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Reality contact #10

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EXCLUSIVE: THE M14-EBR Edition #10 2 COMICS! FOX ONE! Flying in real life and more! HAVE A GOOD 2012! NORMANDY Storming the beach
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Edition #10


FOX ONE!Flying in real life

and more!



NORMANDYStorming the beach

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EditorialEveryone gets that urge once in a while. That tingling sense

they can do better. Usually it means to much effort to learn the code or editor and do whatever you want to do, and even afterwards it’s highly unlikely for it to be added to PR. Here are some examples of the efforts of people that have taken the time to make those tiny changes, some of which might just be added

I’ve done a bit of modding myself, just small things though. Small tweaks like blood splatters instead of the mummy-dust and of course putting proper damage states on helis, so that it’s practically impossible to completely incinerate it, but hitting it once or twice will make it exceedingly difficult to handle, sometimes impossible if the engine has been hit.

I personally urge anyone who hasn’t tried editing to have a go. Delve into the files with notepad, have a look at the tutorials in the community modding section and make a model or even go the whole hog and make a map! The likes of Mosquill and Chuc have proven that there’s still a bit left to explore and exploit in the BF2 engine, and you can’t find anything without looking! Good luck gents, cya in the field.


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Merkava MK4 by Rincewind, 20.6 tris, 10 hours work so far.

F-14 Tomcat by Clivewill, finished. Clive makes a lot of mini-addons for BF2, from the A-7 corsair to the Desert Eagle. Some of his work can be found on the BFeditor forums.

M-14 EBR, started by KP and being finished by Adriaan. More info on this later in the issue

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vvTable of Contents:

The M-14 EBR 4The M14 is a 7.62 old school beast designed in 1954, and was used as a Designated Marksman Rifle(DMR) in the vietnam war.



Back in Business BITCHES 8As you all know, I’ve been working on a map now for quite some time.

Project OVERLORD! 9It really is one of those PR gems where you’re just screaming in your microphone like you’re possessed.

FOX ONE! FOX ONE! 11Project Reality. It’s my dream modification, not only because it realistically depicts the British Armed Forces, but it upgrades a vital part of BF2. Flying.

Iron Ravenclaw 13It is quite ironic really. When you should be online and help out with things you can’t.

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Reality Contact Exclusive!

The M-14 EBR

Right, that’s the history lesson over. Dip the rifle in a pot of awesome sauce and you get the Enhanced Battle Rifle (EBR) variant. With attachment rails top and bottom it’s ready for even the most tacticool citizen, standing on his porch with his perfectly trimmed battle-beard. Luckily for us this 5.1 kg rifle (not that the weight matters, it’s not as if it’s going to make the mouse heavier, that’s a bit too realistic) has served in the Iraq war, and is currently in service with the US army in Afghanistan, once again fulfilling it’s designated marksman role.

[R-MOD]KP first started modelling this for PR in late 2009, but being a low priority asset work was slow and in the beginning of 2011 [R-DEV]Adriaan took up the reins. Adriaan has been modelling for just under 2 years now, learning with tutorials such as the 3DS max Glock and Beretta 9000. He’s modelled a few bits and pieces in the past for PR, such as the PLA’s QBZ-92-5.8 service pistol. The M14 is almost finished at the moment, with UV modelling to do after that, which is basically turning the model into a flatpack so that a texture artist can work with it. After that is the importing, which will be done by someone else. This consists of actually turning the model into a PR weapon, with ballistic code and sounds, as well as other things.

The M-14 will be a potent weapon on the PR battlefield, fitted with an ACOG 4x scope (with the option of ironsights of course) and will use the 7.62x54 caliber, not to be confused with the AK-47’s 7.62x39, which is just a 5.56 after a heavy lunch. The EBR’s round is the same as the MEC’s G3 series, which we all know is a royal pain in the arse. The combination of this with the 4x scope and select fire capability will basically turn it into a beefed up LSW, the brit marksman rifle (and my personal favourite).

Thanks to the work of two great members of the community, as well as a few more to come, we will be able to annoy people in ever more terrifying ways, such as knowing there are Taliban in a Kokan compound and repeatedly putting rounds through the front door so they can’t come out, whilst watching your squadmate casually swagger up to a window, grenade in hand. Not that I’ve done that or anything, that would be cruel! Was good fun too. . .

Cya in the field lads.

The M14 is a 7.62 old school beast designed in 1954, and was used as a Designated Marksman Rifle(DMR) in the vietnam war.

