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Record Keeping at Dispesnaries

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  • 7/29/2019 Record Keeping at Dispesnaries




    Dr Parveen Kumar, CMO(NFSG)CME CELLDirectorate of Health Services

    Govt. of NCT of Delhi

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    The Govt. Machinery

    Functioning of Districts

    Functioning of Dispensaries

    Records at Dispensaries

    Categorization of Records

    Retention Schedule File Management

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    Machinery of Government

    The President

    The Council of Ministers

    Transaction of government business

    GOI Allocation of Business Rules

    GOI Transaction of Business Rules

    GNCTD Allocation and Transaction of Business

    Rule Delegation of Financial powers

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    Type of Govt. Bodies CONSTITUTIONAL BODIES

    constituted under the provisions of the Constitution of India STATUTORY BODIES

    Such bodies which are established under the statute or an Act ofParliament


    established by the Government to discharge the activities relatedto governmental functions. Although such bodies are givenautonomy to discharge their functions in accordance with theMemorandum of Associations etc., of India


    Public Sector Undertaking part of the industry controlled fully orpartly by the Government setup in the form of companies orcorporations in which the shares are held by the President or hisnominees.

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    Hierarchy of Power

    Constitution of India PRESIDENT Lt. Governor of Delhi [Administrator of UT ]

    Council of Ministers(Cabinet)/Minister

    Departments (17) (H&FW)[ Pr.Secy.], FD, Plg,

    Subordinate HoDs (41)[DHS, DFW, DISMH, MS,DC, DFA etc.]

    Head of Offices [CDMO, Addl/Dy MS, Dir (A)]

    Branch/Section Incharges, Accounts Functionary(AAO/AO/SAO/DCA),

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    Delegation of Financial Power

    All power vested with President of India and delegated

    Principle of Residuary Powers, Based on Policies

    Council of Ministers




    Rules as per DFPR, Other orders

    Banned Items, Relaxation of ban

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    DHSAddl. DHS(M)




    Spl. DHS (A)/ HOO





    Central Stores

    Care Taking



    Court Cases



    DGEHS Cell

    Public Health Wing I Tuberculosis Control, IDSP, Water and

    vectorborne disease, H1N1 and other

    Tobacco Control and antismoking

    Public Health Wings II Disaster Management, Cancer Control, Diabetes

    Control, Thalassemia Control, NoncommunicableDiseases

    Public Health Wings III Leprosy Control, BMW, Fluorosis, Silicosis,

    Deafness,Health Melas

    Nursing Home Cell (Incl. Free Tt to poor) CME, Delhi State Nursing Cell


    HOTA GIA, Public Grievances, NGOs




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    Pr. Secy (H)





    CoM LG


    Autonomous Bodies



    Other Pr. Secy

    Chief Secy

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    District Functions Administrative headquarters for Dispensaries /Health Centres

    Monitoring and supervision of dispensaries under the district

    To plan & establish new dispensaries for provision of comprehensive primary health care

    Capacity building of various categories of health manpower by imparting skills andknowledge on a regular basis as an inbuilt component of various programmes

    Implementation of the National Rural Health Mission/National Programmes

    To provide services under DGEHS to serving and retired employees ofGovernment of Delhi through dispensaries

    Implementation of PC & PNDT Act

    Anti Quackery activities

    Anti smoking activities

    Implementation of DRTI Act 2001 & RTI Act 2005

    Inspection of NGOs for grants under grant in aid scheme

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    Functions To implement NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES

    Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme. National Leprosy Elimination Programme, Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme, Cancer control programme RCH Programme

    To implement various State health programmes of Govt. of Delhi like Motiabind Mukti programme, Family Health Awareness Programme, Special Immunisation Programme

    To deploy health manpower for SPECIAL NEEDS such as health

    melas, NCC camps, religious congregations, emergency situations,kanwar camps, support for destitute women & homeless, nightshelter duties etc

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    Functions To deploy health manpower for special needs such as

    health melas, NCC camps, religious congregations, emergencysituations, kanwar camps, support for destitute women & homeless,night shelter duties etc

