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Reciprocation Marketing™ System: Attract New Clients Online

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The Reciprocation Marketing™ System Introduction:

With more than 500 million members, LinkedIn has become the world’s largest online business

networking site. No longer just a tool for job searchers, LinkedIn has become the premier social media

site in online revenue generation and reputation management.

Other than Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is strictly business – and has become a “secret weapon for

B2B activities” such as

Replacing Cold Calling

Generating New Leads

Finding the Decision Maker

Accelerating the Sales Cycle

Connecting with C-level Executives

The State of the LinkedIn Nation:

LinkedIn has more than doubled in size in the past year with two users added every single


Executives from all Fortune 500 Companies are registered on LinkedIn;

45% of LinkedIn’s members are considered the major decision makers for their companies;

LinkedIn holds the record for the Highest Average Household Income over all other social

networking sites at over $109,000 per member;

There are no distractions - on LinkedIn, you’ll only find high-caliber individuals with a business

mindset, focused on networking for results.

277% more effective than Facebook & Twitter

In a recent study of over 5,000 businesses, HubSpot found that traffic from LinkedIn generated the

highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%, almost 3 times higher (277%) than both Twitter (.69%)

and Facebook (.77%).

LinkedIn's conversion rate also outranked social media as a channel overall. In other words, of all the

traffic that came to these business' websites via social media, .98% of that traffic converted into leads,

compared to LinkedIn's 2.74%. So why might LinkedIn be the most efficient social channel for lead

generation, and how can you use that to your advantage?

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LinkedIn Success Stories

According to Harvard Business Review, 87% of company executives believe LinkedIn is the place to

connect and interact with peers and industry leaders. And over 40% of LinkedIn Frequent Users

indicate they have successfully generated revenue based upon their LinkedIn efforts.

According to the Corporate Executive Board, 57% of buying process is complete before talking to sales.

Consumers are also 71% more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals.

The newly upgraded sales and marketing functionality on LinkedIn now enables you to establish a

marketing funnel and product path online and attract new clients on an ongoing basis.

Early adopters that have piloted the new LinkedIn Sales capabilities, have reported significant

increases in lead generation, including:

IBM doubled the traffic to their seller profiles in one month

40% of Morgan Stanley's financial advisors got business inside of two months

Leading US Technology firm Marketo increased their outbound sales rates by four times

Recent studies have shown that the best in class companies are using social selling 144% more than

their industry peers and that social selling adoption has now become the number one indicator of top

performers in the sales and marketing force.

Reciprocation Marketing™ System: Attract New Clients Online

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 1: Locate Your Target Market on LinkedIn

Step 1: Develop your Primary Prospect Profile

Create your own laser-focused Ideal Prospect Profile;

Find the best Prospects for your Business on LinkedIn;

Identify the Demographics and Psychographics of your best Prospects on LinkedIn.

Step 2: Identify the real Needs of your Primary Prospects

Discover Talking Points and cut your “warm-up time” with Prospects in half;

Find out where your best Prospects hang out and what they care about the most;

Get a clear Understanding what Content resonates the most with your LinkedIn Prospects.

OUTCOME: You Will be able to

Prospect faster and more effectively than your Competition

Quickly establish Commonality and Trust with your prospective Clients

Put yourself in front of thousands of targeted Prospects by identifying, joining, and

participating in the right LinkedIn Groups

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 2: Craft Your Brand Promise and BrandVantage

Step 1: Develop your LinkedIn Marketing Plan

• Set Your LinkedIn Marketing Goals

• Keep an Eye on Your LinkedIn Competition

• Map Your Marketing Progress to Stay On Track

Step 2: Convert Your LinkedIn Profile to a Value Proposition

• Why Your LinkedIn Profile needs to read like a New York Times Bestseller

• Convert Your LinkedIn Headline to a Brand Promise

• Turn Your LinkedIn Summary into a Call to Action

Step 3: Construct Your Digital Sales Funnel on LinkedIn

• Turn Your Current Experience into a Digital Sales Funnel

• Create the right Kind of Multimedia to attract Prospects into your Funnel

• How to ask for Recommendations the right Way and outrank Your Competitors

OUTCOME: You will be able to

Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a Client Attraction Magnet

Establish yourself as a Leader in your Market

Build Your LinkedIn Referral Database

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 3: Connect with Decision Makers & build Your Referral Network

