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REFERENCES ABBOTT, G.D., C.A. LEWIS & J.R. MAXWELL (1984): Laboratory simulation studies of steroid aromatisation and alkane isomerisation, in: P.A. SCHENCK, J.W. de LEEUW& G.W.M. LIJMBACH (eds.), Advances in Organic Geochemistry, 31-38 (Pergamon Press) ABBOTT, G.D., C.A. LEWIS & J.R. MAXWELL (1985): The kinetics of specific organic reactions in the zone of catagenesis, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Series A (in press) ABELSON, P.H. (1967): Conversion of biochemicals to kerogen and n-paraffins, in: P.H. ABELSON (ed.), Researches in Geochemistry, Vol. 2, 63-86 (John Wiley&Sons) ADLER, R. (1961): Der "Westerholter Block", eine tektonische Einheit des Ruhrkar- bons, Bergbauwiss. 8, 428-430 AGIP (1977): Temperature sotterane, 1390 p., Milano AHRENDT, H., J.C. HUNZIKER & K. WEBER (1978): K/Ar-Altersbestimmungen an schwach- metamorphen Gesteinen des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges, Z. dt. Geol. Ges. 129, 229-247 AHMOSOV, I . I . , B.G. BABASHKIN & L.S. SHARKOVA (1975): Bituminit nizhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy Irkuts-kay neftegazonosnoy oblasti, in: I.V. YEREMIN (ed.), Paleo- temperatury zon Nefteobrazovaniya, 25-59, Moscow (Nauka Press) AMMOSOV, I . I . , V . I . GORSHKOV, N.P. GRECHISHNIKOV & G.S. KALMYKOV (1977): Paleogeo- termicheskiye kriteriyi razmesbeniya neftyanykh zalezhey (Paleogeothermic crite- ria of the location of petroleum deposits), Leningrad (Nedra Press) AOYAGI, K. & T. ASAKAWA (1977): Primary migration of petroleum during diagenesis, J. Jap. Ass. Petrol. Technol. 42, 76-89 (in Japanese) AOYAGI, K. & T. ASAKAWA (1984): Paleotemperature analysis by authigenic minerals and its application to petroleum exploration, Am. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull. 68, 903-913 AOYAGI, K. & T. KAZAMA (1977): Diagenetic transformation of minerals in the Creta- ceous and Tertiary argillaceous rocks of Japan, Prof. Kazuo Huzioka Memorial Volume, Mining College of Akita Univ., Akita, Japan, 151-160 (in Japanese) AOYAGI, K., N. KOBAYASHI & T. KAZAMA (1975): Clay mineral facies in argillaceous rocks of Japan and their sedimentary petrological meanings, Proc. Intern. Clay Conf., Mexico City, 101-110 ARNASON, B. (1976): The hydrogen-water isotope geothermometer applied to geothermal areas in Iceland, Geothermics 5, 75-80 ARNORSSON, S. (1975): Application of the silica geothermometer in low-temperature hydrothermal areas in Iceland, Am. Jour. Sci. 275, 763-785 BACHMANN, G.H. & M. MOLLER (1981): Geologie der Tiefbohrung Vorderriss I (Kalkalpen, Bayern), Geol. Bavarica 81, 17-53
Page 1: REFERENCES978-3-540-39839-4/1.pdf · ARNASON, B. (1976): The hydrogen-water isotope geothermometer applied to geothermal areas in Iceland, Geothermics 5, 75-80 ARNORSSON, S. (1975):


ABBOTT, G.D., C.A. LEWIS & J.R. MAXWELL (1984): Laboratory simulation studies of steroid aromatisation and alkane isomerisation, in: P.A. SCHENCK, J.W. de LEEUW& G.W.M. LIJMBACH (eds.), Advances in Organic Geochemistry, 31-38 (Pergamon Press)

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