    To maintain liaison and support the district administration for

    carrying out various activities under Delhi Govt schemes Bhagidari, Mission Convergence, District Development Committee etc

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    Functions Support to the District Administration for disaster management

    under Emergency Support Function Medical response and Trauma Counselingby providing quick response teams and other required support

    Co-ordination with other health care giving agencies

    such as MCD, CGHS & ESI for seeking cooperation in overall implementation of

    health schemes and programmes

    To investigate various complaints received through Public GrievanceCell of DHS

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    Other future activities Registration / monitoring of Nursing homes / hospitals -

    The procurement of medicines from empanelled


    Establishment of district drug store

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    ACTIVITIES AT DISPENSARIES Clinical care of illnesses and Injuries

    Provision of Medicines Minimum Basic Investigations

    ANC and Immunization (RCH)

    Family Welfare services

    Implementation of

    Blindness Control Programme Pulse Polio




    Malaria Clinics


    Family Health Awareness ISM /Homeo dispensaries

    DGEHS Services

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    Dispensary Staffing

    MO/CMO Incharge

    Medical Officer

    Store Keeper and Pharmacists

    ANMs Dressers

    Nursing Orderly


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    Work/duties being done by Pharmacists

    Compounding and dispensing of prescribed

    medicines Process of Indents, storage and maintenance of

    Stocks, Accounting of medical supplies andappliances

    Providing first aid and repeat prescriptions whenordered

    Compiling statistics/reports as per instructions

    Participation in public health programmes

    Other duties as assigned from time to time Duties in relation to general patient and DGEHS

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    Records at Dispensaries_0

    Medical and related Records

    Inventory Management

    Administrative/Establishment Records

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    Records at Dispensaries_1

    Medical and related Records OPD Registers, Dressing Room, Injection Room

    Family Welfare Register, ANC register, EligibleCouple Regsiter

    DGEHS Records- Beneficiary Regsiter, Reports

    Inventory Management

    Administrative/Establishment Records

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    Records at Dispensaries_2 Medical and related Records

    Inventory Management Assets Register

    Stock Registers Consumable Nonconsumable

    Indent Books

    Expiry Register

    Issue Register

    Consumption/Issue Registers

    Verification/Approval Register Administrative/Establishment Records

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    Records at Dispensaries_3 Medical and related Records

    Inventory Management

    Administrative/Establishment Records

    File Register


    Attendance Register

    Medical /Fitness Certificate Books

    Dak and dispacth register

    Bill Register

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    Source of procedures

    Manual of Office Procedure (AR deptt)

    GFR (Finance Deptt)

    Departmental Manual and other Guidelines

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    Registers/Records Dak Register

    Section/Desk Diary for Receipts

    Assistants Diary

    Despatch register , Stamp Account Registers Section Despatch Register

    VIP reference register

    File Register

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    'File' means a collection of papers on a specificsubject matter assigned a file number andconsisting of one or more of the following parts:

    (a) Correspondence

    (b) Notes

    (c) Appendix to correspondence

    (d) Appendix to notes.

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    'Section' means the basic work unit within adepartment, responsible for attending toitems of work allotted to it. It is generallyheaded by a section officer and includes'Cells', `Unit' and other like terms.

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    'Standing guard file

    'Standing guard file' on a subject means acompilation consisting of the following three parts:

    (a) a running summary of the principles and

    policy relating to the subject with number and dateof relevant decisions or orders quoted in marginagainst each;

    (b) copies of the decisions or orders referred to,

    arranged in chronological order; and(c) model forms of communications to be usedat different stages.

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    Acknowledgement of dak .-

    The receipt of dak, except ordinary postal dak, will

    be acknowledged by the recipient signing his name

    in full and in ink with date and designation. The

    acknowledgements of e-mail received will, as far as

    possible, be sent electronically.