Step 1: Connect with Decision Makers

• Build Your Database of High Probability Prospects

• Start productive Business Conversations with Your Prospects

• Leverage Your LinkedIn Connections for Reverse Engineering Referrals

Step 2: Prospect your LinkedIn Network

• Search Companies for high Value Prospects

• Search Groups for high Value Prospects

• Search Alumni for high Value Prospects

Step 3: Build Your Own Customer Community on LinkedIn

• Create a compelling Name for your Group that demands Attention

• Quickly and effectively start valuable conversations with new Group Members

• Streamline your LinkedIn Group for Maximum Engagement and Lead Generation

OUTCOME: You will be able to

• Add 50+ Qualified Leads every Month to Your LinkedIn Campaign

• Launch your Customer Community in a way that will attract all the right Prospects

• Attract Attention by setting up your own Thought Leadership Platform on LinkedIn

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 4: Master Content Marketing to become a Global Thought Leader

Step 1: Navigate the LinkedIn Publishing Platform

• How to write Status Updates

• How to participate in Group Discussions

• How to write LinkedIn Blog Posts regularly

Step 2: Source Relevant Content Easily & Quickly

• How to source relevant Content from Google Alerts

• How to source Content from Your Top 10 Blogs

• How to source Content from LinkedIn Pulse

Step 3: Develop your Content Marketing Plan

• How to craft compelling Headlines on LinkedIn

• How to identify the right Keywords for LinkedIn Blog Posts

• How to get featured on the right LinkedIn Channels and generate Leads

OUTCOME: You will be able to

• Write Content that sells on LinkedIn

• Construct Your Content Marketing Calendar

• Write Content the Easy Way (through Content Curation & Aggregation)

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 5: Construct Your LinkedIn Messaging Campaign

Step 1: Create Your LinkedIn Messaging Playbook

• Set up a 4-Week Drip Marketing Campaign

• Re-engage existing Connections on LinkedIn

• Send ‘cold’ Messages that demand Attention and get a Response

Step 2: Track & Monitor Your LinkedIn Messaging Campaign

• Set up your own highly efficient tracking System

• Master the Process of sending Messages from your tracking Sheet

• Keep track of all Your Prospects and the Conversations you created on LinkedIn

Step 3: Develop your LinkedIn Sponsored Updates Campaign

• Generate pre-qualified Leads with new Prospects

• Place LinkedIn Sponsored Updates that generate ROI of up to 140%

• Attract Decision Makers and Qualified Prospects into your Thought Leadership Community

OUTCOME: You will be able to

• Script LinkedIn Messages that elicit a positive Response

• Speed up your prospecting efforts with automated personal emailing

• Easily track and monitor your entire campaign by creating your own tracking System

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 6: Setting Up the Referral Marketing System

Step 1: Set up Your Referral Leadership Platform (Podcast Show & LinkedIn Group)

• Set up Your Leadership Podcast Show (part of your website) & LinkedIn Group

• Identify Referral Promoters for Interviews on Your Leadership Show

• Qualify Your Referral Promoters according to the Five Criteria of Great Promoters

Step 2: Create Your Referral Prospectus (Leadership Book)

• Define the Title and Subtitle of Your Referral Book

• Structure the Framework of Your Book (e.g. Ten Principles of Inspirational Leadership)

• Integrate Ten Interviews from Your Referral Promoters into each of Your Ten Chapters

Step 3: Develop your Referral Marketing System (Weekly LinkedIn Communication)

