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  • 7/30/2019 REEB D21_IdentificationCriteriaBestPractices_m04.pdf


  • 7/30/2019 REEB D21_IdentificationCriteriaBestPractices_m04.pdf


    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 2

    DisclaimerThe information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given

    that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at

    its sole risk and liability.

    The document reflects only the authors views and the Community is not liable for any use

    that may be made of the information contained therein.

    Document history

    V Date Author Description

    0.1 2008-10-21 PM First issue - working document / draft0.2 2008-11-26 PM Second version - working document

    0.3 2008-11-28 PM Third version - working document

    0.4 2008-12-04 PM Fourth version - working document

    0.5 2008-12-05 PM Fifth version - working document

    1 2008-12-15 PM+RD Final version

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 3


    This report is a confidential document delivered in the context of WP2, Task 2.1 :

    "Identification of criteria and selection of Best practices" of the EC-FP7 project named REEB(European strategic research Roadmap to ICT enabledEnergy-Efficiency in Buildings and

    constructions). REEB is part of the thematic research area ICT-2007.6.3 - ICT for

    environmental management and energy efficiency.

    The first section describes the process that led to the creation of a criteria list used to identify

    and classify the Best Practices examples in the frame of the project. The resulting criteria

    matrix is then given, using a graphical representation.

    The second section gives the list of all Best Practices examples that were gathered by the

    REEB partners, highlighting the most interesting characteristics of each project or service.

    Conclusions and comments about this first selection of Best Practices are then summarized.

    Finally, the third section exposes the future steps needed to first improve the selection

    process, and then complete the Best Practices list with additional BP examples, leading to the

    creation of the Best Practices Guide, which is the objective of Task 2.2.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 4


    ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................5


    1. IDENTIFICATION OF CRITERIA................................................................................7

    1.1DIFFERENT PHASES IN A BUILDING'S LIFE-CYCLE .............................................................7

    1.2TRANSVERSAL CRITERIA..................................................................................................7

    1.3RESULTING MATRIX.........................................................................................................8

    2. SELECTION OF BEST PRACTICES.............................................................................9

    2.1CONTRIBUTIONS FROM REEB PARTNERS - METHODOLOGY ............................................. 9

    2.2PROJECTS IDENTIFIED AS BEST PRACTICES ...................................................................... 92.2.1 CSTB - France - ERDF smart meters deployment ..............................................................92.2.2 CSTB - France - Energie box from EDELIA (Energy consumption monitoring).............. 102.2.3 CSTB - France - Schneider building in Monaco using ENOLEO technologies................112.2.4 Acciona - Spain - Plataforma solar Almeria.....................................................................122.2.5 Acciona - Spain - Zero Emissions Acciona Building.........................................................132.2.6 Labein - Spain - CENIFER building..................................................................................152.2.7 Labein - Spain - ENERBUS building.................................................................................162.2.8 CEA - France - ALLP building renovation project ...........................................................172.2.9 VTT - Finland - MagiCAD software..................................................................................182.2.10 VTT - Finland - RAUinfo services ...................................................................................192.2.11 UCC - Ireland - ERI building..........................................................................................20

    2.3FIRST CONCLUSIONS DRAWN AFTER ANALYSIS OF THE IDENTIFIED PROJECTS ................212.3.1 Scope of current BP examples...........................................................................................212.3.2 Type of current BP examples.............................................................................................22

    3. NEXT STEPS....................................................................................................................23

    3.1CORRECTION/IMPROVEMENT OF THE SELECTION PROCESS.............................................23

    3.2IDENTIFICATION OF OTHER BEST PRACTICES PROJECTS ..................................................23

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................. 24


    APPENDIX B : COMPLETED FORMS SENT BY PARTNERS ..................................28

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 5


    REEB European strategic research Roadmap to ICT enabled Energy-

    Efficiency in Buildings and constructions

    ICT Information and Communication Technologies

    BP Best Practices

    RTD Research and Technology Development

    EE Energy Efficiency

    DHW Domestic Hot Water

    HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

    BMS Building Management System

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 6


    The REEB project (the European strategic research Roadmap to ICT-enabled Energy

    Efficiency in Buildings and constructions) is a coordinated action addressing the StrategicObjective "ICT-2007.6.3 ICT for Environmental Management and Energy Efficiency".

    This document is the first deliverable of the REEB project's Work package 2: Inventory

    of Best Practices. The aim of this workpackage is to produce a summary of identified best

    practices (collected in countries of participating partners, but also all over Europe thanks to

    National and European communities developed in WP1) for use of ICT applications and tools

    for Energy Efficiency in Europe and world-wide, then selecting a small set of most

    representative practices as detailed examples.

    As a first step in WP2, the task T2.1 aims to provide a comprehensive identification of

    functionalities and associated criteria for selection of Best Practices considering ICT-based

    Energy Efficiency in the Construction, including aspects related to business processes and

    information management practices, with the objective of identifying the today mostexemplary scientific approach and (industry) business process.

    The business focus of this task targets resource efficiency and clean buildings,

    innovative components (with embedded devices) & software for new buildings, insulation

    improvement, installations enhancements (in relation to heating, ventilation, hot water, ),

    renewable energies integration, etc.

    As a preliminary work, this document will only be sent to the partners and the EC


    All partners contributed to the identification of criteria and selection of Best Practices.

    CSTB gave some helpful suggestions concerning the description template used to collect bestpractices projects from the REEB partners. CEA acted as coordinator of the work package.

    The results presented in this document will be used by all partners in the REEB project,

    and particularly by the WP4 and WP5 contributors, as explained in section B1.3 of the REEB

    Annex 1 - "Description of work".

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 7

    1.Identification of criteria

    The selection of Best Practices first requires the identification of a set of criteria, or

    characteristics, which will permit to choose and classify the Best Practices examples.The list of criteria has been created from discussions that took place during the 2008 REEB

    meetings, between the REEB partners. CEA internal discussions then led to a slightly

    modified list of criteria.

