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Red Alert New World Order

Date post: 08-Apr-2018
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You will probably try, by any means possible, to deny what follows. In fact you have been brainwashed for years by the incessant propaganda of traditional media. You do not question the system and you live under the mental control of high placed world leaders. However if you decide to take a few hours of your valuable time to do some research, you'll discover the horror of the existing global plot. Each point raised here would deserve a book in itself. I encourage you to investigate the key words that will be presented to you. You should know first that world leaders really exist; they are called "the elite". They are above governments and they are members of organiza- tions such as the Bilderberg, the Council on foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome. At the top of this empire are sitting multi-billionaire bankers such as David Rockefeller and the Rothschild; as well as their respective descendan ts. They are promising a New World Order characterized by peace and security. They are operating a global pyramidal system, which allows them to manage their empire using a very small number of people at the top. T heir symbol reflects their mode of operation. The "Illuminati" represent themselves by a pyramid with the all-seeing eye. This symbol is also on the back of the United States' dollar bill. They took control of the Federal Reserve of the United States in 1913. Some global events seem to happen randomly; but they are, in fact, orchestrated in secret by those who lead the world. Those who are part of the elite are under Satan's influence. They sometimes gather in places such as the Bohemian club in California or at the Bilderberg meetings. They are the ones setting the price of oil, gold and various consumer goods. They influence the course of currencies as they see fit. They put their friends in high political and religious positions. This allows them to easily plan wars and revolution s around the world. Their declared goal is to take total control of the planet's resources. They want to reduce the world population by 80% and enslave the rest to serve them. To do this, they want to dumb us down and control all the information that reaches us. The end result is a person operating like a robot and responding to all their needs. We do not have to speculate on the means that they are using to achieve this because, they them- selves, composed the documents exposing their diabolical plans. The control of financial circles is at the forefront of all this. They appropriated the right to create money at will and to lend it with interests. This appears too simple to be true, but look at the example of the Federal Reserve of the United States. Contrary to what its name might suggests, it is a private instituti on managed by bankers in Europe. This ploy will inevitably lead to a unique world government along with a control system enabling them to identify everybody. They will then decide who can buy and sell inside this system. The Bible tells us that the antichrist and the false prophet will eventually impose the mark of the beast to the inhabitants of the earth. Revelation 13:16-17 And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. In addition, all will have to plead allegiance to this system by worshipping the beast: this will be the universal religion. Revelation 13:12 And he excercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. To prepare this operation, they use the media (TV, radio, Internet...) in order to lead to the population into accepting their version of reality without asking questions. They expose people to toxic chemical and bacteriological agents. They use chemtrails sprayed by aircraft, they put fluoride in drinking water and mercury in vaccines. In addition, food is less and less nutritious because of excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms ) who find themselves in our food supply represent a threat that is almost impossible to avoid. All this has the effect of reducing the ability of people to use reason and it weakens their immune system, making them more docile. The globalists are organizing terrorist attacks such as 9/11 (September 11 2001 ) leading to the Iraq conflict. They also staged the incident of the Gulf 
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You will probably try, by any means possible, to

deny what follows. In fact you have been

brainwashed for years by the incessant

propaganda of traditional media. You do not

question the system and you live under the

mental control of high placed world leaders.

However if you decide to take a few hours of your 

valuable time to do some research, you'll discover 

the horror of the existing global plot. Each point

raised here would deserve a book in itself. I

encourage you to investigate the key words that

will be presented to you.

You should know first that world leaders really

exist; they are called "the elite". They are abovegovernments and they are members of organiza-

tions such as the Bilderberg, the Council on

foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and

the Club of Rome. At the top of this empire are

sitting multi-billionaire bankers such as David

Rockefeller and the Rothschild; as well as their 

respective descendants. They are promising a

New World Order characterized by peace and


They are operating a global pyramidal system,which allows them to manage their empire using a

very small number of people at the top. Their 

symbol reflects their mode of operation.

The "Illuminati" represent

themselves by a pyramid with the

all-seeing eye. This symbol is

also on the back of the United

States' dollar bill. They took

control of the Federal Reserve of 

the United States in 1913.

Some global events seem to happen randomly;

but they are, in fact, orchestrated in secret by

those who lead the world. Those who are part of 

the elite are under Satan's influence. They

sometimes gather in places such as the

Bohemian club in California or at the Bilderberg


They are the ones setting the price of oil, gold and

various consumer goods. They influence the

course of currencies as they see fit. They put their 

friends in high political and religious positions.

This allows them to easily plan wars and

revolutions around the world. Their declared goal

is to take total control of the planet's resources.

They want to reduce the world population by 80%

and enslave the rest to serve them.

To do this, they want to dumb us

down and control all the information

that reaches us. The end result is a

person operating like a robot and

responding to all their needs. Wedo not have to speculate on the means that they

are using to achieve this because, they them-

selves, composed the documents exposing their 

diabolical plans.

The control of financial circles is at the forefront of 

all this. They appropriated the right to create

money at will and to lend it with interests. This

appears too simple to be true, but look at the

example of the Federal Reserve of the United

States. Contrary to what its name might suggests,it is a private institution managed by bankers in

Europe. This ploy will inevitably lead to a unique

world government along with a control system

enabling them to identify everybody. They will

then decide who can buy and sell inside this

system. The Bible tells us that the antichrist and

the false prophet will eventually impose the mark

of the beast to the inhabitants of the earth.

