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Recruitment Process in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

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Submitted to: Shilpi SaxenaSubmitted by: Deepti Singh

1078 PGDM-II


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When emotions are profound, words sometimes are not sufficient to express our thanks and gratitude. With these words, I am trying to express my extreme gratitude and sincere thanks to Shilpi Saxena Ma’am my guide who have helped and provided the very much enthusiasm and consistent encouragement required for the completion of my project.The successful completion of my research is the blessing of my teachers, parents and sincere advice of my friends.

Deepti Singh


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The report is an attempt to provide a detailed analysis of the training program of HAL and its effectiveness and benefits.

During this student internship program I came to know that, in a knowledge based economy, training helps people to learn how to do things differently or to do different things. Education and learning is the DNA of their work culture. Developing people has been ingrained throughout the company a cultural value of HAL.

Creating awareness of the organization structure and its products to the employee is very important to have individual as well as organizational growth. So it can be possible only when the employees go through the various training programs.


Formulating the objective of study Process of data collection Usage of appropriate sampling plan Analysis of data and interpretation Reporting and findings


Primary data sources :

By questionnaire method

Secondary data sources :


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Through books and websites

The training being conducted is designed according to the organizational need and market requirements.


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The main objectives are as follows:

1.To ensure optimum use of existing human resources.2.To forecast future requirements for human resources.3.To provide control measures to ensure that necessary human resources are available as & when required.4.To link human resource planning with organisational planning.5.TO determine levels of recruitment & training6.To estimate the cost of human resources & housing needs of employees.7.To provide a basis for management development programmes.

The ultimate purpose of manpower planning is “to relate future human resources to future enterprise needs so as to maximise the future return on investment in human resources.”


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Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) came into existence on 1st October 1964.  The Company was formed by the merger of Hindustan Aircraft Limited with Aeronautics India Limited and Aircraft Manufacturing Depot, Kanpur.

The Company traces its roots to the pioneering efforts of an industrialist with extraordinary vision, the late Seth Walchand Hirachand, who set up Hindustan Aircraft Limited at Bangalore in association with the erstwhile princely State of Mysore in December 1940. The Government of India became a shareholder in March 1941 and took over the Management in 1942.

Today, HAL has 19 Production Units and 9 Research and Design Centres in 7 locations in India. The Company has an impressive product track record - 12 types of aircraft manufactured with in-house R & D and 14 types produced under license. HAL has manufactured  over 3550 aircraft , 3600 engines and overhauled over 8150 aircraft and 27300 engines.

HAL has been successful in numerous R & D programs developed for both Defence and Civil Aviation sectors. HAL has made substantial progress in its current projects :

Dhruv, which is Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Tejas - Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)

Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT)

Various military and civil upgrades.

Dhruv was delivered to the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force and the Coast Guard in March 2002, in the very first year of its production, a unique achievement.


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HAL has played a significant role for India's space programs by participating in the manufacture of structures for Satellite Launch Vehicles like

PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) GSLV (Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle)

IRS (Indian Remote Satellite)

INSAT (Indian National Satellite)

HAL has formed the following Joint Ventures (JVs) :

BAeHAL Software Limited Indo-Russian Aviation Limited (IRAL)

Snecma HAL Aerospace Pvt Ltd

SAMTEL HAL Display System Limited

HALBIT Avionics Pvt Ltd

HAL-Edgewood Technologies Pvt Ltd


 Apart from these seven, other major diversification projects are Industrial Marine Gas Turbine and Airport Services. Several Co-production and Joint Ventures with international participation are under consideration.

HAL's supplies / services are mainly to Indian Defence Services, Coast Guards and Border Security Forces. Transport Aircraft and Helicopters have also been supplied to Airlines as well as State Governments of India. The Company has also achieved a foothold in export in more than 30 countries, having demonstrated its quality and price competitiveness.


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HAL has won several International & National Awards for achievements in R&D, Technology, Managerial Performance, Exports, Energy Conservation, Quality and Fulfillment of Social Responsibilities.

 HAL was awarded the “INTERNATIONAL GOLD MEDAL AWARD” for Corporate Achievement in Quality and Efficiency at the  International Summit (Global Rating Leaders 2003), London, UK by M/s Global Rating, UK in conjunction with the International Information and Marketing Centre (IIMC). 

HAL was presented the International - “ ARCH OF EUROPE ” Award in Gold Category in recognition for its commitment to Quality, Leadership, Technology and Innovation. 

 At the National level, HAL won the "GOLD TROPHY" for excellence in Public Sector Management,  instituted by the Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE).

The Company scaled new heights in the financial year 2006-07 with a turnover of Rs.7,783.61 Crores


Emanating from the Company's Mission Statement, the strategic Human Resource Development (HRD) goal of HAL is to create an atmosphere of technological and managerial excellence to become a globally competitive Aerospace Industry. With the changing environment, rapid technological changes characterised by a


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paradigm shift from licensed production to R&D based production duly balanced with co-development / co-production, technological upgradation etc., greater customer demand, focused diversification to civilian and export markets, the overall objective of the Human Resource Development plan is to build a vibrant and learning organisation, so as to meet the challenges of quality and excellence, recruitment and retention of competent human resources and develop high commitment and a sense of belongings to the Company. Accordingly, the Company's HR Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Policies have been identified and indicated as follows:-