    1.1Different phases in a building's life-cycle

    From a global point of view, the life-cycle of a building can be separated into 5 different

    phases, which are:

    o The Programming phase: when the client (the owner of the future building) defines the

    general requirements of the project (use of the building, number of people who will workor live inside, etc.),

    o TheDesign phase: when the designer and engineer precisely define the final look of thebuilding, the technical aspects in terms of heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting,

    o The Construction phase: when the builder actually realises the final building, followingthe instructions defined by the designer,

    o The Operation phase: when the users or inhabitants operate the building. This phase alsoincludes the necessary maintenance of components and systems included in the building,

    along with potential renovation programs,


    The Demolition phase: reaching the building's end-of-life, when the owner takes thedecision to destroy the building and recycle waste materials.

    Regarding energy efficiency, ICT can be used at every step of this cycle. The first axis in the

    criteria matrix will then be the building's life-cycle phase in which the ICT will have an

    impact on energy efficiency.

    1.2Transversal criteria

    In addition to the phases identified in the previous section, others aspects need to be added to

    the criteria's list in order to better describe the application field of an ICT regarding building

    energy efficiency.1. Climate: an important aspect of the applicability of a technology is the climate for which itis designed or under which it is the most efficient. As the REEB project is a European project,

    the following four climates are listed : northern, continental, southern and oceanic.

    2. Type of Application: ICT can be used in various scopes in a building's life-cycle, amongwhichDesign & Conception,Monitoring & Control, Operation & Maintenance, or following

    a Socio-Technical purpose.

    3. Level of Complexity: in a building, ICT can be applied at different levels : in components,systems, or integrated systems.

    4. Implementation mode: ICT can be used as a new methodology in order to improve aprocess, can take the form of a new model in a design software, or of a control strategy in a

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 8

    Global Management System. They can also be implemented in embedded components,

    communication systems, or software systems.

    5. Nature of impact: in terms of energy uses in a building, ICT can have an impact on themain energy uses like heating, ventilation, cooling, lighting andDHW.


    It has to be stated that the current study focuses on Energy Efficiency (during the life-cycle of

    the building, as described in section 1.1), and hence does not take into account the Embedded

    Energy of materials used for construction, as considered in a full Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA)

    1.3Resulting matrix

    A matrix describing the previous concepts has been created and is displayed on Figure 1.1.

    Figure 1.1 - Description matrix to be used to classify ICT for EE in buildings - proposal

    This matrix will be used to describe each Best Practice example given in the next sections of

    this report, thus permitting to identify in a short glance the main characteristics of each


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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 9

    2.Selection of best practices

    2.1Contributions from REEB partners - methodology

    In order to gather all contributions from the REEB partners, a short description form has been

    created, in collaboration with CSTB. The resulting document can be found in Appendix A.

    The form has then been sent to all REEB partners on 10/24/2008. The partners were requested

    to send back the forms by 11/07/2008.

    By beginning of December 2008, here is the list of completed forms that have been sent back

    to CEA:

    - CSTB : 3 BP examples- Acciona : 2 BP examples- Labein : 2 BP examples- CEA : 1 BP example- VTT : 2 BP examples- UCC : 1 BP example

    2.2Projects identified as Best Practices

    This section summarizes all Best Practices examples sent by the REEB partners. For each

    project or concept a short description is given, and some relevant details are added. The full

    forms sent by the REEB partners are listed in Appendix B.

    2.2.1CSTB - France - ERDF smart meters deployment

    Description :

    ERDF is a subsidiary of EDF and the largest electricity distribution network in the European

    Union, and has launched a major transformation program that will see the replacement of 35

    million electricity meters in France, beginning with a pilot trial of 300,000 meters.

    ERDF has selected Atos Origin as architect for the information system and lead manager of

    the consortium of technology firms that will conduct the pilot phase.

    New smart meters are able to transmit and receive data for remote reading and optimized

    network management.

    Installing millions of these new meters is in itself a massive undertaking that will also

    generate huge volumes of data to be transmitted, stored and processed.

    A pilot phase is planned for 2008-2010 in a city area (Lyon) and in a rural area (near Tours)

    which consists in replacing 300,000 meters by smart ones provided by a company named


    ERDF has selected the Power Line Carrier (PLC) protocol for the project. Designed by Atos

    Origin and its partners, this protocol enables metering hardware interoperability and sourcing

    of equipment from different vendors. PLC is used for the exchange of data between the

    meters and the concentrators. Then RTC / GSM / GPRS / WiMax or Internet, are used to link

    the concentrators with the main AMM Information System (ERDF Control dashboard).

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 10

    This project will see the installation of 35 million smart meters and 700,000 concentrators,

    making it the largest-ever European program in this sector and a new benchmark at the

    European level. Smart meters are one of the key elements towards a better management of

    energy consumptions in buildings.

    Corresponding matrix :

    The corresponding matrix is shown on Figure 2.1.

    Figure 2.1 - Matrix corresponding to ERDF "smart meters" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Indirect impact is expected through user awareness (new services will be created to support

    the dwellers in monitoring their energy consumptions).

    2.2.2CSTB - France - Energie box from EDELIA (Energy consumption monitoring)

    Description :

    EDELIA "Energie box" is an Electric, Water & Gas Meters Remote Reading Solution through

    GPRS & LAN. Edelia aims to offer EDF end-users the ability to take advantage of advanced

    services that optimise their energy consumption and detect potential leakages or usage


    Daily consumption analysis using leak or overload detection algorithms lets the end-user

    benefit from alerts and notices through different media (phone, Internet, SMS).