    Registration of dak.- Distribution of dak

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    Aids to processing -

    (1) To facilitate processing of a case, each sectionwill develop and maintain the following records forimportant subjects dealt with by it:

    (a) standing guard files;

    (b) standing notes;(c) precedent book (vide para 110);

    (d) standard process sheets (of repetitive items ofwork only); and

    (e) reference folders containing copies of circulars,etc.

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    File numbering system - A proper file numberingsystem is essential for convenient identification,sorting, storage and retrieval of papers.

    (1) Each section will maintain approved lists of:

    (a) standard heads, i.e. main subject headingsconcerning it; and

    (b) standard sub-heads, i.e. aspects of the mainsubject headings.

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    Opening a File

    Before opening a new file, the dealing hand will ascertain thestandard head to which the paper under consideration relates.He will then propose a suitable title of the file for the approvalof the section officer. The title will consist of:

    (a) standard head;(b) sub-head which will be more indicative of the precisesubject than the `head', (where it is necessary to have more thanone sub-head in a title the general should usually precede thespecific); and

    (c) a brief content indicating the question or issue underconsideration in relation to the standard head and sub-head andwhere necessary, the specific institution, person, place or thinginvolved.

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    File Number

    Every file will be assigned a file number whichwill consist of:

    the serial number allotted to the standard

    head; the serial number of the file opened during

    the year under the standard head;

    the year of opening the file (all four digits i.e.,2010, 2011, etc.); and

    (d) an abbreviated symbol identifying thesection.

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    Instances where files need

    not be opened - Normally, no new files will be opened for dealingwith receipts of a purely routine nature (e.g. requestsfor supply of unclassified factual information,notices of holidays, miscellaneous circulars) which:

    (1) can be disposed of straightaway by noting thereply on the source receipts and returning them tothe originators; or

    (2) are unlikely to generate further correspondenceand therefore can be placed in a miscellaneous file tobe destroyed at the end of the year, or placed in thefolder of circulars, etc.; if on the subject.

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    Part file -(1) If the main file on a subject is not likely to be available for some

    time and it is necessary to process a fresh receipt or a notewithout waiting for its return, a part file may be opened to dealwith it. This device may also be resorted to where it is desired toconsult simultaneously two or more sections or officers and it isnecessary for each of them to see the receipt noted upon.

    (2) A part file will normally consist of:

    (a) receipt or note dealt with; and

    (b) notes relating thereto.

    (3) Where two or more part files are opened, each will beidentified by a distinct number, e.g., part file I, part file II and

    so on.A part file will be merged with the main file as soon as possible,duplicate papers, if any, being removed.

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    Filing ofpapers.1 Routine receipts and issues (e.g., reminders,

    acknowledgments) and routine notes will not be allowed toclutter up the file. They will be placed below the file in a separatecover and destroyed when they have served their purpose.

    When the 'notes plus the `correspondence portion of a filebecome bulky (say exceed 150 pages), it will be stitched andmarked `Volume I. Further papers on the subject will be added

    to the new volume of the same file, which will be marked`Volume II, and so on.

    In Volume II and subsequent volumes of the same file, pagenumbering in notes portion and correspondence portion willbe made in continuity of the last page number in noteportion/correspondence portion of the earlier volume.

    On top of the first page of the note portion in each volume of thefile, file number, name of the Ministry/Department, name ofbranch/section and subject of the file will be mentioned.

    Fili f 2

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    Filing ofpapers.2 Papers required to be filed will be punched on the left hand top corner

    and tagged onto the appropriate part of the file viz. notes,correspondence, appendix to notes and appendix to correspondence, inchronological order, from left to right.

    Both `notes portion and `correspondence portion will beplaced in a single file cover. Left side of tag in the notes portion will betagged onto the left side of the file cover and right side of the tag willremain as such i.e., untagged. In the case of correspondence portion, rightside of tag will be tagged onto the right side of the same file cover and leftside of the tag will remain as such i.e., untagged.

    Earlier communications referred to in the receipt or issue, will be indicatedby pencil by giving their position on the file.