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r HOBBNOBHobbnob is head of RC, he usually plays transport roles..

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by: WH33LMAN

Jack of all trades, master of none

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PROJECT REALITY NEWSProject Normandy, a remake of PR, for ww2More specifically the invation of normandy on D Day. U can play either as US army invading the beaches, or german wehrmacht holding their ground one bullet at a time. Afterdune the seemingly sole maker of this project using old models and statics made by old mods in battlefield 2 has pulled it off. The USF event and the NEW server has seen alot of activity the latest days, it seems the war of the present is not enough for us PR gamers, as we go retro in 1944 France. The weapons are old and the enemies are now friends, but that doesnt stop us to shot the shit out of em. Thank you Afterdune for this work!

sisu.kompassi.comThe 128 server kicked back up after some time in silence. No word has gotten out if this way of playing PR ever will be released, or if any work is being made on it. But it sure is fun! The ability to have more than 6 people in your squad means all your friends can join, and you dont have to worry about having too many casualties, as your unit can still fall back or give away a kick or two, if you lose two men.

Arma 2 1.60The PR Arma 2 BETA has started becoming more popular as the Bohemia Interactive Studio released a small patch to fix the lag issues caused by what seems to be a bad net code. And now the once unpopular server crashes and game ping times is a thing of the past. Lets hope more people join the servers for a great time with this new addition to the mod. Tacticalgamer has truly made a remarkable presence on the server, and in true TG spirit hosted events and adminned the server well. We hope other servers learn from this, so PR arma 2 becomes more popular.

Map packThe NEW and TG communeties were lucky to be able to test out the new mappack early in december late november. The following new maps will be included in PR: Vadso City, Assault on Mestia, Operation Marlin, Pavlovsk Bay, Tad Sae, Black Gold and Operation Ghost Train. Some old and some new, PR will keep growing and hopefully more maps will come, but this is a great relief to those of us who has spent many hours on the current maps.

PRSRCPProject Reality Server Restart Control Panel. Thats right, its a really long name. Semtex has recently been working on a Restart program for servers in PR, and has succesfully released a working BETA. It is currently being used on the PRTA servers in germany and has thus ran very smoothly. This program is free, and can be downloaded if you have access to the private PRBF2 Admin forums. If you dont have access, check out this website: http://srcp.hwnd.eu/

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As you all know, I’ve been working on a map now for quite some time. The Karez Offensive was intented to be a map for the Norwegian Forces in PR.

But it has been so much more to me. Progress has been very jumpy, from insane work outs lasting many hours, to a few minutes every day. However I am pleased to say that I am starting to get really close to finishing my map.

From the frustrating application errors, the failures to load, to the insane mind blowing bluescreens that fill a mapper’s day. I have been able to create a map that to my opinion, as any father says, is great! It takes a bit of failure to create progress, and this map is a very good example. This is the third computer I’ve used to map it, the others gave up as life took it’s path down to the computer graveyard.

I have recently lightmapped all my objects in medium lightmaps. Which was a pain in the ass, after doing it wrong three times, here is the final attempt. That took 3 hours me thinks


After this has been done, I load the map together using the awesome Rhino-made 7zip based program and then I replace some lines here and there in the server.zip and load it up on my computer. Voila it works!

Although there still are some minor details missing. I am close to completing it!

Back in Business BITCHESW

riter WICCA

Is head of PRTA. Some people call him crazy

Map specs:Size: 4kmVD: 1.5 kmFactions: Mec VS USMC(Placeholder for NORFOR)

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More and more

That is my side of the story but I also exchanged a few words with the man who made it himself. He would like to point out everyone who helped in the making of this add-on and they shall be given credit at the end of the article. Starting work on it, it was planed to show some soldiers and some vehicles but as he was making it new ideas were born and there was always another thing that would be nice to have, then it became a full grown add-on. He has no regrets whatsoever though, as it turned out better than expected. The project had its ups and downs, annoying bugs not wanting to go away. But he never felt like quitting. He took occasional breaks because as he put it: All work and no play makes AD a dull boy. It makes him happy that people love it so much and he will strive towards creating a better experience in the future. For now there is no plan to incorporate Project Normandy into PR.

All in all it is a gobsmackingly good experience and really fun to play.