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 11

    The "Energie Box" solution uses the following technological component : Meter Readers (and

    radio module), AMR Gateway connected to a wireless GPRS network or to a DSL/Cable

    router over a LAN connection, middleware server IDeMS (parameters, firmware version,

    remote troubleshooting), back-office (reporting to users, algorithms, alerts by email, SMS,

    phone). The solution is based on standard field-proven technologies (TCP/IP, GPRS, EN13757-4, XML)

    Several energy providers in Europe have (or are currently building) a similar offer than the

    "energie box" made by Edelia for EDF customers (e.g. the POWEO Energy box for POWEO

    customers). The deployment of smart meters with pre-built embedded functionalities for

    energy monitoring and reporting should contribute to expand the growth of such services and

    products. Furthermore, thanks to smart meters the service should improve in terms of

    reliability and accuracy.

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.2 - Matrix corresponding to EDELIA "Energie box" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    The company announces that the consumer can expect a 10% decrease of its energy bill with

    only a few minutes of attention each month. Real measurements of energy savings are for the

    moment kept confidential by the company.

    2.2.3CSTB - France - Schneider building in Monaco using ENOLEO technologies

    Description :

    The project is a renovation operation which started in 2004 on four offices and industrial

    buildings achieved in 1975. The total area is 10,000 m. The full implementation of the

    described solutions is currently on-going.

    An integrated ICT solution (VegaRW) has been deployed on the buildings acting on :

    - Intelligent control of lighting, air conditioning, ventilation free cooling

    - Intelligent control of chiller and boiler

    - Inverter on multiple pumps and fans

    - Dynamic setpoints

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 12

    ENOLEO markets the Vega RW hardware & software solution which aims at optimizing

    energy efficiency by integrating all existing equipments of the building and offering a

    comprehensive supervision dashboard allowing to pilot, analyze and optimize the installation.

    The VEGA RW solution integrates natively the latest ICT standards (XML communication,

    non proprietary hardware components) and relies on a "full web" ergonomic user interface.

    This case study has been selected because it is piloted by a young innovative company (SME)

    which focuses its business on developing and commercializing ICT solutions for EE in

    buildings. ENOLEO has chosen to be based on Monaco, which is known for its sustainable

    development policy. The company won a prize from the Junior Chamber of commerce of

    Monaco in 2007. The company is currently working to expand the support of renewable

    energies in its system.

    This sample illustrates the business opportunities for small companies in the ICT for EE in

    buildings domain.

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.3 - Matrix corresponding to ENOLEO - Schneider building BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Here the list of expected energy savings :

    - Heating : 20%- Cooling : 25%- Ventilation : 30%- Lighting : 10%

    2.2.4Acciona - Spain - Plataforma solar Almeria

    Description :

    This new one-storey building of 1000 m, in operation since April 2008, is situated in the

    desert of Tabernas in Almeria. Its design, construction and operation were studied in a

    Spanish national R&D project called Arfrisol funded by the Ministry of Science and

    Innovation as a prototype.

    The main objective of this project is the energy consumption reduction of, at least 80%

    compared with a conventional building in the same conditions.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 13

    This building integrates different energetic systems managed by a unique control system.

    Renewable energy produces heat, cold and electricity thanks to the sun energy.

    This building presents an integrated control of RE system and HVAC: the ICT are used to

    control and monitor the energy consumption and the Indoor Air Quality. Various mechanicalactuators are used to control passive ventilation systems (solar chimney and buried pipes).

    The lighting system uses natural lighting sensors to adjust the luminance level at each

    moment of the day.

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.4 - Matrix corresponding to The "Plataforma solar - Almeria" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Global energy savings are expected up to 80-90% compared to conventional comparable


    2.2.5Acciona - Spain - Zero Emissions Acciona Building

    Description :

    The 3 storeys, 3 344 m new head office building of ACCIONA Solar, in operation since

    2007 and located near Pamplona, is a zero emissions building due to:

    - The energy saved through the bioclimatic and eco-efficient characteristics of the


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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 14

    - and the energy produced by renewables: solar, biodiesel and geothermal (using buried

    pipes to add hot or cold air when necessary)

    This leads to a CO2free balance, CO2 being the main greenhouse gas causing global


    ICT are used to control all the active systems in the building, through a programmable PLC :

    - 90 temperature sensors

    - 1 solar radiation sensor

    - 5 units of powered gates

    The same PLC is used to monitor the building and controls the energy that is consumed and

    produced :

    - 7 heat energy meters

    - 10 electric meters

    The system uses different strategies to control the air flows depending on the orientation of

    the fronts.

    Calculations show that the higher investment in the zero emissions building is paid back in

    ten years.

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.5 - Matrix corresponding to the "Acciona Zero emissions building" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :Compared to a conventional building, energy consumption is reduced :

    - from 40 kWh/m.y to 22 kWh/m.y for heating- from 142 kWh/m.y to 6 kWh/m.y for cooling- from 65 kWh/m.y to 0 for lighting (taking into account the PV panels production)

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

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    December 15th, 2008 Page 15

    2.2.6Labein - Spain - CENIFER building

    Description :

    The Cenifer building is a 2 storeys, 400 m building located near Pamplona, and used mainly

    for conferences and trainings. It has been renovated in 2000.

    It incorporates ICT-s and architectural solutions to achieve an energy efficient performance.

    The most relevant architectural solutions applied in the building are floor heating, radiant and

    Trombe walls. On the other hand the building is equipped with presence, temperature,

    humidity and light sensors. The building includes renewable energy generation capabilities

    and heat storage systems.

    A centralised monitoring system tracks data sent by sensors and energy generation and storing


    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.6 - Matrix corresponding to the "CENIFER building" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Energy efficiency savings :

    - Heating : 118.480 kWh- Cooling : 12.558 kWh- Ventilation : 6.800 kWh- Lighting : 7.440 kWh

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 16

    2.2.7Labein - Spain - ENERBUS building

    Description :

    The Enerbus building is a 1 800 m, 5 floors office building with a terrace on the top and a

    garage, the ICT-s deployment takes into account both building usage and occupancy level. Itis currently under construction and should be operational by April 2009.

