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Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015

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  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    Recorder   T   H   EVOL. LXXXIII NO. 2 • SUMMER 2015

    &Up Coming

    Inspiration. Transformation. Touching LivesPlease See Page


  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    THRILLING THURSDAYSOur Super Summer Series for children ages 0-5 opened with a visit from Curious George, and a trip tocamp with songs and s’mores. Join us on Thursdays though the summer for free playtimes that are opento the community and full of creative fun, games, snacks and adventures. For more information, go towww.shaareyzedek.org or contact Tobye Bello at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    Thrilling Thursdays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Rabbinic Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4From the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6Staff News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11Programs for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13Berman Center Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15Programs for Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Annual Meeting Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18Celebrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Yahrzeits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21Memoriams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24Yizkor Book Remembrances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-35Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37Photo Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39Religious School Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

    SynagogueContact InformationVisit us on the web at www.shaareyzedek.orgFollow us on Twitter: @shaareyzedekLike our Facebook pages: Congregation Shaarey Zedek

    and Congregation Shaarey Zedek Young Families

    Synagogue Office

    27375 Bell RoadSouthfield, Michigan 48034-2079Phone: 248.357.5544 • Fax 248.357.0227Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday

    8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday

    CSZ Clover Hill Park Cemetery2425 East Fourteen Mile RoadBirmingham, Michigan 48009Phone: 248.723.8884 • 248.723.8886www.cloverhillpark.orgRalph Zuckman, Executive [email protected]

    Connect With Us

    Rabbi Aaron L. Starr ( Rabbi Aaron Starr) .............. ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ............... .. [email protected] 

    Hazzan David Propis ................................................................................................................................................................. [email protected] 

    Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman ............................................................................................................................................ [email protected] 

    Cantor Chaim Najman, DM, Emeritus  ....................................................................................................................................... [email protected]

    Shira Shapiro, Executive Director  ............................................................................................................................................. [email protected] 

    Wren Beaulieu-Hack, Director of the Berman Center for Jewish Education .................................................................................... [email protected] 

    Tobye Bello, Program Director ...................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] 

    Leah Gawel, Assistant Director of Youth and Family Learning  ..................................................................................................... [email protected] 

    Shelley Golsky, Office Manager  ................................................................................................................................................. [email protected] 

    Allison Gutman, Director of Youth and Family Learning  .......................................................................................................... [email protected] 

    Janet Pont, Director of Member Support Services  ..........................................................................................................................  [email protected] 

    Larry Nemer, President ............................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] 

    Jeri Fishman, Vice President .....................................................................................................................................................  [email protected] 

    Janice Stoneman, Vice President  ...........................................................................................................................................  [email protected] 

    Rick Cohen, Executive Board Member-at-Large ...................................................................................................................... [email protected] 

    Ken Gold, Executive Board Member-at-Large ................................................................................................................................. [email protected] 

    Robert Goodman, Executive Board Member-at-Large  ............................................................................................................ [email protected] 

    CSZ Men’s Club, Affiliate  ....................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] 

    CSZ Seniors, Affiliate  .................................................................................................................................................................. [email protected] 

    CSZ Sisterhood, Affiliate  ........................................................................................................................................................ [email protected] 

    C O N T E N T S

    Congregation Shaarey Zedek is a warm, welcoming, inclusive and egalitarian Conservative Jewish community. We provide to all generations innovative, stimulating and diverse spiritual,educational leadership and social opportunities that nurture our love and commitment to Jewish life, our Synagogue, our country and the State of Israel.

    Our spiritual direction is led by committed, knowledgeable and caring clergy available to all.

    Together, we participate in celebrating our history, enriching our community and planning our future.

    GOING DIGITALThe Up & Coming goes digital with the

    October 2015 issueTo continue your delivery by mail,

    contact the Synagogue office at 248.357.5544with your name and current address.

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    The older I get, the shorter life

    becomes. at is a factual statement

    in and of itself; however morbid a 

    thought, indeed, the longer we live the less

    time remaining on earth we have.

    However, it is also true that the older we become, the more

    aware we become of how short life really is. is awareness,

     which increases exponentially over time, causes the reflective

    person to question the meaningfulness of his/her existence. We

    start to ask life’s big questions: Why are we here? What happens

    “next”? How can I make this life “count”? How can I improve

    the lot of others?

    To these life questions our tradition hears God saying, “You

    shall be holy” (Leviticus 19); “Seek Me and you shall live”

    (Amos 5:4); and “Do justice; love mercy; walk humbly with

    your God” (Micah 6:8).

     As we work congregationally to transform our great

    synagogue community into a 21st century shul family that

    responds to the Jewish mission, and as we begin the period of 

    personal introspection required in the weeks leading up to the

    High Holidays, we are called upon to ask the question as to

    the role of organized Jewish life in implementing the mission

    of the Jewish people. I would like to suggest that the role of a 

    great synagogue is, put simply:

    Inspiration. Transformation. Touching Lives.

     We attain inspiration by expressing gratitude for life’s

    blessings, fulfilling sacred obligations toward God and toward

    our fellow human beings, and by finding joy in communi

    Moreover, through meaningful Judaism—i.e., the mitzvot

    interpreted by Conservative Judaism along with Jewish valu

    and traditions, prayer and study—we seek to lead meaning

    lives in which we strive to repair our broken world and to bri

    healing to all who suffer. In this way, we hope to touch the liv

    of individuals, and thereby transform our community, o

    country, and the State of Israel.

    For example, the Berman Center for Jewish Education

    one major step toward fulfilling this vision. More than “just

    beautiful space to house our innovative Religious School, t

    Berman Center is a state of mind, seeking to make Judais

    relevant to 21st century Jews through adult educatio

    community synergies, social action opportunities and int

    faith outreach.

    en, in leading meaningful lives guided by meaning

     Judaism, we seek also to come together to express our joy

    (and celebration of) life’s milestones big and small.

    individual’s pursuit of gratitude, obligation and joy leads to t

    congregational pursuit of inspiration and transformation. Mo

    succinctly, seeking to inspire and to transform puts Congregati

    Shaarey Zedek in the business of touching lives.

     As we come to the last months of 5775 and look ahead

    5776, I look forward to partnering and sharing with you in

     journey of inspiration and transformation, and a life of gratitu

    obligation, and, please God, joy.

    Rabbi Aaron St

    Inspiration. Transformation. Touching LivesRabbi Aaron L. Starr [email protected] • Rabbi Aaron StarrR A 

    B B I  NI  C R E F L E C T I  ONS 




    Sunday, September 27, 20159:30 a.m. Registration Begins

    A fundraiser benefiting Yad Ezra,a nonprofit organization providing

    supplemental kosher food andnecessities to those in need in

    the Jewish community.

    One in 20 individuals in themetropolitan Detroit area relies on

    Yad Ezra for assistance.

    Teams and Family Groups Now Forming!For information on event sponsorships orparticipation, please contact Wren Hack

    at [email protected] or248.357.5544.


    5K Race/Family Fun Runfollowed by a Sukkot Festival

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    As we near the midpoint of the

    summer, I would like to take the

    opportunity to bring you up to

    date on the work we have been doing 

    during my first three months in office.

    Before I do so, I need to first express the appreciation and

    gratitude of my family for the kindness, support and sympa-

    thy that we have received from the members of our Congre-

    gation during the period of my mother’s illness and after her

    recent passing. At a time when there are many who are ques-

    tioning the need to belong to a Synagogue, I can personally 

    testify to the invaluable benefit of being a member of our


     Annual Meeting and Election. e Annual Meeting held

    on April 1, 2015 was attended by significantly more

    members than in the past several years. At the meeting, the

    members voted to elect the slate nominated by the Nominat-

    ing Committee for the Executive Committee and Board of 

    Trustees for the 2015-2016 fiscal year (see list on Page 6).

    I am very pleased to point out that eight (or one-third) of the

    elected members of the Board will be serving on the Board

    for the very first time!

    Changes and New Additions to Administrative Staff . e

    Executive Board has spent the past three months performing 

    a thorough and comprehensive review of the current

    organizational structure of our administrative staff. We wereassisted in this endeavor by members of the clergy as well as

    members of the staff. e outcome of this review was a new 

    organizational structure which was introduced to the staff on

     June 11, 2015. We are confident that the new structure will

    enhance the productivity and efficiency of the staff.

    Highlights of the new structure are the promotion of Allison

    Gutman to Director of Youth and Family Learning, the

    hiring of Wren Hack as the Director of the Berman Center for

     Jewish Education, and the hiring of Leah Silverman Gawel as

    the Assistant Director of Youth and Family Learning (see Page

    7 of this Recorder ). We are also pleased to announce thatExecutive Director, Shira Shapiro, will also be serving as the

    Chief Financial Officer of the Synagogue.

    Committees and Task Forces.  An important element of our

    new organizational structure is the commitment to creating 

    more opportunities for members to get involved in the

    planning of programs and activities for our Congregation.

    To that end, we have created the following Synagogue

    Committees and Task Forces: (a) Membership, (b) Ways and

    Means/House and Finance, (c) Tikkun Olam and Interfaith

    Programming, (d) Ritual and Shabbat Programming,

    (e) Youth, Teen and Family Programming, (f) Berman

    Center and Adult Education, (g) Young Adult Programming,

    (h) Empty Nester (Baby Boomer) Programming, and

    (i) Music and Cultural Programming. We have also formed

    the following three Task Forces to study important issues

    facing our Synagogue:

    B’nai Mitzvah Task Force: How can we ensure that the

    process of preparing for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah is

    meaningful and engaging for our families?

    By-Laws Task Force:  What changes to our current

    By-Laws are needed?

    Shaarey Zedek as a Welcoming Community: How can

    our Congregation do a better job of welcoming interfaith

    and intra-faith families to our community?

    Interested members are welcome and encouraged to join these

    Committees and Task Forces. More information will be

    provided in the near future.