Credits: EOD, XWW2, IDF:FFI, Battlegroup Frontlines, BF Korea, [R-DEV]Adriaan, [R-DEV]Spush, [R-COM]BloodyDeed, [USF]uss-finest and all others who have helped testing the addon over the last few months.

Note from the editor: Due to the holidays we didnt had enough time to go over everything. We hope you can forgive us if theres an error in this article :)



SHAVEDALPACAA guest writer in Reality Contact

When the suggestion for a community made World War II add-on for PR first popped up on the forums it was accepted with mixed opinions. There were quite a bit of naysayers, mostly saying that the community does not have the will power to make it, we already have FH2, heck even [R-DEV]Rhino said there isn?t much chance of success. The thread developed further and the WW2 add-on was to be set on the eastern front. Then there was a mention of the pacific theatre and then, like a bolt from the blue, AfterDune posted this: Project Normandy, It’s going to be an event. More info later. And a link to the main theme of Medal Of Honor : Allied Assault.

AfterDune has taken it upon himself to bring this immensely fun add-on to life. What a great chap. After about 4 months of teasing on his youtube channel we started seeing a Project Normandy Closed Beta Server in the server list. Everybody was getting more anxious as weeks past. At the end of November we finally got the first release.


The first few days were spent ironing out the bugs that caused server crashes and ironed out they were. Now we can enjoy a stable version. Keep in mind it is not yet the final version and more is yet to come. And now everyone is probably going to the forums, starting new threads: When is the new version coming out?!?!?

There is no set date for now but you do get a little treat, there will be a new bazooka in it. Other plans for the future include more maps and tanks. The current map (Operation Overlord) will get a skirmish layer at some point in time.

For those of you who are yet to play it, here is a quick summary of what you feel when you?re storming the beach: Fear. Pure absolute fear. Project Normandy is a unique D-day experience that I have not encountered before. It requires that everybody on your team works together, popping smokes and giving covering fire. And even then success is not ensured.

When you finally overwhelm the German defences and the fight moves to the innards of the map, the lack of optics comes into play. Combat is much more brutal and fought at a much closer range than in regular PR. You will find yourself moving fast from location to location and then clear your objective like a swat team. Flanking is much more prevalent because you are harder to spot without the binoculars and getting behind an enemy squad and raping them in their tush is more common than modern PR. It also came as a surprise to me that the real tactic used in WW2, to use the MG42 as the main weapon in a squad and the riflemen just as a supporting element for it, actually works best for the Wermacht in game.

It really is one of those PR gems where you’re just screaming in your microphone like you’re possessed.

Project OVERLORD!Project Normandy?

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I have always loved flying. It all started when I discovered what a PPL was. I knew my dad had one, but I didn’t really know how to get it.

For those of you that don’t know, a PPL, or Private Pilot’s License, is a qualification that allows you to fly light aircraft for pleasure.

I am currently studying for my very own PPL, but the prices for a flying lesson are rather expensive. I am part of the Air Cadets, where I often get free flying experiences, such as gliding and aerobatics.


I bet you are now wondering ‘why is this in reality contact? It’s got nothing to do with PR!’. It is just an off-topic part of Reality Contact, so those of you interested in flying can read about it.

So, a PPL. What does it consist of? Well, you need a minimum of 35 flying hours to get a PPL. Most people need more than this, but 35 is the bare minimum (please note this is based upon the current full UK PPL syllabus). You also need to complete 7 written exams, which cover every aspect of flying.

Interesting stuff!

Anyway. Onto the interesting stuff! Flying is very fun. You can get the best simulator in the world, but nothing is quite the same as real life. A loop-the-loop, for example, creates a feeling that your face is melting. It pulls around 4.5G, which makes you feel 4.5 times your usual weight. Flying creates a ‘dreamy’ feeling. You don’t actually realise that your own life is in your hands. If you push forward too much on the stick, you crash.

PR Flying

Project reality models flying pretty well, in my opinion. The actual flight dynamics are nothing like real life, but that is more a limitation of the BF2 engine. It does, however, show how valuable aircraft really are. You crash a Huey, and it takes at least 20 minutes to respawn. That is a very long time in a normal PR round.

The plane that we use for aerobatics in the Air Cadets is a Grob 115 Tutor. It is only a light aircraft, yet it costs nearly 0.5 Million GBP. If you crash a Eurofighter Typhoon, you will instantly lose around 125 Million Pounds...

If you want to find out more about flying, and how to fly better in PR, come back next time for more!