    Enerbus activity is focused on energy efficiency studies and audit activities. The company

    designed its own offices taking into account EE considerations with a sharp use of ICTs to

    improve the overall building performance.

    ICT used in the Enerbus building :

    - Dali for lighting management- EIB as Building Automation Network- Outdoor temperature sensor who act as input for the HVAC management systems

    - Indoor temperature sensors in each room- Presence sensors

    The city of Vic, located in Catalonia, has a not extreme but a quite border climate with cold

    winters and hot summers. In this context the sharp use of ICT-s in the Enerbus Building is a

    reference for those types of scenarios.

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.7 - Matrix corresponding to the "ENERBUS building" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Global energy savings are expected up to 63% compared to conventional comparable


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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 17

    2.2.8CEA - France - ALLP building renovation project

    Description :

    This project consists in the renovation of an office building achieved in 1974, equipped with a

    recently installed 350 kW gas boiler (2004).The building's energetic performance was poor

    due to low-grade insulation and lots of cold bridges.

    The objective was to improve the energy efficiency of the building, in terms of heating,cooling, lighting and ventilation in order to reach a final performance of 60 kWh/m/year

    (primary energy).

    The following concept was applied : first, using a global approach focusing on total energy

    consumption and CO2 emissions, simulations of the whole building were performed in order

    to identify the optimum technical choices. These choices have been based on dynamic thermic

    simulation and have been used for the programmation of the operation and for the

    architectural work.

    During the building retrofitting, dynamic thermic simulations have been exploited to help inthe components final choice (FCU and water loops temperature range mainly).

    The second step in the concept consists in a heavy monitoring and control system that is used

    to quantify real gains and operational problems or mistakes in the original simulations or


    ICT used in the project :

    - Simulation tool : TRNSys- Wireless sensors and switches- Web-based integrated monitoring platform

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

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    December 15th, 2008 Page 18

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.8 - Matrix corresponding to the "ALLP Building renovation project" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Global energy savings are expected up to 75 kWh/m.y compared to the same building before

    the renovation program, with an increased comfort level in summer time.

    2.2.9VTT - Finland - MagiCAD software

    Description :

    The MagiCAD software is a model (BIM) based CAD system for building services systems

    design and analysis, including modules dedicated to heating & piping, ventilation, electrical,room, comfort & energy. It also features an extensive catalogue with hundreds of thousands

    of products from 50+ suppliers, integrated energy and comfort simulations and can be used

    for preparation of energy declarations of buildings. It is compliant with the latest IFC2x3

    standard and other IFC compatible solutions e.g. AutoCAD Architecture, ArchiCAD, Tekla,

    Nemetscheck and NavisWorks.

    This software has been selected as a Best Practice example regarding ICT applied to EE in

    buildings for the 2 following reasons :

    (1) Technical reason = Advanced model (BIM) -based CAD system targeted especially for

    building services systems.

    (2) Practical reason = Integrates EE and other aspects as parts of holistic design thus avoidingto overload design with extra activities and additional tools for EE.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 19

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.9 - Matrix corresponding to the "MagiCAD" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Since MagiCAD integrates EE aspects as part of a global approach, skilled users can expect

    huge potential gains in terms of total energy consumption of the designed building(s).

    2.2.10VTT - Finland - RAUinfo services

    Description :

    RAUinfo is a continuous monitoring service of building performance. Based on data from

    automated systems RAUinfo gives reports to the owners and managers via the Internet or

    GSM on energy, costs and operations. The reports provide trends and statistics by year,

    month, day, hour. Expected consumption under particular weather conditions is compared

    with actual consumption. Any figures exceeding specified limits are reported to the

    maintenance organisation. Early detected deviations enable precise maintenance and repairs

    and permits to cut down energy consumption.

    RAUinfo is a mature and useful service, leader in Finland.

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    December 15th, 2008 Page 20

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.10 - Matrix corresponding to the "RAUinfo services" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    Indirect impact through users reactions to reported consumption information.

    2.2.11UCC - Ireland - ERI building

    Description :

    The University College Cork Environmental Research Institute (UCC ERI) Building is a

    dedicated research facility, purpose built to accommodate an inter-disciplinary group of UCC

    Researchers in the field of environmental, marine and coastal engineering.

    Sustainability is the main principle to underpin the design, construction and operation of the

    ERI Building. It was designed and constructed as an eco-friendly 'green building' utilising thecurrent best available design features, specifications, fittings/materials, construction methods

    and control systems that conform to the principles of sustainable development and

    minimisation of environmental impact.

    The building is equipped with 100 different sensors, 180 actuators (temperature, humidity,

    light) a centralised advanced monitoring system tracks data coming from sensors and allows

    real-time monitoring and adjustment of energy consumption.

    A unique aspect of the ERI Project is the proposal to equip the building with environmental

    sensors providing real time data on lighting, heating, energy consumption etc along with

    external environmental and climatic changes such as wind speed, air temperature etc. Thebuilding will serve as an interactive demonstration, teaching and research facility for the

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    December 15th, 2008 Page 21

    design of future 'green buildings'. A living integrated computer model of the building will be

    developed to address information gathering, monitoring and control features (e.g. energy use,

    waste management etc).

    Corresponding matrix :

    Figure 2.11 - Matrix corresponding to the "UCC-ERI" BP example

    Energy efficiency results :

    2007 resources consumption were the following :

    - 338 000 kWh of electricity

    - 15 730 m3

    of natural gas

    - 1 040 m3 of water

    2.3First conclusions drawn after analysis of the identified projects

    2.3.1Scope of current BP examples

    All examples only focus on 2 specific phases in the life-cycle of a building, as described in

    section 1.1 : Design and Operation.

