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Task 5-Presenting research What was the purpose of my research? The whole purpose of my research was to help me find my target audience for my product, this is an essential part of the production process for the recipe cards because firstly you need a target audience in mind to produce any product because it helps you design the product and also if you don’t aim it at the right target market it probably won’t be too successful and secondly another reason why we needed to do this was because the brief gave us no target market in mind really at all apart from telling us it was aimed at vegetarians. What we want to get out of it? At the end of it all I want at least 10 people to have answered my questionnaire, preferably more than 10 but I think 10 might just suffice as any less wouldn’t probably be that useful in helping me build an audience profile. I want all these answers to my questionnaire to be presented in a graph form and to build a very clear audience profile for my product. Methods used The methods I used to carry out my questionnaire was I wrote out a draft of my questionnaire first on word then when I was happy with all the questions I wrote out I then transferred them all over onto survey monkey and put in all the answers etc… I also considered printing the questions out and then handing them to people but as I was supposed to be looking for vegetarians I thought it might be a waste of a lot of time, even though now I wish that I had changed my methods and handed out printed out questionnaires especially as I work in restaurant I could of put them for customers to fill if they wished to. Beneath you can see what my questions for my research are: Are you male or female? How old are you? Are you a vegetarian? If you are a vegetarian then for what reason did you become a vegetarian? Do you enjoy eating vegetarian food?
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Task 5-Presenting research

What was the purpose of my research?

The whole purpose of my research was to help me find my target audience for my product, this is an essential part of the production process for the recipe cards because firstly you need a target audience in mind to produce any product because it helps you design the product and also if you don’t aim it at the right target market it probably won’t be too successful and secondly another reason why we needed to do this was because the brief gave us no target market in mind really at all apart from telling us it was aimed at vegetarians.

What we want to get out of it?

At the end of it all I want at least 10 people to have answered my questionnaire, preferably more than 10 but I think 10 might just suffice as any less wouldn’t probably be that useful in helping me build an audience profile. I want all these answers to my questionnaire to be presented in a graph form and to build a very clear audience profile for my product.

Methods used

The methods I used to carry out my questionnaire was I wrote out a draft of my questionnaire first on word then when I was happy with all the questions I wrote out I then transferred them all over onto survey monkey and put in all the answers etc… I also considered printing the questions out and then handing them to people but as I was supposed to be looking for vegetarians I thought it might be a waste of a lot of time, even though now I wish that I had changed my methods and handed out printed out questionnaires especially as I work in restaurant I could of put them for customers to fill if they wished to.

Beneath you can see what my questions for my research are:

Are you male or female?

How old are you?

Are you a vegetarian?

If you are a vegetarian then for what reason did you become a vegetarian?

Do you enjoy eating vegetarian food?

Would you ever make use of recipe cards?

If you were to choose a recipe card, what features would make you choose it? (Choose more than one answer if applicable)

Worst vegetarian food that you have ever eaten/tried?

How much time on average do you dedicate to cooking a meal?

What is your favourite food to cook and prepare?

How did I find people to fill in my questionnaire?

To find people to fill in my questionnaire I posted the link on Facebook just on the news hoping that some vegetarians would see it and would fill it in for me, this method only really got me two people to fill it in. When I realised that posting it on Facebook wasn’t probably the best way to get people to fill it in I decided that sending over Facebook to people I knew

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were vegetarians was a better method I gained about 5 people answering it from this method. My final method which I used was by emailing tutors who were willing to fill in my survey for me. I think the only effective method of researching sending it directly to people by Facebook or email because it is pretty useless promoting something on Facebook unless you have a lot of followers etc…

Analysing of my results

I will now analyse the answers I received to all my questions with the help of the graphs that survey monkey give you. I only got 9 people who could answer my questionnaire, I aimed for 10 people but I think that 9 will have to suffice.

Question 1

As you can see for my first questions the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire were male with 6 of the people being male and the other 3 people being female. Even though this tells me that my target audience should be primarily male I think my target audience will be a 50/50 split of male and female because I only got more males because I managed to get more males to take part in the questionnaire.

Question 2

My second question which was all intended on building up a basic profile of my audience by asking they how old they are. I put the ages into groups rather than getting them to input their actual age. As you can see from the results on the right hand side only one of my respondents were under the age of 18, 5 people answered that they were 18-29 years old which was the majority and 3 people answered that they were aged between 30 and 49. From this data it tells me that my target audience according to this survey will be people who aged between 18 and 49 which is a very large age range so I would go with a median which works out at 33.5 years old but instead I’m going to go with the rough age range of 25-35.