Project Reality. It’s my dream modification, not only because it realistically depicts the British Armed Forces, but it upgrades a vital part of BF2. Flying.

“A feeling that your face is melting.”



DECLANA guest writer in Reality Contact

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by: WH33LMAN

Jack of all trades, master of none

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my time observing the map and looking at Skobixus squad doing small hit and runs at Radar Station, as well as the GDW squad messing around outside the MEC main obviously mining and ambushing their supplies as much as possible. If I do recall correctly it was them that brought us the good news. One Havoc down.

A new plan

A plan was quite quickly formed. We were about to attack Radar Station from South, where Skobs squad had already set up. The objective my tanks held was to get up to Skob and support his squad as they moved closer. We were just about to roll out when we remembered the remaining Havoc. It was quite a reminder as one of our tanks got blown to smithereens. The guys did have some luck though. They respawned and found another tank that they started bringing up to the front.

As the plan was set back for a few minutes we silently waited. The Havoc had gone back to base after some pounding from our Apache. We were at least safe for the time being. When the third tank rolled up to us we decided to move. Two tanks moving across the mountains south east of Bijar would cover mine and Opans tank going through the city. As we rolled out, obviously feeling like bawses, Opan told me calmly; “Look at the helicopters dogfighting to our west.”

I looked around and there they were. The last two remaining CAS helicopters blasting tracers at eachother. I watched as the Havoc

neatly came down to a level where I could shoot at it. It did however move a bit too quickly sideways for my liking and I simply tried to keep it within my sights as much as I could.

Our Apache had gotten it smoking though, and I realised that I could shoot it down with my pewpew tracer-laser gun. The Havoc seemingly realised this as well. It turned towards me aligning itself to fire a good bunch of rockets at us. As it turned it got a load of my CHARGED LAZORS into the cockpit. The pilot was quite presumably dead as the whole thing started graciously sailing through the air before it spit out a few flames from the exhausts and blew up. The wreck proceeded like a swan through the air aimed at us. It landed neatly right next to us, robbed of its last attempt to destroy us.

With a joint cheer in from the SL comms as well as our teams chat we proceeded, overtly confident, towards the Radar Station. At first we pulled off the road and went east. It turned out we couldn’t get up those hills and go north from there. We turned back.

New approach

We went up the road and then went off it to the east yet a gain. We had to turn back again. I have to admit it was at this time I realised that we weren’t doing that well. When we finally got back on the road and went rolling down we got reports of a tank to our east. I told one of my tanks to keep a lookout for it and proceeded with my tank

further north. Apparently I had forgot to push my speech button, something I realised when one of my tanks was blown to bits. Turning I around I found the hostile scrap of metal and sent an ATGM into its ass. The crew survived but the thread was no more, I thought.

I turned my gun around to see a lonely MEC soldier brandishing a tube over his shoulder. I could see the whisps of smoke trailing my death. Then it all went black. A second later our last tank got shot by another HAT from a different angle. In short, we had been raped really hard by big phallic objects aimed at our asses. It was not the most pleasant thing to experience.

We respawned South of Bijar and were told to hang around in AA and a TOW as we feared a counterattack. At this point we got quite bored. The most interesting thing that happened was that I lost connection to the server. Then I lost connection to Mumble. Then to Teamspeak. After I was reconnected I re-joined and re-spawned at the same place.

Blaming the whole thing on a big storm that was passing by I continued with my boredom. After a while I was so bored I walked 600m with Opan to fetch a supply truck. We took care of it and went rolling back to base in hopes of finding some tanks or something fun. I did have some fun racing a Namer back to base. It was really close to overtaking me, but I managed to drop two crates right into him causing him to stop. Victory over the Namer gripped me with a great happiness and I was about to turn into the mainbase when I suddenly

Yesterday my clan, 3rd Armored Cavalry, had a scrim against the Golden Camel Alliance. It was our first big 32v32 scrim and we were all really excited. I was quite looking forward to planning the whole thing and get shit going. Of course my boss decided this would be a grand week to work a shift from 10 to 22. Every. Bloody. Day.

The time I had on my hands to actually look up on things was severely limited as I had to travel one hour in each direction to get to and home from work. Last night I then turned up two hours before the battle knowing nothing at all. I didn’t know the plan. I didn’t know who would be fighting. I didn’t know what my role would be.


