and Spark

■Histogram of all exception from hosts A,B,C during time interval D■Step 1: Search with Solr■Solr Query (q=*Exception AND (server: A OR server:B OR server:C) AND timestamp

between [1.1.2015, 31.12.2015]

■Step 2: Create a map with key = << exception name >>, value = count■Group with Spark

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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

Specifications – Intel NUC6i5SYK


6th generation Intel® Core™ i5-6260U processor with Intel® Iris™ graphics (1.9 GHz up to 2.8 GHz Turbo, Dual Core, 4 MB Cache, 15W TDP)


32 GB Dual-channel DDR4 SODIMMs 1.2V, 2133 MHz


256 GB Samsung M.2 internal SSDDISK

! This case is as powerful like four notebooks

8 Cores, 16 HT Units, 128 GB RAM, 1 TB DiskTotal

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Technical Cluster Architecture


Ubuntu Linux

Solr Cloud

Zookeeper #1



Master JVM Slave JVM

Executor JVM #1

Ubuntu Linux

Solr Cloud

Zookeeper #2



Master JVM #2 Slave JVM #2

Executor JVM #2

Ubuntu Linux

Solr Cloud

Spark Master JVM #4 Slave JVM #4

Executor JVM #4

Ubuntu Linux

Solr Cloud

Zookeeper #3


Master JVM #3 Slave JVM #3

Executor JVM #3

s1 s2 s3 s4

s5 s6 s7 s8

s13 s14 s15 s16

s9 s10 s11 s12




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Apache Big Data North America | Vancouver | 05.05.2016 | Johannes Weigend | © QAware GmbH

You can even run Solr Cloud and Spark on Odroid 4 70$ ARM Computers

■ 8 Cores ■ ca. 1/10 CPU performance in comparison to the Intel NUC 6 / Core i5

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SPARK WorkerSOLR 5.3

Odroid XU4 2 GB RAM 64 GB eMMC Disk Ubuntu Linux 70$

SPARK WorkerSOLR 5.3

SPARK WorkerSOLR 5.3

SPARK WorkerSOLR 5.3

SPARK Master

SOLR 5.3SPARK Worker


40 Cores 10 GB RAM 320 GB eMMC Disk

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■Solr Cloud and Spark are a powerful combination for interactive analytics and data intense applications■Writing distributed software stays hard. Only distribute if you have to.■100% Open Source■A simple integration of Solr and Spark is easy. For high performance

applications things could be more complicated.■If professional product support is needed, customers can switch to

Lucidworks Fusion to get a pre integrated and supported Solr/Spark platform

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