    Several questions arise from the previous comment:

    1. Does this mean that ICT are never used to improve EE in the 3 other phases of a building's

    life-cycle: Programming, Construction or Demolition ?2. Does the REEB consortium need to investigate on these topics?

    Question #1 needs to be addressed in the next tasks of this work package. Additional

    investigations are needed in order to identify the current use of ICT in the Programming,

    Construction and Demolition phases of a building's life-cycle.

    Question #2 will partly depend on the answers to the previous question. The partners will

    have to decide if there is a need, in the scope of the REEB project, to further investigate on

    the subject. Identification of potential energy gains will most probably be very useful in the

    decision process.

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    2.3.2Type of current BP examples

    Two very different types of BP examples appear in the current list:

    1. Examples of monitoring devices, services or software in combination with user-friendlyaccess to periodic energy consumption reports. These innovative systems can help the

    user and/or owner to identifypotential energy savings through a close monitoring of the

    energy consumption and an easier detection of deviations. However, the effective energy

    savings (and thus the effective energy efficiency) heavily depends on the user's decisions

    in the scope of energy consumption.

    2. Examples of actual projects or buildings that use ICTs at design and/or operation phase inorder to improve the energy efficiency of the final building, leading to actual energy

    gains, which however often need to be precisely estimated after a monitoring period that

    is sometimes not performed.

    In order to improve the accuracy of the future REEB Best Practices guide, a precise definition

    of the concept of "Best Practice" should be agreed upon. Both previous descriptions couldapply, but it could be useful to mention the scope and limitations of each of them. The main

    question is about actual estimated savings andpotential ones, depending on users decisions.

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    3.Next steps

    3.1Correction/improvement of the selection process

    The BP examples sent by the REEB partners lead to the following statements:

    1. a "monitoring services" oriented approach need to be taken into account in the BestPractices selection process,

    2. the Best Practice concept and its scope need to be precisely defined,3. a decision has to be taken on the scope of the Best Practices investigations by the partners

    and the WP2 leader,

    The proposal is to add these topics to the agenda of future meetings between REEB partners,

    so that an agreement can be reached and common definitions can be decided.

    3.2Identification of other best practices projects

    From the decisions and global orientations defined in future consortium meetings, as

    explained in the previous section, the precise scope and extension of the "Best Practice"

    concept will be defined.

    This important step will allow going on with the identification and selection of Best Practices.

    In order to improve the quality, enlarge the scope and increase the variety of the selected Best

    Practices that will be included in the Best Practice Guide, additional investigations will have

    to be performed in the next period of the project. Most of the resources to fulfil this task will

    come from CEA, leader of the WP2.

    CEA will concentrate its efforts in 1) investigating national and international publications, 2)

    participating to national and European conferences and 3) organising some visits with ICTcompanies involved in Energy Efficiency in the Construction.

    Other partners will be asked to contribute, either by giving names of contacts or sending

    valuable information to CEA.

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    The REEB Consortium would like to acknowledge the financial support of the European

    Commission under the IST programme.

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    Appendix A: Best Practice example description form

    Here can be found the description form that has been used between the REEB partners to

    exchange information about the selected Best Practices examples.


    Best practices identification & selection


    Full name

    Administrative data

    Localisation : Country City

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )



    Phone number

    Email address


    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, )

    Building(s) area (m)

    Number of storeys

    Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil ElectricitySolar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)

    Wind Geothermal

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    Other :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation)

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since (new building)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)

    DomainDesign and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technical

    Other :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded components

    Model Communication systemsControl strategy Software systems

    Other :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling Ventilation

    Lighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )

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    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project Cost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)Relevant details :

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)





    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

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    Appendix B : Completed forms sent by partners


    Full name ERDF Smart meters deployment

    Administrative data

    Localisation : Country France City Pilot in Lyon, and Indreet Loire rural area (near Tours) ; If the pilot trial is sucessful, a decision is to be takenfor the full deployment over the country

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name Philippe Gluck

    Company ERDFPhone number +33 1 47 74 75 98

    Email address

    Role Press contact

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New building

    Experimental Real-life conditionsNumber of buildings 300 000 meters will be replaced in the pilot phase (2008-2010) ;Then 35 millions of meters would be concerned in a general deployment (From 2012)

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) All

    Building(s) area (m) All

    Number of storeys All

    Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil ElectricitySolar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) under construction (pilot)planned (general deployment)

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since (new building)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    ERDF, a subsidiary of EDF and the largest electricity distribution network in the

    European Union, has launched a major transformation program that will see the

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    replacement of 35 million electricity meters in France, beginning with a pilot trial of300,000 meters.ERDF has selected Atos Origin as architect for the information system and leadmanager of the consortium of technology firms that will conduct the pilot phase.

    New smart meters are able to transmit and receive data for remote reading andoptimized network management.Installing millions of these new meters is in itself a massive undertaking that will alsogenerate huge volumes of data to be transmitted, stored and processed.

    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)

    DomainDesign and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systems

    Other :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other : Consumer awareness of electricity

    consumption, impact at the level of the energy network (e.g. peak load management,better management of energy networks balance), facilitator for Photovoltaicsinstallation (the smart meter records and transmits both consumption and productionlevels). Another indirect impact is 35 Millions kilometers covered by the ERDF agentseach year that should be saved thanks to the remote online maintainance of thesmart meters

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )ATOS Origin (Lead technological partner), Actaris, Iskraemeco, Landis+Gyr

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )

    ERDF has selected the Power Line Carrier (PLC) protocol for the project.Designed by Atos Origin and its partners, this protocol enables metering hardwareinteroperability and sourcing of equipment from different vendors. PLC is used for theexchange of data between the meters and the concentrators. Then RTC/ GSM /GPRS / WiMax or Internet are used to link the concentrators with the main AMM

    Information System (ERDF Control dashboard)

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    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project 4 billion euros (whole project) Cost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)Relevant details :

    The cost of the project is entirely supported by ERDF benefits, mainlyobtained through the TURPE (Tariffs of Use of the Public Networks of Electricity )

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating indirect impact through user awareness (new services will be created tosupport the dwellers in monitoring their energy consumptions)

    Cooling see above

    Ventilation see above

    Lighting see above

    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    This project will see the installation of 35 million smart meters and 700,000concentrators, making it the largest-ever European program in this sector and a newbenchmark at the European level. Smart meters are one of the key elements towards

    a better management of energy consumptions in buildings.