I jumped onto TS to check up on things with Curry. He briefed me on the plan. A plan that he had made roughly one hour beforehand or something. It was thus not the most detailed plan, something I personally quite like. After hearing him out I went AFK for an hour. During this time I took a nap and read a bit of Harry Potter (re-reading them all). I got back in time to get hollered at by Curry and told to set up my whispers.

By now it was clear to me that we had some people from NEW and GDW along with us to boost our numbers. We got on the server. It was time to wing it.

The map was set. Iron Eagle.The flags were in play. A route

through Bijar towards the Radar station.

The timer counted down. My body was ready.

Yahweh watch over me.

So it began!

I quickly spawned and jumped into the nearest supply truck and set off along the road to the south of Bijar. After a while I dumped the truck behind a shed and listened for the comforting rumble that foretold the 65 tonnes of death that I would be running in.

I was in command of our tanks this time around and our orders were to overlook Bijar and fuck shit up. I sent one of the tanks to the eastern mountains while keeping two of them on the west side. As soon as we had gotten into position we saw a BMP unloading people just within viewdistance. Within seconds I had shot it with AP and another tank had shot it with an ATGM. It was quite dead. This followed by HEAT shells into the infantry by the third tank.

Since we had most of our team surrounding Bijar we were quite perplexed by the absence of MEC forces in the area. We were expecting them to bring out most of their forces to Bijar and have

a go at capturing it. Instead we moved down our infantry and they started capturing West Bijar. As they proceeded to move in on East Bijar we actually spotted some MEC forces. it was a lonely transport helicopter moving in to drop off some troops. As much as we wished the infantry to have some fun as well, we couldn’t resist. One HEAT shell into the helicopter and it was a goner.

No contest

Having successfully neutralized both attempts by the enemy team to actually attack Bijar we felt quite safe. The plan was to wait for the CAS helicopters to come online and then, after gaining air superiority, attack Radar Station. Obedient little tankers we were we simply hung around looking for enemy movements. Once or twice we did spot some guys looking over the crest of a hill, promptly answering them with a few shells. Both teams CAS went online and we tensed up a bit. I ordered the tanks to move from more offensive positions to places that were more or less hidden to the enemy CAS. Now it was time for us to wait.

This was probably the second most boring part of the game. One of our CAS helicopters were shot down and our plans to attack were looking quite grim. This resulted in our CAS going defensive and flying around inside our AA coverage.

Meanwhile, we couldn’t see a bloody movement. I spent most of

It is quite ironic really. When you should be online and help out with things you can’t.

Iron RavenclawAAR:

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got disconnected yet again.


Silently raging I rejoined everything as quickly as I could. This time around my game crashed as I was loading in. I restarted it and rejoined. I spawned in. I recieved orders to attack Radar Station as Infantry. I began screaming orders. And I got disconnected from everything yet again. Figuring that something was up other than the storm I went and checked on the router/modem to see if everything was okay. It sure as hell was.

The next thing that popped into my head was my brother. I was damned sure that he was downloading something at this moment. I went into his room and sure enough. uTorrent was open on his screen downloading some game called Skyrim or whatever. Raging with the force of a thousand suns I turned it off and went to find my little brother. Find him I did. He just walked out of the bathroom stark naked after a shower. I presume he did not expect me to be there as he let out a small scream and jumped back into the bathroom. I couldn’t care less. I was focused on revenge

and I would claim it. I screamed at him quite loud for downloading huge amounts of porn and went into my room to rejoin the game.

As I had planned I could hear my mother going up the stairs to scream at my brother. She’s quite the feminist and has a strong belief that porn is taking advantage of young girls and whatnot. I sat back down with a smile on my lips as I heard her scream at him. Mission accomplished.

No more distractions

I wasn’t worried about the game itself at this point. If something was needed by my squad Opan would see too it. When I did get back I found that we were about to move out with a helicopter to build forward Forward Operations Base. Touching down in a big hole we grabbed our shovels and started building. With 6 shovels at the same time it went quite quickly to dig it up. We got our kits sorted and pumped ourselves up. It was time

to throw ourselves against a vastly superior force that had dug in with all sorts of HMGs, TOWs and even mortars trying to get us. We were pumped. We were ready. We got called back to Bijar.

Needless to say we were disappointed as we started walking back. Nothing interesting happened. I did see some rocks. And some sand that looked slightly like a pair of tits, but when I shook my head they were gone. When we got back to East Bijar we hung around a bit. It was clear that the enemy was nowhere in sight and we simply talked to AK and his squad for a while. Apparently they hadn’t seen a single enemy the entire round and blamed it on us. To be fair it was

most likely due to us blowing up everything heading towards Bijar in the beginning.