    (a) If the file is not bulky, appendix to notes and appendix tocorrespondence may be kept alongwith the respective note portion or thecorrespondence portion of the main file if these are considered as integraland important part.

    (b) If the file is bulky, separate file covers may be maintained for keepingappendix to notes and appendix to correspondence.

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    APPENDIX 22 : File Register

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    Dak Register/Section Diary

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    Assistant Diary

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    File Movement Register

    C t i ti f d

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    Categorisationof records(1) Category'A'meaning 'keep and microfilm'

    (a) files which qualify for permanent preservation for administrative purposes (vide

    part `A' of Appendix 25) and which have to be microfilmed because they


    (i) a document so precious that its original must be preserved intact and access

    to it in the original form must be restricted to the barest minimum; or

    (ii) material likely to be required for frequent reference by different parties.

    (b) files of historical importance.

    (2) Category B'meaning `keep but do not microfilm'-

    files required for permanent preservation for administrative purposes , exclude

    the nature of material falling under the above category 1 a and need not be


    (3) Category C'meaning `keep for specified period only'-

    include files of secondary importance and having reference value for a limitedperiod not exceeding 10 years. In exceptional cases, may be upgraded to B


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    Record Retention Schedule(1) To ensure that files are neither prematurely destroyed, nor

    kept for periods longer than necessary, every department will:

    (a) in respect of records connected with accounts, - Appendix 13 GFR

    (b) in respect of records, relating to establishment, personnel andhousekeeping matters common to all departments-`schedule ofperiods of retention for records common to all departments' issued by

    the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances;(c) in respect of records prescribed in OMP , retention periods as per

    Appendix 28; and

    (d) in respect of records connected with its substantive functions, issue adepartmental retention schedule prescribing the periods for which

    files dealing with specified subjects should be preserved in consultationwith the National Archives of India.

    (2) The above schedules should be reviewed at least once in 5 years.

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    Disposal of record

    No account be destroyed unless :

    (i) Records connected with expenditure which is withinthe period of limitaion fixed by law

    (ii) Records connected with expenditure on projects,schemes or works not completed though beyondthe period of limitation

    (iii) Records connected with claims to service andpersonal matters affecting persons in servicesexcept as specified

    (iv) Orders and sanctions of a permanent character,until revised.

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    From when the retention period

    The retention period will bereckoned with reference to the datefrom which the record ceases to be

    current/active. Where, however, it is proposed to weed out aregister wherein certain entries are still current, (e.g.file movement register where certain files entered therein have notbeen recorded or the register of assurances, where certain

    assurances have not been implemented, the current entrieswill first be transferred to the new register and theold register weeded out thereafter.

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    CSMOP----- Appendix 28.1

    CSMOP Appendix 28 contd

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    CSMOP----Appendix 28..contd

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    Append5x 13 GFR

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    GFR Appendix 13 (contd..)

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    Retention ScheduleRecord Period Year

    Dak Register, Invoice, Messenger Book, FileMovement Register,


    Section diary 3

    Assistant Diary, Arrear Statement 1

    Standing Guard File Permanent

    Despatch Register 5

    File Register Permanent

    Precedent Book Permanent

    List of Transferred Files to Record Room 25

    Parliament Assurance Register 1

    Inspection Reports 1 year after nextinspection

    Court Case Records Permanent

    Departmental Indexs Permanent

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    Retention ScheduleRecord Period Year

    Cash Book 10

    Expenditure Sanction 2/ One year after auditcompletion

    TA claims 3/ One year after auditcompletion

    Leave Accounts 3

    PBR 35

    Bill Register 5 years

    Files regarding contracts/agreements 5 years after completion

    Creation of Posts 10

    Recruitment Records 5

    Advances (establishment) 1

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    manner of Weeding/Destruction

    of records rule 113(10)

    Routine files/records will be manually torn intosmall pieces and disposed.

    Classified files/records will be destroyed by useof shredder, and .

    Secret files/records will also be incinerated afterbeing shredded as per provision under

    Departmental Security Instructions issued bythe Ministry of Home Affairs.

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    Let us discuss