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    Full name Energie box (energy consumption monitoring)

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country France City

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )


    Company EDELIA (EDF subsidiary)

    Phone number +33 825 333 542

    Email address [email protected]

    Role Hotline

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) residential

    Building(s) area (m) All

    Number of storeys AllEnergies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) in operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since 2006 : more than 5.000 units running (newbuilding)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    EDELIA "Energie box" is an Electric, Water & Gas Meters Remote Reading Solutionthrough GPRS & LAN. Edelia aims to offer EDF end-users the ability to takeadvantage of advanced services that optimise their energy consumption and detectpotential leakages or usage deviations.Daily consumption analysis using leak or overload detection algorithms lets the end-user benefit from alerts and notices through different media (phone, Internet, SMS).

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    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)


    Design and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other : User awareness of energy consumptions

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )EDELIA (EDF subsidiary), SAPPEL (radio modules)

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )Technological components : Meter Readers (and radio module), AMR Gatewayconnected to a wireless GPRS network or to a DSL/Cable router over a LANconnection, middleware server IDeMS (parameters, firmware version, remotetroubleshooting), back-office (reporting to users, algorithms, alerts by email, sms,phone). The solution is based on standard field-proven technologies (TCP/IP,GPRS, EN 13757-4, XML)

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project cost for registration to the service is nearly 30/monthCost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :The commercial offer is divided in several services : electricity monitoring,

    water, gaz, service for heating management and control. It is possible to subscribe toone or all of them

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating The company announces that the consumer can expect a 10%decrease of its energy bill with only a few minutes of attention each month. Real

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    measurements of energy savings are for the moment kept confidential by thecompany.

    Cooling see above

    Ventilation see above

    Lighting see above

    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    Several energy providers in Europe have (or are currently building) a similar offerthan the "energie box" made by Edelia for EDF customers (e.g. the POWEO Energybox for POWEO customers). The deployment of smart meters with pre-builtembedded functionalities for energy monitoring and reporting should contribute to

    expand the growth of such services and products. Furthermore, thanks to smartmeters the service should improve in terms of reliability and accuracy.

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    Full name SCHNEIDER offices in MONACO

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country MONACO City MONACO

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name TORRES

    Company ENOLEO

    Phone number +33630671866

    Email address [email protected]

    Role Direction

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 4

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) offices, industrial areas

    Building(s) area (m) 10000

    Number of storeys 2Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) in operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since (new building)

    - Construction year 1975 ; Installation started in 2004 ;Improvements are currently being implemented (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    An integrated ICT solution has been deployed on the buildings acting on :- intelligent control of lighting, air conditionning, ventilation free cooling- intelligent control of chiller and boiler- inverter on multiple pumps and fans- dynamic setpoints

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    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)


    Design and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )ENOLEO

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )

    ENOLEO markets the VegaRW hardware & software solution which aims atoptimizing energy efficiency by integrating all existing equipments of the building andoffering a comprehensive supervision dahsboard allowing to pilot, analyze andoptimize the installation. The VEGA RW solution integrates natively the latest ICTstandards (XML communication, non proprietary hardware componenets) and relieson a "full web" ergonomic user interface.

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project Cost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)Relevant details :

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating 20%

    Cooling 25%

    Ventilation 30%

    Lighting 10%

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    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    This case study has been selected because it is piloted by a young innovativecompany (SME) which focus its business on developing and commercializing ICTsolutions for EE in buildings. ENOLEO has chosen to be based on Monaco, which isknown for its sustainable development policy. The company won a prize from theJunior Chamber of commerce of Monaco in 2007. The company is currently workingto expand the support of renewable energies in its system.

    This sample illustrates the business opportunities for small companies in the ICT forEE in buildings domain.

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    Full name Plataforma solar Almera

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country SPAIN City Tabernas (Almera)

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name Amandine Gal

    Company ACCIONA

    Phone number (+34) 91 791 20 20

    Email address [email protected]


    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 1

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) offices

    Building(s) area (m) 1000 m^2

    Number of storeys 1Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) in operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since april 2008 (new building)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    This one-storey building is situated in the desert of Tabernas in Almeria.

    Its design, construction and operation were studied in a National R&D project calledArfrisol funding by the Ministry of Science and Innovation as a prototype.

    The main objective of this project is the energy consumption reduction of, at least80% compared with a conventional building in the same conditions.

    This building integrates different energetic systems managed by a unique control

    system. Renewable energy produces heat, cold and electricity thanks to the sunenergy.

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    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)

    DomainDesign and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other : Thermal comfort and IAQ

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )Trend, CIEMAT, ACCIONA

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )In this building the ICT are used to control and monitor the energy consumption andthe Indoor Air Quality. Various mechanical actuators are used to control passiveventilation systems (solar chimney and buried pipes). The lightings use naturallighting sensors to adjust the luminance level at each moment of the day.

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project 2.584.468 Cost of the ICT-enabled part196.350

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating 80 - 90% less than conventional building

    Cooling 80 - 90% less than conventional building

    Ventilation 80 - 90% less than conventional building

    Lighting 80 - 90% less than conventional building

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    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    This building presents an integrated control of RE system and HVAC.