    Bagel for Your oughts. Following up on last year’s series of 

    successful Conversations , we will be hosting Sunday morning 

    open meetings to discuss various topics of interest relating to

    the Synagogue and to respond to questions from the

    members. e first meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August23, 2015 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., and the topic will be

     Alternative Dues Structures . More information to follow.

    Rabbinical Search and Rabbi Starr.  As co-chairs Kari

     Alterman and Milton Feldberg stated in their message to the

    Congregation on March 26, the Rabbinic Search Committee

    decided not to make an offer to any of the candidates who

    visited our Congregation. However, the Committee did reach

    a consensus regarding one significant point, namely, that

    Rabbi Starr should be the senior leader of our rabbinic team

    and that we should be looking for a second Rabbi who canassist Rabbi Starr in serving the Congregation. At its meeting 

    on March 22, the Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed

    the recommendation of the Rabbinic Search Committee and

    decided to formally appoint Rabbi Starr as Mara D’atra of the

    Congregation in accordance with the By-Laws. e reasons

    for acknowledging Rabbi Starr’s importance to our

    Congregation in this manner should be more than obvious

    to anyone who has had the privilege of experiencing his

    rabbinical talents over the past 12 months. Rabbi Starr has

    been providing spiritual guidance and leadership to our

    A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTLarry Nemer [email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    F R OM

    T H

    E P R E S I  DE NT 





    Congregation as we navigate through the healing process of 

    the past year and build for the future. In addition, Rabbi Starr’s

     weekly sermons have led to both increased attendance at

    services as well as animated conversations among members who

    have listened to the recordings of his sermons after Shabbat.

     As the Rabbinical hiring season for the current year is now 

    behind us, I wish to say thank you and  yasher koach to Kari,

    Milton and the members of the Search Committee for the

    manner in which they led the Congregation through the search

    process. eir skillful and inspiring leadership, as well as hard

     work, produced benefits for the Congregation that go far

    beyond the rabbinic search process.

     As we plan for the coming year, we will be working closely 

     with Rabbi Starr to provide him with additional support.

    In this regard, we are grateful to Hazzan Propis and Assista

    Cantor Gutman who have already assumed a greater role

    visiting our members at hospitals and nursing homes.

    rabbinic search process will recommence for the followi

    season in November.

    I hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer. ere

    many reasons to be proud of our progress over the past f

    months and to feel optimistic about our bright future. Ho

    ever, our success cannot be achieved without your involveme

     As always, please feel free to contact me or any of the oth

    members of the Executive Board with any questions, conce

    and comments.

    CSZ President Larry Nem

     A Message From the President, Continued



    President Larry Nemer

    Vice President - Secretary Jeri FishmanVice President - Treasurer Janice Stoneman

    At-Large Member of Executive Board Ronald CohenAt-Large Member of Executive Board Kenneth GoldAt-Large Member of Executive Board Robert Goodman



    Norm Beitner (Second Term)Lori Weisberg (Second Term)Adam Finkel (First Term)Barbra Giles (First Term)I. Matthew Miller (First Term)Paul Schwarzbaum (First Term)David Grey (Vacancy Term)Naomi Laker (Vacancy Term)

    TERM ENDING 2016 

    Suzi Dell (Second Term)Richard Jacobs (Second Term)

     Jeff Linden (Second Term)Suzi Terebelo (Second Term)Adam Block (First Term)Ira Zaltz (First Term)Susan Klein (Vacancy Term)Michael Rowe (Vacancy Term)

    TERM ENDING 2017 

    Kari Alterman (Second Term)Hy Safran (Second Term)Brooke Weingarden (First TermWendy Arnold (First Term)Gary Karp (First Term)David Salama (First Term)Kelli Saperstein (First Term)Alice Silbergleit (First Term)

    TERM ENDING 2018 

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015



    Congregation Shaarey Zedek announces the appointment of  WREN BEAULIEU-

    HACK  as the Director of the Berman Center for Jewish Education. e Berman

    Center is the state-of-the-art educational center made possible with a generous

    donation by the Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation. Wren is responsible for

    developing and implementing programs and activities associated with the Berman Center.

     Wren brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. She most recently was the Chairof the Youth Professional Council for Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit and

    the Director of Lifelong Learning for six years at Congregation Shir Tikvah in Troy.

     Wren may be reached at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

     ALLISON GUTMAN has assumed the new role of Director of Youth and Family 

    Learning. Prior to joining Congregation Shaarey Zedek in 2013 as Assistant Director of 

    Education and Youth, Allison served as Director of Elementary Learning at Temple Beth

    Shalom in Needham, MA. A Michigan native, she is a graduate of the WilliamDavidson Graduate School of Jewish Education at the Jewish eological Seminary.

     Allison is the recipient of a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education focusing on synagogue

    education, and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative

    Religion and Sociology from Western Michigan University’s Lee Honors College.

     Allison represents CSZ nationally as a member of the first ReFrame cohort through

    the Jewish eological Seminary and as a nominee of the Jewish Federation of Metro-

    politan Detroit for the Mandel Teacher Educators Institute. Allison served as educator for

    the Nirim program through the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. She also

    taught nationally, leading webinars for the Jewish Educators Assembly.

     Allison may be reached at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

    LEAH SILVERMAN GAWEL  joins CSZ as Assistant Director of Youth and Family 

    Learning. Leah is known to CSZ Religious School families, having taught Torah to fourth

    through sixth grade students in the religious education program. Leah also facilitated

    early childhood holiday programs at Shaarey Zedek during the previous six years.

    Prior to CSZ, Leah taught pre-K Sunday school at Congregation Shir Tikvah for six 

    years. She also worked in the local Jewish community as a curriculum writer and Nirim


    In the secular sphere, Leah tutors high school reading and writing skills and college

    entrance preparation, she edits and ghostwrites correspondence, blog posts and

    professional publications, and she directs the Michigan chapter of the non-profit

    Project Night Night .Leah holds her undergraduate degree from the University of Vermont, a M.A. in

    English Literature and Language from Boston College, and her post graduate teacher’s

    certification is from the University of Michigan.

    Leah may be reached at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    S  E  R V I   C E  S  






    Sundays and Legal Holidays............................................................... 8:30 a.m.

    Mondays through Fridays .................................................................. 7:30 a.m.

    Shabbat Morning................................................................................ 9:00 a.m.

    Fast of Tammuz, July 5 ...................................................................... 8:30 a.m.

    Rosh Chodesh Av, July 17 ................................................................. 7:30 a.m.

    Tisha B’Av, July 26 ............................................................................ 8:30 a.m.


    Sundays and Legal Holidays .............................................................. 5:00 p.m.

    Mondays through Thursdays ............................................................. 5:30 p.m.

    Friday, July 3 ...................................................................................... 6:00 p.m.

    Saturday, July 4 ................................................................................. 9:00 p.m.

    Shabbat Ends ................................................................................ 10:06 p.m.

    Friday, July 10 ................................................................................... 6:00 p.m.

    Saturday, July 11 ............................................................................... 9:00 p.m.

    Shabbat Ends ................................................................................ 10:03 p.m.

    Friday, July 17, Rosh Chodesh Av ..................................................... 6:00 p.m.

    Saturday, July 18 ............................................................................... 9:00 p.m.

    Shabbat Ends ................................................................................ 9:57 p.m.

    Friday, July 24 ................................................................................... 5:15 p.m.

    T.G.I.S. .......................................................................................... 6:00 p.m.

    Shabbat Barbeque ......................................................................... 7:00 p.m.

    Saturday, July 25 ............................................................................... 8:45 p.m.

    Community-wide Tisha B’Av Services ........................................... 10:00 p.m.

    Shabbat Ends ................................................................................ 9:50 p.m.

    Friday, July 31 ................................................................................... 6:00 p.m.


    Friday, July 3 ..................................................................................... 8:55 p.m.

    Friday, July 10 ................................................................................... 8:53 p.m.

    Friday, July 17 ................................................................................... 8:49 p.m.

    Friday, July 24 ................................................................................... 8:43 p.m.

    Friday, July 31 ................................................................................... 8:36 p.m.


    1. Babs (z’l) and Herb Kaufman Listen-in Programallows our members to hear Shabbat & Holiday morning services over the phone.

    For more information, call the Synagogue office.

    2. To watch services, please go to our homepage, www.shaareyzedek.org,and click on Live Streaming . Generously sponsored by

    Richard and Sharon (z’l) Brown.



    Sundays and Legal Holidays ...................................................................... 8:30 a.m

    Mondays through Fridays ......................................................................... 7:30 a.m

    Shabbat Morning....................................................................................... 9:00 a.

    Rosh Chodesh Elul, Sunday, August 16 .................................................... 8:30 a.


    Sundays and Legal Holidays ..................................................................... 5:00 p.

    Mondays through Thursdays .................................................................... 5:30 p.

    Saturday, August 1 ................................................................................... 8:30 p.

    Shabbat Ends ........................................................................................ 9:41 p.

    Friday, August 7 ........................................................................................ 6:00 p.

    Saturday, August 8 ................................................................................... 8:30 p.

    Shabbat Ends ........................................................................................ 9:31 p.

    Friday, August 14 ...................................................................................... 6:00 p.

    Saturday, August 15, Rosh Chodesh Elul .................................................. 8:15 p.

    Shabbat Ends ........................................................................................ 9:20 p.

    Sunday, August 16, Rosh Chodesh Elul .................................................... 5:00 p.

    Friday, August 21 ...................................................................................... 5:15 p.

    T.G.I.S. .................................................................................................. 6:00 p.

    Shabbat Barbeque ................................................................................ 7:00 p.

    Saturday, August 22 ................................................................................. 8:00 p.

    Shabbat Ends ........................................................................................ 9:09 p.

    Friday, August 28 ...................................................................................... 6:00 p.

    Saturday, August 29 ................................................................................. 8:00 p.

    Shabbat Ends ........................................................................................ 8:56 p.


    Friday, August 7 ........................................................................................ 8:27 p.

    Friday, August 14 ...................................................................................... 8:17 p.

    Friday, August 21 ...................................................................................... 8:07 p.

