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Redington Valueplus - Jan. 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Redington Valueplus - Jan. 2010


    value plusthe

    Q U A RT E R LY


    ACTIONNew business opportunitiesahead mean its time to getorganised!

    JuniperHP ProCurveCiscoHP ServerMolex


    January 2010presents


    HIGHLIGHTS:Building a profitable, productive smallbusiness practice through partnerenablementThe business value of storagevirtualisationThe Big Connect

    Redington is a Value Added Distributor for the following brands across the Middle East and Africa

  • 8/14/2019 Redington Valueplus - Jan. 2010


  • 8/14/2019 Redington Valueplus - Jan. 2010


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    B y design the relationshipbetween Vendor Distributor Reseller issupposed to be a symbiotic

    relationship, a perfect triangle with all the three partners workingsmoothly with each other andadding value to each other on acontinuous basis, but practically does this happen?

    This is a key question that

    needs to be answered honestly.The key stake holders in thedebate are people working fordistribution houses, channelrepresentatives from vendors andpartners at large. Lets look atsome common pain points fromeach of their perspective.

    Some pain points from adistributor: Vendor is not supportive anddoes not look at things fromour perspective Vendor is more supportivetowards another distributor!(Why would he do that? The

    vendor might as well not have you as distributor!!!)

    This vendor does not understanddistribution - he is only looking atsell in, with no sell out focus at all This vendor expects us todevelop his market, but does notunderstand that we need to earnsomething before we invest theold chicken and egg story!!!

    Common complaints from a

    vendor perspective: This distributor is just a fulfillmenthouse and does not focus on any market development

    This distributor is far tooconservative and is not willing toinvest in the business!!! This distributor does not havereach!!! (Didnt he discover thisbefore appointing the distributor?) This distributor does notunderstand value add !!

    Some common voices of concernfrom a resellers perspective

    (Imagine a typical 2 tier mediumsize reseller, who dependsalmost entirely on supplier creditfrom the distributor and backingof the vendor to close business): The vendor is trying to controleverything including our margins!!! The vendor is not transparentand always playing betweendifferent resellers!!! The distributor is not proactive!!! The distributor is very conservative in giving credit We prefer to work with all thedistributors!!! (No loyalty)

    The above statements are very prevalent in the industry wheneverthere is a closed door discussion.Most people in the industry are

    aware about it, acknowledge it butavoid being quoted.As a professional associated

    with the distribution industry for afairly long time, I have experiencedthe above and have heard fromcolleagues within the ecosystemexperience the same. There havealso been tremendously successfulrelationships between resellers/

    vendors/distributors and thereare individuals who have beenextremely successful in buildingbusinesses which have used this

    triangle to the hilt. It is importantto understand what works and,in cases it has not worked, tolearn what has not worked sothat for the industry at large, thiscan be some form of a pointerto avoid pitfalls in forming theserelationships to start with.

    Following are some verybroad lessons that I havehad during my journeyin distribution and maybe useful as pointers toovercome some of the issuesdiscussed above:

    Get the expectations rightfrom Day 1- When forming a

    relationship, be as transparentas possible and get theexpectations set realistic onboth sides from the start. Donot make the mistake of settingeither too low or too highexpectations from both sides.Learn to say NO and walkaway if it does not make senseto be in a relationship.

    Understand the importanceof joint business planning-Understand the businessgoals of both sides clearly.


    Ramkumar B, GM, Value Division, Redington Gulf

    The joint business plan shouldmake the goals of both sidespossible it has to be a WIN WIN relationship. Understandthe compensation and rewardplans for the employeesinvolved on both sides.Remember: at the end of theday, its a people business!

    Communicate every day-Communication or lack of it isthe SINGLE MOST IMPORTANTreason that many relationshipsdont work. Weekly, monthly andquarterly reviews at differentlevels are a MUST. Proactivecommunication is necessary,so always communicate as if

    in a partnership, not as if it isbetween two different parties.Call it off when joint vision

    not possible- Remember thatevery relationship does not lastforever. When a joint vision isnot possible, call it off and donot PROCRASTINATE. Finally,being in a relationship and notseeing a joint vision is the worst

    possible situation.I hope the above would help

    each of us to maximize productivity with our business partners.

    Distributor - Vendor -Reseller - Is a symbioticrelationship possible?

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    pure-play IP solutions based ona unique single architecture,single operating system andsingle release train that ensures

    performance, reliability andsecurity at the scale thatcustomers demand of theirnetworks, without compromise.

    Infrastructure products Jupiters infrastructureproducts are designed toaddress the needs of serviceproviders and enterprisesfor core and edge networkcapabilities, as well as for

    wireless access by combininghigh- performance packetforwarding technology androbust operating systems into anetwork-optimized solution. M Series Multiservice Edge Routers: The M Series Multiservice Edge

    Routing portfolio uniquelycombines best-in-class IP/ MPLScapabilities with unmatchedreliability, stability, securityand service richness. Thesemulti-service edge routing

    platforms allow enterprises andservice providers to consolidatemultiple networks into a singleIP/MPLS infrastructure while

    simultaneously generatingnew revenues with leading-edge services. T Series Core Routers:The TSeries Core Routers offersophisticated processingcapabilities on a true multi-service platform. Providerscan reduce operational andcapital expenses while easilycustomising the solution set anduser experience. The result isflexible, powerful and profitablenetwork service delivery. E Series Broadband Services Routers: The E Series represent a fullfeatured platform designedfor the network edge withsupport for carrier-class

    routing, broadband subscribermanagement services, and acomprehensive set of IP services.The E Series service deliveryarchitecture enables serviceproviders to easily deploy

    innovative revenue-generatingservices to their customers. TheE Series offers a full suite of routing protocols and provides

    scalable capacity for tens of thousands of users. MX Series 3D Universal Edge Routers: The MX Series of routers area product family developedto address emerging Ethernetnetwork architectures andservices in service providerand enterprise networks.Based on the Junos Trio chipset

    with revolutionary 3D scalingtechnology, the MX Series 3DUniversal Edge Routers enablequality of experience at massivescale, by processing two to fourtimes more traffic than thecompetition up to 2.6 terabitsper second while using half as much power per gigabit.

    The MX Series will offer theindustrys first universal edge

    with 3D Scaling of bandwidth,subscribers and services for thedelivery of business, residentialand mobile services at massive

    scale on a single network. BX Series Multi-Access Gateways: The BX7000 Multi-AccessGateway represents a new

    approach to mobile backhaul,offering a solution thatis scalable, flexible, costeffective and ensures asmooth migration to futuretechnologies. Circuit Emulation PICs:JuniperCircuit Emulation PICs forthe M Series routers providechannelised and clear-channelOC-3/ STM-1 and T1/E1interfaces for the flexible,reliable transport of TDM overIP/MPLS using pseudo-wiretechnology, enabling serviceproviders to cost effectivelytransform their legacy voiceand TDM data transportnetworks to next generation

    packet based infrastructure. CTP Series Circuit to PacketPlatforms:The CTP Seriesprovides the advancedtechnology and featuresrequired to reliably transport

    NYSE Euronext (NYX), the worldsmost diverse exchange group, and

    Juniper Networks are workingtogether to design a state-of-the-art,ultra-low latency corenetwork for NYSE Euronexts newconsolidated global data centres.