"To make HAL a dynamic, vibrant, value-based learning organisation with human resources exceptionally skilled, highly motivated and committed to meet the current and future challenges. This will be driven by core values of the Company fully embedded in the culture of the Organisation"


Enable all those working for HAL to give their best to ensure their all-round growth as well as that of the Organization


To ensure availability of Total Quality People to meet the Organizational Goals and Objectives 

To have a continuous improvement in Knowledge, Skill and Competence (Managerial, Behavioral and Technical) 

To promote a Culture of Achievement and Excellence  with


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emphasis on Integrity, Credibility and Quality 

To maintain a motivated workforce through empowerment of Individual and Team- building 

To enhance Organizational Learning 

To play a pivotal role directly and significantly to enhance Productivity, Profitability and improve the  Quality of Work Life


To be in total alignment with Corporate Strategy 

Maintain Human Resource at optimum level to meet the objectives and goals of the Company 

Be competent in Mapping, Analysis and  Upgradation of Knowledge and Skills including Training, Re-training, Multi-skilling etc 

Cultivate Leadership with Shared Vision at various levels in the Organization 

Focus on Development of Core Competence in High-Tech areas 

Build Cross-functional Teams 

Create awareness of Mission, Values and Organizational Goals through out the Company 

Introduce / Implement personnel policies based on performance that would ensure growth, Rewards,


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Recognition, Motivation


Competence Building 



Employee Relations

In the backdrop of the above, the focus of Human Resource Development initiatives at HAL emphasize the following:


Out sourcing of low tech and medium tech jobs Fresh induction only in critical / highly

specialised areas based on requirements due to increase in work load and super annuation profile (Annexure-II). In the Workmen Cadre, induction will be restricted to Direct Workmen only

Improving the existing qualification profile by focusing on  induction of professionally qualified personnel and diploma holders

Hence focus of recruitment would be to recruit people with a combination of knowledge, skill, experience and attitude in line with the organisational requirement through appropriate manpower plan both short term (contract appointments) and long term recruitment programme.


Training is one of the most important tools for


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developing human resource. Hence, identification of training competency profile in terms of Vision, Mission of the Company would be the strategic point of the training and development strategy of the Company. The following objectives have been set in this regard:-

To provide training to all employees at regular intervals in a plan period of 5 years 

Training to become an integral component of individual professional evolution by:

o updating knowledge to avoid obsolescenceo enhancing professional creativityo enabling employees to shoulder higher

responsibilityo creating a business trend and strategic

thinking to take up new business challenges (creation of Centre of Excellence, etc)

The goals of training will be to progressively achieve 7 days training per employee per year with a budget of 2% of annual Wage Bill.

Keeping in view the organisational requirement and goals and objectives of training, the following have been identified as the key focus areas of training:

Technology Tooling Quality Information Technology

Further, to facilitate the development of soft skills (change of mind-set, managerial development etc.) training would be imparted on a continuous basis. Tie-


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ups with Centres of Excellence like IITs, NDC, FIAS France etc. for imparting training would be given prime importance.


Appraising people for meeting the Company's goal would be the prime focus of performance management. The new Performance Appraisal System based on work planning and commitment (mutually agreed tasks) , self-review and performance analysis, performance review and feedback would ensure that the focus would be on value adding activities rather than on routine activities which bear no relationship with the Organisation's goals and objectives.

Identification of low performers and resultant corrective action through out the Company would be given priority. Similarly, faster career growth opportunity would be provided tohigh performers.


The focus of the reward system in the Company is to promote team work and cultivate a sense of achievement and excellence in the Organisation. This is in addition to the existing scheme of reward for an individual who innovatively and creatively makes exemplary contributions in the key thrust areas of the Company that would lead to its achieving overall excellence. Coupled with the above, schemes like "Inter Divisional Competition" and "Profit Sharing Scheme" have been institutionalised in the Company for team reward.


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A "Learning Organisation" is essential for survival in the present era of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. Therefore, "Knowledge" is the only core competence of Organisations for coping with changes. Since individual knowledge is the starting point for organizational knowledge, it is only the employees who can convert knowledge into efficient actions.

In line with the above philosophy, among other initiatives like institutionalizing Learning Centres in Divisions etc., HAL has also introduced the scheme for Learning and Certification for executives as a starting point for building individual knowledge. The scheme inter-alia provides an opportunity for the Junior and Middle Management Cadre Executives to broaden their perspective by not only learning about all functions and procedures in their respective disciplines but also in related areas and overall knowledge about the Organization and its environment. So far, approximately, 45% (both for "O" & "A" level) of executives have been certified (Annexure IV). It is proposed to expand the coverage of this scheme further, if required, by linking the scheme to some kind of reward mechanism.

Lastly, the HRD Plan will also include time-to-time OD Interventions to address specific requirement of the Company.


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This section of the project emphasizes on the procedures used to accomplish the project. To accomplish the project some data have been collected and then the research has been carried out on that data. The details of the research methodology used are described below:-

Data Source:- The data collected is basically of two types:-

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data

Primary data:- Primary data means those raw data or data structures that are collected “first hand” and have not had any previous meaningful interpretation. It is the data originated by the researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at hand.

For my Research Project report, I have collected the primary data through survey method. The survey method was used to elicit information from respondents .

The structured data collection method is used in which a formal questionnaire is prepared and then the questions were asked in a predefined manner. In the questionnaire most questions are Fixed-


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alternative questions that require the respondent to select from a set a predetermined set of response.

There are also a few subjective questions so as to get a deeper understanding about the respondent’s views and thoughts.

Secondary Data:- The data that has already been collected for purpose other than the problem at hand is secondary data.

The various secondary data sources which I have used for my Summer Internship Project are as follows:-

External Sources: Among the external sources various published sources such as the guides and directories on telecom industry is used extensively. Internet was also of great importance to me in providing a deeper understanding of the topic and also provided valuable information for the successful completion of the project.

(ii) Research Approach

A research approach lays the foundation for conducting the project. For my topic, Exploratory Research approach would have been the best suitable option. Hence I have used exploratory research design. Exploratory research design is used to provision of insights into and comprehension of the problem situation confronting the researcher.

Exploratory research is used for the following purpose:

Formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely.


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Identify alternative courses of action. Develop hypothesis. Isolate key variables and relationships for further examination.

Gain insights for developing an approach to the problem. Establish priorities for further research.

Exploratory research has been used for the following reasons-

The problem needed to be defining more precisely.

Identify relevant courses of action.

Or gain additional insights before an approach can be developed.

The sample size is small.

Qualitative research has been conducted.

(iii) Sampling Plan


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The objective of most marketing research project is to obtain information about the characteristics or parameters of a population, same holds true for my project in which I have to obtain information from the user of different cellular services. Thus, a sampling plan has been made.A sample is a subgroup of the population selected for participation in the study.The sampling design process involved the following steps which are shown below:-

1. Target Population : - The target population is the collection of elements or elements or objects that possess the information sought by the researcher and about which inferences are to be made. The target population for my project is defined as follows-

a) Sampling Units: User of different cellular services

b) Extent : Lucknow

c) Time: 2010.

2. Sampling Frame : - A sampling frame is a representation of the elements of the target population. It consists of a list or set of directions for identifying the target population.

The sampling frame used is the user of different cellular services in Lucknow.

3. Sampling Technique : - The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling. In non probability sampling “Judgmental” sampling has been used.


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4. Sample size :- Small sample size has been used because of time constraint. Sample size used is 25.


Survey method is used for obtaining information based on the questioning of respondents. The respondents were contacted mainly through following methods:-

a) Personal Interviewing:- The respondents were personally interviewed at their offices. Prior appointments were taken and then the visits were made to their offices.

b)Mail Methods:- e-mail surveys were also conducted in order to contact distant clients.


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Today, in every organisation personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an important part of an organisation. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the organisation in the long run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every organisation, which ensures that it has right number and kind ofpeople, at the right place and right time, so that organisation can achieve its plannedobjective.The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human ResourcePlanning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Career planning,Transfer and Promotion, Risk Management, Performance Appraisal and so on. Eachobjective needs special attention and proper planning and implementation.For every organisation it is important to have a right person on a rightjob. Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skillsand the use of new technology are putting considerable pressure on how employersgo about Recruiting and Selecting staff. First we will know what is recruitment andselection-Recruitment and Selection are simultaneous process and are incomplete without eachother. Recruitment and selection are two of the most important functions of personnel


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management. Recruitment precedes selection and helps in selecting a right candidate.They are important components of the organisation and are different from each other.

Concept of Recruitment•In simple terms, recruitment is understood as the process of searching for & obtaining applicants

for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected.•Theoretically, recruitment process is said to end with the receipt of applications, in practice the activity extends to the screening of applications so as to eliminate those who are not qualified for the job.•Recruitment refers to the process of employee hiring.•Recruitment involves attracting & obtaining as many applications as possible from eligible job-seekers.•The process of seeking & attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen.•Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees & stimulating them to apply for jobs in the org. •Effectively recruitment is the process of getting the right kind of people to apply for the vacancies in an organisation.•Recruitment & Selection together constitute Employment.•Recruitment, as process, starts with identification of the need for hr & ends with getting the prospective employees to apply for the vacancies available.•Selection starts where recruitment ends & deals with choosing the right candidates & getting the best job-fit.•The aim of an effective recruitment program is to attract the best people for the job & aid the recruiter by making a wide choice available.•A good job description helps in attracting the right kind of candidates for the job.


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Importance of Recruitment•Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees.•It is through the recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company, & eventually decide whether they wish to work for it.•A well planned & well managed recruiting effort will result in high quality applicants.•High quality emp cannot be selected when better candidates do not know of job openings, are not interested in working for the company & do not apply.•The recruitment process should inform qualified individuals about employment opportunities, create a positive image of the company, provide enough information about the jobs so that applicants can make comparisons with their qualifications & interests, & generate enthusiasm among the best candidates so that they will apply for the vacant position.•A recruiting programme helps the firm to attract highly qualified & competent people.

Factors affecting Recruitment


External Forces

Internal ForcesRecruitment

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Recruitment Policy

Recruitment Organisation

Choose the Sources & Methods or Techniques of Recruitment

Screening of the Applicants

Assessment or Evaluation of the Recruitment Programme

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•Objectives of recruitment. Provides framework of implementation of recruitment programme in the form of procedures. Policy lays down:-1.Recruitment Policy :- 1.Filling vacancies with the best qualified individuals.2.Extent of promotion from within.3.Attitudes of enterprise in recruiting its old employees, handicaps, part time, women, relatives of present employees.

Elements of Good Recruitment Policy

2.Organization's objectives- Both in short and long term. Areas wise, job wise.3.Identification of recruitment needs:- Which type of quality employees want in the org. 4.Preferred Source of recruitment:- For each category. Internal source, or external source of recruitment.Criteria of selection and preferences:-Based on conscious thought and serious deliberations. To whom we have to give the first preference.5.The cost of recruitment and financial implications of the same

6.•Flexible enough to meet changing needs of an organization.•Designed to ensure employment opportunities for its employees on long-term basis. •Match the qualities of employees with the requirement of work for which employed.•It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis.•To find and employ the best qualified person for each job.•To offer promising opportunities for life-time working careers.•To provide programme and facilities for personal growth on the job.

2.Recruitment Organisation :-


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•Each enterprise has its own procedure that brings desired quality and quantity of manpower at min. cost.•Common practice is to centralize recruitment.•Centralization helps in consistency and efficiency.•Employee records up to date.•Reduces administrative cost.•It tends to make the selection of workers Properly.•Develops centralized manpower pool in a company.•Provides wider opportunities.•It tends to reduce favoritism as a basis for selection.

3.Choose the sources & Methods or Techniques of Recruitment

Source of Recruitment1.Internal Promotion and Transfers, rehire

Merits:- improves morale, better evaluation, promotes loyalty, known policies, less costly. 2.External Advertisement, Employment Exchange, Placement Agencies etc. Merits:- Provides requisite type of people best selection, in long term economical.

Methods or Techniques of Recruitment


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•Direct:- Sending traveling recruiters to educational institutions, seminars, Employees’ contact with public.

•Indirect:- Advertisement in news papers, radio, trade and professional journals. Ad must be carefully written.

1.To visualize type of applicants trying to recruit.2.List advantages that the company offers.3.In which news paper to run. Local, state, all India•Third Party. Commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies, placement offices.



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•Screening of applications can be regarded as an integral part of the recruitment process. •The selection process will begin after the applications have been scrutinized & short listed.•The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage, those applicants who are visibly unqualified for the job.

5.Assessment or Evaluation of an Recruitment programme•Periodical Evaluation to determine cost per applicant, the application/hiring ratio.•Use this information to improve the recruiting process.•Ethical practices. Tell “truth in hiring”, good and bad.•Cost for advertisement or other recruitment methods.•The main question is how the whole recruitment process is helpful to the org for selecting the best candidate for the specific job.

•Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce•


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Diverse workforce isn’t just socially responsible, it is necessity, given globalization•Eg:- Eastman Kodak Co. Include Disable People in their org.1.Single Parents2.Older Workers3.Recruiting Minorities & Women's4.Reservation5.The Disabled

•Developing & Using Application Forms•1.Purpose of Application Forms2.•With a pool of applicants, the prescreening process can begin.•The application form is usually the first step in this process (some firms first require a brief, prescreening interview or online test)•A filled in form provides four types of information1.First you can make the judgments on substantive matters, such as whether the applicant has the education & experience to do the job2.Second, you can draw conclusions about the applicant’s previous process & growth, especially for management candidates. 3.Third, you can draw tentative conclusions about the applicant’s stability based on previous work records4.Fourth, you may be able to use the data in the application to predict which candidates will succeed on the job & which will not.2.Using Application Forms to Predict Job Performance3.


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–It is possible to use application form information to predict which candidates will be successful & which won’t, in much the same way that one might use test for screening.––The basic process involves conducting statistical studies to analyze the relationship between1.Biodata responses on the application form (distance from work)2.Measure of success on the job.


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•Process of reducing the size of organization’s workforce or restructuring its skill base. •Used to meet the demands of dynamic envt.1.Firing:- permanent involuntary separation2.Lay-off:- temporary involuntary termination3.Attrition:- workers who voluntary resign are not replaced4.Transfer:- Lateral or downward job change5.Reduced work week:- Fewer hours/ week or part time work6.Early retirement:- incentives offered to resign7.Job sharing:- more than one employee shares one full-time position


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Definition of Training:

The systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job. Training refers to efforts that help enhance employee skills for carrying out the present job. According to Edwin B Flippo, training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.

Training and development is by definition: “The heart of a continuous effort deigned to improve employee competency and organizational performance.” (R. Wayne Mondy, Robert M. Noe, Shane R. Premeaux, 2002, Human Resources management, p. 214). Training is planned to give trainees information and skills, they need for their job, while development involves learning that goes beyond the knowledge needed just for current job. It is more long-term focused as it enables employees to keep up with the organization growth.

Companies have different approach to training and development. Some companies tent to minimize the training of its employees as they see it as an unnecessary budgeted cost. On the other hand, we have companies, which see training of employees more as a strategic investment and a very important attribute, which may increase employees’ productivity and reduce human error; such


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companies can be called a learning organization (R. Wayne Mondy, Robert M. Noe, Shane R. Premeaux, 2002).  

Needs for training:

To improve the current job performance of employees

To improve the technical and behavioral skills

Increases competence skills

To familiarize employees with the policies and procedure of the organization

To enhance the creativity, adaptability and versatility of the employees and to facilitate learning at the work place

To prepare employees for future job

To change the skills, knowledge and attitudes of the employees on a permanent basis

To help employees manage their careers

To maintain knowledge work force

To gain competitive advantage through a knowledgeable work force

To promote organizational growth through individual growth


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Areas of training:

Company policies and procedures

Human relations training

Skill based training

Problem solving training


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Onsite Workshops for Leadership Team

Employees need more than bosses… They need mentors: professionals skilled at assessing employee development needs and committed to guiding employees toward professional success.

Team Leadership Workshop provides managers with proven techniques for effective personnel management. By helping leaders understand and address their employees’ requirements, this interactive seminar offers significant benefit to managers at all levels. New supervisors gain a solid grounding in the concept of “leadership,” while more experienced managers refresh their commitment to teaching and coaching their team members.

This training program provides healthy perspective for managers at all levels, making it an ideal morale-boosting leadership development experience for mixed groups of frontline supervisors and senior staff members.

Leadership Training for Success

All managers need methods. Leaders need to know the most effective techniques for guiding teams, mentoring individuals, and validating the results. Without solid methods, managers will revert


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use a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership that reflects the leader’s personality, rather than the employees’ needs.

Committed, mentoring leadership is essential to employee morale, productivity and retention.


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Team Leadership Workshop provides proven methods and procedure for successful people management. Participants receive a step-by-step plan for guiding each employee toward success.

This workshop includes elements of Frank Whyte’s nationally respected Team Building Workshops expanding upon that foundation to help leaders:

Recognize each employee’s personality preferences and supervisory needs,

Align their leadership style with those of their bosses, colleagues, and subordinates,

Develop competent and committed employees by mentoring and guiding their employees toward success,

Schedule their management responsibilities to ensure that nothing is left to chance, and

Use practiced real-world scenarios to resolve challenges and remove barriers.


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Training is the process of imparting the employees the technical and operating skills and knowledge. It includes:

Identification of training needs of the individual and the company.

Developing suitable training programs. Imparting of the requisite job skills and knowledge to

employees. Evaluating the effectiveness of the training program.

HAL’s objectives of training Update and upgrade the existing knowledge and skill of staff

to help improve performance at their present position and the higher positions in the same function.

Expose the employees to modern techniques and system. Develop the staff with high potential to take on greater

responsibilities. Promote appreciation of their activities with their work areas

of business operation. Achieve desired attitudinal change. Induct and introduce new entrants to the organizational




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The term development refers broadly to the nature and direction of change included in employee, particularly managerial personnel, through the process of training and educative process. ‘Any activity design to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide for a planned growth of managers to meet future organizational requirements is management development.’

Training is a short-term process of utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose.

Learning & Development framework at HAL

Employees’ learning & development at HAL is a function of three skill sets that influence employees’ personal and professional development.

General management skills are strategically linked to business

Functional and technical skills are linked to corporate roles. Individual skills are highlighted in performance review

Topics Covered in Employees Training & Development

Communications: The increasing diversity of today’s workforce brings a wide variety of languages and customs, thus staff should be able to be very good in both written and verbal communication.

Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and office tasks. In this era of technological advancement, computer skills are very necessary for almost all departments in the organization.


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Customer service: Increased competition in today’s global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers. The firm that stands out from the crowd is that firm that puts its customers first before every other goal. Then the need to always train staff on customer services.

Diversity: This includes explanation about people and their different perspectives and views, and how this can be handled.

Ethics: There are divergent ethics in different firms. Some firms attach more importance to certain issues like moral, work period, lateness etc than other issues. Today’s society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility. Also today’s diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace. This calls for need for staff to be reminded of these always through training and development.

Human Relations: The increased stresses of today’s workplace can include misunderstanding and conflict. Training can help people to get along in the workplace with good understanding of each other and the office inter personal relationship to reduce official conflict.

Quality Management: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality Circles. Benchmarking, etc require basic training about quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality, etc.

Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals, and repetitive activities etc. staff should be made to understand that despite the fact that


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they have a safety department; the safety of each staff is in his / her own hands.


Fresh Recruitment + Training

a) Long Term Trainee Schemes (DETs, GETs, MT, etc)b) Technical Trainingc) Management Development Programd) Induction


Training need policy is identified by those which help the assesses to perform his/her job better & will help him/her to be prepared to shoulder higher responsibilities.


The training policy at HAL is enabling the individual employee to enhance his/her capability by contributing towards the group’s growth & achievement of expected objectives.

The training helps the employees to enhance their performance on the job, which program aim at development, expose them to new ideas & techniques including attitudinal changes to bridge the gaps of level for deputed positions.


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Training for knowledge provided in the area of what needs to be known in order to do the present job & sometimes the employees provided the knowledge of more than just his/her present area of activity in order to understand the framework within which his/her job is being performed.

1) Plant Human Resource Setup

Plant Human Resource is dealing with Plant peoples & their problems. Especially the role of Plant Human Resource is administration & managerial concern.

2) Job Accountabilities

The role of node officer is as following:-

To manage attendance & leave of employees

Sanctioning authority for such reimbursement of travel

Solving formal grievances & problems of employees

Motivating & counseling to employee

Celebrating employee’s birthday & organizing motivational program


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BPO are the people who are not HAL Companies employees, but nominated for work permit on purely clerical job in plant by the reference of employees.


Diploma Engineers are recruited at the HAL for the 2 year SKILL BUILDER- 1 program as diploma engineer trainees. On a 1-year training DETs paid stipend decided by the management. Upon successful completion of 1year training, DETs will be confirmed in Grade M-11 of the management cadre. The salary is also computed in cost to company terms.


Training identification which is the part of appraisal process Job identification prepared for each function Periodic surveys Through senior level personnel in the organization based on

their experiences and association with the organization Task force opines on specific training needs, human

resources collect and analysis for the requirements from their various sources

Career development and succession planning consideration


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The human resource department arrived at a cost by estimation on training which arises out off the identification of needs and sanctioned by the CEO, as per the organizational need from time to time.

Training Calendar

After assessing individual and group training needs the group HRD centre along with the HR department prepare the training calendar for each year including the program dates, venue, level of participants, faculty, objective of each program, program content, method of training & number of participants.

Training Days

Every division in ESSAR has its employees undergo a minimum three days in a year which they inputs in MIS report.

External ( off-the-job-training) Internal ( on-the-job-training)


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Confirmation process is a process through which the GET and DET trainees are deployed to the plant to carry further task and responsibilities.

During the confirmation process trainees are rated between 1 to 5 based on their overall performance. Trainees those who score 3 or more get confirmed and are deployed to plants and those who score below 3, their period for confirmation is extended for 3 months and further they are given a chance and are judged accordingly.

Trainees are evaluated based on three evaluation sheets –

Faculty Evaluation Sheet

Supervisor Evaluation Sheet

Panel Evaluation Sheet

Faculty Evaluation Sheet

For DETs and GETs Trainees Each DETs & GETs are allotted faculty member of the

Academy for their OJT


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Supervisor Evaluation Sheet

Sheet is allotted to the supervisor of each DETs & GETs Trainees are rated by their supervisors Supervisors rating is given maximum weightage , as he is the

one who knows the capabilities of the trainees very wellDETs & GETs are evaluated on the 7 HALcapabilities

Panel Evaluation Sheet

Panel includes :-

One / two experts from the department to which the trainee is to be deployed

Faculty Incharge Business HR personnel

Interview is conducted by the panel and based on this employees are rated and valued by all the members of the panel

Rating are given from 1 to 5 Those who scored 3 or more are confirmed immediately Those who scored below 3, their confirmation period is

extended to 3 months and are given further opportunity to prove his capabilities.


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1) Training at Academy helped in meeting your pre-determined objectives.





Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

4 33 10 3 50

8% 66% 20% 6% 100%



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Whenever any employee joins the company, they have some pre-determined objectives and expectations in their mind about the job which is assigned to them and the related training program.

Overall 74% trainees seems to be satisfied with the training program, hence the training program of ESSAR is effective enough in meeting the trainees predetermined goal and helps them in enhancing their capabilities to handle future task. 24% trainees those who seem to be less satisfied are due to their different area of interest and expectations regarding the training program.

2) Modules in the training program were helpful in developing the practical areas.




8%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say


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Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

13 14 19 4 50

26% 28% 38% 8%100%


Any training program is very important for the organization, as it requires lot of investment, not only in terms of finance but also in terms of time & efforts behind conducting the training program. Thus it becomes necessary that the modules present in the training program must be helpful in developing the practical knowledge.

Overall 54% trainees seems to be satisfied with the modules but 46% seems to be less satisfied, as the modules are based on specified and not on generalized area for imparting practical knowledge, thus there are possibilities that some trainees are not satisfied whit the modules practical implications.

3) The content was balanced among theoretical and practical areas.


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18% 2%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

4 36 9 1 50

8% 72% 18% 2% 100%


The reason behind asking the employees to rate the above sentence is that, it is the tendency of human mind that it is difficult for them to concentrate after 80 to 90 minutes. So it is essential the training program is organized in such a way that it does not create disinterest among the participants and so that the training program should maintain the balance between theoretical & practical knowledge.

Overall 80% trainees seem to be fully satisfied with the theoretical and practical knowledge provided to them. But 20% trainees are not satisfied this may be due to their own prospective and expectations regarding the training program. Overall the training


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program of ESAR seems to maintain a good balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of training.

4) The training was relevant with reference to the job roles in the shop floor.



10%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

9 10 26 5 50

18% 20% 52% 10% 50



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Any training program is very important for the organization, as it requires lot of investment, not only in terms of finance but also in terms of time & efforts behind conducting the training program. Thus, is very essential from the organization’s point of view that the training program does have relevance with the content of their day to day job roles in the shop floor.

Overall only 38% trainees seem to be satisfied that the training was relevant for their job role at shop floor. And 62% trainees were not satisfied which shows that the training is given on generalized base and not on specific bases.

5) Duration of classroom training was enough in building the confidence.


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6%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

12 21 14 3 50

24% 42% 28% 6% 100%


The main reason behind asking the employees to rate weather the duration of the classroom training is enough in building the confidence or not in order to suggest the suitable time frame for training program.

Overall 66% trainees were satisfied with the time duration of the training program, which shows that the effectiveness of the training period. Whereas, 34% trainees were not satisfied and think that training duration must be increased. Depending upon the requirement of the majority of trainees it can be increased in order to increase their level of confidence.


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6) Your confirmation process was the smooth sailing and encouraging.



8% 6%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

14 29 4 3 50

28% 58% 8% 6% 100%



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According to the survey, 28% Trainees Strongly Agreed, 58% Agreed and 8% were Partly Agreed that their confirmation process was smooth sailing and encouraging .But 6% were not completely satisfied by their confirmation process.

Overall 86% trainees agreed that the confirmation process is smooth sailing and encouraging, this shows that overall confirmation process is robust. Only 14% were not satisfied from it.


7) The faculties have been discussing practical and plant based knowledge.


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Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

21 18 8 3 50

42% 36% 16% 6% 100


The most important part of any training program is the implementation of the new acquired skills. Thus it becomes necessary for the faculties to discuss the practical and plant based knowledge inorder to enhance their efficiency and their knowledge about the actual work to be performed by them.

Overall 78% trainees agreed that faculties discuss the practical and plant based knowledge, this shows that the faculties are effective enough in imparting the desired knowledge. Only 22% seems to be less satisfied, this may be due to their own expectations regarding the training program and area of interest.


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8) It was fun to attend the classes at Academy.





Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

19 28 2 1 50

38% 56% 4% 2% 100


Providing a good learning atmosphere is essential for building and increasing employees’ morale and efficiency. The main reason behind asking this statement is to analyze whether the Trainees are enjoying the training programs and the classroom sessions.


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Overall 94% trainees seem to be fully satisfied, that it was fun to attend the classes at the academy and only 6% seems to disagree with it. This shows that the overall environment of the classroom is effective and fun generating enough to encourage the trainees.

9) You had been given ample opportunity to express your views during

Classroom sessions.




Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

17 20 8 5 50

34% 40% 16% 10% 100


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Effectiveness of any training program is very much depended on how the trainer perceives the participants. If the trainer’s attitude towards participants is not very positive, it may create hindrance in the participants’ commitment in the training program. The trainer’s attitude can motivate participants to actively participate in the training program which ultimately results into accomplishment of the pre-determined objectives of the training program. The training program can give effective outcome if there is two-way participation both for the trainers and the participants.

Overall 74% trainees were satisfied that faculties give ample opportunity to make the sessions interactive and interesting which helps the trainees in solving their problems and doubts. Only 26% trainees were not satisfied, which shows that faculties make their sessions interactive and give chance to the trainees to ask their queries and give suggestion.

10) The subjects covered were new for you.


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8%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

5 21 20 4 50

10% 42% 40% 8% 100


Any training program is very important for the organization, as it requires lot of investment, not only in terms of finance but also in terms of time & efforts behind conducting the training program. Thus the main purpose behind asking this statement is to know whether the subjects covered under training sessions are new to the trainees or not. And providing them new and advanced knowledge.

Overall 52% trainees agreed that the subjects taught to them were new to them and 48% were not completely satisfied, this variation can be seen as in some colleges the course includes the same


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subjects and in some colleges different subjects were taught. It was totally a subjective matter.


11) Style delivery & clarity of the subjects.




Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

5 33 10 2 50

10% 66% 20% 4% 100%


The effectiveness of the trainer/ facilitator plays a major role, as the trainer has the responsibility of imparting new knowledge to


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the participants such attitude is largely dependent on the effectiveness of the trainers. Here, objective is to know about the trainer’s effectiveness from the employees’ point of view, in terms of style of delivery & clarity of the subjects.

Overall 76% trainees were satisfied with the faculties’ style, delivery & clarity of the subjects, but 24% seems to be less satisfied, this shows that faculties are effective enough in imparting knowledge clearly and needs to be improved in some areas.

12) Plant visit is useful for the development.



10% 6%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

23 19 5 3 50

46% 38% 10% 6% 100


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The main purpose of asking this statement is to analyse whether the plant visit is useful for the development of the trainees for handing their future jobs.

Overall 84% trainees seems to agree that plant visit is helpful in individual development, but 16% seems to be less satisfied, this shows that training program must includes more plant visit for the trainees development and for increasing their efficiency.

13) After the accomplishment of the classroom training you were aware of various plants locations.


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8%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

12 20 14 4 50

24% 40% 28% 8% 100%


The ultimate objective of any training program is to develop the competencies of the employees. The main reason behind asking the employees to rate this statement is to analyze that whether the proper information regarding various plants are given to the trainees by their faculties or not.

Overall 64% trainees were aware of various plant locations after the accomplishment of the classroom training and 36% were not aware. It is totally a subjective matter and depends on person to


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person, those trainees who were not aware of various plant locations must be not interested in knowing so.

14) After accomplishment of overall training you were aware of all the concerned SOP’s.



4%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say

Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

2 13 33 2 50

4% 26% 66% 4% 100%


In the era of technology, the main purpose of overall training program is to provide the employees all the necessary SOP’s of the


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organization in order to increase the employees’ efficiency and effectiveness.

Overall 30% trainees agreed that they were aware of all the SOP’s after the accomplishment of the training program and 70% were not aware of the SOP’s, this is because every department of the company has its own SOP’s which is confidential and its not possible for the trainees to known the SOP’s of every department. Thus its advisable that the trainees must be informed of the SOP’s of that department in which they are deployed.

15) After the accomplishment of overall training you were aware of who’s who in the complex.



10%Strongly Agree

Agtly Agree

Parly Agree

Can't Say


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Strongly Agree PartlyCan't Say Total

Agree Agree

4 22 19 5 50

8% 44% 38% 10% 100%


The most important part of any training program is the implementation of the new acquired knowledge with full confidence. Developing a sense of confidence in employees is the most important part of any training program. The whole training period must be a life time experience for any employee which has helped them in developing the overall personality of any employees.