    Friday, August 28 ...................................................................................... 7:56 p.


  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    in honor of the birthdayof Rabbi Aaron Starr

    byRebecca, Caleb& Ayal Starr

    in honor of daughters Jane & Marlee

    becoming B’not Mitzvahby

    Sally & Jim Hooberman

    in honor of son Adambecoming a Bar Mitzvah

    byGary Karp

    in honor & memory of Cantor Sidney& Esther Rube

    Daily Minyan

    in honor of son Maxbecoming a Bar Mitzvah

    byLiz & David Barash

    in honor of daughterAerin becoming

    a Bat Mitzvah

    by Niki & Todd Fink

    in honor of son Sambecoming a Bar Mitzvah

    byMarci & Jay Sheinbaum

    in honor of son Michaelbecoming a Bar Mitzvah

    byTracey & Les Grosinger

    in honor of daughterAnnie becoming

    a Bat Mitzvahby

    Molly & Aaron Chernow

    in honor of daughterRikki becoming a

    Bat Mitzvahby

     Amy & David Goldman

    in memory of parentsHarriet & Alex Ornstein

    byDebbie Ornstein

    in memory of fatherIsadore “Izzy” Silverman

    byWarren Silverman

    in honor of son Matthew

    becoming a Bar MitzvahbyConnie & Jeffrey Averbuch

    in honor of daughterHannah becoming a

    Bat Mitzvahby

    Cheryl & Milton Kovinsky

    in memory of husband Joseph Klaiman


    Zelda Klaiman

    in memory of fatherHyman Kramer

    byZina & Michael Kramer

    in memory of husbandHerman Brodsky

    byDina Brodsky

     Thank You! Breakfast and S’udah Sh’lishit Sponsors Congregation Shaarey Zedek uses the

     Mahzor Lev Shalemfor Rosh Hashanahand Yom Kippur.Personal copies of the

    Mahzor are availableto purchase at $36.00each by calling theSynagogue office at248.357.5544.

    Would you like to sponsor a Morning Minyan breakfast and/or a S’udah Sh’lishit?

    Please contact Assistant CantorLeonard Gutman at [email protected]

    or 248.357.5544

    Mahzor Lev Shalem

    EVERYBODY COUNTS!Coming to daily morning and/or evening

    services may fit perfectly into your day.Your attendance IS important, even if

    you are only able to attend periodically.Fellow congregants who are reciting

    kaddish for a recently departed loved one,or a yearly yahrzeit, rely on CSZ

    for their communal support.Please join us. Minyan times are

    listed online, in the weekly Shabbat card,and in this issue of The Recorder.

    Attention all


    If you are interested inparticipating in minyan services,please contact Assistant Cantor

    Leonard Gutman

    at 248.347.5544 [email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    S E R V I  C E S 





    Friday, July 24, 2015


    Friday, August 21, 2015T.G.I.S. on the Pavilion

    6:00 p.m.Usher in Shabbat with

    Hazzan David Propis, Rabbi Aaron Starr,Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman, the T.G.I.S. Players,

    and our joyful, musical Friday night service.Free and open to the community, everyone is welcome.

    Stay afterward and join us for our specialSHABBAT BARBEQUEPicnic fare in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Cost: $10 per Adult, $5 per child ages 5-12 or $25 per family(adults and their children).

    RSVP for dinner by the Monday prior to the serviceto Tobye Bello at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

    Come As You Are. Leave Inspired.

    Tisha B’Av



    10:00 p.m.

    Ma’ariv and Tisha B’Av Services10:15 p.m.

    Chanting of Eichah (Lamentations)

    Saturday,July 25, 2015

    Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month o Av, marks the destruction of the first and secondTemples, as well as a variety of other tragedies

    throughout Jewish history. This special service imarked by somber melodies, the chanting of the

    Book of Lamentations, and other liturgical poems

    In our sadness, many choose to sit on the floor,and it is a custom to avoid leather and to fast,

    among other observances.

    For more information, contact Karen Davis at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

    27375 Bell RoadSouthfield, Michigan 48034-2079


  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    PreschoolerMe & My 


     A parent-child experience forchildren 2 to 4 years of age.10:45 a.m. every week!

    FREE joyful classes with music, snacks, Shabbat-oriented games and small group activities.FREE adult and kid-friendly community lunch follows. For more information, please contact Allison Gutman

    at [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

     # Y. E. S. ! youth e xperiences on s habbat

    Ruach Activities

    A lively Shabbat babysitting experience forchildren ages 2-7 years whose parents wish

    to attend services.10:00 a.m. every week!

    C E R E M O N Y

    Congregation Shaarey Zedek invites all newbabies, parents and grandparents to participatein this wonderful event. Even if your grandchil-dren are not members of Shaarey Zedek at thistime, we welcome them to be a part of thisceremony.

    PLEASE CONTACT US BY MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015We will need to know the Hebrew and Englishnames of the babies, names of parents, siblings,grandparents and living great-grandparents.Please also send a high-quality digital babyphoto. The babies will be featured in a keepsakebooklet for you to enjoy for many years to come.To participate, or for more information, pleasecontact Tobye Bello at [email protected] 248.357.5544.




    Coming in September • 10:45 a.m. every weekFor families with children ages 4-6Enjoy a fun-filled Shabbat morning with games, puppets, exploring theTorah, crafts and a snack.

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015








    Come play! 10:00 a.m. Thursdays atCongregation Shaarey Zedek,for children ages 0-5 and an adult.All activities are open to thecommunity, and are FREE!

    Party in the USA Celebrate the Fourthof July with a Star Trax dance party.

    Rub a Dub  Join us for some oldfashioned summer fun.


    Perfect Picasso Calling all artists:create your own one-of-a-kind masterpiece.



    Cookie Monster The blue monster comesto CSZ to play and make yummy cookies!

    Splish Splash Bring a bathing suit andtowel for splashy fun!

    Olympic Trials Run and jumpand cross the finish line at our miniOlympic games.

    Top Chef Create gourmet dishesto share.


    Giddy Up Partner Come all youcowboys and cowgirls to the CSZcorral for pony rides and muchmore.


    Under the Sea Sand castles, seashells and underwater friends.




    Tot ShabbatFor Families with Children Ages 0-5M I C K E Y A N D M I N N I E ’ S

    Magic Kingdom Shabbat

    Songs, Games, Shabbat Barbeque Dinner,and loads of Disney fun with

    Mickey and Minnie!

    Friday, July 17, 20155:30 p.m.

    Cost: $20 per family (parentsand their children)

    Additional adults: $10 each.

    RSVP to Allison Gutman [email protected]

    or 248.357.5544.

    Meet us at Reynolds Park in Huntington Woodsfor a relaxed outdoor family Shabbat.Bring your own picnic dinner and sing, danceand play with us! We bring a special dessert andactivities for the kids.

    FREE, but RSVP by August 7 to Allison Gutman [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

    Shabbat inthe ParkFriday, August 14, 2015

    5:30 p.m.

    For more information, please contactTobye Bello at [email protected] 248.357.5544.

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    Frozen!Sunday, August 23, 201511:00 a.m.


    Whether you are entering kindergarten

    or as young as two,

    We are ready to spendthe summer with you!

    Bring your bathing suit

    and get ready for fun,

    We'll splash in the water

    and run in the sun.

    Bring along your lunch

    and together we'll dine,

    August 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21,

    24, 26 & 28 are the dates,

    9:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. is the time.

    Space is limited.

    Registration required by Friday, July 31.Contact Allison Gutman at

    [email protected] or 248.357.5544.

    Cost:CSZ Members $20/session

    Non-Members $25/session.

    it may be summer, but CSZ is


    Wear your costume and come

    sing along with Elsa

    on the big screen at CSZ,

    take a photo with

    Elsa, Anna, and Olaf,

    play games and win raffle prizes!

    Food will be available for purchase.

    Free of charge.

    RSVP by Tuesday, August 18 to

     Allison Gutman at

    [email protected]

    or 248.357.5544.

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    B E R MA N

    C E NT E R P R OGR A MS 





    Monday, August 10, 2015 7:00-8:00 p.m.The more you know, the better it gets! Bring more

    meaning to prayer while lifting your spirit with knowledge.


    Monday, August 17, 2015

    7:00-8:00 p.m.Learn and review the beautifulCongregational refrains for the

    upcoming High Holy Day serviceat Shaarey Zedek.

    I’m not 30 Anymore (or 40 for that matter)

    Making Life Meaningful TodayTuesday, August 25, 2015

    7:00-8:00 p.m.As our children leave the household (or left years ago), weare confronted with new challenges and blessings. Explorehow Judaism counsels us on seeking joy, wisdom andunderstanding as we enter our 50s, 60s and 70s.

    RSVP to any of these classes with Wren Beaulieu-Hackat [email protected] or 248.357.5544.





    L E T  M Y 


     S I N G !

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015








    On Piano and BalalaikaWEDNESDAY

    August 12, 2015• 1:00 p.m.Refreshments will be served after

    the performance. For moreinformation, please contact JanetPont at [email protected]

    or 248.357.5544.SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 2015

    9:15 a.m.

    Board the bus from Congregation Shaarey Zedek

    2:15 p.m.Return to Congregation Shaarey Zedek

     An interactive bus tour showcasing Detroit’sculture, history, places, people and current andfuture developments. View fountains, public

    art, significant architecture and wonderfulviews as we explore Downtown, CampusMartius, Detroit International Riverwalk,

    Midtown and Corktown. e final stop willbe Eastern Market, where you can browse and

    purchase a dairy or parve lunch.

    CSZ Members: $35 per personNon-Members: $40 per person

    RSVP by Monday, August 17 to Nancy Finkelat [email protected] or 248.851.9147.


    Sunday, November 1, 20157:30 p.m.

    On Stage at the Fisher Theatre$60 per ticket, limited availabilty.Please reserve your seat quickly,

    or they will disappear!Contact Tobye Bello at

    [email protected] or248.357.5544.