    Located in the greater New York and London metropolitanareas, NYSE Euronexts two newdata centres will be the primaryoperational infrastructuresupporting several billiondaily transactions and quotesacross diverse asset classes andgeographies. They will also beinstrumental in NYSE Euronextseffort to consolidate the totalnumber of its global data centres

    from ten to four. Expected tobe operational in 2010, the newfacilities will provide muchgreater network scale and

    Ultra-low latency in actionefficiency, with plans to utilise

    Junipers Data Center InfrastructureSolutions and advanced data centrefabric technology to support anunprecedented internal latency of 50 microseconds roundtrip.

    Junipers simplified datacentre approach will allow usto deploy a complete 10 GigabitEthernet network with ultra-low latency at a substantial costsavings, said Steve Rubinow,co-global CIO of NYSE Euronext.Juniper has developedtruly unique and innovativetechnologies that help us todeploy a very high capacity, lowlatency network that meets thestringent demands of the new

    data centre. With Juniper, weare able to dramatically cut thecost and complexity of managingour data centre network today,

    while continuing to enhanceour competitive position witha next-generation data centrefabric that will enable us to scaleto tens of thousands of 10GbEports. With such an elastic andefficient infrastructure, we canprovide enhanced functionalityto our customers at unmatchedscale while minimising total costof ownership.

    Leveraging the high-performance switching androuting technologies of the

    Juniper Networks EX SeriesEthernet Switches and MX SeriesEthernet Services Routers, theNYSE Euronext trading platformis being designed to enable thetotal network performance,reliability, security and

    throughput essential to ensuringthat the worlds largest and mostliquid cash exchange providesits clients with the technology

    to succeed in the low latency,highfrequency trading market.

    According to Kevin Johnson, Junipers CEO, TheNYSE Euronext technology

    vision is in alignment with Junipers next generationdata centre roadmap, which

    will lead to the creationof a single data centrefabric that will deliver aquantum advance in scale,performance and simplicity,

    while lowering energyconsumption and reducingoverall operating costs.

    Juniper Networks DataCenter Infrastructure Solutionscan significantly reduce networkcomplexity and total cost of ownership by up to 52% in

    capital expenditures, up to 44%in power, up to 44% in coolingand up to 55% in data centrerack space.

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    circuit-based applicationsacross a new generation of IP networks. These productsdeliver field-proven flexibility,

    performance and reliability forcircuit applications. JCS 1200 Control System:The

    JCS 1200 Control Systembrings independent scale of control and forwarding planeresources to help maximiseservice growth, operationalefficiencies and control thatenables service providersto accelerate the roll outof high-value services andreduce capital and operatingexpenditures. IP Service PICs:The ServicePICs enable high-performingservices such as IPsec, NAT,Firewall, J-Flow, and linkservices on M Series and T

    Series routers. These servicescan help providers managetheir own network or offerrevenue-generating services totheir customers. Enterprisescan leverage service PICs inM7i or M10i to provide high-speed services at the edge of their network. SBR Series Steel-BeltedRadius Servers: The SBRSeries Steel- Belted RadiusServers is a carrier-gradeRADIUS/AAA server thatprovides high-quality networkaccess for subscribers, offersdifferentiated services tailoredto an organisations customerbase, and helps to bettermanage network resources. SRC Series Session andResource Control Modules:The SRC Series consists of advanced hardware andsophisticated software thatextend Junipers network layerexpertise to the policy andcontrol layer. The portfolioincludes the widely deployed

    SDX-300 Service DeploymentSystem, as well asthe SRC Software Modulefamily and the high

    performance C SeriesControllers.

    Fabric and switching

    technologies Junipers robust Ethernetswitching and data centrenetworking solutions improvethe economics of networking,based on carrier-class, high-density hardware that reducesoperational and capitalexpenses for branch, campusand data centre networkenvironments, including: EX Series Ethernet Switches:The EX Series use Junipers

    Virtual Chassis technologyto enable up to 10 JuniperNetworks EX4200 EthernetSwitches to be interconnectedand managed as a singlelogical device. EX Series

    Ethernet Switches occupy upto 80% less space and consumeup to 53% less power thancompeting solutions offeringsimilar port densities. Cloud-Ready Data CenterSolution: Today, Juniper offersa dramatically simplifiednetwork architecture for acloud-ready data centre thatlowers operational, capital,and environmental costs,

    while reducing complexity andimproving efficiencies. Project Stratus: Juniper hasalso embarked on a majorinitiative to create a single datacentre fabric that will delivera quantum jump in scale,performance and simplicity,

    with the flexibility to supportfully converged and virtualiseddata centre environments.

    Service Layer Technologies Junipers service layertechnologies are high-performance solutionsthat empower network

    connectivity, yieldingincreased productivityto service providers andenterprises through safe,

    smart access. Solutions include: Application AccelerationPlatforms: Juniper Networks

    WXC Series Application Acceleration Platforms improvethe performance of businesscritical applications acrossthe WAN. This translatesinto a better user experienceand more efficient use of

    application servers. Security Solutions: Junipersecurity solutions provide fine-grained access control that

    Gert-Jan Schenk joined JuniperNetworks in 2002 as VP Channelsfor Europe, Middle East and Africa.In January 2006 he was promotedto his current role, where he hasresponsibility for the sales execution(enterprise and service provider) andperformance of Juniper throughoutthe region, including ultimateresponsibility for the companys one-and two-tier channel. Following arecent visit to the UAE, here are someof his thoughts on the region.

    I spent time with customers and general activity level aroundthe network was picking up - in particular service providers aremore and more aware of the need to build CDNs (Content DeliveryNetworks) that can easily handle multiplay services. I saw evidenceof movement towards 100G requirements and consideration fordomestic networks of Terabit PoPs. These meetings underlined

    for me that Juniper has its strategy well-aligned with customerexpectations and requirements in this space.There was also a focus on mobile services - wireless operators

    seem to be experiencing for real the kind of exponential growth indata traffic that the analysts have been tracking. My discussions withthem suggest that their biggest strategic focus is scale for the future- they all want to ensure they can meet demand in each dimension,performance, subscribers and bandwidth.

    My meetings with several mobile operators seemed to highlightanother interesting trend - they are much more focused on networksecurity than their wireline counterparts. When you think thisthrough, its not so surprising - wireline operators do take securityseriously, but for wireless operators its a different issue theyredealing with. Securing users who dont stay in one place for long, and

    whose connection device itself is arguably more vulnerable to theft,does create quite a challenge, a user base thats constantly in flux.

    Again, I felt Juniper has a good proposition for our customers in thisspace with our portfolio.

    Around the region

    identifies, mitigates and fullyreports on most sophisticatedthreats, These solutionsinclude:Intrusion Prevention Systems:

    Juniper Networks IDP SeriesIntrusion Detection andPrevention Appliances useadvanced methods to detectand prevent network attacks,

    while providing fast andefficient traffic processing andalarm collection, presentation,and forwarding.