Revelation 13:16-17 And he causes all, both small

and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to

receive a mark in their right hand, or in their 

foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell,

save he that had the mark, or the name of the

beast, or the number of his name.

In addition, all will have to plead allegiance to this

system by worshipping the beast: this will be the

universal religion.

Revelation 13:12 And he excercises all the power 

of the first beast before him, and causes the earth

and them which dwell therein to worship the firstbeast, whose deadly wound was healed.

To prepare this operation, they use

the media (TV, radio, Internet...) in

order to lead to the population into

accepting their version of reality

without asking questions. They

expose people to toxic chemical

and bacteriological agents. They

use chemtrails sprayed by aircraft,

they put fluoride in drinking water and mercury in vaccines. In

addition, food is less and less

nutritious because of excessive use

of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. GMOs

(Genetically Modified Organisms

) who find

themselves in our food supply represent a threat

that is almost impossible to avoid. All this has the

effect of reducing the ability of people to use

reason and it weakens their immune system,

making them more docile.

The globalists are organizing terrorist attacks such

as 9/11 (September 11 2001

) leading to the Iraq

conflict. They also staged the incident of the Gulf 

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of Tonkin leading to the Vietnam

War. These "false flag" operations

are self-inflicted. The intention is to

enable their agenda by declaring

unnecessary wars, which otherwise

could not have public approval.

They fraudulently promote global

warming in order to tax carbon

emissions. They also create panic

by announcing different pandemics.

The uninformed population willgladly exchange its freedom for the

security proposed by the State.

They will eventually be completely

unarmed and defenceless while

facing in this oppressive govern-


Almost nothing is beyond their 

control since they can even

manipulate the weather and cause

earthquakes through machines likeHAARP (High Frequency Active

Auroral Research Program). They can use various

frequencies to alter the ionosphere of the planet;

thus allowing them to modify the weather by

adjusting barometric pressure in various locations

on the earth. In addition, by modulating the

frequency, this machine may create a state of 

resonance able to penetrate earth's crust and

trigger earthquakes. This interaction with the

ionosphere produces visible signs in the sky,

which resemble aurora borealis (northern lights).

Several witnesses around the world observed andfilmed these phenomena 30 minutes before the

2008 earthquake in China and before the 2004

tsunami in Indonesia. HAARP was also in activity

just prior Haiti's earthquake in 2010.

It is difficult to draw a definitive conclusion in the

latter case, but the Bible mentions a series of 

signs, which are to occur before the return of 

Jesus Christ. Some will say that such tragedies

have always been since the beginning of time. But

the difference is that; now those disasters can be

created whenever man wants. The frequency of 

these cataclysms can therefore be increased, and

it's even possible to chose their location.

Luke 21:10-11 Then said he to them, Nation shall

rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,

and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights

and great signs shall there be from heaven.

The Bible also tells us that Jesus Christ will

reward those who have believed in Him and

exterminate those who destroy the earth. If you've

followed well up to here; you can now identify the

world's elite and their strategies to fool the

population. However their fate will be sealed when

they'll be crushed along with all those who are

following them in their infernal machinations.

Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and

your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that

they should be judged, and that you should give

reward to your servants the prophets, and to the

saints, and them that fear your name, small and

great; and should destroy them which destroy

the earth.

Internet, although strewed with wild news,

remains the only valuable source of information to

find the plans of those evil workers. Because of 

this, they intend to censor the Internet in order to

avoid an awakening, which would cause too many

people to learn the truth about them. I strongly

suggest you watch the film "Endgame" by Alex

Jones. This film is a masterpiece revealing the

globalists' goals. If you want a daily breakdown of the news, Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are

top notch.

The situation is serious since all these things are

going on around the world right now. Don't stay

passive, do some research and pass the

information to others in order to wake them up.

Currently, the United States is the only country

still able to offer a solid opposition to this hostile

takeover by the New World Order.

The Bible shows us that man's problems,

although visible, take their source in the spiritual


Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh

and blood, but against principalities, against

powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this

world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Where is the solution to all those terrifying

problems? Such plots are so enormous and

horrendous that you'll perhaps decide not to

believe they are true. If that is the case, return to

your sweet dreams in the hope that you will never 

see any of this happen. However, if you have

woken up, there is a solution to escape this evil


If you take a little time to examine the Bible

objectively for a moment, you'll discover that what

it contains is 100% truth. You could then realize

your fallen state and discover what God has done

to get you out of this disastrous situation.

In fact, God sent his Son Jesus Christ on earth.He is not proposing a political or religious system.

Jesus Christ is the Saviour who has agreed to

take your condemnation and erase all your sins

by dying on the cross. He then rose f rom the

dead, which proves his victory over death and that

the Father accepted his sacrifice. He offers you to

repent from your sins and to believe that He is the

Messiah, the only one who could save you. When

He returns on earth, He will solve all the global

problems and, if you decided to follow Him, He

will welcome you in His beautiful kingdom for eternity.

If you have access to a Bible, read the following

verses in order to get a quick overview of God's

plan for man.

Rom 3:10, Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, Rom 5:8, Acts

3:19, John 3:16, John 5:24, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 10:9-

10, Acts 17:11.

Have a pleasurable reading and visit the followingWebsite to find out more.