       R   U   M   M   I   K   U   B  •   D   O   M   I   N   O   E   S  •

       P   A   N   •

       C   A   L   U   C   C   I  •   M   A   H    J

       O   N   G   G  •   B   R   I   D   G   E  •   C   A   N   A   S   T   A  •   P   O   K   E   R  •   E   U   C   H   R   E  •   G   I   N    R

       U   M   M   Y  •   R

       U   M   M   I   K   U   B



    August 13, 2015

    Reservations are required no later thanthe Monday prior to play.

    For more information,or to reserve your seat,

    please contact Tobye Belloat [email protected] 248.357.5544


    THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015

    The movie may be a secret, but the mayhem isn’Bring a friend or come solo for an affordable night ouSisterhood provides a gathering spot and a bag of M&MCost of the movie ($6 per person, which includes popcornand any other purchase is the responsibility of the attendeRSVP to [email protected].

    Movie Mayhemsisterhood

    The Maple Theater4135 West Maple RoadBloomfield Township

    7:30 p.m. Movie

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    At this 154th Annual Meeting of 

    our beloved congregation, I

    conclude my second year as

    President, tenth year as an Officer, thir-

    teenth year as a Trustee and twenty-sixth

    year as an active volunteer member. There have been so many 

    changes during those years and still those of you here today ex-

    emplify the one constant blessing: the blessing of community.

     A community on a spiritual journey together, valuing their re-

    lationships with their clergy not only as their personal spiritual

    guides but also as primary community builders, being the

    vocal foundation and support that holds us closer together,

    always inspiring us to stand for a greater purpose together than

     we could alone: living as a Kehila Kedosha .

     As a community we have much to be thankful for as we

    look back on this year. We have had a tremendous volunteer

    corps and an active Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Seniors and the

    engaging new chevra for “Empty-Nesters.” Also, our tremen-

    dously hard-working and dedicated Religious School parents

     who, assisted by Allison Gutman, set the course for our young 

    students, our award-winning USY organized by David Lerner,

    our meaningful social action initiatives set up by the

    committee led by Adam Finkel, and the joyous summer soiree

    created and hosted by young adults are just some examples of 

    the vibrancy of our wonderful synagogue volunteers.

    I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to each

    and every person who has devoted time to the synagogue as a 

    volunteer. Your effort and participation makes things happen!

    Certainly among those efforts are all who served on the

    Rabbinic Search Committee. The co-chairs, Kari Alterman

    and Milton Feldberg, led the committee and communicated

     with the membership in such a way that allowed every

    member of our congregation to have a voice and a role in the


    I also give recognition to the representatives of the

    membership, the full Board of Trustees, which includes the

    Executive Board and all Past Presidents for their abundant

    commitment and devotion to our synagogue. While the By-

    laws require that the Board meet a minimum of eight timesduring a fiscal year, this Board during my two years as

    president attended significantly more than the minimum

    number – in fact more meetings than any other Board. From

    the first day of my presidency in April of 2013, when we

    learned that we needed to find a Cantor, through our most

    recent meeting on March 22nd of this year, the work of this

    Board of volunteers has been substantial, the results of which

     were achieved by a strong consensus, shaping the future of our


    In addition to the terrific volunteers at Shaarey Zedek, we

    are also tremendously thankful for the generosity of all who

    make donations. While each and every donation is received

     with sincere appreciation, I would like to give special

    recognition and thanks to The William Davidson Foundation

    for their gift of $750,000. The Davidson Foundation has been

    most generous over the years and in this year in particular,having increased its gift from $500,000 to $750,000.

    The congregation continues to express appreciation for the

    outstanding generosity of Madeline and Bill Berman, whose

    $2,000,000 gift last year established the beautiful Berman

    Center for Jewish Education. Under the leadership of our Vice

    President and Treasurer, Larry Nemer, the Center was opened

    this past fall and is being used by our school as well as by the

    community for various educational purposes. We all extend

    our thanks to the Bermans.

     As an extension of the great value that the synagogue places

    on learning, we look forward to the inaugural lecture of TheRabbi Irwin Groner Memorial Lecture Series of Distinguished

    Scholars, featuring Rabbi David Rosen on June 3rd. This will

    be an enriching lecture and a fitting and ongoing tribute to

    our beloved Rabbi Irwin Groner, of blessed memory.

     Also advancing the hallmark of congregational excellence,

    many thanks go to the Morris and Beverly Baker Foundation

    for its continuing sponsorship of the enriching Scholar-in-

    Residence Shabbatonim, to the Sidney Katzman Memorial

    Fund for its continuing sponsorship of the fabulous Purim

    Extravaganza, and to the Peter and Clara Weisberg Fund and

    to Henrietta and Alvin Weisberg for continuing the series of beautiful concerts open to all. Thanks to The Richard Brown

    and Sharon (z’l) Brown Live-Streaming Fund, we are all able

    to enjoy our services even if homebound or otherwise unable

    to attend. This fund also makes it possible for sermons and

    services to be archived on the website for future viewing and,

    as has been recently made a regular practice, sending video

    recordings of the Shabbat sermon to all. I would like to thank 

    Dick Brown for his generosity, care and concern for our


    I further extend gratitude to all who chose to pay premium

    dues. Their added contributions make a significant difference

    and are appreciated.

     A positive difference in our synagogue is also due to the

    dedication and professionalism of our Executive Director,

    Shira Shapiro, and her entire staff. Shira leads by example with

    an outstanding work ethic and concern for the synagogue.

    Thank you, Shira, and all who work on your team in the

    administration, programming, facilities and education

    departments. Yasher Koach to the entire Shaarey Zedek staff!


  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015






     As we transition leadership following tonight’s election, I

     would like to emphasize not only just how much my fellow

    officers do for the synagogue but also how much they care.

    Larry, in particular, as Vice President and Treasurer – and

    project manager for the Berman Center for Education – and

    holder of the education, finance, and facilities portfolios, is an

    integral part of all accomplishments. While Larry’s outstanding 

    intellectual talents and remarkable capacity for details andrigorous analysis are well-known to all, the trait perhaps less

    obvious is how much he cares about people who are part of the

    Shaarey Zedek family. Larry’s patience and ability to listen and

    dialogue with others of differing view-points is perhaps what

    our congregation will find most important. Respectful

    community dialogue on challenging topics is similarly impor-

    tant to the entire executive board - Rob Goodman, Jeri Fish-

    man, Janice Stoneman and Rick Cohen. All of us, together,

    developed the Congregation Conversation format launched

    during the summer and continued throughout the Rabbinic

    Search Committee process.I give special thanks to the couples who hosted Congrega-

    tion Conversations in their homes: Lisa and Milton Feldberg,

    Marjorie and Saul Saulson, and Sally and Richard Krugel.

    The feedback obtained from these dialogue forums and

    those held in the synagogue during the fall and winter, as well

    as other information and opinion-gathering methods used not

    only by the Rabbinic Search Committee, but also by the

    Ritual Committee —- for which our collective thanks is

    expressed to original chair, Officer Rick Cohen, and current

    chair, Mel Chinitz —-and also by the Board of Trustees, whose

    commitment to gather feedback from the congregation has

    truly shaped recent Board decisions.

    There was, in fact, an important decision reached at the

    most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on March

    22nd, and it is my distinct honor and joy to share it formally 

     with you, the congregation, this evening.

    In accordance with the By-Laws, the Board has designated

    our much admired and respected – Rabbi Aaron Starr as the

    Mara D’Atra of our synagogue community. As Mara D’Atra ,

    Rabbi Starr is charged with the definition and interpretation of 

    the religious practices of the congregation.

    The Board made its decision after careful consideration,

    taking in to account the status of the Rabbinic Search

    Committee’s work, the overwhelmingly positive sentiments

    that the Search Committee received from the membership

    regarding him and the outstanding manner in which he h

    led the Shaarey Zedek family during the past nine months.

    demonstrated his ability as a true spiritual leader, not only he

    ing and inspiring all of us – and I include myself in that –

    individuals but most importantly as members of a Keh

    Kedosha – a sacred community.

    May Rabbi Starr and his family enjoy the blessings

    health, happiness and peace has he undertakes the role of MD’Atra of Congregation Shaarey Zedek.

    The search for additional clergy support to assist him w

    continue with Rabbi Starr’s active involvement in buildin

    collaborative team. As we all recall from Rabbi Starr’s serm

    this past Rosh Hashanah, his spiritual foundation “gratitu

    plus obligation plus joy” will bring this congregation forwa

    I certainly wish to give well-deserved equal prai

    recognition and respect to both our Hazzan David Propis a

    our Cantor Leonard Gutman, who each inspire us all with th

    beautiful davening and warm comforting personalities. O

    three clergy: Rabbi Starr, Hazzan Propis and Assistant CanGutman are, truly, all a blessing for our congregation.

    In closing, I wish to thank all of you who are here tod

    for your devotion to community. This congregation

    fortunate to have the outstanding individuals designated

    the Nominating Committee up for election to serve on t

    Executive Board and the Board of Trustees and the Cemet

    Board — I give special acknowledgement to Ken Gold

    accepting the nomination for the executive board – that ro

    takes considerable time and his talents and strength of char

    ter will be a benefit to our Shul and marry well with the stro

    talents and character of Larry, Jeri, Janice, Rick and Rob —

    of whom have been a tremendous support for me wh


    In addition to my executive group I would like to give m

    boundless appreciation to the many, many people, each

     whom inspired me for reasons unique to the wonderful peo

    they truly are; some know that they were impactful to me a

    others may be surprised to learn it. Just because I reject

    someone’s advice does not mean that there wasn’t a good less

    that I learned from them.

    I wanted to read their names but once I started the lis

     just continued to grow so very long, we’d be here until the n

    annual meeting!

    May we all, together, go from strength to strength.

