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Recipe cards analysis

Date post: 14-May-2015
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Recipe Cards
Page 1: Recipe cards analysis

Recipe Cards

Page 2: Recipe cards analysis

• The colour scheme chosen for this recipe is a solid green colour but it works well. It is a natural colour which matches the theme of vegetarians because they eat more natural foods such as fruit and vegetables rather than meat and this could make them believe the food is all natural ingredients.

• The photograph of the product is simple but well lit and bright. The colours are strong and clear which draw the viewers eye towards the different ingredients and details. The smaller photograph is a close up segment of the product which shows you the product more closely and the light casting off it reveals the details and makes it look ‘mouth watering’.

• The layout for the recipe card has been kept simple but still looking professional. It has clearly been split up into the different sections to enable you to easily follow it through and understand it. The writing has all been kept closely to the left of the card for the recipe whilst the image is on the right with a caption over the top, this makes it easy for the eye to follow the recipe straight down and now have to jump all over to find the next step.

• The writing style for the recipe has been kept simple and easy to understand. It holds basic vocabulary that most people understand and can follow to ensure that it is a quick and easy recipe that anyone can follow easily to create an outstanding final product.

Page 3: Recipe cards analysis

• The colour scheme for this recipe has been chosen well because the red matches the colours of the ingredients and final product and this ties the whole thing together nicely. The colours of red and white flow throughout the whole card in order to maintain consistency.

• The photography has again been kept simple but is well lit and bright. The lighting has been cast to lighten the whole image and reveal all of the finer details. On the close up image you can see the reflection of the light bouncing off the food which gives a succulent and juicy look to the mood which adds to the mouth watering feeling you get by looking at the image. The use of depth of field in the photography enables the full focus to be on the plate of foods whilst everything else in the image has a softer focus and blurs out of the image to not cause a distraction to the viewers eye.

• The layout for the card has been kept simple and easy to follow through. The recipe has been written in columns to ensure you can easily follow it down to the next step and then you go across the page to the steps on the right, this is assisted with the numbering of the steps which guides you from one step to the next easily.

• The writing style for this recipe card has been kept simple and uses basic vocabulary that most people are given to understand and know what it means.

Page 4: Recipe cards analysis

• The depth of field used in this photography is shallow and puts the focus on the food product, making everything else in the image less sharp and lose it’s focus. This makes it so that your attention is on the food and there is noting else that could cause a potential distraction.

• The font which has been used is a simple sans serif which makes it easy for your eye to travel straight through the text without any fancy parts of the writing distracting your eye and making you lose focus.

• I do not like the layout of this recipe card because it is slightly confusing to follow, the ingredients and method have been slip up into separate columns each and I think it would be easier to read through and guide the eye if they went straight down the page from top to bottom and made 2 columns, one for the method and one for the ingredients rather than splitting each into columns and filling the top half of the page with one and the bottom half with the other.

• The colour scheme is a constant shade of green all the way through, this maintains consistency throughout your product and keeps professionalism. The green for the banner and the text tie in with the photography because it is a similar shade of green to the herbs in the picture and also adds a natural feel to your imagery and recipe.

Page 5: Recipe cards analysis

• The photography on this recipe card gives a clear representation of how depth of field works because each glass loses focus and becomes less sharp the further back into the image you go. The well lit picture makes the colours brighter and this draws your eyes through the picture to the different elements and details.

• The layout of the recipe card has been kept simple. The ingredients are listed on the left-hand side and the method has been written on the right-hand side, this makes it easy for the viewer to understand and follow through with no complications because it has been set out nicely and simply to follow.

• The colour scheme of red, gold and purple matches the theme of a Christmas recipe because these are viewed as being traditional Christmas colours and so will add a festive feel to your recipe and help you get into the Christmas spirit,

Page 6: Recipe cards analysis

• The layout for this recipe card works well because it is easy for the human eye to read through it simply and quickly. The text has been split into columns and also colour coded to keep each section separate (e.g.: ingredients are orange) and so that you know which bit goes where, the headlines such as ‘step 1’ etc have also been made bold so that they stand out and you can easily see them.

• The use of the colour orange for writing the ingredients has worked well because it ties in with the imagery and the association people have that a korma is an orangey colour; which has been portrayed in the photograph. The red sub-titles have also tied in with the photograph because of the red ingredients in the food and also the recipe name is on a red background to make it stand out.

• The photograph is strong and well lit to ensure everything is visible and all finer details are noticeable and drawn out so that it catches the viewers eyes. The depth of field which has been used ensures the korma is in focus and is clear to see. Whilst it is a shallow depth of field which means that everything else loses focus and is not as sharp as the main focus, the rice is still in focus enough for you to see it and make out what it is and that is has peas blended in with it, allowing everything for the recipe and all the different parts to be seen. The lighting reflecting off the sauce adds dimension to the image because it stops it looking flat and also adds a juicy and luscious look to the food which makes your mouth water and makes it look nice to eat.

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• The photograph is the best feature of this recipe card in my opinion. It is bright, clear and well lit which catches your eye and makes you want to look at it. The brightness of the red and green shows the ripeness of the food and shows that it is fresh which adds to the effect of making you want to eat it. The depth of field places the camera focus on the right of the page where the bread is; with the garlic butter dripping out of it, this makes the rest of the image less sharp and clear to ensure nothing distracts the viewers eye or guides you away from the main feature. The lighting cast onto the image gives the cherries a glazed and ripe look to make them look fresh. It also draws out the details in the bread to make it also look fresh and ‘doughy’.

• The rest of the recipe card doesn’t look very inviting or interesting because at first glance it is just a big block of text with nothing to separate the different sections and split the different sections apart. Upon taking a closer look you can see it has been slightly split up because the ingredients list has been made bolder than the method and then there are numbers for the different steps. You could improve this recipe card by adding sub-titles such as ‘ingredients’ and ‘method’ to split the writing up and to make it easier for the eye to follow and know which bits are which. You could also add more colour to the text to make it eye catching and make people want to look at it.

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• Both of these recipe cards have similar layouts and the ways they have been set up. They both have their photographs at the tops of the cards which makes it the first thing when you see the card since the human eye reads top to bottom. In these photographs the photographers who took them have made use of the depth of field to ensure that the mood is the main focus and any other elements to the image have been blurred out and do not cause distractions.

• The layouts to each of these recipe cards is very similar. They both have the picture at the top with the recipe title overlaying on it and then have the recipe written underneath in a column with the same format of ingredients and then method along with the recipe title repeated again down the left hand side of the text.

• The fonts used on these recipes have been kept simple in order to maintain a quick and easy flow through the recipe when the human eye is reading it. Using a simple sans serif font means there are no creative or decorative parts to the writing which may take your eye away from the recipe.

• The overall look of these recipe cards is a professional one which attracts people to looking at them because they are neat and tidy. They have been kept simple to ensure all people will understand them and the photographs make the foods look delicious and healthy which will make people consider eating because it looks good.

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• This recipe card for children is set out in a simple manner which should be easy for them to follow and understand. It has been laid out so that each step has a drawing which accompanies it to give a visual representation of what they need to do and then the main photograph of the final product is in the centre; being surrounded by the steps.

• The colour scheme consists of the primary colours red, yellow and blue. This is effective because it matches with the colours in the photograph to maintain consistency but its useful in a recipe for children because they are colours they are easily going to recognize and understand.

• The writing has been kept to a minimum on this recipe to ensure it is easy for children to follow. The writing uses basic vocabulary and everything has been written as short, direct instructions that get straight to the point and tell you what you have to do without using an advanced vocabulary or explaining things in detail which children won’t understand.