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    Integrated Firewall and VPN Solutions: Our firewall and VPN systems

    and appliances are designedto provide integrated firewall, VPN, and denial of service(DoS) protection capabilities.The Juniper Networks SRXSeries Services Gatewaysoffer unrivaled firewall/VPNperformance and scaleability.The SRX Series is designedto meet the network andsecurity requirements fordata center consolidation,rapid managed servicesdeployments, and aggregationof security services.SSL VPN Appliances:JuniperNetworks SA Series SSL VPN

    Appliances extend clientlessaccess to remote and mobileusers, partners and customers,ensuring fast, reliable andsecure remote access toapplications and servicesfor even the most complexand demanding secureenvironments.Access Control:Juniper NetworksUnified Access Control combinesuser identity, device security

    states, and network locationdata to create a unique, dynamicaccess control policy for each

    individual user and session.Integrated Security Gateways:

    Juniper Networks ISG Seriesare a purpose-built, high-performance integratedsecurity gateways designed todeliver scalable network andapplication security for largeenterprise, carrier and datacentre networks.Secure Services Gateways: JuniperNetworks SSG Series SecureServices Gateways deliver anideal blend of performance andsecurity with flexible LAN and

    WAN connectivity options forremote branch, regional offices,and small to large enterprisesNetwork Security Management:

    Juniper Networks STRMSecurity Threat ResponseManager provides a scaleablenetwork security managementsolution that offers fullcorrelation, collection, analysisand reporting. JunipersNetwork and Security Manager(NSM) is a unified devicemanagement solution for

    Junipers routing, switchingand security devices that

    provides centralised, end-to-enddevice lifecycle management,granular policy configuration

    and comprehensivemonitoring, reporting andinvestigative tools to improveIT management and cost

    efficiencies, maximising thesecurity of your network.Enterprise Routing:The J SeriesServices Routers offer a varietyof flexible interfaces thatdeliver secure, reliable networkrouting to remote, branch, andregional offices. The J Seriesruns Junos OS with MPLS, IP4/

    v6, QoS, multicast, firewall andIPsec VPN.Wireless LAN: Juniper Networks

    AX Series is a dual-band,dual- radio 802.11n wirelessLAN access point and whencombined with and managed bythe SRX Series for the branch,the solution delivers integratedmanagement and category-

    leading security performance.

    Junos PlatformDeployed in the worlds mostdemanding service provider,enterprise, and public sectornetworking environments, the

    Junos Platform drives JuniperNetworks leadership in high-performance networking. Theextended software portfolio,known as Junos Platform,includes Junos Space networkapplication platform and

    Junos Pulse integrated, multi-service network client, whichhave been built with thesame core design principles,integration approach anddevelopment discipline.

    The Junos Platform enables Junipers customers to expandnetwork software into theapplication space, deploysoftware clients to controldelivery, and accelerate thepace of innovation with anecosystem of developers.

    At the heart of the Junos

    Platform is the powerof one operating system Junos operating system to

    reduce complexity, achieveoperational excellence,and dynamically deliverservices with lower total cost

    ownership. The consistentoperating environment of

    Junos OS streamlines networkoperations, increasingproductivity and reducing therisks of change.

    Junos OS is different fromcompetitive approachesin both its design anddevelopment. Junos OSmodular architecture andsingle code source providesa proven foundation fordelivering best-in- classperformance, reliability,security, scale, and TCO.

    Junos OS runs across JuniperNetworks portfolio of routers,switches, and security devices,

    scaling from customer premiseequipment to multi-terabitcore routers.

    Junos One Family A key competitivedifferentiator for Juniper isthe new Junos One family of processors that represent anunprecedented integrationof silicon and softwareto push the boundariesof high-performancenetworking. The Junos Onefamily combines Junipersexperience and investmentsin silicon, software, systemsand architecture to deliverindustry-first networkinstruction sets that arepurpose- built to meet theneeds of networking atmassive scale in multipledimensions. Kicking off thenew family, the Junos Triochipset offers revolutionary3D Scaling technologythat enables networks toscale dynamically for more

    bandwidth, subscribers andservices all at the same time

    without compromise.


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    HP is to purchase3Com, a leadingprovider of networking

    switching, routing andsecurity solutions, at a price of approximately US$2.7b.

    This combination willtransform the networkingindustry and underscore HPs next-generation data centre strategybuilt on the convergence of servers,storage, networking, management,facilities and services.

    The resulting business outcome will help customers simplifythe network, deploy a uniqueand innovative edge-to-corenetwork fabric for the enterpriseand improve IT service deliverycapabilities, all delivered withbest-in-class price-performance.

    Companies are looking for

    ways to break free from thebusiness limitations imposed bya networking paradigm that has

    been dominated by a single vendor, said Dave Donatelli,GM, Enterprise Servers and

    Networking, HP. By acquiring3Com, we are accelerating theexecution of our ConvergedInfrastructure strategy andbringing disruptive changeto the networking industry.By combining HP ProCurveofferings with 3Comsextensive set of solutions, we

    will enable customers to builda next-generation networkinfrastructure that supportscustomer needs from the edgeof the network to the heart of the data centre.

    Our extensive product lineand innovative technologytogether with HPs breadthand scale will expand our

    global opportunity, said BobMao, 3Coms CEO. 3Comsnetworking products are based

    on a modern architecture whichhas been designed to offer betterperformance, require less power

    and eliminate administrativecomplexity when compared againstcurrent network offerings. Ourproducts are enterprise provenand widely deployed in the worldslargest banks, manufacturers,Internet service providers, publicutilities and retailers.

    The acquisition of 3Com will

    HP acquires 3Com

    3Com Corporation is a $1.3b global enterprise networking solutionsprovider that sets a new price-performance standard for customers.

    3Com has three global brands H3C, 3Com and TippingPoint that offer high-performance networking and security solutionsto enterprises large and small. The H3C enterprise networkingportfolio includes products that span from the data centre tothe edge of the network, while TippingPoint network-based

    intrusion prevention systems and network access control solutionsdeliver in-depth, no-compromise application, infrastructure andperformance protection.

    About 3Com

    dramatically expand HPsEthernet switching offeringsand add routing solutionsand significantly strengthen

    the company. In addition, thecombination will add a largeand talented research anddevelopment team in China that

    will drive the acceleration of innovations to HPsnetworking solutions.

    3Com also brings to HP best-of-breed network security capabilitiesthrough its TippingPointportfolio. For the past four years,TippingPoint has been the leaderin Gartners Magic Quadrant inits evaluation of leading networksecurity products. Approximately30% of Fortune 1000 companieshave already deployed TippingPointintrusion prevention systems.

    We are confident that we can

    run our entire global business of 300,000-plus employees, includingour next-generation data centres,entirely on the new HP networkingsolutions, said Randy Mott, HPsCIO. Based on our experienceand extensive testing of 3Comsproducts, we are planning toundertake a global rollout withinHP as soon as possible after the

    completion of the acquisition.The acquisition is subject to

    customary closing conditions,including the receipt of domesticand foreign regulatory approvalsand the approval of 3Comsstockholders. The transaction isexpected to close in the first half of calendar 2010.