     Mary Kn

     A Message From the President, Continued

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    JULYTal Arbel-NewmanPhilip ArnoldAdria AronovitzStuart BordmanRichard BrownGerald ChernowAndres CisnerosMargaret Cohen

     Jill DonesMaureen FillCarolyn GabelDeirdre Hirschtritt

    Paul HoobermanSylvia HurvitzValerie IndenbaumEleanor JackierNorman KatzFrieda LangnasLawrence LaxLynne LevineElaine Liebergott

    Sheldon LublinDonna MaddinBarbara MorseLinden Nelson

    Arlene RosenBenjamin RosenbergPhyllis SatovskyGary SchwartzDavid SchwartzNorma ShekTamara ShermanElizabeth SilverDona Stillman

    Enid WapnerAllen ZemmolLeonard Zucker

    AUGUSTMarci Ben-MocheMarci Benson

     Julie BormanStephen BrombergDiane GartnerStuart GildenbergLeo Goldstein

    Marlene Handler

    Brian JohnsonRobin LashMelissa LaxNancy NidaMorton NoveckHeather Olson

     Joanne PurtherLili Safta

    William Schloner

    Richard SegalLynn Silverman

     James SklarH Arthur Sugarman

     Julie UnatinMarc Wolf Harvey Zalla

    “SPECIAL” BIRTHDAYSJULY60th Fae and Martin Weinstock45th Sharon and Michael Berkovic35th Debbie and Stuart Firsten25th Karen and Robert Brunhild

    Elise and Martin Zoldan15th Gloria and Edward Meer

    Rachel and Scott RoseSarah and Matthew Roth

    AUGUST60th  Joyce and George Blum50th Carolyn and Mitchell Simmer45th Roberta and Paul Ingber

    Elaine and Barry Resnick35th Nanci Wolf Freedman and Michael Freedman

    Cheryl and David Gutow30th Susan and Marc Brodsky25th Dawn and Jeffrey Joshowitz

    Karen and Tony LevinCheryl and Ronald SternRenae and Joshua Tukel


    Wendy and Philip Arnold Julie and Timothy Dziuba15th Esther and Richard Zekman10th Heather and Stevan Rosenberg5th Sheri and Adam Horwitz


    AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTSMazel Tov to the honorees of the 2015 Eight Over Eighty TikkunOlam Award . is prestigious award acknowledges the dedica-tion of those who have contributed their time and energy tothe betterment of our community. We are honored to have a 

    Shaarey Zedek connection to four of the eight honorees. ey are:Honorable Avern Cohn, Ellen Glen, Ellen Labes andGeri Margolis.

    Mazel Tov to Brian Y. Satovsky , son of  Joni and NeilSatovsky , on being awarded the Frank A. Wetsman Leadership Award  from the Jewish Federation of MetropolitanDetroit. Brian has been a part of the Shaarey Zedek family mostof his life and we, as a congregation are so proud of this won-derful achievement.

    ENGAGEMENTS AND MARRIAGESMazel Tov to Toby and the late Herschel (z’l) Schlussel on themarriage of their son, Irvin Andrew Joshua Schlussel to Rachel

     Allison Levy, daughter of Robin and Phillip Levy of Newton,Massachusetts. e simchah took place on December 28, 2014at the Hilton Pearl River Hotel in Pearl River, New York. Racheland Irvin are living in Miami, Florida, where Rachel is attend-ing medical school. May they celebrate many wonderful timesin their lives together.

    BIRTHSMazel Tov to Kendra and Matthew Watson of Grand Rapids,Michigan on the birth of their daughter, Livia Jules Watson. Welcoming her into the world are her grandparents, Francieand Scott Watson of Bloomfield Hills and Barb and Paul Rei-noehl of Grand Rapids. Livia is especially blessed to have her

    great-grandparents, Bryna and Bob Frank of Farmington Hillsas part of her wonderful family. May Livia grow to be a bless-ing to the people of Israel.

    Mazel tov to Jessica and Eric Unatin on the birth of their son,Dylan Pierce. Welcoming Dylan is big brother Jack Charles,and grandparents Tobye and Mark Bello of West Bloomfield,and Julie and Paul Unatin. Dylan is also the grandson of thelate Jackie (z’l) Unatin. Dylan is blessed to have his grreat-grandparents Betty Shipper and Lois and Cyril Levenson.

    B’NAI MITZVAHMazel Tov to Rissa and Shel Winkelman and Janet and HerbPont on the occasion of their grandson, Ryan Adan Pont, be-coming a Bar Mitzvah on February 7, 2015, in Oak Park, Illi-nois. Ryan’s parents, Sheila and Eddie, grew up at Shaarey Zedek. Ryan was joined on the bimah by his sisters, AbigailSarah and Joile Isabel. May he continue to be a source of prideto his family and the community of Israel.

    Mazel Tov to Janet and Herb Pont on the occasion of theirgranddaughter, Emma Michal Pont becoming a Bat Mitzvahon Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Sunday, April 19, 2015 inMarlboro, New Jersey. Sharing in this special moment were herparents, Natalie and Rabbi Michael Pont and hermaternal grandmother, Irene Hutner of New York City. Emma is also the granddaughter of the late Dr. Arthur (z’l) Hutner. Joining in the family celebration were her siblings, Gabriel Aaron and Jordana Zoe. Rabbi Pont attended Beth Hayeled,Religious School and Hebrew High School and was the firstpresident of the Confirmation class. May Emma continue tobe a source of joy to her family and the Jewish community.


  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    Y A HR Z E I  T S 





     JULY 1, 201514 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Harry Clark Jeanette Gottlieb

    Dora HoltzSteven David Kutinsky

    Ruth Lipsitz

    Hyman MillerFreda ShiffmanBertha Spinner

    Helene Wagenheim

    JULY 2, 201515 TAMMUZ, 5775Alexander HorvitzMorris KaufmanSidney Levine

    Esther RiechmanSidney RosenDavid Siegel

    JULY 3, 201516 TAMMUZ, 5775 Jacqueline BrantHerbert ChernickAngel El-Gazzar

    Albert FeurringEthel Esther JaffaRisha Gitel Rosen

    Louis SegelMartin Taylor

    Robert Weinbaum

    JULY 4, 201517 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Perlyn EllisonHenry “Lee” Horwitz

    Henry OrbachPamela Smoller

     Jean StalritDave Weiner

    JULY 5, 201518 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Sally Lemberg

    Lawrence B. SchanesStephen Wicherski

    JULY 6, 201519 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Zachary M. Talan EdelsonIda F. Goode

    Frances WayneMorris Zuckman

    JULY 7, 201520 TAMMUZ, 5775Elizabeth Goldfaden

    Sophie Goodman

    JULY 8, 201521 TAMMUZ, 5775William Denenberg

    Patricia FischerHarry Arthur Heller

    Florence Jonas Joseph LevinIsabelle MigdalSelma Rodin

    Theodore SilvermanBeatrice Stillman

    Evelyn Zalla

    JULY 9, 201522 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Harold BerkeIsrael GastfraindRose GittlemanHarry KerschRose Keywell

    Seymour KrevskyR. Robert LynnLinda Gonte Perlman

    Armin PhillipsEdward RosenthalStuart Jay Weiner

    JULY 10, 201523 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Harry AlgerIda Cohen

    Maynard M. FeldmanBernard Finkel

    Arlene Mehler Levenson Joe Medwed

    Michael S. MilenSam Moscow

    Irving WilenzickMarsha Zucker

    JULY 11, 201524 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Miriam “Mimi” AlspectorDora Beloigeret

    Burton GoldIsrael KaplanskyFreda MadorskySidney Stolsky

    JULY 12, 201525 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Hinda Askenazy Jacob S. BeitnerRebecca Benstein

    Henry Brode Joseph DavidMiriam FerstFanya Green

    Max KahnBertrand J. SandweissSam Stoller

    JULY 13, 201526 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Helen BrodeMartin Budman

    Leonard J. CrayleGladys DaitchHarry MogillHilda Nelson

    Meyer PerlmanElizabeth Pierce

     Joseph RothschildStella Savin

    Leslie Wright

    JULY 14, 201527 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Pearl LevinMorris Mendelson

    Mae Schwartz

    JULY 15, 201528 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Dennis AaronSophie Averbuch

    Harry GalensOren Lewis

    William W. SaulsonBen Schurgin

    Herbert Archie SeitonVivian Shulman

    Eleanore B. SugarmanPeggy Ann Weingarden

    JULY 16, 201529 TAMMUZ, 5775

    Glen Gendloff Sol Lakind

    Rose RusskyHenrietta SchwartzLawrence Simmer

    JULY 17, 20151 AV, 5775

    Irving CoblentzCharlotte FirestoneDorothy GoodmanPamela Grosinger

     Jerome Marcus KeywellLouis Krass

    Anna L. LandauLillian Miller

    Debra Steinberg

    JULY 18, 20152 AV, 5775

     Joseph ApplebaumChaskel Ferleger

    Lipe FerlegerMindel Ferleger

    Perl FerlegerRachel FerlegerSrulke FerlegerYacov FerlegerYechil Ferleger

    Rubin GastfraindHelen GoodsteinFlorence Kaufman

    Gail ParrDavid Rubenstein

    Lawrence B. SchwartzMax Tauber

    Sarah UzanskySonia Wysoki

    JULY 19, 20153 AV, 5775

    Sidney BaskinSol Brodsky

    Pauline H. FabianHerbert GlogowerArthur PetermanEsther RosenbergRuth SchwartzLouis Stober

    Nancy Jean WagnerHarry Warshaw

    David Zirkin

    JULY 20, 20154 AV, 5775

     Julia BeermanClifford BereshBarbara BraschCharles Olsman

    Max OrdinIra Gerald SamuelsWilliam Tarockoff 

    JULY 21, 20155 AV, 5775

    Nathan BrodskyPaul Faust

    Sam FeldmanMartin Fried

    Molly GordonBenjamin GutowSamuel Schwartz

    JULY 22, 20156 AV, 5775Nathan Fox

    Charles GlenHannah Marks Heidenreich

    Susan InwaldSaul Kalt

    Benjamin KonstantinIsadore OsztreicherMildred Small

    Dorothy Sokoloff  Jean Weiss

    JULY 23, 20157 AV, 5775

    David BardensteinMorris BaskinRose KohenBasil NemerHarry Rosin

    JULY 24, 20158 AV, 5775

     Jack AbramovitzBarbara Burton

    Edward Herbert Elkus

    Morris GoldmanGussie HamburgerBenjamin Koblin Joseph S. LindenSamuel LittmanMax M. LublinMartha Michael