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    Full name Zero Emissions ACCIONA Building

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country SPAIN City Sarriguren (Pamplona)

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name Amandine Gal

    Company ACCIONA

    Phone number (+34) 91 791 20 20

    Email address [email protected]


    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 1

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) Offices

    Building(s) area (m) 3.344 m^2

    Number of storeys 3Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) in operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since 2007 begining (new building)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    The head office of ACCIONA Solar is a zero emissions building due to:

    The energy saved through the bioclimatic and eco-efficient characteristics of thebuilding

    and the energy produced by renewables: solar, biodiesel and geothermic (usingburied pipes to add hot or cold air when necessary)

    This allows a CO2free balance, the main greenhouse gas causing global warming

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    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)


    Design and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other : buried pipes

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )MiyabiACCIONA

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )Control of all the active systems in the building, through a programmable PLC90 temperature sensors1 solar radiation sensor5 units of powered gatesThe same PLC is used to monitor the building and controls the energy that isconsumed and produced7 heat energy meters10 electric metersDifferent strategies of control of the air flows depending of the orientation of the fronts

    The higher investment in the zero emissions building is paid off in ten yearsFor more information, see the video inhttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/k67SSqmQCtcNcqPrR2

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project 4.032.000 Cost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :

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    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating 40 kWh/m2 year --> 22 kWh/m2 year

    Cooling 142 kWh/m2 year --> 6 kWh/m2 yearVentilation

    Lighting 65 kWh/m2 year --> 0 kWh/m2 year

    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    This building presents an integrated control of RE system and HVAC.

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    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country SPAIN City PAMPLONA

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name Martin Ibarra Murillo

    Company Cenifer

    Phone number 948368121

    Email address [email protected]

    Role Directer

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 1

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) Non Residential (Conferences &Training)

    Building(s) area (m) 400Number of storeys 2

    Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil ElectricitySolar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) In Operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since (new building)

    - Construction year 2000 (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    The Cenifer building incorporates ICT-s and architectural solutions to achieve anenergy efficient performance. The most relevant architectural solutions applied in thebuilding are floor heating, radiant and trombe walls. On the other hand the building isequiped with presence sensor, temperature sensors, humidity sensors and lightsensor. The building includes renewable energy generation capabilities and heatstorage systems.

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    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)


    Design and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )Research and Educational Centres

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )

    The building is equiped with presence sensor, temperature sensors, humiditysensors and light sensor a centralised monitoring system tracks data coming fromsensors and energy generation and storing systems.

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project Not Declared Cost of the ICT-enabled part48.000

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating 118.480 kWh

    Cooling 12.558 kWh

    Ventilation 6.800 kWh

    Lighting 7.440 kWh

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 45

    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    It is a very good example of application of ICT-s , RE integration and BMS managedarchitectural technologies and solutions to building renovation.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 46


    Full name Enerbus Building

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country Spain City Vic

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name Felip Barcelo

    Company Ateinsa

    Phone number +34938814613

    Email address [email protected]

    Role General Manager

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 1

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) Offices

    Building(s) area (m) 1800

    Number of storeys 5+Terrace+Garage in the basementEnergies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) Under Construction

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation April 2009

    - In operation since (new building)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    Enerbus as enterprise whom activity is focused on energy efficiency studies andaudit activities, designed its own offices taking in account those considerations with asharp use of ICT-s to improve the overall building performance.The building is a 5 floor office building with a terrace on the top and a garage, theICT-s deployment takes in account both building usage and occupancy level.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 47

    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)


    Design and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )Private Companies

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )

    Dali for lighting managementEIB as Building Automation NetworkOutdoor temperatur sensor who act as input for the HVAC management sistemsIndoor temperature sensors in each room.Presence sensors

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project Not Declared Cost of the ICT-enabled part NotDeclared

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)Relevant details :

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)





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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 48

    There is not a detailed quantification for savings but the global consumptionreduction is estimated around 63%

    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    Vic city located in Catalonia has a not extreme but a quite border clima with coldwinters and hot summers, in this context the sharp use of ICT-s in the EnerbusBuilding is a reference for those type of scenarios.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 49


    Full name ALLP renovation

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country France City Lyon

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name David CORGIER

    Company CEA

    Phone number +33 4 79 44 45 47

    Email address [email protected]

    Role Project coordinator for CEA

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 1

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) offices

    Building(s) area (m) 2250

    Number of storeys 3Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) in operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since 2007 (new building)

    - Construction year 1974 (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    This project consists in the renovation of an office building achieved in 1974,equipped with a recently installed 350 kW gas boiler (2004).The building's energeticperformance was poor due to low-grade insulation and lots of cold bridges.The objective was to improve the energy efficiency of the building, in terms ofheating, cooling, lighting and ventilation in order to reach a final performance of 60kWh/m/year (primary energy).The following concept was applied : first, using a global approach focusing on totalenergy consumption and CO2 emissions, simulations of the whole building wereperformed in order to identify the optimum technical choices. These choices have

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 50

    been based on dynamic thermic simulation and have been used for theprogrammation of the operation and for the architectural work.During the building retrofitting, dynamic thermic simulations have been exploited tohelp in the components final choice (FCU and water loops temperature range

    mainly).The second step in the concept consists in a heavy monitoring and control systemthat is used to quantify real gains and operational problems or mistakes in theoriginal simulations or hypotheses.

    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)

    DomainDesign and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systems

    Control strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,

    standards, )Simulation tools : TRNSysWireless sensors and switchesWeb-based integrated monitoring platform

    Economical aspects

    Cost of the full project Cost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 51

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)




    Global improvement : about 75 kWh/m/year of identified savings

    Why did you select this project as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    Advanced use of simulation tools - global approach towards energy efficiency andcomfortImplementation of wireless sensors and switchesUse of a custom web-based monitoring platform that gives access to all data fromsensors and meters and permits a remote monitoring and control of the fullinstallation

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 52

    Software system

    Full name MagiCAD

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country Finland City Rauma. The described

    software is used mainly in NorthernEurope but is applicable anywhere.