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    The series is ideally suitedfor small and mediumbusinesses looking todeploy voice, video,and/or wireless solutionsthat require Power overEthernet (PoE) connectivity.

    The series consists of four switches: the HPProCurve 2520-8-PoE, theHP ProCurve 2520-24-PoE,the HP ProCurve 2520G-8-PoE and the HP ProCurve

    2520G-24-PoE Switch.The four models offer a

    choice of either Fast Ethernetor Gigabit connectivity. Allmodels also include supportfor dual-personality Gigabitports that can be usedfor either copper or fiberconnectivity. All productsare fully managed via SNMP,command-line interface (CLI),graphical user interface (GUI)and offer a Layer 2 featureset. In addition, the productsprovide deployment flexibility

    with compact, quiet, andenergy-efficient designs.

    The HP ProCurve 2520switch series

    and reduce total cost of ownership by: Delivering a choice of networking solutions thatreduce energy costs as much as45% below the industry average. Backing a wide rangeof standards-basednetworking solutions withthe HP ProCurve Lifetime

    Warranty, eliminating costlymaintenance contracts. Delivering data centrenetworking solutions for theHP Adaptive Infrastructure 2.0for higher server utilisation

    rates, automated workflowsand reduced data center powerand space requirements.

    Your customers need to adopt network solutions that adaptto economic change. By focusing their investments andmodernising their network, they can gain efficiencies anddrive down costs. A key opportunity for you: difficult timescreate opportunities for agile businesses to seize a strongercompetitive advantage.

    on the 24-port models and afanless design on the eight-port models. These switchesalso help reduce energyconsumption with automaticsettings that place ports andLEDs in low power mode

    when not in use.

    Customers can connectIP phones directly to the2520 switch series withoutneeding an additional powersupply with support of Power Over Ethernet (PoE),reducing the complexityof IP phone deployments.Customers can also deploy

    wireless access points and

    video surveillance camerasin areas where a poweroutlet is not readily availableby connecting these devicesdirectly to the 2520 switches.

    The switch automaticallyprotects against denial-of-service attacks and can beused with a Kensington lockfor physical theft protectionand flexibility by allowingthe switches to be placedin any location. And trafficprioritisation featuresensure the reliability andenhanced quality of callsover the network.

    The switch family isa part of HP ProCurves

    Adaptive Network, whichhelps to change theeconomics of technology

    Miercom, an independenttesting lab, has given itsCertified Green awardto eight HP ProCurveNetworking switches finding they significantlyoutperformed thenetworking industryin energy efficiencyand environmentalsustainability. Miercomsaid ProCurve switches

    proved in testing and byanalysis to afford customersa switching solution withsuperior value, effectivenessand energy efficiency.

    To meet Miercomsstringent Certified Greencriteria, ProCurve productshad to be in the top 30%of the industry for energy

    efficiency and pass athorough audit of green bestpractices. The programmerates networking equipmentbased on several criteria such as power efficiency,heat dissipation, coolingrequirements, energyefficiency and overallproduct efficiency.

    Miercom found all eightoutperformed the industry,saying: HPs technologyand its holistic approachto reduce environmentalimpact helps its customersto significantly improvetheir ROI (return oninvestment). The HP

    ProCurve switches includeda variety of chassis and fixed-port products.


    Reducing TCO for wirelessLANs up to $77,000 per 100users over three years (IDC). Building lasting competitiveadvantage through the HPProCurve Open NetworkEcosystem (ProCurve ONE) giving a choice of best-in-classsolutions from an allianceof technology partners thatincludes Microsoft, McAfee,F5, Avaya and Riverbed.

    An Adaptive Networkapproach changes theeconomics of networkingand builds an infrastructure

    that delivers whatever yourbusiness demands today andinto the future.


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    Building a profitable, productive smbusiness practice through partnerenablement

    The evolution of networkservices have continuedto drive new sales new network solutionsaccount for approximately 20%

    of annual growth, accordingto Cisco and offer partnersbig revenue. Innovative

    Even in todays fiercely competitive marketplace and challenging economic cthere is huge opportunity in emerging markets.

    technologies, the needto manage costs and themandate to do more withless all present opportunitiesfor technology sales to small

    businesses, worldwide.However, all the potential

    in the world doesnt always

    translate into sales. Manypartners are sitting onopportunities, held back bya lack of product and marketknowledge. Since each customer

    is unique with specific businessgoals, partners can get wrappedup in conversations about

    features and price, withoutaddressing the bigger picture.

    The road to success insmall business is for partnersto increase their capabilities

    and empower their salesforce to capture the marketopportunity. Partners must



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    change the dialogue and addresscustomers needs on a strategic

    level. This will lead to superiortechnology recommendationsand help position the partner asa trusted and valued asset to thecustomer. In order to establishthis relationship, partners mustequip themselves with the righttraining and tools to addressspecific customer needs and meetbroader customer objectives.

    Partner enablement: Buildingnew capabilities to meetcustomer needs.Cisco has invested inpartner resources designedto strengthen all aspects of customer engagement, andprovide a structured approach

    to selling, delivering, andsupporting a wide variety of technologies. Called PartnerEnablement, the programmeincludes focused tools, training,sales, and marketing offeringsthat help partners becomemore efficient in building asmall business practice that willdeliver longterm growth.

    Partner Enablement has animpact on two levels. First, ithelps to ground a partnersbusiness by building newpractices and gaining more fromexisting customers. It providesa consistent and repeatableapproach to sales that offers aprocess for selling an extensiveportfolio of solutions.

    Second, Partner Enablementsupports partners withtools and training that buildmarketing expertise, sales skills,product knowledge, quotingskills, and talent acquisition.The goal is to for partners to:Support new opportunitiesDevelop experienced

    individuals and personnelBuild capabilitiesIncrease productivity

    Partner Enablement wasdesigned with input from Ciscopartners to ensure a relevantand useful program. Already,partners worldwide haveapplied its principles to growtheir business and improveprofitability. With the rightlevel of commitment, partnerscan approach new and existingcustomers with compelling andlucrative technology sales.

    The result? In the words of

    Thatcher Alexander, Presidentof Alexander Open Systems,I think were going to seesignificant returns on ourinvestment, making sales thatin the past, we may not havemade. If you are willing toinvest the time and effort intothe programme, it sets you upfor success .

    Resources that help partnershelp themselves .Partner Enablement usesrepeatable processes toevaluate customer needs anddevelop solutions for differentapplications - from UnifiedCommunications, wireless,security, collaboration, toswitching and routing.

    For example, a successfulcall centre effort can beleveraged in a wirelessinitiative, allowing a partnerto re-approach their customers

    with another recommendation.Partners become more efficientand productive, increase sales

    and business opportunities, andaccelerate company growth.We believe the small

    business market offersunprecedented opportunityfor Cisco partners, worldwide,says Andy Shaw, PartnerEnablement Leader, EmergingMarkets. Helping ourpartners accelerate growthmore consistently andintelligently is a key goal forCisco and has never been ahigher priority.

    Tools Reference Guide

    The starting point for anyeffective selling effort ishaving access to the right toolsto identify, deliver and supportcustomer-focused solutions.Partners need to addresscustomer requirements -across multiple technologyarenas - and throughout thesales cycle.

    Ciscos partner tools can beused in a step-by-step process,beginning with an assessmentof sales readiness, access tobusiness development andmarketing tools, pre-salesconfiguration and pricingservices, as well as trainingand support resources.

    Partner Practice BuilderThe most effective salesapproach is one that can betailored to the customer - andthe partners practice. Partnersshould be able to participatein a self-guided manner andcreate a plan that best meetstheir needs.

    Cisco Partner PracticeBuilder is an on-line platformthat assists partners in

    developing a solutions-focusedbusiness models that leverageCisco offerings. It is a simplifiedand repeatable program thatestablishes a framework forpractice development throughassessments, gap analysis andplan building.

    Five step-by-step modules offercollateral and resource files fordownloading, including:Readiness snapshotBusiness readiness

    Financial reviewAction planProgress report

    Modules can be used from startto finish for a comprehensiveproject plan, or on an individualbasis, to improve a current practice.

    Partner Education ConnectionTraining can have a major

    impact on sales effectiveness,and help a partner connectcustomer needs with productand services. Having an in-depth understanding of newtechnologies and market trendspositions the partner as a

    valuable resource.The Cisco Partner Education

    Connection (PEC) is an onlineresource that expands a partnersknowledge base of Cisco productsand services. Cisco PEC receivesover one million visits each year,and offers over 3,000 pieces of content, 600 on-line labs and 166learning roadmaps, to address a

    variety of experience levels.PEC benefits include:

    Help partners meet programmerequirementsAchieve career certifications

    The road to success in small business is for partners to increasetheir capabilities and empower their sales force to capture themarket opportunity. Partners must change the dialogue and addresscustomers needs on a strategic level.

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    Bring new employees up to speedKeep current on new Cisco

    products and solutionsPartners get access to

    efficient and innovativelearning anytime, anywhereand report an increase in theirspeed of recruiting and trainingemployees acceleratingbusiness performance.

    Plan Design Implement (PDI)Help DeskEfficient design andimplementation leads to aprofitable deployment andaccelerated sales cycle. As sales getmore complex and products moresophisticated, selling the rightsolution and increasing post salesproductivity is paramount to a

    successful practice.The Cisco Planning, Designand Implementation (PDI)Help Desk provides assistanceduring the critical deploymentphase. Partners have accessto experts and resources whoshare Cisco design principlesand best practices. Cisco UnifiedCommunication and Advanced

    Technology Partners (ATP)

    can avoid implementationproblems and increase profit

    margins by moving throughthe pilot and productionphases faster - accelerating thesales cycle.

    Partner HelplineClosing the deal oftencomes down to answeringa specific question about aproduct or service and howit might fit into a customersenvironment. With thethousands of offerings in themarketplace, getting answerscan be like finding a needle ina haystack.

    For these situations, Ciscooffers the Partner Helpline; apre-sales support solution that

    helps partners get answersfor any customer, through anextensive on-line knowledgebase. Partners can access bestpractices, tech tips, FAQs andconfiguration examples.

    If answers are not readilyavailable, partners can receiveadditional support by openinga case and getting specific

    information about their

    installation or configuration.Information is tailored for the localknowledge base, giving partnersgreater capabilities, worldwide.

    Cisco SMB Support AssistantMost small businesses operate

    with fewer than 100 employeesand lack the technical expertiseand resources to solve theirown network problems. Anexperienced partner can becomea valuable extension of thecustomers support system,offering up-to-date and timelyhelp when problems arise.

    The SMB Cisco Support

    Assistant provides cost

    effective technical support,helping partners quickly solvecustomers network problems. Itprovides basic setup, diagnosticand troubleshooting assistance,plus access to Cisco SMBtechnical engineers.

    In addition, Support Assistantoffers advanced hardwarereplacement, operating systemsoftware maintenance andaccess to the Cisco SMB Support

    Assistant client and portal.Solutions supported range frombasic routing and switching,to wireless, security and VPNapplications mission critical for

    most small business customers.

    Partner recognition

    Redington Gulf, one of the

    leading IT distributorsin the Middle East andAfrica has been awarded

    Distribution Partner Of theYear West English Africaand Distributor Partner of theYear-Emerging Africa 2009 bynetworking giant Cisco Systemsduring its 3rd annual customer

    get together event.Ciscos Emerging Africa

    and Nigeria Partner Summit

    is an annual get-togetherand technology update thatrecognises outstandingchannel partners within aspecific geographic territory.

    The 2009 annual awardceremony was held in Dakar,Senegal in Oct 2009 and waswell attended by Cisco channel

    partners and distributorsacross emerging Africa.

    Below from left from Cisco: Phil Wright - Director Distribution EM, Milo Schacher VP Channels EM,

    Bayo Sanni - RSM Channels, Emerging Africa, Shahab Meshki - GM East Africa, Pierre Clasquin - GM WCAYvon le Roux - VP Africa Levant & the Winning Team from Redington: Ramkumar B- GM Value Business M& Sayantan Dev - Business Manager Cisco

    Building a better smallbusiness practiceSelling to small businesses can be a profitable and productiveexperience. Cisco Partner Enablement helps partners add valuethroughout the sales process, deploy the right solution, ensurea successful sale, and positive deployment.

    For more information, visit:www.cisco.com/go/partnerenablement


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    Given todays tighterbudgets, IT teamsmust look for ways toaccommodate the growthin information by makingbetter use of installed and

    soon-to-be-purchased storagesystems. They must pool diversestorage assets and applications

    while shielding server andapplication administrators fromthe complexities of physicallyprovisioning, reconfiguring andmanaging storage resources.

    Storage virtualisation for

    networked storage is a proventechnology that IT organisationscan quickly deploy to:

    Boost utilisation levels forinstalled storage assets fromunder 20% to 70%, when usedin conjunction with server

    virtualisation. Simplify storage

    provisioning, capacityexpansion and data protectionacross heterogeneous storage

    systems, tripling the amount of storage managed per FTE. Enable seamless cross-system data movement so

    that IT managers can easilyand intelligently migrate orreplicate data to less expensivestorage tiers, cutting the cost of future storage system purchaseby over 50%.

    This analysis looks specificallyat the positive business impact of networked storage virtualisationsolutions, such as the HPStorageWorks SAN VirtualizationServices Platform (SVSP) for FibreChannel (FC) storage-attachednetworks (SANs), that improvestorage asset utilisation, reduce theadministrative costs of provisioningnew storage systems and improveapplication availability.

    Finding business valueOn-going economic andbusiness uncertainties areplacing a growing strain onorganisations around the

    world. IT systems as well asthe people installing andmaintaining them are notimmune from the pressureto reduce spending and cut

    back on staff, but they arealso in the vital position of helping companies betternavigate difficult times. Savvyinvestments in IT solutionscan boost business efficiency,lower ongoing operating costsand minimise future capitalexpenses, all while helpingcompanies better respond tothe needs of their own hard-pressed customers.

    IT departments, no matter what their size, can expect theirrelative data requirements toincrease anywhere from 40%to 60% (even more in content-rich sectors) in the coming year.Thus IT teams must look for new

    storage solutions that allow themto meet data growth requirementsand spending constraints.

    The business value of storage virtualisation

    Todays challenging business environment demands that

    IT managers extend the business value of past and futureIT investments while boosting the efficiency of their IToperations. Despite tightening budgets, business and regulatoryrequirements are driving major, unavoidable increases ininformation creation and longterm retention.IT departments, no matter what their size, can expect data

    growth rates to increase anywhere from 40% to 60% (evenmore in content-rich sectors) in the coming year.


    Contributed by Kalyan Kommuru, Server & Storage Consultant, Redington Value Division

    HP Server| FEATURE

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    IDC finds that the useof virtualised networkedstorage makes it possible forcompanies to:

    Consolidate storage and serverassets, reducing the numberof systems managed by 50% ormore in many cases. Increase the number of

    virtualised servers (often by 60%to 80%) running on individualphysical servers while alsoincreasing storage utilisationrates from 20% or less (for directattached) to more than 40% andoften over 50%, reducing theneed to acquire new server andstorage systems in these difficulteconomic times. Leverage lower-cost/higher-capacity storage tiers . reducingthe cost of acquiring new storageassets by up to 80% in certain cases. Improve application andinformation availability while

    shrinking backup times byover 80% and reducing IT staff resources devoted to backup andrecovery activities.

    Level 1 transition tonetworked storageFor the past decade, largecompanies have consolidatedstorage via use of a storagearea network (SAN)connected to critical businessapplications within the datacentre. This architectureenabled the consolidation of storage systems across mission-critical high-end and midrangeservers. In these environments,storage administrators saw

    utilization levels in the30% to 50% range, along with improved application

    performance/reliability.Even large companies, with

    thousands of servers, oftenlimited use of networked

    storage to 10% to 20% of installed servers. The largepool of smaller, x86 serversthat ran Windows andsupported departmental

    or workgroup applications werent connected to SANsbecause of the perceivedhigh cost of connectivityas well as the perceivedmanagement complexity of SAN environments. As a result,overall storage utilisation levels(not just utilisation for storagesupporting high-end servers)

    were often less than 20%.

    Level 2 enhancing networkstorage with storagevirtualisationDespite the already extensive

    and growing use of SANs, theintricacies of disk storagesystem designs still pose majorchallenges for IT managers.

    These challenges include: Time-consuming andfrequently difficultprovisioning of new storagecapacity to meet growingneeds, thereby forcing ITmanagers to expend valuableresources purchasing anddeploying capacity that wontbe used for six to 18 months. Inherent configurationinefficiencies in existingstorage systems that reducethe useful capacity availableto support application

    growth, thereby limiting ITmanagers options for dealing with unexpected surges in

    capacity requirements.* Difficulties in leveragingdifferent classes of storage fordifferent workloads, thereby

    forcing IT managers to deployoverly expensive storage capacityfor less intense workloads.

    IT departments wantto pool diverse storage

    assets and applications while shielding server andapplication administratorsfrom the complexities of physically provisioning,reconfiguring and managingstorage resources. They needsolutions that introduce layersof logical abstraction (storage

    virtualisation) between thephysical ports on an array, theblocks of data on specific sets of disks and the volumes or filesthat servers and applicationsneed to access.

    Network-based storage

    virtualisation solutions suchas the HP StorageWorks SAN

    Virtualization Services Platform(SVSP) make it possible for ITmanagers to use diverse storagesystems based on specific needsfor performance, capacity,availability and cost-effectiveness.

    These solutions: Simplify storage provisioning,capacity expansion, and dataprotection across heterogeneousstorage systems.! Enable seamless cross-systemdata movement so that ITmanagers can easily andintelligently migrate or replicatedata between storage classes.

    Level 3 virtualised IT acrossservers and storageServer consolidation through

    the use of server virtualisationtechnologies is one of themost important IT initiativesin many enterprises. The

    delivery of storage capacity for virtualised servers providesseveral examples, however,of how the lack of storage

    virtualisation can create

    QUICK TAKE HOMEIT managers at large and midsizeenterprises are wrestling withmany of the same challengesas they seek to extend thebusiness value of virtualisation.They are looking for storage andserver virtualisation solutionsthat improve the use of existingIT assets.

    Meeting these objectives,however, requires more than justidentifying the right use case andselecting the right solution.

    IT managers also need tomake wise implementationdecisions that shield them fromcostly system reconfigurationsand storage migrations. ITmanagers that acquire storageproducts must evaluate

    suppliers such as HP, as wellas their business partners,based on more than justwhich company is providingthe cheapest or highest-performing systems.

    IT managers will judgesuppliers based on how welltheir complete solutions allowthem to optimise the use of ITinvestments now and for anextended period. They also needto look for business partnersthat leverage emergingsolutions to address specificapplication and businesschallenges while deliveringfaster, more consistentImplementations with

    minimal risk of disruption toapplications, processes andbusiness operations.

    Pool diverse storage assets and applications while shielding serverand application administrators from the complexities of physicallyprovisioning, reconfiguring and managing storage resources.

    FEATURE| HP Server

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    HP is a leading worldwide supplier of server, storage and ITmanagement solutions, including a broad portfolio of advanced serviceand support offerings. It is well positioned to aid companies that wantto maximize IT asset value while managing IT asset costs in todaysdifficult economic environment.

    Two areas where HPs Storage Works organisation is deliveringmajor consolidation solutions are modular, cost-effective storagesystems to meet a wide range of customer needs (including optimisedstorage for virtual server environments) and flexible storagevirtualisation that boosts storage asset utilization while enabling costeffective tiered storage.

    HP Server| FEATURE

    problems for these companies.Companies often place the

    storage for their virtualisedservers on their most

    expensive storage systemsbecause that is where theyhave excess capacity. Notsurprisingly, the cost of storage for more virtualisedservers on these platformsseverely limits potential costsavings, while moving theseservers to a less expensiveplatform consumes valuable ITstaff resources.

    Storage administrators, inan effort to rapidly respond torequests for new servers (andthe supporting storage capacity),must deal with over provisioningof storage for virtual machinesthat can soon counterbalancethe cost savings associated withserver virtualisation.

    IT staff try to squeezemore backups for virtualisedservers through fewer physicalservers. The backup window forindividual virtualised serversis unchanged, but the physicalservers are being used moreefficiently, so there arefewer cycles for backups and

    there is less time to completeall backups. Adding these newsystems to the networkedstorage backup process also

    jeopardises existing backup windows for other applicationsand quickly consumes backupcapacity resources on nearlineand virtual tape storage systems.Leveraging server and storage

    virtualisation together makesit possible for companies to getthe most business value fromall their IT assets. For storageadministrators, virtualisedstorage solutions such as thoseenabled by SVSP provide rapidand thin storage provisioningin support of virtualised servers

    as well as cross-system datamigration/replication across allstorage assets.

    Quantifying the valuepropositionCompanies can significantly

    reduce the (aggregate)storage capacity dedicatedto individual applications,thereby eliminating wastedstorage capacity. Companiesthat take advantage of bothserver virtualisation andstorage virtualisation canreduce storage capacitydedicated to each server byalmost 75%.

    The benefits are: Flexible allocation of tiered storage. Virtualisednetworked storage canleverage tiers of storage withdifferent performance andcost characteristics so thatadministrators can assignapplications to differentstorage pools.

    Easy and nondisruptivedata migration. Data sets canbe moved to more cost orperformance-oriented storagepools without disrupting serveroperations. Non disruptivedata migration also providesthe flexibility to move virtualmachine images as part of business continuity and disasterrecovery efforts. Efficient snapshot andreplication of operatingsystems and applicationsfor backup, test andconfiguration purposes. WhenIT deploys new applications,it becomes possible, with littlemore than some mouse clicks,

    to replicate environments thatcan be used for testing andexperimentation.

    Enhanced availabilityand rapid recovery of applications and data.Companies can quickly restoreapplications by restartingthem on another virtualisedserver. In many cases, thisrecovery can be automated,

    thereby reducing the need touse clustered solutions forhigh availability.

    ROI calculationsCompanies that havedeployed virtualizsdnetworked storage as areplacement for existingstandalone servers withinternal storage or DAS arerealising cost savings of $5,274 per server over three

    years across the followingcategories:Reduced IT labourassociated with full life-cyclesupport and deployment:$3,148

    Reduced hardware andsoftware costs due to higherutilisation rates: $1,567

    Reduced infrastructure costs- space, power and networkingresources: $556User productivity improvements- reduction in time lost tooutages/recovery: $3

    The average total investmentof $1,075 per server included

    the hardware necessary to moveto 100% networked storage,the associated virtualisationsoftware and the IT directlabour to install and supportthe solution over the three

    years. Using IDCs standarddiscount rate of 12%, the averagecompany deploying this level of

    virtualisation could see a returnon investment (ROI) of 387%and payback in fewer than 10months, including deploymenttime. This is a very significantROI for a relatively low-cost, low-risk initiative. In environments

    where companies use virtualisednetworked storage as well as

    virtualised servers, the average

    benefits increased while hardcosts per server declined by 73%because of lower hardware costs.

    Companies that take advantage of both server virtualisation andstorage virtualisation can reduce storage capacity dedicated toeach server by almost 75%.

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    Understanding Structured CablingSystems (SCS) to Advanced PhysicalLayer Lifecycle Management (APLLM)For over 30 years, Molex Premise Networks has focused oninnovative customer solutions that provide the opportunity tomanage the Physical Layer and infrastructure with a level ofvisibility and integration previously unavailable.

    The Molex product offeringis comprised of three coregroupings; INSIGHT, a Physical Layerdeployment tool.

    Traditional StructuredCabling solutions to link a singlenetwork or networks together.

    MIIM, which enablesadvanced management of thephysical layer (OS1).

    When implementedindependently each

    element benefits a targetedinfrastructure need however when integrated into a single,

    seamless Molex solution, itoffers features and capabilityadvantages to enterprises likenever before. This holistic viewof the physical network provides

    for true lifecycle managementguided by the notion that noproject is ever complete.

    Lets familiarise ourselves

    with the traditional productoffering, Structured Cabling,before delving in to aninfrastructures lifecycle and themanagement of through newand innovative solutions.

    The Physical LayerThe first and lowest layer inthe seven-layer OSI model of

    computer networking. ThePhysical Layer consists of thebasic hardware transmissiontechnologies of a network. It isa fundamental layer addressingthe physical characteristicsof the network, such as thetypes of cables used to connectdevices, types of connectors,how long the cables can be andso on.

    Structured Cabling Systems(SCS)The tools used for designingand operating integrated andcomprehensive network systemsthat allow the user maximumflexibility and performance. The

    SCS plays a critical role in allnetworks, providing the physicallink between sources anddestinations of all information.Data, voice, video and controlsignals are transmitted over thisinfrastructure linking devicesacross rooms, throughoutbuildings and across multiplelocations. It is essentially thefoundation of the networkthat all applications sit on.Structured Cabling Systems

    vary from small and simple,linking just a few nodes, tolinking several buildings withtens of thousands of nodes.The SCS is a simple physicallink between active equipment,

    and is comprised of eitherCopper or Optical Fibre Cableor combinations of both for



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    maximumperformance.However, to facilitate the day-

    to-day operations of a normaloffice environment, the linkmust enable the user to makemoves, adds and changes(MACs) wherever and whenevernecessary. Furthermore, theSCS must also be universal in itsability to carry a wide varietyof applications - from voiceand low speed data to highspeed LAN applications and to




    Consisting of cable, patch panels, patch cords and work area modules, the PowerCat copper solution offers end-to-end

    premium performance levels for structured cabling. It is used for enterprises that require high speed data transmissionfor normal business applications. PowerCat copper systems utilises the RJ-45 DataGate Plus connector technology

    OPTICAL FIBRE LIGHTBAND OM1 (62.5/125M)OM2 (50/125M)OM3 (50/125M)OS1 (9/125M)

    A total fibre solution ideal for either Backbone or To-The-Desk applications. The Molex fibre product range consists ofmanagement panels, enclosures, adaptors, patch cords, splicing equipment, field termination connectors, tool kits andtesters, offering the greatest levels of performance in terms of speed, bandwidth and security. Available with a varietyof connector types, such as ST, SC, MT-RJ and LC, fibre wallplates are suitable for both Singlemode and Multimodeinstallations and include Molex unique shuttered technology protecting the user from harmful light emissions.

    MODLINK CATEGORY 5EOM1 (62.5/125M)OM2 (50/125M)OM3 (50/125M)OS1 (9/125M)

    In many mission critical applications, such as data centres and Storage Area Networks (SANs), fast installation is oftenparamount to the upkeep and with the frequency of moves, adds and changes (MACs) in such environments, againoften warrants speedy access and implementation. Plug and Play solutions offer both rapid installation and guaranteedperformance and reliability.

    Molex ModLink system is a cost-effective, quick and easy Plug and Play system available in either copper or fibre. TheModLink system provides premium factory-controlled optical performance, enabling flexible system configuration andfast, economical installation.




    CANOBEAM OM1 (62.5/125M)OM2 (50/125M)OM3 (50/125M)

    OS1 (9/125M))

    Canobeam is a free space optics solution that provides a point-to-point wireless optical beam transmission system.Canobeam is ideal for campus and building-to-building connectivity as either a primary or backup backbone link. FreeSpace Optics is ideal for use where the laying of traditional fibre cable is difficult or cost prohibitive. It can be used as a

    temporary or permanent link and can be used for redundant backbone, temporary link or expansion purposes.

    facilitate the migration

    of an organisationsnetwork over the life of the cabling system.

    Molex providessolutions to address

    the needs of thecontinually evolving andincreasingly sophisticated datacommunications industry.It offers a comprehensive

    portfolio of SCS productsincluding UTP, FTP andfibre systems.

    Alongside Category 5e,6 and 6A products, Molexcan offer more innovativesolutions which incorporateintelligent systems, wirelesstransmission and blown fibretechnology. The combinationof the breadth of product


    and theavailabletechnicalresourceofferscustomersassistance

    with theirnetworkdesign so

    that it meetstheir currentand future businessrequirements.