    Richard David MitchellNoel Pancer

    Marcella RichmondRose C. Schachter

    Allen Morris SchneiderMax M. Schwartz

    Nathan E. SilvermanAlice Tankard

    JULY 25, 20159 AV, 5775

    Rebecca Cronenwalt

    Eileen GreenbergerGertrude HandlerStewart Kepes

     Jean Boesky MillerFred Stahl

    Bernard SucherFrieda Teplitz

    JULY 26, 201510 AV, 5775

    Geraldine R. KaplowNorman Michlin

    Virginia NoffsingerNorman B. Sukenic

    JULY 27, 201511 AV, 5775

    Deborah BerrisMolly Borman

    Lawrence EisenbergIrving RaimiTilly Rose

    Dena SternMaria Tzitrin

    Pauline Wetsman

    JULY 28, 201512 AV, 5775 Jenny BelloMax Bello

    Barbara BerlinSam Cherrin

    Richard GottesmanSam HoobermanYetta Levenson

    Lee LevineRobert Merker

    Mildred Satovsky

    JULY 29, 201513 AV, 5775

    Bertha BinkowSydney Gartenberg

    Esther LisHyman Reider Jack Singer

    Louis Sokoloff JULY 30, 201514 AV, 5775Rhea Bass

    Harry B. Keidan Jay Robert Kelman

    Rachel RadinHyman Safran

    Virginia WarrenLillian Zuieback

    JULY 31, 201515 AV, 5775

    Albert AdelmanSamuel Borin

    Leon Hirsch GoldenIda Hillman McClinto

    Harold Perlman

    Rose Rubenstein

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015



    AUGUST 1, 201516 AV, 5775

    Harry V. CohenAnna CurtisRoza Guz

    Eugene MetzCarole Perry

    Rae WatnickIrving Wiener

    AUGUST 2, 201517 AV, 5775

    Ruth ApplebaumBarney BronerIrving DworkinMaurice GlazierMorris RaginsIsadore Seiger

    Howard “Tzvi” SherizenArlene Victor

    AUGUST 3, 201518 AV, 5775

    Dorothy Chaleff Martin Ferst

    Ida Glogower

    Seymour Goldman Joel GreenspanMorris Levenson

    Max MadgyIrwin Nathanson

    Norman N. SnyderNathan WatnickLeah Zeichner

    AUGUST 4, 201519 AV, 5775

    Ira BoykanskySolomon Cohen

    Diane GreensteinRonald Myron Karbal

    Esther LevyPeter A. MartinZelda Michlin

    Nathan D. Rosin

    Ethel SandelmanAUGUST 5, 2015

    20 AV, 5775Irving Maurice Barit

    Manny GoldAlvin Kadushin

    Gabriel Ben LevyDale Scott Margulis

    Sally MetlenHarry Sherman

    Belle Siden

    AUGUST 6, 201521 AV, 5775Alex Begun

    Mandell BernsteinBenjamin CabotEthel K. Chabon

    Samuel GoldsteinHenry GreenbergRobert M. Matasar

    Sander B. RamiBenjamin B. TowerMelvin Weinberg

    AUGUST 7, 201522 AV, 5775

    Abraham FreedmanDora Glanz

    Rabbi Oscar Groner Joel HamburgerHarold Kumove

    Max LevyIsaac Mallin

    Igor SchoenbergerBerthold SeligLawrence SillsIsrael Winitsky

    AUGUST 8, 201523 AV, 5775Isabelle Clark

    George FinemanRabbi Benjamin Groner

    Marilyn L. HopeAlice Kirschner

    Morton LewisLiddy Weinberg

    AUGUST 9, 201524 AV, 5775 Jay Golden

    Anne Tauber GoldmanBeatrice GronerBraedon LarsonMollie MoersIrving PalmanReuben Snider

    AUGUST 10, 201525 AV, 5775Phyllis Borin

     Jacob BrodskyShirley Victor Finkel

    Melvin Jaffe

    Bernard M. SpearMiriam SteinPearl Walt

    Phyllis Weiner

    AUGUST 11, 201526 AV, 5775

    Max EisenbergMarc M. GolskyPhilip Kelman

    Sarah Galemba LewisBenny ShermanSamuel Simmer

    Irving SimonSadie Tobias

    AUGUST 12, 201527 AV, 5775

    Arthur Boschan

    Sam BravermanMark DonesRose Dubrinsky

    Samuel FinkEsther Freedman

    Esther LamedRuth Meisner

     Jeffrey Nathan MeizelsCharles RobinsonMinnie Simmer Joseph Simons

    AUGUST 13, 201528 AV, 5775

    Vivian GildenbergLeslie Garbon Grosinger

    Pearl KozikRhoda Levin

    Mary SchwartzHarry Wedgle

    AUGUST 14, 201529 AV, 5775

    Vichna BensteinMaynard CutlerSol Eisenberg

     Joseph GajdaEly Kogan

    Max KwaselowNorman Rom

     Joseph SimonRose Weinstein

    AUGUST 15, 201530 AV, 5775

    Helen Horowitz BegunCelia Goldberg

    Herman Jack HalperinRichard LarkyIda F. Lewis

    Beatrice LovingerTillie Miller

    AUGUST 16, 20151 ELUL, 5775 Jack Gaynor

    Randi M. HoltzmanLouis Kirschner

    Irene Marie KovinskyZelick KowalskySarray PolanskyStella Satovsky

    Dorothy SchubinerMax Stollman

    George Surowitz

    AUGUST 17, 20152 ELUL, 5775

    Nettie Konstantin

    Faye Rosenberg Joseph A. Zechman

    AUGUST 18, 20153 ELUL, 5775Harry B. Adler

    Sophie Morganroth BlumBenjamin BrantLillian FarkasEva FishmanSam Folbe

    Hershel GastfraindLawrence Gorosh

     Julius GronerAda LindenAda Linden

    Lena MakowskyDavid Mendelsohn

    Louis Rose

    Sanford C. ShekterSamuel Toby

    AUGUST 19, 20154 ELUL, 5775Harry Aronow

    Ellanore BronsteinPaul C. DeutchBarney Kasoff 

    Ervin Klein Judie Maiseloff Klein

    Albert KobylanskiVictoria LevinAllan SparageSam Spinner

    AUGUST 20, 20155 ELUL, 5775

    Eleanor HeymanHarry J. Kellman

    Mayer LangDorothy Melvin

    Shirley Ruby Jack Siskind

    Ida Spear

    AUGUST 21, 20156 ELUL, 5775Anita Barak

    Eugene BlumFranka CharlupskiHannah HarvithEleanor HorwitzPauline Kadushin

    Charles MatlerAnn Mogill

    Maurice PerlmanRegina Rose Snyder

    AUGUST 22, 20157 ELUL, 5775

    Harry E. August Joseph G. BerryMarvin HermelinBetty Hershberger

    Benjamin Katz

    Avrohom LumelskyPepi ManishevitzHarry Moss

    Sanford RadnerIris ShapiroLillian Shore

    AUGUST 23, 20158 ELUL, 5775

    Benjamin SklarEdward Block

    Beatrice Dashow John EbyLea Field

    David H. KelmanTonnie KovinskyBernice KramerHelen L. Linden

    Dorothy E. Nussbaum

    Reva StockerSidney George Wener

    AUGUST 24, 20159 ELUL, 5775

    Fannie BoykanskyGordon BrunhildHyman Feldman

    Saul FirestoneReinald Freedman

    Betty GoldBruce A. Hillman

    Leib NajmanHarold Podolsky

    Betty ResnickNorman Siegel

    Leah SniderHarry R. Switow

    Tillie Tam

    Mildred ZirkinAUGUST 25, 2015

    10 ELUL, 5775Robert E. Bortman

    Rose GunSamuel GunSonia Gun

    Yetta B. LeibAnna NeumannRose Robinson

    Abraham SandelmanRebecca Sugarman

    AUGUST 26, 201511 ELUL, 5775

    Clarissa FinemanMinnie Krugel Joseph Pliss

    AUGUST 27, 201512 ELUL, 5775Anita Dushay

    Michael FleischmannShirley Glusman

    Harry Migdal

    AUGUST 28, 201513 ELUL, 5775

    Myron H. BordmanAlexander S. Karp

    Harry MasserEva ReiderAbrahamSalzberg

    Hana SilberMary Spitz

    Rubin Zyskind

    AUGUST 29, 201514 ELUL, 5775

    Martin W. CohenMary Frank

     Jerome GrossmanMax C. Handler

    Harold Y. Hoffman

    Samuel IndenbaumIrvin O. KanatIrving Lieberman

    AUGUST 30, 201515 ELUL, 5775Sara BudnitskyBetty EidelmanMorris Tapper

    Isadore Lewis Zuieback

    AUGUST 31, 201516 ELUL, 5775Peter D. BrownDora Fischoff 

    Marion GolmanHarvey Michael Hurvitz

     Joseph Katz Judith Kolender

    Ida LinialMac PlessRoslyn Shipko

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    ME MOR I  A MS 





    JEFFREY DANIEL ADELMAN – Beloved husband of Juli Adelman;father of Sam and Ben; son of Judith and Joel Adelman; brother of Laurel, Elizabeth and Michael.

    IDA BADER – Beloved wife of the late Dr. Ben Bader (z’); cher-ished mother of Naida Simon, Sharon (Dr. Jeffrey) Lipton, and thelate Diane “Deedee” Perlman (z’l); mother-in-law of Michael Perl-man; loving grandmother of Joshua Simon, Robert Simon, Sara Lip-

    ton (Neil Carty), Andie Lipton, David Lipton, Dana Perlman and Jeffrey (Elizabeth) Perlman; sister of the late Bernard “Buddy” (thelate Sonja) Zeff (z’l); devoted daughter of the late Abe and the lateRebecca Zeff (z’l). Also survived by her loving caregivers KimberlyWheeler, Stacy Luzod, Christine Rowe, Margo Sliwinska and AlomaMirjah.

    TOURAN BANOONI YAMINI – Beloved wife of Khalil Yamini,cherished mother of Guity (Nourolah) Moorim, Farzaneh (Daniel(z’l)) Arjang, Bijan (Soossan) Yamini, Behzad (Shahnaz) Yamini, andLili Yamini; devoted daughter of Isaac (z’l) and Sara (z’l) Banooni,loving sister of Ebrahim (Nahid) Banooni, Meir (z’l) (Nayereh)Banooni, Vajiheh (Sion) Okhavat, Saeed (Parvaneh) Banooni, Mas-soud (Maheen) Banooni, Ashraf Behnam, Parvaneh (Massoud)Masseret, our members Firooz (Rana) Banooni and Behrouz (Jud-

    dith) Banooni. Also survived by twelve grandchildren and thirteengreat-grandchildren.

    STANLEY HARVEY BERLIN – Loving husband of 65 years to Trudy(Modell) and their children, our members Susan and Howard Tap-per, Ellen and Rick Kroopnick, Don Berlin and Debbie Langer, andArnie and Cheryl Berlin. He was the adoring grandfather of Marlaand Brian Young, Mark and Leora Tapper, Jared and Michael Kroop-nick, and Hanna, Sara and Melissa Berlin. He also was blessed withgreat-grandchildren Ari and Levi Young and Adi Tapper.

    MILDRED BERNSTEIN – Devoted daughter of David and SarahBernstein (z’l), and cherished sister of Ralph Bernstein (z’l).

    EDNA CHOSID – Mother of sons and daughters-in-law Richardand Cherie Chosid and Paul and Ruth Chosid; grandchildren RobinChosid-Brown and Harold (Chip) Brown; Pamela Chosid; Matthew

    and Katie Chosid; Michael Chosid; great-grandchildren Joshua Joseph; Sarah Joseph; Hannah, Benjamin, and Rachel Chosid; Har-rison Brown. She was the beloved wife of the late Stuart Chosid andthe devoted daughter of the late William and Malvina Tann. She wasthe dear sister of the late Herman (the late Elaine)Tann; the lateDavid (the late Erna) Tann; the late Irvin ( the late Esther) Tann; thelate George ( the late Rhea) Tann; the late Leo (the late Peggy) Tann;the late Edward (the late Rosabelle) Tann. She is also survived bymany loving nieces and nephews.

    CAROL ANNETTE GOLDEN – Beloved mother of Jennifer andMichael Joseph, Amy and Peter Johnson, and Mark Golden; won-derful Nana to Jeremy Joseph, Jema Joseph, Connor Johnson andAndrew Johnson; and sister to Rissa and Sheldon Winkelman andIlene and Marc Steglitz.

    BERNARD GROSS – Beloved husband of Myra Gross. Dear Step-father of Bruce Weiner, Sandra (Chaim) Mishory and Aimee Good-man. Loving grandfather of Stuart (Asya) Mishory, Reena Mishory,Avi Mishory, Michael Weiner and Hillary Weiner. Great-grandfatherof Yisroel Noach. Former father-in-law of Sharon Lum. Dearestbrother of the late Sam (the late Mildred) Gross and the late MortonGross. Also remembered by many nieces, nephews, other familymembers and friends.

    SYLVIA REDBLATT HARVITH - beloved wife of 70 years of the lateErwin Harvith; Cherished mother of Anita and Donald Baron, Alanand Freda Harvith and Elliott and Marlene Harvith; Loving grand-mother of Neil and Elsy Baron, Hannah Hall, Jackie and Jason Cole-man and Joshua and Carrie Harvith; Great grandmother of Nicole,Abigail and Adam Baron and Harrison Hall; Sister of Jean (the late

    Harvey) Willens, the late Dorothy (the late William) Sarut, SisteLaw of the late Samuel Harvith; Devoted daughter of the late Abham and the late Rebecca Redblatt; Aunt of Amy and Ben Rosberg, Joan Abraham and Arlene and William Robbins; Also survivby devoted caregivers Kim, Marilyn, Amanda, Cassie and Mira.

    HOWARD KOSS – Beloved husband of Judy Koss; dear fatheScott (Diana) Koss, Elyse (Jack) Weitzman, and the late Shelby K

    (z’l), and other children Mark Schiff, Brian (Mathilde) Schiff, aScott (Gwen) Schiff. Survived by ten loving grandchildren and thgreat-grandchildren and remembered by many loving family mebers and friends.

    EDITH “EDIE” KRAKAUER - devoted wife to the late Dr. BernKrakauer. Beloved mother of Dr. Yehoshua B. (Sarah) Krakauer, Rowena (Marc Miller) Krakauer, Sabrina Lynn (Dr. William) Strsand and Melissa Beth (Herbert Ganz) Krakauer Ganz. Loving gramother of Nir Krakauer, Ora (Noson) Rosenfeld, Noga (SendLevine, Yochai (Racheli) Krakauer, Tova (Rabbi Shmuli) WintBracha (Moshe) Elbaz, Yhocheved (Akiva) Haimowitz, YechKrakaurer, Chana Rivka Krakauer, Gabriel Tabashnik, Toby KrakauGanz and Zachary Krakauer-Ganz. Also survived by many lovGreat-grandchildren

    SHIRLEY KRONZEK – Beloved wife of the late Morris Kronz(z’l). Shirley is survived by three sons, Charles (Judy) Kronzek, Ph(Tonya) Kronzek, and David (Brenda) Kronzek. She also leaves hind nine grandchildren, Allison Gutman (Brian), Jill Cohen (BryaArielle Howes (Matthew), Jeremy Rosner (Hayley), Dustin KronzAmanda Kronzek, Erin Kronzek, Joshua Kronzek and Micaela Kronzone great-grandchild, David Gutman; and many nieces anephews.

    DAVID LEADER – beloved husband of 60 years of Gloria LeadCherished father of Francie Leader, Laurie (Sam) Kuper and NathLeader; Loving Papa of Joshua Dampf, Michael Kuper, Mara KupIsabel Leader and Isaac Leader; Twin Brother of Marvin (DarliLeader, the late Shirley (the late Harold) Hellman and the late Edy(the late George) Rubin; Brother in Law of Sandra and Rob

    Moers.GAIL LUTZ - beloved wife of the late Sheldon Lutz (z'l). D

    mother of Daniel (Linda) Lutz, Jeffrey Lutz, and Robin (John) Broley. Devoted sister of the late Leo (the late Dorothy) Schoenb(z'l), the late Nettie (the late Harry) Last (z'l), and the late Milton (late Ivy) Schoenbrun (z'l). Loving grandmother of Jacob, Michaand Adam Lutz, Jayme (David) Lynde, and Lorie (Adam) LarkGreat-grandmother of Elizabeth, Abigail, Lexi, and Violet. Alsomembered by many loving nieces, nephews, other family memband friends.

    GEORGE M. MARGULIS – beloved husband of Marilyn (MidMargulis; devoted father of Sherry (late Jeffrey) Margulis-ZasloRandy (Deborah) and the late Dale Margulis; loving grandfathe Jordan, Alexandra and Eden Zaslow, Jayde and Lily Margulis.

    GRACE NAFTALY - beloved wife for more than 40 years to late William "Bill" Naftaly; Devoted mother of Robert "Bob" (AnNaftaly, Janice (Dr. Raymond) Katz and Jerry Naftaly; Loving gramother of Lisa (Howard) Brown, Beth Kirshner, Steven (Jami) KaSusan Katz, Dr. Bruce (Emiko) Millman, Dr. Alan (Lisa) MillmProud great-grandmother of Zack Kirshner, Ben Kirshner, Sam K Jacob Katz, David Katz, Emily Brown and Binyamin Millman; Daunt of Marc (Theresa) Kahan, Cindy Geller and Michelle (JGeller; Cherished sister of the late Jack (late Velma) Kahan.

    ERNEST “ERNIE” NEEDLE - beloved husband of Sandy NeedCherished father of Dori (Anders) Borgquist and Daniel Needle. Dvoted son of Blanche Needle and the late Philip Needle. Dbrother of Janice (Michael) Lachman. Also survived by many lovnieces and nephews.

    In MemoriamCongregation Shaarey Zedek extends heartfelt sympathies to the families of:

  • 8/20/2019 Recorder /Up & Coming Summer 2015


    ILENE BEVERLY NEMER - cherished mother of Ellen (David)Maiseloff, Larry (Rosalind) Nemer and the late Patti Nemer. Lovinggrandma of Jennifer Maiseloff, Stephen Maiseloff, Alyssa (fiance SamYashinsky) Maiseloff, Drew Nemer, Daniel Nemer, Michael (fianceeTraci Gordon) Baum and Stuart Baum. Devoted daughter of the lateRebecca "Betty" Lipshaw and the late Samuel Lipshaw. Dear sisterof the late Alfred F. Lipshaw and sister-in-law of Jacqueline Lipshaw.Also survived by her former husband, Milford "Mickey" Nemer andhis wife Barbara, many loving nieces, nephews and cousins.

    SUSAN B. NUSHOLTZ – Sweetheart, honey darling of Michael Jablonowski, wife of the late Robert Nusholtz, devoted mother of Jef-

    frey (Crystal Tyrrell) Nusholtz, cherished sister of the late Mark Man-hoff, daughter of the late Tamara and late Alvin Manhoff, niece of the late Rose Cohen Resnick. She is also survived by Michael's Chil-dren, Julie and Marla, other loving family members and friends.