• Sign up your new Referral Leads to join your LinkedIn Group for TOM (Top of Mind) Comms

• Create Your Client Qualification Process (for prospective Clients to apply for Admission)

• Set up Your Follow-Up Platform (Weekly Email from “The Insiders’ Circle”)

OUTCOME: You will be able to

• Establish a Uniquely New & Inspiring Leadership Platform in Your Industry on LinkedIn

• Have Your Ideal Clients come to you to be profiled as Experts (& become Referral Promoters)

• Generate new Referral Clients from the LinkedIn Networks of Your Referral Promoters

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Reciprocation Marketing™ Plan

PHASE 7: Operating the Referral Marketing System

Step 1: Generate Referral Promoters on a Monthly Basis

• Identify New Referral Promoters on LinkedIn every Month

• Interview New Referral Promoters on Your Leadership Show every Month

• Publish New Referral Promoters to Your LinkedIn Audience (Group & Network) every Month

Step 2: Generate Referrals from Your Referral Promoters on a Monthly Basis

• Identify New Leads in the LinkedIn Network of Your Referral Promoters

• Ask Your Referral Promoters to send Your Referral Letter to their LinkedIn Network

• On request, send Your Referral Prospectus to the Referrals & invite them to Insiders’ Circle

Step 3: Follow Up on Your New Referral Leads through Your Leadership Messaging Platform

• Invite Your New Referral Leads to join Your LinkedIn Leadership Group

• Set up a Landing Page on Your Website to capture new Referral Leads (& provide Value)

• Create a Weekly Email Autoresponder Series that keeps in touch with your New Referrals

OUTCOME: You will be able to

• Grow Your Business consistently through Referrals without any Advertising or Paid Media

• Generate new Referral Clients from the LinkedIn Networks of Your Referral Promoters

• Be seen as the Thought Leader in Your Industry through Your Leadership Show & Group

Reciprocation Marketing™ System: Attract New Clients Online

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About Your Reciprocation Marketing™ Leader

Dr Nik (Dr Nikolaus Eberl, PhD) is the world's leading expert on the

subject of Reciprocation Marketing™ and how to generate

Referral Clients on LinkedIn. He is currently working for a number

of international clients, from SME's to multinationals (such as

IBM, SAP, and FNB), and he has helped his clients attract new

clients online and grow their revenue and reputation through the

Reciprocation Marketing™ System.

Based on extensive case studies with clients across three geographies (Europe, Middle East,

Africa), Dr Nik has developed a proprietary methodology to help business owners double

qualified leads within 100 days, code-named the “Linked LEAD Generator”. To view the social

selling success stories and assess your social selling skills, please go to


In terms of social networking, for the past twenty years, Dr Nik has been building brand

communities both online and offline, first in the student community arena where he helped

the European Union to build the first Paneuropean Student Network, and then in the Sporting

arena where he helped multinational brands to build Fan Communities such as the Bafana

FAN Club for South Africa and currently the FAN World Cup™.

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Dr Nik is the author of “The

Seven Secrets of IziCwe:

Conquer Life!”, a uniquely

South African Life Skills

Program, and “a must for

anyone who wants to

overcome career and

personal challenges!” (The

Business Day). The sequel,

“The IziCwe Code:

Intenovate or Die!” was

introduced to the international media at the Global Leaders Summit, sharing the platform

with leadership gurus Tom Peters, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Porter.

Over the past ten years, Dr Nik has developed a uniquely South African formula for inspiring

employees to search for new ways to deliver world class customer service, named ‘The IziCwe


which has been implemented successfully by Clients such as Metropolitan, DBSA, Nelson

Mandela Foundation and Cableways Cape Town (who were voted one of the Seven New

Wonders of the World - and a Mining Supplier who has credited The IziCwe Code for having

grown his Business 10X).

Dr Nik has been featured extensively on the following channels:
