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Recruitment and Selection Policy - CWP

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Page 1 of 20 Do not retain a paper version of this document, always view from the website www.cwp.nhs.uk to ensure it is the correct version Document level: Trustwide (TW) Code: HR2.1 Issue number: 6.2 Recruitment and Selection Policy Lead executive Director of People and Organisational Development Authors details Head of Resourcing - 01244 393100 Anti-Fraud Specialist - 0151 285 4500 Type of document Policy Target audience All CWP staff Document purpose Aim to provide best practice guidelines to managers and staff taking part in the recruitment and selection process. Approving meeting People and OD Sub Committee Date 21/11/19 Implementation date 21/11/2019 CWP documents to be read in conjunction with HR6 HR2.2 HR2.5 HR2.9 HR3.10 HR5 GR10 Essentials Mandatory Training Policy Pre-employment checks policy inc. DBS checks Professional registration policy and guidelines Re-banding and evaluation of a new post policy Management of change policy and procedure Employment of young person’s policy Equality, diversity and human rights Policy People and Organisational Development Strategy 2015-2020 Document change history What is different? Updated job titles re. organisational and departmental re-structures Updated reference to values based recruitment Updated date of NHS Employer Check Standards Appendices / electronic forms Amended Appendix 2 in relation to the outcomes of the involvement review and implementation of values based recruitment What is the impact of change? No Training requirements Training requirements for this policy are in accordance with the CWP Training Needs Analysis (TNA) with Education CWP. Document consultation Clinical Services N/A Corporate services N/A External agencies N/A Financial resource implications No External references 1. NHS Employers - NHS Employment Check Standards, June 2019 2. Care Quality Commission (CQC)
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Document level: Trustwide (TW) Code: HR2.1

Issue number: 6.2

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Lead executive Director of People and Organisational Development

Authors details Head of Resourcing - 01244 393100 Anti-Fraud Specialist - 0151 285 4500

Type of document Policy

Target audience All CWP staff

Document purpose Aim to provide best practice guidelines to managers and staff taking part in the recruitment and selection process.

Approving meeting People and OD Sub Committee Date 21/11/19

Implementation date 21/11/2019

CWP documents to be read in conjunction with

HR6 HR2.2 HR2.5 HR2.9 HR3.10 HR5 GR10

Essentials Mandatory Training Policy Pre-employment checks policy – inc. DBS checks Professional registration policy and guidelines Re-banding and evaluation of a new post policy Management of change policy and procedure Employment of young person’s policy Equality, diversity and human rights Policy People and Organisational Development Strategy 2015-2020

Document change history

What is different? Updated job titles re. organisational and departmental re-structures Updated reference to values based recruitment Updated date of NHS Employer Check Standards

Appendices / electronic forms

Amended Appendix 2 in relation to the outcomes of the involvement review and implementation of values based recruitment

What is the impact of change?


Training requirements

Training requirements for this policy are in accordance with the CWP Training Needs Analysis (TNA) with Education CWP.

Document consultation

Clinical Services N/A Corporate services N/A External agencies N/A

Financial resource implications


External references

1. NHS Employers - NHS Employment Check Standards, June 2019 2. Care Quality Commission (CQC)

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3. Agenda for Change Policy 4. Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development

Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) - Initial assessment Yes/No Comments

Does this document affect one group less or more favourably than another on the basis of: - Race No

- Ethnic origins (including gypsies and travellers) No - Nationality No - Gender No - Culture No - Religion or belief No - Sexual orientation including lesbian, gay and bisexual people No - Age No - Disability - learning disabilities, physical disability, sensory

impairment and mental health problems No

Is there any evidence that some groups are affected differently? No If you have identified potential discrimination, are there any exceptions valid, legal and/or justifiable? Select

Is the impact of the document likely to be negative? No - If so can the impact be avoided? N/A - What alternatives are there to achieving the document without

the impact? N/A

- Can we reduce the impact by taking different action? N/A

Where an adverse or negative impact on equality group(s) has been identified during the initial screening process a full EIA assessment should be conducted. If you have identified a potential discriminatory impact of this procedural document, please refer it to the human resource department together with any suggestions as to the action required to avoid / reduce this impact. For advice in respect of answering the above questions, please contact the human resource department.

Was a full impact assessment required? No

What is the level of impact? Low

To view the documents Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) and see who the document was consulted with during the review please click here

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Content Quick reference flowchart - Recruitment Process - Quick Reference Guide ........ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Introduction.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Content ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Equality and diversity .............................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Recruitment and selection processes ..................................................................................... 6 2.3 Cornerstone commitments for recruitment administration ....................................................... 6 2.4 NHS employment check standards ......................................................................................... 7 2.5 Organisational change ............................................................................................................ 8 2.6 Re-deployment due to disability or sickness ........................................................................... 8 2.7 Vacancy control ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 Advertising new and replacement posts ................................................................................. 9 2.8 Who is classed as an internal applicant? .............................................................................. 10 2.9 Additional responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 10 2.10 Secondments ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.11 Fixed term / temporary contracts .......................................................................................... 10 2.12 Involvement of service users and carers in the recruitment process ..................................... 11 2.13 Employment of service users and carers .............................................................................. 11 2.14 Volunteers ............................................................................................................................ 11 2.15 Employment of young persons ............................................................................................. 11 2.16 Shortlisting and interview panels .......................................................................................... 12 2.17 Offers of employment ........................................................................................................... 12 2.18 Withdrawal of an offer of employment ................................................................................... 12 2.19 Recruitment and retention Premia ........................................................................................ 13 2.20 Contract of employment........................................................................................................ 13 2.21 Induction ............................................................................................................................... 13 2.22 Confidentiality and Data Protection ....................................................................................... 13 2.23 Declaration of close personal relationships ........................................................................... 13 2.24 Training ................................................................................................................................ 14 2.25 Medical recruitment .............................................................................................................. 14 Appendix 1 - Secondments ................................................................................................................. 15 Appendix 2 - Procedure for the involvement of service users and carers in the recruitment of staff .... 17 Appendix 3 - Guaranteed interview scheme for applicants with a disability ......................................... 20

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Quick reference flowchart – Recruitment Process For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required.

Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair checks their budget to ensure there are adequate funds.

Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair to plan recruiting process (e.g. agree shortlisting date/interview date with other panel members, decide selection methods, request a Lived Experience Volunteer).

Completion of vacancy in Trac System with details of vacancy, advertising text, appropriate level of approvers, job description and person specification and occupational health risk form.

Vacancies may be subject to ‘Recruitment review arrangements’ / clearing house arrangements procedure.

If the Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair has asked for the advertisement to be advertised in the local press, Recruitment will organise the advertisement through the approved Advertising Agency.

Within 2 working days of the closing date, Recruitment will notify via the Trac System via e-mail to the Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair for shortlisting.

The Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair shortlists on the Trac System and notifies when shortlisting is complete.

Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair confirms via Trac System of interview arrangements. Recruitment to process interview invites within 1 working day. A confirmation e-mail is sent to the manager, together

with interview pack information 1 day prior to interview.

Interviews take place and Recruiting Manager checks candidate’s photographic ID and qualification documents.

Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair informs candidates of the outcome by telephone. Recruiting Manager/Panel Chair updates the Trac system and pulls through successful candidate(s) into pending

offer stage and confirming offer details.

Recruitment sends out conditional offer letter within 5 working days of notification from Trac System of the successful applicant(s).

INTERNAL TRANSFER Offer is subject to satisfactory employment


Line Manager to liaise with applicant’s current manager to gain verbal

reference – followed up in writing

Completion of Declaration Form

DBS (if appropriate to position)

EXTERNAL OFFER LETTER Offer is subject to satisfactory employment


Receipt of satisfactory references

Completion of Declaration Form

Occupational Health

DBS (if appropriate to position)

Verification of Identity / Right to Work

Once all employment checks are complete, an e-mail is sent to the manager to advise

that checks are clear.

Once all employment checks are complete, an e-mail is sent to the manager to advise

that checks are clear.

Manager and successful candidate agree start date and inform Recruitment.

Manager and successful candidate agree start date and inform Recruitment. Contract is

sent to candidate within 5 working days of receipt of a start date.

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1. Introduction

All recruitment and selection for Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust)

will be conducted using the principles and guidelines set out in this policy.

This policy supports the Trust’s strategic aim to be a model employer (People & Organisational

Development Strategy 2015-2020) and have a fully competent, well trained and motivated workforce.

The Trust must comply with UK employment legislation, in particular ensuring that all aspects of its

recruitment and selection processes are fair and do not discriminate against any potential job

applicant. This policy encompasses statutory requirements and reflects good practice guidelines

issued by the Department of Health (DOH), NHS Employers, Care quality Commission (CQC) and the

Arbitration and Conciliation Service (ACAS). It is premised on the assumption that professional

recruitment and selection practices will create a positive image for the Trust in its endeavour to attract

high quality candidates and thereby deliver improved patient care.

The Trust is a full member of the Mindful Employer campaign, which encourages and provides help

and advice to employees and job applicants with mental health issues throughout the recruitment and

selection process. The Trust therefore particularly supports and positively encourages applications

both from people who access services (past and present) and other suitably qualified/experienced

people with a history of personal mental ill health.

2. Content

2.1 Equality and diversity

The Trust’s Equality diversity and human rights policy seeks to develop positive practice to promote

equality of opportunity in employment.

In accordance with the law, in filling job vacancies, the Trust will not knowingly discriminate directly or

indirectly on grounds of gender, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, trade union or political

activities, religious or spiritual beliefs and will seek to ensure that no applicant is disadvantaged by any

conditions or requirements that cannot be justified. At all stages, equality of opportunity will be an

integral part of the recruitment and selection processes and all recruiting managers will have received

appropriate training.

In particular:

Assessment at all stages of recruitment and selection will be based entirely - and solely - on

determining the individual’s ability and suitability for the job for which they are applying;

At all times, the Trust seeks to achieve a diverse workforce at all organisational levels and

across all occupations – working to the ultimate aim of having a workforce which is

representative of the makeup of local communities within the Trust’s service delivery


The Trust intends that all staff, at all levels, are valued and respected and will not tolerate

discrimination, bullying and other forms of harassment;

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The Trust adopts the stance that it is the responsibility of managers running each recruitment

and selection process within the Trust to ensure no individual job applicant receives less

favourable treatment than another job applicant;

Wherever possible, the Trust will offer new appointees flexible working arrangements to best

ensure a positive personal work life balance. For practical, service delivery reasons, in some

roles, the exigencies of service mean that the opportunity to do this is limited;

Within the provisions of employment law, the Trust reserves the right to take positive action in

filling vacancies, with the aim of increasing the representation of particular groups of people

within its workforce;

The Trust will always take a positive approach to making ‘reasonable adjustments’ within the

workplace, in accordance with the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010. Applicants

declaring a disability at the time of their application for employment and meeting the ‘essential

requirements’ of a job vacancy will be short listed and guaranteed an interview. Refer to

appendix 3 for the details of the guaranteed interview scheme.

2.2 Recruitment and selection processes

The Recruitment Team provides a recruitment administration service utilising 3 key resources:

Trac System – is an on-line applicant management system that provides a ‘one stop shop’ for

all recruitment processes, e.g. it provides the Trust with a means of electronically receiving,

reviewing, short listing applications, arranging interviews, processing pre-employment

screening checks including DBS checks, formulating conditional offer letters and contracts of

employment and communicating with applicants and recruiting managers throughout the


NHS Jobs - is a service developed by the Department of Health, providing a website that gives

access to information about jobs right across the NHS. CWP use NHS Jobs as a jobs board for

all external adverts;

Electronic Staff Record system (ESR) - this system provides a recruitment tool which

integrates Recruitment and Payroll systems.

Full details of the recruitment process, guidance and standard forms are available on the intranet

website at http://nww.cwp.nhs.uk/TeamCentre/peopleservices/Pages/RESHiringaNewStarter.aspx.

2.3 Cornerstone commitments for recruitment administration

The recruitment process is performance managed and monitored to ensure that it is working within

agreed targets. The simple underlying aim is to treat all potential and actual applicants for

employment as we would personally wish to be treated in responding to a job advertisement. In

support of achieving that, set out below are a number of cornerstone commitments which underpin

the normal efficiency of the recruitment processes:

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Recognising that maximising the effectiveness of the recruitment administration is dependent

on the mutual ‘priority issue’ co-operation of recruiting line managers and their Recruitment

Team support. Delays on either side will affect the time taken in the process;

The measuring of time elapsing at each stage of the recruitment process;

Recruitment Team taking an ‘active process management’ role in respect of promoting the

effectiveness of administration arrangements and providing performance monitoring reports to

the People Planning Group;

Recruiting managers being responsible for ensuring they have an adequate budget to fund a

replacement post prior to commencement of the recruitment process;

Recruiting managers being responsible for ensuring the timeliness of individual appointment


The key stages of the recruitment process being set out in advance by the recruiting manager in

conjunction with Recruitment Team;

2.4 NHS employment check standards

The Trust is mandated to carry a range of employment checks on all prospective employees before

they take up appointment in the NHS, regardless of the term of the contract. The checks are

designed to safeguard both staff and patients and cover a range of issues, including:

Verifications of identity checks;

Right to work checks;

Employment history and reference checks;

Registration, qualification and personal suitability checks – for example with regard to criminal


Further details on the standards and how these checks should be carried out are contained in the

Trust’s pre-employment checks policy – incl DBS checks and the professional registration policy and


Recruiting managers cannot allow new starters to commence in post without satisfactory receipt of all

pre-employment checks – other than in limited circumstances, where risk assessments have been

carried out and formally authorised.

Any false claim of qualifications or indeed any of the employment standards above from applicants

either internal or external will be subject to investigation and liable to have any offer of employment

withdrawn, or subject to disciplinary procedures if a current employee. The contact details for our Anti-

Fraud Specialist and Reporting Line are as follows: Phillip Leong, Anti-Fraud Specialist; 0151 285

4531 or 07721 237352; [email protected] or [email protected] National NHS Fraud and

Corruption Reporting Line on 0800 028 40 60 or online at https://cfa.nhs.uk/reportfraud.

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2.5 Organisational change

In the event of the re-organisation / restructuring of Trust Services meaning that staff are deemed to

be ‘at risk’ of possible redundancy, the Trust will apply the Trust’s management of change policy and

procedure). In essence, this means that staff ‘at risk’ of possible redundancy will be given prior

consideration for a suitable alternative vacancy in advance of any wider advertisement.

In certain circumstances (for example, wider organisational restructuring within the NHS), regional – or

sub regional – ‘clearing house’ arrangements may be put in place as part of seeking to avoid job

losses and having to re-direct budgets from front line services to redundancy pay. Details of these and

the way in which they operate will be communicated to line managers by the Trust’s Operational

Human Resources Team as and when necessary.

2.6 Re-deployment due to disability or sickness

It is, in some circumstances, necessary to consider re-deployment of an employee owing to a change

in their personal health or capacity resulting in the inability to continue to perform their duties to an

acceptable standard. The Trust will always work closely with the employee in exploring whether any

suitable alternative posts are available.

2.7 Vacancy control

In view of the current financial climate for NHS organisations nationally and our requirement to ensure

effective workforce planning all vacancy requests will require approval before commencing to advert.

The key considerations in granting approval will include:

1. Is the post still essential to the Trust and what would the impact be of not filling it?

2. Is there money to pay for it?

3. Have all other options been considered rather than just replacing like for like and what were

those options?

Level of approvers required for Band 2 to 7 posts




Care Groups Head of Operations Budget Holder Finance

[email protected]

Corporate /

Estates &


Deputy / Associate


Budget Holder Finance

[email protected]

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The business case for filling vacancies and entering the correct level of approvers will be entered onto

Trac by the Recruiting Manager using the information outlined above.

2.7 Advertising new and replacement posts

All posts will be advertised in accordance with this policy and will be supported by an Agenda for

Change approved, up-to-date job description and person specification. Advertising may be delayed if

the supporting key documentation is not readily available. Any new job description for roles covered

by Agenda for Change terms and conditions must be banded in accordance with the policy and for re-

banding and evaluation of new posts.

Internal advertising – all vacancies (permanent, fixed term temporary and secondment) will normally

be advertised both internally and externally. However, dependent upon circumstances, any particular

job may be advertised:

o Internal only (i.e. Trust-wide);

o Internally in the first instance followed by an external advert on NHS Jobs and CWP

external facing website;

o Internally concurrently with an external advertisement on NHS Jobs and CWP website.

The manager will indicate which option is the most appropriate on the Trac System.

NB: On occasion the Trust may operate restrictions on advertisements - for example due to

management of change situations / the rules applying to a ‘NHS first’ clearing house.

Level of approvers required for Band 8a+ and medical posts







(medical only)

Care Groups Associate

Director of






[email protected]

Director of


Medical Director


& Estates

Deputy /







[email protected]

Director of



Corporate Deputy/





Head of Finance n/a n/a

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External advertising – in circumstances where a suitable pool of candidates does not exist within the

Trust or via NHS Jobs, a post may be advertised in other external media. Any such requests must be

fed through the Recruitment Team. Recruiting managers should remain vigilant against unsolicited

approaches from advertising service providers and any such approach should be reported to the

Recruitment Manager and to the Trusts’ Local Counter Fraud Specialist.

All vacancies are open to job share applicants unless otherwise agreed in advance and stated in the

advertisement (following the agreement of Human Resources Operations Team).

2.8 Who is classed as an internal applicant?

The following groups are eligible to apply for vacancies, which are advertised internally only:

Substantive employees;

Temporary / fixed term employees;

Current bank staff;

Current volunteers;

Agency staff;

Long term placement workers;

Lived experience Volunteers. To be eligible to apply for any internal position they must have

been registered on the Trust volunteer for 12 months and have attended a minimum of six

activities during the previous year.

Applications will not normally be accepted from people not falling within any of the above categories

for posts advertised internally only.

2.9 Additional responsibilities

Individuals may be temporarily moved onto a higher pay band where it is necessary to fill a post on a

temporary basis - for example, to cover long term sickness or maternity leave. Temporary movement

into a new pay band should not be for less than 1 month or last more than 6 months except in

specified circumstances established at the time of advertising the vacancy (e.g. maternity leave). All

opportunities will normally be advertised at least internally through the trust’s normal arrangements.

2.10 Secondments

The Trust is committed to the development of individuals and secondments must be advertised where

there is a need to complete a specific task or to cover for long term absence/maternity/career break

leave. More information regarding secondments is provided in appendix 1.

2.11 Fixed term / temporary contracts

The Trust is committed to the promotion of long term security of employment - however, it recognises

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that the use of fixed term contracts provide an opportunity of bringing specialist skills and labour into

the Trust as and when needed.

Fixed Term contracts of employment will only be used rarely and, by definition, will always be made for

a specific length of time or the completion of a specified task. Where a fixed term post subsequently

becomes a substantive post then it must be advertised in accordance with 2.7 of this policy.

Successive fixed term temporary contracts may only be issued for a maximum period of 4 years after

which permanent employee status will be granted automatically.

Where temporary / fixed term staff have been in post for 1 year or above they may be considered for

redeployment opportunities should they so wish.

In certain circumstances where it is necessary to recruit immediately due to substantial clinical risk, it

could be agreed to move internal candidates without the need to advertise for a period of no longer

than 3 months whilst the normal recruitment process takes place.

2.12 Involvement of people who access our services and carers in the recruitment process

The Trust wants people who access our services and carers to be involved in recruitment and

selection processes for jobs at all levels as far as is reasonably practicable – but recognising that final

appointment decisions are a matter for management. Full guidance is set out in appendix 2.

2.13 Employment of people who access our services and carers

The Trust is committed to supporting people who access our services and their carers in gaining

employment – one strand of which may be working for the Trust.

The Trust is a member of the Mindful Employer network and charter signatory. Under the charter,

registering employers commit to supporting employees and job applicants with a history of personal

mental ill health, where necessary focusing sharply on what an applicant for work can do and –

perhaps for a temporary period – adjusting an individual job role to better fit the capabilities of the


2.14 Volunteers

Volunteers should be recruited in line with the standards outlined in this guidance. Formal interview

and selection processes might not always be appropriate but application forms should be completed,

competencies and values assessed and relevant pre-employment checks obtained.

2.15 Employment of young persons

A young person is defined as someone over the minimum school leaving age but has not yet reached

the age of 18. Before recruiting a young person, special regard must be given to the type of work they

will be expected to undertake, the level of experience required, an appropriate awareness of risk and

appropriate personal qualities required for the role. For further guidance, refer to the employment of

young person’s policy.

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2.16 Shortlisting and interview panels

The number of panel members will vary according to the post but will always comprise a minimum of

two Trust employees (at least one of whom must be a manager trained in recruitment and selection)

and wherever possible a Lived Experience Volunteer who has been trained in recruitment and


Lived Experience Volunteers and other staff may also be involved in assessing for values at

discussion groups and stakeholder panels as part of the recruitment process. All people taking part in

these panels must have received the Trust’s Values Based Recruitment Training.

Consideration must always be given to the gender / race / disability make up of panel members. The

overall size of the panel needs to be reasonable in relation to the band / remit of the post being

recruited to.

The trust’s Recruitment Team is not resourced to routinely provide a selection panel member.

However, in exceptional circumstances, a manager may wish to have a representative from People

Services: if that is the case, a request should be made to your HR Service Advisor or Recruitment

Manager. If it is agreed that People Services will play a part in selection, it will be as a full panel


No manager shall chair a selection panel without having previously undergone a course in recruitment

and selection, values based interviewing and equality and diversity training. It is acceptable for that

training to have been in a different UK public sector organisation.

Interviews must be conducted face-to-face and the chair of the panel must explore gaps in

employment and the suitability of references.

Depending upon the type of vacancy it may be worth considering other assessment techniques, such

as presentations, written exercises, group exercises, stakeholder panels or preliminary visits. Advice

on assessment techniques can be obtained from your Recruitment Officer/Recruitment Manager.

Selection panel chairs (the ‘recruiting manager’) are required to offer / provide post interview feedback

to all unsuccessful candidates. That responsibility cannot be delegated.

2.17 Offers of employment

All offers to external candidates will be conditional and will not be confirmed as unconditional until all

the appropriate pre-employment checks have been received and are satisfactory to the Trust.

2.18 Withdrawal of an offer of employment

If a returned pre-employment check is deemed unsatisfactory to the Trust, the conditional offer of

employment may be withdrawn. An offer will be withdrawn by the Recruiting Manager following full

discussion with both a HR Advisor and the candidate. This decision must be confirmed in writing to

the candidate by the Recruiting Manager.

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2.19 Recruitment and retention Premia

Recruitment and retention premia are ‘market pressure’ additions to the salary of a post or group of

posts where the Trust would find it difficult to recruit candidates with the required skills/experience.

This additional payment may also apply for the retention of skilled staff.

This premia may be paid in circumstances where market pressures lead to difficulty in recruiting to

certain posts or where the skills required are more commonly associated with the private sector and

therefore, it can be a highly competitive employment market.

If recruiting managers are finding it difficult to recruit, they should contact the Recruitment Manager

who will provide appropriate advice. No such premia can be paid without the written approval of the

Director of People and Organisational Development.

2.20 Contract of employment

The Trust will aim to ensure that all new workers joining the Trust for the first time have a full written

contract of employment before they commence employment. Employees are required to sign the

contract to denote acceptance of all of its provisions. Completed contracts are held on an employee’s

personal file (kept by Operational Human Resources).

2.21 Induction

All newly appointed staff will undertake a ‘Welcome to the Trust – Induction’, as specified in the

Trust’s Induction Policy. This comprises separate ‘corporate’ and ‘local’ programmes. Line managers

are responsible for ensuring that all newly appointed staff receives a full ‘local’ induction, focused on

the needs of their personal roles.

2.22 Confidentiality and Data Protection

It is essential that all staff involved at any stage of the recruitment and selection process treat

information on / provided by applicants as strictly confidential.

It is the responsibility of the chair of the panel (the ‘recruiting manager’) to ensure that copies of

applicants’ details are stored securely and confidentially whilst in their possession. At the conclusion of

the selection process, the panel chair must ensure that all documents relating to a particular

appointment are returned to the Recruitment Team to be processed in accordance with the Data

Protection Act 1998. This includes returning panel packs, questions asked at interview, presentation

details and notes taken for each candidate interviewed.

2.23 Declaration of close personal relationships

All internal and external applicants for employment with the Trust must declare if they have a ‘close

personal relationship’ with a person who is in current employment with the Trust. Panel members must

also declare if they know personally any candidate due to be interviewed and decide with the panel

chair whether they should withdraw from the panel process.

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2.24 Training

The aim is that all managers who participate in the recruitment and selection of staff should have

appropriate training in relation to equality, diversity, recruitment and selection and assessing for

values. Information on training and development opportunities is widely publicised throughout the

Trust and further guidance on any aspect of the recruitment and selection is available from the

Recruitment Manager. Training will also be provided for Lived Experience Volunteers involved in the

recruitment process. As stated above, as a minimum the recruiting manager must have received the

appropriate training for the recruitment process to proceed.

2.25 Medical recruitment

The recruitment for medical staff will follow the general principles outlined within this Policy. The

appointment of Consultant Psychiatrists will follow the Royal College of Psychiatrists National

Guidance on Advisory Appointment Committees. Further information can be provided by the Medical

Staffing Lead, Human Resources.

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Appendix 1 - Secondments

Internal Secondments

As part of the Trust’s ongoing commitment to the development of its employees and its aim to promote

increased flexibility and broader-based skills within its workforce, managers may wish to consider

advertising their post internally within the Trust for internal staff to undertake a secondment

opportunity (meaning that any appointee normally retains the right to return to their substantive post at

the end of the period of secondment).

Arrangements for internal secondments will be as follows:

All secondments will be advertised via Trac Recruitment system and will indicate the duration

of the secondment;

Before an employee applies for a secondment opportunity it will be necessary for them to gain

agreement from their line manager to ensure that, if successful in any selection process, the

secondment will be supported;

The ‘Receiving’ Manager will assume responsibility for the induction and overall management

of the employee during the secondment;

Employees will normally be seconded on the terms and conditions of the post they are

seconded into and at the end of the secondment they will return to their substantive post. If

organisational change impacts upon the employee’s substantive post during a period of

secondment, the employee will be included in appropriate processes as detailed in the

Management of Change Policy as if they were still undertaking their substantive role;

Following the completion of the secondment, if there is an ongoing requirement for the role

either on a substantive basis or for a further secondment period, the normal recruitment /

secondment processes will apply. Further guidance can be obtained from Human Resources.

External Secondments

The Trust would not normally consider requests for external secondments beyond 12 months,

except in exceptional circumstances, e.g. nurse training;

Before an employee applies for a secondment opportunity external to the Trust, it will be

necessary for them to gain agreement from their line manager to ensure that the secondment

will be supported;

The current manager should consider service requirements and identify how the service would

benefit from the secondment e.g. personal development of the employee, skills acquired which

can be of benefit to the Trust;

Where an employee is successful in gaining a secondment outside the Trust, they will be

required to produce evidence from the secondment organisation e.g. offer letter;

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The employee will receive a letter from their current line manager confirming the secondment


In the event that the external secondment is extended, the employee must contact their

manager at least 2 months prior to the completion of the secondment to discuss whether the

extension will be agreed. In circumstances where the secondment cannot be extended, the

employee will be required to return to the Trust on the date that was originally agreed prior to

their secondment commencing;

The precise terms upon which any secondment is made must be finalised prior to the start of

the secondment. However, the employee remains an employee of CWP during the period of

secondment and will be expected to return to their substantive CWP post at the end of the

secondment period. If organisational change impacts upon the employee’s substantive post

during a period of secondment, the employee will be included in appropriate processes as

detailed in the Management of Change Policy as if they were still undertaking their substantive


Secondments into the Trust

Terms and conditions of the secondment must be agreed before commencement of the

secondment. The CWP manager’s responsibility is to manage the secondee within those terms


All staff seconded into CWP will normally be expected to undergo the full recruitment process

including Trust and local induction;

If the Trust is in a position to extend the secondment, it may do so. The CWP manager must

consider whether or not this will unduly disadvantage other staff within the Trust and also

whether it can justify that it meets the business needs of the department;

If the manager deems the extension to disadvantage other employees, then the post must be

re-advertised. Further guidance can be obtained from Human Resources.

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Appendix 2 - Procedure for the involvement of people who access services and carers in the

recruitment of staff

1. Introduction

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) aims to implement and improve person

centered care by ensuring that all service development is underpinned by meaningful and robust

involvement from people who access services and carers (see Involvement Strategy 2011 – 2016). As

is reasonably practicable – people who access services and carers should be encouraged to

participate in all panels involved in the recruitment and selection of Trust employees.

2. Definitions

For the purpose of this policy ‘Person who accesses services’ means any person who currently

receives a service from any area of the Trust or has done so within the past 12 months.

A ‘Carer’ is defined as any person who provides care and support for a person accessing CWP

Services either currently or within the past 12 months.

3. The procedure

A Recruiting Manager must contact the PACE Team to request a Lived Experience Volunteer who has

received Values Based Recruitment Training.

As soon as the interview date has been set, the Recruiting Manager should contact the PACE Team

to allow enough time and notice to support.

Details required when requesting a Lived Experience Volunteer:

Your details:



Interview details:

Job title:


Vacancy number:




Number of candidates (if known):

Is it a traditional management panel or stakeholder panel?

Any other supporting information that might be helpful? i.e. accessibility to building, transport tips,

particular interests or experience that would be helpful etc.