    ALLAN JOEL PEARLMAN – Beloved husband of Donna Pearlman;cherished father of Jodie (Peter) Berkman, Emily Green and Joshua(Beth) Pearlman; loving grandfather of Nicole Berkman, CarolineBerkman, Bradley Berkman, Jack Pearlman, Carly Pearlman andDaisy Green; dear brother of Sheldon (Judy) Pearlman and the lateMark Pearlman (z’l); brother-in-law of Lauren Weingarden, Dayle(Jay) Prinstein, Sheldon (Judy) Klein and Janice (Mark) Kettler; lovingson of the late Sarah and the late Meyer Pearlman (z’l); son-in-law of Libby Weingarden, the late George Weingarden (z’l) and the lateShirley Weingarden. Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews,

    extensive family and dear friends.CHARLES PERLMAN - beloved husband of 68 years of Elaine Perl-

    man. Cherished father of Michael (the late Diane "Dee Dee", z'l) Perl-man, Peter (Carrie) Perlman, and Dr. Owen (Sheila) Perlman. Lovinggrandpa Chuck of Dana Perlman, Jeffrey (Liz) Perlman, Julie (Tim)O'Mell, Matthew (Theresa) Perlman, Ethan Perlman, Sarah (David)Gutierrez, Alex Perlman, Jacob Perlman, and Rachel Perlman. Also sur-vived by former daughters' in law, Mary Helen Perlman and BarbaraMcGill. Proud great-grandfather of Zachary O'Mell. Devoted son of thelate Meyer and the late Zelda Perlman (z'l). Dear brother of the lateEmma (Paul) Sikov (z'l), the late Sara (the late Abram) Wise (z'l), the lateLetty (the late Harry) Solomon (z'l), the late Rose (the late Arthur) Rubin(z'l), the late Maurice Perlman (z'l), and the late Jack (the late Lillian)Perlman (z'l). Brother-in-law of Florence Perlman, Bobbie (the late

    Harry, z'l) Miller, and Miriam (the late Leslie, z'l) Colburn. Also survivedby loving care givers Patricia Mangum, Kathleen Daelemans, DonnaPietrzak, Brittany McFarland, Danielle Leverenz, and Venus Powell.

    BARBARA RAIMI – Beloved wife of the late Ralph; Loving motherof Dr. Harvey (Hermaine) Raimi, Dena (Dr. Sam) Scheinfield andGayle Raimi; Devoted grandmother of Michael (Nikki) Raimi, Robyn(Eric) Wallberg, Aaron Scheinfield and Rachel Scheinfield; Cherishedgreat-grandmother of Drewe, Jadyn and Levi Raimi, Dylan, Jacoband Ryan Wallberg. The family also wishes to remember those fam-ily members who perished during the Holocaust.

    DANIEL SCHECHTER - beloved husband of Sandra Schechter.Cherished father of Lisa (Artie) Bennett, Laura (Tom) Foligno, Mar-jorie Schechter, Dina (David) Niewood. Loving Zay of HannahFoligno, Sylvie Foligno, Ava Niewood, Michaela Niewood and Re-

    becca Niewood. Dear brother of our member Lita (Allen) Zemmol.Devoted son of the late Morris and the late Rose Schechter.

    HENRY SHEWACH – Beloved husband of the late Freda W.Shewach (z’l); cherished father of Pam (Mitchel) Finkel, Dr. Donna(Dr. Stanton Elias) Shewach and Gordon (Dawn) Shewach; lovinggrandfather of Amy (Michael) Perlman, Brandon (Alaina) Finkel,Chana Elias, Michael Elias, Ori Shewach, Alona Shewach, and thelate Mira Tova Shewach Elias (z’l); proud great-grandfather of Saman-tha, Beckett and Trevor Perlman, Jacob and Emily Finkel, and LibaElias; dear brother-in-law of Eleanor Winston, Shirley Winston andBen Braiker. Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, cousinsand friends. He was the last surviving of six children of the late Isaacand the late Anna Shewach (z’l).

    ESTHER SIEGEL – Beloved wife of 68 years of the late CharlesSiegel (z’l); cherished mother of Arnold (Sheryl) Siegel, RochelleHoff and Judy (Norman Orr) Siegel-Orr; loving grandmother of Jef-frey (Rhonda) Siegel, Marc (Dawn) Siegel, David (Robin Fine) Siegel,Robert Hoff, Lauren (Jason Isabel) Orr and Justin (fiancé MaireadMcKinney) Orr; proud great-grandmother of Emily, Caitlyn, Erica,Christopher, Madysen, Brooklyn, Danny, Daniel, Joshua, the late Jor-dan and the late Ashley (z’l); dear sister of the late H. Saul Sugar (z’l),the late A. Albert Sugar (z’l) and the late Maurice Sugar (z’l).

    SAMUEL SIMON - beloved Husband of Amy. Adoring Father of Marlena Schafer, Valerie and Benjamin. Loving brother of Elizabeth

    (the late Dr. Robert) Tam, Caleb (Lenore) Simon, Deena (the late Ken-neth) Jones, Ellie (Melvin) Natinsky, Rachel (Paul) Hindelang, Daniel(Judith) Simon, Silvia (Kent) VanAllen, Jonathan (Nancy) Simon, andRuth (Jerry) Strauss. Sam was the devoted son of the late Mildred andthe late Markus Simon. Also survived by many friends, nieces andnephews.

    MARGUERITE COHEN-SIMTOB - beloved mother and mother-in-law of Richard and Aimee Simtob, Audrey Simtob-Hogarth and DugHogarth, and Eric and Melanie Simtob. Dear sister and sister-in-lawof Daniel and Jackie, Sylvia and Roger, and Dora and MarekMachtinger. Cherished Grandma of Brooke, Brad, Reece, Matthew,Ari, and Zachary.

    BEVERLY SINGER - beloved wife of the late Dr. Jack Singer; Cher-ished mother of Karen Singer and Lori (Dr. Michael) Wayne; Loving

    grandmother of Blake, Morgan and Taylor Wayne; Sister of the lateLee (the late Fred) Levey.

    LEAH SNIDER - Beloved wife of the late Charles Snider. Cherishedmother of the late Martha Jo (Yosef) Fleischmann. Loving grand-mother of Michael, Jonathan, Manuel and Naomi Fleischmann. Alsosurvived by many devoted cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends.

    SION SOLEYMANI – Beloved husband of Elaine Soleymani, cher-ished father of David, Jala, Janine, Lisa and Roya Soleymani.

    SOL LAWRENCE STEIN – Beloved husband of 64 years of the lateMarion Stein. Cherished father of Susan Baker Ducey, Linda(Spencer) Minns, and the late Kenneth Brian Stein. Dear grandfatherof Benny Goldman and Annie Minns. Also survived by many lovingnieces, nephews, and a world of friends.

    RONALD L. STERN - beloved husband of Linda Stern. Dear father

    of Michael Stern and Evan (Lisa) Stern. Dearest brother of Sharron(the late Sherwood) Colburn and Rena (Ronnie) Weintraub. Lovinggrandfather of Bailey, Landon and Austin. Also remembered by manyloving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends.

    MELVYN JOSEPH STOLLMAN – Beloved husband of Leah Stoll-man; cherished father of Ronald (Jerlyn) Stollman; loving grandfa-ther of Lei’l Stollman and Shira Stollman; brother of Bernard(Barbara) Stollman and Sandra (Robert)Grennstone; devoted son of the late Max and the late Freida Stollman (z’l). Also survived by manyloving nieces and nephews.

    JEFFREY SURNOW - beloved husband of Elaine Surnow; Cher-ished father of Sam (Lauren Elkus) Surnow, Max Surnow, and LisaSurnow; Devoted son of the late Jack Surnow and the late PearlSurnow; Dear brother of Michael (Sherry) Surnow; Adoring uncle of 

    Adam Surnow, Katie Surnow, and Hannah Surnow; Son-in-law of Blanche Brant and the late Benjamin Brant; Brother-in-law of Nor-man Brant and the late Jacqueline Brant. Also survived by hisnephews Scott (Megan) Brant, Ronnie (Lindsey) Brant, Noah Brant,and a world of friends.

    A. ALFRED TAUBMAN – Beloved husband of Judith Taubman;Cherished father of Robert (Julie) Taubman, William (Ellen) Taubmanand Gayle Taubman (Michael) Kalisman; Loving grandfather of JasonTaubman Kalisman, Philip Taubman (Hilary) Kalisman, AlexanderAlfred Taubman, Ghislaine "Gogo" Taubman, Theodore Taubman,Sebastian Taubman, Oliver Taubman, Abigail Taubman, TatianaDubin; Proud great-grandfather of Aaron Falb Kalisman; Alsosurvived by Judith's children, Christopher Rounick and Tiffany

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    24Dubin; Devoted son of the late Philip Taubman and the late FannieTaubman; A. Alfred Taubman was pre-deceased by his former wifeand mother of his children, Reva Kolodney Stocker; Brother of thelate Goldye (the late Albert) Nelson, the late Sam Taubman and thelate Lester (the late Shirley) Taubman; brother in law of Lola Taub-man.

    JENNIE TAYLOR – Beloved wife of the late Dr. Aaron Taylor (z’l);dear mother of Barbara (Michael) Byer, Nancy Yost, Marsha (the lateSam, z’l) Barenbaum and Susan Taylor; loving grandmother of Lisa(Steve) Pilloff, Michelle (Erik) Bomar, Josh (Rebecca) Cascade, Jerry(Linda) Barenbaum, Jamie (Kelli) Barenbaum, Marty Barenbaum, Ari

    (Amy) Byer and Elana (Joel) Byer Bollig; adoring great-grandmotherof Alex, Max, Ruby, Paul, Sloane, Aaron, Julia, Caitlin, Carter, Han-nah, Jillian, Jacob and Ellie; devoted sister of the late Gertrude (thelate Jack) Nater (z’l).

    MARK WEBBER - Beloved husband of Ruth, devoted father of Shelly Webber, Elaine (Barry Chesterman) Webber and Sue Webber.Loving grandfather of Benjamin, Nathan, Miriam and Ari