Overall 80% trainees said that the training program was the lifetime experience for them which have increased their level of confidence; this clearly shows the effectiveness of the training program conducted by the HAL and its impact on the life of the trainees in developing their skill for handling future responsible tasks.



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5%Strongly Agree


Partly Agree

Can't Say


The major objective of any training program is to develop the skills, knowledge & competence of the employees of the organization .Training Program is conducted with the purpose of imparting some new knowledge which can help employees to their day to day working life. It is very important for the organization as it requires lot of funds. The main reason for asking this is to analyze the overall effectiveness of the training program.

Overall 67% trainees found the training program of HAL effective enough in enhancing their knowledge and skills which will help them in handling future responsible and difficult task. At the same time 33% trainees seems to be less satisfied about the training effectiveness. This clearly shows that the majority of trainees found the training program to be effective.


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The training at HAL was a first hand experience into a Company. It was very informative & learnt a lot about safety measures.

Majority of the workforce value the importance of training. They have a positive outlook towards the training

As a whole, the training program was a good tool to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and the practical work.

Most of the employees are happy wit the training provided to the. They also feel that their performance levels have increased after such training programs.

Plant visits are very important for increasing the work efficiency and the interest of the trainees.

The trainers at HAL are efficient enough in imparting necessary knowledge to the trainers about their work.

The training sessions conducted at HAL was interactive enough to solve the problems of the employees.


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Training should include some more practical knowledge & some more sessions of plant visit.

More emphasis should be made on the type of department in which they are to be deployed so that when after deployment atleast they are aware of the job which they have to perform in future.

Some trainees said that they get less opportunity to express their ideas which can be practically useful for the plant.

The trainers must conduct the training programs in the language which is easily understood by all the trainees and not in regional language.

Feedback must be taken from the trainees after they are deployed in plants, in order to analyze the improvements which is to be made to increase the efficiency of the training program.


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Certain limitations has been encountered while doing the project due to which information collected and conclusion that was arrived on it were as follows:-

Tight scheduling gave less chance of interaction with the


The data collected were according to convenience of the respondents and the

Major hurdle was time management.

Respondents were also not willing to give answers of some question

The 45 days training was less for learning


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The project is based on the HR Process of Training and Development of GETs and DETs at HAL.

Training program is very important for any organization, as it requires lot of investment, not only in terms of Finance but also in terms of time & efforts behind conducting the training program. The major objective of any training program is to develop the skills, knowledge & competence of the employees of the organization.

Training program is conducted with the purpose of imparting some new knowledge which can help employees to their day to day working life. For this purpose, it is necessary that the employees attend the training program with willingness to learn that will help them in motivating and improving their technical skills in order to handle future task and responsibilities.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the training program at HAL is effective enough in generating and enhancing the skills of the trainees at the Academy. Training has improved their overall personality and communication skills. The environment of the classroom sessions were effective enough in motivating trainees to actively participate in the training sessions for making the overall session effective.

The faculties at HAL are knowledgeable and efficient enough in imparting technical training to the trainees. They are excellent in their fields and help the trainees to develop their skills to handle future jobs.


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QUESTIONNAIREAGE:______________________________________________________ Gender:____________________________________________________DESIGNATION:____________________________________________DATE OF JOINING:_________________________________________ BUSINESS:________________________________________________


1) Training at academy helped in meeting your pre-determined objectives.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

2) Modules in the training program were helpful in developing the practical knowledge. a) Strongly

Agreeb) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

3) The content were balanced among theoretical and practical areas.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

4) The training was relevant with reference to the job roles in the shop floor.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say


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5) Duration of classroom training was enough in building the confidence.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Party Agreed) Can’t Say

6) Your confirmation process was the smooth selling and encouraging.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say


7) The faculties had been discussing practical and plant based problems.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

8) It was fun to attend the classes at academy.a) Strongly

Agreeb) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

9) You had been given ample opportunity to express your views during classroom sessions.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say


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10) The subjects covered were new for you.a) Strongly

Agreeb) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say


11) Style delivery & clarity of the subject.a) Strongly

Agreeb) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

12) Plant visit were useful for your development. a) Strongly Agree b) Agree

c) Partly Agree d) Can’t Say

13) After accomplishment of the classroom training you were aware of various plant locations.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

14) After the accomplishment of overall training you were aware of all the concerned SOP’s.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

15) After the accomplishment of overall training you were aware of all whose who in the


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complex.a) Strongly

Agreeb) Agree

c) Partly Agreed) Can’t Say

16) The safety training provided at academy has brought in you the sense of safety strongly and has kept you at bay from any mishappenings. a) Strongly Agree b) Agree

c) Partly Agree d) Can’t Say

17) You have learnt six sigma tools during the contact program effectively. a) Strongly Agree b) Agree

c) Partly Agree d) Can’t Say

18) You had improved your communication skills during the course of the contact program. a) Strongly Agree b) Agree

c) Partly Agree d) Can’t Say

19) The classroom ambient and the food quality was conduct for your learning. a) Strongly Agree b) Agree

c) Partly Agree d) Can’t Say

20) Your overall training period was a lifetime experience for you which has developed Confidence and the ever lasting memory.


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a) Strongly Agree b) Agree

c) Partly Agree d) Can’t Say

Write few sentences about your overall experience.







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