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Question 3

My third question which was intended on finding out how many people who took part in my survey are actually vegetarian. 6 of the people who took part in my survey were vegetarian and the remaining three people were obviously not vegetarian, so this tells me that my target audience are mainly vegetarian. This data is also very useful to me because I know I’m designing a vegetarian recipe card but I’m not designing it with the intention for only vegetarians to buy it or use the recipes so I can use this data to tell me what a non-vegetarian would like to see on a recipe card etc…

Question 4

My fourth question as you can see was aimed at the people who answered “yes” to the previous question because I was interested in why the people who said they were vegetarians became vegetarians. Even though only six people said they were vegetarians I got seven people giving a reason for being a vegetarian and that is because I got a past vegetarian giving a reason why he was a vegetarian which is still useful because it still gives me an insight into why people become vegetarians. This data helps me build up a profile of why my target audience became vegetarians it also helps me find out what ethical/religious considerations I need to take into consideration when making my product for example my data tells me that I will need to make recipe card healthy because that is a concern of my audience, I also need to consider ethical problems that my card could cause aswel as that seems to be the main reason why my target audience became a vegetarian. One key thing that this data tells me is that religious concerns shouldn’t really be a huge concern.

Question 5

My fifth question was a question which I created with the intention of finding out how many people basically like eating vegetarian food, this question and the next one link together really well. From this data I can tell that only two people out of the nine people don’t like which is 22.22% don’t enjoy eating vegetarian food and the rest of the people do enjoy eating it, so basically the majority of my target audience enjoy eating vegetarian food.

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Question 6

The sixth question was just me finding out how many of my target audience would actually make use of a recipe card. Like I said the previous question and this one tie in well as I consider then both question about finding out how big my target audience are. So according to thesse statistics I should have about 25% of my target audience who wont actually use my product and the other 75% will make use of a vegetarian recipe card.

Question 7

This question I choose because I hadn’t really touched upon what my target audience will actually want my product to look like. So decided to include the question “If you were to choose a recipe card, what features would make you choose it?” This is probably one of the most important questions I aksed because people are likely to pick up my recipe card and look at it just by the first impressions the design work will cause. From the results which I got I can see that my target audience will rather have a sleek and modern design than a simple and traditional design, I also need to make sure my photos are of a high quality also a simple font was the more popular option as suppose to a fancy font.

Question 8

My 8th question was again another one about the content of my recipe card. The question was “worst vegetarian food you have ever eaten?” I aksed this because I’m not too familiar with vegetarian foods so I dunno which one’s taste nice and which don’t. Looking at the results the vegetarian food which appears to be the most unpopular is a nut roast so I will definetly not be including that on my recipe card, also I will try and avoid using quorn to heavily as that was the second most unpopular vegetarian food according to the people who took part in my survey.

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Question 9

My second to last question was my attempt to find out the the right amount of time that my recipe would take to make. I wanted to include this because I wasn’t really too sure on what an appropriate time scale was for me to use for my recipe cards because I didn’t want to make it too long or too short. From my data which I collected I would say that any time around the 30 min to ¾ of an hour seems like an acceptable time scale to use as this the time scale which the majority of my answers fall into, so I will use this on my recipe

card. It also tells me that my audience are slighlty deidcated to preparing and cooking meals as they are willing to spend a resonable amount of time on cooking.

Question 10

My final question was a question which I set to try and find out what kind of recipe or theme that I should use on my recipe card. The answer’s all varied quite differently which is a good thing and a bad thing, it’s a bad thing because I doesn’t really give me any ideas in what theme I could use for my recipe card but it’s also a good thing as it tells me that there is some diversity in my audience so I should be pretty safe with what theme I choose as having a diverse audience means that a theme I choose some of the audience will be happy with it.

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Im going to write a very basic audience profile for part of my conclusion

Prodomintely male but some females Aged between 25-35 Mainly vegetarian, the one’s who arent vegetarian are still willing to use vegetarian

recipe cards Concerned over health and ethical issues 78.8% enjoy eating vegetarian food 25% wont make use a recipe card Looking for a sleek and modern design, high quality photos, simple font, techical

details and a traditional recipe Don’t enjoy quorn or nut roast Willing to spen 35-45 mins cooking Like a diverse range of vegetarian food

All the research will help me massivly in my project as before with myself not being a vegetarian it has given me a kind of insight into what a vegetarian audience profile is going to look like, which is going to be extremlly helpful with my end product as I can tailor it to actual people’s need rather than a briefs. Another way in which it can help me is that I can start producing ideas now which will be suitable as before I could have started to produce ideas and then completed my audience profile to find out that the ideas just didn’t fit the target audience.

If I were to do this research again I wouldn’t really change any of the questions I used because I see them all as eseential into builidng an audience profile. The only thing that I would change is make sure I used more questions, but obviously survey monkey limited me to the 10 questions so I couldn’t help that, because I wanted to include questions about their incomes etc.. but that would mean that I had to sacrafice questions such as about the design which I also saw as essential. My final thing that I would change if I were to do the surveys again would be to try and reach a larger audience to take part in my survey as I only managed to get 9 people to take part and preferably I would have liked like 30 people to take part as my audience profile would have been a lot more diverse and also a lot more detailed.