    Contact person (who can give additional details on thecompany & software- researcher, person incharge of thesales & development, )


    Company Progman Oy

    Phone number +358 2 8387 6000

    Email address [email protected]

    Website http://www.progman.fi/

    Software forBuilding / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings Thousands of projects, mainly in Northern Europe. Some sampleprojects are described and shown by videos on the company website.

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) All

    Building(s) area (m) Any

    Number of storeys Any

    Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil ElectricitySolar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther : Any

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) Thousands of user companies.

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation- In operation since (new building)

    - Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe thesoftware- 10 lines maximum)

    Model (BIM) based CAD system for building services systems design and analysisincluding modules: Heating & Piping, Ventilation, Electrical, Room, Comfort &Energy. Extensive catalogue with hundreds of thousands products from 50+

    suppliers. Integrated with energy and comfort simulation. Preparation of energydeclarations of buildings. Compliant with the latest IFC2x3 standard and other IFC

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 53

    compatible solutions e.g. AutoCAD Architecture, ArchiCAD, Tekla, Nemetscheck andNavisWorks.

    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)

    DomainDesign and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )

    Collaboration with Olof Grandlund Oy, the leading building services consultant inFinland and a software developer of e.g. energy & comfort simulation which isintegrated with MagiCAD.

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )

    BIM; IFC; component catalogues including thermodynamic & flow behaviour.Examples of using the system in construction projects are described on the web site.

    Economical aspects- Not applicable

    Cost of the full project Cost of the ICT-enabled partFunding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :Some sample projects are described on the company web site,

    Energy Efficiency results - Not applicableQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)





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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 54

    Relevant details:

    Some sample projects are described on the company web site,

    Why did you select this softwareas a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    (1) Technical reason = Advanced model (BIM) -based CAD system targetedespecially for building services systems.

    (2) Practical reason = Integrates EE and other aspects as parts of holistic design thusavoiding to overload design with extra activities and additional tools for EE.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 55


    Full name RAUinfo

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country Finland City Espoo, Vantaa, others

    Contact person (who can give additional details on thecompany & service- researcher, person incharge of the exploitation of theservice, )

    Name Markku Ahonen

    Company Pyry Building Services Oy

    Phone number -

    Email address -

    Role -

    Website (service) https://www.rauinfo.fi/Intro.doWebsite (company) http://www.buildingservices.poyry.fi/portal/english/

    Service forBuilding / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings Many

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) All typesBuilding(s) area (m) Any

    Number of storeys Any

    Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil ElectricitySolar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther : Any

    Service status (planned / under construction / in operation) In operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation

    - In operation since (new building)- Construction year (renovation)

    Short description(please describe theservice- 10 lines maximum)

    Continuous monitoring service of building performance. Based on data fromautomated systems RAUinfo gives reports to the owners and managers via theInternet or GSM on energy, costs and operations. The reports provide trends andstatistics by year, month, day, hour. Expected consumption under particular weatherconditions is compared with actual consumption. Any figures exceeding specified

    limits are reported to the maintenance organisation. Early detected deviations enableprecise maintenance and repairs and to cut down energy consumption.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 56

    Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)(please refer to the criteria list published by David Corgier)

    DomainDesign and conception Monitoring and controlBuilding operation/maintenance Socio-technicalOther :

    Complexity level (regarding building components)Component System Integrated systems

    ICT implementationMethodology Embedded componentsModel Communication systemsControl strategy Software systemsOther :

    Functional impact onHeating Cooling VentilationLighting Other :

    Involved ICT entities (universities, private companies, research centres, )-

    Description (5 lines maximum, please describe the ICT used in the project - technologies,standards, )Remote monitoring of data from building (energy) management systems.Comparison of estimated and actual consumption. Reporting of trends & statistics viaweb or GSM. Alerts on deviations.

    Economical aspects Not applicable

    Cost of the full project Cost of the ICT-enabled part

    Funding : Private only Public only Private/Public ( %/ %)

    Relevant details :

    Energy Efficiency resultsQuantification of Energy consumption reduction (compared to previous state / conventional building)

    Heating Indirect impact through users reactions to reported consumptioninformation.

    Cooling As above

    Ventilation As above

    Lighting As above

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 57

    Why did you select this service as a "best practice", in terms ofimpact of ICT on EE ?(5 lines maximum)

    Mature and useful service. A leader in Finland.

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    Identification of criteria and selection of best practices

    REEB: GA no.: 224320D2.1

    December 15th, 2008 Page 58


    Full name ERI - Environmental Research Institute

    Administrative dataLocalisation : Country Ireland City Cork

    Contact person (who can give additional details on the project - researcher, person in charge of theexploitation of the building, architect, )

    Name Paul Bolger

    Company UCC

    Phone number 00353214901933

    Email address p.bolger.ucc.ie

    Role Facility Manager

    Building / Construction

    Climate : Northern climate Continental climateOceanic climate Southern climate

    Project type : Renovation New buildingExperimental Real-life conditions

    Number of buildings 1

    Building(s) type (residential, commercial, offices, ) Offices

    Building(s) area (m) 3000

    Number of storeys 3Energies used : Natural Gas Fuel oil Electricity

    Solar (thermal) Biomass Solar (PV)Wind GeothermalOther :

    Project status (planned / under construction / in operation) In Operation

    If applicable: - Planned date for end of construction/renovation n/a

    - In operation since 2006 (new building)

    - Construction year 2005 (renovation)

    Short description(please describe the project - 10 lines maximum)

    Sustainability is the main principle to underpin the design, construction and operationof the ERI Building. It was designed and constructed as an eco-friendly 'greenbuilding' utilising the current best available design features, specifications,fittings/materials, c