    The Molex SCS isstandards-based andcomplies with all relevantlocal and international cablingstandards, including ISO/IEC11801, EN50173 and TIA/EIA568B and AS/NZS 3080.

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    Molexs PDS System is ideal for use in high density environments where space is at a premium and is one of the mostcost effective high-density patching systems on the market today. Independently tested and verified by ETL Semko toensure compliance to channel and component performance criteria according to international standards.

    Frequently the need arises to integrate multiple media types within the one cabling system. It is becoming common for

    example for UTP, optical fibre, audio and video media to be used in the same environment.To support these situations, Molex has designed a range of wiring closet and work area products, whichaccommodate UTP, optical fibre, audio and video media types using modular designs.

    The Industrial Solution provides UTP (RJ45 - Enhanced Category 5) and Optical Fibre (LC - OM1, OM2, OM3 & OS1)performance in the harshest environments. Specifically designed for installations within hospitals, chemical refineries,manufacturing facilities, water treatment plants, transportation hubs and food and beverage facilities, Industrial Solution

    meets and exceeds the IP67 and NEMA 6P ratings for protection against dust, contaminants and water.Features a bayonet style latch receptacle for quick and easy connection and proper mating depth. The latchingmechanism provides one sealing surface, which protects the connector from dust, moisture, dirt, vibration, chemicals,electromagnetic interference and temperature extremes - reducing the likelihood of product failure.

    The total Industrial Solution includes copper and fibre connectors, patch cords and wallplates.







    OM1 (62.5/125M)OM2 (50/125M)OM3 (50/125M)OS1 (9/125M)



    CATEGORY 5EOM1 (62.5/125M)OM2 (50/125M)

    OM3 (50/125M)OS1 (9/125M)

    Molex intention is to address best practices for infrastructuremanagement, with an emphasis on simplifying the infrastructurewith an IT lifecycle management solution.


    The Molex premise networksphilosophy has always beento offer recommendation,services and solutions based onactual network requirements,rather than providing aninadequate system for thesake of price. As part of thefoundation of the network, if the deployed SCS isnt up toscratch then the future of thatnetwork is extremely limited.Try running the most exquisite

    and finely tuned Ferrari on thecheapest fuel, burnt out tyresand pot-holed roads you willnever see its true potential.

    The natural developmentof Molex product portfoliospans from years of research,

    working on comprehensive

    project requirements andorganically-evolving datarequirements. Today, wethink about the wider impact

    of the SCS - on the network,the physical layer, financialinvestment, monitoring,reporting, time, usability,

    resource; all those things thatimpact upon the day to dayrunning of a business - that ishow the products now offer

    advantages and capabilitiesunique to our field.

    Today, Molex bringsindustry leading solutionsthat enable enterprises tomaximise the return ontheir physical infrastructureinvestment. Advanced PhysicalLayer Lifecycle Management(APLLM) is the culmination of its cutting edge technologiesand the description of itssolutions and what they achieve management of the entirelifecycle of the network. APLLMis a combination of software,electronics and traditional DataTransport solutions. As part of

    APLLM, Molex Premise Networkshas introduced two exclusiveproducts - INSIGHT and MIIMTM-

    which integrate seamlessly withData Transport systems to addexciting new dimensions tonetwork management.

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    An on-line deployment system for the planning and management of infrastructures and their connected assets.Consisting of three core modules; Project Control, Connectivity Management and MAC Management, INSIGHT increasesvisibility, control, automation and collaboration for the management of any infrastructure to specified stakeholdergroups. Some core features include best practice libraries, customised work flows, multi-user permissions andpartitioning, and real-time access to information from any global location, combine to drive a powerful uniqueness.

    A comprehensive solution focusing on enhancing network management at the physical layer, network security, assetmanagement, increased productivity and visibility. In addition to MAC and work order management, the solution detectsnetwork device connect/disconnects regardless of power or broken cables and Smart polling provides constantinformation on all network devices connected to work area outlets. Compelling MIIM differentiators include truecentralised management of the channel beyond the wire closet out to remote work areas regardless of LAN topology,guided patching impervious to human error and collection/reporting/ alarming of real time Layer 1 data, registeringminimal impact on network resources.




    Each component of a networkinfrastructure goes througha continuous lifecycle, fromdeployment and managementto integration and replacement.Molex intention is to address

    best practices for infrastructuremanagement, with anemphasis on simplifying the

    infrastructure with an IT lifecyclemanagement solution.

    Planning, process managementcontrol, automation, full network

    visibility, down to the cablinginfrastructure itself, real andopportunity cost management,and leveraging existing tools areall issues that are adaptable to

    solving many network challenges.There are tangible benefits toexpanding the view and scope of the role and constraints that thecabling infrastructure plays in thelife of the network infrastructure.

    An Advanced Physical Layerlifecycle Management approachneeds to be investigated andapplied to maximise the usefullife and financial performanceof any organisational networkinfrastructure.


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    IT distributionpowerhouse RedingtonGulf Value Division,recently successfullyconcluded the Big ConnectConference which washosted in conjunction with itsnetworking vendor partner

    HP ProCurve.The conference which was held in Sri Lanka inthe backdrop of the endlessultramarine expanse of theIndian Ocean at the Heritance Ahungalla from 23 to 27October 2009, was attended byover 60 HP ProCurve partners,distributors and end customersacross the Middle East andNorth Africa (MENA) region.

    The Big Connect programhas two key elements whichinclude:Bringing together keydecision makers from selectedProCurve partners and end-users to discuss the strategy forHP ProCurves roadmap for thenew fiscal year.Imparting sales and technicaltraining sessions to selected

    partners hailing from acrossthe MENA region.

    The overall objective of this campaign according toRedington and HP ProCurveis to drive the message thatHP ProCurve is a networking vendor of choice.

    Ramkumar B, GeneralManager Value AddedBusiness, Redington Gulf says: We are glad tosuccessfully conclude theBig Connect Conference.It shows Redingtonsorganisational capabilitiesand innovative approach toposition the HP ProCurvebrand in the minds of ourtarget audiences. We are

    now gearing and readying thesecond phase of the project

    which will essentially seeus host sales and technicaltraining sessions.

    The company states thatin the second phase, in orderto push the idea across the

    MENA region, RedingtonGulf Value Division will beorganising a calendar of salesand technical trainings forchannel partners.

    HP ProCurve has in the pasthas been investing in partnerdevelopment across theMENA region and managedto gain considerable recallamongst channel partners.HP ProCurve believes that

    through suchinitiatives,the vendor would helpits partnersto take theirbusinesses tonew heights with a broaderand largerimpact.

    Boat trip to Magu island

    Visit to Turtle Hatchery

    Folk dancers from Sri Lanka

    Conference in progress

    Making, theBig Connect


    Redington Gulf Value Division, one of the leading IT distributors inthe Middle East and Africa successfully concluded the Big Connect

    Conference in conjunction with HP ProCurve.

    Making, theBig Connect

    Delegates at Big Connect

    Delegates having fun

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