After some even more boring moments we simple walked around in Bijar aimlessly. I went and talked to Skob who was now stationed inside the Mosque. As I saw his beautiful face in the sunlight of the roof, something bigger gripped me. I went down on my knees and popped the question to him. Salvager offered to conduct the ceremony but Skob just laughed, and crushed my heart.

At this time however we got reports of helicopters inbound for Bijar. It was one of my guys up in the mountains, Piratehenk, that reported it. If we were bored it was nothing compared to him. He had been in those mountains for the past hour doing nothing. The first report was nothing of importance. Just a crate dropped, no infantry.

Waiting and waiting

We got told to wait for a helicopter as we were going to get our tanks back. We got to the designated LZ and waited for the helicopter to arrive. It was blown up.

A second helicopter took off instead. With a priority of getting crates up to our mortar position. Just as the pilot told us he was inbound, he got blown up.

Meanwhile we were getting restless at the LZ. There was talk about shooting eachother and respawning. Boxing matches were

just heartbeats away. Then we heard it. The faint thumping sound of a helicopter. It was clearly not ours

either. Henk reported as much and informed us that infantry had been dropped off in the city. With my mind set on redeeming our mistake with the tanks we set off trailing quite happily towards where the presumed LZ was for the MEC forces.

Then I saw it. A flutter of movement in the stairwell of a T-shape. With a bellowing roar (inside my head) I charged head on. Death flying in a cone of deviation from my body. I took two of them down in my initial hail of bullets. They spotted me and grenades were thrown at my body. But I had my shield of awesomeness up and they did little but tickle my skin. I responded by throwing them my apples, wrecking havoc and killing one as well as severely wounding another.

Under the cover of my squad I rushed inside their compound finishing the wounded man off. A FOB was standing there. A blight to our city. It was like a big red pimple in the face of our fellow Israeli Natalie Portman. It could not stand there. With a might howl we moved at it and squished it hard.


Quite satisfied with the fighting we returned to the LZ. This time around we were actually picked up by a helicopter and returned to base, only stopping to hunt down (albeit failing to) an ambusher.

Back at base we grabbed our beloved tanks yet again and set out with them. We moved cautiously north our nerves on the edge. Both of our CAS helicpters were down and the enemy had his CAS up

in the air. We could not afford to be spotted. Luck was on our side though and our infantry was the targets. We managed to proceed into the middle of the map and got told to hide the tanks.

Now we were waiting. Looking at the map one could see what we were waiting for. We had infantry disturbing the enemy to the north. We had infantry south of Radar Station pushing north. Our CO, Curry, was preparing an FOB dangerously close to Radar Station while awaiting an area attack to be called in.

Suddenly we had an unexpected report. The enemy Havoc had crashed by mistake. We were ordered on the move. We crept up just outside viewdistance of the Radar Station. The area attack was called in.

Attacking again

As the area attack was mercilessly pound the enemy positions we moved up. The attack ended and we had a perfect vantagepoint west of the station. We pounded everything in sight while our infantry moved up from the

south. We finally had people inside the cap radius and soon enough it was neutralized. Enemy infantry was moving in from the north, not really making any progress in-between coax and HEAT fire.

Reports started coming in. The cap was going our way but the enemy had a tank just outside our viewdistance. We could see the coax fire raining down on our troops

like rice on a married couple.We were not to worry though.

The cap was going our way. Sure enough the flag was in our hands just about a minute later. With a bleed in progress, I think, we figured we had this thing in a basket. I just wanted to try one more thing. I switched to ATGM and took a look at the tracer rounds flying from somewhere outside viewdistance. Estimating the rough area of where the tank supposedly was I fired. The shot seemingly took ages to move. Then we heard it hit something. A second later the round ended. Wether or not I actually hit the tank or not is something I cannot say. I just know I got at least one more kill on the scoreboard than I was supposed to have.

Ultimate Victory

The game was won and a cheer erupted on Mumble with everyone celebrating the victory. As for myself, I was quite pleased. My squad fucked up monumentally in our first attack and didn’t really do anything but waiting 90% of the time. Such is life. With a smile on my face I went downstairs to make a sandwhich and read some Harry Potter.


r AgemmanAgemman is a writer in RC, he is usually Wicca’s bitch...