The PACE Team will advertise the opportunity to volunteers.

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Once a Recruiting Manager has received details of the Lived Experience Volunteer, they should make

direct contact with them to introduce themselves and to confirm the details. They should also be

provided with a copy of the job description and kept informed of any changes to location/timing etc.

Please advise them of lunch/break arrangements if applicable. If they are supporting interviews for

more than 5 hours over the hours 12 – 2pm, they are entitled to an allowance of £5 for lunch. This

should be included on the expense form and a receipt must be provided.

Personal information of candidates should not be visible on any documentation sent to Lived

Experience Volunteers.

Short listing

Lived Experience Volunteers can be an advisory member of the short listing group – their views

should be given equal weight with other panel members, however the final appointment decisions are

a matter for management. They do not have to be involved in shortlisting.

Lived Experience Volunteers should be encouraged to formulate their own questions for the interview,

although it may sometimes be appropriate to ask a particular question that has already been


Once the Shortlist has been decided:

Lived Experience Volunteers have the right to withdraw from the panel if they feel uncomfortable

about interviewing candidates with whom they have had previous contact.

Candidates should be informed in writing of the names of all panel members prior to the interview, as

they have the right to request an alternative Lived Experience Volunteer if they feel uncomfortable

because they have had previous contact with the individual.

In either of the above cases, efforts will be made to find a replacement person, but this cannot be

guaranteed at short notice.

At the Interview:

Interviews will follow the usual departmental format in keeping with the Trust’s Recruitment Policy,

including that it is the responsibility of the chair of the interview panel to provide feedback to all


If recruiting managers have not previously met the Lived Experience Volunteer prior to the interview

then special effort should be made to make them feel comfortable and introduce them to the other

members of the panel.

Lived Experience Volunteers have the right of equal influence in the interview process alongside other

Trust employees and external assessors.

If a Lived Experience Volunteer does not appear to be well enough to be involved on the day of the

interview, the Chair of the panel should raise this sensitively. It is the Chair’s responsibility to decide

whether the interviews should proceed without the individual. Please inform the PACE Team if you

have any concerns.

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Timings - Members of the panel are asked to arrive at least half an hour ahead of the time they will

meet with the first scheduled candidate in order to be briefed by the facilitator on the process, timings,


Short-term appointments / locum staff:

Sometimes timescales may make it impossible to involve Lived Experience Volunteers, although every

effort must be made to do so. Recruiting Managers should inform the Trust’s PACE Team whenever it

has not been possible to involve someone in this way.

Claim for expenses:

The panel chair should ensure the volunteer receives an expenses form, is guided in completing this

and has it signed by the panel chair or appointing manager. It is the responsibility of the panel chair to

give the Lived Experience Volunteer an expense form.


Lived Experience Volunteers are encouraged to feedback any comments they have about the process

and their experience. It is the responsibility of the panel chair to ensure that the Lived Experience

Volunteer is provided with a feedback form. Please send both forms to the PACE Team.

For further information regarding Lived Experience Volunteers please contact the PACE team:


Redesmere Building

Trust Headquarters

Countess of Chester Health Park

Liverpool Road



Telephone 01244 397393

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Appendix 3 - Guaranteed interview scheme for applicants with a disability

What is it?

Under the Equality Act 2010, a disabled person is someone who has – or has had in the past – a

physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person’s

ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. As an equal opportunities employer, the trust actively

encourages applications from people who consider themselves to have a disability falling within that

broad definition.

When applying for employment with the trust, if an applicant thinks they have a disability covered by

the Equality Act 2010 – and that they can show that they meet the ‘essential criteria’ described in the

person specification for the role being applied for – they are guaranteed a priority interview for the job

for which they are applying. Trust managers refer to this as the Guaranteed Interview Scheme.

Access to the Guaranteed Interview Scheme simply requires an applicant with a disability to answer

“yes” to the question on the trust’s job application form “do you wish to be considered under the

guaranteed interview scheme?”

The trust’s Recruitment Team will provide assistance to an applicant with a disability who needs help

in completing an application for employment. The team’s contact details are stated on each job advert.

The Guaranteed Interview Scheme only guarantees an interview – it does not automatically mean that

applicants interviewed will gain employment with the trust at that time. Feedback on the results of the

interview will be given to each candidate individually and in a way which the candidate has agreed

best meets their personal needs.
